D22M | Makai Messenger - June 2024

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13 ISSUE 1
LTG Activities DLT Messages Articles & Visuals Upcoming Events July SOSP and Project Ideas District & International Updates 2
Past Events June Calendar Division & District Goals Monthly Recognition Resources Contact Info 3

My name is Malakai Keawe-Correa and I’m serving as your Lieutenant Governor for this 2024-2025 term! If you don’t know, here's a brief introduction. My home club is Hilo High School where I served as Secretary last year. I love to run, live to eat, and enjoy debate occasionally. This term is already moving super fast and we’ve already made it to the third month of this new term. I'm super excited for everyone to progress and grow throughout the term!

As we get into this term I’d like to say that in order to succeed we’re going to need YOUR HELP! Everyone can help in a unique way whether that be getting out to service projects and getting hours, recruiting your friends who are interested in Key Club, or planning club events. Everything you do matters and helps the division greatly so get out there and do your best! Thank you for reading this issue of the Makai Messenger and if you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me!

United Through Service,

Malakai Keawe-Correa Division 22 Makai Lieutenant Governor

I went to the Spring Board Training Conference (SBTC) hosted by the California-Nevada-Hawaii District executives. Here I participated in approving the district budget, numerous training workshops,andicebreakers.Inthedistrictbudgetwemanagedto get Hawaii, Region 18, $2,700 in assistance for travel to District Convention.Ialsoparticipatedinworkshopscoveringthebasicsof Lieutenant Governor duties and much more. Additionally I met different Lieutenant Governors from across the district and made manynewconnections!


In case you haven’t heard of me, I’m Johnray Salud and I welcome you to the first issue of this volume’s Makai Messenger! LasttermIservedastheNewsEditorofKauaiHighSchoolKeyClub, and it’s an honor being next in line to keep you mighty opihis updatedthroughoutthis2024-2025term.

I’m sure a majority of you are excited that summer is here! That means another well deserved break from the stresses of school and more time to spend with family, friends, or even just yourself (everyoneneedsalittlealonetime!).KeyClubhasplentyofservice projects and events in store this month, so I encourage you all to put some hours aside to participate in as many as you can! Being the new DNE, I also encourage submitting ARTICLES & VISUALS to your club, as we want to document all the hard work you put into this great community. Enjoy this fun little ocean-themed issue as we makethemostofJunetogether!

SEA you all later,

Division 22 Makai News Editor

Aloha Makai! This is Maui’s Division Assistant, Raven Bugtong, popping by to let you all in on some of Maui’s haps! In Maui, we have Baldwin, King Kekaulike, and Maui High School continuing their service to the community by promoting charitable organizations, local areas, and a healthylifestyle.

Baldwin and Maui High Key Club are planning fundraisers that'll be held throughout July, like a carwash with a local partner, to fund future region and district events. Maui High is also offering beach clean-ups where volunteers would pick up any objects at different points thatcouldharmtheenvironment.KingKekaulike will help out at a rummage sale at Kahului Elementary School, beautifying their campus to maintain an attractive learning environment for students.

Forthosewhoareunabletomakeittoin-person projects, the 3 clubs are offering online options with the Free Rice organization, where they answer questions that trigger financial payments to the World Food Programme. Poster-making to promote health and safety is another option that’sprovidedforthoseonline.

As the Officer Training Conference approaches, we are without a doubt excited to see Makai in action and I can certainly say that Maui has beenworkingmorecloselythanever,creatinga greatstarttoanefficientsummer!

Hello Makai! My name is Talia Farrington, and I’mgoingtobeajunioratKapaaHighSchool.I currently serve as the Division Assistant of Kauai,andourclubshavespentagreatpartof our summer partaking in many service projects thatsupportourcommunity.

At Kapaa Key Club, members have been attending beach clean-ups and tree planting. KauaiHighhasbeendoingbeachclean-upsas well at Lydgate and weekly bingo sessions with the elderly at Wilcox Medical Center. Some one-time projects this past June include the Pride Parade, where members helped set up tents for different vendors, along with the Taste of Hawaii, an event where Key Clubbers helped chefs who showcased their delicious cuisines by providing them with supplies and throwingawaytheirtrash.

Soon,Kauaiwillbevolunteeringtimeduringthe upcoming Obon season, particularly the Kauai Bon Dances. Members will help out at the food booths and parking to get participants in that festivespirit!

Perhaps the most exciting news for Kauai, however, is the formation of a new club: WaimeaKeyClub! Itisstillaworkinprogress,so IwillsharemoreupdatesasIgetmoreinvolved with my role. I can’t wait to see what this term has in store for us as we continue to give back thistimeofyear!



The May DCM took place on May 19th, 2024 at 12:30 p.m. EachislandmetupinpersonwiththeBigIslandatHiloHigh and Kealakehe at Kealakehe High School, Maui at Baldwin High, and Kauai at Kauai High. At the DCM some things we discussed include DCON, DLT, OTC, RTC, and ICON. After the DCM the islands did a service project, on the Big Island that being genki ball throwing, and on Maui and Kauai, cardmaking.


JUNE 3: MRF, Articles & Visuals Monthly Recognition Submission Deadline

JUNE 5: SOSP Submissions Deadline

JUNE 22-23: OTC!


SUN MON TUE WED THUR FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 23/30 24 25 26 27 28 29 9

Maui Math Circle

May 25, 2024 Elementary School. arranged volunteers High School Key final session of Maui Math Circle grades 3 to 5 advanced to lead the students projectwasasuccess

JBmhar Trinidad

On May 4th, I attended book sale, the an appropriate decrease of the into three groups book sale; another group where we fun new experience the train could positive atmosphere wasdefinitelyworth


Circle took place on 2024 at Pomaikai School. Sophia Kato volunteers from Maui Key Club to host the Maui Math Circle. Circle is a STEM-based educational program that teaches students advanced math topics. Each volunteer was assigned a grade and students according to a previously provided schedule. Overall, the successandwasanenjoyableexperience.

Trinidad | Kauai Key Club

attended a Book Sale event hosted at Lihue Public Library. At this librarian staff assigned us the task to organize books, put them in appropriate order, and help assist customers. As time went on, so did the the wide variety of books and buyers. Our efforts were soon split up groups assigned with different jobs: the group staying back with the another group to help put away books inside the library; and my we assembled a mini train for the kids to enjoy. It was definitely a experience for me, especially with how surprisingly difficult assembling be despite our group of 4. The kindness of the librarians and the atmosphere really made myself feel like an elementary student again. It worthparticipatinginandIhopetoexperiencemoreinthefuture.


Jenna Ishigo | Waiakea Key Club

This past month, Waiakea High Key Club helped the Waiakea High Staff. At the project, members helped set up tables and brought food to give to the staff. During clean-up members collected rubbish and broke down tables. Some members then went around to make sure everyone got some breakfast. The project was very exciting since we had been able to give our staff a good breakfast for all the hard work they’ve done forusstudents!


Kaylen Pali | King Kekaulike Key Club

The Key Club at King Kekaulike had their end-of-year social with Maui High School and Baldwin High School. They had so much fun interacting with other clubs because despite living on the same island, they don't interact as much due to distance. They loved recognizingMs.Cathysinceshedoesso much for their club and often gets no recognition. They all dressed up in aloha wear and did many activities like musical chairs and charades. Then the president of each club gave certificates to each member. They had so much fun interacting with other peers from different schools and also took many pictures in a photo booth to keep. This project was an example of unity and how important acceptance is because if all three of the schools were just in their little circle, they wouldn't have the friends they made along the way.

Jade Ivey | Hilo Key Club

The Officer Training Conference will take place on Saturday, June from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., and on June 23rd, from 10:30 a.m.The theme of the event will be “RIO-TC”! Attendees will meet up individual island location and join a zoom.The locations for each as follows: for the Big Island, Hilo High School, for Maui Baldwin High and for Kauai, Kauai High School. At this training conference covering the basics of officer responsibilities as well as details individual officer position, the annual achievement report, and setting. It’s highly encouraged that every officer attends and members welcometoattendaswell!


June 22nd, 3:00 p.m. island are High School, conference we’ll be details of each and goal members are


SERVE: 20,000 Hours

RAISE: $2,000



GOAL: Serve 425,000 Hours

GOAL: Raise $175,000 Raise


Kaylee is a sweet and optimistic person who can be sure to light up a room. She is always open to giving out new ideas if we are stuck in a situation. Kaylee helped to chair various projects and help out a projectlastminute.

Lindsey worked incredibly hard this month, creating member recommitment forms and new member forms, working on the MRP tab on the MRF, recruiting new members from the Intermediate school, and planning club events. She’s done a great job this monthandisworthyofrecognition!

Mr. De Lauretis was able to accept and give up time for the club on short notice. He is just all around a positiveadvisorwhoinspiresourclubtodoourbest.

Kauai Key Club has been an incredible club this month, hosting several service projects, getting over 580 hours of service, submitting forms on time, keepingtheirMRFuptodate,andmuchmore.Kauai is deserving of this recognition and we hope they continuetoexcel!ThankyouKauaiKeyClub!


Read the latest issue of the 2024-2025 District Newsletter The Pollen Press created by the brand new District News Editor, Nia Daniella!

Check back to our progress with the District Goals!

Get ready for ICON, which is happening in July from the 10th to the 14th in Atlanta, Georgia!

Participate in workshops & contests, meet new friends, showcase projects, select this term’s leaders, and more!






















KEALAKEHE Gabriella Gangloff gaybee4201 @gmail.com BALDWIN Jeremiah Jacinto businessjeremiah101 @gmail.com HILO Airi Broomell airi.broomell @gmail.com KAPAA Marc Binonwangan marcbinonwanga @gmail.com KAUAI Malie Miyazaki maliemiyazaki @gmail.com KEAAU Cryzl Marie Padamada cryzlmariepadamada 47@gmail.com KING KEKAULIKE Tyson Kongsil 26.kongsil.tyson @kkhs.k12.hi.us MAUI Joshua Mori joshuanalu808 @gmail.com WAIAKEA Jamie Labason Jamielabasan1 @gmail.com WAIMEA TBA 23
KAUAI OUTREACH COORDINATOR | Mia Kondo Long TBA KAUAI SERVICE COORDINATOR | Alek Yadao aleksyadao@gmail.com ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR | Urumi Furuhata d22m.ltg@cnhkeyclub.org 25

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