September - December 2015
Dear friends, The Congress is over and the annual change of appointments has taken place. The former was a very special celebration and gathering together of God’s people. Many prayers, in a variety of languages, were raised to God and many prayers were answered. The latter is part of the on-going miracle of providing leadership within the Army. Not every prayer has been answered as some appointments – particularly corps – were disappointed to find themselves left without an officer. The Prayer Network has celebrated the very special production of our new DVD: One Thing. A prayer teaching resource that we hope you will use and promote to other Christians not just Salvationists. We have been disappointed – like others – to find ourselves without a successor to Major Gill Miller who has done such a great work leading the Prayer Network. We thank Gill for her enthusiasm and commitment to prayer within the Territory. Whilst disappointed that we do not have a successor, we believe that God will enable us to deal with this situation in a positive way. Your prayers and understanding for the Prayer Network at this time of transition would be greatly appreciated. We, like you, trust in God. This, this is the God we adore, Our faithful, unchangeable friend, Whose love is as great as his power, And knows neither measure nor end. ‘Tis Jesus, the first and the last, Whose Spirit shall guide us safe home; We’ll praise him for all that is past, And trust him for all that’s to come. Major Mel Jones
September Scripture Focus This week we take Psalm 33 as a basis for praying for the world. Tuesday 1st: Psalm 33:4 Thank God for his constant care throughout human history. Remember situations which have been miraculously turned around by his power. Wednesday 2nd: Psalm 33:5 Pray for those who are treated unjustly because of their race, religion or lifestyle; that the God of justice will comfort them. Pray for organisations which defend human rights, that their voices will be heard at the highest levels of government. Thursday 3rd: Psalm 33:6−7 Pray for those parts of the world suffering from natural disasters; that the God who governs the elements will restore order. Pray for agencies bringing relief, that workers will be protected from harm and that resources will reach those most in need. Friday 4th: Psalm 33:10−11 As certain nations actively support the spread of terrorism, pray that God will thwart the plans of those who intend destruction, and that he will give determination and wisdom to those who are working for peace and stability. Saturday 5th: Psalm 33:16 Pray for nations in the grip of war; that all sides will see the futility of violence. Pray for those who work tirelessly behind the scenes to bring about diplomatic solutions in such places, that God will equip them to be peacemakers. Sunday 6th: Psalm 33:19−21 Pray for persecuted Christians; that they will experience the life-giving presence of God in their darkest moments; that those who cannot earn a living will know God’s miraculous provision. Thank God that nothing is beyond his care or power, and that he will bring ultimate peace and justice to the whole world.
International Focus – Uganda Monday 7th Loving Father, we bring to you the Kampala Community Centre with all its outreach to the community. Thank you for those who care for the children in the nursery, those who offer child care and for the ministry through an education club for orphans. Tuesday 8th Father God, we pray today for those who are taking part in the vocational training in Catering and Tailoring at Kampala Community Centre. Thank you for the free places, made available by donations that enable those without resources to learn new skills. Wednesday 9th Jesus, we know you love all children and we pray for the orphans in Kampala. Thank you for the funded project that provides education for orphaned children who cannot attend mainstream school due to the fact that they cannot afford uniforms and books. Thursday 10th We praise you Lord for the Tororo Children’s Home where 45 boys and 10 girls, mostly orphans, find love and a place where they belong. We thank you for the happiness of the children as they play together, all made possible by the generosity of Salvationists overseas. Friday 11th We bring to you the ‘Home of Joy’ where children with physical disabilities are cared for. Lord, we pray that through the love and care of your people, children will know they are valued and will know the joy of being a child of yours. Saturday 12th Father God, as the Uganda Territory moves forward through the power of your Holy Spirit we pray your protection around the work and witness of all Christians who are living out the word and shining in the darkness. Sunday 13th As your people in Uganda worship and praise you today we lift our hearts in thanksgiving for the joy of knowing that we are one family in Jesus. Accept the praises of your people around the world and help us all to know we are part of your universal church community. 5
Focus on Asylum and Refuge Monday 14th Praying for Refugees The 1951 UN Convention defines a refugee as someone who is outside the country of their nationality and its protection, owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted. Imagine what it would be like to have to run away from your home. Pray for families who are in that heart-breaking position today. Tuesday 15th Provision and Protection Pray for asylum seekers and refugees who have experienced trauma and persecution in their home countries, and destitution and homelessness in the UK. May they receive all the help they need, so that they can live the life of freedom and fullness which God always intended them to live. Wednesday 16th Godly Decision-making Let’s give thanks for the privilege of living in a nation which is peaceful and prosperous. Pray that our leaders will make wise, compassionate policy decisions, so that the UK will uphold its God-given responsibility to provide refuge for those in need. Thursday 17th Refuge far from Home Pray for refugees and asylum seekers in the UK who have loved-ones back home who are at risk of harm. Pray that they will see God do miracles as their lovedones are delivered from danger. Pray for comfort for those who have not seen family or friends for years. Friday 18th Asylum Applications Pray for asylum seekers who’ve fled persecution and are waiting for the UK Government to make a decision on their asylum case. Pray they will be able to trust God to be their help and comfort, and that they won’t be in limbo for years, unable to plan their future. Saturday 19th Cultural Attitudes The pattern of our world tells us to hate and fear the unknown. Asylum seekers are often deeply misunderstood in our society, and we pray that, as God’s people, we will be the first to love our neighbours – wherever they are from – compassionately, generously and indiscriminately.
Sunday 20th Hosting Asylum Seekers Pray for destitute asylum seekers who, after being denied sanctuary, are evicted from their accommodation and left with no benefits, no housing and nowhere to turn. Pray that more individuals and families will step forward and offer space in their homes to these people so in need of help and healing.
Focus on Our Vision Monday 21st We often pray, ‘your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.’ (Matthew 6:10) Can you picture what that might actually look like? What might heaven on earth look like in your community? Tuesday 22nd ‘History belongs to the intercessors who believe the future into being.’ Walter Wink. Lord God, give us your eyes to see a different future than the world we see all around us. Keep us persevering in our prayers to build heaven on earth. Wednesday 23rd Are you a dreamer? In this season, God is raising up dreamers: Josephs and Daniels who will dare to dream a different reality to all they’ve ever seen before, who will influence nations. Holy One, help us to be dreamers, so heavenly minded that we are of great earthly use. Thursday 24th ‘The prophet does not ask if the vision can be implemented, for questions of implementation are of no consequence until the vision can be imagined. The imagination must come before the implementing. Our culture is competent to implement almost anything and to imagine almost nothing.’ Brueggeman Friday 25th What are your dreams for the kingdom of God to be built in your town? Are there people you can dream with, people who will believe with you and work together to invest in strategising and actioning what God reveals to you? 7
Saturday 26th What are your dreams for your family/community? Ask God to take off the blinkers and allow you to see what he sees. What are your dreams for your own life? ‘So spacious is he, so roomy that everything of God finds its proper place in him without crowding.’ Colossians 1:18 (MSG) Allow God to show you what your life could look like at its full size. What would it look like if you lived without fear? Sunday 27th
Prayer for the Victims of Human Trafficking 2015
Father, we thank you for your unlimited love for each one of us. We are amazed at how we are of infinite value to you, no matter who we are or what we have done, and praise you for the beauty and wonder of creation of which we are a part. We ask your forgiveness for when we have not valued others as we should; when we have not recognised their worth and so not loved them as we ought. Help us to see all people through your eyes and inspire us to care for them with your deep compassion. We pray for all those who are victims of human trafficking. We pray for their release from the bondage in which they find themselves and we pray for their healing from the effects of the trauma they have endured. May they recognise their true worth as your children and discover the peace that only you can bring. Restore them, O Lord, so that they may be completely whole and able to enjoy the fullness of life that you intended for each one of us when we were created. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Saviour, who loved the outcast, the poor and the vulnerable and taught us, as his disciples, to do the same. Amen
Focus on Education Monday 28th Today, write down the names of the local schools in your area. Stick the list somewhere you will see it over the next couple of weeks, and remember to pray for God to move in each of these places. Tuesday 29th The 24-7 Prayer movement holds a number of prayer weeks in schools, and have resources to help others to do this. Please pray for more opportunities for Christians to reach out to young people in education. 8
Wednesday 30th Today, pray for young people in your community who have been given NEET (Not in Education Employment or Training) status. Pray that they would have the opportunity to access the help and support they need in order to be able to interact fully with their society.
October Thursday 1st Pray for newly qualified teachers who will have begun their first jobs this September. Pray that God would fill them with confidence and that they will be able to make significant contributions to the lives of children in the UK and Ireland. Friday 2nd Pray for any children you know who have recently changed schools. The transition from junior to senior school, or into sixth form can be unsettling, with new subjects, new teachers and new friends. Ask God to bring comfort and security to these young people, and to remind them of his presence as they make their new start. Saturday 3rd Today, pray for parents who have sent their children to school for the first time this year. Pray that God would reassure them of his closeness to their little one and that he will look after them as they learn new things. Sunday 4th Spend some time praying for Christian teachers working in your local area, as they face the tricky task of living out their faith in a multi-faith curriculum and environment. Ask God to show them ways to witness and to bring about conversations with their colleagues that make a difference to the spiritual atmosphere in their schools.
Scripture Focus This month we are using Psalm 107 as a guide to praying for those around us. As you read each passage, ask God to direct your mind to someone you know, who finds themselves in the position described by the Psalmist. 9
Monday 5th: Psalm 107:1 The foundation for all of God’s dealings with human beings is his gracious and faithful character. Pray, today, for someone you know who particularly needs to receive a revelation of God’s unchanging love. Tuesday 6th: Psalm 107:2 Pray for someone you know, who is feeling under attack at the moment. Pray that they will know the truth, that God has rescued them from all of their enemies. Wednesday 7th: Psalm 107:3 Pray for someone you know, who has recently given their life to Jesus; that, as they enjoy the feeling of home-coming, the Holy Spirit will grow and strengthen their faith. Thursday 8th: Psalm 107:4—9 Pray for someone who is living a ‘desert experience’ at the moment – feeling dry and directionless; that God will guide and refresh them in the midst of the drought. Friday 9th: Psalm 107:11—16 Pray for someone who feels imprisoned; that God will lighten the darkness and release them. Saturday 10th: Psalm 107:17—22 Pray for someone who has turned their back on God; that they will welcome him back into their lives, and find healing and new life in him. Sunday 11th: Psalm 107:23—32 Pray for someone you know, who is facing trauma or grief; that God will renew their courage, and calm the storm by his power. International Focus – Zambia Territory Monday 12th Father God, we bring the Zambia Territory to you, praying for the people who love your word and live in the light of your grace. We ask for strength to be the people you need them to be in this world, reflecting the beauty of Jesus in their faces and through their actions. 10
Tuesday 13th We pray for the work and support given to those with HIV/AIDS and give thanks for the AIDA Management Training which happens at Chikankata. We remember the families that have been devastated because of the disease and pray for the children who have been left orphaned. Wednesday 14th Loving Father, we give thanks for the care that is given to those who have been made orphans because of HIV/AIDS. We give thanks for the psychological support which is available and for the educational help that gives children the promise of better things. Thursday 15th As we have remembered Chikankata we also bring to you the Secondary School there and the 800 students along with the staff team. May this place of learning be filled with your Spirit of love and grace. Friday 16th We pray for the Mission Hospital at Chikankata which provides health Services to the surrounding communities. We give thanks for the many corps around the world who support the Mission there by spending time and energy offering practical help as well as spiritual ministry. Saturday 17th We remember that Africa has a high number of people who are trafficked and we pray for all who are involved in anti-human trafficking. Protect and keep safe those who are vulnerable and get caught up in promises of a better life only to find they are slaves. Give power to those who are fighting this evil in the world today. Sunday 18th On this day of worship we give thanks for the Zambia Territorial Band made up of Christian musicians passionate about spreading the Gospel of Jesus through music. Bless their ministry today and the ministry of all who proclaim the Gospel message of salvation.
Focus on Healthcare Monday 19th – Praying for Healthcare Workers Give thanks for the thousands of individuals who work together to provide for our health needs, from cradle to grave. Pray that God will pour out his Spirit of grace on them, and remind them of the value of what they do. Tuesday 20th – Healthcare Legislation As major changes take effect in the Health Service, pray that those working in surgeries, in clinics and on wards will be able to maintain a high standard of service, even as management structures change around them. Wednesday 21st – GP Practices Due to changes in treatment provision, doctors often feel they need to be politicians and finance experts, as well as medical practitioners. Pray for wisdom and discernment, as they balance the many and varied responsibilities which rest on their shoulders. Thursday 22nd – Mobile Clinics Give thanks for the growing number of mobile clinics, travelling around the country treating minor ailments and providing life-saving screening programmes. Strengthen those who run these units, as they spend long periods of time away from home and family. Friday 23rd – Mental Health Services God of the body, mind and spirit, we thank you for the dedicated and skilled professionals who work to bring peace to the mind. Please provide all the resources they need, in order to do the very best for those they serve. Saturday 24th – Midwifery Services Pray that many more young people will hear God’s call to this vital strand of healthcare practice, and that he will provide a way for older people to stay in the profession, so that their skill and experience can continue to influence for good. Sunday 25th – Hospital Inspections Pray for staff working in hospitals which have recently received below-average grades in their Care Quality Commission inspections, that they will be protected from discouragement and will hold on to hope. Pray for strength and grace as they implement the changes that need to be made. 12
Focus on Our Vision Monday 26th What are the dreams that you have given up on? Things that you thought were from the heart of God, but that haven’t materialised yet, that you’ve given up on, that have disappointed you? Spend time holding on to them today, allow them to resurface in your heart and mind from the places you’ve buried them. Tuesday 27th Proverbs 13:12 ‘Hope deferred makes the heart sick.’ Have you experience heartsickness where your dreams haven’t come true? Where you feel sickness of heart, offer it up to God again. Wednesday 28th Lamentations 3:22-24 ‘Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.’ Ask God to remind you of dreams and promises that have come true, remember his faithfulness to you again. Thursday 29th Do you know people who have fallen out of the race, who have stopped following Jesus because of disappointments and failed expectations? Pray that today God would soften their hearts and show them his hope, and his perspective on how he is at work in the world. Friday 30th Jesus, we see our disappointments, we recognise the places in our lives where we thought certain things were going to happen at a certain time. We acknowledge the pain that this causes us. We know you are big enough to take it. We want to be honest with you. We refuse to let those disappointments get in the way of our faith in you. We believe the antidote to disappointment is to dream again. Would you give us a faith-infusion to help us believe again. Saturday 31st ‘God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.’ Eph 3:20. The Message What would it look like for you to take God at his word – are there promises of Scripture you struggle to believe? 13
November Sunday 1st Lord God, please give us a revelation of your power and your willing presence with us here and now. Thank you that you never give up on us. Help us to never give up on you.
Scripture Focus
This month we use another story from the Bible to guide our prayer. We take a story from John’s Gospel, and pray for those who are experiencing conflict or broken relationships. Monday 2nd: John 8:3 When they brought the woman to Jesus, the motives of the Pharisees were flawed, and yet, in the end, it was the best place for her to be. Our job, as intercessors, is to bring before Jesus the unpleasant, uncomfortable situations in our lives or the lives of those around us. Take time to bring to God a difficult situation which you or your loved ones face. Tuesday 3rd: John 8:4 Pray that those involved in situations of conflict or brokenness will have the courage to speak honestly and hear the truth. Wednesday 4th: John 8:5 Scripture is clear that God is the only rightful judge. Pray that those who feel that injustice has been done to them will entrust the situation to the only just judge. Thursday 5th: John 8:6 For those facing situations of conflict, pray that God will reveal hidden motives and open the way for real resolution. Friday 6th: John 8:7 Jesus speaks the word which changes the whole situation around. Pray for those in broken relationships, that they will hear Jesus’ word to them and be transformed. Saturday 7th: John 8:9 The presence of Jesus makes pride and self-righteousness impossible. Pray that, by his presence, Jesus will bring self-awareness and humility. 14
Sunday 8th: John 8:10,11 Pray for a release of forgiveness in broken relationships; that all concerned will be set free from condemnation and that there will be complete restoration. International Focus – Hong Kong and Macau Command Monday 9th Father God, help us this week as we focus on Hong Kong and Macau Command. Open our hearts to embrace our fellow Salvationists who live and work there and minister your love and compassion. We pray blessings over the Leaders in this Command asking for them wisdom, integrity and ears to hear your voice. Tuesday 10th Our hearts are full as we pray for the development of the ministry of The Salvation Army in China, headed up in Hong Kong. Thankyou Father God for opportunities to reach the great country of China. Open doors that have been closed so that your word can be spread; salvation preached and lives transformed by the power of your Holy Spirit. Wednesday 11th We bring to you the JOY Family Integrated Services Centre in Macau offering preventive, supportive and remedial assistance to drug and gambling addicts, We pray ‘freedom for the captives’ and ‘sight for the blind’ as eyes are opened to the possibilities of being free from addictions. May there be many captives released from the bondage of drugs, alcohol and gambling. Thursday 12th There is much to be done for your Kingdom and your heart is full of love for your people who are your best resource. We pray for all who are in the Training College in Hong Kong today, preparing to minister your love to a needy world. Encourage and equip them for the battle; bless and protect them and pour your love into their hearts and over their families. Friday 13th Father God, there are thousands of children under the care of The Salvation Army Kindergartens, Nursery’s, Crèche facilities, Primary and Secondary Schools. We pray for the influence of those who teach and care for the children and youth in Hong Kong and Macau. May there be an understanding of who you are: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 15
Saturday 14th Thank you Lord for all the places where elderly people can find comfort and fellowship in Hong Kong and Macau. We give thanks for the many residences for the elderly and the special projects that help elderly people. As the senior members of society enjoy their latter years may they know that life is full of good things and good people who care in your name. May each person be reminded of how much you love them and how valuable they are to you. Sunday 15th On this worship day we stand with our brothers and sisters in Christ and lift up the powerful name of Jesus. May our praises ring as we sing and shout and witness to your saving grace. May souls be saved today in Hong Kong and Macau.
Focus on Climate Matters Monday 16th – Praying for the Climate Record floods and droughts have devastated our world. Extreme weather destroys crops, homes and families. Pray ‘daily bread’ for those who hunger; pray ‘comfort’ for those who mourn; pray that we will show our love by working to make a difference. Tuesday 17th – Healthy Debate Pray for those who are involved in the public debate about climate change. The rhetoric is often ungracious. Pray that people will be willing to listen as well as to speak, and that there will be humility, a commitment to truth, words full of grace, and an ability to make peace. Wednesday 18th – Praying for the Forests Pray that people all over the world will recognise the value of forests, and the importance of protecting them. Pray that unscrupulous businesses will be prevented from clearing forests for a quick profit, especially in Indonesia, Malaysia, Congo and Brazil. Thursday 19th – Life in all its Fullness The way we live is changing the climate, so something is wrong. Pray that God will teach us to appreciate what is truly valuable. Ask him to give us a vision of how to live better, but without hurting his creation. 16
Friday 20th – Caring for the Climate Climate change is a huge challenge which needs all of us. Pray for visionaries who will describe lives that are fulfilling and sustainable. Pray for climate negotiators, that they will make decisions with justice. Saturday 21st – Playing our Part Climate change is a big issue which we often feel too small to change. God, help me to take my first step towards tackling climate change. Show me how my life can make a difference. Help me to encourage others to act too. Sunday 22nd – UN Climate Change Conference Pray for those who gather at the Climate Change Summit in Paris (30th Nov – 11th Dec), that God will inspire their thinking, direct their discussions and empower them to act together in ways that will reverse those patterns of behaviour which are damaging the world he has entrusted to us.
Focus on Our Vision Monday 23rd ‘The best days of the Army are not behind us, they are ahead of us.’ What are the things about our history that captivate your imagination. Thank God for them. Tuesday 24th ‘Nothing happens but first a dream’ Carl Sandberg. What are your biggest, wildest dreams for The Salvation Army? Ask God to show you what we could become. Can you imagine what that might look like? Wednesday 25th What are your dreams for your corps/ church? What’s the best you can picture for the future there? What are the things that are stopping you from getting there? What is one thing you can do to start making that dream a reality? Can you put that into practise? Thursday 26th ‘God answered: “Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what’s coming. It aches for the coming—it can hardly wait! And it doesn’t lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on its way. It will come right on time.’ Habakkuk 2:2-3 The Message. Spend time writing down the dreams God has been putting on your heart, so you can go back to them, and keep track as God answers. 17
Friday 27th Jeremiah 23:28 ‘Let the prophet who has a dream recount the dream, but let the one who has my word speak it faithfully.’ Hearing something from God becomes prophecy when it is spoken out. Find someone today who you can share the dreams that God has put on your heart. Speak them out and allow God to germinate the seeds he has put there. Saturday 28th ‘At Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God said, ‘Ask for whatever you want me to give you.’ (1 Kings 3:5) So often in Jesus’ encounters with people, he asked, what do you want me to do for you, whether it seemed obvious or not. God still asks the question today. What do you want God to do for you?
ADVENT Week 1 – Waiting Sunday 29th Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10) On the threshold of the Christmas hustle and bustle find some time today to simply wait in God’s presence; allowing his peace to descend upon you so that in the days ahead, when you may be outwardly busy, inwardly your heart will be still. Monday 30th “In the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.” (Psalm 5:3) Lord, as we embark on another celebration of Christmas, we pray that the familiarity of the story, the singing of the same old Carol’s and the keeping up of our traditions will not prevent us having a sense of eager anticipation. We pray that you will come to us afresh, with renewed hope in the power of your love. Amen.
December Tuesday 1st “She (Anna) never left the temple but worshipped night and day fasting and praying.” (Luke 2:37) Father forgive us, for the times when like children who have been unable to wait for Christmas Day to open their presents we have allowed the desire for instant results to invade our relationship with you. Lord, help us rather to be like Anna, who prayed consistently and waited patiently for the answers to her prayers. 18
Wednesday 2nd “Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel and the Holy Spirit was upon him.” (Luke 2:25) Lord thank you for faithful people like Simeon who keep on believing year after year to see your promises fulfilled. Help us to be faithful too. Thursday 3rd “How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? (Psalm 13:1) Lord today we pray for those who are waiting. “God of the waiting, give us courage to wait with those in the most broken places of the world and with all those who struggle to be bearers of hope there. We pray with those who wait for wars to stop, for violence to cease. God of the waiting, turn conflict into peace. ( Friday 4th “Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God. Give relief to my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer.” (Psalm 4:1) We pray for those who have given up on the coming of hope because they feel they wait in vain at checkpoints, at borders, for jobs, for food and for all those whose lives are crushed under the structures and systems of injustice. ( ) Saturday 5th “Arise, Lord! Lift up your hand, O God. Do not forget the helpless.” (Psalm 10:12) God of the waiting, wait with your world. Turn anger into reconciliation and our lack of hope into courage, so that our waiting may be over and all the things of darkness shall be no more. (
Week 2 – Wondering Sunday 6th When? “When the time had fully come, God sent his son, born of a woman, born under law.” (Galatians 4:4) “When we flow in the Spirit we reflect God’s timing: never too late, never too early, but always right on time.” (RT Kendall) Reflect on God’s timing in your own life and relate that to the prayers that are on your heart today. 19
Monday 7th Where? “But you Bethlehem Ephrathah though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel whose origins are from of old, from ancient times. (Micah 5:2) “Bethlehem, the place where God was homeless but where all men are at home.” (Anon) Help us Lord, to be as welcoming to those who are looking for a Saviour and a king as Bethlehem was to all the different kinds of people who visited Jesus in his first home. Tuesday 8th Why? “But because of his great love for us, God who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ, even when we were dead in transgressions – it is by grace you have been saved.” (Ephesians 2:4) We were the reason that he gave his life We were the reason that he suffered and died To a world that was lost he gave all he could give To show us a reason to live. (David Meece) Lift up our praises to the Lord for his amazing love and the transformation that has brought to your own life and the lives of others. Wednesday 9th What? “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners.” (1Timothy 1:15) Lord, in all the hype and the sentimentality of Christmas, let us not forget the purpose for which you came. Help us to graciously help others to understand their need of a Saviour and that he is here. Thursday 10th Who? “Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you. He is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11) “O what a mystery Meekness and majesty Bow down and worship For this is your God.” 20
Lord in recognition of who you are we surrender our lives to you. Reveal to us, through your Spirit where we are trying to remain in control and have our own way. Friday 11th What if? What if the incarnation hadn’t happened? “If the babe had not been laid in a manger, then the Man would not have been nailed to the tree, and the Lamb that was slain would not have taken his place on the everlasting throne.” (Bramwell Booth Trumpets of the Lord pg 360) Pray for the people you know who love Christmas but who still need to have their eyes opened to the meaning of Christ’s coming. As many of them make their annual visit to Church this year, pray that they will see how crucial the incarnation of Jesus is for the whole human race and for them. Saturday 12th How? “How will this be? Mary asked the angel. (Luke 2:34) Lord, when we like Mary, find ourselves wondering how your plans can possibly be worked out in our lives, help us to remember your message to her, “Nothing is impossible with God.” (Luke 2:37)
Week 3 – Wanting “All I want for Christmas is…………………………..” The well-known carol O little town of Bethlehem has the line, “the hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.” This week as we pray, we will consider what it is that people really want and really need for Christmas and how Jesus fulfils our deepest desires as revealed in Isaiah 6:6-7 Sunday 13th Leadership “and the government will be upon his shoulders….” When the headlines are dominated with stories of weak, corrupt or tyrannical leaders we rejoice that there is a king who has never failed and never will. The Messiah’s rule is over those who trust Him and obey Him as Lord. It’s currently an invisible kingdom, but will one day become visible and universal. Pray for his kingdom to come. 21
Monday 14th Wisdom “And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor.” There are many who have said in time of decision or a time of difficulty, “I wish I knew someone who could tell me what to do in this situation.” As followers of Jesus we know who that person is. Pray for people you know who are in needs of wise counsel at this time. Pray for those in authority that they might be guided by a higher wisdom than the world offers. Tuesday 15th Power He will be called………….Mighty God Because Christ is Mighty God, he can forgive sin, defeat Satan, free people from the power of evil, redeem them and mend their brokenness. As you pray claim the forgiveness, victory, freedom and wholeness that is yours in Christ. Pray that your life might bear testimony of his liberating work in you. Wednesday 16th Security “And he will be called…….Everlasting Father” In a world where relationships break down frequently, this title for the Messiah speaks of a permanent relationship. Pray today for people who are going through a break-up in a relationship and who are experiencing the pain of rejection and separation. Pray that they will discover or be reminded of the security of Christ’s love for them. Thursday 17th Peace “And he will be called……Prince of Peace” Put a name to your prayers for people and places where Christ’s peace is especially needed. – an individual – for a family in conflict – a Christian fellowship – a community issue – a nation at war
Friday 18th Justice “He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness.” “In Jesus’ code, to love is to be just. To be just is to love. And when we claim to follow Jesus, we are disciples of justice. Jesus’ mission on earth in his time is our mission on earth in our time.” (The Salvation Army International Social Justice Commission) Pray for the ISJC today. For more information about their work visit] Saturday 19th Integrity “He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness.” As Jesus lived a life of complete purity and integrity, pray for transparent goodness to be a mark of your own life and of your Corps/Church community. Week 4 – Worshipping The gospel accounts of the birth of John the Baptist, who would herald the coming of the Kingdom and the story of the birth of Jesus, are alive with the sound of praise and celebration of the people who were there at the time. This week let our prayers resound with thanksgiving and praise for all that God has done for us. Sunday 20th Mary (AV Luke 1:46-47) God, Our Saviour, let our worship not just be words but just as a magnifying glass makes something clearer may people see God’s greatness through what he has done in our lives and through how we live them. Monday 21st Zechariah “Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel; he came and set his people free. He set the power of salvation in the centre of our lives and in the very house of David his servant, just as he promised long ago through the preaching of his holy prophets.” (Luke 1:68-70 The Message) Lord God, thank you that you are good as your word and that you keep your promises. Thank you that you are a faithful and trustworthy God. 23
Tuesday 22nd Angels “Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest and earth peace to men on whom his favour rests.” (Luke 2:14) Lord Jesus, How can our feeble attempts to express our wonder at your coming compare to the song of millions of angels? Yet we know that just as you accepted the gratitude of a poor woman who washed your feet you accept our sincere attempts to give you praise. Wednesday 23rd Shepherds “The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all that they had heard and seen which were just as they had been told.” (Luke 2:20) Faithful God, we join our praises today with the shepherds and with all those who know that you are alive because they have experienced you speaking to them and seen you at work in their lives. Thank you that you are a God who speaks and who acts. Thursday 24th Anna “She gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Israel.” (Luke 2:38) Jesus, our Redeemer, We don’t want to just have a private celebration of your coming and keep the joy we have found in you to ourselves but we want, like Anna to honour your by speaking about you to others. Friday 25th – Christmas Day “Thanks, be to God for his indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15) Jesus, we will sings our songs, we will say our prayers and many of us will seek to serve you by serving others on this day, but just now we pause in silent adoration, in awe and wonder that you are here among us.
Christmas Unwrapped Most of us will have unwrapped our presents and will begin enjoying the gifts. In these last days of the year we pray that the Holy Spirit will open our eyes again to see just what a remarkable gift Jesus is. The Bible Readings are from the Message translation of John 1. 24
Saturday 26th Creative word “Everything was created through him, nothing, not one thing came into being without him.” (v3) Jesus, forgive us for our arrogance when we think that we are the source of life and hope. We are sorry for the way in which we have treated your world and for our indifference to the needs of people who you created and whom you love. Sunday 27th “The life-light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn’t put it out.” (v5) Circle us, Lord Circle us with the light of your presence, bright within this dark word Enable us to be overcomers of fear and temptation Enable us to be victors over sin and despair Enable us to become that which you would desire Lord of creation, Lord of Salvation Circle us with the light of your presence Monday 28th “He came to his own people but they didn’t want him. But whoever did want him, who believed he was who he claimed to be and would do what he said, he made to be their true selves, their child-of-God selves.” (v11) Dear Jesus, Thank you that in discovering who you really are, we find our own identity and destiny. Today we pray for others who are still searching for meaning and hope, that they will keep on asking, seeking and knocking until they uncover the treasure which is you. Tuesday 29th “The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighbourhood.” (v14a) O Lord, what a thought it is that you didn’t keep your distance but you became one of us, living, breathing, working for a living, hungry, thirsty, tempted, tired, laughing, suffering and dying. Thank that your life and death on earth for us, opens heaven for us.
Wednesday 30th “We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, generous inside and out, true from start to finish.” (v14b) Open our hearts to receive His life and increase our vision with the rising of dawn, that our lives may be filled with His glory and His peace, who lives and reigns for ever and ever. International Committee on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) Thursday 31st “We all live off his generous bounty, gift after gift after gift.” (v16) His love has no limits, His grace has no measure, His power no boundary known unto men; For out of his infinite riches in Jesus He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again. (Annie Johnson Flint) Thank you Lord, for all your goodness Through the years of yesterday. Thank you for your present mercies And your blessings on my way. Thank you for each revelation And for what you choose to hide; Thank you Lord, for grace sustaining As I in your love abide. (August Ludvig Storm, trs Flora Larsson)
Prayer Gathering Weekend The Hayes, Swanwick 22nd – 24th January 2016 led by Majors Mel and Kath Jones (Spiritual Life Development Secretaries)
Come and be encouraged to develop Godly boldness (Acts 4:31), explore how to Deepen your spiritual life (Luke 18:7) and discover what it means to Champion social justice (Luke 5:4)!
ÂŁ155 per person
10% early bird discount for those booking before the end of September. please email or 020 7367 4539 27 The Salvation Army is a Registered Charity No 214779, and in Scotland SC009359
If you would like more information about the SA Prayer Network, please contact us. E-mail: Phone: 020 7367 4539 Or log on to The Salvation Army, SA Prayer Network 101 Newington Causeway, London, SE1 6BN Registered charity number 214779, 28 and in Scotland SC009359