24/7 Valencia #135

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WIN A MEAL FOR 2 AT LA LOLA! See page 28



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The Times: “For an excellent overview of what's hot pick up a free copy of the English-language listings guide 24/7 Valencia” El País: “24/7 Valencia is a diverse magazine, covering a range of subjects from Valencia football to restaurants to leisure time…” The Guardian: “24/7 Valencia is a free magazine in English, available from many bars and shops across the city, which provides features and previews on local events, fiestas and club nights. Its comprehensive listings section covers bars, clubs, restaurants and shops and is reviewed every month to keep pace with the ever-changing scene. An invaluable guide for longweekend visitors looking to get the most out of Valencia’s nightlife.” Lonely Planet : “The freebie mag 24/7 Valencia is a fantastic guide (in English) to Valencia’s bars, clubs and restaurants.” Let’s Go: “For more info…check out the monthly 24/7 Valencia, available in most cafes and tourist booths, for new hot spots.” Rough Guide to Spain: “Bars and nightlife…to get a grip of what’s going on, 24/7 Valencia is an excellent free monthly English language listings guide- you can pick up copies in places where foreigners get together, including Finnegan’s pub in Plaza de la Reina.” Time Out: “24/7 Valencia is a decent free monthly listings magazine with articles on Valencian life, available from tourist offices... bars and restaurants.”

ADN: “24/7 Valencia combines the free spirit of punk with the professionalism of the Mac(intosh) generation…especially popular with visiting tourists, who use it as an up-to-date guide for what’s really going on in Valencia (bars, clubs and restaurants). 24/7 Valencia is the ‘Time Out’ of Valencia.”

SAHARA Restaurante Oriental 4 twentyfoursevenvalencia

Members of the 24/7 Valencia team have been dining at Sahara since it first opened in 2009. On a pleasant spring evening, '24/7 Valencia' paid a visit to the lovely Arabic restaurant Sahara in the trendy C/ del Mar district. With a quietly charismatic and caring Moroccan owner, Issam, and fellow countrymen for chefs… this is the real deal. We spent a leisurely Friday night enjoying the ample menú degustación at 22€ a head. Falafel, Hommos, Shish Kebab and Couscous are just some of the highly representative dishes included. Julie, our French-born / Spanish-bred Arabic restaurant reviewer, is of Moroccan and Algerian parents so she knows her grandmother’s couscous from her mother’s tabule! Over to her... “Sahara is an interesting restaurant for its fusion elements. Set in a tranquil part of C/ del Mar, just 3 minutes away from the hustle and bustle of Plaza de la Reina, it has a warm Arabic interior combined with touches of chill out modernity. The spaciousness of the sala, the Moroccan lighting, the reddish sofas and orange- coloured paintings that reminds one of the desert, all combine to make this the perfect setting to enjoy typical dishes from North Africa. It’s a cuisine rich in fragrances, tastes and colours. Sahara’s tasty kitchen offers us Moroccan dishes with Lebanese touches, a journey through the Arabic world of distinctive culinary traditions. We savoured a wonderful Tabulé (salad of semolina, raisins, tomato, mint and lemon), some delicious Falafels (chickpea and vegetable croquettes), and a Tagine rich with sensations for its mixture of flavours (chicken with olives or lamb with plums). It’s a trip round the Mediterranean with a varied menu for all tastes. The typical dishes like Couscous or Harira ( meat, tomato and legume- based soup) are more intense and complement the more delicate dishes of fish, vegetables or meat accompanied by rice. It’s a relaxing place to enjoy one’s food, with a chilled out and exotic music soundtrack, no sense of rush and plenty of time to enjoy a good Rioja from Sahara’s bodega. To finish off the evening, we enjoyed their selection of sweet desserts with honey,

almond and pistachio flavours. Our Green tea with mint was a great way to unwind… The service was friendly and caring, making you feel at home while we enjoyed the post-dinner live belly dancing that you can see every Friday and Saturday night. The clientele was a relaxed crowd of twenty-somethings to sixty-somethings. Being of North African descent, I can recommend it as a place rich in cultures and a fusion of styles that transmit the tastes, colours and flavours of the region. Definitely worth experiencing!” Julie Abitbol Sahara Restaurante Oriental C/ Mar, 52 (Just 3 minutes walk from Plaza Reina) Tel: 96 394 32 76 / Movil: 698 579 148 www.sahararestaurante.com Open afternoons & evenings. Tuesday - Sunday Menus del dia from Monday - Friday 9.90€ Saturday 13.90€ From 15€ - 30€ dinner.

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Editorial APRIL 12




“To find out what’s happening in Valencia’s nightlife scene…The free, youthful English language magazine 24/7 Valencia has good bar, restaurant and club listings.” ‘FOOTPRINT VALENCIA’ Footprint guides started publishing in 1924 with their groundbreaking handbook to South America (which is annually updated) making it one of the oldest guides in English in the world. They pride themselves on writing guides for the independent traveller, with a staff of experts who “have a first-hand knowledge of the areas they write about.” Footprint travel guides cover Latin America, Asia, Africa & Middle East, Australasia, Europe and North America. ‘24/ 7 Valencia’ is honoured to be recommended by Footprint guides. We are also recommended by the local, national and international press…including Time Out, Rough Guides, Let’s Go, Lonely Planet, The Guardian, El País, Super Deporte, LevanteEMV, Business Traveller magazine, CNN. com, The Times and more. In this month’s April edition we have a feature on Bruno Lomas, the legendary Valencian rock’n’roller who rose to fame in the 1960s as well as an exclusive interview with up-andcoming singer/songwriter Soledad Velez, who had made Valencia her home.


With her second child on the way we say a sad goodbye to Erica Choate and we are happy to welcome on board food writer & professional chef Helen Westwater of La Ola Fresca. Great to have you on the team! ‘24/7 Valencia’ is celebrating its 12th anniversary this year and we have decided to put on a good party for all of our readers. Come and join us on Saturday, April 28 @22.30h at ‘El Loco Club’ for a live concert extravaganza with ‘The Smoking Stones’. They are a hot Rolling Stones tribute band with more than a thousand gigs under their belt. The Rolling Stones are celebrating their 50th anniversary this year so come along and join the party and have a rockin’ good time! Tickets are only 12 euros in advance but it’s worth booking now as The Smoking Stones are damn popular. They are presenting their new album, which is a homage to the Rolling Stones called ‘50 años de Satisfacción’. See www.lococlub.org for more details. Happy Easter to all of our readers and see you soon!

24/7 Valencia team

24/7 Valencia

editor: Will McCarthy. contributors: Altogringo, Anita Darling, Heino, John Murphy, Gooru, Mark Hulton, Owl, Tim Birch, David Rhead, José Marín, Helen Westwater, Amparo Oliver, María Angélica Sao Pedro, El Gazza, Mateo Sanchis, D. Birch, Víctor Aranda García, Vanessa Prado, Tanaka, Sacha Cotter. distributed by: groovy cat Ltd. email: ed@24-7valencia.com móvil: 650 639 177 online: www.247valencia.com

“FSC certified forest products are verified from the forest of origin through the supply chain. The FSC label ensures that the forest products used are from responsibly harvested and verified sources.”

is the definitive English speaking guide to Valencia. 24/7 Valencia is recommended by The Times, The Guardian, Time Out, Lonely Planet, Rough Guide, Let´s Go, CNN.com, Business Traveller magazine, Footprints, Ryanair... Views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the editor. 24/7 Valencia does not accept responsibility for date/time/venue changes. According to copyright law any reproduction, either total or partial, is completely forbidden without written permission of the editor. All articles, past and present, printed in 24/7 Valencia magazine are copyright of Orange Skies © 2012 Legal deposit: D4562606 24/7 VALENCIA... FOUNDED IN THE YEAR 2000 · 24/7 VALENCIA... FUNDADA EN EL AÑO 2000 · 24/7 VALENCIA...FUNDADA L' ANY 2000

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VIDAS DE VALENCIA ¡Es primavera!


City of Arts & Sciences

Cometa en la playa de Malvarrosa

Amparo Oliver - Móvil: 609783223 - www.eventi-acting.com www.myspace.com/amparoliver - All photos Amparo Oliver ©2012 24/7Valencia

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IVAM C/ Guillem de Castro, 118 (Zona Carmen) Tel: 96 386 30 00 www.ivam.es

MuVIM C/ Guillem de Castro, 8 (Zona Carmen) Tel: 96 388 37 47 www.muvim.es


INSTITUT FRANÇAIS DE VALENCE C/ Moro Zeit, 6 (Zona Carmen) 46001 Valencia Tel: 96 315 30 95 www.institutfrancais.es/valencia

© Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, 2012 (Jordi Calveras/Marta Mérida/Joan Sagristà)

Hasta 27 mayo

Copa Cuesta Ordal. Autor Ramón Baixeras, 1918

Hasta 6 mayo


CENTRO CULTURAL DE BANCAJA DE VALENCIA Plaza Tetuán, 23 (Zona Carmen) www.bancaja.es/obrasocial

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VALENCIA ROCK ’N’ ROLL STAR BRUNO LOMAS Youth culture and Rock ‘n’ Roll are not concepts we easily associate with post-Civil war Franco’s Spain. It’s hard to see where they would fit in amongst the grey public works, the development plans and the authoritarian grip of the regime. In the late ‘50s, at the end of the grim period of total isolation and with the ‘economic miracle’ about to happen, football, toros and cinema were tolerated and even encouraged by the regime. However, swinging your hips to the rhythmic racket of a bunch of rowdy adolescents was definitely not in the script. Yet despite the best efforts of the Caudillo’s censors and the tight rein the Catholic Church held on the nation’s morality, Spain was not completely bereft of bequiffed teenage rockers on the make and one of the most celebrated was a young Valencian who went by the name of Bruno Lomas. He was born Emilio Baldoví Menéndez in Xàtiva on 14 July 1940, just a year after the end of the Civil War. His father was a military doctor and he was educated by

Dominican monks in Valencia and all was set up for him to study law; a perfect son of the new Spain. Then, at the age of 17, he discovered Gene Vincent. Like many of his generation, films and music from outside of Spain and interaction with the first tourists to arrive to the then unspoilt Spanish coast had shown him that there was something else to aspire to. Hollywood and rock ‘n’ roll offered tempting pleasures, which were not entirely in tune with the dictatorship’s way of seeing things. By the time Bruno Lomas had formed his first band with some of his schoolmates in 1958, Spanish audiences had already been exposed to foreign pop music in the guise of crooning Cuban exile Antonio Machín and vocal bands like the Cinco Latinos. However, it’s hard to imagine that Lomas and his friends thrashing out “Be-Bop-ALula” at his first gigs in Valencia would have been anything less than a shock to the system for the Valencia audience, most of whom had never experienced rock ‘n’ roll before.

He went down a storm and in 1960 he formed a new band, Los Milos, who made their first recordings that same year and quickly became the biggest act in Valencia, playing and recording Spanish versions of American and Italian hits. It wasn’t long before he was noticed by French promoter Johnny Stark who persuaded Lomas to tour in France. The rest of the band couldn’t envisage a career in music and didn’t want to move away from Valencia so Lomas was set up with a new band calling themselves Los Diavolos, who toured France with great success in the summer of 1962. He came back to find that Los Milos had released one of his old recordings, the gloriously Valencian sounding “Twist a María Amparo”, behind his back and even used his picture on the cover. Lomas was furious but it became his first number one. Los Diavolos changed their name to Bruno Lomas y Los Rockeros. They went back to France in 1963, playing more than 100 concerts in 11 months (including two gigs at the Paris Olympia) and releasing Article © 2012 24/7Valencia

twentyfoursevenvalencia 9 two singles. By the time they returned triumphantly to Valencia at the end of that year, they were earning 80,000 pesetas a month when the average wage in Spain was just over 5,000. They had honed their craft and had a sound system no one in Valencia could match and in 1964 they blew all local bands out of the water. Changes in Spain were in full swing. The regime was keen to show the world a new image. Franco increasingly left his military uniform at home and changed his Falangist entourage for a group of technocrats and economists. He developed a new persona and created the fiction of a sort of father of the nation. Spain had joined the UN and the World Bank and cemented ties with the U.S. Foreign investment and aid poured in and this, coupled with the technocrats’ succession of development plans and the fact that five million Spaniards were living and working abroad, meant that Spain could claim to have a state of full employment. The arrival of richer European tourists and the experience of the Spaniards working abroad brought foreign currency into the country and, equally importantly, started to change people’s attitudes. Bruno Lomas’ generation had work and a small amount of disposable income and wanted to have some fun. The fashion of the day was the ‘guateque’ or house party where, on Saturdays and Sunday afternoons, middle class kids would take advantage of their parents going away to the country to invite friends round to listen to records and drink Licor 43 or new imported soft drinks like Coca-Cola or Pepsi. These were the people buying Bruno Lomas records and they bought barrow loads of them in the mid-‘60s.

speeding and living it up too much but they never made any political stance against the regime. They were not alone amongst many young rebels in Spain at the time in that their motivation was more hedonistic than ideological. In 1965 the band signed to EMI’s Spanish label Regal and had seven successive hit singles, some written by Lomas and some versions of American and British hits. In 1966 Lomas decided to change tack. He wanted to widen his appeal and go for the pin-up market with schmaltzy orchestral ballads. This went down like a lead balloon with the rest of the band who wanted to stick to their rock ’n’ roll roots and they went their separate ways in June that year. Lomas went mainstream and initially had huge success, recording some of his biggest hits and even making a few films. He was also the first Spanish rock star to release a live album. By 1968, however, he was no longer the flavour of the month and, having turned his back on his original audience, his career started to slump. He had a few throwaway summer hits in the early ‘70s but this was the start of a slow and painful decline. Spanish youth had moved on and he was looking distinctly old hat when compared to the popular, politically motivated cantautores (singer-songwriters), whose songs pushed for liberty and democracy.

and the far right-wing group Fuerza Nueva in the first years of democracy. But there was still yet to be one final triumph, his very own “’68 Comeback Special” a la Elvis. It took the form of a concert in the Sala Jácara in Madrid where he performed in front of the great and the good of the Spanish music industry and the young scenesters from La Movida Madrileña. He went back to his rock ’n’ roll roots and brought the house down. Despite the success of the concert, there was to be no revival and he spent the last years of his career touring the “Bruno Lomas Show” through smaller and smaller venues until, in August 1990, he was killed when he crashed his sports car in the Valencia seaside town of Puebla de Farnals. Many believe the seeds of Spain’s transition to democracy were sown in the social changes that took place at the beginning of the ‘60s, but by the time the transition arrived, the man who was a living symbol of these changes was washed up and left behind.

David Rhead and José Marín

The former enfant terrible rebel rocker was part of the regime and the regime was about to come to an end. He was out of date and out of step. This was only exasperated by his defence of Franco in his concerts and later by his flirtation with right-wing politics

The band went for the rock star lifestyle, buying expensive sports cars which resulted in run-ins with the authorities over

Article © 2012 24/7Valencia

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SOLEDAD VÉLEZ Rouse, Josele Santiago, Nacho Vegas … and had the pleasure of sharing the stage with loads of other really good musicians.

of Bandurrias.

What do you like about living in Valencia?

It’s about a man who’s always telling me that everything is going to be all right. My life is chaotic, it’s really complicated and he makes sure everything is simpler and better.

First of all, it’s my home, it’s where all my friends live and since I came here on my own, my friends are my family. Apart from that, the climate, the people, the mountains around it, the beach…it has a bit of everything. Take us through each song of your new album: It’s important to note that only one song, “Wild Fishing”, was done in both countries. The idea for the album was started in Chile and all the months of work were done in Spain 1. Black Light in the Forest

SOLEDAD VÉLEZ Soledad Vélez is a little bit special. She has a unique quality with a memorable chorus, an interesting turn of phrase, the lilt in her distinctive voice, the sense of having lived more than her 24 years. Along with the folk guitar, the ukulele, the independent attitude, there’s a touch of Billie Holiday somewhere in the mix. 24/7 Valencia were fortunate to catch the mysterious Soledad Vélez in fine form at her recent live show at Electropura in Ruzafa, in front of a packed audience… Tell us about your background, travels, concerts and experiences. OK, well, four years ago I left Chile, a country I have travelled all over and known very well since I was a child. Not long before I left, I had done just two solo concerts in my city. I arrived in Spain because I had a friend in Valencia who believed in my work and wanted to be a part of it. I owe a lot to him. Last year I signed with a Seville-based record label and did more than 40 concerts around Spain and loads of festivals, too. This year I signed to a new Valencian record label, Absolute Beginners run by Jesús de Santos, whom I am currently working with and hope to be for a long time. Jesús played a number of instruments on my new album as well as acompanying me in live shows. I have also had the opportunity to play with Herman Dune, Matt Elliott, Manel, Josh

It’s the song that opens the album and has the same name of my last EP released on the Sello Salvaje label. I started working on the song last year. I’m really happy to have it included on the album. 2. Hug Me This song is inspired by my last relationship, in how much you desire to be hugged when everything around you is falling to pieces. 3. Unhappy with Crown Two years ago, there was a terrible earthquake in Concepciòn, Chile, the city where my family is from. That was the time I was composing the song. 4. Homeless I wrote it on the same night my former partner left me for another girl. I don’t think I have ever felt so lonely, it was a really hard night. I had nowhere to go. 5. Sea Man I was inspired by a friend of mine who lives very far away from here and our friendship. Every time I play it I feel close to him and it is comforting. 6. Birds In this song I talk about my grandfather and his final days. He died a few years ago and we heard about his death when we were living in the south of Chile, near an Alameda

7. Don't Worry Babe

8. It Wasn't Me This one was inspired by guilt and how to escape getting into a trance. I like the confusion of this song. 9. Johnnie I am a big fan of whisky; it’s my favourite drink. Many times when I’m home, when I get the guitar out to play I start to feel the alcohol running through my veins, so it occurred to me to write a song about it. 10. He Is It’s a song about hiding things, about dark secrets, haunted pasts. 11. Ángel's Song Ángel is one of my best friends, he lives in Berlin and he makes me feel really good. 12. Wild Fishing “Wild Fishing” has been a bit of a crazy time for me in my life but significant, too, and it is the title track of the album for that reason. It was a time when I felt a lot of loneliness; I was suffering a lot of anxiety and other problems. With time, I learned to see the line that separates madness from reflection and crossed onto the other side and I am better now. Why do you prefer to sing in English? I prefer it because I grew up with that sound. All my favourite bands while I was growing up were from North America and England. I’m comfortable with it. Any plans for the future? “Wild Fishing” will be out and available in April. We’re also planning to go back on the road and do concerts. Interview by Owl http://listn.to/soledadvelez http://soledadvelez.bandcamp.com Photos © JuanLimousine / Article © 2011 24/7Valencia

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Hot Cross Buns No sooner than the ashes die down from one party in Valencia, the next event is already kindling! With Semana Santa (April 1-8), Easter is here and with ‘Operation Bikini’ still about a month away, you can sweeten the lament of the religious processions with a fine array of Valencian delicacies to be found in your local bakeries. Amongst these, the most traditional are Mona de Pascua, a sweet pastry decorated with hard boiled eggs, and torrijas, a delicious version of a sweet bread fried in oil, made with milk or, for a truly Valencian version, with horchata. Yet there is one thing missing from the Easter table that most English-speaking expats yearn for and that is those pleasingly spicy, majestic hot cross buns. A bun so popular in 16th century Britain that, despite attempts to ban them for their possible Catholic association, Queen Elizabeth I herself saw fit to pass a law allowing them to be sold on holy days. Hot cross buns may be available prepackaged from British import food shops such as Spainsburys and BritishFood. es in Mercado Central, but let’s face it, nothing beats a freshly made hot cross bun, created and moulded by your own fair hands, with ingredients easily available locally. To start on this journey to Good Friday ecstasy you will need:

• 900 gm (2 lb) white bread flour (harina de fuerza) • 1 teaspoon salt • 2 heaped teaspoons ground mixed spice (or to taste) • 110 gm (4 oz) sugar • 230 gm (8 oz) mixed dried fruit, such as sultanas, raisins, currants and chopped mixed peel (optional) • 30 gm (1 oz) fresh yeast (levadura fresca, available in supermarkets, usually in fresh milk section) • 85 gm (3 oz) milk powder (or use fresh milk mixed with the water and adjust quantities) • 430 ml (15 fl oz) water, lukewarm • 110 gm (4 oz) butter, softened • 2 eggs, medium size, beaten

• Extra flour for dusting Topping • 4 tablespoons plain flour • 1 tablespoon sugar • 1 egg, beaten with 1 tablespoon milk for glazing • 2 baking trays, greased

re-knead for another 5 minutes or so. Then divide your mixture into 24 equal portions shaped in neat rolls. Cover your little rolls and again leave to double in size. While they do so, make the topping. Mix the flour and sugar with 4 tablespoons water to a thick smooth paste. Spoon into a piping bag fitted with a small, plain tube. If you don’t have one of these, improvise by cutting the corner off a plastic bag. Preheat the oven to 250C (500F, Gas 10). With the back of a knife, mark a cross on the top of each bun, and then brush with the egg glaze. Pipe a cross of flour paste in the indentation on each bun.

Mix the flour, salt, mixed spice, sugar and mixed dried fruit together in a large mixing bowl and make a well in the centre. Warm the ingredients at the lowest setting in your oven. Crumble the yeast into a small bowl. Cream it to a smooth liquid with the milk powder and water. Add the butter and stir until melted. Pour the yeast liquid into the well in the warmed flour mixture. Add the eggs and mix the ingredients together in the well. Gradually work in the flour. What you want is a moist but not sticky dough, so be careful not to add too much liquid. Add more flour or liquid until you get a consistency you can work with. Then we get to the part where you get your biceps workout. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured board and knead for 10 minutes. This involves pulling the dough outwards, then folding it over itself, giving the dough a swift little quarter turn and then repeating – pull, fold, swivel, stretching and strengthening the dough all the time. When your 10 minute workout is over, your dough should have obtained the feel of something similar to a baby’s bottom (a clean one, that is!). When you have achieved this, return the dough to the bowl and cover with a clean damp tea towel and leave to rise at warm room temperature for around 30 minutes to 1 hour. In the meantime you can make your Easter bonnet or find something equally useful!

Put the tray into the oven, then lower the temperature to 200C (400F, Gas 6) and bake for 15-20 minutes until the buns are golden brown and sound hollow when tapped underneath. Eat straight from the oven or transfer to a wire rack to cool. Separate and split them in half, toast and spread with butter. Inhale the richly warm scent of the spice and melting butter and enjoy! The buns will keep for three days, but in the doubtful event that they do not disappear instantly, they will keep in the freezer for up to a month. So as well as a Good Friday you can, in fact, have a jolly good April! Of course if you find yourself unable to take on this workout, fresh hot cross buns will be popping out of the oven daily at La Ola Fresca during the Easter week! Watch our biceps grow! Professional Chef Helen Westwater La Ola Fresca Deli Cafe

When your dough has doubled in size, release all anxiety by firmly knocking it back with a good ‘indignado’ punch and Kneading the dough photos © Helen Westwater / Hot Cross Bun photos © Sacha Cotter / Article © 2012 24/7Valencia

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Sol i Lluna Spring is finally here, I love this time of year in Valencia. It is a curious thing but in the winter the Spanish almost hibernate. It is difficult to get them to leave the comfort of their homes and venture out in the evenings for a simple drink or a meal. Once spring arrives, it's like the entire nation collectively stretches, yawns and scratches its head and once again takes to the streets, the bars and the cafes. Though the terrazas were used more than ever over the winter to accommodate the poor smokers who are banished to the open air to indulge their habits (I'm a very sympathetic exheavy smoker) it is now, with the warmer evenings that the terrazas around the city really begin to come into their own. Take a seat on a terraza, order a drink and a few tapas and watch the world go by whilst you listen to the lively chatter all around you. We booked a table on the very wellknown and extremely popular Sol i Lluna terraza on C/ del Mar (though the street is open to traffic, it is minimal and slow moving and the terraza, shared with a neighbouring bar, is set back in a sort of mini-plaza and fills up very quickly on most nights) for early evening on Friday knowing how packed it gets. In the event, fate would have it that we were horrendously late. I phoned ahead and explained and was told they would do their best to keep us a table but that it was extremely difficult to hold a table for us to accommodate our delay. Obviously a shame but I completely understood and told them not to worry, we would take any table they could offer us when we arrived. Sol i Lluna serve great cocktails and have a small but

interesting wine list and the emphasis here is on tapas, salads and bocadillos (sandwiches). We decided on a degustación of the Sol i Lluna’s most popular tapas and accompanied them with a bottle of the really quite smooth tinto de la casa, (red table wine) from Fuente la Higuera (or Font de la Figuera as it is better known). The tapas came thick and fast and were comprised of the classic tapas – Patatas bravas, tasty mouthsized Chorizo al Jerez (hot mini-chorizo cooked in sherry), crisp Calamares a la romana served with a wedge of lemon, Ensaladilla Rusa, a very good Tortilla de patatas, Alas de pollo (chicken wings in a barbecue sauce) – and a few not so classic, including Albóndigas al curry (meatballs with a curry dipping sauce), Guacamole casera (homemade) and nachos, and a house salad of mixed lettuce, dried tomato, sliced mushrooms, caramelised nuts, and goat’s cheese with a honey and mustard dressing. Had we had room, we could have had hamburguesa for 5.50€ or bocadillos (assorted sandwiches) at 4.50€ – 5€. Our server insisted on us having a 'small' dessert and gave us a platter of tiramisu and cheesecake. The service is friendly and efficient and the atmosphere, especially on the terraza, is fun and relaxed.

Sol i Lluna C/ del Mar, 29 3 minutes walk from Plaza Reina. Tel: 96 071 57 90, 691 264 784 www.solilluna.net (Zona Carmen) Open every day 08.30h - 01.30h Tapas from 3€ – 5.50€ Wines from 10€ – 32€ Spirits 5€ – 6.50€

A meal such as ours would set you back not much more than 30€ for the two of you. Pretty good value and particularly worth waiting for a table outside on a warm night.

Tim Birch Salad Photos: D. Birch © 24/7 Valencia / Article © 2012 24/7Valencia









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Rivendel Resto Bar C/ Hospital, 18 Velluters (Zona Centro) Tel: 96 392 32 08 / Free WiFi

Open Monday – Friday 8.30h – 24.00h Saturday – Sunday 10.30h – 01.00h / www.rivendelrestobar.com


RIVENDEL RESTOBAR This is the life. Sitting on a terraza in the spring sun, got my chilled Alhambra beer, browsing the El País newspaper before savouring a tasty homemade tortilla & tomato bocadillo. On a lazy day like today, it ain’t such a bad way to pass the time in Valencia. The terrace is just one of the reasons for spending quality time at Rivendel RestoBar, which is easy to find and just a few minutes walk from Plaza del Ayuntamiento… The service is friendly and informed with a cosmopolitan mix of Spanish, Argentinean and French staff who all enjoy their food, travel, music and film. Martín and Julia are the brother and sister team who set up Rivendel RestoBar in 2003 and this April is their 9th anniversary. Their able chef is from Venezuela and Sixto, the Valencian character on the staff, is a veritable hive of information and funny, too! We have been chilling at Rivendel RestoBar on and off for a fair number of years, having seen it evolve into a culturally active and open-minded bar, now with international cuisine and a healthy cross-mix of ages and nationalities. It’s a lovely setting in the historic C/ Hospital, making it pleasant and perfect for people watching as the Article © 2012 24/7Valencia

characters stroll by. The extensive terraza faces the pedestrian street (no noisy cars!) making for a mellow atmosphere. On the other side of C/ Hospital is the famous Biblioteca Pública Valencia, giving you a spacious view from the terraza, which adds to the relaxed and studenty feel of the area. This member of the 24/7 Valencia team has noted that there has always been a positive vibe about the area over the years and it’s interesting to know that the public library of Valencia was once a hospital run by nuns who would nurse and adopt the unwanted babies that were anonymously left on the doorstep. At Rivendel RestoBar, there’s a good selection of cultural events to enjoy every month. Indoors there is a sala for film nights, always in original version, and their well-known silent films evenings, often with live musicians accompanying the films, making for an original and different type of evening out. There are live music gigs about twice a month, too, featuring original artists from the local scene with updates on their highly popular Facebook page ‘Rivendel RestoBar’. April has an illustrators' competition (a drawing fight!), a literary meeting on April 23 and some possible gigs

lined up, too. There is a good value menú del día during the week for 9.90€ (which includes a drink with two platos) and the cuisine is varied with Mediterranean, Argentinean, French and Asian influences making for an everchanging menú that is worth exploring. Their carta is in both Spanish & English. There is a good range of healthy salads, a small but good value list of red and white wines as well as a few choice gin and tonics, too. Tasty tapas include homemade chicken croquettes, Russian salad and their popular bravas. Their tostas (using pan artesenal) include ‘Big Fish’ (Philadelphia cheese, avocado, salmon and caviar) and the lovely Lechuzina (eggplant, goat’s cheese, caramelized onion and wine sauce). Their desserts include a homemade cake of the day and we were fortunate to savour a blackberry cheesecake during el día the last time we went and spent a couple of hours chilling out there. You can enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner here. Sunshine, good food, pleasant company, an interesting cultural agenda and a relaxing environment. If you haven’t been before, Rivendel RestoBar is waiting to be discovered… Owl



ARTS & theatre Museums / galleries CAFE MALVARROSA / ESPAI PARAL.LEL Hibierno Jordi Teixidor Hasta 24 abril COL.LEGI MAJOR RECTOR PESETUNIVERSITA DE VALENCIA Manuel Azaña y la II Republica Espanyola 3 – 12 abril CENTRO CULTURAL BANCAJA 1900, El Origen del Arte Publicitario Hasta 26 agosto Domus Dei José Sanleón Hasta 26 agosto CIUDAD DE LAS ARTES Y LAS CIENCIAS (L’Hemisferic, Museu de les Ciencies Principe Felipe, L’Oceanografic) www.cac.es DR NOPO Jill y su Extraño Caso Lumínico Marta Pérez Civera Hasta 19 mayo ESPAI D’ART BOIRA FUNDACIÓN CHIRIVELLA SORIANO Poesía y Color Hasta 22 abril Tempête Carlos Fernánzdez-Pello Hasta 22 abril GALERÍA BENLLIURE Pintura Moderna y Contemporánea de los Siglos XIX y XX Permanente GALERÍA D'ART ESPAI VISOR Noraezean / A Disreción Joxerra Melguizo / Guillem Bayo Hasta 26 mayo GALERIA KESSLER BATTAGLIA La Joie de L'Abstrait Grup Modern Fi Hasta 28 abril GALERÍA LUIS ADELANTADO Is This Trip Really Necessary? Emilio Valdés Hasta 11 mayo GALERIA MURO Panorama 2012 Hasta 1 junio GALERÍA ROSALIA SENDER Brecht Hasta 5 mayo GALERÍA ROSA SANTOS De Qué Hablamos Cuando Hablamos De… Néstor Sanmiguel Diest – Juncal Ballestín Hasta 19 mayo GALERIA THEMA Rafael Amorós – Ángel Hernández Mayo INSTITUTO FRANCÉS DE VALENCIA Entre Vues et Regards Thierry Valencin Hasta 27 abril Génération Perdue Lahcène Abib Hasta 8 mayo 7 Maîtres Invisibles Rachid Koraïchi Hasta 8 junio IVAM INSTITUT VALENCIÀ D’ART MODERN EXPOSICIONES IVAM Colección Tesoros de Arte Taíno Hasta 22 abril Arte Indígena Contemporáneo en Australia: Colección Sordello Missana de Arte Aboriginal Hasta 16 abril

24/7 Valencia

Homenaje a Ana Peters Hasta 16 abril Escultura de Proceso Arturo Berned Hasta 2 mayo Un Espíritu Libre Menchu Gal Hasta 6 mayo Fotografía de Vanguardia en Cuba Hasta 6 mayo Roberta y Julio González Hasta 17 junio Vivir en la Arquitectura. A-Cero Joaquín Torres y Rafael Llamazares Hasta 24 junio JARDÍN BOTÁNICO Dónde Está Mi Pelota? Infancia en Palestina Hasta 22 abril Nius, Somnis i Temps Josep Albert Hasta 10 junio Colores Ocultos de la Naturaleza Hasta 10 junio LA BENEFICENCIA CENTRE VALENCIA DE CULTURA MEDITERRÁNEA Recorrido por la Prehistoria Valenciana, desde el Paleolítico hasta la Época Visigoda Exposición Permanente LA GALLERA Acha Julia Galán Hasta 29 abril L’ IBER DE LOS SOLDADITOS DE PLOMO Exposición Permanente: Guardias Españolas, Coleciones Valencianas, Almansa, Vida Cotidiana, Tirant y Serie Histórica. MUSEU DE BELLES ARTES SAN PIO V Renacimiento Barroco Pintura Gótica La Pintura Académica La Pintura de los Siglos XIX y XX Colección Permanente Líneas Maestras, Dibujos del Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia Hasta 3 junio Detrás del Muro Hay Sol, Fondos Contemporáneos de Bellas Artes de Valencia Hasta 27 mayo MUSEO DE PREHISTORIA DE VALENCIA Historia del Dinero Exposición Permanente MUSEO VALENCIA D’ETNOLOGÍA Huerta i Marjal Exposición Permanente La Gran Ruta de la Seda (Asia Central y el Caúcaso) Hasta 13 mayo MuVIM L’Aventura de la Pensament Exposición Permanente Schmuck 2012. Joyería Contemporánea Hasta 27 mayo La Pinacotea de Radio en el Muvim Hasta 17 abril Rostros de Ciudad. Fotografias, 1962 – 2009 Francisco Moltó Esquembre Hasta 17 abril Sent i Respira Valencià en Valencia Hasta 27 mayo La Luz de la Selva Amazónica Rodrigo Petrella Desde 12 abril hasta 27 mayo Un Juego Mágico Willy Ramos – Eusebio López – Juan Barberá Desde 26 abril hasta 27 mayo UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA, LA NAU Juntos, Pinturas y Grabados (1945-1957) Manolo Gil y Jacinta Gil Hasta 22 abril


twentyfoursevenvalencia 17

Fragments 2011. Fotoperiodistes Valencians Hasta 3 junio Perifèries 11/12 Hasta 15 abril Covers (1951-1964) Cultura, Juventud y Rebeldía Hasta 30 septiembre

OPERA PALAU DE LES ARTS Sala Principal Tosca Giacomo Puccini Sala Principal 1, 4, 11, 14, 19 y 22 abril Thaïs con Plácido Domingo Jules Massenet 3, 12 y 15 abril Sala Principal Le Cid Jules Massenet 24, 27 y 30 abril Auditori theatre CARME TEATRE Retablo del Abandono 1 abril Mujer Oiseau Let Me Fly (danza teatro) 14 – 15 abril El Cielo de los Tristes 19 – 22 abril Antes Fue Siempre Fuego (danza) 26 – 27 abril ESPACIO INESTABLE El Desencanto 12 – 22 abril @leph (danza) 27 – 28 abril SALA RUSSAFA Nuestra Clase 15 abril Accidia (danza) La Coja Dansa 26 – 29 abril TEATRO DE MARIONETAS LA ESTRELLA - SALA LA PETXINA TEATRE EL MUSICAL Delicadas 12 – 15 abril Feliu Ventura 19 abril Besos 26 abril – 20 mayo TEATRE FLUMEN Educating Rita Hasta 8 abril Más Allá del Puente 12 – 15 abril Mi Mapa de Madrid 19 – 22 abril Luis Piedralista 13 abril Alucina 20 abril Dos Hombres Solos, Sin Punto Com…Ni Ná 26 – 29 abril Impro V.2 al Cubo 27 abril TEATRO OLYMPIA Peter Pan 4 – 16 abril

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17 ©2012 24/7 Valencia

APRIL 12 24/7 VALENCIA LISTINGS Bombay Bellywood 17 abril Al Final del Arcoiris 19 abril – 1 mayo TEATRE PRINCIPAL Víctor Ullate Ballet (danza) 13 – 15 abril Compañía Antonio Gades (danza flamenca) 21 – 22 abril Compañía Nacional de Danza 27 – 28 abril TEATRE RIALTO Reset 18 abril – 6 mayo TEATRO TALIA Una Jornada Particular 11 – 29 abril cinema BABEL *versión original www.cinesalbatrosbabel.com FILMOTECA CINEMA INSTITUTO VALENCIANO DE CINEMATOGRAFÍA CICLOS IVAC – LA FILMOTECA www.ivac-lafilmoteca.es CICLOS ABRIL 2012 Fellini & Rota Hasta 8 abril Menuda Filmo, Cine para Todos los Públicos Hasta 1 julio Nicholas Ray Hasta 2 mayo Estrenos Filmoteca Hasta 15 julio Imágenes de la Crisis Hasta 12 abril Áfricas: Femenino Plural Hasta 12 abril Jan Švankmajer, El Chamán del Inconsciente Desde 17 abril hasta 19 de mayo Básicos Filmoteca Siglo XXI Hasta julio YELMO CINES www.yelmocines.es addresses MUSEUMS / GALLERIES ALMUDÍN Pl. San Luis Bertrán, 1 Tel: 96 352 54 78 - ext. 4521 BOIRA C / Salvador Giner, 10

C/ Sueca, 27. Valencia (Ruzafa)

Tel: 96 205 82 67 CAFE MALVARROSA / ESPAI PARAL.LEL Historiador Diago, 20 Tel: 96 320 50 56 CENTRE CULTURAL BANCAIXA Pl. Tetuán, 23 Tel: 96 387 58 64 CENTRO COREOGRÁFICO DE LA COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA Parque de la Granja, s/n, Burjassot Tel: 96 390 47 74 CENTRO DEL CARMEN C/ Museo, 2 Tel: 96 315 20 24 / 96 192 26 51 CIUDAD DE LAS ARTES Y LAS CIENCIAS (L’Hemisferic, Museu de les Ciencies Princípe Felipe, L’Oceanografic) Av. Instituto Obrero de Valencia Tel: 902 100 031 COL·LEGI MAJOR RECTOR PESET Universitat de Valencia Plaça del Forn de Sant Nicolau,4 Tel: 96 316 60 00 DR NOPO C/ Borrull, 16, Bajo Tel: 96 113 14 99 www.doctornopo.org ESPAI D'ART BOIRA C / Salvador Giner, 10 Tel: 96 205 82 67 ESPAI TACTEL C/ Denia, 25 Bajo Tel:96 395 88 08 www.espaitactel.com GALERÍA AKKA C/ Almirante Cadarso, 6 Tel: 96 316 27 27 GALERÍA DUOMO C/ Luis Santangel, 18 FNAC SAN AUGUSTÍN C/ Guillem de Castro, 9 - 11 Tel: 96 353 90 15 FUNDACION CHIRIVELLA SORIANO C/ Valeriola, 13 Tel: 96 338 12 15 GALERÍA LUIS ADELANTADO C/ Bonaire, 6 Tel: 96 351 01 79 GALERÍA MURO Correjeria, 5 Tel: 96 391 19 03 GALERíA PAZ Y COMEDIAS C/ Comedias, 7-2 Tel: 96 391 89 06 GALERÍA ROSALIA SENDER Mar, 19 (Ciutat Vella) Tel: 96 391 89 67 GALERíA SEGRELLES C/ Ciscar, 4

Tel: 96 333 21 97 GALERÍA TOSSAL Pl Tossal, s/n Tel: 96 398 18 03 GALERÍA VISOR C/ Corretgeria, 26 Tel: 96 392 23 99 INSTITUT FRANÇAIS DE VALENCE C/ Moro Zeit, 6 Tel: 96 315 30 95 INSTITUT VALENCIÀ DE LA MÚSICA C/ Barcas, 2 Tel: 96 318 44 53 IVAM C/ Guillem de Castro, 118 Tel: 96 386 30 00 JARDÍN BOTÁNICO C/ Quart, 80 Tel: 96 315 68 00 www.jardibotanic.org JOVE ORQUESTRA DE LA GENERALITAT VALENCIANA Tel: 96 318 44 90 / 93 KITSCH INTERNACIONAL ARTEDIVERSO C/ Covarrubias, 5 Tel: 607 636 012 LA BENEFICIENCIA CENTRE VALENCIA DE CULTURA MEDITERANEA C/ Corona, 36 Tel: 96 388 35 79 LA GALLERA C/ Aluders, 7 Tel: 96 352 14 37 LA NAVE GALERÍA Nave, 25 Tel: 96 351 19 33 LA LLOTGETA, AULA DE CULTURA CAM-ESPAI D’ART Pl. Mercado, 4 Tel: 96 391 33 96 L’IBER MUSEO DE LOS SOLDADITOS DE PLOMO C/ Caballeros, 22 Tel: 96 391 86 75 www.museoliber.org LLIG LLIBRERIES DE LA GENERALITAT Pl. Manises, 3 Tel: 96 386 61 70 MONASTERIO DE SAN MIGUEL DE LOS REYES Av Constitución, 284 Tel: 96 387 40 13 MUSEO DEL ARROZ C/Rosario, 3 Tel: 609 877 956 MUSEO DE BELLAS ARTES DE VALENCIA C/ San Pío V, 9 Tel. 96 369 30 88 / 369 21 11 MUSEO DE LA CIUDAD

PROGRAMACIÓN: www.cafemercedes.es info@cafemercedes.es


18 © 2012 24/7 Valencia

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ʻLIKEʼ US ON Pl. Arzobispo, 1 Tel: 96 352 54 78 - ext. 4126 MUSEO DEL CARMEN C/ Museo, 2 Tel: 96 369 30 88 MUSEO FALLERO Pl. Monteolivete, 4 Tel: 96 352 54 78 MUSEO NACIONAL DE CERÁMICA GONZÁLEZ MARTÍ C/ Poeta Querol, 2 Tel: 96 351 63 92 MUSEO TAURINO Pasaje Doctor Serra, 16 Tel: 96 351 18 50 MUSEO VALENCIANO D’ETNOLOGÍA C/ Corona, 36 Tel: 96 388 35 65 www.museuvalenciaetnologia.es MUVIM C/ Guillem de Castro, 8 Tel: 96 388 37 47 OCTUBRE CENTRE DE CULTURA CONTEMPORÀNIA C/ Sant Ferran, 12 ( Zona Carmen) Tel: 96 315 77 99 www.octubre.cat PAZ TEJÓN GALERÍA ESTUDIO C/ Salas Quiroga, 1, bajo (Zona Jesús) Tel.: 654 363 829 www.paztejon.com POPOL VUH C/ Burriana, 13 Tel: 96 336 08 25 REALES ATARAZANAS Pl. Juan Antonio Benlliure, s/n Tel: 96 352 54 78 SALA PARPALLÓ C/ Corona, 36 TAMAR C/ Almudín, 16 Tel: 96 392 50 66 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA C/ Universidad, 2

opera PALAU DE LES ARTS Autopista del Saler, 1 Tel: +34 96 197 58 00 Fax: +34 96 395 22 01 www.lesarts.com theatre CARME TEATRE C/ Gutenberg, 12 Tel: 96 392 42 71 www.carmeteatre.com

ESPAI ATHENEIA C/ Guillem de Castro, 65 Tel: 615 578 344 - 657 857 792 www.xikanda.com ESPACIO INESTABLE C/ Dr. Sanchis Bergón, 5 Tel: 96 392 16 30 www.espacioinestable.com L’ALTRE ESPAI C/ Platero Suárez, 11 Tel: 96 353 92 00 OFF TEATRE C/ Turia, 47 Tel: 96 384 11 85 SALA RUSSAFA C/ Denia, 55 96 341 52 16 TEATRE EL MUSICAL Pl. Rosario, 3 Tel: 96 367 31 95 TEATRE MICALET C/ Mestre Palau, 3 Tel: 96 392 14 82 TEATRO DE MARIONETAS LA ESTRELLA (LA PETXINA). C/ Dr Sanchis Bergón, 29 Tel: 96 371 73 84 TEATRO OLYMPIA C/ San Vicente Mártir, 44 Tel: 96 351 73 15 TEATRO PRINCIPAL C/ Barcas, 15 Tel: 96 353 92 00 TEATRO RIALTO Pl. Ayuntamiento, 17 Tel: 96 353 93 00 TEATRE ROMÀ DE SAGUNT Pujada al Castell, s/n Sagunto THEATRE SALA MORATÍN Pl. Ayuntamiento, 17 Tel: 96 353 93 0 TEATRO TALÍA C/ Caballeros, 31 Tel: 96 398 64 22 cinema BABEL C/ Vicente Sancho Tello, 10 Tel: 96 362 67 95 FILMOTECA (CINEMA INSTITUTO VALENCIANO DE CINEMATOGRAFÍA) RIALTO Pl. Ayuntamiento, 17 YELMO CINES Espai Campanar Av. Tirso de Molina, 16 Tel: 902 22 09 22

24/7 Valencia


live music Arte & Facto (Zona Carmen) C/ Pie de la Cruz, 8 Tel: 96 113 36 58 centroculturalartefacto.blogspot.com Black Note (Zona Aragón) C/ Polo y Peyrolón, 15 Tel. 96 393 36 63 Top choice for music lovers who love it live - jazz, blues, R’n’B, soul, funk, flamenco and rock. See listings. Café del Duende (Zona Carmen) C/ Túria, 62 Tel. 630 455 289 www.cafedelduende.com Great club specialising in authentic flamenco music and culture. See listings. Café Mercedes Jazz (Zona Ruzafa) C/ Sueca, 27 Tel. 96 341 83 78 www.cafemercedes.es Reservations by email: info@cafemercedes.es At this prestigious jazz club, situated in the cosmopolitan barrio of Ruzafa, you can enjoy the best live concerts with excellent acoustics every weekend, with true music lovers in the audience. There is also a chilled out cafe-bar area with an ample list of drinks, perfect for relaxing in a creative and artistic environment . Information, programme and reservations: www.cafemercedes.es Deluxe Pop Club (Zona Plaza Cedro) C/ Poeta Mas y Ros 42, Zona Cedro www.deluxepopclub.com Durango Club (Meliana) C/Llanterners, 35 Poligon Industrial La Closa, Meliana See Facebook. Rock club on the outskirts of Valencia with great live bands and a loyal crowd. El Arbol ( Zona Benimaclet) Calle Soledad Doménech, 5 Live music at weekends in this arts centre. Electropura (Zona Ruzafa) C/ Pinto Salvador Abril, 20 See Facebook for more details Acoustic gigs at 19.30h with indie often being the flavour. El Loco (Zona Juan Llorens) C/ Erudito Orellena, 12 Tel. 96 326 05 26, www.lococlub.org El Loco is a dynamic live venue with an eclectic choice of indie, funk, rock, fusion, blues and more. Check some music and dance later.


“For an excellent overview of what's hot pick up a free copy of the English-language listings guide 24/7 Valencia” - The Times


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5 Abril 22:15h Piano Duo Session 8 Abril 22:15h Jazz es Uno 12 Abril 21:30h Vicente Espí Quartet 15 Abril 22:45h Jazz es Uno

19 Abril 21:30h Ricardo Belda Trío 22 Abril 22:45h Jazz es Uno 26 Abril 21:30h Javier Vercher Quartet 29 Abril 22:45h Jazz es Uno and many more...

Jimmy Glass Jazz Bar (Zona Carmen) C/ Baja, 28 www.jimmyglassjazz.net This darkly lit bar plays the finest jazz with cool photos and a wide range of coffees and spirits. It has weekly live music and is a very relaxing place to unwind and relate. The owner is a real jazz lover and it shows. Concerts every Tuesday at 21.30h. Now concerts every Friday by solo musicians & duos. Kaf Cafe (Zona Benimaclet) C/Arquitecto Arnau, 16 961131706 - 663 702 960 kafcafe.blogspot.com Atmospheric, literary café-bar with regular live gigs and jams. La3 (Zona Puerto) C/ Padre Porta, 2 www.grooovelives.com Top-notch national and International bands every month with disco afterwards until past the dawn... La Caverna (Zona San Vicente) C/ Cuenca, 70 lacavernaclub.blogspot.com Live music. Mod, soul, rock & roll, reggae and more. La Claca (Zona Carmen) C/ San Vicente, 3 www.laclaca.com Live flamenco on Sundays. La Clinica Mundana ( Zona Carmen) Plaza del Angel, 5 Experimental live and electronic music performances La Edad de Oro (Zona Juan Llorens) C/ San Jacinto, 3 Tel. 649 255 048 Live music every Thursday & Friday. La Rambleta Bulevar Sur, esq Pío IX (Next to Parque La Rambleta) (Zona Jesús) Tel: 96 0011511 www.larambleta.com Fantastic new live venue with great programme of live music and original and alternative theatre. We enjoyed their recent Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry gig! Mirror C/ San Vicente, 200 Tel.670 659 705 www.discomirror.es New name, improved sound and a hipper interior. Check international bands from around the globe. Octubre Centre (Zona Carmen) C/ Sant Ferran, 12 Tel. 96 315 77 99, www.octubre.cat Features the best local and national indie bands on the scene.

20 © 2012 24/7 Valencia

Opium Jazz Café (Zona Plaza Ayuntamiento) C/ La Linterna, 11 (Just off C / San Vicente) Tel: 96 352 01 61 Live rock, indie, jazz, blues and more. Palau de la Musica (Zona Río Túria) Paseo de la Alameda, 30 Tel. (+34) 96 337 50 20 E-mail: info@palauvalencia.com www.palaudevalencia.com Excellent classical music concerts in the Rio Turia gardens with musicians from around the world. See website for current programme. Play Producciones Tel. 679 412 012 www.playproducciones.com Rock City C/ de Coeters, 6. Almácera www.valenciarockcity.com Spirit Swing House (Zona Carmen) C/ Blanquerias, 22 Tel: 96 329 30 39 Near the Torres de Serranos. Swing, Flamenco, Lindy Hop, African Dance... Wah-Wah (Zona Blasco Ibáñez) C/ Campoamor, 52 Tel. 96 356 39 42 / 645 792 674 www.wahwahclub.com National and international indierock & pop in a student zone…

clubs Zona Patraix

963 370 241 killing-time.es‎ Open-minded night club with bohemian crowd. Open 19:00 - 03:30. Closed Wednesdays. Les Portes Matias Perelló, 15 Ruzafa Fantastic! Check this one out. A friendly crowd, an ample selection of infusions, natural juices, home-made cakes. Xtra Lrge Playground Gran Via Germanias, 21(esq Cadiz) New club with 600 metre multi-use floor. Electronica and indie, art exhibitions too. Theatre every week at 23.00h. See facebook. Zona San Vicente Super Club 95 C/ San Vicente, 95 Tel. 902108527 / 663041790 www.grupolasanimas.com Zona Juan Lloréns Café Carioca Juan Llorens 52 www.cafe-carioca.com Superb House music and more and a fantastic mosaic interior and groovy beats. Cool club for the beautiful people. La Edad de Oro C/ San Jacinto, 3 Tel. 649 255 048 Live music and its classic mix of pumping sounds…from rock & roll to house! Open 22.00h until 4.00h, Thursday to Saturday. Magazine Club C/ de Perez Escrich, 19 Rock’n’ roll disco. Zona El Carmen

Dub Club C/ Jesús, 91 Just 15 minutes walk from the center. Nice one!! From the owners of reggae lovers Juanita Club. Friendly club with Live concerts, Café Teatro and dj’s session (funk, soul, reggae and more) and every Saturday Reggae Jam Sessions at 19h free entry. Open from Wednesday to Sunday until 3:30h. Follow us on Facebook “DubDlub Valencia” Zona Ruzafa Excuse Me! C/ dels Tomasos, 14 (next to Mercado de Ruzafa) This place has been getting a buzz around town with clubbers. Every Friday and Saturday night in Valencia from midnight until 7.00 am! Two rooms: one is more organic with pop/ rock ’n’ roll/garage/soul and the other more electronic with groove electro/space disco/ new wave/cosmic boogie. Check it! Doctor Sumsi, 21 46005 Valencia

&Ártico C/ Arolas, 11 Tel. 96 391 08 57 Dinners - cocktails - chill out - art space - electro funky beats. Bigornia C/ Museu, 10 Arty crowd of the Carmen scene with electro, hip-hop, funk, techno and more. Good vibes. Blau C/ Alta, 11 House and funk with a crowd to match. Bolseria Café C/Bolseria, 41 Tel: 96 391 89 03 Hot tropical vibe with swinging crowd at weekends. House, Latin, funk and pop. Carmen Club C/ Quart, 26 www.carmenclub.es Brand new and spacious nightclub with free entry until 4am! Open every night of the week with International, Erasmus, R'n'B, Latin fusion nights, live acts and more... Calcatta C/ Reloj Viejo, 6 One of the few discos in the Carmen to stay open all night, until around 8 am. Club 47 C/ Quart, 47 See groovelives website. Music Box C/ Pintor Zariñena, 16 Tel. 96 391 41 51 An all-night disco in the Barrio del Carmen! The Music Box is an infinite collage of styles and ages: Drum’n’Bass, Electronic, Pop, Soul, Rock’n’Roll.

24/7 Valencia is recommended by Time Out, Let’s Go, Rough Guide...

©2009 24/7 Valencia

ʻLIKEʼ US ON Frankenstein Rock & Roll Club Marques de Caro, 5 Immortal C/ San Dionisio, 3 Feel ‘heavy metal’ and like hard rock? Plenty of like-minded souls in a loud bar. Rock on!

24/7 Valencia


Zona Plaza Cedro Tornillo C/ Campoamor, 42 Tel. 96 392 55 27 www.eltornillo.com INDIE scene. Electronica beats collide with guitar, loads of students partying, dancing. Look out for the distinctive huge nail outside! Velvet C/ Campoamor, 58 Psychedelic, alternative student vibe. Very spacious and loud and buzzing at weekends.

Juanita Club C/ Lepanto, 8 Rasta Vibrations just two minutes walk from the Torres de Quart, open every day from 20h. A real Reggae lover’s paradise, authentic vibe. Everyday 2 beers for 2€ until 22h & 2 cocktails for 5€ until 24h. Allways free entry. Follow us on Facebook “ JuanitaClub (VALENCIA)” La Claca C/ San Vicente, 3 Open every day off Plaza de la Reina. Live flamenco Sunday in a legendary meeting point. La Flama C/ San Roteros, 14 Near the Torres de Serrano, this is a musiclovers meeting point with a rock & roll crowd. Zona Canovas

Look C/ Conde de Altea, 49 www.lookvalencia.es 'Look' has a friendly, English speaking owner and some great music and drinks on offer. Number One Plaza Canovas, 6 www.gruposlasanimas.com Upmarket nightclub. Zona Blasco Ibañez Miniclub Blasco Ibañez, 111 Used to be Zenith. Funky new club open every Thursday, Friday and Saturday until well past dawn.www.myspace.com/miniclubvlc Zona Benimaclet

Pinball C/ Concordia, 3 www.pinballvalencia.com For lovers of psychedelia, northern Soul, funk. Groovy atmosphere, buzzing at weekends. Cats and chicks shakin’ it until the early hours, digging various scenes like something out of Blow Up. Just one minute´s walk from C/ Caballeros & with free entry. Radio City C/ Santa Teresa, 19 Tel: 96 391 41 51 Free disco Fri - Sat nights, live flamenco every Tuesday. Funky and friendly club. Turmix C/ Dr. Chiarri, 8 Close to C/ Alta, open Thurs – Sat from 23.30 to 03.30h. Rock, garage, indie guitar disco.

Swan C/ Juan Giner, 15 Groovy!!! A spacious, hip, popular spot for lovers of retro ‘60s, psych pop, mod y más. Zona Malvarrosa Soul Gandhara C/ Eugeñia Vines, 225 Every Saturday night with Hip-hop and R&B with legendary DJ Cosy O. Vivir Sin Dormir Pl. Neptuno, 42 Tel: 96 372 77 77 Legendary nightspot by the beach with a name said to sum up Valencia’s attitude to life! Zona Puerto

“24/7 Valencia is a diverse magazine, covering a range of subjects from Valencia football to restaurants to leisure time…” El País


© 2012 24/7 Valencia

APRIL 12 24/7 VALENCIA LISTINGS La3 c/ Padre Porta, 2 www.groovelives.com Indie & electrónica sounds on 3 floors Zona Palacio de Congresos Red VLC www.redvlc.com Avenida Cortes Valencianas, 58. Valencia Upmarket new nightclub with house soundtrack for locals, expats and visitors. Near to the Palacio de Congresos and next to Sorolla hotel. We enjoyed the opening night.

chill out Zona Plaza Ayuntamiento Mancini C/ Moratin, 1 Tel. 963 94 42 89 www.mancinicatering.es Open Mon-Wed 8.00h - 20.00h. Thurs-Sat 8am - 20.00h. Mellow atmosphere, mixed crowd, good service. Healthy menu del dia 7.50€. Great terrace. Wonderful retro design and said by many locals to have the best coffee in the centre! Mancini is open for private parties from 20.00h onwards and has a catering service too.

A relaxed atmosphere in a very reasonably priced restaurant with a varied and alternative international menu. Dinner generally ranges between 10 to 15 euros a head including drinks and coffee, and can be followed by sampling some fantastic cocktails and shorts. A DJ on Fridays and Saturdays sets the tone while you eat. Great beer at 3.50€ a pint, and offers a big screen for Spanish league matches and the Champions League. Boasts a lovely terrace to enjoy your food and drink outside.English speaking staff. Al Pans Queso C/ Serranos, 19 Tel: 615 979 484 Highly popular with a very open crowd. Bar Negrita Pl. Negrito Sister bar of Negrito with breakfasts and montaditos from 08.00 – 15.00h. Café Bahiano C/ Calatrava, 12 Very popular Brazilian bar. Café de las Horas C/ Conde Almodóvar Tel: 96 3917 336 Marrying baroque with kitsch, classic with camp, this is ‘chill out’ in grand style. Café Infanta Pl. Tossal, 3 Tel: 96 392 16 23 In the heart of the Carmen, Café Infanta is spacious yet cosy inside. Great terrace.

Zona Canovas Ecléctico Bar Plaza Canovas Del Castillo, 8 Tel: 655 478 021 Cool. Run by a welcoming couple, wines, tapas, cocktails, bocadillos, menu del dia, Wonderful selection of magazines & newspapers. Madhatter's Coffee Lounge C/ Serranos Morales, 3 Tel: 96 3 348 132 Friendly, English run cafe-bar with homemade cakes, burgers, fish & chips, paninis, lovely soups, cappuccinos and more. Nice mixed crowd too.

Café Tertulia 1900 C/ Alta 4 Open every day, with 3 floors for part-time daydreamers and nightlife schemers. Cafetín Pl. San Jaime, 3 Watch Valencia nightlife morphing at night from the terraza of Cafetín. What a view!

El Café Del Mar Plaza Lope de Vega, 4 Tel: 96 3 922 558 Great! Fantastic and ample terrace café-bar restaurant with friendly service and tasty food and drinks served all day. Take your time in a top chill out spot in the atmospheric old centre. One of the finest terrazas in the city.


Zona El Carmen &Artico C/ Arolas, 11 Tel: 96 391 08 57 Dinners - cocktails - chill out - art space - electro funky beats.

Anita Giro C/Pintor Domingo 7, near Radio City 96 113 34 18

22 © 2012 24/7 Valencia

Café Lisboa Pl. Dr. Collado, 9 Tel. 96 391 94 84 An excellent café bar in one of Valencia’s most atmospheric plazas. Good mixed crowd of students, locals, visitors and a very popular terraza. Open 09.00h and all day until late. Lots of bocadillos, coffees and beers. Barça and Levante football on TV at the weekend. A legendary cafe-bar that is 36 years old. Set in the historic centre. Breakfast, lunch and dinner available everday. Salads, sandwiches, Snacks, Montaditos, Desserts. Fine choice of cocktails including Mojito, Daiquiri, Bloody Mary. Agua de Valencia & Sangria too. Warm interior and beautiful terrace. Café Museu C/ Museu, 7 Tel: 96 393 31 08 Bohemia at its finest, with a mellow terraza in a tranquil part of the Barrio del Carmen. Café del Negrito Pl. Negrito Tel. 96 391 42 33 Classic Carmen hangout. Liberal 30-somethings, arty crowd, lots of people wearing glasses!

Photo © Mateo Sanchis 24/7 Valencia 2012

24/7 Valencia is recommended by CNN.com, Thomas Cook, Easyjet…

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24/7 Valencia

1836, they claim to be the oldest in Valencia.

Jardín del Mar C/ del Mar, 23 Tel: 655 765 397 Great! Newly opened and already popular with locals and visitors. Less than 1 minute's walk from Plaza Reina. With friendly Valencian owners and a helpful, informed staff. Lovely terrace. This is an authentic Spanish cafe-bar restaurant. Open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 9am - 9.00 pm. Thursday, Friday, Saturday 9am - 01.30 am, Sunday 11am - until closing. Enjoy their authentic Valencia tapas, snails, and the classic Valencia speciality 'Esgarraet' (salt cod and peppers). Their classic tapas include Jamon iberico (Spanish ham), Pulpo (Octopus), Rabo de Toro (Oxtail). They also do authentic paella and fideua. This is the real deal. Joe’s Garage C/ de Zurradores, 9 Tel: 96 3152245 www.joesgarage.es Great! Friendly, Italian-owned bar with many Spritz choices, making it a great pre and post dinner and clubbing meeting point. John Silver C/ Alta, 8 Guitar rock soundtrack filling three floors.


Movil: 699 922 370 www.londoncafe.es Huge cafe bar with friendly service and good food. Dig the London theme! Near Mercado Central. Mata Hari (La Casa del Té) C/ Portal de Valldigna, 9 Open from 18.00h, closed Monday and Tuesday. Delightful tea hang-out in quiet side street of the Barrio Carmen. Teas from Morocco and Libya. Nou Carxofa C/ Baja, 42 Tel: 96 3 910 298 Set in a quiet stree in the historic centre. Friendly owners in an authentic Spanish cafe-bar restaurant now with English-Spanish intercambio every Tuesday from 20.30h. Open from Monday to Saturday from 19h to 01.30h. Traditional tapas to share, salads, cheeses, fondues, bocadillos and homemade desserts. Agreeable ambience and reasonable prices. Picapiedra C/ Caballeros, 25 Definitive of the alternative Carmen scene. Highly popular with students, punks, hippies and adventurous tourists. QArt! Calle de Guillem de Castro, 78 46001 Valencia, España Tel: 963 916 115 Gay friendly, spacious café bar Rivendel Resto Bar C/ Hospital, 18 Tel: 96 392 32 08 www.rivendelrestobar.com Superb terrace, cosmopolitan staff, lovely food, packed with activities too. Free WiFi. Open Monday – Friday 08.30 am – midnight, Saturday – Sunday 10.30 am – 1am. Sol i Lluna C/ del Mar, 29 96 392 22 16, www.solilluna.net Cafe-bar with ample terrace, good crowd of locals and foreigners. Varied tapas and meals to be savoured on balmy evenings. Buzzing atmosphere at night and great music soundtrack too.

La Cava del Negret C/ Calatrava, 15 Tel: 96 392 33 01 Open every day from 12.00h, great bar on Pl. Negrito with terraza and some of the finest agua de Valencia around. Friendly staff, superb terraza, next to fountain and a great selection of cavas and champagnes. Good music and reasonable prices. Recommended.

Gilda C/ Ensendra, 9 (corner Plaza Viriato) Tel: 96 3260393 Funky authentic Italian chill out bar in the old centre. Near to Radio City so easy to find. Girasol C/ Turia, 52 Movil: 650 245 563 Spacious, darkly lit chill out bar, mellow and friendly. Choice sounds, intimate corners. Horchatería El Siglo Pl. Santa Cantalina, 11 Tel: 96 391 84 66 Great terrace and a real Valencia experience for the local delicacy of horchata. Founded in

La Magarota C/ murillo, 11 Tel: 665 04 15 08 Open from Tuesday to Sunday, 20.00h to 01.00am. Friendly and bohemian tapas bar with a fine selection of Spanish and international choices, including hams, salads, carpaccios, cold meats and more. Less than a minute’s walk from the Torres de Quart. Fine selection of beer and wines too! La Maruja Plaza de los Fueros, 6 Tel: 654 067 713 www.lamaruja.es L'Ermita C/ Obispo Don Jeronimo, 4 Tel: 96 391 67 59 Saturday... live acoustic music around 21.00h. London Café C/ de la Carda, 1

Sant Jaume C/ Caballeros, 51 Tel. 96 391 24 01 Valencia Café society par excellence. Set in what may be the best corner of the centro histórico, this long established café bar has a cosmopolitan crowd, lots of room upstairs and one of the best terrazas in the city. Watch the characters stroll down C/Caballeros. The Lounge Café-Bar Estameñeria Vieja 2 (behind La Lonja) Tel: 96 391 80 94, www.theloungecafebar.com

“24/7 Valencia is ... an invaluable guide for longweekend visitors looking to get the most out of Valencia’s nightlife.” The Guardian


© 2012 24/7 Valencia

APRIL 12 24/7 VALENCIA LISTINGS Check out their language intercambio nights, live Spanish Primera Liga, English Premier, French, Italian and Portuguese league matches on television. Zume C/ Valencians, 4 (just off Plaza Negrito) Tel: 96 114 40 99 Great! Natural fruit juices, crepes, cocktails, teas and infusions. Friendly atomsphere and spacious interior with cool music soundtrack. Big choice of juices from South America, try the Açai Amazonian berry for an energy boost! Run by a friendly Brazilian Team. Open every day

Tel: 617 27 20 42 www.cafeinfinito.net Superb! International multilingual staff with a friendly atmosphere and packed agenda including theme nights, language exchange and live music quiz. Tornillo C/ Campoamor, 42 Tel. 96 392 55 27 A meeting point for faces from the indie and electronica scenes. Definitely worth checking.

Well prepared Mediterranean dishes. Drag queens sing for customers in this original restaurant.


Zona Plaza Benimaclet

Zona Ruzafa Comic Café C / Sueca, 33 Facebook comiccafe Groovy sunshine terrace and good selection of newspapers and magazines. El Desvan del Café C/ Puerto Rico, 4 Tel: 96 344 16 86 Original and bohemian cafe-bar with delightful and original interior. La Pinca C/ Pintor Salvador Abril, 34 Tel: 96 3 25 05 82 / 693 593 037 Arty and welcoming café-bar. Ubik Café C/ Literato Azorín, 13 Tel: 96 374 12 55 Emblematic of the buzzing barrio of Ruzafa. Wonderful, spacious and welcoming cafebar/ second-hand bookshop. Spanish & Italian tapas, beer, wine, bohemian crowd, friendly atmosphere. Closed Monday. Zona Plaza Xuquer


La Ola Fresca Calle Músico Magenti 11, Benimaclet Reservations: 610026305 A ‘cafecito’ with a big heart and a fabulous terrace • Speciality in brownies and homemade cakes • world food cooking Juice therapy • local artesanal beers • fairtrade tea and coffee workshops and special events • Sunday BRUNCH • Facebook: La Ola Fresca Valenbisi: 116 Tam Tam C/ Emilio Baro, 20 Very special, one of the finest chill out bars in the city. A bohemian hangout with a spacious, soulful interior. Eclectic sounds for an eclectic clientele. One of Valencia’s best kept secrets…


Gatos Cafe Pub Plaza Xuquer, 9 Set in the beautiful Plaza Xuquer, this is a cafe-bar with everything. Good variety of beers including German on tap and Heineken imports, Gin tonics, cocktails. Authentic Italian pizza and pasta delivered to your table in 5 minutes. Wonderful terraza with outside screens for all football matches including La Liga, Premier league and Champions league. Varied music soundtrack ranging from rock to house. Rocafull Cafe Pl. Xuquer, 14 www.rocafull.tk A key meeting point of the ‘indie’ community. Zona Plaza Cedro Cafe Infinito C/ Poeta Mas y Ros, no 35

24 © 2012 24/7 Valencia

Magnus Termas (Sauna) Av. Puerto, 27 Tel: 96 337 48 92 Nuncadigono C/ Turia, 22 The latest gay sex-club. Pekado Pl. Vicente Iborra, 9 Tel. 96 392 41 39 The seven deadly sins are served after you enter the gates of hell of this restaurant. Qart Café C/ Guillem de Castro, 80 Sant Miquel Pl. Sant Miquel, 13 Tel. 96 392 31 29 Spartacus C/ Flassanders, 8 Gay sex shop Trapezzio Café Pl. Músico Lopez Chavarri, 2 Turangalila C/ del Mar, 34 Tel. 96 391 02 55

Beer C/ Salamanca, 4 Tel. 96 374 14 31 www.cerveceriabeer.com Facebook Cerveceria Beer. Open every day from 19:00 to 03:30. Great selection of beers, cans and bottles from around the world. Try 30 types of beer from Spain and abroad. Have a great time with your mates competing at darts and table football, and enjoy the daily offers every day of the week at Beer. Monday - with your beer they invite you to free mussels. Every Tuesday from 19.00h to 24.00h, Beer from the barrel 2 x1with montadito included! Wednesday from 23’30 to 01’30 with Patatas arrugadas con mojo picón canario and live music with Tony Ventura y amigos. Thursday has popular beer prices 2’50€ for pint from midnight & blackjack at night. Saturday has massage and roller skate raffles with your drinks, prizes announced at 2:30 am!Sunday has football live and we have La Liga, Champions League and Uefa during the week.

TRADITIONAL PUBS Zona Plaza Ayuntamiento Dublin House Pl. Patriarca, 6 Excellent! Open from 8.00h – 24.00h and later on Friday/ Saturdays. Dublin House serves breakfasts, snacks and coffees. Set in a tranquil square, a good mix of ages and nationalities in this upmarket pub with a friendly staff. Screens for football matches and all your favourite beers including Guinness! Relax on the mellow terraza or lounge on the classy Chesterfield sofas in the VIPs-style area at the back! Zona El Carmen Finnegan’s Pl. de la Reina Tel: 96 392 28 62 www.finnegansofdublin.es The legendary meeting point in the heart of

24/7 Valencia is recommended by Levante EMV, ADN.es, Super Deporte...

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Valencia for those who like a good pint. Excellent terrace with fine view of the Cathedral. A genuine Irish pub with big screen for sports-lovers who like it live. Spacious and warm interior, good selection of beers and tasty traditional lunches. It is internationally famous for all the right reasons. Great for the craic in the evenings. Live music every week.A classic. O’Hara’s (Celtic Tavern O´Hara's ) C/.Cajeros nº 1 (corner con c/.Danzas nº 5) ( behind Lonja ) Telf: 606602517 From Monday to Sunday Open from 18 h. a 00.02h. A short stroll from La Lonja and within spitting distance of Home hostel. Celtic tavern with a warm interior & mellow vibe... and all your favourite beers. Televised football matches include Primera Liga and Champions League. Friendly and knowledgable owner. Fantastic variety of imported beers with nearly 50 of the best brands.

Afro-Cuban Babalú C/ Manyans 17 (next to Plaza Redondo) Tel: 96 315 50 40 ¡Fiesta! An excellent restaurant-bar-club for those who love authentic Cuban food. American McDonalds Pl. de la Reina, 15 Tel: 96 392 35 91 Easy to find, with the city’s cathedral as the backdrop. Peggy Sue’s American Diner Calle Carrasquer, 7 (near Torres de Quart) Tel: 96 391 90 18 www.peggysue.es Arabic

Zona Canovas Portland Ale House C/ Salamanca 10 Yes! Valencia’s first true American pub, run by a friendly American team with draft beers available, sports and an increasingly mixed crowd of locals, visitors and English and Spanish speakers. They now brew & serve their own beer ! Tuesdays and Wednesdays are international language exchange nights with Orange Academy, Thursdays is couch surfers meeting point and Sundays is the legendary pub quiz! St. Patrick’s Irish Pub Gran Vía Marqués del Turia, 69 Tel: 96 351 36 42 www.stpatricksvalencia.com “A true Irish pub” that knows the craic! Friendly helpful international staff who speak Spanish and English! FREE WIFI to all customers. Open every day from 4pm ‘till late! Cosy interior with 5 rooms and 2 bars. A good mix of Spaniards and expats. We have 5 big screen plasma T.V.s that show all the sporting events (football, rugby, cricket, golf, basketball, etc.)! We have pool, darts, a big terrace and good music (pop-rock from all the ages with Spotify)! Great selection of beers, whiskies, cocktails, including fresh fruit slush, nonalcoholic or you choose the mix! Great snacks, sandwiches, quiche, meat pies, fish&chips, etc. Lots of events: Live Music, Parties with prizes. Open Saturday and Sunday at 13:00h pm. Reservations at info@stpatricksvalencia.com See Facebook for more details! Zona Ruzafa Liverpool Russafa VLC C/ Sueca, 74 Telf: 674 244 998 English Pub. Everyday from 16.00 - 03.30h. Zona Avenida Aragón Manolo el del Bombo Pl. Valencia Club de Fútbol, 5 Tel: 96 930 460 A traditional Spanish bar with a different interior - a football museum with photos of the legendary Manolo del Bombo, the chap with the massive beret and drum. Just across from Mestalla stadium, a Mecca for football fans from all over the world. Friendly atmosphere.


24/7 Valencia

Sahara (Zona Carmen) C/ del Mar, 52 Tel: 96 394 32 76 Movil: 698 579 148 www.sahararestaurante.com Set in a tranquil part of the old centre. Just 2 minute's walk from Plaza Reina. Arabic restaurant with Moroccan chef and owner. Lovely interior includes a corner with typical low seats and tables. Lovely starters includes hummus & aubergine tapas, main dishes include tajin, enjoy Arabic sweets for dessert and Arabic tea too. Sally O’Brien Av. Aragon, 8 Tel: 96 337 40 12 Open daily from 17.00h - 02.00h, 03.30h at the weekends. Top one! New ownership, good vibes, great service and plenty of activity! Sally O’Brien has gone up another level with an attractive exterior and two floors with nooks and crannies, separate room for private parties and live football on TV. Erasmus are welcome and the Sunday quiz (19.00h - 21.00h) is a fantastic excuse for Spanish and English speakers to mingle. Cash and prizes for the winners! Sally’s great again! Zona Plaza Xuquer Max Max C/ Vinalopó, 11 (Pl. Xúquer) Tel: 96 362 68 67 http://maxmaxvalencia.blogspot.com Very spacious, wide screen for all sports, pool, friendly staff and good music soundtrack. Good vibes!

L'Eliana The Cliffs C/ Begoña, 2 Tel: 96 2742 787 (L’Eliana) Welcoming Irish pub with warm interior and good selection of beers. The Dragon (Bar Internacional) C/ Virgen de Pilar, 12 (L’Eliana) British-run bar with good reputation for food. Popular with locals and the expat crowd from the area.

Asian Fusion Banyan Lounge Bar & Grill C/ Comedias, 5 Tel: 96 315 48 90 Located just off the Calle de la Paz. With culinary pick ups from around the world. Sushi & Tapas C/ Salamanca, 10 Tel: 96 061 78 74 Takeaway: 96 011 58 85 www.sushitapas.com 13:30 - 16:00h / 20:30 - 23:30h. Authentic sushi. The Quick Lounge C/ Quart, 2 Tel: 96 391 75 48 / Movil: 632 248 911 Wok & Walk Sushi & Noodle Bar to eat in or takeway. Friendly English speaking owner. Brazilian O Rei Da Caipirinha C/ Vicente Sancho Tello Tel: 96 362 59 36 Open daily, Brazilian football memorabilia lines the walls. Cool Brazilian sounds and native staff. Barbecues every Sun at 13.30h. Chinese Festin C/ Polo y Peyrolón, 25 Tel: 96 362 98 38 All your favourites: Wan Tun soup, fried rice, beef, shrimps, 15 Duck dishes to choose from. Gran Muralla Pl. Porta del Mar, 6 (next to Juzgados) Open daily from 11.30h to 16.30h and 19.30h to 0.30h. Menu under 6€.

“The freebie mag 24/7 Valencia is a fantastic guide (in English) to Valencia’s bars, clubs and restaurants.” Lonely Planet


© 2012 24/7 Valencia

APRIL 12 24/7 VALENCIA LISTINGS Excellent Terrazas


Django Pl. Don Juan de Villarrasa, 1 (Zona Carmen) Tel: 96 327 03 72 Absolutely fantastic sunny terrace to enjoy tasty breakfasts, classic tapas and traditional Mediterranean dishes. French Atmosphére (Institut Français) C/ Moro Zeit, 6 www.restauranteatmosphere.com Open 08.00h to 20.00h, delicious homemade food from expert chefs. Indian / Pakistani

Dhaba (Zona Carmen) Plaza Don Juan de Villarassa, 6 (behind Mercado Central & near Radio City) Tel: 96 391 00 19 www.dhaba.es Everything in Dhaba is cooked on the spot and to order, so your dish can be as fiery or as mild as your palate wants. Authentic, quality Indian cuisine with experienced, welcoming owner & staff. The owner Dhani speaks fluent English & Spanish. Spacious interior, tasty & well presented curry dishes, lovely mango desserts. Evening takeaway service for the Centro Histórico. Lovely terrace. Open daily 8.00h – 17.00h / 20.00h – 24.00h. Lunch menús 6.50€, 8.50€ and 10.50€. Dinner menú 15€ including wine. Curries and rice dishes 6.50€ – 13€. Closed August. Taj-Mahal (Zona Av. Puerto) C/ Dr. Manuel Candela, 20, Tel: 96 330 62 64. One of the best Indian restaurants along the coast. Authentic Indian cuisine, chefs with 12 years Brit experience. Classic menu with all the favourites: Chicken Tandoori, Chicken Tikka, King Prawn Tandoori, Lamb. Variety of rices, attentive bilingual staff on hand to serve ‘English’ or ‘Spanish’ version of spicy. About 18€ per head. Taj Mahal now has home delivery until midnight for minimum price of 20€. Check out the British and Indian products at their shop next door! Curry powders, cornflakes, ketchup, tinned beans, and loads more. An expat’s dream!

26 © 2012 24/7 Valencia

Zona Botánico Mimmo Cantina C/Dr Sanchis Bergon, 24 Tel: 96 315 4968 Movil: 645074435 www.mimmo-cantina.com Italian owned and run, with a lovely setting overlooking the Rio Turia.

Zona C/ La Paz La Gñocca de La Tia C/ Verger, 1 Tel: 961 139 930 Relatively new and making a really good name for itself already. In a quiet street, near to C/ La Paz. This is authentic Genoese & Italian cuisine with experienced and welcoming Genoese owners. Zona Canovas

Zona El Carmen Al Pomodoro C/ del Mar, 22 Tel: 96 391 48 00, www.viciositalianos.com. Very popular, good value, great pizza. Bacco d.o.c. C/ Derechos 29, bajo (1 min from La Lonja) Tel: 96 391 19 65 Everyone welcome at this distinctive and very original Italian restaurant in an excellent location. The setting is fun and a little decadent, with stalactites hanging from the cave-like setting and one of the most unique washrooms in Valencia Huge selection of pasta dishes, including lasagne, gnocchi, tagliatelle, penne and bucatini, ravioli. Homemade tiramisu is a decadent treat. Especially popular with a trendy arts crowd, women out in groups and romantic couples.

El Piccolo C / D’En Plom, 9 Tel: 96 206 99 55 Movil: 603 659 703 Just a stone’s throw from Torres de Quart. El Piccolo is a welcoming, magical, intimate and romantic Italian restaurant with homemade Italian cuisine with a wide variety of choices including starters, pastas, pizzas, meats, fishes and delicious desserts like tirasimu and la pannacotta. Zona Wifi, Enjoy their lovely terrace in a quiet corner of the historic centre of Valencia. We are waiting to welcome you… La Pappardella C/ Bordadores, 5 (next to Cathedral) Tel: 96 391 89 15 www.viciositalianos.com. Popular Italian restaurant without pizza and emphasis on Piadinas and pastas. La Strada C/ Quart 17 Tel: 96 392 41 77 Excellent! Hip pizzeria and pasta restaurant just a brief stroll from Torres de Quart. 10€ daytime menus, around 15€ at night. Friendly service and tasty meals, popular with couples and groups and bound to be popular over the festive season! English Speaking Waiter.

Accapella C/ Conde Altea, 60 Tel: 96 3748424 A warm welcome from a family run restaurant. Well presented pasta and pizza dishes in relaxing and spacious surroundings. The music is mellow and the interior is gentle on the eye. A qualified wine connoisseur can recommend what goes best with your dish. Wonderful terraza. A good night out… On Wednesdays and Thursdays we invite you to lambrusco. 20% discount on your meal when you bring this copy of 24/7 Valencia. Don Salvatore Italiano C/ Conde de Altea, 41 Tel: 96 334 13 04 www.donsalvatore.com A real treat of an Italian restaurant. Wonderful terrace and bilingual owner, a great Canovas success story. Spot the Valencia footballer! Lambrusquería C/ Conde Altea, 31 -36 Tel: 96 334 07 53 lambrusqueria.wordpress.com/about This is an absolute jewel of an Italian restaurant! Wok Italy Mediterranean Take Away C/ Salamanca, 7 Movil: 655 478 021 Great! Italian run, combining Mediterranean ingredients with Asian-style cooking, and using Virgin olive oil for healthy & good value dishes. Italian Pizzeria Il Bocconcino C/ Quart, 1 Tel: 96 323 03 98 Authentic Italian pizzeria / bocatería run by an Italian family.

24/7 Valencia is recommended by Aer lingus, Business Traveller Magazine, Ryan Air...

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ʻLIKEʼ US ON Japanese

A genuine Spanish restaurant right in the centre of Valencia, on a mellow side street, dead easy to find! Friendly service, trendy interior, expert chefs and authentic Valencia cuisine! Enjoy fish dishes, Spanish tapas and rice dishes including paella on their mellow terraza as you watch the world go by. Savour their delicious salads, chilled white wines, and desserts. An international staff are on hand to help you with your choice. Enjoy their Tapas menu. Some of the best mediterranean dishes around. Zona El Carmen

Kokura Pere i borrego 10 (C/ Alta – Na Jordana) Excellent! The most exotic Maki collection in Valencia. Check out their fusion cuisine with modern ingredients via their web www.kokura.es for delivery or come visit their intimate lounge setting. Experienced staff and a friendly welcome. Macrobiotic

33 Lounge Restaurant C/ San Dionisio, 8 Tel: 96 392 41 61 www.33loungerestaurant.com Mediterranean tapas, expertly made fresh paella, homemade desserts and bossa nova soundtrack. Bajando al Sur C/ Dr. Monserrat, 32 Tel: 96 392 50 86 Bar Kiosco C/ Derechos, 38 Tel: 96 391 01 59 Great terrace and economic menu del días, a brief stroll from La Lonja or Mercat Central. La Galeria C/ Baja, 38 Tel: 96 3 154 494 Tasty and in the heart of the barrio del Carmen.

Kimpira C/ Juristas, 12 Tel: 96 392 34 22 Macrobiotic food, comfortable setting, now in the old centre.

Organic La Morhada Mercado Cental, Paradas 225 y 227 Tel: 96 382 91 34 lamorhada@yahoo.es Completely organic vegetable & fruit produce at Mercado Central. Home delivery service! Portuguese Café Pessoa C/ Literato Azorin, 2 Tel: 96 341 75 14 Great! An authentic Portuguese café bar with lovely cocktails and trendy interior. Spanish / Valencian Zona Plaza Ayuntamiento Carpe Diem C/ Martínez Cubells, 4 (off Passeig Ruzafa) Tel: 96 342 77 80, www.carpediem-vlc.com

Try it! Firm favourite amongst locals in the know. Tapas, vino and copas. Real atmosphere… Burdeos in Love C/ del Mar, 4 Tel: 96 391 43 50 Classy wine bar with stylish cuisine. Carosel Taula de Canvis, 6 Tel: 96 1132 873 Cool restaurant near to the Mercado central. Authentic Mediterranean dishes with delicious and beautifully presented salads, wonderful paella, informed clientele, spacious and relaxing interior. Valencian chef and English speaking host. Dos Aguas C/ Marqués de Dos Aguas, 6 Tel: 96 251 64 26 Good value Spanish menu del días, great view.

9:00 - 01:30 todos los días

Mexican El Mexico de María (Zona Avda. Aragón) C/ Vicente Sancho Tello, 25 Tel: 96 206 37 27 elmexicodemariia@hotmail.com Friendly Mexican restaurant, superb homemade dishes. El Mexico de Maria has Mexican cuisine with 5 years of culinary experience in Valencia with a fine combination of traditional and fusion Mexian cuisine for their loyal clientele. Taquería el Burrito (Zona Carmen) C/ Alta,12 Tel: 96 113 36 08 Tasty Mexican food & drink. Takeaway service.


24/7 Valencia

La Pilareta C/ Moro Zeit Tel: 96 391 04 97 Every major Spanish city has a tapas bar regarded as ‘quintessential’. Established in 1917, this one is high up on the list in many guides. Veteran waiters serve excellent tapas: habas, ensaladilla rusa and the famous mussels. Open daily midday to midnight just off Plaza Tossal, not hard to find. Now that’s what we call atmosphere... Boatella Tapas Pl. Mercado, 34 Tel: 96 391 13 14 Great tapas bar with all your favourites. Fine terrace and top view. Bocatame C/ Turia, 61 Tel: 96 391 08 70 Bohemian sandwich bar with plenty of choice and space. Bocateria La Vaca Verde Plaza Mercado Mossén Sorell, 11 Tel: 96 3154 061 Check out the international milk carton collection on the wall! Bodeguilla de Gato C/ Catalans, 10 Tel: 96 391 82 35

El Botijo C/ San Miguel s/n www.tascaelbotijo.com Spanish tasca in the Barrio Carmen! Great terraza, delicious tapas, a top ensaladilla rusa and great tabla de quesos too. Cool flamenco, rock and pop sounds, welcoming vibe and friendly Andalucian/Valencia owners. Perfect size portions and informed service. Be sure to try Valencian tinto no. 12! El Generalife C/ Caballeros, 5 Tel: 96 391 78 99 Wonderful terrace, view of the Plaza del Virgen.

El Peix Daurat cocina mediterránea y... de más sitios C/Dr.Monserrat,14. Valencia El Peix Daurat C/ Doctor Monserrat 14. Tel:.635 413 476. www.elpeixdaurat.com Open Tuesday to Friday (13.30h - 16.00h Monday to Sunday (20.00h - 24.00h)

“For more info…consult the free 24/7 Valencia, available at hostels and cafes.” Let’s Go

27 © 2012 24/7 Valencia

APRIL 12 24/7 VALENCIA LISTINGS Wonderful lunch-time paella every Friday afternoon.Superb! By sheer word of mouth, this hidden gem of a restaurant has become a favourite of discerning customers. Chic & tasty Mediterranean cuisine and from around the world. Situated in a quiet street in the old centre, just 2 minute’s walk from Torres de Quart so easy to find. They use different techniques and cooking traditions to create Mediterranean dishes with their unique flavour. They now serve great pinchos & tapas. El Rall Pl. Tundidores, 2 Tel: 96 392 20 90 Legendary paella restaurant, prime location by La Lonja and Plaza Negrito. Erba Cipollina C/ Viriato, 7 Tel: 96 392 04 96 Clean presentation, calm atmosphere. Escalones de La Lonja C/ Pere Compte, 3 What a great setting! A terrace by La Lonja. Espaivisor C/ Corretgería, 40 Tel: 96 392 23 99 www.espaivisor.com/restaurante.php Superb, imaginative and tasty Mediterranean dishes. L’Antigua Bodegueta 1833 C/ Purisima, 6 Mobile: 677 405 931 Authentic, friendly, warm and intimate Spanish tapas bar with a great selection of tapas including ham, cheese, meat and fish choices + prawns, snails, pâté, ribs, chicken & Valencian speciality ‘esgarraet’. Enjoy the covered terraza at the back and watch the world go by at the front… Every day from 20.00h to 21.00h Happy Hour for Beer!

Tel: 96 392 08 34 La Greta C/ Pere Bonfill, 7 Tel. 96 332 24 47 Alternative vibe, cool music, tapas and open, liberal crowd. Vegetarians are catered for. La Huerta y La Botella Obispo Don Geronimo, 8 Tel: 963 923 705 In a quiet street, just off Calle Caballeros. Valencian cocina includes Michelin trained chefs. Choice wine list too. Menu del dia is 10€. Average price for evening meal is 20€.

28 © 2012 24/7 Valencia

C/ del Mar, 29 | tel. 960 715 790

MENÚ MEDIODÍA 12 EUROS ARROCES CENAS DAILY MENU 12 EUROS RICE DINNERS Tel/ Reservas: 963 918 045 / 659 699 997 reservas@lalolarestaurante.com www.lalolarestaurante.com Subida del Toledano /8, junto a Miguelete Valencia - Spain

La Lola C/ Subida de Toledano, 8 Tel: 96 391 80 45, www.lalolarestaurante.com reservas@lalolarestaurante.com. Very cool, popular and excellently located by the cathedral tower. A distinctive interior combines minimalism with ‘60s Spanish retro and space for 50 customers. This is ‘nueva cocina española’! Win a free meal for two at La Lola! In what year was Dalí born? To enter join Facebook 24/7 Valencia with 'like' or 'me gusta' and then Email the correct answer with your full name to: ed@24-7valencia. La Mari y sus tacones C/ Alta, 28 Tel: 96 3156377 Chic yet friendly Spanish tapas and vino bar/restaurant.

L'Aplec C / Roteros, 9 (near Torres de Serranos) Movil: 696 119986 Bar - restaurant to go for tapas. Open Wednesday to Sunday from 12 noon to closing. Spontaneous atmosphere, friendly and fun. Home cooking. Drinks and hot tapas with a hint of fun. New and easy to find as it is just a stoneʼs throw from the Torres de Serranos. Nice and spacious interior too! L' Aplec now has a great terrace with a varied menu for just 10€ with drink included, from Tuesday to Saturday. Enjoy their homemade, fresh and authetic paella that changes from meat to fish to vegetable choices available from Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Sunday has paella by the ration along with your classic Spanish tapas. La Caragola Pl. Mossen Sorell, 9 Tel: 615 992 803 La Cava C/ San Fernando, 20

Mattilda C/ Roteros, 21 Tel. 96 392 31 68 Creative cuisine.

Las Damas C/ Damas, 3 Tel: 96 352 12 97 Unpretentious restaurant in a quiet corner of town. Good value menu del días for under 8€. La Surcusal C/ Guillem de Castro, 118 (at IVAM) Tel: 96 374 66 65 This modern, creative restaurant has become a talking point in and outside Valencia. Not for those on a budget- 50€ a head. La Tarara C/ de la Cruz 4, 646 178 092, 646 524 877 Homemade dishes near the Torres de Serranos. La Xirgu C/ dels Borja, 4 Tel: 96 392 27 35 Very spacious, arty, and buzzing at the weekends with an alternative vibe… Los Arcos C/ Blanquerías, 10 Tel: 96 391 71 31 Quality cuisine by the Torres de Serranos.

Mediterraniart C/ del Mar, 29 Tel: 96 0 715 790 mediterraniart@gmail.com Great! Open very day of the week, Mediterraniart is an authentic and elegant Valencia chill out bar/restaurant run by a friendly, young and experienced team. Paella everyday, typical Spanish tapas including bravas, calamares, ham and cheese and mediterranean salads and dishes. Menú del día 9,50€ & 14€. Dinners betwen 20-25 €. Mellow & cool music soundtrack with soul, funk, jazz, house and more. Mesclat Doctor Beltrán Bigorra, 10 Teléfono: 96 306 5852 Authentic and wide choice of natural hamburgers. Nou Carxofa C/ Baja, 42 Tel: 96 391 02 98 Restaurant area at the back serves homemade dishes. Good value, tasty and good music. Ocho y Medio Plaza Lope de Vega, 5 Tel: 96 392 20 22 www.elochoymedio.com Creative cooking with Mediterranean influences. Fish and meat dishes with fresh ingredients. Very special. This is a very classy combination of Spanish arrocería with exquisite rice plates and a wonderful ‘carta de diseño’. A beautiful and relaxing interior and wonderful view of the square. There is a menú del día for 15€ and expect to pay between 25€ 30€ in the evening. Great wine list, too. Paparazzi C/ Baja, 42 Tel. 96 315 45 88 New! Set in a quiet corner of the atmospheric old town. Run by a friendly and experienced owner, enjoy wonderful homemade Mediterranean cooking including; Lasagna, Parmigiana, Canellones, Pasta and a lot more !!!!! Business groups and romantic couples are all welcome. Tasty Menu for 13€ every evening. Closed Sunday night and all day Monday. Refugio Restaurante del Carmen C/ Alta, 42 Tel: 96 391 77 54 A warm and authentic Mediterranean fusion restaurant with touches of Asia and a new carta, too. See ‘Something Different’ for more details. Restaurant L’hamadriada Pl. Vicente Iborra, 3 Tel: 96 326 08 91 Tasty dishes in a quiet corner of the Barrio del Carmen.

24/7 Valencia is recommended by The Times, El País, The Guardian, Lonely Planet...

©2009 24/7 Valencia

ʻLIKEʼ US ON San Miguel C/ Sant Miquel, 7 Tel: 96 392 31 29 Classy. In the heart of the historic centre, San Miquel has a tapas bar, a wonderful terrace and authentic traditional cuisine. Serranos C/ Blanquerías, 5 Tel: 96 391 70 61 Another great Valencia landmark close by the Torres de Serrano. Sesame C/ En Bou, 10 Tel: 96 391 30 62 International cuisine in a quiet corner of the Carmen. Great service. Seu-Xerea C/ Conde Almodóvar, 4 Tel: 96 392 40 00 British-born owner/chef for one of the best regarded fusion restaurants, a minute from Plaza de la Virgen. Creative and affordable. Sidrería El Molinón C/ Bolseria, 40 Tel: 96 391 15 38 Specialities are Cocina Asturiana. Sol i Lluna C/ del Mar, 29 Tel: 96 392 22 16, www.solilluna.net Breakfast from 09.00h to 13.30h, imaginative meals with delicious salads and international dishes. Recommended. Taberna del Mal Abrigo C/ Almirante, 3 Tel: 96 3 924 684 Great name and good food. Authentic Spanish restaurant and bar with traditional and very spacious interior and serene terraza at the back. Tintofino Ultramarino C/ Corretgeria, 38 Tel: 96 315 39 64 Like a fine wine? Oh, that’s superb! Tapas, cheese, and meat too! Trafico de Bocatas C/ Roteros, 16 Tel: 96 391 91 74 Over 20 years of great sandwiches. Vintara Plaza de la Reina, 19 Tel: 96 392 41 85 Great paella is available from Monday to Friday and there are other rice dishes to be enjoyed as well as fresh Spanish tapas, tasty meat and fish dishes. Winery (Envinarte) C/ Serranos, 6 Tel: 96 391 39 30 A classy winery by the Torres de Serrano. Yuso C / de la Cruz, 4 izquierda Tel: 96 315 39 67 The real deal. Valencian chefs and Valencian staff. Superb paella, arroz en fesols i naps, arroz a banda, patatas bravas, salads and more. Classy Valencian restaurant by the old Arabic wall near Torres de Serranos. Homemade food. About 18€ a head. Zona Ruzafa Basilico C/ Cadiz, 42 Brunch every Sunday from 11.00h onwards with eggs, fresh bread, delicious juices, salmon and bacon. Big hit with students at only 8€. Cadiz 70 C/ Cadiz, 70 Tel: 96 334 15 74 Excellent wine bar in the heart of Ruzafa district. Cool jazz, quality tapas to savour.

24/7 Valencia

Ganxo C/ Literario Azorin, 4 Tel: 96 328 55 48 Run by a Spanish/Irish couple, homemade food in friendly surroundings. Zona Canovas La Reina Plaza de Canovas, 1 Tel: 671 631 314 www.grupolareina.com Run by the talented and popular chef Jim Harris, this is a classy and welcoming addition to the restaurant scene. Las Lunas C/ Ciscar, 35 Tel: 662 047 091 / 695 192 336 E-mail: laslunasvlc@yahoo.es Great! Brand new restaurant in the cosmopolitan Canovas zone run by an experienced staff. At the bar or in the dining room, you may enjoy an informal lunch or dinner consisting of tasty tapas, as well as the finest homemade meals for their menus, in classic Mediterranean style. La Taska Sidreria C/ Conde Altea, 39 Tel: 96 3819 444 www.lataskasidreria.es Successfully run by 2 brothers of Asturian descent. Zona Rio del Turia La Masia de los Jardineros In Río Túria (Parallel with bus station) Tel: 627 209 992 Peaceful spot away from the crowds. Menu del día for 9.50€, paella, salads, and fideua. Wicky Parque de cabecera - Tel. 656 856 899. Enjoy an ample carta of Mediterranean and meat dishes in pleasant surroundings. Zona Juan Lloréns Amics Meus Cafe C/ Calixto III, 6 Tel: 96 384 55 28. One of the best café-bocaterías in the Juan Lloréns area. Zona Manuel Candela Bodega “El Labrador” C/ Dr. Manuel Candela, 58 Tel: 96 372 75 30 One of Valencia’s very best bodegas, down-toearth interior. Busy at weekends! Essential. Zona Plaza Xuquer Taberna Jos Plaza Xuquer, 13 Reservations: 622 233 101 or 629 255 040 www.tabernasjos.com Authentic local restaurant in a great area. Zona Cabañal Casa Montaña C/ Jose Benlliure, 69 Tel: 96 367 23 14 Established in 1836, this is an historic bodega and tapas bar, one of the best in all Spain. Over 1000 wines and crunchy patatas bravas, croquetas de bacalao, mussels. Framed posters and photos of Spanish ‘figuras’ and large barrels of wine line the walls. Excellent choice for locals and visitors.


Zona Playa y Puerto La Pepica At the Beach - Av. Neptuno, 6 Tel: 96 371 03 66 Legendary paella restaurant with room for 400 guests. Rice and seafood, with paella Valenciana a speciality. Hemingway did eat here! Something Different

Refugio Restaurante del Carmen C/ Alta, 42 Tel: 96 391 7754 The ‘Cooking Revolution’! Refugio is truly a restaurant of the Carmen. Run by a warm, bohemian Valencian couple with years of culinary experience this is now a Mediterranean fusion restaurant with International cuisine. Warm, wooden interior with intimate corners. From Monday-Friday they have a 12€ lunch menu and a plato del dia for 7.50€. Theme nights. Good music soundtrack and mixed clientele. They also do food to order. 14:00h - 16:00h / 21:00h - 24.00h. Open everyday. Special midday menus on Saturday, Sunday, holidays for 15€. Group menus, art exhibitions and revolutionary voucher. If you bring this copy of ʻ24/7 Valenciaʼ to your dinner you can bring your own bottle of wine for 1€ extra charge too! Takeaway La Creilla C/ Calatrava, 23 (Zona del Carmen) Movil: 66024843 Relatively new and already popular! Run by the legendary, flamenco-loving Isabel, a real face on the Barrio del Carmen scene. Authentic and tasty Spanish tapas to takeaway Prêt-à-porter C/ Murillo 10 ([barrio del carmen) Tel. 963 128 768 www.elpretaporter.blogspot.com Superb! “Quality cuisine from around the world for everbody”. Friendly & experienced chef has fresh & quality international dishes to takeaway including paella, couscous, curry, pasta and more. Tapas Bars La Comisaría Tapas y copas ilegales Pl. Arbol, 5 (corner C/ Baja) Tel: 96 391 07 39 www.lacomisaria.com Offers a new concept in gastronomy in the barrio del Carmen.

““Stay up to date with what’s happening in the city with the free monthly magazine 24/7 Valencia, available in bars and cafes around the city.” CNN


© 2012 24/7 Valencia

APRIL 12 24/7 VALENCIA LISTINGS Blanquita PL. Dr. Collado 9 46001.Valencia Tlf. 637556321 Lovely sunny terraza and Mediterranean tapas to enjoy.

shopping On the whole, the Carmen clothes shops are more alternative. The Colón stores tend to be high street names. Zona Plaza Ayuntamiento


La Violeta (Flower shop, express delivery) Pl. Ayuntamiento, puesto 2 Tel: 96 352 13 99, 667 326 340 Zona El Carmen

Thai Gardens Valencia C/ Joaquin Costa,26. Zona Canovas Tel: 96 333 66 13 valencia@thaigardensgroup.com

Thai Gardens C/ Joaquin Costa,26 Zona Canovas Tel:96 333 66 13 valencia@thaigardensgroup.com Superb! Check out this impressive Thai restaurant in the cosmopolitan Canovas zone. Authentic Thai cuisine by expert Thai chefs with all ingredients imported weekly from Bangok. There is an afternoon lunch menu for 14.60€, from Monday to Friday, including dessert and drink. The carta offers the best of real Thai cooking that truly reflects Thai culture. The setting is truly wonderful, with all the impressive furnishings imported from Thailand. It also very spacious so perfect for groups and couples looking for something authentic, tasty and memorable. A great night out and an affordable day-time lunch menu too. Vegan Loving Hut C / Conde deAltea, 44 Tel. 96 3 744 361 www.lovinghut.es Vegan dishes in the Canovas zone. Vegetarian copenhagen Literato Azorin, 8 Tel: 96 3 28 99 28 www.restaurantecopenhagen.com Classy vegetarian with clean interior. Menu from Tuesday to Friday. Carta everynight. All product is bought daily from the local Ruzafa market to guarantee fresh and healthy cuisine. Closed Monday. La Tastaolletes C/ Salvador Giner, 6 Tel: 96 392 18 62 Highly recommended. Emphasis is on tastiness and nutrition. Spinach, musaka, hummus…


Bugalu (retro) C/ Derechos, 22 Tel 96 391 84 49 Blue Moon (near Plaza Dr. Collado) C/ Calle Ercilla,1 bajo Tel: 618 495 215 Rock'n'ropa, shoes, accessories, guitars for pin-ups & gentlemen. C/ Ercilla n°1,bajo 46001 Valencia ( near Plaza Dr Collado) bluemoonvalencia@yahoo.es www.facebook/BlueMoonValencia Clothes imported from England, the United States and France. Shoes include Irregular choice, Poetic License and Pepe Milan. Accesories from French designers, Très Noir hand-made glasses and vintage guitars. Confettis C/ Quart, 69 Mobile: 687 100 608 www.confettis.es A shop for all the family with party ‘piñatas’. Cup Cake C/ La Paz, 36 Tel: 96 352 01 95 www.cupcakevalencia.es Emeeme 1964 C/ Numancia, 1 Tel: 96 315 40 53 Welcoming artisans have opened a genuine Valencian ceramic print shop. La Room (Unisex T-shirt shop) C/ Estameñería vieja Nº2 (local 2) Tel: 96 315 58 13 www.boomlapop.com La Tenda de Roba C/ Trench, 2 Tel: 96 392 56 48 Quality jeans and cords. Great prices & service! Madame Bugalu C/Danzas, 3 Tel: 96 315 44 76 Chic! Mercado de La Pulga C/ San Fernando, 22 Tel: 96 3 918 215 Wonderful and spacious shop and just a stone̓s throw from the Mercado Central. You will find plenty of T-shirts, mugs, jeans, musical instruments, toys, fashion accessories, posters, postcards and more delights from around the world. Helpful, knowledgeable staff and a nice mixed crowd of locals and visitors. This is a shop for everyone! Just 1 minute̓s walk from Plaza Ayuntamiento. Monki C/ Calatrava 11, bajo Tel: 96 392 45 16, www.monki.shop Naturalmente Eco shopping Plaza Doctor Collado, 6 (behind La Lonja, near to Cafe Lisboa) Tel: 96 105 08 79 www.naturalmentevalencia.com Naturalmente Eco Shopping is a lovely little

shop with plenty of charm, set in the historic centre of Valencia, Spain. The concept is fashion with an ecological conscience. Plou i Fa Sol Plaza Musico Lopez Chavarri Nº7 Bajo, 46003, Valencia. Tel: 963919797 Charming organic shop in the heart of El Carmen. Satwa C/ Calatrava, 17 Tel: 96 3 911 492 www.satwa.es Scrapbook boutique. Elegant and fun with friendly service. Urban Klan (Skate wear / Hip-Hop) C/ Museo, 5 Zona Canovas

Taste Of America C/ Avd Reino de Valencia, 6 Tel: 96 206 64 65 www.tasteofamerica.es We know you miss lots of things from the U.S.A. , but don´t worry, there is a piece of America right here in Valencia. Taste of America brings you the products you miss most. A store where you can find everything you need to prepare the perfect meal or breakfast: drinks, appetizers, sauces, stuffing, bagels, scones, cakes, muffins, chocolate, teas…and even kitchenware! Zona Colon Ann Summers Paseo Ruzafa, 16 www.annsummers.com Valencia’s erotic shop for women. Apple C/ Colon, 25 www.apple.com/es/callecolon Tel: 96 3 506 300 Benetton C/ Don Juan de Austria, 28 Tel: 96 351 44 04 Cupcake Valencia C/ Colon, 2 Tel: 96 352 01 95 www.cupcakevalencia.es El Corte Inglés C/ Colón 1 / Colón, 27 Tel: 96 315 95 00 Emporio Armani C/ Colón, 66 - 68 Tel: 96 394 29 52 Foot Locker C/ Colón, 7


© 2012 24/7 Valencia

©2009 24/7 Valencia

ʻLIKEʼ US ON Tel: 96 394 47 02 Mango C/ Colón, 31 Tel: 963 528 858 Zara C/ Colón, 11 / Colón, 18 C/ Don Juan de Austria, 22 RECORD SHOPS Discos Amsterdam Nuevo Centro Avenida PÍO XII, 2-4-6, Local 80 Tel: 96 348 39 65 www.discosamsterdam.tk R´n´B, Reggae, psychedelia, garage, rockabilly, metal, noise, blues, alternative, glam, power pop, indie uk and more. Secondhand CD̓s, vinyl and rare DVD'S too! Fnac C/ Guillem de Castro 9-11 Tel. 96 353 90 00 Impressive collection of many types of music upstairs. Pop, classical, jazz, rock, etc...


24/7 Valencia

reliable and friendly shop with bikes to hire from 12€ a day. Electric bikes and repairs also available and easy to find! English, Spanish spoken. Recommended. Monday to Friday 09:30 h - 14:30 h / 16:30 h - 19:30 h. Saturday 10:00 h - 14:00 h. Closed Sunday. BOOK SHOPS Casa del Llibre Passeig Ruzafa, 11 Tel: 96 353 00 20 Spanish bookshop is a very welcome addition for English speakers / readers everywhere. Over 20,000 books in English, including art, music, literature, science, education. Fnac C/ Guillem de Castro 9-11 Tel. 96 353 90 00 Upstairs you will find a good collection of English books including language aids, travel guides, novels past and present, art books… Kanda Books C/ Tapineria, 18 (near Plaza Reina) Tel; 639 740 746 www.kandabooks.com Please support your local second-hand bookshop. Plenty of titles in English and more. Homemade cards too! Good value books.

APARTMENTS TO RENT 40 flats Av. Instituto Obrero, 20 www.40flats.com 50 flats C/ Espinosa 13, (esquina Gran Vía Fernando el Católico) Tel.: (34) 96 323 95 50 www.50flats.com BEAUTY & HEALTH CARE Oblivium C/ Hospital, 6 Tel: 96 392 61 59, www.centrooblivium.com Oblivium is a relaxation centre specialized in flotation therapy and situated a 4-minute walk from Plaza del Ayuntamiento BIKE HIRE

Orange Bikes C/ Guillem Sorolla, 1 Tel: 96 391 75 51, www.orangebikes.net Valencia, with its flat landscape, excellent climate, bike lanes and compact size, is a cyclist’s dream. Orange Bikes is a modern,

Leolo Libreria infantile y juvenile internacional C/ Turia, 50 Tel: 96 3 15 40 24 ww.librerialeolo.com Looking for a book or present for a kid? In town with children and looking for activities? Just drop by in Leolo, a unique place in Valencia. This international bookshop and toyshop for children aged 0 - 16 years is located in the neighborhood of the Botanical Gardens (Botánico), in the lively calle Turia. Their owners, a Canadian-German couple, have a beautiful selection of books in English, German, French, Spanish and Catalan, as well as educational toys and games, language learning material for children, and much more. Leolo is also a cultural centre that organizes a large range of activities and workshops in different languages. This shop is certainly amongst the best that the new Valencia can offer. Just 3 minute’s walk from Torres de Quart. Sahiri C / Danza, 5 ( near to La Lonja) www.sahiri.com Alternative bookshop, vegetarian restaurant and cafe. Slaughterhouse Librería y cafetería. C/ Denia 22 - 46006 Valencia 963287755 www.slaughterhouse.es One of Valencia’s hippest hang-outs in the bohemian Ruzafa barrio. Great art


books and good choice of exotic teas. BRITISH FOOD.ES Set in the delightful Mercado Central, Pasillo Luis Vives, 209 - 211. Including PG tips, HP sauce, Vimto, Fray Bentos, Branston, Homepride, Hartley's, Paxo, Bacon, Bangers, Marmite, Bisto, Patak's, Sharwood's, Pastries, Puddings, Ales... COUNTRY GUESTHOUSE CASA RURAL SERENA, CHULILLA. Award-winning Country Guesthouse in picturesque mountain village, 1 hour inland from Valencia. Escape the city to our rural paradise. Ring: 96 165 7083. www.casaruralserenachulilla.com DVD HIRE Version Original (Zona Carmen) C/ Turia, 26 Tel: 96 338 08 55 www.version-original.es FOOTBALL CALENDAR domingo 8 abril Levante - Atlético 12.00h Real Madrid - Valencia 21.30h miércoles 11 abril Valencia - Rayo Vallecano 20.00h Sporting - Levante 20.00h sábado 14 abril Levante - Barcelona 22.00h domingo 15 abril Espanyol - Valencia 12.00h 21/22 abril Valencia - Betis Sevilla - Levante 28/29 abril Málaga - Valencia Levante - Granada 2 mayo Valencia - Osasuna Zaragoza - Levante 5/6 mayo Valencia - Villarreal Mallorca - Levante 13 mayo Last Day of League Season Real Sociedad - Valencia Levante - Athletic VALENCIA CF Mestalla stadium, Aragón/ Facultats metro, lots of buses incl. 9, 10, 12, 29, 30, 31, 32, 41, 79, 80. Tickets available from the stadium, club souvenir shops, La Caixa, Ticketmaster and selected tobacconists. LEVANTE UD Ciudad de Valencia stadium, 11/70 bus, Machado metro, Estadi del Llevant tram. Tickets available at ground on matchday. Hairdressers Emilio Pl. Mercado, 12 Tel: 96 392 45 67 Welcoming atmosphere, mosaic interior and reasonable prices just a stone’s throw from Mercado Central. Open MonSat 09.30h – 13.30h, 16.00h– 20.00h. Closed Tues and Sat afternoons. HEALTH Pilates Classes Tel: 637242227 Forming groups now. Good value

“THOSE THAT KNOW... GO... WITH 24/7 VALENCIA // LOS QUE SABEN...HACEN...CON 24/7 VALENCIA” 31 © 2012 24/7 Valencia

APRIL 12 24/7 VALENCIA LISTINGS classes with experienced teachers. Notice the difference! Call Marta. The Grinberg Method C/Bolsería 17 -1 (Zona Carmen) Tel: 626 542 097 www.grinbergmethod.com email: novella@MetodoGrinberg-esp.com Vitality Center C/ Juan Llorens, 42 Tel: 96 326 15 15 www.vitalitycenter.es


HOSTELS Home (Zona Carmen) Pl. Vicente Iborra Tel: 96 391 37 97 C/ La Lonja, 4 Tel: 96 391 62 29 www.likeathome.net One of the funkiest hostels in town set in the heart of the centro histórico. Run by people who are well-travelled and it shows. Cool, comfy furnishing and bright interiors really do make you feel at home. All your backpacker needs are catered for: Television, DVD, books and Internet can all be enjoyed. Hostal Antigua Morellana (Zona Carmen) C/ En Bou, 2 Tel: 96 391 57 73 www.hostalam.com Single: 45-55€, Double: 55-65€. Eighteen rooms in an 18th century building with 21st century comfort. Air conditioning and TV in all rooms. Unfussy, comfortable and excellently located. Hostal El Rincón (Zona Carmen) C/ Carda 11 Tel: 96 391 79 98 / 96 391 60 83 Single: 10-13€, Double: 18-24€ Indigo Youth Hostel (Zona Carmen) C/ Guillem de Castro, 64 Tel: 96 315 39 88 www.indigohostel.com. From 13€. Nest Youth Hostel (Zona Plaza Reina) C/ de la Paz, 36 Tel: 96 342 71 68, www.nestyh.com HOTELS Hotel Las Arenas ***** Eugenia Viñes 22-24 Tel. 963 120 600 Hotel Meliá Valencia Palacio de Congresos***** Avenida Cortes Valencianas, 52 Tel: 902 14 44 40 Neptuno **** C/ Paseo de Neptuno, 2 Tel: 96 356 77 77 www.hotelneptunovalencia.com Petit Palace Bristol *** C/ L’Abadia de San Martín, 3 Tel: 96 394 51 00, www.hotelpetitpalacebristol.com Petit Palace Germanías *** C/ Sueca, 14 Tel: 96 351 36 38 www.petitpalacehotelgermanias.com Sercotel Sorolla Palace**** Av.de las Cortes Valencianas,58 46015 Valencia (ESPAÑA) Tel: 961 868 700 Fax: 96 186 87 05 www.hotelsorollapalace.com

C/ Doctor Modesto Cogollos 6 y 8, Valencia 46021.

Cafe infinito ( C/ Porta Mas y Ros, 35 / tel: 617 27 20 42) - Music quiz / Sundays@21.30h... Dublin House ( Plaza del Patriarca, 6 / tel: 96 394 49 09) - Language exchange / Thursday @20.00h... Lab2( C/ Hierba, 4 / tel: 96 391 2716) - English - Spanish - Tuesdays @20.00h - 22.00h Laboratorio 1 (Pl. Cors de la Mare de Deu, 3/ tel: 96 392 61 93) - German - Spanish Wednesdays @20.00h - 22.00h La Gñocca de La Tia (C/ Verger, 1 / tel: 961 139 930) - Italian - Spanish / Mondays @20.30h... Portland Ale House - Language exchange Tuesdays @20.00h ... Portland Ale House - English Wednesdays @20.00h... Portland Ale House ( C/ Salamanca, 10 / tel: 96 3 810 406) - Quiz / Sundays@19.30h... Portland Café (Paseo de la Facultades, 2 / tel: 96 3 810 406) - Language exchange / Mondays@ 20.30h... Radio City ( C/ Santa Teresa, 19 / Tel: 96 39 41 51 English Tuesday & Thursday 20:00h - 23:00h... Seven ( Plaza Honduras, 34 / movil: 617154715) - Language exchange Thursdays & Sundays@ 20.00h... St Patrick's -( Gran via Marques del Turia, 69/ tel: 96 351 36 42) - Language exchange English - German - Spanish / Thursdays@20.00h... The Lounge - ( Estameñeria vieja, 2 / tel: 96 391 80 94) English - Spanish German / Wednesdays@ 20.30h... Ubik Café - ( Literato Azorin, 13 / tel: 96 374 12 55) English - Spanish Tuesdays @20.30h - 22.30h LANGUAGE SCHOOLS English Classes Experienced teacher and teacher trainer. Business, general and conversational English. Recommended. All levels. Tel: 617 850 700.

Glenburn School of English C/ Doctor Modesto Cogollos 6 y 8 Tel: 96 393 35 88 www.glenburnschool.com English school with welcoming atmosphere and experienced native staff offers courses at all levels for adults and children and prepares students for FCE, proficiency and E.O.I. exams. Offers Spanish for foreigners, French and German. Excellent translation.

Lenguas Vivas (near Ángel Guimerá) C/ Palleter 43 - 45 - Tel: 963821058. An increasingly popular academy which offers Spanish, English, French, Italian and Chinese courses/translations. Groups or private classes for all ages and from all backgrounds welcome. Preparation for DELE, Trinity, TOEFL and TOEIC exams. Highly-qualified and native teachers in a professional and friendly atmosphere.


Photo © Mateo Sanchis 24/7 Valencia 2012



© 2012 24/7 Valencia

©2009 24/7 Valencia


24/7 Valencia

Email: terapiados@terapiados.net (David and Jeffrey). Psychology and Gestalt therapy consultation. SPAINSBURYS Plaza Jaime Roig 1, Calle Marc Corneli, 46160 LLIRIA, Spain Tel: 96 279 3142 Mon –Fri 9.30 am – 16.00h/ Sat 10.30 am – 14.30 h www.spainsburys.com Email: info@spainsburys.com “British supermarket with a touch of Irish. Supermercado británico con un toque de irlanda.”


community around Valencia! Do you want to meet more people in and around Valencia? Maybe you have a business you want to promote, or maybe you're just looking to meet like-minded English speakers? Visit our blog at www.thecv35.com or come and join our lively Facebook community at www.facebook.com/ thecv35 to share articles, news, hints, tips and some moral support for expats. Come and join us!


The L@undry Stop C/ Baja, 17 Tel: 96 391 35 28, 687 255 275 Open daily 09.30h ‘till 22.00h! (Sat&Sun: 14.30h ‘till 22.00h). Valencia’s first cyber Laundromat/Laundrette! The L@undry Stop is a different place where you can surf the web, chill with a drink or read a book while your clothes get washed. Washing 5€, Drying 3€, Soap .50€, Internet .50€/20 min.

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www.thisisvalencia.com thisisvalencia.com is the finest independent guide to the city and beyond with a wealth of information about the city and countryside of Valencia, exclusive interviews, updates, blog, forum and more! Recommended by ‘The Times’ and ‘Lonely Planet’. www.valenciawebtv.com Tel: 672 238 015 info@valenciawebtv.com Valencia Web TV is a travel and cooking channel webpage.

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Photo © Mateo Sanchis 24/7 Valencia 2012

“THOSE THAT KNOW... GO... WITH 24/7 VALENCIA // LOS QUE SABEN...HACEN...CON 24/7 VALENCIA” 33 © 2012 24/7 Valencia

34 twentyfoursevenvalencia


All photos: Víctor Aranda © 24/7 Valencia 2011 / Check out his webpage www.victorarandagarcia.es


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Haciendo La Cama? Things are just going from bad to worse for Valencia Club de Fútbol, although they are still in contention in the Europa League, the stranglehold they seemed to hold on the third place classification has been withered away. Malaga, Levante and Osasuna are breathing down the Chés’ neck and if they continue with the terrible lack of form they have shown lately, then they may not even finish in fourth place. To not finish third would be a disaster but to finish outside of the top four is unthinkable. What is much more likely is that this will be Unai Emery’s final season in charge at Mestalla. Although I have defended the young manager on many occasions, now it is time he packed his bags and did one because, after four years, the team he has put together is just not good enough. Some could claim that he has had to sell his best players and that little money has been available to buy new blood but Valencia do

fork out big money to sign players. Soldado cost ten million euros, Dani Parejo, who Emery specifically asked for yet doesn’t play him, cost another five, so money is spent. The problem is that Emery has failed to instil a winning mentality into his squad of players. Their inability to kill off a game has become all too clear this season. In the Europa League, Valencia turned in an impressive performance against PSV Eindhoven and were four nil to the good after an hour of the match. They then began to sit back and the Dutch came back with two late strikes to revive a tie that should have been dead and buried. Fortunately, a week later the Chés travelled to the Netherlands and secured a 1-1 draw that saw them through to the next round where they were to take on Dutch league leaders AZ Alkmaar. Yet again defensive errors were to cost VCF dear. After going a goal down, Valencia pulled one back thanks to a great header from the young Turk, Topal. Then, instead of going for the game they sat back waiting for the inevitable, which came ten minutes from the end thanks to the Belgian version of Neville Neville,

Maarten Martens. The defeat means the blanc i negres need a victory in Mestalla to proceed any further in the competition. In the league Valencia have been unable to pull themselves out of the rut that has seen them being reeled back from what seemed a sure-fire third place finish. Lowly Mallorca came to Mestalla and looked to be heading for another defeat as first half goals from Tino Costa and Aritz Aduriz, against his old club, meant that VCF went in for their half-time cup of tea and half an orange two goals to the good. The Mestalla fans set about eating their bocatas in relative calm. However, in the second half Valencia went to pieces. A Mallorca goal saw Emery’s team lose all their confidence and poise, Mallorca equalised the game and VCF were incapaz to take the initiative. Out came the inevitable waving of hankies and the club President, Manuel Llorente went straight down to the dressing room in search of some answers. His harsh words seemed to have produced some good as, a week later, the team travelled to the Basque country to play

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against Athletic Bilbao, who had just beaten Manchester United. The Valencia team was well-ordered and strong, even Dealbert had his one and only good game, a hat-trick from Roberto Soldado allowed Valencia to take the well-needed three points back to Mestalla, where the next opponents were last-placed team Zaragoza. Valencia found themselves one up after just nine minutes and after 20 minutes were playing against just ten men. The referee then invented a penalty to get the visitors back in the game but it was Valencia’s incapacity to put away their chances that were to cost them the game. Zaragoza shot twice on target and scored both times; Valencia had 11 chances and scored once. When Zaragoza took the lead, there were still 15 minutes to go and they were playing with just nine men thanks to another red card shown to Zuculini, yet still the Chés were not able to take control. Mestalla clearly showed its complete dissatisfaction with the performance by calling for the head not only of the manager but also of the President.

Champions League place at stake Valencia CF vs Levante UD

Valencia vs PSV Eindhoven

A trip away to Getafe was next and, after Soldado opened the scoring after five minutes, it seemed that the team had reacted to the harsh criticism it had received during the week. Unfortunately this illusion was short-lived. Getafe struck three times, all three following schoolboy errors from Valencia right-back Bruno, a player who would struggle to get a game in an English Championship side. Unai’s fate was probably sealed after the game against Zaragoza; the loss against Getafe only confirmed the fact that he will not be in charge next season. Valencia’s next game was against their nearest rivals, not just geographically but also in the race for the third spot, Levante. Yet again VCF took the lead thanks to a Jonas goal but, quite predictably, the team let slip their advantage. In all honesty they had several chances to win in the second half but as Di Stéfano quite rightly said, hay que meterlo, and Valencia didn’t. So Valencia have an important tie against AZ to overcome if they want to make it to the semi-finals of the Europa League, where they remain the bookies favourites to win. In the league, the Chés will have to travel to Madrid to take on the merengue media circus, but tricky ties against Rayo and Espanyol will be decisive if Valencia

Can they do it in Europe? Club de Fútbol are to stumble over the finishing line and claim the coveted third place and automatic Champions League football for next season. A vorem Mark Hulton

See listings page 31 for football calendar. Photos Heino / Article © 24/7 Valencia 2012

38 twentyfoursevenvalencia She始s a Rainbow

Paint it Black @Picapiedra

Mateo Sanchis www.flickr.com/eme_minuscula Midnight Rambler

Jumpin始 Jack Flash @Pinball

Stray Cat Blues @Negrito

Waiting on a friend

Honky Tonk Women

twentyfoursevenvalencia 39 Under my thumb

Ruby Tuesday

Something Happened to Me Yesterday Satisfaction

Hot stuff!

Not Fade Away Sympathy for the Devil @ Fox Congo

Rocks off

All photos Mateo Sanchis Š 24/7 Valencia 2012

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Please Don’t Turn Over (PDTO) With the economic recession deepening ever more in Spain and especially in this region, some Valencians at last seem to be asking themselves where all the public money went that has been spent on spectacular buildings, Formula 1 street circuits, the America’s Cup yachting jamboree (which took most of its bandwagon with it when it went), the visit from the Pope, etc. High school students complaining of cutbacks were brutally repressed with a heavy-handed police reaction whose images of apparent violence against legal minors made one’s stomach turn. Scenes of police officers kicking unarmed people on the ground, kneeling on their backs and shoving children about do not seem to have affected the new interior minister, who said they acted “impeccably” and with “enormous professionalism”. The chief of police referred to the unarmed demonstrators as “the enemy”. The government’s delegate in Valencia has no intention of resigning, though this now surprises no-one in a regional government that has taken no responsibility whatsoever for the metro tragedy with its great death toll, to mention but one outrage (the victims sometimes still demonstrate in Plaza de la Virgen). They did change the name of the ill-fated station, though, lest we remember. The fact is they seem to be more interested in covering their tracks, as shown by workers at the regional public TV station who stopped working to denounce the blatant manipulation of coverage of the recent police action. Thousands thronged the streets of the city centre the following days, leading some to ask ourselves if Valencia is indeed finally waking up to the giddying waste of public money and downright corruption that has infested politics in the region for many years now. Those aware of what has been happening used to feel indignant, but the general feeling now is simply helplessness and nausea. Unfortunately, I think Valencia is mostly still fast asleep to the tune of regional public TV. One of the students’ complaints was the lack of central heating, for example, as well as other cutbacks affecting their

education directly. The current president of the region has said, “We have to spend more responsibly”, but many would like to know to whom he is referring when he says we. He certainly can’t mean yours truly. The citizens of Alboraya, the famous horchata-making town just north of Valencia, recently received a letter from their new socialist council saying they have inherited a debt of over 6,000€ per citizen. And amidst this scenario, the Fallas have been back, the most famous of Valencia’s fiestas, which sees enormous amounts of money literally go up in smoke. Yet there are cutbacks in education and health care. Something is clearly wrong. I myself was unlucky enough to be taken ill recently while on holiday and have thus experienced Spanish public health care at first hand. I was rushed to hospital where they gave me intravenous antibiotics, etc., then sent me home. In fact, they sent me to my friend’s home, as I was in the Canaries at the time. I bought the pills they prescribed and waited in some pain till I got my Ryanair flight back to Valencia, which was as comfy as we all know. The next day I went straight to my GP to see what was to be done. Of course, I had to give her the papers showing my tests in the Canaries, as Valencia is a different region and therefore has its own health service, disconnected from the others. Yet another example of overlapping and inefficient use of public resources due to the territorial divisions in Spain, which the current government says it plans to tackle. I was given a paper saying I had priority to see a specialist, which I gave to the clinic’s receptionist who sent it on by fax, telling me they’d be in touch. I’m still waiting for a reply as I sit in a hospital bed with intravenous drips dangling over my head nearly a week later. (After writing this article, I received an appointment by post to see a specialist in two months’ time.) After 20 years in Spain, my advice to anyone using the public health system is this: don’t bother waiting to be referred to a specialist if you think you have something serious. See a private specialist, which

will be much faster. With the results from the private specialist, you can then go to the public health emergency department at a hospital to show them how serious it is and be attended. Alternatively, you could obviously cut out the first step if the situation is clearly drastic. And don’t think you’re abusing the emergency department services, because recent statistics show that the Spanish themselves do this twice as much as foreigners. They must know something. For treatment, the public health system still works quite well and has resources that the private sector can’t match. We’ll see how long that lasts, but I remember an English client of mine suffering from cancer for whom I interpreted at a hospital. He rued the day he had gone to the private sector, spending thousands and wasting a precious year of potential treatment (they misdiagnosed him). Health care may also be another example of Spain’s dependency on family and friends as opposed to the welfare state, which is becoming increasingly apparent in the recession as dole money runs dry. Visitors are very welcome at hospitals, but also to a certain extent necessary (I had no toothbrush, etc., till a friend brought me such items). A doctor told me to drink plenty of liquids and not to move about, so I sat back expecting to be brought various bottles of water. But no; in the end I had to search for change for the vending machine in the corridor. The only person willing to give me some was a lottery ticket seller in the hospital’s main reception after I bought a ticket off her and hobbled back to my bed on the fifth floor. Needless to say, if I win I’ll share the winnings with her. But back to Valencia’s financial black hole. Where did all that public money go? The region’s ex-president was recently acquitted of bribery charges purportedly involving obscene amounts of money going to his pals in the form of government contracts. The jury was a public one, so the result was hardly surprising in a region where over half the electorate still inexplicably vote for his party. Ironically, the only person to

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have been condemned in the case so far has been the judge investigating it, Baltasar Garzón, for illegally recording conversations between those implicated and their lawyers (which, incidentally, another judge involved in the trial also did, but that doesn’t seem to bother anybody). His career is effectively over as a result, after having been suspended for eleven years. Coupled with the aforementioned police aggressiveness against unarmed demonstrators, there is now a very tangible, rising feeling among the region’s youth that those in positions of authority are at best uninterested in justice and at worst simply corrupt. I have friends who are police officers that seem to think Garzón should be in prison, while those accused of the alleged massive fraud he was investigating don’t seem to bother them. We have also seen Manuel Fraga pass away, one of those involved in Spain’s transition period from dictatorship to democracy, though he was also a great fan of that other transition from democracy to dictatorship about 40 years before. To his dying day, he always justified Spain’s fascist past, as well as having collaborated in torture and slaughter. Yet he was buried with honours, the nation’s president calling him, “one of the greatest politicians of the century”. He will no doubt have streets and plazas named after him (no surprise in some parts of Spain, where you can still find prominent fascists’ names adorning the walls of streets and churches). Meanwhile, Garzón is on trial for having the temerity to investigate crimes during the Franco period, thereby breaking an amnesty that goes against international law (which states that there can be no amnesty for crimes against humanity). In Argentina, the amnesty for a more recent dictatorship has already been lifted. The ‘children of the disappeared’ are beginning to discover their true parents (if they wish), while in Spain the sheer magnitude of the stolen baby mafia is only beginning to come to light. This

seems to have involved both hospital staff and members of the Church. Dead babies were allegedly kept in cupboards to show hysterical mothers who didn’t believe their children had died, when in fact they had been given to other couples. Since I have lived in Spain, I have always been perplexed by the Spanish press’ interest in dictatorial regimes such as those in Argentina and Chile and the quest for justice in their aftermath, while their very own horror goes unreported and swept under the carpet. Pasar página is an expression one often hears (“Turn over the page [of history]”). Yet it is one thing to turn over the page after reading it and quite another to completely ignore it as if it doesn’t exist, particularly when Spain has its own children snatched from their mothers’ arms and bodies still lying in ditches in towns and roadsides all over the country. It is a little like living in a house with corpses buried in the back garden that nobody likes to mention. When I see reports on ‘museums’ like Auschwitz today, I often think that

Spain could learn a lot from the modern Germans. One does not bury the horrors of fascism by pretending they never existed and prosecuting the judge investigating them, but quite the opposite. Society should take a long look at its past and learn from its mistakes. Instead, Spain still has the huge cross of the Valley of the Fallen built by Franco’s prisoners of war, which today’s fascists still visit to pay tribute to him. If we turn over the pages of history without reading them, we are at far greater risk of seeing history repeat itself. Spain’s last coup attempt was only back in 1981 and Valencia’s military was among its strongest supporters, sending tanks onto the city’s streets. Seeing the recent police aggressiveness in this city, listening to police officers’ opinions, seeing the farcical judicial decisions in extremely serious cases of political corruption and witnessing the judicial persecution of the internationally renowned judge investigating them, one can certainly see how history may yet repeat itself in Spain. The Transition ain’t over yet. Please Don’t Turn Over. E l Gazza

Valencia student in peaceful protest 2012 Photo Tanaka © 24/7 Valencia 2012

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VALENCIA WORLD listening to records, reading, watching a film, transcribing recorded interviews and completing texts. Night time is a different story, since I often go out to review concerts. I enjoy watching live bands, meeting up with characters from the local live scene, having a few beers and enjoying a good show. How do you find Valencia as a place to live?


It’s a perfect city for what I need. It’s a manageable size (neither a metropolis nor a village) and it has a wonderful climate. Also, we all know each other, the scene is small and quite friendly, too.

My background goes back to fanzines and alternative radio in the mid-‘80s, until I started to work professionally as a journalist writing about culture. For work reasons, I’ve had the good fortune to have had the experience of meeting in person some of my favourite artists, including Iggy Pop, Lou Reed, the Ramones, Courtney Love and others that I have interviewed over the years.

The only thing that keeps me from fully enjoying the city is the municipal politics here. Valencia has been ruled for too long by the worst kind of old-fashioned, right-wing politicians and this is evident with the increasing restrictions the public has to deal with when they want to enjoy public spaces. The excessive waste of the PP has converted the city into an empty shell devoid of content and at the service of those in power, who ignore and undervalue the needs of the people. I don’t understand the military occupation that the city suffers in Fallas, useless events like Formula 1 and the Pope’s visit while other infrastructures are crying out for help.

In terms of travels, some of them were involved with my work with film festivals, which enabled me to get to know cities like Rotterdam, Berlin and Buenos Aires. Other travels abroad have been inspired by the need to see new places or visit friends in New York, London, Mexico City, Montevideo and other great cities. I believe that it’s true that intolerance and ignorance are cured by travelling. There is nothing like travelling and meeting different types of people to realize that the world does not revolve around us.

Culture has particularly suffered due to so many years of right-wing government: Public theatres are competing with private ones and they have forgotten to programme risk-taking shows. It’s more and more difficult to enjoy live music because of the persecution that live venues have to endure, the agenda of the museums is becoming less interesting (especially MuVIM and IVAM), one film festival (La Mostra) has been annihilated and the one that remains has lost its direction…it’s a great shame all round.

Describe your work and a typical day.

Any projects for the future?

I don’t have a particularly exciting routine. I spend hours in front of the computer or the cinema screen. Normally, I spend my time writing or preparing interviews, although I also do occasional work related to the film world, which can involve spending time away for shooting. But I can spend a whole day in the office

At the moment I’m working on Miles de Muchachos, a documentary on the punk scene of Valencia during the 80’s, which is going at a snail’s pace due to lack of funding. I’m also continuing my daily work as a journalist, doing interviews and articles for La Cartelera of Levante, Rockdelux and the efeeme.com website.

Tell us about your background, travels, experiences...

There are various projects in the pipeline but, as they say, it’s better not to talk about projects until they have become realized. Favourite record? Impossible to choose but I have always had an altar for “London Calling” by the Clash. Best film you’ve seen recently? A Russian film called “Living”, directed by Vasily Sigarev. Impressive. A book you would recommend? “Los Príncipes Valientes” by Javier Pérez Andújar. It’s a marvellous book and it’s also written by a friend of mine.

Interview by Owl

Photo Eduardo Guillot © Vanessa Prado / Article © 2012 24/7Valencia

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WOMAN M. and I decided to go ahead and put a deposit down on a holiday to the south of Italy with a travel agents. I never, ever do this. Like N., I love to scroll low-cost flight websites, bookings.com, and find a great deal, I am proud of my cheapo-holiday crown, and I've never bought through an agent in my life, but time was running short with conflicting work timetables and it was getting impossible to find the time to book together anyway. Then the travel agents went bust. True story. And now, although the insurance meant we got our deposit back, we are now like two lonely teenagers been stood up for a date - all dressed up and nowhere to go!

My good friend N is obsessed with travel. Travel magazines, travel blogs, travel guides, she can't get enough and would leave her job to roam the world had she the means. We happen to work together, desks side by side, at The Bank, and from the moment we were handed our 2012 calendars at work back in January and we noticed a lovely five-day weekend available for the Easter holidays, her eyes lit up. And we have fought hard ever since for the whole weekend off together, picturing ourselves gallivanting off somewhere hot with the rest of The Girls for a fun-filled, five-day break, or at least to somewhere hotter than here. We begged our gorgeous boss, day in and day out for a month and, being as brilliant as always, she granted us both from Thursday to Monday off, just as we asked. (I'm not sucking up, I know she doesn't read my column – she really is a lovely person to work for, albeit a sandwich or two short of a picnic, but although that's what makes it so much fun, it really is another story entirely). In exchange, however, we have put in some seriously hard slog in February and what may have been one of the hardest weeks of our working lives in March. We have even been a bit smug, telling ourselves we really deserve this time off, chatting for hours on the phone and putting together lots of options for The Girls to choose from - destinations like Dubrovnik and Malta, Athens and Lisbon, even Seville, for their amazing Semana Santa celebrations. Alas, it seems destiny may have had other plans for us. As excited as The Girls and we

were, it seems one of us has said or done something we are now being made to regret, and our old friend Karma is taking payback very, very, seriously. Let me elaborate. First off, Lolita's work schedule, nice and clear for the first time in yonks for her to come home and party with us – she works abroad, don't you know – is suddenly filled with meetings and briefings when her colleague, not due til August, was forced to take early maternity leave. Then, on a routine trip up to Madrid to see her Boyfriend on a Friday evening at the beginning of March, a drive she makes twice a month, something exploded under the bonnet of her car and N. had to pull over to the side of the motorway in a cloud of black smoke as her old Seat slowly ground to a halt. Not only is the car we were planning to maybe go away in (a road trip was one of the most favoured options) but the mechanic, after much oohing and aahing, stroking of chin and adjusting of overall straps, declared it officially beyond repair. So the nice little extra money N. had saved for our holiday will now have to go towards a new car. Two down, three to go. G. was the next to pull out of our getaway when she broke two bones in her ankle running a half marathon, which only serves to prove my point that exercise is never a good idea. And she's too depressed to move from her sofa to even consider hopping around on crutches. So that leaves me and M. Can you see why I'm feeling Karma has a hand in things, now? But wait, I'm not finished.

I am starting to think I should have listened to my grandmother more and try to be a bit more superstitious. She was incredibly so, to the extent that we couldn't cross two knives on the table, cross another person on the stairs, stir with a knife (though that may have been a manners thing...) or have peacock feathers in the house. She would often tell the story of the day she threw some peacock feathers away that someone had unwittingly brought round, watched as the dustmen came to pick up the rubbish, and how their lorry promptly broke down at the top of the road. "You see!" she would exclaim, stabbing the air with a perfectly manicured finger. "It is true!" Whether it is true or not, this whole Karma angle is really making me wonder. Are we really such a terrible bunch for this awful string of events to have taken place in our lives? All we asked for was a little holiday, is that too much? Oh and I do love going away for Easter! It's like our own European version of Spring Break, though obviously at least 10 years older than our American counterparts and with more clothes, less booze and no college students. Cross your fingers for me, knock on wood and don't walk under any ladders for me, readers – let’s at least hope that if I don't get to go away the weather in Valencia stays glorious for me to get a little suntan. What's that you say, Mr Weatherman? Hail, rain and storms for the weekend? With the way my luck's going, why doesn't that surprise me one little bit?!

Anita Darling Photo Mateo Sanchis. Article © 2012 24/7 Valencia

44 twentyfoursevenvalencia


No Ham, No Life... by D. Blackwell to the zoo. Morgan seemed pretty proud of being in the know. “Stick with me, lads. I got it all under control,” boasted the Viking, his beard soppy with free alcohol and cake crumbs.

PART 5 “Ey lads. You oughta come over ‘ere and check this out.” They followed Morgan to the building, swiftly polishing off the sherry. “I'm not buying any fucking cakes,” moaned Miguel. “No, not the cake, ya daft ape,” Morgan slurred, noticing the old lady frantically refilling the paper cups lined along the table as they approached, “the pigpen.” He pointed and, sure enough, in the corner was a small pen lined with hay and housing a pig. “What the --,” Miguel stood, mouth agape. On the far wall was a cartoon drawing of a pig and the words ‘pig slaughter day’. “Oh yeah,” said Javi innocently. “They’re gonna put him,” he flung his thumb at the pig, “in there,” he swung round to signal the pans where the gachas were being prepped. Miguel swallowed the bile as it tried to rise in his throat and was left with the lingering taste of cheap sherry. George gasped and let out a happy sound like a kid who had just won a surprise trip

Javi suggested they kill some time before everything got under way by hitting the bar on the corner and getting a snack and some coffee. From the edge of the square, they took the incline of the cobbled street, down to the corner bar (the only bar in the whole area). Miguel trailed them like a black cloud. Morgan got stuck into some beer right off the bat, while the others had espresso, and toast with oil and sugar. Javi was immediately swarmed by old friends and relatives. He only made it back once every few years and, even then, didn’t always catch up with people from the old days. The festival had been gaining in popularity steadily over the years, and was now the focal event of the village, bringing everyone together for one day. George had asked Javi why he lived in Valencia when he had such a nice house (what seemed to George like a mansion) out here in the country. Javi had asked what one would do in Formixe. George pondered, and said, “Read…,” then pondered further, and said, “…paint?” George didn’t paint but felt like if he lived in a place like that he most certainly would. He could drink his maté in the kitchen while looking out the window, following the incline of the quaint little serpentine streets and alleys, and off toward the trees on the horizon, blooming like clouds in the morning sun. Javi pointed out that there was nothing – absolutely nothing – to do in Formixe, with the exception of this one day a year. George ceded to Javi’s wisdom on this

matter, but made a mental note to see about getting the keys for the place during the summer. In the bar, George struck up a conversation with the young bartender’s daughter while ordering his second coffee and proceeded to ignore the rest of the world. He fooled himself into believing that he was charming her. She did actually find his accent pretty sexy and thought he was a nice old man but simply too old to be a boyfriend. Morgan was fascinated by the local folk band that came in, dressed in medieval garb, and was soon dancing some ridiculous jigs to the wild amusement of all present. Some even threw him peanuts like a dancing bear. Javi was penned in like the proverbial pig but seemed less concerned about his fate, swamped as he was with free drinks and smokes. Miguel now saw his chance and snuck off, cursing the pig he ought to have felt sorry for. It didn’t take long for someone to thrust a guitar in Javi’s hand and coax him into playing a tune. A consummate professional, he knew exactly how long to protest before giving in and tearing in to a Cuban rumba. Javi never used a strap; he just clenched the guitar to his chest – and any guitar would do, no matter how distraught it was – and he proceeded to beat out the rumba on the wood, while he strummed the demolishing rhythm, his fingers a blur as he beat the strings into submission. George, delighted, began tapping his foot erratically and turned to the girl to inform her, knowledgably, how unique it was to mix Cuban songs with Spanish rumba. She nodded, having no idea what that meant. TO BE CONTINUED... Listen to Dannyʼs song "Calle Caballeros" on YouTube. Download it, and other original songs by Danny Blackwell, at www. monoyamono.bandcamp.com email contact: monoyamono1@yahoo.es Article © 2012 24/7Valencia


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46 twentyfoursevenvalencia



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SUNDAY / DOMINGO 1 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Marisa Gallardo, Juanma Maya, José Antonio de Torres (flamenco) 20.00h. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Víctor Mendoza Valencia vibe (jazz, quintet) 19.00h 9€ / Jam Session (vocal y instrumental) 20.30h Gratis. EL LOCO: Osaka Monaurail + Vibe Creators (funk soul desde Japón) 21.30h 18€ / 22€. MONDAY / LUNES 2 BLACK NOTE: Tonky Jam (Open Jam Session) 23.30h Gratis. TUESDAY / MARTES 3 JIMMY GLASS: André Fernandes Quintet (jazz) 21.30h 13€ Aforo Limitado. RADIO CITY: Flamenco Baile, Canto y Toque + DJ Gypsy Box (flamenco) 23.00h 7€ con consumición. WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 4 BLACK NOTE: Strictly Reggae Vibes 23.30h Gratis. THURSDAY / JUEVES 5 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Ana Llloris, Tomás de los Cariño, Manuel Reyes y Manuel Quintero (flamenco) 23.30h. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Mestizando (músicas del mundo, septet) 22.30h / 24.00h 6€. DUB CLUB: Reggae Party con JahSanti 23.00h Gratis. EXCUSE ME?: Club de Perras con Rolling Hackers + Vladimir Dynamo / Nathalie B 24.00h. 47 CLUB: DJs 23.30h Gratis. PINBALL: Chicho Solaz 23.00h Gratis. RADIO CITY: Electro Mestizaje con DJ Gypsy Box 23.00h Gratis. FRIDAY / VIERNES 6 CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Albert Sanz & Masa Kamaguchi Duo (jazz) 23.00h / 00.30h 8€. DUB CLUB: Café Teatro 23.00h 6€ + consumición / DJ Session Gratis. EXCUSE ME?: H4L 9000 + Sais 24.00h. MUSIC BOX: DJs 1.00h Gratis. PINBALL: Pinball DJs 23.00h Gratis. ROCK CITY:

Rage + TYR + Communic + Scar of the Sun (heavy metal desde Alemania y Noruega) 18.30h 25€ / 30€. SATURDAY / SÁBADO 7 BLACK NOTE: Blues Connection by DJ Dr. Joan (R&B, soul) 23.30h Gratis. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Isabel Julve, Manuel Reyes y Manuel Quintero (flamenco) 23.30h. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Masa Kamaguchi (jazz, solo contrabajo) 21.00h 6€ / Albert Sanz & Masa Kamaguchi Duo (jazz) 23.00h / 00.30h 8€. DUB CLUB: Reggae Jam + DJ Don Dub & Mandievus 19.00h Gratis. EXCUSE ME?: Bloody Mir Di Namek + Sais 24.00h. 47 CLUB: DJs 23.30h Gratis. LA3: DJs 1.30h. MUSIC BOX: DJs 1.00h Gratis. PINBALL: Mercadillo Pinball 18.00h – 22.00h / Hortera + Cassette DJs Gratis. RADIO CITY: Radio Eklekcity 23.00h Gratis. SUNDAY / DOMINGO 8 CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Jam Session (vocal y instrumental) 20.30h Gratis. DUB CLUB: Los Monoplato + Xino DJ + Duo Santiamén + DJ El Esqueje de Jerez 21.00h Gratis. PINBALL: DJ Residente 23.00h Gratis. TUESDAY / MARTES 6 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Marisa Gallardo, Juanma Maya, José Antonio de Torres (flamenco) 20.00h. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Víctor Mendoza Valencia vibe (jazz, quintet) 19.00h 9€ / Jam Session (vocal y instrumental) 20.30h Gratis. EL LOCO: Osaka Monaurail + Vibe Creators (funk soul desde Japón) 21.30h 18€ / 22€. MONDAY / LUNES 9 RADIO CITY: Supersonic Monday con Killmanjarto 23.00h Gratis. TUESDAY / MARTES 10 BLACK NOTE: 2 Animales (rock acústico) 23.30h Gratis. JIMMY GLASS: Pete Robbins Trans-Atlantic Quartet con Albert Palau (jazz) 21.30h 13€ Aforo Limitado. RADIO CITY: Flamenco Baile, Canto y Toque + DJ Gypsy Box (flamenco) 23.00h 7€ con consumición.

WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 11 EL LOCO: Legendary Shack Shakers + DJ Alex Bop Street (rock ‘n’ roll) 21.30h 15€ / 18€. MUSIC BOX: DJs 1.00h Gratis. RADIO CITY: Indie Vibes con Ra-zz 23.00h Gratis. THURSDAY / JUEVES 12 BLACK NOTE: Sex & Rock & Roll (rock) 23.30h Gratis. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: José Serrano, Tomás de los Cariño y Juan de Pilar (flamenco) 23.30h. DUB CLUB: Reggae Party con Bad Foundation 23.00h Gratis. MUSIC BOX: DJs 1.00h Gratis. PINBALL: Pinball DJs 23.00h Gratis. RADIO CITY: Electro Mestizaje con DJ Gypsy Box 23.00h Gratis. FRIDAY / VIERNES 13 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Isabel Julve, Júlia Jimeno, Rosa Sanz, Kike Naval y Víctor Guadiana (flamenco) 23.30h. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Nacho Mañó y Gisela Renes (música brasileña) 23.00h 10€. DUB CLUB: Café Teatro 23.00h 6€ + consumición / DJ Session Gratis. EXCUSE ME?: Cuborama con Midnight + Meerkat / Flexidiscos con Gem Germ + Sr. Miyagui 24.00h. 47 CLUB: DJs 23.30h Gratis. JIMMY GLASS: Jazz es Duo con Christian Molina y Rene Dossin (jazz) 22.30h – 24.00h 4€ consumición Aforo Limitado. LA3: DJs 1.30h. PALACIO DE CONGRESOS: Waterboys (desde UK) 20.00h 35€ y 30€. PINBALL: DJ Juan Vitoria 23.00h Gratis. RADIO CITY: Radio Eklekcity 23.00h Gratis. SATURDAY / SÁBADO 14 BLACK NOTE: Level Eye (R&B / soul desde Holanda) 23.30h Gratis. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Isabel Julve, Júlia Jimeno, Rosa Sanz, Kike Naval y Víctor Guadiana (flamenco) 23.30h. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Laila Barnat y Dolores Lahuerta (soprano y piano, chamber music) 19.00h 8€ / Suite 5 (jazz soul, quintet) 23.00h / 00.30h 8€. DUB CLUB: Reggae Jam + DJ session 19.00h Gratis. EXCUSE ME?: Calypso DJs / H4L9000 + Sais 24.00h. MUSIC BOX: DJs 1.00h Gratis. PINBALL: ‘60s Rock Weekend con actuación en directo + DJs Javi Allnighter & Marc Faith 23.00h. WAH-WAH: Eskorzo (mestizaje) 22.00h 10€ / 12€.

twentyfoursevenvalencia 47 SUNDAY / DOMINGO 15 CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Miquel Carbonell y Andrea Amat (piano y flute, chamber music) 19.00h 8€ / Jam Session (vocal y instrumental) 20.30h Gratis. DUB CLUB: Chulito Camacho 20.00h Gratis. RADIO CITY: Black Sunday con Killmanjarto 23.00h Gratis. MONDAY / LUNES 16 BLACK NOTE: Tonky Jam (Open Jam Session) 23.30h Gratis. TUESDAY / MARTES 17 RADIO CITY: Flamenco Baile, Canto y Toque + DJ Gypsy Box (flamenco) 23.00h 7€ con consumición. WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 18 BLACK NOTE: La Gang Band (hip-hop, reggae) 23.30h Gratis. THURSDAY / JUEVES 19 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Esther Garcés, Marisa Gallardo, Amaro Carmona y Juan de Pilar (flamenco) 23.30h. DUB CLUB: Reggae Party con JahSanti 23.00h Gratis. 47 CLUB: DJs 23.30h Gratis. JIMMY GLASS: Arthur Kell Quartet con Michael Blake (jazz) 21.30h 14€ Aforo Limitado. PINBALL: Pinball DJs 23.00h Gratis. RADIO CITY: Electro Mestizaje con DJ Gypsy Box 23.00h Gratis. RAMBLETA: Ricardo Belda Trio (jazz) 22.30h 10€ con consumición. ROCK CITY: Korpiklaani + Trollfest (folk metal desde Finlandia y Noruega) 20.30h 23€ / 28€. FRIDAY / VIERNES 20 BLACK NOTE: Nasty Boogie (blues) 23.30h Gratis. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Almudena del Valle, Manuel El Gato y Daniel de Manuel (flamenco) 23.30h. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Spirit of St. Louis (fiesta de lindy hop) 23.00h / 00.30h 8€. DUB CLUB: Café Teatro 23.00h 6€ + consumición / Reggae Session con Bad Foundation & Selecta Bob Gratis. EL LOCO: Daniel Johnston + El Faro (folk rock) 21.30h 18€ / 25€. EXCUSE ME?: Trevor Jackson (desde UK) / Swan DJs 24.00h. INSTITUT FRANCÉS DE VALENCIA: Folk-Jazz-Árabe 20.00h 6€. JIMMY GLASS: Jazz es Duo con Albert Sanz y Gaël Horellou (jazz) 22.30h – 24.00h 4€ consumición Aforo Limitado. PINBALL: Raul de Sastre 23.00h Gratis.

RAMBLETA: Christina Rosenvinge + Refree (rock) 21.00h 12€ / 15€. SATURDAY / SÁBADO 21 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Celia Romero, Manuel Serena, Tomás de los Cariño, Juan de Pilar y El Chicho (flamenco) 23.30h. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Breaking Brass (jazz funk, sextet) 23.00h / 00.30h 8€. DUB CLUB: Reggae Jam 19.00h Gratis / DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. ELECTROPURA: La Gran Alianza (indie) 20.00h Gratis. EXCUSE ME?: Pinball DJs / Beatamax con Jupiter Lion DJs 24.00h.47 CLUB: DJs 23.30h Gratis. LA3: DJs 1.30h. RADIO CITY: Radio Eklekcity 23.00h Gratis. PINBALL: Sr. Varo 23.00h Gratis. RAMBLETA: Mishima (rock) 21.00h 12€ / 15€. WAH-WAH: Amatria + Elíal (indietronica) 22.30h 8€. SUNDAY / DOMINGO 22 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Kallardó con Rafael Vargas ‘El Chino’, Miguel Pérez, Yolanda López y El Pepe (flamenco) 20.00h. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Eva Dénia Trio (chanson jazz, trio) 19.00h 8€ / Jam Session (vocal y instrumental) 20.30h Gratis. EL LOCO: Sonic Avenues + Steve Adamyk Band + Brackets (punk) 21.30h 8€ / 10€. MONDAY / LUNES 23 RADIO CITY: Supersonic Monday con Killmanjarto 23.00h Gratis. TUESDAY / MARTES 24 BLACK NOTE: 2 Animales (rock acústico) 23.30h Gratis. JIMMY GLASS: Fly con Mark Turner, Larry Grenadier y Jeff Ballard (jazz) 21.30h 18€ Aforo Limitado. RADIO CITY: Flamenco Baile, Canto y Toque + DJ Gypsy Box (flamenco) 23.00h 7€ con consumición. WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 25 MUSIC BOX: DJs 1.00h Gratis. RADIO CITY: Indie Vibes con Ra-zz 23.00h Gratis. THURSDAY / JUEVES 26 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Yolanda López, Javier Calderón y Christian Sabalete (flamenco) 23.30h. DUB CLUB: Reggae Party con Bad Foundation 23.00h Gratis. EL LOCO: Dr. Feelgood (rock ‘n’ roll desde

UK) 21.30h 15€ / 18€. PINBALL: Pinball DJs 23.00h Gratis. RADIO CITY: Electro Mestizaje con DJ Gypsy Box 23.00h Gratis. FRIDAY / VIERNES 27 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Manuel Fernández, Cristina Simón y Manuel Reyes (flamenco) 23.30h. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Melomans (a cappella, quartet) 23.00h / 00.30h 8€. DUB CLUB: Café Teatro 23.00h 6€ + consumición / DJ Session Gratis. EL LOCO: Those Darlins (indie) 22.30h 10€ / 13€. EXCUSE ME?: Modern Pets (desde Alemania) + Fucking Bollocks + Monkey Dogs en concierto 22.30h 10€ / Club de Perras con Superjunkies + Vladimir Dynamo / Magazine con One Nipple Selector. JIMMY GLASS: Jazz es Trio con Albert Palau, Mateo Rived y Alex Cesarini (jazz) 22.30h – 24.00h 4€ consumición Aforo Limitado. PINBALL: DJ Yo! 23.00h Gratis. RADIO CITY: Radio Eklekcity 23.00h Gratis. WAH-WAH: Iván Ferreiro + Los Átomos DJs (pop) 22.30h 15€ / 18€. SATURDAY / SÁBADO 28 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Lucilla Duarte, David Muñiz, Juan Pilar y El Piraña (flamenco) 23.30h. DUB CLUB: Reggae Jam + Skabà Dynamite Sounds & Blue Beat 19.00h Gratis. *EL LOCO: Smoking Stones (tributo a Rolling Stones) 22.30h 12€ / 15€. EXCUSE ME?: Beach Beach + Caballo Trípode + Jordi Casette en concierto + Los Átomos DJs + Toxicosmos 22.30h 8€ / Diskobiskuits con L’Enfant Terrible + H4L 9000.LA3: DJs 1.30h. MUSIC BOX: DJs 1.00h Gratis. PINBALL: Ernestoide 23.00h Gratis. WAH-WAH: Iván Ferreiro + DJ Jesus Ordovás (pop) 22.30h 15€ / 18€. SUNDAY / DOMINGO 29 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Manuel Serena, Amaro Carmona, Manuel Reyes y Manuel Quintero (flamenco) 20.00h. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ: Jam Session (vocal y instrumental) 20.30h Gratis. DUB CLUB: Baron Dandy y Sus Rumberos en concierto 20.00h Gratis. RADIO CITY: Black Sunday con Killmanjarto 23.00h Gratis. MONDAY / LUNES 30 BLACK NOTE: Tonky Jam (Open Jam Session) 23.30h Gratis. WAH-WAH: Slackers + Grand Miércoles (ska) 21.30h 12€ / 15€. *Fiesta 24/7 Valencia 12 Aniversario © 24/7 Valencia 2012



Quality Mediterranean restaurant in an emblematic square in the historic centre. Recommended in the Michelin guide 2009/2010 Meat dishes, Rice dishes, Fish dishes, Foie and chocolate desserts are all specialities Expect to pay between 30-50 euros Warm interior and good service Jazz music soundtrack 13.00h -16.00h/ 20.00h -24.00h Open everyday

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