470 Times Issue 13, July 2004

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Julv 2004

The Offi8ialNewsletterof the Internation al 470 ClassAssociation

TNSIDE ... The Run To Athens Worlds'04Review

- Masters Cuffire - Olympic - World

* .*


President DarrenDunkley-Smith 1 3 H u m b l eS t . G e e l o n gE a s t .3 2 1 9 Australia Tel.:+ 61 3 52294701(h) T e l . :+ 6 1 3 5 2 2 1 8 0 8 2( b ) Fax:+ 61 3 52218955(b) T e l . :+ 6 1 4 1 1 6 3 3 4 7 0( m ) E-Mail: darren@470.org

Presidentof Honour HeinzStaudt Germanv râ‚ŹJ: + 49-221 407040$)' Auditor - Webmaster EricoHoffmann Argentina E - M a i le: r i c o @ 4 7 0 . o r 9

GeneralCouncil Cont:

1st Vice President AlbertoPredieri ltaly Tel: + 39 02 48011044 E-Mail:alberto@470.or9

GeneralCouncil Members:

Li Quanhai China i 470.or9 E - M a i lq: u a n h a@

AlainCorcuff France E - M a i la: l a i n @ 4 7 0 . o r 9

ArthurThuringerAustria E-Mail:arthur@470.org

Victor KovalenkoAustralia E-Mail:victor@470.org

AlainChampy France E-Mail:champy@ 470.org

MartinSteiger Switzerland E-Mail:martin@470.org

New Zealand John Clinton Tel: + 64 21 634070(m)

MartaWeores Hungary E - M a i lm : arta@470.or9

LaiaTutzo Spain E-Mail:laiatutzo @hotmail.com

Treasurer FelixSchmid Jonas Furrerstr.12 8400 Winterthur Switzerland Tel:+41 52213 6471 (h) E-Mail:telix@47O.org Vice President Women Chako Tobari Jaoan E-mail:chako @47O.org

DickCoster Netherlands E - M a i ld: i c k @ 4 7 0 . o r 9

Ghief Measurer Santi Bastida Sagarzazu E-Mail:santibastida@ euskalnet.ne Masters Manager HubertKirrmann E-Mail:hubert.kirrmann @into.ch

Sami Abu ShaikhaQatar Sports Responsible E-Mail: YalqinGurkan Turkey abushaikha @diwan.gov.qa E-mail:ygurkan@prizma.net.tr




S eeesrteN ZtecELMAYER P n o N e+ + 4 9 4 E 2 7 8 A 4 4 3



KeevMERERUFEn- 24 Fnx * +49 4E z7E zgz7





The PresidentSpeaks Internatronal 470 is proud to have conducted the Selection regattas that saw 180 teams lrom over 43 Nations compete to qualify for the Athens Olympic regatta. The top competition that these 180 teams provided will ensure that the chosen 43+ teams that compete in Athens will be the best of the best. It is sad that some ol the teams that q u a l i fi e d t h r o u g h t o u g h a n d f a i r competitionwill be denied the chance to sail in Greece. Nations such as Canada, Austria, Belarus, Switzerland and even Germany are still to decide whether or not to send their 470 men's teams to Athens. We wish these teams the best of luck as we do the Women's teams in the same oosition. they can be sure that they are worthy of an Olympic slot . Unlike previous Olympics in memory, no one team has dominated the lead up to the Games and it will be a battle of minds, hearts and skill to the very last moment to see who comes out on t o p . I n t h e M e n ' sf l e e t ,p o s s i b l y1 5 - 1 7 teams have chances of a Medal. While in the Women, 10 - 12 Teams may figure in the Medal count. Injury to 2 of the favorite teams has added to the mystery as to who will wear the Gold in Athens, it is also conserning that teams are sailing so much that back injuries seem to be now common place in the fleet. Current World Champion skipper in the Men, Nathan Wilmot was unable to sail the European Championship because of a spine strain and the Women's fleet was stunned bv the early departure of Sofia Bekatorou from the Worlds in Zadar with a similar complaint. Thanks to the Sport Science available to teams these days, we will see these athletes take their place in Athens come August. It is imoossible to oick winners from the lleet, but teams to watch will i n c l u d e ,i n t h e W o m e n , V l a d a l l i e n k o & Natalia Gaponovich of RUS as well as the young veterans the Ward sisters, Susanna and Michaela (recently winning the European C h a m p i o n s h i p s )b, u t t h e l s r a e l i ' sN i k e Kornecki & Vered Busila have shown great late form. Teams from France, Spain, Greece, Slovenia, USA and the reigning World Champions Swedes Therese Torgersson & Vendela Zachrisson and reiqnino Gold Medallists Jenny Armstro-ngd Belinda Stowell cannot be counted ouI. Nick Rogers and Joe Glanfield from GBR have had a great year, placing in all the Major Championships and regattas, however Johan Moland & Martin Anderson of Sweden have won both Pre-Olympic Test Events and must be on the favorite list. lf Nathan Wilmot with Malcolm Page are fit, they w i l l s u r e l y b e i n t h e r u n n i n gb u t a g a i n teams from POR, ARG, GRE, NED, RUS and ESP cannot be discounted. The team of Paul Foerster & Kevin

As we go to press,there is only 25 days untilthe opening ceremonyof the 28th Olympiadin Athens, the Venues are being readiedfor the 11,000Athletesand many of the sailingteams are alreadyin Athensfor final preperation. There is littledoubtthat Athenswill be the most hotly contestedOlympicRegattafor the 470 Men and 470 Women in historv. Burnham,with3 OlympicMedals,are big medal chancesif the breaksgo theirway.

Warnemunde, both greateventsand Zadar certainlyset the standardfor our World Championshios into the future with outstandingf riendliness As Presidentof 470 Internationale, I and regattaorganisation. can honestlysay thatthe 470 Medals in Athens will be the most hotlv We featurean interviewwith 4 time contestedout of all the classel WorldChamoionsSofiaBekatorou& sailing.Goodluckandfairwindsto all Emilia Tsoulfa from Rick from our representative in Athens (ThanksRick !!) and Sailinglst.com we give you some hints on gybe 470 - 420... setting or set gybing from David Plans are well underwav for a Dellanbaugh (Tactics Guru)as wellas combined42Ol47OJunior Eurooean a oosterforthe bedroomwallof allthe Championship in 2006,Germanyand OlympicClassesior 2004. Portugalamongothersare biddingfor the event. lt will be a great opportunityto show the 420 sailors theirpossible luture.

SniDeand the 49er. As the 49er is nominatedfor the Double Handed Open spot, it is expectedthat the Committee will have to choose betweenthe Snioe and 470 for the Men'sand Women'sposition. The Snipeis a greatclassthat is very competitive in manycountriesand at ISAFis enjoyingsupportfrom South Americawhere it is used in the Pan AmericanGames. SomegreatSnipe sailors have come out of South AmericaindeedAlexandreParadeda of Bruzilwas a previousSnipeWorld Championsand is at the moment doing very well in the 470 Class Championships.

THESPRINTCUP... For the second year runningthe Sprint Cup was a huge success. Contestedby the top 4 Men'sand top 4 Women'sTeamsfrom the Worlds, the format of 3 races (20 minutes each) and no Dropwas a great hit. Thisyearit wasrunon a laydayduring the EuropeanChampionships and closeto the beachallowingfor a big spectatorfleetto see the actionclose up. (Some even betting on the outcome).

TOWARDS2008... In Novemberthis year , ISAF will decidethe classes(Equipment) to be sailedin the BeijingGamesof 2008. The EventsCommitteeis the ISAF committeethat will make this initial decisionand then the ISAF Council Moland& Andersson tookout the first will endorse it. Unlike orevious race and were hopingto repeattheir decisionsfor the OlympicEquipment, win o1lastyearbutthe Women'steam the EventsCommitteehas laid down from lsrael , Kornecki/Bouskila took somevery sensibleguidelines for the The wishof SouthAmericato reDlace the secondracewin afterforcinothe decision Ihe 470 with the Snipe is more ol a orocess. Frenchto foulthemand lookedii the problemfor Sailing in generaland runninglor the 3000 Euro 1st prize. The Ecomm Guidelines stioulate ISAFas a wholethanjust lot lnt 47O. But Rogers & Glan{ieldsailed the (among otherthingsthat) Equipment The Olympicsailingsport is now at more consistantlyand backed 2 x lor the Double Handed Men's and such a high levelthat is is becoming secondDlacesuDwitha win in the last Women events must be universally virtuallyout of the reach of many raceto take out the SprintCup 2004 available must allowthe bestsailors developingsailingNations. Changing , by 3 points. from countriesto competeequally, the Equipment will not changethis. must be economicaland reasonablv The Equipmentcostsare now just a The Sprint Cuo will be telecaston technicallysimpleand must allow 6 smallpart of an Olympiccampaign, WaterSportsWorld and Eurosport wide range of average physique Manyof the teams are now virtually sometimeduring the summer so athletesto sailcompetitively. full time sailors,backedby full time watch out for the action from lnt 470 passes all these tests coachesand a full rangeof support Warnemunde. extremelywell. staff. tN TH|S|SSUE... We hope you enjoythis issueof the 470 Times, Thereare reviewsof the Worldsin Zadarandthe EuroDeans in

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4 5 o 7

GBRB11 SWE317 ISRlO |SRT FRA2588 SLO142 SWE323

For the Double HandedMen's and Double handed Women'sOlympic spot the Events Committeewill choosebetweenthe Int 470 , the Int

Rogers/Glanfield a Moland/Andersson 1 Kornecki/Bouskila Klinger/Gal 4 Phillippe/LeBerre 7 6 Dekleva/Maucec Torgesson/Zachrisson o


1 4

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4 7 o


B I 11 14 1B 19

19 Nationswere representedin the Top 20 places at our 2004 Men's WorldChampionships, this includeda teamfromArgentinaand a teamfrom Brazil. The competitionis tougher than everand changingthe classwill definitelynot changethis. Int 470 , ISAF and the sailingworld must help SouthAmericabridgethe gap to becomemore competitivein the OlympicClassesand Int 470 will be lookingfor ways to do this in the next4 years. Cheers Darren.

The 34th470 ClassWorldsChampionship France' Olympic selected team of Philliooe and Le Bane had a lot to prove after the French Olympic city of Zadar Croatia for the 34th International470 Class C o m m i t t e e r e - o o e n t h e i r s e l e c t i o n World Championship. Sailors from around the World when the Bonnaud Brothers took out including8 teams from China and 11 from Japan were the Hyeres Week regatta. Phillippe contestingtheir NationalOlympicSelectionsin Zadar. and Le Barre did all they could do by registering 2 wins from 2 heats in Over 150 teamshad cometo contesl mark roundingof the Championship. early racing. That's backed up by the last of the OlympicQualification Fromthereit was a racein 3 between t h e i r W o r l d r a n k i n g o l n u m b e r 1 , regattas towards Athens 2004, the Swedes,the DutchdeKoningand World Ranked number 2 Australian's realisticallythere were l8 or more Jaoan'sAi Kondo. Wilmot and Page also taking 2 first nationsvying for the last 6 Olympic Dlacesfrom 2 heats. positionsand over 12 nationsfighting The French and Australian'ssat eoual for the 5 remainingWomen'sAthen's 1st after day 1 action.



arrived intheDetmation coast


Zadar puI on a fantastic Opening Ceremonywitnessedby over 30,000 localsthat includeda sail past by the competingnationsas well as singing, traditionaland modern dancingand finishedoff with a massiveJireworks display. LocalOfficialsat the newly constructedS.C Uzkokhad gone out of theirwayto welcomethe sailorsand officiaisand the brandnew Cafe that included a free internet facility for sailors and club rooms set the standardthat other regattaswill have to liveup to in the future. The hugetask o1measuringthe fleet went smoothlyand by the 4th day all was in readiness Jor the f irst Qualilicationheats. As usual that signaledthe predictablewinds to vanishand for a low pressurezoneto move in and provideless than ideal conditions. But after a long wait on the water racing got underway at 14.30hrslocal in a comforatble8-10 knots. The right hand side of the course favoringthe Women in both fleets with Therese Torgenssonof Swedenheadingthe fleet for the first

1 z 4 5 6 7 8 9 '10 11 12 IJ

14 15 to

17 18 19 20

AUS 311 S W E3 1 7 G B R 8 11 FRA 2588 I S R7 POR22 U K R7

c R o1 1 1 G R E1 3 1 ARG 70 E S P1 7 6 9 ff{2 FRA 2623

usA 1722 IRL 66 B R A1 7 JPN 4011 G B R8 1 6 FRA2574 G B R8 1 8

In the secondo1the Women'sfleets the 1st racewasdoninatedbv the little known Brazillianpair of Oliveira& Kostiw, leadingall the wayto takeout race 1 and backingit up with a solid gth in the secondraceto be 4th overall at the end of the day.

In the secondWomen'sgroup,Alina Globe& VivienKassatzof Germany registeredtheir best result of the regatta so far followedclosely by Russians Vladelinallienko& Natalia Gaponovich.Conditions weretesting with 8-12 knots but with readable shiftsif youwereon top of yourgame. In the Men,the regattawas livingup to all that was expected,with 19 pointscoveringthe top 18 placesand just 10 pointscover2nd placeto 18th.

The followingday it was plannedthat both Men and Women'steamswould Day 2 oI Qualilication dawned sunny completeQualifying with 1 raceeach, and virtually breathless but with the Teams like Jenni Provan & Nikola promise of a thermal Nor-Westerly Girke of Canada,Gabor Sallai & later in the day. The Women's fleet David Olosz ol Hungaryand Selim hit the water first with the 53 teams Kakis& Oze Kaakof Turkeywho are on the edge of OlympicQualification musthavehadsleeplessnights. Three of five groupshad starts and finishes but in a contraversial move,

Rank outsidersKatarzynaTylinska& Zuzanna Gladysz led the Women's overallresultsafterday 1 from a 3rd leavingin a building6 knotbreeze. and4th withthe Swisspairof Duerig& The first Women'srace got off at 12.45 with Vesna Dekleva& Klara Meierin 2nd overall. Maucec(SLO)makinga conservative pieceof sailing start but picking each shift The mostoutstanding for the day was by veteran and consistantly. Afterestablishing a good OlympicmedallistsYevgenBraslavets lead on the first beat and run, the the race officeron the Men'scourse and lgor Matvienkowho sufferedon Slovenianscoveredthe fleet on the abandonedthe f inish of 2 men's the lefthandsideof the coursethe first left hand side of the course and groupsafter a 35 degreewindshift. time up, to round in the 20's only to stretchedtheir lead to more than 40 The breezedied for 1-15 minutes, blitzthe fleeton the 1strunto gain4th Fernanda This would normallybe applauded placeby the firstleewardmark. From secondsoverArgentinians' therefightingbackto take2nd placein Sesto& PaulaReinosofrom Jennifer howeverthis happenedjust 300 Provan& NikolaGirkeof Canada. metresbeforethe finishline and with theirfirstheat. 20 minutes to go in thetimelimit.

Wilmot Nathan Page Malcolm MolundJohan AnderssonMartin RogersNick GlanfieldJoe PhilippeGildas Le BerreNicolas KligerGideon Gal Ud MarinhoAlvaro NunesMiguel BraslavetsYevgen Matvienkolgor BasicTomislav Cuoac Petar Kosmatopoulos AndreasTrigonisKostas Conte Javier de la FuenteJuan GustavoMartinezDoresteDimasWood GabrioZandond AndreaTrani BonnaudBenjaminBonnaudRomain FoersterPaul BurnhamKevin OwensGerald KillianRoss ParadedaAlexandreArndt Bernardo Seki Kazuto TodorokiKenjiro AsherNic WillisElliot DreanoRonan Floch Ronan VialsGraham FieldBevis

44 cl

54 56 67 70 70 72 74 77 78 91 94 97 101 101 ' 11 1 116

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 '13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

SWE 323 SLO 142 lsR 10 AUS 341 FRA 2594 ESP1788 RUS 7OO USA 1732 ARG 104 CAN 520 D E N1 2 7 J P N4 1 0 7 BRA 177 G E R4 9 11 N Z L1 9 5 N E D1 0 G E R4 9 1 8 ITA4334 J P N4 1 7 0 AUT 431

TorgerssonThereseZachrissonVendela DeklevaVesna MaucecKlara KorneckiNike BouskilaVered ArmstrongJenny StowellBelinda PetitjeanIngrid DourouxNaddge NataliaVia DufresneSandraAzon llienkoVladelina Gaoonovich Natalia McDowellKatherineKinsolvinglsabelle Sesto Fernanda ReinosoPaula JenniferProvan Girke Nikola Ward Susanne Ward Michaela YoshisakoYuka SatakeMitsuko OliveiraFernanda KostiwAdriana GrobeAlina KussatzVivien HessonShelley DicksonLinda KooistraMarjon de GoederenPetra RothweilerStefanieLeu Monika Elisabetta Saccheggiani MyriamCutolo TabataWakako KuritaNaomi Vogl Sylvia FlatscherCarolina

55 56 57 64 65 72 75 76 82 84 88 93 97 97 97 99 112 115 122 122

lsraelis' Nike Kornecki & Verad Bouskila held onto 3rd overall and closed the gap on the leadersto mean that there is just 3 points between 1st and 3rd overall.

The Women's course was blessed with consistant 6-8 knot of breeze throughout their races , but the breeze disappeared immediately after the finish. Vesna Deklava & Klara Maucec of Slovenia recovered from a disappointing 21st in day two's last heat to finish 3rd today and take the lead overall from Therese Torgersson & Vendela Zachrisson o1 Sweden. DeklavaL/ Maucec have steadily improved their standing since a podium finish at last years 470 E u r o p e a nC h a m p i o n s h i p s . Following day 3 action,two Men's groups still required a final race to complete the qualificationstage of the Chamoionshios. This meant that Qualificationwould be extended for a further day to complete the last race for the two Men's groups. Day 4 saw the fleet stunned by the sudden withdrawl by Championship favorite Sofia Bekatorou and Emilia Tsoulfa o1 Greece. Sofia the 4 time World Champion and Athen's gold favorite returned to shore with terrible back pain and unable to use her legs correctly. The recuring injury,that has plagued the ISAF Sailor oI the Year for more than 12 months was treated on scene but she was immediately airlifted by Medevac Lear Jet back to Greece for possible surgery. On the water it was a day of frustration with races attempted only to be abandoned then finally at 17.30hrs, racing got underway to complete the men's qualificationseries and to start the Women's Gold fleet finals. A s o l i da n d c o n s i s t a n 1 t 0 - 1 2k n o t s m a d e for a very even start after a general recall in the men and the followino Women. Overall results showed the Slovenian Women, Dekleva & Maucec still in the lead by some 5 points to Brazilians Oliveira& Kostiw and then the Swedes Torgersson& Zachrisson. In the Men, Braslavets& Matvienko dropped a 7th on the day, but still lead overall by 4 points. Moland & Andersson of Sweden jumped 2 places to be in 2nd overali. Nathan Wilmot & Malcolm Page led 2 races that ended in a b a n d o n m e n t .l .i n a l l yi n t h e c o m p l e t e d race the Australians scored a 4th to move to 3rd Overall. So Gold group racing finally got underway on Day 5 in what was expected to be the true ' Bora' breeze lrom the Nor-nor-West A l l c o u n t r i e si n t h e G o l d F l e e tM e n h a d a l r e a d y q u a l i fi e d f o r t h e A t h e n s G a m e s . s o t h i s b r e a t h e dn e w l i f e i n t o the Silver Fleet racing with the offer 6 places still on the table. Among the countries vying for the last Athens Spots were Turkey,Hungary, Belarus, India. Poland, Austria, Finland and Korea. With all these countries within 15 points of one another with some I races left to run.

The 'Bora'developedand offered20 knotsat the 11.00hrsstart time but with variationsof 40 degrees. Starts were delayeduntil the Race officials were happy the the direction was settledin. Howeverthe variationin wind strengthmade racinga tactical nightmare. Some boats had a beautiful20 knots , while in other areasboatshad 3 knots.

The breeze topping 2oknots with a confused sea ontop of a 1 metre swell. Katie McDowell (USA) and her Crew lsabelle Kinsolving were never headed as they went on to take out 'Three the first heat of a race Day'. In the men's second race of the day , early regatta leaders UKR 7 Braslavets/Matvienkotook the lead coming out of the right hand side of the course to be 10 second leaders at the top mark and 15 second leaders at the first wing from locals Tomi Basic & Petar Cupac (CRO) with Aussies WilmoUPagein third.

The Men'sSilverfleetwouldbe where dreamswouldcometrue and Turkev's SelimKakisand OzgonengKaakwere in primepositionfor a placeto Athens while behind them in Quali{ying position were the Hungarians, Austrians.Belarussians. India and Poland.

Wilmot and Page were able to get the better of the Croatians on the next windward leg. Then in what might be considered a turning point of the Regatta, the Ukrainians split gybe with the Australians and failed to cover WilmovPage on the final run before the reach to the finish . The The Women only managed2 races pair converged on the final mark neck with SloveniansDekleva/Maucec and neck, the Australianspicking up a holdingonto1stoverallstreching their couple of well planned waves into the lead to 8 points. The Swedish m a r k a n d r o u n d i n g b e f o r e t h e women have also been improving U k r a i n i a n s .

since a podium finish at last years EuropeanChampionships and today Torgersson & Zachrissonmovedupto second overallwith the Brazilians takingtheirplacein 3rd overall

At the end of the day Wilmot & Page sat atop men's the World Championship Results with a 7 point lead. In the Heavy air The Women's Swedish win was enough to put then On day 2 of Finalsthe Men werelirst on top overall, ahead of previous to get awayin a beautiful16-18knots leaders Dekleva./Maucecof Slovenia at 14.20hrsfollowedby a clear start who surrended their lead for the first from the women'sgold at 14.35hrs. time in 4 days but by only 1 point.



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az AUS 311 S W E3 1 7 G B R8 11 FRA 2588 I S R7 P O R2 2 UKR7 cRo 111 G R E1 3 1 ARG 70 E S P 17 6 9 |TA2 FRA2623 usA 1722 I R L6 6 B R A1 7 J P N 4 0 11 G B R8 1 6 FRA2574 G B R8 1 8

25 29 27 31 24 28 26 29 36 29 29 27 27 41 25 32 29 20 22 24

SWE323 sLo142 I S R lO AUS 341 FRA 2594 ESP 1788 RUS 7OO USA 1732 ARG 104 cAN 520 DEN.I27 J P N 4 10 7 BRA177 G E R 4 9 11 NZL 195 N E D1 O G E R4 9 1 8 tTA 4334 J P N 4 17 0 AUT 431

28 30 22 34 24 31 28 29 28 26 30 25 24 25 2A 25 20 2'l 30

185 170 1 't7 73 3 't70 177 183 177 170 169 179 168 168 I t J

172 168 to/

174 170 179

67 62 60 61 58 65 66 62 62 65 65 66 63 67 60 58 o+ 63 64


160 160 't71 166 178 163 172 158 168 170 151 tot t/c

165 165 170 162 166 169

55 70 63 53 66 52 58 54 59 62 57 49 58 58 59 56 53 60 57

26 35 25 28 25 28 33 24 34 28 28 27 23 47 27 37 29 23 25 26 27 IJ

31 25 3l 27 34 28 30 32 25 27 31 20 24 22

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188 188 183 178 190 180 178 182 184 187 178 185 1 .t 7 7 83 183 182 173 174 180 190 178 175 180 171 186 171 176 178 167 178 174 168 171 171 178 176 t/o

178 169 170


78 73 7'l 72 72 70 73 72 73 74 73 69 70 69 74 75 73 70 66 70

70 73

70 65 63 68 65 65 67 72 65 67 69



On the Last Race Day time ticked slowly for some and fast lor others as the 15.00hrs deadline approached for the last possible start time. Teams readying themselves for either a contest or packing up which ever came first. In the end the clock won and at 1 4 . 1 S h r sl o c a l , A P o v e r A w a s r a i s e d to signify the end of possible racing for the Championship. For the Australians, Nathan Wilmot and Malcolm Page it a dream come true, as it is so for the Swedes Therese Torgersson& Vendela Zachrisson. The women's championship was one of the closest for many years with the top 3 boats finishing within 3 points of one another. The Swedes grabingthe overall lead lrom the Slovenians Dekleva,/Mauceccourtesy o{ the last race win with the lsraelis' Nike Kornecki & Verad Bouskila just 1 further point back for 3rd overall. Sailors and Officials will remember Zadat as one of the best organised regatta's ever attended, the scenary as some of the most beutiful from the snow toos mountains in the background to the famous "Walled town" in cenfial Zadar. But most of all the friendlinessof all the officialsand NOSIS.

ThanksZadar!! ThanksCroatia!!


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4 TimeWorldChampions Interview In schoolpeoplestilllearnaboutthe ancient Greeks,theirGods,theirbattleswiththe Spartans andthe startof the OlympicGames. But Greecestillhastrue athleteseventoday..

over the world have been developing their candidate medal winnersin this classfor a long time. It is an end-of-the-linecenterboard class in extensionto youth classes such as Optimistand 42O.Sailinga 470 requires the full package of knowledge and performance of trim,boat handlingand tactics.

significantlyreducescost arranging traveland class soecifictrainers."

Lookingat athlete'sWorld records, it's clear that in sports there is a difference between the performanceof Men and Women. Generallyspoken, this might be true for the sailingsport as well. However, there are some Greece still has true athletes.We fresh World Champion they female talents that meet with Sofia Bekatorou and experience the ultimate level of From this point of view, it would be exceptional question make the hard to answer. EmiliaTsoulfa,WorldChampionsin sports performance and gain an a reasonablethought that Classes We'llnever know untilsailorslikefor Ihe 470 class for the 4th time in a 14th positionon SydneyHarbour. that recentlyobtainedthe Olympic instanceMargriet roq unbeaten within the current Status like the ,,.,,.' ,:;:::; Matthijsse and Olympiad and chosen as ISAF "Sailing the Olympics is much Yngling Ctass,i1:*: ::::::: Robert scheidt ' will start an WorldSailorsof the Yearin 2002 as different from a Worlds event " have not ,::;il : an award for their outstanding Sofia said. "Every country sends developed the p i.c ,Oly.m results and efforts in the sailino out only one individualbest sailing highest level of . . 6 & H , campargn In sDort. team in each discipline.lt's not only s a i l i n g a s t h e either the Laser performingsailing skills, but the 470 did. or EuropeClass. Sofia (26) is the helm of the team psychological factor and the with an Optimistand EuropeClass pressureof the media is something In addition, tne ,gi'' "Generally speaking, Men background.In daily life she is an someone must be able to handle 470 class knows nave a more athleteand psychologystudent. tool' popularity all aggressrve over the World nature and Emilia (30) an athlete with a Aware of the difference between a while the design performance in completed study of Sports Worlds and an Olympicevent,they a n d r i g g i n g i s I sailing" Emilia Educationis the crew of the oolden become even more inspiredto rule very suitable for said. "They are the Women's 470. Except for last average weights often stronger years and heights of builtthanwomen, Europeans,they people of most whichjustifiesthe first Olympic wrn every countries and continents. This separationof Fleets into Men and experiencein available major allowsan equal globalcompetition. Women." Atlanta '96 C h a m p i o n s h i p Finally,the 470 coversthe double- Very often, the exceptionalresults with Katerina and Regatta handed centerboard sailino of the Greek girls team were Kaloudi in Title in 2003. disciplinefor both Men and Womenl convincingleads with quite some the 470 This is very efficient.lt allows the pointsof differenceand sometimes Class. U n f or t u n a t e l y , sailors to train together, share a race or two to spare in the final s a i l i n g i s a n critical informationand make each phase. Maybe one of their secrets We do not u n d e r e s t i m a t e d other better. As a result it is that they lead no matterwhat the find many sport, maybe Continued 10... individualresultsof both ladies as becauseitis hard accessiblefor the youth sailors.The best result Sofia public. The sport has a large rememberswas her NationalTitle numberof disciplines, and a large in the Optimist,Emiliawinningthe number of participatingteams in 420 Nationals in their home multipleFleets.The sport however Aftera stunningsailing country. meets all criteriato make the sailor an athlete. physical Sailing requires career Spain'sTheresa 'There wasn'tthat much supportto and psychologicalstrength. To Zabell has been inducted sailingin Greecethose daysJ'Sofia performthe sport, sailors need full explains. "Fortunatelytimes have control and rhythm of the human into the International 470 changed and I guess we've been mind and body, combined with Hall Fame. Of lucky that the interestin the Sailing perfect knowledge and ability of Sport has increasedin this time that handling and tuning their Theresawon World Championships we have Olympicambitions." equipmentin all situations. in 1992in RotaCadiz,1995in Afterthe SavannahOlympics,Sofia An issue nowadaysis reducingcost TorontoCanadaand again in 1996 $sE and Emiliafound each other,which and complexity of the Olympic in PortoAlegre Brazil. turned out to be literallya golden Movement. In time this issue will team. also have its effect on the Sailino She captured OlympicGold In 1999 we find their names in a Sport. Without mentioningfurthe-r inauguralyear of the award. 470 Pre-Worlds event report as statements and opinions on this Medalsin 1992in BarcelonaSoain Theresawas born in May 1965 in favoritefor the Worlds Title, which subject,it should be acknowledged (Crewedby PatriciaGuerraand they eventuallymissed. But in the that sailors currentlyhave choices trainedby Toni Rippol)and again in lpswich,Englandbeforemovingto the Canary lslandsand took up early stage of 2000 they cannot be the AtlantaGames of 1996 in which disciplineto perform. stopped and win their 1st Worlds (Crewedby BegoniaVia Dufresne) sailingat the age of 10. Title ahead of many experienced "We do have specific reasons for 470 sailors. sailingthe 470'i Emiliaconfidently A sailorthat left nothingto chance, She is Vice-Presidentof the After the big success of being said. "The 470 is a high competitive Committeefor Culture, World Champion in the Women's class that carries the Olympic with attentionto every detailher Education,Youth,media tactical racing was second to none. 47O, they reach every sailors' Status for many Olympiads. This and sports of the ISAF awarded her the ISAF Sailor dream:The OlympicGames. As a means that NationalAuthoritiesall t EuropeanParliament of the Yearaward in 1994,the .: F.







thsTwn How to lmproveyour Gybe Setor to decideto Set Gybe..Thatmost testingpiece if Crew Work - By DavidDellanbaugh (Davidis an admitted"fanof 470".) WHEN PORT TACK is favouredon the run, a gybe set at the windwardmark is oftenthe way to go. lf you do it right,you'llget to the inside with clearair and be headed in the rightdirection.

what kind of set will be next (and there usuallyis), keep your options open. Don't move the gear (sheets, halyardand pole) one inch untila firm decisionhas been made. lf you do, you will undoubtedlybe asked to moveit backagain.

Unfortunately, a gybe set is not the easiestmove in the bookandmostcrewmembers Be sure to give the boat a don't have much experience deadlinefor the final call. with it. Because of critical This is the point (eg. four timing and the sharp rum minutesbefore the weather required, it'seasyto comeout mark)afterwhichyou can no a smooth of a gybe set with littlespeed longer"guarantee" set if they ask you to change and a big spinnakermess. the plan. Therefore. if you'dliketo keep this move in your racing Follow certain rules of inventory,a little practice is thumb. the best insurance. Convince Becausea gybe set can be your skipperto get out early trickyand since it requiresa (or stayout late)on racedays bit of planning,stickto some or, betteryet, set up a whole basicguidelines: practicesessiondedicatedto ** When you're setting up gybe-setcrewwork.lf there's any way to get someoneto (from videoyour manoeuvres anotherboat or the back of yourown boat),thatwouldbe learningtool. an invaluable Plan ahead to avoid problems. I've always believeda good spinnakerset beginswith the previous takedown and a gybe set is certainly no exception.So beforeyou get to the first leewardmark (or whenyou'regettingreadyfor the startthinkaboutwhatkind of set you will wantat the next windwardmark. Make sure you and your skipperagree on which side the takedown (or setup)shouldbe. When there is doubt about

(eitherbeforethe start or at the previoustakedown),if you'renot sure whichway to go, alwayspreparefor a bear away set. For the normal marks-to-oortThis Means puttingthe chute& sheetson the portside.

This Article is extracted from Speed and Smarts, a newsletter published by David Dallenbaugh filled with how-to information for racing sailors.

** Nevertack-setinto a gybe set . Thatis if you'reset up for a gybe,don'tlet your skipper approachthe winwardmark on port,sincethe 27)-degree (with a tack and gybe) will leave you slow and scramblino..

Subscriptions are available to Davids on-Line Newsletter @ www.Spe edandSma rts.com

Dellenbaugh was the tactition aboard the 1992 ** lf you'resailingup the beat America's Cup winner and your not surewhetherto America 3, besides being a gybeset or not,yourdeciding top sailor is a skilled lecturer factorshould be the current and communicator on locationof yourspinnaker and tactics, rules and boat gear. handling.

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The GybeSet 2

@ffiRb set. Fortunatelyif you guess wrong or things change, mostone designchutesare smallenoughset them from

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thiswiththe skipperso it / Makesureyoucoordinate doesn'tfall in the water. Alsotell vourhelmsman to

-u#* --{nff:ti, [3":!n :,iI: ftffi =-ffi?ft =rft

over chute. Get the pole working as soon as possibleby hooking it on the guy and hold it up then forwardto get the chute away from the boat. Oncethe chutefills,hookthe poleon the toppinglift and mast.Of courseuse your weightall the time to helpturn the boatand minimisespeedloss.

J \--l


The Set Gybe

rcc/fffietrtr conditions are. "lt would be interestingto compete in a Men's Championshipas a Women's team. " Sofia said. "However,it doesn't exist. One of the few possibleeventswith a large number of Men and Women racing in one Fleet is the annual Spring Cup in France.Anyway,for us the Spring Cup is more like a preparationprior to a maior event." A chance would have been the Sprint Cup as part of last year's European Championship. In all these years the Greek girls team had an 'off day' not obtaining a place on the podium. Hey, give them a break! Best four of the Men's and Women's Gold Fleet raced each other in front of Televisionfor a orize of 5000 euros in cash. lt could have been the ultimate Challenge,or was it the influenceof a Greek Gods that got them to stayout of any publicitythat does not connect to their Olympic campargn. On the run to the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, are you able to say who your main competitorsfor the desired Olympic Medals will be? "Every individual race during an event has different conditions.All top ranked teams are very strong sailors from more countries like Australia, France, Spain and The Netherlands.You have to be verv careful naming your main competition. Leading into Athens 2004, some came back after a oeriod of rest after the 2000 Olympics. Some very talented sailors of other classes change to the 470. Halfway through this OlympiadSusanna and Michaela Ward from Denmark returned into the Fleet, Lisa Westerhof with Margriet Matthijsestepped in half wav. Paul Foerster with Kevin Buinham returned back into the Men's Fleet. This increasesthe levelof performancesignificantlyon the way to the Games." Now, we have been talking about the sailing sport and your own efforts. Sailing is a very adventuroussport with a lot of fun, but not withoutdanger.Once you're out of the harbor,you are delivered to mothernature. Sofia starts laughing and speaks: "Yes,I know what you mean! In the beginninglearningto saila 47Owe caosized a lot and sometimeswe had to wait for help,standingon the bottom of our boat. But the most terrifyingthing was while we were trainingfor the Olympicsin Sydney. We went out on the water a few miles offshore, suddenly strong winds with gusts up to 45 knots

came up. lt was really hard to controlthe boat. In a hole througha wall of spray,iust 5 metres away,we saw a shark. I started screaming and almost lost comDletecontrolof the boat. Emiliadidn't even dare to go out on trapese.One way or the other we suddenly got the feeling that it was okay and we managedto recoverthe controlover the boat." Talking about sharks, they are huntersby nature,and so are many sportsmen.How do you act in the game, and what is your vision on how to win. "The sailing game has to be a playedfair with equal chances in a friendly way" Emilia said. "Sailors should play the sailing game withouttrying to cheat or act unfair in any way.The sailinggame is not only the competitionon the water, evenimportantis the way of attitude and behavioron-land. We believethat sailing is a social sport, it's a way of life and not only a part of it. Either if you're on the water or on land. it's imoortantto your have friendship with opponentsat all times." Afterevery regattawin, they appear on the podiumwrapped in a Greek Flag.lt's niceto see how sportsmen find pride in representingtheir country. Can you feel any appreciationfor your effortsin your country and hope for Olympic Gold? "Well,as in most countries,sailing is not the most televised sDort However,at Greek Associationof Soort Journalists 'Best Athletes Award',we, representingthe sailing sport, were chosen third behind Soccer and Waterpolo,both very popular Sports in our country.We take it as a big complimentfor us and Sailingas a Sport to be third:' There are sailors who end their Olympic sailing activities after an Olympiad,some go on. "We focus on our major goal: the Olympic Games taking place this Summer in our home country.We don't think about what we will do afterl' Emilia said. "Anyway,sailing is our life. We will remain active sailors but we cannot say in which WAV.

Thisreportby Rick van Wijngaarden sailingl st.com

!! MastersCupMedemblik Dear MastersSailorsand others... The International470 Class looks forwardto this years MastersCup The MastersCup will bring togetherour Worlds with excitement. the best Over 35 Yearssailorsin a festivalof Sail and Friendship.While competitionwill be hot on the water,manylifelongfriendshipswill be made away from the racing. During the competition,theAthens Olympic Games will set a strong influencefor our sailorsin Medemblik.lam sure that the sailorsin Athenswill be just as eager to see the resultsfrom the Mastersas the Masterswill be to see the resultsfrom Athens. The Designerof the 470 ,AndreCornu,designedthe 470 as a Family Day racer,butquickly it became the choice of the top dinghy racers 's around the world,todaythere are more than 38,000 470 aroundthe globe in more than 70 countries. I am only sad that I am not ableto competethis year in the MastersCup but expectthat whoeverwins this Championshipwill be worthywinners and will be spurredon to biggerthings in the years to come. I wish all competitors,sponsorsand race committee members,good luckand fairwinds. YoursSincerely. DarrenDunkley-Smith. President 470 Internationale. Amsterdam,15 June2004 Ladiesand Genllemen, in followingevents, It is our pleasureto inviteall 470 sailorsto participate The Netherlands. takingplace15-20August2004at Medemblik, Intl 470 Class MastersCup (MastersWorlds) MastersMen & Women:(470teams:Helm>= 30 and Helm+ Crew>= 60) 470 Open Week Non MastersMen& Women(470teams:Helm< 30 and Helm+ Crew< 60 ) and the # The eventsare organizedby the Dutch470 ClassAssociation RoyalYachtClubHollandia. All inJormation can be foundat the eventweb site : www.470masters2004.com # Theseeventsare opento all crewsfromall nationsin goodstandingwith (goodstandingmeansin particular the International 470 ClassAssociation NationalAssociations havepaidtheirannualfeesfor thatthe corresponding Committee 2003beforeend of February2004)and withthe Organising (goodstandingmeansin particular thattheycomplywiththe ISAFeligibility 2,Regulation 19. rulesas perAppendix willtakeplaceon the Priorto theseevents,The BeneluxChampionships in the Southof Holland,14-15August2004.All crewsare Grevelingenlake in this eventalso. mostwelcometo oarticioate pleasecontact: Forany information, Dutch470 ClassAssociation Rickvan Wijngaarden Tel.+31 20 388 27 33 Fax.+31 848 335 112 email: info@470masters2004.com web site: www.470masters2004.com

FromAroundthe Globe



lnternatl*nal$ailing Federation ww*w"**i&ixtg"*rg

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Eogers$realsthe win ..

Nick Rogers & Joe Glanfieldof Great Britaincame stormingback from beingplaced18thin early regattaactionto win this years Men's470 @ the PrincessSoohia in Palma.

boats in a very tight regattathat featuredlight and shiftyconditions up untilthe last day of racing. 4 raceswere held on the last day for both the Men'sand Women's Fleets.

The Pre-Olympic Champions JohanMolund& MartinAndersson followedRogersonto the podium in 2nd .

It looksominousin the Women's fleet with Bekatorou& Tsoulfa stampingtheir dominanceover the 12 @ceseries. The greek pair winningthe regattaby 25 points.

Just 10 pointsseperatedthe top 6

1 z

4 6 7 I o 10


4 6 7 8 a


G B R 8 11 S W E3 1 7 ARG 70

rA2 N E D1 G B R8 . 1 6 POR 22 unE


FRA 2623 G B R8 1 8

GRE 64 RUS 7OO ESP 1788 AUS 341 N E D6 FRA 2594

slo 142 G B R8 1 3 D E N1 2 7 JPN 4088

Nick Rogers Joe Glanfield 77 JohanMolund MartinAndersson 79 JavierConte Juan de la Fuente 82 GabrioZandona AndreaTrani 82 Sven Coster KalleCoster 83 NickAsher ElliotWillis 87 AlvaroMarinho MiguelNunes 89 AndreasKosmatopoulosKostasTrigonis 93 BenjaminBonnaudRomainBonnaud 94 GrahamVials Bevis Field 95

Sofia Bekatorou EmiliaTsoulfa 47 Vladlenallienko NataliaGaponovich72 NataliaVia-DufresneSandraAzon 76 Jenny Armstrong BelindaStowell B0 Lisa Westerhof MargrietMatthijsse81 IngridPetitjean Nadege Douroux 93 Vesna Dekleva Klara Maucec 103 ChristinaBassadoneKatherineHooson103 SusanneWard MichaelaWard 105 Chizukoljima Makikolkuta 109



,,,', Rivader Garda- 2g sept - 7 Aug

Riva del Garda is one of the most renowned tourist destination in Europe. A little slice of Mediterraneantucked away in the Alps. and one of the best sailing venues in the world. Hundredsof internationalsailing events take placeeach year in Rivathanksto its strong and steady breeze, the of the localpeopleand the numberof highlyqualifiedsailors.

competition,keepingalive the old traditionsof the lake,its peopleand culture.Besidesan intensesailing school activity for children and adults,the Clubdedicatesover 100 days each year to major national and international sailingevents.

Some eventshave by now become a traditionof the FragliaVela Riva, such as the OlympicGarda (part of the Eurolympcircuit for Olympic Locatedat the foot of Mount Brione, classes),the International Optimist the FragliaVela Riva is surrounded Meeting (event listed in the by a lush gardenof magnoliasand GuinnessBookof Recordthanksto olive trees.The Club overlooksthe the huge number of participantsold "CanaledellaRocca"and a Xlll almost800 in 2004),variousmatch century fortress.The Club's origin racing events (from grade 3 to goes back to 1928. Nowadays, grade 1 and the worlds) and the the the Club boastsa harbourwith Intervela. over 100 moorings,one craneand two slipways. Each year the Fraglia Vela Riva also hosts one or more world The headquarterscomprisea large c h a m p i o n s h i p s : L a s e r 4.7, warehouse for boats and sails, a Contenderand470 Juniorsin 2004. hall for measurements, sailing school meetings and event briefings, Secretary and Jury offices, a bar-restaurant for members and guests, a large coveredterrace, a solarium and a weatherstation. The objective of the Fraglia Vela Riva is to promote sailing and fair

EUROPEAIUCHAMPIONSHTPS IO4 ... With Olympic selection all but finished a smaller than usual fleet of 68 Men and Mixed teams and 35 Women representing31 Nations took to the water off Warnemundefor the European Championshipof 2004. Many Teams were using it as their last big warm-up regatta before training camps in Athens and the Beautiful seaside city of Warnemundemade a great venue for the Championships.

On the first day of Qualificationsin an I knot breeze the first of the Men'sfleets got away after 2 general recallsat 11.20hrsand in an increasingbreezethe followingfleet of men and womenwere awayquickly. The DanesKristianKjaergaad& Mads Moellerwere hot out of the blocksamassinga good lead down the first reachand uo the nextwork to leadthe racefrom start to finish. On the Women's track, the USAis Katherine McDowell& lsabelleKinsolving builta huge leadon the fleet and went onto win convincingly. The Americantwo havingjust qualifiedthemselvesfor an Olympic berth in the Worlds ln Zadar Croatia signaledthat they may be coming into form at the

righttime. The RussianPair llienko& Gaponovichlead the Tableafter day one in the Women'sto lead by 4 pointsfrom the DanishYoungVeteransSusanne and Michaela Ward with Soanish MedallistVia Dufresneand Azon in 3rd overall. GBR's Nick Rogers& Joe Glandfieldfreshfrom a 3rd in the Worldssailedconsistantlyon day 1 to lead by 2 points from 2 time Olympic Silver MedallistsPaul Foester& VeteranKevinBurnham (Stillamong the top crews aI age 47) with former snipe World Champion BrazilianAlex Paradeda with BernardoArndt in third.

ContinuedNext G B R8 1 1 RUSS USA1722 S W E3 1 7 NEDl ARG 70 E S P1 7 6 9 ITA2 POR 22 F R A2 6 1 9 GRE131 G B R8 1 8 C R O1 1 1 D E N1 4 1 U K R7 A U S3 5 1 lsR7 KOR 81 SLO149 G B R8 1 6

Nick Rogers,Joe Glanfield DmitriBerezkin,MikhailKrutikov Paul Foerster,KevinBurnham JohanMolund,MartinAnderson Sven Coster,Kalle Coster JavierConte,Juan de la fuente MartinezDorestGustavo,Wood Dimas ZandonaGabrio,AndreaTrani AlvaroMarinho,MiguelNunes PierreLeboucher,VincentGaros AndreasKosmatopoulos, KostasTrigonis GrahamVials,Bevis Field TomislavBasic.PetarCuoac KristianKjaergaard,Mads Moeller YevgenBraslavets,lgor Matvienko MathewBelcher,Nick Behrens GidonKliger,EhudGal Dae YoungKim,SungAhn Jung TomazCooi. DavorGlavina Nic Asher,ElliotWillis

67,0 73,0

D E N1 2 7 RUS 7OO USA 1732 I S R1 O FRA 2594 N E D6 6 7AUS 341 I SWE 323 v AUT 431 1 0 N E D1 O 11 ESP 1788 tz G E R 4 9 11 IJ ARG104 1A slo 142 l3 G B R8 1 3 16 H U N4 9 17 G E R4 9 1 8 to cAN 520 1 9 EST 9 20 F R A2 6 1 3 Non European

SusanneWard, MichaelaWard Vladelinallienko,NataliaGaponovich KatherineMcDowell,lsabelleKinsolving Nike Kornecki,Vered Bouskila IngridPetitjean,NadegeDouroux Lisa Westerhof,MargrietMatthijsse Jenny Armstrong,Jenny Stowell ThereseTorgersson,VendelaZachrisson SylviaVogl,CarolinaFlatscher MarjonKooistra,Petrade Goederen NataliaViadufresne,SandraAzon AlinaGrobe,VivienKussatz FernandaSesto,PaulaReinoso Vesna Dekleva,Klara Maucec ChristinaBassadone, KatherineHopson Marta Weores,Anna Payr StefanieRothweiler,MonikaLeu JenniferProvan,NikolaGirke Maria Veessaar,Maiki Saarimg ManuelleAdam,VirginieAdam

57,0 67,O 67,0 78,0 80,0 88,0 99,0 100,0 104,0 104,5 105,0 115,0 129,0 140,0 168,0 170,0 179,0 180,0 187,0 187,0

1 2 3' { 5 6 7 8 I 10 .l 1 12 13 14 15 1617 1B19 20



76,0 77,0 78,0 81,0 83,0 98,0 102,0 103,0 109,0 123,O 125,0 126,0 141,O 143,0 145,0 152,0 156,0

Un i iversity

Cha m ps.t,rurkey '"'&,,,

The 3rd World University Sailing will be held in lzmir, Championship Turkey - July 4th to 8th, 2004 the events will include Men Sailing individual: laser standard,Sailing double : 470 and Windsurfing : Mistral "one design" and Women Sailing individual: Europe, Sailing double : 470 and Windsurfing : Mistral"one design"








2003 Japan 470 Championship was held at Tsu Harbor,l\/ie, where was the same venueof 1989470 World Chamoionshio. Total8 racesonly sailedfor 4 days due to the lack of enoughwind. All Japanese sailors enjoyed sailing with world's top teams, Nathan Wilmov M a l c o l m P a g e , J e n n y A r m s t r o n g / B e l i n d aS t o w e l l f r o m A U S a n d L i s a Westerhof/Margriet Matthijssefrom NED. They were invited by some teams to practicewith them after the long European Circuitand kindlycompetedin our nationalchampionshiptogether. Not only the sailorsbut race committeewere all happy to have them. They showedus their fantasticskill and tacticson the water and exchangeof friendshipon shore.

JPN-4011 JPN-3655 JPN-4145 JPN-3981 JPN-3967 JPN-3933 JPN-4088JPN-4104 JPN-4130JPN-4067 JPN-4100 JPN-4107JPN-4141 JPN-4106J P N - 4 1 2 6-

KazutoSeki KenjiroTodoroki TaiseiSambuKanjiTakamura Akira lshibashi HirokiGoto KimitosiNakamura Kan Yamada TetsuyaMatsunagaYukioMakino KatsuyaTakagi RyosukeTanigawa Makikolkuta Chizukoljima JunichiroShiraishi YouichiYanagawa WakakoTabata Naomi Kurita TetsuoWatanabe MakotoYamada HidekiYoshimine AkihitoNakamura Yuka Yoshisako MitsukoSatake HideakiSakaguchiKimihikolmamura ReikoTakahashi Naoko Kamata Saori Kawano NorikoOkmuma

* = Women's Entries.


4 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 14

EUROPEAII CHAMPIOilSHIPS Qualificationwas interupted by poor weather conditionswith day three action postponedby thick sea fog but the usual suspectswere gatheringal the top of the leaderboard to fightoutthe Finals.


still with an increasedlead now upto 16 points.A regatta win may be an early wedding present for MichaelaWard. With a 13 and 1 day the Russians llienko/Gaponovich move to second overalland 15 and 5 move NataliaViaDufresne& SandraAzon to third overall. A bad day for the Coster Brothersdrops them to third overall, behind Javier Conte & Juan de la Fuente of Argentina in first and past World ChampionsGabrioZandona& AndreaTrantiof ltaly in second. But a chasingpack was developingwith the Swedes, and Brits Rogers & Glanfieldjust 3 pointsback from the major places.

Day Two of Finals... Day One of Finals... On a day when 40 knots were expected, The GBR's Christina Bassadone & Katherine Warnemundeturned on a great day of sailing. Hopsonand WorldChampionsThereseTorgersson The day startedin pouringrain,and reportsof trees & Vendela Zachrisson of Sweden made oerfect being uprooted in Hamburg made for a nervous startsat the pin end and sailingin clearair whilethe fleet. But the front broughtonly 18-23 knotsand the SpanishNataliaViaDufresne& Sandra Azon were 103 470's representing30 Nations made a great forced to do a couple of clearingtacks headingfor view movingout to the start under kites the less favoredrighthand side of the coursewhile regatta leaders,the Ward Sisters found space on the Left with the initial leaders. The beat developed into a tussle between the pin end starterswith Torgersson& Zachrissonlookingthe best half way up the work before Bassadone & Hopsonfound a groovethat was higherand faster than the Swedes. The first rounding saw the Brits inlront and the USA'sMcDowell/Kinsolvingfoul the mark boat and take the turn the Swedeis were second to round followedby SLO 142 Dekleva/Mauce. . Torgersson & Zachrissonsailedwell down the first run to reach the gate first but suffereda kite malfunctionletting Bassadone& Hopsonback in . In the freashening 10-12 knot breeze the Britishteam consolidated their lead and went onto win from the Swedes followedby the Slovenians.

The Last dav of Finals saw the Men with iust race to completetheir series while the Women's fleet had a tough 3 race day to finish off their 11 t h ,1 2 & 1 3 t hr a c e . Leadingfor the bulk of the Championship, Susanna& MichaelaWard gave up their lead in the penultimaterace to the Americanpair of Katy McDowell& lsabella(USA), with the Americans taking a 2 point lead into the last race start. And with the Russian Chamoions llienko & Gaponovichjust 3 pointsback it all came down to the Last Race. The Danishpair made a conservativestart at the boat end and sailed a smart first beat to round just behind the current World Champions Torgersson& Zachrissonof Swedenand Olympic MedallistVia duFresne& Azon in ESP 1788. ln contrastthe USA team were caughtin a bunchon the line and couldintrecoverfrom roundinoin the teens at the first mark. Nick Rogers & Joe Glanfieldtook a 4 point lead into the last race but with a group of 6 boats less than 14 pointsbehindanythingwas stillpossible. Included in the pack was the experienced Russianpair of DmitriBerezkin& MikailKrutkov and the Americanoair of Paul Foerster& Kevin Burnham with the young team of Sven & Kalle Costerof the Nederlandschasingas well. Rogers& Glanfieldgot off to an averagestart in the last race rounding10th at the top mark and were coveredwell by the ARG team of Conte/de la Fuente fallingback to 1sthat the bottomMark. This would have been enoughto see Berezkin& Krutkovtake the title, some smart sailingsaw the Brits recoverto be in the early teens by the next windwardmark and by the end of the reach and runon the InnerOlympictrapeziumcourseNick& Joe had regainedgth place...enoughto clinchthe EurooeanTitle.

In the Men , Nick Rogers & Joe Glanfield were moversof the day with a first in the early race of the day. Nick and Joe employeda novel but extreamly successful starting technique by reaching along behindthe Starboardstartersuntil a gap appeared and grabbingthe opportunity,from there sailinghigh The Men'sfleet got away for the secondrace of the out to the favouredrighthandside of the course. day underblackflag with the Brazilianteam BRA17 CRO 7 Ante Cesic & Ante Kujundziclead the fleet For Rogersand Glanfieldthe title win caps off an clearly across the line and out of the game. The halfway up the first beat but the American Silver impressiverise in the rankingthis year that has Ukrainian Medallists Braslavets & Matvienko MedallistsFoerster& Burnhamdefied odds cominq seen them place in every Major regatta sjnce headingright in what lookedlike more breeze. The in fast from the lefthandside of the course March. Berezkin & Krutkov UKR team continuedout left before tacking back to round in second place to Rogers & idered themselveslucky and consolidating their lead on the fleet. Glandfield. with a 7th to be secondoverall Conditions became very kicky in the last 200 the after final Race metresto the mark with the Lead swappingseveral In the 20 knot conditions, Rogers and Foerster& Burnhamwent on to times. The Ukrainiansroundedfirst courtesyof the Glandfieldwent onto win convincingly win the final race propelling Swedes overlaying the mark on the starboard followedbv the Americansand the them from 7th overnightto be layline allowingthe Spanish Martinez & Wood to Graham Vials & Bevis Field that third overall in the Open round second and the ltalians Fonda/Zucchettiin wellthrouohthe fleet. European Championship third. results. In the Women,the Ward sistersstill The first run saw the Ukrainiansincreasetheir lead the fleet with a reduced lead of 6 After3 OlympicCampaignsthe to 30 secondssailingthe rhumline roundingahead after a day of 19 (Drop), 7 & 7. Ward Sisters of Denmark of Moland/Anderssonof Sweden followed by the American Women Katie McDowell grabbed their first Major title AustraliansMathewBelcher& Nick Behrens. The lsabelleKinsolvingalso had a good after being so close so many Overnightleaders,the Dutch Costers roundingan with a 6,6 & 4 along with the lsraeli'sthat had a 2, times before. The Danes have been runnersuo incrediblesecondlast. From there it was a matter 10 & 5 . The pairof McDowell& Kinsolving moving in World Championshipsby less than 1 point to of the Ukrainianscovering Moland tightly up the up 2 places to be second overall and lSR10 former ISAF sailor of the year RuslanaTaranon next work in a tading breeze with the Spanish Kornecki& Bouskilamoving up 3 places to be 4th no less than 2 occations, but this time their workingtheir way into third on the water. overall just behind the Russian pair of llienko & determinationshowed through to clinch Gaponovichin third. the title with a 3rd place in the last race ol The leader board saw the Danish Women infront the reoatta.






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OP PRESS Sfovenis Wins lunior Evropedn Chqmpionship Lake Balaton Hungary: 23rd July 2004 With some greatconditionson the last day of racing,SloveniansKarloHMELJAK& Mitja NEVECNYwere able to hold off FrenchsistersManuelle& VirginieADAMto claimtheirthird JuniorEuropeanChampionship.lsrael's LevinEYAL& Sela ERANwerethirdand show that lsraelhavesome greatsailorswaitingto graduateto the SeniorChampionships.

1 SLO- 16 2 FRA-2613 W 3 tsR- 9 4RUS2 5 CRO- 7 6 CRO- 83 7 lsR- 2 FRA-2633 8 I POL- 50 1 0 G E R4 8 7 8 11 GER-4884 12 BEL-1247 13 ITA-4324 14 ISR- 6 15 ITA-4320 16 GER-4912 17 FRA-2606 18 GER-4924 19 GER-4926 20 sul-1408 21 RUS- 7 22 UKR- 70 23 GER-4914 24 FRA-2591 25 GER-4938 26 ITA-4254 27 GER-4930 28 FRA-2607 29 GER-4900 W FRA-2626 30


41 51 59 62 64 67 74 79 79 84 87 88 93 110 1'11 112 113 118 122 123 124 125 132 133 138 140 149 150 161 163

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