Painting and Tears

獨奏心靈日之旅 4 Solo Spiritual Diary Tour
恩典記號 10 Signs of Grace
生命活泉 16 Fountain of Life
心靈地圖 18 Mind Map
當我遇見百歲梧桐的她 24 When I Met the 100-year-old Sycamore Tree
看不見的心靈國度 30 The Invisible Kingdom of the Mind
一個地方 36 Only One Place
創作是心靈愛慕之旅 44 Artistic Creation is a Journey of Spiritual Love
在基督信仰之上創作 50 Creating on the Foundation of the Christian Faith
Entering a Place of Dark Light
延 60
走進一個呼求之地 64 Into a Place of Crying for Help
以斯帖對話時空 70
Dialogue with Esther
十月 74
黑膠攝影詩 88
Vinyl Photo-Poetry Collections

凝聼白樺樹林的聲音 繪畫與眼淚 218
Listen to the Sound of the Birch Forest Painting and Tears
Island art worker 影像 image 詩 poem

空間裝置 Space installation
複合媒材創作 Composite media creatio

20201010個展開始了嗎?我真的可以開始了嗎?反覆在內心與主對話著,2018 發表《十月》至今又過了二年,在這些安靜的曰子閲讀了一個藝術家的文本,談 到他對於故鄕的詮釋,及他對每一個作品細膩且抽象及溫潤語彙,每一篇文章細 細表達他對生命,對藝術創作的態度,藝術的藴孕可以從他的言行舉上領受的出 來!對自然、對材料、對時間、對記憶、對生命、對依附學派、信仰,漸漸吐露 作品特質,這二年再一次沉澱思索再出發。
聽了一個從西班牙回來藝術旅人,他拋棄了想發展的抽象油畫創作,開始了水彩 記録城市的歷史記憶及城市溫度搬遷記憶!他放下一件曾經認為非常重要且應 該理所當然的去進行的夢想,但在人生道路上,他轉了彎,那場分享,可以感受 到他找到一分屬於他生命中的使命,在回家路上,那繪畫的圖像再一次帶我進入 起初對藝術的單純與熱愛。
偶然走進了這個地方,有Gps仍然會迷路的我,找了一下,原來是在叔本堂 麵包店附近轉角中,這棟房子,充滿了一個等待去書寫的空間,20201010展 覽竟然在奇妙偶遇中敲定了下來,ㄧ直跟神禱告,若不是祢的旨意就攔阻 吧,ㄧ切竟然都成立了。但預備期間經歷全球性的沉痛Covid-19—武漢肺 炎,從2019年12月開始發生至今,相信許多人也正在流淚憂傷中,說也 湊巧我的展覽名稱為《凝聽白樺樹林的聲音-繪畫與眼淚》那是想描繪白樺 樹林裡的生命氣息流動,有生死有眼淚的狀態。會去畫這系列作品,應該起 源在2009年的梧桐系列作品我看見了百歲的梧桐樹,樹對我而言如同一個 人的生命,當下我與這梧桐作了生命對話,就畫了一系列作品。那時是由具 象轉抽象的轉變,由有色彩轉低彩,事過十年光陰,2019年在貝加爾湖中 遇見白樺樹林,經由吸引至凝聽至傾聽,延伸著與白樺樹林生命對話的系列 作品 —《凝聽白樺樹林的聲音-繪畫與眼淚》。在同時也完成此作品集。
會有作品集是因為想尋找自己生命的創作脈絡,創作對我而言是,一直無所不在 的,它包含生活的一切,不管是看得見的,柴米油鹽醬醋茶,或去世界各地的
旅行,到內心深處,被聖靈觸摸的內在信仰。有些人遇見我,一直知道我是不停 喜歡用影像做記錄的人,或許年紀大了,許多事似乎會越來越記不起來,開了三 次刀的我,一想到時間這個問題就開始有點緊張起來,你會緊張嗎?緊張不是想 讓自己生活更緊湊,更緊張,緊張是想好好珍惜每一生活時刻,好好活著,如何 活出真的有價值的生命,究竟美好生命是什麼呢?人活著常是及急急促促,向著 一個目標,一直向前衝。但我真的一直覺得那目標真的是上帝盼望我們走的道路 嗎?在人生的道路你正走到那個方向?信仰、生活、藝術依然是我生活的秩序, 信仰若沒有,我早就不能與人分享此刻的作品,更別說要有個展,對於黑膠攝影 詩集的部分更別說可以完成。信仰被聖靈觸摸的那日我至今忘不了,那是我在生 命走到盡頭時的絕望與生命極其軟弱之時,如同黑夜過後真的有黎明清晨日光進 到我生命。現在回想起來知道生命要被聖靈觸摸充滿,我在說真的要被聖靈觸摸 且充滿,神在那時刻開啟了我,那時開始知道真的有一位神是又真又活,生命起 源從祂而來,一切從祂有了全新的開始。
祂是道路、真理、生命,祂一直願意陪伴我往前行其實我的生命當時認為沒路可 走了,遇見主,祂卻一直安慰我這顆受傷的心、羞愧的心、膽怯懼怕的心,祂 無所不在的在每一個時空裡面,我邀請祂進到我生命的核心,我渴望祂來掌權一 切,因為祂是一切生命源頭,更是我生命救主,離了祂,我深知道自己什麼都不 能。進入藝術的領域我相信也是主為我開的一扇門,祂似乎將一股熱情放在我血 液裡,透過藝術,我需要去旅行,藉著觀看上帝創造的美好,更多寧靜時刻與主 對話,透過靈修、默想、禱告,往往心中的話語會映在心中,甚至一幅一幅的 畫面,我不得不快快的把它記錄下來,因為知道這是與主奇妙生命的內在對話。 主啊!謝謝祢,從1999年來到毘努伊勒教會至今,如同來到一個屬心靈的天堂 之家,每一次神的同在降臨,每一次恩膏運行,都安慰觸摸我的心,如果說藝術 不談到我所信的上帝,那我也真不知道要為什麼而藝術,我也不知道要談什麼? 其實我也真不想說什麼,因為我是拙口笨舌,也不會說,又怕說錯。但,若有些 想法是美好的,真的不得不想拍下,畫下,與主分享,與自己分享,也與您分享。 謝謝您耐心,聽我,看我,喃喃自語,寫下的言語,總歸這作品集是為了尋找自 己創作的脈絡,且感謝主的引領,願在藝術創作過程中內心更加柔和謙卑。
Solo Spiritual Diary Tour
2007那年進入東海大海就讀東海美術系,第一堂上彭賢祥老師的繪畫創作,在第一堂他介紹了一位墨西哥女藝術 家,芙烈達•卡蘿(Frida Kahlo, 1907-1954)卡蘿的一生,對我至今的創作依然影響著我,她用繪畫敘述她的生 活,點點滴滴,像日記般的表達她面對的車禍所留下的疼痛及她個人面對艱難環境的堅韌,她在畫布上記錄每一 次手術後的撕裂傷口,這場車禍帶給卡蘿無數身體的創痛與心靈傷痕,往後二十八年,她動了三十幾次的外科手 術!《破碎的脊柱》是卡蘿自畫像,描繪近乎分裂身體,這埸景讓我聯想耶穌被釘上十字架的景象,《獨奏心靈日 之旅》這一系列碳筆作品,其實是紀念1999年初進到敎會的情形,那時也正經歷一連串生命破碎的過程,在額頭
2007 was the year I entered Tunghai University to study in the Department of FineArts. My first class was painting creations taught by the teacher Hsien-hsiang Peng. Inthis first class, he introduced the life of a female Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo (1907-1954). Her works still affect me to this day. She used painting to narrate her life, little by little, like a diary, expressing the agony she had to face up to, which was left behind from a bus accident and her personal tenacity in getting by in an arduous and severe environment. She recorded every tear in her wounds after the operation on canvas. This bus accident brought Kahlo countless physical wounds and spiritual scars. Over the subsequent 28 years, she had more than 30 surgical operations! The Broken Column is a self-portrait of Kahlo, depicting a body that had nearly been split. This image brings to mind the scene of Jesus being nailed to the cross. The Solo Spiritual Diary Tour series of charcoal works is actually a commemoration of circumstances when I entered the Christian church in early 1999. At that time, I was also going through a series of life-breaking events. The cross symbol on my forehead was a sign that Jesus became the mark of my life’s salvation. If this life had not trulymet the love of the Holy Spirit, I would no longer be here today.

恩典記號 Signs of Grace 2008

我喜歡用複合媒材創作,拼貼,現成物,刮,造成的肌理,畫 面形成一幅時光流動般的劇埸故事,裡面記錄著父母,家人, 結婚,孩子出生及接受基督信仰的旅程,我視每一個用釘子釘 住的一個點,就是神給下的一個恩典、不管是黑夜或白日,這 作品是用聯作拼接的方式,像是一首敍事詩一篇又一篇的進行。
I like to use composite media to create. Texture has been created from collage, ready-made objects, and engravings, and the picture forms a drama story that flows liketime. In it the journey of parents, family, marriage, the birth of children andacceptance of the Christian faith are recorded. I see every point nailed down as beinga God-given grace, regardless of whether it happened by night or by day. This work takes the approach of splicing things together, so it can be read like a narrative poem,one verse after another.

這是一條榮耀河川,洋溢著生命,也閃爍著榮耀光輝,其中充滿神自己非凡 的生命與一波波純淨與喜樂。從天直瀉至地面,平安江河湧流著豐盛生命與 甜美祝福,生生不息流動著,分流四面八方,也預表個人生命,終究要回到 祂起初創造的源頭,生命活泉以上文字是繪畫完寫下的心境,這也是在大 墩文化中心東海美術系師生聯展獲獎第三名的作品之一,材料是水墨,內 容是敍述在敎會中領受神同在,牧者在詩歌敬拜中帶下平安、生命、醫治、 恩膏、水流的異象。這幅也是日後完成看見心靈的國度之旅的畫作前曲。
This is a glorious river, brim-full of life, and also resplendent with glory, including that of God's own extraordinary life, and wave after wave of purity and joy.Everywhere you look, the peaceful river is flowing with abundant life and sweet blessings. It flows endlessly and diverges in every direction. This is also a prefiguration of an individual's life, which, after all, will return to the source of its original creation. The words above the Fountain of Life were written after the painting was completed, and expressed my state of mind at that time. This work was also one of the third prize-winning works in a joint teachers and students exhibition held by Tunghai University's Department of Fine Arts and the Dadun Cultural Center. The media used was ink and the content is a narration of receiving the presence of God in church, while the pastor brings a vision of peace, life, healing, anointing, and water flow in a hymn of worship. This work was also a prelude to the later completed painting, The Invisible Kingdom of the Mind.

心靈地圖 Mind Map 2010
在城市遊走時,常看見正在被柝毀的舊建築物,不知不覺就會吸引我走進去,卻常常看見有記憶 性的材料,例如銹鐵屑、塑皮、玻璃、廚房方塊磁磚,等現成材料。「丟棄物」讓我常想到的是 失喪的靈魂,如同孤兒般,我喜歡尋找被丟棄物,放在作品之中如同上帝尋找失喪貧窮之人,祂 必不撇下你為孤兒,作品中常以丟棄物為拼貼的創作材料,漸漸形成不同的色彩及心靈地圖。
When walking in the city, I often come across old buildings that are being demolished. Unwittingly, I am attracted to walk inside. There, I often see memoryfilled materials, such as rusty iron filings, synthetic leather, glass, kitchen tiles, and other suchlike ready-made materials. 'Discarded items' often remind me of lost souls, which are somewhat like orphans. I like to look for discarded items and put them in my works, just as God looks for the lost and poor people. He will not cast you aside as an orphan. In my works, I often use discarded items as materials for collages, gradually forming them into different colors and mind maps.

When I Met the 100-year-old Sycamore Tree
偶然機會來到上海徐匯江和天平路附近遇見百年的法國梧桐樹,看著層層班駁痕跡,內心 非常感動,好像遇見了老知己,她似乎提早經歷了許多悲歡離合歲月,我們交談了許多生 命的事情,雖然我的年紀與百歲相差甚遠,彼此交談過後,心靈一直悸動燃燒著,梧桐裡 的肌理抽象語彙似乎像河流般的生命流動在我裡面...直到我用100F大的尺幅把它畫下來 之後知道天平路是馬路修築於清光緒33年,以法國旅華耶穌會主教命名為姚主教路Route
Mgr. Prosper Paris。1943年,汪精衛接收上海租界之後以廣西天平改今名「天平路」。
Occasionally I had the opportunity to see a century old Sycamore tree, which stood near Shanghai's Xuhui River and Tianping Road. I felt very moved emotionally when I saw the marks of layer upon layer of the tree's rings. It was like meeting an old confidant, and she seemed to have gone through a great many sorrows and joys early on in life. We talked much about various things in life. Although my age is a long way from her 100 years of age, after talking to each other, our hearts are always warmly affectionate. The abstract vocabulary of the tree's textures seemed to flow like a river of life within me. Only when I drew the tree as a size 100F picture did I learn that Tianping Road was a road built in the 33rd year of the Guangxu era in the Qing Dynasty. It was named Route Mgr. Prosper Paris after the French bishop of the Society of Jesus in China. After Wang Jingwei took over Shanghai's French Concession, the name was changed from Guangxi Tianping to its present name 'Tianping Road' in 1943.

I started to enjoy the wonderful words between heaven and earth

凝聽白樺樹林的聲音 繪畫與眼淚 作品集
Listen to the Sound of the Birch Forest Painting and Tears Collection
楊 琴 Yang Chin yangchin018@gmail.com
楊 琴 Yang Chin yangchin018@gmail.com
張雅昀 Chang Ya Yun lynnchang851123@gmail.com
楊 琴 Yang Chin yangchin018@gmail.com Tel 886 939555931
哲興印刷有限公司 台灣台中市南屯區工業區21路7號 Tel 886 423598883
楊 琴 Yang Chin 台灣台中市西屯區天水東街2號1樓 Tel 886 422593322
2020年10月 NT$3000
繪畫與眼淚作品集 = Listen to the sound of the birch forest painting and tears collection / 楊琴詩.影 像. -- 初版. -- 臺中市 楊琴, 2020.10 面 ; 公分 ISBN 978-957-43-8017-6(精裝)
1.藝術 2.作品集 902.33 109014368
Printed in Taiwan
此為 凝聽白樺樹林的聲音 繪畫與眼淚 作品集〈試閱本〉
如有興趣購買 請至下方連結填寫訂購表單 想了解更多或聯繫作者楊琴 Tel : 886 939555931
Mail : yangchin018@gmail.com