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Common space of a residential tower
by 張皓翔
This project proposes to replace the partition walls of the common space with one single undulating “surface wall.” The more private programs were tucked beneath the surface, whereas the more public functions were placed above. By a single gesture of redefining the notion of the “wall,” a two-dimensional compartmentalized space was transformed into an expansive three-dimensional realm, weaving together all functions and people.
The “Common space” of a residential tower is supposedly the most “public” space in the building. However, once the functions were inserted and their partition walls erected, space becomes a maze of closed-off rooms and corridors. Such space ceases to display any traits of “publicness.” When I think of the word “public,” I picture an expanse of open landscape where everyone on it is connected. This became the experience I set out to achieve. The immediate obstacle was the vertical partition walls, which I propose to replace. The resulting space is a truly public “Common space.”
Form: Common space
Type competition
Year 2017
Program exhibition
Location Taipei, Taiwan
Team Carla Chang
Role project leader
Taiwan Student Interior Design Award
3rd prize
Create choices
Mapping routes

Create vantage point
Form: Exhibition