5 countries, 6 cities ‌ 9 stories
Different but still the same Etwinning project 2013-2014 1
page The letter of the editors
Story 1 – The Little Orphan and his hallucinations
Story 2 – Cats in Shadows
Story 3 – Julian and Gonzalo
Story 4 – The Magical Adventures of Bob and Anna
Story 5 – A Special Snail: Hugo
Story 6 – Sudden Revenge
Story 7 – The Adventures of the Trainman
Story 8 – Dark Shadow
Story 9 – The Missing Girl
The results of the voting
What’s behind the votes
How were these 9 stories created? After a few months working together, we decided it would be fun to write stories together. Each team, composed of students from our 5 countries were ready to take part in a writing competition. The French team started the stories using elements given by the 4 other countries : 3 characters from the Polish and the Spanish teams and a moment from the Italian team. After each part, the students gave three words to include in the next part. Italy, Turkey, Poland (Gdansk) wrote their parts in turn and Poland (Psary) was in charge of writing the end. Turkish students illustrated the stories. Some students also suggested titles. In the end, all the participating students voted for their favorite one. Enjoy the imagination of the students from IES Augusto González de Linares, Santander, Spain Bozüyük Fen Lisesi, Bozüyük, Turkey Lycée Jean-Pierre Timbaud, Brétigny sur Orge, France ITES Caio Plinio Secondo, Como, Italy Liceum Ogólnokształcące, Psary, Poland and
Zespół Szkół Gastronomiczno - Hotelarskich w Gdańsku, Gdańsk, Poland
STORY 1 - THE LITTLE ORPHAN AND HIS HALLUCINATIONS It's the story of a boy who was eighteen years old. He had been an orphan for 3 years but he was schizophrenic and one summer, he saw his parents in a hallucination. Samuel (it was his name) talked with his mother who was a witch with long and scary nails. Next to her, his father with a moustache and bushy beard who liked to defend ecology....
The kangaroo looked at him for a few seconds and then said: “Hi!” Samuel was shocked, An animal that spoke!
Then Samuel’s hallucination finished. He went with a cocktail on top of a mountain and here he thought a lot at the hallucination of his father and his mother and he decided that he would contribute to the defense of ecology as his father. He was watching the landscape when a kangaroo arrived behind him. The kangaroo looked at him for a few seconds and then said: “Hi!” Samuel was shocked, An animal that spoke! First, he supposed it was a hallucination. Then the kangaroo said:” I just want to be your friend” and Samuel understood kangaroo was real and it was very friendly. The kangaroo talked about the causes of global warming and how people damaged the balance of the mother nature and ecology. He wrote a petition about the situation of the ecology and how we could save it. He ran away from the orphan and he went towards the capital city in an island. He got in the city hall and gave the petition to the governor’s secretary. When he went out of the city hall, he saw an advertisement where the kangaroo appeared. He was an animal actor and the advertisement talked 5
about dreams. It said:”If you don’t understand everything that happens in your dreams and you want to know better your memory, contact us”. Samuel thought it was a great idea to know if his hallucinations had any connection with his dreams. He went to the place that was in the advertisement, and when he entered, he saw that the witch who was reading the cards was his mother. He thought he was crazy, so he went out running and a car hit him because the driver was drunk, breaking the law. Samuel was seriously injured and his friend, the kangaroo, took him to hospital. When Samuel woke up after a few days, everything was different. He has changed his image. He became a zombie... <dum dum dum> He had a party, where he invited his best friend Jason and apart from him he invited a lot of little children. But Samuel doesn't know his friend Jason is a child predator <dum dum dumm> He kills children when they rode on the carousel. Samuel confronted Jason face to face and then... Samuel won this fight. Then Jason was attacked by a lot of bees. One of them was killed by egg whisk. It was very dangerous. One man recorded the whole event and gave it to the website. Then many people watched this controversial film. This film had 1 mln entrances online. Samuel received this film on DVD and he showed the film everyone who visited him.
STORY 2 - CATS IN SHADOWS During the Second World War, Martina Ackerman was a secret agent who worked for Germany. Her job was to kill French people and to steal their cats because she was a member of an organization, created by cats lovers, who wanted to possess all the cats of the world. In the meantime, Arthur, a rich French gangster, ordered Ahri, to defeat Martina Ackerman. Indeed, Ahri was a nine tailed fox with the appearance of a beautiful woman, it was a quiet magic person. She worked for Arthur, despite the fact that he hated cats, and he always considered Ahri as half human- half cat. Maybe she would show us her true power... Who would win this fight? Martina fled from Germany, went to France and was captured by Arthur. Ahri meanwhile lost his magical powers because Arthur had discovered that Ahri had become a friend of Martina and studying a plan to free her. After a few months Martina managed to escape and took refuge in the magical forest of Scotland. He found a gangster who was away from the city because he fought against Arthur. This gangster led her into a secret passage that led into the basement of the castle of Arthur, she found him and poisoned him. So Ahri freed and escaped together. Then they decided to go to a place that far away from here. One day, while they were climbing up the mountain, Martina stumbled and the mountain started to cleave. Martina and Ahri fell into a trench. It was too dark inside the trench. And they were unconscious. Then Then they decided to go to a place that far away from here. they sobered up. They started to walk in this dark place. Then they saw a light and Martina thought that it was the sun. They guessed that they would find the true way but they couldn’t. Because it was just a fireplace. They became so sad. But… But… They saw a man in front of the fireplace. Who was it? That man was Mr. Moustache, a man with an enormous moustache, who wanted to create an empire of happiness. He had an army of cats, all of them with a moustache, and they were all very happy and wanted to remove 7
unhappiness from the world. As Martina and Ahri were very frightened, they decided to join their forces and attacked him. But they were captured by his army of cats with moustache that suddenly appeared in the darkness. Then, Martina heard a strange noise. Suddenly, she saw a young, elegant man with white hair in... fireplace. He looked like a butler. Maybe he has an accident and he has fallen into the chimney, but...accidents like this are not usual. He coughed and dusted off his clothes. I'm sorry of all these disgusting guys. I'm here to rescue you.-he said. Nobody can leave my house!-shouted Mr. Moustache and locked the door.What are you going to do, Mr. Vincent? Vincent grabbed his cane and thrown it in Mr. Moustache, kicked the door, and ran with Martina and Ahri. But behind the door was a colossal cat with really big moustache, with sick smile and big teeth. He has got also wings. Constantine, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t' let them escape! - shouted Mr. Moustache. Constantine caught them. But, fortunately, this cat only looked scary; he wanted to escape from this strange man too, so he helped them. They were flying to better place together. The way was pretty long, so bored cat was singing a song about communism...Martina, Ahri and Vince were shocked by that, but also too tired to think about it and they fall asleep. When they woke up, Vince started to sing boys band One direction song called ' Best song ever '. After that song Ahri and Martina chose to jump from a plane. While they were falling down, they landed. Then they took a motorcycle because they wanted to go on a trip to America. While they were going to this place, they had an accident and Martina died. After that Ahri was sad and put on a black hat because her friend has died.
STORY 3 - JULIAN AND GONZALO Once upon a time in a beautiful summer day, there was a man. His name was Gonzalo. He was short, had got a big head with a fringe but he didn’t have hair. He was fifty years old. He lived at Jennifer Lopez house's but she treated him as a dog. This man lived in a kennel for dogs in a Garden of Mexico house. Gonzalo was very angry and impatient in life. One day Julian went to Mexico and met Gonzalo. Julian was a boy who was bit quiet. Julian had big blues eyes and black curly hair. He loved staying in this home to read and to watch comic films. He was seventeen and he came from Canada. In this country Julian met a woman in a pub. But then, he forgot her name. This woman was one of Gonzalo’s sisters. She looked like a cat and had green eyes. She was cool! Every man fell in love with her because, when they looked this woman. Julian fell in love with that this woman and he went to look for her. What he didn’t know was that she was a superhero …. Julian wanted to find Gonzalo’s sister that night, but he didn’t know where to look for her because after the last time they had met he hadn’t seen her again. He was lost in the road when he heard the sound of a tractor coming his way, so he decided to ask the driver a lift to the town. Luckily he accepted, when he got on the tractor he saw that the driver was looking weird, and when he turned Julian realized he was a zombie. Julian tried to escape but the door wasn’t opening, he was frightened and he couldn’t think of what to do. He broke the window and jumped off the tractor. The zombie kept following him but suddenly the vehicle stopped, most probably the radiator was broken, and Julian was safe. Julian went away from there. He found a car. There was a bundle of money. He took the money and the car. He tried to arrive home. He heard strange and terrible sounds from outside. He was scared. He wanted to scream. Suddenly he saw an abandoned house. He heard some cries from the house. He got out of the house and entered in the house. There was a body and a bloody chainsaw. Probably, someone killed him with the chainsaw. He looked at the body carefully. Oh my god! He was Gonzalo. There was a note on the wall. The killer had written it with blood! 9 There was a note and it said: "Take my revenge!"
The note was ‘’TAKE MY REVENGE!’’He started to run. He couldn’t think. What did the mean? He thought ‘’The man is him. ’He approached. He expected help from him but he didn’t react. Julian took his hand but it was broken. He was a zombie!!! He started to run towards the forest. Finally, he saw Gonzalo’s sister in the forest. The women told Julian that she was a superhero. Julian was surprised but there was no time to ask questions. He told her what happened … Next morning, Julian and Gonzalo’s sister came back to the abandoned house where they had found Gonzalo’s body. When they arrived to the living room they didn’t see the body but the message of blood was still there. Julian, who had watched a lot of mysterious TV series, started to look for some fingerprints in the wall, in order to find any clue. He was thinking about a chainsaw... bad thoughts... Meanwhile, Gonzalo’s sister was also looking for some clue which could help her to find her brother´s murderer. A few minutes later Julian asked her the secret of her superpower and he promised not reveal her secret. But she didn´t tell anything. Suddenly, when they were leaving the house, they found a card on the floor with the name of a hotel and a room number: 37. They decided to investigate it. Quickly they took their car and drove to the hotel with the hope of finding Gonzalo’s murderer. When they arrived to the hall of the hotel, after paying some money to the receptionist, they looked at the register book to know who was in room 37. Julian came to the room and saw crazy scientist who was fighting with a sadist sock. Julian asked crazy scientist what happend he told him " I crated the sadist sock, but it became dangerous for world " Julian helped scientist and after long fight they took sock to the washing machine... and they saved the world. Julian and crazy scientist whose name was Fred Flinstone came to the Mc Donald by tram. Their trip was very long, because there was no stream and the tram stopped. After one hour they were at McDonald's. Fred Flintstone was teaching Julian quantum physics and changed banana into hamburger. There were a lot of spectators, who were fascinated and very hungry. Suddenly the quarrel was beginning and James hit Julian. Flintstone was very angry and changed James into banana. Everybody was scared and children hid themselves in a wardrobe. THE END. Everyone was happy (except James...).
STORY 4 - THE MAGICAL ADVENTURES OF BOB AND ANNA It was a summer night. Bob was a short, skinny, long black haired and yellow-eyed man. He was married to Anna Jahnson. His wife was the mother of a little girl. She had long dark hair, was skinny and had an ideal sculpture. In a forest she met George Smith who was about 75 years old. He was the grandfather of 3 children. When they met, it was love at first sight. Her husband thought that she was interested in George only for his money. Anna saw George every Tuesday night. But Bob had no idea. He thought that she went to a bridge club. But one day Bob decided to join her and went to the bridge club. When he arrived to the bridge club he saw horrible huge creatures, they were trolls. He was worried for his wife, because he didn’t see her. Then Bob hid under the table, but a troll saw him and they started destroying the table. Bob didn’t know what to do. Suddenly they took him, they put him into a trolley and finally they pushed him into a ditch. He was in a place, where there were lots of people who fought, someone died and other people were injured. It was a trench, It was the first world war….. He was worried and didn’t know what to do. But suddenly he saw a glare. Then he started to run towards the glare and he saw a unicorn there. It was really so beautiful! He wanted to get closer to the unicorn but suddenly he fell into a trench. It was a strange place. What a bad luck it was! Then, he stood up and he saw a gnome near there. The gnome saw him, too. “Who are you?” the gnome said angrily. Bob “What brings you here?” the gnome said. “I just fell into this trench” was worried and couldn’t tell Bob said.
anything. “What brings you here?” gnome said. “I just fell into this trench” Bob said. “I was running towards a unicorn but suddenly..” “Okay.. Okay…Shut up now.” the gnome said. And he gave a red bag to Bob. “What will I do with this bag?” Bob said and suddenly he felt a strong slap on his face. Oh my god! His wife was there!
He didn’t know why he was slapped. He told to Anna that they must run from that trench. When he was talking he saw a mirror. It was magic mirror. He put hand on it and it magically disappeared. “It is a portal” said Bob. They jumped into it and they teleported to the paradise. There were beach, ocean and hula dancers. They decided to rest a moment in a that paradise but then… Then, George appeared, “Welcome to my private island” he said. They were shocked, because that was really surprising. Anna and Bob realized that they were in a magic world. At night there was a great party and the hula dancers explained them that it was a special date. In the beach there was a large pot with food for the elfs that arrived when everybody was left. In the morning they found an elf sleeping in the beach… Bob and Anna were very surprised because of them. They woke them and asked who they are. They said that they came from the enchanted mountain and set off in search of fairy. They wanted that this fairy would heal their sick children. At this point a fairy appeared who made the magical socks appear. The elfs flew away to his land and the fairy cured their children. Bob and Anna returned to the house. Everyone lived happily ever after.
STORY 5 - A SPECIAL SNAIL: HUGO Once upon a time, On a beautiful winter morning, in the castle of the snails, in the forest, there were a brave snail : Hugo. He was a knight in the serve of Majesty Snail. He especially loved racing with other snails. He was the best at it. His shell was his home. He helped poor people, liked cooking Italian food in his shell. He didn’t like stupid people. On the other side of the planet, in California, Carl Smith, a 37-year-old man, had a disorder. He was a maniac. What he liked most was defrauding people. He lived with Jean Marc, a 22-year-old crazy man. He was a handsome tall man. He was very sociable: He liked partying and spending time with his friends. One day, they decided to visit the castle of the snails … So they decided to travel to the forest, where the castle was. When they arrived there they recognized immediately the castle, because on the walls there were a lot of snails. After they opened the big door, and they saw Hugo that was training, because he was good at doing sport too. Jean Marc and Carl Smith decided to write a story on that snail, Hugo, and so they took their pencil and started to write. Once upon a time there was a snail in the snails town. The snail’s name was Hugo. He was brave and helpful. He loved racing and he always won those races. He had a brother who was coward and wearing glasses. His brother was Hans. He always envied him. Hans hated that everybody likes him. Hans’ relationship was Once upon a time there was a snail in the snails town. The snail’s name so bad with was Hugo. He was brave and helpful. Hugo because Hans didn’t love him and he acted badly every time. At last Hugo could not stand and left his home. Hugo walked too much that he was tired. Because of his tiredness he got in a shoe and fell asleep. Hugo went to a war in Fallujah, founded a communist party and signed a peace treaty. There he met a beautiful slug. They fall in love and married. But Hans kidnapped his little daughter. So Hugo had to sell his oil shares in order to get the money for the rescue. Then, he hired a car with Chuck 13
Norris face painted on it, and went to rescue his wife. And Hans remembered the promise he made to his mom... "Never use my wand without any reason" now he had a reason - he had to hide somewhere where no one would find him. He charmed out a jetpack and flew away where president was a paperboy, James. Of course he took Hugo's wife too. In the same time Hugo's car transformed into MEGAZORD in Chuck Norris's image and then he moved to Hans. They came face to face. War started. Hugo jumped to the chandelier. Hans was behind him, they started to fight when Hans hit the chandelier his sword. The crockery cracked and he fell down last minute. Hugo caught him. Hans was so impressed that Hugo saved him. Hans understood that Hugo is his brother and he loves him. He thanked for the rescuer him and they lived in the harmony for many years. The End: When Carl and Jean read this story to Hugo he was very proud that people want to make a story about him. He invited them for dinner to thank them for this beautiful story.
STORY 6 - SUDDEN REVENGE Once upon a time, in 2050, Ulises was 19 years old. He lived in the north of Spain He was a tall, brown-haired and muscular man. He had a lot of success with girls until the day when he had his accident. Since then he was condemned to live on a wheel chair. Nobody anymore looked at him as before. In this accident his parents died. That is why he lived with his grandmother who was one hundred years old, but she didn’t look old. She had long scary nails. She was rather strange. She did not accept her age and did everything to remain young. She liked looking at the horror movies every Friday evening. He spent good moments with her but he preferred staying with his friend Edgard. Edgard was 130 years old and was very short. He worked as a dwarf-security guy in a shopping mall. He lived in the basement of shopping mall. He didn’t have any family. He had a heavy past. He didn’t like kids. He frightened them with his long white beard. He was selfish and conservative. But it was not of its fault. He was very kind in reality. Ulises liked Edgar so much because he reminded him of his father….. Ulises already remembers the accident. And sometimes cries when he thinks of his parents. When he was a child he played with the other kids and he liked to play volleyball but after the accident he lost his passion for this sport. One day Ulises went to Edgar’s home. Edgar offered a cup of tea and some candies to Ulises. Unluckily for Edgar, Ulises discovered that Edgar was on the car that damaged his father’s car. So Ulises plotted a plan to take his father’s revenge. On his grandmother’s birthday he organized Edgar’s death… Ulises called Edgard to his grandmother's birthday. They decided to watch a movie. In her grandmother's house there was only a war movie. While they were watching the war movie Ulises stood up and he said: 'I will show my sword performance to you.' But it was not a show as they supposed. Ulises would take Ulises stood up and he said: 'I will show my sword performance to revenge. While they you.' But it was not a show as they supposed. were watching the sword performance Ulises turned towards Edgard and he raised his sword. Ulises looked at Edgard. Then he remembered his father and his eyes filled with tears...
Ulises ran down the stairs. Many steps sounded at his back, it was Edgar who was crying. His screams made Ulises stop. You´ve got a brother! A brother? Yes, you are twins! What are you saying? I don’t believe it! That´s true, when your parents passed away he went to your uncle´s house and I decided to live near your grandmother´s house to protect you. I can’t believe it! said Edgard. You were living the whole time near my house?-he asked his brother Yes, can you even notice that we look pretty similar to each other- he replied. Oh dear, I was so blind… and so lucky to have you protecting me from all these danger; you have to be so brave…- said Edgard gently, looking away from his brother’s face. It wasn’t that hard to do, Edgard- he responded, and after a while smiled. I hope that we can know each other more, we have so much to do. Our adventures will be epic. THE END
STORY 7 - THE ADVENTURES OF THE TRAINMAN In the 19th of century, Andrei Kozlov was 44 years old. He had a son and two daughters. They lived in a big house. He travelled a lot because he was a famous physician. He was rich. When he came back from one of his trips, in the train he met a peaceful girl. Her name was Martina Ackerman, she was 18 years old. She had red hair and she was wearing glasses. This girl followed him because she wanted to kill him and get money. But in the train there was a witch called Sasha Retrow. She lived in a top secret place. She looked young with black long hair and red eyes. This witch wanted to save Andrei. The witch followed the other girl because she knew that she wanted to kill Andrei... Martina wanted to kill him when they would arrive at the station, because in the train there were too many people, so she had to wait until the following day. Unfortunately for Martina, the witch discovered her plan and at midnight she made a wizardry which stopped the train near a strange place, it seemed a wood behind a lake and next to it there was a fish statue which was shining. The next day when everybody woke up… The next day when everybody woke up they were shocked. Everybody went out. Andrei didn't go out because he was so tired. When the train was empty, Martine thought that she could kill him. Sasha saw Martine with a knife. She called the police. Martine was a serial killer so the police remembered her and they caught her. Sasha made the train move by using magic. She deleted that mistrial place in the people’s memory. Sasha saw Martine with a knife.
When the journey ended, Sasha was happy. She thought Martine went to the police department and Andrei went to the airport. But those two were on the same airplane. Sasha realized that Martine had escaped from the police and was with Andrei in the plane. She used her spells to make the plane fall. When Martina was waiting to Andrei in the bathroom she heard a siren sound and the plane crashed in a children´s park in Oslo. When the police arrived, Chuck Norris was rescuing Andrei, but Martina, who was in the bathroom, died when her head crashed into the wall. The police watched the proofs and they said that it was an accident. Sasha arrived to the accident place and 17
then went out with Chuck Norris, both helped Andrei to go home. But they didn´t know that there were more dangers on the road to Germanyâ&#x20AC;Ś When they drove across the forest, suddenly a big, black sea serpent clawed on the road. Chuch Norris was very courageous. He got out of the car, took a giant knife and cut his head. The snake fell down on the road and disappeared. The spot of blood. On the way they visited the kaisier. They gave him a head of the giant sea serpent. He was very pleased. He took it to the Buddish temple, where it was admired. It was a magical adventure.
STORY 8 - DARK SHADOW My name is Nicole , I live in Hollywood. I am 19 years old. I am tall and fit , I have got dark long hair and blue eyes. I have got one hobby, this is music and I have a musical talent. My story was set on Monday 17th March 1728. It was at night. I was with my boyfriend. His name was Jack. He was 22 years old. We were together in Hollywood street. We drove around when suddenly, we saw a strange shadow moving on the wall of an apartment. Curious, we decided to follow it. We could only see two little green marbles which looked like the eyes of cat. We did not know what this thing was.. We approached the wall intrigued and a little scared. When the shadow saw us, it started to run. While it was running a photograph fell from the top pocket of its jacket. It showed a horse and one on the top right corner there was a sign that said “ music is the magic of the blue horse”. Then my boyfriend and me were intrigued by the photography and suspicious we decided to ask if anyone knew the guest-houses of this blue horse. Suddenly an elderly man approached us and asked us why we were looking for the horse and told us to go to the old factory out of the city. We went and .... We went and saw the sign “music is the magic of the blue horse” on the door of the old factory. We got into the factory and saw the shadow. It was a man’s shadow. The shadow of the man was playing the flute. We approached the shadow and we were shocked. Because he was the elderly man who brought us here. We went and saw the sign “music is the magic of the blue horse” on the My boyfriend door of the old factory. said “What are these? What is your purpose?” and this elderly man disappeared. We got curious so much. We saw two little green marbles again. Then we saw an interesting door. It was like a castle wall. We did not know the crypt of the door. After then we tried to decrypt it but……… After then, we tried to decrypt it but we couldn’t .We realized that there was blood on the door and we got frightened. Then we remembered that we had to go home but we wanted to know what there was behind the door. After two minutes we opened it and we saw a huge room with a treasure. We were 19
really nervous. Suddenly we heard a strange voice behind us. Jack and me left the room and started to run. We wanted to run off with the treasure but we couldn’t because of the shadow. We started to talk about…… We started to talk about how get out but we couldn't do anything because a ghost didn't allow us do this. After then we decided to call police. It was really scary place , everything was very dark. On the wall there were a lot of skulls and bloody paintings. There was old furniture. The small door in the corner got our attention. We opened the door and we found ourselves on the back of the house. After a while police came. And it turned out that the ghost was an old man who was mentally ill.
STORY 9 - THE MISSING GIRL All started a summer day, in a little city : Borra Borra in the universe. A young man, whose name was Kapitan Bomba, was 25 years old. He worked as a killer of bad aliens. Kapitan Bomba was married with Anna Jonhson. They worked together, because they liked to kill the bad aliens. Together they had a little girl ; her name was Khadijatou Myriamatou, in memory of Anna's grandmother. Anna Jonhson and Kapitan Bomba also worked with John Williams. John was a veteran because he had fought in the Vietnam's war. All three of them were in search of a famous alien in universe. He was a human organs dealer. One day, Anna woke up and went to her daughter’s bedroom. She found an empty bed… So she thought that Khadijatou went to play football with her dad. After a few minutes Kapitan Bomba returned home without his daughter. Anna handed him a chocolate and he began to drink it. Seeing that Khadijatou wasn’t with Kapitan Bomba Anna asked him:” where is Khadijatou? Wasn’t she with you?” Surprised Kapitan Bomba said that he hadn’t seen her since last night. So, worried, Anna said : “ then where is she? I also haven’t seen her since last night and her bed is empty. “ They were just beginning to panic when Kapitan Bomba noticed that there was a slice of cheesecake missing, in its place there was a piece of paper that said : come to the route 66 if you don’t want your daughter to die. Kaptain Bomba went to Route 66. He saw strange tracks under the tree. He found some ice-cream and a notice. The notice said "If you want to see your daughter come to the Saturn." Kaptain Bomba immediately went to the house and told the event to Anna Jonhson. They went to the Saturn. In the Saturn they met a big alien army. They killed all of the aliens except for one alien. That alien gave the notice to Anna Johnson and Kaptain Bomba. The notice that said: "You are strong but if you want to see your daughter, you must search her in the other planets." Kaptain Bomba went to Route 66. He saw strange tracks under the tree. He found some ice-cream and a notice.
Then, Kapitan Bomba, his wife Anna Johnson, and John Williams, decided to go to Mars, because all of the sweets, ice creams … that they had found in their way were red, like the planet. When they arrived to Mars, they found Turkish delights, with a note inside. The note said “I’m Dark Vader, and I want to kill your daughter”. John Williams recognized the writing and then he knew that Dark Vader was an old friend of the war, and that he lived in the outer space now. Kapitan Bomba and Anna Johnson went to Dark Vader's house to ask him about their daughter. When they met him, he said they should read Holy Bible and pray. It didn't help, so they decided to come back to the Earth. They arrived in China and bumped into Jackie Chan. He invited them for a tea party. Jackie said he has three tickets for Rihanna's concert in Bora Bora. They decided to go there. Suddenly they saw their daughter who was dancing on the stage. Kapitan Bomba got very angry and took her off the stage. Anna Johnson gave her punishment for a month. After that they went back home.
When the time for voting cameâ&#x20AC;Ś â&#x20AC;Śwe used google spreadsheets and here are the results:
Which story is the best?
story 1
story 2
story 3
story 4
story 5
story 6
story 7
story 8
Story 9
Do you want to know the thoughts behind the votes?
STORY 1 Robert (Poland, Group 3) I like it because it is so chaotic and difficult to follow. Many characters and many actions at once. It is funny. Katarzyna (Poland, Group 6) I like such crazy stories. Maybe because I am crazy too. Karoline (Poland, Group 1) I choose this story because I like this type of horror, I wrote a part of this story and I like this story as a whole. Lena (Poland) It was The most interesting story, and I felt bad for the guy. Kériane (France, Group 1) I chose this story because I like the story and my favorite part is when Samuel became friend with a kangaroo. Alessandra (Italy, Group 6) I choose this story because i like it too much. the plote of the story is very exciteing. Myriame (France, Group 9) I like this story because there are lots of imagination. This story is very interesing and Ilike this. Gökçe (Turkey, Group 4) I like the flow of the event and the schizophrenic character in the story. Kasia (Poland, Group 3) The story of samuel is very interesting. Beyza (Turkey, Group 4) Because I like the events of the story and the characters. I really enjoy reading it.
STORY 2 Laura (Spain, Group 9) I vote to the story number 2, because there's a lot of action, and there are a lot of animals too. Martina (Italy, group 5) I like that because I love romantic story. Claudia (Italy, group 5) I love this story because I like romanric story. Mattia (Italy, Group 1) I like this story beacause it's very interesting. Mattia (Italy Group 8) Because the story was the most interessant Anna (Poland, Group 5) I chose this story because this story is very creative and fun.
Adrián and María (Spain, Group 3) Because we think is the most interesting story and the characters are very funny. Marco (Italy, Group 7) I chose this story because it remembers me a thriller movie and I really like this genre. Furkan (Turkey, Group 5) I choose 3rd story because this story very interesting so I like it. I am curious after episode. Neslihan (Turkey, Group 2) Because the note on the mirror is interesting and the overall story is very amazing. Betül (Turkey, Group 2) Because I love it is about a crime and I love detective stories.
STORY 4 Daniel (Spain Group 5) I choose this story because is very interesting because there are gnomos and fairy. David (Spain, Group 8) I like this story because it is fantastic and I enjoy it. Martino (Italy, Group 2) i prefer this story because I find it very interesting and fun. Klaudia (Poland, Group 5) I chose this story because is funny and I really like magic creatures like elfs and trolls. I love this words: At this point a fairy appeared who made the magical socks appear. : ) İrem (Turkey, Group 3) Because I love trolls and there are trolls in the story. I think the ending of the story is interesting and the picture in the story is cool.
Marta (Spain, Group 6) I like it because there are snails Oscar ( Spain, Group 7) Because part of the story elapses on Fallujah Zuzanna (Poland, Group 3) The funniest and the most interesting story of all. It reminds me a cartoon called TURBO or sth like that about a very fast snail. I laughed a lot when I watched that film and this story is also great. Sonia (Poland, Group 4) I like snails and this one is really cute. Descriptions of places and characters are great as if I were there. Weronika Krus (Poland, Group 6) I like this story because the characters are interesting and the plot is interesting too.
Mateusz (Poland, Group 9) Funny character - an unusual snail and funny adventures - these are things which I like the most. Ewa (Poland, Group 9) I would like to be there - it is the best what I can say about this story. Great descriptions ! It is so funny ! Mattia (Italy, Group 6) Because I like it Adrián (Spain, Group 9) Because it's funny
Déborah (France, Group 1) "I prefer this story because I find there are a passages funny, sad and there are also stories of murders who remind me police novels. I also like because there are unusual characters with a grandmother who was 100 years old and Edgard who was 130 years old." Jakub (Poland, Group 1) It’s a very interesting story. The end is the best. I like the characters too. Dominika (Poland, group 1) I like such romantic stories. Besides this story has got a great sequence of actions. Szymon (Poland, Group 2) Knights, magic, swords are things which excitate me very much. The only one story which hasn' t got too complicated plot and is readable. Agata (Poland, Group 3) What a great and romantic story ! I love it ! Weronika (Poland, Group 4) This story is the best because I can read it without difficulties. One action ends and the next one appears. Others are too sophisticated and too many things happen at the same time. Anna (Poland, Group 4) This is my favourite story because it is really interesting and make you think about the life. There is the really good beginning and ending. It is really important but this story is conntected in whole form ( 1 action to another ) and this is the most important. Paulina (Poland, Group 5) That' s my favourite story because of the atmosphere connected with magic. I am great fan of Tolkien and similar writers. This story reminds a such story. Aleksandra (Poland, Group 5) This story is very interesting and not so strange like others. Sometimes too much action isn' t so good. Zuzana (Poland, Group 5) The only one which is readable to me. I don't like the stories which are too chaotic and complicated. Magdalena (Poland, Group 7) In my opinion this story is the best - romantic and interesting. I like the end. It explans everything.
Laura (Poland, Group 8) It is written in a great style. All is fascinating - the characters, the sequence of actions and the setting. A good story should be like that. Paulina (Poland, Group 8) Great story ! I have read it with pleasure ! The combination of romance and medival novel about knights , honour and brotherhood. Aldona (Poland, Group 9) I love such romantic stories. The characters, plot of story and pace of action ( not too rapid and chaotic ) is fantastic ! Anaïs (France, group 3) I love this story because is in the past, and the end suprised me . I think it's a good story she lost family but he learnt to had a brother." Fatma (Turkey, Group 8) It's very gorgeous story, the end is very interesting.. Vanessa (Italy, Group 1) I like this story because the plote is intriguing. Giovanna (Italy, Group 2) I like this story because is very touching. Remzi Can (Turkey, Group 1) I like story 6 cuz it is like the books which i read in my childhood.It reminded my old memories to me . Ludovic (France, Group 2) I think i like this story more than others because she is very touching and the characters are more appealing. The link between Ulises and Edgar is really interesting. The fact that Ulises lost everythings that he had, girls, sport, it's really touching. Gurbet (Turkey, Group 6) story 6 is my favorite story. Because it has got very important messages Ecemnaz (Turkey, Group 8) its very interesting, Berna (Turkey, Group 7) I think it is funny and interesting story. This story is the most different and beautiful story. Irmak (Turkey, Group 9) I lıke thıs story because thıs story ıs very exciting mystery and creative Khady (France, Group 9) "This story is original ; It is like a good movie how I saw with my friends . There are lot of laugh Maëlle ( France, Group 8) I chose this story because it is very moving. We can imagine the adventures that they are together going to make. Lucas (France, Group 2) i like this story because it makes me think about the fact that life can be destroyed at every time, that everything can change each day. İlayda (Turkey, Group 5) This is my favourite story. Because it is interesting and amazing story . Gülsima ( Turkey, Group 8) I think the story is amazing and thrilling. The characters are unusual.
Pablo ( Spain, Group 5) I chose this story because Chuck Norris amazes me. Chuck Norris is a good character. Yohann (France, Group 1) I chose this story because it is easy to understand, because this story has a good and a simply intrigue. Alessandro (Italy, Group 7) because i like the parts of the train and the end of the history Vincenzo (Italy, Group 9) i liked this story because it teaches to help others Federico (Italy, Group 6) i choose this story because there are lots of characters that involve me ! Manuel (Spain, Group 2) Because Chuck Norris begin, and kill the gigant sea snake Noelia (Spain, Group 7) I like this story because it is so fantastic and very rare
David (Spain, group 4) I like this story because it´s mysterious and it´s amusing Claudia (Italy, Group 4) I like the story of these 2 young guys because is very interestig. Nicole and her boyfriend are brave and specilly curious. Dana (Italy, Group 3) it was the most interesting Yasara (Italy, Group 3) I chose Story 8 because i really liked it. the characters and the story line involved me, it was interesting. Miriam (Italy, Group 9) I chose the story 8 because I like the protagonists particularly the girl; I like her look, her talent, her behavior in the various situation Catrina (Italy, Group 9) i liked it because it was well written and i also liked the plot. Alice Gessaga (Italy, Group 5) i liked it because it was well written and i also liked the plot. Özge (Turkey, Group 6) I choose this story because I like to tell the events from own mouth and I like the mystery in the story.
Asma Bouazza (France, Group 7) I chose this story becauce i understood a little . It is funny and fantastic. it have one universe invent "BORRA BORRA" . What's funny is that they find the lost girl in another planet for finaly , they found dancing on the stage to cancert for Rihanna and is punished for one month. They are in situation of cancern but they think the ice cream and talks about turkish delights . Dominika (Poland, Group 2) It's the most interesting story, it has got surprising ending and funny characters. Every story was good, but I think that his one is the best :) Andrea ( Spain, Group 4) I choose this story because I think it's funny and I like the characters. Paweł (Poland, Group 6) I like science-fiction stories and this one is like them- aliens, Vader and so on. I thought that I am the only one fan of STAR WARS here but fortunatelly I am not. Kinga Maniura (Poland, Group 7) What a crazy story ! Bad aliens and Lord Vader are great ! I love SF ! Piotr (Poland, Group 7) I like such dark characters like Vader. The fight of good with evil is that what like the most in the story. It is funny too ( to me ) . Maria (Poland, Group 8) Fast action, complicated characters and science-fiction elements are the main reasons why I have chosen this story as the best one. Riccardo ( Italy, Group 7) I chose this story because the plot was very beautiful and it hits my heart Görkem (Turkey, Group 3) The story about aliens. It's very fantastic. I really liked it. Gizem (Turkey, group 6) I choose this story because very interesting and mystery. Valentin (France, Group 5) I choose this story because for me it's the most funny story. It's an incredible story, strange, fantastic and I like this. Alexis Deroeux (France, Group 5) I choose this story because it is the most fantastic story and I love the characters, it's a very funny story Imen (France, Group 7) This story is the better for me because I like the fantastic story. Sinem (Spain, Group 8) I chose this story because i think, it was funny and interesting. Feyza (Turkey, Group 5) Because it is so fantastic. The characters are amazing. Especially I like the Kaptain Bomba character.
country Poland (Gdańsk) Poland (Psary)
group1 Basia Karolina Jakub Dominika
group 2 Sylwia Magda Dominika Szymon
group3 group4 Natalia Maciej Kamila Krzysztof Kasia Sławomir Robert Weronika Zuzanna Sonia Agata Anna Dana Alice
group5 Anna Marta Klaudia Paulina Aleksandra Zuzanna Martina
déborah Yoann Remzi Can
Ludovic Lucas Neslihan
Joan Anaïs Görkem
Alexis Valentin Furkan
Furkan Paola María
Neslişah Guillermo Manuel
İrem Adrián María
jennifer Clarisse Oğuzcan Gökçe Feyza Beyza David Andrea
Italy France
Turkey Spain
Paweł Kinga Katarzyna Magdalena Weronika Piotr Mattia Riccardo Federico
Laura Maria Paulina Lena
Mateusz Ewa Aldona Miriam
Caterina Vincenzo
Alesandra Alessandro Abu El Myriam Asma Kériane Imène Imen Maëlle Gurbet Mervenur Ecemnaz
İlayda Daniel Pablo
Gizem Marta Eva
Beyza Oscar Noelia
Gülsima David Sinem
Khady Myriame Irmak Anıl Erdem Laura Adrián Meroly
Aránzazu Iturrioz Pardo
Łukasz Kamiński
Caroline Yaich
Julia Czerwik
Katia Galeazzi
Different but still the same Etwinning project 2013-2014