24/7 Valencia #182

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Flamenco en directo · Terrazas y patios · Cafetería · Bodega y viñedo Tapas · Menús · Cenas · Comidas · Grupos · Celebraciones · Despedidas C / Pie de la Cruz, 8 (near Mercado Central, Av. Barón de Cárcer side) Zona Carmen Tel: 622 131 746 Facebook: Taberna Andaluza Lolailo

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All photos Víctor Aranda García / www.victorarandagarcia.es © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia





GV Marqués del Turia 63 ( esq. Conde Salvatierra )

T. 96 322 77 48




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LOLAILO Just a stone’s throw from the Mercado Central, ‘Lolailo’ has become a big hit in Valencia with both locals and visitors. This is a real Spanish restaurant with a lively and hospitable Spanish owner. There are also live flamenco shows every week! They are the real deal as they include the cream of flamenco guitarists, singers and dancers from the region… Lolailo is a very spacious place with plenty of room for large groups as well as couples looking for a night out in a genuine ‘south of Spain’ atmosphere. The interior and exterior are beautifully designed, like an Andalusian taberna from days gone by, with paintings, decorations and flamencorelated objects from that part of the world. At the back of the restaurant, you will find a huge open-air terrace where you will be Article © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

able to enjoy your tapas and drinks in the Spanish sunshine! Dining out here is a colourful experience. Tapas de Huerta (1.20€ – 1 5€) include jalapeño peppers from Córdoba, potato chips from Jerez, a selection of grilled vegetables and a range of Spanish cheeses with olive oil and more. Tapas de Granja (4€ – 9€) include chicken with Roquefort cheese, sausage in cider, oxtail and more… Lunares de Pan (4.50€) are big, Spanishstyle, baguette-type sandwiches, which include bacon, squid and tortilla choices. Caprichos Dulces (1.20€ – 4.50€) are a range of tasty desserts that include strawberries or truffles with cream, a variety of crepes and Arabic specialities. The Menú Degustación for two people for 36€ includes two tapas, a selection of

desserts, bread, drink and coffee. Lolailo organizes business lunches and dinners, group parties, birthdays and more… Taberna Andaluza Lolailo C / Pie de la Cruz, 8 (near Mercado Central, Av. Barón de Cárcer side) Zona Carmen Tel: 622 131 746 Facebook: Taberna Andaluza Lolailo Open Sunday – Wednesday 11.00h – 18.00h Thursday – Saturday 11.00h –17.00h, 19.00h – 24.00h Menu of the day Monday – Friday: 8.50€ Saturday: 9.50€ Sunday: 10.50€

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Editorial MARCH 16























Valencia is a city that divides opinions. It was once described as a “drab, provincial town” but more recently has been lauded as the “Mediterranean city par excellence”. During Fallas, you could be forgiven for thinking you are in a surreal, Spanish version of ‘Mardi Gras’ meets Brazilian ‘Carnaval’. Valencia is most certainly not dull and characterless! In this month’s special March edition, you will find a veritable plethora of exclusive Fallas photos just for our readers. We also have a ‘24/7 Valencia Fallas Guide’ for those of you living in or visiting Valencia. Check out our packed agenda at the back for those of you looking for live music and clubbing nights. Talking of music and dance, we have an exclusive interview with salsamuffin superstar ‘Sergent Garcia’ who discusses his latest album and his globetrotting adventures whilst recording it. Feature writers David Rhead and José Marín interview a local Falla for an inside view on the Fallas from a down-to-earth and traditional ‘Casal’ of the city. With Valencia CF struggling in La Liga but still in Europe and Levante UD fighting against relegation, writer John Howden has plenty to report in ‘Valencia Football!’ In ‘Chill Out’, we report on the tapas bar and vinyl record shop ‘Monterey Bar & Discos’ in the heart of the historic centre. Our ‘Taberna of the month’ is ‘Embrujo

del Carmen’, a cosy Spanish tavern tucked away in a side street near Valencia cathedral. Food reviewer Tim Birch pays a visit to the hip, tasty and friendly ‘Picnicity’ in the old town. In this Spring month for those with a sweet tooth, Helen Westwater of ‘La Ola Fresca’ has a ‘Croissant’ recipe just for readers! Given that Easter falls within the month of March this year, we look at the tradition of ‘Pascua’ in the city, with plenty of colourful processions by the port. At its heart, Fallas is a chance to poke fun at the high and mighty and reflects the somewhat rebellious character of the Valencia region. Jesus Christ was also an outsider, dismissed by the powers-that-be in his day but many would say that he had the last word. That word is LOVE. Have a fantastic Fallas and rejoice… for Spring is on the way! 24/7 Valencia team

“ For rulers like to lay down laws and rebels like to break them” (Incredible String Band)


editor: Will McCarthy. contributors: Altogringo, John Murphy, Owl, Helen Westwater, Víctor Aranda García, Juan Ortega, Tim Birch, D. Birch, David Rhead, José Antonio Marín, Adri Castellanos, Lola García. distributed by: groovy cat Ltd. email: ed@24-7valencia.com móvil: 650 639 177 online: www.247valencia.com FOR PRIZES, INFO, EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS, DAILY UPDATES,... JOIN US WITH 'LIKE' ON...

24/ 7 Valencia

is the definitive English speaking guide to Valencia. 24/7 Valencia is recommended by The Times, The Guardian, Time Out, Lonely Planet, Rough Guide, Let´s Go, CNN.com, Business Traveller magazine, Footprints, Ryanair... Views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the editor. 24/7 Valencia does not accept responsibility for date/time/venue changes. According to copyright law any reproduction, either total or partial, is completely forbidden without written permission of the editor. All articles, past and present, printed in 24/7 Valencia magazine are copyright of Orange Skies © 2015 Legal deposit: D4562606

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All Photos © Víctor Aranda García / 24/ 7 Valencia 2016 Móvil: 600 336 126 / www.victorarandagarcia.es

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Are you interested in folklore? Tradition? Big dresses? If you are, stick around. Valencia has all that and more, during the celebration known as Las Fallas. Read this and consider yourself armed for the festivities. LAS FALLAS During the second week of March, you’ll see these large sculptures being set up at practically every street corner. Anything can be represented in a falla; the 10 Commandments, the plight of the crippled, world peace or belly-button lint. These are then ceremoniously burnt (in La Cremá) by proud firemen on the night of March 19. EL CASAL Think of a friendly neighbourhood association (again, at every street corner) whose main mission, apart from setting up its falla, is to wake you and all your neighbours up at 04.00h every morning. You’ll finally get back to sleep, only to be awakened again by its morning marching band (La Despertá).

You can avoid this by joining a casal yourself, allowing you yourself to be the object of your neighbour’s hatred.

a man (or fallera), these brave women


by marching in parades, posing for

For hardcore Valencianos (nearly all of them). City Hall, not wanting to miss out on the fun, holds its own circus of noise every afternoon during Fallas at 14.00h. The Plaza del Ayuntamiento is stocked with enough firecrackers to blow up a small country, which are then all lit. Loud explosions leading up to a crescendo of painful sonic booms typify a good mascletá. Generally lasting 5-10 minutes, the experience will leave you with gunpowder and sulphur in your lungs and bleeding ears, but hey, who cares? You’re only young once. LAS FALLERAS Watch out! You could be knocked over by one if you’re not paying attention. More than just a big dress, the fallera’s costume is the non plus ultra of traditional fashion wear. Covered by enough lace, brocade and satin to bury

take part in all the city’s festivities. You’ll see them representing their casals pictures, making paellas on the street and




smiling all the while. Acute observers will make the comparison between the fallera’s hairstyle and a certain science fiction film character, but the similarity ends there. These are Valencian Earth girls, born and bred. THE NIGHTLIFE A misnomer, actually. The nightlife lasts all day and night for the first three weeks of March. Valencia doesn’t sleep, and if you think you will, you are mistaken. My advice is to do what bar, pub and restaurant employees do; take copious amounts of stimulants and stay awake. There’s no point in sleeping. No point! Lola García Photo © Víctor Aranda García 2016 / 24/7 Valencia 2016

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David Moratalla Pulido is the president of a small neighbourhood falla at Séneca-Poeta Mas i Ros in the city of Valencia. We asked him what the festival is like away from the giant fallas of the special section. How and why did you become a fallero and eventually the president of the falla? I joined the falla through a friend of mine who invited me over to the casal and I decided to join. I became president when I took over from the previous presidente who had been doing the job for three years. Are all your family part of the falla?

order to hopefully make things run smoothly.

What are the biggest problems a president of a small falla faces?

What kind of events have you got lined up at the Séneca-Poeta Mas i Ros falla?

The main problem is juggling the small amount of funds you have to spread around the many different expenses the falla has.

As we approach the big week (1220 March), there are more and more activities and events. We have fancy dress parades around the neighbourhood, a paella festival, openair disco, dance competitions, barbecue, storytellers, children’s entertainment, mascletás, etc. We put a lot of enthusiasm and fun into all of this, it’s all about enjoying yourself. What is different about being part of a smaller falla in comparison, for example, to the big fallas in the special section?

What does being president of a falla entail?

For the falleros themselves, there’s a closer sense of community and togetherness in a small falla. We all know each other, so there are less ‘cliques’ than there might be in the bigger fallas.

The president represents the falla at different public events and coordinates the activities of the different parts of the falla (the secretary’s office, children’s section, lottery, festival events…) in

For the general public, of course, the monuments and events in the big fallas, mostly due to the greater amounts of money they can spend, are more spectacular and attractive.

Yes, the whole family is involved, my wife and my two sons are all falleros.

The fallas always seem to be real family affairs where all generations mix in and have fun together. Would you say this was true? It’s certainly true in our falla; everybody from the youngest to the oldest contributes towards making the festival work. Fallas can be pretty noisy affairs. Do you have a good relationship with the neighbourhood? We have a good relationship with the neighbourhood. We try to be respectful as regards times and late hours and generally interfere as little as possible with the normal, day-to-day comings and goings of the area. We have some ‘open-door’ events where everyone who wants to is welcome to take part. For you personally, what is the best part of Fallas? Without doubt, that would have to be the mascletás.

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BY DAVID RHEAD AND JOSÉ MARÍN And which events at your falla do people most enjoy? Each event has its own appeal. One event that is very popular amongst the falleros and the people of the neighbourhood is the paella festival. Going off to collect the ninot from the exhibition is a fun thing that everyone gets involved in and enjoys; you also have the more emotional events like the Ofrenda and the Cremá, which are really important to us. How is the falla financed? Who pays for all this? We are mainly financed by the quotas the falleros pay to be part of the falla and there are some municipal grants. We also get some contributions from local businesses in the neighbourhood who help out with the ‘llibret’, a sort of commemorative brochure, which each falla produces. Tell us about the monument you are planning for Séneca-Poeta Mas i Ros this year. We are fortunate to have amongst our falleros one of the top fallas artists, Paco Giner, who also designs and creates fallas for the Special Section. We are lucky to have him and he makes us some fantastic monuments. This year, the main falla will go under the title of “Eastern Invasion” and the main figure is a geisha. The small falla will be called “The Garden”; the main figure is a little girl. What goes through the president’s mind when he finally sees the monument all finished and set up in the middle of the street? Can you really 100 per cent enjoy the festival or do the responsibilities of the job get in the way? Seeing the monuments set up is the culmination of a year’s work, at that moment what I am thinking and hoping is that the big week goes by without anything untoward happening. The responsibilities have an influence on how I experience the festival, of course, but I look to enjoy it as much as I possibly can. Thank you very much, David & José, for giving me the opportunity to tell you about how we experience the festival in the smaller fallas. Felices Fallas! David Rhead and José Marín Photos & Article © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

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SERGENT GARCIA Tell us about your recent experience of travelling from Valencia to the Caribbean in a sailing boat. Was it for musical reasons? I have been travelling to Latin America and the Caribbean for over 15 years to work and research Afro-Caribbean music. I’ve worked in Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Colombia and it’s always an intense experience. Exchanging ideas and playing with musicians over there is very enriching. Travelling to those countries makes you understand many things, musically speaking, but also socially and from a human perspective…you never come back to Europe the same. Although you travel a lot, Valencia is your home. With the recent Photos by Rafa Monzó

change of local government, do you see the possibility of a more open city towards music and culture in general? I’m hoping that will happen as many people have seen that, unfortunately, Valencia was turned into a cultural desert for the last 20 years under the previous government. Valencia is a beautiful place and the people here are creative and generous. Yes, I hope that the new politicians will generate more access to culture with more original and alternative proposals. And that Valencia will once more become part of the live circuit because there is an audience but the bands don’t stop here on tour. What is ‘Cumbiamuffin’? Cumbiamuffin is the bridge between reggae and cumbia, a Colombian style of music which is a meeting between African, native and Spanish

music. I would add that raggamuffin is a Jamaican music style. It’s a very explosive cocktail on the dancefloor. Tell us a bit about each song from your new album with the Valenciano title, ‘Contre Vents et Marées’. Reina del Mar is a tribute to Yemaya, the goddess of the sea from the Yoruba religion, which is very popular in Cuba. C’est La Vie is a song of love that I wrote with my friend Balbino. Al Amanecer is a very Colombian cumbia that talks about party drums in the mountains. Siempre Lo Mismo is a song about the environment and how we lack intelligence as humans living in a world of paradise and turning it into a rubbish dump. Don Clemente is a true story about a

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mechanic who helped us when we were adrift at sea. Personne ne me Stoppe Now, that is Cumbiamuffin. Contra Viento y Marea This is a Cuban rumba and a duet with

El Pescador is in a more Afro-Caribbean

style and talks about the hard life of a fisherman.

Lágrimas Negras is a reggae version of the famous song by Miguel Matamoros.

It has been covered a thousand times but never in a reggae style. It’s a combination of Jamaican and Cuban

my good friend Iván Darromán.


Siembras is a love song and a duet with

Baba Ogbe closes the album with

an African singer named Galaifa. My son played the guitar on this song. Solo son Mentiras is a song about the corruption of our politicians. I wrote it while watching the television in Spain. I wouldn’t risk my neck for them. Sous Les Etoiles is a song in French and English, a more digital type of reggae track.

another traditional song from Cuban

folklore. It is dedicated to Obatala, one

metres above sea level. The way of life in Cuba is unlike anywhere

else. Colombia is very diverse as there

are the varied cultures of African, native, European and mixed race, as well as coastal, jungle and mountains.

I feel that in Europe we are still too

Euro-centric. We think that Europe is the

centre of the world and that is just not

the case. There is a lot of life out there, ha-ha-ha!

of the Orishas, a deity of peace.

What are your plans for 2016?

In your experience, what is the

To finish ‘El Guakamayo’, a sailing ship

America and Europe?

recording studio in it. I then plan to travel

difference between living in Latin Latin America is like a continent, it is immense. They don’t live the same way in the Caribbean as in the Amazon

jungle or in Bogotá, which is 2600

that I am restoring to install a nomadic around Europe by sea and maybe Latin America.

Interview by Owl

More information at sergentgarcia.com Article © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

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cookery writer, James Martin.


Start the day before you want to eat your croissants!

By Helen Westwater

First take 2 packets of butter (500 gm) out of fridge to allow to soften.

La Ola Fresca

Mix the flour, sugar, yeast and salt and then add 350-400 ml (12-14 fl oz) cold water. Mix together to form a soft dough.

So, while a well-known UK supermarket blows up a storm of scorn from the French…for launching a new, straightlined croissant that is easier for their customers to spread with butter and jam…this March we get back to basics, roll up the shirtsleeves and make our own. With these utterly buttery croissants, you won’t need extra butter and can hence avoid the daunting issue of negotiating the crescent shape! It seems the origin of the croissant was its ancestor, the kipferl, about which there are fanciful tales going back as far as 732 AD. One story is that it was invented in Europe to celebrate the defeat of Islamic forces and the crescent form is a reference to the Ottoman flag. However, the adaptation of the plainer form of kipferl is easier to trace and dates to 1839 at the latest. This was when an Austrian artillery officer with the formidable name of August Zang founded a Viennese bakery at 92 Rue de Richelieu in Paris and the popularity of the Viennese speciality took off. The non-machine version requires many hours of labour, but once you have been through this workout, you can at least console yourself with the fact that you have burnt off some of the calories contained in that fragrant, flaky and freshly baked delight that now lies before you. There are various arguments for using strong or plain flour but, although plain is easier to knead, the structure of the croissant with strong flour will be more airy. The origin of this particular croissant recipe is adapted from the


Ingredients • 625 gm (1lb 6oz) strong white bread flour, plus extra for dusting • 75 gm (2½oz) caster sugar • 12 gm fine sea salt • 40 gm (1½oz) fresh yeast • 500 gm (1lb 2oz) chilled unsalted butter, plus extra to serve • 1 free-range egg and 1 egg yolk, lightly beaten Article © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

On a lightly floured surface, knead the dough till silky and soft (about 10 minutes). To do this, push your fist into the dough, turn the dough 1/4 rotation and then stretch the dough away from you and repeat, rotating the dough after every push. Leave to rest. Next, place your chilled but not completely hard butter between two sheets of greaseproof paper. Then the fun begins. Roll, smack and do anything you can to flatten the butter until it is about a 30 x 20cm (12 x 8in) rectangle, about 1cm (½in) thick. Return to chill in the fridge until needed. Turn the dough out again onto a lightly floured work surface. Roll it into a rectangle 60 x 30cm (24 x 12in). Peel the greaseproof paper from the butter and place the butter centrally on top of the pastry rectangle. Fold one edge of the pastry over the butter to half-cover it, and then do the same with the other edge of the pastry so that the butter is covered. Fold the rectangle, side to side, lengthways as before, then give it a quarter-turn and roll out again to a rectangle measuring 60 x 30cm (24 x 12in).

strips, then cut each strip into triangles about 10cm (4in) wide at the base. With the narrow point of one of the pastry triangles facing away from you, use your fingertips to stretch the two points of the triangle nearest to you out sideways so that they bow a little. Roll the pastry over itself, curling it into a traditional crescent shape, so that the furthest and thinnest point of the triangle ends up curled over the top of the croissant. Repeat the process with the remaining pastry triangles to create about 20 croissants. Place the croissants onto baking trays lined with silicone paper or baking parchment. Brush them all over with the beaten egg, then set aside to prove for 30-45 minutes. (NB: The croissants can be frozen at this point if desired.) Preheat the oven to 190C /170C Fan/ Gas 5. Bake the croissants for 2025 minutes, or until risen and golden brown. Of course, if you don’t fancy doing the elbow work the finest croissants you will find in Valencia are baked by the revered El Taller bakery in Benimaclet and if you hurry, you can be served these in La Ola Fresca at breakfast time. March in La Ola Fresca

Repeat the folding, turning and rolling process three more times (do not roll out the pastry the final time you fold and turn it). Wrap the pastry in cling film and chill in the fridge for at least an hour or preferably overnight. When the pastry has rested, roll it out to a thickness of 0.5cm (¼in). Cut the pastry into two 50 x 20cm (20 x 8in)

Every Thursday: 20.00h: ‘Speak English’, informal conversation practice, 5€. Every Sunday: 11.00h – 16.00h: BRUNCH 18.00h – 20.00h: Intercambio 16th – 20th March (Fallas) Menu of the day crêpes

La Ola Fresca C/ Músico Magenti, 11 Tel.: 610 026 305 www.laolafresca.com Zona Benimaclet

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TASCA EMBRUJO DEL CARMEN Set on a quiet side street of the historic centre, ‘Tasca Embrujo del Carmen’ is a cosy and very welcoming Andalusian & Spanish restaurant. As winter seeps into spring, you can enjoy dining on their flamenco-style terraza with the cathedral forming part of the rather sensual backdrop. Members of the 24/7 Valencia team have dined out here around 20 times since it first opened three years ago. It is special yet completely unpretentious, and the food and service is good! The cuisine is tasty and very much traditional Spanish! With fresh ingredients, you can enjoy five rice dishes including a tasty Paella Valenciana to order, a filling Potaje de garbanzos, which is a chickpea stew, and a fresh variety of croquettes. A selection of Fritura de pescado (fried fish) is a typical Andalusian dish and they recommend their wild boar as well as salmon, steamed mussels and prawns in garlic. The range of tapas is impressive and includes chicken, potato, mushroom and squid dishes.


Last weekend we enjoyed Huevos a la flamenca, which were vegetables cooked with tomato sauce, Spanish ham, chorizo sausage and egg. It is said to be a dish that gives you energy to last well into the Valencian night! You can also enjoy sharing a Jamon Ibérico y queso curado, which is quality Iberian ham with cured cheese. If you fancy grilled cuttlefish, you can order Sepia a la plancha and you will find that the tapas and menu of the day cartas are in Spanish and English. The main meat dishes include Rabo de toro estafado, which is oxtail stew and a favourite of the team, as well as their Carrillada, which is a cheek of pork with red wine sauce and crunchy potatoes. Fish lovers can savour either grilled or fried codfish as well grilled tuna with potatoes and vegetables. Their Valenciana salad includes lettuce, tomato, onion, carrots, boiled egg, tuna and olives. Last but not least, we should mention that owner José is a knowledgeable & warm host, full of energy and concerned that customers really enjoy their time here. They get an international clientele and you’ll sometimes find live acoustic jam sessions with your spontaneous host

adding some joyous cajón percussive rhythms to the set! For a relaxing lunch on the terrace or a memorable night out dining, this is a place to unwind and enjoy an ‘España’ that still really exists…

Tasca Embrujo del Carmen C/ dels Juristes, 5 (Zona Carmen) Tel: 96 001 45 84 Movil: 695 478 914 Facebook: Embrujo del Carmen Open Monday – Sunday 12.00h – 01.30h Tapas: 1.20€ – 16€ Tapas Menu (for two): 15€ each Salads: 9.5€ – 12€ Main Courses: 12€ – 19€ Paellas: 10€ – 14€ Meat dishes: 12€ – 20€ Fish dishes: 14.50€ Wines: 12€ – 20€

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PICNICITY If you walk down C/ Calatrava in the Barrio del Carmen, look for a tiny door that leads to Picnicity – blink and you’ll miss it. Inside is a narrow bar filled with a delicious variety of empanadas, salads and a large selection of great looking (and tasting) cakes. ‘Picnicity’ is the brainchild of an Argentinian/Chilean family, consisting of mother and father and two sons. The idea is very simple, picnic-style food to eat in or to take away. The decor is white, bright and clean, with nice little details and very pleasant, hand-drawn graphics and type on blackboards. At the back there are a couple of small tables and chairs, and a long picnic bench, sitting on AstroTurf, set against a bare brick wall with brightly-lit individual cards spelling out the bar’s name. This is where D and I sat. We had been greeted by the mother (Solé) and the sons as we walked in. Facundo showed us to the bench and offered us beer or wine. We both chose wine – a very palatable house Alcorta Rioja Crianza 2012 sold by the glass at 2€ or the bottle at 20€. He told us a little about the restaurant and suggested we had a degustacíon of the speciality of both Argentina and the house, empanadas (think little Cornish pasties, little pastries with savoury & sometimes sweet fillings). We thought that was a great idea, and he went off to warm some up for us (in a small oven, we noted, NOT a microwave). He returned

with a tray bearing a long wooden board with six different types (and shapes) of empanada. The flavours were as follows (all are 1.75€ each): Fugazutta: Onion and morcilla (morcilla is a black sausage). Secreto Iberia y manzana: This is a cut of meat from between the shoulder blade and the loin of prized Iberian pigs, chopped and mixed with apple. Carne: Minced meat and spices. Caprese: Mozzarella, cherry tomato and basil (our favourite). Espinaca: Spinach and ricotta cheese. Maíz: Creamy sweetcorn filling. All are served piping hot – though we were eating them accompanied by wine, the traditional way in Argentina would be with beer. All were really very tasty, the pastry exceptionally light and the fillings cooked to perfection. Facundo twisted our arms (not too hard!) and insisted we try a new flavour they were experimenting with, Tuna and peppers. Very nice it was, too! At this point, his mother Solé came over to our table and joined us to talk about Picnicity and the family’s plans

for it. They have been open for just four months. Picnicity strives to be different from anything on offer in the Carmen, they are slowly but surely building a great reputation with their empanadas and cakes. Solé explained that everything from the masa (pastry) to the fillings is handmade with care and with an eye to good health. Low-fat ingredients and fresh vegetable and proteins go into their little pasties. What she didn’t tell us was that she was a well-known singer in Chile in the 1960s and ‘70s and still apparently has a great voice! I have seen some of her performances on YouTube when she went under the name of ‘Marisa’. She is now it seems more proud of her multinational family and of Picnicity. She was very keen that we try her cakes as she is experimenting and perfecting different recipes –“Try my Sachertorte and my Red Velvet and tell me what you think”. The Red Velvet was a triumph. The Sachertorte was very nice, we told her, and she said she needed to work a little on it – only a little, we assured her. Picnicity deserves to succeed, it’s a great place to pop into for a quick snack in friendly, relaxed surroundings or to

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pick up something to nibble on whilst


you meander round the little streets of El Carmen, or to eat at your desk at

work. There was a constant stream of people doing just those things the night

we went. And who knows, some day there might be live entertainment from Solé as ‘Marisa’! Tim Birch Picnicity

C/ Calatrava, 2 Zona Carmen

Tel: 960 099 900 / 626 574 794 Facebook Picnicityvlc

Open Wednesday – Sunday

10.30h – 16.00h, 17.00h – 22.30h Tuesday

18.00h – 22.30h Closed Monday

Brunch (two empanadas, choice of wine or beer, cake for dessert): 5.50€ Salads



couscous one): 2.50€



Pizza (slice) and assorted sandwiches (well-filled): from 2.50€

One empanada and caña (small beer): 2.70€

Four empanadas and two cañas: 8.50€ Six empanadas and jug of beer: 13.50€

Article © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

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They sell re-releases, second-hand records and recordings from the present day. Regarding styles, you will find anything from 1940s blues and jazz to ‘60-‘70s garage rock, psychedelia, progressive rock, punk and contemporary bands, too. The bar is open every day from 17.00h to 01.30h. They have a carta of Spanish

MONTEREY BAR Y DISCOS As its name suggests, Monterey Bar y Discos is a bar & record shop all in one. It started out eight years ago as a vinyl store

‘tostas’ (tapas on toast) and ‘cazuelitas’ (hot pots) at a very reasonable prices. Every Thursday, they have a Mexican night with typical cuisine from the country with ‘La Cocina de Frida.’ They have really good value prices at Monterey. You can enjoy quality cocktails

and it has been re-converted into a bar

from 5€, a caña of beer from 1€, a jug

since 2011.

of beer from 3€, a tercio (bottle) of beer

Article © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia.

from 2€, glass of wine from 2.50€, and spectacular mojitos from 4€…

They also have a selection of cervezas including local craft beers and you can chill out on their outside terraza while connecting to their free Wi-Fi.

If there is one thing that characterizes

Monterey Bar y Discos, it’s the good vibes that fill the bar and the attentive service

given to customers by Victor, Monterey’s one-of-a-kind, music-loving owner! He’s a rock ’n’ roll star in the nicest possible way! Monterey Bar y Discos C/ Baja, 46B

Tel: 96 391 79 29 Zona Carmen





CENTRO CULTURAL BANCAJA Colección Lladró. Seis Siglos de Pintura Hasta 3 abril Valencia Jazz. Perdido Club y Otras Voces Hasta 8 mayo CENTRO DEL CARMEN La Música de los Números que no Existen Eusebio Sempere/Abel Martín Hasta 17 abril Ecos y Huella Victoria Cano Hasta 15 mayo Sorolla, Apuntes en la Arena Joaquín Sorolla Hasta 29 mayo CIUDAD DE LAS ARTES Y LAS CIENCIAS (L’Hemisferic, Museu de les Ciencies Principe Felipe, L’Oceanografic) www.cac.es COL LOGI MAJOR RECTOR PESET En Clave de Luz Hasta 1 abril Història Natural, La Colección Infinita ESPAI TACTEL Recolectar Eduardo Hurtado Hasta 4 marzo Glory of the Artifice / Liquid Portraits Christto and Andrew Desde 11 marzo hasta 29 abril ESPAI VISOR Liliana Maresca Hasta 15 abril FUNDACION CHIRIVELLA SORIANO World Press Photo Valencia Hasta 13 marzo FNAC Sensibilidad y Compromiso Hasta 15 marzo Tras la Deriva Desde 10 marzo hasta 15 abril GALERÍA BENLLIURE Pintura Moderna y Contemporánea de los Siglos XIX y XX Permanente GALERÍA LUIS ADELANTADO Breo Flúor Juan López y Carlos Maciá Hasta 1 abril Boiler Room Pedro Torres Hasta 18 marzo GALERIA PAZ Y COMEDIAS La Diezmillonésima Parte del Cuadrante del Meridiano Terrestre Antoni Abad El Paisaje en Casa Juan Fuster Hasta 23 abril GALERÍA ROSA SANTOS L'Écran en Conflit María Ruido Hasta 11 marzo GALERIA IMPREVISUAL GALERÍA Entropia Araceli Carrión Hasta 31 marzo De Este Pan y de Esta Guerra Jesús Zoeño Desde 11 marzo IVAM INSTITUT VALENCIÀ D’ART MODERN

24/ 7 Valencia EXPOSICIONES IVAM La Colección del IVAM Julio González Hasta 31 julio Construyendo Nuevos Mundos: Las Vanguardias Históricas en la Colección del IVAM 1914 – 1945 Hasta 10 abril Caso de Estudio Grete Stern Hasta 3 abril Lo que Está en Juego Harun Farocki Hasta 22 mayo Entre el Mito y el Espanto. El Mediterráneo como Conflicto. Hasta 3 julio Respiración Artificial / Performance / Eco Oscuro Desde 3 marzo hasta 19 junio KIR GALLERY Flow Keke Vilabelda Hasta 4 marzo Non-Profit Observation Gracjana Rejmer-Cánovas & Ernesto Cánovas Desde 11 marzo hasta 22 abril LA BENEFICENCIA CENTRE VALENCIA DE CULTURA MEDITERRÁNEA Recorrido por la Prehistoria Valenciana, desde el Paleolítico hasta la Época Visigoda Exposición Permanente LAS NAVES CENTRO DE CREACION CONTEMPORANEA Alter Ego III. Autorretratos en Papel Desde 10 marzo hasta 3 abril L’ IBER DE LOS SOLDADITOS DE PLOMO Exposición Permanente: Guardias Españolas, Coleciones Valencianas, Almansa, Vida Cotidiana, Tirant y Serie Histórica. Una Historia Americana 1770-1880 Hasta 30 octubre JARDIN BOTANICO Árboles y Punto Hasta 19 marzo Ilustraciencia 3 Hasta 4 abril MUSEU DE BELLES ARTES SAN PIO V Renacimiento Barroco Pintura Gótica La Pintura Académica La Pintura de los Siglos XIX y XX Colección Permanente Naturalia MUSEO DE PREHISTORIA DE VALENCIA Restes de Vida, Restes de Mort Exposición permanente Un Mundo de Fieras Hasta 20 marzo MUSEU D’HISTÒRIA DE VALÈNCIA Historia de Valencia en Ocho Periodos Exposición Permanente MUSEO VALENCIÀ D’ETNOLOGIA Huerta i Marjal El Secano y la Montaña La Ciudad Vivida. Ciudades Valencianas en Tránsito, 1800 – 1940 Exposiciones Permanentes Doctor Carsí, Supongo? Hasta 3 abril La Gran Guerra Hasta 27 marzo Arribes o Te’n Vas? Emigració Valenciana a Europa 1950-1970 Desde 10 marzo hasta 31 julio


twentyfoursevenvalencia 17 Fronteras Desde 10 marzo hasta 8 mayo MUVIM La Aventura del Pensamiento Exposición permanente La Línea de la Defensa Inmediata Hasta 22 mayo La Modernitat Republicana a València Hasta 22 mayo Once Upon a Time… Desde 5 marzo OCTUBRE CENTRE CULTURAL Escenes Etiops Desde 4 marzo hasta 4 abril PALAU DE LES ARTS Testigos del Arte (esculturas) Hasta 16 julio 2016 REALES ARTEZANAS UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA, LA NAU Inclu.si.ves Hasta 17 abril Michavila, Geometría y Ecología Hasta 22 mayo 100 Años de WILPF Hasta 4 abril El Equipo Escapulari-O i Otras Derivas Paco Bascuñán & Quique Company Desde 9 marzo hasta 29 mayo 13th Bienal Martínez Guerricabeitia Supersticiones y Manipulaciones Desde 11 marzo hasta 1 mayo OPERA

PALAU DE LES ARTS Aida Giuessepe Verdi 2, 5, 9 marzo Sala Principal Lobby (ballet) Fritz Cohen 3, 4, 6 marzo Teatre Martín i Soler Concierto Bel Canto Bellini-Donizetti-Rossini 23 marzo Teatre Martín i Soler TEATRO

ESPACIO INESTABLE Barets 5 marzo Teatro Playback (teatro) 7 marzo A Los Pies de Europa (danza) 10 – 13 marzo, 24 – 27 marzo, y 31 marzo / 1 –3 abril TEATRO OLYMPIA David Guapo (monólogo) 11 marzo Enfrentados Hasta 20 marzo Rigoletto (opera) Giuseppe Verdi 22 marzo Aladín, Un Musical Genial 24 marzo – 4 abril TEATRO PRINCIPAL Sister Act Hasta 6 marzo Chao Chochín 10 – 13 marzo Páncreas 29 marzo – 3 abril TEATRO RIALTO

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Acosos y Derribos 3 – 6 marzo Russafa Escènica al Rialto 11 marzo – 13 marzo Mecbeth 30 marzo – 24 abril TEATRO TALIA Toni Pons (hipnosis) 5 marzo La Celia (teatro musical) Ivanna Rossi Viaje a la Luna (magia) Diego Luna 20 marzo – 4 abril CINEMA

BABEL Versión original www.cinesalbatrosbabel.com FILMOTECA IVAC NOVIEMBRE CINEMA INSTITUTO VALENCIANO DE CINEMATOGRAFÍA Krzysztof Kieślowski Hasta 22 mayo Kaneto Shindo Hasta 15 marzo Básicos Filmoteca: El Cine Documental Hasta 16 junio Cine por Venir Hasta 9 marzo Olvidi en el Cine 1 – 13 marzo Menuda Filmo 5 marzo – 3 abril Imágenes por la Igualdad 9 – 11 marzo ADDRESSES MUSEUMS / GALLERIES

AGRUPACIÓN FOTOGRÁFICA VALENCIANA C/ BEATA, 8 TEL: 96 351 26 20 ALMUDÍN Pl. San Luis Bertrán, 1 Tel: 96 352 54 78 - ext. 4521 BOIRA C / Salvador Giner, 10 Tel: 96 205 82 67 CAFÉ BERLÍN C/ Cádiz, 22. Tel: 96 381 00 24 CAFE MALVARROSA / ESPAI PARAL.LEL Historiador Diago, 20 Tel: 96 320 50 56 CA REVOLTA C/ Santa Teresa, 10 Tel: 96 392 20 88 CENTRO CULTURAL BANCAJA Pl. Tetuán, 23 Tel: 96 387 58 64 CENTRO COREOGRÁFICO DE LA COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA Parque de la Granja, s/n, Burjassot Tel: 96 390 47 74 CENTRO DEL CARMEN C/ Museo, 2 Tel: 96 192 26 40 CIUDAD DE LAS ARTES Y LAS CIENCIAS (L’Hemisferic, Museu de les Ciencies Princípe Felipe, L’Oceanografic) Av. Instituto Obrero de Valencia Tel: 902 100 031 COL·LEGI MAJOR RECTOR PESET Universitat de Valencia Plaça del Forn de Sant Nicolau,4

18 © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

Tel: 96 316 60 00 COMUNICARTE GALERIA BAR C/ Conde de Olocau, 3 ESPACIO SANKOFA C / Beata Inés, 10 ESPAI D'ART BOIRA C / Salvador Giner, 10 Tel: 96 205 82 67 ESPAI TACTEL C/ Denia, 25 Bajo Tel:96 395 88 08 www.espaitactel.com FNAC SAN AUGUSTÍN C/ Guillem de Castro, 9 - 11 Tel: 96 353 90 15 FUNDACION CHIRIVELLA SORIANO C/ Valeriola, 13 Tel: 96 338 12 15 GALERÍA AKKA C/ Almirante Cadarso, 6 Tel: 96 316 27 27 GALERÍA DUOMO C/ Luis Santangel, 18 GALERIA ESPACIO C / Carles Cervera, 38 www.galeriaespacio.es GALERÍA LUIS ADELANTADO C/ Bonaire, 6 Tel: 96 351 01 79 GALERÍA MR. PINK C/ GUILLEM DE CASTRO, 110 TEL: 96 391 33 34, 669 787 918 www.misterpink.net GALERÍA MURO Correjeria, 5 Tel: 96 391 19 03 GALERÍA PAZ Y COMEDIAS C/ Comedias, 7-2 Tel: 96 391 89 06 GALERÍA PUNTO Av. Baron de Carcer, 37 Tel: 96 351 07 24 GALERÍA ROSALIA SENDER Mar, 19 (Ciutat Vella) Tel: 96 391 89 67 GALERÍA SEGRELLES C/ Ciscar, 4 Tel: 96 333 21 97 GALERÍA TOSSAL Pl Tossal, s/n Tel: 96 398 18 03 GALERÍA VISOR C/ Corretgeria, 26 Tel: 96 392 23 99 IMPREVISUAL GALERÍA C/ Dr Sumsi, 35 Tel: 96 004 16 43, 685 827 523 www.imprevisual.es INSTITUT FRANÇAIS DE VALENCE C/ Moro Zeit, 6 Tel: 96 315 30 95 INSTITUT VALENCIÀ DE LA MÚSICA C/ Barcas, 2 Tel: 96 318 44 53 IVAM C/ Guillem de Castro, 118 Tel: 96 386 30 00 JARDÍN BOTÁNICO C/ Quart, 80 Tel: 96 315 68 00 www.jardibotanic.org JOVE ORQUESTRA DE LA GENERALITAT VALENCIANA Tel: 96 318 44 90 / 93 KIR ROYAL GALLERY C/ Doña Germana, 24 Tel: 96 206 67 09 www.kirroyal.es KITSCH INTERNACIONAL ARTEDIVERSO

C/ Covarrubias, 5 Tel: 607 636 012 LA BENEFICIENCIA CENTRE VALENCIA DE CULTURA MEDITERANEA C/ Corona, 36 Tel: 96 388 35 79 LA CASA ENCESA ESPAI D'ART Plaza La Iglesia, 3 12594 Oropesa Tel: 96 431 37 26 LA GALLERA C/ Aluders, 7 Tel: 96 352 14 37 LA NAVE GALERÍA Nave, 25 Tel: 96 351 19 33 LA LLIMERA VALENCIA Pl. Pérez Escrich, 13 LA LLOTGETA, AULA DE CULTURA CAM-ESPAI D’ART Pl. Mercado, 4 Tel: 96 391 33 96 LAS NAVES, ESPACIO DE CREACIÓN CONTEMPORÁNEA C/ de Juan Verdeguer 16, 46024 Valencia T 963 531 272 L’IBER MUSEO DE LOS SOLDADITOS DE PLOMO C/ Caballeros, 22 Tel: 96 391 86 75 www.museoliber.org LLIG LLIBRERIES DE LA GENERALITAT Pl. Manises, 3 Tel: 96 386 61 70 MONASTERIO DE SAN MIGUEL DE LOS REYES Av Constitución, 284 Tel: 96 387 40 13 MUSEO DEL ARROZ C/Rosario, 3 Tel: 609 877 956 MUSEO DE BELLAS ARTES DE VALENCIA C/ San Pío V, 9 Tel. 96 369 30 88 / 369 21 11 MUSEO DE LA CIUDAD Pl. Arzobispo, 1 Tel: 96 352 54 78 - ext. 4126 MUSEO DEL CARMEN C/ Museo, 2 Tel: 96 369 30 88 MUSEO FALLERO Pl. Monteolivete, 4 Tel: 96 352 54 78 MUSEO NACIONAL DE CERÁMICA GONZÁLEZ MARTÍ C/ Poeta Querol, 2 Tel: 96 351 63 92 MUSEO TAURINO Pasaje Doctor Serra, 16 Tel: 96 351 18 50 MUSEO VALENCIANO D’ETNOLOGÍA C/ Corona, 36 Tel: 96 388 35 65 www.museuvalenciaetnologia.es MUSEU D'HISTÒRIA DE VALÈNCIA C/ València, 42 Tel: 96 370 11 05 MUVIM C/ Guillem de Castro, 8 Tel: 96 388 37 47 OCTUBRE CENTRE DE CULTURA CONTEMPORÀNIA C/ Sant Ferran, 12 ( Zona Carmen) Tel: 96 315 77 99 www.octubre.cat PAZ TEJÓN GALERÍA ESTUDIO

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24/ 7 Valencia

ʻLIKEʼ US ON C/ Salas Quiroga, 1, bajo (Zona Jesús) Tel.: 654 363 829 www.paztejon.com POPOL VUH C/ Burriana, 13 Tel: 96 336 08 25 REALES ATARAZANAS Pl. Juan Antonio Benlliure, s/n Tel: 96 352 54 78 SALA PARPALLÓ C/ Corona, 36 SPORTING CLUB RUSSAFA C/ Sevilla, 5 Tel: 96 325 15 98 www.sportingclubrussafa.com TAMAR C/ Almudín, 16 Tel: 96 392 50 66 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA C/ Universidad, 2 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA, FACULTAT MAGISTERI Avinguda dels Tarongers, 4 UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA Camino de Vera, s/n Tel: 96 387 70 00 WAYCO VALENCIA C/ Gobernador Viejo, 29 Tel: 670 295 762 www.wayco.es OPERA

PALAU DE LES ARTS Autopista del Saler, 1 Tel: +34 96 197 58 00 Fax: +34 96 395 22 01 www.lesarts.com THEATRE

CARME TEATRE C/ Gutenberg, 12 Tel: 96 392 42 71 www.carmeteatre.com CARME TEATRE (EN LA PROTECTORA) c/ Maximiliano Thous 6. 46009 Valencia CENTRE LA RAMBLETA Bulevar Sur esquina C/ de Pío IX (Sant Marcel·li) www.larambleta.com ESPAI ATHENEIA C/ Guillem de Castro, 65 Tel: 615 578 344 - 657 857 792 www.xikanda.com ESPACIO INESTABLE C/ Dr. Sanchis Bergón, 5 Tel: 96 392 16 30 www.espacioinestable.com L’ALTRE ESPAI C/ Platero Suárez, 11 Tel: 96 353 92 00 OFF TEATRE C/ Turia, 47 Tel: 96 384 11 85 SALA ZIRCÓ C/ Joaquín Navarro, 11 Tel: 96 3 77 18 62 SALA RUSSAFA C/ Denia, 55 96 341 52 16 SALA TITERE C/Puerto Rico, 33 (Zona Ruzafa) Movil: 645 600 231 Email: salatitere@gmail.com www.titere.org Intimate music & puppet theatre in the artistic barrio of Ruzafa. Teatromusical con automatas y musicos.

TEATRE EL MUSICAL Pl. Rosario, 3 Tel: 96 367 31 95 TEATRE MICALET C/ Mestre Palau, 3 Tel: 96 392 14 82 TEATRO DE MARIONETAS LA ESTRELLA (LA PETXINA). C/ Dr Sanchis Bergón, 29 Tel: 96 371 73 84 TEATRO OLYMPIA C/ San Vicente Mártir, 44 Tel: 96 351 73 15 TEATRO PRINCIPAL C/ Barcas, 15 Tel: 96 353 92 00 TEATRO RIALTO Pl. Ayuntamiento, 17 Tel: 96 353 93 00 TEATRE ROMÀ DE SAGUNT Pujada al Castell, s/n Sagunto THEATRE SALA MORATÍN Pl. Ayuntamiento, 17 Tel: 96 353 93 0 TEATRO TALÍA C/ Caballeros, 31 Tel: 96 398 64 22 CINEMA

BABEL C/ Vicente Sancho Tello, 10 Tel: 96 362 67 95 FILMOTECA (CINEMA INSTITUTO VALENCIANO DE CINEMATOGRAFÍA) RIALTO Pl. Ayuntamiento, 17 YELMO CINES Espai Campanar Av. Tirso de Molina, 16 Tel: 902 22 09 22

LIVE MUSIC 16 TONELADES Calle Ricardo Micó, 3 Facebook 16 Tonelades New rock club and indie disco in the Campanar area, near the Rio Turia. 33RPM BAR CLUB (Zona San Vicente) C/ Linterna, 11 (corner of Calle San Vicente) Movil: 699 441 221 Website: www.33rpm.es New! Open Wednesday to Saturday until 3.30am. New club with live music with jazz, Afro-Caribbean and more. Theatre too… BIGORNIA (Zona Carmen) C/ Museo, 10 Jazz jam every Wednesday evening. BLACK NOTE (Zona Aragón) C/ Polo y Peyrolón, 15 Tel. 96 393 36 63 Top choice for music lovers who love it live - jazz, blues, R’n’B, soul, funk, flamenco and rock. See listings. CAFÉ CRONOPIO (Zona Benimaclet) C/Barón de San Petrillo 46 Tel: 960 64 17 17 http://cafecronopiobenimaclet.blogspot.com.es Jazz, blues, flamenco, world music, jam sessions and more… CAFÉ DEL DUENDE (ZONA CARMEN) C/ Túria, 62 Tel. 630 455 289 www.cafedelduende.com Great club specialising in authentic flamenco music and culture. See listings.

MARCH 16 CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ (ZONA RUZAFA) C/ Sueca, 27 Tel. 96 341 83 78 www.cafemercedes.es CAFÉ PUB MURNAU (Zona Blasco Ibañez) C/Impresor Palmert Lambert, 5 Tel: 96 0 093 67 84 Top notch live music with jazz, blues and more. One for real music lovers... CHARLAR (Zona Blasco Ibañez) Plaza Alcalde Domingo Torres, 5 Mobile: 627 01 68 32 New live music venue with quality jazz every Friday! DELUXE POP CLUB (Zona Plaza Cedro) C/ Poeta Mas y Ros 42, Zona Cedro www.deluxepopclub.com EL ASESINO (ZONA PLAZA CEDRO) Plaza Cedro, 1 Facebook Live & Rockin’ music venue and bar. ELECTROPURA (ZONA RUZAFA) C/ Pinto Salvador Abril, 20 See Facebook for more details Acoustic gigs at 19.30h with indie often being the flavour. EL LOCO (ZONA JUAN LLORENS) C/ Erudito Orellena, 12 Tel. 96 326 05 26, www.lococlub.org El Loco is a dynamic live venue with an eclectic choice of indie, funk, rock, fusion, blues and more. Check some music and dance later.




JIMMY GLASS JAZZ BAR (Zona Carmen) C/ Baja, 28 www.jimmyglassjazz.net Legendary and prestigious jazz club in the classic New York style with an authentic jazz atmosphere, integrated on the international live jazz circuit, where every week you can see famous international live bands from the modern jazz world. Mítico y prestigioso club de jazz de estilo neoyorquino, con una átmosfera auténticamente jazzística, donde pueden verse todas las semanas figuras internacionales del jazz contemporáneo. Consulta la web: www.jimmyglassjazz.net KAF CAFE (Zona Benimaclet) C/Arquitecto Arnau, 16 961131706 - 663 702 960 lk kafcafe.blogspot.com Atmospheric, literary café-bar with

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regular live gigs and jams. La3 (Zona Puerto) C/ Padre Porta, 2 www.grooovelives.com Top-notch national and International bands every month with disco afterwards until past the dawn... LA BULERIA (City of Arts and Sciences) C/Obispo Jaime Perez, 24 Tel: 96 315 30 58 Live flamenco show & dinner. www.labuleria.com LA EDAD DE ORO (ZONA JUAN LLORENS) C/ San Jacinto, 3 Tel. 649 255 048 Live music every Thursday & Friday. LA RAMBLETA Bulevar Sur, esq Pío IX (Next to Parque La Rambleta) (Zona Jesús) Tel: 96 0011511 www.larambleta.com Fantastic new live venue with great programme of live music and original and alternative theatre. PALAU DE LA MUSICA (ZONA RÍO TÚRIA) Paseo de la Alameda, 30 Tel. (+34) 96 337 50 20 E-mail: info@palauvalencia.com www.palaudevalencia.com Excellent classical music concerts in the Rio Turia gardens with musicians from around the world. See website for current programme. PETER ROCK (Zona Plaza Cedro) C/ Expolrador Andres, 19 Tel: 96 091 43 04 Hard rock and blues bar/pub with live music every Sunday from 21.30h. PLAY PRODUCCIONES Tel. 679 412 012 www.playproducciones.com PUB OLYMPUS (Lliria) C/ Isabel de Villena, 14 Movil: 685 05 04 23 New! Live music every week. Owner is a musician too! SALA MATISSE C/ Ramon de Campoamor, 60 (Zona Plaza Cedro) www.salamatisse.es Live music in a student friendly zone SALA ZIRCO (Zona Canovas) Joaquin Navarro, 11 Valencia Tel: 963 77 18 62 Newish venue with quality jazz bands www.zirco.es TRANQUILO MUSICA www.tranquilomusica.com Bringing you the best local, national and international indie bands to Valencia. Keep up the good work! UNA COSA RARA (Zona Juan Llorens) C/ Villanueva y Gascons, 2 Tel: 96 327 06 72 www.unacosarara.com Some quality local bands to accompany your Mediterranean meal at this ‘Bistro Musical’ including Jazz, Flamenco, Blues, Fusion, World Music and more… WAH-WAH (Zona Blasco Ibáñez) C/ Campoamor, 52 Tel. 96 356 39 42 / 645 792 674 www.wahwahclub.com National and international indierock & pop in a student zone…

20 © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

CLUBS Zona Blasco Ibáñez

AGENDA Avenida Blaso Ibañez, 111 Movil: 639 048 067 Sessions from Wednesday to Saturday. Open 01.30h to 07.30h Funk, disco, hip-hop, house. R’n’B, freestyle and more…

One of the few discos in the Carmen to stay open all night, until around 8 am. EL COPÓN Food’n’Roll C/ Calatrava, 4 Valencia Tel: 963 91 70 75 Spacious and rustic interior with bohemian, rock’n’roll crowd, great music and tasty food! Marques de Caro, 5

Zona Ruzafa

GORDO C/ Carlos Cervera,23 Tel: 96 336 31 67 Underground electro and more in one of Valencia’s hippest barrios. NYLON C/ Germanias, 31 664 46 98 40 Valencia’s latest club. Electronica all night long in the hip barrio of Ruzafa. PICCADILLY DISCOTECA CLUB C/ dels Tomassos, 12. Barrio de Russafa. Valencia. (antigua Sala Sider / Excuse me!) One of the wildest and most fun clubs in Valencia now situated in the hip barrio of Ruzafa. PLAY C/ Cuba, 8 Tel: 96 3920570 http://playclubvalencia.tumblr.com/ Newish club in the hip barrio of Ruzafa. Indie, pop and dance all night long. XTRA LRGE PLAYGROUND Gran Via Germanias, 21(esq Cadiz) New club with 600 metre multi-use floor. Electronica and indie, art exhibitions too. Theatre every week at 23.00h. See facebook. Zona Juan Lloréns

LA EDAD DE ORO C/ San Jacinto, 3 Tel. 649 255 048 Live music and its classic mix of pumping sounds…from rock & roll to house! Open 22.00h until 4.00h, Thursday to Saturday. MAGAZINE CLUB Pza / Perez Escrich, 18 Zona Juna Llorens Magazine has become an essential part of the rock’n’roll scene in Valencia.

GONG C/ Concordia, 3.(near C/Caballeros) Movil:663111717 @gongvlc www.facebook.com/pinballvalencia New! Formerly known as Pinball. Retro music bar with psychedelic vibes and funky beats. Live music, dj sessions, dance floor and glitter ball. Open from Tuesday to Saturday. Great cocktails. Absinthe bar. Nuevo! Antiguamente era Pinball. Bar con musica retro , vibraciones psicodelicos and ritmos funky. Musica en directo, sesiones de DJs, sala de baile y mas. Absenta bar, cocteles impresionantes.Abierto de Martes a Sábado. IMMORTAL C/ San Dionisio, 3 Feel ‘heavy metal’ and like hard rock? Plenty of like-minded souls in a loud bar. Rock on!

Zona El Carmen

BIGORNIA C/ Museu, 10 Arty crowd of the Carmen scene with electro, hip-hop, funk, techno and more. Good vibes. BLANCO Y ROJO C/ Alta, 11 Deep house, gintonics, tapas, cocktails, friendly service. BOLSERIA CAFÉ C/Bolseria, 41 Tel: 96 391 89 03 Hot tropical vibe with swinging crowd at weekends. House, Latin, funk and pop. CARMEN CLUB C/ Quart, 26 www.carmenclub.es CALCATTA C/ Reloj Viejo, 6

RADIO CITY C/ Santa Teresa, 19 Tel: 96 391 41 51 A legendary club in Valencia's old town. Free, eclectic disco Monday - Sunday nights, live flamenco every Tuesday @23h. English language nights Thursday @20h with Britpop music till late. Funky and friendly club. Club legendario en el centro histórico. Flamenco en directo los martes.

24/ 7 Valencia is recommended by Time Out, Let’s Go, Rough Guide...

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24/ 7 Valencia


Intercambio de inglés los jueves. Discoteca gratis los fines de semana. SLAVIA Plaza San Jaime, 8. Slavia is a long-established classic of the Carmen scene. Open since 1996, with an ample selection of cocktails, gins and beers. ÚNIC Plaza Sant Jaume, 1 New! Set in the very heart of the centro historico. Cocktails, music, art & design, fashion, young urban crowd. Vintage sofas too. Watch the people of the barrio stroll by. Lovely terrace too. VIBORA SAVAGE ROCK’N’ ROLL CLUB C/ Quart, 47 Zona Plaza Cedro

TORNILLO C/ Campoamor, 42 Tel. 96 392 55 27 www.eltornillo.com INDIE scene. Electronica beats collide with guitar, loads of students partying, dancing. Look out for the distinctive huge nail outside! Zona Puerto / Playa

GUERNICA PLAYA Eugenia Viñes, 227 By the beach! Great Cocktails and music from around the world (Electronica, African, Arabic and more) LA3 c/ Padre Porta, 2 www.groovelives.com Indie & electrónica sounds on 3 floors

ANITA GIRO Pintor Domingo 7 (near the small garage next to the Quart Towers). Reservations: 961 133 418. Facebook anita.giro 'Off the beaten track. Near enough to the Quart Towers to be central; but far from the crowds on the main drag of the Carmen. Quality, international food at great prices (average per head, 12-15 euros for dinner). Good beer on tap; 2.50€ a pint before 21:30 and only 3.50€ afterwards. Relaxed, informal atmosphere. Tables available outside on a quiet, pedestrian street. Open every day from 5pm to close. Cerca de Torres de Quart. Comida de calidad internacional. Cerveza, clientela cosmopolita. Ambiente relajado. Terraza tranquila. Abierto cada a partir de las 17:00h.

Zona Campanar

FRYDA Avenida de Las Cortes Valencianas, 58 Movil: 692 85 25 55 New! Disco & Restaurant with stylish terraza, 3 ambiences, house music and more…

CAFÉ MUSEU C/ Museu, 7 Tel: 960 72 50 47 Facebook Café-Museu Bohemia at its finest, with a mellow terraza in a tranquil part of the Barrio del Carmen. Breakfast, brunch, teas, coffees, beers, newspapers, magazines, acoustic concerts, exhibitions and more. "Esta original cafetería, con techos abovedados, ventanal ovalado y terraza, sirve desayunos, bocatas y tapas." CAFÉ DEL NEGRITO Pl. Negrito Tel. 96 391 42 33 Classic Carmen hangout. Liberal 30-somethings, arty crowd, lots of people wearing glasses! CAFÉ TERTULIA 1900 C/ Alta 4

Zona Jesús

JUANITA CLUB VALENCIA C/Jesus, 91 Movil: 625 347 087 Black Music Club specializing in reggae & funky DJ sessions. Open from Thursday to Sunday from 19h until 3.30am…


SOFARTECAFÉ C/ Musico Peydro, 7 Movil: 684047434 New! Beautiful and rather elegant bohemian café bar, set on a number of levels with art exhibition space, children’s playroom, conference room, live music nights and plenty of space. Special. Zona El Carmen


650 639 177

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CAFÉ LISBOA Pl. Dr. Collado, 9 Tel. 96 391 94 84 An excellent café bar in one of Valencia’s most atmospheric plazas. Good mixed crowd of students, locals, visitors and a very popular terraza. Open 09.00h and all day until late. Lots of bocadillos, coffees and beers. Barça and Levante football on TV at the weekend. A legendary cafe-bar that is 36 years old. Set in the historic centre. Breakfast, lunch and dinner available everday. Salads, sandwiches, Snacks, Montaditos, Desserts. Fine choice of cocktails including Mojito, Daiquiri, Bloody Mary. Agua de Valencia, Sangria & Paella too. Warm interior and beautiful terrace. Un clásico del centro histórico, terraza amplio, interior relajado, tapas y cócteles. Bohemio, literario, y abierto a todos.

CAFETÍN (Café.Cocktail. Bar) Plaza San Jaume, 2 Movil: 652 38 32 28 cafetin.valencia@gmail.com Situated in the heart of the barrio del carmen in Valencia with more than 30 years of history. This is a relaxing, agreeable and welcoming place where you can enjoy the best of teas and coffees. Specializing in AGUA DE VALENCIA, made the traditional way. Enjoy an ample selection of cocktails, sangria, spirits at good prices. Great to have a good time in good company with cool music soundtrack, a wonderful terrace to watch the world go by and the best service you will find in Valencia. Un lugar tranquilo,agradable y acogedor donde disfrutar cada dia de los

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mejores tes y cafés.Especializados en el AGUA DE VALENCIA (LA MEJOR) hecha de forma tradicional, con una amplia variedad de COCKTAILS, SANGRIA Y COPAS, AL MEJOR PRECIO , para pasar grandes momentos con la mejor compañia. Buena musica, una terraza privilegiada y el mejor servicio que puedas encontrar,¿Por que no vienes a conocernos?

EL CAFÉ DEL MAR Plaza Lope de Vega, 4 Tel: 96 3 922 558 EL LABORATORIO (junto Pl. de la Virgen) Pl. Cors de la Mare de Deu, 3 Every Day 18.00h-01.30h Tel: 96 392 61 93 Young international staff and clientèle. The two coolest and cheapest bars to chill off the Plaza de la Virgen. Free tapas with drinks, international Beers, imaginative Cocktails and Gintonics, Mojitos at 4€. Fun food at fun prices: hamburgers, wraps, dimsum, samosas... Great terrace. Tuesday English-Spanish Language Exchange; Wednesday = GermanSpanish Exchange and Cocktails 2x1. Also Exhibitions, Theme Dinners, Ethnic Fiestas, Art & Photography...Mixed drinks start at 3.50€!!!! LA CAVA DEL NEGRET C/ Calatrava, 15 Tel: 96 392 33 01 Open every day from 12.00h, great bar on Pl. Negrito with terraza and some of the finest agua de Valencia around. Friendly staff, superb terraza, next to fountain and a great selection of cavas and champagnes. Abierto cada día, muy buena selección de cavas & champagne con terraza encantadora.

LOS PIKAPIEDRA (Zona Carmen) C/ Caballeros, 25 Tel: 96 3 919 876/ 681 215 545 www.bar-lospicapiedra.com Great! Definitive of the alternative Carmen scene. Highly popular with students, punks, hippies and adventurous tourists. It is a friendly, alternative hangout that is run by a multilingual, well-travelled owner and is open to all. Set on 3 floors with room for groups and couples. After 18 years of deserved popularity with locals and visitors, Los Pikapiedra is without doubt an essential part of the Barrio del Carmen scene. Easy to find too! Reasonable prices.They now have a wonderful selection of Spanish tapas. Ask at the bar for their carta. Special offers every WEDNESDAY! 1 litre Porrones 4,50€ (Cider, Beer, Calimocho, Tinto de Verano). Jarras 1 litro 8€ (Agua de Valencia, Sangria, Mojito). Cubatas 3,50€. Menu 6€ (Salad, Drink, Tabla Iberico of hams, meats & cheeses). Porrones 4.50€ on Thursdays too! Bar Los pikapiedra es un bar alternativo legendario, con gente bohemia, porrones, música ecléctica y tapas españolas. MAGAROTA C/ Zurradores, 9 Movil: 665 04 15 08 Friendly Spanish tapas & café Bodeguita bar with terraza and popular owners. RIVENDEL RESTO BAR C/ Hospital, 18 Tel: 96 392 32 08 www.rivendelrestobar.com SOL I LLUNA C/ del Mar, 29 96 392 22 16, www.solilluna.net

SANT JAUME C/ Caballeros, 51 Tel. 96 391 24 01 Valencia Café society par excellence. Set in what may be the best corner of the centro histórico, this long established café bar has a cosmopolitan crowd, lots of room upstairs and one of the best terrazas in the city. Watch the characters stroll down C/ Caballeros. Sant Jaume es un clásico del centro histórico con unas de las mejores terrazas en Valencia. TETERIA TISANA C/Moret, 4 (just off C/Roteros) Music includes: Ultra-mod, ye-ye, Garage, Britpop 60s. Freak-Beat THE LOUNGE CAFÉ-BAR Estameñeria Vieja 2 (behind La Lonja) Tel: 96 391 80 94, www.theloungecafebar.com TROMBON C/ Moret, 10 (near Plaza del Carmen) Open since 1974, Trombon is one of the oldest bars in the Carmen. Table football, good music and local crowd. Friendly service. Open from 20h – 03.30h from Tuesday to Saturday and open to all. Zona Ruzafa

EL PATIO DE RUZAFA C/ Literato Azorin, 13 Spacious cultural centre with bar and tapas, rich variety of activities including talks, workshops, and more. Centro cultural amplio con bar y tapas, gran variedad de actividades como charlas, talleres y más. LA TAVERNAIRE C/ Dénia, 18 Tel: 605 838 299 Bohemian cafe-bar, vegetarian dishes, live music Wednesdays. LA PINÇA C/ Pintor Salvador Abril, 34 Tel: 96 3 25 05 82 / 693 593 037 Arty and welcoming café-bar. UBIK CAFÉ C/ Literato Azorín, 13 Tel: 96 374 12 55 Open on Mondays. Emblematic of the buzzing barrio of Ruzafa. Wonderful, spacious and welcoming cafebar/ second-hand bookshop. Spanish & Italian tapas, beer, wine, bohemian crowd, friendly atmosphere. Closed Monday. Zona Plaza Xuquer

ROCAFULL CAFE Pl. Xuquer, 14 www.rocafull.tk A key meeting point of the ‘indie’ community. Zona Plaza Cedro


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CAFE INFINITO C/ Poeta Mas y Ros, no 35 Tel: 617 27 20 42 www.cafeinfinito.net Superb! International multilingual staff with a friendly atmosphere and packed agenda including theme nights, language exchange, live music, quiz. Wednesday ‛Ruta de la Tapa del Cedro’. Good food too. TORNILLO C/ Campoamor, 42 Tel. 96 392 55 27 A meeting point for faces from the indie and electronica scenes. Definitely worth checking.

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ʻLIKEʼ US ON Zona Benimaclet

Zona Plaza Benimaclet LA OLA FRESCA Calle Músico Magenti 11, Benimaclet Reservations: 610026305 A ‘cafecito’ with a big heart and a fabulous terrace • Speciality in brownies and homemade cakes • world food cooking Juice therapy • local artesanal beers • fairtrade tea and coffee workshops and special events • Sunday BRUNCH • Facebook: La Ola Fresca Valenbisi: 116 Comidas del mundo, servicio excelente, sabroso y actividades cada semana.

GAY / LESBIAN Codigo G Gay Discoteca & Club Carrer dels Tomassos, 14. (Zona Ruzafa) A Gay disco, next to Russafa market. 3 floors with House, Disco, Guateque, Pop, Petardeo. http://codigog-club.blogspot.com.es/ https://www.facebook.com/codigog

CROSS C/ JUAN DE MENA, 7 (ZONA BOTANICO) FACEBOOK CROSS VALENCIA WWW.CROSSVALENCIA.COM Just 2 minutes walk from Torres de Quart in the tranquil Botanico barrio. Cross is one of Valencia’s most popular Gay Clubs. Open each night from 22h to 03.30am with Wednesdays and Tuesdays featuring ‘get naked’ parties. Every Friday parties with Dj. Saturday show with Drag Queen. Closed Monday. Uno de los pubs gays más populares de

24/ 7 Valencia Valencia. Lunes cerrado, jueves noche karaoke, viernes fiestas preparadas por Dj, sábado noche show de Drag Queen. LA PECERA C/ Cadiz, 86 Tel: 639 517 703 Popular with lesbians in evenings. Open to all. Ni María Ni Virgen C/ Pintor Vilar, 1 Lesbian pub-bar in the Campanar area.

NUNCADIGONO C/ Turia, 22 The latest gay sex-club with rooms, showers, labyrinths, videos, slings, contacts, S&M, bears, fucking, sex, glory-holes, motor bikes. Fiestas ‛Sex’ every Monday (Slip or Naked) and Friday from 22.00h. Each month: ‘Fiesta Slip’ 1st and 3rd Thursday from 22h (jockstrap/ swimwear) ‘Fiesta Naturista’ 2nd & 4th Thursday from 22h. (naked) Free cloakroom service and free condoms and lubrication, ask at the bar. Every Friday Porno/Live Show. Happy hours todos los dias. Open every day from 12.00 pm to 04.00 am. Gay sexbar. Cuartos, duchas, laberintos, videos, slings, valencia, contactos, gay, nuncadigono, bar, sm, bears, sexo, motos. PEKADO Pl. Vicente Iborra, 9 Tel. 96 392 41 39 The seven deadly sins are served after you enter the gates of hell of this restaurant. QART CAFÉ C/ Guillem de Castro, 80 SANT MIQUEL Pl. Sant Miquel, 13 Tel. 96 392 31 29 SPARTACUS C/ Flassanders, 8 Gay sex shop TRAPEZZIO CAFÉ Pl. Músico Lopez Chavarri, 2

CERVECERIAS BEER C/ Salamanca, 4 Tel. 96 374 14 31 www.cerveceriabeer.com Facebook Cerveceria Beer. New & brighter interior and growing clientele! Open every day from 19:00 to 03:30. Great selection of beers, cans and bottles from around the world. Try 30 types of beer from Spain and abroad.



BIRRA & BLUES BREW PUB VALENCIA Av. Maria Cristina, 12 Tel: 96 392 56 41 Zona Centro Valencia 46001 www.birraeblues.com At ‘Birra & Blues Valencia’ the prize is our homemade craft beer, and the great food that goes perfectly with your drink. In our restaurant bar, centrally located on Av. María Cristina, 12, in the very heart of Valencia, you can taste the ten ales that have won international awards and that we produce in our Patacona brewery. We combine this with quality cuisine, pizzas and tapas. Next to the Central Market, we have three different spaces with ‘bluesy’ decoration and an attractive terrace so that you can enjoy our understanding of good beer and good food. We have menus with beer included from 12.50€, homemade pizzas and the best tapas. FINNEGAN'S Pl. de la Reina Tel: 96 392 28 62 www.finnegansofdublin.es The legendary meeting point in the heart of Valencia for those who like a good pint. Excellent terrace with fine view of the Cathedral. A genuine Irish pub with big screen for sports lovers who like it live. Spacious and warm interior, good selection of beers and tasty traditional lunches. It is internationally famous for all the right reasons. Great for the craic in the evenings. A classic. New owners with more emphasis on food. Bar irlandés legendario en el corazón de Valencia, con buena selección de cervezas y comidas también. Gente con experiencia. Deportes en directo. LA FABRICA Taula De Canvis, 6 (near La Lonja) Tel: 96 1 13 28 73 Great! Just a stone’s throw from La Lonja and Mercado Central, you will find ‘La Fabrica Tyris’, which is the taproom of local Valencian brewers Tyris. All their cervezas are craft beers so you won’t find any commercial brands here, just lovingly brewed beer. Enjoy an ample terrazza and a hip yet relaxed interior of wooden tables & chairs and colourful posters lining the walls. On the wall, there is an attractively designed graphic explanation of the steps taken to brew beer. Tasty tapas, gourmet burgers and salads too. SAINT MARTIN’S URBAN IRISH Calle Abadía de San Martin, 2 (near San Vicente) Tel: +34963942171 46002 Valencia info@saintmartins.es Saint Martin’s Urban Irish is our new pub right in the center of Valencia! Enjoy international beers & spirits and great snacks to fill you up not only with beer. Enjoy all major sports events through our 6 extra large FULL HD screens. You will enjoy like never before. Sky Sports on with all major events broadcasted! Our international atmosphere and our location manage to unite the tradition of an Irish pub with a young and relaxed atmosphere. (Find us between Plaza de la Reina and Plaza del Ayuntamiento, just off San Vicente street). Nuevo Pub irlandés moderno y céntrico donde disfrutar de todos los eventos de deporte, con

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cervezas de importación, snacks, copas... THE MARKET C/ Danzas / Cajeros (Near La Lonja) Tel: 961 054 050 Facebook: the market cerveza artesana The Market serves homemade beer in a warm setting with tostas & tablas to savour with your brown beer. Great music and experience owners. Open every day from 19h. Cervecería artesana, tostas y buena música. Cerca de la Lonja y Mercado Central. ZONA CANOVAS

PORTLAND ALE HOUSE C/ Salamanca 10 Yes! Valencia’s first true American pub, run by a friendly American team with draft beers available, sports and an increasingly mixed crowd of locals, visitors and English and Spanish speakers. ST. PATRICK’S IRISH PUB Gran Vía Marqués del Turia, 69 Tel: 96 351 36 42 www.stpatricksvalencia.com “A true Irish pub” that knows the craic! Friendly helpful international staff who speak Spanish and English! FREE WIFI to all customers. Open every day from 4pm ‘till late! Cosy interior with 5 rooms and 2 bars. A good mix of Spaniards and expats. We have 5 big screen plasma T.V.s that show all the sporting events (football, rugby, cricket, golf, basketball, etc.)! We have pool, darts, a big terrace and good music (pop-rock from all the ages with Spotify)! Great selection of beers, whiskies, cocktails, including fresh fruit slush, nonalcoholic or you choose the mix! Great snacks, sandwiches, quiche, meat pies, fish&chips, etc. Lots of events: Live Music every Friday at 23h. Parties with prizes. Open Saturday and Sunday at 13:00h pm. Reservations at info@stpatricksvalencia.com See Facebook for more details! Pub irlandés famoso con pantallas para deportes en directo. Buena selección de cervezas y cócteles, música en directo los viernes, intercambios los jueves y más…

referencias de cerveza de todo el mundo, destacando las cervezas de España y de EEUU. Disponemos de pantalla gigante para la retransmisión de eventos deportivos y contamos con una carta de hamburguesas y sandwiches para acompañar la bebida. ZONA RUZAFA

OLHÖPS CRAFT BEER HOUSE Calle Sueca, 21 Movil: 630 79 07 25 Olhöps Craft Beer House is a space that specializes in the best craft beer available in Valencia. ZONA AVENIDA ARAGÓN

MANOLO EL DEL BOMBO Pl. Valencia Club de Fútbol, 5 Tel: 96 930 460 A traditional Spanish bar with a different interior - a football museum with photos of the legendary Manolo del Bombo, the chap with the massive beret and drum. Just across from Mestalla stadium, a Mecca for football fans from all over the world. Friendly atmosphere.

que ofrece una mezcla de cocina italiana, carnes y pescados, pizzas cocinadas en una cerveza horno de leña y la artesanía producimos allí mismo en el acto. L'ELIANA

THE DRAGON (BAR INTERNACIONAL) C/ Virgen de Pilar, 12 (L’Eliana) British-run bar with good reputation for food. Popular with locals and the expat crowd from the area.


BABALÚ C/ Manyans 17 (next to Plaza Redondo) Tel: 96 315 50 40 ¡Fiesta! An excellent restaurant-bar-club for those who love authentic Cuban food. ARABIC

SAHARA (ZONA CARMEN) C/ del Mar, 52 Tel: 96 394 32 76 Movil: 698 579 148 www.sahararestaurante.com ASIAN FUSION

SALLY O’BRIEN Av. Aragon, 8 Tel: 96 337 40 12

98º DIM SUM EXPERIENCE C/ Roteros, 16 (a stone’s throw from Torres de Serranos) Zona Carmen Tel: 96 329 35 63 E-mail: reservas@lacomisaria.com Facebook: 98º Dim Sum Restaurante TAO TAO TABERNA ASIATICA C/ Cadiz, 37 Tel: 96 091 2915 / móvil: 615 725 320 Set in the hip barrio of Ruzafa… Authentic & Asian run fusion restaurant with Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Vietnamese cuisine. BODEGA

Zona Plaza Xuquer

MAX MAX C/ Vinalopó, 11 (Pl. Xúquer) Tel: 96 362 68 67 http://maxmaxvalencia.blogspot.com ZONA PLAYA

VALENCIA ON TAP C/ Almirante Cardoso, 32 Facebook Valencia On Tap This a new bar that specializes in Craft Beer from home and abroad with more than 150 beers from around the world, especially Spain and the European Union. They have a large screen for sporting events and hamburgers & sandwiches to accompany your drink. Cervecería especializada en cerveza artesana y de importación, con 10 grifos de cerveza rotativos y mas de 150

24 © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

SPAGHETTI & BLUES Restaurante Pizzeria Av. Mare Nostrum, 34 Tel: 96 355 04 74 Zona Playa de la Patacona 46120 www.spaghettieblues.com Since 1999, down by the Valencia beach of Playa de la Patacona you will find the ‘Spaghetti and Blues’ Restaurante Pizzeria, which offers a mix of Italian cuisine, meat and fish dishes, pizza cooked in a wood-fired oven and the craft beer we produce right there on the spot. Sharing space with the restaurant, the two steel tanks coated with an attractive copper finish stand tall in the brewery, in full view of everyone who wants to see the fascinating process of producing our wonderful craft beers. There is also a terrace very near the beach, spacious restaurant inside and a venue for live music. Desde 1999, junto a la playa de Valencia de Playa de la Patacona se encuentran los 'spaghetti y Blues' Restaurante Pizzeria,

BODEGA VINO Y JAMÓN C/ Manuel Candela, 71 Tel: 96 0150345 Open from Monday to Sunday (12pm to 01.30am) Facebook Bodega Vino y Jamón The real deal. With 37 years of bodega experience, friendly Spanish owner Daniel is originally from Castilla La Mancha so this is as Spanish as it gets! Check out tasty

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MARCH 16 cálido e íntimo, con suelos de madera y elegantes interiores, por lo que es ideal para pequeños grupos y parejas. ITALIAN (Zona Carmen) LA PAPPARDELLA C/ Bordadores, 5 (next to Cathedral) Tel: 96 391 89 15 www.viciositalianos.com Popular Italian restaurant without pizza and emphasis on Piadinas and pastas.

hams, cheeses, anchivies, iberico hams, patatas bravas, chicken, chorizos and more at reasonable prices . Bodega autentica española con dueño manchego con 37 años de expericencia. Puedes disfrutar de tapas como patatas bravas, pincho pollo, cordero, ancoas de cantabria, montaditos, chorizo, jamones ibericos, quesos, paella de encargo para 8 personas. Terraza amplia. FUSION RESTAURANT

SÉSAME C/ En Bou (Zona Carmen) Tel: 96 391 30 62 Highly popular. The well-travelled French owner proposes a wide variety of creative tapas and dishes with an original Greek & Mediterranean/ Asian/ French and Vegetarian fusion using only fresh local produce. GREEK

EL RINCON GRIEGO C/ Conde Montornes, 23 (just off C/ Mar and corner of Poeta Liern) Tel: 96 394 4443 Mobile: 639608867 www.stratosm.es Zona Carmen Intimate and Greek owned and run, well-established restaurant in a quiet corner of the old town. Enjoy Greek tapas, fish and meat dishes, cheeses, yoghurts, pastries and Greek wine too!

CIAO BELLA C/Corona, 8 Tel: 96 105 65 81 Spacious & classy restarant, with historic interior with authentic Italian cuisine with experienced hosts from Rome. Recommended starters include Antipasti, Involtini, Tabla of Italian cheeses & hams. Fresh pasta includes Ravioli della Nonna and Mezzelene Picotta e spinnaci. Dry pasta includes fettucine and rigatoni choices. 17 pizzas to choose from. Meats include Solomillo and Scaloppine. Tuna & prawn dishes too. Desserts include Tiramisu. Restaurante amplio y elegante, con interior histórico con auténtica cocina italiana con dueños de Roma, Italia. Antipasti, Involtini, Solomillo, Scaloppine, Pizzas, Pastas, Raviolis y mas…


TAJ-MAHAL (ZONA AV. PUERTO) C/ Dr. Manuel Candela, 20, Tel: 96 330 62 64. One of the best Indian restaurants along the coast. Authentic Indian cuisine, chefs with 12 years Brit experience. Classic menu with all the favourites: Chicken Tandoori, Chicken Tikka, King Prawn Tandoori, Lamb. Variety of rices, attentive bilingual staff on hand to serve ‘English’ or ‘Spanish’ version of spicy. About 18€ per head. Taj Mahal now has home delivery until midnight for minimum price of 20€. Check out the British and Indian products at their shop next door! Curry powders, cornflakes, ketchup, tinned beans, and loads more. An expat’s dream! Uno de los mejores restaurantes indios en Valencia con comidas y cenas típicas del país. Muchos productos indios en su tienda a lado también. ITALIAN ZONA EL CARMEN

AL POMODORO C/ del Mar, 22 Tel: 96 391 48 00, www.viciositalianos.com Very popular, good value, great pizza. BACCO D.O.C. C/ Derechos 29, bajo (1 min from La Lonja) Tel: 96 391 19 65 Everyone welcome at this distinctive and very original Italian restaurant in an excellent location.

LA STRADA C/ Quart 17 Tel: 96 392 41 77 Excellent! Hip pizzeria and pasta restaurant just a brief stroll from Torres de Quart. 8€ daytime menus, around 15€ at night. Salads, antipasti, piadine, italian tapas, pizza, pasta, meat and fish dishes. Wines from many regions of Italy. Ensaladas, antipasti, piadina, tapas italianas, pizza, pasta, platos de carne y pescado. Vinos de diferentes regiones de Italia. ZONA CANOVAS

DON SALVATORE C/ Conde de Altea, 41 Tel: 96 334 13 04 www.donsalvatore.com Spot the Valencia footballer! LAMBRUSQUERÍA C/ Conde Altea, 31 -36 Tel: 96 334 07 53 lambrusqueria.wordpress.com/about. George Clooney did eat here! JAPANESE

LA CARBONARA (tapas italianas, vinos y más) C/Alta, 28 Tel: 96 3 156 377 / movil: 633 092 360 Hours: 12.30h -17 h / 19h tiill close. Open Monday to Sunday. New! Set in the heart of the barrio del Carmen, this is an authentic Italian restaurant run by experienced Italians from Rome. It’s a lovely, cosy, warm and intimate place with wooden floors and stylish interior, making it great for little groups and couples. Enjoy Lasagna, Risotto, Pasta, Ravioli, Italian tapas to savour, Salmon tartar, Carpaccio, Spaghetti Carbonara & Bolognesa, Tortellini, and homemade desserts like tiramisu. Menu del dia from Monday to Friday for 9.80€. Auténtico restaurante italiano dirigido por italianos expertos desde Roma. Es un lugar encantador, acogedor,

KOKURA AUTOMATIC SUSHI Plaza Pere Borrego I Galino, 10 (C/Alta con Na Jordana) Tel: 96 3 911 102 www.kokura.es TORA (TABERNA JAPONESA) C/ Pedro III El Grande , 13 Tel: 96 311 94 29 Great! Finally, an authentic Japanase taberna in Valencia run by a Japanese & Valencian couple! MEDITERRANEAN

KAÑA MAKAN C/ Explorador Andres, 24 (Plaza Cedro) Tel: 96 0150 796 C/ Sueca, 61 (Ruzafa) Facebook Kaña Makan Smells delicious! Exotic and tasty Mediterranean tapas with Arabic influences and interior and friendly Syrian owner.

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CAFÉ PESSOA C/ Literato Azorin, 2 Tel: 96 341 75 14 Great! An authentic Portuguese café bar with lovely cocktails and trendy interior. PORTUSCALE C/ Subida del Toledano, 6 Tel. 96 1 14 40 63 e-mail: geral@restauranteportuscale.es www.RestaurantePortuscale.es Authentic Portuguese restaurant with Portuguese owners. Next to the cathedral. SPANISH / VALENCIAN

ORIENTO (Tapas Bar & Mediterranean Food) Plaza Cedro, 16 Movil: 603 63 22 20 A mix of Syrian and Spanish food and Tapas. In Oriento you can find Mediterranean flavours along with a friendly service and a happy family environment. Good price for traditional dishes and Syrian desserts. Enjoy red and white wines with others types of drinks. Facebook: Oriento.VLC MULTI-BAR

LA BONA ESTRELLA (ZONA CARMEN) Plaza Manises, 2 Tel: 96 0640548 Great! Very spacious multibar with wide variety of beers. PERUVIAN

SIMALÚ C/ Caballeros, 10 Tel: 96 1 93 03 57 www.simalurestaurante.com Classy Peruvian restaurant of the highest quality in terms of product and presentation. This is authentic Peruvian cuisine with real flavours of the land. Lunchtime menu is 13.90€ with drink included. Dinner menu is 22€ with a wide selection of Peruvian dishes. Check out their ‘Pisco-Sour’, ‘cusqueña’ and Peruvian wines. Open Monday – Sunday from 9h -17h. Sabores de Peru, la autentica sabor de Peru. Con su mezcla de culturas en una solo gastronomía. Menu mediodia 13.90€ con bebida incluida. Menu degustación 22€ con una amplia carta de platos peruanos. Abierto Lunes –domingo: 9h -17h. Lunes y martes noche cerrado. Miércoles - domingo de 19:00 a 24:00h.

26 © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia


ALKAZAR C/. Mosén Femades, 9 y 11 (Zona peatonal/ Pedestrian street) Just off Plaza Ayuntamiento 46002 Valencia · T. 96 352 95 75 · 96 351 55 51 tabernaalkazar@tabernaalkazar.com www.restaurantealkazar.com This is the real deal. Quality Valencian cuisine. With over 60 years of experience, Alkazar is perfectly placed right in the centre on a mellow & traffic–free street, very near to Plaza Ayuntamiento so easy to find. CARPE DIEM C/ Martínez Cubells, 4 (off Passeig Ruzafa) Tel: 96 342 77 80, www.carpediem-vlc.com A genuine Spanish restaurant right in the centre of Valencia, on a mellow side street, dead easy to find! EL COLMADO DE LA RIVERA C/ Ribera, 14 Set near the bullring and the Plaza Ayuntamiento, El Colmado de la Rivera has a vanguard interior decoration, modern and cosmopolitan clientele and attractive cuisine. It stands out for its attractive terrace. Here you can savour breakfast and almuerzos. Later, try out their lunch menus and a la carta and dinners that are served with beers and spirits. Share tapas, dishes and desserts. LOLAILO C/Pie de la Cruz, 8 Facebook Taberna anadaluza Lolailo Movil: 622 131 746 New! Spacious and beautiful Andalusian restaurant with tapas from the South of Spain and North Africa. Just a stone’s throw from the Mercado Central. ¡Nuevo! Amplio y bonito restaurante andaluz con tapas desde el sur de España y norte de África. A un paso del Mercado Central. LOTELITO VALENCIA ROOMS & BAR C/ Barcas, 13 Tel: 96 206 78 52 Movil: (+34) 656 265 229 www.lotelitovalencia.com You can enjoy breakfast early in the morning, almuerzo around midday, lunch or dinner a la carta or menu as well as enjoy a wide range of spirits & cocktails. Tapas and platos to share are Lotelito’s speciality, which are notable for their tastiness and loving presentation. Bread & desserts are homemade & freshly produced daily. The head of the kitchen is Miguel Angel Mas who has had ample experience with a number of Michelin Star restaurants as well as having run his own restaurant for the last 7 years, which are both great signs of somebody who both knows all about cuisine and cares about it too.

Enjoy Lotelito morning, noon and night! MON C/ San Vicente Martir, 23 (near Plaza del Ayuntamiento) Tel: 96 35 12 770 www.monvalencia.com Menú del día (Monday – Friday): 11.90€ (drink not included) Menú del día (Saturday – Sunday): 14.90€ (drink not included) Menú desgustación (tasting menu for two): 25€ (drink not included) Tapas (available all day): 1.80€ – 13.95€ ZONA EL CARMEN

DOS AGUAS C/ Marqués de Dos Aguas, 6 Tel: 96 251 64 26 Good value Spanish menu del días, great view.

9:00 - 01:30 todos los días EL BOTIJO C/ San Miguel s/n www.tascaelbotijo.com Spanish tasca in the Barrio Carmen! Great terraza & excellent service, great variety of delicious tapas, a top ensaladilla rusa and nice cheeses too. Good selection of beers & wines. Kitchen and bar is open everyday from 9h -01.30h. Clasica tasca situada en el Barrio del Carmen, cocina siempre abierta, servicio excelente, gran variedad de tapas, vinos y cervezas.

EL RALL Pl. Tundidores, 2 Tel: 96 392 20 90 Legendary paella restaurant, prime location by La Lonja and Plaza Negrito. Restaurante legendario de paellas y más

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24/ 7 Valencia

arroces. Bien situado entre La Lonja y Plaza Negrito. Terraza encantadora. ESCALONES DE LA LONJA C/ Pere Compte, 3

EL PONY PISADOR C/ Zurradores, 7 (Near Plaza Santa Catalina) Tel: 638 196 289/ 635 849 390 Homemade Spanish food, rustic interior and run by a friendly Spanish couple. Try their Croquetas de Jamón Ibérico, artichokes, baby squid with paprika, strawberry cheese cake. In a quiet corner of the Centro Histórico. Good selection of wines from 8€ to 16€. Menú del día 10€ including drink. Saturday & Sunday lunch 14€, drink extra. Dishes from 4.50€ to 7€. Authentic Spanish cuisine. Restaurante Español íntimo, rústico y con comida casera muy buena; rabo de toro, croquetas, jamón ibérico, calamares y más. EN BOU LOUNGE DRINK + TAPAS Tel: 96 3922632 Enjoy Mediterranean cuisine with tapas, gourmet hamburgers and desserts. KA'RAK (RAQUEL CERNICHARO) C/ Baja, 42 Tel. 96 315 45 88 Set in a quiet corner of the atmospheric old town. Run by a friendly and experienced owner, enjoy wonderful homemade Mediterranean cooking. LA CARME C/ Soguers, 2 Tel: 96 392 2532 30 years old emblematic restaurant of the Barrio del Carmen with Mediterranean dishes and cosy yet spacious interior. LA PITANZA C/ Quart, 5 Tel: 96 391 09 27 www.lapitanza.com

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LA PILARETA C/ Moro Zeit Tel: 96 391 04 97 Every major Spanish city has a tapas bar regarded as ‘quintessential’. Established in 1917, this one is high up on the list in many guides. Veteran waiters serve excellent tapas: habas, ensaladilla rusa and the famous mussels. Open daily midday to midnight just off Plaza Tossal, not hard to find. Now that’s what we call atmosphere... El bar de tapas más histórico en el centro de Valencia, especialidad en clóchinas, buenas habas y ensaladilla rusa.

L'APLEC C / Roteros, 9 (near Torres de Serranos) Movil: 696 119986 Bar - restaurant to go for tapas. Open Tuesday to Sunday from 12 noon to closing. Closed Monday. Spontaneous atmosphere, friendly and fun. Home cooking. Drinks and hot tapas with a hint of fun. Easy to find as it is just a stoneʼs throw from the Torres de Serranos. Nice and spacious interior too! L' Aplec has a great terrace. Enjoy their homemade, fresh and authetic paella to order in advance for groups. Enjoy classic and original Spanish tapas. Gay & Lesbian friendly. Tapas caseras, divertidas, servicio amable y buenas paellas para encargar. Muy cerca de Torres de Serranos. Auténticamente español y abierto a todos. LA LOLA C/ Subida de Toledano, 8 Tel: 96 391 80 45, www.lalolarestaurante.com reservas@lalolarestaurante.com. This is ‘nueva cocina española’! Authentic live flamenco every week. LIGAZON C/ Arolas,11-bajo. 46001-Valencia

MARCH 16 Telefono de reservas: 961141112 MAR D’AVELLANES C/ Avellanas, 9 Tel: 96 392 51 66 www.mardeavellanas.com Classy cuisine near Plaza Reina. MARIA MANDILES Plaza Manises, 2 Tel: 96 04 60 57 info@maria-maniles.com MARIA MANDILES C/ del Padre Huérfanos, 2 Tel: 96 315 48 84 A wonderful choice. In the heart of the historic centre in a tranquil square by the church of El Carmen, next to a garden, you will find the restaurant Maria Mandiles. With an ample terrace, you can enjoy tapas, fondues, cheeses, salads, homemade desserts, a variety of sangrias, cocktails, and ‘Agua de Valencia’ too. Lunchtime menu from Monday to Friday for 10.50€ with everything included. Saturdays and Sundays at lunchtime has paella for 6.50€. Typical price for evening dinner is 18€. Open all day from 10am to 01.30am. MATTILDA C/ Roteros, 21 Tel: 96 392 31 68 Very near Torres de Serranos so easy to find. Creative cuisine with highly experienced owner and staff. Mattilda combines succulent tapas and quality cuisine with artistic presentation with a loyal and cosmopolitan clientele. Clean & attractive vintage style interior. OCHO Y MEDIO Plaza Lope de Vega, 5 Tel: 96 392 20 22 www.elochoymedio.com

PICOFINO GASTROBAR Plaza Reina, 18 Tel: 96 3 155 020 www.restaurantepicofino.com Classy & classic Mediterranean cuisine and tapas on a beautiful terraza in the heart of Valencia. Enjoy exquisitely presented sardines, tuna tapas, quality mussels, salads, croquetas, artichokes, beautiful desserts, and a great selction of Spanish & Italian wines. Cocina mediterranea de mucha calidad con una presentacion equiseta. En el Corazon de Valencia… RACÓ EL FALLERET Guillem de Castro, 114 Tel: 96 064 28 72 REFUGIO RESTAURANTE DEL CARMEN C/ Alta, 42 Tel: 96 391 77 54

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24/ 7 VALENCIA LISTINGS arroz a banda, patatas bravas, ensaladas y más. Cerca de Torres de Serranos.

A warm and authentic Mediterranean fusion restaurant with touches of Asia and a new carta, too. See ‘Something Different’ for more details.


SAN MIGUEL C/ San Miguel, 7 Tel: 963921447/ movil 685893736 Facebook: Restaurante San Miguel Valencia Classy & authentic. In the heart of the historic centre, San Miquel has a tapas bar, a wonderful terrace and authentic traditional cuisine including paella and other rice dishes, quality mediterranean cuisine, warm interior and experienced staff. En pleno centro del Carmen, terraza estupenda, interior cálido, arroces, cocina mediterránea, sangría, vinos y más.

SIDRERIA EL MOLINÓN C/Bolseria, 40 Tel: 963 91 15 38963 Legendary Spanish / Asturian restaurant in the heart of the old town and highly popular with locals. Enjoy Asturian cider and hams, cheeses and steaks from the region. Set on 2 floors , so perfect for groups as well as couples. The real Spain. Restuarante legendario asturiano, español. Quesos, jamones, solomillos, sidra asturiana y más.

28 © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

TASCA EMBRUJO DEL CARMEN C/Juristas, 5 Tel: 96 0 014 584/ 695 478 914 Facebook Embrujo dl Carmen Delightful Spanish restaurant with warm and colourful interior, relaxed terraza and friendly service. Spanish and Andalusian cuisine to savour and just a stone’s throw from the Cathedral in a quiet spot of the centro historico. Live music, paella, friendly service. Cocina española y andaluza para saborear y sólo un tiro de piedra de la Catedral en una zona tranquila del centro historico. Música en vivo, la paella, el servicio amable. TINTOFINO ULTRAMARINO C/ Corretgeria, 38 Tel: 963 154 599 / 636 429 329 Like a fine wine? Oh, that’s superb! Tapas, cheese, and meat too! Tinto fino is a wonderful, classy tapas bar restaurant with an extensive collections of 50 wines from Spain & Italy as well as delicious tapas from the mediterranean. Live acoustic music every Wednesday. TRECE C/ Calatrava, 12 Tel: 667 719 897 www.trece.com Hip new restaurant with mediterranean fusion dishes and original, vintage interior.

YUSO C / de la Cruz, 4 izquierda Tel: 96 315 39 67 The real deal. Valencian chefs and Valencian staff. Superb paella, arròs en fesols i naps, arroz a banda, patatas bravas, salads and more. Near Torres de Serranos. La auténtica cocina valenciana. Arròs en fesols i naps,

COCO PAZZO Conde de Altea, 51 Movil: 717 12 22 35 Set in the cosmopolitan Canovas restaurant where you can enjoy Spanish / Mediterranean tapas and delicious & authentic barbecue ‘parrilladas’ with hamburgers to enjoy too. Good value prices too. PARE PERE Conde Altea, 35 Tel: 96 344 34 76 www.parepere.com Upmarket & very tasty Spanish restaurant with strong Mediterranean influences.

SOMETHING DIFFERENT BODEGA BAR VALERO C/Palleter, 51 (Zona Juna Llorens) Genuine Valencian Bodega off the beaten track with a bohemian atmosphere and popular with an alternative crowd of all ages and open to all. Run by 2 brothers for over 30 years…

BUHOBIO C/ Murillo, 9 Tel: 96 205 73 69 New! Eco-cuisine! Wonderful mix of vegetarian & vegan dishes available, organic fusion, salad dishes and more. Friendly, cosmopolitan staff and arty events attract an open-minded clientele. Just a stone’s throw from Torres de Quart! ¡Nuevo! Eco-cocina! Maravillosa mezcla de platos vegetarianos y veganos disponibles, fusión orgánica, platos de ensalada y más. Personal amable y cosmopolita y eventos arty atraen a una clientela de mente abierta. Sólo un tiro de piedra de las Torres de Quart! CLECTIC OPEN KITCHEN Gran Via Marques del Turia, 63 (Zona Canovas) Tel: 96 322 77 48 clectic.rest Clectic is Open Kitchen. Every day from 9am to 1am. Whatever you want, whenever you want. Healthy cuisine without schedules nor borders. Lunch set 9,90€. Dinner tasting menu 16,90€. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, Brunch, from 4,90€. Every Wednesday night live music Clectic es

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ʻLIKEʼ US ON Open Kitchen. Todos los días, de 9h a 1h. Lo que quieras, cuando quieras. Cocina saludable, sin horarios ni fronteras. Solución comida 9,90. Cena menú degustación 16,90€. Sábados, domingos y festivos, Brunch, desde 4,90€. Todos los miércoles por la noche música en vivo. EL PATIO DE RUZAFA Calle Literato Azorín, 13-Bajo DERECHA Valencia 666 76 64 12 www.facebook.com/elPatiodeRuzafa Restaurant -bar- paella - dinner - products - crafts - drinks - Cineforum - conference banquet - taichi - environmental exposures. El Patio is all this and much more. LA CASA DI SOPHIA Plaza Joan de Vila-Rasa, nº6 – bajo izquierda Telf: 963113412 Healthy cuisine, vintage wallpaper. Arty crowd.

MONTEREY BAR & DISCOS C/ Baja, 46B (Barrio del Carmen) Tel: 96 3917 929 www.montereydiscos.es info@montereydiscos.es www.facebook.com/montereybardiscos montereydiscos.bandcamp.com/ Monday –Friday 17h-01h Saturday 12h-15 / 18h-01.30h Sunday and holidays: 18h-01h Set in the heart of the old town and especially popular with music lovers. Run by friendly owner Victor, a shining light on the scene. Enjoy a beer or coffee, tapas and great music soundtrack. You can also buy vinyl records from their specialist collection including current music and Rock, surf, garage, Psychedelic, Progressive, Folk, Hard Rock, Punk Rock, Power Pop. Occasional acoustic shows. Discos, cañas, copas, discos, tapas, cafe, amigos, cazallas y mas discos! Con las mejores ofertas en Rock, Surf, Garage, Psicodelia, Progresivo, Folk, Hard, 70s, Punk, Punkrock, Power Pop. Tambien bandas actuales. REFUGIO RESTAURANTE DEL CARMEN C/ Alta, 42 Tel: 96 391 7754 The ‘Cooking Revolution’! Refugio is truly a restaurant of the Carmen. Run by a warm, bohemian Valencian couple with years of culinary experience this is now a Mediterranean fusion restaurant with International cuisine. Warm, wooden interior with intimate corners.


AL CANTONET C/ San Tomas, 21 Movil: 677345510 Fantastic and very authentic little tapas/ tasca bar in a hidden corner of the Barrio del Carmen, away from the tourist crowds. Enjoy ham, mushrooms, artichokes, potatoes, cheeses, beers, wines, cocktails and more. Great blues and jazz soundtrack too!

EL OLIVO TABERNA Plaza del Árbol, 4 (end of C/ Baja) Tel: 96 391 70 87 Authentic Spanish tapas in the historic centre. Highly popular with alternative crowd and visitors. Amongst their many specialities you will find artichokes, homemade croquettes, grilled sardines, fried prawns, octopus, cured ham, a selection of cheeses and much more. All tapas are made in the moment, which means you can take your time over a glass of wine or beer. Auténtico bar de tapas español con dueño de familia andaluza con alcachofas, croquetas, sardinas, opciones vegetarianas y mucho más. Popular con gente alternativa, gente del barrio y visitantes. Excelente terraza. KAÑA MAKAN C/ Sueca 61, Ruzafa C/ Explorador Andrés, 24( Plaza Cedro) Tel: 960 15 07 96 www.kanamakan.com Open everyday from 19h - 00.00h Middle Eastern tapas fusion with attractive interior and friendly crowd. LA COMISARÍA (Zona Carmen) Tapas y copas ilegales Pl. Arbol, 5 (corner C/ Baja)

MARCH 16 Tel: 96 391 07 39 www.lacomisaria.com Price per person around 15/22€. Multilingual chef. Quality fusion cuisine.

MAR CUATRO - Tapas & Burguers (Zona Carmen) C/ del Mar, 4 Tel: 96 391 43 50 Great! Valencian owned and run. Just off Plaza Reina so really easy to find. A fresh, modern and relaxing space to enjoy a wide range of quality tapas, gourmet hamburgers, unique and top notch hotdogs, skewer recipes with different tastes and textures. Savour delish desserts in crystal pots that will surprise you for their delicious taste and lovely presentation. This is a vanguard Spanish tapas bar and open to all ages and backgrounds. Expect to pay around 20€. Tapas de calidad, hamburguesas gourmet, pinchos, postres deliciosos, muy cerca de Plaza Reina.

PICNICITY C/Calatrava, 2 (Zona Carmen) Tel: 960 099 900 Email: picnicityvlc@gmail.com Picnicity is a family-run, welcoming and very tasty snack bar with homemade and healthy food, fresh juices, delicious cakes and picnic packs available. Trendy yet warm interior and friendly and experienced staff. Eat in or eat out, this is a great addition to the Barrio del Carmen food scene. Modern yet warm, cosmopolitan & homely. With WiFi. Picnicity es un bar de tapas familiar, acogedor y muy sabroso con comida casera y sana, jugos frescos, deliciosos pasteles y packs de picnic disponibles. Interior atractivo y plantilla con

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experiencia. Moderna pero cálida, cosmopolita y acogedor. Con WiFi. TABERNA ARANDINOS (ZONA CARMEN) C/ de la Cruz, no 1 (Plaza del Angel) Mobile: 639259581 THAI

THAILICIOUS C/ Almirante Cadarso, 6 Tel: 96 3815181 WINE SHOP/VINOTECA

OLIVÍ (ZONA CARMEN) C/ Calatrava nº4 bajo 1º derecha. Tel.: +34 961 05 06 43 / +34 665 01 16 98 Great! Oliví is set in the historic centre, just past Plaza Negrito and a stone’s throw from La Lonja so easy to find.

SHOPPING On the whole, the Carmen clothes shops are more alternative. The Colón stores tend to be high street names. ZONA EL CARMEN

Calle Calatrava 11 Vintage style and creative. LA ROOM C/ Puríssima - Estamenyeria Vella, local 2 (Junto/ next to Tasca Angel) 46001 - (historic downtown) - VALÈNCIA Tel. 962.293.300 / 963.155.813 Mov.656.447.636 MADAME BUGALÚ C/Danzas, 3 Tel: 96 315 44 76 Chic! PANNONICA VINTAGE C/ Baja, 28 Tel: 696 95 10 55 Facebook: Pannonicavintagedeluxe A cosy vintage store where you can find all kinds of little treasures. From fine clothing and Antique accessories to a great selection of Import Jazz on Vinyl. RETROGUSTO COFFEEMATES Mercado Central Plaza Ciudad de Brujas s/n Palcos 169-170 Entrada por C/Palafox, segundo pasillo a la izquierda. Open Monday to Saturday from 7am to 15pm Tel. 637 95 92 70 www.retrogustocoffeemates.com SEBASTIAN MELMOTH C/ San Fernando, 17 Zona Centro (near Mercado Central) email: sebastianmelmoth@hotmail.com SOHO DEL CARMEN Calle Derechos 33, Valencia Tel: 96 391 2463 TRIXIE’S VINTAGE EMPORIUM C/ D’Ercilla, 1 (next to Plaza Dr Collado) Vintage, quality clothes. BRITISH SUPERMARKET

New opening hours. Monday –Sunday 10h-14.30h Wednesday to Friday 16.30h – 20.00h Lunes a domingo desde 10 hasta 14:30 Y también tardes miércoles y viernes desde 16:30 hasta 20:00


Levante CC are a new cricket club based in Valencia that have regular league games with teams throughout Spain and also welcome touring sides to the city. The club train most Thursday evenings at the Camp de Beisbol in the riverbed, start time 8pm. New members welcome. www.levantecc.com Jason: 654071182 Barry: 652291897 GIFT SHOP

ALOE VERA Pl. Vicente Iborra, 3 Tel: 96 3926183 www.labotigadelaloe.es Since 2001 we have been making natural cosmetic products that are certified Aloe Vera and with the highest standards of quality. Products without parrafin or petroleum derivatives or parabens nor are they tested on animals. Distribution available. Recently, we have incorporated Bach Flower remedies and Aromatherapy. Our philosophy is “be the change you want to see in the world.” Desde el 2001 creando productos de cosmetica natural con Aloe Vera certificado y 
con los mas altos estandares de calidad. Productos sin parafinas ni derivados 
del petroleo, sin parabenos y no testados en animales. Distribucion y venta al 
menor. En la epoca mas reciente hemos integrado las Flores de Bach y 
Aromaterapia. Nuestra filosofi­a es "Sé el cambio que quieres ver en el mundo". Tienda de Aloe Vera con buen servicio. COLLA MONLLEÓ CERAMISTES Plaza Redonda, no 11 -12 Tel: 96 392 30 43 Facebook Colla Monlleó EL MONSTRUO


SWEET HOME Plaza Jaime Roig, 1 Mobile:620 291 855 Email: sweethomeliria@gmail.com Facebook sweethomeliria New supermarket in Lliria with quality British food including Quorn, Marmite, Golden Syrup, Linda McCartney veggie burgers, Yorkshire tea and so much more! There are Polish, Romanian, Bulgarian and French choices too. Nuevo supermercado en Lliria con comida británica de calidad, incluyendo Quorn, Marmite, Sirope, hamburguesas vegetarianas Linda McCartney, Té de Yorkshire y mucho más! Hay también productos polacos, rumanos, búlgaros y franceses.

CASA MONET C/ Serranos, 36 bajo izquierda Tel: 96 3127532 / Movil: 696 397 225 Email: casamonet@hotmail.com www.yessy.com/vkieski Looking for original presents over the festive season? Check out one of Valencia’s most original gift shops. Run by entertaining Londoner Vladmir Ksieski, a distinctive artist who also has his own paintings for sale at the shop. He has been based in Valencia for the last 35 years. English and Spanish spoken. Easy


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ʻLIKEʼ US ON to find as it is very near to the famous Torres de Serranos! Arte y regalos y complementos. HAIR SALON


Lunes y martes de 10 a 19, miércoles y jueves de 14 a 22, viernes de 10 a 22, sábado 9:30 a 14. Peluquería en pleno corazón de Russafa con un estillo muy personal. Sin duda encontrarás lo que buscas. Utilizamos productos naturales que respetan el medio ambiente. Además es un espacio inquieto que te ofrece exposiciones, música en directo y más... HEALTH

LA NIÑA LOS PEINES (Zona Carmen) C/ Santo Tomas, 24 Tel: 96 392 52 82 Fantastic hair salon that is renowned in the city where highly experienced professional experts get to the essence of each person’s head of hair for the cut you are truly looking for. Combining health, pleasure and imagination there are a wide range of services, cuts, colours, styles available. They are make up experts who have worked with a number of film directors, designers and photographers too. There is also an erotic corner for customers… “La Niña Los Peines mueve las tijeras y zapatea, afina el tono de los colores cuidadosamente, mima tu melena mientras te la modela al ritmo de tus deseos. Y en el gabinete de belleza te arregla de la cabeza a los piés. Calidad Schwarzkopf, trabajo cuidado y trato personal ¡Óle!”

CENTRO URANIUM www.centrouranium.com uranium.sirio@gmail.com C/Quart 101, bajo, Valencia. Sirio Simó Calatayud Movil: 676 758 709 This is an alternative health centre with classes including Yoga, Chikung, Tarot, massage therapy and training including Reiki. Run by the highly trained and experienced Sirio. Massage bienestar, salud y espiritualidad Formación y Sesiones de Reiki Astrológico y Unitario Sesiones de Masaje y Terapia Holística Formación y Sesiones de Astrología y Tarot Clases de Yoga y ChikungYoga (Kundalini, Hatha y Terapeutico), Meditación Creativa,Taichi y Chikung (Clases y Formación para ser profesor) y mas… GABINETE DE MEDICINA NATURAL C/ Albacete 1 pta2 (next to Plaza España) Mari Trini Romeu is a specialist in treatment for physical, psychic, emotional & spiritual pain and mental illnesses. Natural therapies, Bach flower treatment, Massage. Mari Trini es una especialista en Bionoeuroemoción, Terapias Naturales, Flores de Bach, Masajes. Tratamiento por dolencias y enfermedades fisicas, trastornos psiquicos y emocionales. By appointment Tel: 96 2555727/ Movil: 625 799 330 Email. maritriniromeu@gmail.com www.gabinetemedicinanatural.com PILATES CLASSES Movil: 687605722 Personal Trainers specialising in Pilates techniques for single or double classes. Reformer in our studio or at your home. Marta & Mike. HOSTELS

HOME (Zona Carmen) Pl. Vicente Iborra Tel: 96 391 37 97 C/ La Lonja, 4 Tel: 96 391 62 29 www.likeathome.net Two of the funkiest hostels in town, set in the heart of the centro histórico. JOAN SANTAMARIA PERRUQUER Zona Ruzafa. C/ Literat Azorín 17 baix. Tel: 963 801 443 www.joansantamariaperruquer.com Hairdresser for men and women. Set in the hip barrio of Ruzafa. Personalized styles, you will find what you are looking for! Natural products that respect the environment. Monday to Tuesday 10 -19h / wednesday to Thursday 14h -22h/ friday 10 -22h / Saturday 9.30h - 14h. Special place with art exhibitions, live acoustic gigs and more…


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HOSTAL ANTIGUA MORELLANA (Zona Carmen) C/ En Bou, 2 Tel: 96 391 57 73 www.hostalam.com SINGLE/ INDIVIDUAL 40€ (IVA included/ Incluido) DOUBLE/ DOBLE 50€ (IVA included/ incluido) Lovely hostel in the heart of the old centre with comfortable rooms, good service and all modern conveniences. HOSTAL EL RINCÓN (ZONA CARMEN) C/ Carda 11 Tel: 96 391 79 98 / 96 391 60 83 Single: 10-13€, Double: 18-24€ QUART YOUTH HOSTEL C/ Guillem de Castro, 64 Tel: 96 3 270 101 www.quarthostel.com THE RIVER HOSTEL VALENCIA (Zona Carmen) www.riverhostelvalencia.com Plaza del Temple, 6 Tel: 96 391 39 55 HOTELS

HOTEL LAS ARENAS ***** Eugenia Viñes 22-24 Tel. 963 120 600 HOTEL MELIÁ VALENCIA PALACIO DE CONGRESOS***** Avenida Cortes Valencianas, 52 Tel: 902 14 44 40 LOTELITO VALENCIA ROOMS & BAR Rooms/ Apartments/Free Wi-Fi C/ Virues, 6 (corner C/Barcas) Tel: 96 306 09 30 www.lotelito.com Neptuno **** C/ Paseo de Neptuno, 2 Tel: 96 356 77 77 www.hotelneptunovalencia.com Petit Palace Germanías *** C/ Sueca, 14 Tel: 96 351 36 38 www.petitpalacehotelgermanias.com PURPLE NEST HOSTEL VALENCIA Plaza Tetuan, 5 Tel: (34) 96 353 25 61 www.purplenesthostel.com RED NEST HOSTEL VALENCIA Calle de La Paz, 36 Tel: (34) 96 3 427 168 www.rednesthostel.com SERCOTEL SOROLLA PALACE**** Av.de las Cortes Valencianas,58

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46015 Valencia (ESPAÑA) Tel: 961 868 700 Fax: 96 186 87 05 www.hotelsorollapalace.com LANGUAGE SCHOOLS

great resources for students and language teachers alike. For the expat, its bargain section of new (not used) books for children and adults is continually being updated. En Let's Talk English Centre encontrarás una academia de inglés única en Valencia por su metodología, uso de las nuevas tecnologías y nuestro compromiso de mejora continua en la enseñanza del idioma. Confía en un centro preparador oficial Cambridge ESOL para conseguir tu certificado oficial A2, B1, B2, C1, C2. Más información en www.letstalk.es. PROPERTY

C/ Doctor Modesto Cogollos 6 y 8, Valencia 46021.

GLENBURN SCHOOL OF ENGLISH C/ Doctor Modesto Cogollos 6 y 8 Tel: 96 393 35 88 www.glenburnschool.com English school with welcoming atmosphere and experienced native staff offers courses at all levels for adults and children and prepares students for FCE, proficiency and E.O.I. exams. Offers Spanish for foreigners, French and German. Excellent translation. Academia inglesa de calidad con profesores nativos y cursos para niños y adultos a todos los niveles. También castellano, francés, alemán. Traducciones excelentes. Preparación exámenes. LET’S TALK C/ Avenida Reino de Valencia, 13 izq Tel: 96 332 81 28 www.letstalk.es Let's Talk English Centre is a thriving English language academy located in downtown Valencia just off the Gran Vía. As a Cambridge ESOL accredited centre and a member of the British Council Membership Partner Program (Advantage), Let's Talk provides courses from the A1-C2 level. With its innovative reservation APP, students can work on specific skill sets (conversation, grammar, writing, oral exam formats...) and create their own schedule. The APP allows total flexibility for the student that wants to customize their learning experience. ‘Let’s Talk’ is associated with Rana Books, a fully stocked English language bookstore with

THIS IS VALENCIA Tel: 622 230 597 www.thisisvalencia.com info@thisisvalencia.com We have a relocation and property service. Flats, houses and chalets for sale and to rent within a 30km radius of the city. Let us know what you are looking for, chances are we will already have something to suit on our books - but if we don’t we’ll find it for you. VALENCIA PROPERTY Tel: 96 166 28 92 www.valencia-property.com www.houses-for-sale-in-spain.net information@valencia-property.com Finding you more than just a home in Valencia. Get the lifestyle information too.

WWW.THISISVALENCIA.COM thisisvalencia.com is the finest independent guide to the city and beyond with a wealth of information about the city and countryside of Valencia, exclusive interviews, updates, blog, forum and more! Recommended by ‘The Times’ and ‘Lonely Planet’.

TURIA ESTUDIO DE GRABACIÓN / TURIA RECORDING STUDIOS C/Hernán Cortés bajo, Alfafar (Valencia) https://m.facebook.com › turia.degrabacion


664 638 395 nacho@bellverbarreno.com

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Movil: 659084936-Jordi Email: Turiajordi@gmail.com The excellent Turia Recording Studios includes a recording room, control room, and a rest room. It is equipped with the very latest technology in a welcoming and professional atmosphere. Our technical team has many years of professional experience, with 17 years of quality recording work to show for. Turia Estudio de Grabación cuenta con una pecera, una sala de control y una sala de descanso. Equipados con la última tecnología, donde se respira una gran profesionalidad. Nuestro equipo técnico cuenta con una larga trayectoria profesional, 17 años que avalan la calidad de nuestros trabajos.


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CLINICA VETERINARIA MANDOR Plaza de la estacion n5, (next to train station), La Eliana, 46183 info@veterinarioslaeliana.es Facebook Centro Veterinario Mandor. For appointments, tel: 962741772, 626487281 Monday-Friday 10.30h - 14h / 17h 20.30h. Saturday 10.30h - 13.30h. Dental cleaning.Has your dog got this smile? Full veterinary services. GOOD ENGLISH SPOKEN (13 years working in the UK), vet Victoria Gallego Perez speaks English & Spanish.Veterinario con mucha experiencia al lado de estación de tren de L' Eliana.

Photos © 2016 Víctor Aranda / 24/7 Valencia

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Gary Neville’s dislike of the January transfer window is well-documented and this was reflected in Valencia’s lack of trade over winter… despite a string of disappointing results. However, in mid-February, he did make a signing that could make an impact and change Valencia’s fortunes for the better in the latter part of the season. He acquired the services of the former Liverpool coach Pako Ayestarán to his first team staff. The Basque had previously been at Valencia from 20012004 under the golden years of Rafa Benítez, and more recently was in charge of Maccabi Tel Aviv, when they did the domestic treble in Israel last season. The appointment was roundly applauded by the fans and the media, and it helped to deflect some of the anger and frustration still lingering in Valencia at the 7-0 drubbing at the hands of Barcelona in the first leg of the Copa del Rey and the insipid league performance in Seville that saw Los Chés lose 1-0 to Betis.

Just prior to Pako's appointment, Valencia had drawn the return leg with Barca in a spirited performance at Mestalla, and then given Neville his first win in La Liga with a crucial 2-1 victory over struggling Espanyol. Pako’s first appearance on the team bench in a competitive match coincided with undoubtedly Valencia’s best performance of the season. The opponents were Rapid Vienna in the Europa League and the hapless Austrians were 5-0 down in just over 30 minutes of play, as los blanquinegres played the kind of football that gained them a Champions League spot last season. The confidence Valencia received from the early goal from Santi Mina in the fourth minute relaxed the whole team and the tie was effectively over when Parejo, Mina again, Negredo and André Gomes added further goals in quick succession. Valencia added a sixth a minute from time, through Rodrigo, to give Gary Neville the perfect 41st birthday present. Ayestarán’s influence should not be underestimated in the upturn in Valencia’s form. However, the return of Diego Alves in goal after a sickening injury and the pace of winger Denis Cheryshev have also been major factors.

Stand-in keepers Jaume Domènech and Matthew Ryan have both performed admirably in the absence of Alves, but the Brazilian international is one of the best shot-stoppers in the world and he seems to have a presence that settles the defenders in front of him. Cheryshev’s directness and electric pace have already created goals and the winning header he scored against Espanyol has already made him a firm favourite with the Curva Nord. His public announcement that he wants to stay with the club once his season loan from Real Madrid expires further enhanced his popularity amongst the fans. Both Alves and Cheryshev started the tricky encounter with Granada in Andalusia and were instrumental in bringing maximum points back to Valencia. The 2-1 victory in Granada was then followed by another positive performance in Europe. A clinical display in Vienna saw Valencia claim another convincing victory and post an aggregate score of 10-0 against Rapid. Valencia returned home to focus on their weekend home game with Athletic Bilbao. Prior to the weekend game, Valencia learned that the Basques would be their

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next opponents in the last 16 of the Europa League. Valencia started lively and had golden chances to break the deadlock through Negredo in the first half and Alcácer in the second before Bilbao scored three goals in a seven-minute spell. The result did not reflect the performance but did highlight that the team are still not at the level they were last season in front of goal.

Griezmann then broke the deadlock with a

drilled shot into the bottom corner halfway

through the first half, but within five minutes Valencia were back on par thanks to another goal by Cheryshev.

Atlético started to dominate in the second half and their class began to show as the

game wore on. It was no surprise when

Torres restored the lead for the visitors

March started with a midweek game in Málaga and once again Valencia notched up three points from their travels. Falling behind to an early goal, the visitors equalised just before half-time when the Málaga goalkeeper inexplicably palmed a cross into his own goal when seemingly under no pressure at all. After the match, Cheryshev had the decency or picardía to admit that he had stepped on the keeper’s foot “accidentally”.

and they capped off a fine performance

Valencia’s winning goal was a peach. Gomes weaved inside from the touchline before unleashing a cross-field pass into the path of Cheryshev. The Russian took one touch to control it, and then hit the ball crisply with a cross-field drive that gave the goalkeeper no chance.

it out at the foot of the table. With only one

The next game was against the highriding Atlético Madrid and the Valencia fans were once again hopeful of a positive performance. The Mestalla was in full voice from the start as Valencia matched the Madrid outfit in the opening exchanges.

with a third goal in the closing minutes of

domingo 06 marzo Real Sociedad – Levante 18.15h Valencia – Atlético 20.30h jueves 10 marzo Europa League Athletic Bilbao - Valencia 21.05h domingo 13 marzo Levante – Valencia 12.00h jueves 17 marzo Europa League Valencia – Athletic Bilbao 19.00h sábado 19 marzo Deportivo - Levante 20.30h domingo 20 marzo Valencia – Celta 18.15h w/e 3 abril Levante – Sporting Las Palmas – Valencia w/e 10 abril Valencia – Sevilla Betis - Levante VALENCIA CF Mestalla stadium, Aragón/Facultats metro, lots of buses incl. 9, 10, 12, 29, 30, 31, 32, 41, 79, 80. Tickets on sale from the stadium, club shop, Valenciacf.com (commissionfree), La Caixa and selected tobacconists. LEVANTE UD Ciudad de Valencia stadium, 11/70 bus, Machado metro, Estadi del Llevant tram. Tickets available at ground on matchday and in advance from Levanteud.com (commission-free).

the game.

Despite back-to-back home losses, the fight and desire seems to have returned

to Valencia’s performances and the fans

remain optimistic that things will start to click at home as well as away real soon.

Levante UD, meanwhile, continue to tough

win in their last seven games things are

beginning to look gloomy for Los Granotas. John Howden Anyone wishing to watch football in

Valencia can obtain tickets from the box

offices of both clubs. Further information can be found on the following websites. www.valenciacf.com www.levanteud.com


Levante UD Photo © / Valencia CF Photos © Valencia Club de Fútbol / Article © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

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FALLAS IN VALENCIA Photos © Víctor Aranda García 24/ 7 Valencia 2016 Móvil: 600 336 126 www.victorarandagarcia.es

All photos Víctor Aranda García © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

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C/Pie de la Cruz, 8 Movil: 622 131 746







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EASTER AT THE BEACH All that remains of the old Barcelona railway tracks, which used to cut off the Cabanyal and the other sea front areas from the rest of the city, are a few spaghetti western style stations in Boulevard de la Serreria. The lines now go underground but the years of separation have meant that the “Poblados Maritimos” have always seemed to try to do their own thing. The city of Valencia doesn’t really go for it at Easter. The big destinations at this time of year are Andalusia and Castille, whose Holy week processions are famous all over the world. Valencia is only just recovering from its own mass festival and everyone seems to be completely Fallased-out. While the rest of city is scrambling to get out to the mountains for a bit of detox and nature, Article © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

you may find it’s all happening down at the beach. There are more than 20 different Cofradias or brotherhoods in the Cabanyal who work together to organise the Semana Santa Marinera with impressive names such as Hermandad de Vestas del Santisimo Cristo del Buen Acierto or as its translated on their web site “the hooded brotherhood of the Saintly Christ of the wise move”. Many of their members have only just folded up their Fallas gear and put away their bangers for next year but, being Valencians, this doesn’t in anyway dampen their enthusiasm to start getting dressed up and parading round the streets all over again at the drop of a pointy hat. Valencian seaside folk have a reputation for ploughing their own furrow and that doesn’t stop at supporting Levante UD football team, eating battered pescaditos

by the ton and protesting against the extension of Blasco Ibañez, a battle they have finally won. In Andalusia Semana Santa is an explosion of flowers and icons, a colourful orgy of very public grief. In Castille, Easter processions are dark reverential celebrations of sombre piety. In the streets of the Cabanyal, it’s a particularly Valencian take on the whole thing. There’s no doubting the religious devotion of the Cabanyal Cofradias and there’s a definite attempt to keep it suitably solemn, but here things tend to be a little more playful and colloquial and, this being Valencia, it’s all rounded off with the ubiquitous big firework display. First and foremost, peculiar to the Cabanyal, the emphasis is not on the pain and suffering of the Passion, it’s much more of a sort of Resurrection cavalcade. The icons are brought out for procession,

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but not for the Valencians the honour, as in other parts of Spain, of carrying the crushingly heavy wooden models on their shoulders through narrow streets, here they prefer to put the things on wheels and swan along behind them in their Sunday best. The procession trails down the Calle de la Reina to the sound of traditional music and muted bass drum. While there are a suitable quota of Nazarenes (those blokes who look like medieval wizards dressed in long capes and cone-shaped hats and hoods), Valencians soon realised it was much more fun to dress up as a Roman soldier or a crusader. While there might be the odd Centurian in processions elsewhere, in the Cabanyal there seem to be whole legions of them. In fact any biblical character will do including generously bearded Herods and scantily clad Salomes all of them local people with fathers and mothers passing down their part to their sons and daughters. There are games for the kids and much waving and posing for photos for the watching neighbours and families. Then it’s off to the bar for a paella where you might find Pontius Pilate at a table having a well-earned beer with Barrabas or Mary Magdalene

and Judas sharing a plate of calamares. On Saturday night there’ll be a Castillo by a local pyrotechnician.

The 19th international kite festival called

One curious aspect is that some Cofradias have the right to ask for the release of a prisoner. The powers that be consider each petition and a prisoner is released who then takes part in the procession. The Cofradias usually put forward a minor criminal from the local community. It is of course no reflection on the area that in the Cabanyal they always seem to have plenty of candidates to choose from. One story goes of a local lad who was doing time for burglary in Madrid and was then released and paraded round the streets to the great embarrassment of his mother who had told all the neighbours he was away working in Asturias…

Easter on the 2nd and 3rd of April 2016

In Valencia, to everything there is a season and Easter it is the time for flying kites. The best place for this is Malvarrosa. The sky is awash with the things over Easter weekend and the beach is littered with bored kids waiting for their dads to stop hogging the string and let them have a go or at least let them go home and play on their playstations.

“Festival Internacional del Viento” will take place at Malvarrosa the week after with teams taking part from all over Europe (UK, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Greece, France, Belgium…) and the rest of the world, well, someone’s coming from New Zealand. Then of course everybody forgets about kites again until next year. No celebration would be complete without its typical food and at Easter Valencians eat Panquemados, Mona de Pascua, a sweet cake in the shape of an animal decorated with dyed boiled eggs and longaniza de pascua, similar to a pepperami in size and shape but not as spicy or oily and it isn’t made entirely of rubber and cardboard. These are usually “enjoyed” in the open air as a sort of midafternoon picnic often at the beach. So, if the weather’s nice get yourself down to the Poblados Maritimos this Easter. If it rains all weekend (as is usually the case) stay at home and watch TV! David Rhead and José Marín Article © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

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600 A.D. The music and culture of the gitanos highly influenced the culture of Al-Andalus in Spain and North Africa. Flamenco, the heart of gypsy culture, is a mixture of the various European and Asian influences which forms the rich history of Andalusia and southern Spain.

What are your plans for 2016?

How does living in Spain compare to India?

love music because it has no colour, no

Music has been in my family for 12 generations. Our ancestors used to perform at the Royal Courts of Maharajas in Rajasthan. I studied music at the ‘Rajasthan Sangeet Sansthan’ and I play sitar, tabla and other ancient instruments including morchang (like a jaw harp), kartal (like castanets), bhapang and more.

In Spain, I feel like I am at home! Spanish cuisine, the warm weather, the noise and happy-go-lucky atmosphere reminds me of India in many ways. There are also many Gypsies in Spain who share a similar culture to the Gypsies in India.

Facebook Manu Khalwa

I am an eclectic musician and experienced singer and I am often on tour around Europe and India. My repertoire is quite varied: traditional songs, ghazals (love songs), bhajans and Qawwalis, which are Sufi songs…

I am a member of two Indian orchestras: ‘Bollywood Maharaja’ is an orchestra where the musicians perform Bollywood film songs with Indian instruments and the dancers dance to the live music. My other group is ‘Bassant – The Gypsies of Rajasthan.’ We perform traditional folkloric songs like sapera with a dancer who dances in the style of a snake. We also have a fakir who performs with swords and fire-eating. We tour Europe throughout the year.

Tell us something background.



I come from a family of musicians from Rajasthan in India. I am a musician and singer and my aim is to make Indian music more familiar to the ears of Westerners.

What is the connection between India and the Gypsies of Spain? The Gypsies (gitanos) emigrated from northern India. This includes Punjab and Rajasthan, possibly as early as Article © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

My plan is to share my music and culture with people of Spain. I would love to work with local musicians in Valencia and other parts of Spain to create new projects and concepts around music. I religion and no boundaries… Email: manwar.khalwa@gmail.com www.bollywoodmaharaja.com

Tell us about your ‘Bollywood’ theatre company…


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BLACK NOTE: Ricardo Sierra en acústica (pop) 23.30h Gratis. RADIO CITY: Esther Garcés, Manuel Serena, José Antonio Torres y Amaro Carmona (flamenco) 22.30h 15€ con reserva. WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 2

EL LOCO: Will Hoge 21.30h 12€ (anticipada) / 15€ (taquilla). JIMMY GLASS: Carlos Martín Sextet (jazz) 20.45h 18€ Aforo Limitado. RADIO CITY: Reggae Jam Session 22.30 / Jamrock DJ Session 24.00h Gratis. THURSDAY / JUEVES 3

BLACK NOTE: Electric Animal Party (soul – R&B) 23.30h 2€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Leo Molina, Yuske Saegusa, Juanma Maya, Rafael Vargas ‘El Chino’ y José A. de Torres (flamenco) 23.00h. JIMMY GLASS: Piano / Vocal Duo Session con Nesrine Belmokh y Alfie Copovi (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición Aforo Limitado. 16 TONELADAS: Fuzillis 22.30h 7€ / 10€. VÍBORA: DJ session (rock ‘n’ roll) 23.00h. FRIDAY / VIERNES 4

BLACK NOTE: Second Coming (tributo a Police) + DJ Javi Box 23.30h 5€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Leo Molina, Yuske Saegusa, Juanma Maya, Rafael Vargas ‘El Chino’ y José A. de Torres (flamenco) 23.00h. EL LOCO: Saltitos + Laverge 22.30h 7€ con consumición. GONG: Three Pack en concierto + DJ Session 22.00h Gratis. JIMMY GLASS: Sebastián Laverde / Timotej Kotnik Quintet (jazz) 22.30h – 01.00h 4€ consumición. LA3: La1: Kimberly i Clark + RedMoon / Oven: Soak 01.30h. LA RAMBLETA: Imagination en concierto + DJLucky + DJ Manolo Mínguez + DJ Nacho Rodríguez + … 23.00 40€. RADIO CITY: Woman in Reggae (versiones reggae) 22.00h 10€ // DJ Session 24.00h Gratis. 16 TONELADAS: Fogbound + Thee Vertigos 23.00h 8€ / 10€. WAH-WAH: New Raemon (con banda) + Xarim Aresté 22.30h 12€ / 15€. SATURDAY / SÁBADO 5 Agenda © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Leo Molina, Yuske Saegusa, Juanma Maya, Rafael Vargas ‘El Chino’ y José A. de Torres (flamenco) 23.00h. EL LOCO: Deserie 20.00h Gratis // Gandules 23.00h 10€ / 12€. GONG: DJ BarDo Pyschedelic Vibes & Funky Beats Session 23.00h Gratis. JIMMY GLASS: Santi Navalón Trio (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición. LA3: La1: TV Monsters/ OhMyCat + Kid Rizzo / Oven: Avalon Emerson + Gregori / La2: Jamoner DJs & Eterno 01.30h. RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. 16 TONELADAS: Crazy Cavan & Rhythm Rockers + Patri & the Greasers 23.00h 22€ / 25€. WAH-WAH: Who’s Next 23.00h 5€. SUNDAY / DOMINGO 6

BLACK NOTE: Ghana Kenté Festival (African) 18.00h 10€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Leo Molina, Yuske Saegusa, Juanma Maya, Rafael Vargas ‘El Chino’ y José A. de Torres (flamenco) 20.00h. MONDAY / LUNES 7

RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. TUESDAY / MARTES 8

RADIO CITY: Yuske Saegusa, Dani de Francisco, Paco Saavedra y Alba Díaz (flamenco) 22.30h 15€ con reserva. WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 9

BLACK NOTE: Jam Black (jam session) 23.30h Gratis. EL LOCO: Sven Hammond 22.00h 12€ / 15€. JIMMY GLASS: Antonio Serrano / Albert Sanz (jazz) 20.45h 12€ Aforo Limitado. THURSDAY / JUEVES 10

BLACK NOTE: Tributo a Bauhaus & Cure (Goth – post punk) 23.30h 2€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Rosa Sanz, Yolanda López, Javier Calderón ‘El Tete’ y Manuel Reyes (flamenco) 23.00h. EL LOCO: Francis White 21.30h 6€. JIMMY GLASS: Duo Session con Amadeo Moscardó y Miquel Álvarez (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición Aforo Limitado. RADIO CITY: Micro Abierto / Open Mic Night + DJ Session 22.30h Gratis. WAH-WAH: Les Grys-Grys + Los Glurps!! 22.00h 5€. FRIDAY / VIERNES 11

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Rosa Sanz, Yolanda López, Javier Calderón ‘El Tete’ y Manuel Reyes (flamenco) 23.00h. EL LOCO: Hora del Té + Odd Cherry Pie 22.30h 5€. GONG: Rock Absoluto DJ

Session ‘60s & ‘70s Rock 23.00h Gratis. JIMMY GLASS: Llobarros ITN Sextet (jazz) 22.30h – 01.00h 4€ consumición. LA3: Bearoid live + Second DJs + Katz DJs / Gregori + Darío / La2: 01.30h. RADIO CITY: B Jam Session (jam session) 22.30h Gratis. 16 TONELADAS: Fleshtones 23.00h 15€ / 18€. JARDINES VIVEROS: Concierto Fallas con Maldita Nerea + Efecto Pasillo + Funkiwis 20.00h (Gratis con invitación). WAH-WAH: Boys from Mars (tributo a David Bowie) 23.00h 9€. SATURDAY / SÁBADO 12

BLACK NOTE: Killer Karaoke Band 23.30h 3€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Rosa Sanz, Yolanda López, Javier Calderón ‘El Tete’ y Manuel Reyes (flamenco) 23.00h. EL LOCO: Jesse Malin + Don DiLego + Trapper Schoepp 22.30h 15€ / 18€. GONG: DJ BarDo Pyschedelic Vibes & Funky Beats Session 23.00h Gratis. JIMMY GLASS: David Minguillón & Rycardo Moreno Duo (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición. LA3: Ley DJ + Innmir DJ / Karetus (desde Portugal) + Beauty Brain + Qwert / Raul Zapata 01.30h. RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. 16 TONELADAS: Gran Quivira + Undersubs + Rosy Finch 22.30h Gratis. VÍBORA: DJ session (rock ‘n’ roll) 23.00h. WAH-WAH: Linqae + Eguala 22.30h 6€. SUNDAY / DOMINGO 13

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Rosa Sanz, Yolanda López, Javier Calderón ‘El Tete’ y Manuel Reyes (flamenco) 20.00h. MONDAY / LUNES 14

RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. TUESDAY / MARTES 15

EL LOCO: Stevie Klasson’s Black Weeds 22.00h 12€ / 15€. GONG: Gong on Fire Tardeos con DJ BarDo 17.30h Gratis. JIMMY GLASS: Birth of the Cool Tribute II (jazz, nonet ) 23.30h 16€ Aforo Limitado. RADIO CITY: Sergio Martínez y Su Gente (flamenco) 22.30h 15€ con reserva. WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 16

BLACK NOTE: Jam Black (jam session) 23.30h Gratis. EL LOCO: Giuda + Fronkonstin 22.00h 12€ / 15€. GONG: Gong on Fire Tardeos con DJ BarDo 17.30h Gratis. RADIO CITY: Jamrock DJ Session 24.00h Gratis.

twentyfoursevenvalencia 47 THURSDAY / JUEVES 17

GONG: Gong on Fire Tardeos con Dúo Santiamón 17.30h Gratis. LA3: Green Velvet (desde EEUU) / Diógenes y Rocket DJs 01.30h. RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. FRIDAY / VIERNES 18

GONG: Gong on Fire Tardeos con Sotos en concierto 18.00h Gratis. LA3: Zombie Kids + Wise Men Project / Future Proof (desde Alemania) + Averno + Fernando / Golden Flamingo 01.30h. RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. 16 TONELADAS: “Baby Son Fallas” con DJ Divino + DJ Pepe Twang 02.00h 6€ con cerveza. VÍBORA: DJ session (rock ‘n’ roll) 23.00h. SATURDAY / SÁBADO 19

BLACK NOTE: D.R.I.V.E. (rock) 23.30h Gratis. GONG: Gong on Fire Tardeos con DJ BarDo 17.30h Gratis. LA3: Bilbadino + Luiliminili + FaceRadio / Pizzicatto + Sergio Máñez 01.30h. RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. 16 TONELADAS: Orkesta Paraiso + Aizu (tributo a Kortatu) 01.00h 7€ / 10€. VÍBORA: DJ session (rock ‘n’ roll) 23.00h. SUNDAY / DOMINGO 20

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Isabel Julve, Ana Lloris, Júlia Gimeno y Kike Naval (flamenco) 20.00h. RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis.

Kike Naval (flamenco) 23.00h. GONG: Velvet Smooth DJs Funk, Rare Grooves & ‘70s Session 23.00h Gratis. JIMMY GLASS: Duo Session con Thaïs Morell y Alberto Palau (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición. RADIO CITY: Micro Abierto / Open Mic Night + DJ Session 22.30h Gratis. FRIDAY / VIERNES 25

BLACK NOTE: Alba Santos (jazz – Brazilian) 23.30h 5€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Isabel Julve, Ana Lloris, Júlia Gimeno y Kike Naval (flamenco) 23.00h. GONG: DJ BarDo Pyschedelic Vibes & Funky Beats Session 23.00h Gratis. JIMMY GLASS: Toxydoll Quartet (jazz) 22.30h – 01.00h 4€ consumición Aforo Limitado. LA3: Rubén Thrax + Kid Rizzo 01.30h. RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. SATURDAY / SÁBADO 26

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Isabel Julve, Ana Lloris, Júlia Gimeno y Kike Naval (flamenco) 23.00h. GONG: Number 2 & Frankie Pinchadiscos 100% Black DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. JIMMY GLASS: Paulinha Cánovas Trio (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición. LA3: FaceRadio + Wear DJs / Deepers 01.30h. RADIO CITY: MIDI Jam (jam electrónica ) 22.30h Gratis // DJ Session 24.00h Gratis. VÍBORA: DJ session (rock ‘n’ roll) 23.00h.



RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis.

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Ana Lloris, Júlia Gimeno (flamenco) 20.00h. LA3: Rita con Camela 01.30h. DJ Session 23.00h Gratis.


JIMMY GLASS: Jorge Rossy Vibes Quintet (jazz) 20.45h 30€ Aforo Limitado. RADIO CITY: José ‘El Metralla’, Sandra Ruíz, Ricardo Bustamante y Alba Díaz (flamenco) 22.30h 15€ con reserva.

Isabel Julve, y Kike Naval Que Trabaje RADIO CITY:


RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis.



GONG: Manuel Ramodne DJ Soul, R&B & ‘60s Session 23.00h Gratis. LA3: Fuck & Destroy + Wise Men Project / XDB (desde Alemania) + Darío Méndez 01.30h. RADIO CITY: Reggae Jam Session 22.30 / Jamrock DJ Session 24.00h Gratis. 16 TONELADAS: Betunizer 23.00h 7€ / 10€

JIMMY GLASS: Zenya Strigalev’s Never Group (jazz) 20.45h 17€ Aforo Limitado. RADIO CITY: Manuel Serena, Ana Lloris, Ricardo Bustamante y Tomás de los Cariño (flamenco) 22.30h 15€ con reserva.


BLACK NOTE: Los Guapos Eléctricos (pop) 23.30h 3€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Isabel Julve, Ana Lloris, Júlia Gimeno y

BLACK NOTE: Creaminales (soul – funk) 23.30h 3€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Manuel Serena, Lydia Reyes, Tomás de los Cariño y José A. de Torres (flamenco) 23.00h. EL LOCO: Frank Turner & Sleeping Souls + Ducking Punches 20.30h 18€ / 23€. JIMMY GLASS: Duo Session con Peter Connolly y Chris Attwell (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición. 16 TONELADAS: Kalles Kaviar + Golden Singles 22.00h 9€ / 12€.



BLACK NOTE: Incompetencia + Vucaque + Old Strings (rock) 23.00h 3€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Manuel Serena, Lydia Reyes, Tomás de los Cariño y José A. de Torres (flamenco) 23.00h. EL LOCO: BellRays 22.30h 18€ / 22€. JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en concierto 22.30h – 01.00h 4€ consumición. RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. 16 TONELADAS: Excitements 23.00h 4€ con consumición. VÍBORA: DJ session (rock ‘n’ roll) 23.00h. WAH-WAH: Nacarum Big Band (soul / R&B) 22.30h 5€. SATURDAY / SÁBADO 2

BLACK NOTE: La Chamana (tributo a Chavela Vargas) 23.30h 5€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Manuel Serena, Lydia Reyes, Tomás de los Cariño y José A. de Torres (flamenco) 23.00h. JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en concierto 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición. LA3: DJs 01.30h. 16 TONELADAS: Dúo Caifás (plays Jesucristo Superstar) + Sesión Gólgota 23.00h 6€ con cerveza. SUNDAY / DOMINGO 3

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Manuel Serena, Lydia Reyes, Tomás de los Cariño y José A. de Torres (flamenco) 20.00h. MONDAY / LUNES 4

RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis.



BLACK NOTE: Jam Black (jam session) 23.30h Gratis. RADIO CITY: Reggae Jam Session 22.30 / Jamrock DJ Session 24.00h Gratis.

EL LOCO: JD McPherson 20.30h 23€ / 28€. JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en concierto 20.45h 10€ mínimo Aforo Limitado. RADIO CITY: Flamenco en directo (flamenco) 22.30h 15€ con reserva.


Agenda © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

MARIA MANDILES ‘Maria Mandiles’ restaurants are special! The attractive image is inspired by their own grandmother’s house with a friendly & welcoming service, homemade dishes and fresh produce. On weekdays, you can enjoy a delicious daytime menu

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