4 Legs & a Tail NR Spring 2022

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Celebrate National Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day When is national bulldogs are beautiful day 2022?

Bulldogs are beautiful and they are celebrated on April 21 every year. The holiday is a chance for bulldog owners to shower their beautiful dogs with treats and love.


ulldogs, beautiful? Well, yes! French, American, or English — bulldogs portray glamour in their own special way. That’s why we present National Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day each April 21. People (as a rule) can’t get away with a lot of slobbering and wrinkles, but bulldogs make it an art form. They started popping up as furry companions in historical literature about five centuries ago. Today this sweet sidekick continually ranks as one of the most popular dog breeds in the U.S. French bulldogs currently sit fourth on the American Kennel Club’s list. (Bulldogs, technically a separate breed, are fifth.)

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History of National Bulldogs are Beautiful Day

Just like the pit bull, bulldogs were bred originally to assist butchers in controlling livestock. The history of bulldogs predates that of pit bulls, however, tracing back to 5th century England, to a breed called the Alaunt. In the 15th century, other than catching cattle and horses on farms, bulldogs were used in the barbaric activity of bull-baiting; in which dogs were pitted against bulls to fight until the bull was pulled to the ground or the dog was killed by the bull. Thankfully, bull-baiting was banned in 1835. Until this time, bulldogs were bred to be aggressive and a dog weighing 80 pounds could easily toss a bull

weighing a ton down by corkscrewing its own body around its neck. After bull-baiting ended in the U.K, it seemed that there would be no further use for bulldogs and that the breed would eventually become extinct. Luckily, the exportation of the breed to Germany and the U.S. expanded the line of work in which bulldogs were used. They continued herding cattle and hogs, especially in parts of the country where terrains were too rough for building fences. Bulldogs were crossbred in Germany to create the boxer breed. The aggressive bulldog was downsized in England, although it is uncertain whether this was accomplished by selective breeding of smaller dogs or cross-breeding with pugs. The modern bulldog is gentle, affectionate, and stable both in terms of temperament and appearance. They may be small but are capable of great power and are super-loyal and brave when it comes to their human companions, especially children.

Spring 2022

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