20171013 家庭醫生型錄膠裝(下)

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家庭醫師保健精油組 Essential Oils for Nature Cure

Naturopathy or naturopathic medicine is a form of alternative medicine employing a wide array of pseudoscientific modalities that are branded as "natural," including homeopathy, herbalism, and acupuncture, in addition to diet and lifestyle counseling. Naturopathic medicine is considered by the medical profession to be ineffective and possibly harmful, raising ethical issues about its practice. Naturopaths and naturopathic doctors have repeatedly been accused of being charlatans and practicing quackery. The ideology and methods of naturopathy are based on vitalism and self-healing, rather than evidence-based medicine. Naturopathic education contains little of the established clinical training and curriculum completed by primary care doctors, as naturopaths mostly study unscientific notions and learn unproven diagnoses and treatments. Naturopaths generally recommend against modern medicine, including surgery, drugs, and vaccinations, in favor of methods claimed to be holistic and non-invasive. Naturopaths tend to oppose vaccines and teach their students anti- and alternative vaccine practices, resulting in lower vaccination rates. According to the American Cancer Society, "scientific evidence does not support claims that naturopathic medicine can cure cancer or any other disease."

自然療法的歷史 自然療法在現代的醫療體系中被歸類為『替代醫學』或『預防醫學』;推廣 自然療法的醫生,認為人體視是一個小宇宙,也相信『人體存在自癒能力』 ;他們鼓勵人們或病患盡可能減少外科手術與服用化學藥物,使用自然、不 具侵犯的治療方式,來改善病況、促進痊癒及保持健康。

Species of Eucalyptus In The World




The History of Aromatherapy

The History of Aromatherapy Pt 1: 3,500 BC - 199 AD The roots of aromatherapy can be traced back more than 3,500 years before the birth of Christ, to a time when the use of aromatics was first recorded in human history. In reality, the history of aromatherapy is inexorably linked to the development of aromatic medicine, which in the early days was itself combined with religion, mysticism and magic. This was a time when the ancient Egyptians first burned incense made from aromatic woods, herbs and spices in honour of their gods. They believed that as the smoke rose up to the heavens, it would carry their prayers and wishes directly to the deities. Eventually, the development of aromatics as medicines would create the foundations that aromatherapy was built upon.

Prior to that, and long before plant medicines of any sort had been discovered (5,000 to 10,000 BC), our ancestors would burn aromatic herbs, scented woods and barks to drive out the 'evil spirits' from sick people. Some of these poor individuals were possibly suffering from mental illness, but apart from using fire and water, 'smoking' was the only other form of treatment. Initially, any fragrant woods, barks or herbs growing in the locality would have been used, since the major aromatic trading centres would not appear for thousands of years yet. Interestingly, the word perfume comes from the Latin 'per fumum', which means 'through smoke'.

草藥芳調法的歷史 芳香植物應用在傳統醫學的歷史相當悠久。傳說中,中醫學起源於「神農嚐百草」、 明朝李時珍編撰的「本草綱目」則記載了兩千多種藥材與八千多種配方,直到今天, 仍被中醫視為養生、治療疾病的重要參考資料。 另外,在印度持續使用5000年的阿輸吠陀療法(它亦是世上最古老的醫書Vedas吠陀經) 中,也記載了許多芳香植物使用在宗教及醫療上的用途,但是在歷史上真正首度廣泛 使用精油的證據可以追溯到古埃及時代。


The Chinese 'Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine', was written in 2697 BC and is the oldest surviving medical book in China. This landmark text contains information about the properties of over 300 different plants and their medical uses, which suggests they may even have preceded the Egyptians in their use and knowledge of plant based medicines. Although other civilizations in India and the Americas were also using aromatics, it seems those in the Middle East and China that have actually left us the best records.

all known to have been used at some stage to preserve the bodies of their royalty in preparation of the after-life. The valuable herbs and spices they needed were laboriously transported across inhospitable deserts by Arab merchants for distribution to Assyria, Babylon, China, Egypt, Greece, Rome and Persia.

Look to eternity

Look to eternity

The most sought after materials were frankincense and myrrh, and because during those early trading years demand outstripped supply they had a value equal to that of gems and precious metals.

During the 3rd Dynasty (2650-2575 BC) in Egypt, the process of embalming and mummification was developed by the Egyptians in their search for immortality. Frankincense, myrrh, galbanum, cinnamon, cedarwood, juniper berry and spikenard are

西元前3000年 上古埃及時代: 1.埃及人習慣將芳香療法運用在生活上,包括祭典獻禮、神聖儀式的薰香、慶典中舞 者助興等, 2.西元三千年前的埃及豔后克麗奧佩脫拉,運用精油的神祕魅力保養皮膚並使得全身 充滿香氣,成功讓凱撒大帝及馬克‧安東尼拜倒其石榴裙下。 3.在1922年埃及圖坦卡門墓被挖掘時,考古學家發現,埃及人使用了白松香、肉桂 、乳香及雪松…等,來防止屍體腐化。 4.連木乃伊裹屍布上殘餘的香料,都被17世紀的歐洲藥劑師蒸餾回收,循環再用成為 所謂的「木乃伊靈藥」,可見其功效之神奇。


Masters of perfumery

Masters of perfumery The Egyptians loved to use simple fragrances in their daily lives and did so at every opportunity. At festivals and celebrations women wore perfumed cones on their heads which would melt under the heat, releasing their beautiful fragrance. After bathing, they would anoint their bodies with oil to protect them from the drying effects of the baking sun and to rejuvenate their skin. During the period between the 18th and the 25th Dynasty (1539-657 BC), the Egyptians continued to refine their use of aromatics in incense, medicine, cosmetics, and finally perfumes. Until just a few hundred years before the birth of Christ, the Egyptian perfumery industry was celebrated as the finest in the whole of the Middle East and beyond. So great was their reputation as master perfumers, that when Julius Caesar returned home with Cleopatra after conquering Egypt

around 48 BC, perfume bottles were tossed to the crowds to demonstrate his total domination over Egypt. Enter the Greeks The richness of the Egyptian botanical pharmacopoeia had already been assimilated by many other cultures during previous millennia; the Assyrians, Babylonians and Hebrews had all borrowed from their vast knowledge of aromatic medicine. As the Egyptian Empire crumbled into decline around 300 BC, Europe became the heart of empirical medicine, where new methods were steadily evolving into a more scientifically based system of healing. The earliest known Greek physician was Asclepius who practiced around 1200 BC combining the use of herbs and surgery with previously unrivalled skill. His reputation was so great that after his death he was deified as the god of healing in Greek mythology, and thousands of lavish healing temples known as Asclepieion were erected in his honor throughout the Grecian world.

西元前460~377年希臘‧羅馬時代: 1.希臘『醫學之父』希波克拉底(Hippocrates),解析了三百多種藥草,記載成冊,成 為藥草醫學重要的經典。 2.希臘人狄歐斯科里德(Dioscorides),終其一生完成五本『藥材醫學論』紀錄500種藥 用知識及使用方法。 3.羅馬宮廷採用了許多希臘人作為御醫,植物精油的知識隨即傳入羅馬。 4.醫師蓋倫(Galen)運用他在醫學、解剖學、生理學的想法,依照植物的醫藥功能,將 植物分門別類,即為現在『蓋倫分類法』。這幾本在古典時代完成的不朽著作,翻 譯成多種語言,並隨著戰爭及文化交流傳向了東方世界。


Hippocrates (circa 460-377 BC) was the first physician to dismiss the Egyptian belief that illness was caused by supernatural forces. Instead, he believed the doctor should try to discover natural explanations for disease by observing the patient carefully, and make a judgment only after consideration of the symptoms. Hippocrates considered the entire body a single organism, and his approach differed greatly from that of the Egyptians who had a 'prescribed' method of treating any given disease. It's interesting to note that over 2,000 years later, both methodologies are still employed by practitioners of modern medicine.

Hippocrates is said to have studied and documented over 200 different herbs during his lifetime. He believed that surgery should be used only as a last resort and was among the first to regard the entire body as an organism. Therefore we have Hippocrates to thank for a concept fundemental to true aromatherapy that of holism.

The Father of Medicine

The Father of Medicine

His treatments would typically employ mild physio-therapies, baths, massage with infusions, or the internal use of herbs such as fennel, parsley, hypericum or valerian.



1.阿拉伯歷史上最偉大的醫生阿維森納 (Avicenna)的『醫典』記錄了八百種 以上的植物及對人體的效用,他最偉 大的貢獻是在十一世紀,發明了蒸餾 精油的技術,使得精油的品質及萃取 的技術更趨於完整。

1.十字軍東征的騎士們,將蒸餾技術及阿拉 伯香水帶回歐洲,為歐洲黑暗時期注入 一股新興曙光。 2.在瘟疫和黑死病流行的14世紀,人們將 花瓣和藥草灑在路上,而且隨處可見公 共場所掛著香包和芳香花草,用腳踩踏 擠出花草汁,作為殺死病毒、防止蚊蟲 滋長、杜絕傳染病的方式。


Founders of botany & pharmacology

Founders of botany & pharmacology After Alexander's invasion of Egypt in the 3rd century BC, the use of aromatics, herbs and perfumes became much more popular in Greece prompting great interest in all things fragrant. Theophrastus of Athens who was a philosopher and student of Aristotle, investigated everything about plants and even how scents affected the emotions. He wrote several volumes on botany including 'The History of Plants', which became one of the three most important botanical science references for centuries to come. He is generally referred to today as the Founder of Botany. The next great luminary was the Greek military physician Dioscorides (40-90 AD) who served in Nero's army. In order to study herbs, Dioscorides marched with Roman armies to Greece, Germany, Italy and Spain, recording everything that he discovered. He described the plants habitat, how it should be prepared and stored, and described full accounts of its healing properties. His results

were published in a comprehensive 5 volume work called 'De Materia Medica', also known as 'Herbarius'. 'De Materia Medica' was destined to become one of the most influential botanical books in history, and was the the cornerstone for practitioners of botanical medicine throughout Europe for 1,500 years. In it, Dioscorides wrote about the medicinal properties of almonds, aloes, aniseed, chamomile, cardamom, cinnamon, coriander, crocus, dill, gentian, ginger, juniper, lavender, linseed, licorice, mallow, marjoram, myrrh, olive oil, pepper, peppermint, poppy, rhubarb, sesame and thyme. This epic publication was the first ever systematic pharmacopoeia and contained 1000 different botanical medications, plus descriptions and illustrations of approximately 600 different plants and aromatics. His magnificent work was so influential he has been bestowed the accolade, the Father of Pharmacology.

工業革命時代,是自然療法的黑暗期與轉變期: 1.科學快速的興起,化學合成藥物大量出現。 2.普遍使用水銀來治療梅毒,然而水銀的副作用,會讓病人不斷地流口水、牙齒鬆 動、全身顫抖、甚至癱瘓,雖然有些梅毒病人真的就此痊癒,可是許多病人卻因 此送命。 3.許多科學家重新審視傳統天然植物精油的重要性。


He began his medical career aged 28 under Roman employ treating the wounds of gladiators with medicinal herbs. This unique experience provided him with the opportunity to study wounds of all kinds, and it is said that not a single gladiator died of battle wounds while under the care of Galen. Due to his phenomenal success he quickly rose to become the personal physician to the Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius, and since Rome was a thriving academic center during the lifetime of Galen it was the ideal place for him to conduct further research. Galen wrote over 400 treatises, of which 83 are still in existence including 'De Simplicibus' which described the plant, its geographical location and medicinal uses.

Galen was the last of the great Greco-Roman physicians, and within 100 years of his death the Roman Empire would begin to decline, plunging Europe into the dark ages. As the Romans began pulling out of Britain, much of their medical knowledge was discarded and all progress in the Western tradition of medicine came to a halt for hundreds of years. During this period, Europe sank into the lowest depths of barbarism recorded in history, and it would be the turn of another culture to carry the torch of aromatic medicine forward.

The History and Method of Tea

Of gladiators and emperors Perhaps the most brilliant and influential of all Greek physicians was Claudius Galen, who lived from 129-199 AD and studied medicine from the age of seventeen.

工業革命時代,是自然療法的黑暗 期與轉變期: 1.化妝品科學家雷內‧摩莉斯‧蓋特佛 塞 ,在一次的實驗的爆炸意外中, 不幸灼傷了手,因為身旁剛好有薰衣 草精油,直接將手浸入其中,發現疼 痛感消失,並且傷口復原的狀況良好 ,沒有留下任何疤痕。 2.1928年,首次提出了『芳香療法 Aromatherapy』,並且在第二次世界 大戰的時候,得到許多臨床上的証實 3.另外兩位芳療先師:加提(Gatti)和開 久拉 (Cajola)透過吸嗅法,釋放病患 的記憶與情感,也證實精油對心理治 療上的效果。

西元1950年馬格利特‧摩利: 1.倫敦的保養專家馬格利特結合她所 熟悉的臉部、身體按摩手技加上獨 創的脊椎按摩術,針對病患的心理 需求及症狀選擇適合的植物精油, 在英國奠定了深厚輔助醫療基礎。

雷內‧摩莉斯‧蓋特佛塞 (René Maurice Gattefossé) 南美智利原民『馬普切人』,長期以來就 在使用各種各樣的草藥用以治療從關節炎 、痤瘡到性慾不振等各種疾病。

澳洲原民最廣泛使用的藥草第一名即為茶 樹、第二名則為尤加利,用來對抗各種細 菌感染、治療傷口、感冒、口腔問題。



CARE'S FOUNDERS, DR. DAVID AND LEE STEWART David and Lee Stewart were married September 1, 1962, and have five children, eleven grand children, and one great grandchild. They were co-founders of the InterNational Association of Parents & Professionals for Safe Alternatives in Childbirth (NAPSAC International) in November 1975. Through NAPSAC, they published a number of books on childbirth and related topics, several of which are still in print At its peak, NAPSAC had more than 8,000 members for which the Stewart's wrote and published a newsletter, The NAPSAC News, with issues continuing over a twenty-year span, into the 1990's. Since the early 1970's, they have been among the early pioneers and international leaders in the promotion of home birth and breastfeeding. During the years, 1976 - 1990, the Stewart's organized major educational conferences, with more than 1,000 attendees at several of them.

These took place in such locations as Washington, DC, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Nashville, St. Louis, and San Francisco Bay. Participants in NAPSAC Conferences came from more than a dozen countries and included young parents, midwives, nurses, lawyers, naturopaths, osteopaths, medical doctors, hospital administrators, government officials, public health officers, and others interested in safe, natural, family-centered childbirth in birth centers, hospitals, and at home. CARE was founded January 5, 2001, in Marble Hill, Missouri, by David and Lee Stewart. The first CARE Instructors were certified on February 14, 2001. While individual classes in Raindrop, Vitaflex, Bible oils, Chemistry and Emotional Release were taught throughout 2001, the first Full CARE Intensive, offering the entire CARE Curriculum over a weekend, was offered October 25-27, 2001, in Burlington, Iowa, with 17 students from six states. During 2002 CARE sponsored seven Full Intensives in six states totaling 206 students, all taught by David and Lee. 1975年 ,大衛博士夫婦DR. DAVID AND LEE STEWART成立了自然療法照護中心 NAPSAC,希望以藥草與飲食等天然方 式補足現代醫學的不足與彌補藥物產生 的副作用;這個自然療法中心在高峰期 擁有8000多個成員,包括年輕父母、 助產士、護士、律師、自然療法師、整 骨、醫生、醫院管理人員、政府官員、 公共衛生官員等。

The administration of CARE International is carried out from CARE's Marble Hill, Missouri, Headquarters by David and Lee Stewart with David as President and Lee as Vice President and Treasurer. As Executive Officers and Co-founders of the Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education (CARE International) David and Lee personally teach a limited number of CARE courses each year that include:

If you would like to attend one of the Stewart's CARE Programs, or participate in a CARE Program taught by a Certified CARE Instructor (CCI), consult the CARE Calendar of upcoming seminars to see which ones are nearest to you. CARE offers more than 120 such programs annually. You can also click on Advanced Training on the home page of this website for additional CARE Courses taught by the Stewarts.

History of Medical in Bangalar

Today, through the CARE Faculty of Certified CARE Instructors, CARE Currently offers more than 120 Seminars and Intensives each year, mainly in the U.S. and Canada, and in selected other countries as well. For more on the history of CARE, see the CCI Handbook, available via the "Books and DVDs" section of this website.

‧Healing Oils of the Bible ‧Raindrop Technique ‧Applied Vitaflex ‧Essential Oil Chemistry ‧Emotional Release with Essential Oils ‧And Other Topics including some Advanced Trainings


Before and after the use of bacteria

DAVID STEWART Dr. David Stewart studied theology, philosophy, and English at Central Methodist College in Fayette, Missouri (1955-58) and studied chemistry, biology and social sciences at Central Missouri State University in Warrensburg (1962-63). He also trained as a commercial photographer at Los Angeles Trade Technical College (1959-60). He completed a BS degree in Mathematics and Physics at Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy in 1965 and was salutatorian of his graduating class. His MS and PhD degrees are in geophysics (theoretical seismology) and were earned from the University of Missouri at Rolla in 1969 and 1971 respectively. His doctoral dissertation is a mathematical discourse on vibrational modes and spectral analysis of frequencies in solid matter applying the 3-dimensional tensor calculus developed by Albert Einstein. He spent a semester in medical school at the University of North Carolina (1973) and has been a Certified Childbirth Educator (CCE) with the American Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth (AAHCC) since 1975. He has spent some 200 hours in training with Dr. Gary Young (ND), internationally recognized authority on aromatherapy, essential oil production, and the originator of Raindrop Therapy. Dr. Stewart has also been a Registered Aromatherapist (RA) with the nationally recognized Aromatherapy Registration Council (ARC), which is endorsed by the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapists (NAHA), of which he is a member.


Besides his Ph.D., Dr. Stewart is also a Doctor of Natural Medicine (D.N.M.) recognized and awarded by the World Organization of Natural Medicine Practitioners (WONMP). He has held positions as a hydraulic engineer and hydrologist with the U.S. Geological Survey in Southern California (1965-67). He was a professor on the faculty of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, (1971-1978) and also held a professorship at Southeast Missouri State University (1988-1993). He was also a part-time United Methodist Pastor (1993-94, 1997-99) in rural Missouri. He has been the Executive Director of the InterNational Association of Parents and Professionals for Safe Alternatives in Childbirth (NAPSAC International) since its founding in 1975.

She taught classes on natural childbirth and breastfeeding for expectant parents. In October, 1986, Lee was invited, all expenses paid, as a representative of the United States, to speak on homebirth at an International Childbirth Conference in London, England. Lee has been President and Co-founder of the NAPSAC International since its founding in 1975 to the present. She is coauthor of several books and articles on childbirth and related topics, including Home Schooling. One book she co-authored (Safe Alternatives in Childbirth) is available in both English and Swedish. She is also Chief Editor for most of the books written by her husband, David Stewart. Lee is also a key contributor to all of the notes for CARE Classes, as well as the CCI Handbook, which is the defining instrument for CARE International activities, programs, mission, and policies. Lee has been trained in Raindrop, Vitaflex, and Emotional Release with Gary Young at workshops in Toronto, Canada, Dallas, Texas, and Salt Lake City, Utah. She was chosen as one of a dozen select Raindrop Teachers, world-wide, to receive special training from Gary Young at his clinic in Guayaquil, Ecuador, in May 2007 . Holding a college degree in accounting, Lee keeps the books for CARE International, as well as for the other businesses owned and managed by the Stewart's She also teaches piano lessons during most weekday afternoons.

Lee is the director of two choirs: The Bollinger County Community Choir (BCCC) and the United Methodist Church Choir in Marble Hill. She is the founder of the BCCC back in 1980 who has performed Christmas concerts in churches of many denominations every year since that time. She is an accompanist for the Woodland High School choir (Marble Hill) and a pianist at the Marble Hill United Methodist performing duets with her husband, David, who plays the organ.

Before and after the use of bacteria



The Danger is in the Drug Itself

The Danger is in the Drug Itself The dangers of prescription drugs are intrinsic to the drugs themselves, not in how they are administered.

If you tell most medical doctors that essential oils bring about healing with no negative side effects, they won´t believe you.

No matter how careful the physician in prescribing and how compliant the patient in following doctors orders, even then deaths and damages occur. In fact, according to the U.S.

This is because in medical school, students are repeatedly told by their professors that all effective medicines have negative side effects, and if they don´t then they can´t be effective.

Centers for Disease Control, more than 100,000 Americans die every year, not from illegal drugs, not from drug overdoses, not from over-the-counter drugs, and not from drug abuses, but from properly prescribed, properly taken prescriptions. In this country, more people die from doctor´s rescriptions every ten days than were killed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

When I was in medical school one professor emphasized this point in a colorful, graphic manner with specially prepared slides. In each slide specific drugs were depicted as evil looking demons or goblins.

Why is this so? Why do allopathic drugs always have undesirable effects (along with their apparent benefits) while one can find healing with natural products, such as essential oils, with no undesirable effects? Here is why.


As he presented each picture, he explained, “Although ugly and capable of doing harm, these `demons´ are also the bearers of some good. So long as the benefits outweigh the risks, we use them," he summarized. “We have no choice," he continued, “because if a drug has no dangers, then it can have no benefits. That´s just the way it is. And that´s why it is essential that only qualified physicians be allowed to prescribe medicines," he concluded.

The dangers of prescription drugs are intrinsic to the drugs themselves, not in how they are administered. No matter how careful the physician in prescribing and how compliant the patient in following doctor´s orders, even then deaths and damages occur. In fact, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, more than 100,000 Americans die every year, not from illegal drugs, not from drug overdoses, not from over-the-counter drugs, and not from drug abuses, but from properly prescribed, properly taken prescriptions. In this country, more people die from doctor´s prescriptions every ten days than were killed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

為什麼大多數的醫生不相信 精油具有療效? 『當醫生還在學校就讀時,教授總是 給他們一個觀念,任何藥物都會有副 作用,我們只能從藥物療效與藥物風 險去做一個平衡』;因此他們通常不 相信這世界上具有真正溫和可治療身 體的東西,卻不會產生任何副作用。 -David Steward, PHD, D.N.M(The Chemistry of Essential oils make Simple)

The Danger is in the Drug Itself

The Danger is in the Drug Itself

大衛博士David Stewart還出了一本書 『精油化學讓事情更簡單』,其中他 發現藥物本身的毒性在美國引起的問 題,比恐攻911還要可怕;依據美國疾 病控制中心的統計,每年有10萬人死 於藥物中毒,這些人不是使用了非法 毒品,更不是使用非處方藥,而是使 用了醫生開出來的合法處方藥。 -David Steward, PHD, D.N.M(The Chemistry of Essential oils make Simple)



Essential Oil Pharmaceuticals Compared





1.回歸自然作用 2.沒有副作用 3.對抗病毒 4.改善細胞間隙 (intercellular)溝通 5.修正&恢復細胞記憶(DNA) 6.清理受體位點 7.提升免疫系統 8.情緒性平衡 9.副作用減少 10.逐漸獨立與健康

1.抑制自然作用 2.很多副作用 3.無法對抗病毒 4.中斷細胞間隙 (intercellular)溝通 5.將DNA細胞弄亂 6.阻塞受體位點 7.抑制免疫系統 8.情緒性不平衡 9.副作用增加 10.逐漸依賴與慢性疾病



11.健康是一種自然狀態, 不易產生疾病 12.認為身心理有能力自我 療癒 13.身心靈為完整的單位 14.建立自然防禦系統,使 身體有能力處理疾病 15.細胞智慧層次內在治療

11.自然狀況容易導致疾病 12.認為身心需要透過外力 才可療癒 13.身心靈被片段拆解成各 別單位 14.取代自然防禦系統,並 攻擊疾病 15.重大症狀的外在治療

Essential Oil Pharmaceuticals Compared


許多先進國家的健保給付系統,承認「自然診斷療法」功效,並願意支付人 民接受這些治療產生的費用,包括: 1.美國國家補充與綜合健康研究中心(NCCIH),目前54.9%美國人接受阿育吠 陀 術傳統療法與主流醫學合併使用。 2.英國衛生部National Health Service (NHS) 3.澳洲國立健康與醫學研究理事會(NHMRC) 4.丹麥國立健康委員會( Danish National Board of Health's Council ) 5.加拿大衛生部門Health Canada 6.紐西蘭藥品安全管理局 (The New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority) 7.全球保險公司TATA AIG MediPrime、HDFC Ergo Health Suraksha P.39

The Australian Government Rebate

The Australian Government Rebate on Private Health Insurance for Natural Therapies The review of the Australian Government Rebate on Private Health Insurance (the rebate) for natural therapies (the review), examined the evidence of clinical efficacy, cost effectiveness, safety and quality of natural therapies in scope of the Review. ‧ Professor Chris Baggoley (Chair) Department of Health and Ageing ‧ Dr Raymond Khoury - Australian Traditional Medicine Society ATMS promotes and represents professional practitioners of natural medicine, who are encouraged to pursue the highest ideals of professionalism in their natural medicine practice and education.

ATMS is the only natural medicine practitioner association appointed to two Commonwealth statutory committees, where it represents the interests of the entire natural medicine practitioner profession. ATMS is governed by a Board of Directors. The functions of ATMS are carried out by the Directors, assisted by fulltime and part-time staff. Additionally there are specialised Departments of Massage Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, Naturopathic Nutrition, Naturopathy and Western Herbal Medicine.

The Australian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS) is Australia´s largest national professional association of natural medicine practitioners.

澳洲政府已於2012開始,將個人進行 自然療法所產生的費用,可列為健康 保險己付的一環;如果個人在傳統療 法上進行投保,其保費計入退稅;這 些德政源於一位澳洲非常知名的傳統 藥草協會會長Dr. Raymond Khoury所推 動,他認為傳統自然療法可以降低整 個國家的醫療成本、減少藥物使用, 而且人們可以維持更長久健康狀態。


We are a multi-disciplinary association representing around 12,000 accredited practitioners throughout Australia. ATMS was founded in 1984 and is an incorporated not-for-profit company with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ABN 46 002 844 233).

Dr Raymond Khoury - Australian Traditional Medicine Societ

If individuals are insured on traditional therapies, their premiums are included in the tax rebate; they originate from a very Australian Known traditional herbalist association, Dr. Raymond Khoury, who believes that traditional naturopathic medicine can reduce the cost of medical care throughout the country, reduce the use of drugs, and people can maintain longer-term health status. Because Australia is a vast territory, medical costs are also very expensive, the Australian Traditional Herbal Society for the common or chronic symptoms of modern society, recommended 5 home essential oils:

1. Tea tree oil: against bacteria and viruses 2. Lavender essential oil: skin and autonomic nerve repair 3. Rosemary oil: brain rejuvenation, prevention of Alzheimer's disease 4. Lemon essential oil: Western diet caused by toxins, cancer and obesity 5. Eucalyptus essential oil: air pollution is increasingly serious bronchial expectoration 因為澳洲幅員遼闊、醫療成本也十分昂貴, 澳洲傳統藥草協會針對現代社會常見或慢性 症狀,推薦5項居家常用精油: 1.茶樹精油:對抗細菌與病毒 2.薰衣草精油:肌膚與自律神經修 3.迷迭香精油:大腦回春、預防阿滋海默症 4.檸檬精油:西方飲食造成的毒素、癌與肥胖 5.尤加利精油:空氣污染日漸嚴重的支氣管排痰

The Australian Government Rebate

The Australian Government has introduced the cost of natural therapies to individuals as part of health insurance since 2012.



The History of Aromatherapy


家醫組在人體 症狀的應用

家醫組在人體 症狀的應用

榮獲美國農業部FDA認證為有機(USDA)精油 榮獲澳洲有機認證(ACO)精油 榮獲澳洲在台辦事處Austrade Taipei品牌推薦 榮獲台灣農委會核可為有機農產品 美國FDA將有機精油列為可食用產品 (使用方式請洽Bonnie House專業芳療師) 澳洲TGA將有機精油列為輔助藥品 (使用方式請洽Bonnie House專業芳療師)

Tea Tree Essential Oil "Bungawalbyn" is a native tea plantation Tea tree is also known as the Australian country tree 45 kinds of essential oil compound olecules High antimicrobial concentration: 4-terpineol (Terpinen 4-ol) content than the current Australian national standard 10% higher, was named the 6-star tea tree oil Stimulate molecular ultra-low: eucalyptol (1-8-Cineole) close to 0, can be used directly applied to the skin.

Look to eternity

Essential Oils for Nature Cure 自然療法常用精油

天然抗生素專家 -邦加沃賓原生種茶樹精油: 澳洲『邦加沃賓Bungawalbyn』原生種茶樹 茶樹又被稱為澳洲國樹 45種精油化合分子組成 抗菌濃度超高:4-松油醇(Terpinen 4-ol)含量 比目前澳洲國家標準高10%,被評為6星級 茶樹精油 刺激分子超低:桉樹油素(1-8-Cineole)趨近 於0,可用來直接塗抹於肌膚上。


The History of Aromatherapy

Bonnie House雙國際有機認證茶樹精油所含的 親膚性高,能直接殺死病菌的4-松油醇高達


六星級有機茶樹精油 100%澳洲有機原生品種茶樹 市面上唯一食用、理療等級 抗菌效果佳、親膚性高

4-5星級茶樹精油 一般天然茶樹品種 醫美保養品成分 抗菌效果普通、些微刺激

2-3星級茶樹精油 化學合成茶樹分子 居家清潔用品成分 抗菌效果較差、刺激性高


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尤加利醇(1.8桉油醇):趨近於0,不易刺激肌膚 可直接塗抹於肌膚



The History of Aromatherapy

Tea Tree Uses Tea tree oil has been used as a traditional medicine for many years. The earliest publication in the 1920s described the use of tea tree oil as a topical germicidal product. Tea tree oil has been sold in the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, Sweden and other European countries since the early 1930´s and there has been a consistent and long standing use of tea tree oil demonstrated since 1930 internationally and in the European Community. The clinical use of tea tree oil is described in monographs published by the World Health Organisation, British Pharmacopoeia and The Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (Martindale) and ESCOP (2009). In August 2007, RIRDC and ATTIA published a comprehensive dossier on the Safety and Effectiveness of Tea Tree Oil. To access a copy of this document please click on the link. Considerable research, much of it by the Tea Tree Oil Research Group at The University of Western Australia, has revealed tea tree oil to be effective as an antibacterial, antifungal, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory. RIRDC has funded the bulk of this research. More recently, researchers, noting the early findings, conducted clinical trials to confirm the antibacterial activity, antifungal activity, antiviral activity and antiprotozoal activity under modern controlled clinical trial conditions.


More recently, a report released in July 2010 has highlighted the positive role tea tree oil (TTO) may play in the future in treating people with skin cancer.The identification of anti-cancer activity of TTO is an important step in the process to identify, test and implement effective treatments for skin cancer. More information is available here. 天然抗生素專家 -茶樹精油在現代醫學之應用 1923年,澳大利亞雪梨國家博物館研究員、化學家 潘佛德博士 (Dr. Arthur Penfold) 研究,發現茶 樹精油具有強力殺菌效果。 1939年,澳洲皇家海軍與陸軍將茶樹精油列為軍用 物資,在第二次世界大戰期間,被派往熱帶地區作 戰的澳洲軍人均會拿到國家分發茶樹精油,用來治 療刀槍傷、割傷、蚊蟲咬傷或細菌感染; 被譽為『裝在瓶裡的急救工具』。 1960年代,茶樹精油受到澳洲、美、英、澳、法、 德、日的自然療法醫學界肯定。其功效: a.7天內可以殺死葡萄球菌、白色念珠菌 b.茶樹精油能滲入皮下,幫助傷口、膿腫、癤癒合 c.乾癬、膿皰、婦科感染或為黴菌感染的香港腳、 癬及灰指甲。 1983 年,澳大利亞聯合食品實驗室進行皮膚消毒 試驗,結果更是驚人: a.未洗手前,手上細菌數為(每50公分)3,000個以上 b.以純淨蒸餾水洗手,手上細菌(每50公分) 降至 2,000個 c.以茶樹精油稀釋洗手,手上細菌為0

From the opening speech by Dr Alan Twomey at the 1995 Tea Tree Oil National Conference - from folklore to fact in August 1995 The indigenous Bundjalung people of eastern Australia are believed to have used tea trees as a traditional medicine for many years in a variety of ways including inhaling the oil from the crushed leaves to treat coughs and colds, applying the leaves on wounds as a poultice as well as brewing an infusion of the leaves to make a tea for treatment of sore throats or applying on the skin for minor wounds, abrasions and insect bites and stings. One of the areas where tea trees are grown in abundance today is called Bungawalbyn which translates to 'healing ground'. Captain James Cook named the tea tree because he observed the Bundjalung people of eastern Australia use the leaves to prepare a healing tea and it is reported that his men used the leaves first to make a tea and then to brew a type of beer!

tea tree industry was born. The oil was produced from natural bush stands of M. alternifolia with the plant material being harvested by hand and distilled on the spot in mobile wood-fired bush stills.

茶樹的應用 澳洲邦加隆族的『茶樹醫療』史 •澳洲東南沿岸的邦加隆族(Bun djalung),幾

Look to eternity

History of Tea Tree Oil

千年來,只要族人有重大感染或疾病,就會在 一個長滿茶樹山谷的沼澤地,採收茶樹葉,他 們稱這個山谷為『邦加沃賓』 (Bungawalbyn) ,意即『醫療之地』。 •他們採集茶樹葉煎煮飲用,用來治療多種病症 •用茶樹來做消毒劑 •將茶樹葉汁液或搗糊茶樹葉來塗敷傷口,用以 治療感染的傷口 •燻燒茶樹葉來緩解充血現象

Arthur Penfold in collaboration with FR Morrison published the first reports of pure tea tree oil´s antimicrobial activity in a series of papers in the 1920s and 1930s. In evaluating the antimicrobial activity of M. alternifolia, tea tree oil was rated as 11- 13 times more active than phenol while being milder and therefore safer for topical application. Shortly after the medicinal properties of the oil were first reported by Penfold, 'healing ground'. Captain James Cook named the tea tree because he observed the Bundjalung people of eastern Australia use the leaves to prepare a healing tea and it is the


The History of Aromatherapy

地圖 法國SCA3P薰衣草精油,亞太與紐澳 地區,只授權『具有國際雙有機

認證的Bonnie House』銷售!


法國拿破侖的皇后蒙蒂霍Eugénie de Montijo經常將薰衣草放入茶飲中,用來對 治偏頭痛;也將薰衣草放入棉被裡,用來 幫助放鬆心情、幫助睡眠。 18世紀法國化學家蓋特佛塞Gattefosse (芳香療法之父)在實驗進行中發生爆炸 ,不小心燙傷了手,情急之下他將手浸入 手邊薰衣草精油中,結果他的手奇蹟似地 像不曾發生過任何事! 澳洲 柏斯西方大學,在心臟手術間以薰衣 草精油擴香,竟然可降低病患在術後的疼 痛與焦慮

Look to eternity

最佳修護專家 -皇家御用真正薰衣草精油:

University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia. ( The effect of cold application and lavender oil inhalation in cardiac surgery patients undergoing chest tube removal.)

澳洲聖喬治醫院癌症中心使用薰衣草精油 擴香,發現病患的疼痛與沮喪程度降低。

Cancer Care Centre, St George Hospital, Kogarah, Australia. (Inhalation Aromatherapy During Radiotherapy: Results of a Placebo-Controlled Double-Blind Randomized Trial)

澳洲查爾斯大學以薰衣草精油代替碘酒, 處理會陰部開刀傷口修護 Charles Sturt University (Antiparasitic activity of two Lavandula essential oils against Giardia duodenalis, Trichomonas vaginalis and Hexamita inflata.)

國立澳洲坎培拉大學使用薰衣草精油處理燒燙傷 -The Australian National University, Canberra


The History of Aromatherapy

Bonnie House雙國際有機認證高山薰衣草精油含有 醫學價值分子芳樟醇43.71%及乙酸芳樟酯36.94%, 高於醫學期刊建議的40.26%及21.38%。

六星級有機高山薰衣草精油 唯一達到理療等級 臨床醫學治療廣泛使用之薰衣草品種 成本是一般薰衣草精油的10倍 有效協同作用的芳療分子達40種以上↑

4-5星級醒目薰衣草精油 芳樟醇24%、乙酸芳樟酯13% 芳療分子僅20種,氣味刺鼻 僅為香氛用途

2-3星級穗花薰衣草精油 芳樟醇30%、無酯類 芳療分子不到20種,不適合小孩老人 僅為觀賞使用 P.26

Look to eternity



乙酸芳樟酯:具安撫、鎮靜情緒效用 35 20.290






β-石竹烯:消炎、止痛、止癢、抗過敏 P.27

The History of Aromatherapy

Lavender oil significantly heart rate, respiratory rate and skin temperature) wererecorded as indicators of the arousal level of thenervous system. In addition, subjects had to rate theirmood state in terms of good, bad, active, drowsy, fresh,relaxed, stressed, uncomfortable, romantic, frustrated,calm, and disgusted in order to assess subjectivebehavioral arousal.Inhalation of lavender oil significantlynervous system, its main component, linalool, is usedas a compound to study its effects compared withplain lavender oil. It is noteworthy that Heubergeret al(22) found the reduction of blood pressure andskin temperature after applying linalool to the skin ofparticipants. In addition, linalool has a lot of isoformsin nature such as R)-(One study using R-(

嗅吸薰衣草精油對自律系統平衡的影響 嗅吸薰衣草精油時,腦波的能量有明顯大 幅增加(紅色區域的部分)。 在心情方面,使用薰衣草精油的受測者, 心情上更積極、新鮮與輕鬆。 因此結果發現嗅吸薰衣草精油確實有助於 放鬆之效。


Located at the heart center, the fourth chakra, anahata is at the middle of the seven and unites the lower chakras of matter and the upper chakras of spirit. The fourth is also spiritual but serves as a bridge between our body, mind, emotions, and spirit. The heart chakra is our source of love and connection.

The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system and a vital part of the immune system, comprising a network of lymphatic vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph (from Latin, lympha meaning "water"[1]) directionally towards the heart. The lymphatic system was first described in the seventeenth century independently by Olaus Rudbeck and Thomas Bartholin. Unlike the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system is not a closed system. The human circulatory system processes an average of 20 liters of blood per day through capillary filtration, which removes plasma while leaving the blood cells. Roughly 17 litres of the

國外藥典網站報導薰衣草功效 臨床實驗證明,薰衣草精油可以比擬鎮定劑 和抗憂鬱劑;只要以按摩方式,薰衣草精油 5分鐘就可以滲透至血液中,在身體運行90 分鐘後,即可排出體外,在使用薰衣草精油 6週後,38位憂鬱患者的泛憂鬱指數竟可下 降約45%。

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Lymphatic system

filtered plasma are reabsorbed directly into the blood vessels, while the remaining three litres remain in the interstitial fluid. One of the main functions of the lymph system is to provide an accessory return route to the blood for the surplus three litres.[2]

另外一個臨床實驗,也發現221個憂鬱患者 在接受10週療程後,因憂鬱指數平均下降 了16分之後,而使得其睡眠品質大大顯著 提升。


The History of Aromatherapy

中國大陸 細葉尤加利Eucalyptus tereticornis

印度 薄荷尤加利 Eucalyptus dives

印度 薄荷尤加利 Eucalyptus 非洲 細葉尤加利Eucalyptus tereticornis

東南亞 赤桉(小葉尤加利) Eucalyptus

澳洲 檸檬尤加利 Eucalyptus citriodora

澳洲藍山 Australian Bonnie House 藍金尤加利(藍膠) Eucalyptus polybractea 澳洲墨爾本 史密斯尤加利Eucalyptus Smithii


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呼吸道專家 -澳洲藍金尤加利精油 澳洲『藍山Blue Mountain』藍金尤加利 在澳洲東海岸有80%的森林為尤加利 林地,這是無尾熊的食物,也是南半 球『氧生處』。 頂級的尤加利在艱苦環境下成長茁壯 ,被檢驗出至少34種活性,其中影響 精油品質的成份-桉油醇,需要達到 80%以上,才用來舒緩呼吸道,而稱 為6星級理療尤加利精油。


尤加利油被放大400倍後, 看到其結晶體十分優美

肺部的清道夫 尤加利精油360度結晶體型狀圓滑, 可順利到達下呼吸道。 並包覆懸浮粒子、有害微生物、髒汙, 幫助纖毛順利排出廢物。


The History of Aromatherapy

Bonnie house 雙國際有機認證藍金尤加利精油 含有醫學價值分子尤加利醇(1.8-桉油醇)81.82% 高於醫學期刊建議的70%

六星級有機藍金尤加利精油 唯一達到理療等級 臨床呼吸道疾病治療使用有機藍金尤加利精油 成本是一般尤加利精油的10倍

4-5星級尤加利用精油 史密斯尤加利、檸檬尤加利 當止痛塗擦劑或日用品 漱口水、手工皂的天然香氛原料

2-3星級尤加利精油 非有機、薄荷尤加利、薄荷酮等 用來當作廉價的殺菌劑


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6 7.953 1250674 1.65 94 18172-67-3 .beta.-pinene 7 8.178 93542 0.12 88 147-91-3 .beta.-pinene

β-蒎烯:幫助氣管擴張,增進血液及肺泡氧氣交換能力 13 9.430 61894432

81.82 94 470-82-6 Eucalyptol

尤加利醇(1.8桉油醇):增加肺部黏膜及纖毛排除髒污及有害微生物的 能力,幫助祛痰、排除黏液。


The History of Aromatherapy

Eucalyptus, A History of Healing The name eucalyptus is derived from the Greek eu, meaning `well´, and kalyptos, meaning `cover´. Eu Kalyptos refers to the well-covered flower buds, which are cone shaped and have a lid-like structure that opens as the flowers mature. Over the years as the medicinal benefits became apparent this meaning has been expanded to mean that eucalyptus “covers well" a variety of common conditions. Over 600 Species of Eucalyptus All eucalyptus trees originate in Australia. The 600 or so species have been transplanted to many other warm parts of the world such as Central Asia, North Africa, and parts of the warmer climates of Europe, North and South America. The trees are fast growing and are beautifully picturesque. Not only are they esthetic to the eye, they serve well to prevent soil erosion and provide a welcome home for a number of unique and endangered critters. The evergreen eucalyptus tree´s bark can exude a sweet smelling gum. However, the leaves contain droplets of essential oil and those of the Tasmanian Blue Gum are considered the most esteem for healing. Historians tell us the Aborigines of Australia relied on this native evergreen for soothing painful joints and healing skin lesions. Settlers to the continent dubbed it the “Fever Tree" in recognition of its disease-fighting powers.

1788年,英國艦隊外科主治醫生(約 翰•懷特John.White)初次來到澳洲 ,他發現雪梨有一種植物葉子,咀嚼 起來像是英國常使用的薄荷,讓人呼 吸十分舒暢清涼,當時稱其植物叫做 『雪梨薄荷』,也就是現代所稱的尤 加利;英國人發現澳洲4000年前就有 尤加利樹,當地原住民經常使用水浸 泡葉子,然後喝下浸泡液以治療發燒 、咳嗽與化痰,還會燃燒尤加利葉以 消毒環境與淨化空氣,又稱其為抗燒 樹(Australian fever tree)。


Once Europeans were introduced to the eucalyptus tree, they too rapidly recognized its gifts, medicinal and otherwise. In fact, they began to rely so heavily on eucalyptus oil for sterilizing medical and surgical equipment that it was briefly referred to as “catheter oil". Referring to the oil´s ability to purge bacteria and sterilize. Early Eucalyptus Studies Oil of eucalyptus has been distilled since at least 1788 when two doctors, John White and Dennis Cossiden, distilled eucalyptus for its use in treating chest problems and colic. Early works on the antiseptic and bacterial properties of the oil were published in Germany by Dr. Colez (1870). This was followed by a publication by Dr. Faust and Dr. Homeyer in 1874. They classified it as being sudorific, anticatarrhal and astringent. It was prescribed for all respiratory system conditions such as bronchitis, flu, asthma and coughs. As the use of eucalyptus spread, history records many more applications. In parts of Asia, travelers used it as a topical liniment.

英國人發現澳洲4000年前就有尤加利 樹,當地原住民經常燃燒尤加利葉以 消毒環境。

2. Clear Your Chest Coughing, but nothing is coming up? Eucalyptus oil can not only silence a cough, it can also help you get the mucus out of your chest. Inhaling vapor made with the essential oil can loosen mucus so that when you do cough, the mucus is loosened. Using a rub containing eucalyptus oil will produce the same effect. 3. Keep the Bugs Away Mosquitoes and other biting insects carry diseases that can be dangerous to our health. Avoiding their bites is our best defense. DEET sprays are the most popular repellants, but they´re made with strong chemicals. As an effective alternative for those who aren´t able to use DEET, many manufactures also make a botanical compound to repel the pests. Brands such as Repel and Off! use oil of lemon eucalyptus to keep the pests away. 4. Disinfect Wounds The Australian aborigines used eucalyptus leaves to treat wounds and prevent infection. Today the diluted oil may still be used on the skin to fight inflammation and promote healing. You can purchase creams or ointments that have eucalyptus oil as an ingredient. These products may be used on minor burns or other injuries that can be treated at home.

2010年澳洲醫學研究顯示:不管支氣管化 膿與否,尤加利精油皆可用來處理處理呼 吸系統的問題。 (SadlonAE,LamsonDW.Immune-modifying and antimicrobial effects of ucalyptus oil and simple inhalation devices. Altern Med Rev. 2010 Apr;15(1):33-47. Review.)

5. Breathe Easy Respiratory conditions such as asthma and sinusitis may be helped by inhaling steam with added eucalyptus oil. The oil reacts with mucous membranes, not only reducing mucus but helping loosen it so that you can cough it up. It´s also possible that eucalyptus contains a chemical that helps block asthma symptoms. On the other hand, for people who are allergic to eucalyptus, it may actually worsen their asthma. More research is needed to determine how eucalyptus affects people with asthma.

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1. Silence a Cough For many years, eucalyptus oil has been used to relieve coughing. Today, some over-the-counter cough medications have eucalyptus oil as one of their active ingredients. Vicks VapoRub, for example, contains about 1.2 percent eucalyptus oil along with other cough suppressant chemicals. The popular rub is applied to the chest and throat to relieve cough symptoms from a common cold or flu.

6. Control Blood Sugar Eucalyptus oil might have potential as a treatment for diabetes. Although we don´t know much, experts believe it may play a role in lowering blood sugar in people with diabetes. Researchers haven´t yet figured out how the essential oil works. However, until more is known, the scientific community recommends careful blood sugar monitoring for people using diabetes medication with eucalyptus oil.

台灣地區每到秋冬季節,PM2.5經常達紅 色警戒範圍;根據國內外醫學研究已證 實PM2.5,支氣管炎機率多增3.05倍。美 國研究也發現,長期暴露PM2.5環境下, 容易造成慢性肺疾病、兒童氣喘心臟疾 病、肺癌等。 2008年紐約大學Langone醫學中心研究: 每天3次吸入尤加利桉油醇200毫克,可 以改善鼻竇感染問題。 2003年德國政府已批準尤加利可治療喉 嚨發炎的植物。 在美國許多口咳嗽和感冒藥中,可以找 到尤加利萃取的成份。 緩解咳嗽:一種治療咳嗽的藥叫Vicks VapoRub,它就含有1.2%的尤加利油 西班牙聖地亞哥醫學院University of Santiago de Compostela 研究:尤加利 有助減緩支氣管腫脹與發紅問題。


The History of Aromatherapy

葡萄牙 Portugal 樟腦迷迭香 Rosmarinus officinalis, Camphor 法國 France 馬鞭草迷迭香 Rosmarinus officinalis, Verbenone 南斯拉夫Yugoslavia 馬鞭草迷迭香 Rosmarinus officinalis, 義大利 Italy 樟腦迷迭香 Rosmarinus officinalis, Camphor 摩洛哥 Morocco 樟腦迷迭香 Rosmarinus officinalis, Camphor 非洲 Africa 樟腦迷迭香 Rosmarinus officinalis, Camphor

西班牙 Spain Bonnie House 桉油醇迷迭香 Murcia Rosemary Hierba de memoria

Rosemarinys officinalis (CT cineol) P.26

Shakespeare´s famous scene from Hamlet features an increasingly unbalanced Ophelia, who talks, sings, and babbles about her father´s death, to her brother, Laertes. Interestingly, the exact quote from the play doesn´t include the phrase, “rosemary for remembrance." Rather it is: “There´s rosemary, that´s for remembrance; pray, love, remember."There are many interpretations of this scene, but since it occurs shortly before Ophelia´s death, a number of scholars believe that the idea of “rosemary for remembrance" is of somewhat lesser importance. Instead, they argue that Shakespeare uses the herb to allude to the common convention of placing it on the bodies of the dead. In this way, he is able to foreshadow Ophelia´s impending demise.

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“Rosemary for remembrance" is a phrase that most often references the character Ophelia´s words in William Shakespeare´s play, Hamlet. The association of rosemary with remembrance, and with funerals, mourning or celebrations, predates the bard´s play. Undoubtedly, Shakespeare´s words have proven memorable and influential, as shown by the writings of others. Interestingly, though, in a scientific context, rosemary and memory do share important connections.

Another interpretation that might make sense is that rosemary is a fragrance that clings. Ophelia´s absence is felt almost as much as her presence, and it partially drives the actions of her brother. She resembles the tenacity of rosemary´s aroma, and the way it lingers.

西元1599年迷迭香是雋永回憶的氣味 在莎士比亞劇作「哈姆雷特Hamlet」中,女主角奧菲莉亞Ophelia投水自盡前說道 :「迷迭香代表回憶,希望她的愛人能夠重拾美好過去,讓仇恨隨風而逝」。

迷迭香是匈牙利女王回春配方 迷迭香氣味濃郁芳冽,是「匈牙利花露水」最重要的 成份,西元1370年由匈牙利女王依莎貝拉的獨家發明 ,也是歐洲最早使用蒸餾法製造的香水,其中最主要 的成份就是迷迭香。


The History of Aromatherapy

Bonnioe House雙國際有機認證迷迭香精油含有 醫學價值分子桉油醇48.8%及樟腦10.79% 高於醫學期刊建議的35%及10%。

六星級有機迷迭香精油 唯一達到理療等級 安全性高,老人小孩亦可使用 成本是其他品種迷迭香精油13倍

4-5星級馬鞭草迷迭香精油 不含桉油醇及樟腦 僅用於護膚用途

2-3星級樟腦迷迭香精油 桉油醇15%、樟腦21% 氣味刺鼻,多用於種植防蚊盆栽


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The History of Aromatherapy

Dr. Mark Moss, who presented the findings at the British Psychology Society conference, said that evidence was accumulating to show the benefits of rosemary aroma. He said, “We wanted to build on our previous research that indicated rosemary aroma improved long-term memory and mental arithmetic. In this study, we focused on prospective memory, which involves the ability to remember events that will occur in the future and to remember complete tasks at particular times. This is critical for everyday functioning, for example when someone needs to remember to post a birthday card or to take medication at a particular time." (Digital Journal) Co-researcher Jemma McCready, said, “The difference between the two groups was 60-75 percent, for example, one group would remember to do seven things compared with four tasks completed by those who did not smell the oil, and they were quicker. We deliberately set them a lot of tasks, so it is possible that people who multi-task could function better after sniffing rosemary oil. There was no link between the participants´ mood and memory. This suggests performance is not influenced as a consequence of changes in alertness or arousal. These findings may have implications for treating individuals with memory impairments. It supports our previous research indicating that the aroma of rosemary essential oil can enhance cognitive functioning in healthy adults, here extending to the ability to remember events and to complete tasks in the future. Remembering when and where to go and for what reasons underpins everything we do, and we all suffer minor failings that can be frustrating and sometimes dangerous. Further research is needed to investigate if this treatment is useful for older adults who have experienced memory decline." Although the testing was very positive, more research needs to be done to determine whether smelling rosemary will improve memory for those who need it. However, unlike many medications, it will not hurt to try it out.It is also important to note that the findings have not been published in a peer-reviewed journal. (WebMD)

英國新堡諾森比亞大學心理學教授Dr. Mark Ross,在英國心理學會中發表了一 份嗅聞迷迭香精油,的確可以增強記憶 功能。 (Published 8-April-2013 by Jenny Hope at dailymail.co.uk) 迷迭香除了對健康的人有幫助外,更可 幫助患有記憶障礙的人,主要是迷迭香 可以幫助我們改善長期記憶與心算部份 。實驗分成2組,其中有一組進入到佈 滿迷迭香精油香氣的房間,這一組有 75%的受測者可以很輕易寫出他們在房 間裡看到的眾卡片,而對照組的受測者 卻無法如此完成此任務。Dr. Mark Ross更 進一步抽取受測者血液進行分析發現在 迷迭香房間中的受測者的血液中,找到 了濃郁的1,8-桉葉素(1,8-Cineole) 成份 ,這些成份是通過鼻子被聞後已被吸收 到血液中。 -英國中央研究社期刊發表


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Inhibitory assay for 5a-reductase. Type II 5aRwasprepared according to the method reported with modifi-ca�ons (Imai, 1965). Rats (Wistar, 9 weeks) werepurchased from Shimizu Laboratory 。 Supplies Co. Ltd.and kept at constant temperature (25 C) and humiditywith 12 h light and dark cycles for 11 days. Water andpellet chow (Labo MR stock, Nosan Corpora�on, TokyoJapan) were freely available. The epididymis was takenfrom 100 rats and homogenized with a blender in cooledphysiological saline containing 0.25 M sucrose, 1 mMdithiothreitol, and a protease inhibitor cocktail. Thehomogenate was filtered through gauze and centrifugedat 3000 x g for 10 min. The supernatant was centrifugedagain under the same condi�ons to obtain a supernatantas a crude enzyme solu�on. The protein concentra�onwas determined using Protein Assay methodology (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Hercules, CA, USA). The crude 。 and stored enzyme solu�on was diluted to 10 mg/mL at-85 C un�l use.

近年也有研究顯示,迷迭香能夠刺激 血流循環及有助腦部功能,由於它能 促進顱內血液循環,有助預防阿茲海 默症、記憶減退、嗅覺退化、視力衰 退等,增進思考及記憶的重整。迷迭 香頭暈、頭痛及退燒很有幫助。 國際神經科學雜誌發表桑比亞大學 (University of Northumbria, Newcastle) 在144位病患研究中發現:早上吸取 迷迭香,可提升整體憶力品質、也可 使專注力、生活滿意度增加。

育髮-迷迭香精油可以防止光明頂產生,還可以減 緩髮色灰化速度,也可改善頭皮屑與乾躁頭皮問題 。Francesc Casadó Galcerá博士的育髮專利中,最主要 的成份就是迷迭香,實驗結果發現:新毛髮生長提 升了22.4%、提升頭髮生長速度、提升頭皮微循環 、減少頭髮掉落 -威利國際科學圖書館期刊 Published online 20 April 2012

從25歲開始,我們大腦已開始初老, 處理資訊的速度平均每年下降1%, 而通常到了40歲左右才發現大腦已經 老化。 日本浦上醫師研究了10年發現迷迭香 能夠幫助腦神經細胞再生,成功幫助 阿滋海默症病患步向遠離失智與失憶 之路。



The History of Aromatherapy


Mentha cultivation set to rise again LUCKNOW: The cultivation of mentha in Uttar Pradesh is likely to see an upsurge this year after a lull in the past year. Uttar Pradesh records the highest production of mentha oil in the country. Reports suggest that metha sowing has already started with the recent rainy spell and would be over by the end of February. It is estimated that the overall sowing area may remain higher this year. The total area under mentha crop cultivation is expected at 2.10 lakh hectares (ha) this year from 1.75 lakh ha during the previous year. Metha had caught the imagination of farmers in Uttar Pradesh some years ago with a sudden surge in demand for mentha oil in various medicinal and cosmetic industries. The biggest chunk of this surge reportedly came from the paan masala

and gutka making units. However, the ban on the sale of gutka in many states in the recent past led to a reduced demand of mentha oil in the domestic sector resulting to its price falling to a little over Rs 1100 in October last from a high of Rs 1,686 a year ago. At the same time, its demand slowed from overseas markets due to weakening global economies.

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Bonnie house 六星級理療等級有機薄荷精油

It is learnt that a huge stock of menthe oil is lying in the mandi godowns. In the current season, the production of mentha oil is estimated at about 50,000 to 60.000 tons, 印度Barabanki薄荷田是國家級專門生 產藥用與食品用的有機薄荷田,也包 括應口腔護理產業、薄荷飲料產業

有機薄荷精油 唯一理療等級的薄荷品種其含油量僅有 0.1%~1%以下,至少要一公噸以上的有機 薄荷葉才有辦法萃取1kg左右的有機薄荷精 油。 此種理療等級的薄荷品種是需要非常充足 的光線及水量才能含有足夠的有效醫療分 子,印度Barbanki薄荷田維持全年每日日照 在12小時以上,年均降雨量達到1000mm ,才有充足的自然條件孕育出真正六星醫 藥級,含有豐厚薄荷醇的Bonnie House國際 雙有機百分百薄荷精油。


The History of Aromatherapy

Bonnioe House雙國際有機認證薄荷精油含有 醫學價值分子薄荷醇34.32%及薄荷酮25.9% 高於醫學期刊建議的29%及20%。

六星級有機胡椒薄荷 唯一達到理療等級 研究證實具多種臨床醫學價值之薄荷品種

4-5星級薄荷精油 提振精神 食品工業調味原料

2-3星級薄荷精油 多為觀賞盆栽 除蟲驅蚊效果 不宜內服


17 24.540





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薄荷酮:提神醒腦,緩解頭痛,降低暈眩感,止嘔 21 25.275


34.32 97





The History of Aromatherapy

中暑 頭暈目眩 嗅吸 塗抹太陽穴

胸口痛 上氣不接下氣 嗅吸、稀釋後 從喉部塗抹到前胸

膽結石引起 上腹疼痛 稀釋後塗抹在疼痛位置 正中腹部、右上腹

泌尿系統結石 引起下腹疼痛 稀釋後由後腰往下腹部到 尿道上方塗抹 (請勿塗抹到私密處肌膚)


頭痛 嗅吸 塗抹太陽穴

腸躁症 腸胃疼痛 稀釋後 塗抹在肚臍周圍

痛經 稀釋後由後腰往下腹 卵巢子宮部位塗抹

肌肉乳酸 堆積痠痛 稀釋後塗抹在肌肉痠痛處 幫助局部降溫、降低疼痛

1. Muscle Pain Relief –Peppermint essential oil is a very effective natural painkiller and muscle relaxant. It is especially helpful in soothing an aching back, sore muscles, and melting away a tension headache. A study shows that peppermint oil applied topically has pain relief benefits associated with Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome. The study found that peppermint oil, eucalyptus, menthol, capsaicin and other herbal preparations may be helpful. Calyptus, menthol, capsaicin and other herbal preparations.(1) Try my recipe for homemade muscle rub to ease muscle pain.

2. Sinus Care –Inhaling diffused peppermint oil can oftentimes immediately unclog your sinuses and offer relief to scratchy throats. Peppermint acts as an expectorant and may provide relief for colds, cough, sinusitis, asthma, and bronchitis.

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Top 25 Peppermint Oil Uses and Benefits

3. Joint Therapy –When your joints get achy, applying some pure peppermint oil mixed with lavender oil can cool muscles like an ice bath, but help you to stay warm and dry. 4. Reduce Hunger Cravings –Inhaling

薄荷精油在國際期刊中有302篇科學研究、2297篇關於薄荷醇 功效,皆提及薄荷可以處理一般人常面對的25種問題:

1.頭頸部: 加在洗髮精中輔助生髮 頭痛退燒 通暢鼻腔阻塞 舒緩鼻子過敏 有益呼吸系統 清新口氣、減少蛀牙 幼兒乳牙生長期疼痛 痤瘡調理

2.胃腸: 減少飢餓感 腸躁症治療 改善脹氣與消化不良 舒緩噁心反胃 舒緩嬰兒胃腸絞痛

3.肌肉: 緩解肌肉疼痛 治療風濕性關節疼痛

4.皮膚: 止癢 改善膚質 舒緩肌膚曬傷 天然蚊蟲驅除劑

5.全面性照護: 天然能量補充劑 過動症輔助治療 平衡荷爾蒙並減緩多囊性卵巢症狀 癌症治療 P.27

The History of Aromatherapy

St. John´s wort is natural. It´s an herbal supplement that doesn´t require a prescription and you can buy it at a health food store. Sounds good, but that doesn´t necessarily make it harmless, according to a new study published in the journal Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology. Researchers at the University of Adelaide compared adverse events of St. John´s wort and the antidepressant drug fluoxetine (Prozac). The team used information from doctors´ reports to Australia´s national agency on drug safety.

「聖約翰草油」又稱「金絲桃油」,古希 臘名為Hypericon,傳說具有驅邪保護作用 的藥草;若是將其葉子拿到光源處,葉子 上半部會出現孔狀透光;若將聖約翰草花 苞在手中揉搓,它會釋放出紅色的金絲桃 素(hyper-cin),這種物質會將手指染紅,也 是聖約翰草浸泡油呈現深紅色的主因。 Bonnie House領先業界使用曬乾的聖約翰藥 草製成的浸泡油呈棕綠色,在陽光的照射 下更富含維他命E,也不會將手指染紅, 是更加優質的有機聖約翰草油。 十字軍聖戰期間,聖約翰軍的騎士們會以 這種植物來治療受傷的士兵傷口,在中古 世紀,這種藥草也被用來抵禦巫術與避邪 ,就現代的觀點來看,聖約翰草油實質具 有殺菌能力。


St John's wort is a herbal remedy that has been used for hundreds of years to treat mental health problems. Today it is mainly used as an over the counter remedy to treat mild and moderate depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), mild anxiety and sleep problems. The botanical name for St John´s wort is Hypericum perforatum, and it is sometimes marketed and sold as `Hypericum´. It contains the ingredients hypericin and hyperforin, that have been used for their antidepressant properties.

Sounds good, but that doesn´t necessarily make it harmless, according to a new study published in the journal Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology. Researchers at the University of Adelaide compared adverse events of St. John´s wort and the antidepressant drug fluoxetine (Prozac). The team used information from doctors´ reports to Australia´s national agency on drug safety.

St John's wort is a herbal remedy that has been used for hundreds of years to treat mental health problems. Today it is mainly used as an over the counter remedy to treat mild and moderate depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), mild anxiety and sleep problems. The botanical name for St John´s wort is Hypericum perforatum, and it is sometimes marketed and sold as `Hypericum´. It contains the ingredients hypericin and hyperforin, that have been used for their antidepressant properties.

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St. John´s wort is natural. It´s an herbal supplement that doesn´t require a prescription and you can buy it at a health food store.

西元400年前希臘女巫們就深信,聖約翰 草在盛夏時節採收具有驅邪魔力,他們會 把聖約翰草綁成一豎(或者綁成小人偶的 形式),焚燒或將之投到祈禱的火堆之中 。 十字軍東征時,在耶路撒冷有名聖約翰騎 士,在征戰時受到嚴重外傷,途中順手抓 取當地野生藥草「金絲桃植物」而得到療 癒,因此,此草傳回歐洲稱為聖約翰草, 並在騎士兵團中擁有相當的地位。 在南德某些村莊還保有「約翰火祭」的習 俗。人們圍著火推將聖約翰草編成花環帶 在頭上並圍繞火堆跳舞祈福,祈禱可以驅 趕魔物。


The History of Aromatherapy

Bonnie House國際有機認證聖約翰草油含有 醫學價值分子金絲桃素65%, 高於醫學期刊建議的56%。

六星級有機聖約翰草藥油 唯一達到理療等級 燒燙傷中心、精神科診所指定使用 經獨特曝曬過程,含豐富維他命E

4-5星級非有機聖約翰油 金絲桃素35% 僅為護膚用途

2-3星級非有機聖約翰油 金絲桃素低於10% 僅用於手工皂製作


Look to eternity



The History of Aromatherapy

會員推薦 我是有慢性蕁麻疹體質,已有十幾 年了,加上有異位性皮膚炎及濕疹 ,只要有高壓情況、天氣變化,我 的症狀更為明顯。長年以來我每天 必須服用抗組織胺來抑制病情,更 看過各大皮膚科門診,但我知道這 只是治標不治本,還是必須由體內 改善作起,我是個嚴重敏感到只要 接觸到有化學成份或有毒的清潔劑 、化妝品、保養品....就會立即反應 過敏的人,所以在外使用任何物品 更要極為注意! 最近我的兩隻手背濕疹復發,擦了 藥仍反覆發作,因最近有在看中醫 調理體質,醫師拿了罐紫草膏給我 擦,但可能是我皮膚過於敏感不適 ,導致愈發嚴重,半夜無意識抓癢 ,以致受傷紅腫,看著我的手真的 哭了! 到櫃上翌芳向我分享新品聖約翰草 油好處,也讓我試擦在兩手背,大約

2015.7月 台南遠百會員林汶芳小姐 推薦

過了兩三小時吧!發現紅腫漸退,不 再癢,持續擦,情況愈來愈改善,突 然覺得ㄧ片光明,我的爛手有救了! 真的很感謝翌芳還有植享家推出這樣 優質的商品。以上是我的分享,句句 屬實。



精油世界中的祖母綠寶石 ― 聖約翰草油 ( St.John's wort oil )


「聖約翰草油」又稱「金絲桃油」,古希 臘名為Hypericon,傳說具有驅邪保護作用 的藥草;若是將其葉子拿到光源處,葉子 上半部會出現孔狀透光;若將聖約翰草花 苞在手中揉搓,它會釋放出紅色的金絲桃 素(hyper-cin),這種物質會將手指染紅,也 是聖約翰草浸泡油呈現深紅色的主因。 Bonnie House領先業界使用曬乾的聖約翰藥 草製成的浸泡油呈棕綠色,在陽光的照射 下更富含維他命E,也不會將手指染紅,是 更加優質的有機聖約翰草油。 十字軍聖戰期間,聖約翰軍的騎士們會以 這種植物來治療受傷的士兵傷口,在中古 世紀,這種藥草也被用來抵禦巫術與避邪 ,就現代的觀點來看,聖約翰草油實質具 有殺菌能力。

Look to eternity

功效: 1. 抗憂鬱: 有著和大地一樣顏色的聖約翰草,富 含溫柔的類黃酮,可幫助輕度到中度 憂慮症患者。在一項臨床實驗中,具 有焦慮症的婦女,服用聖約翰草萃取 物4-6週之後,症狀得到大幅改善。 (整瓶調配,分次使用) 夜晚使用:聖約翰草油50ml+薰衣 草精油15-20滴 白天室內使用:超水感按摩植萃 50ml+檀木精油10滴+佛手柑精油 5滴+迷迭香5滴 但如果已服用抗憂鬱藥物,請停用聖 約翰草油,可能會加乘抗憂鬱藥副作 用。 2.抗菌: 對各類型肌膚,聖約翰草油都具有抗 菌與淨化肌膚之效。 3.提升彈性: 聖約翰草油能夠帶給老化或受損肌膚 彈性蛋白的支撐力,使肌膚不易鬆弛 並減少細紋產生。 夜間使用:聖約翰草油3滴+超 水感按摩植萃3滴,按摩肌膚後 ,再使用乳液或面霜 4.保濕: 聖約翰油可以豐滿肌膚。 (整瓶調配,分次使用) 簡易傷口:聖約翰草油50ml+薄 荷精油5滴+薰衣草精油5滴+茶 樹精油10滴 燒燙傷:聖約翰草油50ml+乳香 精油10滴+薰衣草精油10滴 5.舒緩: 舒緩發炎症狀和安撫鎮定搔癢和燒灼 感、濕疹或輕微割傷所致之傷口,使 肌膚更舒適。 6.傷口癒合: 改善燒傷、創傷、蚊蟲叮咬之傷口。

7.促進血液循環: 改善風濕、腰痛、關節炎、肌肉拉傷、 瘀血、腫大的組織部位。 (整瓶調配,分次使用) 全身按摩:聖約翰草油50ml+超水 感按摩植萃50ml+十分肩強芳療禮盒 組(肌健輕盈、綠花白千層、薄荷精 油)各10滴 8.改善神經性發炎狀況: 如坐骨神經痛、經痛、纖維組織發炎 (如乳房發炎、肝硬化)。 (整瓶調配,分次使用) 坐骨神經痛:聖約翰草油50ml+薰衣 草精油5滴+羅勒10滴+薄荷5滴 經痛:聖約翰草油50ml+薰衣草精 油15滴+羅勒5滴 纖維組織發炎:聖約翰草油50ml+乳 香20滴 9.建議使用於痔瘡、痛風、風濕症、潰 瘍、蕁麻疹、疱疹 (整瓶調配,分次使用) 塗抹痣瘡:聖約翰草油50ml+迷迭 香精油5滴+絲柏精油10滴+薰衣草 精油5滴 痛風:聖約翰草油50ml+尤加利精 油10滴+羅勒5滴+薄荷精油5滴 蕁麻疹:聖約翰草油50ml+薰衣草 精油10滴+佛手柑5滴+廣藿香5滴+ 茶樹5滴 P.27

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