Chang, Wen-wei portfolio 2015

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Design Portfolio 2011~2014

Chang, Wen-wei




Design Projects

Graphic Design

10 115

116 123

Current Explorations

Events Execution

124 131

132 141




Chang, Wen-wei A Product Designer / Project Executor from Taipei, Taiwan. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Graduate Institute of Design mail : tel : +886952175540

Skills 3D print / Model Making / Prototyping Pro-e / Rhino / C4D / Keyshot Photoshop / Illustrator / InDesign

Experienece 2014

Scholarship Program for Overseas Study in Arts and Design - Member


Taiwan Tech Design Week - We Care Tomorrow - Vice Chairperson OpenHCI Workshop I Member


Creative Design Student Association - President City Yeast - Super Taiwan Workshop - Member


Design Department Jingle Party - Chairperson Baking Club - Leader of Publication Section

Exhibition / Competition 2014 Taiwan Designers' Week - Rising Star - Mutual 2013 Taiwan Tech Design Week - Flucolor, Little hand book 2012 Taiwan Tech Design Week - Plug-in Intramural Creative Start-up Competition - 4th Prize City Yeast - Meet Taipei - Invited Team 7



Background I'm 22 and I come from Taipei, Taiwan. Through these 22 years, it's Taiwan, this small but various island country, that raised me up with rich culture and inspirations. Thanks to the supports given by my family, I could keep following my passion and exploring the possibilities within design. During my academic years, there were several working experience and courses helping me form my key abilities and perspectives on design, which organised in the following three paragraphs.

Ability of Execution and Cooperation With many practical courses in Taiwan Tech, I not only learnd lots skills of model making, but also got several chances to cooperate with people from different background and carried out the entire design projects. For example, through my gratuading project - Mutual, my partner and I practised the complete design, including 3D printing, electronic components composing and website building. On the other hand, I was also inspired by some lectures discussing design itself, such as design thinking, cognition process and design philosophy. I believe only if we, as deisgners, hold a clear awareness about our responsibilities and limination, will we create really useful and meaningful things for this world.


Leadership and Abilities of Organization Not only focusing on the courses in design department, I am always interested in challenging different sorts of activities, including workshops and events execution. In 2012, I was elected to the president of Creative Design Student Association and held several events with other members. In 2013, working as the vice chairman, my partners and I held the Taiwan Tech Design Week, which combined works exhibition, design lectures and multimedia party into a 10-days multiple design event. I believe the creativity of design shouldn’t be limited in physical objects, but should be extended to wider areas, like exhibitions or events. With these experience, I am more able to cooperate with others and lead the whole team to archive the goals.


Perspectives from Sociology / Critical Design During 2013 and 2014, I joined two course about sociology in the National Taiwan University, which provided me rich inspirations around the nature of designing. With the perspective from sociology, I could see more deeply into the structure of issues, rather than only superficial deal with problems we see. On the other hand, I have been interested in critical design, which focuses on embodying rather than solving problems and optimisation. In my opinions, these are two perspectives that create the real meaningful design aimed to deal with the fabric of problems and provoking the public’s awareness of issues. In the future, I would like to keep developing my design philosophy and practise them through my works.


Design Projects


Mutual - Urban Birdhouse

Button Circuit - Electricity Toy

FloColour - Water Colour Brush

Guess What Lamp - Interaction lighting

Open Book Case - Service System Design

Truth Meal - Food Issue

Truth Meal - Food Issue

SUI - Tableware 13

Mutual This project mainly explored the suitable relationship between people and birds in the urban areas, and also focused in provoking the discussion of the hybrid itself between manmade object and nature. Mutual is a 3D printed birdhouse, aim in blending into the environment with its form and provided suitable interaction between people and birds with its online observation system. It not only provides well place for birds in cities to nest, but also let people to know more about birds.

designer - Chang, Wen-wei / Chihua, Lin focusing subjects - design concept, modeling category - ecological design material - 3d printing wood, electronic components date - 2013.07~2014.05



Background For some kinds of birds, including tits and owls, they need suitable tree holes to build their nest and to breed. In the urban, however, there are very few of them. Because of it, those birds are facing a huge crisis of their production and existence. On another hand, in the modern society, the gap between nature and human becomes greater and greater. In the same time, we are losing our imagination about how a city lives with nature. It seems that we could only choose to conquer or keep away. As also one of the Inhabitants, we would like to find a way for all of us to live better.


Research 1. The Needs of Different Birds After the interview with Taipei Wild Bird Federation, we learned that each species of bird needs birdhouse with inner space in different size and holes in different diameter. 2. The Gap between People and Birds During the research, we realised that if we can provoke public's interest and curiosity of this issue, the forward loops will be build up and the gap could also be narrowed down. 3. The Problems of Nowadays Birdhouses For birds in the period of production, human's disturbance and predator's attention are not wellcome, while lots of birdhouses, from the perspective of people, were built very showy, which, in fact, increase their risks.





Objectives Defining We organised our finding into three key objectives - increasing amount of places for birds to nest, creating proper relationship between people and birds, re-building the relationship between city and nature.




connection between artifact with nature

urban and nature live together


know more about birds

parametric system fitting different birds

impress the features of artifacts

reduce human's disturbance

hiding into enviroment


meet different bird's need

few tree holes

use wireless camara to observe

enable plants to cover the surface


polygonal form

keep the typical sign of birdhouse

rough surface of FDM

print-able wood material

product level

production level

serves level

artifical treehole as a hybird between nature and artifact

use 3d-printing as a flexible production process

online-platform for public to know birds more

Problems / Solutions Weaving This graph includes our analysis of objectives and some strategies after brainstorming, and then we extended and linked them to narrow our thought. Finally, we divided the design subjects into three levels - product itself, production process and serve system.


Sketching To fit the former three objectives, we want to design a birdhouse able to connect with trees and blend into environment, so we set our key word as ''the prosthetic for trees'' and started to generate some rough sketches.


Form Explorations Following the sketches, we built several different forms with Rhino and printed them out. We decided to develop 2 styles of form, one was complex net construction computed by the Grasshopper and the other one was in polygon style.


Pattern Experiment In order to see the expression of these forms in different style in fullscale, we built a net-construction model by squeezing hot melt glue onto the PU model. After it cold down, we peeled it off and discussed with its expression. Although the net-construction was interesting with its complexity, it failed to form a well-protected inner space for birds to nest. After this experiment, we turned to develop the polygonal shape.


Compose the Electronic Components My partner, Lin, mainly built our wireless-observe system. With arduino, Wi-Fi SD card, mini camera and power bank, we composed this working system, which could not only take pictures inside the birdhouse day and night, but upload these photos to the online platform we've built.


The Printable Wood Material The printable wood, Pop-Wood, is mainly composed with wood dust and PLA. We used this material for its natural features, which holds good potential to blend into the natural environment. On the other hand, the printer layer height was also set thicker to create rough surface rather than ultimate smooth one. In this way, we would like to leave some traces of the producing process, to emphasise the contrast between artefacts and nature. Also, the rough skin provides good condition for moss and epiphytes to grow upon.


Install the Birdhouses in City After all printing and assembling process were done, we started to choose proper spots throughout Taipei City, looking for ideal locations which are more hopefully bird attractive to install our final models.


The Prosthetic for Trees As prosthetic is to the people, so is Mutual is to the trees. Mutual is a man-made tree hole, aka birdhouse, that bears a close resemblance to the shape of the tree branch with the aid of 3D scan/print technique in order to better blend into the environment.











Community could apply for this project in their neighborhood.

Generate different Mutual for each bird species.

3D-printed by printable wood material.

Install Mutual on trees/ the tree and wait for birds to nest.

Observe birds by wireless camera without disturbances.

Blend into Enviroment With the printable wood, the color and texture of Mutual are similar to the skin of trees. On the other hand, the rough surface created by FDM 3d printing process is itself a good potential for moss and epiphytes to grow upon.


Observe without Disturbance Aiding with wireless technology, distance could be effectively shortened without making any unwelcome disturbance. Simply tapping and swapping, people can know much more about the lovely flocks of resident in the city via mobile, tablet and desktop.



Button Circuit Button Circuit is a toy set for children to learn about basic electricity. All electronic component s are mainly made by paper and buttons. In this way, children can easily compose them and explore the possibilities within electricity in safe and playful way.

designer - Chang, Wen-wei category - preschool children toy material - paper, electronic components date - 2014.09~2014.12



Issue - Electricity Education for Children Just like light and water, electricity is one of the most essential elements in our society. It's a strange fact that preschool children have several toys to learn how light and water works, but get nothing to know about electricity.


Concept - A Playable Circuit Kit For most of the people, electricity represents some sort of dangerous meaning, and, in most of the times, these electronic components are covered by plastic shells and hiding in our everyday products. In contrast, I wanted to design a playable kit for kids to safely play with. It includes wires, batteries and several elements with different functions.


Material - Buttons as Joints In search of some simple and safe ways for kids to connect different parts, it occurred to me that those buttons which generally used in babies' clothing would fulfill this requirement. I also collected some flat components which could be used in my prototypes.


Prototyping I used two paper broads to cover the wire and buttons and made a flat type of wire which looks like a three-dimensional one. After attaching wires, LED light and battery together, it worked successfully.




Components Made by Paper With the flat and wide shape of Button Circuits, children can hold them easily and fit them together with their own idea, rather than struggle with tangled wires.


Connect by Buttons Just by pushing buttons, children can easily combine different parts and create their own unique circuit plans.





Learning through Creating There are various electronic components kids can compose with, including different generators and outputs. With them, children are able to learn the production and usages of electricity in a delightful and creative way.



Flocolour Focusing on several safety issues and user experience of using water colour, Flocolour aims to provide a more suitable and playful experience for preschool childern. With its stable shape, Flocolour could be placed independently and the brush part will not touch the platform. Moreover, with the empty inner of plastic shaft, Flocolour could float up in the water like a fishing buoy.

designer - Chang, Wen-wei / Tai, Min-Chang focusing subjects - design concept, modeling category - kid's artworks supply material - plastic, brush, metal date - 2012.09~2012.12


Issue - A Thoughtful Tool for Creativity Watercolour is an essential role for children in the stage of learning colour. When children mix different colour together to create new colour, they are not only playing with colour, but getting to know more about them. However, there are several concerns for children to enjoy the watercolour. The sharpness of the watercolour brush ,the unstable shaft and other problems all increase the dangers and inconvenience for them to use.


Art Teacher


1. Children tend to put brushes on the table and mess them up. 2. After washing the brushes, water could easily drop everywhere. 3. The shaft is too thin and sharp.

1. Children tend to lose their watercolour's tools. 2. Brushes are too long to store and to carry with. 3. For younger kids, holding a brush is not easy.


Preschool Children 1. Shaft is too thin to hold. 2. Brush tends to fall down from the color palette. 3. Brush rolls easily.


SAFETY Safety is the top priority for children to make art crafts. We aim at reducing potential dangers we've found.

EASY TO USE A thoughtful tool should be more easy to use, and there's no exception when it comes to watercolour.

PLEASURE We would like to introduce more playful experience to watercolour and trigger kids to explore more of it.

Keywords Defining We got several insights throughout the research with kids, parents and teachers, which were later narrowed down into three keywords. We also focused on the improving of watercolour itself.



too easy to roll

triangular section shape


too thin & long shaft

shorter holding part

hard to hold

wider holding part


can't be place without stander

holding part gets wet easily

lift brush part

narrow the area in contact with water

playful experience

interection during washing the brush



Fishing-buoy-like shape with triangular section, making the brush part lift from the table.

Let the watercolour brush float in the water like the fishing buoy.

Problems and Solutions Weaving In this stage, we brainstormed with these three keywords and explored the problems to find out possible solutions. After linking and narrowing down, we got two directions of the design on shape and interaction.




Place in a Stable & Clean Way Children tend to place watercolour brush on the edge of colour palette, while it could easily fall off. With the special shape of flocolour' shaft, it could be placed independently and the brush part will not touch the platform. On the other hand, the triangular holding part lets itself hard to roll far and reduces the chances of missing it.


Use in an Easy & Fun Way Current watercolour brushes are too thin for children whose hands are still under development. Flocolour's wider, shorter shaft provides a much more suitable shape for them to control it in an easier and safer way. With the empty inner of plastic shaft, Flocolour could float up in the water like a fishing buoy. In this way, only half of it will get wet. The interesting interaction also triggers children to explore more about colour and drawing.



Guess What Lamp Guess What Lamp is an interactive lighting, inviting users to explore various possibilities within objects. User can put their favourite items in the lamp to change the colour of Guess What Lamp into the same colour of them. On another hand, it will project the outline of the item and present its colour in the same time, which provides users with interesting interaction to rethink their everyday objects and personal treasures.

designer - Chang, Wen-wei / Chou, Ya-Han focusing subjects - design concept, modeling electronic engineering - Tsai, Cheng-Ju / Lin, Ti-Hung category - lighting material - acrylic sheet, led, color sensor date - 2013.09~2014.01


Industrial Deisgn


Electronic Engineering

Cross-Field Team Project During a course held by design department and electronic engineering department, I teamed up with members from different areas, aimed to create some workable products.


Concept - The Objects Representing the Owner Everyone have their favourite items or treasures which represent the unique personalities of themselves. In this way, we would like to design a product that shows user's personality and is able to be adjusted to meet user's own idea.


ENTERTAINMENT Create a new experience and interaction between user and product.

PERSONALISATION Let people present themselves through the participation within this product.

A LIGHT We focused on lighting, which is a suitable product to interact with people in their life.

Keywords Defining We got several insights from discussions and listed our three keywords to move on. Because we wanted this product could fit in everyone's lifestyle, we aimed at the category of lighting which commonly seen in home.


Problems and Solutions Weaving


Archetype of lighting



colour of light

design with archetype

users participation

changeable light colour

personal items

combine with personal treasure



new outlook

shadow as riddles

Project the items' outline

Colour up with Your Items

Through the project of light, the outline of items will appear on the surface of the lamp with classic form.

User can change the colour of light with items in different colour.




Mechanical Design


Vacuum Forming

64 Different parts made with acrylic

Prototyping With the help of our members from electronic engineering background, the prototype model not only present the form, but also the function we excepted.



A Lamp for Presenting Yourself and Your Treasures Guess What Lamp can serve as a fine place to store and display your favorite things. What's more, it can pick up the colour of the item put by user and thus change its own colour. In this way, user could create various atmosphere by putting different items into the lamp. Besides, this lamp also creates an interesting riddle by giving hints of the colour and the vague outline of the item. It provide user more opportunity to share their stories about their treasures with friends. 67

Open Book Case Open Book Case is a innovational book-donation system design. The current system and flow are very complex and ineffective, needing lots volunteers to select needed books and sent them to remot areas. With Open book case, book donators could easily use their mobile devices to upload the books their want to donate. The system wil check the books meet the needs or not. In this way, every donated books will be sent to the right people.

designer - Chang, Wen-wei category - service design, UI design date - 2012.09~2012.12 68


Issue - Books for Remote Areas In Taiwan's remote areas, there are lots of elementary school lacking enough reading resources because their funding are comparatively less than those in urban areas. Without good reading materials, it's hard for young students to build good habit of reading.


Books Donator

Book-Donation Volunteer

Student in Remote Areas

Research - The System and Characters There are three main characters in the book donation system, including book donators, book-donation volunteers and students. Through the researches from two perspectives - individual users and whole system, I would like to find out insights to focus on.


Cerrent Book-Donation System

promote book donation advertising send books to donation centre

send books to remote areas

postal service

postal service



form basic information

clean books

send books to donation centre

select needed books classify books box books up and send them to places


list the needed books hold reading activities

contact with phone or mails

manage the library library-managment system



manage the library

borrow books

organise books in library

write book reviews

hold reading activities encourage students to write reviews



NT 137,000

Resources in Remote Areas Are Much Less Than That in Urban.

NT 10,000

Lots of volunteers should be involved for the complexity of the system.

One direction interaction make these books regarded merely as handsouts.

Enough on quantity but not on quality.

追憶似 水年華


Students needs are overlooked.

Main Problems in the System Observing into the entire system and different sorts of users, I organised 5 main problems to focus on. It's noteworthy that, in fact, the amount of donated books are enough, while the quality and suitability are quite terrible. On the other hand, there were not only material issues, but also emotional issues about the feeling of remote students. It was an essential objective to build a new system letting more interaction happen.


OPEN BOOK CASE A Novel System for Sharing Books With this new book donating system, Open Book Case (OBC), we are able to share our books to the students in a convenient and transparent way, just like turning your own bookshelves into their libraries. There are no more complex tables to form before sending your books, and every sent books are checked by OBC to ensure they are really needed by students.





share book reviews share books' status OBC send books directly after OBC matching postal service upload books' information

upload needed books list



hold reading activities manage the library library-managment system / OBC

supply / need matching







form basic information

classify books

update the need

borrow books

send the books

supply / need matching

hold reading activities

write book reviews

deliver information

encourage students to write reviews

OBC System - A Platform Making People Closer The OBC system aims at using algorithms and online matching platform to help book-donation volunteers to reduce their complex works. With this system, only the needed books will be send out, so lots of current tasks, like picking out useless books, could be left out. What's more, OBC not only narrows down the scale and complexity of book-donation system, but also builds a two-way relationship between book donators and students. With these ''two-way bookcases'', donation is more like sharing rather than giving.



The Open Book Case APP Rather than asking people to write several tables to donate their books, OBC provides a more convenient way for them to join in this activity. On the OBC app, donators can check the status of their books and know how many students have read their books or how do kids think about them. In this way, donators will get more motivation to participate.


Truth Meal Truth Meal was a project carried out in the 10-days workshop, Scholarship Program for Overseas Study in Arts and Design. In the modern society, the gap between food and people has been greater. Through providing a novel, strange tableware for people to eat fastfood, I would like to provoke the awareness and curiousity about what are we eating actually.

designer - Chang, Wen-wei category - tableware, cirtical design material - paper, plastic date - 2014.09~2014.12




Issue - What Are We Eating Now? From past to now, the distance between food and people becomes greater and greater. Because of the mass production of food industry, we get more food, while these food have to travel oversea and pass lots of processes in some places we don't know. In this way, it's hard for us to answer those simple questions - what exactly we eat , how they are made, and where they come from. Focusing on these mysterious gaps between food and people in the modern society, I tried to rebuild these relationships through design.


Concept - A Novel Experience of Fast Food Fast food restaurants are, most of the times, the final stop of mass-produced food, so I focused on designing a different eating experience in this scenario. On the opposite of fast food, the slow food culture, also interested me. It occurred to me that if fast food could be eaten and tasted in a more traditional, slower way, the truth and fact behind fast food would be unmasked.




Sketch - A New Tableware Set for McDonald's Just like Happy Meal provides happiness, I would like to design a ''Truth Meal'' which provides the truth behind fast food themselves. To provoke to strangeness, the package, materials and shapes were similar with current disposable tableware in fast food restaurants, while the usages are different.





Stamp & Hook for Beef Patty There is an interesting fact that you can find hundreds of different genes from different cattle within a single beef patty of Big Mac. To imply this fact, there is a stamp, which helps user to cut the beef into numberless cattle patterns. Besides, the hook serving as meat fork could be used to pick these beef pieces into your mouth, just like how these cattle were delivered in the factories.


Sauce Set for McNuggets The gaps between nuggets and real chicken are very huge. There were even some children recognising that the nugget is how real chickens look like. With this sauce set, every times you put your nugget into the sauce, it comes to life again, with the complete outlook of a chicken.


Salad Fork From most of the posters and advertisements, we recognise those lettuces we eat is grown and harvested by each farmer, while machines done these works. With this salad fork, user can push it and roll up lettuces and imagine how our agriculture works nowadays.


Straw for Drinks Drinks perhaps are the most mysterious one in the fast food, there are few hints for us to figure out what are inside. With this straw with a water wheel which wrote with all compositions in this drink. Everytime you drink, you will see these compositions rotate and flash by.



Prototyping / Testing To experience the fealing of having a McDonald's meal with these tools, I 3D printed several of them. During this test, I found out most of them didn't work as well as what I imaged, while it still brought me many inspirations to improve and modify with them.


The sauce set and McNuggets.

The rolling salad forks.

The hook for Big Mac's beef patty.


Want-Want Glasses During 2012, there was a heated issue about the Anti-Media Monopoly Movement in Taiwan. As a designer, I would like to express my opinion through practice. In this way, I create a glasses, which limit our vision and restrict us to the vision with the mouth's frame. With them, I tried to trigger people to imagine that, if there are permanent glasses in front of everyone's eyes, how could we recognise the true world?

designer - Chang, Wen-wei category - critical design material - acrylics, metal date - 2012.09~2012.10



The Anti-Media Monopoly Movement in Taiwan From the September of 2012, a student-led protest in Taiwan, the Anti-Media Monopoly Movement, has campaigned about the issues of media freedom and democracy. The background of this protest is that the Want Want China Times Media Group, a giant media group in Taiwan, attempted to merger and acquisition other media companies in oder to become dominant in the media market. The main issues are related to the concern of anti-media monopoly. If what we can read, watch or listen are all edited by the same dominant media group, our right, is actually invaded. In order to speak out their concerns and ask the government to legislate to protect the media freedom, lots of people joined the demonstration, trying to provoke the notation around this issue. I was one of them.



Media is Our Glasses As a designer, I would like to present my opinion through works. From my perspective, media isn't just the compony deciding what TV shows or advertising will appear on the screen, but also is our way to see the world, extending our vision and leading us look deeper into several issues. In other words, media are essential glasses to enable us to see more in the modern society. However, we can see the entire fact only through keeping changing those ''glasses'', avoiding to just believe in those stories from a single perspective. That's why I designed the ''want-want glasses'', which limit our vision and restrict us to the vision with the mouth's frame. With them, I tried to trigger people to imagine that, if there are permanent glasses in front of everyone's eyes, how could we recognise the true world? If we forget, or even are banned from taking them off, how could we figure out the truth through comparision? In this project, I invited some children to put on these glasses and took photos for them, and then posted these pictures on the internet. This was a special experience for me to create stuff in such a short time, about two days, to come up with some ideas and immediately carry them out to present my thoughts.



SUI SUI is a tableware set, aiming to embody the features and beauties of Jinguashi, a famous scenic spot in Taiwan. With SUI, visitors can easily take their breakfast outside and enjoy the delcious local food with graceful view of Jinguashi. 106

focusing subjects - design concept, modeling co-designer - Chou, Ya-Han category - tableware material - wood, bamboo, ceramic date - 2011.09~2011.12 107

Brief - A Tableware Set for Jinguashi Jinguashi is one of the most important scenery spot in Taiwan, which is rich in historic, cultural values. Although there was very bustling in its gold-mining period, nowadays Jinguashi is now famous for the leisurely atmosphere and relaxing lifestyle. We would like to design a tableware set for this beautiful place, which represents the features within Jinguashi and leads visitors to explore more and deeper.


Exploration Just as this mountain town, which blends into the environment naturally, the lifestyle and culture here are very easygoing and casual. Their buildings keep themselves low-key and fit in the landscape of the mountain. We thought the main beauty of Jinguashi is its relaxation and calmness, just like the gold covered in the mine, gorgeous but keep a low profile.


Blending into Enviroment Following the lifestyle here, we aim at designing a tableware set which could fit in Jinguashi perfectly.

Easy-going Unnecessary decoration has no place here. The tableware is supposed to embody the dreamly easy-going atmosphere.

Low-key but Exquisite The design should go on a minimalist way. We want to keep it simple but rich in details.

Keywords Defining Af ter 3-day observation in Jinguashi, we organised several features of this place and listed our three keywords to focus on in our following design stage.


Have Breakfast Outside Apart from three keywords we defined, we also wanted to plan a new eating experience with this project. It's a pity to enjoy delicious breakfast without even a glance at the graceful view of Jinguashi, so we decided to invite guests to bring their meal outside and have the breakfast with the beautiful scenery.



Plaste wood skin on laser-cut models

PU models

Bend the bamboo with heat gun

PU models covered with putty

Modeling To ensure the shape and details were following with our plan, we choosed PU as our base material to form the shape of tableware set, and then flat them with putty. On another hand, the wood platforms were made with layed laser-cut medium density fiberboard, covered with wood skin.


Carry Your Breakfast to Explore the Jinguashi To let visitors enjoy their meal with the graceful scenery and relaxing atmosphere in the Jinguashi, the SUI was designed to be carried easily. After finding the suitable viewpoint, you can easily put down the pair of handle and open it up.


The wood box follows with the outline of dishes.

Simple wood joint to keep the box stable. 115


Minimalist Form / Low-key Golden Detail The dishes are designed to fit the outline of the food they serve. In this way, we want to embody how Jinguashi blends itself into the environment. On the other hand, the base parts of dishes and bowls are coating with gold, which represents the past history and the image of the Jinguashi.


Graphic Design


1984 - Book Design

Mutual - Illustrations

LEAVEN - Poster Design




Follow or Against the Direction The fountain pen, which implies the central character's duty, writing down the fake truth and history, while this pen, as Winston Smith, was actually held by the Oceania. From different perspective, this fountain pen is composed by two arrows with contract directions, which implies the fight between Smith with Big Brother and also emphasise the great inequality between their power. The pattern on the back cover presents how all of the people follow the only direction. The arrows, as Oceania, are the positive space, while the people is hiding in the negative space.


Illustrates for Mutual



發 酵


Leaven A poster for the cooperative event of baking club and modern dance club in 2012



Current Explorations


Physical Seven-segment Display

Waste-Acrylics Bookend

Acrylics Cutting Platforms


Physical Seven-segment Display designer - Chang, Wen-wei material - 3D printed PLA, paper date - 2014.12.12 128

Prototypes with different structure.

The number could be changed by turning parts.

3D-printed parts for windmills.

The small windmills rotate with wind.

Between Digital and Physical Inspired by the digital-displayer on the traffic light, which features in having 7 separate lighting parts in status of on or off. It occurred to me that it could be very interesting to apply a physical interaction, blowing the windmill, into this technical form. I firstly built a quick prototype with some paper and sticks to test whether it works. After that, I printed out a small scale model. I am planning to use some fine materials, like copper or brass, to create the wire frame. Also, it could be interesting to build one on a larger scale and hopefully with more units.


Waste-Acrylics Bookend designer - Chang, Wen-wei material - acrylics sheet date - 2014.11.27


In factories, the edges of raw acrylic sheets are usually cutted off.

With the good friction, the waste acrylic edges could keep itslef stable.

The Implication of Waste Material In the production processes of acrylic sheets, there are four poor quality edges created around the raw acrylic sheets. These edges, more often than not, are treated as waste because they aren't as smooth as ordinary acrylic. What's more, like rubber, they are soft and with good friction. Besides, they are also dyed unsuccessfully and full of lots bubbles. Focusing on the these features, I am thinking to explore some implication within this waste material. With simply heating and folding, the acrylic sheet can become a solid form to support books. The poor quality edges, in contract, works well on keeping itself stable with it's friction. I am planning to conduct more researches about the production of acrylic sheet in factories and try to explore more possibilities.


Acrylics Cutting Platforms designer - Chang, Wen-wei material - acrylics date - 2014.11.22


Laser-cut the acrylic sheet.

The 2D patterns on acrylic sheet.

Hang metal blocks with each legs and heat them.

The pattern extends by gravity and heat.

From 2D to 3D This experiment aimed at exploring the possibility of laser-cut-acrylic sheet. Firstly, I drew two cutting paths with different patterns which would make itself flexible, and some holes which would be used to hang some weight. With the gravity of weight and the heat of hair dryer, the flat cut patterns could be extended and turned into a cone form. I am planning to keep developing this method, and sharing it to some open-source platforms for makers or fablabs.


Events Execution


Fluorestagious 2011 Jingle Party

Taiwan Tech Design Week 2012


Fluorestagious 2011 Jingle Party event - multimedia party position - chair person date - 2011.09~2011.12


Learn to Be a Leader Holding a christmas party has been a traditional event for students in our department. In 2011, I was the chairman to organise the entire party with other members. Almost everything in this party, including the promotion, stage building and activities planning, were carried out by ourselves. With this experience, I learnt a lot about managing the teamworks and how to keep all members' motivation to reach the goal we set.



A Fluorescent Party The main feature part of the party was almost-everywhere ultraviolet light tubes and far-more-than-enough fluorescent dye, which was distributed to every participants to be sprayed on each other and create their unique T-shirts. There were also several performance using the effect of ultraviolet light tubes to do some exciting shows, like the multimedia-show presented by the cooperation of DJ, VJ and modern dance group.


Taiwan Tech Design Week 2012 event - design exhibition position - vice chair person date - 2012.01~2012.05

A Multiple Design Event The Taiwan Tech Design Week is also another important event for the design department. The event includes the showcase of students works and several teams' projects, lectures given by designers and artists, experimental workshops and multimedia-performance during this 10days- long period.



The sub-exhibition of Taiwan Tech Design Week

Work as a Curator As the vice chairman of this event, my job was organising the sub-exhibition, which invited students to do some projects, to practice their idea about those issues they caring about. For example, one of these teams designed a table game to lead people to understand more about the issue of street dogs through experiencing their stories. They did so well that, after the exhibition, they kept developing this project and finally turned it into a product sold on crowdfunding website. It really inspired me that there are lots of exciting possibilities when you organise things from the perspective of a curator rather than a designer. With a good theme or topic of exhibition, numerous people will be welling to bring their ideas and thoughts to practice.


[ Waste Wood Project ]

[ Age of Mass Consumption ]

[ The Dog ]

table game designed by The Dog



Design Portfolio 2011~2014

Chang, Wen-wei



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