Creating a Montessori Outdoor Environment
ADD-ing to Health
Tot’s On Pot!
Spirit Babies
Lead a Child to Learn
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Hello happy Montessorians and ‘Monstersorians’ Being the month of February, it’s all about love… just like every other month in the year.
So by now all the kids are settled back in school, teachers are getting to know their newbies, and parents are full-swing back at work. It almost feels like December holidays never happened! As always we cover a couple of Montessori related topics and then move on to life in general, play time and reading, positive and peaceful parenting and places to go and things to do.
As of March we will be including a couple more sections which will either delight you, inform you or make you wonder why you didn’t know about some of these topics.
The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the editor, advertisers or endorsers. While every effort has been made to ensure that the contents of this publication are both accurate and truthful, the publisher and editor accept no responsibility for inaccurate or misleading information that may be contained herein.
Our aim is always to keep things positive, though we do acknowledge that even Montessori parents, teachers and children have the same life challenges that other families have. So we will be talking about many new ideas.
Until March, be happy, positive, and keep smiling.
xxxxxx Much Love
contributing team & experts
DR MICHAEL DORER Montessorian & Education Story Teller
Consultant/Montessori Education
Director of MCSA Owner Montessori Academy
SAMAcon Chairperson Owner Randburg Montessori Campus
President of the Montessori Foundation
SAMA Immediate past President
Montessori Centre SA
Carrots are Orange
Rhyme Time Education
DIY Genius
All About Learning
Voila Montessori
Ultimate Montessori Parent Guide
Professor of Psychology
Powerful Mothering
contents Finding a SAMA registered school for your child
Creating a Montessori Outdoor environment False Fatigue – what is it? Leading a Child to Learn
Spirit Babies – a mother’s experience Potty Training Tips for Parents
Things a Dad wants his Daughter to Know ADD-ing success with Healthy Eating Habits Moving Beyond One-Word Questions Saving vs Paying Debt From POCKET money to POCKETING money Protect the Things you Care About
Social-Emotional Development during Play Homemade Sand Dough
Cooking with Kids Yummy Recipes for the Whole Family
Husky Roni Wolf Sanctuary and their ‘Tail” The BIG C and our Pets
Sylvester is STILL homeless Dog-a-Day Calendars SARAC was robbed and the dogs need food
Lumineers, Blue Man, Legends of R&B Shows Fantasy Fayre at Moors Castle Baviaans – Kids outdoor Adventures Beauty & The Beast, and Hogswart come to Sugarbay
SAMA MEMBER SCHOOLS & TRAINING CENTRES IN SOUTH AFRICA Eastern & Southern Cape KwaZulu Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga Namibia North Gauteng (PTA) South Gauteng (JHB)
Western Cape Swaziland
The Montessori Outdoor Environment Fostering an appreciation for nature is a cornerstone of Montessori teachings. The method’s founder, Dr. Maria Montessori, was a strong advocate of integrating nature into the daily learning plan of all students. She believed that “there must be provision for the child to have contact with nature; to understand and appreciate the order, the harmony and the beauty in nature.” To that end, the natural environment must not be treated as a separate entity from the physical classroom. Rather, it should be an extension of Montessori’s structured environment. Whether you’re a teacher or parent, you can easily encourage every child to develop a close, personal relationship with nature. Montessori-based schools are typically built in harmony with the surrounding natural environment. Trees, bushes, and landscaping features are maintained with care using eco-friendly methods, and children should have ample opportunities to spend time in nature throughout the day. If you’re homeschooling using the Montessori method, you can make your yard or porch an integral part of your child’s classroom. To help your students harmonize with nature, I have put together a list of some of my favorite outdoor activities:
Nature Walks Even if your classroom is located in an urban setting, you still have plenty of natural learning options. Consider scheduling regular “nature walks,” where physical activity and natural studies co-exist. Your nature walks can be structured in the vein of scavenger hunts. Give each student a checklist of natural items to look for, such as rocks, leaves, and flowers, and a basket where they can collect their finds. Encourage your students to ask questions about each item they collect. Older children can take nature walks with more of an ecological focus. Perhaps your students can collect litter and recyclables during their trek. As a group, talk about why it is important to dispose of waste properly and use the discussion to help them foster positive life skills.
Gardening Students can develop gardening skills, patience, and healthy eating habits while spending time outdoors when you have a classroom garden in place. Kids of all ages love to get their hands dirty, planting seeds and watching them grow. Ideally, you should choose edible, organic plants that can be turned into delicious snacks and meals when full grown. Depending on your location, an outdoor garden may be a seasonal project. During the colder months, you can keep your students interested in gardening by creating planting schedules for the upcoming season. Students in over-10 groups can research the types of plants that are ideal for the climate and even create meal plans to be used at harvest time.
Natural Work Spaces It’s important to remember that spending time outdoors doesn’t have to involve a special project or activity. When the weather is nice, your students can get fresh air while doing schoolwork at an outside workspace. Whether you have a row of desks outside or a long table that can accommodate several students, your students are likely to be more productive and happier when completing work in nature rather than a classroom. The structured environment encouraged by Maria Montessori’s teachings encourages freedom of movement in a warm, inviting atmosphere where children can socialize and learn. An outdoor classroom, or one that places a strong emphasis on nature, is the perfect place for the “whole child” to thrive.
By Marnie
By Marnie
What the Heck is False Fatigue & How Do I Manage it? False fatigue is a defining period within a child’s work cycle. Once your child settles into his work, you will observe him with a sense of happiness & satisfaction absorbed in his work. Then, about 45 minutes into the morning work cycle, you may notice the noise level begin to rise. You begin to notice your child squirming and you realize he is becoming restless. There is good news to this potentially frustrating circumstance. The restlessness is typical and to be expected in the environment. There is even a name for this common obstacle: False Fatigue. False fatigue can be thought of as a requirement for the child to get to the next level, to find his focus and concentration in his own time.
How to Manage False Fatigue Typically false fatigue occurs 45 minutes to 1 hour into the work cycle, is part of the typical 3-hour work cycle, and lasts anywhere from a few minutes to 20 minutes. This timing is based on my experiences. You may experience an earlier/later period of “false fatigue” or a longer/shorter duration.
“Work chosen by the children,
and carried out without interference, has its own laws. It has a beginning and ending like a day, and it must be allowed to come full circle.” ~ E.M. Standing, Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work
Dr. Montessori explained this phenomenon as the child searching for their “maximum interest.” She went on to explain that this period of “false fatigue” is necessary for the child to get to the next level where he will become absorbed in and complete more challenging works in the classroom. Consider false fatigue in a similar manner that you’d consider having to take a break for fresh air, or to stand up and get away from your desk. The child experiences the same “mental” need, the need for a reset so he may get back to properly concentrating on his work again. What to do as you notice false fatigue: see it through & hold on for the ride. The guide (you) must step back and put full faith in the child and the Montessori environment. If you can avoid disrupting the period of false fatigue, it is likely the child will return to his work with more focus and concentration than the prior period. What not to do as you notice false fatigue: transition the child to avoid or to mitigate the restlessness. Don’t assume the child is not capable of continuing his work. A Montessori Musing Place writes: “By anxiously stepping in and ‘managing’ at this point, teachers replace the child’s will with their own.” That observation sums up the impact of “doing something” about the false fatigue. Interfering may actually make the period of false fatigue last longer. If you can get through the false fatigue period, your child will achieve greater focus and concentration on his work. So, don’t interfere with this natural point in the morning. Let it be, get through it. As difficult as it is to avoid stopping for a music or Spanish class, try your best to schedule those activities at another point during the day or week.
To Lead A Child To Learn ”Anybody can lead a child to a classroom. It takes a teacher to lead a child to learn.” Helen Keller by Maren Schmidt Keller is perhaps the most famous of students of the 20th century. Her teacher, Annie Sullivan, taught Helen, who became blind and deaf at the age of 19 months, how to communicate and connect with the world. The relationship between Helen Keller and Annie Sullivan demonstrates the vital link between student and teacher that creates learning and an engagement with life. Each of us serves as a link to someone else’s learning. Unfortunately, many of us send out busy signals, hang out do-not-disturb signs or simply don’t answer the call. Our world is the worse for it. Marianne Williamson, in her book, A Return to Love, says that our job on this planet is to love and to heal each other. We may think our job is what we do for a living, but our essential work is to love and to teach others to love. Each of us has someone who is calling out to us to light up their life, their mind, their heart, their body, their spirit, because love is a verb, not a state of being or a feeling. Love is what we do. With our gift of love we connect others to their world, be it large or small. Helen Keller tells of Annie Sullivan patiently isolating an object and spelling out a word into Helen’s hand, day after day, after day. Anybody can lead a child to a classroom. It takes a teacher to lead a child to learn. The essential connection begins by tuning our attention to the child and his or her self-chosen activities. We limit and prepare the child’s surroundings in order for the child to absorb information using as many senses as possible. We connect the hand and the mind through meaningful activities. We provide opportunities for repetition in order for the child to experience and learn the new and challenging.
First, we introduce the whole of an object or idea, and then name the parts. For example: We offer the experience of an apple using as many senses as possible. Naming the object comes next. Later, we introduce the parts of the apple, such as the skin, the stem, the flesh, the seed and the core.
We present information from the concrete to the abstract. Holding an apple is a concrete experience. Saying that an apple is a fruit is an abstraction. In the oft-told story of Helen Keller’s realization that everything has a name, Annie Sullivan went from the water running over Helen’s hand to giving her the name in sign language into her hand. From the object to the word; from the concrete to the abstract. Experience, then language. To guide the child, we realize that human beings have inherent traits, and we use this understanding to connect the child to life and learning. To teach, we use the knowledge that every human being is on a continuum of growth with predictable but variable patterns of development. We give the child freedom to learn and to make mistakes. In order to practice freedom, we give opportunities to learn responsibility. Beginning with the end in mind, a teacher knows that the work is not to raise a child but to raise an adult.
We are all here in this classroom called Earth. It takes a teacher to lead us to love it.
Spirit Babies My Personal Story of Pregnancy Loss and the Miracle to Follow By Julie Kleinhans My beautiful son Jack is an amazing soul. He’s intelligent, loving, funny, handsome and quite an old soul. I truly feel blessed that he chose me as his mommy. It has taken me quite some time to finally be able to publicly share my story with you but I am certainly ready to do so now because I know that it can help so many others. Back in April 2014, I learned that I was pregnant. Glenn and I were thrilled. We weren’t planning this pregnancy but we were surprised, delighted and excited nonetheless. Like most soon-to-be parents, we did everything we needed to do to make sure we educated ourselves on a healthy pregnancy and to learn about becoming parents. Things were wonderful, I connected with the baby right away and intuitively felt it was a boy. On Mother’s Day, we announced to our family and very close friends that we were expecting. They were overjoyed! In fact, no one ever thought we would have children, it just was not something we talked about with our family because we were on our own time schedule with things.
A week later, just days before entering my second trimester, I woke up with severe cramping and went to the hospital. As we feared, we lost the baby. It was terribly painful for us. It was terribly painful to tell our family. We thought our dream of being parents was over. What did I do wrong? What is wrong with my body? Why did my baby decide to leave?
All these questions and more were going through my mind as the days passed and I laid in bed recovering. As you are reading this, perhaps you know what it’s like. From what I discovered after I shared what happened with my close friends, I found out that this happens to MANY women, I just did not know about it because it is something so personal and painful that most of us keep our story to ourselves. Here is where things get interesting…and even magical! A few days prior to my miscarriage, I was browsing the internet about the soul of unborn babies. I was really interested in reading about the spirit of unborn babies, while in the mother’s womb. Being a very spiritual person, I already knew that we each choose our parents prior to incarnation for many reasons to assist the growth of our soul. In my search I found a transcript, channeled by Christine Nightingale, of a spirit baby having a conversation with Christine about coming into the physical world. The conversation between Christine and the spirit baby answered many questions about the reason a baby takes a body, how he or she chooses his/her parents, the reason a spirit decides to leave the body while in utero, and more. I was fascinated! Then I read at the bottom of this transcript that Christine Nightingale has a gift of connecting and channeling the spirit of unborn babies to help women and men that have problems with infertility and miscarriages.
Flash forward a few days after my miscarriage, my thoughts went to Christine. I KNEW it was no coincidence that I happened to find this information just days before my painful miscarriage. I KNEW it was a sign from my baby to contact her to help me. And so I did. What I learned from my session with Christine was amazingly healing and SPOT ON! In fact, I can say with 100% certainty that the information she shared with me was coming directly from my baby, Jack To make a long story short (I am going to interview Christine very shortly where I will share my miraculous story and more), my baby said he left because he needed to detach from the body because he needed a stronger, healthier body for his life purpose. Below is a portion of the actual transcript from Christine’s communication with Spirit Baby.
Spirit Baby: Mommy, I need a very strong body, physically and mentally, to fulfill my life task. This body seemed all right for the short term, but would not have fulfilled my needs to live a long and physically active and very productive life. For example great-grandma, who is very dear to me, lived quite a short life by the standards I require for this lifetime…I am so sorry to have caused you pain. I require a very healthy and strong body so that I can live to be 90 or so while performing my life task…
And there is a lot more that I will share with you about this during our interview. Jack told me he would come back and that I WILL create a healthy body for him to take and 2 months later, I became pregnant, just as he assured me I would. On April 24, 2015, I gave birth to my precious baby Jack Louis. I can tell you that Jack is extremely strong, healthy and intelligent, all of the things he mentioned were necessary for his life task. At 16 months, he has not even had so much as a sniffle and everyone always comments on how healthy he is and about his astounding physical abilities for his age. At 6 weeks old he was rolling over unassisted and he was starting to crawl at the start of 4 months, pulling himself up and doing planks. He amazed everyone with his physical coordination and strength at such a young age and continues to do so.
I share this with you because it shows how accurate my reading was. Everything Christine shared about my baby’s life purpose and more has proven to be extremely accurate so far. And so I want to help those women out there that are going through a difficult time. Perhaps you lost a pregnancy many years ago and even have children that are grown today, but still have pain in connection to that loss. Or maybe you or someone you know is dealing with the pain of miscarriage(s) at this time and need some support. Just know that there is more to the story that you may understand. Your baby is with you and loves you. You can heal. I did. After my loss, I immediately had numerous signs from my baby and it helped me so much that I can say I have zero pain about the incident at this point. Please join me and Christine for our interview, which is completely free. You do not need to sign up. Just look out for the email that will give you a link to the recording once it becomes available. Sending all the momma’s out there so much love and light. May you feel the love that surrounds you and the infinite wisdom of Spirit. Many blessings.
About Julie Julie Kleinhans is a Youth Empowerment and Education Mentor who believes every child is intelligent and talented. She works with educators and parents to help youth become productive, confident and happy. As the Founder of Mind Focus Generation, a community for parents, teachers, counselors and practitioners who want to empower youth and the Founder and Expert Host of Successful Kids Revolution, a global online event whose mission is “ensuring success for every child at home and in our schools,” Julie Kleinhans’ dedication to empowering youth is paramount in all that she does. The Law of Attraction is woven through Julie’s work with clients and she is also an instructor in Christy Whitman’s Quantum Success Coaching Academy. Julie taught high school for ten years and is a Mom to her own human child Jack Louis and fur child Otis.
“Youth Empowerment and Education Mentor Julie Kleinhans works with parents, teachers, teens and young adults to love themselves, be successful and embrace their own uniqueness. Get her FREE Guide for Parents and Teachers “5 Steps to Productive, Confident and Happy Kids” at www.MindFocusGeneration.com.”
Body Care MUST-HAVES RAIN CLOUD NEWS by: Juani Walters
Never in the past did we think, we would be spending a good time everyday in grooming ourselves. Owe it to our hectic schedules or a monotonous lifestyle, we have now realized how important it is to look good and more importantly feel good. Be it the university goers, or people in middle and upper middle age groups, we essentially find these body care must-haves in our wardrobe at all times. A good hand cream enriched with essential butters is usually on the top row. Our hands do all the talking during the day and often had to go through rigorous tasks. Keeping them moist and hydrated is very important.
Retaining moisture to the skin throughout the day requires us to cover ourselves with healthy body butter. A must apply when we walk out in the mornings. It keeps us fresh even when we’re done for the day. Dead tissues and cells should be removed regularly to keep our skin healthy and fit. A body polish session not just helps in cleaning but also restores the damages tissues due to sunny outings every now and then. Thorough cleansing & sanitization is what we need at the end of the day. A shower cream takes away all the dirt and dust, making us ready for the next day. Finally adding a nutrient rich soap or a bar soap in the kit is always a good idea. Staying rejuvenated, soft and deodorized makes us feel good and confident
11 Essential Potty Training Tips for Parents • • • • • • • •
• • •
Wait until the child shows interest and don’t feel bad about pulling back if you feel the child is not ready. Never shame the child when he has an “accident” Use an older sibling to take the younger sibling under his wing Don’t compare the child with other children. Every child is different developmentally. Once you decide to potty train, say GOODBYE to diapers. Don’t go back and forth, it’ll confuse the child. Let your child be naked at home but be sure to give practice wearing underwear. Be prepared when you go out of the house with extra undies and extra pants (and bags to carry the soiled clothing) Create a mindset when you go out of the house: “When my child has an accident while we’re out, it is not a big deal. We change him. Don’t make him feel bad. Just get new undies and new pants on him and move on.” Kids get distracted especially in the early days of potty training. They don’t want to take the time to stop their fun OR they just forget. Make going to the potty a routine when you get up in the morning, after lunch, before bed, etc. When you go out, carry a training potty like BABYBJORN Potty Chair. We’ve pulled it out in parking lots, on the side of roads and even in the front yards of friend’s home. Classy, I know. Watch the child like a hawk. We adults must be dedicated and committed to the task at hand. When he shows any signs of having to go the bathroom, encourage it by asking him and guiding him to the toilet. Ask him if he would like privacy and if he would like to sit on the “big” toilet. You never know what will catch with these kids.
23 Things I Want My Daughter to Know by The Unexpected Dad
I have a lot of things that I want to tell my daughter that randomly pop into my head, however at 23 months old she probably won’t understand most of it. I’ve actually tried telling her some of these things, but I usually get the famous toddler response of “No!â€?. So what I decided to do was jot some of these down and then I can either tell her when she’s older, or maybe she’ll even read this blog herself! Anyway, here are some of the things I wrote down that I would like to tell her. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
You are beautiful. I could just look at you for hours and be content. Put God first, everything else will fall into place. One of my biggest joys is when you just randomly come up and give me a hug. You will always be in my heart, no matter what happens. No boy will ever be good enough for you. We will probably get into disagreements about #5. I hope this blog is something you are interested in reading when you get older. If you try, you could pretty much get anything you wanted from me, I’m really a push-over for you. đ&#x;™‚ Actually, not sure I want you to know about #8. Oh well‌what the heck! When it’s time to choose a career, do something you enjoy. Don’t get trapped in work that you dislike. When it comes time to get married, be picky, don’t settle. Same goes for boyfriends, be picky. If something interests you and you want to try it, go ahead and try it. I will do my best to support you (within reason). Study the Bible. Know and understand what it says.
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I was scared out of my mind when I found out Mommy was pregnant. At times I still am scared. Coconut cream pie is mighty tasty, but for some reason no one else seems to like it. Go figure. I hope you want to learn to play a musical instrument. Order of preference: Violin, Cello, Viola, Piano, Brass, Woodwind. Don’t play drums, I would like you to be a musician. By the way, you enjoyed music a lot even before you were two. When music is playing you’re dancing, humming and singing along. Stay active and do lots of outdoor activities. Try not to worry too much about what people think of you; follow the Lord and do what you think is right. Don’t get caught up in “stuff”, it doesn’t really matter and things won’t make you happy. Be serious about your own education. I love you! The Unexpected Dad My name is Paul and I am The Unexpected Dad. My wife and I married late in life and we didn’t really expect to have children (thus the title of my blog). We weren’t opposed to the idea of having children, but just assumed that it was not in the cards for us.
By the Late Heather Picton - ADHASA Founder Republished
by demand: It is now commonly accepted that eating the right foods can make us healthier. However few people recognise the huge impact that the right foods (and the way we combine them) can have on our health, physical ability, behaviour, concentration, mood and social interaction. The benefits that we gain depend upon our own unique make-up and the extent to which we are meeting our particular dietary needs. There are several dietary principles to be observed in improving nutritional status. Ideally we should be following them all, but for some this could be introducing too much too soon. If this is the case for you then make it more do-able by tackling one area at a time and then build on it.
“Avoid over-processed products” A good place to start is by eating real foods – you should still be able to recognise what they are. Avoid over-processed products.
A. Supplement with EFAs Eighty percent of the western world has essential fatty acid (EFA) deficiencies. Omega 3 - Fatty Fish Oil e.g. unflavoured cod liver oil. Capsules: halibut liver oil, cold pressed salmon oil. Flaxseed oil contains both the omega 3 and omega 6 series of EFAs Omega 6 - There is much controversy about omega 6 with claims that we get too much damaged omega 6 from junk and fried foods – these damaged oils are bad for the body. At the same time many people take supplements which include undamaged omega 6. A note of caution - it has been said that people with temporal lobe epilepsy should avoid evening primrose oil (a source of omega 6).
Conscious Life Magazine
Remember to add the vitamins and minerals needed to metabolise EFAs (not necessary for fish oil). Use a good multivitamin and mineral supplement and make sure that it is free of synthetic colourants and synthetic flavourants. Some supplements contain EFAs, but usually not enough.
B. Avoid that which prevents the body from using EFAs, or prevents the body from functioning at optimal levels. Artificial colourants and artificial flavourants. Synthetic Antioxidant preservatives, eg EDTA, BHA, BHT, TBHQ. Avoid confusing them with antioxidants in Vits A,C,E which are OK. Calcium Propionate – research in Australia showed that Calcium Propionate (added to bread) can interfere with concentration and, although rare, can cause wild mood swings in some children. Benzoic Acid, Benzoates, Sulphur dioxide, Sulphates, Sulphites. MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) At all times avoid bought cakes and pies, bought hamburger patties, fish fingers, packet soups and sauces, processed meats and polonies, iced tea (in tins), cordials, fruit squashes and fizzy drinks. They usually contain the above additives. Try to find equally tasty but healthier alternatives so that you never feel deprived.
C. Maintain Stable Blood Glucose Levels by
D. Adequate numbers of Intestinal Flora
eating meals consisting of mainly low GI carbohydrates (that release glucose slowly into the bloodstream), combined with a small portion of protein.
assists digestive function and keeps us more comfortable. Can improve absorption of nutrients
Maintain Stable Blood Glucose Levels by eating meals consisting of mainly low GI carbohydrates (that release glucose slowly into the bloodstream), combined with a small portion of protein. 1. Start the day with a balanced breakfast: apple slices, rolled oats porridge (see the ADHASA food list) cooked in milk, OR scrambled egg on toast with a slice of tomato or cucumber), or boiled egg with ryevita. Smoothies made with intermediate or low GI fruit and full cream greek-style yoghurt are great, and even ‘healthy’ leftovers are fine. 2. Eat three balanced meals a day. Many people need a small (healthy) snack between meals and sometimes a snack before they go to bed. This is especially the case if dinner is very early. Balanced meals and snacks can be prepared by using mainly slow releasing carbohydrates such as dense heavy breads; tasmati, basmati or brown rice, legumes(dried beans, lentils, peas); rolled oats (make sure you can still recognise the grain), oat bran; citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, naartjies); deciduous fruits (apples, pears, peaches, cherries, plums, apricots etc); kiwi fruit, small portion of grapes; sweet potato, mealies, corn and pasta made from durum wheat/semolina. Most green vegetables. To this add smaller portions of carbohydrate with intermediate glucose release such as boiled new baby potatoes (with skins), beetroot, sweet corn, marog, tropical fruits, rye bread, and add protein: lean meat, fatty fish, chicken, eggs, cheese, milk and yoghurt. The smallest portion of any meal should come from the foods that release glucose rapidly into the bloodstream: anything with cake flour as the main ingredient, large potatoes, bread and rolls, sticky rice, samp, mealie meal, matzos, pretzels, melon family and watermelon. Melon and watermelon provide healthy nutrients. Keep the rest to a minimum. Oil, butter, salad dressings, nuts should be used in moderation. Avocado pear is excellent.
“The smallest portion of any meal should come from the foods that release glucose rapidly”
Conscious Life Magazine
and also support immune function. May improve smelly winds/breath. A FEW TIPS TO HELP YOU ON YOUR WAY: Get into the habit of choosing unprocessed and unrefined foods. Eat plenty of fruit, vegetables and protein. Avoid fried foods and a high intake of coffee, tea or alcohol. A small snack between meals such as a sandwich, an apple, plain popcorn, plain biltong (preferably game), a few nuts or cheese – may help maintain concentration and stabilise emotions and mood. Keep sugar to a minimum and never eat sweets or sugary biscuits on an empty tummy. If eating sweets, avoid those with colourants. The World Health Organisation has suggested that sugar intake should be reduced – but more about that in a future edition. Keep fried food to a minimum – grill instead. Spoil yourself go out and find those healthier and tastier foods to replace the junk. Read labels! Join ADHASA and use their food list. This is a list of foods free of the additives most likely to affect sensitive people. ( It doesn’t tackle GI levels). Many people have food allergies and/or sensitivities, and often these are to wheat and milk. They may also react to other foods. If you become more irritable after eating a certain food it may be that it disagrees with you. You might need to have it checked. Ideally the whole family should be involved with healthier eating – ultimately everyone benefits. Obviously there can be many reasons for people not functioning at their best levels. Diet is not the only reason however it can be a most important factor. So when moving to a healthier eating lifestyle try to recognise the improvements that are taking place. It might be the extra organisation that could creep into your life, or that your thinking seems more clear. Are your children coping better? Do they settle down more easily with their homework? Are frustration levels in the home lower? Improvements differ from person to person depending upon the extent to which their own nutritional requirements and being met. It is often only when people (adults and children) experience the difference that healthier eating has made in their lives, and how much better they feel, that they take responsibility for what they eat. Sadly Heather passed away in September 2017 But you can read more of Heather’s articles at www.adhasa.co.za
Teaching Kids to Move Beyond One-Word Questions
By Jessie Grees - Kindergarten Teacher
If you’re tired of why, use this framework to help your kindergarten students ask specific questions that yield better answers. “Does anyone have any questions?” It’s the dreaded question of early childhood educators everywhere. This can-of-worms question often leads to non sequitur statements that range from “I like your pants” to long-winded stories that start with “Once my grandma gave me a . . .” These responses often resemble anything but a question. To avoid these tangents, teachers can turn the question “Does anyone have any questions?” into a match that, once struck, will ignite purposeful inquiries and investigations. Start by asking, “Does anyone have any dollar questions?” instead.
What’s a Dollar Question? According to an anecdote from my parents, as a young child I would always ask, “Why?” or “What?” or “When?” Frustrated by the endless stream of questions, my parents came up with a solution: They encouraged me to ask a different type of question. “Single-word questions are penny questions,” they said. “They’re not worth much and don’t get you very far. Ask dollar questions.”
I shared this personal story with my kindergarten students, who were eager to learn how to ask dollar questions themselves. Having a relatable framework to work within (who can’t relate to money?), my students develop and hone their questions as they strive to ask dollar questions. But what is a dollar question, and why should we teach our youngest students to ask them? Dollar questions have four main features. They investigate a topic, require processing time, include details, and yield better answers. Penny questions have none of these features. In fact, just as 100 pennies make up a dollar, it would take several penny questions to have the same impact as a dollar question. In essence, a dollar question is complete sentence while a penny question is a fragment.
Penny questions can, however, be changed into dollar questions. For example, you could take the simple penny question “What is that?” and transform it into the dollar question “What is that blue pipe sticking up from the grass?” After a child spends a little more time developing it, the penny question now investigates, contains details, and will ultimately get a more precise, more satisfying answer. In my kindergarten class, we begin practicing with dollar questions during Feature Creature, an activity where students hone their question-asking skills while working to uncover the identity of a mystery animal. I begin by displaying an image of an animal without its name and remind my students that we want to learn more information about this creature, even if they already know what it is called. As a class, we revisit the qualities of a dollar question before students start asking questions. Students’ questions usually begin with rapid-fire versions of “What is it?” But in time, they become progressively more complex. Examples include: “Is this Feature Creature a mammal?” and “Is this Feature Creature an endangered animal, and if so, why?” Within the dollar-question framework, my students learn to restructure their thoughts and to formulate better questions quickly. Gradually, the question-asking skills my students learn during Feature Creature become standard practice in the classroom. I provide writing prompts that are examples of dollar questions like “Why do leaves change color in the fall?” instead of “Leaves change color in the fall because . . .?” And student-generated dollar questions dictate the direction of inquiry and play. For example, a student’s questions about the construction of tall buildings quickly transformed the block area in our classroom into a place to investigate and test the children’s theories about building skyscrapers. I make it a practice to answer questions with more questions to encourage students to explore their curiosity.
Learning the collaborative and diligent practice of asking good questions also contributes to a child’s growth and development. By asking dollar questions, students develop clear communication skills and are encouraged to strive for deeper comprehension. Students also realize that by asking dollar questions, they are in charge of the direction of their learning, and thereby feel greater ownership of, and pride in, their education. Above all, the concept of failure is removed: There can be no bad or wrong question, just a better way of asking a question.
Dollar questions can even make their way home with students. In addition to asking dollar questions of their family members, students can start teaching their family the power of asking better questions too. One mother shared with me that when she asked her son to make his bed, he responded, “Mom, I can’t do that—you didn’t ask me a dollar question.” In time, students will begin to assess the strength of their questions, build upon one another’s ideas, and ultimately create more pointed and meaningful dollar questions.
Image byMaialisa Pixabay
Taking initiative to save and pay off debt is not straightforward. But which do you do first? Both are vital to the stability of one’s personal finances. Doing both in varying degrees may be a gamble worth taking. One of the biggest myths that society buys into is the myth that saving up is more important than paying off debts. Living in a nation that boasts extremely low figures of savers and immensely high figures of indebted consumers, South Africans are in need of some intervention. Money Savvy Kids (MSK) is here to give them the jolt needed when it comes to finances. “…the cost of debt is usually much higher than the benefit gained from saving”
One thing no one has told you is that the cost of debt is usually much higher than the benefit gained from saving. This isn’t to say that you should not at least have an emergency savings fund. This fund should contain about three to six month’s worth of living expenses so you can be prepared when disaster strikes. Resolving to pay the minimum payment may also have to be a thing of the past as well. Reducing your debt by paying more than is required will ultimately translate to your pocket getting back its jingle a lot
Conscious Life Magazine
quicker than it would if you were to save all your money. In effect, prioritising paying off your debt is the first crucial step you need to take in order to be able to effectively save in the future. “The debt charging the most interest should be paid off as quickly as possible”
Identifying which of your debt is costing you the most is just as critical. Whether the debt in question is R1000 or R10 000, the differentiating factor here is the amount of interest charged on a monthly basis. The debt charging the most interest should be paid off as quickly as possible. By making the conscious decision to pay off your most expensive debts first, you will be at a bigger advantage when you do start saving for retirement. While the majority of people do not ever rise to a point of complete financial freedom in their lifetime, some manage to break the mould. This can only be done by harnessing financial intelligence.
Financial literacy is the cornerstone to financial prosperity. It builds confidence and knowledge in the lives of individuals and the country as a whole.
kathryn@moneysavvykids.co.za www.moneysavvykids.co.za
Picture Courtesy of Edar - Pixabay
MSK is a financial literacy program for children as young as seven. The programme is rolling out its in-school curriculum in March 2017. Not only does MSK effectively instil in them the skills and foresight to correctly manage their finances, it also equips them with entrepreneurial skills. Equip your child today so they can enjoy a money savvy life tomorrow.
Conscious Life Magazine
By Indwe Risk Services
We all know how important it is to be insured, however, as we buy or receive new items we often forget to reassess our policies or see to what extent our possessions are adequately covered. Here are a few things that we tend to accidentally leave out of our policies. BICYCLE GEAR We know that you’ve invested a lot of time and money to get your bicycle kitted out and that’s why it’s so essential that you get the right insurance to protect your investment and keep you on the road and pedaling. With our InCycle insurance product you’re covered for the theft, damage and hijacking of your cycling gear. Because we take your personal safety seriously, InCycle also covers medical expenses and emergency transportation. Call Indwe today about getting the advice you need to keep your bicycle wheels turning.
JEWELLERY When you leave your house to go to work, to a meeting, to drop the kids off at school or to buy groceries, you want peace of mind that your jewellery, watch and the other personal possessions that you carry with you are covered for loss, theft or damage. We’re serious about protecting the things you value, and that’s why we provide All Risk insurance (also known as portable possessions insurance). Speak to us today about getting the best cover for your treasured gold and gems.
MOBILE OFFICE Gone are the days where your employees spends their eight-hour working day glued to their desk. Today, hours are more flexible, offices are more mobile and people can work from anywhere, anytime. If you have a small business, where your employees work away from your office, it’s important that you insure all your devices like laptops, cellphones and tablets from accidental loss or damage. Remember that when your business grows and you hire new employees, and then purchase additional devices, your insurance policy needs to be updated.
The introduction of social skills for kids plays a crucial role in their emotional development. Social emotional activities directly impact a child's social development as a child learns how to navigate his world. That's why social and emotional development in early childhood activities are on the forefront of teachers' minds, and many of these same activities can become social games for toddlers, setting the foundation of development in preschool. Listed below are just a few of many fun activities aimed towards early social-emotional development.
I’m Melting! Children are fascinated by change, and melting is particularly interesting! In this activity, children will work together to explore ice and to make predictions. Materials: • • • • • • • • • • • •
A variety of containers such as yogurt cups, sandwich bags, and milk cartons Water Ice cubes Liquid food coloring Scarf Box of table salt Absorbent paper such as coffee filters, paper towels, or blotter paper Magnifiers Trays or pans Powdered tempera paint Craft sticks Ice-cube trays
Steps 1. 2.
4. 5.
Most children have had an experience with melting ice, whether it was in their glass or on the sidewalk. Place a big chunk of ice or several ice cubes on a tray, and bring it to circle time. Hide it under a scarf, and play a guessing game. Sing the following song to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”: There is something under here That is wet and very cold If you step, please beware! You could slip and fall right there. Ask the children to guess what is under the scarf. Explain that, just as the song says, this is something that is really cold. They may want to touch the cloth. Listen to their guesses. When someone guesses ice, reveal what is on the tray. Invite the children to talk about what they know about ice. Perhaps they have observed ice melting in a drink or on the sidewalk. Ask the children to notice what has happened to the ice cube on the tray over time: It melted! Why? How? What does the puddle look like? Explain that today they will get to choose a partner to do some ice discovery together in the science art area.
Social-Emotional Skills Fostered: Seeking peers as partners Sharing ideas with a group Problem solving
My Words and Me Young children need lots of practice with the words for emotions. When they have the vocabulary for the nuances of feeling, they tend to express their emotions with greater ease and clarity. Materials: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Old magazine Scissors Glue Card stock Drawing paper Markers and crayons Chart paper or whiteboard Poster board Camera Balloons Funnel Cornstarch Spoon Recorded music Mural paper Masking tape
Steps: Make the words for emotions visual and kinesthetic for children. The concept of happy is abstract until you have an expression or an action to go with it. Let’s start with some games to get things going. Play Make a Face to get children excited about working with facial expressions. Tell the children, “I am going to make the same funny face and pass it to the person next to me. That person will make the same funny face and pass it to the next person. We will go all the way around the circle so everyone has a chance to make a funny face.” Make a silly smile or funny face, and turn to the child to your right so she can see it. She then makes a face just like yours and turns and passes it to the next child in the circle. Continue the game, adding emotions such as happy, grumpy, shy, and sad. Social-emotional learning takes place as children begin to feel comfortable expressing emotions within the safe confines of the game. Share the emotions cards with the group. Talk about the images. Ask, “How do you think this person is feeling?” Choose words to go with each card.
Have the children take turns choosing a card that shows how they feel today. They might be tired, happy, or excited. Talk with them about their choices. Sing a song to invite the children to talk about feelings. They can use the card to add their feeling to the song, sung to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”
Friend, friend, friend of mine (everyone sings together) How are you today? I feel (emotion), (one child says emotion) We’re glad you shared today! (everyone sings together) Another day, extend the conversation at circle time by using sentence starters for the children to finish. You could say, I’m happy when….” Or, say, “I’m sad when….” This simple technique is surprisingly successful for inviting children to share their feeling
Social-Emotional Skills Fostered: Sharing feelings Decision making Taking turns Social interaction
Making Wish Flags for the World How do we make a wish for the world? With words, art, and heart! Children will enjoy this special dissolving art technique for making wish flags to hand out on the playground. Materials: • • • • • • •
Chart paper or whiteboard Paper coffee filters Washable markers String Clothespins Photos from magazines or books of people and places Recording of song “It’s a Small World” (optional)
Steps: Begin circle time with a song. You can use “It’s a Small World,” or try these lyrics to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.”
Wish, wish, make a wish Send it to the world. Merrily, merrily, happily, happily Wishes to the world.
Start a conversation about the world- it is both small and big. Show the children some photos of people and places. Encourage the children to express what they notice about the photos. There may be particular images that interest the children and get the talking about similarities to and differences from them and their own world. Use photos of people to invite children to suggest how the people in the photos might be feeling. “What might they be feeling or wishing?” "How would you feel if you were in the place?” Tell the child, “Today we are going to be making flags to hang outside and send out to our beautiful, small world. What happens when you make a wish on a birthday cake? You blow out the candles, and the flame goes away, taking your wish with it. We are going to write and draw our wishes on the flags outside, the rain and sun will dissolve the colors and send the wishes out to the world.
Social-Emotional Skills Fostered: Expressing caring and concern Feeling empathy Brainstorming ideas Thinking about others in the world
Want more great activities for socialemotional learning? Check out Getting to the Heart of Learning! CLICK ON THE COVER OF THE BOOK TO ORDER
Whole Grain Flour Sand Dough Activity Overview Whole grain flour sand dough is an amazingly fun sensory activity for children of all ages. It is similar to fluffy cloudy dough made with all purpose white flour but the whole grains give the dough a much grittier texture which can be stimulating to the senses. Little hands can spend hours manipulating the dough from this recipe and it will form and then fall back away. Squeeze and build until your heart is content. Playing with this fun dough will be like playing on a sandy beach but right in your own home.
Materials Needed • • • • • •
2 cups whole grain flour 1/4 Cup Vegetable oil Powdered food coloring A bowl A large bin for playtime Optional: baking cups, wooden spoons, cars, plastic dinosaurs etc.
How to Make and Play 1. 2.
Mix the first 3 ingredients together in a large bowl. You will need to use your hands to work the ingredients together thoroughly to form a uniform dough mixture. Dump the cloud dough into a large plastic bin and add some optional tools and toys to the mix. Cloud dough is also fine to use as is.
Plenty of ways to get the kids cooking
Llapingachos Llapingachos are traditional potato patties from Ecuador, often served topped with a fried egg and a spicy peanut sauce. This version is paired with a New Mexican red chile sauce. If you use thin skinned potatoes like Yukon Gold there is no need to peel them. Try serving with red chile sauce for an extra delicious meal! Serves 4 - 6. Ingredients • 110 grams mozzarella cheese grated • 2lbs russet or other baking potatoes boiled and cooled • 2 green onions thinly sliced • 2tbsp chopped parsley • 1½ cups corn kernels fresh or frozen • ¾tsp salt • ⅛tsp freshly ground black pepper • Vegetable oil for griddle
Instructions Peel the potatoes and put them into a large bowl. Use a potato masher to mash the potatoes. Add the grated cheese, green onion, parsley, corn, salt, and pepper. Stir until well combined. Make potato patties using ¼ cup of the potato mixture for each patty. Flatten the patties so that they are about ½inch thick. Cook the patties on a hot, well-oiled griddle for 8 to 10 minutes, until they are browned on both sides and heated through. Remove from the heat and serve.
Oranges with Fresh Mint
Instructions Ingredients • •
6 oranges peeled and sectioned ¼cup fresh mint leaves chopped
Cut each orange section into about 3 pieces and put into a bowl. Add the chopped mint leaves and stir gently to combine.
Sweet and Sour Cucumbers Instructions
Ingredients • • • • •
1 cucumber 2tbsp rice vinegar 1tbsp water 1tsp sugar ¼tsp salt
Peel the cucumber and cut it in half lengthwise. Slice into ¼-inch-thick slices. Transfer the cucumber slices into a bowl. In a small bowl, whisk together the rice vinegar, water, sugar, and salt until the sugar and salt are completely dissolved. Pour the vinegar dressing over the cucumber slices and mix well. Serve the cucumbers as a side dish.
Chocolate Hazelnut Spread By Lisa Raleigh
• • • •
180g hazelnuts baked at 200° Celsius for a few minutes (watch carefully that they don’t burn) 20g raw cacao powder 20g maple syrup / raw honey 40ml coconut oil Pinch of Himalayan rock salt
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• •
Place the cooled nuts in the food processor and process until a meal forms. Add the cacao and syrup/honey then blend again. With the food processor still on, slowly add the oil until you reach the consistency you like most.
Photo: Amie Chou/The HSUS.
Ingredients: • • • • • •
4x 30cm whole-wheat tortilla wraps • 2x cups baby spinach, loosely packed 2x cups arugula, loosely packed (or more baby spinach) • 1x punnet strawberries, tops removed and sliced thin 1x avocado, diced • 1/3x cup toasted almonds (optional) •
For the dressing: • • • • • •
1/3x cup olive oil 1/3x cup orange juice 1x tablespoon agave nectar or maple syrup 2x tablespoons apple cider vinegar 1/4x teaspoon salt 1x tablespoon poppy seeds
Conscious Life Magazine Conscious Life Magazine
Prepare the salad by combining the spinach, arugula, edamame, strawberries and avocado in a large bowl. Toss gently to combine. Using a blender or a whisk, combine all dressing ingredients (except the poppy seeds) until emulsified, then stir in the poppy seeds. Pour most of the dressing over the salad ingredients and mix well. Reserve 1 to 2 tablespoons of dressing for the wraps. To assemble the wraps, brush a little of the reserved dressing on a tortilla and then add the salad ingredients. Sprinkle a few toasted almonds, if using, over the salad, then roll up the wrap.
It’s about making a difference one meal at a time! Eat green! By pledging to eat plant-based meals every Monday you will be munching your way towards a healthier body, a more sustainable planet and a more conscientious approach to eating. Love your veg and they’ll love you back! Green Monday is a global initiative promoted by Humane Society International (HSI). Watch this quick video explaining why you’re onto a good thing when you support GreenMondaySA.
Goodbye Blue Mondays! Start your week by pledging green! Get your friends, family and colleagues to get on board too.
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Conscious Life Magazine
HUSKY ROMI WOLF SANCTUARY HuskyRomi is a non-profit organization providing a safe haven for abandoned and abused huskies and wolves in South Africa. We provide a home to all huskies and wolves that can’t be kept as pets because of their complicated nature. Many of the animals arrive in a poor condition, some not even knowing what grass is. They are rehabilitated with loving care by Larry Paul. This website was started to provide support to the HuskyRomi project and to promote the protection of wolves and other wildlife. The sanctuary is open for the public to come and learn about wolves. We do appreciate donations and sponsorship for the buying of food, for veterinary bills and doing maintenance to the enclosures. We currently take care of more than 200 huskies, wolves and hybrids in 54 enclosures.
Get Involved We are working towards getting a formal volunteer program off the ground at HuskyRomi. This is available to both local (South African) and international volunteers. Should anybody be interested to become a volunteer or to assist with the program please contact Larry on the number or email below.
Sponsorship and Donations Name a Wolf. Should you wish to name a wolf, for instance in remembrance of a loved one or pet, you may arrange it with Larry. We just request that you then will be prepared to do a full monthly sponsorship of that wolf for a period of at least two years.
Get in Touch: Mobile: 071 679 5141 larry@huskyromi.co.za http://huskyromi.co.za/wp/
According to AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association), 50% of deaths in pets (over the age of 10) can be contributed to cancer, and dogs are more cancer prone than cats. Cancer occurs when seemingly normal cells start to run rogue. Feline cancer however tends to be more aggressive than those in dogs, and owners also seem to do less for treating their cats than their dogs. Ever stopped to think how second-hand cigarette smoke, insecticides, pesticides and household chemicals increase their risk factors? What about their refined diet and exposure to additives, preservatives, colourants and flavouring agents in their food? Just like their human counter-parts, animals can also get cancer from various environmental pollutants. Pollution, infectious organisms, electronic waves, contaminants and preservatives strain the body’s defenses. This is partly why many animals seem to suffer from more and more problems. This is where Eco-Vet’s Eco-Immune can play an important role. Eco-Immune assists in improving the ability of the animal’s body to improve its resistance to disease. If puppies and kittens are given the treatment from an Conscious Life Magazine
early age it helps them grow up with higher resistance to viral diseases. Boosting the immune system and give them a great start: much like a flue shot.
There are certain cancers that are commonly found in pets that one would just as likely find in humans e.g. lymphomas, melanomas and bone cancers. Typical cancer in Cats • Feline Leukemia and the Feline Leukemia Virus It may cause various blood disorders, and may lead to a state of immune deficiency that hinders a cat's ability to protect itself against other secondary infections • Squamous Cell Carcinoma A malignant tumor of the squamous epithelial cells.
This tumor is more common in cats than dogs. Risk of nasal tumors is increased through exposure to inhaled chemicals including indoor use of coal, cigarettes, and air fresheners. • Feline Mammary Cancer The third most occurring tumor in cats. Typical cancer in Dogs • Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor These living cancer cells are usually spread during mating. These tumors are usually associated with the external genitalia of both male and female dogs. • Canine Osteosarcoma Malignant cancer of the bone • Canine Hemangiosarcoma Malignant tumor of the cells that line blood vessels. Occurs most frequently in large breeds, especially German Shepherds, Labrador and Golden retrievers. • Cutaneous Mast Cell Tumors Most commonly reported skin tumor in dogs Typical cancer in Horses • Melanoma Mainly occur in horse with a grey colouring. • Sarcoids A sarcoid is a tumor "like a sarcoma.” However where sarcomas are generally malignant, Sarcoids tends to be benign. Resembles a wart
Some of the main positive factors of colostrum are the following scientifically established areas of interest: Anti-viral. Herpes virus in the cat responds well to supplementation with colostrum and its associated lysine content. The high levels of IgA are of great value in those breeds; including many of the shepherds, that are known to be commonly affected by auto-immune or immune mediated conditions.
Anti-aging properties that are of immense value in the aging animal. Anti-allergic conditions associated with skin problems. Immune boosting effects for all animals affected by any kind of chronic bacterial infections. Its anti-cancer properties have been well established in a number of clinical conditions. REMEMBER: Early detection of cancer drastically increases the treatment success rate. Visit your vet!! Erika Bornman CEO-Eco-Vet www.ecovet.co.za
Natural medicine has an important part to play in dealing with cancer in animals, however it is important not to overload the system through our good, but often misguided intentions. Eco-Vet Colostrum plays an important role in cancer treatment, and the combination of Eco-Immune and Colostrum is often integral in the treatment protocol, and has proved to be very effective in dealing with inter-alia feline aids.
Conscious Life Magazine
Conscious Life Magazine
What is it going to take for this incredible boy to find a home? He has spent 2555 days (7 years) in a shelter!!!! Is that fair for any dog? Whilst he isn't the oldest of the dogs in 41 Homes for the Holidays - he is still at least 7 years old and we don't want him becoming like all the other old dogs who now, only in their really old age, when they are practically blind with no teeth and battling to walk - are finding homes for the first times in their life. Although we are so happy so many oldies finally have homes, for any dog to wait that long in a shelter is not okay. So please can EVERYONE take a second to SHARE and TAG people who might be interested in giving this sweet boy the home he deserves. If it's a sweet soft and gentle boy you are looking at adopting, then look no further. He is sociable with dogs and adores people! He is even soft when he plays, his favourite thing to do is put his mouth around your arm while playing. He has teeth but you don't feel them when he is playing. Sylvester could do with a bit of a diet for sure and he had a cruciate ligament operation two years ago, so has a scar on his hind leg. Other than he is hip hop and healthy.... all dressed up to hopefully charm his way into your home! Adoption fee has been wavered for all adoptions but adoption rules and home checks still apply. If you are interested in adopting him, please email Irwin.comps@gmail.com
or call 078 199 5861.
URGENT APPEAL To all our supporters Due to recent Raids we have run out of FOOD for our fur babies Please if anyone can assist with anything we would appreciate
Our Banking details are: Account holder. Soweto Animals Rescue and Advisory Centre Bank. Nedbank Account no. 1030387311 Branch. 198105 Email info@sarac.co.za
Soweto Animal Rescue & Advisory Centre 595 Bennett street Zuurbekom Westonaria/ Soweto
ONE treat challenge! No Guts No Glory they say. Trust us, we know how difficult it is to pass by that Giant Aero Slab at the checkout counter when the slab is calling out your name and saying, "EAT ME!" and every fibre of your being is crying out "I need it, just buy it." Ooooh the temptation... ...But know your sacrifice will not be in vain: You will be helping to buy a security fence that will protect orphan children with a safe and secure place they will call 'home' YOU can do this! We are asking that YOU simply sacrifice one (just one, or two if you prefer we don't mind) TREAT: ‌And rather donate your R50, to help us secure our 'Homestead' at our Children's Village with a much needed SECURITY FENCE. So c'mon make your mark and then SHARE the CHALLENGE. Post a pic of what you are giving up to our Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/doorofhopeSA
Cape Town Wednesday 26th April 2017 Green Point Park, Cape Town
Johannesburg Friday 28th April 2017 The Dome, Johannesburg
Faeries, fair maidens and fantastic creatures; Steampunk elves, gallant knights and special features... Come one, come all to the dragon's lair, We introduce to you to the first annual Fantasy Fayre! THE MOORS CASTLE – MULDERSDRIFT 2 APRIL 2017 TICKETS: R25 online, R40 at the gate on the day KIDS UNDER 12 FREE From 10am - 5pm the market opens in the lee of the castle with all manner of medieval and fantasy games and craftsmen. We are so proud to be supporting Husky Romi Wolf Sanctuary at this event - expect to learn about their gorgeous wolves! Also expect all manner of fantasy themed market stalls and merriment: play a Game of Kings (Viking Chess), have a go at archery with The Troll or sample Eoin's Tankard mead while you watch Drakon Forge make weapons; or try your hand at the Axe Toss!
Wander through the castle to the sounds of Trad – Pretoria with jewellery, dragons, ceramics, art, clothing, craft beer and delicious food and more on sale at the stalls. Dress up! Fantastic prizes in the Adult and Kids fancydress Categories. Know your fantasy stuff? Grab a team and join our FANTASY QUIZ! MAP TO VENUE: https://goo.gl/maps/5vNp6jFGd1k
with much appreciation to our advertisers, contributors, endorsers and our awesome readers namaste