470 News Issue 01, June 1996

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In Sqvqnnsh Wiih just weeks until the storf of rhe 26rh Olympiod in Atlonto ond the Olympic Regotto on Worsqw Sound, 470 clqss soilors from the 65 counlries oround the world will be tuning into Sovonnoh lo; reod, heor ond see the nexi volume in the proud history of 47O soiling ot the Gomes.

The inception of the Women's 470 Medal has without doubt been the greatest thing to happen to Olympic Sailing in it's 96 year history. Prior to 1988there had been only 3 women in Olympic Sailing competition ; in 1920 Dot Wright (GBR) , in 1928 Virginia Heriot (FRA) who won a gold medal in Sinceit's first Olympic appearance the 8m Class and in 80's in 1976the 470 Classhascontin- Cathy Foster (GBR) in the ued to be among the hardestof the 470. Gold medals to win in Olympic "We've Got To Fight!" competition. In Savannaheven the equipment will be closer to absolutelyequal as it has ever been But one of the most moving before. But evenwith this develop- Olympic sailing stories comes ment our athletesaroundthe World from the 1988 Games and is searchfor that inch of speedor that related in David Wallechinsky's book "The Complete book of centimetreof extra height that will be difference between successor the Olympics" he writes.. disappointment.

"ln the women'.sonly compe[ition in Seoul, Jolly and Jewell The names that have succeeded took two firsts, two secondsand before those in Savannah should be remembered. What famous a third. But becausethey were DSQ in heat 5...afourteenthor name are included in the followins better was neededto eam Gold Roll of Honour. Medals. .....Howeverin the midMedallists 470ClassOlvmoic dle of the last race they dropped ( G E R ) off a huge wave and thejib strop Huebner-Bode GoldSilverG o r o s t e g u i - M i l l e t ( E S P ) to the Halyard broke and their (AUS) BrnzeBrown-Ruff soil sagged down the wire. 1 "There goes the Gold." said (BRA) GoldSoares-Penido SilverB o r o w s k i - S w e n s s o n ( G D R )Jolly as they dropped back from BrnzeLindgren-Tallberg (FlN) Fourth to Fifteenth. "We've ge! to Fight! " answered JewelI, GoldL Doreste-Molina (ESP) who, despite 30 knots of wind Silver- Benjamin-Steinfeld(USA) and I0 foot seas,spent 5 mtn(FRA) Peponnet-Pillot Brnzeutes repairing the jib with a piece of spare twine. With small (USA) GoldJolly-Jewell (SWE) the sail back in place, they manSoderstrom-Bengtson SilverBrnzel/dâ‚Źhrioc"xrdt0dq@(So4 aged to Jinish ninth." MEN GoldSilverBrnzeGoldSilverBrnzeMEN GoldSilverBrnze-

(FRA) Peponnet-Pillot (SOV) Toniste-Toniste Shadden-McKee (USA) Zabell-Guerre Egnot-Shearer lsler-Healy


Calafat-Sanchez (ESP) Reeser-Burnham (USA) (EST) Toniste-Toniste

The Gold was theirs. With or withoutgearfailure.the 470 Class Gold Medals of Atlanta will be a fight to beat all fight's. We wish all competitors, coaches and officials .....Fairwinds and good sailing in Savannah.

+ n

The Confqcfs President

V i c e P r e s i d e n t; Alain Corcuff 50i52CheminTracol, 69260Charbonnidres-1es-bains. France (h) Tel.:+ 33 78 876736 F a x :+ 3 3 7 8 8 7 6 7 3 8( h ) Tel.:+ 33 72 824220(b) Fax: + 33 12 824602(bl

E-Mail: 101653.432@ compuserve.com Vice President - Med: CasellaPostale65 54036 Marina di Carrara,. Italy Tel.: + 39 585 51231

Sergio Sonfello

Fax: + 39 585 634041

S e cr e t o r y Generql Mortin Sleiger Wannenstr.42 8610 Uster. Switzerland Tel.: + 41 19421206(h) T e l . :+ 4 l I 9 5 6 1 2 5 0( b ) Fax: + 4l | 9415548(h) E-Mail: l0l 524.1110@compuserve.com


Heinz Sfoudf Wiethasestr. 5 50933Kdln. Germany (h) Tel.:+ 49-221407040 (b) Tel.:+ 49-221405023 Fax:+ 49-221405527

V i c e P r e s i d e n f - A m e r i c o J o m e s Appel 601BrowsonRd., AnnapolisMD 21402. U. S.A. Tel.:+ | 4102935615(b) Fax:+ 1 4r0 2935233 Tel.:+ | 4102242889ft) E-Mail: appel @nadn.navy.mil

Morog Chompy Mcleon Kerangoff,56470St. Philibert. France Tel.:+ 33 97300403 Fax:+ 33 97300406

D e si g n e r Andre Cornu 68 RueBouchaud, 44100Nantes. France

Choirmon Technicol Commillee Michel Petit Chemindu Hardit,33380Mios Lieu dit Caze. France Tel.:+ 33 156266324 Fax:+ 33 156264350

Clinic's Thereso Zobell AvenidaIcaria 164,4, 1 08005Barcelona. Spain Tel.:+3432211992 Fax:+3432211992

Aud itors Urbon l-ogneus Erico Hoffmonn

Chief Meosurer Hiroshi Mozowo | -245 Minaml-Nagkubo, Asaka 96301Koriyama. Japan Tel.:+ 81249 451103(h) Tel.:+ 81249 568777(b) Fax:+ 8l 249568860

Generol Council Members Dsrren Dvnkley-Smith 12 Ltl O'Grady St. Albert Park 3206. Australia Tel.:+61396901148 Fax:+61396900313 E-Mail:

daz4l 0 @ozemail.com. au Erico Hoffmonn Mansilla1750 1609Boulogne,Pcia.Bs. Argentina Tel.:+ 54 | 3438199(b) Fax:+ 54 | 737 l22l E-Mail: erico@ibm.net

Yalgin Gtrksn Bagdarcad.155/5 A Blok., Feneryolu- Kadikciy Itambul As. Turkey Tel.:+ 90 2163423332 Tel.:+ 902163315811 Fax:+ 902163419400

Victor Kovolenko PostBox 127 320100Dniepropetrovsk . Ukraine Tel.:+ 380562610325 Fax: + 380562 614495 E-Mail: 470vk@ octet.com Lutz Potrunky Dubrowstr.38 14129Berlin. Germany Tel.:+ 49 308012528 Fax:+ 49 30 4145093 Georg Tollberg Sotkatie6 A I 00200Helsinki. Finland Tel.:+ 358 0 675419(h) Tel.:+ 358 400411699(mob) F a x : + 3 5 80 6 7 1 5 1 8 George Fundsk Pasaretiut 52la 1026Budapest. Hungary Fax:+43 15866171(OSV)

Officers Of Honour Keizo Arims JapanYachtingAssociation 1-1-1Jinnan Shibuya-KuTokyo. Japan Tel.:+ 8138451201

Mohib Abdel-Aziz Fohmy c/o TarotGarranahTours 15El Shaheed Mahm.Tal. Dokky Giza. Egypt Fax:+20 23610023 Colin Brewer 123Impeial Avenue Maylandsea EssexCM3 6TT. GreatBritain Tel.:+ 44 I 621851383(h) Tel.:+ 44 | 708736144(b) Fax:+ 441708736770

P r e s i d e n t so f H o n o u r Albert Huet It is with profound regrel lhol we reportthe possing of Albert Huet, the FirstPresidenl of Inlernolionol470 ond Presidentof Honour. Albert possedowoy ol Quiberon losl yeor. ForewellAlbert. Msrc Everoert Avenue Circulaire I44ABTC 2 Bruxelles BELGIUM Jocques Dosf 9 Rue Magnificat 33200 BordeauxFRANCE Vice- President Of Honour Beecher Moore 3 Temple Gardens Middle Temple Lane London EC4 9AU ENGLAND

TheViewsexprcssedin this newssheetare not neoessarilythoseof the International{lO Association. Advertisingand Editorialenquiries shouldbe dircctedto the Prcsident. 2

Lqfesf Resurfs Dear Members and Friends, You now have in hand the first edition of our 410 News which will keep you informed about the current information and around our class, and sail racing in general. The 410 News does not replace TIMES which will also issued and has greater space for more detailed reports; i.e. 470 News is meant to be the newspaper ard TIMES to be the masazine.


Newspapers live and die from receiving current information, publishing such information very quickly and reaching the customers as quickly as possible with their product. Therefore I hope that the distribution on the national level is verv fast. I wish the 470 News everv oossible success. Heinz Staudt President.

The Cslend Internotionol 470 Closs Chqmpionships & Evenfs D o fe s Grd Location Title (GBR) | 6-15June Hayling Island 410 EuropeanChampionships


12 15 22 18 -

15 June 16 June 30 June 21 July 20Iuly - 4 Aug 5 Aug-8 Nov

Hayling Island (GBR) EUROLYMP UK Liefrange (LUX) Int Luxembourg Championship Kiel (GER) Kieler Woche (EUROLYMP (ITA) Riva del Garda XLVI Intervela Savannah(USA) Olympic Games 470 Class"Olympic StatusPromotionProgram"

8 - 11August Nylandska(FIN) 16 - 25 August Kingston(CAN) 16- 24 August Puck(POL)

2 2

4-9September 12 - 16 Sept 2nd Nov 8 Nov

Bourgas(BUL) Lipno Laka (CZE) 470 GeneralAssembly IYRU Meeting Brighton

Nordic Championship CORK 470 Junior World Championship Balkan Championship Lipno 96 Brighton UK 2000 Olympic ClassesNamed


26 - 30Dec

(ESP) Palamos



l3-18 January

(AussieChamps)SM 97 MelbourneAUS

** 3x

U| l-


470 Men : 52 Entries/ 29 Nations I Ben Kouwenhoven /Kou-hoven 2 Marcus Westerlind/Wallin 3 Bjorn Bengtsson A{ystrom / J. Francois Bertnet /Beroret Tdnu Toniste/Ttiniste 5 BraslavetsEvgeniy/Ivlatviensko 6 1 IRan Shen-Thl /Shen-Tal I Claes Gregart /Andersson

34 47 48 58 61 l0 10 75

470 Women : 29 Entries/22 Nations 1 TheresaZabell./Begonya\4a 2 RuslanaTaran/Pacholchik 3 Florence Le Brun/Chaulvin 4 Nicola Birkner/Buelle 5 Shani Kedmi,/Fabrikant 6 kna Carlsson/Bengtsson 1 Ida KathrineAndersen/Andersen I SusanneBauckholt/Adlkofer

36 37 51 53 59 61 61 62

Sernoine Olympique Frongoise '9 5 Regatts Hveres

1 9 9 6 I Y R U W o r l d S q i l i n g R o n k i n g L i s t G r o d e d E v e n t so n d

** **




Il 34 34 16 19 20 25 36 4I 46 60


points 23 38 45 49 54 55 63 68

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o 4


The'96 Worlds Compefifors see Double Everywhere (Double World Chomps Thot is) By CarolineRogge The 1996World Championshipswere sailedat Porto Alegre, in the beautiful south of Brazil. The12 in the men's fleet and 36 in the women's fleet was down on the 1995Worlds but still very high in quality. Before the first race the tension was building up, this regattawas an Olympic selection for most countries. The races were sailed in very shifty conditions which lead to severalprotests and even petitions in the women's fleet to have some races cancelledbecauseof huge windshifts.The argument that this was an Olympic selection for many countries did not convince the jury who did not throw out any race. With 36 women teams there was no need to have qualifications and they started fleet racing from day one. The German girls were very strong with three teamsup front, Annette Partunkyand Hanne Pilz, Nicola Birkner and Wibke Bulle and SusanneBauckholt and Karin Adlkofer. Theresa Zabell and Begonia Via Dufresne (ESP) sailed consistantly despite a PMS and a DNF due to a broken centre board. With a third and first place on the last day they managedto keep their title. The German teams SusanneBauckholt / Katrin Adlkofer and Nicola Birkner /Wibke Bulle finished respectively secondand third. The men's fleet was split in two groups after six qualification races.After six racesin the Gold fleet Marc Audineau/ Julien Farnarier (Fra) were leading, closely followed by Kenji Nakamura./Masato Takaki (Jap) and John Merricks/Ian Walker (Gbr). After the rest day, three races were planned to decide the winners. The Kouwenhoven brother's (Ned) who had just managed to qualify in the gold fleet by one point, had to win the last race to become World champions for the secondtime in three years. They managedto overtake the Japaneseteam Nakamura/Masato and won the race. John Merricks and Ian Walker who retired in the last race thinking they had won, realised later that they (or their Coach) had miscalculated and were secondwith only 0.75 points behind the Kouwenhoven's. The prize giving will be remembered as agreat pool party, not only by the winners. A special thanks to Enrico Hoffman who let us use his computer to send emails to the homefront and who put the Results and Photo's on the Internet. 1995 Int 470 Closs World Chompionshio Ord 1 NED 2 GBR 3 JPN 4 ITA 5 FRA 6 GRE 7 FRA 8 SWE 9 POR 10 SUf 11 ISR 12 BRA 13 FRA 14 GER 15 BEL 16 SLO 17 FRA 18 GER 19 JPN 20 DEN 21 FIN 22 SWE 23 USA 24 GRE 25 USA 26 CRO 27 ITA 28 FRA 29 ESP 30 SWE 31 CAN 32 FRA 33 DEN 34 USA 35 ARG 36 CAN

Sail 1052 749 3700 4140 12545 131 12544 294 118 8 14 161 12551 4805 1194 141 12502 4807 3655 123 123 298 1705 93 1691 92 4076 12527 1748 301 500 12547 125 1722 74 573

Helmsman Kouwenhoven, Beny Merricks,John Nakamura,Kenji lvaldi,Matteo Audineau,Marc Kosmatopoulos, Berthet,J-F Westerlind,M Rocha,Hugo Rast,Christopher S h e n t a lR , an P a r a d e d aA, Knipping,Fabrice Rensch,Ronald Bellemans,Johan C o p i ,T o m a z Ponthieu,Olivier Koch,Michael Yamada,Kan Riber,HansJ. Leskinen,Petri Bengtsson,Bjorn Reeser,Morgan lordanis Pashalidis, Adams,Josh K u r e t ,l v a n Bressani,Lorenzo Petit,Benoit Calafat,Jordi Gregart,Claes Giese,Thilo Philippe,Gildas Bojsen-Moller, Poe,Kerry Billoch,Martin Roy,Pierre-Olivier

- F I N A L R E S U L T M E N S G O L D F L E E T - 9 R o c e s- I D r o e

Points Crew Kouwenhoven, Jan 58,75 W a l k e rl,a n 59,50 Takaki,Masato 64,75 lvaldi,Michelle 77,75 Farnarier, Julien 80,00 Trigonis,Kostas 80,00 Berthet,Gwenael 83,75 Wallin,Henrik 86,00 Barreto,Nuno 86,75 Ziegert,Jean-Pierre 96,00 105,00 S h e n t a lN , ir 105,75 A r n d t ,B e r n a r d o 108,00 Gasparini,Philippe Haverland, Torsten 120,00 122,00 Bellemans,Dirk 126,00 M a r g o nM , itja 126,75 Deruelle,Dimitri Theuerkauf,Stephan 127,00 132,00 Saito,Seiji 136,00 Thomas Ollendorf, 143,00 Aarnikka,Mika 144,00 Nystrom,Johan 148,00 Burnham,Kevin Pahoumas,Athanasios 149,00 154,00 Merrick,Bob 154,00 M i s u r aM , arko DellaTorre,Franc 159,00 Cuzon,Jean-Francois 163,00 178,00 Sanchez,Francisco Andersson,Martin 179,00 193,00 Davis,Scott '194,00 Cariou,Tanguy 206,00 Natorp,Klaus Bittner,Chris 211,00 215,00 RodriguezCastells 254,00 Sauter,James

I 11 6 7 18 16 1 25 2 29 22 17 34 14 10 28 Pms 5 33 13 27 3 4 19 15 21 26 30 12 20 8 Pms 24 32 23 31

12 17 35 1 4 5 8 3 6 26 2 15 19 24 32 11 22 13 25 14 28 27 21 18 23 16 33 7 31 10 29 9 20 34 30 36

17 3 1 1 11 6 20 32 4 5 2 11 19 12 20 9 24 31 4 I 7 5 21 13 21 I 10 18 31 16 14 3 22 26 16 30 12 23 14 6 DNC 2 15 8 13 33 25 19 34 25 17 10 30 15 27 28 29 22 33 7 32 29 23 24 28 27 26 34 18 35 35 36

31 I 7 4 2 14 13 3 30 10 21 1 12 8 5 24 11 32 19 18 26 29 33 15 22 17 16 6 Dsq 20 23 27 25 35 34 28

2 11 1 3 Ymp Ymp 15 Pms Ymp 20 I 16 '13 12 Pms 25 18 4 8 29 30 19 23 Pms 6 14 24 10 5 Pms 17 Pms Pms 26 22 28

11 8 20 19 22 12 '10

4 1 2 DNC 12 2 11 13 30 5 13 7 20 6 4 18 4 15 1 3 10 14 3 18 Pms 21 28 8 15 21 6 8 29 25 I 7 7 14 16 16 17 1 15 12 25 28 6 3 Pms 9 24 29 18 17 11 2 33 21 22 23 26 5 14 30 9 13 Pms 16 27 Pms 32 20 23 5 31 24 31 32 10 Dsq Pms 27 25 35 22 33 29 26 19 26 32 24 17 19 23 30 31 27 34 28 34

ApoligiesTo the SilverFleet.. Full Resultscan be foundon the 470 WWW InternetPage

1 9 9 5 I n t 4 7 0 C l o s s W o r l d C h o m p i o n s h i p - F I N A L R E S U L TW O M E N S F L E E TOew V Dufresne,Begofra Katrin Adlkofer, Bulle,Wibke Kinoshita, Alicia Pilz,Hannelore Wennerctrom, Linda Pearson,Leigh

Points 43,00 49,00 55,75 65,75 77,75 79,00 82.75

1 2 3 4 5

Cnt Skipper ESP Zabell,Theresa GER Bauddroft, S GER Birlmer,Nimla JPN Shige,Yumiko GER Patrunky, Annette

6 7 8

Tracy USA Hayley, CAN DaMs,Penny USA Stookey,KristinaVanVoortris,Louise83,00

I 10 11 12 13 14


Ward,Susanne Lebrun,Florence Hirotsu,Mitsue Swanson,Jody Andersen,lda Salva,Federica

Ward,Michaela Annabel ChaulMn, Sueoka,Miwa Probst,Debbie Andercen,Linda Sossi,Emanuela

87,00 89,75 94.,00

7 96,00 '106,00 17

1992038254163r''12 33 17 16 22 6 9 I 26 I 26 22 7

15 16 17 18


Karine Jaunet, Kasai, Mieko Leon,Laura Kedmi, Shani

Leduby-Maus, M-A Yuko Takashimizu,

112,75 20 118,00 13

11 12 23 23

28 3

27 24 14

Dnc 13 29 24 7 23

Viviana Mainemare, Fabrikant,Anal Biecheler, Sophie 19 FRA Ponthieu, Cecib Sue,Can 20 GBR Roggatt,Bethan Engstrom, Agneta 21 SWE Badcnan,Karin Boel Bengtsson, 22 SWE Carlsson,Lena Anke Telhorster, 23 GER Bohn,Ines , enise C o l e ,L o u i s eA n n 2 4 I R L L y t t l eD , u s a n n e R o h a t z s c hS, a b i n e 2 5 G E R P e t e r sS Leask,Inga 26 GBR Rees-Jones, S 27 NOR Danielsen,Karin Olsen,KarinA. 28 ITA Pertusati,Sara Mori Ubaldini,Chiara Cleyndert,Marleen 29 NED Ammerlaan,M Gateff,Marine 30 FRA Lecadre,Marie 31 SWE Syren,Rebecka Skarenhed,Anna Monsegur,Consuelo 32 ARG Sbsto,ML Viera,Trinidad , 3 3 A R G S i m o n eC Sofia 34 ARG Reinoso,Paula Usandizaga, 35 BEL Rogge,Carolina Bergmans,Nathalie 36 HKG Cheung,Mei Han Tung,Chun Mei

14 1 1 omsl 32172112333162 4 18124421132379 10197613911411 1 258194192031614 3 Pms 15 29 13 2 18 6 145 27 6 16

120/5 136,00 136,00

dnc 2


10 28

14 1

5 8 17 6


19 19

8 6 15

277 1 3 11 21

6 24

5 4

14 2


11 13 32 5

13 17 33 4

15 18

8 16

18 16

32 3



15 8

6 10 14

7 31

15 21 1 5 11 Dnc 10 4 21 23 25

16 6 12

18 15 25

158,00 21


Pms 12

10 35

30 28

159,00 171,00 172,N 172,00 173,00 187,00 188,00 200,00 205,00 207,00 212,00 224,00 227,00 249,00 274,00 285,00

5 17 20 16 28 35 8 25 22 12 21 29 30 31 34 36

25 25 2. 11 32 31 Pms 16 19 21 30 10 20 5 11 19 26 35 28 23 27 24 24 32 21 14 15 33 31 34 33 27

26 12 20 15 18 25 30 17 29 31 28 33 32 27 34 35

24 11 2 33 26 18 29 21 14 22 20 23 34 36 27 35

26 Pms Pms 6 12 15 25 Pms 24 Pms 18 28 14 Pms Pms Pms

I 24 32 Dnf 17 29 20 26 11 19 22 34 30 28 27 31

I 10

2 7 10


10 19 2

11 22 23






I I Roces- 2 Drops

17 23 B 12 19 16 29 27 22 30 26 33 35 31 34 32

16 13

17 10 26 23 30 I 1 7 12

18 17 29 5 13 18

13 33 4 24 29 18 Dnc 32 20 35 25 34 33 27 22 28 21 26 19

20 10 23 28 26 15 15 22 21 20 24 34 22 32 31 29 32 25 12 30 35 27 24 I 25 33 28 35 30 31 Dnc Dnc

The 1996 Generql Assembly

1998 IYRU Sqiling

The answersto our questionnairesent together with the circular letter in January 1996, it appearedthat we could not guaranteea quorum for a GeneralAssembly meeting in June. In light of this, we contacted the IYRU and were assuredthat we are permitted to submit the decisions of our Technical Committee as a submission to the IYRU (the minutes of this Technical Committee meeting will be sent shorlly to all national class associationsfor discussion). This submissionwill be put on the agendaof the IYRU-CBC. we are still able to make final decisions at our General Assembly although the IYRU deadline at this time will have past. - we are allowed to submit the results of the decisions made at the General Assembly to the IYRU for approval either written or verbally at the meetingof the IYRU-CBC.

The IYRU Council announcedrecently that the International 470 (subject to a final contract with a builder) has been chosenas the Equipment for the double-handeddinghy mens/mixed event and women's' eventsfor the Doha IYRU World Sailine Championships. Surely a Ringing endorsementof the Classof 470.

Broziliqn Oly Triqls During March the Olympic trials where held in Rio de Janerio, organizedby the Iate Clube do fuo de Janeiro with the participation of 12 teams. 12 raceswhere sailed mainly with very light winds.

In view of this assurance,the. Management Committee propose to have the General Council meeting and the GeneralAssembly meeting (as in 1994)just prior to the IYRU November meetings. The proposedscheduleis as follows; General Assembly meeting : 2nd November,1996 General Council meetins: lst November,1996

Quesfionqire Worlds'95

The final results where as follows: l. Rodrigo Amado - Leonardodos Santos 2. Walter Dreher - Francisco Freitas 3. Cicero Hartmann - Rolf Peter Nehm 4. Eduardo Melchert - Alexander Minns

(c)Open or Closed World Championships Debate was held on the reasonsfor and against holding open At the World Championshipsin Toronto a Competitors world championships. Those for an open event felt that this Questionairecame up with the following interesting results. gave a good impression of the class was better for the media and gaveeveryonea chance. 3, WEIGHT JACKETS The main point heard for a closed event was that it guaranteeda The IYRU was Presented:ban all weight Jackets after 1996. quality ofracing. high Attention was drawn to the fact that the class could influence this Result55Vofor an open event decisionin regardsto the 470 classonly. (Concernwas expressed 45Vo for a closedevent that without weight jackets sailors with Small body types would (d)Pre-Worlds not be very competitive. The debatebefore the vote for or againsthaving a pre-Worlds was 72Vo for keepingthe weightjacket Questionnaireresults; not very intense. 24Vo for banningthe weightjacket Result; 5lVo againsthaving a pre-Worlds regatta 49Vo for having a pre-Worlds regatta 4. RULE26.I (rYRR s4) (e)Qualification for the Women Series Competitors were askedto vote on whether rule 26.1 is suitable raised Concern was about the minimum number of boats reeisthe way it reads now. Lack of use of the rule in Nth American tered before the fleet is divided. regattaswas mentioned, Result: 65Vofor a qualification series Result: 63Vofor keeping the rule as it is. 297o againsta qualificationseries 247a againstthe rule. 67o say it dependson the number ofboats 137ofor the rule with a change of wind speed. (flMoving up and down for the final series The Presidentpresentedthe possibility of having the last few 5. REGATTAFORMAT boats in the hrst group and the first few boats in the secondgroup (a)Qualification Series A debate was held on which type of qualification series,should be changing place for the final. Result: 707o againstmoving up and down of boats used and whethera round-robinseriescould be possible. 30Vofor moving up and down Clarification about the Class ranking list asked for and siven. (g)Worlds replicating the Olympics Result: 657oFor the seriesto stay the Same. Much debatewas had on the style of race coursethat shouldbe 327oFor a longer Series usedby the class. 3Vo For a shorter series Many of thosepresentexpressedtheir desireto have the race coursemore challengingtactically. Doubt aboutThe usefulness (b) 7o of Points from Oualif seriesto be carried into Final of the final leg in the presentrace course configuration was also Those presentwere asked whether they were for or against a perbrought up. More upwind legs and more challenging reacheswere centageof points from the qualification Seriesbeing Carried into asked for. the final, Concern was expressedabout the different levels in the Result: 63Vofor Worlds / Olympics to replicate each other. qualifying groups: it is not easy to assurethat The points carried 37Voagainstthe worlds replicating the Olympics. forward representthe same level of competition Result: 727o againsta Vo of points taken into the final Morag Champy Mclean. 28Vofor points to be carried into the final


The US Olvmpic Triols

Argentine Triols During March 1996, we sailed the Olympic trials in the Rio de la Plata during three weekends with a total of 12 races and the panicipation of 23 crews (men and women). The final resultsof this Championshipwhere as follows:

Mens 470 Closs 1.Maltin Biloch - Mafiin Castells 2.FranciscoPaillot - MatiasHoffmann

Now the two Olympic teamsBillochRodriguez Castells and ReinosoF'NAI. RESUI.TS Usandizagaare training very actively. Mens 470 Closs 1705 Reeser,Morgan The rest of the Argentine fleet which I 1723 Adams,Josh 2 is concentratedin 4 or 5 Sailing Clubs 1722 Poe, Kerry 3 very near one another are sailing in 1700 Sturman, Mike regular Championshipsorganizedby 4 the different Clubs during the week- 5 1112 Collins, Tim ends.We haveplannedregattason two 6 1115 Moore, Tyler weekendsevery month. In October we 1 1124 Mclntyre, Jeremy will have the 1996 National 8 1111 Katcha.Peter Championship. 1106 Ames. David 9 10 105 Berkowitz. Zach

3.JavierConte - Juande la Fuente 4 Axel Rodger - Emiliano Homps

Womens I l'721 2 1118 3 1126 4 l113 5 1641 1619 6

Womens 47O Closs l . PaulaReinoso- Sofia Usandizaga

2 . Maria Laura Sesto- CMonsegur --t.

ConstanzaSimone - T Viera

Teqm Ausfrqliq After an absenceof 8 years an AustralianMen's 470 Team has


Qualified for the Atlanta Olympics. Having to finish in the top 12 Nations at Hyeres, Tom and Owen finished l lth. This was one of their most disappointing and the greatest result of their careersall at the same time. Australia's Trials included the World Championships in '96. Canadaand Hyeres

470 Closs Stookey,Kristina Swanson,Jody Hayley,Tracy Connor,Whitney Breault, Nicole Hofacker,Susan

The day after qualifying for the Australian Olympic Team at Hyeres, Jeni Lidgett and Addy Bucek had their MacKay 470 Wrecked in a Car accident near Marseilles in France. "I thought we were going to Die for sure" said Jeni. "Dave Mackay Martin Vanlewin and Ronstan havebeengreat having our new boat ready in 3 Weeks."

Burnham,Kevin Memick, Bob Bittner, Chris Little, Bob Farrar, Jonathan Cox, Ryan Macleod, Jago Walsh,Adam Buhler, PJ Kerner, Paul

Van Voorhis, Louise Probst,Debbie Wennerstrom,Linda Gaillard, Meg Haddad, Tanya Siefert, Judy

12 time Australian Champs and double Olympians, Jeni and Addy should be confident about

All eyesare on New Zealands'Leslie Egnot and her crew Jan Shearercompeting on theInt4l} EuropeanChampionship Tour . The Silver medalists from Barcelona have to finish with a impressive result if they are to stand any hope of making the New Zealand Olympic yachting team Egnot, who led Bill Koch's Women'sAmerica's Cup Challengein San Diego last year, made a poor starl in her Olympic comeback campaign. The pair finished a lowly 23rd at the NationsBank ''* pre-Olympic regatta in Savannahand failed to even make the Gold fleet cut at the ,r{i world championshipsin Canada. The oair won the New Zealand trials earlier this vear. but that was nol deemedgood enoughby the Kiwi Olympic committeewhich is demanding a top class result at an international event if they are to win a ticket to the 96 Games. It would be evensaderfor Leslie not to so as thev beatLeslie younger sisterout of number one place in the NZ trials. '.i:,ili

There was upsetstoo in the 470 men's class.Murray Jones,bestknown for his tacticianrole as spotterup the mast of New Zed.and'svictorious America's Cup challenger,who with crewmanJon Bilger had won Sail Auckland '96, finished a poor third in the trials. The winners, Rohan Cooke and Andrew Stonealso facedtrouble,this time in the form a measurementprotestlodged by the racecommittee,which, if upheld could give the Olympic berth to Cooke's brother Simon crewed by Matthew Brown. who had also been penalizedfor sailing one race with their mainsail hoist abovethe black bands. Like Egnot, New Zealands' Kelvin Harrap and his Soling crew have to perform well at International Competition if they are to win their right to a berth at Savannah.

q3* ff*qe

W o r fd M o s t e r s 4 7 0 Chompionship'96 In D6ho (Qcitor) "And as Sindbad the Sailor reached the peninsula of Qatar, he was surprised by the hospitality of the inhabitants, who spared no effort to present the beauty of their coan@, the weulth of their state and the splendour of the Orient to the astonished travellers. Under a large tent, tended with carpets and sprayed with essences,the Qatari received the foreign sailors qt the sound ofthe bagpipes of the Emirute."



Sheikh Mohammad bin Eid alThani, Spor-tMinister of Qatar, openedthe championship,Sami Abu Sheika, Commodore of the Doha Sailing Association welcomed the participants and Martin Steiger thanked in the name of the 410 International the organisers of the first 470' Mastersoutsideof Europe. The world seemed indeed to spin away from Europe: sailors of 13 Nations, including Singapore, South Africa, Slovakia, Qatar, New Zealand, Russia, Canada (but only two Swiss) came to the Gulf and lived exiting days with 8 races.




ZMAYER Nakamura lva Audineau



u T


Rast Shenta Paradeda

95 93 95 94 93 92




Ponthieu Koch Yamada















91 PARKER 94 t^/ELA 94 NA/ELA





Kasai Leon








enjoyed camel races, shopping in the Zouk or visits to museums. The lay day was dedicated to an impressive trip with 4wheel drives through the desert dunesto the Inland Sea. Pressand televisionfollowed the racesdaily. At the beginning. Siew Shaw of Singapore had Iarge hopes, but the Italians Enrico and Guillelmo manageda continuous win series, which brought them the title. The wind force decreasedfrom 6 to a master-compliantlevel of 3-4. The fight for the Grand Master While two groups were compet- title (sum of the crew > 100 ing in Doha bay, the others years) was fought betweenUK., France and the numerous German crews. Thanks to a first place in the Sth race, Stan and Dawn of UK. caught the crown. The worst rain rveather in Doha Mast Boom Clb R u d since 1962 gave them an unexpected home advantage. NS S S B B NS HK Sheikh Mohammad bin Eid alP P Thani, in presence of the o BA MI Ambassadors of Germany and NS ST France,closed the mastershipin NA NA an impressiveceremonial.




ST RESULTS The overall placings were: 1,|TA 2,SlN 3,FRA 4,SLO S,RSA 6,GER 7,RUS 8,lTA g,SUl





Jib H N D OS

The Doha Sailing Association aligned 12 boats for 29 crews, who weredividedinto 5 groups. In the first days, as the wind blew 5-6 Bf. an anxiousbosum waited on the shorefor the ships to report damages. The club team repaired the boats until late in the night, while the crews were enjoying the evening with Arabian food and drinks. Fears of the (unfortunately absent ) Hungarian team about completeness of the beverage choice were found to be sreatlv exaggerated.





ST Fes N




u u U



















o o

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n - -




KeyTo Symbols: D=Diamond N=North R=Russo E=Elvstrom FM=FMSails B=Bloodaxe BL=BarlooLeto NE= Nord Esl ST=Stanley&ThomasP=Personal

OS=OlympicSails X=X Voiles G=Goldspar O=Proctor

T=ToniTio H=Hyde NA=Nautivela S=SuperStar


U=Ullman V=Vogel&Mayer MK=MacKay W=Water Rat

EnricoCifferi/Gui|mo B Shaw Her Srew/SimonKneller, BernardBoime/JeanF/Nouel, lvlartinSamaj/lvoVadurea, PeterLee/ChrisHecker, DietrichMetziceraldMetz, BorisKouzminove/SBourdine, MassimoArrobio/Carlo Coco, MartinSteiger/HansVonmoos, 1o,GER Karl G Schmeidel/Thom Lipp, 11,RUS N Krassilnikov/Marg Korneeva '12,RHA Jim Lafferty/Enrico Pellegrini, 13.GBR StanleySpeer/DawnSpeer, '14,FRA Marc Beeson/PierreDenis, 15,OTA SamiAbuShaikha/Ronsavory, 16,FRA H Kirrmann/VerenaKirrmann, 17,QTA Zayiedal-Ali/Hassanal-Mazroui, 18,GBR lan& MerryTempleman, 19,GBR Ron Jessup/GrahamRollins, 20,ESP Jose S PerezlJoseFPerez, 21,GER FrankWinter/AndreaWinter, 22,GER Walter& GiselaWeissmann, 23,CAN JackPearce/GeorgeDoherty, 24,QTA N/btEnrrEdal.{GdLl-lassflafBarc[ 25,GER Helmutlndra./lngridlndra, 26, PeterGlaeser/lngrid Heilmann; 2 7 , G E R O s k a r& E r i k aF l e i s c h e r 28,GER WalterBalzer/Karsten Balzer, 2 9 , G E R K a r l R i l l /M a r g o tR i l l , The Grand MastersWINNERS GBR Stanley& Dawn Speer, FRA Marc Besson& PierreDenis Apprentice Masters - WINNERS Sami Abu Shaikha.rRonSavov QTA


Seeing the possibilities Heinz, got Erico Hoffmann of Argentina involved and just months later, Int 470 boastsone of the most impressiveWW-W networksin Sailing.

Like the discoveryof the SteamEngine or the Electric Light just open new worlds that we never bulb, somedevelopments imaginedwould be there. Thanksto the Internet,the days of awaiting News and Results from key regatta's around the world havegone. The IYRU leadsthe world of sport in the useof the World Wide Web as an Information tool. President Paul Henderson backedup by Swiss Fed PresidentBernard Stegmeier,have quickly turned the IYRU WWW Site into a daily "MustHave" for Yachtiesaroundthe World.



For as little as $1.00 per day , you can be completely up to date with the world of sailing and470 . Erico is the 410Webmasterand if you want your next regatta NOR or Resultsaddedto the 470 site pleaseEmail him for details. Seethe site for a full list of Clais E-Mail addresses. Here'sjust a few of the InternetSailing Sitesthet will.fill your days and nights with relevantgood cleanfun. Seetou in the SURF!

In l e rn o ti o n q lY ocht RocingUnion URL-htf p :/ / vwtw.soiIi ng.o rg (iust Resource Location URL? =Universal

Race and Entry Forms for hundreds of Regatta's and the Front pagehas links directly to the major

The IYRU Page has links to and information on

the PresidentsLetter. You'll find The lateston the SavannahRegatta planning and features links & Info on every National Sailing Body in the World.

likethephonenumberof thepagein the Webyouwant.)

all of the International, Recognised,andmost National Classes. It has links to Notices of

I NT 47 0 As s o c i q ti o nH o me P o g e URL-htf p:/ / vvww.ssiIi ng.orgl 47 O/ WebBowser ? = Theprogram thatreadsthe code on the Web Site and turns into the home Page. The Int 470 Home Page is the quickest way to locate the Latest 4'70 results from around the World. You'Il frnd links to the Current World

5-6 Major regatta'son at the time. It seemsto be updatedalmost every day. It's a must to check out the "Week in Sailing" page and always read

Ranking Lists. More N.O.R's of all the 470 Regatta's+ Links to all the National 470 Home Pagesaround the World , Adverts for Boats and Gear for sale and even a page full of Email Addressesof 470 Sailorsaroundthe World so you can arrange some help with your next trip or just have a chat. Erico Hoffmann does a fantastic job of keeping this site uo to date.

lnt 47O USA/Cqn Plone Tolk Mog linked viq the Int 470 Clsss Poge

Email? = For one localPhonecallyou can send 10'sor 100'sof Lettersto anwhere in the World.

Letters from the USA and Canadian President's , reports from Fleets around both Countries , even more results and NOR's to boot. Finding a Sailing Partner is made easy with a "need a Crew Page" . You'll find info on how to avoid or fix that

Justthe easiestway to keepin touchwith what's Back problem. How to buy a new boat , Minutes happeningat a Nationalor local level, There's from AGM's and even a membership form so you can ioin the Association.

lnl 470 Argenfino WWW Sile Linked vio the Int 470 Closs Poge

Results from Their Olympic Selection regatta, Photo's





ISP ? = Internet Service Provider. The Company that you buy your Internet time off.

Championshipsin Brazil.

Another Great Page that I think Erico has a hand

links to some other great sailing sites.


Except this ones in Spanish(I think) Get this

There is results from CUBA on there.


Local Calendarsand NOR's of local regatta'sand For the

Spanishcountries in our fleet this is THE SITE to check out.

PAGE SAVANNAHRESULTS Link vio the lnt YochtRocingPoge

14400or 28800 Modem? = The Speed that your Modemcan send or receivethe Data.14400is Fineand not all ISP'ssuoport 28800speed.

getting about 120,000visits per month and I can seethe SavannahResults Pagegetting this many per day. REAL TIME Mark by Mark Results straight from the Warsaw Sound Courses. Great Graphics and at last we don't have to depend on the Media to tell us what's going on.

This is a sitethatis sureto geta hammeringover Thanks to IBM for the Technoloev at the the next few months. The IYRU Site is now Games.!!


On fhe woy to the Olympic Regqtlo 2000 in Sydney. We owe the IYRU Council snd the Evenfs Commiffee o debt of gratitude for hoving rnode clesr for the sporf of soiling whst the definition of "dinghy open/ high perfomonce" meons: -A two person boat! - One or two tropeze(s) ond/or supporfing crew outboard.

other devices for

- Copoble of providing close compefifion omong crews of s wide weight ronge und both men ond women. - Musf hove the unquesfioned obility to meet the requirements of Internotional Closses sfof us within o reosonoble time. - World-wide ovailsbility tunity for construction.

of msteriols ond oppor-

This decision savesourselvesa battle, and lets us concentrateon what we, the 470 class, believe the 410 to be the ideal boat for the double handed men and the double handed women events in the 2000 Olympics! Ideal, because - the 470 is the boat which can be sailed successfullyby men and women sailors with an enonnous weight and height spectrum ( at the 1992 Olympic Regatta it was found to vary between 46-75kg and 150- 190cm), in all continents.In facr, rhe 470 is the only Olympic boat, really Suitablefor Asian people.

stringent measurementprocedure. - The 470 is a modern, fast and durable boat. The 1994 World Championshipwas won in an 8-year old boat; the wind and wave conditions varied from light winds and smooth water to very strong winds and very high and steep waves. At the 1995 World Championshipthe oldest hull was from 1979 and 30 hulls were more than 5 years old. - Tho 470 is being built by manufacturersin all parts of the world, the same applies for the top sails. - A high level of sailing, men's and women's eventsin the same rcgatta and big international participation make the 470 class very attractive for the media. - Experience shows that it is there is an enormous advantagefor national sailing federationswhen both men's' and women's events are sailedin the sameclassof boat for the following reasons: Identical equipmentfor both, only one coach (in the caseof most federations), the same World Championships and other major eventsare attendedby both which reducestransportation costs,the coach's workload etc. men and women can train tosether. All in all, the overall effoft and cost is substantially reduced. The 410 is establishedworldwide and is used by nearly all federations taking part in Olympic -type sailing. Many ofthese factshavebeentakenfor grantedover the pastyears.

I call upon each of you to keep in mind theseadvantagesand ask you to remind your National Authorities and IYRU delegatesas well. It must be clear to All what it would mean if the 470 would not be considered for the two double-handed events in the 2000 - the 470 is the only double-handedclasswhich is presentlybeing Olympics: a wasteof enormousresourcesand financial supportas sailed at all regional championshipsand important major regattas, well as advantagesbeing thrown away. Therefore,the help of everyoneand especially you is needed.As with great intemational participation. many submissionsof proposalsas possible should be sent from - the 470 is sailed world-wide on a very high The result is that 410 National Authorities to the IYRU requestingthat the 470 be chosen sailors can sail very successfullyafter their 4J0 career(to name two for the two double-handedeventsin the Olympic Regatta2000. : Enrico Chiefti our 1985 World Champion who just won the Star World Championshipand Leslie Egnot, (our Silver medallist in I thank all those who have helped so far and further as we sail our Barcelona, for who the America's-Cup was within one race last way to the 2000 Olympic Regatta. year). - We have an excellent set of technical rules, which have been rein- Heinz Staudt forced by the adoption of our Building Specification, as well as President

Cut This out Todoy qnd send if to your Nofionol Yochting Authorifv '1




s Y D N E YH A R B o U Ri s i u s f m o d e f o r 4 7 0 j Clqss Soiling qnd we iust con't woit to be there in 2000.

P l e o s e p o s s o n f o o u r I S A F ( I Y R U )R e p r e s e n f o f i y e thot 470 is fhe only choice os fhe Double Honded Dinghy for MEN & WOMEN for the Sydney Olympics. Soilors in 55 Other Counfries Think so foo!



Tech Tslk Spunspor is fhe Austrolion most moking compony f ormed in | 984 ond owned by Julion Golding who hos been o lifelong cenf rebosrd soilor including exfensive 470 rocing in the 70s ond 80S. Spunspor speciolises in high perf ormonce rocing spors ond employs 12, including World 420 chompion Roger Perrett, A Brief History of Alloy Mosfs Aluminium Alloy sparshave been around lor about60 yearsfirst comingto prominencein AmericasCupJ-boatsin the30's. It wasn'tuntil the mid 60's that aluminium alloy becamethe universalchoicefor mast making.

Now for a round tube, the I is proportional to the 4th power of the diameter. But the weight of a tube is only linearly proportional to the diameter. So if you double the diameter of a tube and leave the other parameterthe same,(wall,material,method of loading) stiffnessincreasesby the power 4, that's 2x2x2x2=16 ti weightonly doubles! (E.G. a I with a 2mm wall will be 16 ti thana50x2tube.) So what does this mean to

Well, basically, for a mast of a stiffness,you want the thinnest will perform without failing compression"beer can' type suitablecross-sectionalsize to stiffnessyou require. This will lightest section for your requi It will also give you minimum pi tia in a seaway,(Then strap the to the bow to be fair to vour rivals!)

is alloved in (at the billet stageof production). The stuff is very hard to drill or cut and cannot be tapered, so conventional alloy tapered must be sleevedinto the top. The mechanical properties of the metal are such that in tube form it can currently only be produced round. Happily for Spunspar,all our dinghy spars constructedfrom round tubes! spar has been experimenting with this iial for about 3 years now, producing ith the same stiffness as the now . ut c o n v e n t i o n aal l l o y g r a d e s b dramatsmaller. We ha&en of those of course

995 420Worlds



menf ing that 470



the course with masts What about the windaee?.vou mav ask..} Aluminium itself is quite weak.but allovs Well, this can be explained very simply major physicalsto pass consistins of around 9J7o nium and If windage was of paramount importance, rigged weight and small amounts of other has ity heighr. Silicon, Copper,Zinc, Ti rl enhance the mechanica ,heen ableto produce result in a very good ma par which the NZ .The ing. Strong yet light with so'effectivelv exceeded12 ty around 2.7. The uminium cylinder. Therefore, it MUS 2810mm,the 60 x 2 strengths of available a gJreright e1.dof th$ectrum and desi$ masqs werearoynd10.6kg but little since the 60's, typ that is structurally are avitv 3110mm\,Proctors and lately the internat work. T0i of inertia at aryund ffiF structural grade of 6082 df frdultto rhi lar mechanicalpropert prs Ausrralian skiffgi.Bs $,q0". n" GisaPascalelastic path. Skiffs are particulffiky* para\reters 280 MPa yield strengths. -performance decay because is a cnritical The E value will determi ning ferfor $rye relative to thb boat. alloy will stretch under a gi r thin wallBd mag Well, Spunspar aimEdto design470 'advantage of the the Yield strensth is the acing the 2-2.5mm masts whic new 58000 alloy stays bent, which many of us tioh rigs quickly became higfr E val bendins characencedfirst hand! t 10 y6ars ago, and the per- method yet in vogue. The main advanceshave really been was so devastating. So teristics to t design. All racing yachts are wei that desisn and the availabilcal and inordinate effort is exoended structural alloys has been After extensive beach testing, number hulls as light as possible.particularlSi s in aluminium mast tech- crunching and charting of the results we ends.This is to reducethe pitchinqii came up with 2 designswith the target stiff60's pitchinl$s as in any seaway.excessive I grade alloys have not ness and around minimum weight and cenquite a while iappreciably stronger where it counts - tre of gravity height depending on fitout: Howeveritit took took quite whilefor ior $e; However $elitff racing publicto seethata primaryieft:t'iri of Elasticity which has I ) the S1172 which is a 57mm x 1.6 wall RIC weightreductionshouldUettr{ ari{. equivalent in stiffness to a 60 x 1.8 in conthe ranse of 69 to 72 GPa. ventional alloys. This section has been Half a kilo savedin a mast weight say at t\e designedfor lighter crews. centre of gravity of the rig around *flq do with a 2) the slll4 which is a 60 x l. 5 section spreadersis the sameas taking a_Qtoor{gfl stiffer and with the equivalent stiffness as the 60 x 2 in the bow as far as pitching inefip-is*c6r\ had conventional alloy but also with the rule cerned. (8.G. if you fit a rig half a kilo \ Rece I devbspmentshavein minimum parameters. lighter, you would then stpp a Kilo of lead I r a L L an alloy, and Spunspar to the bow and expect to goabout the same irlthe World to experin choppy water). lment\ w alloy in racing dinghy For Further Information Contact: Those of you with a smattering of engi- masts.\8@{is conventional 6061 grade Julian Golding Ph ++6129997 8455 neering knowledge will know that the stiff-. but instfrd bf\q7% aluminiumit hasonly SPUNSPAR Fx ++6L2 9997 8883 ness of a tube is proportional to a propefiy 707o.\ther6mfrS.erof the composition known as moment of inertia (I). being a specifically developedceramic that

as many other countries,is well known for the good organisation of its high-level 410 team. But France, more than the other countries due to the origin of the 470, has also an important fleet of 470 sailors.Numerouscrewswho do not expectto win any SAILING 47O IN FRANCE international title, and who enjoy neverthelesssailing and racing UY-ans des entrainementsintensifs ou des competitions de niveau 4'70, arc grouped through the AS 470 France, the French 470 Class international ou national. Pour eux la pratique du 470 est un loisir Association.A lot of others,out of the FrenchAssociationalas,use qu'ils favorisentle week-endet pendantleurs vacances. 470 in a7lpossible water areas,for the pleasureof sailing only. Pour repondrea cette attente,l'Association est structureeavec des representationsregionales equitablement reparties sur l'ensemble The majority of the French crews do not invest themselvesin intendu territoire.Le role de ces deleguesest essentiellement d'organissive training sessionsor in national or international regattas.For er une activite regionale soutenue et coordonnee dans les divers them, sailing 470 remains a leisure favoured during week-endsand clubs nautiques,a travers notamment un calendrier deregatesetabli holidays. To come up with these expectations, the French en harmonie avec celui des resions avoisinantes et le calendrier covering Associationstructureis basedon regional representatives national. the whole country. Representatives'roleis mainly to organisea significant regional activity coordinated with all the concerned yacht Ces deleguesconstituentegalementune courroie de transmission clubs, mainly through a regional calendar of regattas,harmonised absolument indispensableentre les pratiquants et les dirigeants de with calendarsof the other closestregions and with the national call'Association.Au-dela de cetteactiviteregionale,qui seulepermets endar. The regional 470 representativesconstitute also the necesle maintien d'un vivier sanslequel le haut niveau ne pourrait sursary links between the 470 sailors and the managementcommittee vivre et se renouveler,il est propose chaque anneetrois evenements of the Association. The regional activity is the only mean to maitain d'importance internationale ou nationale avec la Coupe a breeding ground of sailors to keep alive and renew permanently Internationale de Printemps a laquelle participent de nombreux the high-level group. equipages etrangers, le Championnat de France et la Coupe Beyond this regional activity, three international and national regatNationale. tas are proposed : the International Spring Cup, well-known by a lot of sailors from a lot of nations, the French Championship, and the Les equipagesse forment naturellement par affinite (les equipages French470Cup. mixtes, bien que non admis aux Jeux Olympiques,ne sontpas rares 470 crews are generally organisedby affinity - a lot of mixed crews sur nos plans d'eau) et en fonction des disponibilitesde chacun : il are sailing in our clubs, in spite they would not be authorised to n'est pastoujourssimpled'organiserune vie a deux meme si elle est compete in the Olympic Games ! - and according to the availability limitee a la pratique dt 470 . Ce probleme de disponibilite commune of each crew member : it is not often very easy to organise a comconduit dans de nombreux cas les equipagesa etre selectifs dans le mon life, even if it is limited to sailing 470 ! This problem of comchoix de leurs regates.Cette selection est compenseepar un choix mon availability leads generally the crews to drastically select their important de regatesde week-end, organiseesde facon conviviale regattas. To compensatesuch effect, a large choice of regattas is par les Clubs nautiquesrepartis sur tout le territoire, qu'ils soient en made available for every week-end.These regattasare organisedin bordure de mer, sur plan d'eau interieur ou sur riviere. Dans ces an user-friendly way by all yacht clubs all along the sea shore, lieux privilegies, les equipages470 prennent leurs habitudes et but also on lakes and rivers. In such pleasant areas,4'70sailors get aiment a retrouver d'un week-end sur I'autre into good habits and like to meet from one week-end to the followles memes adversairespour tester leurs progres respectifs ing the same competitors, enabling them to check mutually their Il n'est nul besoin de plan d'eau maritime et de grands espacespour respectiveprogress. Open sea and large areasare not compulnaviguer et apprecier les plaisirs de la voile en 470. sory to appreciatesailing 470 ! FfAnCe,

Jean-PierreDAVID - Presidentde l'AS 4JOFrance

Jean-PierreDAVID - AS 470 France President

MACKAY Ifi,T,E For SpeedJusl LikeTheirs & Quolity Beyond Compore Contocl: Dove MocKoy EqslCoqsfRd/ PloBox225 SILVERDATE. NEWZEATAND Ph ++649 4242303 Fox + +649 426 4306

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lnternational470 Class WORLDCHAMPIONS 12

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