15pzzl diet

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15PZZL DIET What exactly does it mean to eat healthy?



What exactly does it mean to eat healthy? A healthy diet implies a full balance of nutritional requirements together with proper daily calorie intake and exercise. A healthy balanced diet should include proper amounts of protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, but it is also important not to forget about amino acids, essential fatty acids, and digestibility of nutrients. It all has to be included into our daily menu, which is not always easy. Very often, some products may not be available or you simply don’t have cravings for them, so the menu has to be adjusted on the go. Maybe that’s why dieticians are still making pretty good money since people don’t like doing all the boring math when it comes to food. Of course, online calorie counters can be a big help! Some apps and websites seem to be a solution to all the troubles, but you still face many difficulties, like religious weighing of your food. Besides, most calorie counters are far from perfection. And let’s be honest - counting calories sucks! Can you maintain a well-balanced diet without all the counting and weighing? Can you have a flexible plan and be able to eat a wide range of foods?


15Pzzl Diet is an answer to these questions. 15Pzzl Diet does not require counting calories and gives you a flexible balanced meal plan that matches your goals!


BREAKFAST You have a daily menu designed as a 15 puzzle game. All foods can be distributed among as many meals per day as you wish, but it is recommended to try the standard four first. Besides solid foods, high-calorie and caffeinated drinks are also regulated.




LUNCH Portion size in this diet is equal to your fist. Your fist is directly proportional to your body and serves as an excellent guide. Hands are something you always have with you and it’s easy to figure out how big your portion should be. There is always room for minor measurement errors; however, your comfort is more valuable than preciseness.



One serving is about the size of your fist



AFTERNOON SNACK Besides main meals, there is snacking on fruit. You can scatter snacking servings throughout the day or combine all the fruit in one huge portion, depending on your personal preferences and hunger control.





DINNER It does not matter what time you have your dinner. It is acceptable to have dinner as late as you wish; however, it is recommended to have it no later than 1.5-2hrs before going to sleep.








Whether your goal is gaining or losing weight, it is recommended to start with a maintenance plan. It will help you to get used to the system and gradually move on to a desired plan. MAINTENANCE PLAN IS RIGHT FOR YOU IF: • • •

your goal is just eating healthy and you don’t plan to gain or lose weight. you are starting a new cycle of weight loss or weight gain and need to adjust your diet and get used to a new meal plan you have a lot of excess weight and you plan to diet for over a year, every 4-6 months you need a break in dieting

HOW TO START Follow a maintenance plan of 15Pzzl Diet for about 2-3 weeks and monitor your weight. Remember, weight fluctuations are very possible throughout the day, so it is recommended to weigh yourself at the same time (for example, every morning after using a bathroom). Weigh yourself weekly on the same day or few times a week and calculate an average weight. If your weight is stable, it means that you consume as many calories as you burn. If losing or gaining weight is not in your plans, you can stick to the same meal plan, workout, and gradually improve your physical condition. It is also recommended to get back to this meal plan after each weight loss/gain cycle. If you lose weight, you have a calorie deficit. Depending on your goal, you can adjust your calories (increase portion size) or leave everything as is and keep losing weight if you are comfortable with the current pattern. If you gain weight, you have an excess of calories. Apply the same principles of adjustment when needed: slightly decrease your portion size or choose less fatty foods. If you have been following fad diets for too long, don’t rush to decrease your calorie intake and wait until your weight stabilizes. Failing to do so will pull you back into the vicious circle of low calorie dieting. WHAT’S YOUR PORTION SIZE Weigh a serving of protein food or fruit. For women, on average, the weight of one serving comes to 140160g, for men - no less than 200-220g or even more. For a better control and precision, you may count calories in your portions, but often it is not necessary. MEAL FREQUENCY THAT FITS YOUR LIFESTYLE At first, try to eat at regular intervals and gradually choose the most convenient frequency. You can also change the order of meal consumption or break it up into smaller meals. For instance, you can eat all your fruit at once or spread it out throughout the day. Before modifying anything, try a default pattern, which may actually suit you best. REFEED Once a week, you may consume a serving of any food or drink in addition to your diet. It helps you relieve psychological needs and may even be beneficial for you metabolism. A day with a cheat meal is called a “refeed”.

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The main task during a weight loss process is to provide your body with all the necessary nutrients, microelements, and fiber. If a person eats less, his body automatically receives less essential nutrients, which has to be taken into consideration when dieting. In order to lose fat and maintain lean body mass (muscle and organs) you need to consume enough protein. Healthy fats, especially polyunsaturated fatty acids that cannot be synthesized by our bodies, are also vital for building a healthier and happier you. Dietary fibers in fruits and veggies affect laxation and satiety, as well as the balance of necessary minerals in the body. . When trying to lose weight, some high calorie foods, such as fatty meats (pork), bananas, grapes, white bread, should probably be avoided. Also, avoid fried food. It is very calorie dense since it’s cooked in oil. Cutting liquid calories is also a good idea since they do not promote satiety. It is the easiest way to cut calories, and usually giving up high calorie beverages gives great results. Along with cutting two servings of complex carbs, it creates a deficit of 200-500 cal a day, which is enough for a slow and steady weight loss. When on a calorie deficit, the amount of water consumed should be increased. Make sure you are properly hydrated (see “Beverages”). Pay attention to the products you eat and remember those that satiate you the most. Often it is lean meat (chicken breast), beans, farmer or cottage cheese, whole grain cereals and pasta. Try to eat these foods if you have a long break between meals or if you feel hungry. PLANS Weight-loss begins with a balanced dietary regimen. In 2-3 weeks you will figure out your eating schedule, you will also learn to pick right foods, and monitor your weight. If you keep losing weight or size, continue a maintenance plan until your weight-loss ceases for 2-3 weeks. The first stage is a slow weight-loss plan. You have to eliminate high calorie drinks, cut number of portions of complex carbs down to one, choose foods with fewer calories (lean meat, fish, reduced fat farmer or cottage cheese, beans, non-sweet fruits). Follow a slow weight-loss plan until your weight and size stabilize for 2-3 weeks. After that you can proceed to the second stage, which has more low-calorie days. On a low-calorie day, instead of the last portion of complex carbs you would eat a salad. The volume of food will not decrease, but calories will. Do not rush to go to the next stage! A slow weight-loss plan provides long-lasting results and helps you maintain weight in the future. Remember to exercise. Exercising is good for you, and it will help you lose weight quickly and efficiently.











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The biggest problem in gaining weight is a ratio of fat to muscle. To build lean muscle, you need to lift heavy weights and have a slight calorie surplus. If you easily gain weight, increase your calorie intake gradually and slowly. An extra serving of complex carbs, calorie dense foods, milk, and juices will help you trigger your weight. A moderate calorie surplus combined with a great strength training program will allow you to gain lean muscle and lose fat. A decent weight gain is about 0.5 kg in 2-3 weeks, faster gains may come with unnecessary fat. If you are a hardgainer, you should pay extra attention to your strenght training since it’s a major stimulus for a muscle growth. It is quite possible that even a weight-gain plan will not be sufficient for a positive weight dynamics. In this case, add another meal on top of the plan. You can use dried fruits, juices, high-protein and weight gainer drinks. However, keep in mind that they are very high in calories and may cause you gain weight too fast. Any changes to a diet should be carefully introduced one after another every 1-2 weeks, so you can control the results. Weight gain should not be drastic, so stick to the previously mentioned numbers. Adjust your meal frequency and foods you consume, so you don’t have a feeling of overeating. You should feel a slight hunger before a meal. If there’s no such feeling, review your menu and training program. Limit sweets and fatty foods since they are most probably will not facilitate the proper weight gain. That is exactly why a cheat meal is presented only once a week, on a refeed day.

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There are several options of this diet for vegetarians: •

vegan - strictly vegetarian diet that excludes absolutely all animal products. It consists of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and legumes.


lacto-ovo vegetarian (only lacto- or only ovo-) - the same as above, but also includes milk products and eggs.


semi-vegetarian (also called flexitarian or pseudo-vegetarian) - all of the above, plus chicken and fish. Red meat is not allowed in this diet.

There are plenty of ethical, moral, and dietary beliefs that lead people to a vegetarian diet. Being a vegetarian is a choice. From the point of view of health, it is a good decision to limit red meat and consume seafood, chicken, low fat milk products, and eggs instead. It is also worth mentioning that the older you get, the more you benefit from a semi-vegetarian or lacto-ovovegetarian diet, which restricts red meat and animal fats. At the same time, a vegetarian diet does not necessarily correlate to a healthy eating, unless you provide your body with all the necessary nutrients. Essential amino acids, some minerals, and vitamins are the first ones that require attention. You can easily solve this problem by taking multivitamins (this is the only case when 15 Pzzl Diet may require you to take any supplements). A right combination of various plant proteins, milk products, and eggs provides a sufficient level of protein. Vegetarian sports nutrition and soy or whey protein powders are also an option that may help you maintain an adequate protein level in your diet.


Maintenance Plan

Weight Loss Plan

Weight Gain Plan






POULTRY Chicken and turkey taste great and are relatively inexpensive, which makes them a good source of protein. Other sources of poultry proteins are gourmet meats (wild game, duck, ostrich, quail) as well as hearts, livers, kidneys, etc. Besides being high in protein, poultry is rich in microelements, such as iron and zinc. Keep in mind that fat content in poultry varies widely. Try to choose lean cuts, remove the skin and visible fat. Boiling, grilling, broiling, roasting, or braising are the best ways to cook your poultry. Chicken or turkey breast is a great low fat source of protein. It is especially relevant when your goal is a weight-loss. EGGS Eggs are a “golden standard� for protein since they have all the essential amino acids, and the ratio of these amino acids is very similar to the ideal protein needed by our body. Besides that, eggs are rich in vitamins and minerals. Some brands are enriched with essential Omega-3 fatty acids. For a very long time egg yolk was banned from a list of healthy foods for its high content of fat and cholesterol. Lately, there are fewer restrictions on egg yolk consumption, providing it fits into a healthy daily calorie intake. However, people prone to heart problems should not eat more than one egg a day. A balance of nutrients can be restored if you use 2-3 egg whites for every 1-2 whole eggs. This combinations satisfies hunger, tastes great, has fewer calories, and still keeps all the good stuff. Eggs should only be consumed when cooked. RED MEAT Red meat (beef, lamb, veal, pork) is also known for its great amino acid profile, high content of vitamins, creatine, conjugated linoleic acid, and microelements, such as iron and zinc. Organ meats and by-products are especially high in vitamins and microelements. Notorious health risks that are associated with red meat (heart disease, cancer) are mainly determined by two factors - fat content and the way of processing. Risks include consumption of large amount of fatty, as well as highly processed meats: sausage, jerky, etc. That’s why the preference should be given to low-processed lean meat that was boiled, stewed, or roasted.

25 FISH AND SEAFOOD Fish and seafood are high-quality sources of protein with great taste. Low-fat fish is rich in protein and low in calories. On the other hand, fatty fish contains a high level of healthy fats, especially Omega-3 essential fatty acids. Alternating different kinds of fish not only makes your diet less boring, but also makes it healthier. Wild-caught sea fish, especially large predators, may contain substantial amounts of mercury; therefore, pregnant women and children should limit its consumption to 2 servings a week. By looking at mercury levels in fish, it is easy to find a safe option. Seafood: calamari, crabs, shrimp, mussels, scallops, etc. - is another low-fat and tasty source of protein that can make dieting more fun. MILK PRODUCTS Greek yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, ricotta, feta, farmer cheese, and other milk products with 3-7% fat content will not only provide you with protein, but also with calcium, which is an essential micronutrient. Milk products can be used in many different ways: sweet, salty, drinkable, or spreadable! You can mix them up with your fruits or add them to a salad. High-fat cheeses are very calorie dense and should be limited. If you don’t count calories, enjoy such cheeses once a week on a refeed day. PROTEIN SHAKES Whey, egg whites, or soy protein powders are a good source of dietary protein. Powders have a wide range of tastes and are easy to use. Do not overestimate a protein shake since it is only a supplement and not a meal replacement. However, there is no evident reason to avoid protein shakes in your diet. LEGUMES Despite high content of carbohydrates, the group of protein products also includes legumes. It also includes soy and soy products. Despite some warnings regarding phytoestrogens, there is no reason to exclude soy from your diet. Contents of phytoestrogens in a serving of any soy product does not carry any health risks. An intake of peanuts and other nuts should be limited because of a high fat content (see “Sources of Healthy Fats”).



Major health organizations, including The World Health Organization (WHO), recommend increasing fruits and vegetables intake to 5-8 servings a day. They say it will have a positive influence on our health and life expectancy in general. FACTS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT FRUITS AND VEGETABLES First of all, they are absolutely delicious! Great variety, good price, availability (especially seasonal produce) and ability to mix them up with so many other products make fruits and vegetables an essential part of any diet. Secondly, they are wholesome and healthy. Fruits and veggies are rich in vitamins, minerals, and biologically-active substances, such as fruit acids, pectins, and gums. Fiber is a very important component. An average city resident consumes 2-3 times less fiber than recommended norm, which increases a risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, digestive problems. Thirdly, they have a small calorie value. Along with all the health benefits, a huge salad will fill you up with fewer calories. The same goes for fruits. Due to some mysterious misconception, they are considered incompatible with dieting, which is very misleading. Perhaps, it would be wise to limit just some high-calorie fruits like bananas and grapes. Despite all the bad-mouthing, these fruits can fit perfectly into any diet without a problem. USEFUL TIPS Eating fruits and vegetables of different colors gives your body a wide range of valuable nutrients. Eat raw fruits and veggies, especially leafy greens, but do not ignore them when they are cooked, or even pickled, if in moderation. Include seasonal produce into your diet. Usually, local seasonal produce is cheaper and tastes better.



GRAINS Buckwheat, oats, barley, pearl barley, quinoa, rice are all tasty and healthy sources of complex carbohydrates. While having a moderate amount of calories, they contain a large number of nutrients, including vitamins and fiber. WHOLE WHEAT PASTA Mediterranean diet is one of the hallmarks of a rational nutrition. Besides the use of olive oil, it is known for a wide variety of whole wheat pastas: ravioli, spaghetti, lasagna, etc. These pastas became so popular thanks to the Mediterranean cuisine. Beside a great taste, they have a high level of satiety and hunger control since it takes up to 8 hours for them to digest. BREAD Bread is an integral part of many traditional and modern cuisines. However, keep in mind not only its rich composition, but also its high caloric value is especially important in weightloss. Choose whole wheat and whole grain breads, rye bread, and low-fat wraps and pitas. There is no need to exclude white bread, but if your goal is to lose weight, it would be more rational to limit this product. STARCHES Potato is another unrighteously notorious product in a diet world. As long as it fits into your daily calorie plan, there is no need to avoid it like a plague. Potato is rich in essential minerals and has relatively few calories if cooked without oil. SOUPS Soups should definitely be mentioned in this section, although they are not pure carbohydrates. Often broth contains a lot of fat, which is not beneficial for your diet. When it comes to calories, a serving of soup is approximately equal to a serving of other carbohydrates.

SOURCES OF HEALTHY FATS When planning your grocery shopping list, remember about additional sources of healthy fats. Healthy fats include vegetable oil (olive, flaxseed, colza, etc.), nuts, dried seeds, olives, avocado, and fish oil supplements. They are essential for a normal thyroid function, good mood, healthy skin, hair, and nails, and many other body functions. Remember, any excess fat or calories will not have any positive results on your body, and in a long-term perspective may even be harmful. It is necessary to control a consumption of aforementioned products. On a daily basis, you should consume 15-20g of any vegetable oil, adding it to salads and other dishes, or 30-50g of nuts and seeds. You can also make olives and avocados a part of your diet. Consume only a recommended dose of fish oil supplements (and only after talking to your physician).



Staying hydrated is absolutely crucial for optimum health. There are plenty of drinks to help you quench your thirst, and each beverage has its advantages and disadvantages. Many drinks have extra calories, which is their main disadvantage. Only few servings a day have the same number of calories as a whole meal. Moreover, liquid calories have a very low satiety level and have almost no essential nutrients. This is important if you are on a way to a weight-loss. In this case, you should try to avoid drinking your calories. On the other hand, it can be to your advantage if you are trying to gain weight. Liquid calories can trigger weight-gain without overloading your digestive system. Juices, fruit beverages, lemonades contain natural and refined sugars. An advantage of such drinks is their good taste. Some of them have vitamins and minerals, especially if it’s a fresh squeezed juice. This group is great for hydration during hot weather. Milk and milk beverages are a good sources of calcium and protein. You should pay attention to their fat content, especially if you easily gain weight. Caffeinated drinks, such as coffee and tea, are rich in minerals and biologically active substances. People love them for their taste. It is recommended to consume not more than 1-2 cups a day. Herbal teas are a great way to enrich your diet. Besides, they do not contain any caffeine. You can always add sugar to your coffee or tea, but in this case they fall into a category of high-calorie sugary drinks, with the same properties as such. If you like to sweeten your beverages, consider using sweeteners. Soda contains dissolved carbon dioxide, which shifts acid-base balance of the body to the acid side. When consumed regularly, it may disrupt an acid-base balance and have a negative effect on your bones, as an example. At the same time, there is no reason to exclude sodas completely from your diet.


29 Cakes, candy, chips, alcohol are not very healthy for your body (excess of fat, calories, trans fats, etc.)... Besides being so unhealthy for you, high-fat cheese or bacon, for instance, is very unlikely to help you with your weight-loss goal. On the other hand, these foods taste really good and have a tremendous social meaning. There are very few people who celebrate holidays with a veggie tray, a couple of dry rice cakes, and no alcohol. There are two possible strategies towards these products. First one completely excludes all unhealthy foods from your diet. Sometimes it works, but most of the time it just becomes a trigger for cheating and purging. Second one involves fitting such products into your diet. It is easy to do if you count calories, and it is super easy with 15Pzzl Diet. There is a special day called refeed Plus that allows you to eat (or drink) a portion of any food you wish. If it’s a solid food, the portion size will equal your fist; in case of an alcoholic drink, it may be a glass of beer, a mixed drink, or a couple of shots. Such a cheat meal is not only safe for your progress, but it may also help you speed up the process. Refeed promotes psychological comfort, helps stabilize hormonal balance, and makes it possible to stick to a long-term diet. If your goals is to lose weight, try to avoid eating these foods on other days. People who already achieved some results and went back to a maintenance meal plan, will be able to include more junk food into their diet. However, it’s important to ensure that it does not end up in a slow and steady weight gain. Even if your goal is to gain weight, it is not recommended to stuff your face with sweets and fatty foods (no need mentioning alcohol!) since it will lead to gaining more fat than muscle. If you have a compulsive eating disorder and you can’t stop after eating only one portion, you probably shouldn’t include a refeed day in your diet. You may seek professional help with a nutritionist or a therapist; however, it is quite possible that in just a few weeks after 15Pzzl Diet plan the problem will be resolved.


Poultry Eggs Red Meat Pork Fish Seafood

Protein Bean Curd Pineapple Citrus Strawberries

Apple Pear Peach Cherry Banana Watermelon

Crops Bun Bread Pasta Potato Soup


Mushrooms Eggplant Peas Beet Pepper Cucumber

Tomato Corn Cabbage Carrot Greens Salad-mix

Tea Milk Coffee Juice Mate Water

Cake Pie Cocktail Beer Candy Pizza

www.15pzzlfit.com Š 2012

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