澳洲有機薰衣草精油 Organic Essential Oil Lanvandula angustifolia 澳洲ACO有機認證
NOP ID: 3950000053 美國農業部USDA有機認證
LUCKNOW: The cultivation of mentha in Uttar Pradesh is likely to see an upsurge this year after a lull in the past year. Uttar Pradesh records the highest production of mentha oil in the country. Reports suggest that metha sowing has already started with the recent rainy spell and would be over by the end of February. It is estimated that the overall sowing area may remain higher this year. The total area under mentha crop cultivation is expected at 2.10 lakh hectares (ha) this year from 1.75 lakh ha during the previous year. Metha had caught the imagination of farmers in Uttar Pradesh some years ago with a sudden surge in demand for mentha oil in various medicinal and cosmetic industries. The biggest chunk of this surge reportedly came from the paan masala
and gutka making units. However, the ban on the sale of gutka in many states in the recent past led to a reduced demand of mentha oil in the domestic sector resulting to its price falling to a little over Rs 1100 in October last from a high of Rs 1,686 a year ago. At the same time, its demand slowed from overseas markets due to weakening global economies. It is learnt that a huge stock of menthe oil is lying in the mandi godowns. In the current season, the production of mentha oil is estimated at about 50,000 to 60.000 tons,
法國SCA3P薰衣草精油,亞太與紐澳地區, 只授權『具有國際雙有機認證的Bonnie House』銷售!
Mentha cultivation set to rise again
Mentha cultivation set to rise again
NOP ID: 3950000053 美國農業部USDA有機認證
The Chakras of Matter
India Barabanki Mint farm First Chakra:The Muladhara is the chakra of stability, security, and our basic needs. It encompasses the first three vertebrae, the bladder, and the colon. When this chakra is open, we feel safe and fearless. Second Chakra:The Svadhisthana chakra is our creativity and sexual center. It is located above the pubic bone, below the navel, and is responsible for our creative expression. Third Chakra:The Manipura chakra means lustrous gem and it´s the area from the navel to the breastbone. The third chakra is our source of personal power.
The Fourth Chakra: The Connection Between Matter and Spirit Located at the heart center, the fourth chakra, anahata is at the middle of the seven and unites the lower chakras of matter and the upper chakras of spirit. The fourth is also spiritual but serves as a bridge between our body, mind, emotions, and spirit. The heart chakra is our source of love and connection.
澳洲目前使用SCA3P薰衣草精油之醫療情況 ˙ 心臟病患胸腔引流管拔除手術中使用薰衣
草精油可降低病患的焦慮與術後疼痛- 柏 斯澳洲西方大學 University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia. ( The effect of cold application and lavender oil inhalation in cardiac surgery patients undergoing chest tube removal.) ˙ 薰衣草嗅聞法之長期照護應用-澳洲聖喬
治醫院癌症中心 Cancer Care Centre, St George Hospital, Kogarah, Australia.(Inhalation Aromatherapy During Radiotherapy: Results of a Placebo-Controlled Double-Blind Randomized Trial)
˙ 陰道感染的處理-澳洲查爾斯大學 Charles Sturt University(Antiparasitic activity of two Lavandula essential oils against Giardia duodenalis, Trichomonas vaginalis and Hexamita inflata.) ˙ 薰衣草於燒燙傷處理-坎培拉國立澳洲大學 The Australian National University, Canberra ˙ 剖腹產後護理&產後憂鬱改善-南澳大利亞州
立婦幼醫院 Women's and Children's Hospital Adelaide,Labor and delivery, postpartum care
The brothers established a European journal of perfumery in 1908 called “La Perfumerie Moderne" of which René-Maurice was editor in chief. It was quite popular and translated into several languages. 1910 was an eventful year in which Louis Gattefossé died. In the earlier part of 1910 René-Maurice spent time traveling to other parts of Europe to investigate the distillation of other aromatic plants. The company also
Father of Aromatherapy -Gattefossé
法國化妝品科學家 雷內‧摩利斯‧蓋特 佛賽 ,在一次的實驗的爆炸意外中,不 幸灼傷了手,因為身旁剛好有薰衣草精 油,直接使用浸入其中,發現疼痛感消除 了,並且傷口復原的狀況良好,沒有留 下任何疤痕。於是在1937年,首次提出 了『芳香療法Aromatherapy』,並且在第 二次世界大戰的時候,得到許多臨床上 的証實,在法國的到熱烈的迴響,也吸 引了更多科學家加入研究。
The Ayurveda affects the global medical systemof Matter
La lavande en
expanded its trade to Indonesia, China, and Japan. On July 25, 1910, the day his son Henri-Marcel was born, René-Maurice was working in his lab when an explosion occurred. Of this he wrote, “In my personal experience, after a laboratory explosion covered me with burning substances which I extinguished by rolling on a grassy lawn, both my hands were covered with a rapidly developing gas gangrene. Just one rinse with lavender essence stopped the `gasification of the tissue´. This treatment was followed by profuse sweating and healing began the next day." Gattefossé´s Aromatherapy, 1937.
The Chakras of Matter
La lavande First Chakra:The Muladhara is the chakra of stability, security, and our basic needs. It encompasses the first three vertebrae, the bladder, and the colon. When this chakra is open, we feel safe and fearless. Second Chakra:The Svadhisthana chakra is our creativity and sexual center. It is located above the pubic bone, below the navel, and is responsible for our creative expression. Third Chakra:The Manipura chakra means lustrous gem and it´s the area from the navel to the breastbone. The third chakra is our source of personal power.
The Fourth Chakra: The Connection Between Matter and Spirit Located at the heart center, the fourth chakra, anahata is at the middle of the seven and unites the lower chakras of matter and the upper chakras of spirit. The fourth is also spiritual but serves as a bridge between our body, mind, emotions, and spirit. The heart chakra is our source of love and connection.
臨床實證輔助療法期刊臨床實驗證實, 使用薰衣草精油塗抹婦女會陰切除術傷口,
Les producteurs provençaux de lavande se battent sur deux fronts. Leur premier ennemi est la cicadelle, un insecte vecteur de maladie pour la plante. Le second est l'Union Européenne, qui veut classer l'huile essentielle de lavande comme un produit chimique "dangereux". Explications. "Lavande en danger": plantés en bordure de champs d'un bleu intense sur les plateaux d'Apt et de Sault (Vaucluse), les panneaux accrochent le regard pour alerter sur une réglementation européenne qui met en danger ce fleuron de l'horticulture provençale déjà menacé par une bactérie destructrice. 麻醉學及疼痛藥學期刊研究,剖腹術 後的產婦在嗅吸薰衣草精油4小時後,
En cause, "les évolutions climatiques, avec des périodes de sécheresse et de fortes chaleurs néfastes à la lavande et favorables à l'insecte vecteur de la maladie", la cicadelle, un insecte suceur de sève, explique Eric Chaisse, directeur du Crieppam (Centre régional interprofessionnel
The Ayurveda affects the global medical systemof Matter
La lavande en
La bactérie, le phytoplasme du Stolbur, est ancienne mais a surtout fait des ravages au milieu des années 2000, la France perdant alors jusqu'à 50% de ses surfaces cultivées principalement en Vaucluse, dans les Alpes-de-Haute-Provence et la Drôme, et sa première place de producteur d'huile essentielle de lavande.
The Influence of Indian Ayurvedic Medicine on the World P.6
Lavender oil significantly heart rate, respiratory rate and skin temperature) wererecorded as indicators of the arousal level of thenervous system. In addition, subjects had to rate theirmood state in terms of good, bad, active, drowsy, fresh,relaxed, stressed, uncomfortable, romantic, frustrated,calm, and disgusted in order to assess subjectivebehavioral arousal.Inhalation of lavender oil significantlynervous system, its main component, linalool, is usedas a compound to study its effects compared withplain lavender oil. It is noteworthy that Heubergeret al(22) found the reduction of blood pressure andskin temperature after applying linalool to the skin ofparticipants. In addition, linalool has a lot of isoformsin nature such as R)-(One study using R-(
嗅吸薰衣草精油對自律系統平衡的影響 嗅吸薰衣草精油時,腦波的α波有明顯大 幅增加(紅色區域的部分)。 在心情方面,使用薰衣草精油的受測者, 心情上更積極、新鮮與輕鬆。 因此結果發現嗅
Located at the heart center, the fourth chakra, anahata is at the middle of the seven and unites the lower chakras of matter and the upper chakras of spirit. The fourth is also spiritual but serves as a bridge between our body, mind, emotions, and spirit. The heart chakra is our source of love and connection.
20 scores
Comparison of HAD scores- anxiety
5 clients
before massage
after massage
15 10 5 0 1
Fig. 3
4 clients
before massage
Therewasa30%improvementinlevelofrelaxa-ti on,a10%improvementinlevelofanxietyanda10 %improvementinlevelofmood(Theanalysisoft heHADScalescoreshowsanimprovementinanx ietydimensioninsixoutofeightclients(didnotim proveshowednochange.Thedepressiondimen sionscoresofsixoutofeightoftheclientsalsosho wedanimprovement(clientswhosescoresshow ednoimprovementdidnotchange.Onlyoneclien tshowednoimprove-mentineithertheanxietyor depressiondimensions(Table3termperiod.The sameistrueoftheWoolfsonandstudywherethep hysicaleffectsofmassagewithanessentialoilindi catedanin-creasedlevelofrelaxationanddecrea sedlevelofanxietyagainoverashort-termperiod. Thesestudiesdidnothoweverinvestigatelevelso fmoodordepressionandthemethodologieswer ediffer-ent.Withinthestudiescarriedoutwithinm entalhealthithasbeenshownthatbothmassage
after massage
andaromatherapycanhaveapositiveeffectonthi sThespecificareasofmood,anxietyandrelaxatio nhavenotbeeninvestigatedpreviouslywithinme ntalhealth;however,thepositiveresultsfromthis studywouldsupporttheconclusionsfromprevio usstudies.Itisalsopossiblethatcombiningtheset wointerventions,massageandaromatherapy,th athavebeenshowntobeindependentlybenefici alwiththisclientgroup,mayenhancethepositive effects.DiscussionThe results of this study follow a similar pattern to the findings of Stevensen where massage with an essential oil was shown to have apositive effect on both levels of anxiety and relaxation over a short-
study traditional Indian prescriptions
Comparison of HAD scores - depression
20 15 10 5 0
薰衣草精油按摩照護效用研究 在持續6週的精油按摩後,8個人中就有 6個人的憂鬱指數(depression)有明顯下降。 7個人中就有5個人的焦慮指數(anxiety) 有明顯下降。
Essence from Australian Mining Oil P.8
Lymphatic system The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system and a vital part of the immune system, comprising a network of lymphatic vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph (from Latin, lympha meaning "water"[1]) directionally towards the heart. The lymphatic system was first described in the seventeenth century independently by Olaus Rudbeck and Thomas Bartholin. Unlike the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system is not a closed system. The human circulatory system processes an average of 20 liters of blood per day through capillary filtration, which removes plasma while leaving the blood cells. Roughly 17 litres of the
filtered plasma are reabsorbed directly into the blood vessels, while the remaining three litres remain in the interstitial fluid. One of the main functions of the lymph system is to provide an accessory return route to the blood for the surplus three
國外藥典網站報導薰衣草功效 臨床實驗證明,薰衣草精油可以比擬 鎮定劑和抗憂鬱劑;只要以按摩方式 ,薰衣草精油5分鐘就可以滲透至血 液中,在身體運行90分鐘後,即可排 出體外,在使用薰衣草精油6週後, 38位憂鬱患者的泛憂鬱指數竟可下降 約45%。 另外一個臨床實驗,也發現221個憂 鬱患者在接受10週療程後,因憂鬱指 數平均下降了16分之後,而使得其睡 眠品質大大顯著提升。
薰衣草精油不管是局部按摩或採吸 入法治療憂鬱狀況,最後都會使患 者的憂鬱指數顯著降低,而且大人 的改善指數比小孩還明顯。
Associated organs composed of lymphoid tissue are the sites of lymphocyte production. Lymphocytes are concentrated in the lymph nodes. The spleen and the thymus are also lymphoid organs of the immune system. The tonsils are lymphoid organs that are also associated with the digestive system. Lymphoid tissues contain lymphocytes, and also contain other types of cells for support.[3] The system also includes all the structures dedicated to the circulation and production of lymphocytes (the primary cellular component of lymph), which also includes the bone marrow, and the lymphoid tissue associated with the digestive system sandalwood, cypress, Pineapple, Patchouli, "with the Australian miners commonly used" supplementary energy "of local plants Eucalyptus, tea, mint, the development of 16 plant components containing gold chakras
Hollywood stars favorite aroma taste
The other main function is that of defense in the immune system. Lymph is very similar to blood plasma: it contains lymphocytes and other white blood cells. It also contains waste products and cellular debris together with bacteria and proteins.
Golden Rainbow Body Balancing Essence Concept
Bonnie House雙國際有機認證高山薰衣草精油含有 醫學價值分子芳樟醇43.71%及乙酸芳樟酯36.94%, 高於醫學期刊建議的40.26%及21.38%。
六星級有機高山薰衣草精油 唯一達到理療等級 臨床醫學治療廣泛使用之薰衣草品種 成本是一般薰衣草精油的10倍
4-5星級醒目薰衣草精油 氣味刺鼻、芳療分子較少 僅能用於護膚用途
2-3星級穗花薰衣草精油 僅為觀賞使用 化學成分居多 成本極為低廉
29 15.546 29473531 36.94
Golden Rainbow Body Balancing Essence Concept
Bonnie House有機薰衣草質譜儀
Linalyl acetate
35 20.290
98 87-44-5 Beta-caryophylene β-石竹烯:消炎、止痛、止癢、抗過敏
P.12 全商品成份需有95%以上 有機成分才可取得認證 與使用LOGO
有機LOGO 需包含認證號碼 有機無毒 理療等級 有機農產品 有機化妝品
有機LOGO 需包含認證號碼
有機無毒 理療等級 有機農產品 有機化妝品
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NOP ID: 3950000053
全商品成份需有95%以上 有機成分才可取得認證 與使用LOGO
ACO ID :11879
有機 標準
有機認證成份 僅需有10%以上
天然成份 僅需有50%以上
只要天然植物成份 不需要有機成分
Golden Rainbow Body Balancing Essence ingredient
Golden Rainbow Body Balancing Essence ingredient