With more than 500 physicians, 53 clinics across Marin, Sonoma, and Napa counties, and a strategic alliance with UCSF Health, MarinHealth delivers world-class care right where you live.

World-class care.
Closer than you think.

With more than 500 physicians, 53 clinics across Marin, Sonoma, and Napa counties, and a strategic alliance with UCSF Health, MarinHealth delivers world-class care right where you live.
World-class care.
Closer than you think.
66 Collectors
The history of medicine inspired Mill Valley doctor Toni Brayer, MD, to collect medical artifacts dating back to the 1800s.
23 Currents
Caring for elderly dogs, new openings in Marin and tips for living harmoniously with some new visitors.
28 Lessons From a Life at Sea
A sailor finds her footing after seven years sailing around the world.
96 Calendar
A roundup of what to do in Marin and beyond.
100 Dine
An insider’s guide to dining and food in the Bay Area.
108 On the Scene
Snapshots from events around the county.
113 Backstory
An interior designer and her family turn to co-buying to purchase a property in San Francisco for their young family and imbue it with color and personality.
Nikki N. Wood
Mimi Towle
Kasia Pawlowska
Jessica Gliddon
Christina Mueller
Lotus Abrams, Donna Berry Glass
Emma Casey, Ciel Pierlot, Grace Towle, Jim Wood
Claire Fiorentino, Eva Knowles, Luke Lori, Emma Robertson
Lisa Hilgers
Alex French
John Merkl, Steve Kepple
Kate Forrester
Maeve Walsh
Jim Wood, Nikki N. Wood
Volume 19, Issue 8. Marin Magazine is published in Marin County by 270 Media LLC. All rights reserved. Copyright©2022. Reproduction of Marin Magazine content is prohibited without the expressed, written consent of 270 Media LLC. Unsolicited materials cannot be returned. Marin Magazine reserves the right to refuse to publish any advertisement deemed detrimental to the best interests of the community or that is in questionable taste. Marin Magazine is mailed monthly to homes and businesses in Marin County. Marin (USPS 024-898) is published monthly by 270 Media LLC, 4000 Bridgeway, Suite 105, Sausalito, CA 94965. Periodicals Postage Paid at Sausalito, CA, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to 270 Media LLC, PO Box 50, Lincolnshire, IL 60069. The paper within this product is at least 70% from a Forest Stewardship Council®-certified forest (FSC-C002420). The balance may be recycled material and/or controlled wood.
Sauropods were Mesozoic marvels, measuring up to 60 feet tall and weighing up to 80 tons. Discover the world’s largest dinosaurs at the world’s only aquarium + planetarium + rainforest + natural history museum. With life-size models, fossil replicas, and more.
Now open | Get tickets at calacademy.org
Every visit supports our mission to regenerate the natural world.
The World’s Largest Dinosaurs is organized by the American Museum of Natural History, New York (www.amnh.org), in collaboration with Coolture Marketing, Bogotá, Colombia.Warning: don’t read any further if you are not in agreement that Marin County is the best place to live — the next 500 words will just tie your panties in a bunch. This issue we celebrate our Best of the County picks in a way we have never done before. It’s taken us years to evolve and, dare I say, perfect this process, to offer you a robust selection of over 400 small businesses that all make our county the best place to live (just ask the folks at Robert Wood Johnson Foundation). Our best-of lists are composed of eight
and as a complete surprise due to write-ins, added another 40 businesses, with bakeries, pizzas and nail and hair salons leading the charge. Once the votes were tallied we were happy to see we only had one tie. If your businesses earned this year’s readers’ choice, you might want to thank your customers — in many cases there were hundreds of votes cast per category and the winner won by only 20.
Then came the fun part: creating over 100 online articles. While it was a group effort, our then spring term intern, Ciel Pierlot, immersed herself in the poetry of writing most of the copy for topics ranging from auto repair to photography. Also on this Herculean task, Grace Towle managed and trained a small army, including Eva Knowles and Emma Robertson — two of five stellar interns we have in the office this summer — to upload all of these posts, find images, triple check for accuracy and include the category sponsors.
However, the real MVP award goes to the tag team effort of Kasia Pawlowska and Lisa Hilgers. Kasia painstakingly combed through each post, alphabetized businesses, fact checked names and made sure write-in information was appropriately included. She then passed off to Lisa Hilgers, who was tasked with making 18 pages of lists look dynamic without the help of a photographer or illustrator. It was just Lisa, and her dog Otis, in her studio with a lot of words and provided imagery we pulled from businesses. You’ll see the result on page 32.
categories: arts & entertainment, beauty, dining, fitness & sports, home & design, services, shopping and philanthropy, each with at least eight sub categories. Back in March we sent these lists to our newsletter audience to select their favorites with a caveat, to reduce the “you didn’t include me” emails and letters — if a business received 10 individual write-in votes, we would add them to our list. Luckily, Holly Smith, our marketing associate, had just started in her role and took on the task of searching for duplicate emails addresses with the fervor of an Orkin Pest control pro. “Got one,” I would hear her squeal, or “Cheaters, cheaters, cheaters.” In the end, we had over 7,200 individual votes
Enough about us, this issue is about introducing you to a new bakery, Pilates studio or hair salon to enrich your life or visit here in Marin County. If you don’t agree with the selections, there is always next year, and if you feel like your favorite Thai restaurant should have won readers’ choice, be sure to vote and spread the word next year. Also please share your appreciation of your favorites throughout the year by tagging us and adding #MarinBOC2023, we will share your photos on our social channels (including Threads). Cheers to Marin!
Marin is the best place to live and here’s why.
Emma Robertson, Eva Knowles, Holly Smith
You love our Best of the County businesses, you voted for them, now come celebrate with them! Be part of our better-than-ever annual event along with the people who make our community the best place to live. Soak up the waterfront views, enjoy great food and great drinks (open bar!) and dance under the stars. Best of all, proceeds will benefit the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank. The party will be held at the Marina Plaza in Sausalito on Friday, August 4th from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Scan for more info and ticket link.
Canopy is the first collection of luxury residences available at Mill District, featuring 43 condominiums by world-renowned architects Olson Kundig. Scheduled for completion in spring of 2024, Canopy is situated within a preserved grove of redwood trees in the heart of Mill District’s 10-acre neighborhood in downtown Healdsburg. A boutique hotel, retail experiences, a private pool house, and an array of resident amenities are just steps from Healdsburg’s galleries, tasting rooms, boutique shops, bakeries, and Michelin-starred restaurants.
At Exchange Bank, we put community and compassion first. It’s the way we’ve treated customers for over 130 years. Founded in Sonoma County, with strong ties to Marin, Exchange Bank is pleased to announce its newest Trust & Investment Management location in San Rafael. Providing personal services tailored to your family’s financial needs. Call us today at 415.259.6940.
3950 Civic Center Drive Suite 101 | San Rafael, CA
Like many of you — over 100 million as of mid-July — we are on Threads! We asked our followers an open-ended question on the platform, and received many positive replies. Check out some of them here. If you haven’t downloaded the app yet, join us on this journey. We look forward to connecting with you.
Understanding the growing presence of black bears in Marin County.
Most of us have likely seen the videos — grainy, out of focus Nest Cam footage of a bear ambling across a residential driveway in San Rafael’s Terra Linda neighborhood. Where are these bears coming from?
“These are likely young dispersing males from the Occidental or Bodega Bay regions, looking for a range to call home,” says Peter Barto, a Marinbased naturalist and member of the North Bay Bear Collaborative (NBBC). “Although Marin and California were historically grizzly bear habitat, the bears we have here are American black bears, and our group is trying to see if a resident population is establishing itself in the county.” In July 2022, Barto, who is also a part of the River Otter Ecology Project, captured on a trailcam he had set up for the group footage of two young bears playing in a creek within the Mt. Tam watershed. So how many bears are there in the county? The NBBC guesses there are at least four, basing it on the various sightings and bear descriptions from different parts of Marin over the last couple years. Here are some things to consider as these new inhabitants become more common.
• The best way to scare them off? Make a lot of noise, and don’t come between a mother and her cubs.
• Mind your trash. Keep your bins securely stowed away before garbage pickup to not tempt bears — and other animals.
• American black bears can be brown! Many shades of brown, in fact.
• Black bears are not obligate carnivores like mountain lions and do not necessarily prey on other animals, although they will sometimes catch and feed on small mammals as well as scavenge on dead animals. Their diet mostly consists of berries, insects, roots and other plants.
You can learn more about black bears and how to reduce conflict when sharing the area with them at the North Bay Bear Collaborative’s website, beingwithbears.org
Jonny Moseley, Klay Thompson, Barry Bonds — many famous athletes have considered Marin their home over the years. While Corte Madera-native Pat Duffy may not have the same name recognition in most circles, he certainly has the accolades. The Redwood High grad and pro skateboarder is one of the pioneers of handrail riding — a staple of the sport — and something he mastered in spots throughout the county, including the Corte Madera DMV and Northgate Mall. Duffy was inducted into the Skateboarding Hall of Fame late last year for this and his other contributions — congrats, Pat! K.P.
Oct. 2, 2023, 10 a.m.–7 p.m Meadow Club: 1001 Bolinas Road, Fairfax
There’s no golf experience quite like the Meadow Club. Supporting Marin Community Clinics, Marin’s largest nonprofit community health center, is also a no-brainer. It’s a winning combination. With great drinks and food, a putting contest, 18 holes of golf, local sponsors, and the delicious buffet dinner and silent auction, Marin’s newest golf tournament is a must!
$450 (Individual Golfer) marinclinic.org/mcc-golftournament-2023
Friend us to share and view RSVP Hot Ticket photos at facebook.com/marinmagazine
Want to see all the images from our RSVP Hot Ticket events? marinmagazine.com/hotticket
The challenges of puppies are well known, from the difficulties of housetraining to enthusiastically ruining the sofa. Older dogs present their own challenges as aging issues start to pop up. But that doesn’t make those issues insurmountable, and it shouldn’t discourage any dog lover from adopting a furry friend that’s in their senior years. Here are some tips from the Modern Animal in Strawberry and Marin Humane to give you a handy guide.
While puppies can run wild in the house, older dogs often have arthritis or similar issues that make hardwood floors challenging for them. Putting down carpets or even yoga mats is a great way to keep your dog from slipping, even if they’re not scampering around as much as they used to. Some older dogs take to wandering around at night, so make sure to block off any stairs or rooms that you don’t want them getting into.
As your dog gets older, they’re going to need more and more soft places to nap in, especially if they have arthritis. Keep a separate, safe spot for them
with their favorite dog bed, and make sure it’s warm and cozy so they don’t shiver. Don’t worry about them shredding their bedding, as older dogs aren’t as inclined to turn furniture into chew toys as younger dogs are.
When you pick out a new puppy, you have no idea what kind of personality they’ll have when they grow up. Older dogs are already settled into their ways and you can know what they’re like before you bring them home. If you know you want a more snuggle-friendly pet or one that likes independence, you’ll have the ability to be a lot more choosy with older dogs. An additional bonus is that you won’t need to worry about potty training!
Some people love having canine companions but can’t keep up with the hyperactive nature of younger dogs, whether that’s not having enough time for long walks or hesitancy to have to dog-proof your expensive furniture. Older dogs are more laid-back and generally prefer to nap on your feet than running hot on your heels.
Natural wonders abound in Monterey, and there simply is no better place to experience it all than with a stay on Cannery Row. Known for its picturesque charm and colorful history, guests to this fabled street can enjoy a unique combination of luxurious waterfront hotels, enticing restaurants and captivating boutiques. Come, slow down and enjoy the best of Monterey on Cannery Row.
Finding footing after a seven year adventure sailing around the world.
Last year I made an extremely difficult decision: I left a four year relationship with a man and a seven year relationship with a lifestyle. Boat life had come to define me. I was introduced as “Emma, my friend (daughter, granddaughter, niece) who is sailing around the world.” I was terrified to walk away from seven years of incomparable freedom; of living at the whim of the elements, of a comfortable floating home with a new backyard each day. It was essentially all my adult self had known, the scaffolding of my existence. But I was clinging too tightly to that limiting identity of “boat Emma” and needed space to extricate my self-worth from those sea roving years. It was 2015. I was 21, fresh out of college,
and in search of adventure. Thankfully, I was also naïve. And brave; but maybe the bravery fell beneath the umbrella of naïveté. From my childhood home in Marin County, I scoured Latitude 38 magazine’s list of “Captains Looking for Crew,” and next thing I knew, I was aboard a 35’ cutter heading south out of Pillar Point Harbor. I switched boats in San Diego and continued through Mexico. Months passed. I carried on and made the crossing to the Marquesas aboard a 30’ steel gaffrigged ketch. It was slow (48 days), but I was hooked. I had entered the alternate reality of being a tiny speck in the middle of a vast ocean. This venture began to feel less like a trip and more like a lifestyle. I loved having only time — nowhere to go, nowhere to be, no one to be.
After a few thousand more nautical miles, I arrived in New Zealand where I met the man with whom I would sail for another four years aboard a 1980 Amel Sharki. We slowly worked our way north to the Philippines, and I slowly fell in love with Phil and his unparalleled zest for life. We traversed southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean, landing in South Africa just in time for the pandemic. We crossed the Atlantic from Namibia to Suriname one year later, and in Grenada I decided it was time for me to make a change.
I spent this past year feeling quite unmoored. I struggled with adjusting back to life on land and constantly wondered if I had made a great mistake walking away from my little floating home and the
thrilling variability of life aboard. Why would I give up spearfishing on uninhabited Micronesian atolls and summiting active Vanuatuan volcanoes to peer down at roiling lava a thousand feet below? Why would I trade traversing oceans for sitting in traffic? Because something was missing. I was unsettled, and often unhappy. A year of foundering and sitting with my thoughts, with myself, and I’ve arrived at some semblance of clarity.
Landing back in Sausalito last winter, I started crafting bags from upcycled sailcloth and leather under the name Landfall Leatherworks. Landfall is that first glimpse of land after having been at sea, that distant hazy view of an island’s outline on the horizon. Making landfall is simultaneously thrilling and bittersweet, complex. I distinctly remember my first view of a craggy French Polynesian island 48 days after leaving the Mexican coastline, and with it that first whiff of earth — a rich, sweet smell of soil, decomposition, and wood-burning cooking fires. I thought over those seven weeks of sea and sky that the sight of terra firma would be exciting, that
I would be excited. But I initially surprised myself with a sinking feeling — knowing that land meant a complication of lifestyle, an end to the relative silence of the open ocean, and the beginning of bureaucracy, paperwork, money, internet access. But we are quick to adapt, and the joys of an iced beverage, a fresh meal, and a conversation with a new face remind us why we need community, solidity, grounding. There is a fine balance between the freedom of disconnecting from the world and the richness of connecting back to the collective human experience.
This little business is my landfall; the tangible result of my desire to make sense of, and make something of, my years at sea. And what better place to start than right here in Sausalito’s historic working waterfront? I have always derived gratification from working with my hands to create tactile objects both functional and beautiful. My bags are both, with an added element of sustainability.
Modern sails are made of Dacron, which is a polyester fiber that is nonrecyclable and nonbiodegradable. Sails, though durable, have a lifespan of about eight years on most full-time cruising boats, and a fraction of that on racing boats (the stitching breaks down from UV exposure, and the general structural integrity of the fabric diminishes from sun, wind, chafe, and flogging). Think about what that means in terms of the sheer quantity of discarded sails each year in the Bay Area alone, where we have almost 40 marinas with around 11,000 total slips. It is a phenomenal material (lightweight, strong, water resistant, and so easy to clean) that would otherwise be fated to the landfill. My designs maximize use of the fabric and incorporating hardware — grommets, reinforced sections, vinyl windows — and stitch patterns. These bags are more than vessels, inextricably linked to my story and the sea itself.
I may no longer know what phase the moon is in or what the tides are doing, but I’m enjoying a newfound settledness.
Is neck, back, shoulder, knee or hip pain keeping you from the activities you love?
The team of orthopedic specialists at Novato Community Hospital can help resolve your pain and get you back in motion. Our award-winning program includes physical therapy, nonsurgical procedures, leading-edge pain management, and minimally invasive and robotic surgical treatments.
Connect with a doctor and get your questions answered at one of our free upcoming orthopedic webinars.
It’s a thousand things, big and small.
Find out more at sutterhealth.org/marin-webinars.
It’s the freedom to move without pain.
After 34 years across the street and down the block in Point Reyes Station, the restaurant known for its sustainable cuisine and flaky popovers returned to its original location. The space, which formerly housed Osteria Stellina, went through a retrofit and expand into a neighboring retail space, creating three dining areas — including a new room for dining and live music. 11285 Hwy 1, Point Reyes Station; 415.663.1515; stationhousecafe.com
Gallo Rosso Italian Steakhouse
Co-owner/general manager John Alrabadi and co-owner chef Salvio di Furia combine the Italian subcultures of di Furia’s parents (Mom is from Tuscany, Dad is from Naples) and bring focus to a steak place in Sausalito. Seafood dishes and homemade pastas, like
BY CHRISTINA MUELLERpappardelle with braised wild boar ragu, reflect north and south Italy, but those in the know will aim for the ziti Genovese. 2633 Bridgeway, Suite A, Sausalito; 415.729.9034; gallorossosteak.com
Laos Kitchen
Manivone Vongsouthi, a long-running San Rafael resident and owner of nearby takeout spot Bay Thai, opened a sit-down restaurant that truly reflects her blended Thai/Lao heritage. The two countries, which share a border, share many flavor profiles, too, reflected in dishes of nam kao todd with homemade Lao sausage or a plate of papaya salad studded with Thai green eggplant. 884 Fourth St, San Rafael; 415.456.4490; laoskitchensanrafael.com
Kitchen Novato
After 30 years running Debbie Keith Catering in Novato, owner Deb Keith opened a breakfast and lunch café. The menu showcases a full espresso bar and the work of in-house pastry chef, Luis Neria, who crafts everything from croissants and cinnamon twists with hand-grated cinnamon to chocolate mousse cake and a tiramisu touched with brandy and coffee. 6 Hamilton Landing, Suite 100, Novato; 415.234.8923; kitchennovato.com
Frankie & Jo’s
A plant-based scoop shop launched in 2016 in Seattle landed at Larkspur’s Marin Country Mart in late June. Renowned for creamy, decadent vegan creations without the help of animal products, GMOs, soy or dairy, the brand creates up to 30 new ice creams and novelty products each year that are sustainably sourced. 2257 Larkspur Landing Circle, Larkspur; frankieandjos.com
Colette Peri Print Shop
Local Stinson Beach photographer, Colette Peri, has opened a print shop selling framed works of our favorite views such as the famous low fog on Mt. Tam, summer days in Stinson, wildlife in Point Reyes & more. Her work is characterized by its vibrant colors and captivating perspectives, which combine to create images that inspire and delight. 3488 Shoreline Hwy, Stinson Beach; shop.coletteperi.com
Veronica Beard
The national brand, founded by sisters-in-law Veronica Miele Beard and Veronica Swanson Beard in 2010 in New York, opened its second NorCal branch at Larkspur’s Marin Country Mart in April. The brand is known for cool classics and outfits suitable for all occasions, including suits, jeans, shoes, and swimwear for women. 1015 Larkspur Landing Circle, Larkspur; 415. 839.9395; veronicabeard.com
Vegan scoops in Larkspur, a print shop in Stinson Beach and more openings.
Ashley Morgan’s custom designs are intended for individuals who wish to express their own unique spirit and beauty. As opposed to fleeting trends, Ashley draws her inspiration from her clients’ stories, traditions, and cultures, as well as the natural world, to create bespoke personalized designs.
23 Poplar #2, Ross, CA 415.205.6228 ashleymorgandesigns.com
Summer fashion and gifting season is in full swing at The Perfect Provenance in downtown Tiburon with the arrival of beautiful new men’s and women’s fashion, accessories, bags and shoes from Europe. Stop in and see all of the great items we have in store!
THE PERFECT PROVENANCE 30 Main St, Tiburon, CA 415.797.6054
Dig into Estuary, a California lifestyle store. Featuring a curated selection of clothing and curios to make your home & garden a peaceful sanctuary. Estuary is in one of the oldest buildings downtown featuring a view of the river, an experience not to miss.
ESTUARY 120 Petaluma Blvd North, Downtown Petaluma, CA 707.231.9125 shopestuary.com
DRESS IN COLOR. Rare Himalayan Pinkish-Purple Diaspore (AKA Zultanite) and Diamond 18K Ring. Jewelry by women for women.
CALIFORNIA GIRL JEWELRY Strawberry Village Shopping Center, Mill Valley, CA 650.504.0646 californiagirljewelry.com
We asked, and you
submitted over7,200 votes: Now it’s time to r eveal our winners!
From top Thai restaurants and must-shop jewlery stores to standout spin classes and the best venues for live music, we have over 400 Marin County businesses featured, including readers’ choice picks.
Mill Valley Music Festival
as you find your seat in what they proudly call “a people’s theatre.” Mill Valley, throckmorton theatre.org
• 142 Throckmorton Theatre, Mill Valley
• Improv Marin, San Rafael
• Marin Art and Garden Center, Ross
• Trek Winery, Novato
Best Community Event
READERS’ CHOICE: Marin County Fair
For many, the Marin County Fair is a summer extravaganza that inspires nostalgia to this day, for others, it’s their first time at the kind of classic fair that just screams Americana in a way nothing else does.
San Rafael , fair.marin county.org/2023
• Fairfax Parade/ Festival
• Marin Arts & Crafts Show
Best Art Gallery
READERS’ CHOICE: Art Works Downtown
Art Works Downtown, a nonprofit art center that has served Marin for over 25 years, is committed to their mission to make art visible and accessible for the betterment of all. San Rafael, artworks downtown.org
• Aerena Gallery, Mill Valley
• Anthony Meier Gallery, Mill Valley
• Art Works Downtown, San Rafael
• Desta Gallery, Mill Valley
• Garvey|Simon, San Anselmo
• Julie Zener Gallery, San Rafael
• Kim Eagles-Smith Gallery, Mill Valley
• Robert Green Fine Arts, Mill Valley
• Seager Gray Gallery, Mill Valley
Best Children’s Museum
READERS’ CHOICE: Bay Area Discovery Museum
A staple for school field trips, family weekends and summer camp excursions, the Bay Area Discovery Museum has been teaching and entertaining children since 1988. Perfect for kids 6 months to 10 years old (and parents, too). Sausalito, bayareadiscovery museum.org
• Bay Area Discovery Museum, Sausalito
• Marin Museum of Bicycling, Fairfax
• Mt. Tamalpais Gravity
• Car Barn, Mill Valley
• Tiburon Railroad & Ferry Depot Museum, Tiburon
Best Comedy Venue
READERS’ CHOICE: 142 Throckmorton Theatre
Art and community are at the heart of everything the Throckmorton Theatre does including workshops, dance classes and after-school programs. Take in the historical atmosphere and the gorgeous wall-to-ceiling murals
• Marin County Fair
• Mill Valley Fall Arts Festival
• Novato Festival of Art, Wine and Music
• Sausalito Arts Festival
• Sausalito Easter
Parade and Egg Hunt
• Sausalito Lighted Boat
Parade & Fireworks
Best Community Theater
READERS’ CHOICE: The Mountain Play The Mountain Play isn’t just a show — it’s an experience. Nowhere else makes Into The Woods more immersive than here,
where audiences can sit on steps of carved stone or enjoy private dining in the intimacy of a shaded grove. Mill Valley, mountainplay.org
• 142 Throckmorton Theatre, Mill Valley
• Alter Theater, San Rafael
• Marin Theatre Company, Mill Valley
• The Mountain Play, Mill Valley
• The Playhouse in San Anselmo
• Ross Valley Players, Greenbrae
Best Film Festival
READERS’ CHOICE: Mill Valley Film Festival
What started out as a three-day event has sprawled into a 11-day extravaganza of film from around the world showcasing the best of American independent films and foreign films.
San Rafael, mvff.com
• Italian Film Festival
• Marin County International Festival of Short Film & Video
• Mill Valley Film Festival
• Tiburon International Film Festival
Best Live Music Venue
READERS’ CHOICE: Sweetwater Music Hall
Sweetwater Music Hall’s mission statement is to feed the
soul of Mill Valley and has been displaying this passion since the original Sweetwater opened in 1972. Mill Valley, sweetwatermusic hall.com
• HopMonk Tavern, Novato
• Peri’s Tavern, Fairfax
• Rancho Nicasio, Nicasio
• Sweetwater Music Hall, Mill Valley
Best Museum
READERS’ CHOICE: Marin Museum of Contemporary Art Marin MOCA boasts multiple different galleries that host everything from student exhibits to educational programs to big names in the art world. Additionally,
many artists have made their homes in one of the dozens of studios available to rent. Novato, marinmoca.org
• Bolinas Museum, Bolinas
• China Camp Museum, San Rafael
• Marin History Museum, San Rafael
• Marin Museum of Bicycling, Fairfax
• Marin Museum of Contemporary Art (MarinMOCA), Novato
• Miwok Museum, Novato
• The Museum of International Propaganda, San Rafael
• Novato History Museum, Novato
• Tiburon Ferry and Railroad Depot
Best Music Festival
READERS’ CHOICE: Mill Valley Music Festival
This two-day festival is a multi-genre mix of sound, lights, and acts both local and national. That said, its focus is certainly on spreading the culture of Mill Valley through the Bay Area and beyond. Mill Valley, millvalley musicfest.com
• Fairfax Festival, Fairfax
• Homestead Valley Music Festival, Mill Valley
• Mill Valley Music Festival, Mill Valley
• Sound Summit, Mill Valley
Gene Hiller Menswear has been providing American gentlemen with the very best clothing from brands like Canali and Brioni since 1953. Gene Hiller is also its own menswear brand designed in-house and manufactured in Montreal, Italy and Spain. Owners Tom Gangitano and Wayne Kaleck share more about their storied business.
What’s unique about your business?
Our business is a community business that extends all around the world. We are not only fashion consultants for our clients, but also their personal concierge service. From securing private drivers for airport transfers, booking hotel stays, making reservations — we do it all. Another element of our success is the longevity of our knowledgeable sales staff, which includes our world renowned tailor shop.
What you love about living in Marin?
Marin is a very beautiful place — its temperate climate, amazing views and diverse communities — it’s no wonder we all love to live and work here.
Best Barbershop READERS’ CHOICE: Barber Lane Marin Upscale and vintage; those are the two fitting words Barber Lane uses to describe its establishment.
The styles are as contemporary as you need, while the store itself is reminiscent of traditional barbershops that have been disappearing over the years. Marin Country Mart, barberlane.com
• Barber Lane Marin, Larkspur
• Brewer Phillips Hair Design, San Rafael
• Barbers Three Plus, Corte Madera
• Drawing Room Marin, Larkspur
• Fairfax Barber Shop, Fairfax
• The Shavery, Mill Valley
• The Shop, San Rafael
• Xclusive Club Barbershop, San Rafael
READERS’ CHOICE: Southern Marin Dermatology
This woman-led company is all about helping you achieve your surgical and cosmetic goals at this full-service clinic. Sausalito, southern marinderm.com
• California Skin Institute, Kentfield
• Elevate Medical Aesthetics, Mill Valley
• Laub Dermatology & Aesthetics, Mill Valley
• Mill Valley Dermatology, Mill Valley
• Morpheus Medical Aesthetics, Larkspur
• Southern Marin Dermatology, Sausalito
• Zand Dermatology, Mill Valley
Best Facial READERS’ CHOICE: Eden Day Spa
Boasting 40 years of
aesthetical and clinical experience, owner and clinician Katayoun seeks to provide the most memorable experience possible. The price points also are known for being a bargain for the high-quality service provided. San Anselmo, edendayspa.com
• Alchemy Marin, San Rafael
• Cavallo Point, Sausalito
• Dawn Patrice Skincare, San Rafael
• Eden Day Spa, San Anselmo
• Ency Esthetics, Sausalito
• Eva Claiborne Beauty & Wellness, Tiburon
• EVO Spa, Mill Valley
• The Facial Studio, Corte Madera
• Gloss Beauty, Larkspur
• Glow Skin Marin, Larkspur
• International Orange, Larkspur
• Resonance Spa,
Corte Madera
• SkinSpirit, Mill Valley
• Turning Point Spa, Mill Valley
Best Haircut/ Salon Service
READERS’ CHOICE: Milvali Salon
Located in downtown Mill Valley, the cleverly named Milvali is the perfect place for pampering. Alongside bleaching, balayage, and blowouts are services such as body waxing and microblading. Mill Valley, milvali.com
• AP Luxe Salon, Mill Valley
• Benvenuto,
San Anselmo
• Brewer Phillips Hair Design, San Rafael
• Christopher Salon & Home, Tiburon
• Cooper Alley, Larkspur
• The Current Marin, San Anselmo
• David James, San Rafael
• diPietro Todd Salon, Mill Valley
• D&O Salon, Mill Valley
• Fox + Stone Collective, multiple locations
• Magnolia Avenue Salon, Larkspur
• Maison Maison Collective, San Rafael
• Manes by Sara, Mill Valley
• Marcia Day Hair Design, San Rafael
• Milvali Salon, Mill Valley
• Revery Salon, Mill Valley
• Salon B, San Rafael
• Sproos Salon, San Anselmo
Best Massage
EVO Spa is a lifestyle boutique with the goal of providing a safe refuge for unwinding and relaxing. Offering monthly specials and wellness options such as the detox foot bath or far-infrared sauna. Mill Valley, evo-spa.com
• Align Chiropractic, Mill Valley
• Almonte Spa, Mill Valley
• HELLO Modern Massage, Mill Valley
• International Orange, Larkspur
• Mill Valley Massage, Mill Valley
• Resonance Spa, Corte Madera
• Tinozzi Chiropractic Studio, Corte Madera
Best Med Spa
READERS’ CHOICE: Belle Marin Aesthetics Dr. Faye Jamali created Belle Marin Aesthetics to provide “minimalism with a touch of luxury,” prioritizing top-notch results and natural rejuvenation. Mill Valley, bellemarin.com
Aesthetics, Mill Valley
• Envie Skin & Body, Novato
• Haus of Marin Medical Aesthetics, Corte
• Hayes Valley Medical Esthetics, Larkspur
• Marin Medical Aesthetics, San Anselmo
• Morpheus Medical Aesthetics, Larkspur
• Plastic Surgery Specialists, Greenbrae
• SkinSpirit, Mill Valley
Best Nail Salon
READERS’ CHOICE: Three Sisters Nails The staff greets everyone who walks through the door with a smile and goes above
• Ace Nails, Mill Valley
• Annie’s Nails, San Rafael
• Be Polished Nail Spa, multiple locations
• Bella Rouge, Kentfield
• Chloe Nails & Spa, San Anselmo
• Fairfax Nail Salon, Fairfax
• Fingers and Toes, multiple locations
• Fingers and Toes, Faces and Places, multiple locations
• Holly Nails, Mill Valley
• Magnolia Nail Spa, Larkspur
• Nail Motif, Mill Valley
• Nails by Kim, San Rafael
• NJ Nails Spa, Novato
• Passion Nails, San Rafael
• Rosemary Spa, Mill Valley
• Ross Nails, Ross
• Sausalito Nail Salon, Sausalito
• Tiburon Nails, Tiburon
• Three Sisters Nails, San Rafael
• TopCoat Nail Spa, Mill Valley
• Trio Salon, Mill Valley
Best Spa
READERS’ CHOICE: Cavallo Point
With its tranquil atmosphere and serene gardens, the Healing Arts Center & Spa at Cavallo Point boasts a pool relaxing lounge and tea bar. Sausalito, cavallopoint.com
• Casa Madrona, Sausalito
• Cavallo Point, Sausalito
• EVO Spa, Mill Valley
• Bodywise Massage, San Rafael
• Cavallo Point, Sausalito
• EVO Spa, Mill Valley
• Golden Island, San Rafael
• Alchemy Marin, San Rafael
• Allegro Medspa, Novato
• Belle Marin Aesthetic Medicine, Mill Valley
• Elevate Medical
and beyond to make sure you’re happy with their work.
San Rafael, threesistersnails.com
• International Orange, Larkspur
• Resonance Spa, Corte Madera
• Turning Point Spa, Mill Valley
NorCal Plastic Surgery provides a personalized, goal-oriented approach to enhanced quality of life. Dr. Tim Rankin employs award-winning surgical techniques and provides consistently safe, high-quality outcomes.
Are you known for any particular surgeries?
The deep plane facelift/necklift is a term that has recently gained more notoriety, but describes the high quality, durable results for which we are known. Facial rejuvenation is a highly individualized procedure that allows us to address your unique aging process.
How long have you been in business?
We are now in our fourth year since opening our Marin office. Having grown up in Marin, it has been an incredible experience providing our services in my home town.
Any other favorite Marin health and wellness businesses?
Yes! We love (and refer clients to) Dr. Chilcott at Morpheus Medical Aesthetics (med spa), Pacific Skin Care (dermatology), NOW Power Yoga (fitness), Healthy Living Nutritional Counseling (nutrition), Power MD (regenerative medicine) and Christopher Salon (haircare).
Best Al Fresco
Sam’s Anchor Cafe Tiburon’s popular bayfront spot still reigns as Marin’s best patio. You still cannot make a reservation, and the line can snake down Main Street, but the
uncertainty is worth the wait. Tiburon, samscafe.com
• Beso Bistro, Novato
• Bungalow 44, Mill Valley
• Cucina sa, San Anselmo
• Depot Cafe, Mill Valley
• Fish, Sausalito
• Hook Fish Co., Mill Valley
• The Junction,
Mill Valley
• Perry’s, Larkspur
• Piatti, Mill Valley
• Piazza D’Angelo, Mill Valley
• Playa, Mill Valley
• Poggio, Sausalito
• RangeCafe, San Rafael
• RH Marin, Corte Madera
• Rustic Cafe, Novato
• Salt & Pepper, Tiburon
• Sam’s Anchor Cafe, Tiburon
• Tam Commons, San Rafael
• Tiburon Tavern, Tiburon
• The Trident, Sausalito
• Valenti & Co, San Anselmo
• Watershed, Mill Valley
READERS’ CHOICE: Rustic Bakery
A favorite lunch spot at any location, the
salads, focaccia and pain de mie, poached pear croissants and apple cinnamon scones are a treat no matter where you eat them. Larkspur, rusticbakery.com
• Amelie Café, Fairfax
• Arizmendi Bakery, San Rafael
• Biscuits & Buns,
San Rafael
• Bob’s Donuts, Mill Valley
• Bootjack Wood Fired, Mill Valley
• Bordenave’s Bakery, San Rafael
• Bovine Bakery, Point Reyes Station
• Boudin Bakery, Corte Madera
• Brickmaiden Breads, Point Reyes Station
• Cibo Bakery at Angelino Restaurant, Sausalito
• Creekside Bakery, Novato
• Emporio Rulli, Larkspur
• Flour Chylde Bakery, Novato
• Flour Craft Bakery & Café, San Anselmo
• Le Marais Bakery, Mill Valley
• M.H. Bread & Butter, San Anselmo
• Mill Valley Baking Company, Mill Valley
• Nothing Bundt Cakes, Corte Madera
• Parkside Bakery, Stinson Beach
• Ponsford’s Place
Bakery, San Rafael
• Red Hill Cake and Pastry, San Anselmo
• Route One Bakery & Kitchen, Tomales
• Rustic Bakery, Larkspur
• Sausalito Bakery & Café, Sausalito
• SusieCakes, Greenbrae
• Sweet Things, Tiburon
• Victoria Bakery, Greenbrae
• Waldscraft Bakery, Mill Valley
• Woodbine Bakery, San Rafael
READERS’ CHOICE: Perry’s Visit the bustling bar, a perennial best of the county winner, at Perry’s on Magnolia for warm service, quality cocktails, beers on tap, and a glass of wine. Larkspur, perryssf.com
• Buckeye Roadhouse, Mill Valley
• California Gold, San Rafael
• Flatiron, San Rafael
• Finnegan’s Marin, Novato
• Perry’s, Larkspur
• Watershed, Mill Valley
Best Barbecue
READERS’ CHOICE: Pig in a Pickle Cute aluminum trays piled with brisket, pulled pork and house-made hot links are just part of the appeal. Corte Madera, piginapickle.com
• Belli Deli, Novato
• Forrest Fire BBQ, San Rafael
The Joinery
• Kababbq, San Rafael
• Lone Mountain Barbecue, Novato
• Pig in a Pickle, Corte Madera
• Way Station, Fairfax
Best Breakfast
READERS’ CHOICE: Half Day Café Breakfast at lunch
here. Kentfield, halfdaycafe.net
• Bacon, Novato
• Bayside Cafe, Sausalito
• Comforts, San Anselmo
• Farm House Local, Larkspur
• Fred’s Coffee Shop, Sausalito
• Half Day Café,
• Hilda’s, San Anselmo
• The Hummingbird, Fairfax
• Kitchen Sunnyside, Mill Valley
• Le Marais Bakery, Mill Valley
• Lighthouse Cafe, Corte Madera
• M.H. Bread and Butter, San Anselmo
• Marvin’s Breakfast
Club, Novato
• Miracle Mile Cafe, San Rafael
• Salt & Pepper, Tiburon
• Shoreline Coffee Shop, Mill Valley
Best Brewery
READERS’ CHOICE: The Junction Owner Dez Fiedler’s devotion to
Amelie CaféSausalito
• Creekside Taproom, San Anselmo
• Fieldwork Brewing Company, Corte Madera
• HenHouse Brewing, Fairfax
• HopMonk Tavern, Novato
• Indian Valley Brewing, Novato
• The Junction,
San Rafael
• Way Station, Fairfax
Best Burger READERS’ CHOICE: Gott’s Roadside
Gott’s achieves a slam dunk each time with their rendition of the bacon cheeseburger. Toppings include American cheese, Zoe’s bacon, lettuce and pickles stacked on a plushy, toasted egg bun. Greenbrae, gotts.com
• Buckeye Roadhouse, Mill Valley
• Bungalow 44, Mill Valley
• Floodwater, Mill Valley
• Gott’s Roadside, Greenbrae
• Gravity Tavern, Mill Valley
• The Hub, San Anselmo
• The Joinery, Sausalito
• Left Bank Brasserie, Larkspur
• M&G Burgers, Larkspur
• Marin Joe’s, Corte Madera
• Monk’s Kettle Terra Linda, San Rafael
• Parkside Cafe, Stinson Beach
• Perry’s on Magnolia, Larkspur
• Phyllis’ Giant Burgers, multiple locations
• Shake Shack, Larkspur
• Super Duper Burger, Mill Valley
• Watershed, Mill Valley
Best Chinese READERS’ CHOICE: Harmony Restaurant
Organic, wheat-free and peanut-free menu selections are a boon to many who stop in for the reliably fresh veggie dishes and sustainably-sourced seafood here. Mill Valley, harmony restaurantgroup.com
• China Palace, Novato
• DJ’s Chinese Cuisine, Larkspur
• Harmony Restaurant, Mill Valley
• Lam’s Kitchen, Mill Valley
• Mamahuhu, Mill Valley
• Ming’s, Tiburon
• Ping’s Mandarin Restaurant, San Rafael
• Shang Hai Kitchen, Mill Valley
• Tommy’s Wok, Sausalito
• Yet Wah, San Rafael
• Yu Shang, San Rafael
Best Coffee Shop READERS’ CHOICE: Equator Coffees
A female-owned and LGBTQ proud coffee shop with
over five locations in Marin, this certified B Corporation’s mission and tasty coffee has been sustainably harvested and consciously produced since 1995. Multiple locations, equator coffees.com
• Caffe Acri, Tiburon
• Coyote Coffee, Mill Valley
• Dr. Insomniac’s, Novato
• Equator Coffees, Mill Valley
• Firehouse Coffee & Tea, Sausalito
• Fox + Kit, San Rafael
• Java Hub, San Anselmo
• Longway, San Anselmo
• Marin Coffee Roasters, San Anselmo
• Peet’s, multiple locations
• Philz Coffee, Corte Madera
• Pink Owl Coffee, San Rafael
• Red Whale Coffee Bar, multiple locations
Best Dive Bar
The building that houses the Silver Peso opened in 1905 as a blacksmith shop, and it wasn’t until the 1930s that the space was transformed into a bar. Larkspur, 415.924.3448
• 2am Club, Mill Valley
• Matteucci’s, San Rafael
• No Name Bar, Sausalito
• Paper Mill Creek Saloon, Forest Knolls
• Smiley’s Saloon, Bolinas
• Pete’s 881, San Rafael
• Silver Peso, Larkspur
• Smitty’s Bar, Sausalito
Chef Ron Siegel is in the kitchen and wife Kimberly runs the front of the house offering streamlined the menu of Japaneseinflected dishes. San Anselmo, madcapmarin.com
• Buckeye Roadhouse, Mill Valley
• The Bungalow Kitchen, Tiburon
• The Caprice, Tiburon
• Ditas, Sausalito
• Gravity Tavern, Mill Valley
• Il Davide, San Rafael
• Insalata’s, San Anselmo
• Left Bank, Larkspur
• Luna Blu, Tiburon
• Madcap, San Anselmo
• Restaurant Picco, Larkspur
Best Ice Cream/ Frozen Yogurt
READERS’ CHOICE: Fairfax Scoop
Fairfax Scoop serves up organic, seasonal ice creams and is famous for its honey lavender vanilla, Mexican chocolate, and raspberry sorbet. Fairfax, 415.453.3130
• Double Rainbow Cafe, San Rafael
• Fairfax Scoop, Fairfax
• Lappert’s Ice Cream, Sausalito
• Mag’s Local Yogurt, Larkspur
• Silbermann’s, San Rafael
• Swirl, Mill Valley
Best Indian READERS’ CHOICE: Lotus Cuisine of India Indian cuisine from a long-running, family-run, certified
green business with an energy-efficient kitchen and ecofriendly appliances. San Rafael, lotusrestaurant.com
• Arti Cafe, Lagunitas
• Avatar’s, Sausalito
• Batika, Novato
• Cafe Lotus, Fairfax
• Himalayan Kitchen, San Rafael
• India Palace, Mill Valley
• Little Goan, Novato
• Lotus Cuisine of India, San Rafael
• Masala Kitchen, San Rafael
• Prabh Indian Kitchen, Mill Valley
• Sartaj India Cafe, Sausalito
Poggio Trattoria
Executive chef Benjamin Balesteri creates Northern Italian
Rodney Strong was an acknowledged visionary who understood the potential that Sonoma County’s soil and climate held for producing world-class wines. He was one of the first to plant Pinot Noir in Russian River Valley and the first to produce a Chalk Hill appellation Chardonnay. Rodney Strong Vineyard’s Maya Sharma shares more about the winery:
Has anything changed through the years?
Our winemaking process continues to be a true labor of love, combining traditional craftsmanship with innovative techniques. Our goal is to be known for the consistent high quality of our wines, our exceptional people and our unwavering integrity.
What sets you apart from other wineries?
Our winery has achieved national recognition for its exceptional craftsmanship, with our wines consistently earning high scores and accolades from esteemed critics and competitions.
How do you cater to both oenophiles and newbies?
We pride ourselves on creating an exceptional experience that caters to both connoisseurs and newbies alike. We offer a diverse range of offerings and services and are committed to providing a custom experience.
fare using local and Italian ingredients. The bar may be the most hopping in town and is recognized for its killer Negroni. Sausalito, poggiotrattoria.com
• Cucina sa, San Anselmo
• Don Antonio Trattoria
Marin, Larkspur
• Fradelizio’s, Fairfax
• Il Davide, San Rafael
• La Ginestra, Mill Valley
• La Toscana, San Rafael
• Piazza D’Angelo, Mill Valley
• Poggio Trattoria, Sausalito
• Sorella Caffé, Fairfax
• LaVier Latin Fusion, San Rafael
• Sol Food, multiple locations
Best Mexican READERS’ CHOICE: Playa
The bar highlights exceptional tequilas and mezcals but the el Slushie and house margarita have legions of fans and are perfect for sipping on the large, heated back patio. Mill Valley, playamv.com
• Cantina, Mill Valley
• Carmen’s la Hacienda, Novato
• Celia’s, San Rafael
• Copita Tequileria y Comida, Sausalito
• Flores, Corte Madera
• Joe’s Taco Lounge, Mill Valley
• Mamita’s, Novato
• Marinitas, San Anselmo
• Mi Pueblo, Novato
• Picante, San Rafael
• Playa, Mill Valley
• Sabor a Mexico, San Rafael
• Taco Jane’s, San Anselmo
Chef partner David Kornell celebrates the California coast with a seafood-forward menu that leans into global flavors with pierogi and kedgeree, crab noodles and Coho salmon donburi. Even the oceanthemed paintings and blue-tiled walls reflect the coastal theme. Mill Valley, cohomv.com
• Coho, Mill Valley
• Ditas, Sausalito
• Mamahuhu, Mill Valley
Creekside Pizza & Taproom
Known for their artisan pizzas, hearty sandwiches, flavorful pastas and fresh salads, Creekside offers plentiful glutenfree and vegan options, too. Their copper bar with a 40-handle selection of craft beer (including gluten-free beer), plus wine and kombucha on tap never fails.
San Anselmo, creeksidesa.com
• Valenti & Co., San Anselmo
Latin American READERS’ CHOICE: Sol Food
This Puerto Rican spot has won the hearts of Marinites
serving up everyone’s favorite dishes. Multiple locations, solfoodrestaurant.com
• Ayawaska RestoBar, Novato
• Cocina Antigua, Novato
• Holy Chile Mole, multiple locations
Award-winning chef Heidi Krahling’s downtown restaurant features soulful Mediterranean fare for 25+ years. San Anselmo, insalatas.com
• Insalata’s, San Anselmo
• Julie’s Hummus Bar, San Rafael
• Kababbq Grill & Cafe, San Rafael
• Zalta, Sausalito
• Bar Bocce, Sausalito
• Cafe Verde, Corte Madera
• Creekside Pizza & Taproom, San Anselmo
• Farmshop, Larkspur
• Lo Coco’s Authentic Italian Pizza, San Rafael
• Mulberry Pizza, San Rafael
• Pizza Antica, Mill Valley
• PizzaHacker, Mill Valley
• Pizzalina, San Anselmo
• Pizzeria Picco, Larkspur
• Poggio Trattoria, Sausalito
• Red Boy Pizza, multiple locations
• Roma Antica, Larkspur
• Sandrino, Sausalito
• Stefano’s Pizza, multiple locations
• Tamalpie, Mill Valley
• Tony Tutto Pizza, Ross
• Watershed, Mill Valley
Best Ramen
Uchiwa Ramen
Marin’s OG ramen house has been slinging tonkatsu and shoyu, tantan and shio for seven years.
San Rafael, uchiwaramen.com
• Chonmage, San Rafael
• Masa’s Sushi, Novato
• Menya Shono, San Rafael
• Uchiwa Ramen, San Rafael
Best Sandwiches
READERS’ CHOICE: Michael’s Sourdough
Fans return over and over to the San Rafael and Novato locations
for their favorite, robust sandwiches. Multiple locations, michaels sourdough.com
• Andy’s Local Market, multiple locations
• Antone’s East Coast Sub Shop, Mill Valley
• Bruno’s Deli, San Rafael
• Davey Jones’ Deli, Sausalito
• Hog Island Oysters, Marshall
• Italian Delite, Novato
• Michael’s Sourdough Sandwiches, Novato
• Mill Valley Market, Mill Valley
• Peri’s Tavern, Fairfax
Best Seafood READERS’ CHOICE: Fish
Order any of the day’s offerings — the menu changes daily, but usually has a variation of fish tacos, ceviche and grilled fish — then take in the bay views on the open-air deck. Though cash is still king, credit cards are now accepted (woot!).
Sausalito, 331fish.com
Best Sushi READERS’ CHOICE: Sushi Ran Sample innovative small plates just big enough to share before enjoying some of the best sushi the Bay Area has to offer. Sausalito, sushiran.com
• Kamikaze, San Rafael
• Keiko Fish, Larkspur
• Masa, Novato
• Oyama Sushi, Greenbrae
• Robata Grill & Sushi, Mill Valley
• Samurai Sushi, Mill Valley
At this tucked away spot in the back of Strawberry Village, the kee mao noodles, pad thai, and fresh rolls stuffed with beets and herbs have a dedicated following as does the extensive bar menu. Mill Valley, theplela.com
• Arawan Thai Cuisine, Sausalito
• The Baan Thai Cuisine, San Anselmo
• Bay Thai Cuisine, San Rafael
• R’noh Thai restaurant, Larkspur
• Royal Thai Restaurant, San Rafael
Best Vegan/ Vegetarian
READERS’ CHOICE: Cafe del Soul
Healthy options become addictive at this eatery that now has locations in both Tam Junction and San Rafael. Multiple locations, cafedelsoul.net
• Active Culture Cafe, Novato
• Fish, Sausalito
• Tony’s Seafood, Marshall
• Barrel House, Sausalito
• Scoma’s, Sausalito
• The Trident, Sausalito
• Hook Fish Co., Mill Valley
• Coho, Mill Valley
• Seafood Peddler, Sausalito
Best Steakhouse
READERS’ CHOICE: Buckeye Roadhouse Oysters Bingo, baby back ribs, and chili-lime “brick” chicken are a few of the satisfying comfort-food menu items that have made this classic roadhouse a favorite since the ’30s. Mill Valley, buck eyeroadhouse.com
• Buckeye Roadhouse, Mill Valley
• Gravity Tavern, Mill Valley
• Marin Joe’s, Corte Madera
• San Rafael Joe’s, San Rafael
• Sushi 69, San Anselmo
• Sushi to Dai for, San Rafael
• Sushi Ran, Sausalito
• Sushi Tri, Novato
• Taki, Novato
• Village Sake, Fairfax
• My Thai, various locations
• Thailand, Novato
• Thai Smile, San Rafael
• ThaiTanic Street Food, Sausalito
• Thep Lela, Mill Valley
• Amy’s Drive Thru, Corte Madera
• Café del Soul, Mill Valley
• Urban Remedy, multiple locations
• Veggie Grill, Corte Madera
NOW Power Yoga
Susan Hauser has created a cult-like following by combining the spiritual awareness of yoga with the characterbuilding discipline and positive energy of traditional workouts.
Corte Madera, nowpower.yoga
• Body by Binay, Mill Valley
• BodyRok, Corte Madera
• CrossFit Novato, Novato
• The Dailey Method, multiple locations
• Get Fit Marin, Corte Madera
• Internal Fire Pilates, Mill Valley
• NOW Power Yoga, Corte Madera
• Orangetheory, multiple locations
• Pure Barre, multiple locations
• Skaar Fitness,
daily workout. Corte Madera, bayclubs. com/marin
• Bay Club Marin, Corte Madera
• Club Evexia, Mill Valley
• The Club at Harbor Point, Mill Valley
• F45 Training, Corte Madera
• Fitness SF, Corte Madera
• Five Points Fitness, multiple locations
• Rolling Hills Club, Novato
• TJ’s Gym, multiple locations
READERS’ CHOICE: Leigh Claxton
Leigh Claxton has a dedicated following. She has certificates and licenses in multiple disciplines of cycling, TRX, Pilates, yoga and personal training. Mill Valley, onboardsup.com
• Clara Gray
• Leigh Claxton
• Lori Holsher
• Nan Foster
• Susan Ezra
• Thought Partners
READERS’ CHOICE: Heather Leigh Fitness and Wellness
An experienced trainer of kickboxing, boxing, cycling, strength training, and all boot camp style workouts, as well as an instructor of yoga and co-creator of Move Your Asana. heatherleigh fitness.com
• Christine Waldron, Mill Valley
• Heather Leigh Fitness and Wellness, San Rafael
• Jake and JT Peterson, Studio Thirty, Mill Valley
• Marie Holman, Fitness SF, Corte Madera
• Sarah Hester, The Studio Pilates Marin, San Rafael
READERS’ CHOICE: Body Kinetics
Body Kinetics’ Pilates program set’s a clear foundation for movement and muscle conditioning for every experience level. Multiple locations, bodykinetics.com
• Body Kinetics, multiple locations
• Club Pilates, Novato
• Novato Pilates, Novato
• Pilates of Marin, Corte Madera
• Pilates Pro Works, Corte Madera
• X’Core, San Anselmo
SoulCycle is a self-described 45-minute cardio dance party on a bike and we agree. Larkspur, soul-cycle.com
• CycleBar, Novato
• The Dailey Method, multiple locations
• FITLAB Strong, Fairfax
• SoulCycle, Larkspur
READERS’ CHOICE: Hot Yoga Republic Hot Yoga Republic members drive from as far as San Francisco and Petaluma for their daily feel-good hit. They offer power yoga, hot Pilates and 26&2/Bikram style classes, and sound baths. San Rafael, hotyogarepublic.com
• Cloudbreak Yoga, Sausalito
• Hot Yoga Republic, San Rafael
• Metta Yoga, Corte Madera
• NOW Power Yoga, Corte Madera
• YogaWorks, multiple locations
Providing friendly and professional service in a social resort atmosphere, Harbor Point boasts a clubhouse, restaurant, pool, tennis courts and fitness center. Owner and general manager Patrick Kaliski is part of a family that has owned and operated the club since the 1960s.
What are some fitness trends you’ve liked throughout the years?
Seeing tennis surge again during and after the pandemic was encouraging. Mobility and core strengthening, like pilates, Gyrotonic and yoga continue to grow in popularity.
What was your biggest tennis tournament moment?
Having Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf play on our courts during our Esurance Tennis Classic was magical. Also, having the oldest living Grand Slam Champion in the world, Vic Seixas, as a part of our community is an honor.
What is something you love about the club?
The original plans for the Harbor Point development had a 100 + berth marina, but because this never happened we now have such a beautiful view of the open water, with seals, bat rays, pelicans, egrets and more.
Best Architect
READERS’ CHOICE: John Clarke Architects
Since 2003, John Clarke Architects has been serving the Bay Area (residential and commercial) and beyond. Sausalito, jcarchs.com
• Chambers & Chambers, Mill Valley
• Crome Architecture, San Rafael
• Frei Design, Larkspur
• John Clarke Architects, Sausalito
• Sutton Suzuki Architects, Mill Valley
• Tyreus Design Studio, Sausalito
• Wade Design Architects, San Anselmo
Best Builder READERS’ CHOICE: Hadley General Contractors, Inc. With over 300 custom-built homes under their belt and thousands of completed projects over the years, it’s safe to say that Hadley General Contractors have seen it all.
Belvedere Tiburon, hadley construction.com
• Cameron Lontz, Novato
• Diego Brothers, Inc., San Rafael
• Hadley General Contractors, Inc., Tiburon
• Kasten Builders, San Rafael
• Lamperti Contracting & Design, San Rafael
Best Electrician READERS’ CHOICE: Divine Electric and Plumbing
From a full power distribution upgrade to a basic electrical repair, there’s no job too small for Divine Electric and Plumbing. San Rafael, divineelectricand plumbing.com
• Artistic Lighting & Electric, Novato
• Boyd Lighting, Sausalito
• Divine Electric and Plumbing, San Rafael
Best Flooring READERS’ CHOICE: Rafael Floors
With their wide selection of wood samples from Mullican, Mannington, Shaw, and more, Rafael Floors brings
some of the best in brand names to Marin. San Rafael, rafaelfloors.com
• Architectural Design Carpets, San Rafael
• City Carpets, San Rafael
• The Floor Store, San Rafael
• Ken’s Carpets & Flooring, San Rafael
• Rafael Floors, San Rafael
Best Home Organization
READERS’ CHOICE: California Space Organizers Offering fabrication and installation of custom closets and garages, to their custom commercial office furnishings since 1990. San Rafael, calspace organizers.com
Best Interior Designer
An abbreviation of “Mood and Space Design,” MAS can do everything from minimalistic modern to chaotic bohemian. Tiburon, mas interiordesign.com
• Ann Lowengart Interiors, San Anselmo
• Green Door Design, Mill Valley
• Holly Kopman Design, Sausalito
• Julie Rootes Interiors, Corte Madera
• Kirsten Pike Design
• Kress Jack at Home, Mill Valley
• MAS Design, Tiburon
• Robert Federighi
Organize It
• The Balanced Abode, multiple locations
• California Space Organizers, San Rafael
• Changing Places, San Rafael
• Organize It
• Organized by Sumi
Design, Novato
• Yami Arvelo of Moones Home, Novato
Best Kitchen Design
READERS’ CHOICE: Lamperti Contracting & Design
Serving Marin since
1965, they are regarded as a top choice when it comes to high quality luxury cabinets, design services, and contracting. San Rafael, lampertikitchens.com
• Lamperti Contracting & Design, San Rafael
• Kress Jack at Home, Mill Valley
• Paulina Perrault Interior Design, Sausalito
• Sandra Bird Designs, Kentfield
Yardzen’s unique online method lets you get started right away. Mill Valley, yardzen.com/ mill-valley-landscapedesign
• Christian Douglas Design, San Anselmo
• Green 17, Mill Valley
• Integrated Design Studio, Mill Valley
• Yardzen, Sausalito
Best Nursery READERS’ CHOICE: West End Nursery
This history-rich gardening supply company boats excellent customer service. San Rafael, westendnursery.com
• Green Jeans Garden Supply, Mill Valley
• Ground, Belvedere-Tiburon
• Sloat Garden Center, Kentfield
• SummerWinds Nursery, Novato
• West End Nursery, San Rafael
Best Movers READERS’ CHOICE: Johnson & Daly Moving and Storage
After 40 years of being in the business, Johnson & Daly Moving and Storage has perfected the integrity and responsibility that any stressful move needs. San Rafael, johnsondaly moving.com
• Ahmed’s Moving
• Birch Circle Movers, San Rafael
• Earl Farnsworth Express
• Johnson & Daly Moving and Storage, San Rafael
• Moving Mountain Movers of Marin, Mill Valley
Best Painter READERS’ CHOICE: Bob Kunst Painting Inc.
Bob Kunst Painting offers both residential and commercial services. San Rafael, bobkunstpainting. com
• Karoll Julian, San Anselmo
• Kunst Bros, San Rafael
• Ross Painting, San Rafael
Best Plumber
READERS’ CHOICE: Ongaro & Sons
Founded in 1932 by Ernest V. Ongaro, today the third and fourth family generations continue the
name and legacy. San Anselmo, ongaroandsons.com
• Benjamin Franklin, Novato
• Burkell Plumbing, Sausalito
• Gotelli Plumbing Company, San Rafael
• Mason Plumbing, Inc.
• Ongaro & Sons, San Anselmo
• Roto-Rooter, multiple locations
Best Solar Service
With over 35 years of solar energy under their belt, SolarCraft is a 100% employeeowned business. Novato, solarcraft.com
• Pac Solar Corporation, San Rafael
• SolarCraft, Novato
• SonoMarin Solar & Electric, San Rafael
• Sun First Solar, San Rafael
• Sunterra Solar, Novato
This award-winning, WASC-accredited, middle and high school has a long history of helping students succeed through individualized learning. From highly gifted students to those with learning differences, Headlands meets students where they are to maximize their learning. Executive Director Kristie Moore-Arauz shares their approach:
Please describe your curriculum. Our curriculum is designed around the concept of Mastery Learning and is engaging, meaningful and intentional. Students acquire content and skills, practice them in a meaningful way, and apply them for long term learning.
How does your school support individual students’ learning needs?
The one-to-one model enables teachers to cater to students’ unique interests and provides them with the opportunity to develop and articulate their own thoughts, interests, and opinions.
What extracurricular activities do you offer?
Headlands facilitates international and local group service trips as well as student lunch clubs in which students explore shared interests, such as leadership, yearbook, social justice, board games and more.
This independent nonprofit has been caring for and serving the animals of Marin County since 1907. All animals are accepted at their open door shelters and hundreds are adopted every year into loving homes. Novato, marinhumane.org
• Cat Clinic, Mill Valley
• Marin Humane
• The Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito
• WildCare, San Rafael
Best Annual Gala
READERS’ CHOICE: Lifehouse Agency: Great Chefs & Wineries
Lifehouse’s mission statement is to help those with developmental disabilities by providing, amongst other services, much needed compassionate support. San Rafael, lifehouseagency.org
• Lifehouse Agency: Great Chefs & Wineries
• MarinHealth Foundation: Black Tie Gala
• Side by Side: Reach for the Stars Gala
• Narada Michael Walden Foundation: The Spring Fling
• St. Vincent de Paul Society: Pennies From Heaven
Nonprofit READERS’ CHOICE: MarinArts
This arts and culture organization is constantly throwing the
next best party, from author events such as book readings to a night of opera at a local theater. Kids will also love their summer camps and classes. San Rafael, marinarts.org
• Art Works Downtown, San Rafael
• ICB Arts Association, Sausalito
• Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito
• MarinArts, San Rafael
• Marin Society of Artists, San Rafael
READERS’ CHOICE: Marin Community Clinics
Marin Community Clinics has been providing healthcare to those without insurance or other means of affording large bills since 1972. Their volunteers include highly trained physicians and nurses. marinclinic.org
•Center for Domestic Peace, San Rafael
• Community Action Marin, multiple locations
• Community Institute for Psychotherapy, San Rafael
• Little Wishes, San Anselmo
• Marin Community Clinics, multiple locations
• North Marin Community Services, Novato
• Ritter Center, San Rafael
• St. Vincent de Paul Society, San Rafael
READERS’ CHOICE: Lifehouse Agency
Lifehouse’s mission statement is to help those with developmental disabilities by providing technology centers, housing advocacy, teen programs, and above all else, much needed compassionate support. San Rafael, lifehouseagency.org
• Cedars, Ross
• Lifehouse Agency, San Rafael
• Halleck Creek Ranch, Nicasio
• Schurig Center for Brain Injury Recovery, Larkspur
The natural environment of the Bay Area is truly beautiful and transformative, and Slide Ranch aims to provide as many opportunities to learn about the coast as possible. Muir Beach, slideranch.org
• 10,000 Degrees, San Rafael
• Bridge the Gap, Sausalito
• Enriching Lives Through Music, San Rafael
• Marin CASA, multiple locations
• Marin Girl’s Chorus, San Rafael
• Parent Service’s Project, San Rafael
• RISE Scholars, Novato
• SchoolsRule-Marin, San Rafael
• Slide Ranch, Muir Beach
Between its historic Whistlestop program that provides rides for the elderly and disabled, and the Meals On Wheels food-delivery service, Vivalon has more than proven its commitment to putting active and healthy living first and foremost. San Rafael, vivalon.org
• Homeward Bound, Novato
• Marin Home Care, Tiburon
• SchoolsRule-Marin, San Rafael
• St. Vincent de Paul Society, San Rafael
• Vivalon, San Rafael
Best Environmental Nonprofit READERS’ CHOICE: Richardson Bay
Audubon Center & Sanctuary
Once upon a time, Richardson Bay was headed to a life as a business area and residential marina. But concerned citizens rushed to its defense and purchased the land to create a sanctuary for birds and other water wildlife. Tiburon, richardson bay.audubon.org
• Conservation Corps North Bay, San Rafael
• Friends of China
Camp, San Rafael
• Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary, Tiburon
• Marin Agricultural Land Trust, Point Reyes Station
Canal Alliance
Canal Alliance stands in support of immigrants in Marin. They provide assistance with getting citizenship, help first generation students graduate from college, teach English second language classes at all levels, and learn job skills. San Rafael, canalalliance.org
• Adopt a Family, San Rafael
• Canal Alliance, San Rafael
• Gilead House, Novato
• Make It Home, San Rafael
• Marin Foster Care Association, San Rafael
• North Bay Children’s Center, Novato
• Sparkle Foundation, Novato
READERS’ CHOICE: San Francisco-Marin Food Bank
Every week, the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank provides groceries to over 53,000 households, with over a million meals distributed weekly. sfmfoodbank.org
• Community Action Marin, San Rafael
• ExtraFood, Kentfield
• North Marin Community Center, Novato
• San Francisco-Marin Food Bank, multiple locations
• St. Vincent de Paul Society, San Rafael
READERS’ CHOICE: Center for Domestic Peace: In Celebration of Mothers
The Center for Domestic Peace provides a range of services regardless of gender, race, or sexual orientation, and have a number of educational materials so that people who are being abused can find out how to acquire the help they need. San Rafael, centerfor domesticpeace.org
• Center for Domestic Peace: In Celebration of Mothers
• Halleck Creek Ranch: Buckles and Bling
• North Bay Children’s Center/Side by Side Godmothers of St. Vincent’s School for Boys Gala
• SchoolsRule Gala
• St. Vincent de Paul Society: Pennies From Heaven
Play Marin provides all kinds of enrichment for and sports equity for kids of all ages. Be that through their impressive sports program that runs through all season, their vibrant summer camps, or their movie trips and craft events, Marin City, playmarin.org
• ESporterz Gaming and STEM Center, Larkspur
• Kids Cooking for Life, Larkspur
• Pacific Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Consortium, multiple locations
• Play Marin, multiple locations
• Side by Side, San Anselmo
Focused primarily on custom residential and interior design services, Chambers + Chambers is a boutique architectural practice in Mill Valley. Understated elegance, richness in color and texture and classical detailing are signature elements of Barbara Chambers’ award-winning designs.
What got you interested in philanthropy?
Giving is an expression of spiritual gratitude that makes the world a better place for everyone. I have a huge soft spot in my heart for children and so I’m compelled to give to those organizations.
Do you have a favorite charity?
Tribe Rising India is working to lift the Santal tribe out of abject poverty through education. By building the first-ever high school dedicated to Santals, they are overcoming caste prejudice and creating generational change.
Why is it important for someone to give?
I believe our gifts are meant to be shared. When we do, we change individual lives and also impact our world.
Best Auto Repair
READERS’ CHOICE: G&C Auto Body Opened in 1972 by Gene Crozat, G&C Auto Body has been a family-owned and operated and is now operated by his four children. Their Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) trained experts can repair anything from an Acura to a Volvo. San Rafael, gandcautobody.com
• D&K Collision Repair Center, San Rafael
• Easy Automotive, San Rafael
• G&C Autobody, San Rafael
• Japan Auto Repair, San Rafael
• Master’s European, Mill Valley
• R&S Service, Tiburon
• Robin’s Auto Services, Greenbrae
• Steve’s Auto Care, Novato
Best Caterer
READERS’ CHOICE: Jessie & Laurent
Every dish that Jessie & Laurent serve up
demonstrates their commitment to quality and sustainability, San Rafael, jessie etlaurent.com
• All Seasons Catering
• CaterMarin
• Classic Culinaire
• Dee’s Organic Catering
• Jessie & Laurent
• Lynda Balslev
• Sage Catering
Dr. Rina Tinozzi
Dr. Rina Tinozzi is a graduate of Los Angeles College of Chiropractic and
provides a unique blend of chiropractic treatments withmassage therapy. Corte Madera, tinozzi chiropractic.com
• Align Chiropractic, Mill Valley
• Cafe of Life, Mill Valley
• Dr. Alex Brown, Mill Valley
• Dr. Chappy Wood, D.C., Corte Madera
• Dr. Rina Tinozzi, Corte Madera
• Dr. Ron Solari, Kentfield
• Dr. Seraphina Freund, Mill Valley
READERS’ CHOICE: Mill Valley Flowers
With arrangements for every occasion, from Valentine’s Day to a get-well-soon bouquet, Mill Valley Flowers has you covered. Mill Valley, millvalleyflowers.com
• Green Door Design, Mill Valley
• The Little Flower Shop, San Anselmo
• Yukiko’s Floral Design Studio, Kentfield
• Mill Valley Flowers, Mill Valley
• Passion Flowers, Mill Valley
• Morning Glory, Novato
• Bloomingayles, Mill Valley
READERS’ CHOICE: Fernwood Cemetery
One of the country’s first environmentally conscious cemeteries, Fernwood Cemetery offers natural burial, traditional burial, cremation and memorial services. Mill Valley, fernwood.com
• Fernwood Cemetery, Mill Valley
• Keaton’s, San Rafael
• Monte’s Chapel of the Hills, San Anselmo
• Valley Memorial, Novato
READERS’ CHOICE: Julianna’s Julianna, Judy and Caitlyn comprise three generations and over 40 years of custom jewelry experience. In addition to jewelry repair, the store also offers an impressive selection of top European designers. Corte Madera, julian nasfinejewelry.com
• California Girl Jewelry, Mill Valley
• Gold Rush, Novato
• Julianna’s Fine Jewelry, Corte Madera
• Sofia Jewelry, Mill Valley
READERS’ CHOICE: Jennifer Skinner
Jennifer Skinner’s fans rave most about her family photography with no poorly timed blinks in sight. jenniferskinner.com
• Amy Perl Photography
• Buoncristiani
• Cameron Cressman
• Creative Portraiture
• Gina Risso Photography
• Jamie Diger
• Jamie Grenough
• Jennifer Skinner
• Laura Reoch
September Days
• Marin Family
• Mini Anna
• Olga Trofymets
• Taryn Beller
READERS’ CHOICE: Bridge the Gap College Prep
Bridge the Gap focuses on SAT, ACT and similar exams, as well as writing application essays. Sausalito, btgcollegeprep.org
• Bridge the Gap College Prep, Sausalito
• Headlands Preparatory School, Sausalito
• Learn with Alyssa
• Sage Educators, Mill Valley
• Tutors of Marin, San Rafael
With over 300 custom-built homes under their belt and thousands of completed projects, it’s safe to say that Hadley General Contractors have seen it all. Owner JeffHadley shares more about his prolific company.
What makes your business unique?
I believe part of taking care of the community is taking on jobs of all sizes, not just cherry-picking the big, attractive jobs. We will send someone out to hang a painting, work on a sewer line, remodel a kitchen, or build a new house. We really can — and will — do it all.
What do you love about construction?
At first, what drew me into construction is working with something tangible, where you can see your progress at the end of the day. Now what I love about construction is the problem-solving and working with clients to build their projects.
What do you love about working in Marin?
I feel very lucky to have been born and raised in Marin, and luckier to call this area my home. More than just the natural beauty, the people we get to meet
Best Bookstore
A hub for bibliophiles, Book Passage is known for author events, workshops and a great selection of books. Corte Madera, bookpassage.com
• Book Passage, Corte Madera
• Copperfield’s, multiple locations
• The Depot Cafe and Bookstore, Mill Valley
• Open Secret, San Rafael
• Sausalito Books by the Bay, Sausalito
• Sugar Foot, San Anselmo
Best Bike Shop
Mike’s Bikes
The growing number of Mike’s Bikes stores in the Bay Area is a testament to the power of their mission statement — to help as many people as they can find
a love of bikes. San Rafael, mikesbikes.com
• Bicycle Brustop, Novato
• Mike’s Bikes, San Rafael
• Solstice Bike Works, San Rafael
• SplitRock Tap and Wheel, Fairfax
• Sunshine Bicycle Center, Fairfax
• Tam Bikes, Mill Valley
• Village Peddler, Larkspur
Best Bridal Shop
Lea will create anything for your wedding dress needs. San Anselmo, leacouture.com
• Lea Couture, San Anselmo
• Studio Ren, Corte Madera
• Sylvia Bentcheva Couture, Larkspur
READERS’ CHOICE: Nice Guys Delivery
They deliver right to
your doorstep, and with their loyalty rewards program and frequent specials offer a great price point for those on a budget. niceguys delivery.com
• Firefly Marin
• Marin Alliance, Fairfax
• Marin Gardens
• Moonflower Cannabis Delivery
• Nice Guys Delivery
• ONA.life
Best Consignment/ Thrift Store
READERS’ CHOICE: Stella’s Fine Consignments
For over 20 years now, Stella’s has been offering an inventory of ever-changing styles, brands, and designs. San Anselmo, stellasfine consignments.com
• Encore, San Rafael
• The Real Real, Larkspur
• Sax, San Anselmo
• SeeSaw Children’s Consignment Shop,
San Anselmo
• Stella’s Fine Consignments, San Anselmo
• Swan Dive, Corte Madera
Best Eyewear
Wink Optics has been serving the Bay Area since the 1980s, providing personalized exams and a wide range of frames. Mill Valley, winkoptics.com
• Luxton Optical, Greenbrae
• Marin Eye Care, Novato
• Marin Optometry, Mill Valley
• Rims & Goggles, Mill Valley
• Wink Optics, multiple locations
Best Gifts
Make anyone’s day with these brilliant arrangements.
Tiburon, flourish succulents.com
Sprig Home & Garden
Don’t be fooled by the facade. This is far from your typical hardware store. San Rafael, shopsprig.com
• Flourish, Tiburon
• Folio, Larkspur
• Maker’s Market, Mill Valley
• Poet & the Bench, Mill Valley
• The Sassy Post, San Anselmo
• Sprig Home & Garden, San Rafael
• XOXO Gift Shop, Larkspur
Best Home Furnishings/ Accessories
READERS’ CHOICE: Summer House This business’ 30 years of treasure hunting have resulted in a collection designed to inject spirit into a home. Mill Valley, summerhousemill valley.com
• Buttercup Home, Novato
• Hudson Grace, Larkspur
• Restoration Hardware, Corte Madera
• Salt, Sausalito
• Sprig Home & Garden, San Rafael
• Sunrise Home, San Rafael
• Summer House, Mill Valley
Best Jewelry
READERS’ CHOICE: Sofia Jewelry Serving tourists and locals alike, Sofia is best known for custom designs and upcycling old pieces. Mill Valley, sofiajewelry.com
• Alix & Company, Mill Valley
• Ashley Morgan Design, Ross
• California Girl Jewelry, Mill Valley
• Commonwealth Marin,
your budget. San Anselmo, seesaw4kids.com
• Poppy, Larkspur
• Secret Garden, Greenbrae
• SeeSaw Children’s Consignment Shop, San Anselmo
• Sprout, Mill Valley
• Village Child, Novato
Best Men’s Clothing
READERS’ CHOICE: Gene Hiller Menswear
Since 1953, Gene
Pet Store
READERS’ CHOICE: Woodlands Pet Food & Treats
Woodlands isn’t just a great place for quality pet food and stuffed toys, although it definitely is that as well. Mill Valley, woodlands.pet/ mill-valley/
• Best Friends Pet Supplies, Sausalito
• Brownie’s Pet Boutique, Larkspur
• Dogville, San Anselmo
• Live Water Surf Shop, Stinson Beach
• OCN Culture, San Anselmo
• Point Reyes Surf Shop, Point Reyes Station
• Proof Lab, Mill Valley
READERS’ CHOICE: Five Little Monkeys
Despite the brightly colored advertising, don’t be fooled into thinking that the store is only for ages 10 and below, as it offers some games that are sure to be fun for a slightly higher age range as well. Novato, 5littlemonkeys.com
• A Childs Delight, Corte Madera
• Fairfax Variety, Fairfax
• Five Little Monkeys, Novato
• Games People Play, Sausalito
• Toy Crazy, Larkspur
Best Women’s Clothing
• Johann Paul, Greenbrae
• Julianna’s, Corte Madera
• Moonstruck Fine Jewelry, Mill Valley
• Poet and the Bench, Mill Valley
• Sofia Jewelry, Mill Valley
• Stephan-Hill, San Rafael
Best Kids’ Clothing
SeeSaw Children’s Consignment
SeeSaw is a one-stop shop for any children’s clothing, no matter
Hiller has been providing the Bay Area with fine Italian menswear, personal service and custom tailoring. Sausalito, genehiller.com
• Famous4 Emporium, Mill Valley
• Fez, Mill Valley
• Gene Hiller Menswear, Sausalito
• Louis Thomas Fine Men’s Apparel, Corte Madera
• The Perfect Provenance, Tiburon
• Pet Club, Corte Madera
• Pet Food Express, Mill Valley
• Woodlands Pet Food & Treats, Mill Valley
Best Surf Shop
As the largest surf shop in the Bay Area, Proof Lab more than lives up to the hype. Besides boards, they offer an indoor skatepark, ceramics classes, and hosts movie nights. Mill Valley, prooflab.com
• 101 Surf Sports, San Rafael
READERS’ CHOICE: Viva Diva Boutique Whatever your body type, the stylists at Viva Diva can help you construct the perfect look for any occasion. San Rafael, vivadivaboutique.com
• Bella, multiple locations
• Carolina, Mill Valley
• Citrine, Larkspur
• Main St. Mercantile, Tiburon
• Margaret O’Leary, Mill Valley
• The Store, Mill Valley
• Surf and Sand, Mill Valley
• Viva Diva Boutique, San Rafael
Mother and daughter duo Mariel Baker and Denise Forbes travel the world to source their own gemstones from all over the world. Specializing in one-of-a-kind pieces, CGJ has over 3,000 loose gemstones of varying colors and cuts in their showroom.
What makes CGJ unique?
We hand select the best gemstones available in the world. Even with pavé diamonds, we use the highest quality colorless diamonds.
What inspired you to start California Girl Jewelry?
While working in NYC, Mariel discovered the world of rare colored gemstones. She befriended a jeweler in the Diamond District in New York, and designed her jewelry while adding rare colored gemstones to her collection.
Why Marin?
We operated a very small boutique in San Francisco for over five years and realized that most of our clients were from Marin, and since we both live here, it was a natural choice.
Poggio is a classic Italian trattoria with comfortable neighborhood charm and destination-caliber cuisine. Using the best available local ingredients, the daily changing menu features soulful classics of Italy, simply and earnestly prepared by hand. Chef-Partner Benjamin Balesteri is obsessed with sourcing the freshest seasonal ingredients possible including catching much of Poggio’s seafood himself.
We are honored to be the 2023 Best of the County Readers Choice winner and proud to celebrate our 20th anniversary serving residents and visitors to Sausalito the finest Italian food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, seven days a week. Poggio also offers several different private rooms with spectacular views of San Francisco Bay and the harbor across the street.
777 Bridgeway, Sausalito, CA 415.332.7771 poggiotrattoriacom
Cut & Color. Body waxing. Hair extensions. Lash extensions. Full Brow Bar. Lash Lifts.
3 E Blithedale Ave, Mill Valley, CA 415.388.0988 milvali.com
Thank you! Serving Marin County for 40 years has been a privilege. 100% employee-owned, we remain committed to crafting quality solar electric and battery storage systems. Since 1984, SolarCraft has saved 8,500 customers over $250 million in utility costs, harnessing free power from the sun. 8 Digital Drive, Suite 101, Novato, CA 415.382.7717 solarcraft.com
Thank you, Marin Magazine readers, for voting Rustic Bakery the best bakery in Marin! We are honored to have received this recognition four times! All our products are baked using the best quality, locally sourced ingredients.
We appreciate the support of the Marin community and look forward to continuing to serve you delicious baked goods at our four cafés!
Marin Country Mart – 2017 Larkspur Landing Circle Larkspur – 1139 Magnolia Ave. Novato – 1407 Grant Ave. Tiburon – 1550 Tiburon Blvd. rusticbakery.com
Jeff Hadley, third-generation Owner and Executive Vice President of Hadley General Contractors, Inc.
Thank you, Marin, for this honor! MAS Design works in a variety of styles, driven by their clients’ personalized goals. They deliver spaces that are fresh, elegant, and approachable, with accessible customer care and expert control over their processes. Featured in Elle Decor, Better Homes & Gardens and more.
Tiburon, CA 415.231.0240 masinteriordesign.com
Voted Best Marin Builder in 2021, 2022 and 2023, Hadley has served the community since 1950. Three generations and 70 years later, their commitment is unwavering, resulting in continued gratitude: “Thank you for putting your trust in us!”
85 Beach Rd, Belvedere Tiburon, CA Lic. #702420 415.383.0583 hadleyconstruction.com
Family owned and operated by Marin locals for over 40 years, Johnson and Daly is passionate about providing our friends and neighbors with the highestquality moving experience. Whether you or your business needs to move across town or across the globe, when you choose us you can rest easy knowing that your belongings are in the hands of some of the best trained and most awarded movers in the state.
Thank you voting us Best of Marin County for a second year in a row!
110 Belvedere Street, San Rafael, CA 415.491.4444 johnsondalymoving.com
Dr. Jamali and her team at Belle Marin Aesthetic Medicine are grateful for the incredible honor of being voted as Best Med Spa in Marin County for 2023! It is truly our honor to serve our community and help our patients feel like the best version of themselves. We honestly love what we do, and continue to strive to provide superior and safe services in a patient-centric luxurious setting. We can’t thank our clients and Marin Magazine enough for their continued support. We hope to see you soon at Belle Marin!
250 E. Blithedale Ave, Suite B, Mill Valley, CA 415.887.8718 Hello@BelleMarin.com
On behalf of our entire team, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to Marin’s Magazine and the community for recognizing our dedication to excellence. This honor serves as a testament to our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional painting services since 1959.
112 Mitchell Blvd, San Rafael, CA 415.457.0100 bobkunstpainting.com
Best Annual Gala Best Disability Care
Since 1954, Lifehouse has provided essential services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We are filled with much gratitude for this incredible community that so graciously lifts us up. Your continued support ensures that the individuals we serve have the opportunity to lead full lives!
18 Professional Center Parkway, San Rafael, CA 415.526.5300 lifehouseagency.org
From our family to yours, thank you for voting us Best Jewelry Store in Marin! Family owned since 1994, Sofia Jewelry is Mill Valley’s destination jewelry store. We appreciate your trust and support, and are grateful to be a part of your special occasions and everyday celebrations!
80 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley, CA 415.388.8776 sofiajewelry.com
We are honored to be chosen Best of the County 2023.We’d like to thank all our wonderful clients and friends for 70 years of support. We are most grateful, and look forward to your next visit.
729 Bridgeway, Sausalito, CA 415.332.3636 genehiller.com
Appointments Preferred
We’re all feeling the love…Thank you Marin for voting Flourish “Best Gifts!” It’s been our passion and honor to bring you the Flourish Experience creating succulent, floral and orchid arrangements, as well as curating our exceptional collection of gifts and home decor.
1 Blackfield Drive, Suite 6, Tiburon, CA 415.300.5730 flourishsucculents.com
West End Nursery has been family owned since 1909 and are celebrating our 114th year in business. We pride ourselves on customer service, knowledgable staff and high quality plant material. We are always happy to help you with your garden and we would like to thank our amazing customers for all their support over the years.
1938 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 415.454.4175 westendnursery.com
We are truly grateful for your support in recognizing us as the premier provider of elder services in Marin County, where one-in-three residents is over age 60. For nearly 70 years, Vivalon has connected older adults and people with disabilities to essential services that promote independence and dignity. We offer homedelivered meals, social activities, educational programs, and transportation, helping more than 16,000 individuals age vibrantly each year. Our visionary Healthy Aging Campus in downtown San Rafael opens in early 2024 to provide the only comprehensive hub ensuring older adults in Marin can live more engaged and healthy lives.
930 Tamalpais Avenue, San Rafael, CA 415.456.9062 | vivalon.org
Fernwood is excited to be recognized for the work that we do. We’re a full-service funeral home, crematory, and remembrance chapel that nests on 32-acres of a certified wildlife habitat cemetery. Thank you for supporting more environmentally sustainable death care practices.
Sincerely, The Fernwood Team
301 Tennessee Valley Rd, Mill Valley, CA Lic #FD 1281 415.383.7100 fernwood.com
Heather, with 25+ years of experience, is thankful for her Marin based clients’ dedication to fitness and wellness. She offers expertise, results, and fun through group training, individual sessions, and global retreats. Join her in her new studio for an exciting fitness journey!
777 Grand Ave, Suite 104B, San Rafael CA 415.235.8747 heatherleighfitness.com
We love our community, thank you for this honor and your vote for Best of Marin!
We love Marin and we love making great tasting, nutrient rich dishes for everyone to enjoy! Our wraps, rice dishes, salads, soups, quinoa dishes and yes, even our nachos should dance on your taste buds while our smoothies, juices, teas and coffee should practically sing, I feel good!
With online ordering it’s easy to order. With locations in Mill Valley and San Rafael (both just off the 101) we’re easy to get to and if you can’t get out, no worries, we deliver!
415.388.1852 247 Shoreline Highway, Mill Valley, CA 415.457.5400 1408 4th Street, San Rafael, CA cafedelsoul.net
It is an honor to be voted best Mediterranean of Marin! It’s been our pleasure to serve the community delicious food and bring friends and family together for 27 years.
120 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, San Anselmo, CA 415.457.7700 insalatas.com
Bringing Audiences to the Arts in Marin! MarinArts is dedicated to advocating for all of the arts in Marin County. MarinArts online calendar makes it easy to discover and participate in creative and cultural events throughout our community, including arts events and educational opportunities for all ages.
5800 Northgate Mall #250, San Rafael, CA 415.578.3856 marinarts.org
Thank you Marin for recognizing SPRIG Home & Garden (formerly known as Chase Garden & Gift Emporium) as the BEST Gift/Home Decor Shop. Your support for local businesses is so heart-warming and deeply appreciated. Sprig offers a curated selection of gift and home decor that reflect the beautiful Marin area and our golden state:
GIFTS: Books, candles, bath/lotion, fashion/jewelry, kids toys & more
HOME DECOR: Live indoor plants, pots, vases, pillows/textiles, objects, accessories & more
KITCHEN: Books, serveware & more
Again, thank you Marin Magazine readers.
1826 4th Street, San Rafael, CA shopsprig.com
Creekside Pizza & Taproom is honored to hold Marin Magazine’s Best of County award for five years running. We invite you to visit San Anselmo for great shopping, award winning restaurants, and enjoy our family friendly town.
Creekside is your destination for Marin’s best craft beer selection, with over 25 breweries on 40 taps. In addition to our premium ingredients and passionate kitchen preparation, our Team Creekside employees are the backbone of our success, bringing the Creekside Experience to every guest from 11AM daily, 365 days a year, here in the Heart of Marin.
638 San Anselmo Avenue, San Anselmo, CA 415.801.3265 www.CreeksideSA.com
TUESDAY NIGHT COMEDY brings you fresh new, on-the-rise talent and headlining comics from around the world. If “Laughter is the best medicine” we guarantee you loads of it! Thank you Marin for voting us Best Comedy Venue. We love to make you laugh!
142 Throckmorton Avenue, Mill Valley, CA 415.383.9600 throckmortontheatre.org
Thank you Marin! As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of our first cafe at Proof Lab, we are so grateful to be part of this community. We’re proud to create safe spaces for people to come as they are, through the power of coffee. equatorcoffees.com | @equatorcoffees
Downtown Larkspur: 40 Magnolia Ave, Larkspur, CA Sausalito: 1201 Bridgeway A, Sausalito, CA
Proof Lab: 244 Shoreline Hwy, Mill Valley, CA
Downtown Mill Valley: 2 Miller Ave, Mill Valley, CA
We are grateful to the Marin community for voting Jessie & Laurent Meal Delivery Service as the best in Marin. With 40+ years of experience, we continue to provide culinary excellence. Our locally crafted meals are delivered to your doorstep, ensuring freshness and convenience. Thank you for your support!
info@jessieandlaurent.com 415.485.1122 jessieandlaurent.com
Thank you Marin Magazine readers for the years of continued support and overwhelming loyalty!
Our team serves up authentic Puerto Rican comfort food, using fresh ingredients, with vegan and glutenfree options.
Thank you Marin for voting us Best Mexican! Come enjoy the freshest flavors of Mexico and our exceptional, mouthwatering margaritas. Gracias from the entire Playa staff.
41 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley, CA 415.384.8871 playamv.com
Thank you Marin Magazine readers for voting us the Best Chinese Restaurant in Marin! For 17 years, we gratefully continue to serve this wonderful community and we appreciate your continued loyalty and support!
800 Redwood Highway, Suite 401, Mill Valley, CA 415.381.5300 harmonyrestaurantgroup.com
“Welcome home” - that’s our greeting to you. We are passionate about what we do, and take special delight in introducing our guests to new wines, great cuisine, and surprising pairings of food with wine and sake. Most of all, we sincerely thank you for 38 wonderful years.
107 Caledonia St, Sausalito, CA 415.332.3620 sushiran.com
Thank you for voting EVO SPA Best Massage. It is an honor to serve You for almost two decades. We sincerely appreciate your support! Wishing You all the Best. The Evo Spa Team
800 Redwood Highway Frontage Road, Suite 216, Mill Valley, CA 415.383.3223 evo-spa.com
The history of medicine inspired Mill Valley doctor Toni Brayer, MD, to collect medical artifacts dating back to the 1800s.
Medicine has changed dramatically since the time when peddlers hawked “cure-all” elixirs door-to-door and treatments like bloodletting were common. Intrigued by the history of medicine, Mill Valley doctor Toni Brayer, MD, has amassed hundreds of medical artifacts from bygone eras over the course of her career as a physician. We asked Brayer to tell us how she got started collecting and share a few of her favorite items.
Collection: I collect medical artifacts and antiques. At the turn of the 20th century, homemakers (women) were the main health providers in families. There were many “home cures” developed and sold to women through pamphlets. These small, mailed periodicals were a way for women to write down their recipes and home treatments, as well as a way for advertisers to sell their concoctions. There was no FDA or board or pharmacy, so doctors prepared their own medicines and sold them as cures.
I have a number of the women’s periodicals and the bottles sold with prices and ads for sanitariums. It’s a fascinating look at the role of women in society at that time. I have bottles and drugs that were sold and used as well as instruments (some scary) from that time. There are also quack items and vibrators and electrical devices that were supposed to cure all ailments.
Years collecting: I’ve been in practice in San Francisco at California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC) for over 35 years and have always been interested in medical history and how medicine has changed over centuries. I started organically collecting whenever I was in antique stores but mainly on early eBay. I’ve received some things as gifts from patients. A few interesting items lead to more and more until it became a passion.
How many pieces? I have hundreds of items, including books, artifacts, medical tools and bottles.
Where do you keep them? They used to be on a display cabinet in my office. My office practice changed so now they are on my bookshelf at home and tucked away in boxes. I have so many wonderful and interesting items. I would like to donate them to a museum or medical college because patients and even young doctors would be interested in the historical nature of these items.
Why? I started medical school late at age 30, and that gave me a different perspective about history. I love medical history and reading about the dramatic changes in medicine, discoveries, quackery, women in medicine and evolution over the past centuries. The artifacts from the past are so interesting to me. Once I got started, I couldn’t stop.
Favorite? I have several favorites. I have several Chinese embroidered shoes that were used in foot binding of Chinese women at the turn of the century. Foot binding wasn’t banned until 1912. The Shunzhi emperor had actually banned the practice in 1645 but unfortunately, his successor revoked the ban, and it became a custom firmly rooted in Chinese tradition.
I really enjoy the soft pamphlets I have because you can get a glimpse into the life of women, how they cared for their families and how advertisers targeted them with cures.
I also have books with fold-out drawn dioramas that reveal piece by piece the inner workings of the body. They are really special.
Oldest items? I have a number of books from the 1860s.
Most unusual? The electric Master Violet Ray therapeutic light for health and beauty. These violet ray treatments were said to cure everything from lower back pain to carbuncles.
Fun fact: My family finally had to say, “Quit collecting; you should be selling on eBay, not buying!” But I think all collectors will say it brings much pleasure and is cheaper than therapy.
Parting thoughts: Medicine has come a long way in the past 150 years. We’re in a golden age with all the advancements and science, and this collection proves it.
Welcome to the eighth annual Faces of Marin. On the following pages we introduce you to the people behind the businesses that make our county thrive. One of the most coveted places to live in the entire country, Marin County includes miles of shoreline abutting both the San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean. The area’s beautiful centerpiece, Mount Tamalpais, is not just a natural setting for hiking and biking and traditions like the Dipsea Race and pancake breakfasts at the Mountain Home Inn; it’s also a majestic beacon guiding us home.
Every day we cross paths with countless people as we go about our busy lives. Some we interact with, whether it’s a retail transaction or waving to a neighbor walking the dog; others we merely pass as they peek in a shop window or answer an email on their phone. Many of these people are the ones who make your favorite local businesses live and grow. They are the ones you’ll see behind the counter, at a desk or on your doorstep. So take a moment to really come face to face with these important Marin personalities. When you think about it, every business is a people business. And it’s not just clients and customers; there are important personalities driving the success of every endeavor.
Amy Greywitt, Temple Schauble and Carla Herzenberg, Metta Yoga Studios Owners
WITH DECADES OF EXPERIENCE PRACTICING AND TEACHING YOGA BETWEEN THEM, Amy, Temple and Carla have been running Metta Yoga studios for over six years. They created Metta Yoga to bring boutique, community-focused studios to Marin that are dynamic and creative, yet still deeply rooted in yoga tradition. Metta offers three studios with a diverse set of teachers, offerings, and class environments to meet everyone where they are.
With a new Metta Mama business launching this summer, they are excited to add a beautiful new space dedicated to new and expecting moms and parents to gather and build community rooted in yoga and mindfulness practices. They are honored to have the opportunity to practice and offer yoga to our community here in Marin.
8 Tamalpais Drive, Corte Madera, CA 835 4th Street Suite B, San Rafael, CA
Metta@Sausalito Cloudbreak, 1621 Bridgeway, Sausalito, CA 415.868.3569 l mettayogastudio.com
IN THE BUSTLING CULINARY WORLD, where taste and quality reign supreme, there’s one name that stands out like a beacon of freshness and elegance: Dee’s Organic Catering. With an unwavering commitment to sustainability and dedication to using only the finest organic ingredients, Dee’s Organic Catering has earned its place as the epitome of culinary excellence.
Led by the visionary chef, Dolores Coleman, this renowned catering company takes pride in crafting unforgettable dining experiences. Every dish that leaves their kitchen is a masterpiece, carefully prepared with a harmonious blend of flavors, textures, and colors.
Fully equipped to deliver a lasting experience, Dee’s Organic Catering ignites taste buds, tantalizes senses, and takes guests on a gourmet adventure that will be cherished forever.
Whether it’s an intimate gathering, a grand celebration, or a corporate event, Dee’s Organic Catering brings a touch of cuisine magic to every occasion. With their meticulous attention to detail, they transform events into unforgettable culinary journeys, leaving guests mesmerized and craving more.
1800 Ignacio Boulevard, Novato, CA 415.484.3491 l deesorganic.com
Back Row: Frank Valone III, MD, Mark Schrumpf, MD, Philip Kaiser, MD, Keith Donatto, MD, Christopher Cox, MD, John Belzer, MD, Mark Ignatius, DO, Lindsey Valone, MD, W. Scott Green, MD, Peter Callander, MD, James Kelly II, MD
WHEN IT COMES TO ORTHOPAEDIC AND SPORTS-RELATED INJURIES, there’s only one name you can trust – California Pacific Orthopaedics. Whether you’re a weekend warrior, a seasoned professional athlete, or suffer from everyday joint pain, Cal Pac Ortho’s experienced team is there to get you feeling like new. After all, it’s what they’ve been doing for nearly 50 years.
At California Pacific Orthopaedics, they want their patients to get back to enjoying normal life as quickly as possible. That’s why they have in-house
X-Ray and MRI – including a state-of-the-art wide-bore 3 Tesla MRI. The wide-bore MRI allows for a quicker scan and a roomier experience for patients. Additionally they offer evening and weekend appointments!
You can visit them at one of their four office locations. Visit Calpacortho. com for more information.
1099 D Street, Suite 105, San Rafael, CA 3838 California Street, Suites 108, 516, 715, San Francisco, CA 415.668.8010 l calpacortho.com
CRISTINA DI GRAZIA, ENTREPRENEURIAL IN SPIRIT, is a steward and real estate advisor of coastal real estate in Marin County affiliated with the Golden Gate Sotheby’s International Realty brand.
She nurtures her native San Franciscan roots with the local coastal communities of West Marin she calls home, specifically the town of Bolinas and has been recognized as one of the 2023, 2022 & 2021 RealTrends American’s Best Real Estate Professionals.
A procurer of transactions and strong relationships personally and professionally, Cristina is trusted for her expertise, graciousness, experience, and her lovely and kind way of being. Her success—and clients’ dreams—are reached thanks to her competitive drive and passion for growth in all that she does. A firm belief in surrounding herself with beauty and enjoying life, coupled with an underlying creative fire, fuels her many careers; as a mother, a real estate professional, a community leader, and a philanthropist. A mutual respect between clients, paired with the highest business acumen, allows Cristina to unlock opportunities for those seeking to find the home of their dreams as well as maximize the value of their home. Simply put, nothing compares.
3605 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA License: #01269252 l 415.710.1048
(l to r) Phillip Madrid, Mike Hartley, Julie Goldberg, Jessica Werle, Ann Ronchelli, Andrea Guillory, Jesus Perez, Gabe Lenox
AT HARTLEY WINDOW COVERINGS, the goal is to help you find the best solution for your windows.
Combining beauty and function, the right treatment can transform your space. Hartley offers a wide variety of manual and motorized products for energy efficiency, and protection from UV light and solar heat gain to keep your home comfortable. Exterior motorized screen shades offer a unique shade solution that expands the use of outdoor entertaining areas. Many clients use them to enclose a patio area to create an outdoor room.
Since 1998, Hartley has been providing quality work and dependable
customer service as a cornerstone of the business. Their team of design consultants and installation technicians will work with you from the initial planning stages to final installation.
The Hartley team stays current with the latest design trends and product innovations. With their advice and network of manufacturers, they can help you find the perfect window treatment for your unique windows and style. Contact them today to schedule a consultation.
4056 Sebastopol Road, Santa Rosa, CA 707.525.8256 l hartleywindowcoverings.com
Modern Animal Mill Valley’s, Helen Sindell, DVM
“ABOVE ALL ELSE, WE MAKE GOING TO THE VET A MORE COMFORTABLE, CONVENIENT, AND JOYFUL EXPERIENCE,” says Dr. Helen Sindell, Lead Doctor at Modern Animal’s newest location in Mill Valley. With instant booking, complimentary 24/7 telemedicine, and Urgent Care, Modern Animal offers unparalleled access in just a few taps to best-in-class veterinary care, both in person and virtually.
As a veterinarian with 15 years of experience, Dr. Sindell is excited about the various ways Modern Animal is evolving modern veterinary care. “This is the first time in my career I’ve seen a company truly innovate on behalf of pet owners and veterinarians. I’m confident in our ability to provide the best quality of medicine and look forward to bringing the Modern Animal experience to the people and pets of Marin County.”
Sign up for free today through the Modern Animal app and schedule a visit with Dr. Sindell and her team. We can’t wait to meet you.
50 Belvedere Drive, Mill Valley, CA 424.360.2800 l modernanimal.com
Martha Bodell, North Coast Tile & Stone
NORTH COAST TILE AND STONE walks hand in hand with the North Bay Community with an open, direct dialogue with homeowners to better serve their needs and wants. In doing all the work in house they guarantee the workmanship and final product to be exactly your vision.
NCTS has provided award winning service to their clients for over 30 years. NCTS has a dedicated team of 7 designers, the most talented tile and stone craftsmen along with the largest stone slab yard in the North Bay and gorgeous tile showroom that will bring your projects from idea to reality.
Martha leads the showroom team in working with architects, contractors, designers and homeowners with a confident, thoughtful and professional attitude. NCTS is a one stop shop that offers – design and installation services, as well as a wide variety of stone and tile. One client said, “Being in Martha’s showroom is like being in her own home. The care and time that was taken with my project made us feel like family.” Open Monday thru Friday 8:30 to 5:00 and Saturday 9:00 to 5:00
3854 Santa Rosa Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 707.586.2064 l nctile.com
Christian and Camilla
Meoli, Owners of Cinelounge ® Tiburon
WELCOME TO CINELOUNGE® TIBURON, a family-owned gem nestled in the heart of Marin County, California. Immerse yourself in the magic of cinema as our state-of-the-art screens showcase a captivating selection of first-run films and beloved classics and eclectic special events. With luxury designer seating, boasting a modern 70’s aesthetic, and a true lounge experience, our cinema invites you into a charming Movie Mansion on Main Street with three auditoriums, adorned by owners infectious with a love for the art of film.
Indulge in a delectable menu of gourmet burgers, chicken and waffle skewers, a dozen selections of red or white curated wines from local vineyards plus ten selections of beer. From movie-themed parties to sports games and private events featuring live music and special guests Christian and Camilla’s dedication to supporting local creatives and community organizations is present with every visit.
Cinelounge® Tiburon is an unforgettable experience. Join us and let the enchantment unfold.
40 Main Street, Tiburon, CA 415.797.6976 I cineloungefilm.com
Trent D. Douglas, M.D., Stanley G. Poulos, M.D., Yngvar Hvistendahl, M.D., Plastic Surgery Specialists
THE BREADTH OF WHAT PSS DOES IS UNPARALLELED IN THE SF BAY AREA. PSS’ team of board certified plastic surgeons has over 50 years of combined experience specializing in breast, body contouring, mommy make-overs and other aesthetic procedures. PSS takes pride in their on-site, state of the art surgery center. Patients will benefit from highly trained surgeons and supportive staff ensuring a comfortable and safe surgical experience.
In addition to the surgery center, PSS has expanded their Medspa, offering patients a large portfolio of non-surgical treatments, procedures and skin care. Their highly skilled and compassionate nursing staff is ready to help patients achieve their aesthetic goals.
If you have an surgical or non-surgical aesthetic goal, PSS brings their experience, expertise, and innovation all aiming to provide you with natural results while leaving a lasting impression.
350 Bon Air Road, Suite 300, Greenbrae, CA 415.925.2880 l psspecialists.com
Sean Kelly, CEO/Owner of Lamperti Contracting and Design with the Crew
LAMPERTI CONTRACTING AND DESIGN is a family-owned design/build firm in Marin County. Since 2005, Sean Kelly has dedicated his career to being an expert in distinctive kitchens and bathrooms. With a talented team, luxury products and a well-known reputation the “Lamperti way” is without compromise.
The in-house design team is ready to guide clients through every step of the project process. Incorporating creative and functional ideas while perfecting the dream kitchen, bathroom, or home. Lamperti Contracting
and Design takes pride in each client’s project by employing an established standard of excellence.
MORPHEUS MEDICAL AESTHETICS defines success by providing patients with optimal outcomes and results that leave them feeling beautiful and confident. One way to ensure success is always having the best devices and the newest technologies and mastering the most current techniques to treat patients’ evolving aesthetic needs and goals.
The most recent technology they have introduced to their practice is the Profound Matrix system by Candela. This system combines the power of radiofrequency (RF) energy and microneedling to stimulate new collagen, resurface the skin, and treat fine lines and wrinkles. This minimally invasive
treatment, which requires little to no downtime, is the perfect lunchtime treatment that gets you in and out the door quickly and back to your busy life – that’s success! You are beautiful just the way you are, but if there is anything that they can do to make you feel more confident, beautiful, and powerful along the way, they are there to help. Contact Morpheus Medical Aesthetics today to schedule your free, comprehensive consultation with one of their skilled providers.
5 Bon Air Road, Suite 107, Larkspur, CA I 415.924.1330
morpheusmedspa.com I @beautybymorpheus
(l to r) Raquel Garcilazo Caballero, Lifehouse staff 3 years, Carol Loughlin, Lifehouse staff 30 years, Stephanie Caires, Supported by Lifehouse 12 years, Jennie Thompson, Supported by Lifehouse 7 years, Ruth Kelly, Lifehouse staff 5 years, Katie Buster, Supported by Lifehouse 17 years
LIFEHOUSE HELPS LEAD PEOPLE with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) on a path to a full life. The dedication of the Lifehouse staff is essential to providing the complex supports and services to people with I/DD. For many of our employees this job is more of a ‘calling’. They not only apply the principles of the Lifehouse mission to their work, they live and breathe it. They are the ambassadors, advocates, teachers, and encouraging voices everyday for people with I/DD in our community. “I am grateful to be able to do this work for over 30 years now. Supporting
individuals like Katie, Stephanie and Jennie to get the most out of their lives gives me a fulfillment that is invaluable.”- Carol Loughlin, says of following her calling at Lifehouse for three decades. Carol has been the primary support person for Katie since joining Lifehouse 17 years ago and Stephanie joining 12 years ago—a true testament to the Lifehouse mission of providing a lifetime of compassionate support. Photo Credit: Peter Merts 18 Professional Center Parkway, San Rafael CA 415.526.5300 l lifehouseagency.org
GUIDING A CHILD with with a learning difference such as dyslexia, ADHD, and nonverbal learning disorders through their early years into adulthood can be challenging for any parent. What makes this journey even harder is that most learning methods aren’t designed for any one child.
What differentiates Winston Prep Marin from other schools is the learning methodology that strives to gain an in-depth understanding of each student in grades 3-12. The expert teachers spend weeks designing a program for each student and continuously assess how students are responding to their skill development.
A key component of Winston Prep’s highly dynamic model is the Focus Program. Focus teachers work one-to-one with students daily for individualized instruction as they develop skills. Focus is part of the Continuous Feedback System that gives kids the tools to succeed academically and socially.
Learn more: https://www.winstonprep.edu/our-campuses/marin-county or contact Kristen Atkins, Head of School, katkins@winstonprep.edu.
1 St Vincent Drive, San Rafael, CA 415.858.1015 l winstonprep.edu
38NORTH DESIGN CO. IS THE MASTER OF THE BACKYARD BASH… whether you’re celebrating a milestone birthday, hosting a farm to table dinner, cheering on the graduate or toasting a newly wed couple - Stacey and her collective of top-notch vendors have all the expertises to take your backyard from every day to a magical space, perfect to make memories with friends and family.
Stacey has been designing and planning events for over 19 years and loving every minute! Well maybe not EVERY MINUTE - lugging boxes and taking out the trash aside - she finds joy in helping clients host events that
are spectacular. We’ve heard many say that you can tell Stacey loves what she does and is amazing at organizing festivities big and small, all with patience, grace and a lot of creativity.
If you’re looking to host something special, we think 38north Design Co. is the event planning and design studio for you!
Dr. Alex Brown D.C. - North Bay Health and Wellness @ Club Evexia
EXPERIENCE THE TRANSFORMATIVE POWER OF CHIROPRACTIC CARE at Dr. Alex Brown’s exclusive practice located within the luxurious Club Evexia in Mill Valley, Dr. Brown sees both members and nonmembers. With a passion for holistic healing and a commitment to optimal wellness, Dr. Brown brings over two decades of experience with an unparalleled expertise and personalized approach to each patient. Dr. Brown’s techniques are non invasive and consist of assisted stretching, soft tissue therapy, and full spine and extremity Chiropractic adjustments. Patients tell him that they immediately feel the benefits of treatment, helping
them reclaim lost mobility as well as reaching a higher degree of overall functionality. A Northern California native and San Diego State graduate, Dr. Alex is a licensed and board certified Chiropractor as well as a certified personal trainer. His undergraduate degree in Kinesiology with emphasis in physical therapy has allowed Dr. Alex to tailor his approach to the active population. He dedicates his time outside of his profession to playing basketball, cooking, and spending time with his amazing daughter, Allayna.
100 Shoreline Hwy, Bldg A-100, Mill Valley CA l 415.729.0046
dralexbrowndc@gmail.com l Appts: dralexbrowndc.janeapp.com
Caitlyn Fung, Julianna Foris and Judy White, Julianna’s Fine Jewelry
JULIANNA, ALONG WITH DAUGHTER, JUDY, first opened Julianna’s Fine Jewelry in the Village at Corte Madera nearly 40 years ago. Julie brought her vast 20 years of designer jewelry knowledge and business savvy to the mother-daughter venture. A decade ago, Caitlyn joined her mother and grandmother at the store to make the business three generations strong. Julianna’s Fine Jewelry’s motto is “We are a family, so we’ll treat you like family.”
Roberto Coin, Simon G, JB Star and William Henry’s collections are displayed, but they are also known for designing one-of-a-kind custom
jewelry pieces for their clients. They offer unique engagement rings with the finest natural and lab grown fine diamonds at competitive prices. Swiss-made watch options include Omega, Oris, Raymond Weil, Tissot and a small collection of various branded pre-owned watches. At Julianna’s Fine Jewelry, this family of women jewelers will make sure you receive superior service and quality.“
The Village at Corte Madera • Corte Madera, CA 415.924.9711 l juliannasfinejewelry.com
NORCAL PLASTIC SURGERY was founded with the mission to improve the quality of life of its patients. Dr. Rankin is Board-Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. He specializes in facial rejuvenation (facelift), rhinoplasty, and mommy makeover surgery. Dr. Rankin is an award winning surgeon having graduated Summa Cum Laude (Top 1%) from medical school, served as Chief Resident as a general surgeon and then went on to complete his plastic surgery training at the top program in the countryVanderbilt University.
Additionally, Dr. Rankin spent time with Tim Marten who invented the deep plane, High SMAS Face Lift here in San Francisco.
At NorCal Plastic Surgery, it’s not just about improving how you look, it’s about improving how you feel, which ultimately improves your quality of life. Patients are always the priority. The NorCal team looks forward to learning more about your goals and how they can help you achieve them.
575 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. #2, Greenbrae, CA 925.966.3920 l norcalsurgery.com
“Over the years our name has come to signify a quality of construction that is second to none and client-oriented customer service that creates lasting relationships. Our focus on our clients’ best interest, unchanged for 70 years, is the reason we are the premier homebuilder in Marin County. We will always stand by our work and take on any project, big or small. And we will always give back to the place that has given so much to us.” ~
Jeff Hadley85 Beach Road, Belvedere, CA l Lic#702420
415.383.0583 l hadleyconstruction.com
Kathleen Woodcock, Christine Paquette, Karen Strolia, St. Vincent de Paul Society of Marin
BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE IN THE DIGNITY OF ALL PEOPLE, St. Vincent de Paul Society of Marin’s mission is to provide compassionate, individualized assistance to help our most vulnerable neighbors obtain nutritious food, affordable housing, meaningful employment, and a voice in the community.
Since 1946, St. Vincent de Paul’s crisis assistance programs in Marin have grown to support over 8,000 people annually. Their core services include providing nutritious meals at their free dining room, homelessness prevention support, crisis and housing search assistance, and case
management services. The steadfast support from the community has allowed them to serve more than 180,000 meals for our hungry neighbors and distribute more than $1.1 million in rental assistance and other emergency direct aid in 2022. This work cannot be done without you. With a success rate of 94.86% in keeping clients permanently housed, they are honored and blessed to serve Marin and will continue to lead the charge in ending hunger and homelessness in the county.
Sponsored by: Isobel Wiener
St. Vincent de Paul 820 B Street, San Rafael, CA | vinnies.org 415.297.6587 | kwoodcock@vinnies.org
HELEN ABE WAS BORN AND RAISED IN SAN FRANCISCO. Her immigrant parents worked hard and sacrificed to raise a large family. They taught their children the importance of living within your means. “My mother literally saved pennies and proved that it’s not what you earn, but what you save that matters”. Helen said. With strong values, Helen set out to achieve her financial objectives while helping others achieve their financial dreams. Helen’s approach is to listen, keep it simple, understandable and tailored to each individual. Helen believes in helping others to live a life that makes them happy and one in which they are secure with their financial future.
Investment and insurance products offered through RBC Wealth Management are not insured by the FDIC or any other federal government agency, are not deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by, a bank or any bank affiliate, and are subject to investment risks, including possible loss of the principal amount invested.
RBC Wealth Management
300B Drakes Landing Road, Suite 155, Greenbrae, CA 415.445.8468
RBC Wealth Management, a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC, registered investment adviser and Member NYSE/FINRA/SIPC.
David Shapiro, Cartelligent
DAVID SHAPIRO, A MARIN LOCAL and Redwood High School graduate, founded Cartelligent over 23 years ago with the belief that the process of buying or leasing a new car should feel as good as driving a new one home for the first time.
Since then, David and his team have helped thousands of clients in Marin County and throughout California to get a fantastic deal buying or leasing the new car they want, as well as effortlessly selling their old one.
Cartelligent has an amazing team that really cares, many of whom live here in Marin. They are ready to help starting with a simple phone call, email, or in person consultation at our headquarters in Sausalito.
Vivalon: Michele Levine, Programs Manager; Karen Hughes, Volunteer; Anne Grey, CEO; Stephanie McNally, CPO; Yvonne Roberts, CDRO; Rebekah Wilson, Programs Supervisor at the new Healthy Aging Campus construction site
A THIRD OF MARIN COUNTY RESIDENTS ARE OVER AGE 60, and this trend is expected to continue in the coming years. Healthy aging is no longer just about addressing today’s needs—it’s about creating a future. Since 1954, Vivalon has helped seniors age vibrantly. A groundbreaking development is now under construction: the Healthy Aging Campus, set to open in early 2024. This innovative project redefines care for seniors, ushering in a new era of aging for everyone in Marin. The campus integrates health services, nutrition, lifelong learning, and community engagement—a comprehensive suite of programs unparalleled in the
county. Guided by Vivalon CEO Anne Grey and powered by devoted programs, volunteer, and fundraising teams, this visionary project aims to transform the aging experience. However, the work is not complete. The time for change is now, and Vivalon needs your support to Open the Doors.
Join today, and your generous gift will be matched dollar for dollar.
930 Tamalpais Avenue, San Rafael, CA 415.456.9062 l vivalon.org/open
Side by Side
SIDE BY SIDE’S MISSION is to walk with young people impacted by adversity toward a future with connection and meaning. Side by Side provides individualized, inclusive, trauma-informed, evidence-based services, reaffirming the potential for resilience and a sustainable healthy future for youth.
Founded as a Marin County orphanage in 1895, Side by Side has comprehensive academic, behavioral, mental health, and housing programming serving over 2,500 youth and families in Alameda, Marin, Napa, and Sonoma. Programs in Marin include a therapeutic K-12 school for
behaviorally- and emotionally-challenged youth, the Irene M. Hunt School, and general mental health and community services for youth ages 5-26.
Side by Side has survived pandemics and natural disasters with an unwavering commitment to vulnerable youth who struggle with trauma, abuse, neglect, and isolation. Please support Bay Area youth with a donation today and join Side by Side on their journey. Learn more at SideBySideYouth.org.
300 Sunny Hills Drive, Bldg. #5, San Anselmo, CA 415.457.3200 l SideBySideYouth.org
Marin Community Clinics
Voted Best 2023
Community Service Nonprofit
A day of golf to support equitable health services in Marin
Monday, October 2, 2023
Meadow Club, Fairfax, CA Sponsorship Opportunities Available 18 Holes of Golf | Individual: $450
CONTESTS: Hole-in-One, Long Putt, Best Golf Attire, and more!
Registration: 10:00AM | Putt Contest: 10:30AM | BBQ Lunch 11:00AM | Shotgun Start: 12:00PM
Awards Dinner & Auction @ the Meadow Club
Support a great organization, come for amazing dinner, awards, and silent auction! October 2, 2023 @ 4:30pm Tickets: $150
Questions? Email Events@marinclinics.org
Tina — The Tina Turner Musical, outdoor concerts and other excellent events.
August is all about savoring the last days of summer al fresco style before school begins and summer vacations end.
Jazz and Blues by the Bay The annual summer Friday evening favorite in Sausalito’s Gabrielson Park always brings in stellar musicians. Don’t forget your blanket and picnic dinner. sausalito.gov
AUG 11–13 Outside Lands Now in its 15th year, this wildly popular music fest takes over Golden Gate Park with nearly 100 acts performing over the course of three days. sfoutsidelands.com
Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare’s timeless and tragic tale of two star-crossed young lovers returns to the outside stage at Mill Valley’s Old Mill Park Amphitheatre. curtaintheatre.org
AUG 25 Puss in Boots: The
The popular flick about a fearless swashbuckling feline makes its appearance at Corte Madera Town Park. Starts at 6 p.m. with live music and lawn games preceding the movie showing.
AUG 26
Hot Amphitheater Nights Boogie the summer evening away at Novato’s Hamilton Amphitheater, featuring the energetic dance tunes of Moonstruck. novato.org
AUG 1-27 Tina –The Tina Turner Musical She’s simply the best. The queen of rock ’n roll has been top of mind lately due to her recent passing, but her songs remain timeless. The musical is an account of her life journey, plus lots of favorites such as “Private Dancer.” broadwaysf.com
Twelfth Night Music, movement, and merriment rule the stage in this new imagining of Shakespeare’s comic masterpiece, presented by Marin Shakespeare Company at Dominican University’s amphitheater. marin shakespeare.org
20 The Full Monty
As Transcendence Theater’s first fully-staged musical since 2019, The Full Monty is the story of six friends, one outrageous idea and a chance
to make dreams come true. The Broadway sensation hits the stage at Beltane Ranch in Glen Ellen. transcendence theatre.org
AUG 5 Gladys Knight Very few singers over the last 50 years have matched Knight’s artistic triumphs — the “Empress of Soul” has had #1 hits in pop, gospel, R&B and adult contemporary, including the iconic “Midnight Train to Georgia.” luther burbankcenter.org
AUG 6 Buddy Guy with Eric Gales
86-year-old blues guitarist Guy is nothing short of a legend — he’s racked up multiple Grammy awards including a Lifetime Achievement award, has been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and has been a major influence on other guitarists such as
Jimi Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughn. sterngrove.org
AUG 13 Rockabilly/ Honky-Tonk Retrofest A mashup of Slim Jim Phantom Trio (including former members of the Stray Cats), Red Meat, Mitch Polzak and The Royal Deuces makes for a day of rockin’ fun. ranchonicasio.com
AUG 27 Coco Montoya Between his white-hot guitar playing and his soulful, emotional vocals, Montoya has talent to burn. In a career that spans almost four decades, he’s gone from drumming for blues icon Albert Collins to holding the lead guitar spot in John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers to leading his own band and touring worldwide. sweet watermusichall.com
AUG 1–29 Tuesday Night Comedy Each
Tuesday evening in August, a host of up-and-coming
comedians along with headliners do their best to tickle your funny bone. throck mortontheatre.org
AUG 3–5 Molly Kearney As one of new cast members on Saturday Night Live, Kearney is a new fresh face on the comedy scene and sure to leave you in stitches. punchlinecomedy club.com
OPENS AUG 4 Cat VideoFest
Cat lovers everywhere can indulge themselves in a compilation reel of the latest, best cat videos carefully selected from countless hours of submissions. But there’s greater good: a portion of the proceeds from all screenings benefit Marin Humane. rafaelfilm.cafilm.org
AUG 11 Movies in the Park: Finding Nemo Summertime movies make a return to the Mill Valley Community Center
Lawn. Grab a blanket or chair and take the family out for an evening flick. Movies begin at sunset. cityofmillvalley.org
18 The Eternal Memory Augusto and Paulina have been together for 25 years. Eight years ago, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and both fear the day he no longer
recognizes her. Special viewing on August 20 includes a talk with the film’s director, Maita Alberdi. rafaelfilm. cafilm.org
24 The Tudors: Art and Majesty in Renaissance England Those obsessed with British royalty
can revel in this major exhibition of Tudor-era portraits, textiles, sculpture, silver, jewelry and manuscripts, dating from Henry VII to Elizabeth I.
On Land Marin
MOCA presents the work of ten emerging and established Bay Area artists who mine a range of explosive
and restorative approaches to the natural world. marinmoca.org
SEPT 3 Labyrinth of Forms Drawn entirely from the collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art, Labyrinth of Forms highlights both the achievements of female artists and the ways in which works on paper
served as sites for important exploration and innovation. svma.org
10 Frank Bowling: The New York Years 1966-1975 Discover the luminous and technically pioneering paintings made during Frank Bowling’s pivotal decade in New York when he became a key actor in a vibrant art scene that transformed his practice. sfmoma.org
AUG 4–6; 11–13
Foodieland Night Festival Come hungry to this multi-cultural foodie wonderland at Berkeley’s Golden Gate Fields, with more than 175 vendors serving up their best fare. food ielandnm.com
AUG 12 Wine
Country Distillery
Festival Marin’s Alamere Spirits and Petaluma’s Griffo Distillery are just two of the craft dis tillers and artisan
vendors at a day-long event dedicated to showcasing Northern California’s burgeoning spirits industry. wine countrydistillery festival.com
AUG 12–13
Gravenstein Apple Fair Sonoma’s heritage apple is at the heart of this community-based fair — celebrating its 50th year in 2023 — with local music on multiple stages, food
Corn owns its corny-ness. Well, not really. In the hands of local chefs, corn’s sweetness is transformed into something grander than kernels or sugar bombs. It achieves a complexity that defies its simplicity. And that’s very modern.
Gott’s Roadside, Street Corn
California-grown corn is grilled over open flame to temper its sweetness before getting gussied up with mayo, Cotija cheese and asado seasoning. “A squeeze of fresh lime juice cuts through thdirector Jennifer Rebman. As you bite into the cob, keep an eye out for slinging squirts of corn juice. 302 Bon Air Center, Greenbrae; 415.785.4233; gotts.com
San Rafael
Arizmendi Bakery, Corn Pizza
With dough made from the house’s aged starter, the pizza crust’s subtle tang is a suitable underpinning for bold, smoky romesco sauce and roasted cauliflower. Topped with sliced almonds, lemon juice, and herbs, the result is a savory-sweet pie that screams summer while thrilling all parts of your palate. 1002 4th Street, San Rafael; 415.456.4093; stateroombrewery.com
HenHouse Brewing, Elote En Vaso
Executive chef Lauren Garcia seeks out festive foods from beer-centric cultures around the world and her Elote En Vaso, also known as esquites or “corn in a cup,” is a classic Mexican street food. Tossed with mayonnaise, lime, and chili, the dish is served either in a glass (en vaso) or on the cob. This dish is popular in Mexico, too, where it is often paired with lager. 765 Center Blvd, Fairfax; 415.485.1005; henhousebrewing.com
West Marin
Station House Café, Seared Corn and Braised Greens
A new addition to the long-running
restaurant in Point Reyes Station, the veggie dish doubles down on summer’s favorite fruit. (According to Marin Master Gardeners, corn is a fruit.) Seared corn tops garlic-infused Swiss chard and carrots which pairs nicely with the accompanying polenta. Did someone say “corny?” 11285 Hwy 1, Point Reyes Station; 415.663.1515; stationhousecafe.com
San Anselmo
Cucina sa, Corn Ravioli
At the best Italian restaurants in Italy, pasta takes on the flavor of the seasons. So, too, at Cucina sa, where corn ravioli appears once the weather is warm enough to source corn at Marin’s farmers’ markets. Of course, the pasta is made in-house and cherry tomatoes
amp up the seasonality. The best complement for the dish? Someone to share it with. Now that’s corny! 510 San Anselmo Ave, San Anselmo; 415.454.2942; cucina-sa.com
Mill Valley
Piatti, Polenta Pudding and Corn Agnolotti
The team at Piatti loves corn so much, there are two dishes that highlight the sweetest member of the Poaceae family. A polenta pudding appetizer rests in a pool of corn soubise, embellished with roasted cherry tomatoes, lemon oil and a parmesan crisp. Corn-o-holics will swoon for the sweet corn agnolotti. Into a folded square of pasta, Brentwood corn and ricotta are stuffed. Though there is no silk in the dish, the corn factor is amped up with popcorn shoots and smoothed by chanterelles and fava beans before the finishing touches of pep eronata and a dusting of corn husk ash. Quite the opposite of “corny,” the dish is an elegant reminder of what a simple ingredient can become when placed in the right hands. 625 Redwood Hwy, Mill Valley; 415.380.2525; millvalley.piatti.com
Burmatown Asian
Though the menu remains largely the same (that tea leaf salad! Those bao!) at the new location down the street from the original, the addition of a grill boosts the menu with dishes like kalbi ribs or smoked salmon collars. A long bar on one side of the room serves wine and beer and the front windows slide open for easy access to a large patio. 18 Tamalpais Ave, 415.985.5060; burmatown.com
$ BB
Flores Mexican
With an emphasis on regional Mexican dishes and flavors sourced from family recipes, the menu is based on California seasonality and revolves around gluten-free masa. The daily-made tortillas are a highlight. 301 Corte Madera Town Center, 415.500.5145; floressf.com
Marin Joe’s Italian
A mainstay for over 50 years for a reason: the menu calls to you with garlic bread, a calamari sandwich and mesquite-grilled prime rib. Sautéed classics of the ItalianAmerican canon as well as oysters doré and pastas have withstood the test of time. 1585 Casa Buena Dr, 415.924.2081; marinjoesrestaurant. com
Zinz Wine Bar
Locals pop by the petite wine bar for its cozy atmosphere and an eclectic array
of boutique wines and craft beer, all available for takeout. A short menu of prosciutto-wrapped dates, charcuterie and cheese boards is perfect for enjoying during a Friday night tasting event. 207 Corte Madera Ave, 415.927.9466; zinzwinebar.com
HH $
Barefoot Cafe
American Chef Tony Senehi’s all-day cafe is known for California-inspired dishes made from local, organic ingredients. Pear almond pancakes and eggs Benedict (ask for “the Brady” to get lox) are popular at breakfast, while a BBQ pulled pork sandwich is a hot seller at lunch. 1900 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, 415.460.2160; barefootcafe.com
$ BB
Sorella Caffe Italian
Run by sisters Sonia and Soyara, Sorella serves fresh Italian with a northern influence. Favorites include the cioppino, butternut squash ravioli, pollo alla Sorella and the garlic bread. 107 Bolinas Rd, 415.258.4520; sorellacaffe.com
Stillwater Californian
Fairfax native Margaret Ruiz and her life and business partner, David, bring the bounty of the county to the table. Appetizers and salads feature local cheeses, oysters, and produce while the cheeseburger with Stemple Creek beef and the
miso-glazed black cod have dedicated followers. 23 Broadway, 415.524.8478; stillwaterfairfax.com
Jared Rogers, the former executive chef of Picco, heads up the kitchen, partnering with restaurateur Dustin Sullivan on this 110-seat space. Look for wellexecuted California cuisine with weekly specials like Prime Rib on Mondays and fried chicken on Sundays. 850 College Ave, Kentfield, 415.419.5101; guesthousemarin.com
Half Day Cafe
Tucked away in a setting of intertwining ivy and large open windows, this cafe is the quintessential breakfast nook and is also open for brunch and lunch, including coffee drinks, pastries and much more. Enjoy a casual daytime meal inside or out on the patio. 848 College Ave, Kentfield, 415.459.0291; halfdaycafe.net
$ BB
Left Bank Restaurant
This Parisian-style brasserie by Chef Roland Passot has been serving the community for more than two decades. Whether on the patio, bar or in the elegant main dining room with a huge fireplace, it’s a fun
experience. The menu features authentic French cuisine utilizing seasonal, local and organic ingredients. 507 Magnolia Ave, 415.927.3331; leftbank.com
Perry’s American Perry’s on Magnolia has the same classic American cuisine, bustling bar and warm service and personality the San Francisco original has always been famous for. Plentiful outdoor dining options. It’s bar is a perennial best of the county winner. 234 Magnolia Ave, 415.927.1877; perryssf.com
Pizzeria Picco Pizza
This family-friendly
parlor next door to Picco offers Californiainfluenced Neapolitan pizzas cooked in a wood-burning oven. Fresh mozzarella is pulled in-house and the menu also features organic salads, antipasti and Straus Dairy soft-serve ice cream. Heated outdoor seating is available. 316 Magnolia Ave, 415.945.8900; pizzeriapicco.com $
R’noh Thai Thai
This cozy place with a patio by the Corte Madera Creek has a reputation for fresh flavors. It’s all here, from curries and Thai barbecue to noodle dishes and the classic tom kha (coconut lemongrass soup).
For an indulgent treat, try the fried
sweet potato appetizer. 1000 Magnolia Ave, 415.925.0599; rnohthai.com
Rustic Bakery Californian
The Marin-grown bakery is known and loved the world over: Pope Francis famously requested Rustic Bakery flatbread and crostini when he visited the U.S. in 2015. Organic bread and pastries baked fresh each morning and salads, sandwiches, and soups make this a staple. 2017 Larkspur Landing Circle, 415.461.9900 and 1139 Magnolia Ave; 415.925.1556; rusticbakery.com $
Bungalow 44
The bustling bar is ideal for savoring a seasonal cocktail or an order of the house’s famous kickin’ fried chicken. The one-dollar happy hour oyster program still operates from 5–6 p.m., Monday–Thursday and the heated outdoor patio is a town hot spot. 44 E Blithedale Ave, 415.381.2500; bungalow44.com
chicken Waldorf salad with pickled grapes, lobster roll with toasted challah and veggie slaw, and a land and sea pasta with house-made egg pasta, pork belly and crab, may have also been familiar fare for passengers of the Mt. Tam gravity car for which this saloon was named. 38 Miller Ave, 415.888.2108; gravitytavern.com
Harmony Chinese
Chef partner David Kornell celebrates the California coast with a seafood-forward menu that leans into global flavors with pierogi and kedgeree, crab noodles and Coho salmon donburi. The wine list tilts American; the cocktails are even better when enjoyed at the small bar. 106 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley; 415.888.2265; cohomv.com
Order a handcrafted “Gold Rush” (Old Forester bourbon, local honey, lemon) at the long 20 seat bar and watch the game on five huge 4K TVs while noshing on pork belly steamed buns, or dive into Shorty’s Tall Reuben. The Patio features multiple fire pits. 152 Shoreline Hwy, 415.843.4545; floodwatermv.com
HH $
Gravity Tavern
With ingredients suited to reflect modern tastes, American classics like grilled
A warm, inviting place to enjoy classical and innovative Cantonese fare with the house specialty, hand crafted dim sum. Local favorites include savory Peking duck with steamed tea buns, juicy Shanghai dumplings and unique bites like minced lamb with radicchio cups. The famous signature beef is a definite must. 401 Strawberry Village, 415.381.5300; harmonyrestaurant group.com
Hook Fish Co Seafood
The wood-ceilinged dining room feels like a boat’s galley and the spot’s popular outdoor beer garden adjacent to Mill Valley’s Proof Lab at Tam Junction has 13 taps, but the draw at this counter-service joint is the seafood. The transparent supply chain means you can enjoy the poke, fish and chips or fish tacos knowing where and on what boat your meal came from. 254 Shoreline Hwy; hookfishco.com
Piatti Ristorante and Bar Italian
A fireplace lounge and open format concept
invites lingering over refreshed menu items such as house made ravioli with lemon cream and citrus gremolata, roasted mushroom pizza with taleggio fonduta and black truffle oil or roasted salmon with artichokes and Calabrian chili.
625 Redwood Hwy, 415.380.2525; piatti.com
Watershed Californian Gather ’round the fire pit in front of the restaurant at the Lumber Yard or hang out at the long bar for a pre-dinner glass of wine before sampling one of the many dishes curated to reflect the bounty of Marin. The Stemple Creek Ranch burger and fresh pastas are matched with a
tap, cocktails range from the 1920s to the 2020s. A shareable, tapas-style menu includes grilled maitake mushrooms, escargot and mini street tacos. 504 Alameda del Prado, 415.883.7793; thespeakeasynovato. com
HH $
Toast American
With outdoor dining and spacious inside seating at Hamilton Marketplace, large parties, families and everyone else dives in on comfort food favorites like corned beef hash, buttermilk pancakes and at dinner, chicken schnitzel and shrimp scampi.5800 Nave Drive, 415.382.1144; toastnovato.com
favorites such as the tom kha soup entice with fresh flavors and just the right amount of sweet heat. 726 San Anselmo Ave, 415.457.9470; baanthaimarin.com
Comforts Cafe American
Established in 1986, Comforts has a cozy sit-down cafe, serving breakfast, lunch and weekend brunch. Besides the famous Chinese chicken salad, other winners are the stuffed pecan-crusted French toast, chicken Okasan (nicknamed “Crack Chicken” by fans), Korean BBQ flank steak and Wor Won Ton soup. 335 San Anselmo Ave, 415.454.9840; comfortscafe.com
$ BB
Don't skip the happy hour from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. from Tuesday to Friday, either! 510 San Anselmo Ave, 415.454.2942; cucina-sa.com
Along with artisan gluten-free and an assortment of vegan pastries, breads, and special-occasion cakes, this petite cafe serves a lunch menu of so-called fancy toast and big green salads with seasonal flair. Customer favorites include oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, decadent cinnamon rolls, flourless hazelnut brownies, and the bakery’s signature granola. 702 San Anselmo Ave, 415.453.3100; flourcraftbakery.com
$ BB
Their focus on seasonal ingredients in plates of avocado toast with Urfa chile, shishito peppers with togarashi, house made gnocchi with shiitakes, and corn and duck confit with green lentils is Californian all the way. 23 Ross Common, Ross; 415.925.9200; marchemarin.com
Marinitas Mexican
This sister restaurant of Insalata’s continues to flourish as a bastion of creative Mexican and Central and South American cuisine. Not your typical south-ofthe-border spot, they serve up top-notch margaritas and Latin lusciousness. 218 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, 415.454.8900; marinitas.com
Tamalpie Italian
With views of Mt. Tam from the covered, heated patio, this spot known for its local sourcing also features two fireplaces and a full bar serving craft cocktails, wine and beer. The difference is in the dough, small batch, housemade and gluten-free.
477 Miller Ave, 415.388.7437; tamalpiepizzeria.com
Angelino Restaurant
bevy of simply prepared, easy to share dishes. 129 Miller Ave, 415.888.2406; watershed.com
The Speakeasy American
There’s nothing like the comfort of a solid burger and beer when you’re kicking back and watching the game. In addition to the 10 beers on
Trailhead American Order breakfast, shareable snacks, paninis, salads, and Equator coffee drinks at the counter before grabbing a seat on the all-day café’s shaded patio. The baked goat cheese is a standout and pairs with the 10 local beers and two wines available on tap or from the craft can program. 127 San Marin Dr, 415.493.6902; trailheadnovato.com $
The Baan Thai Cuisine Thai
Known for its mango sticky rice, crispy corn cakes and The Baan Thai salad, new menu items like fresh spring rolls and steamed dumplings and old
Creekside Pizza & Tap Room American
A perennial Best of the County winner known for their artisan pizzas, hearty sandwiches, flavorful pastas and fresh salads, Creekside offers plentiful gluten-free and vegan options too. Their copper bar with a 40-handle selection of craft beer (including gluten-free beer), plus wine and kombucha on tap. 638 San Anselmo Ave, 415.785.4450; creeksidesa.com
Cucina sa Italian
Open for lunch, weekend brunch, and dinner six nights a week, come by for homemade pastas, seasonal salads, and wood-fired pizzas that strike a balance between southern Italy and Northern California.
Chef Ron Siegel’s contemporary art-filled space is known for its urban edge. The vegetable-centric menu, available as a tasting menu, incorporates seafood and Japanese techniques in colorful dishes like trout with baby bok choy, purple daikon and dashi that are bold, balanced and bright. The restaurant earned a Michelin one-star rating in 2019 and again in 2021 and 2022. 198 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, San Anselmo, 415.453.9898; madcapmarin.com
Taco Jane's Mexican
The full bar features plentiful tequila and mezcal selections and its regional Mexican cuisine includes Oaxacan mole, fish tacos and vegetarian options. Black Gold salsa arrives with complimentary chips and is created from charred blackened tomatoes and roasted chilis. Enclosed patio seating is available year round. 21 Tamalpais Ave, 415.454.6562; tacojanes.com
Valenti & Co. Italian
Marché Californian
Into the former Marche aux Fleurs space comes Marché from owners Darren and Alicia Banks.
The bright yet cozy indoor space and warmly lit back patio are ideal environments for authentic Italian dishes made with local ingredients. The menu changes daily but look for the carpaccio of
is located
where the origin of the Café name comes from).
beef, the pan-seared Pekin duck and chef Valenti’s famous tower of triple chocolate love at dessert. 337 San Anselmo Ave, 415.454.7800; valentico.com
Cafe Arrivederci
Cafe Arrivederci has been located in the heart of San Rafael for the past 27 years.
too (gluten-free crust is available), and a changing menu of daily offerings. The buttermilk-fried chicken sandwich with house made chipotle aioli has a dedicated following and the Boston clam chowder might just convince a few new Englanders to relocate. 901 B St., 415.234.8414; redroosterbrick oven.com
$ N HH $ BB HH $ BB
Vin Antico American
sustainable seafood movement, making it the ultimate place for freshly caught, unobjectionable fare. Order any of the day’s offerings — the menu changes — aily but usually has a variation of fish tacos, ceviche and grilled fish. 350 Harbor Dr, 415.331.3474; 331fish.com
Poggio Italian
Harrison Chernick. The upstairs lounge boasts late-night service (until 12 a.m.), a billiards table, a gaspowered fireplace, and a live DJ on weekends. 415.366.4088
5 Main St; bungalowkitchen.com
The Caprice
Chef Tito is proud to serve fresh homemade pastas and dishes from all over Italy. Visit the expansive dining room, full bar, garden patio and private rooms for parties and events.
11 G St, 415.453.6427; cafearrivederci.com
Cafe del Soul
Healthy options become addictive at this eatery that now has locations in Tam Junction and San Rafael. Once you stop in for the deliciously fresh quinoa wrap, you’ll want to return to try the chipotle rice bowl. 1408 Fourth St, 415.457.5400; cafedelsoul.net $
Red Rooster Brick
Oven American Roasted in the brick oven, then brushed with sweet and spicy garlic sauce, Red Rooster wings are a mustorder at an all-day Italian American restaurant with a sprinkling of Asian flavors. A thin crust pizza pulled from the brick oven is available at breakfast,
Vin Antico, “where passion meets the plate,” serves seasonal marketinspired cuisine like stone-oven-baked flatbreads, handmade pastas and organic salads, all innovatively prepared. Black sesame-crusted tuna is classic, even better with an Il Capo negroni.
881 Fourth St, 415.721.0600; vinantico.com
Angelino Restaurant
Multiple generations of the Arcona family create an authentic Italian eatery with handmade pastas and seasonal antipasti that has showcased the cuisine of the Campania region for more than 20 years. 621 Bridgeway, 415.331.5225; angelino restaurant.com
Fish Seafood
It has been said that this restaurant and fish market launched the
Vitello sliced excruciatingly thin and topped with lemon and tonnato sauce is a singular dish in the hands of executive chef Benjamin Balesteri who creates Northern Italian fare using local and Italian ingredients.
777 Bridgeway, 415.332.7771; poggiotrattoria.com
The Spinnaker Seafood
Chef Phil Collins excels at preparing seafood, and it shows in the beautifully plated presentations like a classic shrimp Louie salad or linguini with clams. Set right on the water with sweeping views of San Francisco.
100 Spinnaker Dr, 415.332.1500; spinnakersa sausalito.us
The Bungalow Kitchen Californian
A lively social lounge and restaurant from chef Michael Mina and Brent Bolthouse boasts epic views and a menu of seasonal California fare executed by chef
menu, and spirit-free beverages round out the lively experience. 1696 Tiburon Blvd, 415.910.1010; petiteleftbank tiburon.com
$ N
Salt & Pepper
Expansive bay views from every seat are just one of many charms after an extensive remodel. The revamped menu of well-crafted comfort food from land (bone-in filet mignon, Colorado lamb chops) and sea (gnocchi with crab, abalone dore).
2000 Paradise Drive, 415.435.3400; thecaprice.com
Luna Blu
Executive chef Renzo
Azzarello serves Sicilian seafood and homemade pastas with a Californian touch. The seasonal menu incorporates fresh and organic produce, local naturally grown meat and poultry from small farms. The restaurant complies with Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch, so all the seafood is sustainable. 35 Main St, 415.789.5844; lunablurestaurant.com
Petite Left Bank
A smaller version of the Larkspur original features an all-day menu of French bistro classics. A notable wine list, artisan craft cocktail
burgers, and an “everything fresh, local and homegrown” ethos. Dining in the garden is as popular on weekdays as on the weekends.
1118 Highway 1, Point Reyes Station, 415.663.1515; stationhousecafe.com
$ BB
A locals favorite for classic American fare. From morning’s Bloody Mary and eggs Benedict through lunch’s clams bouillabaisse and hamburger to dinner’s crab cakes with jalapeño dipping sauce and skirt steak tacos. 38 Main St, 415.435.3594; saltandpepper tiburon.com
Tiburon Tavern
Food service at the Lodge at Tiburon is in the hands of Luna Blu’s Renzo and Crystal Azzarello who run the Tiburon Tavern bar, restaurant and other on-site eating opportunities. Executive chef Selvin Vicente is on board to handle the flow from breakfast and brunch through dinner. 1651 Tiburon Blvd, 415.435.3133; lodgeattiburon.com
Station House Cafe
Known for their house made popovers which chef Aaron Wright makes available at every meal, this cozy cafe in downtown Point Reyes Station is also recognized for fresh oysters, grass-fed
Tony’s Seafood Seafood
The crowds come on sunny weekends for the barbecue oysters and amazing views, but the restaurant’s purchase by the Hog Island Oyster Co team meant a refresh of the interior and a spiffed-up menu of seafood pulled from the bay’s waters. Michelin noticed and awarded Tony’s a Bib Gourmand in 2021. 18863 Shoreline Hwy, Marshall,415.663.1107; tonysseafood restaurant.com
BB Brunch
Date Spot Dogs Welcome
Sausalito Celebrates First-Ever Pride Month Sausalito, which has long been considered a gay friendly community, just wrapped its inaugural, month long Pride Celebration. The festivities started on June 9 with an opening night event at Sausalito Center for the Arts and preview of new photography exhibit Homosocial, followed by a mid-June book signing with author Bill W. Jones (Bachelor Father: The First Single Man to Legally Adopt a Child in America) at Sausalito Books by the Bay and Pride Night at Jazz and Blues by the Bay. The celebration culminated with a drag-themed fundraiser hosted on July 1 by Sausalito Pride Ambassadors Wayne Kaleck and Michael Rose at Gene Hiller Menswear. All events were spearheaded by a diverse team of volunteers in partnership with The Spahr Center, Marin County’s only LGBTQ+ nonprofit.
Celebrates Local Athletes On May 12, the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF), a nonprofit that empowers individuals with physical challenges and enables them to secure adaptive sports equipment and access to programs, raised more than $675,000 at its Celebration of Heart event at Pier 27 in San Francisco. Guests from all walks of life enjoyed the stunning views as they united to stand behind 50 local athletes and their families, including CAF grant recipients Sydney Barta and Bruce Mansy who took the stage as the evening’s featured athletes.
Sharing Stories of Hope at Community Action Marin Event Local residents, advocates and elected officials gathered on Friday, May 19 in San Rafael for Step Up Marin!, an event to raise funds for Community Action Marin’s anti-poverty movement to help put people on a path of stability and greater hope while transforming systems toward justice. John Lam, a principal dancer with the Boston Ballet who went to preschool at the agency’s Canal Children’s Center gave an inspiring talk on his life path, while Lynette Stewart, who formerly lived in her car with her young son, received the 2023 Community Courage Award.
Bridge the Gap Selected as a California Nonprofit of the Year Bridge the Gap, which has a 28-year history of supporting underserved students in Marin City and Southern Marin on their paths to high school graduation and college completion, was recently selected as a California Nonprofit of the Year. Nominated for the honor by Assembly member Damon Connolly, the organization was recognized on June 7 for its outstanding contributions at a luncheon held on the capitol grounds in Sacramento.
Historical Exhibit Offers Glimpse Into Early Marin City Life Felecia Gaston of the Marin City Historical & Preservation Society joined forces with the Marin Community Foundation on June 15 for a special private reception and showing of Marin City: Our Legacy is Here to Stay 1942–1960. The exhibit was filled with photos of Black citizens from the era, along with other memorabilia and historical artifacts from the time period.
Animal Fans and Furry Friends Get Festive at Woofstock More than 900 animal lovers and their four-legged friends partied down at Marin Humane’s extensive grounds on May 7 at Woofstock, a beloved music event that benefits the shelter’s animals. Guests enjoyed food, beer and wine, animal-themed vendors, a wide array of raffle items and the main attraction, local favorite band Petty Theft.
Club Evexia Celebrates One Year Anniversary Saturday, June 3 marked the one-year anniversary of Club Evexia in Mill Valley — the luxury wellness community hub celebrated the occasion with a day of free yoga, dance and exercise classes, wellness chat sessions, giveaways from partners and dance tunes provided by West Coast Good Times. During a lively set by Michael LaMacchia’s Bumpin band, Club Evexia’s own Scott Raymond made a guest appearance on the drums.
An interior designer and her family turn to co-buying to purchase a property in San Francisco for their young family and imbue it with color and personality.
For many first-time buyers, sky-high prices and fierce competition make the prospect of purchasing a home in the Bay Area daunting, and some are priced out. For one San Francisco couple seeking a home for their young family, however, the challenge provided the opportunity to take a fresh approach to home ownership: co-buying.
When Alicia Cheung Lichtenstein, cofounder and principal of interior design firm Studio Heimat, and her husband, Niles Lichtenstein, CEO and cofounder of Nestment, a tech startup that helps people co-buy homes, found a triplex on a quiet street in Nob Hill, they decided to purchase the building with Cheung Lichtenstein’s partner at Studio Heimat and her husband. With the intention to rent out two of the three units in the building and share profits with their co-buyers, suddenly the unattainable idea of home ownership became that much more attainable. “It felt like a such a dream to be able
to move into our own place in a building that we had bought and renovated,” Cheung Lichtenstein says.
Built sometime around the turn of the century (the original records were destroyed in the 1906 earthquake fire), the Edwardian-style building needed a major renovation before Cheung Lichtenstein and her family could move into the top unit. The 1,700 square-foot space originally had two bedrooms and one bath, and heat was supplied by two fireplaces with small gas inserts. Along with architect Paul Wang and builder Graham Construction, Cheung Lichtenstein set about transforming the space while preserving the charm and character of the original building wherever possible, including maintaining the original floors, moldings and ceiling height. “We renovated right away because we
knew the space wasn’t really livable,” Cheung Lichtenstein says. “We wanted to add as much functionality as possible without sacrificing the beauty of it.”
The first challenge was to reconfigure the long, narrow space to allow for three bedrooms, two full bathrooms, a powder room and a bonus room. The kitchen, dining area and living room are now located in the front, along with the bonus room, and the bedrooms and baths are in the back.
Next, Cheung Lichtenstein got to work customizing the space, employing some clever strategies to add storage wherever feasible. A built-in bookcase fits neatly into a nook in the hallway, backlit by a window behind it that faces a neighbor’s property; the primary ensuite bathroom includes an extra-large storage cabinet, made possible
by aligning the shower door at an angle; and cleverly concealed drawers are built into the custom-designed velvet couch in the living room. “When you have children, you can never have enough storage,” Cheung Lichtenstein says.
The family loves to entertain, so Cheung Lichtenstein designed the home to make guests feel comfortable and welcome. The oversize couch wraps around the entire living room, even continuing behind the extendable dining table to provide additional seating for dinner parties and kids’ birthday gatherings. In the adjacent bonus room, which serves as either a sitting room or guest bedroom, Cheung Lichtenstein carved out a bar area with a cabinet and floating shelves. “We also splurged on the Toto Washlet in the powder room, because that’s just nice for everybody to use,” she says.
Throughout the home, Cheung Lichtenstein’s use of bright colors, distinctive prints, eclectic furnishings, rich textures and whimsical lighting fixtures add a playful flair to every room. “I love color, and I don’t shy away from patterns,” she says. Wallpaper makes an appearance in many rooms, including a bold floral design by Christian Lacroix in the powder room, an Art Deco-inspired print behind the bar by Divine Savages, a tropical pattern by Kneedler Fauchère in the hallway and an animal motif in the daughter’s bedroom. “I really wanted to do wallpaper in her room, but I decided to put it on the ceiling so she can’t touch it,” she laughs.
Additional details, including a stairway covered in a rainbow-hued carpet, a geometric tile backsplash in the kitchen and plenty of bespoke art pieces, add to the home’s free-spirited appeal — the ideal place for the family of four to live, play and entertain. “I just wanted to do something that makes me smile,” Cheung Lichtenstein says.
Christina & Karla offer their sellers and buyers a distinct advantage by accessing off-market opportunities, leveraging industry relationships, and offering valuable market insights. For buyers, this can significantly improve the ability of finding and securing a desirable home even when inventory is limited. Sellers can often obtain a top dollar offer with solid terms.
1940 Straits View Drive, Tiburon | $10,700,000 | 4 BD | 3.5 BA | 4575 (+/-) sqft | 1/2 (+/-) acre
Situated on one of the most exclusive streets on the Tiburon Peninsula, this custom-built residence boasts impeccable design, extraordinary quality, and a paramount location, offering world-class panoramic views spanning San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge, Angel Island, to Mount Tamalpais.
This thoughtfully designed architectural masterpiece showcases incredible attention to detail. The environmentally friendly building materials are recurring themes best exemplified by the widespread use of low-emission concrete, no exotic wood species, PV solar system, and two 2500-gallon rainwater collection tanks for irrigation. The kitchen, dining room, and office/family room feature sliding glass doors opening to the terrace with stunning views. Enjoy the serene sanctuary of the primary suite, with captivating views, a private terrace, an impressive custom closet, a lavish spa-style bathroom, and a spiral staircase leading to the exercise room. Nothing short of spectacular, the outdoors offer a Bluestone pool with a vanishing edge design and a wave generator, an integrated jacuzzi, private outdoor shower, a gas fireplace, meandering pathways, and drought-tolerant landscaping throughout.
Truly one of a kind, including an elevator and featuring integrated technology that surpasses any home on the market today.
Shana Rohde-Lynch Broker Associate C 415.264.7101SRL@Compass.com
DRE 01079806
#1 Agent Marin County
“Carolyn did a terrific job on so many fronts, including finding contractors for repairs, selecting tasteful upgrades, and she was endlessly patient. I was successful in selling my home o -market because of her connections in the Marin real estate marketplace which was ideal for me given my schedule. I would recommend Carolyn to anyone seeking a truly hard-working, committed real estate professional.”
“Julie and Carolyn were our ‘dream team’ and we couldn’t be happier with the results!”
“Julie is well-connected in the wine country, finds o -markets and anticipates the details of buying and living in the specific property. She is knowledgeable and focused—warm, honest, and straightforward. Even after the sale she is there with recommendations and welcome introductions!”
After many years of curating memorable experiences in the world of hospitality, I am overjoyed with the opportunity to share the same passion in this industry. To me, real estate goes beyond mere properties and transactions; it’s about taking care of people and weaving the art of hospitality into every situation. With an unwavering commitment to excellence and exceptional attention to detail, I am dedicated to delivering the highest level of service that forges lasting connections well beyond the closing of a deal. Experience the difference that a genuine hospitality expert can make in your real estate journey and discover a new standard that consistently exceeds expectations.
As a real estate agent with over 15 years of marketing experience, l provide a dynamic and curated approach to deliver exceptional results to my clients. Whether it’s buying your dream home or selling your property quickly and profitably, trust the marketing expert who will listen and understand your needs and guide you through every step of the process. My goal is to develop a collaborative relationship and personalize effective strategies that align with my client’s objectives—together we turn your real estate aspirations into a resounding success.
Join us as we continue our journey on the Road to Equity. Our signature event will be held this year in a very special venue set amid an unforgettable collection of classic cars in San Rafael. The evening will begin with cocktails and an opportunity to cruise through one of the world’s top car collections featuring more than 100 classic cars. The evening will continue with a gourmet sit-down dinner, inspirational program and dessert buffet.
All proceeds from the event benefit SchoolsRule-Marin, a coalition of all Marin public school foundations working in partnership with the Marin County Office of Education to benefit every public school student in the county. Funds are used for programs supporting the arts, literacy, technology and health. Proceeds from the auction and Fund-a-Need will benefit the SchoolsRule Equity in Education Fund in honor of Mary Jane Burke which was established to distribute funds proportionately to the districts with the greatest needs.
Gruber Family Foundation
PLATINUM Bank of Marin
Kaiser Permanente
Marin Sanitary Service
Jackie & Ken Broad Greystone West Company
Harbor Point Charitable Foundation
Lakeview Foundation
Nugget Markets
RH Venables Foundation
BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.
County of Marin CPi Developers
Dannis Woliver Kelley
Hennessy Funds
Marin Living
Marin Magazine
Pasha Group
Paula & Bob Reynolds
Thompson Dorfman Partners, LLC
FOUNDING PARTNERS: Marin Independent Journal • Venables Bell & Partners
The Marin Community Foundation is proud to be a part of this countywide coalition of schools, businesses, and families in support of excellence and equality for all Marin students.
• Online at schoolsrule.org
• Email info@schoolsrule.org
• Call 415-491-6680
BY JIM WOODThe storied history of the Marin Town and Country Club.
There are 32 acres in Marin worth knowing about. The above graceful back dive took place on this parcel of land in 1944 when it was the Marin Town and Country Club — but that’s not half the story.
It all started in 1846. That’s when Charles Snowden Fairfax, inherited but ultimately refused the English title of Lord Fairfax, 10th Lord Baron of Cameron. Instead, Charles Fairfax chose a life of adventure and spent six months sailing around Tierra del Fuego to California. Once there, he was first a 49er, then a politician. In 1855, Fairfax, then the speaker of the California assembly, married an attractive San Francisco girl named Ada Benham — and a dear friend gifted the couple his 32-acre estate in Northern California’s newly incorporated Marin County. Appropriately, the Marin town where these 32 acres of land are located now bears Charles’ family name, Fairfax.
In 1870, after Charles Fairfax’s early demise, Ada moved to Fort Ross and by 1893 the 32-acre estate was owned by a family named Pastori who, over two decades, developed the well respected Pastori’s Hotel and Restaurant. Then in 1925, San Francisco’s Emporium Department store bought the Pastori’s beautifully maintained 32-acre property for $250,000 with plans to create a “country club” for their 2,000 employees. Tennis and croquet
courts, a golf course, baseball diamonds and, yes, two swimming pools were among the Emporium’s intended features.
The Emporium Country Club lasted but dozen years and was followed on the 32-acres by a school for boys, which endured the end of the depression and the start of a world war before selling in 1943 to San Francisco businessman Max Friedman for $175,000. Friedman added five more pools and on its opening day in 1944, the Marin Town and Country Club welcomed 1,500 guests to its baseball diamonds, sunbathing lawn, picnic areas and one big swimming pool with high-diving board seen here. The club, which also featured an outdoor bandstand and dance floor called The Redwood Bowl the broadcast live dance music throughout the western United States on Saturday nights.
But in 1972, the M.T.C.C. closed after Kaiser Etna made a failed attempt to purchase the property. In 1998, an effort by Friedman’s heirs to reopen the club was decisively defeated by town voters and in 2002, they sold the land to a real estate investor. Currently, several structures have been rehabbed and rented to families and individuals who live in a bucolic enclave nestled amid the chaos of modern suburbia. The property — along with its colorful history — is now being marketed for a reported $68 million.
One of the most significant Post WWII American painters who helped bring forth the 1st truly American “home grown” art style; Abstract Expressionism, Colorfield Abstraction.
“The Shadows of Color” Exhibition July 1 - August 27 Powerful, gestural, monochromatic drawings - The very essence of Abstract Expressionism
Rober t Green Fine Ar ts, established 1969, exhibits primarily painterly, abstract expressive work by painters that thoroughly take advantage of the sensually evocative nature of color and form.