24/7 Valencia #111

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BACCO D.O.C. CALLE LOS DERECHOS 29 BJ. - VALENCIA TL. 96 391 19 65 www.baccodoc.com

Viu una aventura gratuïta i sense riscos.

L'AVENTURA DEL PENSAMENT Vivez une aventure gratuite et sans risques. L'AVENTURE DE LA PENSÉE Have the time of your life - free with no risks.

The Adventure of Thinking

La exposición permanente La aventura del pensamiento se apoya en innovadores sistemas de descripción (efectos especiales, proyecciones, elementos arquitectónicos y representaciones) que producen en el visitante una sensación de presencia física y mental en cada uno de los ambientes, periodos y sucesos más desctacables y significativos en la historia del pensamiento. Desde la aventura intelectual y cultural de los monasterios medievales, como sedes de sabiduria de aquel periodo histórico, pasando por uno de los hitos más notables del avance técnico como la invención de la imprenta, hasta los últimos hallazgos de la ciencia.

ENTRADA GRATUITA. Visitas en grupos de 20 personas (a partir de 8 años) concertando previamente la visita llamando al 96 388 37 30. Destino: MuVIM. (Museu Valencià de la Il·lustració i de la Modernitat) en la calle Quevedo, 10. Valencia.

HORARIOS: De martes a sábados, de 10.00 a 13.00h y de 16.00 a 19.00h Domingos y festivos, de 10.00 a 13.00h

CÓMO LLEGAR: Tren: Diez minutos desde la estación del Norte (Renfe) Autobuses: Líneas EMT, 5,60 y 62 (Por la Calle Guillem de Castro). Líneas EMT: 9,11,27,61 y 71 (Por la calle Quevedo)



¿PUBLICIDAD? móvil. 650639177 email. ed@24-7valencia.com

Si te anuncias en la revista 24/7 Valencia te sale gratis anunciarte en nuestra nueva web. If you advertise in 24/7 Valencia magazine you get free advertising in our new website


Spring has arrived and it is time to eat, drink and enjoy life. Bacco D.O.C. is a distinctive and authentic Italian restaurant in the centre of the historic Barrio del Carmen. Run by a welcoming Italian family and with Italian chefs, this has become one of the most popular restaurants in all of Valencia… and for all of the right reasons.


It is original, good fun and it is baroque! It has a stunning cave-like interior of “bejewelled and mirrored” stalagmites and stalactites, tasteful lighting, lots of nooks and crannies and three floors.

The 24/7 Valencia team has always found the atmosphere welcoming and often international, especially at the weekends. Now that spring has arrived, it’s time to relax, have fun and enjoy some genuine Italian cuisine in heady surroundings. We recommend you take a trip to one of the most original Italian restaurants in Spain. Just one minute’s walk from the Mercado Central!

So it’s no surprise that this restaurant is highly popular with romantic couples looking for something original yet tasty and genuine. It’s also a first choice for international visitors, the arts crowd and work groups. How about the food? Our international food critic found their Tagliatelle Funghi Porcini “delightful” and their Carpaccio and Aubergine Parmigiano “absolutely delicious”. They have a superb value afternoon menu for 10 euros during the week and 12 euros at the weekends. Expect to pay around 30 euros in the evening. The salads are imaginative and well-presented including a succulent Insalata di Rucola e

Parmigiano, authentic Caprese de Bufala and tasty Insalata Bacco to choose from. Lovers of Spanish wine can enjoy a fair selection of tintos including Muga Crianza (Rioja) and Plaerdemavida Reserva (Utiel-Requena).


What are the highlights of the city for you?

Why did you come to Valencia? Quite randomly, I suppose. I finished ‘uni’ in summer 2008, I did maths and wasn’t really sure what to do with myself, but I’d always been interested in Spain and learning Spanish. So, after a few months of temping in offices, I decided to take the plunge and swap the northwest of England, Manchester, for the Mediterranean coast. Can’t say I’ve looked back, to be honest! What do you do here now? Well, I teach some English, like most native

Bacco D.O.C. C/ de los Derechos, 29 - 46001 Valencia Tel. 96 391 19 65 www.baccodoc.com


speakers here seem to, as well as doing some shifts in a bar in town and even a bit of busking, mainly for fun but it earns a few more beer tokens along the way, so all the better!


Their carta is extensive with a wide selection of pizzas including chicken, bacon, cheese and tropical fruit specialities. Their authentic pastas include Spaghetti alle Vongole, Bucatini all’ Amatriciana, Tagliatelle Paglia e Fieno and Gnocchi Rucola e Speck. Meat dishes including Tagliata, Filetto alla Griglia, Ossobuco alla Milanese, and Scaloppine in Salsa are amongst the recommended. If you prefer a white wine to go with your fish dishes like Orata or Branzino, we recommend their Señorío de Sobral (Albariño). Lovers of Italian wine can enjoy their Lambrusco.

There’s so much it’s difficult to know where to start. The nightlife is awesome, personally I quite like the student bars near the ‘uni’, like on C/ Polo y Peyrolón, for cheap drinks and a top laugh with your mates. Though I have to say my personal favourite place in Valencia is the Turia. I go there at least every other day, either to run, for a walk or just to sit down and read a book. I find it really relaxing. How has English Tower helped you to settle in? Incredibly! First of all, my Spanish has come on in leaps and bounds. When I came here I had the bare minimum, but now I feel comfortable wherever I am, at work, socially, sorting out paperwork, whatever. I’ve even just started some Valenciano classes with them, tinc moltes ganes per que m’agrada

molt! Other than the language? Yeah, well, the staff are great. They’re from all over the world, at least ten different nationalities, I think. A lot of them have been here for a while, too, so whatever you want to know about the city or life in Spain, you can ask them - they’re really friendly and approachable. It’s been a really good way to meet other people, too, some of my classmates are now my best friends here. Since it teaches both English and Spanish, you get to meet people from all over Europe as well as native Valencianos. What next? Who knows? Right now I’m just enjoying it so much I don’t want to think about going anywhere else!

Information: administracion@englishtower.com Tel. 96 347 89 27

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Editorial APRIL 10


Editorial - 5





ARTS & theatre - 17 live music - 18 clubs - 19

chill out - 20


TRADITIONAL PUBS - 23 Restaurants - 24

shopping - 29




Finally, after the dreariest Valencian winter in living memory... Spring has arrived. Cheerful mornings, sunny afternoons and dusky evenings are here to be enjoyed. The beautifully clear Levante light is just one of the reasons Valencia really is a special place to be. ‘24/7 Valencia’ is now in its tenth year, making it the oldest monthly guide to Valencia in any language. It is said by many to be the leading and longest-established English speaking magazine about Valencia. In terms of authenticity, it is telling that it is the only guide whose editor and team actually live in the city of Valencia. It is also the only guide recommended by the local, national and international media. This includes The Times, Guardian Unlimited, Lonely Planet, Rough Guide, Let’s Go, El País, Levante, CNN.com, Footprints, Business Traveller Magazine and many more.

hot on the Valencia nightlife scene in Clubland with expert DJ Barry Eaton checking out clubs, new and old, and we have plenty of colourful ‘24 hour party people’ action with shots by Manu Fernandez. We continue with our exclusive photo collection of life in Valencia’s historic Barrio del Carmen with professional photographer Monica Navarro. Contrasting the outdoor life of Valencia, we have an insightful piece on Gestalt therapy for all of our readers. We dedicate this April edition to all the locals, expats and visitors who have supported this magazine over the years. Thank you for your good advice over the years. We are grateful and appreciate all of your help and kindness. Keep on keepin’ on...

MAP - 45

In this month’s edition we have an informative article on the Rio Turia Gardens and a wonderful photo collection of daily life by La Lonja. Party girl Lolita Devine takes a trip to the latest chill out bar ‘Stone Bhuda’ and Anita Darling has plenty of ‘Spring’ in her Woman article.

See you next month!


Clubbers get the lowdown of what’s

24/7 Valencia team

24/7 VALENCIA party people - 38



WOMAN - 43

A Great Cycling Route! - 44 AGENDA . CLUBS & LIVE MUSIC - 46


editor: Will McCarthy. contributors: Altogringo, Anita Darling, Heino, John Murphy, Gooru, Manu Fernández, Mark Hulton, Owl, Orange Bikes, Tim Birch, David Rhead, José Marín, Erica Choate, Amparo Oliver, Monica Navarro, Lolita Devine, María Angélica Sao Pedro, DJ Barry Eaton, Mateo Sanchis. layout & design: www.dsignes.net printed by: signografíco. distributed by: groovy cat Ltd. email: ed@24-7valencia.com móvil: 650 639 177 online: www.247valencia.com Views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the editor. 24/7Valencia does not accept responsibility for date/time/venue changes. According to copyright law any reproduction, either total or partial, is completely forbidden without written permission of the editor. All articles, past and present, printed in 24/7Valencia magazine are copyright of Orange Skies, S.L. © 2010 Legal deposit: D4562606

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ÂĄ Es Chimo Bayo !

Made in Spain

Punk !

The son of the father

Lo vi

La calle


The walk


Fin de semana

Amparo Oliver - Movil: 609783223 - www.eventi-acting.com - www.myspace.com/amparoliver - All photos Amparo Oliver Š2010 24/7Valencia

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Hasta 27 mayo de 2010 IVAM

C/ Guillem de Castro, 118 Tel: 96 386 30 00 www.ivam.es


Hasta 2 de mayo MUVIM

Guillem de Castro 8 Tel: 96 388 37 47 www.muvim.es

EWA OKOLOWICZ Hasta 7 de mayo

GALERÍA COLOR ELEFANTE - RUZAFA C/ Sevilla 26 www.colorelefante.com


Calle de Alboraya, 5 Tel: 963 614 415 www.salaparpallo.es

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Well, it’s not really a river at all anymore, is it? As everyone knows, it was drained and the river re-routed after the tragic floods of 1958. Just like Agua de Valencia, there’s no water in it. What now flows through the city in its place is an elegantly dusty, meandering park which has become a classic part of Valencia life and, even more so than the beach, the place to go in Valencia for sport, recreation and a Sunday stroll.

The old riverbed connects Mislata to the sea, the Bioparc to the City of Arts and Sciences and IVAM to the Museo de Bellas Artes. Ten kilometres of trees, grass, football pitches and offwhite concrete and clay shimmying through the city means that half the population, from the Barrio del Carmen to Avenida de la Plata, from Avenida del Puerto to Campanar, can say they “live near the river”. Its bridges have long been a demonstration of showy civic pride.

The five 14th and 15th century bridges were commissioned by the Junta de Murs i Valls (a kind of medieval public works ministry). These were the only bridges to survive the various great floods intact (while other later bridges were destroyed) and stand now as a monument to Valencia’s golden past alongside the modern designs of Norman Foster and Calatrava (the Valencia architect is responsible for three of the Turia’s bridges). The steep river walls and large stone spheres which can be seen all along the sides of the river were designed by Juan de Herrera, the Renaissance architect of El Escorial, in order to give a uniform grandeur to the area inspired by the work going on at that time along the Thames River in late 16th century London. The river, of course, has always played an important role in the history of Valencia. The Romans navigated up the river and saw it as an excellent defensive barrier for the city. When

the city walls were first built in the first century BC, the river served as a moat offering extra protection. The Muslims called the river Guadalaviar, ‘the white river’, due to its fast flow and high level of calcium. After the Reconquest, the river was used as a place of execution for those Muslims who would not turn to the Christian faith. The Inquisition burned heretics, witches, traitors, and basically anybody else they didn’t particularly take a shine to under the Puente de San José, near to where the Na Jordana falla is burned today.

The river had always had an irregular flow which made its floods all the more devastating. With the constant building of channels for agriculture and dams and reservoirs, most of the year it was reduced to nothing more than a muddy stream. Farmers would graze their livestock in the riverbed and traditionally city dwellers would go down to the riverbed at Easter to eat hard-boiled eggs, fly kites and get mud and cow dung all over their

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Sunday clothes. In the 19th century, along the south side near La Pechina, there was a huge slaughterhouse (now the Complejo de la Pechina sports centre). The blood of the slaughtered animals washing away into the river became a common sight. Further down, near the Torres de Serrano, the tanners would bleach animal skins along the side of the river, giving the area its present day name of ‘Blanquerías’. After the flood of 1958 a new route for the river was built outside the city. The question remained what would be done with the old riverbed. The Government backed a proposal to build a dual carriageway all along the riverbed which would connect the city to the airport. If the powers that be during the dictatorship had been prepared to shell out a bit more money on Valencia urban development, this crazy plan may well have gone through, but luckily for us they never got round to it. Towards the end of the dictatorship and the first few years of the fledgling democracy the idea of making the river into some of kind of park gained

pace. The slogan ran “Volem el riu i el volem vert” (we want the river and we want it green). The original idea was to create areas of natural-looking woodland. The Generalitat involved the people and schools of the city calling them to “come and plant a tree in the river”. The two areas where the planting took place (near the end of the Alameda before the Viveros and just the other side of the bridge upriver from the football pitches below the Torres de Serrano) were the first areas to be developed and still today keep their ad hoc natural feel. Some Valencia families will proudly point out the tree they had a hand in planting. This heady post-dictatorship rush to leave things to the people soon wore off and the developments in the ‘80s and ‘90s with the Palau de la Música and its landscaped gardens, the laying of the first football pitches and Gulliver & the Riu de Xiquets (children’s playground) have a much more municipal feel about them. These in turn led to the grand statements of the construction boom era, the futuristic City of Arts and Sciences and the notquite-finished-before-the-recession Agora. The new Parque de Cabecera

on the edge of the city around the Bioparc is gentler and perhaps more fun. The river is now a central part of what goes on this city. It’s the venue for fireworks and rock concerts in Fallas. There is open air jazz at the Palau in summer and grand opera at the Palau de les Arts. There are classical music events and open air cinema festivals. The Nations Fair, the Alternative Fair, the Andalusia Fair and, of course, the Wine Fair (that’s this month, see you there) are all held in the riverbed. There is a constant stream of joggers and cyclists; there are football, baseball and rugby clubs. It hosts athletics (in the ‘Estadi del Turia’ stadium below Nuevo Centro) and tennis (in the Agora). While, like any city park, it’s unlit, strange and dangerous at night, on a warm afternoon it’s the perfect place for a lazy walk, a picnic, a kick about or a siesta under the trees. And to think it could have all just have been a 1960s motorway!

David Rhead and José Marín photos © Kaiko - Article © 2010 24/7Valencia

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All photos Mateo Sanchis - www.flickr.com/eme_minuscula Š 2010 24/7Valencia

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Stuffed Up! I feel another rant coming on this month, so turn the page right now if you’re not interested in my drivel... As you may, or may not know, April is my month in Valencia for relaxing and recharging after the never-ending Christmas/New Year/Las Fallas events that have marched through our lives from December to March - so much fun can be incredibly exhausting! April, then, is the month to curl up and watch some television! So, what in the name of (whoever you choose) is going on with television these days?? Are we all being dumbed down for social experiments, prepped for some sort of inane and un-wondering, dispassionate and unquestioning existence? I mean really, are they kidding? Are we that interested in the mundane, catty, awful and completely insipid activities of bachelors, overweighters, desperadoes, cops, airport custom breachers, and the truly uninspired? I know they say that art imitates life and life imitates TV, but this is surely intended as a joke, not an axiom! Isn’t it?? Life does not imitate TV, but it sure as hell looks as though we’d like it to. It’s horrendous! It’s a terribly insulting and degrading load of muck! I know, I know, there’s the History channel and the Discovery channel, which are all fine, but I’m talking about the general masses channels, the ones most people are watching most of the time. I can’t believe it. I have literally thrown mine out. I’ll watch DVDs on my computer when I need to. Instead of watching telly from now on, we’ll spend our evenings baking, cooking, dining out, conversing... LIVING. And if we really need a night on the sofa we can get a DVD, we will not stand for this rubbish! Now, normally I would say, life is too short to stuff anything, but given the current standards, there is plenty of time in the day, or night, to stuff anything; mushrooms, peppers, oysters, chillies, you name it! So, stuff yourselves with some of these - they’re amazing!

Greek Style Stuffed Peppers • 500gm beef or lamb mince • 1 whole red pepper per person, cut off the lid and carefully hollow out • 1 brown onion, finely chopped • 1 leek, finely chopped • 2 sticks celery, finely chopped • 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped • few sprigs of fresh thyme - if using beef • few sprigs fresh mint - if using lamb • 1 cup cooked rice • 3 tbsp tomato puree • 1/2 litre of beef, lamb or vegetable stock

mince mix as you can and then top each with their lid. Pour the stock mixture around the peppers and put the pan into the hot oven. Bake them until the skin of the peppers is starting to brown and has become wrinkly, approximately 25-30 minutes. Serve immediately. You can of course eat them as is, or you can serve them with a salad of your choice. Mine in the picture is a ‘fettuccini’ salad of courgette and carrot, with sultanas (raisins) and green pepitas (pumpkin seeds) scattered through it. Just use a vegetable peeler to peel the courgette and carrots into wide strips. Dress with a little olive or walnut oil and a vinegar of your liking. Now, turn the bleeding telly off and get living! Besos y buen provecho! Professional Chef Erica Choate

© 2010 24/7Valencia

First up, brown the mince off in a large frying pan, make sure it’s not straight from the fridge and therefore too cold, and do it in batches if it’s too much for the pan in one go. You will have to keep at it when you’re browning mince, i.e., keep poking it apart with a wooden spoon, or you will end up with big hard lumps of it. Sorry, it’s just the way it is. After the mince has browned, set it aside in a big bowl and put the leek, onion, celery and garlic in the pan and sweat it slowly until it’s softened, about 6 or 7 minutes. Add the finely chopped fresh herbs and then stir this altogether with the mince and add the cooked rice. Pre-heat your oven to 160ºC. Into the pan now add the tomato puree and fry it off gently to remove its bitterness and then add the stock and bring to a boil. Simmer this gently to reduce it a little while you prepare the peppers. Arrange the bottom halves of the cut peppers in a saucepan or dish that can go in the oven and that will fit the peppers snugly. Fill each with as much


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OCHO Y MEDIO Good friends of ours have a holiday home up somewhere near Castellón and come over a couple of times a year. On a visit about three years ago, they phoned to say they had friends over and were showing them the sights of Valencia and would love to meet up with D and I for dinner. Would we choose somewhere typically Valencian? I had just passed a lovely-looking old taberna and jotted down the name and number, so I called and booked a table for six for the following evening. On sitting down I noticed that almost everything decorating the wall - maps, pictures and pottery - was Italian … and then I noticed the pizza oven! It was a very good meal but I have never been allowed to forget the blooper! It was a great surprise, therefore, when the same friends on a subsequent visit asked me to take charge of booking ‘somewhere really nice’ for us all plus two more to celebrate a landmark anniversary - I booked a table for eight at Ocho y Medio, which just happens to be the subject of this month’s review. We had a great meal on the anniversary, so I really looked forward to a return visit. It is under new management but the menu is very similar to what we remembered from

our previous visit. We were late arriving (but I had warned them over the phone - traffic problems!) for our 21.00h reservation but the staff was charming and we were shown through the lovely downstairs bar to the restaurant upstairs. It is a very attractive and comfortable room, the glass etched with a design showing the architecture of Valencia as you come up the stairs serves as a novel approach to noise reduction from the bar and there is an Art Deco-ish mural along the back wall. Tables are a discreet distance apart and on this night almost all were full. We were offered aperitifs as we sat- the house special is a Kir Royale, but we declined and went straight to a Marina Alta, a fruity white wine from Alicante. For starters we shared first a very nice Ensalada de ventresca de atún, (fillet of tuna salad), followed by what for me was the highlight of the meal, a delicious Foie plancha (sautéed goose liver). Served with wild mushrooms and cubes of jamón serrano in a smoky veal ‘jus’, if it wasn’t so filling (and high in cholesterol!) I would have ordered a couple more and not bothered ordering anything else! We were offered one of the house speciality rice dishes, they offer a good selection of eleven with anything from beef to octopus to traditional paella and seven arroz melosos (soupy rice best describes them) but we preferred to go for a fish followed by a meat course. So, next up was Pescado del playa del día and today’s market fresh fish of the day was pan-seared rape (monkfish) served on a bed of fennel. It is a lovely, firm white fish and the fennel complemented it

well. Our meat course was the Carrillera estufado en jugo de ternera con peras y canela (Slow stewed ox cheeks in a beef sauce with pears and cinnamon). Meltin-the-mouth meat and a lovely sweetish gravy. Our pudding was a delightfully rich chocolate sponge filled with a molten chocolate and served with a smooth and tasty mango sorbet. There is a pleasant jazz soundtrack and the service was friendly and attentive (we were offered copious amounts of a great selection of lovely hot bread rolls all evening). A meal at Ocho y Medio will set you back around 30-50€ a head including wine, though at lunch they offer a menú for 25€ and there is a Gourmet menú on offer in the evening comprising two starters, a fish course, meat course and desert for 45€. The chef chooses on both menús. There is a great terrace looking onto the Catalina Church, where you’ll be entertained by the stream of buskers playing anything from accordion to guitar to saxophone and, occasionally, a little opera. Timothy Birch Ocho y Medio Plaza Lope de Vega, 5 Tel: 96 392 20 22 Barrio del Carmen www.elochoymedio.com Open everyday: 13.00h – 16.00h 20.00h – 24.00h Article - © 2010 24/7Valencia









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STONE BUDHA Ever wondered where you can go in Valencia for a cocktail, a glass of wine, or just a coffee, where the waiters will remember your face and name, where you can sit on comfy cushions, take your laptop and make the most of free WiFi in a chilled atmosphere and get treated like a VIP every day of the week? Stone Budha Lounge is YOUR place. ‘Como en casa’ is the motto of Markus, the Croatian manager and boss with 13 years of living in Spain. The idea of Stone Budha is tranquillity, VIP service, value for money, cocktails made with love and care, and to be somewhere you can pop into for anything from a glass of water to a piña colada. Food is not an everyday thing, but with every caña and coffee until 23.00h you get something to nibble on. If you want a catering service, pop in a few days before, tell Markus Article © 2010 24/7Valencia

what you want and your budget, and he’ll organise your tailor-made dinner party with yummy food, wine, and cocktails later on. Open from Monday to Sunday from 15.00h until 2.00h, you can pop in any time to devour a yummy cocktail made by Markus himself, have a chat with him, or lie down on the floor cushions and rest after a long day at work or a big night out. If you fancy something more intimate and behind closed doors, there is an ample VIP area for around 10 to 15 people. Popular with groups of people from 18 to 40 years old, couples or people on their own with a laptop, this is the perfect place to relax with friends, a partner, or start your evening surrounded by a really friendly and open-minded crowd. If you get a chance to meet one of their gorgeous PR guys, you are sure to get a 2x1 offer and a smile, and once you get there, Markus will ply you all with a free welcome shot. At Stone Budha, the customer always comes first and if you are not happy with your order or it doesn’t tickle your fancy, just let them know and

they will be quick to bring you something more to your liking. From mojitos and caipiroskas to caipirinhas and piña coladas, Markus’ 18 years of international barman experience shines through in every large glass served and they are a delicious bargain at 6 euros a pop. The tranquil lighting, the dark grey walls, the life-size Buddhas and the candlelight make this lounge feel elegant, special and more than anything, fun. A two minute walk from the Torres de Quart, this is definitely the place to be. Lolita Devine

Stone Budha C/ Turia, 28. Near the Torres de Quart. Gay friendly. Open Monday - Sunday 15.00h – 2.00h http://stonebudha.wordpress.com

LISTINGS ABRIL 10 / APRIL 10 ARTS & theatre Museums / galleries

AULA CAM LA LLOTGETA-ESPAI D’ART Metamorfosis XXI Gabriel Alonso Desde 14 abril hasta 27 mayo Bunckerflat Daniel García Hasta 30 abril CENTRO CULTURAL BANCAJA Tangaras. Figuras para la Vida y la Eternidad. Colección del Museo del Louvre Abril / mayo CENTRO DEL CARMEN Cartografías de la Creatividad: 100% Valencianos. Hasta 2 mayo CIUDAD DE LAS ARTES Y LAS CIENCIAS (L’Hemisferic, Museu de les Ciencies Principe Felipe, L’Oceanografic) www.cac.es COL.LEGI MAJOR RECTOR PESET Enric Balanza Abril / mayo FUNDACION CHIRIVELLA SORIANO Pintura, Expresionismo y Kitsch. Generación del Entusiasmo. Hasta 18 abril GALERÍA BENLLIURE Pintura Moderna y Contemporánea de los Siglos XIX y XX Permanente GALERIA KESSLER BATTAGLIA Relatos Escogidos, Objetos Creados Miguel Domingo Hasta 10 abril Mapa de las Mujeres que Cuidan Mau Monleon Desde 15 abril hasta 15 mayo GALERÍA LA NAVE Fácil Viene, Fácil Se Va Hasta 24 abril GALERÍA LUIS ADELANTADO Policéntrico, Centrifugo, Vulnerable Luis Gordillo Hasta 4 junio GALERIA MURO GALERIA PAZ Y COMEDIAS Mundos David Jiménez Hasta 30 abril Thames José Guerrero Hasta 30 abril GALERÍA ROSA SANTOS Zahra-Baida Younès Rahmoun Hasta 10 abril Pilar Beltrán Desde 16 abril GALERÍA ROSALIA SENDER Enric Alfons Hasta 24 abril Joseph Guinovart Desde 29 abril GALERÍA D’ART VISOR Caída del Meteorito (Reconstrucción) David Ferrando Guiraut Desde 7 abril hasta 29 mayo INSTITUT FRANÇAIS DE VALENCE Cuentos Grotescos Marta Pina Yo

Samuel Kalika Homenaje Luis Francisco Espía Autor de la Passion Anya Bartels-Suermondt IVAM INSTITUT VALENCIÀ D’ART MODERN EXPOSICIONES IVAM Pintar Sobre el Mar. El Mar como Pretexto. Obras de la Colección del IVAM. Hasta 18 mayo Malas Calles Hasta 9 mayo La Solidez del Tiempo Cai Xiao Song Hasta 2 mayo Ignacio Pinzao y la Acuarela Hasta 23 mayo De Gaudí a Picasso Hasta 27 junio Ximo Lizana Hasta 27 junio JARDÍN BOTÁNICO Algo Más Hasta 2 mayo LA BENEFICENCIA CENTRE VALENCIA DE CULTURA MEDITERRÁNEA Recorrido por la Prehistoria Valenciana, desde el Paleolítico hasta la Época Visigoda Exposición permanente LA GALLERA L’ IBER DE LOS SOLDADITOS DE PLOMO Exposición permanente MUVIM L’Aventura de la Pensament Exposición permanente Imágenes al Margen Hasta 2 mayo Collages José Luis Jover Hasta 2 mayo Artel Arte de Uso Diario (1908-1935) Hasta 2 mayo Fragments de un Año Hasta 2 mayo MUSEU DE BELLES ARTES SAN PIO V Pintura Gótica Colección Permanente Pintura de Joan de Joanes para el Retablo de San Sebastián Hasta 9 mayo Memoria y Arte del Espíritu Cartujano: Las Cartujas Valencianas Hasta 23 mayo MUSEO DE PREHISTORIA DE VALENCIA Restos de Vida, Restos de Muerte Hasta 30 mayo MUSEO VALENCIA D’ETNOLOGÍA La Semana Santa Marinera de Valencia: Creencias Junto al Mar Hasta 2 mayo MY NAME’S LOLITA ART Poco Importa Teresa Moro Desde 13 abril OCTUBRE CENTRE CULTURAL CONTEMPORANIA Paisatges d’Aigua al Xúquer, Cara i Creu Hasta 8 abril Mirades Creuades Desde 15 abril hasta 31 mayo SALA PARPALLO A Piel de Cama Hasta 30 mayo UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA, LA NAU Després del Filat. L’Art Espanyol a L’Exili 1939-1960

24/7 VALENCIA Hasta 25 abril OPERA

PALAU DE LES ARTS La Traviata Guiseppe Verdi Sala Principal 10, 13, 16, 21, 24, 27, 30 abril 20.00h 18 abril 19.00h THEATRE

TEATRE EL MUSICAL El Ignorante y El Demente Del 28 de abril al 2 de mayo TEATRE OLYMPIA La Montaña Rusa Hasta 12 abril Garrick Desde 14 abril hasta 9 mayo TEATRO DE MARIONETAS LA ESTRELLA (LA PETXINA) Espanis Circus Desde 3 hasta 4 y 10 hasta 11 abril TEATRE PRINCIPAL Rafael Amargo Desde 9 hasta 11 abril 1910, Homenaje a los Ballets Rusos Desde 16 hasta 18 abril El Llac de les Mosques 20 abril Le Sacre du Printemps (The Rite of Spring) Desde 23 hasta 25 abril Scheherazade Desde 23 hasta 25 abril TEATRE RIALTO Questi Fantasmi Desde 28 abril hasta 6 junio TEATRE TALIA 50 Pies: Aniversario ; Eclipse: Suko... Desde 11 hasta 12 abril El Somriure de M. O’Hara Desde 14 abril hasta 2 mayo cinema

ALBATROS *versión original www.cinesalbatrosbabel.com BABEL *versión original www.cinesalbatrosbabel.com UGC CINE CITE www.ugc.es FILMOTECA CINEMA INSTITUTO VALENCIANO DE CINEMATOGRAFÍA CICLOS IVAC – LA FILMOTECA www.ivac-lafilmoteca.es Ciclos abril 2010 Werner Herzog Hasta 30 mayo Marcel Carné, un Clásico Francés Hasta 8 abril Tendencias del Cine Italiano del Siglo XXI Hasta 30 abril Atom Egoyan Desde 16 abril hasta 23 mayo Centenario Kurosawa Desde 30 abril hasta 30 mayo

24/7 Valencia is recommended by Time Out, Lonely Planet, Guardian Unlimited…

17 ©2009/2010 24/7 Valencia


ALMUDÍN Pl. San Luis Bertrán, 1 Tel: 96 352 54 78 - ext. 4521 BACKSERIES GALLERY & SHOP Breton de los Herreros, 4 www.backseries.com CENTRE CULTURAL BANCAIXA Pl. Tetuán, 23 Tel: 96 387 58 64 CENTRO COREOGRÁFICO DE LA COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA Parque de la Granja, s/n, Burjassot Tel: 96 390 47 74 CIUDAD DE LAS ARTES Y LAS CIENCIAS (L’Hemisferic, Museu de les Ciencies Princípe Felipe, L’Oceanografic) Av. Instituto Obrero de Valencia Tel: 902 100 031 COLLEGI MAJOR RECTOR PESET Universitat de Valencia Plaça del Forn de Sant Nicolau,4 Tel: 96 316 60 00 GALERÍA AKKA C/ Almirante Cadarso, 6 Tel: 96 316 27 27 GALERÍA DUOMO C/ Luis Santangel, 18 FNAC SAN AUGUSTÍN C/ Guillem de Castro, 9 - 11 Tel: 96 353 90 15 FUNDACION CHIRIVELLA SORIANO C/ Valeriola, 13 Tel: 96 338 12 15 GALERÍA LUIS ADELANTADO C/ Bonaire, 6 Tel: 96 351 01 79 GALERÍA MURO Correjeria, 5 Tel: 96 391 19 03 GALERIA PAZ Y COMEDIAS C/ Comedias, 7-2 Tel: 96 391 89 06 GALERÍA ROSALIA SENDER Mar, 19 (Ciutat Vella) Tel: 96 391 89 67 GALERIA SEGRELLES C/ Ciscar, 4 Tel: 96 333 21 97 GALERÍA TOSSAL Pl Tossal, s/n Tel: 96 398 18 03 GALERÍA VISOR C/ Corretgeria, 26 Tel: 96 392 23 99 INSTITUT FRANÇAIS DE VALENCE C/ Moro Zeit, 6 Tel: 96 315 30 95 INSTITUT VALENCIÀ DE LA MÚSICA C/ Barcas, 2 Tel: 96 318 44 53 IVAM C/ Guillem de Castro, 118 Tel: 96 386 30 00 JARDÍN BOTÁNICO C/ Quart, 80 Tel: 96 315 68 00 JOVE ORQUESTRA DE LA GENERALITAT VALENCIANA Tel: 96 318 44 90 / 93 KITSCH INTERNACIONAL ARTEDIVERSO C/ Covarrubias, 5 Tel: 607 636 012 LA BENEFICIENCIA CENTRE VALENCIA DE CULTURA MEDITERANEA C/ Corona 36

18 © 2010 24/7 Valencia

Tel: 96 388 35 79 LA GALLERA C/ Aluders, 7 Tel: 96 352 14 37 LA NAVE GALERÍA Nave, 25 Tel: 96 351 19 33 LA LLOTGETA, AULA DE CULTURA CAM-ESPAI D’ART Pl. Mercado, 4 Tel: 96 391 33 96 L’IBER MUSEO DE LOS SOLDADITOS DE PLOMO C/ Caballeros, 22 Tel: 96 391 86 75 www.museoliber.org LLIG LLIBRERIES DE LA GENERALITAT Pl. Manises, 3 Tel: 96 386 61 70 MONASTERIO DE SAN MIGUEL DE LOS REYES Av Constitución, 284 Tel: 96 387 40 13 MUSEO DEL ARROZ C/Rosario, 3 Tel: 609 877 956 MUSEO DE BELLAS ARTES DE VALENCIA C/ San Pío V, 9 Tel. 96 369 30 88 / 369 21 11 MUSEO DE LA CIUDAD Pl. Arzobispo, 1 Tel: 96 352 54 78 - ext. 4126 MUSEO DEL CARMEN C/ Museo, 2 Tel: 96 369 30 88 MUSEO FALLERO Pl. Monteolivete, 4 Tel: 96 352 54 78 MUSEO NACIONAL DE CERÁMICA GONZÁLEZ MARTÍ C/ Poeta Querol, 2 Tel: 96 351 63 92 MUSEO TAURINO Pasaje Doctor Serra, 16 Tel: 96 351 18 50 MUVIM C/ Guillem de Castro, 8 Tel: 96 388 37 47 MY NAME’S LOLITA ART C/ Avellanas, 7 (Ciutat Vella) Tel: 96 391 13 72 MUSEOS DE LA COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA Av. Campanar, 32 Tel: 96 386 58 56 / 386 53 53 PAZ TEJÓN GALERÍA ESTUDIO C/ Salas Quiroga, 1, bajo (Zona Jesús) Tel.: 654 363 829 www.paztejon.com POPOL VUH C/ Burriana, 13 Tel: 96 336 08 25 REALES ATARAZANAS Pl. Juan Antonio Benlliure, s/n Tel: 96 352 54 78 TAMAR C/ Almudín, 16 Tel: 96 392 50 66 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA C/ Universidad, 2 opera

PALAU DE LES ARTS Autopista del Saler, 1 Tel: +34 96 197 58 00 Fax: +34 96 395 22 01 www.lesarts.com


CARME TEATRE C/ Gutenberg, 12 Tel: 96 392 42 71 www.carmeteatre.com ESPAI ATHENEIA C/ Guillem de Castro, 65 Tel: 615 578 344 - 657 857 792 www.xikanda.com L’ALTRE ESPAI C/ Platero Suárez, 11 Tel: 96 353 92 00 OFF TEATRE C/ Turia, 47 Tel: 96 384 11 85 TEATRE EL MUSICAL Pl. Rosario, 3 Tel: 96 367 31 95 TEATRE MICALET C/ Mestre Palau, 3 Tel: 96 392 14 82 TEATRO DE MARIONETAS LA ESTRELLA (LA PETXINA). C/ Dr Sanchis Bergón, 29 Tel: 96 371 73 84 TEATRO OLYMPIA C/ San Vicente Mártir, 44 Tel: 96 351 73 15 TEATRO PRINCIPAL C/ Barcas, 15 Tel: 96 353 92 00 TEATRO RIALTO Pl. Ayuntamiento, 17 Tel: 96 353 93 00 TEATRE ROMÀ DE SAGUNT Pujada al Castell, s/n Sagunto THEATRE SALA MORATÍN Pl. Ayuntamiento, 17 Tel: 96 353 93 0 TEATRO TALÍA C/ Caballeros, 31 Tel: 96 398 64 22 cinema

ALBATROS Pl. Fray Luis Colomer, 4 Tel: 96 393 26 77 BABEL C/ Vicente Sancho Tello, 10 Tel: 96 362 67 95 CINEMA JOVE C/ Jerónimo Monsoriu, 19 Tel: 96 331 10 47 FILMOTECA (CINEMA INSTITUTO VALENCIANO DE CINEMATOGRAFÍA) RIALTO Pl. Ayuntamiento, 17 UGC CINE CITE Espai Campanar Av. Tirso de Molina, 16 Tel: 902 100 842

live music Black Note (Zona Aragón) C/ Polo y Peyrolón, 15 Tel. 96 393 36 63 Top choice for music lovers who love it live - jazz, blues, R’n’B, soul, funk, flamenco and rock. Café del Duende (Zona Carmen) C/ Túria, 62 Tel. 630 455 289 Great club specialising in authentic flamenco music and culture. Café Mercedes Jazz (Zona Ruzafa)

24/7 Valencia is recommended by CNN.com, Rough Guide, Thomas Cook, Easyjet…

©2009 24/7 Valencia

APRIL 10 / ABRIL 10 www.247valencia.com C/ Sueca, 27 Reservations: 96 341 83 78 New! In the cosmopolitan Ruzafa district, an excellent addition to the live music scene with a packed programme of live jazz, flamenco and weekly live chamber music too. Run by real music lovers, with a concert stage and café-bar to chill with a great choice of cafés, beers and cocktails. Durango Club C/Llanterners, 35 Poligon Industrial La Closa, Meliana www.myspace.com/durangoclub Rock club on the outskirts of Valencia with great live bands and a loyal crowd. El Loco (Zona Juan Lloréns) C/ Erudito Orellena, 12 Tel. 96 326 05 26, www.lococlub.org Dynamic live venue with an eclectic choice of indie, rock, fusion, blues and more. Check some music and dance later.

C/ Salamanca, 17 www.smoothjazzclub.es A welcoming and spacious jazz club with a varied programme. Wah-Wah (zona Blasco Ibáñez) C/ Campoamor, 52 Tel. 96 356 39 42, 645 792 674 Indie rock in a student zone… www.wahwahclub.com Woody (Zona Blasco Ibáñez) Avenida de Menéndez Pelayo 25 Tel:96 361 85 51 New live music venue with indie bands from Spain and abroad.

clubs Zona Plaza Ayuntaiento

Mogambo C/ Sangre, 9 Piccadilly Downtown club C/ Embajador Vich 7 (junto a Hotel Astoria). www.groovelives.com Groovelives. Open all night, every night! Zona Ruzafa

6 Abr 21:30 aruan ortiz quartet 13 Abr 22:15 piano solo/duo sessions 20 Abr 21:30 peter van huffel quartet 27 Abr 21:30 eddie marshall quartet Jimmy Glass Jazz Bar (zona Carmen) C/ Baja, 28 www.jimmyglassjazz.net This darkly lit bar plays the finest jazz with cool photos and a wide range of coffees and spirits. It has weekly live music and is a very relaxing place to unwind and relate. The owner is a real jazz lover and it shows. Concerts every Tuesday at 21.30h La Caverna C/ Cuenca, 70 Live music. Mod, soul, rock & roll, reggae and more. La Claca (Zona Carmen) C/ San Vicente, 3 www.laclaca.com Live flamenco on Sundays. Mirror (former Cormoran) C/ San Vicente, 200 New name, improved sound and a hipper interior. Check international bands from around the globe. Octubre Centre (Zona Carmen) C/ Sant Ferran, 12 Tel. 96 315 77 99, www.octubre.cat Features the best local and national indie bands on the scene. Palau de la Musica Paseo de la Alameda, 30 Tel. (+34) 96 337 50 20 E-mail: info@palauvalencia.com www.palaudevalencia.com Excellent classical music concerts in the Rio Turia gardens with musicians from around the world. See website for current programme. Smooth Jazz Club (Zona Canovas)

Excuse Me! C/ dels Tomasos, 14 (next to Mercado de Ruzafa) This place has been getting a buzz around town with clubbers. Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night in Valencia from midnight until 7.00 am! Two rooms: one is more organic with pop/rock ’n’ roll/garage/soul and the other more electronic with groove electro/space disco/new wave/cosmic boogie. Check it! Le Club C/ Cuba, 8 Le Club is back! With 2 floors, underground electronica downstairs and funkier sounds upstairs. Open Fridays and Saturdays all night long. Les Portes Matias Perelló, 15 Ruzafa Fantastic! Check this one out. Les Portes is re-opening again for good on Christmas Eve from midnight. A friendly crowd, an ample selection of infusions, natural juices, homemade cakes, highly original salads and superb cocktails. Enjoy great live performances with multi-use space for your own enjoyment every day of the week! Open from 16.00h to 03.30h Zona San Vicente

La Indiana C/ San Vicente, 95 www.laindiana.com Newly opened and with a fantastic new interior. Thursdays has Fiesta Elephunk. Friday is Fiesta Cosmopolitan. 3 Ambients. In the zona VIP, check out R&B, Funky, Soul. With DJ Chicho, in la sala principal enjoy the best House with DJ Jose Mª Aboga and Javi Zaragoza and the upper floor has commercial and Latin sounds with DJ Nando y Edu. Zona Juan Lloréns

Café Carioca Juan Llorens 52 www.cafe-carioca.com Superb House music and more and a

fantastic mosaic interio vv r and groovy beats. Cool club for the beautiful people. La Edad de Oro C/ San Jacinto, 3 Tel. 649 255 048 Great! This legendary Valencian club has moved to Juan Lloréns area just off Av. Fernando el Cátolico, so easy to find. More space, a dance floor, live music license, and its classic mix of pumping sounds… from rock & roll to house! Open 22.00h until 4.00h, Thursday to Saturday. Habana Valencia Juan Lloréns, 41-43 A new name and funkier interior. House, Funky House, and exotic grooves till well past dawn.. Magazine Club C/ de Perez Escrich, 19 Rock’n’ roll disco. Peatonal C/ Juan Lloréns, 39 Zona El Carmen

&Ártico C/ Arolas, 11 Tel. 96 391 08 57 Dinners - cocktails - chill out - art space - electro funky beats. Bigornia C/ Museu, 10 Arty crowd of the Carmen scene with electro, hip-hop, funk, techno and more. Good vibes. Blau C/ Alta, 11 House and funk with a crowd to match. Bolseria Café C/Bolseria, 41 Tel: 96 391 89 03 Hot tropical vibe with swinging crowd at weekends. House, Latin, funk and pop. Bounty C/ Jose Iturbi, 4 Tel. 96 391 71 94 One of the funkiest all-night clubs going, ‘70s funk, soul and disco. A bit hidden away. Café Madrid C/ Abadía de San Martín, 10 Off C/ San Vicente near Plaza de la Reina so dead easy to find! Classic Valencia nightspot. Calcatta C/ Reloj Viejo, 6 Just one minute’s walk from Calle Caballeros. One of the few discos in the Carmen to stay open all night, until around 8 am. Club 47 C/ Quart, 47 Music Box C/ Pintor Zariñena, 16 Tel. 96 391 41 51 An all-night disco in the Barrio del Carmen! The Music Box is an infinite collage of styles and ages: Drum’n’Bass, Electronic, Pop, Soul, Rock’n’Roll. Frankenstein Rock & Roll Club Marques de Caro, 5 Near to the Carmen swimming pool, a hang out for lovers of rock’n’roll! Immortal C/ San Dionisio, 3 Feel ‘heavy metal’ and like hard rock? Plenty of like-minded souls in a loud bar. Rock on! Juanita Club C/ Lepanto, 8 Rasta Vibrations. La Claca

“For an excellent overview of what’s hot pick up a free copy of the English-language listings guide 24-7 Valencia” - The Times


© 2010 24/7 Valencia

APRIL 10 / ABRIL 10 24/7 VALENCIA LISTINGS C/ San Vicente, 3 Open every day off Plaza de la Reina. Live flamenco Sunday in a legendary meeting point.

Velvet C/ Campoamor, 58 Psychedelic, alternative student vibe. Very spacious and loud and buzzing at weekends. Zona Canova

Number One Plaza Canovas, 6 www.gruposlasanimas.com Upmarket nightclub. Zona Blasco Ibañez

La Flama C/ San Roteros, 14 Near the Torres de Serrano, this is a music-lovers meeting point with a rock & roll crowd and the DJ/owner is happy to play requests. Heady atmosphere that combines rock with funk and blues, good times in the centro historico. Keith Richards would have approved... Pinball C/ Concordia, 3 www.pinballvalencia.com For lovers of psychedelia, northern Soul, funk. Groovy atmosphere, buzzing at weekends. Open 21.00h-03.30h. Cats and chicks shakin’ it until the early hours, digging various scenes like something out of Blow Up. Free tapas every Thursday with your beer. Open Monday-Saturday 8pm2am. Many types of Absinthes available. Radio City C/ Santa Teresa, 19 Tel: 96 391 41 51 Free disco Fri - Sat nights, live flamenco every Tuesday. Funky and friendly club. Turmix C/ Dr. Chiarri, 8 Close to C/ Alta, open Thurs – Sat from 23.30 to 03.30h. Rock, garage, indie guitar disco. Zona Avenida Constitución

Latex Club Avda. Constitución 29 (junto a El Carmen) www.groovelives.com A classic of the Valencia night life scene. With 2 salas and music ranging from minimalist electronica to full-on electro. Often pop, indie and rock’n’roll in the smaller room. Open Fridays, Saturdays and holidays from 2.30am to 7.30am Zona Plaza Cedro

Tornillo C/ Campoamor, 42 Tel. 96 392 55 27 www.eltornillo.com INDIE scene. Electronica beats collide with guitar, loads of students partying, dancing. Welcoming, hip, excellent connections with the club scene and an eclectic Dj programme throughout the festive season. Hip yet friendly. Look out for the distinctive huge nail outside!

20 © 2010 24/7 Valencia

Buenavista Club Social. Carretera En Corts, 54 – Bajo www.groovelives.com New! Valencia’s latest ‘AFTER’ club, which starts every Saturday and Sunday at 7.30 am and goes until 1.30 pm. See website for more details and ask for more up-tothe-minute info at the groovelives clubs of 47, Piccadilly, The Mill and more… Miniclub Blasco Ibañez, 111 Used to be Zenith. Funky new club open every Thursday, Friday and Saturday until well past dawn.www.myspace.com/miniclubvlc Zona Benimaclet

Swan C/ Juan Giner, 15 Groovy!!! A spacious, hip, popular spot for lovers of retro ‘60s, psych pop, mod y más. Zona Malvarrosa

Soul Gandhara C/ Eugeñia Vines, 225 Every Saturday night with Hip-hop and R&B with legendary DJ Cosy O. Vivir Sin Dormir Pl. Neptuno, 42 Tel: 96 372 77 77 Legendary nightspot by the beach with a name said to sum up Valencia’s attitude to life! Zona Alameda

Singles Prolongacion Paseo de la Alameda, 43 Tel: 96 1210 85 27 Part of the prestigious Las Animas group. Zona Puerto

La3 c/ Padre Porta, 2 www.groovelives.com Indie & electrónica sounds on 3 floors Estrella Damn Lounge America’s Cup port (Marina Real Juan Carlos I) Open again! Funky, open-air club by the port with a great mix of DJ’s.

Open Mon-Wed 9.00h - 21.00h. Thurs-Sat 9am-1.30am. Mellow atmosphere, mixed crowd, good service. Healthy menu del dia 7.50€. Great terrace.Wonderful retro design and said by many locals to have the best coffee in the centre! Mancini is open for private parties from 17.00h onwards and has a catering service too. Moon Bar C/ Músico Peydro, 39 Reservations: 676 333 465 Run by a Valencian family, homemade breakfasts, lunch and dinners. Starbucks C/ San Vicente, 44 Your favourite coffees, teas, hot chocolate… The Bodegueta Pl. Mariano Benlliure, 4 Tel: 96 351 97 38 Cool! Breakfast, lunch and dinner, Spanish tapas, wines and beers… The Ginger Loft café C/ Victoria, 4 (just off Plaza Mariano Benlliure) www.thegingerloft.com Classy café bar with superb cocktails, classic and original tapas and Sunday brunch run by a friendly, well-travelled international staff. Zona San Vicente

Café Lorquiano C/ Alzira, 12 An impressive programme of events, open from 18.00h every day (except Tuesday). Zona Canovas

DB drinking & fooding C/ Conde Altea, 20 Tel: 963 163 144 Luxury chill out. Zona Rio del Turia

Quiosco Rio Turia Paseo Alameda s/n (junto estación Metro) By the famous Calatrava bridge, a great chill out café-bar for the family. Wicky Parque de Cabecera Tel. 656 856 899 and 679 40 45 24 Nice one! Fantastic combination of chill out bar, restaurant and cafeteria. Zona El Carmen

chill out Zona Plaza Ayuntamiento

Cafetería Rialto Pl. Ayuntamiento, 17 Open all day and every day. Check out the Art Deco ceiling! Mancini C/ Moratin, 1 Tel: 96 394 42 89

Afterwork C/ Murillo, 9 izq

24/7 Valencia is recommended by Time Out, Let’s Go, Lonely Planet

©2009 24/7 Valencia

APRIL 10 / ABRIL 10 www.247valencia.com Open from 9am - 1.30am. Young, friendly crowd with good selection of beers and wines. Afterwork has 2 unique rooms with different vibes. ‘The Tasca’ specializes in traditional Spanish tapas, cooked on the spot. Check their patatas bravas! After work’s ‘Pulpo club’ is a music lounge and a hang out for mod, indie and rock fans. Every wednesday 20:00h - 22:00h guacamole / mojito / burrito 5€. Good, cheap and fun! Just 1 minutes walk from the Torres de Quart. Al Pans Queso C/ Serranos, 19 Tel: 615 979 484 Highly popular with a very open crowd. &Articio C/ Arolas, 11 Tel: 96 391 08 57 Dinners - cocktails - chill out - art space - electro funky beats. Bar Negrita Pl. Negrito Sister bar of Negrito with breakfasts and montaditos from 08.00 – 15.00h. Booktique C/ del mesón de Morella s/n Café Bahiano C/ Calatrava, 12 Very popular Brazilian bar. Café de las Horas C/ Conde Almodóvar Tel: 96 3917 336 Marrying baroque with kitsch, classic with camp, this is ‘chill out’ in grand style. Café Infanta Pl. Tossal, 3 Tel: 96 392 16 23 In the heart of the Carmen, Café Infanta is spacious yet cosy inside. Great terrace.

Café Lisboa Pl. Dr. Collado, 9 Tel. 96 391 94 84 An excellent café bar in one of Valencia’s most atmospheric plazas. Good mixed crowd of students, locals, visitors and a very popular terraza. Open 09.00h and all day until late. Lots of bocadillos, coffees and beers. Barça and Levante football on TV at the weekend. Café Madrid C/ Abadia San Martin, 10 Elegant chill out bar with nooks and crannies, famed as one originator of ‘Agua de Valenca.’ Café Museu C/ Museu, 7 Tel: 96 393 31 08 Bohemia at its finest, with a mellow terraza in a tranquil part of the Barrio del Carmen. Café del Negrito

Pl. Negrito Tel. 96 391 42 33 Classic Carmen hangout. Liberal 30-somethings, arty crowd, lots of people wearing glasses! Café Tertulia 1900 C/ Alta 4 Open every day, with 3 floors for part-time daydreamers and nightlife schemers. Cafetería Rialto Pl. Ayuntamiento, 17 Tel: 96 394 08 77 Salads, bocadillos, pasta, international beers, cocktails and spirits. Lovely art noveau ceiling and free live music (jazz, swing, blues…) every Friday night at 23.00h! Cafetín Pl. San Jaime, 3 Watch Valencia nightlife morphing at night from the terraza of Cafetín. What a view!

El Café Del Mar Plaza Lope de Vega, 4 Tel: 96 3 922 558 Great! Fantastic and ample terrace café-bar restaurant with friendly service and tasty food and drinks served all day. Take your time in a top chill out spot in the atmospheric old centre. One of the finest terrazas in the city.

El Laboratorio (junto Pl. de la Virgen) Pl. Cors de la Mare de Deu, 3 Tel: 96 392 61 93 18:00 - 13:30 AM Young international staff & clientele. The coolest-and cheapest-place to chill off the Plaza de la Virgen. Fun food at fun prices (10h-1h). Free tapas with drinks. Tues = Language Exchange Night; Wed = cocktails 2x1, mojito 3.50€ Exhibitions, Theme Nights, Parties, Clothes X change, Ethnic

Fiestas, Art & Photography… Lunch during Fallas. Mixed drinks start at 3.50€!!!!! Felino C/ Calabazas S/n Tel: 685.84.36.29 Arty chill out bar next to the Mercat Central. Tasty breakfasts and lunches, cool music.

Gilda C/ Ensendra, 9 (corner Plaza Viriato) Tel: 96 3260393 Funky new authentic Italian chill out bar in the old centre. Near to Radio City so easy to find. Open from breakfast including croissants, cappuccino and Italian sandwiches for almuerzo. For lunch you can enjoy very good value Italian and Mediterranean cuisine including homemade pasta and many superb salads including walnut and mozzarella choices. Girasol C/ Turia, 52 Movil: 650 245 563 Spacious, darkly lit chill out bar, mellow and friendly. Choice sounds, intimate corners. Horchatería El Siglo Pl. Santa Cantalina, 11 Tel: 96 391 84 66 Great terrace and a real Valencia experience for the local delicacy of horchata. Founded in 1836, they claim to be the oldest in Valencia. John Silver C/ Alta, 8 Open Monday to Sunday, liberal atmosphere and guitar rock soundtrack filling three floors

Juanita Club C/ Lepanto, 8 Rasta Vibrations just two minutes walk from the Torres de Quart, open every day from 20.00h. Fantastic cozy interior, a real

“For an excellent overview of what’s hot pick up a free copy of the English-language listings guide 24-7 Valencia” - The Times


© 2010 24/7 Valencia

APRIL 10 / ABRIL 10 24/7 VALENCIA LISTINGS Reggae lover’s paradise, relaxed atmosphere. Very popular DJ sessions at night with Roots, Dub and more. Authentic vibe… La Bodegueta C/ Caballeros, 10 Intimate bar, with ‘tapas caseras’ and music reflecting the flamenco-loving owner Isabel. La Cava del Negret C/ Calatrava, 15 Tel: 96 392 33 01 Open every day from 12.00h, great bar on Pl. Negrito with terraza and some of the finest agua de Valencia around. Friendly staff, superb terraza, next to fountain and a great selection of cavas and champagnes. Good music and reasonable prices. Recommended. La Magarota C/ murillo, 11 Tel: 665 04 15 08 Open from Tuesday to Sunday, 20.00h to 01.00am. Friendly and bohemian tapas bar with a fine selection of Spanish and international choices, including hams, salads, carpaccios, cold meats and more. Experienced and popular Valencian and Brazilian owners, atmospheric, soulful interior with an eclectic mixture of boho locals and visitors of all ages. Jazzy and chill out soundtrack. Less than a minute’s walk from the Torres de Quart. Fine selection of beer and wines too! Mata Hari (La Casa del Te) C/ Portal de Valldigna, 9 Open from 18.00h, closed Monday and Tuesday. Delightful tea hang-out in quiet side street of the Barrio Carmen. Teas from Morocco and Libya. Oliver Hardy C/ Palau, 15 (Pl. Napoles y Sicillia) Tel: 96 391 15 70 Great name! Very popular since opening with the office and lounger set. Top terrace! Pepita Pulgarcita C/ Cavallers, 19 Superb chill out bar with choice soundtrack as you watch the world go by. Impressive white interior, tasty tapas, tintos and cavas too! Picapiedra C/ Caballeros, 25 Definitive of the alternative Carmen scene. Highly popular with students, punks, hippies and adventurous tourists. QArt! C/ Guillem de Castro,80 Tel: 96 391 61 65 An excellent chill out bar right next to the Torres de Quart. Arty yet warm interior. Santa Catalina Pl. Santa Catalina, 6 Tel: 96 391 23 79 Just off Plaza de la Reina and reputed to be one of the best for horchata. Santa Compania C/ Roteros, 21 Tel: 96 392 22 59 Very popular, classy wine and tapas bar run by experienced staff. Cheese and ham recommended. Sol i Lluna C/ del Mar, 29 96 392 22 16, www.solilluna.net Cafe-bar with ample terrace, good crowd of locals and foreigners. Varied tapas and meals to be savoured on balmy evenings. Buzzing atmosphere at night and great music soundtrack too.

22 © 2010 24/7 Valencia

with breakfasts, cocktails, ground coffees, live sports and quiz!

St. Jaime C/ Caballeros, 51 Tel. 96 391 24 01 Valencia Café society par excellence. Set in what may be the best corner of the centro histórico, this long established café bar has a cosmopolitan crowd, lots of room upstairs and one of the best terrazas in the city. Watch the characters stroll down C/Caballeros. Stone Budha Lounge C/Túria 28 Reservas: 622 500 048 See chill out report for more details. Taberna Cavallers C/ Caballeros, 23 Tel: 96 391 25 16 The wood interior gives a feeling of warmth and modernity. Over 50 tapas to savour. Taberna La Senia C/ Senia, 2 bajo 96 315 37 28 New and tasty taverna in the heart of the Barrio del Carmen. Run by a friendly couple with tapas, salads and Spanish wine to enjoy... The Lounge Café-Bar Estameñeria Vieja 2 (behind La Lonja) Tel: 96 391 80 94, www.theloungecafebar.com Fantastic cocktails. Open every day, Mon-Thurs Happy Hour 20.30h -21.30h. Football on TV. Great meeting & distribution point for 24/7 Valencia. Zapping Pl. Marques del Busianes, 4 Open Tuesday to Sunday. Cafeteria all day, arty décor and good vibes. Off Pl. St. Jaime… so dead easy to find! Zumeria Naturalia C/ del Mar, 12 Tel: 96 391 12 11 Excellent fruit juices. Zona Juan lloréns

Tango y Truco C/ Calixto III, 10 Tel: 96 385 18 37 www.tangoytruco.net Great bar with truly cosmopolitan atmosphere and staff that speak English, Spanish and Italian. Tango, old and new, is the soundtrack as well as Manu Chao, U2 and Bob Marley. Zona Ruzafa

Café Dublin C/ Sueca, 51 Trendy and comfortable chill out bar

Sinpy Jo’s C/ Cadiz, 43 Tel: 670 904 294 In the heart of Ruzafa, Valencia’s Bohemian quarter, Sinpy Jo’s is a meeting point for young people of all nationalities and locals. A perfect place to have your evening coffee or try one of their many imported beers. Good music in a great atmosphere. Happy Hour from 18.00h to 21.00h, Mondays to Thursdays. Pub quiz Weds 23:00h. Tula C/ Cadiz, 62 Kickin’!! Colourful chill out bar with trendy interior, fresh juices and breakfasts. Open all day from 9.30h to 01.30 am. (Zona Ruzafa) Ubik Café C/ Literato Azorín, 13 Tel: 96 374 12 55 Emblematic of the buzzing barrio of Ruzafa. Wonderful, spacious and welcoming cafebar/ second-hand bookshop with live music performances every Thursday. Spanish Tapas, beer, wine, bohemian crowd, friendly atmosphere. Closed Monday. Zona Plaza Xuquer


2 X 1 PINTAS RUBIAS = 5 euros

PLAZA XUQUER, 14 TEL.96 332 09 54

Rocafull Cafe Pl. Xuquer, 14 www.rocafull.tk Every day from 15.30h til late, Rocafull chills during the day and rocks as evening turns to night. A key meeting point of the ‘indie’ community, with DJ sessions all week including Valencia face DJ Jordi. A great

24/7 Valencia is recommended by El País, Guardian Unlimited, Canal Nou

©2009 24/7 Valencia

APRIL 10 / ABRIL 10 www.247valencia.com beer selection makes it popular with the Erasmus crowd. Groups: Franz Ferdinand, Jet, Teenage Fanclub, Interpol, White Stripes. Zona Plaza Cedro

Tornillo C/ Campoamor, 42 Tel. 96 392 55 27 A meeting point for faces from the indie and electronica scenes. Definitely worth checking.

Venial C/ Quart, 34 Tel: 96 391 73 56 The first choice gay venue after hours.


Zona Plaza Honduras

Bar Rock Kracken Pl. Honduras, 37 ‘Relax’ with pounding rock & roll a la AC/DC, Motorhead, Guns ‘N’ Roses up to the present. Turn it up! Café de Las Letras Pl. Honduras, 37 bajo An English flavour and literary vibe with the aroma of coffee.


Zona Plaza Benimaclet

Tam Tam C/ Emilio Baro, 20 Very special, one of the finest chill out bars in the city. A bohemian hangout with a spacious, soulful interior. Eclectic sounds for an eclectic clientele. One of Valencia’s best kept secrets…

GAY / LESBIAN ADN Pub C/ Angel Custodio, 10 (Barrio del Carmen) Café de La Seu C/ Santo Caliz, 7 Spacious, arty chill out bar, near the cathedral. Colectivo Lambda of Lesbians, Gays and Transexuals C/ San Dionisis, 8-1 (Barrio del Carmen) Magnus Termas (Sauna) Av. Puerto, 27 Tel: 96 337 48 92 Mogambo C/ Sangre, 9 Every Thursday - “Disco demolition”. Nuncadigono C/ Turia, 22 The latest gay sex-club. Oh! La La… C/ Dr Monserrat, 28 Tel: 96 315 64 16 18.00h – 03.00h, spacious restaurant-pub. Pekado Pl. Vicente Iborra, 9 Tel. 96 392 41 39 The seven deadly sins are served after you enter the gates of hell of this restaurant. Qart Café C/ Guillem de Castro, 80 Sant Miquel Pl. Sant Miquel, 13 Tel. 96 392 31 29 Spartacus C/ Flassanders, 8 Gay sex shop Trapezzio Café Pl. Músico Lopez Chavarri, 2 Turangalila C/ del Mar, 34 Tel. 96 391 02 55 Well prepared Mediterranean dishes. Drag queens sing for customers in this original restaurant.

BEER C/ Salamanca, 4 Tel. 96 374 14 31 One for the lads and lasses who like a pint and more... Beers from around the world: Czech, German, British, U.S.A., Irish, Danish, Belgian. Every day a free montadito with each beer. Every Tuesday from 19.00h to 24.00h, Beer 2 x1! Wednesday has paella. Thursday has popular beer prices, if it is your horoscope month, your second ‘copa’ is free.

Sherlock Holmes Plaza Manises, 3 Tel: 96 391 83 42 www.sherlockvalencia.com Excellent English pub in the heart of the old town, so you won’t need to be a detective to find it. Plenty of your favourite beers including Guinness, Grimbergen, Becks and more. Live football matches on big screen: Champions league, Primera liga and Premier League. Zona Canovas

TRADITIONAL PUBS Zona Plaza Ayuntamiento

The Guinness House Pl. Patriarca, 6 Excellent! Open from 8.00h – 24.00h and later on Friday/ Saturdays. Guinness House serves breakfasts, snacks and coffees. Set in a tranquil square, a good mix of ages and nationalities in this upmarket pub with a friendly staff. Screens for football matches and all your favourite beers including Guinness! Relax on the mellow terraza or lounge on the classy Chesterfield sofas in the VIPs-style area at the back! Zona El Carmen

Finnegan’s Pl. de la Reina Tel: 96 392 28 62 www.finnegansofdublin.es The legendary meeting point in the heart of Valencia for those who like a good pint. Excellent terrace with fine view of the Cathedral. A genuine Irish pub with big screen for sports-lovers who like it live. Spacious and warm interior, good selection of beers and tasty traditional lunches. It is internationally famous for all the right reasons. Great for the craic in the evenings. A classic. O’Hara’s C/ Cajeros, 1 / C/ Danzas, 5 A short stroll from La Lonja and within spitting distance of Home hostel. Celtic tavern with a mellow vibe, and all your favourite beers.

Portland Ale House C/ Salamanca 10 Yes! Valencia’s first true American pub, run by a friendly American couple with draft beers available, sports and an increasingly mixed crowd of locals, visitors and English and Spanish speakers. They now brew & serve their own beer ! St Patrick’s Gran Vía Marqués del Túria, 69 Tel: 96 351 36 42 www.stpatricksvalencia.com “A true irish pub” that knows the craic!! Friendly helpful staff and cosy traditional interior. Healthy mixture of well-dressed spanish, soccer and rugby lovers… All sports (cricket, golf, rugby, football…) In 4 big screens. WiFi for all our customers, pool and terrace. Great selection of beer, whiskies and very good music (rock-pop, 60´s, 70 ´s…) Open daily from 16.00p.m till late and weekdays and from 13.00p.m. Till very late weekends (in case of earlier starting sporting events, please enquire at the bar. We might help.). Get your fidelity card (card for every 5 pints… 1 free!) We never close.

“For an excellent overview of what’s hot pick up a free copy of the English-language listings guide 24-7 Valencia” - The Times


© 2010 24/7 Valencia

APRIL 10 / ABRIL 10 24/7 VALENCIA LISTINGS Zona Avenida Aragón


Manolo el del Bombo Pl. Valencia Club de Fútbol, 5 Tel: 96 930 460 A traditional Spanish bar with a different interior - a football museum with photos of the legendary Manolo del Bombo, the chap with the massive beret and drum. Just across from Mestalla stadium, a Mecca for football fans from all over the world. Friendly atmosphere. Sally O’Brien Av. Aragon, 8 Tel: 96 337 40 12 Open daily from 17.00h - 02.00h, 03.30h at the weekends. Top one! New ownership, good vibes, great service and plenty of activity! Sally O’Brien has gone up another level with an attractive exterior and two floors with nooks and crannies, separate room for private parties and live football on TV. Erasmus are welcome and the Sunday quiz (19.00h - 21.00h) is a fantastic excuse for Spanish and English speakers to mingle. Cash and prizes for the winners! Sally’s great again! Zona Plaza Xuquer

Brautigan Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 110 Tel: 96 339 06 42 Hey dude! You want Budweiser, Tex-Mex burgers, nachos and more? Valencia rocks, man! Burger King Pl. Ayuntamiento, 19 Tel: 96 352 58 00 Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 108 Tel: 96 362 363 Foster’s Hollywood Pl. Ayuntamiento Tel: 96 352 02 64 Big portions. Burgers, fries and milkshakes. McDonalds Pl. de la Reina, 15 Tel: 96 392 35 91 Easy to find, with the city’s cathedral as the backdrop. Snooker Burger Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 151 Tel: 96 356 18 25 Tony Roma’s Pl. Canovas de Castillo, 2 Tel: 96 351 34 33 Arabic

Dukala C/ Dr Sanchis Bergon, 27 Tel: 96 3926253 Classy Arabic cuisine. Kuídate C/ Hospital, 19 Tel: 663 75 60 95 Authentic Arabic cuisine, with a welcoming Moroccan owner. Comfy interior and wonderful terrace. Great menu del dias for 10€ on weekdays including couscous. Tetería La Kasbah C/ Poeta Mas y Ros Tel: 96 320 93 67 Intimate Arabic restaurant. Kasbah has a funky interior with typical low seats and tables. Max Max C/ Vinalopó, 11 (Pl. Xúquer) Tel: 96 362 68 67 http://maxmaxvalencia.blogspot.com Renowned pub for heady nights of live Celtic music (pipes, fiddles, guitars). A local student and Erasmus favourite, well-located in a buzzing night-time zone. Very spacious, wide screen for all sports, pool, friendly staff and good music soundtrack. Good vibes! The Dragon (Bar Internacional) C/ Virgen de Pilar, 12 (L’Eliana) British-run bar with good reputation for food. Popular with the expat crowd from the area. The Dubliner Avenida de la Paz, 17 Riba-Roja www.thedubliner.es Authentic Irish pub with live music

Restaurants Afro-Cuban

Babalú C/ Manyans 17 (next to Plaza Redondo) Tel: 96 315 50 40 ¡Fiesta! An excellent restaurant-bar-club for those who love authentic Cuban food.

24 © 2010 24/7 Valencia


Rincón Gaucho C/ Conde Altea, 51 Tel: 96 395 20 17 Rustic hospitality, quality meat imported from Argentina, cut and cooked to your taste. Asian Fusion

Banyan Lounge Bar & Grill C/ Comedias, 5 Tel: 96 315 48 90 Located just off the Calle de la Paz, this small and cosy place will be making headlines with its appealing menu, stylish interior and relaxed ambience. With culinary pick ups from around the world. Diners can watch the chef skilfully coach the flames licking lips at delicious Satays, steaks and fresh fish roasting in the lava stone grill. The bar, a grown-up watering hole with a youthful spirit, features everything from cold imported beer to a number of signature cocktails. Very interesting selection of reasonably priced wines by the glass from around the world. Price range 18 to 25 euros. Opens everyday 12 to 16 and 8 p.m. unti midnight. Nelson Luu Asiatic Cuisine C/ Bordadores, 3 Tel: 96 391 42 26

From London to Valencia, near the Cathedral. Expert cuisine from Asian chef, Cantonese... Orient Xpress Noodle Bar C/ Roteros, 12 Tel: 96 306 51 66 If you’re lucky enough to live in central Valencia, just give ORIENT XPRESS a call and start enjoying their brand new recipes, with surprises like Pad Thai, from Thailand, or Nasi Goreng from Malaysia. For the spice lovers there is a selection of curries from south east Asia and Japan. Make sure to order some appetizers such as steamed green soy beans (Edamame), Japanese dumplings or chicken satay. To wash it all down, try a Tiger beer imported from Singapore or a petite bottle of Ozeki, a special kind of sake to drink chilled and in good company. Oops! No cash at home? Don’t worry; you will now have the option to pay by credit card when your meal arrives! Information on delivery areas, special deals and discounts and the completemenu to choose from can be found on their website: www.orientxpress.es Wok Quing C/ Juan Llorens, 51 Tel: 96 382 70 60 Natural Asian cuisine. Wok to Walk C / San Vicente, 10 Tel: 96 315 4862 www.woktowalk.com Brazilian

O Rei Da Caipirinha C/ Vicente Sancho Tello Tel: 96 362 59 36 Open daily, Brazilian football memorabilia lines the walls. Cool Brazilian sounds and native staff. Barbecues every Sun at 13.30h. Chinese

Festin C/ Polo y Peyrolón, 25 Tel: 96 362 98 38 All your favourites: Wan Tun soup, fried rice, beef, shrimps, 15 Duck dishes to choose from. Gran Muralla Pl. Porta del Mar, 6 (next to Juzgados) Open daily from 11.30h to 16.30h and 19.30h to 0.30h. Menu under 6€. Colombian

Aire Latino C/ Taquígrafo Martí, 20 Live music and South American specialities. Tierras Colombianas C/ Erudito Orellana, 12 Tel: 96 382 12 24 Genuine Colombian cuisine, cosmopolitan zone. Excellent Terrazas

Django Pl. Don Juan de Villarrasa, 1 Tel: 96 327 03 72 Absolutely fantastic sunny terrace to enjoy tasty breakfasts, classic tapas and traditional Mediterranean dishes. French

Atmosphére (Institut Français) C/ Moro Zeit, 6 www.restauranteatmosphere.com Open 08.00h to 20.00h, delicious

24/7 Valencia is recommended by Levante EMV, ADN.es, Super Deporte

©2009 24/7 Valencia

APRIL 10 / ABRIL 10 www.247valencia.com homemade food from expert chefs. Cinquante Cinq C/ Joaquín Costa, 55 Tel: 96 325 50 29 French bistro in an upmarket, cosmopolitan zone. Homemade dishes, relaxed atmosphere. Crêperie Bretonne Annaik C/ Bordadores, 4 Tel: 96 153524 Excellently located by the Cathedral, with a vintage car as one table, double-decker bus as part of the interior! Homemade crepes with tasty fillings, quiches, salads. El Bicho Raro C/ Conde Montornes, 9 Tel: 96 392 49 20 One of the best French restaurants in Valencia. Authentic atmosphere. La Francesa del Carmen C/ Sogueros, 5 Tel: 96 3 23 51 63 Superb homemade, authentic French cuisine with North African touches like cous cous. German

Bierwinkel C/ Guardia Civil, 4 Tel: 96 393 42 88 Hearty German cervecería in Benimaclet student zone. Imported beers, German cuisine. GreeK

Rincon Griego C/ Conde Montornes Tel: 96 394 44 43 Legendary amongst Greek restaurants in the community. Take away as well.

Very popular, good value, great pizza. Bacco d.o.c. C/ Derechos 29, bajo (1 min from La Lonja) Tel: 96 391 19 65 Everyone welcome at this distinctive and very original Italian restaurant in an excellent location. The setting is fun and a little decadent, with stalactites hanging from the cave-like setting and one of the most unique washrooms in Valencia Huge selection of pasta dishes, including lasagne, gnocchi, tagliatelle, penne and bucatini, ravioli. Homemade tiramisu is a decadent treat. Especially popular with a trendy arts crowd, women out in groups and romantic couples. La Pappardella C/ Bordadores, 5 (next to Cathedral) Tel: 96 391 89 15 www.viciositalianos.com. Popular Italian restaurant without pizza and emphasis on Piadinas and pastas. La Strada C/ Quart 17 Tel: 96 392 41 77 Excellent! Hip pizzeria and pasta restaurant just a brief stroll from Torres de Quart. 10€ daytime menus, around 15€ at night. Friendly service and tasty meals, popular with couples and groups and bound to be popular over the festive season! Maramao C/ Corretgeria, 37 Tel: 96 392 31 74 Open 14.00h to 16.00h and 20.30h to 24.00h. Arty, independent Italian in the heart of the atmospheric centro historico.

Indian / Pakistani

Taj-Mahal C/ Dr. Manuel Candela, 20 Tel: 96 330 62 64. One of the best Indian restaurants along the coast. Authentic Indian cuisine, chefs with 12 years Brit experience. Classic menu with all the favourites: Chicken Tandoori, Chicken Tikka, King Prawn Tandoori, Lamb. Variety of rices, attentive bilingual staff on hand to serve ‘English’ or ‘Spanish’ version of spicy. About 18€ per head. Taj Mahal now has home delivery until midnight for minimum price of 20€. Check out the British and Indian products at their shop next door! Curry powders, cornflakes, ketchup, tinned beans, and loads more. An expat’s dream! Italian Zona Plaza Ayuntamiento

La Vita é Bella Pl. Mariano Benillure, 2 Tel: 96 351 07 37 La Nicoletta Pizza ristorante C/ La Paz 33. Oficina: 963253960 - Móvil 608003463 www.lanicoletta.es Zona El Carmen

Al Pomodoro C/ del Mar, 22 Tel: 96 391 48 00, www.viciositalianos.com.

trendy Calle del Mar, so easy to find! Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening you have the chance to enjoy wonderful Italian tapas for free with your beer or wine, which you pay for. The friendly Italian owner speaks Italian, Spanish and English and you are assured of a warm welcome. Popular with locals, Italians and visitors. Zona Canovas

Accapella C/ Conde Altea, 60 Tel: 96 3748424 A warm welcome from a family run restaurant. Well presented pasta and pizza dishes in relaxing and spacious surroundings. The music is mellow and the interior is gentle on the eye. A qualified wine connoisseur and can recommend what goes best with your dish. Wonderful terraza. A good night out… Don Salvatore Italiano C/ Conde de Altea, 41 Tel: 96 334 13 04 www.donsalvatore.com A real treat of an Italian restaurant. Delicious pasta and pizza, healthy salads including fruit and cheese choices. Great for groups and couples looking for something a cut above the usual. Wonderful terrace and bilingual owner, a great Canovas success story. Spot the Valencia footballer! Italian Pizzeria

Paparazzi C/ Baja, 42 Tel. 96 315 45 88 New! Set in a quiet corner of the atmospheric old town. Run by a friendly and experienced owner, enjoy wonderful homemade Italian cooking including; Lasagna, Parmigiana, Canellones, Pasta and a lot more !!!!! Business groups and romantic couples are all welcome. Tasty Menu for 10€ every day and evening. Wednesday night has live Jazz with menu for 10€. Closed Sunday night and all day Monday. Rossopicante C/ Caballeros, 30 Tel. 96 315 40 77 Authentic and intimate Italian restaurant. Taverna Trastevere C/ Trinquete de Caballeros, 3 Tel: 609 956 429 Alter 5 years of fine service, customers keep coming back to this small yet welcoming local in the heart of Valencia, just off the

Il Bocconcino C/ Quart, 1 Tel: 96 323 03 98 Authentic Italian pizzeria / bocatería run by an Italian family. Eat in and takeaway. Good value with many choices for just 2€. Open from 13.00h -16.00h and 19.00h until 1am. With 30 years experience, this all Italian team of bakers and cooks specialities include homemade dishes with a fine range of pizzas and sweet desserts. Check out their wonderful Tagliatelle in Crosta, Insalata Bocconcino, Rottolo, Arancini and so much more more. Closed Monday. Japanese

Ao Yama C/ Joaquín Costa, 3 (next to KFC) Tel: 96 374 89 43 Different midday menus (3 dishes, drink, dessert, coffee) for 7€. Miss Sushi Plaza Canovas, 9

“For an excellent overview of what’s hot pick up a free copy of the English-language listings guide 24-7 Valencia” - The Times


© 2010 24/7 Valencia

APRIL 10 / ABRIL 10 24/7 VALENCIA LISTINGS Tel: 96 061 46 14 www.misssushi.es

Tel: 96 341 75 14 Great! An authentic Portuguese café bar/ restaurant with traditional dishes plus modern touches including cod platos at the weekends. Enjoy their tasty salads and quiches during the week.

Spanish / Valencian Zona Plaza Ayuntamiento

Kokura Pere i borrego 10 (C/ Alta – Na Jordana) Excellent! The most exotic Maki collection in Valencia. Check out their fusion cuisine with modern ingredients via their web www.kokura.es for delivery or come visit their intimate lounge setting. Experienced staff and a friendly welcome. Sushi Cru C/ Pintor Zarinena, 3 Tel: 96 392 54 92 Great Sushi bar with cosmopolitan staff and hip clientele. Loyal following, Recommended. Korean

Carpe Diem C/ Martínez Cubells, 4 (off Passeig Ruzafa) Tel: 96 342 77 80, www.carpediem-vlc.com A genuine Spanish restaurant right in the centre of Valencia, on a mellow side street, dead easy to find! Friendly service, trendy interior, expert chefs and authentic Valencia cuisine! Enjoy fish dishes, Spanish tapas and rice dishes including paella on their mellow terraza as you watch the world go by. Savour their delicious salads, chilled white wines, and desserts. An international staff are on hand to help you with your choice. Enjoy their Tapas menu with wine tasting on November 27, December 11 and January 15. Zona San Vicente

Tasca Jesús C/ Jesús, 22 One of Valencia’s famous Spanish restaurants. Wonderful Spanish tapas and ample bodega. Zona El Carmen

Airiang C/ San Martín, 11 Tel: 96 352 32 05 Well placed in the centre off Plaza Redondo, typical Korean cuisine, meat and rice dishes. Macrobiotic

Kimpira C/ Juristas, 12 Tel: 96 392 34 22 Macrobiotic food, comfortable setting, now in the old centre. Mexican

El Mexico de María C/ Denia, 20 Tel: 96 332 80 78 Friendly Mexican restaurant, superb homemade dishes in the funky, bohemian Ruzafa barrio. El Mexico de Maria has Mexican cuisine with 5 years of culinary experience in Valencia with a fine combination of traditional and fusion Mexian cuisine for their loyal clientele. To make your choice easier there is now a menú de degustación which consists of nine dishes and a dessert.

33 Lounge Restaurant C/ San Dionisio, 8 Tel: 96 392 41 61 www.33loungerestaurant.com Mediterranean tapas, expertly made fresh paella, homemade desserts and bossa nova soundtrack. Bajando al Sur C/ Dr. Monserrat, 32 Tel: 96 392 50 86 Bar Almudín C/ Almudín, 14 Tel: 96 392 57 13 Bar Kiosco C/ Derechos, 38 Tel: 96 391 01 59 Great terrace and economic menu del días, a brief stroll from La Lonja or Mercat Central.

9:00 - 01:30 todos los días


La Morhada Mercado Cental, Paradas 225 y 227 Tel: 96 382 91 34 lamorhada@yahoo.es Completely organic vegetable & fruit produce at Mercado Central. Home delivery service! Portuguese

Café Pessoa C/ Literato Azorin, 2

26 © 2010 24/7 Valencia

Every major Spanish city has a tapas bar regarded as ‘quintessential’. Established in the early 1900s, this one is high up on the list in many guides. Veteran waiters serve excellent tapas: habas, ensaladilla rusa and the famous mussels. Open daily midday to midnight just off Plaza Tossal, not hard to find. Now that’s what we call atmosphere... Boatella Tapas Pl. Mercado, 34 Tel: 96 391 13 14 Great tapas bar with all your favourites. Fine terrace and top view. Bocatame C/ Turia, 61 Tel: 96 391 08 70 Bohemian sandwich bar with plenty of choice and space. Bodeguilla de Gato C/ Catalans, 10 Tel: 96 391 82 35 Try it! Firm favourite amongst locals in the know. Tapas, vino and copas. Real atmosphere… Burdeos in Love C/ del Mar, 4 Tel: 96 391 43 50 Classy wine bar with stylish cuisine. Capdepera C/ Roteros, 9 Tel: 96 315 55 84 Fresh choice of Mediterranean dishes, including Mallorcan specialities. Tasty! Carosel Taula de Canvis, 6 Tel: 96 132 873 Casa Matilde C/ Baja 12 Tel: 96 392 11 43 Bohemian crowd. Bocadillos, beers, tapas. Dos Aguas C/ Marqués de Dos Aguas, 6 Tel: 96 251 64 26 Good value Spanish menu del días, great view.

Bar Pilar C/ Moro Zeit Tel: 96 391 04 97

El Botijo C/ San Miguel s/n www.tascaelbotijo.com Spanish tasca in the Barrio Carmen! Great terraza, delicious tapas, a top ensaladilla rusa and great tabla de quesos too. Cool flamenco, rock and pop sounds, welcoming vibe and friendly Andalucian/Valencia owners. Perfect size portions and informed service. Be sure to try Valencian tinto no. 12! El Generalife C/ Caballeros, 5 Tel: 96 391 78 99 Wonderful terrace, view of

24/7 Valencia is recommended by The Times, The Guardian, Business Traveller Magazine

©2009 24/7 Valencia

APRIL 10 / ABRIL 10 www.247valencia.com the Plaza del Virgen.

El Carmen Miranda (food & cocktails) C/ En Plom, 9 Tel: 96 336 62 83 Great! This is a brand new & authentic Spanish restaurant, tucked away in a quiet corner yet easy to find as it under a minute’s walk from the Torres de Quart. Run by friendly Spanish owners with a wonderful 5€ plato and drink lunchtime offer. We enjoyed their paella! Great group meals. El Peix Daurat C/ Dr Monserrat, 14 Tel: 635 413 476 www.elpeixdaurat.com Superb! By sheer word of mouth, this hidden gem of a restaurant has become a favourite of discerning customers. El Rall Pl. Tundidores, 2 Tel: 96 392 20 90 Legendary paella restaurant, prime location by La Lonja and Plaza Negrito. El Somelier Pl. Mossen Sorell, 11 Tel: 96 315 40 61 Hip little tapas bar with excellent cheeses, hams. ‘Jornadas’ of wine tasting during the year. Erba Cipollina C/ Viriato, 7 Tel: 96 392 04 96 Clean presentation, calm atmosphere. Escalones de La Lonja C/ Pere Compte, 3 What a great setting! A terrace by La Lonja. Espaivisor C/ Corretgería, 40 Tel: 96 392 23 99 www.espaivisor.com/restaurante.php Superb, imaginative and tasty Mediterranean dishes. Gregal C/ Los Borjas, 3 Tel: 96 392 58 99 L’Antigua Bodegueta 1833 C/ Purisima, 6 Mobile: 677 405 931 Authentic, friendly, warm and intimate Spanish tapas bar with a great selection of tapas including ham, cheese, meat and fish choices + prawns, snails, pâté, ribs, chicken & valencian speciality ‘esgarraet’. Enjoy the covered terraza at the back and watch the world go by at the front… La Caragola Pl. Mossen Sorell, 9 Tel: 615 992 803

La Cava C/ San Fernando, 20 Tel: 96 392 08 34 La Greta C/ Pere Bonfill, 7 Tel. 96 332 24 47 Alternative vibe, cool music, tapas and open, liberal crowd. Vegetarians are catered for.

La Huerta y La Botella Obispo Don Geronimo, 8 Tel: 963 923 705 A chic yet friendly new Spanish restaurant with traditional rice and Mediterranean dishes prepared in a modern way as well as delicious and trendy desserts and succulent salads. In a quiet street, just off Calle Caballeros. Valencian cocina includes Michelin trained chefs. Choice wine list too. La Llantia Dorada C/ Hierba, 4 Tel. 96 391 27 16 Creative cooking with a mixture of Caribbean, Mediterranean, and Asian influences. La Lola C/ Subida de Toledano, 8 Tel: 96 391 80 45, www.lalolarestaurante.com reservas@lalolarestaurante.com. Very cool, popular and excellently located by the cathedral tower. A distinctive interior combines minimalism with ‘60s Spanish retro and space for 50 customers. This is ‘nueva cocina españala’! La Mari y sus tacones C/ Alta, 28 Tel: 96 3156377 Chic yet friendly Spanish tapas and vino bar/restaurant. La Nave C/ Nave, 15 Tel: 96 351 95 06 Down-to-earth, menu del días for under 8€. La Salvaora C/ Calatrava, 19 Tel: 96 392 14 84 New! Cool ‘Taberna Española’ in the heart of the Barrio Carmen. Flamenco legend photos, excellent ham, cheese and wine aplenty! Las Damas C/ Damas, 3 Tel: 96 352 12 97 Unpretentious restaurant in a quiet corner of town. Good value menu del días for under 8€. La Surcusal C/ Guillem de Castro, 118 (at IVAM) Tel: 96 374 66 65 This modern, creative restaurant has become a talking point in and outside Valencia.

Not for those on a budget- 50€ a head. La Tarara C/ de la Cruz 4, 646 178 092, 646 524 877 Homemade dishes near the Torres de Serranos. La Xirgu C/ dels Borja, 4 Tel: 96 392 27 35 Very spacious, arty, and buzzing at the weekends with an alternative vibe… Los Arcos C/ Blanquerías, 10 Tel: 96 391 71 31 Quality cuisine by the Torres de Serranos. Maria Mandiles C/ Padre Huerfanos, 2 Tel: 96 336 62 13 www.groovelives.com A warm welcome with tasty food and lovely terraza. Mattilda C/ Roteros, 21 Tel. 96 392 31 68 Creative cuisine. Messana C/ Catalans, 8 Tel: 96 315 59 75 www.resturantemessana.com Neboa Pl. Vicente Iborra, 4 Tel: 96 391 37 21 Atlantic cooking from Galicia. Nou Carxofa C/ Baja, 42 Tel: 96 391 02 98 Restaurant area at the back serves homemade dishes. Good value, tasty and good music. Ocho y Medio Plaza Lope de Vega, 5 Tel: 96 392 20 22 www.elochoymedio.com Creative cooking with Mediterranean influences. Fish and meat dishes with fresh ingredients. Very special. This is a very classy combination of Spanish arrocería with exquisite rice plates and a wonderful ‘carta de diseño’. A beautiful and relaxing interior and wonderful view of the square. There is a menú del día for 15€ and expect to pay between 25€ 30€ in the evening. Great wine list, too. Refugio Restaurante del Carmen C/ Alta, 42 Tel: 96 391 77 54 A warm and authentic Mediterranean fusion restaurant with touches of Asia and a new carta, too. See ‘Something Different’ for more details. Restaurant L’hamadriada Pl. Vicente Iborra, 3 Tel: 96 326 08 91 New! Tasty dishes in a quiet corner of the Barrio del Carmen. Restaurante Tahine C/ Corona, 8 Tel: 96 315 60 42 Fusion cuisine. Serranos C/ Blanquerías, 5 Tel: 96 391 70 61 Another great Valencia landmark close by the Torres de Serrano. Sesame C/ En Bou, 10 Tel: 96 391 30 62 International cuisine in a quiet corner

“For an excellent overview of what’s hot pick up a free copy of the English-language listings guide 24-7 Valencia” - The Times


© 2010 24/7 Valencia

APRIL 10 / ABRIL 10 24/7 VALENCIA LISTINGS of the Carmen. Great service. Seu-Xerea C/ Conde Almodóvar, 4 Tel: 96 392 40 00 British-born owner/chef for one of the best regarded fusion restaurants, a minute from Plaza de la Virgen. Creative and affordable. Sidrería El Molinón C/ Bolseria, 40 Tel: 96 391 15 38 Specialities are Cocina Asturiana. Sol i Lluna C/ del Mar, 29 Tel: 96 392 22 16, www.solilluna.net Breakfast from 09.00h to 13.30h, imaginative meals with delicious salads and international dishes. Recommended. Tapa2 Gastronomik C/ Carda, 6 Tel: 96 392 14 70 Fusion cuisine. Tasca Angel C/ Purísima, 1 Tel: 96 391 78 35 Excellent tapas- sardines, prawns, cuttlefish and much more, all grilled. Indie music fans: This is Robyn Hitchcock’s favourite! Tintofino Ultramarino C/ Corretgeria, 38 Tel: 96 315 39 64 Like a fine wine? Oh, that’s superb! Tapas, cheese, and meat too! Trafico de Bocatas C/ Roteros, 16 Tel: 96 391 91 74 Over 20 years of great sandwiches. Vintara Plaza de la Reina, 19 Tel: 96 392 41 85 Great paella is available from Monday to Friday and there are other rice dishes to be enjoyed as well as fresh Spanish tapas, tasty meat and fish dishes. Winery (Envinarte) C/ Serranos, 6 Tel: 96 391 39 30 A classy winery by the Torres de Serrano.

Yuso C / de la Cruz, 4 izquierda Tel: 96 315 39 67 The real deal. Valencian chefs and Valencian staff. Superb paella, arroz en fesols i naps, arroz a banda, patatas bravas, salads and more. Classy Valencian restaurant by the old Arabic wall near Torres de Serrano. Homemade food, only open Friday - Sunday. About 18€ a head.

28 © 2010 24/7 Valencia

Zona Ruzafa

Basilico C/ Cadiz, 42 Brunch every Sunday from 11.00h onwards with eggs, fresh bread, delicious juices, salmon and bacon. Big hit with students at only 8€. Cadiz 70 C/ Cadiz, 70 Tel: 96 334 15 74 Excellent wine bar in the heart of Ruzafa district. Cool jazz, quality tapas to savour. Ganxo C/ Literario Azorin, 4 Tel: 96 328 55 48 Run by a Spanish/Irish couple, homemade food in friendly surroundings. Zona Canovas

Las Lunas C/ Ciscar, 35 Tel: 662 047 091 / 695 192 336 E-mail: laslunasvlc@yahoo.es Great! Brand new restaurant in the cosmopolitan Canovas zone run by an experienced staff. At the bar or in the dining room, you may enjoy an informal lunch or dinner consisting of tasty tapas, as well as the finest homemade meals for their menus, in classic Mediterranean style. Savour their delicious grilled meat, especially prepared by their chef Gustavo Casella. Las Lunas stands out for its combination of Spanish, Italian and French cuisine in a rustic and friendly atmosphere. Zona Rio del Turia

La Masia de los Jardineros Tel: 627 209 992 Peaceful spot away from the crowds. Menu del día for 9.50€, paella, salads, and fideua. Wicky Parque de cabecera - Tel. 656 856 899. Enjoy an ample carta of Mediterranean and meat dishes in pleasant surroundings. Zona Juan Lloréns

Amics Meus Cafe C/ Calixto III, 6 Tel: 96 384 55 28. One of the best café-bocaterías in the Juan Lloréns area. Bodega Bar Valero C/ Palleter, 51 Tel: 96 385 50 78 Alternative crowd ambience and music (blues, rock, flamenco) add to a bohemian interior. Casa Nuria Asador C/ Tarazona, 8 Tel: 96 382 39 60 Hidden treasure off the beaten track combines Spanish/French Mediterranean dishes. L’ Albergina C/ Calixto III, 17 Tel: 96 323 03 64 A restaurant always busy at the weekend means customers keep going back. Recommended. Taberna del Bou C/ Pintor Vila Prades, 17 Tel: 96 384 45 17 Rabo de toro, embutido, homemade paté, eggs, hams, cheeses, bacalao, vegetarian menus.

Zona Manuel Candela

Bodega “El Labrador” C/ Dr. Manuel Candela, 58 Tel: 96 372 75 30 One of Valencia’s very best bodegas, downto-earth interior. Busy at weekends! Essential. Zona Cabañal

Casa Montaña C/ Jose Benlliure, 69 Tel: 96 367 23 14 Established in 1836, this is an historic bodega and tapas bar, one of the best in all Spain. Over 1000 wines and crunchy patatas bravas, croquetas de bacalao, mussels. Framed posters and photos of Spanish ‘figuras’ and large barrels of wine line the walls. Excellent choice for locals and visitors. Zona Playa y Puerto

Antigua Casa Calabuig Av. del Puerto, 336 Over 100 years of history, with the port just across the road from this popular bar restaurant. Varied tapas and menus del día only 7€. Earthy and typically Spanish. El Tridente de Neptuno Paseo de Neptuno, 2 Tel: 96 356 77 77 www.hotelneptunovalencia.com Upmarket restaurant by the sea with room for 100 diners, creative, Mediterranean dishes. La Bodegueta del Mar C/ Eugenia Viñes, 229 Tel: 96 3 718 490 Quality Valencian restaurant by the sea. La Pepica At the Beach - Av. Neptuno, 6 Tel: 96 371 03 66 Legendary paella restaurant with room for 400 guests. Rice and seafood, with paella Valenciana a speciality. Hemingway did eat here!

Something Different Diablito Food & Music C/ Polo y Peyrolón, 57 Tel: 96 328 80 08 Fun pizzeria “food and music” restaurant with interesting starters. Large African interior.

Refugio Restaurante del Carmen C/ Alta, 42 Tel: 96 391 7754 New! The ‘Cooking Revolution’! Previously La Cañameria. Refugio is truly a restaurant

24/7 Valencia is recommended by CNN.com, Rough Guide, Thomas Cook, Easyjet…

©2009 24/7 Valencia

APRIL 10 / ABRIL 10 www.247valencia.com of the Carmen. Run by a warm, bohemian Valencian couple with years of culinary experience this is now a Mediterranean fusion restaurant with touches of Asian cuisine. Warm, wooden interior with intimate corners. From Monday-Friday they have a 10€ menu and a plato del dia for 6.50€. They do a great paella and special wine nights too. Good music soundtrack and mixed clientele. They also do food to order. 13:30h - 16:00h / 20:30h - 24.00h. Open everyday. Takeaway

Zona Plaza Ayuntamiento

La Violeta (Flower shop, express delivery) Pl. Ayuntamiento, puesto 2 Tel: 96 352 13 99, 667 326 340 Popland C/ Moratín, 5 Tel: 96 394 27 76, www.popland.es Prenatal C/ Poeta Querol, 8 - Tel: 96 351 68 29 Size Alternative Shop C/ Periodista Azzati, 11 Tel: 96 310 60 75 Will Shop C/ Padilla, 3 Tel: 96 352 46 07

Zona El Carmen

Prêt-à-porter C/ Murillo 10 ([barrio del carmen) Tel. 963 128 768 www.elpretaporter.blogspot.com Superb! “Quality cuisine from around the world for everbody”. Friendly, experienced and welltravelled chef has fresh & quality international dishes to takeaway including paella, couscous, curry, pasta and more. They also do dishes to order for groups, catering, parties, cakes. Just a stone’s throw from Radio City and the Torres de Quart. Open Mon - Sat / 12:00h - 16:00h Tapas Bars

The Bodegueta C/ Mariano Benlluire, 4 Tel: 96 3 519 738 Great! Valencian owned, international staff at this Spanish Tapas Bar. Turkish

Doner Kebab KILIM Paseo Ruzafa, 8 / C/ Ángel Guimera, 46 All your favourite kebab dishes to eat in or take away. Gazza’s favourite! Vegeterian

La Tastaolletes C/ Salvador Giner, 6 Tel: 96 392 18 62 Highly recommended. Emphasis is on tastiness and nutrition. Spinach, musaka, hummus…

shopping On the whole, the Carmen clothes shops are more alternative. The Colón stores tend to be high street names.

8ES++ C/ Bolseria, 28 Tel: 690 60 56 81 Albero Pl. Mercado, 9 Tel: 96 391 65 17 Bacilococo C/ Purísima 3, bajo Tel: 96 391 56 15 Bugalu (retro) C/ Derechos, 22 Tel 96 391 84 49 Confecciones Drácula C/ Roteros, 1 Tel: 96 392 17 98 (Dolls, mod and retro clothes, Vinyl) Confettis C/ Quart, 69 Mobile: 687 100 608 www.confettis.es Great! A wonderful shop where colour and ‘alegria’ is all around. A shop for all the family with party ‘piñatas’. Emeeme 1964 C/ Numancia, 1 Tel: 96 315 40 53 Welcoming artisans have opened a genuine Valencian ceramic print shop. Euforia vintage C/ Quart, 63 - Tel: 96 322 6193 www.euforiavintage.com Fetitxe C/ Santa Teresa, 17 Tel: 96 315 58 47 Irai C/ Alta, 38 Tel: 96 392 33 62 Original and exclusive designs. La Moda Me Incomoda (Great name, logo) C/ Cordellats, 6 Tel: 96 391 39 08 La Room (Unisex T-shirt shop) C/ Cordellats, 6 Tel: 96 392 03 69, www.boomlapop.com La Tenda de Roba C/ Trench, 2 Tel: 96 392 56 48 Quality jeans and cords. Great prices & service! Madame Bugalu C/Danzas, 3 Tel: 96 315 44 76 From the owners of Bugalu. Chic! Monki C/ Calatrava 11, bajo Tel: 96 392 45 16, www.monki.shop

Namo Bhudda C/ Purisima, 5 Tel: 96 391 65 09 Superb quality and friendly owner. Numero 1 C/ Corretgeria, 1 Tel: 96 312 18 37 Funky trainers! Opera prima C/ Corretgeria, 9 Tel: 96 3919868 Delicatessen Quicksilver Boardriders Club C/ de la Paz, 34 Tel: 96 352 67 20 Raíces C/ Corregeria, 4 Tel. 96 392 0193. Genuine ethnic imported clothes. Trendy Trend C/ Centenar de Plom, esquina C/ Na Jordana Trendy clothes with friendly service. Urban Klan (Skate wear / Hip-Hop) C/ Museo, 5 Vent du Nord C/ del Mar, 8 Tel: 96 391 63 47 Xocoa C/ San Vicente, 7 Tel: 96 351 77 39 Classy chocolate shop! Zak Kolel C/ Derechos, 32 Tel: 96 392 21 59 Zityest, Skate & Music Shop C/ De Las Cocinas 4b

Zona Colon Ann Summers Paseo Ruzafa, 16 www.annsummers.com Valencia’s very latest erotic shop for women. Arnau (sports shops) C/ Castellon, 13 Tel: 96 336 36 49 C/ Alicante, 13 Tel: 96 351 03 29 Bang & Olufsen Galería Don Juan de Austria Tel: 96 351 22 58 Benetton C/ Don Juan de Austria 28, Tel: 96 351 44 04 El Corte Inglés C/ Colón 1 / Colón 27 Tel: 96 315 95 00 Emporio Armani C/ Colón, 66 - 68 Tel: 96 394 29 52 Foot Locker C/ Colón, 7 Tel: 96 394 47 02 Zara C/ Colón 11 / Colón 18, C/ Don Juan de Austria 22

Zona Campanar Mercado de Campanar Avenida Tirso de Molina, 16 www.mdf.es

LATE NIGHT SHOPPING Vips Marqués del Turia, 49 Tel: 96 352 96 01

“For an excellent overview of what’s hot pick up a free copy of the English-language listings guide 24-7 Valencia” - The Times


© 2010 24/7 Valencia

MARCH 10 24/7 VALENCIA LISTINGS Open all week and all year, from 09.00h till 03.00h. Restaurant stays open till closing-time. Good selection of magazines, DVDs, CDs and confectionery.


Valencia is now well and truly ‘on the map’. Find some very good deals via the Internet. Airberlin.com ba.com Easyjet.com Iberia.com Jet2.com Ryanair.com Thomsonfly.com Transavia.com Virgin.com vueling.com

www.centrooblivium.com Oblivium is a relaxation centre specialized in flotation therapy and situated a 4-minute walk from Plaza del Ayuntamiento. Piscina Valencia C/ Arquitecto Mora, 2 Tel: 96 360 47 08 Quiropractic C/ Cirilo Amorós, 58 - 2 Tel: 96 338 13 20 Spa del Mar C/ del Mar, 50 Tel: 96 351 39 37 BIOPARC

APARTMENTS TO RENT 40 flats Av. Instituto Obrero, 20 www.40flats.com New! Conveniently located by the City of Arts & Sciences on the river, 40 flats offers 40 modern, fully equipped and furnished apartments. Privacy, proximity to the City of Arts & Sciences and price makes these apartments unique and ideal to ensure your stay in Valencia is as pleasant as possible. Whether you’re here on holiday or a business trip, get in contact with 40 flats, experts in accommodation… 50 flats C/ Espinosa 13, esquina GranVía Fernando el Católico Tel.: (34) 96 323 95 50 www.50flats.com Luxury apartments in the central Botánico zone. Recommended.

BIOPARC Av. Pio Baroja, 3 Tel: 902 106 980, www.bioparcvalencia.es Metro: Nou d’Octubre Bus: 95, 17, 7 The largest zoo in Europe and it is in Valencia! Open every day of the year from 10.00h until 18.00h and 10.00h until 21.00h in summer. 41€ all year pass, 20€ adult day pass, 15€ children, 16.50€ retired, 17€ each for groups of 20 or more. Children under three free.

BOOK SHOPS Casa del Llibre Passeig Ruzafa, 11 Tel: 96 353 00 20 Spanish bookshop is a very welcome addition for English speakers / readers everywhere. Over 20,000 books in English, including art, music, literature, science, education. Fnac C/ Guillem de Castro 9-11 Tel. 96 353 90 00 Upstairs you will find a good collection of English books including language aids, travel guides, novels past and present, art books…

30 ©2010 24/7 Valencia


Av. Autopista del Saler, 1, 3, 5, 7 Tel: 902 100 031 www.cac.es Fantastic! Designed by internationally famed Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava, this is a great day out for all the family! It combines an impressive science museum, a massive aquarium, super hi-tech cinema, a classy underwater restaurant and a state-of-the-art opera house too. COMIC SHOPS

Futurama C/ Guillem de Castro, 53 Tel: 96 351 9188 www.libreriafuturama.com Thousands of comics from around the world, over 200 titles in English.

COMPUTER SHOPS Informatica y telefonia C/ Turia, 11 Tel. 96 39 247 25 Computers, laptops and mobile phone repairs and visits. DENTAL CLINIC

Dental Clinic IVID C/ Quart 66 Tel. 96 391 00 80 is in the centre of Valencia, next to the Torres de Quart. Our highly qualified and friendly team do complete teeth restoration, crowns, bridges, implants, aesthetic fillings, dental hygiene, covering all your dental needs.


Assari Shiatsu C/ Navarro Reverter, 6 - 2 Tel: 96 373 10 68 Bluezone Day Spa C/ Correos, 13 Tel: 96 353 03 01 Estudio Yoga C/ de la Paz, 23 – 1 Tel: 96 391 32 89 Fitness First Gran Vía Germanias, 43 Tel: 96 310 76 00 Herboristería Ruzafa C/ Ruzafa, 34 Tel: 96 373 42 58 J. Navarro Herbolario C/ Arzobispo Mayoral, 20 Tel. 96 352 28 51, www.terraverda.com Established in 1771! Recently expanded, fantastic eco - supermarket / herbalists with thousands of healthy, alternative choices regarding foods, creams and medicines. O2 Centro Wellness Av. de las Corts Valencianas, 18 - 20 Tel: 96 317 36 00 Oblivium C/ Hospital, 6 Tel: 96 392 61 59,


Orange Bikes C/ Editor Manuel Aguilar, 1 Tel: 96 391 75 51, www.orangebikes.net Valencia, with its flat landscape, excellent climate, bike lanes and compact size, is a cyclist’s dream. Orange Bikes is a modern, reliable and friendly shop with bikes to hire at only 12€ a day. Electric bikes and repairs also available and easy to find! English, Spanish spoken. Recommended.


Kanda Books C/ Tapinería, 18 Tel: 639 740 746, www.kandabooks.com New second-hand bookshop in the city centre with great books in international languages & handmade greetings cards and books exchange available. Just a 1 minute walk from the Plaza de la Reina. Slaughterhouse Librería y cafetería. C/ Denia 22 - 46006 Valencia 963287755 www.slaughterhouse.es One of Valencia’ hippest hang-outs in the bohemian Ruzafa barrio. Great art books and good choice if exotic teas.

Nostromo C/ Carcineros, 22 Tel: 96 3 924 081

Clubs / Restaurants / Bars / Shops - to advertise - phone: 650 639 177 email: ed@24-7valencia.com

MARCH 10 24/7 VALENCIA LISTINGS Independent cinema, classics, rarities, underground. Friendly and knowledgeable owner. Just off Guillem de Castro and a stone’s throw from Torres de Quart. A wonderful catalogue of over 3500 titles with the best cinema of each decade, of all genres and nationalities, in original version and dubbed in Spanish. The latest releases are also available. A warm welcome. Version Original C/ Turia, 26 Tel: 96 338 08 55 www.original.onored.com DVD to rent, a welcome addition to Valencia. Excellent choice of first rate cinema. Monty Python, Coen brothers, Tarantino, Scorsese, French art-house, Woody Allen, Chaplin, Science Fiction, Cult, Independents, classic B&W and more. Open Tuesday to Sunday, 12.00h – 22.00h. Helpful, well-informed owner. EROTIC BOUTIQUE

La Mecedora C/ Mantas, 3 Tel: 96 315 48 61, www.la-mecedora.es New and near to Mercado Central. For men and women. DVDs, lingerie, toys and more…

ESCORT SERVICES La Divina Comedia C/ Mantas, 16 (next to La Lonja) Tel: 96 3 154 324 www.ladivina-comedia.es FOOTBALL CALENDAR

jueves 8 abr 21.05hr Europa League Atlético Madrid - Valencia 10/11 abr Mallorca – Valencia Levante – Salamanca 14 abr Valencia – Athletic Bilbao 17/18 abr Real Madrid - Valencia Girona - Levante 24/25 abr Valencia – Deportivo Córdoba - Levante 1/ 2 mayo Espanyol – Valencia Levante – Hércules 5 mayo Valencia - Xerez 8/9 mayo Villarreal - Valencia Recre – Levante 22 & 29 abr: possible home and away games for Valencia vs Benfica/Liverpool. VALENCIA CF Primer División. Mestalla stadium, Aragón/Facultats metro, lots of buses incl 9, 10, 12, 29, 30, 31, 32, 41, 79, 80. La Liga games from €20. Available from the ticket office at Mestalla, club souvenir shops and selected tobacconists. LEVANTE UD Segunda División. Ciudad de Valencia stadium, 11/70 bus, Machado metro, Estadi del Llevant tram. Tickets from €20 available at ground on matchday. GIFT SHOPS

Casa Monet C/ Serranos, 36

Tel: 96 392 48 28 www.yessy.com/vksieski Lovely gift shop run by a friendly and entertaining English owner, Vlad. Just by the Torres de Serranos. La Pulga C/ San Fernando, 22 Tel: 96 3 91 82 15 Yuste Artesania Pl. del Mocadoret, 5 Tel: 600 293 081 Just off Plaza de la Reina, a definitive Valencian ceramic shop. HAIRDRESSERS

Emilio Pl. Mercado, 12 Tel: 96 392 45 67 Welcoming atmosphere, mosaic interior and reasonable prices just a stone’s throw from Mercado Central. Open MonSat 09.30h – 13.30h, 16.00h– 20.00h. Closed Tues and Sat afternoons. Kibbutz (barrio Carmen) C/ Bolsería, 31 Tel: 96 391 24 06 Highly colourful and trendy hairdressers. HEALTH / LEARNING & TEACHING

Pilates Classes Tel: 637242227 Forming groups now. Good value classes with experienced teachers. Notice the difference! Call Marta. The Grinberg Method C/Bolsería 17 -1 Tel: 626 542 097 www.grinbergmethod.com email: novella@MetodoGrinberg-esp.com HOLY GRAIL

Valencia Cathedral Plaza de la Reina Tel: 96 391 81 27 Cathedral Mon-Sat: 10.00h - 17.30h Sun and Holidays: 14.00h - 17.30h Free entry on Sundays El Micalet Mon-Sat: 10.00h -18.00h Sun and Holidays: 10.00h - 13.00h and 17.00h - 18.30h Price: 3€ The Holy Grail, the only chalice in the world verified by the Vatican as the cup that Jesus Christ drank from during the Last Supper, is right here in Valencia Cathedral! Forget Indiana Jones, Da Vinci Code and King Arthur. It’s just a brief stroll to Plaza de la Reina to find what eluded so many for so long! HOSTELS

Alberg Juvenil Ciutat de Valencia C/ Balmes, 17 (zona Carmen) Tel: 96 392 51 00 www.alberguedevalencia.com Center Valencia C/ Samaniego, 18 (near Plaza de la Virgen) Tel: 96 391 49 15, www.center-valencia.com Hilux (zona Carmen) C/ Cadirers, 11 Tel: 96 391 46 91, www.feetuphostels.com Run by experienced travellers, beautifully designed individual rooms set in a quiet corner of the old town. From 25€…

Home (zona Carmen) Pl. Vicente Iborra Tel: 96 391 37 97 C/ La Lonja, 4 Tel: 96 391 62 29 www.likeathome.net One of the funkiest hostels in town set in the heart of the centro histórico. Run by people who are well-travelled and it shows. Cool, comfy furnishing and bright interiors really do make you feel at home. All your backpacker needs are catered for: Television, DVD, books and Internet can all be enjoyed. Hostal Antigua Morellana (zona Carmen) C/ En Bou, 2 Tel: 96 391 57 73 www.hostalam.com Single: 45-55€, Double: 55-65€. Eighteen rooms in an 18th century building with 21st century comfort. Air conditioning and TV in all rooms. Unfussy, comfortable and excellently located. Hospederia Del Pilar (zona Carmen) Plaza de Mercado, 19 Tel: 96 391 66 00 Single: 11-16€, Double: 22-30€. Hostal El Rincón (zona Carmen) C/ Carda 11 Tel: 96 391 79 98 / 96 391 60 83 Single: 10-13€, Double: 18-24€ Indigo Youth Hostel (zona Carmen) C/ Guillem de Castro, 64 Tel: 96 315 39 88 www.indigohostel.com. From 13€. Nest Youth Hostel (zona Plaza Reina) C/ de la Paz, 36 Tel: 96 342 71 68, www.nestyh.com HOTELS

Ad-Hoc *** (zona Rio Turia) C/ Boix, 4 Tel: 96 391 36 67, www.adhochoteles.com Cónsul del Mar (zona Puerto) Av. Puerto, 39 www.hotelconsuldelmar.com Holiday Inn Valencia **** Paseo de la Alameda, 38 Tel: 96 303 21 00, www.holiday-inn.com Neptuno **** C/ Paseo de Neptuno, 2 Tel: 96 356 77 77 www.hotelneptunovalencia.com Petit Palace Bristol *** C/ L’Abadia de San Martín, 3 Tel: 96 394 51 00, www.hotelpetitpalacebristol.com Petit Palace Germanías *** C/ Sueca, 14 Tel: 96 351 36 38 www.petitpalacehotelgermanias.com Sidi Saler ***** Playa de Saler, s/n Tel: 96 161 04 11 www.hotelessidi.es The Westin Valencia ***** C/ Amadeo de Saboya, 1 Tel: 96 362 59 00 www.westin.com/valencia LANGUAGE SCHOOLS

English Classes Experienced teacher and teacher trainer.

Clubs / Restaurants / Bars / Shops - to advertise - phone: 650 639 177 email: ed@24-7valencia.com

31 ©2010 24/7 Valencia

MARCH 10 24/7 VALENCIA LISTINGS Business, general and conversational English. Recommended. All levels. Tel: 67 21 62 2 32. English Tower C/ Ciudad de Bolonia, 6 (Nuevo Centro) Tel: 96 347 89 27 English Tower Business Centre C/ Terrateig, 1 Bajo 16 (Nou Campanar) Tel: 96 193 50 68 Opening hours: 10.00h – 14.00h, 17.00h – 20.00h. Established language school with more than 16 years experience. 12 classrooms, with 24 staff members offering Spanish cultural and Spanish language exchange at the most competitive rates. Flexibility and quality assured. Japanese, French, Dutch, German and English also on offer. Some courses subsidised. Visit our website www.englishtower.com


Estudio Gestalt Valencia Individual psychotherapy consultation in English http://terapiados.net The L@undry Stop C/ Baja, 17 Tel: 96 391 35 28, 687 255 275 Open daily 09.30h ‘till 22.00h! (Sat&Sun: 14.30h ‘till 22.00h). Valencia’s first cyber Laundromat/ Laundrette! The L@undry Stop is a different place where you can surf the web, chill with a drink or read a book while your clothes get washed. Washing 5€, Drying 3€, Soap .50€, Internet .50€/20 min. MARKETS

Glenburn School of English C/ Ciudad de Mula, 19 bajo (near Av. Aragón) Tel: 96 393 35 88. English school with welcoming atmosphere and experienced native staff offers courses at all levels for adults and children and prepares students for FCE, proficiency and E.O.I. exams. Offers Spanish for foreigners, French and German. Excellent translation.


El Rastro’ Next to Mestalla Stadium - Sunday morning Mercadillo de Cabanyal Every Thursday morning Mercadillo Central Plaza Mercado/ Plaza Redonda - Sunday morning Mercado de Las Flores Plaza Ayuntamiento - every day Mercado ‘Los hippies’ Plaza de la Merced - every day Mercadillo de Jerusalén C/ Pelayo / Convento Jerusalén / Matemático Marzal - Thursday morning Mercadillo de Ruzafa Every Monday morning

Estudio Gestalt Valencia C/ Del Mar, 27, 1 (near Plaza de la Reina) Tel: 657 012 800 Site: http://terapiados.net E-mail: david@terapiados.net. Psychology and Gestalt therapy consultation. Individual and group sessions in English. If you are interested, we can have a first meeting with no charge. TATTOO SHOPS

X TATTOO C/ Quart, 48 Tel: 96 391 40 65 TRANSLATION SERVICES

I.L.S. Translations Translation and Interpretation Tel: (34) 96 361 91 89. www.bilingualservice.com NoComprendo Language Services Tel: 96 326 98 17 www.nocomprendo.es VALENCIA WEBSITES


Lenguas Vivas (near Ángel Guimerá) C/ Palleter 43 - 45 - Tel: 963821058. An increasingly popular academy which offers Spanish, English, French, Italian and Chinese courses/translations. Groups or private classes for all ages and from all backgrounds welcome. Preparation for DELE, Trinity, TOEFL and TOEIC exams. Highly-qualified and native teachers in a professional and friendly atmosphere.

32 ©2010 24/7 Valencia

Bosco C/ Cadiz, 8 (Zona Ruzafa) Tel: 96 341 44 22 Music shop with acoustic and electric guitars. Discos Amsterdam (Nuevo Centro, local 80) Av. Pio XII, 2 Tel: 96 348 39 65 damsterdam@wanadoo.es Classic shop for collectors and specialists! ’50s to present day, first and second hand. Fnac C/ Guillem de Castro, 9-11 Tel. 96 353 90 00 CDs, DVDs, computers, cameras… Harmony Records Pasaje Dr. Serra, 9 (Zona Centro) Tel: 96 352 18 39 Mardigras! Pl. Virgen de la Paz, 2 (Zona Carmen) Tel: 96 391 11 07 Soul, Funk, Jazz, Disco, Hip-Hop. Vinyl.

PUBLICIDAD 650 639 177

ed@247valencia.com www.247valencia.com

www.247valencia.com Valencia’s latest website! We now have each month’s entire edition of 24/7 Valencia magazine available on the world wide web. ‘24/7 Valencia’ is now in its tenth year, making it the oldest monthly guide to Valencia in any language. It is the leading and longestestablished English speaking magazine about Valencia. In terms of authenticity, it is telling that it is the only guide whose editor and team actually live in the city of Valencia.

Clubs / Restaurants / Bars / Shops - to advertise - phone: 650 639 177 email: ed@24-7valencia.com

MARCH 10 24/7 VALENCIA LISTINGS It is also the only guide recommended by the local, national and international media. This includes The Times, Guardian Unlimited, Lonely Planet, Rough Guide, Let’s Go, El País, Levante, CNN.com, Footprints, Business Traveller Magazine and many more.

PUBLICIDAD thisisvalencia.com thisisvalencia.com is the finest independent guide to the city and beyond with a wealth of information about the city and countryside of Valencia, exclusive interviews, updates, blog, forum and more! We also have a relocation and property service. Flats, houses and chalets for sale and to rent within a 30km radius of the city. Let us know what you are looking for, chances are we will already have something to suit on our books - but if we don’t we’ll find it for you. Call 622 230 597 or email us info@thisisvalencia.com Recommended by ‘The Times’ and ‘Lonely Planet’.


www.valenciawebtv.com Tel: 672 238 015 info@valenciawebtv.com Valencia Web TV is a new travel / cooking channel webpage that gives tourists and locals the opportunity to view the true atmospheres of Valencia’s Restaurants, Bars & Shops using bilingual Video clips and Photo slideshows! Check it out and get a real feel for Valencia.

650 639 177

ed@247valencia.com www.247valencia.com

24/7 Valencia Is the only guide to Valencia recommended by the local, national and international media. This includes The Times, Guardian Unlimited, Lonely Planet, Rough Guide, Let’s Go, El País, Levante, CNN.com, Footprints, Business Traveller Magazine and many more.

Photo Manu Fernández

Clubs / Restaurants / Bars / Shops - to advertise - phone: 650 639 177 email: ed@24-7valencia.com

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34 twentyfoursevenvalencia


We continue with our exclusive collection of Valencia’s ‘Mercado Central’, said to be one of Europe’s largest covered markets. It’s a feast of sights, smells, sounds and faces. Amparo Oliver Movil: 609783223 ı www.eventi-acting.com ı www.myspace.com/amparoliver

All photos © 2010 Amparo Oliver 24/7Valencia

twentyfoursevenvalencia 35

GESTALT REPORT existential impasse, relational problems, and so on. It is addressed to any person who is in search of himself or herself who is suffering, and needs some help for going through a time of crisis or imbalance in his personal, social or professional life. If the situation calls for it, the therapist works with a multidisciplinary team, including a psychiatrist if, for instance, support using antidepressants is necessary. A little history

Personal work through Gestalt Therapy What characterizes Gestalt therapy? Gestalt therapists are well known for their interest in the ‘here and now’, i.e., what is happening right now, how you feel, what you think, what your bodily sensations are. Our work aims to help the person have full awareness of all aspects of his or her experience. By exploring together situations from the past that may still be felt as painful, or present-day situations that are a source of difficulties, a relationship is established that helps the person take their life in their own hands and develop new ways of understanding the world. A brief example may clarify this. During a therapy session, a male client explains that he had a difficult situation with his boss during a work meeting: “He talked to me in a way that I find quite disrespectful.... But..., well..., this has no importance. I just should be more intelligent than him.” He talks about this while twisting his hands. The therapist could remark on what is happening with his hands and invite him to explore the feelings that are connected to that. Another possibility would be to say: “You talk about being more intelligent than him... I can imagine that you’ve been through a difficult situation as well...” This intervention may help that person be more aware of his feelings of sadness or anger which he usually neglects.

What happens at a Gestalt therapy session? In a Gestalt-therapy session, client and therapist meet face to face and dialogue. During the first session, they explore what the client is looking for and the therapist answers the client’s questions. The framework for the therapeutic relationship is made explicit: frequency and duration of meetings, the fee, how to modify an appointment and when therapy is considered to be finished. If both therapist and client agree, the therapeutic work can begin. The person is accepted as he/she is, with his/her fragile or insecure areas, with no judgment or reference to any behaviour model. The therapist encourages you as a client to express everything that is present for you: things you think about or are worried about, your moods, intuitions, feelings, sensations, a dream, a happy experience; or a situation: something at work, with the family, or a film you’ve seen. Anything can be the basis for work since the therapist is helping you be aware of the different facets of your experience and identify what your actual needs and aspirations are right now. This helps you achieve a greater freedom and autonomy in your life choices. Who is Gestalt therapy for? Gestalt therapy can help with any life problem: shyness, a difficult separation, feelings of exclusion, psychosomatic troubles, anxiety, eating disorders,

Gestalt comes from the German word ‘gestalten’ meaning ‘to give shape, to structure’. Gestalt therapy was born during the 50s in the U.S. and arrived in Europe during the ‘70s. It belongs to the current of humanist, existential and relational psychologies and aims to develop autonomy, responsibility and creativity. It is not limited to an individualistic point of view of human beings, but it is strongly interested in the interactions of the individual with his/ her environments, whether personal, professional or social. Code of ethics A Gestalt therapist follows a code of ethics that protects the patient and helps therapy. This code of ethics demands the therapist to refrain from any abuse of power regarding his/her clients, to maintain an ongoing training, and to admit the limitations of the help he/she can offer when that is the case. The therapy work is done under the rule of confidentiality and professional secrecy. The therapist’s priority is the client, the client’s dignity, integrity and freedom of choice. As a personal note, one of the advantages of having been trained as a Gestalt therapist is that I’ve had to go through my own process of therapy. It is really this process and the changes I could experience in my own life, rather than reading theories, which convinced me of how useful this can be for many people. I’m happy to be able to offer it now. David Picó Estudio Gestalt Valencia C/ Del Mar, 27, P1 (near Plaza Reina) Tel.: 657 012 800 http://terapiados.net Painting © Matisse - Article © 2010 24/7Valencia

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El artista

B e t te r The D evil You Know After what has been a hectic month of March, Valencia lie in a comfortable third place in La Liga, with an eight point advantage over their nearest rivals. It would seem that with eight games to go the ‘Chés’ are all but virtually guaranteed an automatic slot in next season’s Champions League competition. This, of course, being Valencia Club de Fútbol, is not deemed good enough by a majority of the club’s fans, who in the latest polls would like to see coach Emery fired. Do these fans really believe that the team should be doing better than Barcelona and Real Madrid? Do they think that their club, which is on the verge of bankruptcy, can seriously compete with teams that can spend 100 million euros on one single player? Let’s not forget that less than two years ago the club actually ran the risk of getting relegated under the mismanagement of Ronald Koeman. Emery may not be to the liking of the majority but he has brought the team back to its rightful position, his histrionics and ‘buen rollo’ may irritate certain players but at the end of the day, when all’s said and done, the gaffer’s

done well (after all, this is a football article). According to rumours, Valencia president Manuel Llorente is not convinced by Emery’s style and is looking for a replacement. The most likely candidate seems to be Mallorca’s coach Gregorio Manzano, a journeyman manager who has finally had a season when he hasn’t got a club relegated. In fact, Mallorca have had an unbelievable time at home where they are unbeatable, but unfortunately they like playing away from home about as much as Jesús Navas, so they will probably creep into a UEFA Cup position. If the rumours are to be believed, then be prepared for a massive step backwards in the club’s progress. Not only would we see an exodus of the club’s best players but we would also have a new manager with his own particular style (or lack of it) and would be back to square one. Emery ‘no es santo de mi devoción’ but leave the guy alone and let him do his job. This could all be just speculation, as it was whispered that Emery had a clause in his contract that it would be renewed if the team qualified automatically for a Champions League spot, which it looks that he will achieve. So what happened in March to leave the club in such a healthy position? Well, firstly, Racing Santander came to Mestalla and left with a point after a truly boring 0-0, Villa couldn’t put his chances

away and Moya had a good game as keeper, although if you were to read the Spanish national press the match revolved around young Sergio Canales (Real Madrid’s latest signing) and twenty one other players. A few days later came an even sterner test with the visit of Werder Bremen, a team full of German internationals. Unfortunately for Valencia, English referee Martin Atkinson decided to wreak his own personal revenge for the ‘Malvinas’ by awarding an inexistent penalty against Argentinean Éver Banega and then later sending him off for a hand incident that no one else could see. Even after the Germans had converted the penalty and Valencia went down to ten men, they fought back and equalised and could have won the tie. Battered and bruised, the Chés then had to travel to the Nou Camp to take on the seemingly unbeatable Barcelona. At the end of the season, looking back at the results and seeing that Valencia lost 3-0, no one should be led to believe that VCF were rolled over. In the first half they were a match for the Catalans, Banega and Albelda in the centre controlled Xavi and Iniesta, even when Barca went 1-0 up, Zigić had a golden opportunity to equalise but squandered the chance and then Messi slotted away two more late on to finish the game off. Maduro was sent off to leave Valencia once again with © 24/7 Valencia 2010

twentyfoursevenvalencia 37 one man less which has become a bit of a permanent feature in the last month. Then came what has to be the most crazy entertaining game of football for many a year, when Valencia travelled to Deutschland to take on Werder Bremen in the return leg. Valencia were 2-0 up after ten minutes, then the usual defensive frailties reared their ugly head allowing the Germans to pull one back. Not to fear, in stepped ‘Superguaje’ Villa to score a third before half-time and game over, right? Wrong! The home team must have had a right rollicking in the interval and a few cans of Red Bull cola because they came out flying. Another penalty and a goal from the exceptionally impressive Marin actually brought the scores level until Villa went down the other end and immediately scored a fourth to break so many German hearts (sad), a late equaliser from Bremen meant that the last ten minutes were ‘de infarto’, and if César hadn’t been in the form of his life, then the Chés would have lost. Back in the real world, Valencia’s next two games were both at home in the space of four days, firstly against Emery’s ex-team, Almería, where thanks to goals from Silva and Mata, the ‘blanc i negres’ emerged as 2-0 victors. Then came Málaga who

were knocked by an early Villa goal and never really fought back. These two victories meant that the team had opened a six point gap between themselves and fourth place Mallorca, what could be better than a game against Zaragoza to extend that lead? Yet again Valencia suffered as Zigić decided to get himself sent off before half-time. Up until that point the Chés were the best team on the park and looked as if they would take all three points. But with one less player and a visibly tired second half performance, the team capitulated and just when it seemed that things couldn’t get worse, Arizmendi scored. The match ended 3-0 to Zaragoza, which greatly eased their own relegation worries. The all-Spanish Europa League quarterfinal against Atlético Madrid was the next game in Mestalla. ‘Atleti’ came to punish on the counterattack, which they did effectively and Valencia seemed determined to walk the ball into the net. A slip from a corner gifted the visitors a first goal who were just as surprised as the rest of us that Valencia’s defence was M.I.A., Fernandes slapped in a lovely goal to equalise and then yet again the defence erred to gift the ‘colchoneros’ a second, they thought they had sneaked the tie until Emery brought on Vicente

who set up Villa with Valencia’s second. In all honesty, the home team could even have snatched a winner at the death, but the 2-2 result leaves all to play for in Madrid. The Chés’ next game against Osasuna saw them come out 3-0 winners after goals from Joaquín and a Villa brace and also saw the injury to the team’s last fit central defender Dealbert. Emery will have to face the return leg of the game against Atlético Madrid without any recognised centre backs, which may be crucial in the tie’s outcome. In April, apart from the tricky, aforementioned return leg in the Europa League, Valencia will play against the likes of Mallorca and Deportivo who have become direct rivals for the third and fourth Champions League spots. A couple of good results there and a damn good thrashing against Real Madrid should see the Chés home and dry before May time and will give Presidente Llorente enough time to figure out whom he wants to manage his team next season. Leave him be, Manolo. Mark Hulton

See listings for football calendar

Valencia vs Atlético de Madrid

Cojones All football photos © 2010 HEINO 24/7Valencia

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At magazine club

Freeze frame







Out of It !



Libre All photos Manu Fernández - Tel. 655 487 704 © 2010 24/7Valencia

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CLUBLAND 2010 has started with a bang! Loads of great parties and lots of late nights have seen some of the city’s clubs and promoters work to help us through some seriously cold months. Well, April is here and the sun is certainly shining on clubland as we see some brilliant events through the month. As well as some amazing local talent on show in the DJ booths, there will be an array of international talent hitting Valencia’s shores, too. As always, this Clubland page will take the lid off what will be the best clubs and parties to attend through April. We start with the visit of UK clubbing brand Syncessential. Taking over three venues on two consecutive nights, they will be showcasing the amazing artists on their roster and bringing 40 of the most up-for-it clubbers to the city to add a real spark to the atmosphere. It all kicks off at Flow (Plaza Honduras, 35) (www.myspace.com/flowvalencia) on Friday, April 30 where DJs will travel from London and Barcelona to kick off the night in style. This is the perfect precursor to the main event of the weekend just around the corner at Miniclub (Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 111). As well as local boy Daniel Kyo on the decks, this party features Rick Maia in the main room playing underground house vibes and all accompanied by the amazing visuals of VJ Bopa, an incredible booking for the venue (check her website www.bopa.tv). WePlayCDs, who smashed the back freestyle room last time they were at the venue, are back and will provide an indie electronic edge to the night. On Saturday, May 1, I will be part of the Sync line-up at Estrella Damm Lounge (Veles y Vents building) at the Port America’s Cup (http://www. estrelladammlounge.com/). As well as my dance floor disco beats, Barcelona’s Twosome DJs will be on hand to provide a groove-driven soundtrack to the night as they kick off before sundown and play into the early hours. All in all, this weekend of events by the UK club brand shows the commitment of the venues involved to continue to bring the best music to Valencia and create the best atmosphere possible at their venues. In no uncertain terms, Miniclub has the best sound system in the city and

they have showcased an array of amazing underground house DJs from all over Europe including D’Void, Stuart Patterson, Matt Flores and Andrew Grant. To celebrate their first birthday, they have David Durango playing on Friday, April 16. In addition, April will see more of the best local and international talent on show. Those of you not attracted by the notion of house music all night long can venture into the freestyle room at the back of the venue. This room also pulls in some great DJs so expect the unexpected with breaks, indie, rock ‘n’ roll, classics, disco, funk and anything else the DJs decide to pick out of their very deep record boxes! www.myspace.com/miniclubvlc For many, the Barrio del Carmen is the perfect place to hang out. You can kick off early with some great restaurants, take in a couple of bars and then be only a stone’s throw from some of the most exciting venues in the city that are open seven nights a week. Two of the best venues are Music Box (C/ Pintor Zariñena, 16) and Radio City (C/ Santa Teresa, 19). With resident and guest DJs plus live flamenco every Tuesday at Radio City, you can hear an array of top music from Latin to flamenco, breaks to electro, funk and pop to indie in both venues. My advice is to go direct to their MySpace pages and check out the highlights of the month’s line up for yourself! www. myspace.com/themusicboxclub and www.radiocityvalencia.com LA3 (C/ Padre Porte, 2) is one of the newest clubs about and in my last piece for this magazine I highlighted that this would stand the test of time. Their infectious mix of music seems to mould together so well over the three rooms of nu disco, indie-electronica, electro-clash plus live performances, showcases and just about anything else they can cram into a night’s worth of debauchery! With international DJs including London’s JoJo De Freq passing through on a regular basis, the programme is always exciting, creative and fun. http:// groovelives.com/la3/ A Little Beat, an urban culture magazine based in Valencia, will have a one-off event at Loco Club on Friday the 23rd with French artist dÉbruit, Chelis and Hybakusha (both from Lo Fi Funk Records/Zaragoza). This will be a party full of bass lines, beats and breaks, something not for the faint-hearted, but

a real taste of the Valencia underground club vibe. http://www.lococlub.org/ If you are looking for some quality R&B, then you need to head down towards the beach as Soul at Gandhara (C/ Eugenia Viñes, 225) continues to dominate this market in the city and rightly so! Soul head honcho DJ Cosy O is joined by international guests and residents playing hip-hop, R&B, dancehall, reggaeton and funky classics. Running weekly at Gandhara, this party rocks the foundations of this venue and definitely boasts the most international crowd. www.soulvalencia.com In a venue with more character than an aging film star, Excuse Me! (Sala Sider, C/ dels Tomasos, 14) is one of the most creative parties musically in Valencia and the best atmosphere for the regulars that attend. Set in the hip barrio of Ruzafa, the club hosts some serious DJ talent with Dioni Sánchez and Nacho Marco both monthly residents alongside head honcho Sais and they deliver two rooms of indie, punk, soul, space disco, cosmic house, nu disco, italo, and groove electro. This month’s highlight is UK-based Jeff Automatic on Friday, April 16, although check out the full month’s listing to see what is on offer. With FREE entry before 2.00h every week, this is well worth a visit with a very cool crowd to boot! www.myspace.com/ excusemeclub The sun is out ...so warm up for all that dance floor action! DJ Barry Eaton

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part two

Born in Castellón, Monica Navarro is a professional photographer now based in Valencia. She studied painting and photography in Castellón and at the prestigious St Martin’s College of Art & Design, London. She has spent the last two years working as a photographer for the local press and is currently working in the world of fashion, various hip magazines and with the illustrator Miguel Angel Guerrero Perez. She was invited to represent Valencian woman at the Parisian exhibition “Mujeres en Paris” in the Casa de Valencia of the French Capital.

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Monica Navarro Email: monicafotografia@gmail.com www.flickr.com/photos/moni navarro Tel: 675 515 673 All photos: Monica Navarro, photos & article Š 2010 24/7Valencia












www.circuitocafeteatro.com in collaboration with 24/7 VALENCIA

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the wedding and the drive home were pleasant and one could even say warm, though tights were not a bad decision...

I’m having a major panic attack here, people. With the dismal Winter we’ve been having, I was completely unprepared and have just realised with the most awful feeling of dread and impending doom that my body is no way near bikini-ready, and that its getting to that time of year! How could I not remember that people go to the beach at Easter?! Why did no alarm bells sound for me during Fallas? Fallas always kick starts the lovely weather we are so blessed with in this gorgeous City of Valencia and its bizarre microclimate and Mediterranean waters. From then on in, we shed the layers and before you know it, it’s 40º in the shade and all the little old ladies are banging their chests with their fans and exclaiming, “Uy! ¡Qué calor!” at every given opportunity.

But with global warming the way it is, it’s doubtful that this lovely bout of glorious weather that has launched itself upon us all of a sudden decides to stick around for very long, and I’m pretty sure we can expect at least a few ghastly weekends before the temperatures soar into the high 30s for good. I for one plan to make the most of it, especially over the couple of long weekends coming up, sitting outside on sunny pavement cafe terraces with long cool drinks and equally cool friends, while I’m not pounding a treadmill like every other twenty-something female who’s just realised the wide expanses of beach I’m a Patacona girl myself- awaits and is no friend of flab nor cellulite.

This said, with the way things are going lately, I can only imagine that just as soon as I’ve plucked up the courage to bare a bit of ghostly white leg a thunderclap will force me to don a jacket and biker boots once again. I have a sixth sense about the weather, mainly because I am old-lady-like myself, not in the way I fan myself in the heat, but in the way my hips and knees creak when it’s damp and going to rain. Believe me, I have been creaking right through September to now, but sadly I think we have to face facts that this April sunshine won’t stick around. My first winter in Valencia in ten years with no full week of blue-sky days

I have been crossing my fingers for my dear cousin who is getting married this month in Elche, because everyone knows that rain and palm trees don’t make a good match, especially when I have a scarlet strapless dress to wear which will only look truly amazing if I am standing in bright sunlight. Sorry, I meant to say, especially as it’s their special day and a bride with a muddy train is likely to blush for all the wrong reasons in her spectacular white dress under a rain cloud. The wedding I zoomed down to Malaga for with two friends from Valencia in February was delightful, and although it poured the rest of the weekend, both

Photo Manu Fernández. Article © 2010 24/7 Valencia

is drawing to an end... at last!

I’m desperately racking my brains and my CDs for inspiration for the Elche bride-to-be who has requested suggestions for major tunes that will get us straight onto the dance floor. I’m thinking some Beyonce, some RunDMC, gotta have Amy Winehouse’s ‘Rehab’, maybe some MGMT? Not sure how my weird party playlists would go down with the guests, people I’ve never met before let alone had the chance to compare musical tastes with. Just as well I’ll shake my booty to just about anything! Though from experience I would definitely say that drinking games are generally a bad idea, at a BBQ just the other day Lolita and I got taught the best one to the tune of Sting and The Police’s ‘Roxanne’, which I may put forward as an idea for the wedding reception in case everyone needs a little nudge on to the dance floor. Not much to it, really - when Sting sings “Roxanne”, the girls take a swig of their drink, and when you hear “Turn on the red light”, it’s the boys’ turn. Someone asked who loses the game, but this is a taking-part-that-counts kinda thing and I can assure you it is the best party trick to get things swinging if the crowd is not quite in the mood - after that there was no stopping us, and the groups that had formed on either side of the garden soon merged into one happy gang. After Fallas, that BBQ and the wedding down south, I’m not sure just how much more my shaking my booty (nor wallet) can take now. Fallas was especially draining being the first year in very, very many I have actually taken time off work to play. And oh boy, did I play! Lolita Devine and I, being the stellar friends and spectacular hosts that we are, threw a little birthday do for both G.D.M. and R.El., who promptly came and decorated the house very festively with hundreds of little Valencia flags. Our lounge looked like a Casal for the week, and they were so artfully strewn across the ceilings we took at least another to take them down...

Anita Darling

© 2010 24/7Valencia

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A Great Cycling Route!

At last the weather has changed, after the rainiest winter in sixty years… It was a hard time for the cyclist, but really good for the countryside. Now we’re going to discover one of the prettiest corners of the province of Castellón, Viver, and a fantastic circular route to enjoy on mountain bike. Firstly, take a RENFE Cercanías train, specifically line 5. Consult first to find out which trains allow bikes, and then go to Jérica-Viver. When you get to the station, get off and look for the old road towards Viver, on which there shouldn’t be too much traffic. Viver de las Aguas owes its name to the great quantity of water that runs through the town and its surroundings. In the town you can count up to ten fountains, and there are five springs in the land just outside the town, without counting the Palancia River. As soon as you enter the town, you’ll see a small park to your left, and there you’ll find the Chorrillo fountain; next to it is a decent bar/restaurant for replenishing your strength (They used to have an amazing jamón Ibérico on the bar… a bocadillo with the bread from the village is an incredible experience!). The bar is on a main street heading towards Teresa and Bejís. Go up it a bit until C/ San Miguel, go down San Miguel, and then head right at the end. Now you should find yourself in a street lined with beautiful trees. For a short distance continue down here, with residential buildings to your right, looking out for a track to your left that will take you downhill into farmland. Once you’ve found it, head right down another track running alongside a field with a stunning caqui tree (sharon or persimmon fruit – bright orange and sickly sweet). Towards the end of September, this and other trees were dripping with fruit; now probably you’ll find some of them blossoming. Scrump discreetly…! Following this track, you’ll pass membrillo (quince) trees, and walnuts.

From here on, the track is one of the best mountain bike routes I’ve discovered in a long time, without too many complications, which means without having to be anything like professional to enjoy a really fun descent. Go a bit by instinct, but don’t worry - if you go wrong, it’s easy to get back on the right track. Cycle downhill until you come to an asphalt path which, if followed, leads you back to Viver, but just before a strange row of columns that rise up each side of the road, go right onto another earth track. As well as the fun involved in going down these tracks, the beauty of the land around here is something out of the ordinary: before us we have the valley that goes down to the Palancia River, and just in front an enormous mass of rock covered with pines and bushes called La Muela. But head back to our route. Continue heading downhill which here is quite steep and a bit dangerous (with lots of loose stones) and on the left you can see lots of caves cut into the rock. Continue downhill and at the end you’ll come to the Palancia, where the river widens and is really very pretty. If you are brave enough, the cold water is really clean and nice for a quick and refreshing swim. There is a fountain here with 12 ‘taps’ and a large picnic/ paella area (although sometimes fires are prohibited). Anyway, it’s a nice relaxing space with tables and benches set under enormous trees next to the burbling stream. After relaxing here, continue along the asphalted road and on the left you’ll see more caves in the rock. This is the start of the ascent which, if you take it easy, shouldn’t be too bad. You continue passing fruit trees, persimmons, grapevines running wherever they fancy, almond trees, olive trees, and the queen of the area, the fig tree. Once you’ve followed this, on a curve towards the right, take the road that goes straight ahead, again unasphalted. Continue upwards to complete the circle, arriving in the park just behind the fountain of Chorrillo.

© 2010 24/7 Valencia

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24/7 Valencia maps strictly copyright 24/7 Valencia © 2010 Map design: José Sendra




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THURSDAY / JUEVES 1 BLACK NOTE: Sex & Rock & Roll + DJ Quique Lledó (rock) 23.30h Gratis. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Esther Garcés, Tonetti y José A. de Torres (flamenco) 23.30h. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Jam session (jazz) 22.30h Gratis. 47 CLUB: DJs 23.30h. MUSIC BOX: DJs Maravillas 1.00h Gratis. PICCADILLY: DJs 1.00h. FRIDAY / VIERNES 2 CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Michel Gentile Trio (jazz) 23.00h / 00.30h 10€. 47 CLUB: DJs 23.30h. MUSIC BOX: Catalina Isis 24.00h. PICCADILLY: DJs 1.00h. SATURDAY / SÁBADO 3 BLACK NOTE: Sananda (funk) 23.30h Gratis. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Michel Gentile Trio (jazz) 23.00h / 00.30h 10€. 47 CLUB: DJs 23.30h. MUSIC BOX: L’AmourGui 24.00h. PICCADILLY: DJs 1.00h. SUNDAY / DOMINGO 4 BLACK NOTE: Senegal Independence Day (Afro) 22.00h 10€. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Ruzafa Ensemble (pequeña big band) 19.00h 8€ / Jam session (vocal y instrumental) 20.00h Gratis. MUSIC BOX: Noxe Criolla 1.00h. MONDAY / LUNES 5 BLACK NOTE: Tonky Jam (Open Jam Session) 23.30h 4€. MUSIC BOX: Paco Paco DJs 24.00h Gratis. TUESDAY / MARTES 6 BLACK NOTE: One Only & Lonely Show Man con Lluis Lannes 23.30h Gratis. JIMMY GLASS: Aruán Ortiz Quartet (jazz) 21.30h 10€ Aforo Limitado. MUSIC BOX: Paco Plaza 1.00h Gratis. RADIO CITY: Francisco Javier Calderón, Tomás Alvarez y Yoli López (flamenco) 23.00h 7€ con consumición. WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 7 BLACK NOTE: Live Funk Party by La Funk Family 23.30h Gratis. MIRROR: Reverend Horton Heat (rockabilly) 21.00h

28€. MUSIC BOX: Paco Paco DJs 24.00h Gratis. THURSDAY / JUEVES 8 BLACK NOTE: Sex & Rock & Roll + DJ Quique Lledó (rock) 23.30h Gratis. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Javier Calderón y Juan A. Cortés (flamenco) 23.30h. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Duo Bertrand / Cesarini 22.30h 28€ / 00.30h Jam session Gratis. EL LOCO: Vibe Creators + DJ MardiGras (soul) 22.30h Gratis con invitación Discos MardiGras. 47 CLUB: DJs 23.30h. LA EDAD DE ORO: Efecto Pasillo 23.00h 6€. MUSIC BOX: Gia & G + DJs Maravillas 1.00h Gratis. PICCADILLY: DJs 1.00h.

TUESDAY / MARTES 13 BLACK NOTE: One Only & Lonely Show Man con Lluis Lannes 23.30h Gratis. RADIO CITY: Leo Molina y su Gente con Juanma Maya, Juan de Pilar, Chicho y Leo Molina (flamenco) 23.00h 7€ con consumición. WAH-WAH: Dick Dale (surf) 21.30h 18€ / 22€. WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 14 BLACK NOTE: Ola Podrida (indie folk desde EEUU) 23.30h 10€ / 12€. EL LOCO: Steve Klasson’s Black Weeds (con miembros Hellacopters) 21.30h. MATISSE: Bigott 21.30h 10€.



BLACK NOTE: Midnight Rockets (blues) 23.30h Gratis. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Grupo Son Cubano (quartet) 23.00h / 00.30h 8€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Isabel Julve, Manuel Reyes y Manuel Quintero (flamenco) 23.30h. EL LOCO: Jaime Córdoba 22.30h 6€. 47 CLUB: DJs 23.30h. LA EDAD DE ORO: Los Patagonas + My Animal 23.00h 5€. MUSIC BOX: DJ Furry + DJs Maravillas 2.00h. PICCADILLY: DJs 1.00h. WAH-WAH: Julio Galcera and Vidas Ejemplares + Blues ‘Le Chansonier’ + Lone Surfers 21.00h 5€.

BLACK NOTE: The Bourbons (blues desde UK) 23.30h Gratis. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Marisa Gallardo, José A. de Torres y Juanma Maya (flamenco) 23.30h. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Nacho y Popen (cantautor) 22.30h / 00.30h Jam session (jazz) Gratis. EL LOCO: Skafeinats + Stoke + Termofrigidos + Kolico. 47 CLUB: DJs 23.30h. LA EDAD DE ORO: Los Suspiros + Hangee V 23.00h 5€. MUSIC BOX: Bava Party + DJ Soak 1.00h Gratis. PICCADILLY: DJs 1.00h. WAH-WAH: Charades + Guatafán (pop) 21.30h 11€ / 13€.

SATURDAY / SÁBADO 10 BLACK NOTE: Vibe Creators (funk) 23.30h Gratis. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Grupo Son Cubano (quartet) 23.00h / 00.30h 8€. EL LOCO: Farrah 22.30h 10€. 47 CLUB: DJs 23.30h. MUSIC BOX: Las Caza Volando 2.00h. PICCADILLY: DJs 1.00h. WAH-WAH: Shuarma 21.30h 10€ (anticipada) / 15€ (taquilla). SUNDAY / DOMINGO 11 BLACK NOTE: Pangea Fusion (Brazilian) 20.00h Gratis. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Ruzafa Ensemble (pequeña big band) 19.00h 8€ / Jam session (vocal y instrumental) 20.00h Gratis. EL LOCO: 50th Aniversario Independencia Senegal con Abou Thioubalo + Omzo + As Mbaye + DJ Fallou +…. 21.30h 15€. MUSIC BOX: Paco Plaza 1.00h. OCTUBRE CENTRE: (jazz) 19.00h 5€. MONDAY / LUNES 12 BLACK NOTE: Tonky Jam (Open Jam Session) 23.30h 4€. MUSIC BOX: Noxe Criolla 1.00h Gratis.

FRIDAY / VIERNES 16 BLACK NOTE: The Bourbons (blues desde UK) 23.30h Gratis. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Gold Bone Trio (jazz) 23.00h / 00.30h 10€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Isa Marín y Ángel de la Santa (flamenco) 23.30h. EL LOCO: Señor i el Cor Brutal + Arthur Caravan + La Sentina 21.30h 10€. 47 CLUB: DJs 23.30h. LA EDAD DE ORO: Baron Dandy y sus Rumberos 23.00h 5€. MUSIC BOX: Miss Yuls 24.00h / Paco Plaza 3.30h.OCTUBRE CENTRE: Ora Cogan (pop) 20.00h 5€. PICCADILLY: DJs 1.00h. WAH-WAH: Estereotypo + Welcome Dynasty (pop) 22.30h 8€. WOODY: Las Porretas + Mal Abuso + Desconcierto 22.00h 14€ / 18€. SATURDAY / SÁBADO 17 BLACK NOTE: Fuel Fandango (funk) 23.30h. 10€ / 12€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Lucilla Duarte, David Muñiz, Juan de Pilar y ‘El Piraña’ (flamenco) 23.30h. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Gold Bone Trio (jazz) 23.00h / 00.30h 10€. EL LOCO: SpringFever 2010 con The Tweeters 22.30h 12€ / 15€ con consumición. 47

twentyfoursevenvalencia 47 CLUB: DJs 23.30h. LA3: Aviadro Dro + Ellos + Dwomo (rock) 20.30h 15€. MIRROR: Los Amigos Invisible 21.00h 19€. MUSIC BOX: L’Amour-Gui 24.00h / Paco Plaza 3.30h. PICCADILLY: DJs 1.00h. WAH-WAH: Arizona Baby + South Hill (rock) 22.00h 10€. SUNDAY / DOMINGO 18 BLACK NOTE: La Caramba (pop) 20.00h Gratis. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Ruzafa Ensemble (pequeña big band) 19.00h 8€ / Jam session (vocal y instrumental) 20.00h Gratis. EL LOCO: The Aggrolites 21.30h. OCTUBRE CENTRE: Fabian Barraza’s ‘Django Trio’ + Chema Peñalver (jazz) 19.00h 7€. MONDAY / LUNES 19 BLACK NOTE: Tonky Jam (Open Jam Session) 23.30h 4€. TUESDAY / MARTES 20 BLACK NOTE: Fiesta Academia Europa 19.00h Gratis. JIMMY GLASS: Peter van Huffel Quartet (jazz) 21.30h 10€ Aforo Limitado. RADIO CITY: Pilar Pacheco, Kike Naval, Kike Sevilla y María Lizana (flamenco) 23.00h 7€ con consumición. WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 21 BLACK NOTE: Live Funk Party by La Funk Family 23.30h Gratis. THURSDAY / JUEVES 22 BLACK NOTE: Sex & Rock & Roll + DJ Quique Lledó (rock) 23.30h Gratis. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Johnny Amador, Juan Carlos Amador, Antonio Moreno, Ángel Moreno y ‘El Bareta’ (flamenco) 23.30h. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Mr. Zé (bossa nova quintet) 22.30h 10€ / 00.30h Jam session (jazz) Gratis. EL LOCO: Raindrop + 121 db + Mascherino. 47 CLUB: DJs 23.30h. LA EDAD DE ORO: Jah Macetas 23.00h 5€. LA MAGAROTA: Will McCarthy + Nuno Alves + Abdel (música folk - jazz - árabe) 20.30h Gratis. MUSIC BOX: DJs Maravillas 1.00h Gratis. PICCADILLY: DJs 1.00h. WAH-WAH: Copiloto + Deneuve (rock) 21.30h 10€. FRIDAY / VIERNES 23 BLACK NOTE: Dex Romweber Duo (R&R desde EEUU) 23.30h 10€ / 12€. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Moog Indigo (jazz trio) 23.00h / 00.30h 10€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Manuel Fernandez Reyes, Manuel Reyes y Cristina Simo (flamenco) 23.30h. EL LOCO: Debruit + Chelis + Hybakhusa 22.30h 8€ / 12€. 47 CLUB:

DJs 23.30h. LA3: Crystal Antlers + Times New Viking 21.30h 15€ / 18€. LA EDAD DE ORO: Sector 7G 23.00h 5€. MUSIC BOX: Jordan + Javi Funkeluya + MardiGras 24.00h. OCTUBRE CENTRE: Paul Paulun + Heinrich Dubel (experimental) 23.00h 5€. PICCADILLY: DJs 1.00h. WAH-WAH: El Inquieto Roque + Imperfectos (rock) 22.30h 5€. WOODY: Antonio Arias + Dolton + Model de Respuesta Polar 22.00h 10€ / 12€. SATURDAY / SÁBADO 24 BLACK NOTE: Cristina Blasco (funk) 23.30h Gratis. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Celia Romero, ‘El Chino’, Aroa Maya y Juan de Pilar (flamenco) 23.30h. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Moog Indigo (jazz trio) 23.00h / 00.30h 10€. EL LOCO: Maderita 22.30h. 47 CLUB: DJs 23.30h. MIRROR: Love of Lesbian 21.00h 18€ / 23€.MUSIC BOX: Miqui Puig DJ 24.00h. PICCADILLY: DJs 1.00h. WAH-WAH: Equilibrio Perfecto + Despeinados (rock) 22.00h 6€. SUNDAY / DOMINGO 25 BLACK NOTE: Swing Alligators (swing) 20.00h 5€. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Ruzafa Ensemble (pequeña big band) 19.00h 8€ / Jam session (vocal y instrumental) 20.00h Gratis. OCTUBRE CENTRE: Albert Sanz Moog Indigo Trio (jazz) 19.00h 7€.

Jam session (jazz) Gratis. 47 CLUB: DJs 23.30h. MUSIC BOX: DJs Maravillas 1.00h Gratis. PICCADILLY: DJs 1.00h. WAH-WAH: Maika Makovski (indie) 21.30h 10€. FRIDAY / VIERNES 30 BLACK NOTE: Tribute Vic Chestnutt con Senior i el Cor Brutal + Llum + Nestor Mir + Emma Get Wild + … 20.00h 10€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: José Serrano ‘El Metralla’, Tonetti y Juan de Pilar (flamenco) 23.30h. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Santi Navalón Trio (jazz) 23.00h / 00.30h 8€. EL LOCO: Polar + Damián Lott 22.30h 10€. 47 CLUB: DJs 23.30h. LA EDAD DE ORO: Nevada 23.00h 5€. MURCIA RECINTO FERIAL ‘LA FICA’ (Murcia): Estrella Levante SOS 4.8 Festival con Franz Ferdinand + Los Planetas + Carl Craig DJ + … 30€ / 40€ (Bono 2 días). MUSIC BOX: Falomir 24.00h. OCTUBRE CENTRE: Xavier Baró (pop) 20.00h 5€. PICCADILLY: DJs 1.00h WAH-WAH: Tortel + Jonston (rock) 22.30h 7€ / 10€. MAY / MAYO SATURDAY / SÁBADO 1 MURCIA RECINTO FERIAL ‘LA FICA’ (Murcia): Estrella Levante SOS 4.8 Festival con Madness + Orbital + Fatboy Slim + … 30€ / 40€ (Bono 2 días)

MONDAY / LUNES 26 BLACK NOTE: Tonky Jam (Open Jam Session) 23.30h 4€. EL LOCO: Rauelsson + Laura Gibson 22.30h 8€. OCTUBRE CENTRE: Manu Holterbach + Michael Northam (experimental desde France / EEUU) 20.00h 5€. TUESDAY / MARTES 27 BLACK NOTE: Corina + 7 Funkustic (funk) 23.30h Gratis. JIMMY GLASS: Eddie Marshall Quartet (jazz) 21.30h 10€ Aforo Limitado. RADIO CITY: Kallardó con Rafael Vargas ‘El Chino’, Miguel Pérez, Pepe Pérez y Yolanda López (flamenco) 23.00h 7€ con consumición. WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 28 BLACK NOTE: Scratch Roots con Seb Zero + Elko (DJ) 23.30h Gratis. THURSDAY / JUEVES 29 BLACK NOTE: Sex & Rock & Roll + DJ Quique Lledó (rock) 23.30h Gratis. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Kallardó (flamenco) 23.30h. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Taller de Sedajazz Big Band 22.30h 8€ / 00.30h

photo Manu Fernández © 2010 24/7Valencia

ARROCES, MARISCO FRESCO, CARNES, PESCADOS Y TAPAS El local dispone de sala no fumadores y amplia terraza. Una oferta inmejorable para organizar cenas y comidas de empresa, eventos, despedidas y mucho mĂĄs. Abierto todos los dĂ­as. Cerca de la Plaza del Ayuntamiento. RICE DISHES, FRESH SEAFOOD, MEAT DISHES, FISH DISHES AND TAPAS. The restaurant has a no-smoking area and an ample terrace. A wonderful place to organise lunches and dinners for groups, families, businesses, events and more. Open everyday. Very near Plaza del Ayuntamiento.

c/ Martinez Cubells, 4 - 46002 Valencia - tel. 963 427 780 www.carpediem-vlc.com

Quality Mediterranean restaurant in an emblematic square in the historic centre. Recommended in the Michelin guide 2009/2010 Meat dishes, Rice dishes, Fish dishes, Foie and chocolate desserts are all specialities Expect to pay between 30-50 euros Warm interior and good service Jazz music soundtrack 13.00h -16.00h/ 20.00h -24.00h Open everyday

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