Sheng Siong Brand Bible

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staying healthy together

Editor’s Letter

Thank you for picking up the 1st issue of Sheng Siong Brand Bible. Everything good begins at home. My main objective for Sheng Siong is to create and awareness that family should be the first thing in our minds. I want to provide young families the basic necessities they require by sourcing for the freshest products, quality foods — and peace of mind — to the individuals and families. I want to make Sheng Siong Singapore’s healthy neighbourhood supermarket and an online grocer that offers always-fresh, sustainably-grown produce foods. I want people to have an impression that Sheng Siong is lively, warm, and friendly in nature, enabling customers to recognise and remember that Sheng Siong is has top-quality foods, experienced service, and genuine connection. This issue will educate readers on how to shop smart and healthy at the same time save when shopping for grocery for themselves and their families. I would like to thank my lecturers, Terrence, Keith and Will for guiding me in the publication of this book. I would like to credit google, pexels and pinterest for my research data and photography.

Editor in Chief Farida Zohair







User Experience


Customer Observation


Brand Mission


Brand Manifesto


Brand Archetype


Brand Principles




Logo Variations


Logo Colors


Brand Typography


Marketing Collaterals




Using the App


Smart Guidelines Shopping


Healthy Recipes


Family Bonding


Lighting Concept


Spatial Experience


Brand Promise


Brand Personality





FRESHNESS YOU CAN TASTE VALUES YOU CAN TRUST This statement sums up the growing culture among the community to adopt a healthy and balanced lifestyle. More than just having fresh groceries, the concept expresses the purity, freshness, simplicity, and ethics that Sheng Siong wishes to associate, an online and offline shopping convenience provider that allows families to have heart-warming and relaxed shopping experience. Sheng Siong is a brand that understands customers’ needs to spend time where it matter most - at home with family.



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History Sheng Siong Supermarket, “born and bred” in Singapore, was founded in 1985 by the Lim brothers (Mr Lim Hock Eng, Mr Lim Hock Chee and Mr Lim Hock Leng). Prior to that, the Lim brothers were helping out at their father’s pig farm in Punggol. As the farm was facing an over-supply situation, Mr Lim Hock Chee and his wife rented a stall at one of the now-defunct supermarket chain stores in Ang Mo Kio (BLK 122 Ang Mo Kio Ave 3) to sell chilled pork.

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User Experience I go to Sheng Siong every week to shop for things that I require for my family. It is affordable and convenient for me and my family to get whatever we need anytime. ZAHIRAH ABDUL RAHMAN

Full- time working mother

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Customer Observation The research study showed that 50% customers in Sheng Siong buy items according to freshness of the products & products that are on sale. About 40% of the consumers pick up items without checking due to their trust in the freshness of the products. - 16 -

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Sheng Siong’s mission is to build a connection and relationship with consumers by staying healthy as a community.


Freshness that feeds the family Responsibly sourced food Ease of convenience Sharing with the community Honest in pricing

- 20 - Brand Manifesto

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Ever yman A sense of belonging and connection to others

- 22 - Archetypes

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Caregiver Provides structure to the world

- 24 - Archetypes

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The 3 core principles are, Strive to give you fresh food all the time, Low-priced and variety of products, Provide efficient ser vice that can ser ve more customers within the same period of time.

Loving Yo u r Family “I love to go grocery shopping and pick out the freshest vegetables and meat. I believe in cooking healthy for my family. My husband and daughters bring home food everyday to work and school.” INTERVIEW

Tasneem Doola


Mrs Tasneem Doola is a 52 year old woman who works full-time and at the same time cooks for her family everyday from breakfast to dinner. She wakes up at 5.30am everyday and prepares breakfast and lunch for her family to bring to work and school. She comes home at 7.30pm and prepares dinner for her family. Hardly anybody in her family eats outside food as they enjoy her scrumptious meals. Mrs Tasneem says, “love to go grocery shopping and pick out the freshest vegetables and meat. I believe in cooking healthy for my family. My husband and daughters bring home food everyday to work and school. The reason why I prefer my family to eat home cooked food is because they can save money at the same time take care of their diet and health.”

Mrs Tasneem also mentions that she goes grocery shopping every weekend to pick out the freshest fruits, vegetables and meat to prepare for the week. She mentions, “I go to the wet market early in the morning every saturday because thats when they have the most fresh meat and vegetables. The people know me there and they givea good price. If I had a choice to go to cooking school, I would have become a chef and write a book about how people can prepare healthy meals for their families by shopping smart and picking out fresh groceries at your local supermarket.” - 28 - Interview

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Cooking for you family means to love them. You care about their diet and health. I think the young generation today should be interested about their health. Its all about their interest and also abit of effort to buy groceries and prepare a meal. It takes just about 30-40 mins to prepare a simple meal for the day. I think the young generation these days are lazy because food is available to them everywhere, but they do not know the harm they are making to their bodies. Yes, healthy food is available outside as well but it costs alot. If it takes you 3 minutes to prepare a meal with simple boiled vegetables and fruits, why should you pay $10 for that meal? I have seen many young parents realizing that having children in SIngapore is expensive and the do make effort in cooking at home. They learnt late, but better late than never. You do not need to - 30 - Interview

prepare the same food everyday. You can make smoothies for brakfast. Simple boiled vegetables and meat, sandwiches or replacing your white rice with brown rice with same side dishes. All you need to do is start small and the rest will follow. You will see alot of difference in your physical and mental health. Another advise I would give is, you should not go grocery shopping by yourself. You should bring along your husband and children along. They will buy things they like to eat and it helps to educate the children as well. You can teach them alot of things in the 1 hour trip to the grcoery store. If the love it, they will go with you all the time. Be patient when you teach your children how to shop and cook. Give them a list on what things to get the first time and test them if they remember what they bought the previous time. - 31 -

My Home Food A designer lunch box designed by a product designer to encourage the young to bring their lunch from home

A Quick and easy way to prepare your food and bring it on a go


Sakina Zohair


Miss Sakina Zohair is a product designer and she designed a fancy, light and easy carry lunch bag. She says, “ My intention was to encourage the young working adults and students to bring their lunch from home. I think its very important for students to save money at the same time take care of their health. I wanted the lunch bag to look trendy as well”. You can pack your whole days meals in this lunch bag such as breakfast, lunch and snacks. You can also heat up your food with a USB cable with your laptop when you are working anywhere. I have gotten good response from my research regarding the lunch bag.




7 inch

4 inch

Prep & Go is a specially designed lunch bag which makes the whole experience of taking lunch, from planning and preparing, to tracking the nutritional value of your lunches everyday. Today’s technology can do tness tracking without much manual input, but that’s not the case with food tracking. It can measure your nutritional intake, and the best solutions right now require you to follow a food plan or log the information yourself, neither of which is ideal without some way of properly quantifying the food you’re eating.Also it can heat up your food while you are busy with yourwork. Simply just connect the lunch bag’s usb cable to your laptop and it will heat the food up in no time. - 32 - Interview

4.5 inch

4.5 inch

4.5 inch

7 inch

Prep & Go the whole preparing everyday

4 inch 10.5 inch

Today’s t manual in can meas right now mation yo way of pr

Also it can work. Sim laptop an


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Logo Va r i a t i o n s

Logo Colors

A new Sheng Siong logo to attract the young generation. The blue and green S represent Sheng Siong’s journey & milestones. The english and chinese words gives a traditional yet a modern feeling of the logo which attracts both young and old.

The colors used are blue and green, kept from the original logo for its brand identity.



- 34 - Logo

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Secondary Font: Futura Medium Italic

Brand Typography These are the fonts used for the logo and brand bible. This incoporates Sheng Siong to be modern and open to consumers.


Primary Font: Arial Rounded MT Bold

Secondary Font: Futura Condensed Medium



Secondary Font: Futura Medium

Secondary Font: Futura Condensed ExtraBold



- 36 - Brand Typography

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Marketing Collaterals

01 Photo one Sheng Siong grocery shopping tote bag

02 Photo two

New marketing collaterals for Sheng Siong to market to the younger generation.

Sheng Siong new website

03 Photo three Sheng SIong staff t-shirt

- 38 - Marketing Collaterals

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Collaborations Sheng Siong Intends to collaborate with GRAB to delivery groceries to people’s door step

- 42 - Collaboration

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Using the App 90% of participants said yes to order groceries through the application and using GRAB to get their groceries delivered to their doorstep. - 44 -

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Teaching my children about healthy food is the first few lessons that I want to focus on. The first step I took is bringing them grocery shopping and teaching them about food selections, labels, pricings and healthy diet - Nicole

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“If you keep good food in your fridge, you will eat good food.” - Foo Lin Dian - 50 -

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Preparing meals everyday is not an hassel, all it takes is initiative - Manisha Nishad

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Meat: With the hysteria around bacon, it’s easy to forget that there are cuts of meat that are lean and healthful. Try picking up a package of boneless meat. Low in fat, meat can be a great alternative to the overused chicken breast. Seafood: Fish and shellfish are low in calories and fat, and should be turned to time and time again for healthful eating. Pick up a bag of mussels or clams and steam with white wine and herbs. Your cart should be filling up at this point, but you have a few

Potatoes: Potatoes get a bad rap

also bag them up for a bite

because of their carbs, but really,

on the run.

more aisles to check out. Next, the frozen food sections.

Berries: During the summer,

frozen produce is a wonderful solution.

Frozen fruits and vegetables: Picked at their peak of freshness,

one russet potato contains about 150 calories and lots of potassium.

stock up on berries when They are an inexpensive and filling

they are cheap and plentiful.

vehicle for the addition of more

Usually a breakfast item,

vegetables, like sautéed spinach,

berries can also be tossed


into salads and eaten for





Bulk up when items are on sale and keep in your freezer for

and lunch, with leftovers rolled into new

cheese. Sweet potatoes also have a


lot going for them.

Ground meat: Try picking up a package

Assorted snack veggies: Carrots,

of lean ground chicken or turkey. Make

celery, cucumber, and bell peppers

a healthy burger or lightened-up whole-

are all great choices to have

wheat pasta dish. Ground lean proteins

on hand. Not only can they be incorporated into meals, but you can

Next, take a walk down the protein

offer endless options.Often on sale, buy

aisle. Because this week we’re

in bulk and freeze any meat you don’t


use up. Store up to three months.




vegetables, your protein list won’t be long. Buy three to four proteins

It’s always good to have leftover proteins

that can be used for both dinner

in your freezer as a backup plan.

dessert. Apples: Apples are the perfect snack on the run — try them with a little peanut or almond butter. Also, try coring and roasting apples with some cinnamon and brown sugar for a simple, healthful dessert. - 56 - Smart shopping guidelines

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Ingredients ½ c. Grated Parmesan cheese ½ c. whole-wheat bread crumbs 1¼ lb. thin chicken cutlets ¼ c. plain non-fat Greek yogurt ¼ tsp. dried oregano 1 lb. tomatoes ¼ c. finely chopped red onion ¼ c. chopped fresh basil leaves 2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil 1 clove garlic ½ tsp. crushed red pepper 8 oz. shredded fresh mozzarella 2 c. arugula - 58 -

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Get your Items from Sheng Siong

Directions Preheat oven to 475 degrees F. Spray jelly-roll pan with cooking spray. In large dish, mix Parmesan and crumbs. In medium bowl, toss chicken with yogurt, oregano, and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Dredge 1 cutlet in crumb mixture, pressing to adhere; place on prepared pan. Repeat with remaining cutlets. Sprinkle remaining crumbs on tops of cutlets; spray with cooking spray. Bake 10 to 15 minutes or until cooked through (165 degrees F). Meanwhile, in medium bowl, mix tomatoes, onion, basil, oil, garlic, red pepper, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1/8 teaspoon black pepper. Tomato mixture can be refrigerated up to 2 hours. Sprinkle mozzarella over tops of hot chicken. Divide arugula among 4 serving plates. Top with cutlets. Spoon tomato mixture on top.

- 60 - Recipes to eating healthy

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Family Bonding Why should you take your children to the grocery store? Learning about Money Money is a tricky concept to teach kids without hands on experience. If our kids grow up seeing us buy things, handle money, use bank cards, etc they will have a good, real life, foundation of experience on which to build their knowledge about money. Practicing Social Skills The supermarket is also a great place to experience and practice social skills such as waiting your turn, being respectful to others, speaking politely, asking for help, etc. Learning about Food Taking your kids shopping gives them an opportunity to see and learn about a wider variety of foods than just what comes home with you. It’s a great opportunity to talk about healthy foods, where food comes from, and may even help motivate a picky eater to try something new. It is also the starting point for teaching our kids about cooking, meal planning and budgeting so when they are adults they can plan, shop for, and cook a meal from scratch. Learning about Advertising and Labeling. They need to learn that brands use words like ‘healthy’ or ‘99% fat free’ to entice you to buy, not necessarily because the item is good for you. They need to know what issues are important when buying items – are you looking for a locally grown item? - 62 - Family bonding

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Lighting Concept Lighting Research By Philips Lighting for sales and Philips Lighting, and the store conducted a pilot research project examining the effect of colored LED lighting on customer sales. The study looked at the influence of different combinations of colored LED light on sales and customer behavior. According to Philips, the results showed that using colored uplights, together with the Philips StoreWise lighting concept helped increase sales. At the same time, the LED lighting delivered energy savings of up to 75 percent compared to conventional lighting. The experiment employed sensors in the ceiling and within 300 shopping carts to monitor the customer movements along with purchase receipts. The researchers looked at the customer presence in each display area and compared that with customer purchases from each area. Researchers tested different light conditions in the 180 square meter display area. The store equipped the display area with Philips StoreWise and an LED lighting system. The researchers compared the effects of the three different lighting scenes, uniform ceiling lighting, normal spotlights, and a combination of spotlights and pastel colored uplights. Combination of spotlights and pastel-colored uplights was most attractive. The study showed that buyers found the light from a combination of spotlights and pastel-colored up-lights to be most attractive. Eight percent more goods were purchased from this specially-lit area. The same lighting combination with colored light also led to the best dwell times in this area of action and compared to the usual shop lighting, an increase in customer visits by 15 percent.

- 64 - Lighting Concept

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- 66 - Lighting Concept

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Sheng Siong intends to be different from the other retail places, investing in a healthy mindset and connecting through space. - 68 -

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Sheng Siong’s brand promise is quality, affordability, variety of products - 70 -

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Wholesome,Down-to-earth & friendly

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Credits: Keith Tan Terrence Will Colen Tasneem Doola Sakina Zohair Zahirah Abdul Rahman Manisha Nishad Foo Lindian References: www.

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Building a connection and relationship with consumers.

Sincere, honest & Cheerful - 78 -

Sheng Siong is Singapore’s healthy family supermarket that provides its consumers the best. Create healthy habits not restrictions.

Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.

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