20171010 日夜型錄

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有機日間照護複方精油 有機夜間修護複方精油 Organic Day Care / Organic Night Care



Clark Miken醫師


從中度健忘程度回復至未發生健忘程度。 嗜睡程度由嚴重嗜睡降低至正常嗜睡。 睡眠品質則從不滿意改善至非常滿意。

Rick Lachlan教授


認知功能程度由中度認知障礙達到正常認知範圍。 憂鬱程度從中度憂鬱邊緣回復至正常情緒。





認知功能程度由輕度認知障礙改善回復至認知功能正常。 睡眠品質由中度睡眠障礙改善至正常睡眠品質。




記憶力由中度障礙改善至輕度障礙 解決問題能力及社區活動能力亦從輕度障礙回復至正常。


Charlotte Van心理醫師



Night care essential oil


Product Introduction P.2

Organic Day Care

Organic Night Care





Product Introduction

Day care essential oil

The Top 10 Most Popular Types of Supplements The Top 10 Most Popular Types of Supplements Top 10 Most Popular Types of Supplements Bone and Joint Calcium provides critical support for healthy bones. Vitamin D plays a major role in bone development and appears to have a beneficial effect on many of the body´s systems. Glucosamine formulas address joint discomfort by supplementing and supporting components naturally found in healthy cartilage. 2. Wellness for Cold and Flu Vitamin C when taken at the first sign of sickness, can provide temporary relief of symptoms including fever, chills and body aches. Digestion Cleansing helps the body to be more efficient in

“housecleaning" the toxins collected in everyday life. Heart Disease Fish Oil Decreasing the risk of heart diease and stroke while also helping reduce symptoms of hypertension, ADHD, joint pain. Multivitamins Multivitamins including vitamins E, A, C, and magnesium. Other nutrients that may be potential problems include calcium, vitamin K, potassium and dietary fiber. Prenatal Prenatal multivitamins contain nutrients that are extra important for mother and baby. Avoid those with artificial additives, colors or flavors. Probiotics Probiotics play an important role in digestion, supporting the immune system and intestinal health. Protein Powders

全球排名前十大保健食品 1.骨頭關節保養(鈣、維他命D、葡萄糖胺) 2.感冒症狀(維他命C) 3.消化機能(清腸道排毒) 4.心血管疾病(魚油) 5.綜合維他命 6.產前保健品(產前綜合維他命及其他營養品) 7.益生菌 8.蛋白質粉末 9.運動必須營養品 10.酵素



The definition and meaning over-the-counter or OTC refers to anything that is bought and sold directly between seller and buyer, away from a formal securities exchange – the trading is carried out directly either by computer, email, or over the telephone. An over-the-counter stock is one that is not listed on an exchange, such as a stock market. OTC derivatives are traded privately and bilaterally – between two parties – and not on a formal exchange platform. For the meaning of over-the-counter medications, see the last section of this article.

Non-prescription medicine trading has no physical location – it does not take place at the New York Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange, etc. OTC trading occurs through a dealer network. Over-the-counter or OTCOver-the-counter or OTC refers to a trade that is not carried out on a formal exchange. In the world of finance, people often say `off-exchange trading´. Typically, companies offering OTC trades quote the prices at which they are willing to buy-sell assets, giving a price for each trade – unlike on-exchange trades, where several buy-sell prices are observable from many different sources. Although Nasdaq is considered a stock

Night care essential oil

What is over-the-counter

全球成藥銷售前十名 1. 氫溴酸XX沙芬-止咳 副作用:頭暈、噁心、嗜睡、神經緊張、胃痛 2. 安X疼止痛錠-緩解疼痛 副作用:皮膚發疹、頭痛、眩暈、耳鳴、低血壓 3. 普X痛錠-退燒、緩解疼痛 副作用:皮膚發疹、搔癢、心悸、虛弱、譫妄 4. 咳嗽糖漿-止咳、祛痰 副作用:眩暈、嗜睡、嘔吐、胃痛 5. 服X寧止痛藥-退燒、消炎鎮痛 副作用:噁心、嘔吐、頭昏、困倦、浮腫 6. 泰X寧止痛錠-退燒、緩解疼痛 副作用:肝毒性 7. 拜X阿斯匹靈腸溶膜衣錠-退燒、消炎鎮痛、幫助血液流通 副作用:腸胃道出血、耳鳴、極端疲倦及嗜睡、腹瀉、緊張 8. 樂雷塔錠-抗過敏、緩解蕁麻疹、過敏性鼻炎 副作用:頭痛、頭暈、嗜睡、疲勞、口乾 9. 能X鎮持效錠-解除關節疼痛、僵硬、發炎 副作用:腸胃道潰瘍、出血、頭暈目眩、視覺模糊、疲倦 10. 驅X異膜衣錠-舒緩過敏症狀、皮膚紅腫癢、過敏性鼻炎 副作用:頭痛、頭暈、嗜睡、口乾、嘔吐

全球前十名常見成藥中,副作用幾乎都會影響到我們的腦神經, 「藥物副作用」成為影響腦部功能的風險因子之一。


Day care essential oil

Plasma 1,8-cineole correlates with cognitive performance following exposure to rosemary essential oil aroma Mark Moss, Lorraine Oliver Here we show for the first time that performance on cognitive tasks is significantly related to concentration of absorbed 1,8cineole following exposure to rosemary aroma, with improved performance at higher concentrations These findings suggest that compounds absorbed from rosemary aroma affect cognition and subjective state independently through different neurochemical pathways. 英國諾桑比亞大學摩斯博士實驗發現 迷迭香精油裡含的1.8-桉油醇能透過 嗅吸直達腦部,增進腦部以乙醯膽鹼 的含量,增進神經間的連結,進而提 升認知功能。

Syuichi Fukumoto, Aya Morishita, Kohei Furutachi, Takehiko Terashima, These findings suggest that limonenes, and particularly S-limonene, have a potent stress-alleviating effect, and the possibility that different stereoisomers of limonene have different levels of activity in their effect on stress responses. These results suggest a possibility that ingestion of lemon essential oil containing components such as limonene and citral alleviates both physical and 日本Fukumoto博士發現檸檬精油氣味 分子能幫助提振精神及情緒,增進人 體的活動力,並進一步指出此種檸檬 氣味分子就是右旋檸檬烯。


MARK MOSS,JENNY COOK,KEITH WESNES &PAUL DUCKETT This study was designed to assess the olfactory impact of the essential oils of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and rosemary (Rosmarlnus officinalis) on cognitive performance and mood in healthy volunteers. Analysis of performance revealed that lavender produced a significant decrement in performance of working memory, and impaired reaction times for both memory and attention based tasks compared to controls. In contrast, rosemary produced a significant enhancement of performance for overall quality of memory and secondary memory factors, but also produced an impairment of speed of memory compared to controls. 國際神經科學期刊實驗發現給受試者 嗅吸迷迭香精油能大幅增進記憶力及 認知功能,整體記憶品質亦能顯著增 進。

H. Wayne Ludvigson Theresa R. Rottman Lavender adversely influenced arithmetic reasoning in the first session. At the same time, subjects' affective reactions to the experiment were more favorable with lavender present. In the second session, effects on cognitive functioning were not evident, and effects on affect were complex: relative to no-odor controls, groups that had odor in at least one session expressed negative affect and unwillingness-to-return. Discussion concerned implications for the claim that lavender is physiologically relaxing.

Inn Sook Lee, and Gyung Joo Lee Among sleep variables, length of time taken to fall asleep, severity of insomnia, and self satisfaction with sleep were improved for the 60% and 100% week while the severity of depression was improved only for the 100% week. According to the study results, it can be concluded that the lavender fragrance had a beneficial effect on insomnia and depression in women college students. Repeated studies are needed to confirm effective proportions of lavender oil and carrier oil for insomnia and depression.

牛津大學期刊研究證實置身在薰衣草精 油氣味的空間時,能有效釋放壓力、促 使人體放鬆,緩解累積的緊張感。

韓國電子科學期刊刊載嗅吸薰衣草精油 可透過調節自律神經增進睡眠品質,特 別是改善失眠,也能提振憂鬱心情,大 幅提升自我滿意度。

Night care essential oil

Effect of flavour components in lemon essential oil on physical or psychological stress

J.LehrneraG.MarwinskicS.LehrbP.JohrendL. Deeckea The goal of this study was to investigate the impact of the essential oils of orange and lavender on anxiety, mood, alertness and calmness in dental patients. Statistical analyses revealed that compared to control condition both ambient odors of orange and lavender reduced anxiety and improved mood in patients waiting for dental treatment. These findings support the previous opinion that odors are capable of altering emotional states and may indicate that the use of odors is helpful in reducing anxiety in dental patients. 維也納醫學大學Lehrner教授實驗證實處 於充滿薰衣草及甜橙氣味分子的空間下 ,可有效降低焦慮情緒及使人感到心情 愉悅,透過嗅吸薰衣草及甜橙精油能轉 換負面情緒狀態。


Day care essential oil

The causes of Brain Function decline RISK FACTORS Biological Risk Factors Contributing to Cognitive Decline Oxidative Stress Inflammation Hormonal Imbalance Cerebrovascular Health Diabetes and Insulin Resistance Obesity Ageing Psychological Risk Factors Contributing to Cognitive Decline Anxiety and Stress Depression Social Network and Personal Relationships Physical Activity and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic


Factor Mental Activity, Brain Plasticity, and Cognitive Reserve Life Risk Factors Contributing to Cognitive Decline Nutritional deficiency Alcohol, tobacco, or drug use. Sleep deprivation

生物風險因子 自由基氧化 發炎 荷爾蒙不平衡 心血管疾病 糖尿病及胰島素阻抗 肥胖 老化

心理風險因子 焦慮及壓力 憂鬱 社會支持網絡及個人社交 關係不佳 身體活動量不足 缺乏學習新事物,大腦可 塑性下降

生活風險因子 飲食不均衡,營養缺乏 酒精、香菸或藥物過度 作息不正常、睡眠品質下降

Night care essential oil



Day care essential oil

The Top 10 Most Popular Types of Supplements The Top 10 Most Popular Types of Supplements Top 10 Most Popular Types of Supplements Bone and Joint Calcium provides critical support for healthy bones. Vitamin D plays a major role in bone development and appears to have a beneficial effect on many of the body´s systems. Glucosamine formulas address joint discomfort by supplementing and supporting components

有機日間照護精油-日間回春 有機日間照護複方精油包含有機迷迭香精 油及有機檸檬精油,透過增加記憶學習的 神經傳導物質濃度及刺激腦部記憶細胞再 生的雙機制促進腦部機能回春。

1 精油內高含量的1.8-桉油醇透過嗅吸經由 肺臟吸收進到血液循環之中,右旋檸檬烯 及萜品烯能促進腦部血液循環,幫助血液 中的桉油醇及氧氣快速進到腦部,避免腦 部重要神經傳導物質-乙醯膽鹼分解,使 乙醯膽鹼濃度增加,活化腦部神經間的傳 導並增加血氧飽和度,能快速提神醒腦及 增加專注力,提升靈感及創造力。

2 精油內的樟腦則是能透過嗅吸時經由嗅 球傳遞到腦部掌控記憶的中樞-海馬迴, 刺激海馬迴細胞再生,除了幫助提升記 憶之外,更能增進與語言,思考相關的 認知功能。


naturally found in healthy cartilage. 2. Wellness for Cold and Flu Vitamin C when taken at the first sign of sickness, can provide temporary relief of symptoms including fever, chills and body aches. Digestion Cleansing helps the body to be more efficient in “housecleaning" the toxins collected in everyday life. Heart Disease

The definition and meaning over-the-counter or OTC refers to anything that is bought and sold directly between seller and buyer, away from a formal securities exchange – the trading is carried out directly either by computer, email, or over the telephone. An over-the-counter stock is one that is not listed on an exchange, such as a stock market. OTC derivatives are traded privately and bilaterally – between two parties – and not on a formal exchange platform. For the meaning of over-the-counter medications, see the last section of this article.

Non-prescription medicine trading has no physical location – it does not take place at the New York Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange, etc. OTC trading occurs through a dealer network. Over-the-counter or OTCOver-the-counter or OTC refers to a trade that is not carried out on a formal exchange. In the world of finance, people often say `off-exchange trading´. Typically, companies offering OTC trades quote the prices at which they are willing to buy-sell assets, giving

Night care essential oil

The Top 10 Most Popular Types of Supplements

有機夜間照護精油-夜間照護 有機夜間照護複方精油包含有機薰衣草精 油及有機甜橙精油,透過從源頭平衡自律 神經及增加護腦的神經傳導物質濃度的雙 機制幫助啟動腦部自癒力、完整修護腦部 。

1 精油內的芳樟醇及乙酸芳樟酯,透過嗅吸 能直達自律神經調節中樞-下視丘,從源 頭開始平衡自律神經,幫助疲勞、緊繃的 腦部放鬆,使大腦及身體得以完全休息, 進入深層睡眠。

2 多元萜烯類能促進保護腦部的神經傳導 物質-血清素的合成,增加腦中血清素 的濃度,除了能保護腦神經免受累積毒 素的傷害,還能幫助平復情緒、感到心 情愉悅。


Day care essential oil

日間及夜間照護精油香氛 對於記憶與睡眠的成效探討 Modulation of memory and sleepiness by aromas of Day and Night Care Essential Oil. The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health center This study provides further evidence for the impact of the aromas of plant essential oils on aspects of cognition and mood in healthy participants. Four hundred and fifty-four volunteers were randomly assigned to conditions of day and night care essential oil. Cognitive performance was assessed using the Wechsler memory scale exam computerized assessment battery 65% to 82%, with The Epworth Sleepiness Scales completed before

and after 16 to 5. The analysis of the data revealed significant differences between conditions on a number of the factors underpinning the tests that constitute the battery. Day care essential oil was found to enhance memory, and lengthened processing speed. In terms of subjective mood Day care essential oil increased alertness and Night care essential oil decreased it, but significantly increased calmness. These results provide support for the contention that the aromas of essential oils can produce significant 30 to 80 and idiosyncratic effects on both subjective and objective assessments of aspects of human behavior. They are discussed

澳洲佛洛里神經科學及精神健康中心 使用有機日夜間照護複方精油給454 位受試者使用,發現三個月後受試者 在白天記憶量表的綜合記憶平均分數 由65%上升至82%,嗜睡度量表則由 平均16分降至5分,夜晚睡眠品質滿 意度由30平均分增加至80分,漢式 憂鬱量表由平均18分降至7分

Wechsler Memory Scale 魏式記憶量表65%上升至82% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50%


18 16 12 7 5 1 30


The Ephorth Sleepness Scale


90 (Day)



90 (Day)

Night care essential oil

underpinning the tests that constitute the battery. Day care essential oil was found to enhance memory, and lengthened processing speed. In terms of subjective mood Day care essential oil increased alertness and Night care essential oil decreased it, but significantly increased calmness. These results provide support for the contention that the aromas of essential oils can produce significant 30 to 80 and idiosyncratic effects on both subjective and objective assessments of aspects of human behavior. They are discussed with reference to possible pharmacological and psychological modes of influence. 說明受試者嗅吸有機日夜間照護複方精 油能從中度健忘程度回復至未發生健忘 程度;嗜睡程度由嚴重嗜睡降低至正常 嗜睡;睡眠品質則從不滿意改善至非常 滿意;從中度憂鬱程度邊緣降低至正常 情緒範圍。

睡眠品質滿意度由30分上升至80分 80 70 60 50 40 30

Hamilton Depression Rating Scale 漢式憂鬱量表由平均18分降至7分

30 25 20 15 10 5 30


90 (Day)



90 (Day) P.23

Day care essential oil

Effect of aromatherapy on patients with Alzhei mer’s diseasepsyg

芳香療法用於阿茲海默 患者的改善成效

This study provides further evidence for the impact of the aromas of plant essential oils on aspects of cognition and mood in healthy participants. Four hundred and fifty-four volunteers were randomly assigned to conditions of day and night care essential oil. Cognitive performance was assessed using the Wechsler memory scale exam computerized assessment battery 65% to 82%, with The Epworth Sleepiness Scales completed before and after 16 to 5. The analysis of the data revealed significant differences between conditions on a number of the factors underpinning the tests that constitute the battery. Day care essential oil was found to enhance memory, and lengthened processing speed. In terms of subjective mood Day care essential oil increased alertness and Night care essential oil decreased it, but significantly increased calmness. These results provide

PSQI Score

日本鳥取縣鳥取醫學大學使用日夜間照護 複方精油給28位高齡者使用一個月,發現 高齡者在TDAS認知量表測試分數由平均32 分降至18分,匹茲堡睡眠量表分數由平均 13分降至4分;認知功能程度由輕度認知 障礙改善回復至認知功能正常,睡眠品質 由中度睡眠障礙改善至正常睡眠品質

20 15 10 5 5 1

2 Before



2 After

Methods: After a control period of 28 days, aromatherapy was performed over the following 28 days, with a wash out period of another 28 days. Aromatherapy consisted of the use of rosemary and lemon essential oils in the morning, and lavender and orange in the evening. To determine the effects of aromatherpay, patients were evaluated using the Japanese version of the Gottfries, Brane, Steen scale (GBSS-J), Functional Assessment Staging of Alzheimer´s disease (FAST), a

revised version of Hasegawa´s Dementia Scale (HDS-R), and the Touch Panel-type Dementia Assessment Scale (TDAS) four times: before the control period, after the control period, after aromatherpay, and after the washout period. Results: All patients showed significant improvement in personal orientation related to cognitive function on both the GBSS-J and TDAS after therapy. In particular, patients with AD showed significant improvement in

Night care essential oil

Effect of aromatherapy on patients with Alzheimer’s diseasepsyg


Day care essential oil

Effects of Day and Night care essential oil inhalat ion on improving memory impairment and depressio n in Taiwanese dementia patients Taiwanese Stipendiary Day Care Center Day and Night care essential oil is reported to be an effective medical plant in treating memory impairment, depression, stress and mild anxiety in Australia. The present study investigated the effects of two care essential oils on neurological capacity of Taiwanese subjected to induced dementia patient model. Chronic exposures to Day and Night care essential oils (daily, for 180 continuous days) significantly reduced

嗅吸日間及夜間照護精油於 改善記憶力及憂鬱情緒的成效 anxiety-like behavior and inhibited depression in Beck Depression Scale scores 18 to 9 and forced swimming tests, suggesting anxiolytic and antidepressant activity. Also, spatial memory performance in MMSE scale scores was 15 improved to 26, suggesting positive effects on memory formation. Taken together, multiple exposures to Day and Night care essential oils could effectively reverse spatial memory deficits induced by dysfunction of the cholinergic system in the patients brain and might provide an opportunity for management neurological abnormalities in dementia conditions.

台灣受恩日間照護機構於白天及下午分別 給機構高齡長者嗅吸有機日夜間照護複方 精油,接連6個月之後,機構內長者的認 知功能及記憶力大幅提升,簡易心智量表 測量分數由平均15分提升至26分,認知 障礙程度由中度認知障礙達到正常認知範 圍;入睡情形及低落情形也明顯改善,貝 克憂鬱量表指數由平均18分降到9分,憂 鬱程度從中度憂鬱邊緣回復至正常情緒。

MMSE Scale 簡易心智狀態狀態量表 平均15分提升至26分

BDI Scale 貝克憂鬱量表由18分降至9分

30 25 20 15 10 5

30 25 20 15 10 5 1 2 3 4 5 6



1 2 3 4 5 6 (Month)

Taiwanese Stipendiary Day Care Center Day and Night care essential oil is reported to be an effective medical plant in treating memory impairment, depression, stress and mild anxiety in Australia. The present study investigated the effects of two care essential oils on neurological capacity of Taiwanese subjected to induced dementia patient model. Chronic exposures to Day and Night care essential oils (daily, for 180 continuous days) significantly reduced anxiety-like behavior and inhibited depression in Beck Depression Scale scores 18 to 9 and forced swimming tests, suggesting anxiolytic and antidepressant activity.

Night care essential oil

Also, spatial memory performance in MMSE scale scores was 15 improved to 26, suggesting positive effects on memory formation. Taken together, multiple exposures to Day and Night care essential oils could effectively reverse spatial memory deficits induced by dysfunction of the cholinergic system in the patients brain and might provide an opportunity for management neurological abnormalities in dementia conditions.


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