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Juntung Borneo wildlife center
The premise was to consider how two fundamentally different programs, forest walk and wildlife center, could be joined under one structure while sharing equal views of the forest. The final form of two joining möbius geometries was not the beginning, but the outcome of a precise operation derived directly from this premise. As visitors stroll within the forest walk, they are transported from inside the loop to the outside; sometimes above the wildlife center; sometimes below, and due to the spiraling geometry of the structure, they also experience a sense of being pulled deeper into the forest.
The forest walk was planned to be an open-air path traversing different altitudes of the forest, whereas the wildlife center was to be a closed facility with educational functions that must remain level. The idea was to have the forest walk entangle a leveled the wildlife center loop. Thinking of how the two could be joined seamlessly, it was decided that möbius skins were to be wrapped around each loop, since a möbius surface’s disposition is to traverse from the inside of a loop to the outside, then back again (much like the “entanglement” that was being targeted). The two were then joined together by one of the surfaces, uniting the two in one structure.
Form: Juntung Borneo