Trickorscience final

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Lycée Jean-Pierre Timbaud, Brétigny sur orge, France IES CRUCES BHI, Barakaldo, Spain


Liceo Scientifico Statale "Talete", Roma, Italy Escola EB 2,3/S Dr. João de Brito Camacho, Almodôvar Portugal


Introduction Our netiquette Videos Collaborative stories Credits


Is it magic or is it science? In this project, students worked in multinational teams to explain magic tricks with science. They first met their partners by sending presentations and quizzes to test their partners. They created an advent calendar to present their countries, their cities and their schools. They also designed a netiquette collaboratively. Last but not least, they took part in a logo competition. They then send their partners videos of “magic� experiments who had to explain them scientifically. To finish, Spanish and French students wrote collaborative stories about science and magic. We hope you will have fun discovering our project in the pages below!



French, Spanish and Italian students worked in 9 multinational teams to present magic tricks completely explained by science. Each multinational team was composed of different national groups (French, Spanish, and Italian). After having chosen a magic trick, each national group had to record a video describing the trick. In all the videos, experiments were carried out by students and the list of the equipment needed had to be given. Then the videos were posted on TwinSpace. Finally, the team partners had to find out the trick by posting the scientific explanation. Have a look at all the magic tricks and try to find out them! You can go to a specific video by clicking on the links. Group 1 The The The The

jumping egg (France) Hiccough bottle (Spain) balloon chemical reaction (Italy) collapsing can (Spain)

Group 2 The magic bottle (France) Polystyrene disappears (Spain) The magic springs (Italy) The Coca Cola fountain (Spain)


Group 3 The invisible glass (France) The Magic Card (Spain) Changing colours (Italy) The red cabbage (Spain) Group 4 The eggsperiment (France) Now the coin has disappeared (Spain) The underwater candle (Italy) Group 5 The magic paperclip (France) The magic finger (Spain) The ball in air (Italy) Group 6 The magic colours (France) From water to coffee (Spain) The chemical thermometer (Italy) Group 7 Magic spoons (France) The ghost trick (Spain)

Group 8 The lava lamp (France) The elephant toothpaste (Spain) The non-Newtonian fluid (Italy) Group 9 Magic ink (France) Dirty or Clean? (Spain) Oil on the rocks (Italy) The Submarine egg (Spain)


Scientific explanation by Spanish students The vinegar reacts with the shell of the egg. It is a chemical reaction, the calcium carbonate CaCO3 from the shell reacts with the vinegar CH3COOH (acetic acid) as it is a basic acid. So, carbon dioxide CO2 and acetate calcium are produced according to this reaction: CaCO3 + 2 CH3COOH -> Ca2+ + 2 CH3COO- + CO2, H2O The eggshell disappears. The egg bounces, because the transparent shell that has the egg inside, does not break, and the egg takes more water than usual. It is the same action when you put water into a balloon. That´s why, the egg is stronger than usual.


Scientific explanation by French students When you cool down a bottle, the air in the bottle becomes colder. After that when the bottle goes back at room temperature, the temperature inside the bottle increases. It results that, the pressure inside the bottle increases. Therefore, the pressure forces due to the air inside push the coin upwards.


Scientific explanation by Spanish-2 students When they drop the baking soda into the glass with vinegar, the balloon swells. This happens because the gas carbon dioxide is produced in the chemical reaction.


Scientific explanation by Italian students Explanation: you heated the can on the burner and made the water inside boil. As you did this, the water vapor from the boil forced air out of the can. Once the can was filled with hot water vapor, it was cooled quickly by turning it upside down and submerging it in the cold water. The cooling process caused the water vapor inside the can to condense. Which in turn created a partial vacuum. The partial vacuum generated low pressure inside the can (lower than the 10^5 Newton per square meter that surrounds us, i.e. the standard air pressure). Then the higher air pressure outside the can crushed it. The can was crushed / collapses when the air pressure outside became greater than the pressure inside. That pressure difference was greater than the can was able to withstand.


Scientific explanation by Spanish students The glucose is a substance that is a reducer and the methylene blue in its blue form is an oxidant, so when we let the reaction lay the colour starts disappearing as the methylene blue is reduced in its colourless form. However when we shake the bottle, we raise the amount of oxygen into the bottle. Then the oxygen oxidises the methylene blue back to its blue form. We can repeat the experiment many times until glucose and oxygen are completely consumed.


Scientific explanation by French students The polystyrene is full of air bubbles. The acetone acts like a solvent and when it meets the polystyrene, this one is quite dissolved and the air of the bubbles escapes, so the polystyrene becomes smaller.


Scientific explanation by Spanish 2 students We can see that when the girl moves the dock it moves like a wave. Then the dock starts to move in a periodic motion. Two points of support are necessary in order to this phenomenon takes place. This movement is produced by a dock that performs a transverse wave, this means that to produce the wave motion we apply a vertical force while the wave is transmitted horizontally.


Scientific explanation by Italian students The foaming is caused by the presence of chemicals like potassium benzoate and aspartame in Diet Coke, and gelatin and gum arabic in the Mentos. The nucleation reaction between the chemicals, which influence the nature of water's surface tension, causes an increase of carbon dioxide gas bubbles that create the eruption.


Scientific explanation by Spanish students We can’t see the glass stick because in the bottle there is glycerin. The glycerin and the glass as a material have got the same refractive index. And if they have the same refractive index, we can't distinguish them: everything happens as if there is only one medium. So, we can’t see these two things, we can only see the glycerin. And it is similar to water because it is transparent.


Scientific explanation by French students When the glass is turned upside down, the pressure forces that are applied towards the glass' opening part aren't compensated. The weight of water inside the glass (downwards) is much weaker than the pressure forces (upwards). Hence, the intensity of the pressure force is strong enough to keep the water inside the glass. Due to the atmospheric pressure, the water doesn't fall off the glass. Water is not solid. When water drips, some air bubbles can create in the liquid, and this in-draught allows water falling off of the glass when the card has disappeared. Thanks to the card, the creation of bubbles within the liquid is stopped. Therefore, to be able to fall, the water contained has to struggle with a pressure force almost a hundred times bigger than its own weight.


Scientific explanation by Spanish 2 students Barium hydroxide in liquid state when reacts with carbon dioxide produces barium carbonate, it is a white solid substance. When CO2 is introduced into the Ba(OH)2 (aq) solution we can see white precipitate forming at the interface between the source of the CO2 and the aqueous solution.


Scientific explanation by Italian students If you prepare an aqueous extract of red cabbage leaves you can observe color change in the solutions having different pH. Some substances are classified as either an acid or a base. Think of acids and bases as opposites—acids have a low pH and bases have a high pH. For reference, water (a neutral) has a pH of 7 on a scale of 0–14. Scientists can tell if a substance is an acid or a base by means of an indicator. An indicator is typically a chemical that changes color if it comes in contact with an acid or a base. As you can see, the purple cabbage juice turns red when it mixes with something acidic and turns green when it mixes with something basic. Red cabbage juice is considered to be an indicator because it shows us something about the chemical composition of other substances. What is it about cabbage that causes this to happen? Red cabbage contains a watersoluble pigment called anthocyanin that changes color when it is mixed with an acid or a base. The pigment turns red in acidic environments with a pH less than 7 and the pigment turns bluish-green in alkaline (basic) environments with a pH greater than 7.Red cabbage is just one of many indicators that are available to scientists. Some indicators start out colorless and turn blue or pink, for example, when they mix with a base. If there is no color change at all, the substance that you are testing is probably neutral, just like water. The water dissolves certain pigments found in red cabbage, the '' anthocyanins '' (or'' Anthocyanins ''), which can function as pH indicators, assuming different colors in the presence of acidic or basic substances. So if you put a lemon in a vial of liquid of red cabbage the liquid changes color and becomes red because the acidity of lemon is between 2 and 3. While if you put a substance less acidity like bicarbonate the liquid becomes blue.


Scientific explanation by Spanish students Initially, the temperature of the air inside the bottle was normal, 20 degrees. When they put the matches inside the bottle internal temperature has increased. They put the egg, the fire has been extinguished and the air cooled. As a result, the temperature is reduced internal air pressure is reduced. The external atmospheric pressure is greater than the inside, the egg goes down.


Scientific explanation by French students You put the coin under the glass. There was an optical illusion because of the refraction. Because the medium changed, there is H2O which bends the light of the coin. To see an object, a light ray has to come to our eyes, but when the ray passes into another medium (water), the ray's direction is modified by water. We can't see the object (coin) because no ray can reach our eyes.


Scientific explanation by Spanish 2 students With the flame still burning inside the cup, some of the water starts collecting inside the glass, coming in from outside, and when the flame goes off there is a much bigger gush of water into the glass. It is due because the pressure inside is lower. In addition, the warm air expands, and the cold air contracts.


Scientific explanation by Spanish students The paperclip is made with nitinol, and it's put in hot water during the experiment. Then, they heat it and because of that, the paperclip returns to its original shape. Why? The answer is in the disposition of the atoms of the metal. Like in many alloys, the atoms of "shape memory alloys" like nitinol redistribute during the cooling. Unlike normal alloys, the atomic bounds of the nitinol and other "shape memory alloysÂť allow them to recover their original shape, when they return to heat. That's why nitinol is called "shape memory material".


Scientific explanation by French students On the surface of the water, the molecules are ÂŤtiedÂť, It's called the superficial tension. The pepper is hydrophobic, so it floated on the water with the superficial tension. You had put dishwashing liquid on your finger, and the dishwashing liquid had molecules with an hydrophobic body and an hydrophilic top. So these molecules are unstable in water, and they lower the superficial tension. So a lot of molecules of water are pushed away, and the pepper is taken by the current of the water, and it's why there is no pepper on the finger.


Scientific explanation by Spanish students This experiment can be explained through Bernoulli's Principle. It states that as the speed of a moving fluid (liquid or gas) increases, the pressure within the fluid decreases.


Scientific explanation by Spanish students and Laetitia The two plates contain different types of milk: fermented milk and regular milk. In both, some drops of food colouring have been added. First, we can see that the food colouring disperse differently in both plates, making different coloured shapes. The tip of the magic wand is covered with dish soap, so when we touch the milk surface with the tip, the soap molecules interact with the milk molecules. As a consequence, it creates movements of molecules at the milk surface. And that’s what we see in both plates, through the food colouring movements. Actually, the milk surface is like a tablecloth on which the colorants drops land. We call that the surface tension: the molecules of milk located at the surface have a strong energy to be bound one to each other. The greater the number of fat molecules is, the greater the surface tension is. These molecules are like a wall but it's very breakable. When we put some dish soap on the milk, it breaks the  wall  reducing the surface tension. Thus, the food colouring can mix with the milk. The dish soap just reacts with the milk, and the food colouring move away. But the movement is very limited in the plate full of fermented milk as the composition of the milk has changed.


Scientific explanation by French students In the first beaker there is potassium iodate (KIO3) and the second includes sodium bisulphite (NaHSO3). These two substances are put together (starch has also be added but we do not know it on the video). In 6 seconds, the mixture becomes black. In this experiment, there are 3 reactions: The first two ones are slow and create the iodine I2. The third reaction is very fast, the bisulfite ion HSO3- consumes the iodine I2 previously formed and the reaction creates the iodide ion I-.When the bisulfite ion is totally consumed, the iodine will survive to form the dark blue compound with starch.


Scientific explanation by Spanish 2 students Starch is formed by molecules of amylosa and amylopectin. Forms of glucosa. Amylosa is responsible of the intensive blue color with iodine. When the mixture is heated the amylosa structure changes and a change of color is observed


Scientific explanation by Spanish students In the first three experiments, there are just vinegar and food coloring. As for the last one, when an acid and a base are combined, a chemical reaction occurs. Depending on what the acid and base are, the reaction is different. Some may explode. In the case of vinegar and bicarbonate, the reaction is not so violent. The chemical reaction was Vinegar (acetic acid) + sodium bicarbonate -> sodium acetate + water + carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide CO2 is produced and that's why in the last experiment, we can see effervescence.


Scientific explanation by French students For this magic trick there are: - a beaker moisturized by liquid ammonia NH3 - a second one moisturized by liquid hydrogen chloride HCl They put both beakers together for a while. After that, they separate them and we see the smoke. It's a reaction between liquid ammonia and liquid hydrogen chloride which produces smoke of ammonium chloride HCl+NH3 = NH4Cl


Scientific explanation by Spanish students When you put water and oil, the water gets down and oil gets up. When you put the colorant in the cup it mixes with the water. Then you put the aspirin, and it dissolves. Finally, you put a light and it makes a very cool effect. The effervescent aspirin contains acetylsalicylic acid and bicarbonate. Once dissolved, the both substances react together releasing carbon dioxide.


Scientific explanation by French students They begin their video with potassium iodide KI and they put this on a balance, after that she measured, they put in water distilled and mix it and they see chemical reaction because the mixture on cause a wonderful outbreak. This result is due to the fact that the chemical reaction is: 2H2O2 -> 2H2O + O2 This reaction is catalysed by potassium iodide KI. Thanks to this reaction, the soap can be mixed with water and the oxygen is released, forming a big foam of soap.


Scientific explanation by Spanish 2 students The fluid we have obtained is a non-Newtonian fluid that is characterized by the degree of viscosity depending on the force acting on it or how fast an object moves to bring him. If a force is acting its behaviour is like a solid.


Scientific explanation by Spanish students The colour of the ink depends on the acid/base properties of the medium. In fact, the tap water is slightly alkaline (base) and when the ink goes there, it mixes with the water and becomes transparent. The vinegar, as it is an acid, brings back the colour of the ink again and when you put the baking soda, as it is a base, it neutralizes the vinegar (and then the medium becomes alkaline) and the color of the ink disappears again as the first time.


Scientific explanation by French students We've watched your video and we think the can moves because of static electricity. When you scrubbed the balloon with wool, electrons moved. One was neutral (the can) and the other one (the balloon) had got a positive or negative charge. Let's imagine the balloon had now more electrons (so was negatively charged), the can electrons went to the opposite side, and near the balloon side, there was more positive charge so it results that they attracted each other (and, it seemed to be a little bit inclined ^^') because two opposite charges attract themselves


Scientific explanation by Spanish 2 students We can observe that the oil and the water make like two layers. We observe that the colored ice stays in the middle, between the oil and the water. The oil and the water did not mix because the density of the water is bigger than the density of the oil. The ice has more density than the oil so it goes down and it has less density than the water so it floats.


Scientific explanation by Italian students The movement up and down of the egg is due to the Archimedes principle: when the density of the liquid is low, then the egg goes down, but if the density of the liquid increases then the egg emerges to the surface. In fact, the Archimedes force is opposed to the gravity, and is proportional to the heaviness (i.e. density) of the fluid occupied by the egg.


French and Spanish students worked in 9 teams to write 9 stories about science and magic. French students started to work on the characters while Spanish students imagined the settings of the stories. French students used all this information to write the beginning of the stories. They gave their partners 3 words to include in the next part. Spanish students did the same and French students finished the stories. A vote was then organized to elect the most interesting story. You can read the 9 stories below. Click on the links to go to a specific story. Have fun!

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Group 9 (the winning story) 37

In a beautiful day, Brice took a really good promotion. Now he worked with Nicolas a person who liked working in group. Nicolas was 23 years old. He had curly black hair and he was very tall. Nicolas liked football and was in love with Daphnée. He was very clever and friendly. All the girls liked him. Nicolas worked with Brice on the same desk. Before going to the toilet, Nicolas left his mobile phone on the table. Brice saw on the phone Daphné’s message for Nicolas. Brice answered in the place of Nicolas and said insults. Brice was 19 years old and he liked nothing. Brice was always sad he worked with Nicolas but he was poor. He had a very big stomach. Brice had short brown hair and little blue eyes. Brice dreamt of being a famous actor. Daphné was suprised and decided to leave him. Daphnée was 21 years old. She was a very friendly girl and she had a lot of friends. Daphnée didn't know Nicolas was in love with her. Daphnée liked horse riding and dancing with her friends. She had blue eyes and black hair. She was tall. Back from the toilets, Nicolas saw his mobile phone and was confused about her conversation... When Nicolas arrived from the toilet he saw a strange conversation on his mobile phone with Daphnée. He asked his partner Brice about it. Brice made him blush but he didn't answer his question. Nicolas started thinking that Brice was jealous of him because Nicolas usually talked with Daphnée by text messages and Brice didn't like it. As Daphnée felt bad about the messages that "Nicolas" have sent, she stopped talking to him. Nicolas got angry with Brice because he didn't want to lose Daphnée like a friend. He was in love with her. Nicolas explained everything that happened to Daphnée. Like Brice had made a lot of mistakes, Daphnée finished her relation with him. Finally, Nicolas and Daphnée resolved their problem and a month later they started a relationship like boy- and girl-friends. But, Daphnée didn´t feel confidence with Nicolas, that´s why she started investigating about Nicolas´s life. Brice had a very big secret, he was quickly furious but he didn’t say it to try to get friends. A day, Brice was speaking with Daphnée about his feelings and he was surpised by Nicolas. It was an embarrasing moment. Nicolas didn't agree that he stool his girlfriend. They began to be angry and Nicolas hit Brice and he was hurt. Daphnée called the police and Brice went to the hospital. Later, Daphnée went to the hospital to speak with Brice about his health. She didn’t know that


Nicolas was able to hurt with violence another boy. Finally, DaphnÊe broke up with Nicolas for his bad conduct. Now she spoke more with Brice than with Nicolas. Later, they could be together and fall in love‌


Mark Quarter was a fine and elegant British student. Two years before, he has moved to the south of Dublin. Mark always loved Ireland so that was a perfect occasion for him to continue his study. Most of the time, he was at John Phillipe Holand's college even during his holiday he was spending his time at the library. During a warm night of August, Mark Quarter saw something in his dreams. In a cold dark stony room an old man dead body was lying on the floor. Next to him there was some broken glasses and a blue liquid spread on the floor. Mark was curious,

maybe too much... He wanted to know more about these visions, it was not the first time he had one but it was special. He felt that he was concerned by the old man. He pushed his limits to explore the room. There was no light, no window. Two doors, one locked, one opened. By the different elements in the room Mark deduced that the old man was certainly a chemist. Something got his attention; the blue liquid. He approached from the spill... When suddenly something came out of the door! Something black or brown he couldn't see, it happened too fast and was pulled out of his dream. He woke up with a headache. This time he was sure that this vision, compared to the others, would really happen.


Every morning the British student used to walk along the many pathes of Dublin. He liked to see the faces of the people he encountered, trying to know what they were thinking of. With the time, he forgot about it, but all his vision of life changed the day of Halloween, when demons and monsters leave their places to finally rest in peace. That day the temperature was warm enough to wear just a t-shirt, which was quite unusual for the time of the year in that place. But, suddenly, a big storm started to hit the eccentric city of Dublin. Eventually, the storm began to strengthen. Everything was normal until he fell asleep. A dream appeared in the student's mind, he saw the room again, but this time both of the doors were open. In this case, the second door leaded to a garden where some strange people were apparently fighting for something. They were competing in a way, for the blue substance he saw in his first dream. One of the gangs had a strange crystal bottle full of that blue liquid they were fighting for. In a time of a second Mark realized that one of the criminals was carrying a gun and aiming towards him. He shouted. But, the storm drowned out his scream so no one heard it. He kept thinking about it for many days, he couldn't sleep without thinking about that weapon in front of his face. Even if it was not real it seemed so... After thinking about this he used to fall asleep and have dreams about crazy things, crazier and crazier by the time... which was making him mad, he was terrorized by the feeling of dreaming once about a classical story his grandma used to read him, which was about two boys lost in a forest who found a castle. It was similar in a way to his dream... Everything he thought about had a mild similarity with the dream he had on the 31st of October, which made him paranoid and he left out his studies in order to solve this mystery that had happened, in his mind. That was so real, but he wanted to discover every single thing about the mystery of the blue bottle and the properties of this strange substance. He searched for information about the castle in the college library and on the web. The Manor was on the top of a hill, at the south of Dublin, about 35 miles further. He woke up early to reach the manor before the night. He prepared his bag with sandwiches and strawberry syrup. He was outside at 05:30 am. The first part of his walk was in the city. He saw some friends but he avoided them: he couldn't explain that he was looking for a castle to save a man that he saw in his dreams. The second part was more tiring because it was out of the city, in a muddy path. He, once, wanted to give up but he has done the major part of the 41

way. He finally reached the castle earlier that he thought. He forgot his watch, but he noticed that the sun was high in the sky. The huge manor seemed wealthy, grey with nuances of black and even red. Mark was hesitant: should he go knock on the door or penetrate silently ? He jumped out of fear when he heard a voice behind him. It was a blond girl with a blue dress, who was about thirty year. "What are you doing here? Are you a thief? " Mark found that she really looked like the old man he saw in his dreams. Maybe his daughter. "No, I just... I think something wrong happened in this building" Mark explained that he heard a gunshot, otherwise she would have took him for a fool. She didn't want to call the police because they were far from the city and she had powers. Indeed, she explained that she could create teleportation portals. Her name was Jane Wicky and she was actually Dr Cumberbach's daughter, the chemist who lived there. She asked Mark to stay behind her and to not make any noises, then they entered the massive wood door. They were facing a stony wall. After a few seconds, Jane showed the right path. They heard nothing except the fountain in the courtyard. Jane didn't seem to know the right way, a few moment before she explained to Mark that she hadn't seen her father since he moved to the Manor. Jane stopped immediately! Someone was moving in the corner of the wall. His pace was slow and heavy. His shadow was reflecting on the opposite wall... He was carrying a gun! They were lucky because he went away. Mark moved to the corner, he tried to run to the other corner but ... He didn't reach it, the only thing he succed was to be pointed by a gun. A tall and fat guy was in front of Mark, he was smiling. Behind him there was every member of the gang he saw in his dream. He also saw the blue liquid in the back. He realized that he will probably die here, from this pig in front of him. The fat man pulled the trigger and Mark closed his eyes. He thought that his life was short but full of happiness even if he wished he never had this power... Well that doesn't matter anymore he's no longer in this world... "- Mark... MARK Wake up for god sake! We don't have the time we have to leave NOW! - What ? I'm not dead? - Of course not dumbass, said an old man. - Who are you ?! asked Mark. - I'm your father, John. - Who's John? Is it normal that you're glowing? - HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A GLOWING MAN? - Dad shush they're close, whispered Jane. 42

- It's your dad?? - Later. We need to leave now! - Wait! I need my formule. This clandestine organisation stole it from me. And then, they shot me. Without it I will stay as a GHOST FOREVER! - SHUSH DAD. They're behind the door! - John go get it! NOW, you nutshell! - MY NAME IS MARK! - SHUT UP! BOTH OF YOU! - Go now little man! We're counting on you! - I'M NOT... - Pass my portal, get the liquid and we're out, broke up Jane." Mark passed the portal and landed behind a man. He held his breath and he saw the blue liquid on the ground. He knelt down slowly without a sound and get the flask. Then he turned back and landed near of his companions. He looked the Doctor and asked : "- If you're a ghost, can you passed through walls ? - Yes I can, why ? - I had to risk my life whereas you could go and pick that bottle without any fear ? - Yes that almost that. You're right. Now throw the bottle on me and then I will turn to human form ! - You're sure ? - Yes DO IT ! - Dad shush !!!" Mark picked the bottle and throw it on the doctor Cumberbach ! But it passed through him, broke the window behind and finally, it exploded outside... The doctor looked his daughter then Mark and said : "- WHY DID YOU DO THAT ?? YOU IDIOT ! ARE YOU CRAZY IN YOUR LITTLE MIND ??? I'M GONNA STAY LIKE ... THIS EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE ! - You said to throw it on you ! I did what you asked, sir ! 43

- Well, err... This is not the question go get the liquid now ! - They're coming ! They heard everything, well done guys. We're all gonna die here ! - Make us a portal now ! - Where ? asked Jane. - SOMEWHERE ! The gang was shouting on the door. Jane made some mouvement with her hand and created a portal quickly, she pushed her dad and Mark through it. The ground was on fire. The three humans were facing a dragon. Doctor Cumberbach hid his head with his hands and exhale...


« It’s no secret that you've always hated me. But Simon, think about it. Think about the horses, the rabbits, the trees, the birds… think about them ! What have they done ? Do they deserve to die ? » Ilma shouted so loudly that the whole company stopped from working. But the employee didn’t care. No, he would never care. His only matter was to gain a maximum of money during the month. And if he could hurt Guðmundsdóttir's feelings, the experience was even more delightful. The begging lady and the sadistic worker. During that time, nothing could have been worse for the old lady. She reluctantly walked back to her house, her house lost in the woods. Cooking often calmed her down. Sugar, spice, sweet odours, sharing love and care to her beloved ones. Both Tobias and his father were part of the rich nobility of England, so when the young lad wanted to talk with his father’s mother, everything was organised so that no one knew about it. It wasn’t a shame to them but there were targets they had to avoid. The young boy promised his grandmother to cope with it anyway. Forever and ever. 45

Three hours have past before our scene resumed. Guðmundsdóttir couldn’t stand it anymore. She revealed to Tobias what she thought would happen. That was her theory. Simon and the government were affiliated. Both of them knew what’s going on, underneath. Under the trees, the lilies, the flowers and grass. The world underneath is in danger. Scared or brave, she decided to fight. Tobias’ father came back to take him to a theatre play. But something unexpected happened, the door fell down. A message was written on it : « Swirling black lilies totally rip. » Tobias and Guðmundsdóttir went to a cave which was situated in a small mountain and they stayed there two hours, remaining silent. Finally, when they were safe, Guðmundsdóttir said to Tobias: -The government and Simon are affiliated. They plan to create a virus to kill lots of people. -Why are they going to do something like this? -Because if they do this, after that, they are going to sell a vaccine and are going to be rich. -Oh, that´s incredible! How can anybody do something like this? We should stop this now! -Yes, but before that, we should establish a plan. Three days later, they finished their plan and left the cave. But what about the plan...? “I totally agree with you, Tobias. -But what about the temple, grandma? -The temple? I completely forgot it. Yes, the treasure located inside may help us. -But, Grandma, it is dark inside and there might be spiders. And how will we join it, the temple is lost in the forest. It’s almost impossible! -Follow me… don’t you remember our plan?” They went down of the mountain and took a small path which was joining to the deepest part of the forest. They could be easily lost if Ilma didn’t have a large knowledge of this forest, but finally, the path disappeared. Ilma was a bit disconcerted, but she found the solution : she took a compass from her pocket and they went to the West. The light was decreasing and the trees were becoming higher, bigger and older. “Grandma, I saw a wolf, murmured Tobias. -It is your imagination Tobias, there is no animals in this part of the forest.”


And she told true : there was a disturbing silence. “Look ! exclaimed Ilma, Look Tobias, the temple, we are near about it !” She shew, a ruined pillars and a old stone road in front of them. And fifteen minutes later, they arrived at a clearing. A big temple, built with white stones, weirdly unruined, was staying in the middle of it. The sun rises disappeared suddenly and the shadow invaded the clearing. “Quick, Tobias, quick !” shouted Ilma. They rushed to the temple and went inside. Ilma pressed a button and switch on the light. “Electricity ! How old is this temple ? exclaimed Tobias - Very old, but it always had electricity. - Weird. When did you find it Grandma ? - Fifty years ago - Really ! Fifty years ago ! And you still not have electricity. - I don’t need it… Stop, we are arriving.” They saw a throne and a small box on. Ilma said that Tobias was allowed to take the box and open it. Inside, there was a kind of metal. “No, it isn’t possible ! said Ilma, a chemistry weapon ! That is why the government wanted to access to the forest. The president knew that there was a temple here. We should destroy it. - You are right, Grandma, but where ? - In Eyjafjallajökull, the nearest volcano.”

They went out of the temple. The moon was up in the sky. The owl’s hootings were the only sound they were able to hear. They were attacked by Simon.


Once upon a time there was a boy called Jhon Meyer accompanied by his dragon, Nitro who lived in a little town in Basque country. Nitro was a majestic creature. He spitted out fire to defend against the ennemies. He was a protector and followed his friend. Jhon was a student at the Magical school of Sopelana, located in the Basque Country. He was brown, sometimes wore a suit or a pull over, was fearless and kind, but jealous and scared by the darkness. When he was 16 years old, he had to make a choice: leave the country to go university of the Lostlands to learn the "Black Magic" or stay in Sopelana and continue their studies. Nobody knew where the country was. He left the school and met Doctor G, his teacher who taught him everything he knew. He was the best student. With Nitro, they spent a lot of great moments together, he loved the Lostlands, he escaped from the school to admire the landscape. A day, he lost the control of the "Black Power" and he passed out and hanceforth he had a heart failure. When he woke up all changed in the land. When Jhon was woken up, he realized that of a lot of things had changed. Lostlands was not what it was before. The rivers dried up, the sky became black, there was not life. Everything looked like it was because of the ¨blue magic¨ which was extremely powerful. The days went on and Jhon found Nitro, and they started looking about who was the creator of the ¨black magic¨. The days passed and they didn’t see future over their investigation, and they hadn’t got enough food and water, there were only same bottles thrown on the floor. One day, they found one video in which doctor G appeared against the humans. It could be observed that the humans were fighters and that they didn’t tired out although they saw their death day. Which was the reason why the doctor was against them? Was him the originator of this destruction? Was him the creator of the ¨black magic¨? Humans of the city suspected the doctor to practice Black magic against them. the war began, Doctor G used his powers to stop them, but they burned the castle. At the same time, John and Nitro the dragon tried to find the Black magic's origin... They went to the secret cave of Lostlands, they explored the underground, and found a parchment wich expalined the magic. The Black magic was a


superpower, created by magicians to defend yourself against villains. But, now, a man was ready to become mad and destroy everything he wanted. The heroes were going to use the Black magic to struggle against him. Army and people thanks the heroes but John started to be consumumed by the Black magic. He had an heart failure, he was sick because he used to much his power. Lostlands, a beautiful country, now, was a lifeless landscape. Someone said that a magician saved Meyer and we never saw Nitro before he woked up. The doctor prison broke, and he escaped to become stronger. Everything he has experienced was deleted. The time started again... Someone can tell this story, of John Meyer with his dragon the magicians...


The story began in a small village of Bilbao in Spain a long time ago. The village was in the countryside, next to a big and dark forest. The houses were old and small, and there were a lot of narrow alleys. In the center of the village, there was a small church with a cemetery next to the forest. In a field, there was a wooden cabin with a chimney which smoked all the time. This cabin was the house of a woman, who was called Rosa. She was pretty young and beautiful. She always wore a white dress. The villagers were suspicious because they thought that she was a witch. She didn't have family except for her son : Edward. Edward was a teenager who lived in the street and who stole money and jewels. He was angry against his mother so he had left the house some time ago. In Bilbao, all the villagers knew a mysterious old man, who was a scientist when he was young. He was called Dr Leiche and he was totally crazy and blind. His house was also his laboratory, and nobody knew which crazy experiments he did inside. One night, Edward went to his mother’s house, and he knocked on the door when the door was knocked his mother saw Edward very changed. They started talking some time and Edward´s mum told the boy that his father had died some days before; Edward was very affected and he called his scientific friend Oliver to make a trick to resurrect his dad.Oliver was a famous scientist who resurrected a lot of animals but he had never made it with a person. When Oliver thought about the idea he found it very exciting and he liked the idea and the responsibility of resurrecting a person. So the next day they started with the resurrecting process, they wanted to resurrect Edward´s dad in less that 5 days. They knew that it was very difficult but they hoped to do it. To save Edward's father, they went in Oliver's father's laboratory. His father was an old scientist who was called : Dr Leiche. He had a big room to try crazy experiments. In the laboratory they found a time machine. They made a magical cookie, with some wild flower, frog drool and pumkins juice ;to prevent the death of Edward's father. They went back in time with the time machine and they went to Edward's father's house. Edward gave the magical cookie to his father who was very hungry because he had not a lot of food. Edward changed the future because


his father ate the cookie so he did not die. Edward and Oliver returned at the present, and Edward's father was still alive. Edward and his parents brought back together and they lived together in a big house.


All began, in 2016, in the biggest city around the world. That day was very important because the American voted for their new president between Mister Trump and Mrs Clinton. In the street, there were a lot of people walking around the shops, going to work, watching monuments, museums. Everybody thought about that, the atmosphere was weird because the people were stressed to know the election’s result. In a workshop there was Mister Huguay. He was a small man, and a wise person. He was marked by time, he had lots of wrinkle. Huguay had a white beard and a long moustache which fell in his neck. Like the other people he watched the election on television. He was accompanied by his littleson who was called Willy. Willy was a teenager. He was 15 years old. He didn’t understand why Mister Huguay was very nervous and concerned because Willy didn’t take an interest in the news. All the time he read books, particulary the book s in Huguay's bookcase but he didn’t read the newspapers. Willy was shy and he didn’t have a lot of friends. Willy wasn't tall and no very sporty. He had blue eyes and he had short blond hair. He had freckles on his cheeks. He had thin lips but his eyebrows were like Huguay's, they were a little massive. He loved to study physical chemistry. They had a particular link with Huguay because they shared a secret together. That secret was the existence of a strange animal. His name was Yenga. It was a fox but he had a large squirrel tail. Yenga had an orange and white fur. At the tips of muzzle and ears there were gold powder. His hearing and his smell were overdeveloped thanks to this gold powder whose origin was a mystery. His eyes were yellow-brown and phosphorescent. It moved gracefully and lightly. Yenga was very smart and crafty. He had known Huguay for 70 years. It was also affectionate with his master. It had a magic power, for example he could understand all languages, could control the fire and the ice. Mister Huguay shared his magical power with Yenga and Willy because he felt in them a good at heart. It was 8 o’clock pm the host said: - The new president is… Mike is the son of Donald Trump. He’s 15 years old. Mike has got a lot of time because he studies in his home, so he can travels around the world. Sometime he doesn´t agree with his father Donald's ideas and opinions but he still appreciating his dad. Mike likes doing friends but sometimes he´s shy because when he is


going to talk, he started putting red his face and he thinks that people can laughing for his face. His hair is brown although his father is blond his mother has the hair very brown. His eyes are brown but if you are really near you can see that his eyes are brown and green in the middle like his father eyes. He doesn’t like his nose because Mike think that is very big and large, but sometimes he admits that he like all his body and this is important for all the people. When Mike is going to wear clothes all his clothes are very light because in his opinion he is very happy and if one day he wear dark clothes like :Black, brown……. It’s because he has a very bad day or because Mike is sad. Since he was very small, he felt great interest in animals, and therefore, Mike decided adopt a baby dog who is called Puppy. When Mike was young, he decided to train him dog and years later, Puppy started to participate in very important competitions. His dog has won a lot of game shows! Besides, he is also very good at playing football. At the beginning, he started playing as a play but, over the years, he has converted in a great football player. Mike was Willy's best friend despite the social difference between them. They shared the same hobbies: playing video games and playing football together. Huguay was the manager of a club in the USA. During a sun day they played versus the best team of USA, THE GALACTIC. Yenga decided to transform him to a boy with the same age of Mike and Willy. Yenga was a goalkeeper and he could stop the ball just with his cerebral strength but just Huguay could see that. During the match, the score was 3-3, Mike scored two goals and Willy scored just one. During the extra time, it remained just one minute. Suddenly, Mike ran very fast on the left wing he crossed the ball to Willy. He jumped up to head the ball into the top corner… The football commentator said «Goaaaaaaaaaalll, wake up wake up Willy ». It was seven o’clock a.m. and Willy was sleeping. It was only a dream.


The story that you will read is incredible and magical. Maybe you will believe at believed in these heros, or not.... It is up to you to decide! Once upon a time in 4th street Abraham Lincoln in London more than hundred disapearences of people . The story started in Summer 2012 when Flora Arboles a gardener of 16 years old worked in the florist. She was thin, much tall with brown weavy hair and emerald eyes . She had a secret. She could control the plants, flowers and make them grew up. She went to a library and saw a fight between Ariana Robinson a student of 17 years old with curly brown hair and ocean eyes with the control of attracted the metal and John Clarckson a rocker of 18 years old with a strong body . He dressed like a gothic and could make electricity. She arrived and stoped them with her powers . She made grow up plants to truss Ariana and John. It was at that time that they understood that they aren't the only ones with magical powers and became friends. Until that Winter 2014 when there were those strange disapearances . Flora, Ariana and John, the trio FAJ decided to find what happend. The villain, Party- Breaker, was very angry, but he had a reason to be a villain: when he was a child, nobody went to his 10 years birthday party because he hadn’t any friends ( he was literally abandoned), so he decided to be a villain to ruin all the parties which he was not invited.Although he was very evil, he just wanted to be invited to a party, but as anybody know anything about his past, it didn’t happen.


Party- Breaker continue doing evil things and everybody was worried because he ruin all their parties and they were not having fun. One day which Party- Breaker was very angry, he decided to create a device to ruin all the parties of the world at the same time for end with all happiness of the world. He decided to kidnap all the people who were doing a party one day after it and threw them in a jail. It was the terror, nobody dared made a party or go to the party. They all had the fear to be kidnaped by the evil Party-Breaker. The trio FAJ had an idea. It was crazy but clever. The plan was to make a party to attract the vilain and stop him. And like this could captured him. The party took place in John's house. All was there to pretend that it was a party: music, drinks, food, people... They were waiting when suddenly Party-Breaker appeared by the chimney and said " I'm Party-Breaker and I will break your party". Just a few seconds later, he caught Flora by the arm and took her in the roof. John and Ariana ran to her. Once time in the roof, the fight started. Flora made a huge whirl of leaves to save herself from the evil and Party-Broker protected himself with an electronic shield. Ariana attracted the weapon's evil except the shield. The evil became nervous and hurt John with the shield. John knocked an electric shot toward the vilan but unfortunately it was return to FAJ and Arianna was falling on the floor when Flora caught her with a flower. The trio gathered all there powers and created a giant ball made of metal by Ariana , prickles by Flora and electricity by John. They pitched it to Party-Broker and feel covered by blood. He was defeatist and tell his story to FAJ. The trio said to him that he needed to have friends and they will be there friends. At first he didn't want or like this idea but at the end... Then he promised that he never will restart sabotage parties and he released all the people he locked away. And he became very happy.


It's the story of a bunch of 2 friends Gosha Rubchinskiy and Superbook who came from Moscow and Crimea. Gosha was a young man of 27 years-old , he lived in Moscow but he came from Crimea, he wanted to be a model Superbook was intelligent and he spoke a lot of languages like English or Spanish . they lived a lot of stories to won a bad monster, they walked in the street of Moscow and he met a man, a strange man, that disappears suddenly. After, he came back to his home and he tall to his friends what he saw... 2days later, he met again this strange man, he proposed to save the world with his bunch This dude guy accepted to join the crew and he will take the nickname of Ura-X like an X-Men. It was very dark,cold and those friends were lost on the mountain. Ura-x was creature who had green skin and brown hair. That creature found the two lost friends in the mountain. He carried them to his cavern and he gave them food.The next day Urax made this two friends his prisoners and tried to cook them in an oven. But then, some people appeared in the mountain and saw Urax. Then, that people started to run and the two friends took advantage when Ura-x was distracted. The two friends fought Ura-x and escaped. Superbook and Gosha scaped from Urax and were lost in the mountain.They were very scared and hungry.They had nothing to eat or drink,These two friends started searching for food but they didnt find anything in the dark mountain.Gosha proposed Suberbook going to the sea to fish and survive.With the help of a compass they found water and a ship.They entered in the ship and found food,but when they were leaving the ship some pirates stopped the two friends and kidnaped them . The pirates crew was going to the land of the pirates but in the way a giant octopus attacked the ship.Thanks to the octopus Gosha and Superbook scaped from the ship.The two friends took a pair of supreme 56

clothes from the ship.Those clothes were very useful.They used the supreme clothes to save their lives and scaped from the water because the clothes were allowed to float in the water and arrived swimming to the nearest coast.Now the two friends were lost again in an island.They started walking in the island and they saw smoke far away.They followed the smoke and found a nordic tribe. The tribe helped the two friends.The nordics gave them food and some beds to rest for a night. At the morning some nordic travelers took the friends and brought them to their house traveling by ship. After this new meeting, Superbook and Gosha found one Supreme skateboard in treasure chest. This skateboard was so wonderful and very useful, we could fly with this board. The two friends will use this skateboard to leave the island of pirates and find Ura X in the dark mountain. Before having left the island of pirates, Superbook and Gosha were very lucky, they found a strange coconut. Gosha was the first, he drank all of the juice in the coconut and he had hallucinations, he saw lots of unicorn, he was drugged. Superbook was very scared about the attitude of gosha and he decided to leave them, to find Ura X alone. He promised to return for him after he found Ura X, took the board and he left the pirate's island He came back to the dark mountains to save his friend and searched for his friend for 3 days. Finally, he found his friend in a cave without food........ he was dead. Superbook was very shocked and cried...... he decided to come back to Gosha in the pirate's island to announce the bad news. The reaction of Gosha was very strange, he was happy and he laughed. Superbook asked gosha about his reaction, Gosha answered: " i was jealous about your complicity with ura x, so now, i'm happy :)" Superbook was very angry and he killed Gosha. Now Superbook was alone, he came back in Moscow and he reigned on Russia.


Aaron was in a place he didn't know, dark, and ruined... there was no one... Except a weird noise coming from far... getting closer and closer, right behind him. A strange shape was now standing in front of him. His heart was now beating so fast that it could have escaped from his chest. But he couldn't move, he was unable to move his feet an inch, trapped in front of this frightening shape. Suddenly, he thought he recognised a kind of zombie. The thing pounced on him. He woke up, sweating. Thanks god it was just a dream. Though, it looked very real... Anyway, he had other problems to think about, he was going to have a busy day; well, like everyday. After his morning routine, he went to Berlin's streets, going to work. It was a beautiful sunny day. On his way, he always walked nearby a park. He looked at the trees, thinking of his weird dream. But in the corner of a street, someone was staring at him. She had a piercing purple gaze... She was a beautiful girl and her raven hair was so gorgeous! While he was standing in the middle of the street, a car passed across the road, and a second later... She was gone. But he remembered he had no time for girls, he was too busy for those relationships. To go to his laboratory Parexel, he had to cross a little street. But he felt a strange sensation, as if he was followed. He stopped, looked behind him, and she was standing in front of him. An unknow animal, he had never seen before, was sitting next to her. He couldn't believe it, it wasn't possible. A big creature with a lion head, stately feather wings, and hooves. He wouldn't believe it... "We need to talk." THE WOMAN The woman spoke to Aaron about everything that happened in the laboratory, the big creature was Trico, and was able to go from all over the paralell worlds to find the chosen one. -And, Why am I the chosen one?-asked Aaron. -Because we saw your dream, we are from another world and your parents leave you here to protect you from our world. -To protect me? -Yes, there is a war in our world and they wanted to protect you leaving in this world. But they need you because you are the only one who can protect our world. -Why? -Because you are as me, you can control the elements. -How? -Let me show you... One month had passed since Aaron had woken up, and that he had met Leila in this little street. She had showed him how to control his powers, and he had a lot of difficulties to believe it at first. They had to undertake a long journey through the land of the other world. 58

Well, he had nothing to lose anyway... During the journey he noticed that he had a good feeling with Leila (Mystia, she told him, her real name), he felt it at the first moment he saw her in Berlin. Their expedition lasts several weeks, and the awakening of his powers was kind of natural, as if he had done it all his life. Aaron remembered when Mystia had taught him his powers. She showed him how to control elements. When she threw her first fireball, he was shocked, it became a habit for him with time. Trico, that Mystia had introduce as her friend, was too part of the trip. He was a lot friendly and it even let Aaron rid him, "usually, I'm the only one who it lets ride", said Mystya, a bit vexed. Until now, they hadn't been attacked by any zombies or thieves on their way. Lucky them ! But what was waiting for them was far lot more horrible from what they could have imagined. It was a dark, cold, rainy day when they finally arrived at the castle... It seemed old and ruined. The place was just like the one in his dream. They were very scared, however, their courage was stronger than fear. The three of them entered the castle. It was filled with monsters. Yes, monsters. It was the only word that could describe the horrible creatures who dwelled in the castle. It looked like zombies, but it was dangerously fast. Trico helped our heroes to fight them, Leila didn't have any problem to get rid of zombies and Aaron discovered he was stronger than he thought. In the throne chamber, an old wizard, named Seraph, was standing. "I was waiting for you..." he said, grinning ."I knew you would come to save your country but you cannot defeat me. This place will belong to me forever!" and he laughed loudly. "Well, I can share with you, Mystia. All what you need to do is to marry me." Her only answer was a big fireball, her speciality. It was the more powerful Aaron had ever seen, that's why he though they had done with the sorcerer. However, at the last moment, he returned the ball to Mystia. Aaron screamed. But the ball didn't hit Mystia. It hits Trico, who had shield her. "Trico !" she shouted, which made the vilain sneer. Trico was alive, but severely hurts. Mystia had burst into tears, letting Aaron face alone the wizard, for who he now felt a huge rage. That was just too much. Aaron's powers broke out. This guy had almost killed Trico, and that, Aaron wouldn't forgive it. At the moment, the young boy didn't realize what was happening ning ; it was kind like breathing out after holding back his respiration several minutes.


And then, blackout. *** Aaron woke up, sweating. Thanks god, it was just a dream. Wait. Why was he in an unknow room? And more important than that... Why the girl of his dream was standing next to him...? "Aaron!" she said. "I was afraid you didn't wake up. Are you all right? Âť He nodded. Memories were coming back. "Is Trico ...?" he began. "No, don't worry, he's all right. After you defeated Seraph, you know, the wizard, some friends of mine came and rescued him. Your case was more complicated, you had no physical damage." She paused, looking at him straight in the eyes. "Aaron. Thank you. You saved my land and permitted me to finally get my revenge with that... swine! I'll never be grateful enough." *** Some days later, Aaron, Mystya, Trico and all the people living in the Other World began to rebuild the castle. It was not as dark as it was when Seraph was occupying the place. Furthermore, since their victory, Aaron and Mystya had get closer and closer, but this is another story...



Spain (Valencia)




Carles Nacho


Enki Yann





Uxue G


Janire T Asier









Uxue M Iraitz

Garikoitz Irene Nereida





Mathis Thibault

Naël Damien



Thalia Alexan


Raquel Catarina I.

Maria Catarina G.









Clément Laëtitia

Duarte Lara


Érica Daniel




dra Francesca Sara


Federico Valentina

Matilde Francesca Elisa

Niccolò Saverio

V. Celeste


Assma Madhi

Sofia Rui

Group 7


Group 6


Group 5


Group 4

Janire V Eneko G Eneko A

Group 3

Group 2 Eder

Joseba Mikel






Group 8

Spain (País Vasco)

Group 1

The students:

Edoardo M.

Ludovica Diego


Paolo Samuele

Sindri Tommaso Federico An.

Lorenzo Martino Domenico Alessandro Edoardo D.

And their teachers: Antonio Villanueva Echeverría (SP Pais-Vasco), Nathalie Hoang (FR), Caroline Yaich (FR), Carmen Pérez Navarro (SP Valencia), Maria Luisa Tibaldeschi (IT), María Jesús Parets (SP Valencia), Paolo Sirabella (IT), Raquel Forca (PO)


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