D22M | Makai Messenger - December 2024

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I hope finals season has been generous to all of you and as we go into the holiday season take some time to unwind and relax as we head into 2025! Also, be sure to reflect on this year of service and focus on your goals as we head into the latter half of the term!

Some of the past projects on the Big Island include East Hawaii’s Salvation Army Bell Ringing project where both Hilo & Waiakea Key Clubs alongside the East Hawaii Kiwanians, Builders Clubs, and K-Kids rang bells for Salvation Army and made well over $1000! Meanwhile, Keaau Key Club participated in the Keaau Christmas Lights Parade where they marched alongside their school! Now across the island with Kealakehe Key Club they participated in the Waikoloa Keiki Christmas Parade.

As we finish off this year I’d like to say I’d like to thank all of you for your incredible amount of hard work and dedication as we go through this term! We’ve made amazing progress with our goals and this is all due to your hard work! Remember,

Welcome to the sixth edition of this volume’s Makai Messenger! I can’t be the only one to be dumbfounded by how fast 2024 flew by (much like a busy little bee, haha…)! Now that we’re delving deep into the holiday festivities of December—and have the first semester of our school year behind us, thank GOODNESS—now’s the greatest time to participate in whatever service projects your clubs have to offer you!

As you read this month’s Peanuts-themed issue, continue to keep in mind the importance of submitting articles & visuals so we can start next year strong with stories to tell! Continue to make your hours and contribute to our division and district goals! Most importantly, continue to maintain a balance between Key Club and your personal life; the last thing I want you readers to do is burn out over the break. Let’s end this year with a bang, everybody! SEA you all later,

As we approach the end of the year, we want to take a moment to reflect on all the hard work and dedication from our members!

Baldwin High had a great November with events like the Science Storage Room Cleaning, Maui Police Department Dinner Volunteering, and DCM Service Projects. For December, they’re excited about their upcoming projects, including Feed My Sheep Volunteering and a tentative Hike. They know the holiday season can get busy, but they’re looking forward to finishing the year strong.

Despite their busy schedules, King K is pushing through! A Menstrual Drive is up and running from December 16 to 20, where they’ll be collecting menstrual products at our schools through donations and packing them into gift bags for the homeless shelter. They also have a Trail Clean-Up scheduled for December 28 to help restore trails on our

At Maui High, we’ve been busy as well! We’ve participated in Feed My Sheep, Fourth Maui Humane Society. We’ve got more events lined up, including Fourth Friday, Feed My Sheep Volunteering, Salvation Army and thank you all for your hard work and dedication throughout the year. Your commitment to service is what makes our club so special. Enjoy your break, stay safe, and we’ll see you in 2025 for more

Happy holidays, Division 22 Makai! With us approaching the end of the year, it’s time to showcase the events each club on Kauai held this December!

On December 8th, all three Kauai Key Clubs hosted a celebration in the form of an inter-club bowling tournament with Kiwanis following the DCM. At the end of the competition, Waimea High ended up scoring the most points. Congratulations Waimea High on your win!

Along with this social, each club has been working hard at events to get into the holiday season. Kauai, Kapaa, and Waimea all participated in the Lights on Rice Parade on December 6th, waving lights, posters, and giving away candy throughout the night. Additionally, Waimea Key Club helped out at the Waimea Lights Parade with the County of Kauai on December 21st! Kapaa Key Club also had their fair share of service projects, selling at sports ticket booths and more!

As for Kauai High School, Key Clubbers participated in the Festival of Lights showcase at Kukui Grove, where they encouraged shoppers to look at beautiful trees and decorations solely made of recycled material. Members also hosted Gift Wrapping at the same mall, aiding people in wrapping last minute presents.

We are excited to finish off the year by making a difference in our community. There’s still plenty of opportunities to get involved, so let’s do that as we enjoy the rest of 2024!!

December DCM - The December DCM was held earlier this month 8,2024!AftertryingoutindependentDCMsinNovember,itwas covering CTC, Conclave, HCON, and events happening on island.Eachislandcontinuedtohavetheirownserviceprojects

month on December washeldonlineagain, on each respective projectsandactivities.

| Hilo Key Club

have fun and to spend time fundraisers, and games; it felt Kekaulike High School didn't have booth and gave out drinks to those scripts respectively. They had a such an amazing aroma that anyone plants like succulents and native

At the Hilo Christmas Parade, 10 members dressed up as presents cardboard, and 4 members held shields that spelt out Hilo to represent the participating members marched with the band through the parade Hilo. The members dressed as presents walked on the side of the band, the crowd, while the people holding the shields walked in front of the our school. It was successful, as we were able to help support the and showing our school pride. The club should do this project again tointeractwiththecommunityandrepresentourVikings!

Princess Kaitlyn Mangoba

Kaylen Pali |

King Kekaulike

Key Club

The Key Club at King Kekaulike High school helped out at the annual Winter Fest—which is hosted at their school. Winter Fest is a day to with family and friends. There were numerous food trucks, club felt like a smaller version of the county fair. The Key Club at King have a specific game or fundraiser, but they helped at the wreath those in need. The wreaths and drinks were on sale for 15 scripts 2 a variety of drinks from sodas to juice to water. The wreaths had anyone who walked past had to stop by and smell it! Additionally, native plants were sold starting from 2 scripts to 10 scripts. The members got to practice communication skills and put themselves out there. It was an incredible thing to see the whole community put everything aside and have fun

presents that were made out of represent Hilo High School. All parade route in downtown band, smiling and waving at the band to help represent Hilo High Band, by waving again because it is a nice way

Renyn Lee | Kauai Key Club

On November 17 from 11:003:00, there was a Key Club bonding day called Friendsgiving. All the different Key Clubs got together at Kauai High School to participate in the various activities planned. All the members participated in feasting, November DCM, dog toy making, and party games. During dog toy making, members from all clubs broughtoldshirtsandtowelsto make dog toys out of. We cut the shirts and braided them into thick and strong ropes—perfect for dogs! As for the games, we played activities such as “Gimme gimme” and musical chairs. I felt like these games were a good club bonding activity. This club event was well plannedandfuntoattend!

At the November 24th Walk-With-A-Doc, held the water bottles, fruits, and Walk-With-A-Docparticipants.Additionally, the benefits that they hold, and about supplements, everyone went hadendedofftheproject.

Jenna Ishigo | Waiakea Key Club


Walk-With-A-Doc, Waiakea Key Club helped by setting up the table that and snacks. Members then passed out the water and snacks to Additionally,adoctorcameandtalkedaboutherbalsupplements, and the important aspects of the human diet. After the doctor spoke went to walk around Liliuokalani Park for the remaining hour which

The January DCM will take place on January 12, 2024 and will each island! In past business we will cover Candidate Training Conference, reminders, division contest reminders, and the January SOSP. In new divisioncontestjudging,Conclave2025,HCON2025,DCON2025,

be held hybridly across Conference, AAR & MRP new business we will cover 2025,andtheFebruarySOSP.

14,808.10/20,000 Hours (74.0%)

$1,206.00/$2,000 (60.3%)



97,634/425,000 Hours (22.9 %)

$$35,363.05/$175,000 (20.2%)

Hailey, a freshman, has impressed us various times during the month of November. Often she could chip in to chair projects especially when there was a lack of participation of other members to co-chair projects. She attends projects on a monthly basis and is an overall friendly person who is willing to take time for service! Thank you Hailey for all you do in our club!

Read the latest issue of the 2024-2025 District Newsletter The Pollen Press created by the District News Editor, Nia Daniella!

Check back to our progress with the District Goals!

Did you know that it will be less than 100 days until Key Club’s 100th birthday? Share activities by posting on social media, tagging Key Club International and using the hashtag #KeyClub100!

Key Club International is also promoting mental health this month! See this article for more details.





















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