D22M | Makai Messenger - October 2024

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Can you believe we’re already halfway through the term? I hope your fall break went well and you’re excited for a brand

Make sure to welcome new members into your club and do your best to communicate well with everyone. Also be sure to participate in Trick-or-Treat for and have a great Halloween! Keep up the great

Welcome to the fourth edition of this volume’s Makai Messenger! It has been quite a while from the last time I released an issue (apologies… school has been tough), so I imagine a flood of Key Club things happening since! I know a bunch of you have been caught up with the strifes of school, sports, and other extracurriculars, but I ask all of you to make time for Key Club

Continue signing up for your clubs’ service projects, attending socials, or completing officer duties on time (if you are one). Again, I encourage many of you to submit articles & visuals, which have a chance to be featured on future newsletters, both division- and district-wide. Despite all the stresses that come with this next quarter of the school year, keep on keepin’ on during this spooky month of October!

SEA you all later,

Division News Editor

I’m excited to share some highlights from RTC and the amazing activities our clubs in Maui have been involved in.

Starting with Baldwin, they brought four dedicated officers to RTC, where they participated in workshops designed to help their club grow. Baldwin is currently offering projects such as a Waiehu Beach Clean-up and a collaborative Free Rice Night. As for King Kekaulike, they were well-represented at RTC, focusing on strategies to boost membership and engagement, showing great initiative in learning how to enhance their club’s presence as they just had Club Rush. Recently, they participated in assisting with the Kaiki printing for the fire department's 100th anniversary and joined Maui High for a successful Kahului Beach Clean-up.

Lastly, Maui High had a fantastic turnout at RTC with five officers and one club member eager to utilize their large membership for greater community impact. Their recent weekend-long beach clean-up at Kanaha Beach Park with King Kekaulike had 66 attendees, who collected over 225 lbs of trash! Coming up, they’re excited to join in on the Free Rice Interclub, the Feed My Sheep food distribution, the Okinawan Festival, and Saber Family Fun Night.

It’s inspiring to see Baldwin, King Kekaulike, and Maui work together to make a positive impact in our community. This kind of partnership is all needed to grow their clubs together :)

Hi Division 22 Makai!! Let’s update you on all the Key clubs here on ourIslandandreflectonsomepastevents.

Last month, the Matsuri Festival was a success, as Kauai Key Club members helped bring our community together to celebrate Japanese culture with traditional music, dance, food, and crafts. Additionally, Kapaa Key Clubbers attended the Ohana Fit Fest, which saw a great turnout. Many friends and families came togethertopromotehealthandwellness.

Perhaps the most excitings news on Kauai as of recently, however, is the chartering of Waimea Key Club! They have already participated in several service projects like clean-ups, along with theannualKeyClub101training.!

We are so excited to see what fun we have ahead. We look forward to continuing to bring our community together through thesewonderfulgatheringsthisspookyseason!

The September DCM was held on September 22, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. and took place in person on each island at Hilo High School, Baldwin High School, and Kauai High School. At the DCM we covered Servetember, dues, and the October SOSP. Following the conclusion of the DCM were 4 workshops.

Kaylen Pali | King Kekaulike Key Club

The Key Club at King Kekaulike High School volunteered at the Fire Department 100 Centennial Celebration at the Wailuku Boys and Girls Club. Around the field were many fire trucks and helicopters where kids could go on and look inside. There were bouncy castles where the kids could jump in and they had local food trucks as well. There was live music and people sat with each other chattering about life while kids made new friends and played in the field. The members helped throughout the event, from 10 am to 4 pm. They specifically helped with Keiki IDs—they took kids' pictures and made their parents fill out a little form asking for their name,

On September 28th & 29th, Both of Kapaa and Waimea Key Clubs came to Kauai High School’s campus to participate in Key Club 101. The times were from 2:45 pm - 5:45 pm on the first day and 12:00 am - 5:30 pm on the second day. On the first day, Key Club members listened to 3 presentations addressing topics that range from professionalism, service, and Key Club structure. These helped members understand a little more about Key Club. On the second day, we listened to the last 3 presentations ranging from contests to club officer positions. After the workshops, Key Clubbers ate lunch and got the chance to socialize with people from different schools. Later, we did activities and games alongside the two other schools. Our officers made fun icebreakergamesforustoplay—myfavorite beingtheonewherewehadtobalancethe cup on our heads and transfer water to another member's cup. Overall, Key Club 101 was exciting and informative. I enjoyed getting to know officers and new members acrossthewholeisland.

Raven Bugtong | Maui Key Club

Over two consecutive days, a beach clean-up was hosted at Kanaha Beach Park, partnering with the King Kekaulike Key Club and the Love Blue Maui chapter, where two of our Key Club

members serve as officers. With 70 volunteers, the growing issue event, a total of 245 pounds of waste were gathered, ranging from The trash collected posed a direct threat to local wildlife and marine efforts. Volunteers spent hours combing the beach, sorting recyclables, also an opportunity to educate participants about the environmental waste. By the end of the two days, the beach was noticeably ongoingstruggletokeepourcoastalareasfreefrompollution.

During the bright and sunny morning of September 28, Kapaa Key SpecialOlympicsandUnifiedBowlingTournament!AlongwithourKiwanis 6 members and 2 officers helped each bowling team keep track of them on. Each person was assigned a lane and a team for a 3 each. I had a great time with my bowlers, the Supreme Ballaz, who division. Our Key Clubbers showed great sportsmanship with all somewhentheywereinneedofassistance.Attheendofthetournament, ofourteamswithcustommaderibbonstocongratulatethemfora

issue of litter at this popular beach spot was tackled. Throughout the from plastic bottles and food wrappers to fishing nets and other debris. marine life, underscoring the urgent need for these types of clean-up recyclables, and disposing of hazardous materials properly. The event was environmental impact of single-use plastics and the importance of reducing cleaner, but more importantly, awareness was raised about the

Key Club volunteered at the KiwanisAdvisor,Ms.Shintani, of their scores and cheered game series with 4 bowlers who came in 2nd place in their the bowlers, even helping tournament,weawardedeach ajobwelldone!

Marc Binonwangan | Kapaa Key Club

9,695.95/20,000 Hours (48.5%)

$0/$2,000 (0%)



97,634/425,000 Hours (22.9 %) (48.5%)

$7,820.38/$175,000 (4.4%)

Read the latest issue of the 2024-2025 District Newsletter The Pollen Press created by the brand new District News Editor, Nia Daniella!

Check back to our progress with the District Goals!

At ICON, Key Club first adjusted dues to be $10 internationally, meaning dues this year total to $16 with district dues increasing to $6 as well.

The second amendment changed the way dues in Key Club are updated. Now every 4 years dues shall be adjusted to match inflation.





https://www.keyclub.org/service_ideas_main/ OFFICER TOOLKITS

https://www.keyclub.org/resources/officer-toolkit/ GLOBAL LEADERSHIP CERTIFICATE PROGRAM





https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChs0UVSZP63fAfQGT1uAaqA CNH INSTAGRAM




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