48 FW Manpower & Organization Newsletter #2 (2021) DSN 226-1174 Commercial 01638 521174
Building 977
48th Force Support Squadron This newsletter is designed to educate and inform unit leadership across the 48th Fighter Wing on the services, happenings, and capabilities of the RAF Lakenheath Manpower & Organization Flight.
Manpower Services and Information What We Do: Provide Manpower requirements consultation services, strategic information/immersion briefings, and review of
Manpower basics (i.e., Strategic Manpower Briefing) Process changes to manpower requirements on the Unit Manpower Document (UMD) through the Manpower Programming and Execution System Apply Air Force Manpower Standards/Determinants (AFMS/AFMD), to include Logistics Composite Modeling (LCOM) specific to maintenance units, at the direction of USAFE-AFAFRICA Manpower, Organization, and Resources Division or the request of the unit commander Assist organizations with Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) facilitation, metrics development and strategic planning/alignment Collect data and provide measurement input for the development of functional Manpower documents (e.g., AFMDs)
CPI Transition to Manpower, MSgt Angelo Lowrie On 01 Dec 20, the Manpower and Organization Flight assumed CPI functions from the Wing Staff Agency. Our vision is to improve the current level of service by providing enhanced CPI training, mentorship, and coaching programs to 48 FW change makers. We will be a resource that empowers CPI practitioners across the wing to complete projects which will execute their organization’s processes more efficiently and effectively. The Manpower team will continue to support the Air Force's online Green Belt and CPI fundamentals courses hosted on the OpusWorks digital platform. We will manage individuals’ Green Belt training through
completion so they can then take on a project that either saves time, cuts costs, or improves quality. The team will mentor the CPI practitioner and assist them by utilizing proven tools, techniques, and best practices to achieve the project's goal. We will also support the practitioner with completing requirements to complete their CPI certification, for those who obtain their Green Belt certification are then eligible for Black Belt training. Furthermore, the Manpower team will provide consulting services to innovators who submit ideas through the Airmen Powered by Innovation (API) portal. We will also connect the innovators with the Liberty Spark Cell, who can plug the
idea creator in with their innovation network to get their idea implemented. The CSAF's Accelerate Change or Lose document “outlines why the Air Force must accelerate change in order to remain the most dominant and respected Air Force in the world.” CPI is not only a tool, but a mindset which furthers this acceleration. The RAF Lakenheath Manpower Flight is once again part of this mission – to accelerate change within the Liberty Wing – by promoting CPI and empowering Airmen to innovate and improve the Air Force.
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RAF Lakenheath Manpower Office
What’s Happening Across the 48 FW? Mission Requirements F-15E Weapon System Zero Balance (WZB) Review, TSgt Jamie Hash Following the 2020 F-15E WZB review conducted by USAFE Manpower (A1MR), the RAF Lakenheath Manpower and Organization team recently coordinated with senior leadership across the 48th MXG to take action on 95 positions spanning 15 functions, 10 AFSCs, 9 grades, and 5 units. WZB is the vehicle by which the MAJCOM defines and defends its Weapons Systems resources. The more accurate we are in defining the requirements, documenting them on the UMD and ensuring only valid requirements are funded in the Weapons Systems program elements (i.e., categories of funding), the more successful we can be
in obtaining additional resources through the Air Force Corporate Structure. The tools we have that allow us to do this are more refined now than in the recent past. New Logistics Composite Models and other Manpower Determinants provide a more comprehensive analysis of the resources that the Air Force has determined to be valid and defendable. This provides Commanders the tools for ensuring these limited resources are used as intended to ensure mission success. At the same time, leadership has maximum flexibility in how they use the resources, within WZB constraints.
Basic Manpower Information 50% of commander’s responsibilities consist of managing resources and improving the unit. The RAF Lakenheath Manpower Office is here to help commanders with those responsibilities. (AFI 1-2, Commander’s Responsibilities, para 3.3-3.4)
UMD Management - UMD: Document listing manpower positions earned through the application of AFMS/AFMDs to support an organization’s workload requirements. We work with the USAFE Manpower, Organization, and Resources Division to validate UMD accuracy, provide data to organizations, and assist with UMD changes via Manpower Change Requests. *Monthly UMD updates are posted on our SharePoint site, a link to which is found on page 3. - (Manpower) Change Requests: Used to request changes to manpower positions on the UMD. These changes should result in improved effectiveness or efficiency of an organization.
Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) - Overview: CPI focuses on process effectiveness and efficiency across the AF using principles that apply to all work processes. CPI is part of the Commander’s inspection program and a hallmark of highly successful organizations. The CPI program provides the framework for sustained mission performance by creating a culture committed to the pursuit of excellence.
Air Force Manpower Standard/Determinant (AFMS/AFMD) - Application: AFMS/AFMDs are a quantitative expression of manpower related to complete job tasks at varying levels of workload volume. They are developed by function and consist of statistical models to be applied at each applicable base. - Workload Factors: Drive manpower requirements and are used to “price out”/apply the equation on the function’s AFMS/AFMD. t is important to know which workload factors apply to your function/unit and source of count for each. - Variances: AFMS/AFMDs are broad-scope documents designed to capture workload AF-wide. Variances are used to tailor documents to make positive or negative adjustments to manpower earned based on unique environmental, technical, or mission considerations (e.g., snow removal).
*Please contact the RAF Lakenheath Manpower Office with any questions or to coordinate a briefing pertaining to this information
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MISSION: Expertly apply manpower tools and skills that enable 48th Fighter Wing leadership to make data-driven decisions for managing their resources VISION: Uphold the highest standards of excellence in USAFE-AFAFRICA Manpower Flight Chief: Superintendent: NCOIC, CPI Program NCOIC, Mission Requirements: NCOIC, Support Requirements: NCOIC, Wartime Requirements: Manpower Analyst:
Mr. Robert Landenberg SMSgt Samuel Harrington MSgt Angelo Lowrie TSgt Jamie Hash TSgt Andrew McQuary TSgt Shaun Oneal SSgt Brandon Love
DSN: 226-1174 Commercial: 01638 521174 Email: 48fss.fsmm@us.af.mil SharePoint: https://portal.usafe.af.mil/sites/48FW/48thMissionSupportGroup/48FSS/MO/SitePages/Home.aspx AFMS/AFMD Library: https://cs2.eis.af.mil/sites/11190/AFMDandAFMS/AFMS/Forms/FAC1stFAC2nd.aspx Manpower Focus Areas and Responsibilities Requirements Determination
Program Allocation & Control
Manpower Standards/Determinants
Military Grades
Logistics Composite Modeling
Future Years Defense Program Allocation
Management Advisory Studies
Programming Future Total Force
Wartime Impact Analysis
Congressional Impacts
UMD Management & Change Requests
End Strength Management
Performance Management
Organization Structure
Strategic Planning & CPI
Activations & Inactivations
Facilitation & Consultant Services
Redesignations & Reorganizations
Performance Analysis/Reporting
Organization Change Requests
Acronyms: AFMS/AFMD — Air Force Manpower Standard/ Determinant API — Airmen Powered by Innovation BOS — Base Operating Support CPI — Continuous Process Improvement IMA—Individual Mobilization Augmentee LCOM — Logistics Composite Modeling MTF — Military Treatment Facility OCR — Organizational Change Request PRP — Personnel Reliability Program UMD — Unit Manpower Document WZB—Weapon System Zero Balance
An Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) is a Reserve military requirement identified as augmenting the Active component. Chief of Air Force Reserve Manpower Division (AF/REXX) conducts a biennial IMA review to flow validated and unfunded requirements to HAF for funding prioritization. This review is called the IMA Program Review, and AF/REXX initiates it through MAJCOMs to Wing Manpower Offices, with detailed instructions. The Wing Manpower and Organization office validates data and coordinates a response through MAJCOM back to AF/REXX. For new IMA requirements, an organization must first contact the Manpower office to initiate a validation request. The Manpower office works with MAJCOM counterparts to review the request, including what data can (and cannot) be collected and considered. All parties work within the confines of the latest Manpower Service Delivery Guide as well as the broader framework outlined in AFI 38-101, Manpower and Organization. Once a position is validated, it’s put on the UMD as “UNFUNDED”, and Air Force Reserve Command must then decide whether to provide funding. Assignment actions follow funding, and will be discussed in the next Manpower and Organization newsletter.