Ride Dutchly

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2015-16 Exploring Interaction

Unlocking People Studio In Transit Wen-wei Chang / 4513320





Design Goal and Motivation

Research Activities

Data Analysis




Interaction Vision


Prototype Testing




Final Concept


Final Evaluation

Prototype Experiment

Final Design



Interaction Vision: Flock Behavior

Design Goal: Let Foreign Cyclists Feel Embedded in the Dutch Cycling Culture.

Connectivity Smoothness


Metaphor: Training Wheel


Project Route










Interaction Vision 2.0: Band Jammimg Empowerment

Active Inviting In Progress


CYCLIST Diversity New Cyclist Sign Marked as Beginner

In Progress Aging Tire Embody Dutch Cycling Culture

Ride Dutchly Kit

1 Design Goal & Motivation

Let Foreign Cyclists Feel Embedded in the Dutch Cycling Culture.

My 4 Main Motivations within this Project Be an International Student Empower People Embodiment Dutch Cycling Culture

1: Motivations I’m always curious about how cycling become such an important part in the Dutch people’s life, so it’s really a great opportunity for me to know more about this topic. In the same time, as also a visitor here, I believe that cycling could be an important entry point for me to learn more about the local culture and lifestyle in the Netherlands. Last but the least, I really want to try to embody these unspeakable things through the interaction, form, materials within design.

2 Research Activities

2-1: Observation At the beginning of the resarch, I spent 3 days to observe the real behaviors in the city centre of Delft. While there are lots of foreigner cycling in different situations, it's hard to get deeper understanding with only observation.

From your perspective, what are the essential characteristics of being a true Dutch cyclist? ( a true Dutch cyclist should be... / be able to .... / pefer to ... )

From your perspective, what are the essential characteristics of being a true Dutch cyclist?


( a true Dutch cyclist should be... / be able to .... / pefer to ... ) DUTCH

What are the differences in the cycling culture between your home country and Dutch? What are the differences in the cycling culture between your home country and Dutch?

Do you have any problems and concerns about cycling in the Netherlands? What was the situation? Do you have any problems and concerns about cycling in the Netherlands? What was the situation?

From your perspective, what are the essential characteristics of being a true Dutch cyclist?

For International Cyclists

( a true Dutch cyclist should be... / be able to .... / pefer to ... )

From your perspective, what are the essential characteristics of being a true Dutch cyclist? ( a true Dutch cyclist should be... / be able to .... / pefer to ... )



Have you had some negative cycling experience about people who are not familiar with Dutch cycling culture? Have negative Whatyou washad the some situation? How cycling did youexperience react? about people who are not familiar with Dutch cycling culture? What was the situation? How did you react?

For Dutch Cyclists

2-2: Questionnaire Because of the lacking of deeper understanding on this topic, I decided to use questionnaire as a way to approach. With some interview with both Dutch cyclists and foreign cyclists, I found it's necessary to collect feedback from both side. There are 20 Dutch cyclists and 20 foreign cyclists conducted this questionnaire. The result of the questionnaire is following with next page.

2-3: Result What are essential characteristics of being a true Dutch cyclist ?

Too Slow Ride in Middle No Signal Don't know ''Prority'' Don't Notice Traffic

What are the negative cycling experience with International beginner ?

Be Predictable Rules / Ruleless Muti-taskable Always Cycling Crappy Bike Dutch Cyclists

What are essential characteristics of being a true Dutch cyclist ?

Fast Know Rules well Bike as Body Mean Hands Free Carry a lot What are the problems and concerns about cycling in Dutch ? Don't know the rules Cyclists are mean Can't fit in the flow Don't know the Priority Expensive Be an obstacle on the road

International Cyclists

3 Data Analysis


Three Stages of Riding Dutchly






The Current Feeling Questionnaire

The Opportunities on Current Situation

3-1: Three Findings from Research With the rich infomation that I got from the questionnaire, I tried to analysis them with three perspectives - What's the essential things in Dutch cycling culture, What is the feeling and their causes and What is the relationship between Dutch and foreign cyclists. In this way, I illustrated three drawings to anwser these three questions.

Able to mindlessly react with unknown situations. Shift between Rules / Ruleless Be able to Predict / Be Predictable Real time react

Able to react several situations. Rules & Signals Priority

Able to ride well. Fast & Stable Carry a lot

3-2: Three Stages to Ride Dutchly Several Dutch cyclists provided very inspiring feedbacks on defining ''What is a real Dutch cyclist'', like ''be able to Predict / be predictable'' and ''know when to follow the rules and when to ignore them''. However, these principles were hardy found by foreign cyclists. Most of foreigners only mentioned the rules and abilities that a real Dutch cyclists should have. In this way, I found there were different levels skills within the cycling culture. The basic condition is ability, which mostly relate to the skills of body, like riding fast or steady; Mentality are the second level that people learnd and memorized to react several situations; The sense represent the intuitive reaction skills dealing with unknown situations, just like be able to Predict / be predictable.







3-3: The Feelings and the Conditions There are several negative emotions within the current cycling experience of foreign cyclists, like fear from annoying others, nervous and uncertain. With this figure, I mapped the feelings and their causes together to point out the relationship between these emotions and different conditions.

Enable people to fit in the flow.


Dutch Cyclists

Reduce the frictions between them.

3-4: Two Opportunities in Current Situation With the questionnaire, I found that there are two critical opportunities in the current situation. On one hand, the skills and abilities of foreign cyclists should be enhance. On the other hand, there are also lots of frictions between foreign cyclists and Dutch cyclists needed to be reduced.

Focus on the needs between Sense and Rules.


Turn Stressful into Connected, Turn Diffidence into Confident, Turn Uncertain into Embedded














Enable people to fit in the flow.


Dutch Cyclists

Reduce the frictions between them.

3-5: Design Statement 1. Focus on the needs between Sense and Mentality According to the result of questionnaire, most of the foreign cyclists have concerns on the levels of sense and mentality. In this way, empowered skills should also meet the same needs.

2. Turn Stressful into Connected, Diffidence into Confident, Uncertain into Embedded In the current cycling experience of foreign cyclists, there are several negative emotions stimulated by three conditions - others, self and situation. I would like to focus on these conditions and stimulate positive emotions form each of them.

3. Empower People & Reduce Frictions There are two oppotunities in the current situation for this project to explore empowering foreign cyclists and reducing the friction between foreign cyclists and Dutch cyclists.

4 Interaction Vision

Interaction Vision:

Band Jamming



In Progress

4: Interaction Vision & Quality Focusing on the relationship and atmosphere between the new cyclist and dutch cyclists, I would like to create a more positive and friendly environment for them to learn and get used to the Duthc cycling culture. In this way, the atmosphere within the band jamming is very suitable. In the band jamming, rather than become an anonymous in a group of flocks, you have to know your difference and other's characteristics to form up an unity. In the meanwhile, people are active to fit in and feeling inviting, too. The memebers of the band can also feeling each other better with more time and practices.

5 Ideas

Concept A - Third Hand for Signals


Rules, Empowerment

Concept B - The Scars of Export

In Progress, Beginner

Concept C - New Cyclist Sign

Beginner, Relationship

Concept D - Dutch Jury


Sense, Relationship

Concept E - Pattern of Cycling



Concept F - New Cyclist Zone

Beginner, Relationship

6 Prototype Testing

6-1: The New Cyclist Sign After some discussions about the concepts, I decided to focus on creating better atmosphere and enviroment for foreign cyclists to learn rather than enhancing their cycling skills directly. For one thing, the current relation between foriegn cyclists and Dutch cyclists is not friendly enough. It's more important for these new cyclists feeling wellcome and confident to learn and make mistakes before really teach them. For another thing, most of the cycling skills are hard to teach or even to guild. The most required things are time and efforts. In this way, the concept of the new cycling sign was chosen to test.







6-2: Test Given with the new cyclist sign made with paper boards, three international students were asked for cycling with the sign for 5 days. The students are all from different countries. The main cycling areas for them are around TU delft and the city center. They were also asked to give their feedback with the feedback sheets. The questions including: ''What are the most negative cycling experience?'', '' What are the most impressive cycling experience with

6-3: Feedbacks Feeling Wellcome Some people said "You're doing well!", ''Keep going!'' and ''We can ride slowly behind you. Don't worry!'' to them. With this sign, they felt more wellcome and being care.

Feeling Funny When they're cycling with the sign, they felt more people notice them and were interested by their sign. Mengqi said that ""Sometime it seems like they are smiling to me, but sometime like laughting at me". With this very outstanding sign, they felt funny but also embarrassing.

Be more active By hanging this sign, they felt they actively mark themselves as new cyclists. Eva said that ''I like the feeling of knowing others notice me more. I feel more safe.''. They thought it was a really different experience that they kind of proudly proposing a statement to others.


Final Concept

7-1: The New Cyclist Kit The New Cyclist Kit is a kick-off kit for foreign cyclists to get used to the cycling culture in the Netherlands smoothly. The kit concluds the mudguard calendar and the new cyclist trie.


Every week has a new quest

The teared signs become your medal of honor

NEW CYCLIST TIRE Your tire is the proof of your progress

7-2: The Mudguard and The Tire Mudguard Calendar: The Mudguard Calendar is a sign for the new foriegn cyclists to inform others, aiming on creating more friendly interaction between new cyclists and the Dutch cyclists. Like a calendar, the Mudguard Calendar is a stack of signs, which printed with the date of practice and the 'quest' for them to achieve in this week. The backside of each sign is a medal of their achievement, which can be posted on the wall. After 100 days, all of the signs have been torn down, and the mudgaurd also become a normal black mudgaurd like others.

New Cyclist Tire: The New Cyclist Tire is a tire coated with bright green painting. While cycling, the coating on the trie will be gradually removed and the original black color of the rubber will appear. Just like the scars and wrinkles embody the experience and knowledge of one person, the traces on the tire also represent the efforts and experience of this cyclist. Likewise, after the foriegn cyclist bikes enough to remove all of the green coating on the tire, it's also means that he/she is already a Dutch cyclist.

7-3: A Kick-off Kit for Foriegn Cyclists Active: By placing the sign, people show their role, need and difficulty to other cyclists. In this way, the foriegn cyclists could feel more confident and certain with their leaning and practice rather than worry about other's criticisms.

Inviting: People are more willing to help and forgive when these new cyclists honestly show their difficulty and need. The new cyclist sign and tire are all the symbols show that ''I'am a new cyclist here, and I'm trying to get used of that'' . Also, the new cyclist sign is designed as a mudguard, which is less outstanding and strange for people to put behind their bike.

In Progress: Learning is always a journey. By informing their progress and achievements, the foriegn cyclists will be more motivated and engaging. On the other hand, other cyclists can also tell their experience by their sign and tires.

Diversity: In the Netherlands, the culture and skills within cycling are very rich and complex. The new cyclist kit represents the diversity of the Dutch cycling culture with the muti-objects and muti-issues.

Feeling Embedded: With the new cyclist kit, the foriegn cyclist could create a better and more friendly environment for them to practice and make some troubles. During the learning journey, when they are more and more used to the cycling cuture in the Netherlands, the objects' color and appearance also change. When the color fades into black, they are already become one of the excellent Dutch cyclist.

8 Prototype Experiment

Mudguard Calendar

New Cyclist Tire

8. Concepts Testing The two chosen concepts - the mudguard calender and the new cyclist tire - were tested in this stage. The main proposes of this prototype test are finding the suitable materials and testing out the effects of these concepts. For the mudguard's prototype, I used a stack of paper to build a tearable mudguard. For the new cyclist tire, I used spray and paint to create a green coating on the tires.

8-1: Evaluation of Mudguard Calendar 1. The ''calender form'' provides continuous motivations People found it's interesting and exciting to see a new goal for each week. Comparing with a fixed sign, they thought a changing sign is more enaging and attractive for them.

2. Medals should be shown during cycling Using the medals to represent people's achievements were nice, but it could better if these medals also be saw during cycling rather than only used as wall decorations.

3. From a temporal product to a long-term and rented product To make people feel proud and enaging, the temporal material, paper, was still too poor on its quality. On the other hand, these training kits could also be designed as rented products which are passed from senior foriegn cyclists to new foriegn cyclists.

8-2: New Cyclist Tire 1. The paint coating wears off easily According to the test, most of the coating wear off within one week. However, the tire's color should keep changing in ten weeks. In this way, a more durable paint is needed.

2. Painting work should be done in the bike shores Lots of pepople felt painting work is a messy task to do. If the bike stores could help them with the painting, they were more willing to use this product.

9 Final Design

A Kick-off Kit for New Cyclists in the Netherlands ''Ride Dutchly'' is a training kit for newcomers in the Netherlands to get used to the Dutch cycling culture. Living in Holland, bike is your foot. No matter where or when, people cycle all the time. Cycling is so 'normal' for most of Dutch people that they even don't aware what are the culture or roles of riding bike. In this way, 'Ride a bike appropriately in Holland' becomes a tough task for lots of foriegn cyclists cause nobody could really teach them these roles and common senses within the Dutch cycling culture. Aiming on this concern of foriegn cyclists, Ride Dutchly provides a baisc but critical guide of Dutch cycling culture. At the same time, Ride Dutchly turns new cyclists into active and confidence cycling learners. In this way, foriegn cyclists can feel more embedded during their learning journey and gradually become a new Dutch cyclist.

2-1: Why Ride Dutchly? In the Netherlands, nobody can survive without thier bike. Same as foriegners. However, there are very limited resources for these new cyclists to know the roles, routines and culture about cycling. The only way for them to get familIar with the Dutch cycling culture is cycling more. However, on the roads of the Netherlands, there are always busy traffic, confusing roles and mean cyclists in rush. All these factors make new cyclists nervous and diffidence, and also make it harder for them to adapt. Based in these understanding, Ride Dutchly focuses on creating a more friendly enviroment for them to learn and make mistakes. At the same time, make new cyclists feel more confident and proud about their leaning achievements.

Unfamiliar Cycling Culture For most of the foriegn cyclists, the roles and routines of cycling are unfamiliar and vague. However, there are few resources for them to learn about it.

Unfriendly Environment According to the questionaire, lots of new cycylists have encountered with unfriendly and mean dutch cyclists. It's also a main factor make new cyclist feel nervous when cycling on the road.

Lack of Confidence Because of the unfamiliar cycling cuture and the unfriendly environment, the new cyclists can easily get confused and nervious. In this way, they lack the confidence to practice and fail.

Please Be Nice! Just like the 'new driver' sticker for people who just get their driving licence, the new cyclist sign aims to make other cyclist more friendly and kind to these newcomers.

One Week, One Goal From week 1 to week 10, there are different quests on each sign sheet for new cyclists to learn the various cycling culture in the Netherlands.

Show Your Achievements After finishing one weekly goal, new cyclist can put the sign as a spoke card on their wheel. In this way, the spoke cards also represent their efferts and achievements on cycling.

I'm New Cyclist. I'm Green. The color of green is usually used to represent the new beginner. With the Tires Paint, the green tire will become a symbol of new cyclist in the Netherlands. Everyone can recognise who is a newcomer with the color.

Show Your Progress While cycling, the green coating will gradually wears off. In this way, the different greenishes also imply the cycist is a newbie or a senior biker.

From Speical to Normal After ten weeks training, the full-green tires will turn back into the normal black tires. At the same time, the new cyclist has also become one of the skillful Dutch cyclists on the streets.

2-1: The System of Ride Dutchly The Ride Dutchly Kit Box is a reusable product that facilitates new cyclists one by one. New cyclists can rent the Ride Dutchly Kit Box in specific bike stores and practice their cycling skills with it. After ten weeks training, the kit will be returned back to the bike store and help another new cyclist. In this way, the Ride Dutchly Kit Box is not only help the new cyclists to know the Dutch cycling culture, but also build up the relationship among new cyclist, senior cyclist and the bike store.

10 Final Evaluation

New Cyclist

Dutch Cyclist

Bike Store

4-1: Interviews with Users & Stakeholders In the final evaluation, I found one international student, one Dutch student and one bike store keeper to conduct interviews about this project. After explaining the concept and showing the models, several inspiring feedbacks and recommands were recorded and organised in the following paragraphs.

New Cyclist 1. This good to have something can help you to 'practice' rather than just teaching you. In most of the time I've told the roles and routines of cycling, but it's practice make me really learn them. 2. With this kit, I feel more wellcoming and warm. It's like a wellcoming gift for foriegners. 3. Maybe the signs could be more personal.

Dutch Cyclist 1. Recognising a international cyclist is not hard. You can easily tell the differences with their riding, speed and appearance. However, if they show themselves as new cyclists in this way, I do feel they are trying hard to adapt. I will be nicer and more friendly to them. 2. I'm not sure that I can always tell how good are them with the green paint on the tires. There might be some people ride a lot, but still ride badly.

Bike Store 1. Most of the foriegn students don't complain about the unfriendly cycling environment here, but I do know` most of the Dutch cyclists are not that kind. They're some concerns and worries that foriegn cyclists keep in their minds. 2. We can have more cooperations basing on this wellcoming kit for foriegn students. For example, our store could provides 50% discount for people who use this kit!

6-1: Reflections Make the Signs Bigger In order to reduce the feeling of awkward, I made the new cyclist sign smaller than the paper prototype version. However, most of people considered the size is too small to recognise the texts. During cycling, it become even harder for people to clearly see the signs.

The Kit Should Be More Flexible and Personal For most of people, bike is something really personal and expressing themselves. With this kit, they are able to decorate their bike with the paint and spoke cards. However, if every new international students get the same kit, it also make them feel being indifferent. On the other hand, there are lots of different bikes with different structures and accessaries. In this way, the signs and spoke cards should also be more flexible and modular.

Wider Cooperation In this concept, the bike store is the connecting point of new cyclists, which provides both the helps of bike's hardwares and the consultion with other senior cyclists. However, there are also other organizations, such as the Netherlands government and the universities, can join this project. For example, the government could provide financial supports of thing project and give this kit to foriegners as a wellcoming gift. The universities also can cooperate with this project to suggest international students get helps from this training kit.

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