8 Page
May 1–5, 2023
Please register by April 24. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Limit 20 players. Personal equipment allowed.
May 6 • 11 am to 1 pm
Open house with bounce houses, snacks, free indoor wall climbing and equipment demos!
May 5 • 5 to 8 pm
Beer and food specials. Free chips and salsa! Open to all ages!
May 26 • 4 pm
For more information about the 49 FSS Marketing Department, please call (575) 572-5579
program dates, times, and prices printed in this publication are subject to cancellation or change without prior notice. No
749 W New Mexico Ave, Bldg 788
Mon,Tue, Wed & Fri:
8 am to 4 pm
Thu: 10:30 am to 4 pm
3rd Wed: Closed
Tuesdays • 8 to 9:30 am
Reintegration is for military personnel returning from deployment. Returnees must receive their briefing within 7 days of return to home station (while on ROM).
1st, 3rd, & 5th Tue • 10 to 11:30 am
Informative briefing for military members and their spouses. Learn about support services available to you and your family before, during, and after experiencing a deployment or remote tour. Briefing is mandatory for active duty personnel tasked with deployment or an unaccompanied remote tour (365 days). Spouses highly encouraged to attend.
Lodging, Meals and Activities provided! This trip will last three day and two nights. You can either drive up solo or follow us as a group.
Holloman Newcomer Orientation
May 1 • 8 am to 4 pm
Holloman Newcomers Orientation is a consolidated class for new arrivals to
Holloman AFB. Spouses are highly encouraged to register for Holloman Spouse Welcome.
May 1 • 9 am to 12 pm
Spouse Welcome to the base including topics such as Tricare, Employment, Child and Youth Programs, on and off base activities. The Wing Commander’s spouse will brief as well.
Civilian Employees
May 1 • 9: 15. to 9:45 am
Financial Brief: Car Buying
May 2 • 1 to 2 pm
Resume Essentials
May 9 • 8:15 am to 12:45 pm
A four-and-a-half-hour workshop designed to create your most effective resume for the career you want.
Financial Brief: Developing a Spending Plan
May 10 • 1 to 2 pm
Federal Hiring
May 9 • 2 to 4 pm
This two-hour workshop provides an introduction to the federal hiring process.
Heart Link
May 11 • 8:30 am to 2:30 pm
Program to introduce military spouses to the military lifestyle. Funded by the Air Force Aid Society, the orientation targets spouses of less than five years but it also benefits all spouses especially those new to a duty station. Heart Link connects military spouses to Air Force culture, resources and most importantly other military spouses! Topics covered include the Air Force mission, protocol, acronyms, TRICARE, finance (LES-leave and earning statement), resiliency, and so much more!
Career Credentials
May 16 • 8:30 to 10:30 am
This two-hour workshop defines professional credentials and their importance, illustrates pathways for credentialing, and identifies license and credential portability resources
Interview Skills
May 16 • 11 am to 1 pm
Preparation is key for a great job interview. This two-hour workshop provides tips and coaching for job interviews and handling those hard-to-answer questions.
LinkedIn Profiles
May 16 • 2 to 4 pm
This two-hour workshop walks participants through building their LinkedIn profiles. Participants learn how to create a profile that markets their professional brand, uses keywords to attract recruiters, and utilizes LinkedIn for skill endorsements and recommendations from their networks
Saving vs Investing
May 24 • 1 to 2 pm
What’s the difference? Why are they important? What are the benefits of the TSP? Compound interest? Can I really make it to $1 million?
May 25 • 1 to 3 pm
Located inside the Domenici Fitness & Sports Center, Brewed Awakenings serves Starbucks coffee and tea as well as a full menu of smoothies and sandwiches.
* Stre n g th C irc u it W/ Em ily
O N/ WED 0515
Fa m ily Fitn e ss W/ Ha le y M O N/ TUES/ THURS 0900
* C y c lin g W/ Da rla M O N/ WED 1715
* C y c lin g W/ Da rla
Taba ta To n e W/ Sa ra h
Fa m ily Da n c e W/ Ha le y
Wa te r A e ro b ic s W/ Sa ra h
Le s M ills BO DYPUM P W/ Je n
THURS 1700
Little ’ s Fitn e ss W/ Ha le y WED 0900
Zu m ba W/ A p ril WED 1800
Bldg. 234 • 575-572-5369
Mon - Fri: 9 am to 5 pm
Rio Grande Birding Walk
May 6 • 7:30 am
$10 for all participants
This short one mile birding walk at Leasburg Dam State Park is welcome to all ages. Binoculars and guidance will be provided by the Mesilla Valley Audobon Society. Cost covers transportation. Last day to sign-up: May 2
wall climbing and equipment demos.
Farmers Market Shuttle
May 13 • 8 am
ODR will provide a shuttle service to take people to the Las Cruces Farmer’s Market. All ages welcome. The market hosts many artists, produce, and meal vendors. After a couple of hours we’ll head to La Posta in Mesilla Valley for a tasy lunch. Cost covers transportation. Last day to sign up: May 10.
ODR Open House
May 6 • 11 am to 1 pm
FREE Event!
ODR will be having an open house with bounce houses, snacks, free indoor
Cruise to Cloudcroft, NM
May 13 • 9 am • $80
The ultimate mountain cruise to Sunspot, NM with a stop for lunch at one of the fine dining establishments in Scenic Cloudcroft, NM.
Lava Tube Caving
May 13 • 9 am • $80
Join ODR for this trip to El Malpais National Monument for an exciting
opportunity exploring lava tubes in the El Malpais Lava Flow. Participants will camp at El Morro National Monument and explore the lava tubes the next morning. Bring pants, sturdy shoes, a longsleeve shirt, and lights as the caves are dark and cool even on hot days! Price covers transportation, equipment rental fees, and food. Ages 13+. Last day to sign up: May 5, 2023
Bldg. 647 • 575-572-3753
School Days: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 3 to 5:30 pm
Wed: 1 - 5:30 pm
Non-School Days: 12 to 5:30 pm
Closed weekends and Family Days
School Age Program: 7 am to 5 pm
Summer Camp Registration Opens
May 1, 2023
Kids Color Run
May 20, 2023
Contact Youth Programs for more information!
Story Time
Every Wednesday • 10:30 am
Book Club
May 22 • 5:30 to 6:30 pm
Romance is this months theme!
Summer Reading
12 June – 21 July
Bldg. 224 • 575-572-3939
Mon - Thu: 9 am to 7 pm
Fri: 9 am to 5 pm
Sat: 10 am to 4 pm
Sun: Closed
This class will explain 3D printing and the library’s 3D printing program. After this class you will be able to schedule a time for one-on-one training with an instructor to print on the library’s MakerBot machine. A library card/account is required before the start of the class.
The Ahrens Memorial Library at Holloman AFB is stocked with books, DVDs, STEM kits, board games, and audiobooks! The library also offers a wide variety of programs which can help you learn a language, study for your college exams, discover your past through genealogy tools, and much more. Come by to see the programs that the library puts on monthly such as Pre-School Story Time.
Brainstormer Trivia @ the CAC: May 10 • 6 to 8 pm
Cost: FREE
The Community Activity Center hosts a trivia contest monthly. Grab some friends and have a great time competing against other teams.
Bldg. 270 • 575-572-3760
Mon - Fri: 10 am to 5 pm
Email: hollomanartscenter@gmail.com
Engraving Shop
Let our professional staff custom design a special award or farewell just for your organization. Stop by and see our large selection of plaques, awards and gift items.
Frame Shop
The Frame Shop can customize frames or mats for any of your pictures. We can do conservation framing for fine art and keepsakes.
Create something unique with our large selection of ceramics available in our retail store. Price of item includes glazing and firing.
Sewing, alterations, custom vinyl and printed heat transfers. Come in and see what we offer!
Contact Arts & Crafts for more information about available classes.
Want to teach a class? A&C is always looking for instructors!
Bldg. 468 • 575-572-7378
Mon - Thu: 10 am to 10 pm
Fri: 10 am to 11 pm
Sat: 11 am to 11 pm
Sun: Closed
Strikers Grill
Mon - Thu: 7 am to 1 pm & 4 to 9 pm
Fri: 7 am to 1 pm & 4 to 10 pm
Sat: 11 am - 10 pm
Friday & Saturday, 7-11 pm
Cost: $3.50 Per Game
$14 Per Person Unlimited
Join us for a night of fun as we turn down the lights and the bowling center comes to life with colorful lights and music!
Call the bowling center to setup birthday parties, squadron days, promotion parties and more. You ask & we’ll do our best to meet your request.
596 4th Street, Bldg 224
Ph: (575) 572-5597
Mon - Fri | 8 am - 4 pm
Closed on Federal Holidays
Email: 49fssmarketing@gmail.com
Get high quality prints. All of our printing is done inhouse. Visit us and see the things we can print for you!
Do you have an event or occasion that needs some creative input? Our designers can make something special just for you!
Submit Ticket at hollomanfss.com/marketing. We can do non-FSS work as well!
Prices may vary from those listed on the website.
Approve the proof we send you at your earliest convenience. We will then print your order and let you know when it’s complete.
Pick-up Your Order!
We can do Canvas Prints!
Outdoor Rec will be hiking four mountains this year: the highest points in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas! Keep an eye out in The Break magazine as well as https://hollomanfss.com/ODR for more information as it becomes available.
Mar-Sep, 2023
Movie night and star watching at the FamCamp.
June 17 & 24 • 8 to 10 pm •Fam Camp
FREE Event Freedom
Come out and celebrate at this years Freedom Fest. Activities, food, beverages, bounce houses, music and more! SAVE THE DATE!
June 30, 2023
FREE Event
Bldg. 650 • CDC West Closed
Bldg. 648 • CDC East
Mon - Fri: 7 am to 5 pm
Family Child Care
Bldg. 222 • 575-572-5848
Mon: 3 to 5 pm
Wed: 5 to 7 pm
Fri: 9 to 11 am
Military & Family
Readiness Center
Bldg. 788 • 575-572-7754
Mon, Tue, Wed, & Fri:
8 am to 4 pm
Thu: 10:30 am to 4 pm
3rd Wed: Closed
Bldg. 647
Mon - Fri: 7 am to 5 pm
School Liaison
Bldg. 788 • 575-572-3944
Mon - Fri: 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Youth & Teen Center
Bldg. 647 and Bldg. 788 Ste. B
575-572-3753 / 0482
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri:
3 to 5:30 pm
Wed: 1 to 5:30 pm
Non-school days: Noon to 5:30 pm
Bldg. 731
Mon - Fri:
Breakfast: 6 to 8 am
Lunch: 11 am to 1 pm
Dinner: 4:30 to 7 pm
Weekends / Holidays:
Brunch: 8 am to 12:30 pm
Dinner: 5 to 7 pm
Brewed Awakenings
Bldg. 588 (inside DFSC)
Mon - Fri: 6 to 11 am
Club Holloman
Bldg. 731
Bar Service Only
Friday: 4:49 to 10 pm
Oasis Bar & Grill
Bldg 325 • 575-572-4444
Dining Hours:
Mon - Thu: 10:30 am to 1 pm and 4:30 to 8 pm
Fri: 10:30 am to 1 pm and 4:30 to 9 pm
Bar Hours:
Mon - Fri: 4:30 to 8 pm
Temporarily closed - see entry for 49er Cafe
Strikers Grill
Bldg. 468 • 575-572-7378
Mon - Thu: 7 am to 1 pm and 4 to 9 pm
Bldg 325 (second floor)
Fri & Sat: 8 pm to 12 am
Aero Club
Bldg. 283 • 575-572-3752
Mon - Fri: 9 am to 5 pm
Open for flying 24/7
Ahrens Memorial Library
Bldg. 224 • 575-572-3939
Mon - Thu: 9 am to 7 pm
Fri: 9 am to 5 pm
Sat: 10 am to 4 pm
Aquatic Center (Pool)
Bldg 447 • 575-572-3639
Open May 26 to Sep 4
Arts & Crafts Center
Bldg. 270 • 575-572-3760
Mon - Fri: 10 am to 5 pm
Auto Hobby Shop
Bldg. 231 • 575-572-7463
Tue - Fri: 11 am to 7 pm
Sat: 9 am to 5 pm
Base Theater
Bldg. 783 • 575-572-7476
Showings: Fri - 6:30 pm
Sat - 3:30 & 6:30 pm
Community Activity Center (CAC)
Bldg. 325 • 575-572-7476
Mon - Fri: 8 am to 4 pm
Bldg. 588 • 575-572-2529
Mon - Fri: 5 am to 10 pm
Sat: 9 am to 2 pm
Sun: 24-hour access only
24-hour access can be used
outside of staffed hours
Indoor Pool:
Mon - Fri: 5:30 am to 12:45 pm
Mon - Fri: 4 to 6:45 pm
Fam Camp
Bldg. 6 & 7 • 575-572-5369
6 Mesquite Road
Open 24/7
Information, Tickets & Travel (ITT)
Bldg. 325 (inside CAC)
Mon - Fri: 8 am to 2 pm
Outdoor Recreation
Bldg. 234 • 575-572-5369
Mon - Fri: 9 am to 5 pm
Bldg. 468 • 575-572-7378
Mon - Thu: 10 am to 10 pm
Fri: 10 am to 11 pm
Sat: 11 am to 11 pm
Pro Shop:
Wed & Thu: 11 am to 6 pm
Fri: 10 am to 4 pm
Bldg. 339 • 575-572-5860
Call for hours
Civilian Personnel Section
Bldg. 222 • 575-572-7202
Mon - Fri: 8 am to 4 pm
Bldg 224 • 575-572-3971
Mon & Wed: 8 am to 4 pm
Virtual Only: Tue & Thu: 8 am to 4 pm
Bldg. 583 • 575-572-3311
Open 24/7
Manpower & Org Flight
Bldg. 222 • 575-572-5507
Mon - Fri: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Military Personnel Flight
Bldg. 222 • 575-572-7277
Mon - Fri: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
NAF Human Resources
Bldg. 222 575-572-5454 / 3162
Mon - Fri: 8 am to 4 pm
Official Mail Center
Bldg. 785 • 575-572-0134
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri:
8 am to 12 pm and 1 to 4 pm
Wed: 10 am to 12 pm and 1 to 4 pm
Development Center Bldg. 451 • 575-572-5512
Studio49 Marketing
Bldg. 224 • 575-572-5597
Mon - Fri: 8 am to 4 pm
Base Main Exchange
Bldg. 227 • 575-572-1509
Mon - Sat: 9 am to 7 pm
Sun & Holidays: 10 am to 5 pm
Chapel Bldg. 784 • 575-572-7211
Mon - Fri:
7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Mon: Closed
Tue - Fri: 9 am to 7 pm
Sat: 9 am to 6 pm
Sun: 11 am to 5 pm
Dental Clinic
Bldg. 20 • 575-572-3742
Mon - Fri: 7 am to 4: 30 pm
Med Clinic
Bldg. 15 • 575-572-2778
Mon - Fri: 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Post Office
Bldg. 785 • 575-572-3192
Mon - Fri: 8:15 am to Noon
1 to 4 pm
Saturday: 10 to 11:30 am
Sunday: 7:30 am to 9 pm
Express & Gas Station
Bldg. 43 • 575-479-2201
Mon - Fri: 5 am to 10:30 pm
Sat - Sun: 7:30 am to 10 pm
Thrift Shop
Bldg. 232
Tue & Thu: 10 am to 6 pm
Wing Public Affairs
Bldg. 29 • 575-572-7381
Mon - Fri:
7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Mon & Thu: closed at 3 pm
Veterinary Clinic
Bldg. 22 •575-572-3303
Mon - Fri: 8 am to Noon
1 to 4 pm