470 Times issue 12, March 2003

Page 1

2003 March The OfficialNewsletter of the nternation al 470 ClassAssociation








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Brothers In Arms..



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Junior WorldsPreview ,MastersCup Preview I

Worlds Winners Poster Wolld News ','-t'

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President DarrenDunkley-Smith 1 3 H u m b l eS t . G e e l o n gE a s t .3 2 1 9 Australia Tel.:+ 61 3 52294701(h) T e l . :+ 6 1 3 5 2 2 1 8 0 8 2( b ) Fax:+ 61 3 52218955(b) T e l . :+ 6 1 4 1 1 6 3 3 4 7 0( m ) E-Mail:darren@470.or9 1st Vice President AlbertoPredieri ltalv Tel: + 39 02 48011044 E-Mail:alberto@470.or9 Treasurer FelixSchmid Jonas Furrerstr.12 8400 Winterthur Switzerland Tel:+41 52213 6471 (h) E - M a i lf:e l i x @ 4 7 0 . o r o Vice President wo,ien Chako Tobari Jaoan E-mail:chako @47O.org

Secretary General JamesAppel Box 6120 A n n a p o l i sM , D 21401 U.S. A. Tel: + 1 410-266-3173 T e l :+ 1 4 1 0 - 9 9 1 - 3 7 1(9m ) Fax:+ 1 4102663173 E - M a i lj:a m e s @ 4 7 0 . o r 9 Presidentof Honour HeinzStaudt Germanv Tel.: + 49-221 4O7O4O(h) " Auditor - Webmaster EricoHoffmann Argentina E - M a i le: r i c o @ 4 7 0 . o r 9 GeneralCouncil Members: AlainCorcuff France E-Mail: alain@47O.org Victor KovalenkoAustralia E-Mail:victor@470.org

Sports Responsible YalginGurkan Turkey MartinSteiger Switzerland E-mail:ygurkan@prizma.net.tr E - M a i l m : a r t i n@ 4 7 0 . o r 9

GeneralCouncil Cont: MartaWe6res Hungary E - M a i lm : arta@470.or9 Sami Abu ShaikhaQatar E-Mail: abushaikha @diwan.gov.qa

Chief Measurer

DickCoster Netherlands E - M a i ld: i c k @ 4 7 0 . o r 9

MastersManager HubertKirrmann E-Mail: hubert.kirrmann @into.ch

Li Quanhai China i 470.org E - M a i lq: u a n h a@

SantiBastidaSagarzazu E-Mail: santibastida@euskalne

ArthurThuringerAustria E - M a i la: r t h u r @ 4 7 0 . o r 9 AlainChampy France E-Mail:champy@470.or9 John Clinton New Zealand Tel:+ 64 21 634070(m)


Laia Tutz6 Spain E-Mail:laiatutzo @hotmail.com

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The PresidentSpeaks In my very first Times editorial, it would be a mistake not to start by thankingHeinz Staudt for his 20 years as President and His and (his wife) Linda's 29 years of dedicationto 47O andsailing. HeinzandLindareceived the ISAF Silver Medal at a functionat November'sISAF Meeting in Cyprus,he was also awardedthe position of 470President of Honour at the 470 GeneralAssemblyjust orior.

Heinz and Linda receivingthe ISAF Silver t\,ledal from ISAF PresidentPaul Hendersonin Cyprus.

I have said a numberof times now, that for Heinz and Linda,470 was not a love but a LIFE and 470 remains Olympic and popular aroundthe World due to their work and time. l'm sureHeinzand Lindawillstillbe seen at 470 regatta'sbut we wish them well in their hopefullynew found "soaretime".


As the New President of 470 lnternationale,I find that Heinz & Linda Staudt have left some very big shoes to fiil after 29 Yearsin 470. I can only ask all our General Council and Volunteersaround the World in the 70+ Countries sailing 470's to continue your work to make 470 sailina as much fun as it can be. We must face the future with new energy to attract new sailors from the YouthClassesand in oarticular the 42Oclass, The 420 is the ideal breedinggroundfor 470 champions of the future and fits into the ISAF created Career path from Youth Worlds to ISAF Worlds to Olvmoic Games.

THE YEAR TO COME Our Masters Cup Regatta continuesto thrive...This vears eventin Hungaryshapesas a great event and I would urge all "Oldies" to dust off the boats and be there ! No French Teams attended the 2002 MastersCuo and l'm sure that will changethis year.(?!)

Where possible National 470 Associationsshould be workino with their 420 class counteroartst6 combine regatta's and training opportunities,to offer both groups of sailors the best view of where they've been and where they are goingwiththeirsailing.

Our Junior Worlds winnersof the past 2 years have gone on to place in Worldsand ISAFGamesand this years JWC's in late August on NeusiedlSee (AUT)will again be a show case of our up and coming talent.

The EuropeanChampionshipsin It is my dream to see a combined BrestduringJuly will see the class 420 and 470 Eurooean 'even Junior celebrate 40 Years ot 47O. A Championship and World specialDinnerand momento'sare planned and the City of Brest is Championshipsin the next years. ano OUR MISSION leged to be More and more this with the association and of the National Class TOWARDS2OO4AND 2OO8!! Associations must Andre Cornu could The IOC Executive'sdecision on cater for both our not have imagined February 21st to leave Sailing Olympic Level where his 470 Medalsat 11 and AthleteNumbers sailors and.. would go 40 years at 400 for the 2008 Olympicshas weekend sailors in ago and we will be been met with Universalapplause. what we do. Congratulationsmust go to ISAF j""j"i,ji',",::Iji,j3}.,o President,Paul Henderson who l. duringthe"event as s i. o n .a | .""%11"J"?::ffiiil'j made a strong case to the IOC for C h"a m p i o n s h i p s well. Youshould no changebefore1012. are a good place for all levels of NOT miss this event with the sailorsto test their ability. We are Challenge Cornu Cup starting on lf the decisionhad gone the other working hard to see a 470 Asian the 4th of July.. way,our class would havefacedyet Championship, the re-inventing of anotherexpensivepoliticalbattleto the South Pacific Championships We also plan a Special470 Sprint retainOlympicStatus. This would and I'm very pleasedto see that the serieson the 16th of July that will have been destructivefor all the German's,Austrian'sand Swissare see the Top 4 Men'steams and Top OlympicClassesand the sport as a talking about a regional 4 Women's teams from the Ooen whole. lt would have been the 3rd Championshipfor their area very Europeansfight it out tor prize Quadrenniumthat the classeswere soon. What about some Regional money and we are presently reducedto "PoliticalParties"rather Teams Racing Championshipsin negotiatingfor Televisioncoverage than "SportsPromoters". 470's ? of this event..

the World Championship. There had been few or no Mixedcrewsfor sometime now and it was felt it was timeto bringthe Worldsin linewith the Olympicrequirements. Administrativelythe class looks to streamline Regatta entry and NationalAssociationPaymentsvia the Pay-Pal Online Credit Card payment service. We are all spendingfar too much on the Bank Fees with bank Drafts and Transfers. Too many times paymentsneverarriveor arrivewith no details. Trialsof these payment systems will begin this year with a final decisiondue early 2004. WORLDS2OO4 Disappointingis the fact, that for several years now 470 has been lookingtowardsa Worldsin Greece just months before the Athens Olympics,howeverlate lastyear we were informed bv ISAF and the ISAF President that ATHOC (the Olympic Organising Committee) had directedthat No OlympicClass Worlds be held in Greece before the gamesin 2004. The Publicityof a possibleDouble Greek win would have been pricelessand it was very reluctantly that we had to take the directionof ISAF and ATHOC and move the Worlds2004. I can announce now that our Worlds will be in Zadar,Croaliain May 2004 After a very successful European Championship in 1999 , SC Uskok will host us and are sure to do a great job with the whole town and districtbehindthem.

I cannot f inish this Presidents report without mentioning Sofia's President Henderson has alreadv This yearsWorldswill be part of the and Milly'sreignon top of the ISAF been approach by several Sailin! Communicationand Promotionare ISAF Combined Olympic Class Rankinglist and their well deserved Nations to vote this vear to leave vital, and the Management Worlds in Cadiz Soain. Much ISAF/ Rolex Sailors of the Year the Disciplinesand Classes (with Committee must work with the discussion has been had on the award.their extraordinary winning the exceptionof the Sailboard)the GeneralCouncilto ensurethe best methodof entry. ISAF has decided streak continued recently at the same for the 2008 OlympicGames use of the limitedfunds we have to that the Rankinglistfrom 1-100will Athen's Eurolymp regatta where Regatta. spread our good points as far as decide how many places each they consistentlygave the Men's possible. Email and the www are nation gets (to a Maximumof 6). fleet a run for their money. This will give Int 470 (and the other the greatesttools invented(if used We of coursestill invitethe reigning Classes) the chance to promote conectly) but we still need printed World Chamoions as extra's and Congratulationsto them and good sailingratherthan their survivalin materialfrom time to time. Peoole overallthe ISAF systemshould not luckto all thosetryingto finishtheir the Olympics.The Management from over 90 countriesvisited our imDact 997" of nationssailors. dominance. Committee has several olans websitein lhe last 4 monthsso we underway that will see a gieater must continue to make the site In November,the General Council Cheers. exposure and popularity to the active and relevant. (Thanks decided that f rom 2003 Mixed Darren. sailing population around the Erico).. Crewswill not be permittedto enter World.

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Sail M e l b o u r n e 2 00 3

8 Countries includingNZL , IND , HUN and CYP made the trip to Melbournelocompeteagainstthe Kovalenko CoachedAussieTeamsand were rewardedwith ideal conditionsand greatcompetitionthat will put them in terrificform for the start of the Europeancurcuit startinoin Late March. Sail Melbournenow in it's 8th Year of them while Armstrong& Stowell boastedcompetitors from 34 Nations opened up a 12 point l e a o o v e r in the all OlympicClassesand invited Petitjean & Douroux. classesincluding the Iittle2.4 class. N i c o l a s C h a r b o n n i e r / T a n g u yC a r i o u made the most of the light races on the

The 470's regattasoon turnedinto a Last day to sneek into 4th overall battle betweenFranceand Australia infront of the Kiwi's. with the Worlds number 1 Nathan Wilmot & Malcolm Page (AUS) up againstpastWorldChampionPhilippe GildaswithnewcrewNicholasLeberre (FRA).And in the Women's47O,the Worlds number 2 ranked Jenny Armstrong& BelindaStowellagainst 2002 Worlds Silver MedallistsIngrid Petitjean & NadegeDouroux(FRA). The seriesstartedwiththe Aussieand French Men swapping1st and 2nd Armstrong& Stowellwere pushedall Placeswhile AndrewBrown& Jamie the way by the Frenchteam and took Hunt(NZL)and Matand Dan Belcher outtheWomen'stitlebyjust4 pointsin (AUS)fightingoutfor the minorplaces. the 12 race series with Ex-Eurooe In the heavierconditionsthe French DinghySailor ShelleyHessonwith Womenhad the speedoverthe 2000 LindaDickson(NZL)a further4 points Gold MedallistsJenny Armstrong& back. BelindaStowellbut the Aussie girls weremoreconsistent overall. Wilmot & Page outclassed the oppositionand registereda 13 point Gildas& Leberre(FRA)at one stage gap overthe Frenchwiththe Belchers won 3 racesin a row puttingpressure havinga great regattajust 8 points on the Aussie'sgettingwithin4 points backin 3rd Overall.


6 7 B I

10 11 12 13 14 to


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4 o

15.00 28.00 36.00 40.00 49.00 53.00 64.00 71.00 75.00 77.00 90.00 95.00 128.00 145.00 147.00 155.00 167.00

AUS311 FRA2588 AUS35 FRA2 ITA2 NZLl99 NZLl97 IRL61 AUS34O NZL185 AUS343 HUN391 IND14 tND315 tND3121 lND312 cYP543

NathanWilmot PhilippeGildas MathewBelcher Nic Charbonnier GabrioZandona Andrew Brown StephenKeen GeraldOwnens Mark Padgett Derek Scott ShaneSmith SallaiGabor FarokhTarapore SandipJain SanjeevChauhan Ayaz Shaikh PetrosDracos

MalcolmPage NicholasLeberre DanielBelcher TanguyCariou AndreaTrani JamieHunt PhilipKeen RossKillian NickBehrens David Healy AndrewVerdon Olosz David Arut Arvind Utpal More NareshYadav Ram KumarSingh C Karakoulakis

AUS341 FRA2594 NZLl95 HUN49 AUS33B NZL173

Jenny Armstrong IngridPetitjean ShelleyHesson Weores Marta LisaCharlson SallyGarrett

BeindaStowell 18.00 Nadege Douroux 22.O0 LindaDickson 26.00 Anna Pay'r 30.00 F Ziegelmayer 36.00 RaynorSmeal 59.00

ffiso{rntrr Commonwealth Sailing Ghampionships ,,, The Inaugural Commonwealth S a i l i n g C h a m p i o n s h i p sf o l l o w e d Sail Melbourne and is oart of endeavoursto havesailingincluded in futureCommonwealth Games.

are former 420 World chamoions. hopingto gain Olympicselection, performances showing their marked improvementover the past six months.

With the supportof Commonwealth Nations expected, to triple competititors numbers, the event will be held in conjunction with the 2006 CommonwealthGames in Melbourneagain.

Andrew Brown/JamieHunt (NZL) finishedthat race 2nd to give them 3rd overallfor the series,theirfellow Kiwis,brothersStephenand Phillip Keen,havingto settlefor 3rd in the last race for a sth overall.All three pairs said it was the most challengingrace they had sailedfor sometime. Indiaput in a good showingin the

Pholo Counesy - Spon The Library

As the World No. 1 pair. Nathan Wilmot/Malcolm Page (NSW) continued the brilliance they showedin winningSail Melbourne taking1st placeagainior the Mens 470 class, by a margin of two points,not needingto sail the final race. Men's 2nd and 3rd olaces came down to the last race with brothers Mathew and Daniel Belcher(Qld) gaining an inside overlap just before the finish to claim the race and 2nd Dlaceoverall.The brothers

1 z 4 5 6

1 o

Photo Coudesy ' Spod The Library

47O class. with Farokh Tarapore/AmitArvind; the former 420 World champions the best placed.finishing5th Mens. Jenny Armstrong/Belinda Stowell (NSW) were outstanding.winning the Womens 470 by 22 pointsfrom L i s a C h a r l s o n / R i k eZ i e g e l m a y e r (NSW)

AUS311 AUS35 NZL199 NZL197 lNDl CYP543

NathanWilmot MathewBelcher AndrewBrowrr StephenKeen FarokhTaraoore PetrosDracos

MalcolmPage DanielBelcher JamieHunt PhilipKeen AmitArvind C Karakoulakis

AUS341 AUS338 NZL195

Jenny Armstrong Lisa Charlson ShelleyHesson

BelindaStowell AUS 8.00 RikeZiegelmayer AUS 1 7 . 0 0 Linda Dickson NZL 21.O0


15.00 16.00 17.00 21.00 38.00 48.00


USA V's CanadaV's Germany andfresh warmsunshine BiscayneBay delivered 34 countries breezesforthe 526athletesrepresenting in the RolexMiamiOCR2003. competing its Miami it hadextended RolexWatchU.S.A.announced for the nextsevenyears regattasponsorship

2OO3 Class Rule Amendments

Sailed since1990, the eventis the USA's oremier internationalonedesign regattaand the USA's only Grade 1 eventforthe ISAF Ranking list.

470 CLASSASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL The followingamendmentsto the Class Ruleshave been approvedto be effective1st March2003. Rule 26.2 Prooulsion Amendment: In the second sentence delete following: "10 knots"

knots" and insert the

Paul Foerster (Rockwall, Texas) and KevinBurnham(MiamiBeach, Fla.)are by far the most experience of the US Teams and put in an amazing performancelate in the regatta.

Rule26.2 Amendment: Delete all referencesto "pumping flag" and insert the following:"yellowf lag" Rule26.2 Amendment:Add at the end of the currentrule: "Duringthe race, if the constantwind speed drops down below 10 knots the Race Committeemay decide to put back in force RRS 42 (with the alterationof rule 26.1). lf so decided,RRS 42 (with the alterationof rule 26.1) will apply from the mark where a Race Committeeboat close to this mark has displayedthe internationalcode flag "R" with the yellowflag, and until a yellow flag is displayedalone by a Race Committeeboat close to any further mark,and so on (Alterationto RRS Race Signals). At each mark where such a visual signal is made, the Race Committee markboatwill call competitorsattentionby frequentshort sound signalsJ'

Gfeek 1 GRE 64 2 FRA 2594 3 RUS 7OO 4 GBR792 5 N E D1 1 6 SLO19 7 GBR 02 I SLO 142 9 GRE163








64 126 157 '178.7 209 219 228 229 262


53 55 75 85 88.3 125 125 128

Foerster said "We forced them to the wrong side in (todays) first race,""ln the second race,we were pretty even until they fell into a nowind zone on the first downwind legl'

Ivlaxwelland l\rorgan

Foerster and Burnham, both Olympic medallists,won both last day races to steal the the regatta Gold from Steve Hunt (Hampton, Va.)and MichaelMiller(Charleston, S.C.),who had been leadingsince day one. The final marginwas just one point,with HunVMillerhavingto settlefor second.

In the 470 Women'sclass,the team ot Katie McDowell(Barrington,R.l.) (N.Y.,N.Y.), and lsabelleKinsolving which had sailedsteadythroughout the series,to take out the Women's 470's in a small but competitive women'sfleet..

2003 RolexMiami OCR - 470 SeriesStanding- 10 races scored 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9

USA1722 usA 1697 USA 1738 USA 1732 USA 1734 USA 1754 GER 4899 USA 1756 USA 1736



11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

C A N5 6 1 U S A1 7 1 3 U S A1 6 C A N6 1 0 USA1743 cAN 595 USA 1724 C A N6 1 5 cAN 331 usA 1718 U S A1 7 1 5

Foerster Hunt lvey McDowell Anderson Maxwell Grobe Hall Clark Dabney Locas McNay Jolly Noakes Tulloch McEwen OBryan Dakin Garand Praley Oliver

Burnham Miller Cromwell Kinsolving Biehl Morgan Russell Hughes Mergen-aler Schmidt Aebi Anderson Shore Beaudoin Duda McEwen Moore Broe-Vayda Armitage Attridge Sheahan

24.O0 25.00 33.00 41.00 48.00 55.00 64.00 74.O0 79.00 90.00 92.00 93.00 107.00 108.00 120.00 127.00 1 3 1. 0 0 144.00 154.00 166.00 183.00

ffreffiercffm^fimffi FamilySailingPartners.. And the WORST ? .... "Maybethe personal space and often say same, sometimes it's hard when thingsthat hurt or shouldn'tbe said you can never keep a secret for because" of the the Brotherlv each other anymorebecauseof the relationship. sailing you just know exactly what the other thinks,but l'm not sure Mat and Dan were sailing on at that's real bad, maybe not very Palma in 2OO2and say " we were h a n d yi n s o m es i t u a t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . .very .l' upset about the Austrian brothersand felt what it would be Amazingly the very first World The COSTER'S... Finallywe askedwhat their reaction like if you had to go through what Champions in the 470 were a Sven and KalleCosterhave a great to the idea of being forced to sail they did. We were on the next race pedigree Brothers Team, Yves & Herve sailing with their Father Mixedin 47O....? Carrewho won the Worldsin 1970. (andnow Coach),sailingthe Soling "Crazy..,what are they thinking? | course at the time. lt is so much personal when it is one Even more amazing was that a to sth place in the Olympicsand a think it would be really sad for lhe more team of Sisters from Canada won 2nd at a Worldswhiletheir Mother class becausea lot of teams would family." the very First Women's Worlds in spent much of her teenage years step over to another class or just 1985. Karenand GailJohnsonwon on Dutch Classes. out of the soort.." The KEEN TEAM.... from 20 competitors from 1 1 nations. They obviouslywere inspiredby the The Kiwi Keen Team hail from the The Kouwenhovenbrothers, Sven The BELCHERBROTHERS. Naval Point YC, and have results says..J'when we were young we including Laser Radial North were alwayslookingup to them and American and Asia Pacific were always admiring them Championship winsand a sth in the poweringdown in front of our club 1996YouthWorld Champs on the Braasemermeerwhen it was too windy to sail for us." Less than 2 years separatethe two and to look at them you could The Home club for the bovs...."is Yves & Herve Care almostmistakethem for twins. But on the braassemermeerlak-ewhere Brother Teams won the first three the int. easter regattafor optimists Hailingfrom SouthportYachtClub both took up sailing at the same 470 World Championships,Tom & is held everyyear with 300 optimist. and Royal Queensland YS the time at 11 and 13 beforejoining Wouter van Essen from Holland It's the club where we trained in BelcherBrothersare showinggood forcesat 16 and 14 yearsold. won the 1971 Worldsand Sjord & optimistand 42Q,nowdayswe only form from all the work they'vebeen By that stage they had been and Eric Vollenbregtwon in 1972 sail there once or twice a year puttingin. through the P Class, Starling, when all 3 top placeswere filled by because we train in Medemblik Brother/Brother Teams. most of the time." Just 1 year separatesthe Brothers Sunbursts.Laser ll. 420's Laser and both started sailingat about 9 and the Laser Radial, before Sven and Kalle learnt to sail years old, graduatingfrom Sabots jumping into the 470 just 4 years together on their Parents big boat thru 420's Corsairsand Lasersand ago. And almost immediately as soon as they were born and after didn'tsail togetheruntilMat'sknee winning the New Zealand National the Opti, Cadet and 420 they injuryput him into the trapeze. lt Championships. teamedup in the 470 in 1999,when was only to be for'1year as Mat had the 4 year age gap became less of built up quite a career in Teams Obviously3 time WorldChampions an issue. Racing. Togetherthey looked Hamish Wilcox and Dave Barnes Karen and Gail Johnson back and won the 420 Nationals have inspired the 2 , but besides Sven was EuropeanchamoionIMS that year and startedto dream of a wantingthe OlympicGoldthey also in 2001 but togetherthey rank their 47OCateet. want to travel and meet new and Since then there have been 4th in Barcelona Week as their best interestingpeople and to see the countlessFamilyteams at the top yet.. "12th But Kalle puts in the TomKingand MarkTurnbull's of our results sheets. The Ward win in sites of this world. optimisteaster regattaand winning 2000 fired the imaginationof the Sistershave been twice runnersuo the trialsfor the ISAFworldsin 420" brotherseven further but they have They praisethe 470 by saying"The in Women's Worlds and who can as his best results in his sailino the realistic goal of just being forget the Sisters Bettina and as best thing about 470's are the careerso far. Annika Lemstromfrom Finland. good as they possiblycan. When people that race them and the they eventuallyget backto studies racing.They are all great people Like all the Sailorson the Circuit, both havescholarshiosto Bond , and we have been able to make Dutch Brothers Ben and Jan Uni Kouwenhoven are twice World they are aimimg for a Medal at the with Dan havingjust one year to go some reallygood friends.The next Games and say the best thing on his law degree. thing is that the 470 is a class Champions while Tomoaki & where you need to keep thinking Nobuhiro Tsutsumi won their about 470 is .. "Everything,its a real boat that's got all the h o m e l a n dW o r l d s i n 1 9 8 9 a n d Theylistthe bestthingaboutsailing and it continues to push your opportunitiesof all other boats its limits." Tommaso & Erico Chieffi won in fast and you can do alot with it togetheris that "you do not have to 1985and were3rd in 1981 pretend, you grown have up trimwisel' Understandingseems to be the togetherand know the others good main benefit of sailing as Wolfgangand Jochen Hungerwere " points". and bad The other thing We askedwhat the BESTthingwas Brothers..." The abilitythatwe have on the way to a World'stitle before about being is brothers that it's about sailingwith your Brother? to understandeach other, both on the sad death of Jochen. you always nice knowing when are and off the water and the fun we Kalle answered "That you know each other so well that you can feel away from home that there is are able to have togethed'. But it Today's fleet boasts many what the other is thinking,and that someonewho will always be there also is the Worstthing too...."?He Brother/Brotheror Sister/Sister you are always together you for you in an unconditionalwayJ' knows me too well and that I can't teams from all over the World and become such good friends and i hideanythingfrom himl' here is a few words from just three guessthat'sthere for life!And that's But it also means that sometimes of the Brothersin Arms..... a real nice thing what not all "you don't you respecteach others brothershave." ContinuedPage 12

WhileAndreCornudesigned the470as a Family DaySailorboat,it quicklydeveloped intoa realracer. Butthefamilyaspectwasneverlost, Brother/Brother or Sister/Sister teamshavebeenhighin the resultssinceourvervfirstWorlds.


L D 1 9 7

2000- TomKing& MarkTurnbull

1985- KarenJohnson& Gail Johnson 1986 - Judy Lugar & Morag McLean

'1997Petri Leskinen & KristianHeinila

1970 - Yves Carre & Herv Carre 1975 - Marc Laurent& FlogerSurmin 1986 - Thiery Peponnet& Luc Pillot 1998- PhilippeGildas& CariouTanguy 1999 - Benoit Petit & J FrancoisCuzon

1995 2000 2001 2002 -

1985 - TommasoChieffi & Enrico Chiefti

'i981 -

Andreas Kosmatopoulos& Costas Trigonis Solia Bekatorou & Emilia Tsoulla SofiaBekatorou& EmiliaTsoulfa Sofia Bekatorou & Emilia Tsoulfa

DavidBarnes& 1983- DavidBarnes& 1984- DavidBarnes& 2002 - Simon Cooke &

HamishWilcox HamishWilcox HamishWilcox Peter Nicholas

1998 - Marit Soderstrom& BirgittaBengtsson

47tl I




1973- HenrikSdderlund& Age Bdrresen


1974 - Antonio Gorostegui& Manuel Albalat 1992 - TeresaZabell & PatriciaGuerra 1992 - Jordi Calafat & FranciscoSanchez 1993 - Jordi Calafal & Kiko Sanchez Luna 1995 - Theresa Zabell & BegoniaVia Dufresne 1996 - Theresa Zabell & Begonia Via Dufresne


1988 - Nigel Buckley& Peter Newlands

'1979Miyuki Kay & Ryo Komiya 1989 - Tomoaki& NobuhiroTsutsumi

1997'1998'19992001 -

RuslanaTaran& OlenaPakholchik RuslanaTaran& OlenaPakholchik RuslanaTaran& OlenaPakholchik Eugeny Braslavets& lgor Matvienko

1982 - Jdrn Borowski& Eckbert Swensson (DDR) 1987 - Bernd Hoeft & Falko Bier (DDF) 1987 - Susanne Meyer & Katrin Adlkofer (FRG) (FRG) 1989 - Susanne Meyer & Katrin Adlkofer 1990 Tanja Stemmler & Sabine Lenkmann (FRG) '1990- WolfgangHunger & RolfSchmidt (FBG) 1991- WolfgangHunger& Bolf Schmidt 1993- Ines Bohn & SabineRohatzsch 1994- lnes Bohn & SabineRohatzsch

1971 - Tom van Essen & Wouter van Essen 1972- SjoerdVollebregt& ErikVollebregl '1 994 - Ben Kouwenhoven& Jan Kouwenhoven 1996 - Ben Kouwenhoven& Jan Kouwenhoven

1977 - David Ullman & Tom Linskey :978 - DavidUllman& Tom Linskey 1980- DavidUllman& Tom Linskey 1991- JenniferJ lsler& PamelaHealy




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ZIECELMAY :i.--.:'i.',.'.:..:.:..'''...'..''....'..'-.'.:'


BrothersIn Arms (cont)

MastersCup Hungary

They said of the Tornadotragedyin Palmalastyear..."This was horrible to hear that any sailor lost their lives. When two people sail together if they are two friends, brothersor sistersa like they have an special bond that is very strong and when this is brokenthroughan accident such as this it brinosqreat sadness." Of the argument about Mixed Sailingthey reply..." As a sailorwho is strivingfor OlympicGold this is not the best thing to happen for sailing.As someonewho lovesto sail with his brotherthis is not a goodideaat all. lf you tookthis idea and appliedit to a countrysuch as New Zealand,you wouldreducethe number of active and comoetitive 470 boats to two boals, as there is only one girls team from New Zealand currently sailing Internationally.There are many other associated oroblems with travel, logisticsand not to mention sleeping in close quarters with some else'sgirl friend'' t

After two very successfully run events (1998- Beside sailing there are a lot of other possibilities of Masters World Cuo and the 2000- World entertainmentaroundTihanvand Lake Balaton. Championship), Hungaryinvitesall the470 masters sailorsagain. We also invite all Ihe 470 sailors to take part in the International BalatonSailingWeek and the Hungarian The Hungarian Yachting Association with the Championship, that will be held from 18th - 24th July, International470 Class Association and the 2003. This event could be a great training for masters Hungarian 470 Class Association and in co- sailorsto conquestthe mix of the interestingwaves and operationwith the Tihany YachtClub is pleasedto wind of Lake Balaton. inviteyou to take part in the Mastels 470 WorldCup Championshipto be held in Tihany,Lake Balaton, You can find all the informationabout the 2003 Masters Hungaryfrom 29.08.-03.09. 2003. World Cup on the website: htto://bkvsai l.sekli.hu/ 470 The entry confirmationwill start on 29th August. TotallyI racesare scheduled. And can also get informationaboutthese two eventsfrom Certainlyduring the Championshipseveralsocial the HungarianYachtingAssociation: eventswill be held to assureoood time on shore. Email:hunsail@mail.inext.hu And from the TihanyYachtClub: About the territory: Email:rutai @thesail.hu Lake Balaton,the largestlake in CentralEurope is situated in the middle of the Hungarian Trans- Zsolt Lovas Danubeterritoryin the westernpart of the country. E m a i l : The Tihany peninsuladivides the lake into two zslovas@sailing.hu pans. The water depth varies between0.5 and 5 meters. The wave pattern is very special.The short waves are very roughwhen it blows. The wavelengthis 3-4 m due to the shallowwater the lakewarmsup quiterapidlyand in the summer you can enjoy 25 centigrade, while the air temperatureis about 30-35 temper (hardness) and Young's Modulus (inherent material stiffness).Goldsparachievesthis by cold drawingall tube after it is extruded. The tapered tops are diameterand wall thickness. made from cold drawntube which :Ygl..tt is solutionheat treatedthen soun taperedby our speciallydesigned, computer controlledmachine. This processcold works the taper and then we accelerate the naturalage temper by oven heattreating.

Goldspar Masts...

weaimtoproduce masts rrom l3l'.'$3l,Ty"$"fl'il?:"^t"'?l,i'ili':g tjJ characteristics. :i[""Y';"91":fr1?131",.i3,,J30:[:fl

yearto yearwith identicalbend

The current worlds #1 ranked 470-class boat, skippered by Nathan Wilmot and crewed bv Malcolm Page. is using a Goldsparmast. Australianand French Olympic squads are using Goldspar masts and we are working with the respective coaches developingmasts with specific characteristicsfor the future. I would welcome any interested sailor, coach or business to makecontactwith me to discuss Top tapers and lower masts are how we could present this socketedtogetherto achievethe consistentresult,for masts and exact bend characteristics equipment on your yacht, to reouiredfor the best sail fr mast have you achieving the best performance combination.The possibleresultfor your sails and sail track is fixedto the comDleted talent. mast by pop rivets. Doug RawsonHarris Most other manufacturers produce masts from extruded sectionsthat are cut and welded to achieve a taper. These masts do not have yield strengthor the dimensional accuracy of cold drawn tube. Extruded masts cannot offer consistent bend performance due to the inconsistent wall section of extrusions and the variability of the cuttingand weldingprocess.

o Y o



Contact: Phone+61 2 9997 1211- Email:info@rak.com.au

Goldspar has had consistent winning performanceresults in many classesin Australiaand in fact around the world since 1980.A list would be extensive but there ate considerable documented results f rom thousandsof regattaiscovering all junior and international classes to the Olympic and seniorhigh pedormance18 foot racingyachts.

ffiffffitr' reffi&** FromAroundthe Globe ,, rsAFcu*ent Rankings


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7 1 2 3 4 6








.. saitAuckrand

12 race series over 4 days but with the conditions that were in Aucklandat the time, getting the races in was very hard for the officialsleavingthe last day without Atter many NZL sailorswent to AUS any racing. for Sail Melbourneit was goingto be good to do some racing on our Andrew Brown and Jamie Hunt hit home waters. With 9 boats racing the front of the feet sailing very this was a small fleet but of the I consistently to finish ahead of four are rankedin the top 40 in the Gabrio Zandona and Andrea Trani ISAF World Rankings from three o{ ltaly, with Shelly Hesson and countriesmakingfor great racing. Lind Dicksontied with Stephen& PhilipKeenfor thirdplace. Leading up to the start of Sail Aucklandwe were trainingin great Thereare two more regattasin New conditionswith& 15 - 22 knots but Zealand with the NZL National then come race day,the conditions Championshipsstarting straight were the completeopposite.Race after the 2003 Americas Cuo and one took Dlace with 4 knots and then OlympicsSail in March. very shifty conditionswhich set the stage for the remainder of the Steve Keen regatta. Sail Aucklandwas meant to be a The New Zealandsummer started with Sail Auckland,the only ISAF ranking regatta held in New Zealand.

Argentina .. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th 5th


JavierConte FernandaSesto FedericoCalabrese MatiasBuehler MarianoCastro


Juan de la Fuente. PaulaReinoso MartinTieri MarcosLamas MarianoValdora

SouthAmerican championships

The Brazilian470 Class ranthe 470 Championshipsof South America on the 26th of Feb - 2nd of Marchat VelerosBarloventoYachtClub... No resultsare availableas vet but a Photowas sent.


ttt fleusiedl see - 28 sept - 7 Aug

The Junior Worldswill take place situatedwith 2 metershigh grass. on Austria's biggest lake Lake Fromthe wateron you can only see the churchtowersof the littletowns Neusiedl. The Town o{ Rust is locatedabout around the lake for orientationso your compass! half an hour drive south of Austria's don't forget capital city Vienna , next to the Hungarian Border. Easy to reach over highway system f rom all directions,the region around Lake Neusiedlhas a very smooth and friendlyclimatewith morethan 250 days of sunshine around the year and nearly every day more than 5 Knotswind! The normaldepthof the lakeis per average one meter and a half, no place is deeper than 2 meters so you can "walk" the about 36 14 Kilometers length and Kilometerswidth. But don't worry, the lake is everywhere deep enough for sailing, especially because there are no big waves. Only very short dunes (like in Hyere)will developwhen the typical thermicsouthwind increases.

The organizing club is the Yacht Club (BYC) Burgenlndische in Rust. As the second largestclub in Austriait has a great experience with racingactivitieslike Europeans or Worlds in Olympic and Nonthe Olympic classes. For competitors and their coaches there will be a big area prepared with all facilities like slip ways, cranes, f resh water, camping internetaccounts. facilities, For further informationsvisit the club webpagewww.byc.at or the soon published event web site via ww.470.org

For all those who want to get to know lake Neusiedl,the Austrian Junior lnternational Championshipwill be helddirectly before the Junior Worlds in the same Club, on the same racing Even if the water has a colour like area, with the same race choclatemilk you can drink it, the committee, etc. from the 24th to grey-browncomes from the ground 28th of August.Participatingin this sudacewhich is in the most Dartsof event there are although 2 free the lake very fine sand. Aroundthe days for measurment and water area an about 3 to 5 relaxationbeforethe Worldsstart. Kilometersbroad flat water zone is

reffi&** FromAroundthe Globe Israel



2002 was a quite a successful season for our 470 sailors and competition between our 2 top teams,in ihe men as well as in the women category is high and is going to heat up in 2003, as it will be decisive for the Olympic oualification. In the men'scategory- YogevJosef & ShahafAmir ISR 12 won GOLD in the ISAFWorldSailingGamesin M a r s e i l l eU , d i G a l & G i d iK l i g e r ' s ISR 7 best result was 4th in the 470 Worldsin Cagliari. In the women's category - Nike Kornecki& VeredBuskila(lSR 10) won Bronze in Barcelona and Silverin Hyeresand were in the top 10 at the Eurooeanand Worlds Championships.


Both teams, men and women are now working with one coach, our llan Tashtash. Trainingcamps are held mainly in lsrael,where as you know we have excellent sea and weather conditionsalmost over the year from Eilat on the Red Sea in the South,TelAviv,Sdot Yam and Haifa - along the Mediterraneancoast and in the N/E- on the Lake of Galillee,which is known for its strongwinds. At the same time there are some newteamsemergingfrom our 420 class, such as Eyal Levine & Stav Cohen, who won Gold in August in the 420 Junior Eurooeansin Belgium and alreadyparticipated with great success at our 47O Nationals.

LinorKliger & Anat Fabrikant(lSR 5) won Silverin Palma and are just Here are the resultsof the too 3 a few points behindthe 1st team. teams in the lsraeli National Championship, held end October The Olympicteam will be chosen 2002 in Tel Aviv: in 2003, the qualifying events being: Hyeres, the European Dorith Stierler Championship and the World Championship.

Kliger& Gal I S R7 1. Kornecki& Buskila ISR 10 Josef& Amir I S R 1 2 2. Kliger & Fabrikant ISR 5 Eyal Levin& Stav Cohen ISR 9 3. Noa Botzer& S LevintalISR 4

Australia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1t 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

AUS311 FRA2588 AUS35 AUS tRL61 AUS341 FRA HUN49 AUS327 AUS315 AUS338 HUN391 AUS14 AUSI AUS335 AUS319 AUS331 RSA2



NathanWilmot MalcolmPage GildasPhilippe NicolasLeberre MatthewBelcher DanielBelcher NathanOutteridge Ayden Menzies GeraldOwens RossKillian JennyArmstrong BelindaStowell IngridPetitjean NadigeDouroux Marta Weores Anna Payr Mark Padgett NickBehrens JamesGarnaut James Seymour Lisa Charlson Rike Zregelmayer GaborSallai DavidOlosz LloydEdmunds AndrewVerdon MichelleRooke Lisa Rooke Alex Chapman Max Bryden MichaelChapman RobertBryden lsabelleGarand MeganArmitage LindaSpicer lan Dunn

13.00 25.00 30.00 48.00 52.00 53.00 60.00 79.00 89.00 92.00 1 0 1. 0 0 11 2 . 0 0 125.00 132.00 164.00 178.00 1 8 1. 0 0 183.00


sfst tational Championships

The championshipwas held in November2002 with over 80 boats includingI women teams,who all qualified from each district 470 championships.

A Total of 6 races were completed and 2 women teams listed in the too sth overall. Japan 47O expects that a women team will securetheirOlympicspot in Cadiz.Spain.

Following the nice 16-20 knots northerly on day 1, the race committee and sailors had to be patient for the very shifty puff for next last 3 days.

Men'sNationalChamps @

o c d c


1 z +


KatsuyaTakagi/Ryosu keTanigawa (d KazutoSeki/KenjiroTodoroki 6 z WakakoTabata/NaomiKurita(w) Yuka Yoshisako/MitsukoSatake(w)o E UmihikoArakawa/NMotoyoshi 3 Akiralshibashi/HirokiGoto -@

Argentina .. From its beginningsin the 80's, the Due to the comDlexeconomicand 470 classin Argentinahas undergone financialsituationin Argentina,it is many ups and downs;however,with almost imoosiblelor most ol our more or {ewer boats at sea, it has people to enter international alwaysbeenproudol its spiritof team championships; nonetheless, we keep workand highpedormance. on trying hard working for better times.That is why,doingour best to At present,class 470 is developing overcomesuch dilficulties,we are and growingthanks to the several organizing the South American outstandingcontributionsf rom its Championship from February26 to reoresentatives either in worldwide March2 of thisyear,and our Brazilian games. tournaments or in olympic In colleagues havealreadysignedup! Atlanta 1996, Martin Billoch and Martin RodriguezCastellsobtained We wish we could play host to the the seventh position,whereas in International Chamoionshio of the Sydney2000,JavierConteand Juan class in the future becausewe do de la Fuente were awarded the count not only with the adequate BronzeMedal. geographyand appropriateregatta Both our women and men's crews areas but also with excellenthuman have been doing more than well and naturalresources. internationally, as is the case of FernandaSesto and Paula Reinoso Let us hopethat one day our dream (who got the Silver Medal among can becomelrue. othertitlesin the Athenspre-olympic games), Federico.Calabreseand MarcoCasciola MartlnTieri or MatlasBuehlerand Argentine470 Class Association MarcosLamas,just to mentiona Jew. President. Furthermore,we can say that at a nationalleveltoo,the470classis very competitiveand expandingbecause of the many new navigatorscoming from Optimist.Cadet or 420 class who considerour class the best choicefor sailingchallenges.

w&7Cfr'-clrigr World Wide Web Thewebsiteof ourAssociation wasfirstset up by Erico Hoffmann fromArgentina in 1995, it wasoneof thefirstSailingWebsites. In June99 we hadour 100.000th visitorandsincethen we havearound12.000- 14.000visitorsevervmonth. StatisticsoJvisitorsat www.47o.orgin the period 1st September2002 1o31st December2002 (4 Months) TotalVisitors 56,730

AverageVisitorsPer Day 465

AveragePageviewsPer Visitor 2.88

Total Pageviews 163,802

Average PageviewsPer Day 1,342.63

AverageHits Per Visitor 9.99

TotalHits 566,896

AverageHits Per Day 4,646.68

AverageBytes Per Visitor 66.59K8

Total Bytes Trans 3.603GB

Average Bytes Transfened Per Day 30.24M8

AverageLengthof Visit 00:04:43

470 Internationale encouragesall NationalAssociationsto set up their own website and we will set up a direct link from 470.orgto that webpage.We also offerto the NationalAssociationsan FTP accountunderour domainto host there their website.

In the last 4 Monthsvisitorscome from over 90 countries, here'sthe top 25 by visitation. 25.4% 14,427 1. com (Commercial) 11,645 15.27o 2. net (Network) 1,964 3.50/o it (ltaly) 3. 1,852 4. nl (Netherlands) 3.3% 2.7"k 1,548 5. be (Belgium) jp (Japan) 1.9% 1,066 6. 1.8% 1 , 0 11 7. at (Austria) 1.6% de (Germany) 929 8. 1.60/" fr (France) 883 L 1.4yo 792 10. ar (Argentina) 760 1.3o/o 11. es (Spain) 754 1.3"k 12. ca (Canada) 1.2"k 690 13. gr (Greece) 1.2% 14. uk (UnitedKingdom) 671 1.1o/o 15. au (Australia) 636 10/" 16. br (Brazil) 595 1"k 17. ch (Switzerland) 582 1"k 18. fi (Finland) 581 435 19. pl (Poland) 0.8% 419 20. hu (Hungary) 0.7"h 403 0.7% 21. nz (NewZealand) 0.7o/o 22. il (lsrael) 397 0.7"k 23. ro (Romania) 386 24. ee (Estonia) 371 0.7o/o 0.6y" 25. edu (Educational) 349

This is free of any charge,just contactby mail Erico Hoffmann(erico@470.or9) and he will arrangeit for you. In this case the Addressof the National websitewould be "www.470.org/National Code" On the websiteyou will find also a databasewhich has at this time around600 Entries,and there you can searchby name of countrythe E-Mail Addresseson 470 Sailors,Coaches,Officers,FormerSailorsworldwide.

Organisational Ghart .. Manysailorsnever reallyunderstand howtheirassociation worKs.. Hereis an organisational Chart that showshow sailorsare linked withthe Management of their Association. lf sailorshaveANY questionstheyare free to contactany of the Management Committee or your GeneralCouncil Memberthatare listedon Page 2.








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BOATBuilders Contractedto

470 Internationale GeneralCouncil zone Representatives MeetAnnually a Yed


SAILMakers MASTProducers

(No Md)


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i FITTINGS Companies i





47o Mast Devetopment

Having been beaten in the GBR Olympic trials in 2000 for the opportunity to compete in the Olympics,(like many other failed Olympicsailors),I realisedit was time to get a careerl!

One of the most rmportant messagesfrom the "top guys" was they needed consistent bend characteristicsto add continuitvto theirsaildevelopment.

The Choice of Ghampions

To aid this, we investedin a custom On taking over as the manager of cuttingjig for the new 470 taper to the Proctor Performance range fit in our tapercuttingmachine.This withinthe SeldenMastgroup,I saw gives us a precisioncut into every it as a great opportunityto develop tube, and guarantees an equal a fast rig for the 470. Selden is the amountof materialis removedfrom largest spar manufacturing each mast. company in the World, and were keen to investin their new "racing" The tube is thenweldedin our autobrand (having taken over Proctor weldingmachine.This is a welding processwhere a roboticarm welds Masts Ltd a few years earlier). the taper at a specifiedrate,usinga Firstly,I thought I would pick the single weldingrod to guaranteean brains of some of my old racing equal amount of heat and material colleagues,and contactedthe top goes throughthe tube during the guys I knew were carryingon after taperingprocess. Sydney. Very quickly, Andreas Kosomatopolous,Nick Rogers and Alvaro Marinho came back with great enthusiasmand ideas where we could improve on the existing rigs. Between us, we determinedthe tube inertia requiredfor a fast 470 mast, and chose to modify one of our existingsections(theCumulus) to hit the numbers we all believed would be correctfor Ihe 470. These numbers were calculated with a combination of bend testing existingfast masts and calculating the loading going through the section. We calculated the compression loadson the sectionwhen the mast was loaded with rig tension, 7075kg trapezingand 60-65k9sitting out (seefig 1). We wanted the mast to support this load withoul deforming beyond the

!DEAL PROFILE The NEW Cumulus section has a superb stiffness to weight ratio, ideally suitedto the 470.





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CONSISTENCY Using the highest quality extrusions and manufacturing techniques,our masts are identical every time.

lf alloy is subjectedto varying high temperatures,this can greatlyaffect the localised bend and fatigue characteristics of the material. AUTO-SAIt CONIROL Our unique taper has becn devclopedto automatically react when the sail becomesoverpowered.

All masts are then heat treated inhouse before going through our unique bead peening process before anodising. Beed peening involves the tubes beino shot blasted with micro beeds. This reduces any surface stress on the tube and minimises the likelihood of fatigue failureof the tube.

The NEW Cumulus 470 mast has proved cal nrahighlysuccessful, in boththe men's F.v bend,but be and women's fleet with, World slrained Champion Sofia Bekatoura nearto the criticalbendingpointfor commenting to me in Spa 2002 "whenI startingusingthe Cumulus the tube. mast, the boat just became easier In sailing terms, this means the to sail" mast is designedto remainstraight when the sailors present their I felt this comment summed up m a x i m u m r i g h t i n g m o m e n t ( i . e . everything we were trying to whenat full power).But,as soonas achieve!!! they are over poweredand load the rig further with control lines, the Chips Howarth mastwill immediately startto bend PerformanceProductsManager and so de-powerthe sails. lh@seldenmast.co.uk Tel: (+44) 1 489 484 006 The majority of work went into the laper, wnere we produced four variations before we arrivedat the 200.1version.We designeda tube where the taper startedlowerdown the tube. makingthe rig respondto kickerand cunninghamloadsmore directly.

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worldchampionships tsr(women) world&European Championships 2002



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The Views exoressedin this Newsletterare not necessarilvthose of lhe 470 Internationale

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