Lipton Brand Bible

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Photographer Jessica Low 4










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Lipton tea was founded in 1890 by Sir Thomas Johnstone Lipton (10 May 1848 - 2 October 1931) who was a Scotsman, a successful merchant and a marketing genius who engaged in extensive advertising for his chain of grocery stores (Lipton Supermarket) and Lipton tea brand. He boasted that his secret for success was selling the best goods at the cheapest prices, harnessing the power of advertising, and always being optimistic. Tea used to be a drink for the wealthy. When Sir Thomas J. Lipton was travelling, he had a vision and found new solutions to bring tea to everyone.



Photographer Jessica Low 12

Photograph from Lipton




02 Introduction

46 Collaboration

10 Sir Thomas Johnstone Lipton

48 Campaign

16 Space Tea culture 22 Opinion A tea appreication experience 24 Programme Performance Genres that happens in that space 38 Interviews and surveys Habits and memory of consumers 36 Comments Lipton Tea in daily lifes collected from instagram 40 Sustainability 42 Adaptation How Lipton changed lives


50 Opinion Tea customisation 52 Behind the Scenes Process of brewing tea 66

Performer’s voice Performer’s story


Brand Story Lipton’s Identity

86 Savory Tea with Food 88 Sweet Tea Dessert 90 Twist Tea with alcohol and spices 92 References


SPACE Tea culture is the basis of everything that will happen in the space.

The way tea is made and consumed, the way the people interact with tea, and the aesthetics surrounding tea drinking. It includes aspects of tea production, tea brewing, tea arts and ceremony, society, history, health, ethics, education, and communication and media issues. It is commonly consumed at social events, and many cultures have created intricate formal ceremonies for these events.


Photographer Russell Chan Lipton


There is a wide variety of teas available to suit everybody’s tastes. True tea comes from the Camellia Sinensis which is the source of black, white, green & oolong tea. Other ‘teas’ are Herbal or Fruit Infusions which characteristically use leaves, flowers or other parts of plant or fruit to create exciting flavours. Tea has health benefits for the heart and the mind and assists in hydration. All tea contain naturally occuring caffeine , theanin and flavonoids which together work to keep the health and the mind healthy.


Photographer Russell Chan Lipton


All teas and herbs are not created equal.

Lipton wants to teach everyone how to brew a perfect cup of tea, and we want tea lovers to teach themselves the best tea combination and benefit they can brew for themselves. Just like cooking, different types of teas and herbs often should be brewed at different temperatures or for different time to extract the best flavours and benefits and achieve the best tasting tea one can have. There’s nothing like relaxing and sipping your favorite tea. Not only does it taste amazing, but it can also provide a host of health benefits because of its powerful chemicals known as polyphenols and phytochemicals.


Photographer Jessica Low Lipton



Photograph courtesy of Kristin Lee 22

Kristin Lee Preschool Teacher Such tea houses doesn’t only serve you the tea, but they tell you what you are drinking and teach you the way to prepare it. It made me feel a sense of achievement and so interested to know more. They serve normal green and black teas to premium tea like Da Hong Pao Tea or Long Jing Tea. You get to choose the kind of tea you want, it’s all Although the culture of tea is not chinese tea. very wide or authentic in Singapore, if you look hard enough, My husbund and I have never there are a few places that is still stopped exploring teas. We even holding onto the tradition art of bought our own tea set from a brewing and they are more than couple of countries that we willing to teach that art and not let travelled to because we this culture die. appreciate the whole package of drinking tea and it is a knowledge There used to be a few tea houses that we spread to our friends and and tea places around Chinatown family as well. area and I enjoyed going there. I enjoyed the whole process of learning how to brew a pot of tea, ever small details plays a part, from how we handle our tea leaves, to the heat of the water, to steeping, appreciation using our five sense. We also learnt about the different types of tea cups and tea pots for different kind of tea. It was all done on a tatami setting which made the whole experience even more unique. I used to be a coffee lover but I cannot drink coffee now because I’ll have palpitation and migraine and it can get very bad. It is quite a good change in lifestyle. Not only did I get to learn another kind culture through tea, I am also introduced to it’s medicinal benefits and the art of brewing tea.



PROGRAMME Lipton celebrates individual stories in a common space.

Our competitiveness lies in the prices, quality, atmosphere and memory it creates. It is an engaging and interactive place to gather. With the effort that goes into planning and performance selection, there is quite a diverse range of genres represented.

Photograph taken from 24

Flash mob

To catch everyone in surprise is the best memory we can give. 1 Performance will take place between 8pm - 10pm, any day of the month. No guarantees to how it may occur.


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Passion allows you to let go of the world for a time. Artists tells a story not through their voices but their character, bodies, often in relation to other objects, to convey an artistic expression and tell a story. Every audience’s experience is unique after a piece as they immerse into a storyline that they can relate to from the dance and story that was told.

Photographer Fayanne Tan 26


The idea of creation and storytelling through music. Join the journey of expression and listen to local talents and fresh blood as they sing their original songs. Local artist, songwriters will be invited every alternate Wednesday for a mid week boost. Special performance on National music day.



Public Speaking

Showcaseing the varied talents and pushing them to think fast on their feet to respond cogently to an impromptu speech topic. Performers and participants may join as solo or groups. This encourages them to hone their public speaking skills, foster closer bonds among themselves in a conducive and interactive environment.


Stand Up Comedy

Laugh till your sides split! Laughter is the best medicine, and we’ve got just the prescription for you right here. Gather the troops for a laughing sesh with these hilarious stand-up comedy shows. From slapstick jokes to humour as dry as the tannin in your tea, get ready to go red with delight. Performance by will be held 2 nights in a row every month.

Photograph taken from aspirantsg Lipton


Spoken Word Poetry

Features works from established and aspiring local poets who celebrates the nation’s multi-racial and multi-lingual society. Special collaboration with Singapore National Poetry Festival for the month of October - Regardless of Race


Story Telling

Family night, every Saturday. To promote the practice and appreciation of oral storytelling, we welcome anyone who wants to listen to stories.

Photograph courtesy of Kiren Lipton


Special Talk Sessions

Intimate conversations with existing and nonexisting performers of the programmes where we will learn about their pasts, struggles and other intriguing sides that are rarely seen or heard, in and out of the spotlight.


Photographer Russell Chan Lipton


INTERVIEWS 1. What do you remember when you think of Lipton?

2. Where do you see Lipton?

3. Is Lipton your go-to brand of beverage?

Karuna Lee Banker 1. Very familiar and homely. Yellow tags, ice lemon tea, it is very classic, their milk teas and the varity of tea blends. 2. Supermarkets and online retails stores. 3. Yes, it is one of the first choices I will look at when I look for tea. 4. 4-7 cups a week, depending on how stress I am and how’s the weather because I like drinking cold tea. 5. Nothing particularly special. 6. Honey and Cinnamon Green Tea.

Cynthia Ong Housewife 1. Their packaging because it is environmentally friendly and their price. 2. Supermarkets and a few other places. 3. No. 4. I try to keep it maximum 3 cups a week but it can go up to 6, which is almost 1 cup a day. 5. The service crew at the place I went to, made an extra effort in service for the family when there are kids. 6. Iced milk red tea.

Nicholas Tan Mechanical Engineer 1. The fruity aroma that they have for some of their blends. The classic yellow tag and their yellow packaging. 2. Supermarts and provision shops. 3. Not really, no. 4. I’m a tea addict. I drink more than 7 cups a week! I can have it either accompany all my meals or have it after my meals. My colleagues joke that I am made of 90% tea. 5. The gatherings that I have with my relatives. It is usually a very intimate meet up especially when cousins make an effort to meet up once every few months besides the regular yearly celebrations such as Chinese New Year. 6. Chai tea.

Jane Seow Accountant 1. Classic milk tea and ice lemon tea at a very affordable price. Not forgetting their yellow tea tags too. 2. Event places, my office, supermarkets. 3. Yes 4. I drink about 7 cups a week. I usually limit myself to 1 per day so that I still get my kick of needed sweet or flavoured drink but I won’t go overboard. Tea is quite a good choice for coffee replacement too so I go more for that. 5. A tea session after a friend’s birthday celebration. It was a good way to wind down after a very heavy dinner. It was a good and nice time to really talk to my friend over tea too, since dinner was blistering with chit chats and laughter with a bigger group, that was a more intimate session. 6. Classic earl grey.


4. How many cups of tea do you drink in a week?

5. What was the most memorable experience you had at a tea house?

6. What is your favorite tea blend?

Su Hui Preschool Teacher 1. Their advertisement, because I saw it as I passed by the bus stop the other day. 2. Pantry. Our pantry always stocks Lipton ice lemon teas. 3. Go-to, maybe not. But I do take it into consideration when buying tea. 4. I only drink about 2 or 3 cups a week. It depends on what I feel like having when I am out for lunch. It is usually soda, fruit juice or tea. 5. I tried an exotic tea range over dinner with my husband overseas. We had a nice tour on tea knowledge and their origin. It was a really nice and calming experience with a little spice. 6. Masala tea.

Jasmine Seet Interior Designer 1. Yellow! 2. Usually in the supermarkets. 3. No. 4. More than I can count. I don’t really like water since it’s rather tasteless so I usually drink black or green tea. I have a whole drawer of tea bags. 5. An interesting tea art experience with my then boyfriend. We learnt the art of brewing Japanese tea that evening. 6. Ice green tea.

Eugene Koh Chef 1. The aroma that comes with their signature yellow tea bags. I’m not sure what is it but Lipton’s yellow tea bags just smells a little different. Different good. 2. Supermarkets. 3. Yes. It’s almost like my comfort zone. 4. I drink 7 cups a week. Just one cup every night whilst having my quiet time to end my busy day. It allows me to sleep well at night, after a cup of hot tea. 5. Helping my best friend organised his proposal to his wife. It was truely a once in a lifetime experience. Never had I ever had to lie so much and not feel guilty at all and when the moment came, I was sure I held my breath so that I could hear her answer clearly. 6. Chamomile and ginger tea.

Veronica Goh Marketing Executive 1. The varity of tea blends. 2. Supermarkets and a few other places. 3. No. 4. About 4 cups a week. If I am not drinking tea after lunch, it means I am having desserts. 5. I remember the calming and comfortable ambience, the barista and staff were very willing to share their knowledge and recommendations about the menu and our choices for dinner that night too. 6. Mango and peach ice tea.


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Those surveyed were asked about their memory of Lipton. All of the participants knows the brand Lipton. 92% of the participants said that it is a brand that they always notice in convenient stores and supermarkets. 78% of the participants remembered Lipton’s signature Yellow Tea Tags. 62% can not remember when was the last time they bought Lipton Tea. 4% remembers them by their advertisement. None of them relates service and innovation with the brand.

Those surveyed were asked about their habits, preferences and other opinions

8 out of 9 every participants feel that Tea is a healthier option.

55 out of 90 participants prefer drinking tea.

Of those who prefers tea, 37 of them drinks up to 3 cups a week, 15 of them drinks up to 7 cups a week, 2 of them drinks more than 7 cups a week 36

Top answers for chosing tea.

Influenced by friends/ relatives

They believe that tea has more health benefits

They loved the variety tea has

Can’t drink coffee due to health reasons

Taste nicer to them because it is lighter in flavour


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@va****** A love for tea #tisanatime #withlove #finchel #liptontea @andrea_merlini_

@ia****** My way to rest #lipton #liptontea Oct 10, 2017

Oct 18, 2017

@jo****** When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself. #thankful #liptontea #lipton #hospital #light #life Oct 4, 2017

@ba****** One tea bag two types of tea is that ok or naw #englishstyle #lipton #liptontea Sept 8, 2017

@sa****** The beauty and hope in your heart, with the desire not to be consumed. Good evening everyone #liptontea #sallamaçay #balkonkeyfisi #keyifzamani #kadıncasunum #sunumönemlidir #keyiflisunumlar Sept 6, 2017

@jo****** Pre-workout meal Wild-grain rice cake with peanut butter, Small banana, Green tea. #noguilt #preworkout #snack#healthyfood #liptontea #lipton #greentea #fruit #cleaneating #breakfast #fitness #southafrica #easterncape Sept 5, 2017


@cr****** Saturday readings in the kitchen table with a cup of tea and a Christmas scented candle. A slight music on the back ground. #shawnmcdonald #closer #yankee #makeyourbed #makeyourbedbook #tea #liptontea #love #mug #rainyday #newbooks

@ca****** Today I start with a fabulous English Breakfast Organic of #liptontea, an intense 100% Assam black tea and coming from northeast of India. #tealover #breakfast #breakfasttime #breakfastclub #breakfastlover

@sa****** Oh, it was delicious rice was also delicious, I ate a lot and the best True everyone is a wonderful person! ! #Enjoyable #Alsogoing totheordinary #nicepeople #I’mhappy # Thankyoueveryone #lipton Aug 27, 2017

Aug 23, 2017 Aug 19, 2017

@he****** Morning Tea, Lipton Tea.

@du****** New Day #lipton #evade thework

Aug 7, 2017

@mi****** #lipton why we are so happy Sept 24, 2017

Sept 16, 2017


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SUSTAINABILITY Lipton is committed to sourcing all of our tea in this sustainable way by 2015. As Lipton touches many parts of the world, we work with the Rainforest Alliance to ensure that our tea is sourced sustainably, and workers get a fair deal. The Rainforest Alliance is an independent organization that works with individuals, communities and companies to reduce environmental impacts and increase social and economic benefits. By choosing tea that’s certified by the Rainforest Alliance, consumers are making a positive difference to the future.


We believe Lipton packaging should keep your tea fresh with minimal harm to the planet. Lipton family-size boxes use over 40% less material than our previous packaging. To reduce our environmental footprint, we’ve removed the individual paper wraps and made the boxes more compact.


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Photograph courtesy of Jasmine Chong 42

Jasmine Chong Founder and instructor of Yoga Lab.

It started in 2015 when I was plagued by acne problems. It caused me so much stress that I considered not teaching hot yoga. I tried juice cleanses to detox, thinking that it will help cleanse my skin and it would clear up but the pimples will return in 2-3 weeks with a vengeance. I was angry and determined to get better. So I started on a new skin-care journey. I now have a healthy glow and no more pimples! My answer, exercise and tea. Exercising definitely helps because that’s the base line. You need to sweat and detox. I called my friend, Tricia for help and she introduced me to teatoxing - specifically using Lipton yellow labels. It is cheap and it works so I am sticking to it. Besides drinking it, I applied the leftover tea leaves on the affected area. Initially I do it once everyday but now, I have reduce to 3 times a week. Tricia was just as determined to make my skin better and she opened the door for me to understand the benefits of tea - using tea as a herb too. Drinking tea has become a good habit now and besides sharing tips for yoga and meditation, I share tea knowledge with my students as well.



Photograph courtesy of Benedict Ho 44

Benedict Ho Personal Fitness Consultant Then I saw it, Lipton Green Tea and I remembered everything that was told to me about the benefits of green tea by my friends and family. Now, I am one of them and I can’t say enough about it, besides that it’s cheap, tastes great, burns My morning choice of energy boost fat and most importantly, gives me was Red Bull and I found that my that jolt in the morning to get out of energy level crashes after just a few bed and be productive. hours and, let’s keep it real: they’re not healthy at all. I’ve lost that stubborn fat layer around my waist. I needed a new solution. If you’re addicted to Red Bulls, I tried doing morning smoothies Monsters and Coffee, try this out that are healthy, but the last thing and see the difference for yourself. I want to do is peel and prep a smoothie. I want to get an instant jolt of energy without taking 10 minutes to prep for it. I’m one of those who has a hard time waking up. I slipped into the classic habit that so many find themselves in, which is cracking open an energy drink first thing in the morning.




Gym and yoga parlours often offer beverages such as tea to their customers as a healthier and more flavourful option besides water. However, their knowledge of why tea is good for pre and post workout is limited.

Photograph courtesy of Jasmine Chong 46

Lipton is making wellness more accessible for busy people. Enjoy a daily cup or two to supplement your varied balance diet – made with carefully selected botanicals and blended with essential oils, helps make wellbeing a part of your everyday routine. Tea can boost exercising endurance and increase the body’s ability to burn fat as fuel. It is hydrating to the body, and has been found to improve bone mineral density and strength.


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The start of ‘Tee for tea’ Campaign is one of the many ways Lipton used to raise brand awareness as well as increase customer engagement. This seasonal campaign is one of Lipton’s effort to increase the number of things a brand can do for sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Customers are encouraged to bring their old clothes in exchange for a pack of tea at Lipton stores.





Photograph courtesy of Fala Kapur 50

Fala Kapur Preschool Teacher I drink tea on a daily basis. I like tea It might be good to have a blend for its digesting effects you know, that helps with everything if not most and the medicinal properties. of my issues and maybe I can have a new favorite tea blend too. Might I visited a tea factory in Sri Lanka not just be for the health benefits. I and I learnt alot about how tea was think it will be a very therapeutic made, and all the different types of experience. tea. Like Broken Orange Pekoe tea, it’s a very pure and high grade I visit the gym often and they serve tea with high medicinal properties. pure tea because they’re promoting a healthy lifestyle. It was a form of appreciation for me. We learned about the different My gym recommend us to drink the ways of making it, blending it. green tea that they offer before the session, to help boost metabolism I guess this kind of activities helps and lose weight. It might be good bring together different races if the gym can offer a special blend and culture and learn about the that helps with such things. health and medicinal properties. How they make tea at different Overall, I want to appreciate tea places, where did the tea influence with friends and family in a good come from. Every tea story has their and nice environment. I want it to history behind it. be an experience we can have together. Then there’s also customisation of tea and tea flower mix. Famous companies are promoting the benefits of tea in the very concentrated form to help us with our metabolism. I am interested to try making my own tea blends.




It is easy to brew a simple cup of tea at home just for a taste of it but it is more than that when one starts engaging all of their senses to suss out a tea’s quality: look for good colour, touch for not-too-crunchy leaf, smell for a satisfying aroma. There is no need for expensive gear for a cup of humble tea. All you need is the right ratio and patience. 52

Items that you will need. Hot water Tea infuser Desired tea leaves and herb mix.

Photographer Jessica Low Lipton

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Following a recipe or according to taste, add the selected tea and herb mix into the tea strainer.



Water should not be boiled to more than 80 degree celsius in general unless otherwise stated. We want the tea and herb mix to infuse into the water, not forcing it out which more often than not, will leave the ‘good stuff’ behind.




Pour hot water and add the tea infuser in, swirling the infuser a couple of times. This movement allows tea leaves and herbs in it to move and loosen up after it hits the hot water, for maximum infusion.




Allow the tea to steep for 3 to 5 minutes then adjust the time to suit your taste or colour.




For milk tea lovers, warm up your milk while your tea is steeping and pour it after the tea has been completed infusion.







PERFORMER’S VOICE By teaming up with some of the most influential artist, Lipton has placed itself in the ideal position to usher in a new company renaissance with their programme. It’s stage is an opportunity for performers to interact with audiences at an intimate level during certain talk sessions.


Photographer Russell Chan Lipton

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Kumarason Chinnadurai Kumar as him, not the drag queen. Kumar is probably the most prominent funnyman that Singaporean knows and loves as a stand-up comedian. Even edging close to the age of 50, Kumarason Chinnadurai remains a regular figure in the entertainment circuit, often seen juggling multiple jobs as TV host, actor and stand-up stints at various bars and clubs. His onstage personality is often as loud as the outfits he wears as a drag queen but being Singapore’s most recognisable funnyman comes at an extremely high cost. “It (stand-up comedy) was very hard, because there was no history in Singapore for such things. Nobody did comedy, nobody did drag queen. So the police were at my back. Because they wanted to know what is it all about, what are the jokes going to do. All the jokes were knock knock jokes - why did the chicken cross the road, then I slowly pushed the boundaries. I can’t date. Because they can’t handle it.

Photograph from ‘Laughing Till It Hurts’ 68

Once there was a performance I did at Hard Rock Cafe. I realised there was a man sitting right in front of the stage, on a wheelchair, and I knew he had a stroke. He came to watch me. At Hard Rock Cafe, you’ll have to climb up the steps. So somehow they managed to carry him. I knew he was not able to speak properly but I think he was able to hear so his head was tilted. At the end of the night I thanked him. And I said it is people like you who make us, stand-up comedians keep going. His wife or sister said something to him, and all he did was lift up his hat, like I heard you. That’s good enough. That puts all my problems behind me. Because I’ve made one man happy.” - Kumar


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Photograph from hnworth article 70

Irene Ang The parable of the talents. Irene Ang is probably most recognizable as Rosie Phua, the wife of Singapore’s most beloved ah-beng Phua Chu Kang. She started out as an insureance agent and now, people know her as the founder and CEO of FLY Entertainment. “ In life, we always see these 3 kinds of people. The risk takers such as the entrepreneurs, and businessman. They dare to dream and they go ahead with the leap.

They are also those who are fearful of rejections - they decided that they will fail before they even started. Lastly, those who have a talent but does not do anything about it. If you have a talent. You have to harness it and expand it, bring it to the best that you can. You need to make mistakes with it to learn more about it. I only have 1 talent. Look where I am now.” - Irene Ang

The safe people whom have little talent but make the best out of it.


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Lipton is no doubt one of the best known tea company in the world. After more than a century, Lipton continues to uphold the founder’s legacy, to bring affordable tea to everyone, whilst maintaining optimism and a quirky way of storytelling. Lipton understands the notion of being less is more and even if it is a new century with whole new audience, it will never stop sharing the knowledge of what they know best.

Photograph from pexels 72

It is almost impossible to talk about Lipton without mentioning Sir Thomas J. Lipton as this is not only his name, but it is a true reflection of his character and personality. Sir Thomas J. Lipton came from a humble background and did not get all the support he could when he started his grand plan. However, he saw the opportunity of simply providing people what they want, and he went for it. “People must eat...and the store that tempted people to buy goods would never be empty of customers” - Sir Thomas J. Lipton. He has always had the wit in him, therefore it was with stunts and advertising that Lipton was to make his mark. He gave people a new way of experiencing a simple event such as at the opening of his first supermarket, he imported the world’s largest cheese wheel and even issued his own Lipton currency, which is now known as coupons.


He advertised Lipton with the collaboration of a comic artist and eventually brought the comic to life. Couple years later, when his first tea chests arrived in Glasgow he put on a party, completed with brass band and bagpipe parade. He was also the first to print tea brewing instructions on the tea bags itself. Lipton’s ways of creating stories and topics of discussion gave people memories and experience which is what makes Lipton today. A humble tea that is known and remembered by everyone.


When the way of drinking tea began to change, and then came the influence across cultures, so did the packaging, process and the way Lipton present itself. Lipton organises culture wide performances at worldwide events to bring people closer to each other by adapting to their common interest. It understands that even as a brand as old as it is, it needs to evolve and keep up with the new generation. Spreading the word of tea had not been easy but some things will stand the test of time. Lipton also believes that health and knowledge should be a habit and a craving. As the interest for tea appreciation, tea knowledge and culture increases once again, and whilst consumers look for the most authentic experience they can in this modern world, Lipton wants to give them more than what they think they want. Because although it looks like we are going back to the roots of tea, doing the same thing might not always be the same again because we, ourselves have changed. Lipton understands the power of a community having a common goal and see it as the oppourtunity for the collaboration of tea with artist and fitness parlours. It is typical for people to share their knowledge, give tips and experience with one another. 74

With little effort, people can relate to each other’s stories because they feel that they have been there, in their shoes. Or topics will be sparked, what did they learn from someone else’s experience. Lipton is the platform that brings people closer one another and brings them closer to history and knowledge. It was always Lipton’s job to be the exciting one, to be the one telling people the story. Now, Lipton becomes a platform that allows others to share their stories through its space. And Lipton wants to ensure that consumers would still conveniently get quality guaranteed tea fix from the nearest store. Having a tea house is a new way of engaging customers of Lipton. It has never been done before, even though it is more than a hundred years old. Becoming the platform for communication, and interaction is one of the best ways to connect with Lipton’s audiences again.

Lipton define that positive pressure is a thing which helps you move forward, break your limits and develop yourself. We strive to be a platform that stimulates curiosity and fuels knowledge. We embrace diversity, and encourages creativity to create a rewarding and perfect tea moment.

Have a cup of Positivitea.

Photographer Jessica Low Lipton


Logo specifications Coloured Logo

40mm Minimum size for Lipton’s logo to be placed on any collatorals is 40mm.

C-2 M-6 Y - 77 K-0 C-0 M - 23 Y - 83 K-0 C - 20 M - 100 Y - 100 K - 13


Black on white Logo

White on black Logo

Corporate colours C-2 M-6 Y - 77 K-0

C - 69 M-4 Y - 96 K-0

C-0 M - 23 Y - 83 K-0

C - 84 M - 10 Y - 100 K-0

C - 20 M - 100 Y - 100 K - 13

C - 31 M - 51 Y - 70 K-9

They symbolise optimism, drive, passion, and nature.





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SAVORY Chicken with Glass/ Yellow Noodles served in Green Tea Chicken Broth with Garlic, Mushrooms.


Shrimps that were smoked with tea, rice, brown sugar, and tossed in spices, served on top of salad.


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Green tea crepe cake served with choped pecans.


Assorted tea flavoured ice cream.




Warm Lipton Lemon Ginger Tea, Baileys Original Irish Cream, Cardamom, Cloves, Sugar.


Lipton Citrus Tea, Brandy, Lemon Juice, Honey, Cinnamon


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Reference Publisher/Editor Jessica Low

Photographers Benedict Ho Elfi Fala Kapur Fayanne Tan Jasmine Chong Kiren Kristin Lee Russell Chan

Performers Interviews Laugh Till It Hurts Kumarason Chinnadurai, 2016 Hnworth Article Irene Ang, 2015 Tedx Talk Irene Ang, 2014


Opinions Benedict Ho Fala Kapur Jasmine Chong Kristin Lee

Specia Thanks Make A Copy Pte Ltd

Others Lipton Story of Sir Thomas J. Lipton Pexels Photo Instagram Comments on Instagram

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