How to Build Authentic Relationships in the Virtual Classroom Manual

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How to Build Authentic Relationships in the Virtual Classroom Manual

5to Mpp

In this manual, you will find strategies that will help you as a teacher to improve and give better virtual classes as well as have a better work environment because it helps you both with students, parents, and colleagues.

Parents are a fundamental part of the child in the distance learning process because the physical support that the children receive depends on them since, through a screen, our reach may not be 100 percent, so here are some strategies to improve with them. 1. Take advantage of the link: We need to form a school-home link to have better communication with parents and involve them in a certain way, this can help us to create WhatsApp groups, emails to parents and even applications of the school itself. 2. Give it a structure: parents need to know what they are going to work with their children so they should have a program with as much information as possible. 3. Shared interest: It is very important that parents trust you so we must show interest in the safety and learning of students so we must have a backup of everything that happens. 4. Involve parents: Involving parents in the education of their children increases communication between them, their relationship becomes stronger and even the students get better results while also helping with communication with the teacher. 5. Involvement in decision making: Schools can support parents to be leaders through training in decision making and how to communicate with other parents who represent their children's interests.

Another very important aspect for your class to flow in a better way is to create this safe environment for both parents and students and thus be able to have a better communication environment where your students feel safe with you and their classmates, so here are 5 strategies to create a safe environment. 1. Everything must be thought of with children in mind 2. Understand their emotions: When being at a distance it is more difficult to know what is happening to them so we must always give that support. 3. Provide stability: This helps the students to have an environment where they also feel stable. 4. To reflect confidence in ourselves: This is very important because everything depends on how we start, it will also influence how the children start. 5. Be pleasant: The way you treat your students will also have a great influence on the security they feel in your class, so you should always be pleasant and attentive.

Emotions in the classroom are something fundamental so we will talk about them too, children feel, they are not robots so you can find strategies to know about them: 1. We are role models: We should always control our emotions and not get carried away by anger or a bad feeling because we are the ones they imitate. 2. We talk about our feelings: Externalizing what we feel benefits us even with illnesses, we should guide them to talk about how they feel and encourage that it is normal to sometimes not be well. 3. We accept their feelings, even when they are inappropriate: The student must understand that emotions may not make them feel good but they are not dangerous either, so we must know how to listen and understand them. 4. We guide their behavior without punishing them: Punishments can only make things worse so we must help children to understand and find solutions to improve a moment that brought that feeling. As we are the models, we give them room to imitate us, so we should always behave correctly and set an example of how to deal with our emotions. Being virtual complicates many things, and we can not have that direct contact, but we should always ask them how they feel, you could even add a parental talk so they can support this process.

Learning should be fun, it should motivate children to awaken their interest in learning, so you can use these strategies for fun and meaningful games. 1. It must be structured and must have a reflection of what has been learned. 2. It can be of analysis of situations that can be faced from day to day for the student to develop critical thinking and decision making. 3. Imagination and creativity because can even develop emotional stability in the student. 4. Give different tools to be able to adapt to the world around them. 5. Games that can develop social skills as well as autonomy and independence. Playing brings many benefits such as learning quickly, developing different skills, encouraging creativity, among others.

Another aspect related to games, are the songs that children always like, both dancing and singing them and here are 5 reasons to include songs in your classes.

1. Music provokes in children an increase in the capacity of memory, attention, and concentration. 2. it stimulates the imagination. 3. stimulates the senses, balance, and muscle development. 4. Stimulates emotional intelligence 5. In this way children learn to socialize better.

There are many more strategies to renew and improve your class and to provide meaningful learning to your students, do not forget that they are the protagonists of their learning, but you must guide them on the right path. You can find many more strategies and you must put into practice and remember that distance education at some point is more complicated so always give your best effort that you are a great teacher.

References: Alvarez, L. (April 30, 2018). Kids and Clouds. Retrieved from

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Molina, T. G. (July 2014). Retrieved from

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Satillana. (May 14, 2020). Santillana. Retrieved from

Valdivia. (2016). Estudios Pedagógicos. Retrieved from Images:

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