2016 PSEAD issuu presentation

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Issuu Publication Architecture and Interior Design




LANGUAGE Chinese , english

PREVI OUSEDUCATI ON BA Business management

COURSEPROGRESSI NGTO ‘ Somewal k sy ouhav et o t ak eal one’ ( AndoTadao)

MA Interior Design

BEFORE Evers i nc emyc hi l dhoodI wasal waysf as c i nat edbyt heI nt er i orDes i gnI ndus t r y. I us edt ol ookatl ayout pl ansal l dayl ongt i l l I woul dbeabl et oc ompr ehendal l t hes ymbol sont hepaper . Event houghmy maj orwasnotI nt er i orDes i gn, I r eal l yappr ec i at et hatI s t udi edBus i nes sManagement , bec aus eI deepl y k now how i mpor t antt eamwor ki sandhow i tmagni fiest hec r eat i vi t yofas i ngul ari ndi vi dual . However , mymaj ordi dnotaffec tmyhungert os t udyI nt er i orDes i gn. I am i nt er es t edi nt hi sfiel dasi ti savi br ant i ndus t r yandI f eel t hatmyf ut ur eMAwi l l hel pmeex pandmypr of es s i onal k nowl edge, devel opmor e pr of es s i onal s k i l l sandc ompet enc es , andf ol l ow as uc c es s f ul c ar eer .

PSEAD I Thedi ffer enc esbet weenEas t er nandWes t er n

bec omef ami l i arwi t hpr of es s i onal andac a-

educ at i onar eagr eatc hal l engef orme. I n

demi cwr i t i ng, pr epar epr es ent at i onsandi m-

Tai wanwear eus edt ol i s t eni ngandf ol l owi ng

pr ovemyc r eat i vet hi nk i ng. Now, I f eel I c an

i ns t r uc t i ons . St udent ss el dom i nt er ac twi t h

j umpoutt hef r ameands ear c hf ormyowni n-

t ut or s , s ot hefir s tweekwasqui t edi ffic ul t . How-

t er es t s , s omet hi ngwhi c hwasnott hec as ei n

ever , I r eal l yappr ec i at eI hadt heoppor t uni t yt o

t heeduc at i onal s ys t em andc ar eer si nTai wan.

at t endt hi sc our s e, whi c hhel pedme

FUTURE I havec hos ent os t udyi nt heUKasi ti sont heedgeofEur opeandi sver yi nfluent i al i nt heI nt er i orDes i gn I ndus t r y. Ther ewi l l beal otofopenmi ndedpeopl eI c annet wor kwi t h, andf r om whom I c angetnew i deas , whi c hI wi l l l at erappl yi nTai wanwhenI r et ur n. I wi l l havet hec hanc et of ur t heri mpr ovemyEngl i s handI nt er i orDes i gnqual i fic at i onsandk nowl edge, al l ofwhi c hwi l l beanas s etwhenI s etmyf ooti nt hedoorof t heI nt er i orDes i gnI ndus t r y.

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