Recette groupe 1

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The Mister-crock (the croque-monsieur) Utensils :

A knife

A measuring cup

A pan

A fork

A wooden spoon

A whip

One sliced of cooked ham

Fifty grams of grated cheese

Ingredients :

Two sliced-white bread

Fifteen grams of butter

Fifteen grams of flour

Two hundred and fifty mili-litres of milk

Salt and pepper


Steps : •

Melt dissolve the butter in a big saucepan.

Add the flour and mix with a wooden-spoon.

When the mix become bubbly stop roasting.

Boil the milk in an other saucepan.

Add the nutmeg …

… the salt and the pepper.

Butter the sliced-white bread

Add the ham and the bechamel (it's the sauce that has been made).

Add again bechamel on the bread and add also the gratedcheese.

Put in the oven and let cook until the crust brown.

It'll just taste !

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