La Costa Golfer September Issue 2018

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F RE Costa Blanca´s Top Golf & Leisure Monthly Online Magazine... E

G oLFER La Costa

September Issue, 2018

Santa Pola Lighthouse Built in 1858 on the old Atalayola watchtower which was previously built in 1552 and with a scope of some 16 nautical miles. . .


Tom McCowan


WineTourism in Alicante

CONTENTS 4-5 UnspoiltCosta Blanca. 10-11 "Why golfers wear a glove on the upper hand" by Tom McCowan 16-17 Fashion on the golf course, all the latest designs 18-21 Health topics! 24-25 Finance How to look after your finances 28-29 "Have

6 "The Grip" by Alex Ward

NLP Golf Practictioner

26 8

you been shafted? " by

Tony Myles 36-37 Out and about Places to visit 38-39 Food & drink Selected restaurants and bars 44-47 Information on the Costa Blanca 52 Coolest Golfing Gadgets 53 Golfing Funnies 54 Entertainment - Box Office

Azahara Muñoz Profile

Las Ramblas de Campoamor


Santa Pola Lighthouse

40 Wine Tourism in Alicante



elcome to September´s edition of LCG. La Costa Golfer is a FREE online monthly golf magazine & guide to the Costa Blanca with 56 colour pages directed to the Expat community and tourists who visit the Focus Costa Blanca. It will cover all aspects of golf in the province of Alicante, these will include golf courses reviews, events, news, tournaments, players profiles and places of interest. Apart from the golf it will have features in finance, healthy eating, wine & Wineries (bodegas), where to eat, what to do and natural health therapy. We have great professionals that will contribute to the magazine every month, Tom McCowan (Golf ), Tony Myles (Golf ) and Paul Tolley (Golf ), Alex Ward (Golf ). La Costa Golfer Magazine is published digitally and thus giving it greater exposure by being emailed to thousands of readers every month and promoted in Facebook. I invite you to be part of this exciting new project by advertising your products and services. I hope you enjoy the magazine and would welcome any feedback you might have, thank you in advance and remember to mention us to advertisers when contacting them. Regards y un Saludo Sergio Pérez Editor/Production Manager

Local Services

Benidorm Palace

Benidorm´s nightclub with show and dinner

With each season, they always manage to surprise their spectators, Benidorm Palace renews this season´s show, in the same way that they have been triumphing each night since 1977 (year of its inauguration), changing its show, dances, costumes, decor. Address: Avenida Dr. Severo Ochoa, 13, 03503 Benidorm, Alicante, Spain Phone numbers: +34 96 585 16 60 +34 96 585 16 61 E-mail: - 3

LCG What to do


t may seem like a contradiction in terms, but head for the villages and countryside north of Alicante and the vibe changes from turismo to tradicional

Northern Costa Blanca

'I found myself in lush valleys of oranges, almonds and lemon groves.' An hour and a half into my drive north of Alicante and I noticed something pretty dramatic - suddenly, almost within the turn of a corner, the landscape changed from brown and arid to green and mountainous; the high-rise concrete hotels gave way to smart villas, and I found myself in lush valleys of oranges, almonds and lemon groves. There are few places in the world where the northern part of a small coastline contrasts more with the south. I went expecting a landscape of mass tourism but, in the northern part of the Costa Blanca, I found quaint Spanish villages where bar owners spoke only 10 words of English, and I found a part of Europe where life goes on the way it has for decades, with siestas religiously adhered to, and local customs and culture still very much a part of everyday life. This part of Spain is undoubtedly one of the wealthiest in the country. Tourism earns considerable returns for the locals and property prices reflect the number of well-heeled northern Europeans who buy a second home in this tempting area. The weather has a lot to do with this. In the region's main town, Denia, the sun is said to shine 320 days a year.


Denia's skyline is dominated by the 18th-century Castillo de Denia. Not only does a trip to this honeycoloured fortress give you an insight into the region's long history, the building's grandness offers an excellent opportunity to get your bearings. Twenty miles of Blue Flag beaches extend from Denia to the north; head south and the rocky coves provide excellent scuba sites. I loved Denia. It had the feel of being a real working town. With its pavement cafes, smart shops (wonderful fashion boutiques!) and bustling indoor market I felt as if I was in a small version of Nice. There's just so much life about the place. Maybe that's why the town celebrates more fiestas than any other in Spain 4

- quite an achievement. The biggest is the Hogueras de San Juan (22-24 June). Similar to the Fallas Festival in Valencia, it features hundreds of huge papier måché sculptures, representing anything from politicians and celebrities to hot issues of the moment. These are set up in the main streets and squares, only to be set alight in spectacular bonfires on June 24 to celebrate the arrival of summer. The carnival lasts through the night and, although there is no rowdy behaviour or drunkenness, the party atmosphere is positively electric. During July the town celebrates Santissima a Sangre, which celebrates the town's patron saint and the blood shed by Jesus Christ. Events include infamous Toros a la Mar bull running around the seafront, in which young men run in front of the bulls before throwing themselves into the sea. The following month, on August 14-16, sees the Moors and Christians Fiesta. This Moorish 'invasion' is re-enacted every year with the accompanying canon- and musket-fire and the following day the Christians stage an attack and retake their castle with even more enthusiasm. For a great fish restaurant in Denia go to Restaurante mena, Final las Rotas (tel +34 96 578 0943). An excellent assortment and under €15 a head.


Well worth a visit is neighbouring Jávea, a portside town of 20,000 which sits astride a hill. I loved wandering the narrow streets with old houses built from Tosca sandstone. They cluster around the 15th-century Gothic fortress church of San Bartolome. No high-rise buildings are allowed in Jávea which explains its attractive landscape. Pueblo, the old village of Jávea, has made few concessions to tourism. Whitewashed houses surround the bay, and it's a great place to just sit in one of the outdoor cafes watching the fishermen bring in their fresh catches or watch the sailing boats set off from the marina. I stayed in a villa near Jávea run by the excellent operator Villa Select. Set halfway between Jesus Pobre and Jávea old town, Casa Valls sleeps 10, has its own tennis court and pool and is surrounded by its own two-acre oasis of orange and lemon groves and tropical gardens. In early sum-

mer it costs £1,295 a week and even in July and August it is still available at under £2,000 a week. Among the delights of this area are the scenic Orba and Jalón valleys - a pleasure for walking or touring by car.

Orba Valley

Running inland from Denia, the Orba Valley is home to the Girona river and charming, atmospheric little villages such as Tormos, Rafol, Benidoleig, Sagra and Pedreguer. These five villages are collectively known as the 'Rectoría'. As I sat with a strong coffee in an even stronger sunshine in the tiny hamlet of Tormos I realised that this was the Spain I was hoping to find but didn't dare count on. Old men sat in the street playing dominoes; women were conspicuously absent - apart from the industrious ones hanging out their washing on their balconies and spying on the menfolk below; children and dogs played in the squares and narrow streets. Located at the foot of the Sierra del Recingle, next to the Caval and Migdía Sierras, it is an excellent base for walking and the odd visitor that one does see is clad in suitable hiking gear . The charm of the 'Rectoría' villages is that they remain totally uncommercialised. In an area still mainly devoted to growing fruit, the inhabitants are country people and proud of it. This is the place to head for a complete chill-out.

Jalón Valley

In the Jalón Valley, just to the south, the Gorgos river running through it is a striking feature and the road follows its twists and turns for several miles. The most attractive villages here are Llíber, Alcalalí, Parcent and Gata de Gorgos. Each has its own distinct character and its own unique specialist produce drawn from the surrounding countryside wine from the vines, baskets from the reeds or honey from the orange blossom. Llíber is the smallest village, with 498 inhabitants and, for me, it's the most charming. I had lunch there in a cafe where, between my halting Spanish and the owner's pidgin English, we managed a conversation about the local wine which is produced and marketed under the 'Vall de Xaló' label by the Virgen Pobre cooperative. Their pride is the Mus-

LCG What to do catel and after half a bottle you'll know why. It's perfect with the garlic mushroom, sardines and stuffed tomatoes you often find in this region. Another beautiful place is the hillside village of Parcent. Head for the main square and enjoy a relaxed meal in the Co-Op - a place full of local workers enjoying a three-course meal with beer for â‚Ź12 - then sit back and listen to the peeling bells of the Immaculate Conception church. Parcent is sleepy for most of the year, but certainly not so between August 10 and 14 when the entire village celebrates the feast of their patron saint, St Lorenzo. Gata de Gorgos is worth visiting for its crafts shops, though more business in cane and wicker goodies tends to be done on the plentiful street stalls than in the shops. The houses here, white with ivory lintels, give the village a specific character, and don't miss the wonderfully ornate church which dates from 1535; the same year the village became an independent municipality from DĂŠnia. Benissa is an enchanting medieval town. Located on the windy coastal road between Valencia and Alicante, its highlight is the 'Cathedral of the Marina Alta' which was constructed in the 1920s by pious local masons who relied their own physical strength and money. It served as a wonderfully cool haven on an otherwise baking hot day, but there was a quality about it - which had nothing to do with the shade it provided - that made me want to linger. Perhaps it was the abundance of art in a small, unprepossessing town, for here you find a truly magnificent altarpiece in honour of the venerable patron saint of the village, the Blessed Xiquet. Its detail is incredible. The church also houses a statue attributed to the famous 16th-century Spanish artist Juan de Juanes. Explore the old quarter of Benissa starting from the Ayuntamiento -the former Hospital for the Poor - where you can see the beginning of the track used by the ancient ribereros (the workers who emigrated from Benissa to harvest rice on the Valencia coast). The houses here have ornate iron grilles on their windows and the floral display in the window-boxes are the cause of local rivalry. The result is a charming, photogenic little gem, reminiscent of the old parts of Granada.

Uns p o Cos ilt Blan ta ca


LCG Golf

The "Grip"

Alex Ward - NLP Golf Practictioner WGTF Level 3 Recommended Golf Coach - Club fitter and builder


he grip – why it is important to take care of them. I am amazed at the number of golfers I see with golf grips that are hard and degrading or being held together by a bit of electrical tape. The grip is the only point of contact we have with the golf club and it is highly important that you look after them and have them changed on a regular basis. Much like car tyres, as the grips wear out, so does the grip they offer to us the golfer. Golf grips can be changed quickly and easily by trained golf professionals. If you play once a month or so, then you don´t really need to go and spend a small fortune on replacing your worn out grips. A basic entry level 6

grip will do the job just as well as the more expensive branded grips. Playing weekly or a couple of times a week, I would recommend investing in a good set of grips, which in the long run will be worth the extra investment. It is also worth considering the type of grip you want. A thicker grip can help those with arthritis, while some may prefer a thinner grip. If you are unsure then your local professional should be able to advise you. Re-gripping starts from 5€ per club, fitted and I can arrange collection of the clubs to suit you. If you are interested in having your clubs regripped please contact me on golfstash@gmail. com.

LCG Golf

WHY YOU SHOULD BE USING AN IN TO IN PUTTING STROKE Alex Ward - NLP Golf Practictioner WGTF Level 3 Recommended Golf Coach - Club fitter and builder


uch has been talked about when it comes to the putting stroke with the vast majority of players believing that the putter should go straight along the target line and through towards the target on the same line. I do not agree with this thought process, as it creates a stifled movement. Instead I believe that you should be using the most natural of movements to enhance your putting stroke. The arc. As you move the putter back the shoulders will naturally rotate inside the intended target line, taking the putter with it. (If we do not force the putter to stay on the target line). On the follow through the shoulders will again naturally rotate inside the intended line creating a naturally shaped arc. As you move the putter back the clubface should always be square relative to the swing path, meaning that at the furthest point during the back swing the putter will look as though it is open to

the intended target line. This is correct, and something that many golfers using the “traditional� stroke struggle to maintain. Now if we can eliminate the use of the hands or wrist and have a face-balanced at impact putter (for example the incredible See More putter range) the putter face will automatically return to square upon impact sending the ball directly down our intended target line and hopefully into the hole. (If we correctly line the putter up that is!). The beauty of the in to in stroke is that we need absolutely no manipulation during the swing, as we need to take the putter back perfectly straight. This means that we can have a putting stroke that is easy to repeat, relatively tension free and a stroke that ensures the putter face will be square at impact. A much simpler stroke that is natural and comfortable to achieve. Using this stroke will eliminate the tension in your stroke resulting in better contact and better putting. Give it a go!

LCG Golf Feature

d e d n e m m e o s c r Re lf Cou Go Visit to

d War oner x ch · a e l o i A t C By ractic Golf d P e f l Go end r NLP ecomm builde l 3 R tter and e v e fi L GTF Club



as Ramblas de Campoamor is the second course offering from “Grupo Quara”, much like its sister course Villamartin it is set with the Las Ramblas urbanisation. A new clubhouse was constructed a few years ago and it has transformed the facilities on offer at the club. Streamlined, modern and ideal for both non-golfers and golfers alike, the clubhouse houses the wellstocked pro-shop and caddy masters office where you will be greeted by friendly and helpful staff. The restaurant on the top floor of the clubhouse has a wonderful terrace where you can enjoy freshly 8

cooked food and a cold refreshment overlooking the course and practice facilities. Designed by famed spanish course architect Pepe Gancedo, Las Ramblas weaves its way between the large ravines and water-courses, lined with thick native vegetation creating a unique course to the area. From the elevated tee positions of the 1st, 3rd and 9th you are afforded spectacular views across the local landscape and out to the Mediterranean Sea. With such variation in hole design, mutliple elevation changes and narrow fairways, Las Ramblas will test the very best golfer.

LCG Golf Feature

Las Ramblas de Campoamor

Being such a varied course, it is wise to purchase a course guide if you have never played it. The first is a great starting hole, requiring a solid drive to find the narrow, uphil fairway. The third and fourth are two great par fives, that couldn´t be more contrasting in design. A nerve-jangling tee shot on the 7th awaits as you must cross the ravine to find the very narrow fairway on this 90º dogleg hole. Challenging, the par 3 tenth is a great start to the back nine. Accuracy is paramount with out of bounds to the right and left. The short 14th is a real target par three, played

through the narrow avenue of tres and over the ditch that protects the front of the green. Looking for a test? The 17th is one of the toughest par 4s in the región. The hole is long and undulating, lined with trees. The approach requires an extra club or two due to the steep slope portecting the front left portion of the green. Picturesque throughout, Las Ramblas is presented in superb condition throuhgout the year making it a joy to play. For many this will be a “marmite” golf course, but it is a favourite of mine and I never tire of arriving here to play. 9

LCG Golf

TOM McCowan


To continue from the use of a golf instruction book to demonstrate grip pressure and wrist movements that are necessary to make a coordinated, rhythmical swing with a golf club. The reason for wearing a golf glove on the upper hand is to enable you to have a dry grip on the handle. The glove eliminates the possibility of the natural oils of the skin making the handle slip from your grip. The pressure you exert on the handle should only be sufficient to prevent the club slipping from your grasp.

A properly fitting golf glove, no wrinkles and the fingers snug. The glove facilitates a softer grip pressure on the handle which in turn allows the upper hand wrist to move more freely. The reason why gloves don’t last is that when squeezing too tightly on the handle of the club the pressure is released slightly at the end of the backswing, then reapplied as the club is moved forwards, this movement causes the fine glove material to be rubbed against the harder material of the club handle, causing more wear and tear on the thinner softer material. 10

PGA EspaĂąa, author of the book "So y

A good golf glove should be thin and feel like a second skin. It is made of leather or synthetic types like leather. The thinner material the better to allow you to feel the club handle in your fingers, but if it is abused by gripping the handle too tightly or not treated with care when it is put on and taken off, if not it will not last very long. When the grip is formed on the handle, there should be no white knuckles or points of extreme pressure showing on the fingers. The pressure of the fingers on the handle should be gentle but firm. It is a question of maintaining the fingers in their position, there is no need to strangle the club. The pressure of your grip on the handle is important and that the handles are all the same thickness so that there is no difference between the woods and the irons. This allows you to have the same feeling in your grip. The putter handle can be different from the rest of the set and can be as thick as you like. In the putting stroke there should very little or no movement of the wrists. The position of the fingers and hands can also be in the position that you find works best. The handles of the set should be thin, slightly tapered in shape from the top to the bottom. In some cases, it is designed with a slight rib at the back to allow it to sit more comfortably within the joints of the fingers. This thin shape is to allow the correct forming of the grip within the fingers. Holding the handle within the fingers allows the free movement of the wrists. The feeling you should have is, if you applied glue to your fingers and hands and then placed them correctly on the handle. They would become stuck in that position and you would not be able to move them or need to squeeze the handle.

The handle is held in the fingers, with the tip of the centre finger almost or just touching the base of the thumb.

you want to play golf?"

For maximum wrist movement, the handle should be the thinnest possible to enable you to form your hands in a neutral grip position. When the fingers are held in a fixed position, for example when the grip is formed the club cannot escape from your hands due to the tapered shape of the handle and the fact that the club is being swung in a centrifugal direction. To demonstrate this pressure, make a circle by hooking your index finger and closing your thumb loosely around the club shaft at the bottom of the handle.

LCG Golf

When the club is dropped through the ring formed by the thumb and forefinger, the thickening taper of the handle prevents it from dropping all the way to the ground. The hands should be fixed to the handle of the club when you take your grip lightly but firmly in the fingers. There is no need to squeeze because by simply maintaining constant pressure the club cannot escape within the swing movement.

Fingers formed in a fixed position like a ring.

The handle is taken in the fingers when forming the grip.

The falling club will be stopped due to the fixed position of the fingers. Gripping the handle in the fingers and turning the thumbs over on top. With a neutral form of griping the club handle within the fingers, the wrists can move the clubhead freely up and down. This makes for easer coordination thus a better transmission the shafts dynamic energy into the clubhead speed. Happy Golfing. Tom McCowan PGA España. Tom McCowan golf you tube Author of the books; So…You want to play golf? ¿Quieres jugar al golf? 11

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The Costa Blanca Ticket Shop is a registered Spanish based Travel Agency

LCG Golf

Selected Golf Shops The Golf Factory Tiro Pichon KM1 Bricotodo, Local 9 - La Regia 03189 Orihuela Tel:965 32 04 90

Open 6 days a week from 10am

Golf Med

Partida Cap Blanch, 103 Carretera N332 km 155 03590 Altea, Alicante Tel: (+34) 965 843 864 Mo-Fri: 9:30-14h, 15-18:30h Sat: 10-14h

SUPERSTORE, Marjals Ondara Polindus, Parcela 7-f Avda Costa Blanca, Oondara, 03760 Tel: +34 965 996 244 Mob: +34 608 123 253 Email:

Javea Golf Club Shop

Ctra. Jávea-Benitachell, Nº 285 km. 4,5 Aptdo. de Correos nº 148 03730 Jávea, Alicante. Tel: 965792584

The Stray Sod

HM Golf Shop

Galaxy Golf

Comprargolf Alicante España

(Above The Stray Sod Irish Bar) LaFuente CC, Calle Gibraltar, 61, 03189, Villamartin Tel:00 34 966 775 920 or straysodgreenfeesco@

Campoamor Store Unit 2. Ramón de Campoamor Orihuela Costa, 03189 Tel +34 966 775 856

Avenida Las Naciones n° 24 Local 1 (4.66 km) 03540 Playa de San Juan, Alicante. Tel: 965 29 76 98 Mobile: 655 558 732

Sports equipment shop in Alicante, Spain Phone: 657 53 01 66

bookings@galaxygreenfees. com

GolfStash Golf Shop

Mike Robert´s

Calle Triana, Pilar de la Horadada, 03190 Alicante Tel: 965 08 22 22

Union Jack Golf Shop

Calle Gerona, 8, local A, 03503 Benidorm, Alicante Opens 10AM Tel: 966 60 31 87 https://unionjackgolfreservations. com/shop


Campbell Lamont Golf

Greenfees · Club Hire · Courses 00 34 966 704 752 Mobile: 00 34 661 345 931


Clubs To Hire Alicante Airport, Shop in Departures Level, 03195 L'Altet, Alicante Closes 11PM Tel: 965 68 95 37

The Staysure Tour Comes to Benidorm


he Staysure Tour today announces its schedule for the 2018 season, featuring three new events in Denmark, England and Spain. The Shipco Masters Promoted by Simon’s Golf Club, Staysure PGA Seniors Championship and Costa Blanca Benidorm Senior Masters are the latest additions to the calendar, which will see the Tour travel to four continents in 2018. United Kingdombased insurance company Staysure have also been named as title sponsors of the PGA Seniors Championship, which returns to the schedule for the first time since 2015. The field for the Staysure PGA Seniors Championship will be made up of Staysure Tour members, PGA professionals and a Monday qualifier will also take place prior to the event. The Staysure-sponsored tournament will take place the week after The Senior Open Presented by Rolex, which will see many of the game’s legends step foot

onto the iconic Old Course at St Andrews, from July 26-29. Bernhard Langer, who captured his record tenth Senior Major Championship at last year’s Senior Open, will bid to become the first golfer to defend the Senior Claret Jug since Christy O’Connor Jnr in 2000. Meliã Villaitana Golf Club in Alicante will host the first edition of the Costa Blanca Benidorm Senior Masters from November 29-December 1, and the 2018 season will conclude in the spectacular Indian Ocean setting of Mauritius at the eighth edition of the MCB Tour Championship from December 7-9. David MacLaren, Head of the Staysure Tour, said: “We are all very excited about the forthcoming season and the first year of our landmark partnership with title sponsors Staysure. We have made further progress in expanding our tournament schedule and are delighted to see the return of the PGA Seniors Championship to our calendar. “Our new events in Denmark, England and Spain are also welcome additions to our schedule, and we are working diligently to add further tournaments to our calendar for the 2018 season. “We look forward to seeing Clark Dennis begin his defence of the John Jacobs Trophy in Sharjah and wish all of our players the best of luck for the forthcoming season.”

LCG Golf Fashion


The Martin Kaymer collection by BOSS is always on point and we think that this brand new polo shirt is possibly the best MK edition style to ever come from the brand. First of all, the highly technical fabric will be super comfortable to wear thanks to the enhanced stretch and effective moisture wicking capabilities - while the knitted sleeve welts help to offer a flattering fit. The stunning graphic detail will catch the eye for all the right reasons, while the internal double collar is an additional style element which elevates the look. The narrow, button down collar itself is also super stylish, while the iconic BOSS logos are located at the chest and neck. Our favourite Martin Kaymer of the year so far. 16



Prizm Ruby Lens This new bright red coloured Prizm lens has been 15 years in development and offers exceptional clarity and HD vision with unprecedented control of light transmission, fine-tuned for emphasizing colour and enhancing vision without compromising on UV protection. Prizm technology improves contrast via the separation of colour, offering more depth and accentuation which allows for a better gauge of distance - optimised for bright light conditions.


We are proud to introduce a limited edition colour way for one of the most stunning golf shoes to have ever graced the world's fairways in the form of the new Adidas Tour360 Knit with rare "Raw Steel Metallic" Blue coloured Boost foam. Made using the most innovative upper we have ever seen with Primeknit technology for increased flexibility and breathability, these Adidas golf shoes still offer complete waterproof protection along with stable, locked down support thanks to 360WRAP technology. The Primeknit upper also extends to the one-piece ankle bootie for a custom and snug fit which is super comfortable to wear for 18 holes and beyond.

Buy online

LCG Golf Fashion



The BOSS Jalmstad Pro jacket makes a much welcomed return to the Fall 2018 collection having been one of the most popular jacket styles to have ever come from the brand last year. Design updates include the location of the quilted panels which are now at the sides, shoulders and rear providing both style and function, while the double collar construction features both a rib knit interior collar and external collar for extra coverage. The high degree of stretch ensures maximum freedom of movement is provided, while the shower proof fabric will keep you protected in a light shower. An even better version of the best performing and best looking golf jacket which BOSS have ever produced - in our humble opinion. - Slim Fit - Quilted Sides, Shoulders & Rear - Lightweight Down* - Shower Proof - Engineered Sleeves - Added Stretch - Double Collar - Front Zip Pockets - Full Zip Design - Elasticated Cuffs, Hem


G/FORE are best known for their exceptional range of golf gloves which will introduce bright and vibrant colours into your accessories game this season. Expertly crafted with genuine AA Cabretta leather, this G/FORE golf glove comes from their main "The Collection" range and has been one of the most popular options for golfers worldwide over many years. The embroidered patch showcases the iconic G4 logo, while the velcro strap itself is reliable and will stand the test of time. A glove with unparalleled construction, fit and feel - it's never too late to get some colourful G/FORE gloves in your life.


a Costa Golfer Magazine is a FREE golfing and leisure magazine/guide that will cover all aspects of golfing in the Alicante province from Oliva down to Murcia. It´s a full colour magazine/guide with 56 pages directed to the British public both resident and tourist. Apart from the golf it will have fea-

tures in finance, healthy eating, leisure, wine & Wineries (bo­ degas), where to eat, and natural health therapy. We have great professionals that will contribute to the magazine every month, Tom McCowan (Golf), Colin Harke­ness (Wine & Wineries) Simone Segal (Natu­ ral Health), Tony Myles (Golf) and Paul Tolley (Golf). La Costa

Golfer Magazine will be published digitally and this will give it greater exposure by being emailed to thousands of readers every month and promoted in Face­book. We invite you to be part of this exciting new project by advertising your prod­ucts and services.

For advertising contact Sergio (North C.B) on 655 184 844 or and Simone (South C.B) on 638 511 910 or


LCG Healthy Eating Tips for Golfers


olf is primarily a game of skill that can be played for recreation as well as at elite level in national and international tour events and professional level on the world tour circuit. A typical round of golf (18 holes) takes 3 to 5 hours to complete, depending on the skill level of the golfer. While the average length of a course is 7km, a golfer could walk 10 to 20 km (depending on the accuracy of shots) to complete a round.

Training diet

A general healthy eating pattern helps to support the needs of fit, energetic and lean golfers. Nutrition is often based around lean proteins for muscle repair and recovery and quality carbohydrate foods to match fuel needs. In addition, fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and wholegrains provide important vitamins and minerals, along with healthy fats. Low glycemic index (GI) carbohydrates choices such as brown rice, multigrain bread, porridge or baked beans can be better fuelling options to sustain training requirements and prevent fatigue over long days of training and competition. Individual nutrition requirements will be determined by training load, specific athlete needs, training goals, body composition goals, health and adjustment for growth in younger athletes.

Fluid needs

Dehydration can lead to fatigue, reduced skill performance, impaired ability to focus and concentrate for longer periods. At higher levels, dehydration can also contribute to heat stress. As golf is largely a game of skill and requires a high level of concentration to be sustained over several hours of more, it is very important golfers drink sufficient fluid to maintain good hydration levels. Fluid requirements vary largely depending on the players’ size, gender, time in play and environmental conditions. During competition and practice or training rounds, access to adequate fluid on the course is an important part of maintaining hydration. Fluids should be carried in the golf bag and efforts should be made to keep the fluids cool for increased palatability and appeal. Fluid requirements generally increase as the temperature increases so golfers should monitor their sweat rates to determine their individual fluid needs – an Accredited Sports Dietitian can help with this. Sport drinks or electrolyte replacement solutions can be useful for long practice rounds and during competition as they replace fluids and electrolyte for hydration as well as some carbohydrate to top up energy/fuel needs.

Eating before competition

Golfers can expect to play a round of golf for up to 5 hours so it is important to eat a nutritious meal prior to starting to maintain steady blood sugar and energy levels to prevent fatigue throughout the round. The timing of the meal depends on the tee-off time for the round. As this start time can be varied, golfers need 18

to develop a nutrition plan that can be easily adapted to suit different starting times. Each athlete is different, but golfers will often eat a pre-competition meal around 3 to 4 hours before the start of the round. This meal should contain some carbohydrate for fuel as well as some fluids for hydration. A small amount of protein in the meal is also useful, as it can help to prevent hunger over a potentially long round of golf.

Some suggestions for a pre-event meal are:

Baked beans on toast Bircher muesli with fresh fruit Grainy wrap with cheese, chicken and salad Fruit salad with natural yoghurt Sweet potato salad with tuna Depending on the tee-off time, players will also have an additional small snack 1-2 hours prior to the game. This is often something light that is rich in carbohydrate but relatively low in fat and fibre so it is easy to digest. · · · · ·

Some suitable snack ideas include:

· English muffin with cheese and vegemite · Banana and a handful of almonds · Avocado on rice cakes For golfers who may be nervous or struggle with a poor appetite before competing, a liquid source of protein and carbohydrate such as a fruit smoothie can be a good option. Players should work closely with an Accredited Sports Dietitian to trial nutrition strategies during training and practice matches to find a plan that works best for them

Eating and drinking during competition

As a round of golf can last for several hours it is necessary to replace fluid and carbohydrate throughout the round. It is also common that because of the timing of a round, that a golfer may miss a meal (e.g. lunch). Therefore it’s important to replace these nutrients during and after the round. Having a small healthy snack every 4-6 holes can be helpful for topping up energy levels and maintaining concentration.

Good snacks to have in a golf bag include:

Fresh fruit Simple sandwiches (e.g. ham & cheese) Dried fruit & nut mixes Pretzels or savoury crackers While water is the priority fluid during training and for hydration during the day, and during most rounds, sports or electrolyte drinks may be useful during long rounds or for players identified to have heavy fluid losses as they can deliver some carbohydrates and help with hydration. · · · ·


Recovery nutrition is especially important when playing multiple rounds in one day over multi-day tournaments. Recovery meals and snacks should contain carbohydrate (fuel), some protein (for muscle repair and development) and plenty of fluids and electrolytes to replace sweat losses.

LCG Health


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LCG Player Profile




pain's Azahara Muñoz, former LPGA rookie of the year, reveals health struggles. Muñoz was born in San Pedro, Málaga and Doña Mencía (Córdoba) in southern Spain and had a successful amateur career in both Europe and the United States. She won the 2002 Spanish Amateur title at age 14, the 2004 Girls British Open Championship, and was the 2009 British Ladies Amateur champion. Additionally, she was runner-up to Amanda Blumenherst at the 2008 U.S. Women's Amateur in Eugene, Oregon, and was a member of Europe's Junior Solheim Cup Team in 2002, 2003, and 2005. When Azahara Muñoz finished second to Brooke Henderson on Saturday at the Lotte Championship in Honolulu, it was her best LPGA finish since 2014. From afar, it appeared as if the 30-year-old Spaniard, a former NCAA champion and LPGA rookie of the year, had simply found her swing again, figuring something out in the offseason (she hasn't missed a cut in six previous starts in 2018) that explains everything. In truth, her story was much more grim. “I haven’t said anything, but I been going through quite a few health issues,” Muñoz revealed after her final round at Ko Olina Golf Club in Honolulu on Saturday. Muñoz’s medical issues began when she had hand surgery in 2015. But then, a different problem surfaced. “I was just feeling like I have no energy, but I thought that was me. I've always been low on energy,” Muñoz said. “I was getting a lot of anxiety, and I started losing a lot of hair, and that’s when I thought something was really wrong with me.” Eventually, Muñoz learned she had a thyroid problem. It was a difficult blow for the competitor who won the 2008 NCAA individual title as a junior in college at Arizona State and who helped 26

the Sun Devils win the NCAA team title in 2009. She turned pro after graduating that spring, made it to the LPGA via Q School and played her first season on tour in 2010, when she won the rookie-of-the-year points race. She also won four times during her career on the Ladies European Tour. While grateful to have identified what was going on, getting has required more time. “It’s taken quite a long time to get the medication up. I had to take quite a lot, and they had to increase it slowly,” Muñoz said. “I’m feeling better. I have a lot of energy. Before I was just so rundown I could barely do anything. I think finally I’m feeling how I used to feel, and I’m really excited about that.” Muñoz’s recent play reflects this. She shot the lowest round of anyone in the field in Hawaii during the final round. While losing to Henderson by four strokes, she finished one shot better than some the the LPGA Tour’s best in Shanshan Feng, Inbee Park and Ariya Jutanugarn. Feng is the current World No. 1, while both Park and Jutanugarn are former World No. 1s. Muñoz’s driving average for the week was 270 yards, a full 20 yards further than her 2017 driving average. She missed just one fairway in each of the final two rounds of the tournament. The goal, of course, would be to return to her former self. Muñoz won once on the LPGA Tour in 2012 and had eight other top-10 finishes that season. She finished 2014 ranked 14th in the world, but then her game started trending in the wrong direction. Her world ranking fell to 29th in 2015, 48th in 2016, and then she finished the 2017 season ranked No. 72 in the world. “I’m healthy. I have my energy back, so I was quite excited about this year,” Muñoz said. “I’m playing really well, so I’m excited to see what I can do.”

LCG Player Profile

La Costa Golfer Magazine & Guide

LA COSTA GOLFER MAGAZINE & GUIDE C/Dr José Belmonte 6-4C, Alicante, 03015 Spain T +34 655 184 844 Deputy Managing Director A Caceres Group Publishing Director Juan Robledo EDITORIAL Editor Sergio Pérez ADVERTISING Spain Commercial Director Sergio Pérez M +34 655 184 844 STUDIO Head of Design Sergio Pérez CONTRIBUTORS Colin Harkness Simone Segal - Tom McCowan - Tony Myles - Paul Tolley PRODUCTION Production Manager Sergio Pérez ................................................. The publishers regret that they cannot accept liability for error or omissions contained in this publication, however caused. The ownership of trademarks is acknowledged. No part of this publication or any part of the contents thereof may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without the permission of the publishers in writing. An exemption is hereby granted for extracts used for the 27 purpose of fair review.

LCG Golf

Have you been shafted? By Tony Myles

Do manufacturers make club design confusing intentionally?


very week I read about some new technological breakthrough that will improve my golf, and the latest area that has grabbed my attention is the current discussions on the nature of your shafts.

How on Earth do you make a decision?

When I invested in my first set of clubs they were castoffs from a friend who assured me that they were ideal for a beginner. The truth was that they were only “ideal” for him as he needed the cash to help him buy his new set. They were unforgiving blades and for a beginner they were a nightmare. However at that time I had no concept of the variety of choice in the world of golf clubs. And today that range of options has grown to unimaginable proportions. No longer can you just buy a set of Callaways, Ping or TaylorMade. You have to determine what options in head design and shaft technology will best suit your needs. You have to be mindful of your age and fitness level, which can affect the way in which you deliver the clubhead to the ball and the speed at which you do so.

So how do you make those choices?

One option is to take advantage of the manufacturers fitting days. These are available at regular intervals along the Costas when several large trailers will appear in a car park. When you book an appointment you will be allocated a 30 minute time slot. During this session the manufacturer's professional, and the systems available within these pantechnicons, will carefully analyse your swing in terms of stance and speed and will then design a set of clubs specifically to suit you. Within one more hour this complete set will have been created and presented to you with the manufacturers compliments – and invoice.

So how do you know you have the ideal combination?

You could carry on visiting each of these manufacturers fitting days and possibly never make a final decision. However, the probability is that at any point in time all manufacturers are very close in terms of their range and so, any decision you make is unlikely to be widely unsuitable or potentially better-served by a different supplier. Therefore, having invested your time you can relax as the computing technology analyses you in minute detail 28

and removes any need for you to worry about the various options in terms of weight of the shaft, length or the flexibility. You can look forward to the new-found talent as your drives sail majestically down the centre of the fairway and your chips bite into the green and draw back towards the hole. Sadly the new clubs do not come with a guarantee!!

Cometh the hour!

For every keen golfer there will be a time when you acknowledge that the clubs you have cherished for a decade might be due for retirement and replaced by the latest state-of-the-art. Suppress the remorse you feel, as you realise that they are destined to languish in the corner of a local charity shop. Consider instead that you will be relaunching your golf career and your old set will be providing a budding star with his or her first entry into the sport.

LCG Golf

The BIGGEST in Europe By Tony Myles



ualification started this time last year and in the twelve month period it has involved over 10,000 participants. This pairs competition was created as a “thankyou” gesture from Campbell Lamont to the many societies along the Costas just a few years ago and from a handful of players it has spread throughout Spain and out across Europe.

Europe wide entrants

Several European countries now organise local and national knock-out competitions with the best pair progressing to an all-expenses-paid four days in Spain. This year saw the successful winners of knockout events from Iceland, Wales, Scotland, England and Northern Ireland and every corner of Spain contesting the Grand Final at the La Sella Golf Resort. This meant that players, along with their domestic partners, arrived on Thursday at the La Sella Golf Resort near Denia. A welcome dinner featured a draw for partners and the competition commenced early on Saturday. Thirty two players battling over four rounds in a league format. With four rounds to be played over two days. I need to make special mention of the local interest with the North Costa Blanca duo representing Levante Alan Overton and Roger Miller. They deserve our congratulations for their great golf which saw them defeating Valencia and England before being narrowly defeated by the eventual winners and as a special incentive to all retirees it is worth mentioning that Roger is 72 and Alan is 80.

What time does it get dark? October!

The Icelandic pairing of Elin and Bragi were thrilled to have won through in their local final which due to weather and daylight limitations was decided several months ago. Elin has the distinction of being the only lady golfer to have made it to the final. (She also has the distinction of having the longest name – Guobjong Elin Ragnarsdottir.) They also admit that because their golfing season expires at the end of September they decided to pay an early visit to La Sella back in March for a practise round. This ploy did help them to a certain extent, as they defeated Locosfor-Golf Eduardo Manrique and Jose Luis Maluenda from Valencia and the England representatives Steven Costigan and Stuart Whittle en route to claiming 6th place.

Everyone agreed that it was a great competition and the qualification process for next year has already commenced with many pairs determined to qualify once more. The Sunday afternoon session saw the winners of the semi-finals come together and both representing Spain with PGA Canarias playing against PGA Andalucia.

And the Winners were:

Andalucia were victorious with Carlos Galindo Carrasco and Michael Cotter winning on the 16th against Daniel Lasseter and Jose Marcos Carballo Diaz. For Michael it was a double celebration as he and his wife were also celebrating their wedding anniversary.

Next year

Already various countries have commenced their local qualification process and without exception all this years finalists have stated their determination to return for the final next year. Entrance for this event is free and all the details can be found on the CLGolf website. The organisers will be pleased to hear from any club or society that wishes to join in. Maybe next year we will see more than one lady representative. Come on Girls!!! 29

LCG Golf Societies

The Plaza Golf Society


he Plaza Golf Society is a fun, friendly golf Society based in the Villamartin Plaza on Spain’s sunny Costa Blanca. Our aim is to enjoy golf and the social spin-offs this brings. Our Committee have been playing club and society golf for many years and the ethos of the society is based around complete transparency to all our members and guests. Having formed in April 2016 we have grown in members each event and can now boast a membership of 117, with many already winning the best prize money in local society golfing. In addition to the individual events we also run an annual league based on the members 13 best scores over the season with great prizes on offer to the top 3 players. We play every other Friday except during summer season which is usually weekly. We pay out on Gold and Silver categories top 3 every week great cash prizes. Please feel free to browse our site where you will find all information relative to events, both social and golf wise along with booking forms and email links. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. 30


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LCG Costa Blanca Focus



LCG Costa Blanca Focus


anta Pola Lighthouse and Skywalk A short walk (10 to 15 minutes) from the topmost section of Avenida Escandanavia in Gran Alacant, following paths amongst pine trees, you will find the Faro de Santa Pola, or Santa Pola lighthouse. If walking please wear sturdy shoes, flipflops will not suffice! Alternatively, there is a straight road to Santa Pola lighthouse of around 4km from the N332 road inbetween Gran Alacant and Santa Pola. This is signposted Cabo de Santa Pola. Built in 1858 on the old Atalayola watchtower which was previously built in 1552 and with a scope of some 16 nautical miles, the views across to Alicante and also to Tabarca Island are simply breathtaking. On clear days and with binoculars, you can also see Benidorm. From here you will also be able to see the paragliders taking off from the cliffs at nearby Gran Alacant and watch them glide through the skies. In 2015, Santa Pola Council invested 300,000 Euros in building a 100m metal skywalk (or viewing point) close to the Santa Pola lighthouse, further enhancing the view and your ability to take photos at a higher angle. There are no cafes or shops at the Lighthouse, so please ensure you take water with you!


LCG Out & About


Mundomar, Benidorm MUNDOMAR (SEAWORLD) is an attraction with marine animals and exotic birds. You can explore the various areas of the park and enjoy shows with parrots, sea lions and dolphins or see the sub-aquatic world of sea-mammals. There is also a self-service snack restaurant and shops. Enjoy the new show of the dolphins' synchronized ballet. It is a great unprecedented spectacle worldwide, where the dolphins from Mundomar dance together with the swimmers of the Spanish Synchronized Swimming Team, for the delight of the public. An unforgettable experience! Address: Sierra Helada, s/n CP: 03500 Benidorm (España) Phone numbers: +34 965 869 101 Fax: 96 586 88 89 Email: Web: 36

THE TURRÓN MUSEUM is a private institution dedicated to recuperating the technological heritage related to the production of turrón (a type of nougat) and marzipans, and more generally, the technology related to the economic development of Jijona throughout its history. The museum is spread over three floors on each of which tools and utensils are displayed and the processes are explained according to the following criteria: Top floor: prime materials (sugar, honey, almonds and eggs) Middle floor: Processes (Jijona and Alicante turrón, marzipans) Lower floor: Commercialisation of the product (points of sale, publicity, packaging, company history, local history) Address: Polígino Industrial Espartal II Opening times: Low season (January 1 to July 15): Monday to Saturday – Closed. Sundays and public holidays – tours are organised at the following times: 10:00, 10:45, 11:30, 12:15, 13:00, 16:00, 16:45 & 17:30 High season (July 16 to December 31): Monday to Sunday, including public holidays – tours are organised at the following times: 10:00, 10:45, 11:30, 12:15, 13:00, 15:30, 16:15, 17:00, 1745 & 18:30 Telephone number: 965 610 712 E-mail: Official web page: http://www.museodelturron. com/

Pla V

s e c a to t Visi

LCG Out & About



he course stands out for its generous fairways and its superbly designed and variously shaped greens, among other reasons. The 7th hole, for example, features a completely square green flanked on one side by a bunker so large it could be a beach. The preceding 5th and 6th holes include spectacular waterfalls and impressive lakes, adding both beauty and an extra challenge to your round, as well as making for an enjoyable game on a course that rewards accurate stroke play. When the course was designed and built, great care was taken to ensure the local environment was preserved, and the course is surrounded by nature. FEATURES: Designer of the field: José Gancedo Type of grass: Fairway: bermuda. Green: penncross Address:Carretera Algorfa-Los Montesinos, km 3. Finca La Rellana CP: 03169 Algorfa Phone: +34 966 729 010 - Fax: +34 966 729 011 Saint Rémy and Auvers-sur-Oise, where he ated most of his timeless masterpieces. Route: See these in hyper-fine detail, withIn speTake the AP-7 works motorway, exit 743 towards Algorfa. cial attention paid Los to key features, allowing you Algorfa, turn towards Montesinos-Torrevieja. time to study color and technique. Closest airport: El Altet (Alicante), 30 km. San Javier Synchronized (Murcia), 50 km. to a powerful classical score, more VanTIMES: Gogh images at enormous RATESthan AND 3,000 OPENING scale create a thrilling display that fills giant Holes: 18 screens, walls, De columns, ceilings even Opening times: 08.00 horas, hastaand la caída de the la floor – immersing you entirely in the vibrant noche. Abierto todo el año colors and vivid details constitute Van Green fees: 18 hoyos, 75 €.that 9 hoyos, 39 € Putting Green: Gogh’s unique2style. Credit cards: Visa,COLOURS MastercardAND VIVID DETAILS THE VIBRANT Services Club: Rental carts:ARE 5 € -TRULY Clubs: 30 € OF VAN GOGH'S WORK BREATHTAKPractice range: 20 puestos - Chipping area: 1 ING.

Location: La Lonja de Alicante, Alicante City -

THE NEW WAY TO EXPERIENCE ART Discover the world’s most visited multimedia exhibition experience

Venture into an exciting new world; forego all preconceived ideas of traditional museum visits, dispel all notions of tiptoeing through silent art galleries to view masterpieces from afar, change how you engage with art. In an instant, Van Gogh Alive – The Experience transports visitors to another time and place, immersing them in the artists’ world. Adults and children alive will forge their own paths and find their own meaning as they wander through the galleries, exploring hidden nooks, viewing artworks from new angles and discovering unique perspectives. Transcend time and space as you accompany Vincent van Gogh on a journey through Arles,


LCG Food & Drink

Selected Restaurants Ritz

Casa Enrique



Pseo. de las estrellas 03581 Alfaz del Pi - Playa del Albir, Alicante. Tel: 966 867 448 Brasserie Grand Café & Cocktail Bar.

Marina Deportiva Muelle de Levante, 6 03001 Alicante. Tel: 965 207 589 - 965 207 399 Levante Mediterranean Food. Speciality Rice Dishes.

The Chippy

Calle francisco de quevedo 03177 La Marina, Valenciana, Tel: 966 795 659 Fresh, large portions very tasty, great place and highly recommended. Wi-Fi Follow us on Facebook

Nou Manolín Villegas, 3 03001 Alicante. Tel: 965 200 368 Traditional cooking using natural products.

Bahia blanca, Avda del Albir 11, 03581 Albir. Tel: 966 86 43 94 Indian restaurant, delicious food, great service. Highly recommended.

El Racó de Mama Lola

C/ Antonio Mira Gran, 1, Elche Tel: 965 429 736 Barbecued meats, fish, tapas and rice dishes.

Crown of India Carrer Major, 2, 03590 Altea, Alacant Tel: 865 67 32 59 Indian Restaurant. Excellent Reviews & Sea Views

Cafe d'Art Pizzeria Restaurant

La Plantación

Carrer Andres Lambert 4, 03730 Jávea Tel: 965 64 12 51

Partida Arenetes, 12 CV-758 Km, 7 03509 Finestrat - Alicante. Tel: 965 87 87 15 Meats on the barbecue, Ranger Ribs, T-bone Steaks and much more.

El Charro Negro

La Casa del Reloj

Plaza Castelar 4 03181 Torrevieja, Alicante Tel: 965 71 80 13 Mexican delights. 38

Avda. Oscar Espla, 15, 03580 Albir. Tel: 966 868 098 Speciality of the house rices and seafood.

Crta. Cartagena-Alicante km 33 San Pedro del Pinatar Tel: 968 182 406 19th century building Traditional cooking.


LCG Food & Drink

Selected Bars Cromwell´s

Avenida Pintor Xavier Soler, 6, 03015, Alicante. Tel: 965 25 76 96 Irish Pub · Casual · Closes 4AM

The Loft Benidorm

Carrer Pintor Lozano 6 03501 Benidorm. Tel: 639 65 23 69 Cafe · Pub

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Siete Lounge


Avenida Pintor Xavier Soler, 7, 03015 Alicante.Tel: 633 26 55 25 Avenida Alfonso X el Sabio, Nº6 (Mercado) 03002 Alicante. Tel: 633 26 55 25 Great cocktails · Cosy · Casual

Carrer Concepció, 4, 03590 Altea, Alicante. Tel: +34 966 88 18 28 Bar · Cafe · Restaurant

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Ka Mi Suegra

Jefe's Bar

Medico Vicente Reyes nº19, 03015 Alicante, Spain. Tel: 966 355 739 - 966 592 415 Beers · Wines · Balinese food

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Bar Marco Polo

Calle Cala Dorada, 03185 Torrevieja. Tel: 680 58 89 49 Spanish · Bar · Cafeteria

Calle Cupido 5, 03183, Torrevieja, Alicante. Tel: 693 56 16 63 Great place to relax and chill Great music Great drinks. 10/10 Very good service and prices. Highly recommended.

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Drivers Bar Villamartin

Calle Tomás Bretón, 15, 03189 Villamartín, Alicante. Tel: 966 76 48 70 Pub · Sports bar · Beer garden

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Hepburns Bar

Chemies Lounge

Carre Ruperto Chapi 12,03581 03581 Albir, Valenciana, Spain Tel: 634 308 890

Calle Tomás Bretón, 13, 03189 Villamartín, Alicante. Tel: 634 06 40 61

Bar · Cafe ·

Pub · Sports bar · Lounge

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Bar Café Moonlight Albir

Guinness bar

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Av de l'Albir, 5, 03581 El Albir, Alicante. Tel: 602 54 19 09 Outdoor seating · Cosy · Bar

Av. de Alcoy, 7. edif. Pincipado Manila (next to beach) 03500 Benidorm, Spain Tel: 965 86 29 27 Irish Bar · Live Music · Football


LCG Food & Drink

e n i W n i m s i r Tou ante c i l A


licante has been famous for its tourism for decades. Alicante’s sunshine, beaches, mild climate prompted Wenceslao Fernández Flores to call it “the home of Spring”. Then there’s the delicious food, the palm trees and the exotic fruits that give it a touch of sensual beauty.

Enoturismo. Rutas del Vino de Alicante

But besides that image of blue domes, mountains stretching down to the sea, palms and band music, there’s another Alicante, a rich and diverse side only a few kilometres away from the coast and within easy reach, where vineyards, olive groves, fig trees and unspoilt countryside create the Wines of Alicante landscape. These are very individual wines, with terroir, which speak of their arid, dry climate, of castles on mountain tops, of restrained literature, gastronomy halfway between the Mediterranean and Castile, sober people and Mediterranean history. Nowadays you can visit wineries and destinations in the Alicante interior by following some of the routes and options we suggest here:

Route through La Marina Alta

The La Marina Alta route takes in the area of Benissa, Teulada, Xaló and Parcent, plus the famous Valle del Pop, the closest to the Mediterranean Sea. You can stop at several wineries that welcome visitors enthusiastically. For example, Bodegas Xaló and the small family wineries of Bodegas Parcent. You can have lunch and if you go on a Saturday you can explore the Xaló street market. A little way further on, in Alfaz del Pí and very close to Benidorm, you’ll find the Enrique Mendoza winery, which runs tours and wine tastings in a beautiful estate.

Routes through the Vinalopó Medio

Route 1: From Monóvar to Pinoso you travel through there is a broad valley full of vineyards and with one of the area’s most distinctive landscapes. 40

Starting from Petrer, you can visit Bodegas Bocopa, a large business group comprising most local producers and offering wine tourism with guided tours, tastings, etc. In the same area of Elda and Petrer, you can also explore the curious Footwear Museum or eat alongside creative specialists in La Sirena or in Pastelería Totel (Paco Torreblanca); you might even fancy a trip to the various brand outlets to shop for designer footwear. Wines, fashion, gastronomy. It’s an interesting mix, isn’t it? Monóvar has always been one of Spain’s historic wine centres. This is home to Monastrell and Fondillón. One of the wineries, Primitivo Quiles, is steeped in winemaking history. You’ll find it in the centre to town, right next to the pretty bullring. This family winery makes a range of wines and they have the first Fondillón to get points on the Parker Rating System. In Monóvar you have to take short walk to get to the Azorín House-Museum, the church and the casino in this charming and traditional town. On your way to Pinoso you’ll find large and small wineries, including El Mañán, Bodegas Alejandro and Brotons. They all offer wines in the style of small wineries plus authentic traditional shops. You can smell wine everywhere you go. Very soon you arrive in Pinoso (unless you stopped to have lunch in one of the little villages on the way, such as Enzebras, Casas del Señor or Úbeda, where they make the area’s best rice dishes and stews, many of which are cooked over fires fuelled by vine shoots). Pinoso is a small but attractive town with several wineries. You may want to visit La Bodega de Pinoso, with its large, early 20th century brick building. Or perhaps Volver, Vivanza or the modern facilities at El Sequé. People traditionally go to Pinoso for the wine and to eat. Gazpachos, “Perusas” (homemade sweets), traditional sausages and lots of other delicious treats from this part of the Mediterranean. From Pinoso you can link up with the Jumilla Wine Route through Las Cañadas, one of the most arid, mysterious and secluded places in the area. Route 2: Most of the wineries in this northern area can be found in Villena. Before coming here you could visit Sax, whose castle seems to defy the laws of gravity and beneath which lie the vineyards owned by the Bodega Cooperativa. If you go to Salinas you can visit the charming winery of Finca Collado, set in a tranquil spot and surrounded by vines, where they will take special care of you. In Villena you can visit large estates like Chaconero de Mendoza or look round small wineries like Vinessens. On the road to Pinoso you might want to stop awhile to gaze at the peaceful valley of Salinas and explore the spectacular Bodegas Francisco Gómez, or continue a bit further to Bodegas Sierra Salinas, which offers tastings of its popular red wines. In the town are two other wineries, Bernabé Navarro and Bodega Nuestra Señora de las Virtudes, where you can buy top quality wine and oil.

LCG Food & Drink Villena is an ideal town for exploring on foot, with a historic centre, churches, museums and the famous Treasure. If you drop into the Tourist Office they can recommend the best places both in town and in the surrounding area. Make sure you don’t miss the magnificent castle of Biar, the road through the Benexama Valley (Bodegas Bernabé Navarro is on this road) packed with vines, olive groves and fruit trees, towards the impressive castle of Banyeres de Mariola.

Other Tours / Areas

From Alicante to Vinalopó on the A31 road to Madrid is Novelda, where you’ll find Heretat de Cesilia, a relatively new winery that offers wine tourism in an area where vineyards are being recovered for wine production alongside the traditional “Uva Embolsada” (bagged table grapes). A visit to this town could be rounded off with a tour of the castle of La Mola, La Magdalena church and the Modernist museum. Alternatively, you could take a trip to Alicante’s most mountainous region, with a different climate and spectacular countryside, and take a look at the winery of Vins del Comtat in Cocentaina. They run winery tours and trips round the mountain region that some refer to as “Alicante’s answer to Tuscany”, with castles, cherries, ancient olive trees and the Natural Parks of Sierra de Mariola and Montcabrer. On your way you could stop off in Alcoy, one of the towns that has made the most of the rugged local countryside, a bustling place with lots of shops and charm, and where the sound of gunpowder and brass bands takes over the streets at certain times of year. Another interesting option is closer to Elche. In his fruitful field, and in the village of Matola, a small but unique winery has regained growing grapes with muscat grape varieties. Bodegas Faelo has modernized the famous ” Matola´s wine.” Feeling that area is always a pleasure because you will find the fields between palms and a rich variety of irrigated agriculture and high value products. Of course, if you coincide with the annual festivals in these towns you might see some of the best Moors and Christians parades in the entire province, or take part in a Romería (a rural pilgrimage) or let your ears ring with brass band music and gunpowder. Just like the joyful and effusive personality of our wines. The wines and landscapes in the Alicante DO will captivate you.

LCG Business Page

Selected Local Services Painters


Call+34 681 686 423 for a free quotation.



PINTORES ALONSO All types of paint work to a high standard in Torrevieja and surrounding areas. Tel: 966 707 135 - 616 701 771 - 638 511 910 (English)

WOOLLY SPANNERS PLUMBING SERVICES Looking after all your plumbing, heating and bathroom refurbishment needs along the Costa Blanca. Mobile 690 051 596

TRY BEFORE YOU BUY! British TV and much more... No installation fee · No dish required No contract · FREE on demand movies Call+34 681 686 423

Pool Cleaning




CLEARWATER POOLS Have been providing a quality pool maintenance service since 2001, we cover the Southern Costa Blanca, coastal & inland, including Torrevieja. Mob: +34 626 139 446

GARDENING SERVICES COSTA BLANCA Complete Gardening Service for all domestic and all Landlord properties in Costa Blanca and surrounding areas. Mob: +34 691 930 506

Car Mechanic

TOTAL SERVICIOS AUTOMÓVILES Provides car mechanic and vehicle servicing, repairs and ITV checks, on the Costa Blanca. 966 720 109 or 618 356 270 email:

Quentins Candles & Wax Melts

HANDCRAFTED CANDLES Please call: 0044-07522 559336. email: www.quentinscandlesandwaxmelts.



MBE BUILDERS COSTA BLANCA Offer a wide range of building services from windows and doors replacement, walls and gates, decking to complete remodeling and reforms Dave: 616096254/ 634328679

COSTA BLANCA ELECTRICIANS FULLY NICEIC APPROVED Do not risk the safety of your home and the people in it. Contact: Adam Sanabria Mob: +34 615 967 192

Air Conditioning

RELIABLE AIR CONDITIONING Maintenance, service and repair of air conditioning, heating and cooling for the past 17 years covering all areas in the Costa Blanca.687 234 502-622 359 278-966 799 815 -


MARK BOOTH JOINERY 25 years experience. I specialise in kitchen fitting, roofing doors skirtings etc. All flooring such as laminate,wood or vinyl fitted, fit gates fences pergolas and all types of garden furniture. Mob: +34 675 316 383

A Family Business You Can Trust!

LCG Golf Coaching

Paul Tolley Performance Golf Coaching Total Performance Coaching - Change the way you think, feel and play the game Mobile:0034 Email:

DISPELLING GOLFING MYTHS AND MISLEADING TERMS (1st Part) Whilst playing golf I have heard and experienced many strange and unusual interpretations of the golf swing and related matters. These expressions, terms or sayings have been passed down through the years until they have become unwritten laws relating to the world of golf. Whilst there may be some truth behind the principles upon which these terms were originally based, taking them too literally or out of context can seriously inhibit our ability to swing the club. Also, these terms can be confusing and are generally open to different interpretations by each individual. In teaching, interpretation and understanding of an instruction is vital and therefore, clarity and accuracy of terms and phrases is essential if true improvement is to be achieved. I will now clarify and dispel some of the golfing terms and myths which have been perpetuated through the years.

Term No. 1 – KEEPING THE HEAD DOWN OR STILL This is probably the oldest golfing cliché of them all! If a golfer buries their head in their chest or locks their head in position as the term suggests, it will greatly limit the ability for the shoulders to coil and inhibit the proper rotation of the whole body. Keeping the head down will only cause the spine to straighten and the head to lift coming into impact otherwise you would have a broken back! This creates the very thing that you are trying to avoid. The head must move with the spine during the swing if any real power is to be generated. The head should not move up or down excessively but remain at a constant level until after impact. In a recent study of the top 100 players in the world, it was found that in the backswing, there was a sideways movement of the


head towards the nontarget side of between 1 and 4 inches. Try throwing a ball side arm from your address position and you will get an accurate feeling for the range of permissible and necessary head movement in the golf swing.

Term No. 2 – KEEP THE TARGET ARM STRAIGHT OR STIFF If the target arm (arm nearest target) is kept rigid, straight or stiff during the backswing the only thing you will succeed in creating is tension. Your fingers will tighten around the grip of the club, the arm tenses and muscular gridlock spreads throughout the upper body. The arms will now move independently of the body and the tension created will inhibit the rotation of the shoulders thus causing the swing to become hand and arm dominated. It is necessary to have a degree of relaxation or softness in the arms to promote a proper backswing and enhance your rhythm. This will also encourage the arms and body to move together in a more connected fashion and not independently of one another thereby producing a more efficient motion. The target arm will be firm and straight at the moment of impact but this is as a result of centrifugal force pulling on the clubhead (physics) and not a result of tension.

Director Performance Golf Coaching - Teaching Professional Oliva Nova Club De Golf Master Teaching · Professional E.G.T.F.· Master Instructor R.P.G. Golf Psychology Coaching Certificate Member of International Coaches Institute · E.G.T.F Staff · Instructor and Examiner Visual Skills Specialist · Golf Performance Coach 43

LCG Information on the Costa Blanca Timetable Airport | Direct Bus Alicante | Benidorm | Alicante


The bus runs 13 times per day in each direction during the summer months (June, July and August). During off season it is operated 4 times per day from and to Benidorm. ALSA (spanish bus company) offers a direct bus line from Alicante Airport to Benidorm. The bus goes to Benidorm Bus station and Benidorm, Avenida Europa 8. Timetable Airport Alicante - Benidorm

Timetable Benidorm Airport Alicante


07:00 07:50 08:00 08:50 08:00 08:50 09:00 09:50 09:00 09:50 10:00 10:50 10:00 10:50 11:00 12:50 11:00 11:50 12:00 12:50 12:00 12:50 13:00 13:50 13:00 13:50 14:00 14:45 14:00 14:50 15:00 15:50 15:00 15:50 16:00 16:50 16:00 16:50 17:00 17:45 18:00 18:50 19:00 19:50 20:00 20:50 21:00 21:50 22:00 22:50 23:00 23:50 BENIDORM-ALICANTE AIRPORT FARES: SINGLE: €9.45 RETURN: €17.95 DISCOUNTS Children aged 0-3: 100% OFF Children aged 4-12: 30% OFF Disabled people >32%: 15% OFF


112 061 091 092 062 080 085

HEALTH & PHARMACY INFO Tel: 900 161 161 ANTI-POISON Tel: 915 620 420 RED CROSS (Cruz Roja) Tel: 902 222 292 CRISIS LINE Tel: 965 131 122 DRUGS HELP LINE Tel: 900 161 515 SPANISH HIV|AIDS FOUNDATION Tel: 900 111 000 MARITIME SEA RESCUE Tel: 900 202 202 COSTA BLANCA SAMARITANS Tel: 902 88 35 35 English-language Costa Blanca-based helpline Open: Monday to Friday, 20:00-24:00 TRAFFIC INFORMATION (DGT) Tel: 900 123 505 EMERGENCY DOCTOR Tel: 1003 EMERGENCY DENTIST Tel: 965 242 945 EMERGENCY VETS Veterinario Marina Alta (Denia) Clínica San Esteban (Torrevieja) Clínica El Cabo (Alicante) Amigos (Alcoy) Clínica Felycan (Alicante)


Tel: Tel: Tel: Tel: Tel:

965 966 965 965 965

784 700 150 335 258

038 274 606 042 449

e all know how the areas around Costa Blanca and Costa Calida offer no shortage of fun as a result of the glorious climate and the beautiful beaches. But what can we do when the cooler months roll in? Thankfully the fun never stops in the south of Spain as there’s everything from chic gastro bars to decadent nightclubs and stylish casinos to help you get through the Spanish winter! We’ve already shown how the Browns gastrobar has quickly risen to become one of the stars in La Zenia’s nightlife scene. And whether it’s investigating the fine dining options at Aticcook or checking out the tapas at the Iberia Gastrobar in Javea, you’ll never run out of options for delicious food in the area. Those who fancy relaxing with a cocktail in some seriously stylish surroundings should head to Bela Dama in Moraira to try a romantic drink with some pretty views. And the Belroy Lounge in Benidorm always provides a great place to grab a low-key drink and enjoy the wide range of musical offerings that range from sultry jazz to some great Cuban and Latin sounds. Obviously it’s Benidorm that really excels in nightlife entertainment with the clubs on Avenida Communitat Valencia giving us all plenty of excuses to hit the dancefloor. And even if you tire of the beats, then the Casino Mediterraneo is located nearby and it can give you the chance to play the real-life versions of casino games like blackjack that you know from gaming websites like InterCasino. Other more relaxing nightlife options include heading to the Cine Colci, Cine Roma, and the Kinepolisto cinemas to check out some of the latest English language movies doing the rounds. But of course, there’s so much to see and do that you’ll rarely get chance to relax with a good movie. So that whether it’s checking out some of the uniquely Spanish festivals like one of the Moors and Christians fiesta, or just staying at home to practice your online blackjack skills, you’ll find no shortage of entertainment in Costa Blanca and Costa Calida this winter.

In int

nfo of st e r e t

LCG Information on the Costa Blanca COSTA BLANCA

There is over 100 kilometers of sandy beach from Valencia in the north to Murcia in the south, best known for the Blue Flags they have been given. The Blue Flag Awards are presented by the European Federation of Environmental Education (EFEE) every year, in recognition of the excellent quality of water and amenities.



t´s got to be arguably the most famous coast in Spain, Costa Blanca draws millions of tourists each year. Lying on the eastern coast, the White Coast is one of those resorts where everyone can find their place under the sun, from sophisticated towns where life goes on 25 hours a day to quaint little villages where the peace and tranquility is feature. Its clear blue waters and miles of white sandy beaches are certainly a major attraction. Beautiful mountains parallel to the sea are on the north coast. Here you can marvel at the Moorish villages where olive trees and hidden coves abound. To the south is where you will find the beaches mushrooming with palm trees, the sparkling, turquoise sea and rows of cafes and restaurants. Within the mountainous interior are a series of fascinating medieval towns and fortified villages which have been largely unaffected by modernism and tourism. Inland from the beaches, Costa Blanca has one of Spain’s most fertile areas. The region is renowned for its citrus trees supplied all over the world. Almond trees and date palms abounding with blossoms also blanket the earth. Every part of Costa Blanca is indeed a treasure to discover, a place to relax and enjoy. You can bask in the sun, hide away at some secret cove, or meet new friends and party like there s no tomorrow. Whatever you fancy, Costa Blanca is sure to please. Alicante is the capital and major city of Costa Blanca , but it is Benidorm that attracts the most visitors. Benidorm is an expansive holiday playground and tourist spot in every sense of the word. The place offers every amenity a tourist could want. With a safe, kindred atmosphere, safe waters and a host of activities to do, Benidorm is ideal for family vacations. It also has a lively nightlife, with hundreds of bars and clubs catering mainly for British tourists. There are good quality, cheap bus services within the main resorts and to towns in close proximity. Taxi cabs are also good value, especially for those traveling as a group. There are also some affordable, local car rental companies, best with those wishing to explore off the beaten paths. The Costa Blanca , with its striking mix of sandy beaches and top-of-the-line resorts, has somehow managed to fuse the sophistication of city life and the simplicity of nature into one of the most beautiful coastlines in Europe.

MONDAY: Agres, Callosa d’En Sarria, Cox, Denia, Elche, Formentera, Granja de Rocamora, Ibi, La Nucia, Llocnou de Sant Jeroni, Parcent, Petrer, Penaguila, Playa de Miramar (summer evenings), Monover, Real de Gandia, Santa Pola, Sax, Xeraco TUESDAY: Alicante, (Rastro), Aspe, Altea, Barx, Bellreguard, Benijofar, Campo de Mirra, Castalla, Elda, Orihuela, Palma de Gandia, Piles, Playa de Piles (summer evenings), Rafelcofer, Relleu, San Fulgencio, Sella, Tibi, Villalonga, Xalo(Jalon), Xeresa WEDNESDAY: Ador, Albatera, Alcoi, Alqueries, Almoines, Banyeres, Barx, Benjema, Beniaries, Benidorm, Benilloba, Benitatxell, Biar, Callosa de Segura, Calpe (Rastro), El Cammpello, Elda, Guardamar del Segura, La Font d’en Carros, Muchamiel, Monforte del Cid, Novelda, Orba, Ondara, Petrer, Polop, Potries, Rotova, San Miguel de Salinas, Sella, Teulada THURSDAY: Agost, Agres, Albatera, Alguena, Alicante, Aspe, Benidoleig, Cocentaina, Hondon de los Frailes, Llocnou de Sant Jeroni, Pego, Playe de Bellreguard (summer evenings), Rafelcofer, Rojales, Tavernes de Valldigna, Villajoyosa, Xabia (Javia), Xixona (Jijona) FRIDAY: Albatera, Almoines, Banyeres, Benejuzar, Beniarres, Benidoleig, Crevillente, Daimus, Denia (Rastro), El Verger, Finestrat, Gata de Gorgos, Granja de Rocamora, L’ Alfas del Pi, Monforte del Cid, Monstesinos, Moraira, Muro de Alcoi, Oliva, Onil, Petrer, Pilar de la Horadada, Playa de Daimus (summer evenings), Rafol d’ Almunia, Sella, Tibi, Torrevieja, Villalonga. SATURDAY: Alcoi, Alicante, Almoradi, Alqueria, Banyeres, Bellreguard, Benifairo, Benissa, Callosa d’En Sarria, Calpe, Castalla, Castell de Castells, Catral, Elche, Elda , La Font d’En Carros, La Romana, Gaianes, Hondon de las Nieves, Novelda, Ondara, Pedreguer, Tavernes de la Valdigna (summer evenings), San Vicente del Raspeig, Salinas, Relleu, Santa Pola, Xalo (Jalon) Rastro SUNDAY: Benidorm, Elche, La Nucia, Campoverde, Camp de Guardamar, Algorfa, La Marina, Zoco. 45

LCG Information on the Costa Blanca

USEFUL GOLF INFO TOURIST INFO ALICANTE Av. Rambla de Méndez Núñez, 23 03002 Alicante Tel. 965 200 000 TOURIST INFO VALENCIA C/ Paz, 48 46003 Valencia Tel. 963 986 422 FEDERACIÓN DE GOLF DE LA COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA C/ El Bachiller, 15 - 27ª 46010 Valencia Tel. 963 935 403 REAL FEDERACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE GOLF C/ Provisional Arroyo del Fresno Dos, 5 28035 Madrid Tel. 915 552 682 ASOCIACIÓN DE CAMPOS DE GOLF DE LA COSTA BLANCA Pl. Constitución, 7, entresuelo izq. 03550 San Juan de Alicante Tel. 637 889 102 ASOCIACIÓN DE CAMPOS DE GOLF DE LA PROVINCIA DE VALENCIA C/ San Vicente Mártir, 16, principal puerta 2 46003 Valencia Tel. 963 910 799 46

ASOCIACIÓN DE CAMPOS DE GOLF DE CASTELLÓN Urb. La Coma, s/n 12190 Borriol (Castellón) Tel. 964 321 227 asociacion@golfcastellon. com| INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GOLF TOUR OPERATORS 1 Trafalgar House Grenville Place London NW7 3SA United Kingdom Tel. +44 (0) 2089 063 377 TOURIST INFO BENIDORM Av. Martínez Alejos, 16 03501 Benidorm Tel. 965 851 311



he beautiful Canelobre Caves lie in the small town of Busot, around 24 km from Alicante. This ancient cave system is believed to be the deepest and also longest in the whole of Spain. The entrance to the cave is some 700 metres high up on the Cabezón de Oro (Big Golden Head) mountain. canolbre caves busot This mountain is also a popular location for Hiking and Rock Climbing in the Alicante region. Formed several million years ago, Canelobre Caves are famous for it’s Cathedral vault. This vault measures 70 metres in height. CANELOBRE CAVES, BUSOT, ALICANTE The caves themselves for the most part are a forever changing wonder of the natural world. Upon entry, the caves open up into a spectacular underground cavern. The cavern is where minerals have been deposited to resemble “Candelabras”. And thus where the caves name originates. CANELOBRE CAVES Canelobre Caves Lighting and Guided Tours The natural appearance of the caves is enhanced using an intricate lighting system. The lighting system and natural acoustics also add to the Cathedral-like atmosphere. The caves often play host to musical events and concerts. Thanks to the high altitude and excellent acoustics. You will also encounter the stage used for concerts upon your visit. There are many guided tours throughout the day as the tour guides take you on a 40 minute walk through the caves. These tours also provide you with useful information as you proceed. There are usually English speaking guides in attendance. The guides will explain the history and also the general layout of the caves. OPENING TIMES AND TICKET PRICES WINTER VISITING TIMES 1st September – 30th June Monday – Closed. Tuesday – Friday – 10:30am. – 16:50pm. Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays – 10:30am. – 17:50pm. SUMMER VISITING TIMES 1st July – 31st August and Semana Santa Weekdays – 10:30am. – 19:30pm. Saturday and Sunday after Easter open until 15.00pm. Closed for San Vicente (Monday after Easter Sunday), 25th December and also 1st January. Tickets are prices at 7 € for adults, 4.50 € for pensioners and 3.50 € for children and those with disabilities. Children under 5 years old are admitted for free. There is also limited parking which is free and a picnic area to have a spot of lunch during your visit.. For more information, you can call the information line on +34 965 69 92 50 or visit the Busot Tourism Website.

LCG Information on the Costa Blanca


TRAM Fares (FGV) zonas 1 Zone* Single Ticket 1,35 € I+V 2,30 € Groups 40% 0,85 € Pensioners 50% 1,35 €

2 zones 2,50 € 4,25 € 1,50 € 1,35 €

3 zones 3,75 € 6,40 € 2,25 € 1,90 €

4 zones 5 zones 4,85 € 6,05 € 8,25 € 10,30 € 2,95 € 3,65 € 2,45 € 3,05 €

6 zones 7,15 € 12,20 € 4,30 € 3,60 € 47

LCG Tourists Offices

Denia Tourist Information

Tourist Information Benidorn Europa

LAlfas Del Pi Tourist Office

Teulada Tourist Information

Alicante Tourist Office RENFE-Railway Station

Orihuela Tourist Information

14.00 and 16.00-19.00 Tel: 965 125 633

03300 ORIHUELA Tel: 96 530 46 45

Seasonal opening times apply. Open Monday to Sunday 09:30-14:00 and 17:00-20:00 in summer. Winter open Monday to Saturday 09:30-13:30 and 16:00-19:00. Tel: 966 422 367 Plaza Oculista Buig

Open Monday to Friday 09:00-20:00 and 10:00-18:00 Saturday and Sunday in summer. In winter open Monday to Saturday 09:00-14:00. C/ Federico Garcia Lorca 11 Bajos Ayto., 03580 LAlfas Del Pi.Tel:965 888 905

Avda. de Salamanca, s/n. Alicante Monday to friday 9.30-14.00 16.30-19.00 - Saturday 10.00-

Torrevieja Tourist Office

In summer open Monday to Saturday 09:00-14:00 and 16:00-20:00. In winter open Monday to Friday 09:3013:30&16:00-19:00 &Saturday 10:30-13:30. Avenida Madrid, 15. Edificio "Espai La Senieta" Tel: 965 745 168

Tourist services available. Open Monday to Friday 08:0014:30 and 16:00-19:00. Plaza de la Soledad,1

Tourist Office Calpe - Peñon

Open from 15th june to 17th September from 09:00 to 20:00 h. Rest of the year from 09:00 to 19:00 h. Saturday all year: from 10:00 to 14:00 h. Paseo Vista Alegre s/n, 03181 Torrevieja Tel: 965 703 433

Avenida Ejércitos Españoles 30, CP: 03710 Apdo. Correos: 666 Calp, Alicante. Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 16:30 h. Saturdays, from 10:00 to 15:00

Tourist Office Benissa

Altea Tourist Office

Information on tourism, accommodation, places to visit and events in Benissa and Alicante. Av. Pais Valencia 1, 03720 Benissa. Tel: 965 732 225 Email:


Tourist information services. Open Monday to Friday 09:3013:30 & 16:30-19:30, Saturday 10:00-13:30 & 16:30-19:30. Avenida Europa s/n cruce C Ibiza, 03502 Benidorm. Tel: 965 860 095

Tel: 965836920 - 965839693 Email:

Seasonal opening times. In summer open Monday to Saturday 10:00-14:00 and 17:00-23:30. Winter times are Monday to Friday 10:00-14:00 and 17:0019:30, Saturday 10:00-14:00. Calle at Sant Pere 9, 03590 Altea Tel: 965 844 114

LCG Information on Benidorm Benidorm is Spain’s most popular resort, it was first settled by the Moors and was a fishing village until the 1960’s. It is now the largest Mediterranean tourist and holiday resort that has been carefully planned for this purpose. The old town is more peaceful, and has a charm that must be seen. The variety of entertainment, warmth and hospitality, fantastic nightlife and efficiency of the tourist industry Benidorm extremely popular. A more traditional Spain surrounds the town if you care to venture a few kilometres.

Tram The Tram Linea 1 takes you from Alicante (Luceros station) to Benidorm Time: 72minutes approx, where you can change to Linea 9 that takes you to Denía, thus covering most of the Costa Blanca. Rail From Alicante you can connect to the national rail network, that connects Alicante with the rest of Spain. There are two lines covering the Benidorm area: El F.G.V. (Ferrocarriles de la Generalitat Valenciana), which covers the Alicante - Dénia route: C/ Estació Tel. 965 85 18 95 o al 900 72 04 72 Regional trains (RENFE): Avda. Salamanca s/n. Tel. 902 240 202 Car Benidorm is 40 km north-east of Alicante. Take the AP-7 motorway coming off at Exit 65 or the N-332. Bus Town bus Tel. 965 85 43 22 Benidorm central Bus Station: Carrer Francisco Llorca Antón 6 , 03502 Benidorm - Tel: 966 830 014 Situated in a convenient location at the entrance of Benidorm, the new bus station has easy access from the motorway AP-7 (Benidorm-Playa de Levante exit), from the N-332. Good public transport such as local buses or taxis means you can reach the bus station in a few minutes. The urban bus routes, 3, 4 y 11 connect to the bus station. Public bus City buses: Llorente Bus. c/ Castellón, 4 Pol. Ind. Finestrat. Tel. 965 85 43 22 Longer routes: Grupo ALSA. Av. Jaime I Apto. Valencia II Tel. 902 42 22 42 Bilman bus: C/ Lepanto, 10 Tel. 965 86 15 58 Jiménez: C/Lepanto 10, Tel 965 86 27 70 International Routes: EuroLines; Av. Europa 8, Tel. 902 42 22 42 LineBus: C/ Portugal s/n Tel. 965 22 93 36 / 965 55 95 04 Air Altet Airport (Alicante) is 33 minutes from Benidorm and connects with the main Spanish and European cities. Information on 902 240 202 Postal service The web page of the Spanish postal services is Health CENTRO MÉDICO BERECO. Pj. San Ignacio de Loyola, 3

Ed. Etxezuri III Esc. Tel 965 85 97 89 CLÍNICA PODONTOLÓGICA SAN ROMAN Av. Aigüera 965 85 31 80 CENTRO MÉDICO MEDICALIA. Ps. De la Carretera – Martínez Oriola, 2 Tel. 966 80 67 67 POLICLÍNICA AMIC. Pz. Sus Majestades los Reyes, 5 ed. Aigüera Park Tel. 966 80 90 90 ASEPEYO, CENTRO MÉDICO. C/ la Nucia, 4 ed. Marina Tolls II Tel. 965 86 69 11 CENTRO MÉDICO CEMERECO. C/ Tomas Ortuño, 92 Ed. Don Jaime Tel. 965 85 43 61 CLÍNICA BENIDORM. Av. Alfonso Puchades, 8 Ed. Clínica Benidorm Tel. 965 86 12 05 Emergency numbers Emergencies - 112 or 085 - Red Cross - 966 80 89 34 Local Police - 966 80 77 66 or 092 Policía Nacional - 966 83 19 30 or 091 Guardia Civil - 965 85 40 30 or 965 85 03 30 Ambulances - 092 Electricity 220V AC. Plugs are two-pin. Businesses and shops opening hours Normal opening hours are from 08.00 to 13.00, and from 17.00 to 20.00. Large stores frequently have hours from 10.00 to 22.00. Bar opening hours tend to be from 08.00 to 22.00 or 23.00, pubs from 17.00 to 03.00, discotheques from 00.00 to 06.00, and museums from 10.00 to 20.00. Terra Natura (Theme Park) Terra Mítica (Theme Park) From 16 July to the 4 September open from 10.00 to 24.00. Rest of the year from 10.00 to 20.00. Taxis Radio Taxi Tel. 965 86 18 18 | 965 86 26 26 Car Rental Avis: av. Ametlla de Mar. Edif. Coblanca, Rincón de Loix. Tel. 96 586 66 42 Centauro: C/ Estocolmo, 3 Ed. Coblanca 5 Tel. 966 83 07 07 Europa Rent a car: Av. Comunidad Valenciana, 12 Ed. Coblanca 15 Tel. 966 80 29 02 Europcar: Av. Mediterráneo, 39; Hotel DON PANCHO 966 80 91 40 Chemists ANA M.CORDERO SERNA Avenida de Almeria 4 - Tel. 965 853 197 ANA M.ROSELLO BONO Montera 4. Velázquez 9, Colonia Madr. Tel. 965 857 239 ANTONIA MIRALLES LLOPIS Av Estocolmo 2 Esq Manila, Rincon Loix - Tel. 965 868 640 CARMEN Y ALFONSO LÓPEZ C-Ibiza 1 Esquina Mirador Tel. 965 852 154 CECILIA GONZÁLEZ ZORRILLA Av Villajoyosa 4, Edificio Altamira - Tel. 965 851 976 CONCHA DE LÓZAR ORT. Av Europa 27, Edificio Coblanca XV Tel. 966 811 449 FARMACIA GALIANA C-Dinamarca 11 Esq Av Andalucia Tel. 966 809 065 49

LCG Selected Hotels

Hotel Meliá Alicante

Parador de Jávea Hotel

Hotel AC Valencia

Hotel Agir Benidorm

5 minutes from the port of Valencia. Next to the hotel located is the Science and Arts Centre and the Oceanigrathic Park.The Malvarossa beach is 10 minutes away and the Natural Park of Albufera 15. The Hotel AC Valencia offers 182 rooms with internet connection, business facilities, Air Condition, The hotel also offers a fitness centre and various activities. http://

The Hotel Agir is new to MedPlaya and became part of the MedPlaya chain of hotels in November 2017. It is a modern and welcoming 4 star hotel located on the Avenida Mediterraneo, just 2 minutes’ walk from the Levante Beach and close to the old town of Benidorm. Air-conditioned Double Rooms are specially designed for couples and are fully equipped with full bathroom, Satellite TV, Free Wi-Fi.

The Zenit Murcia Hotel

Hotel El Montiboli

The Zenit Murcia Hotel is a modern building from which you will be able to get an easy access to the center of Murcia. We offer 61 rooms of different types so you can choose the one that suits your needs best: single, double and superior, and, of course, thinking of the comfort of the youngest in the family, we can provide you with cots and extra beds for an unforgettable family experience.

El Montiboli Hotel in Villajoyosa. Located on a cliff, on the outskirts of Villajoyosa fishing village in Alicante, the hotel dominates the panorama of the Mediterranean. The resort itself is a privileged place situated among the sea, beaches and hills. The hotel also has suites and bungalows with a private salon. With regard to sport and relaxation, the hotel has two swimming pools located on the cliff top.

The Denia La Sella Golf Resort

Hotel Boutique La Serena

The Denia La Sella Golf Resort & Spa is only a 10 minutes drive from Dénia and Javea, situated on the Costa Blanca, and adjacent to one of the best golf course in the region of Valencia. Beaches, sports, nature and fun, at 55 minutes drive from the airports of Alicante and Valencia. Our commitment is to provide you a memorable experience with excellent service.

Hotel Boutique La Serena is a "adults only" hotel, where tranquility, peace and enjoyment are our strongest points. It is located on a picturesque street in the old town, just a few minutes from the beach and the liveliest square in Altea, "La Plaza de la Iglesia". The original house was a manor house of three floors and is newly restored in a charming boutique hotel with swimming pool and solarium.

Hotel Costa Blanca

Tryp Gran Sol Hotel Alicante

Versatility makes this hotel perfect for business or vacation. Fully equipped rooms overlooking sea or the marina. The hotel offers several dining options based on Mediterranean cuisine. Meliá Alicante provides guests with the exclusive The Level service. Special green fees at major golf courses near the hotel. Taxi rank outside the hotel and bus stop 100 metres away. Mini Club, for children from the ages of 5 to 12 (only in high season)

Hotel with 53 rooms completely renovated in the heart of the city of Denia, just 50 meters from the sea port station of Balearia, opposite the train station and 400 meters from the beach. Our hotel’s location will allow you to experience the great offer of leisure, services and activities that our city has to offer, without needing a car to get to places and all with a privileged climate that will allow you to enjoy a cosy and pleasant setting.


Northern Costa Blanca, enjoying water sports surrounded by the beauty of green gardens, and parking your boat at a small dock opposite the lawn that surrounds the swimming pool, it's not a dream. The hotel is ideal for relaxing and allowing your imagination to soar out from the balconies to the infinite sea with a spectacular view of the Mediterranean. 8 km from Club de Golf Jávea and 13 km from the Marina de Denia.

Is kind of landmark of the city. For whatever reasons it is one of the tallest buidings in downtown Alicante, with no other high skyscrapers surrounding it. This makes it a really perfect location to enjoy a wonderful view at the harbour area or over to Santa Barbara Castle. The Tryp Gran Sol Hotel offers over 120 rooms and all the comfort of a 4 star hotel. en/our-hotels/spain/alicante/

LCG Golf Courses Directory

ALENDA GOLF CLUB Av. del Mediterráneo, 52, 03679 Monforte del Cid, Alicante. Tel: 965620521 18 Holes - Par 72

ALICANTE GOLF Avda.Locutor Vicente Hipolita 37 La Condomina. Playa de San Juan E – 03540 Alicante. Tel: 965153794 18 Holes - Par 72

ALTEA GOLF CLUB Urbanización Sierra Altea Golf, Apdo. Correos, 939, 03599 Altea la Vieja, Alicante Tel: 965 848 046 9 Holes

CLUB DE GOLF IFACH Calle Micheta, 5 Urbanización San Jaime Benissa (Alicante) CP: 03720. Tel: 966 497 114 Number of holes: 9

LA SELLA GOLF Denia Marriott La Sella Golf Resort Alquería de Ferrando, s/n 03749 Jesús Pobre, Denia. Tel: 966 454 252 27 Holes

CLUB DE GOLF BONALBA C/ Vespre, 6 bis – 03110 Mutxamel Alicante. Tel: 34 965 955 955 18 Holes - Par 72 com

LA FINCA Ctra. Algorfa-Los Montesinos 03169 Algorfa. Tel: 966 729 055 18 Holes - Par 72

REAL CLUB DE GOLF CAMPOAMOR Urbanizacion Y Campo De Golf 03189 Orihuela Costa. Tel: 965 321366 18 Holes -

OLIVA NOVA GOLF Urb. Oliva Nova Golf 46780 Oliva. Tel: 962 857 666

CLUB DE GOLF ALTORREAL Avda. del Golf no. 70, Urbanizacion Altorreal, 30506 Molina de Segura, Murcia Tel: 968 648 144 18 Holes - Par 72

18 Holes Par 72


LCG Golfing Gadgets OPTISHOT 2 GOLF SIMULATOR Awesome Golf Simulator for indoor trainingand team building fun.


he OptiShot 2 Golf Simulator is a must-have for some indoor golf fun either in the clubhouse or your man cave. The system made by OptiShot comes with an Infrared Optical Swing Pad where you perform your swings. For indoor use, it is recommended to use foam practice balls, but it doesn’t really matter what kind of balls you end up using. The infrared sensors are the main ingredients to get this to work. The base plate has in total 48 sensors divided into two rows that read all the necessary information to interpret your swing and project it via the USB cable to your computer and up to your big screen. The 3D golf courses are of course as real as it gets and you can choose between several clubs.

GARMIN VIVOACTIVE GPS SMARTWATCH Fitness Tracker and Sports Watch for Golfers.


armin VivoActive is a fitness tracker and smartwatch which fits a whole bunch of different sports as well as golf. With the IQ Connect, you can download tailormade widgets that fit your golf interest. Download a package with over 38.000 courses around the world to be ready. The smartwatch helps you with monitoring distance, where you are and how far it is to the next flag. 52

PERFECT RELEASE GOLF CLUB SWING PLANE TRAINER AID Golfers of any skill level will find this Swing Plane Trainer effective and helpful.


f you are up for yet another cool swing training aid, check out the Perfect Release Golf Club Swing Plane Trainer Aid. It will help you with developing a smoother and more fluid golf swing in plane, which eventually will give your better shots and more distance. It works by attaching a cord between the end of your club to your upper arm. It gives you a great feel for the release of the swing and suits both beginners and more advanced users. If you feel there is something wrong with your swing, but don’t know what, this golf aid will definitely help out.

PROACTIVE SPORTS GREEN GO POCKET BALL WASHER Forget dirty Golf Balls with this little Pocket Ball Washer.


t is important to have clean balls to minimize air friction and maximize distance. With the handy Proactive Sports Green Go Pocket Ball Washer, you will always have a suitable tool for wiping off dirt. No need to bring a towel to the golf course. The pouch fits easily into your pocket and stays wet inside while the outside is dry. It comes in many different colors like black, pink, red, blue and orange.

LCG Fun on the course

Classic Golf Quotes:


1. “Success in this game

depends less on strength of body than strength of mind and character.” – Arnold Palmer

Mark of respect

Two golfers are ready to play on the 11th tee as a funeral cortege passes by. The first player stops, doffs his cap, and bows his head as the cortege passes.

2. “I get to play golf for

a living. What more can you ask for, getting paid for doing what you love.” -Tiger Woods

3. “Stay true to yourself and

listen to your inner voice. It will lead you to your dream.” -James Ross

4. The Eraser… 5. “If you worry about mak-

ing bogeys, it makes the game that much more difficult. You put more pressure on yourself without even noticing it. It makes a difference to take it easy when things aren’t going right.” -Sergio Garcia

6. “There’s no such thing as

bad weather, only inappropriate clothing!” -Anonymous

7. “Golf… is the infallible test.

The man who can go into a patch of rough alone, with the knowledge that only God

is watching him, and play his ball where it lies, is the man who will serve you faithfully and well.” -P.G. Wodehouse

8. “The value of routine;

trusting your swing.” -Lorii Myers

9. “A good golfer has the

determination to win and the patience to wait for the breaks.” -Gary Player

10. “Arnold’s place in history

will be as the man who took golf from being a game for the few to a sport for the masses. He was the catalyst who made that happen.” -Jack Nicklaus

“That was a really nice thing to do,” the second golfer says. “It’s good to see there is still some respect in the world.” “Well, it’s only right,” the first golfer replies. “I was married to her for 35 years.”

World’s worst

A golfer was having a terrible round – 20-over par for the front nine with scores of balls lost in water or rough. When his caddie then coughed as he steadied himself over a 12-inch putt on the 10th, he lost it. “You’ve got to be the worst caddie in the world!” he yelled. “I doubt it,” replied the caddie, dead-pan. “That would be too much of a coincidence.”


LCG Entertainment

RAPHAEL "TOUR LOCO POR CANTAR 2018" Alicante/Alacant Plaza de Toros Benidorm 21:30 hrs September 15, 2018 Tel: 902 400 222 FSO TOUR 2019: SPECIAL JOHN WILLIAMS, ALICANTE/ ALACANT AUDITORIO DE LA DIPUTACIÓN DE ALICANTE January 13, 2019 Tel: 902 400 222



HISTORY OF ROCK IN MURCIA AUDITORIO EL BATEL, CARTAGENA January 12, 2019 CIRQUE DU SOLEIL TORUK EN MADRID WIZINK CENTER, MADRID From January 30, 2019 till February 3, 2019 IBERIA FESTIVAL 2018 LINE-UP: CAFÉ QUIJANO BENIDORM Friday October 12, 2018 – Saturday October 13, 2018 comprar-entradas/

Discounted Green Fees Golf Breaks Accessories

Golf Equipment

Premium Club Hire

Club Repairs

Custom Club Fitting

Golf Lessons


ONDARA Avda. Costa Blanca, 1 03760 ONDARA, Alicante

+34 +34 965 965 996 996 244 244

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