JULY 2015
Love for Peer Power Foundation
Summer Style Squared
Not pictured: Sandra Horn
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Spirit of SRVS Commemorative Artwork “Making the World a Bigger Place” by Lisa Dick
17th Annual Spirit of SRVS Auction, Wine & Food Tasting Presented by
Event Chairs Missy Marshall Keep TN Beautiful Bob Blankenship Sedgwick
Honorary Chairs Joanie and Michael Lightman, Sr. Michael Lightman Realty
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Benefitting SRVS programs for people with disabilities
Wanda and John Barzizza Mike Harless
Total Eye Care
Dobbs Management Service
Elsie and Gaylon Booker Jeany & Anthony Dionne
Kim and Byrne Whitehead
General Truck Sales & Service
Jeffrie and Allen Bruton
Helen Gilbert
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15-OAK-0070 4Memphis_Semi.indd 1
6/24/15 11:35 AM
Contents July 2015
14 16 20 22
50 51 60 64
23 24 26 28 30 34 36
Overton Square 45th Anniversary Crown & Sceptre Coronation Ball An American in Paris Gala Schledwitz Party for PorterLeath Memphis Greek Festival Jun Kaneko Sculpture Zoo Brew Chef’s International Ceviche Competition FedEx St. Jude Classic Golf Tournament Week Architectural Auction Party Germantown Charity Horse Show
Children’s Charities Check Presentation Roundhouse Revival Feast On the Farm Sunset Symphony Grand Finale AutoZone Liberty Bowl Announcement Event The Scout Guide Memphis
Regulars 42 Fashion: F(l)ash Back 55 Recipes: Side Note(ables) 62 4Music 66 Book Review 68 Celebrating Marriage 70 More4Memphis
Features 18 #MemphisLoveChallenge: Peer Power 32 Racing For Our Friend 52 Bryan Hayes: A Veteran SingerSongwriter
July2015 / 11
Letter From the Publisher Seek the Peace and Prosperity of the City in which I have placed you. Jeremiah 29:7 . יִ ְהיֶ ה לָ כֶ ם ָשלֹום,לֹומּה ָ כִ י ִב ְש:יְ הוָ ה- ֶאל, וְ ִה ְת ַפלְ לּו ַבעֲ ָדּה, ֲא ֶשר ִהגְ לֵ ִיתי ֶא ְתכֶ ם ָש ָמה,שלֹום ָהעִ יר-ת ְ ז וְ ִד ְרׁשּו ֶא יִ ְר ְמיָ הּו
Living Fully Without Boundaries Ecclesiastes 3:1-2, 4 1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heaven: 2 A time to be born and a time to die,… 4 a time to be weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, The paragraph below was written by my daughter McKendree and was posted on her Facebook page on National Cancer Survivors Day. Her words are written about her friend and soul mate, Luis Aguilar, as she describes his attitude about surviving cancer. The words ‘cancer survivor’ should be used to describe individuals who have chosen to LIVE even when faced with unrelenting circumstances. I believe that you are my angel for numerous reasons. You entered my life at the beginning of my battle. Your battle became mine, and mine became yours; we fought together as a team. The day the doctors told me that I had cancer I knew that it was going to ruin my life. I continued with a mindset of fear and bitterness until I met you and you taught me the greatest lesson I have ever learned. You taught me how to fall in love with my disease because without it, I never would have met you. Happy National Cancer Survivors Day for all of the brave souls who have faced their challenges with courage. So today, I celebrate for you and with you Luis because you are my survivor. You survived cancer because you did not let it allow it to stop you from living. On the contrary, you chose to let it teach you how to live fully and without boundaries. I am so proud of you Luis Aguilar! Love, McKendree! The past five months I have had three very dear friends leave their earthly home to live eternally with God: Luis Aguilar, David Richardson and Gene Carlisle. Luis died of cancer, David of pneumonia and Gene of a pulmonary embolism. All three men died before their time, and much before their loved ones were ready to let go of them. They all three left huge vacuums in the lives they left behind because all three lived life fully without boundaries. Luis Aguilar, a teen who moved to Memphis to be taken care of by St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, actively traveled and spoke to the Hispanic world on behalf of the hospital, more importantly, as one mother of another St. Jude patient said, “Luis taught my son how to live with cancer and make the world more beautiful at the same time.” He spent three-and-a-half years in Memphis teaching his fellow patients how to live. His funeral was attended by a large contingent of St. Jude staff members who expressed their love for him and their general feeling that no patient in the history of the hospital had a greater impact on the hospital than Luis Aguilar. He lived without boundaries!!!
JULY 2015
David Richardson, a husband, father of two, grandfather of four, and at the age of 72 when most peopled had retired, went to work every day for Palmer Home for Children and Jonah’s Journey. Palmer Home for Children, originally Palmer Orphanage, has been caring for children from Mississippi and Tennessee for 120 years. David spent 20 years as the business manager of Independent Presbyterian Church where he served as an Elder before becoming a staff member. In his first career, David worked for Weaver Cotton Company, retired, then went to work for IPC. David loved the missions of IPC and particularly the numerous international missions supported by the church; it was on one of his many mission trips that he was infected by rheumatoid arthritis lung disease
that compromised his lungs making it difficult to fight the pneumonia that took his life. In fact, the respiratory condition was a constant drain on his energy level, and that would have made most men his age enjoy his retirement, but David chose to live without boundaries for the sake of others and the God he knew and loved!!! Gene Carlisle, how in a short letter do you do justice to this larger-than-life character? I have worked with Gene and his wife Karen on behalf of Palmer Home for Children since 1991. He and I met several times with Wendy’s founder Dave Thomas to discuss the need to take care of the social orphans and fatherless children of Mississippi and Tennessee. It was only at his funeral that I learned Gene had grown up in a home without a father. Gene’s mom moved them to Memphis, and Gene went to East High School during a time in our city when a poor child from a single parent home would not have easily been accepted. He never took the opportunity to spotlight his difficult childhood as a way of making his accomplishments look bigger; he just worked to make opportunities for those living with lives under difficult circumstances. Gene was known by the public as the owner of more than 100 Wendy’s restaurants, a downtown Memphis real estate developer, and a business pioneer. Gene’s children spoke of their dad during the funeral, and they mentioned that Gene on several occasions had business setbacks that almost cost him everything, but no matter what business situation he was in, he never stopped encouraging people to rise above their circumstance to accomplish all that God had made them to be. When I first met Gene, I also met his operational manager, John Hughes. John attended Gene’s funeral flying in from Kentucky where he now lives. John and his partner Mike O’Malley own more than 40 Wendy’s restaurants - an opportunity that was made possible to John because of his former boss and friend Gene Carlisle. Gene’s success in business was just a by-product of always looking for a better way for things to be done and a better way for people to live out their lives. I sat in the balcony of Independent Presbyterian Church for many years with Gene and Karen as they quietly worshipped the God they loved. Gene would then go out into the world to give of himself to all who came his way. Gene lived without boundaries and the city of Memphis and tens of thousands of people are better off because of it. Palmer Home for Children has lost two great warriors for the fatherless child; St Jude Children’s Research Hospital has lost a great voice to the world and mentor to his fellow patients. I have lost three dear friends; we have all lost three inspiring hearts that showed us how to live by being survivors. They showed us that surviving is more about living than surviving; it is more about loving than surviving; it is more about giving than surviving; it is “living fully without boundaries.” Live your life without boundaries, while, seeking the Peace and Prosperity of Memphis. Jim Walker
About the Cover Top: Lavish; Skirt: Heather Boutique & Spa; Bag: Oak Hall; Photography by Lindsey Lissau.
About the TOC Shirt: Oak Hall; Bag: Oak Hall; Dealership: Gossett Porsche; Car: Audi S5 Cabriolet; Photography by Lindsey Lissau.
12 / 4Memphis
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July 2015 Volume V • Number 9 PUBLISHER Jim Walker jim@4memphis.com THE PRESERVE OF NOTTING HILL
EDITOR Stephanie Beliles
55 Notting Creek Cove
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1044 Brookfield Road • Memphis • 901.683.1066 edenspaandlaser.com July2015 / 13
Overton Square 45th Anniversary Photography by Mark O. Ramirez
Overton Square threw an epic 45th Anniversary and Reunion Party to commemorate decades of good times and great stories. Held over Memorial Day weekend, the party kicked off on Thursday and continued through Sunday night with live music, craft brews, fantastic food, and friends - all the things that make The Square the hot spot in Memphis! Christian, Anna, Landon, Elise & Therese Despeaux
Rich & Karen Gondeck
Lou Loeb & Chip Carruthers
Kevin Bentley, Susi Blaiss with Mike & Gail Huey Teresa Wherry & Angela Watson
14 / 4Memphis
Susan & Bill Andrews
Andy & Pam Branham with Elizabeth & Tom Farrar
Shannon Fuller, Kristi Wiggins, Amy Gordon, Jenn Pede & Kathy Bowling
Cynthia Talley & Steve White
Luke Thomas, Phillip Smith & Josiah Kargbo
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Crown & Sceptre Coronation Ball Carnival Memphis Photography by Mark O. Ramirez Carnival Memphis is known for pomp and circumstance, and the Crown & Sceptre Coronation Ball combines elaborate traditions and a fabulous party to kick off the annual “Party With A Purpose.� The Ball was held at Hilton Memphis, and the focus of the party was the presentation of Carnival King John Bobango and Queen Lockie Dearman. With Boll Weevils, royalty, and plenty of Carnival splendor, the Crown & Sceptre Ball set the perfect stage for the 2015 Carnival Week of charitable events and parties.
Carnival King John Bobango & Queen Lockie Dearman surrounded by Royal Pages
Ptolemy Queen Tiffany Brimhall with Suzana Lightman
Alison Smith & McClain Gordon
Janie Hopkins & Sharon Talley
Judy Winkler & RaMet King Francis
Michael Lightman, Michael Thompson, Julie Barton, Jim McCullough & Keith Barton
Mark Young, Renn Eason & Hunter Varner
Robert Schutt with Bridget & Phil Trenary
Gretchen, Calvin & Lyda Turley
Cindy Gambrell with Gina Webb
16 / 4Memphis
Gerry Okin & Lockie York
Ptolemy Flagman Joseph Gordon & Ptolemy King Oliver Scoggin
Lewis & Barbara Williamson with Michael Thompson
Myra Clark, Jennifer Estes & Donna Glenn
Jane & Bob Adams
Brianna Wilson & Philip Jurgensmeyer
Carey Snider & Kimberly Tayloe
Lynn & Brad Koeneman
Myra & Anthony Clark
Kacey Alexander, Shelton Wittenbeg & Amy Walker
Page Sienna, Memphi Queen Joanie & Page Aidan Lightman
Blair, Joann, Kristen & Matt Gilbert
Rob Johnston, Ed Galfsky & Carnival King Todd Brown July 2015 / 17
Model Citizens Peer Power Foundation Expands & Promises Brighter Futures for Kids By Stephanie Beliles | Photos courtesy of Peer Power Foundation
harles McVean and his accomplishments are that of Memphis legend. He is the son of an educator and graduated from East High School before going on to graduating from Vanderbilt and, eventually, building a trading and investments empire back in his hometown of Memphis, TN. Charles is a concrete example of how hard work and dedication is essential to achieving goals. It was in 2005 when Charles saw his alma mater, East High School, struggle with standardized test scores and motivating students to attend class. Therefore, as a consistent man of action, Charles McVean reached into his own pocket and Rolodex to create a program that integrates the distinctive strengths of the traditional one-room schoolhouse with those from the American free enterprise system. This scalable, portable, and powerful system of teaching is now known as the Peer Power Foundation, and just as it is true to an investment trader, the staggering numbers do not lie. Bill Sehnert has dedicated his life to the development of both East High School and Whitehaven High School students. As the Director of the Peer Power Foundation since its creation, Bill has taken great care in creating and nurturing a group of highly motivated individuals that aid in tutoring and motivating the struggling youth in the two lower-testing school districts. East High School is located on Polar Avenue just west of Highland, and in a district that is more urban and economically struggling, it is a sad reality that at-home and peer circumstance does not provide a scholastically stable environment for some of the area’s youth. So when test scores caused major concern in the early 2000s, the Peer Power Foundation started to recruit stand-out current juniors and seniors in attempts to motivate students in need of academic intervention. These student mentors get paid as incentive, and as most come from a financially burdened home, that is reason enough to stick to the program. Since its creation in 2005, the Peer Power Foundation has recruited over 1000 paid mentors. As the mentors moved on to college, many of them wanted to stay involved. Bill cleverly involved the University of Memphis in the Peer Power Foundation, allowing college students to get paid and earn credit as a mentor at East and Whitehaven. The payoff is two-fold: the college students get credit for working in a program they are passionate about, and the high school students get to see real-life
18 / 4Memphis
success stories from their own high schools, neighborhoods and situations. The massive accomplishments from the Peer Power Foundation have led to the program’s expansion as well as a bevy of better educated Memphis youth. East High School is a beautiful facility. The marble stairwells and detailed scaffolding provide an interesting juxtaposition to the school’s urban reputation. But there is noteworthy pride pulsing through the hallways of East High, and it is not solely from athletic achievement. A huge banner in support of teacher Meah King is tacked up in the main hall in honor of her winning the Milken National Educator Award. Meah is also a graduate of East High, and she is part of the professional staff that makes up Peer Power Foundation. Meah has the teaching advantage of being able to identify and reach to her students. However, she has a huge gun in her arsenal of motivation: a 6 foot 5 inch, 300 pound former NCAA football right guard named Malcolm Rawls who stands dauntingly in the back of the classroom, scanning heads. Malcom is a former East High School Peer Power mentor who went on to excel at both athletics and academics at the University of Memphis and took the full-time position as a Peer Power Fellow, someone who acts as a teacher’s aide and mentor. It is his job to watch over the mentees at East and hold them accountable, noting “not many kids want me hunting them down if they don’t show up to class.” Rawls was playing football for East and working at Church’s Chicken when Bill Senhert approached him about helping his peers graduate. Getting a check for something other than frying chicken was appealing to him, and he quickly was drawn to the program and what it stood for. He and his fellow mentors would go on to spend countless hours tutoring and motivating their classmates, enduring catcalls and juvenile ribbing. After earning a degree in Spanish, Malcom returned to East High School and takes his role seriously: he tutors in math, science and English, and he even started the Poetry Club. This unique configuration of Peer Power in the classroom reduces the student to teacher ratio from about 28 to 1 down to roughly 7 to 1. The impact Malcom and the other mentors in the program have in clearing the hurdles of stereotypes are tangible: standardized test passing rates leapt from 37% to 91% for students enrolled in the program. In 2010, five Peer Power tutors were valedictorians
#77 Malcom Rawls, Peer Power Staffer and former University of Memphis guard. Photo Courtesy of University of Memphis
Peer Power Poem By Malcom Rawls
of their senior classes. Overall test scores have more than double since the program was initiated. “Before Peer Power came to many schools, the aspirations and mental pictures of the many were bleak, foggy, and dim. Yet once the fusion of Peer Power and the Memphis City School systems began, the goals and expectations of students became clearer and more focused in the same way as a great pair of contacts,” says mentor April Jones, Peer Power participant since 2005. There are countless success stories worthy of a screenplay. For example, Robert Jackson teaches mathematics at East High School, and was discouraged at the testing for incoming students in his freshmen class: only 2% made passing grades in math proficiency. By the end of their first year, Robert had the test rate to nearly 70%. Another mentor describes an autistic student who perhaps would have been considered a lost cause joining the fold and receiving a high school diploma, something that even 10 years later he prides himself with on social media. The receptiveness to getting help from someone from a relatable circumstance is the key to the overwhelming success. Kids have real-life proof that they can succeed despite an “at risk youth” label. The program not only works for test scores in the schools- it provides a family structure for the mentors and participants as well. The mentors and staff of the Peer Power Foundation all share a familial sentiment. Things get very emotional when program staff shares their personal obstacles and appreciation for Peer Power Foundation. One staff member participated in the program and went on to earn scholarship to Vanderbilt (as did Charles McVean himself), in a storybook story of perseverance. After graduating with honors and with a degree in engineering, she came back to East High to make a difference. “Students think they know your life story after they see your outfit for the day,” she quips. Polished and composed, she corrects the students that assume she does not understand their struggle. She endured a family situation with a single mother who was an alcoholic, leaving her daughter alone for days at a time,
sometime with no running water or electricity. Every mentor and staffer has a tearjerker story. Every one of them knows that the stereotypes can act as motivation instead of derailment. Now, Peer Power Foundation happily announces the “Memphis Model,” a partnership between Shelby County Schools, the University of Memphis and Peer Power Foundation that will increase Peer Power operations several fold. Memphis Model staff and mentors will provide 1,000 hours of instruction per week. Dr. Vincent Hunter, principal of Whitehaven High School, stated, “This is great; it will help my faculty to reach and teach all of our students. This program will be the greatest outside support we have ever had!” This bold move in Shelby County education still uses the successes of Peer Power at East High School as the model for the expansion. The programs “original” pack of mentors are the driving force behind making the Memphis Model a success story for the city’s at-risk youth. The plan includes an extensive training manual and a developmental guide for everyone involved. Starting in August, this Memphis Model will come to life in schools all over the area. “I want to make my life 10 times better” is part of the mission statement of the program. Courtney Richardson, a staff member who is also an ordained minister, accomplished musician and college graduate states, “In my earlier years in the program, I would often say that the beneficiaries of these contributions were the scholars who participate in the program. In retrospect, I view this program as an avenue whereby a life lived 10 times better than the average life can be accessed. My mind was expanded outside the walls of East High to a world full of opportunity and experiences that are all connected in some way. Peer Power is the answer to the contemporary crisis in public education.” If the past 10 years are any indication of measurable success, Memphis can look forward to a bigger and brighter future.
Everyday at 215 the last bell rings For most this is the end of the day. Many students walk or carpool home But I have decided that I should stay. You see, home is where the heart is So I just have to walk a different way. As I walk down the hall I see flyers That remind me of graduating in May I’m in front of the McVean auditorium I can now see just how far I’ve come. I remember here during my junior year That one of the cool guys called me dumb. This same guy dropped out after that year I guess he thought a life of ignorance was fun. I hold the door open because I’m polite And I see a packed trophy case on the right. East versus Whitehaven in the Math bowl. As long as I live, I will not forget that night. To my left a few steps that let me know I’m near. I see my College Tutors that are happy that I’m here. They ask me about my day and how I did on my test. I tell them that I missed a few, but I did my very best. Finally I’m in the library, one of the safest places I know Here I do more than dream of the places that I will go. We all stand in unison as Gerald leads us in our creed. Ms. Kelly does announcements and tells us what we need My peer tutor helps me, and answers all of my questions. Because I have many more, Mr. Jackson has a suggestion Go to Khan Academy and practice on these skills. This will earn a 100 on the next text, I’m just being real. I ask my tutor if it’s ok, and of course she tells me yes. She’s proud of my hard work, and that I do my best. From 2:30 until 3:30, I gain so much confidence in an hour I’m going to be somebody someday, thanks to Peer Power.
July2015 / 19
An American in Paris Gala Theatre Memphis Photography by Mark O. Ramirez
An American in Paris Gala was an evening of all-Gershwin music entertainment and classic French cuisine held at Theatre Memphis. The sumptuous seated dinner was prepared by chef JosĂŠ Gutierrez of River Oaks Restaurant, and the internationally known designer Brian J. McCarthy spoke about his designs and his new book, Luminous Interiors. The elegant evening was magnifique. For information on the 2015-16 season, visit theatrememphis.org.
Ken & Dana Farmer with Pamela Hauber & Steve West
Hal Brunt & Buzzy Hussey with Page & Gail Williamson
Randall Hartzog with Missy & Steve McClendon
Lisa Franklin & Elizabeth Scott 20 / 4Memphis
Andre Ward & Debbie Litch
Brendan Frankel, Nancy Kistler with Chef Jose Gutierrez
Robert Kyle & Christi Hall
Kitty Cannon & Jim Waller
Joe Lackie, Lisa Chang & Gary Beard
Amy Salerno - Hale, Michael Compton, Amie Eoff, Aliza Moran, Leslie Baker, Paul McCrae, Zoe Hale, Jack Yates & Kristen Reding
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Schledwitz Party for Porter-Leath Photography by Mark O. Ramirez Gail and Karl Schledwitz opened the doors to their lovely downtown home for party preceding the final Memphis in May Sunset Symphony. Not only was the party a wonderful gathering of friends, it was also a fundraiser for Porter-Leath, a cause near to Schledwitz’s hearts. Porter-Leath strives to empower children and families in our community to achieve a healthy, optimal and independent lifestyle. To make a donation to this organization that has served Memphis for over 160 years, visit porterleath.org.
Karl & Gail Schledwitz with Susan & Richard Glassman
Magda Mazur, Erik Waldkirch & Greg Szatkowski
Karl & Gail Schledwitz
Hon. Diane Vescovo & Mike McLaren
Cathy & Terry Lynch
Mike Warr with Faith & Leonard Kaye
Gina Warr & Lura Turner
Carrie & Philip Jones
R.D. & Vicki Singh
22 / 4Memphis
Pat & Anne Halloran
Everest & Anne Cunningham O’Neill
Memphis Greek Festival Photography by Mark O. Ramirez
The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church on North Highland was transformed into a little Greek island, threw open their doors, and welcomed Memphians with open arms. With Greek foods, dancing, a marketplace and even a food drivethrough, this has been one of the most anticipated food festivals for 57 years. Opa!
Anne Argol, Madeleine Donnelly with John & Debbi Booka
Cheryl Miers & Cindy Svoboda
Nancy & Cecile Tashie
Vicki & Katherine Hoover with Kathy Zambelis
Fall session August 14- December 13, Nutcracker show on December 12 and 13, 2015 Fr. Nicholas Vieron & Engin Tuncay
Lexi Ronis & Taylor Dix
Go on line www.balletrussian.org or call 773-404-0417 July2015 / 23
Jun Kaneko Sculpture Opening Party Dixon Gallery & Gardens Photography by Mark O. Ramirez While the Dixon Gallery & Gardens is renovating the indoor gallery space, it’s the perfect opportunity to present the stunning exhibition of Jun Kaneko sculptures in the gardens. The opening celebration included a lecture by Jun Kaneko in the Hughes Pavilion on May 28, and guests particularly enjoyed viewing the powerful exhibition on the Dixon grounds after hearing this pioneering artist.
Marian Garibaldi, Rena Chiozza with Jeanne Reynolds
Ree & Jun Kaneko with Kevin Sharp
Jack McMinn & John Wilbanks
Alexandra Cardon, Adrian Duran & Kimberly Bradshaw
Dr. Richard Ranta, Rhonda Test, Ellie Appling & Jim Clancy
Lee & Isabelle Welch 24 / 4Memphis
Neely & Kate Mallory
Jennifer & Paul Chandler
Monumental Artist
Jun Kaneko Jun Kaneko creates large, monolithic sculptures that are vibrant, colorful, and collected by major museums worldwide. Kaneko was born in Japan, and is now based in Omaha, Nebraska. He owns and operates the world’s largest non-industrial kiln, and he is known for pushing the limits of scale in the ceramic arts. In explaining his philosophy of design, he wrote, “If everything in the world was the same size, we probably would not need an idea of scale. Nothing exists by itself. Everything is influenced by the other things next to it or close by or the environment which the object is in.” The surrounding plantings have been enhanced to connect these sculptures with the garden environment. This is the most ambitious outdoor sculpture exhibition in the Dixon history, covering the 17 acres of the grounds. Jun Kaneko’s sculptures will be on view through November 22. For more information on the exhibit, visit dixon.org.
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July2015 / 25
Zoo Brew Photography by Mark O. Ramirez
The Memorial Day weekend at the Memphis Zoo offered some extra frothy fun for beer aficionados. The Macy’s Zoo Brew kicked off the holiday weekend on Friday evening, and served up one chilled mug after another of craft beers. It is Memphis’ largest brew tasting bash. For information on all the events including the next Zoo Brew on September 4th and Zoo Rendezvous on September 12th, visit memphiszoo.org.
The all-new MAKE A NEW FRIEND visits for a weekend of five family-friendly performances. TICKETS ON SALE NOW!
Steve Johnson, Danny Captino, Bert Rankin & Jordon Wakefield
Superstar entertainer, actor and comedian brings his WHAT NOW? TOUR to FedExForum. TICKETS ON SALE NOW!
IMAGINE DRAGONS MONDAY, JULY 13 The Grammy Award-winning rock band is set to bring their electrifying SMOKE + MIRRORS TOUR with special guests METRIC. TICKETS ON SALE NOW!
Anna Rehkopf with Princess
Kim Alexander, Zach Joe & Kimby Davis
DISNEY ON ICE FROZEN SEPTEMBER 25-27 Make tickets a stocking stuffer gift as DISNEY ON ICE brings the number one animated film of all time to life at FedExForum. TICKETS ON SALE NOW! Lee Railey, Jessica Johnson, Alyssa Malone & Kate Gramling
FOO FIGHTERS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7 Grammy Award winning band brings the SONIC HIGHWAYS TOUR to Memphis after the release their eighth studio album. TICKETS ON SALE NOW!
4/24/15 3:33 PM
Caroline & Nick Fogleman with Amanda Lapp, Nat Heyward & Daniel Leyva
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Chef’s International Ceviche Competition Photography by Mark O. Ramirez The second Chef’s International Ceviche Competition was held recently at Café Keough on South Main. Celebrity chefs presented their best ceviche creations to take the top honor and to raise money for the Church Health Center. It was a delectable way to spend a Sunday afternoon!
Competition Judges: Jennifer Biggs, Chef José Gutierrez, Jennifer Chandler & Jonathan Magallenes
Thai Coconut Yellow Tail Snapper Ceviche Chef Chad Getchel River Oaks Restaurant 1 lb Yellow Tail Snapper 12 oz coconut milk 12 oz rice vinegar 2 limes, zested and juiced 2 oranges, zested and juiced 1 tsp fresh ginger, grated 1 red thai chili, sliced 2 scallions, chopped 8 leaves thai basil, rough chopped 1/2 bunch cilantro, rough chopped
Chefs Burch Brown & Tim Antignane
Chef Demitrie Philips & Kevin Keough
Deborah Johnson & Jennifer Dickerson
Eric McEnerney & John Paul Stevens
Mary Dudley & Sarah Stramel
Zach Webb & Jim Marshall
Karen Neuman, Jay Sieleman & Priscilla Hernandez
Dr. Fabricio Medina-Bolivar & Mark Parrish
Snapper should be cleaned, patted dry and sliced on the bias against the grain in ¼” slices as if for sashimi. Snapper can be substituted for any lean, white fish. Lion fish is another favorite for this recipe. Mix all other wet ingredients and herbs and refrigerate 2 hours to overnight. 45 minutes before serving*, toss fish into marinade and chill. Once ready to serve, remove fish from marinade. I served this over a bed of amaranth, mizuna (Japanese mustard green), and mint leaves dressed in fresh, Thai vinaigrette, then topped the dish with coarse Hawaiian black sea salt and garnished with fried red shiso leaves and fresh, lotus root chips dusted with cherry smoked salt. *Remember: the acids in your marinade work to cook the fish. So don’t leave your fish in the marinade overnight. 45 minutes is the minimum, but remove from the marinade if you need to hold your ceviche for longer than 3 hours and keep chilled.
Terri Jones, Charlie Kistler & Monty Foster 28 / 4Memphis
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FedEx St. Jude
Classic Golf Tournament Week John Rich & Friends Charity Concert
Alston Cooper, Ashlie Mason, Megan Henry & Alan Geiger
Mace Gearhardt & Cynthia Talley
Alex Ezell & Matt Hollowell
Bruce Hopkins, Melissa Duong & Yuki Namba
Anurag Pandit & Lindsey Wilkerson
Tracy Grimmer & Becky Anderson
Shrimp & Cocktails
Kesha & Jason Warren
Rick Shadyac, Emily Callahan & Brian Boucher
Ashleigh Breedlove, Jay Gattas, Jake Gaither, Zsila Sadighi, Dr. Anne Rowland, Melissa Jones, Nicole Fox & Michael Vetro
Rich Peterson with Cathy & Earle Farrell & Romy & Phil Morgan
T.J. Grear & Jen Murdock 30 / 4Memphis
Al & Lelia Green, Katherine Smith, Kathy Sisinni, Barbara Patronis & Michael DeHority
J.B. Farrell & Maureen Ricken
Chris & Page McCoy with Zack & Jenny Cowell
Sunday Brunch Layout
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25 Years
Racing For Our Friend By Daniel Tancredi | Photos courtesy of Daniel Tancredi
hen I met Lin Zheng in 8th grade, he and I were in the same geometry class. We became friends over the next few years through math competitions and high-fives on the way to science. I never imagined that what has happened in his life over the past year would happen to anyone I know, let alone him. In June of last year, Lin went to his doctor for a routine physical for a summer camp, but this visit proved to be far from normal. The doctor noticed some abnormalities in Lin’s blood, so he referred Lin to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, where he was diagnosed with leukemia. This came as an immediate shock to the Memphis University School community. When we started our junior year last August, we all noticed his absence. We knew we could make it to May, but we didn’t want to do it without Lin. Lin’s treatments to help rid him of the cancer took a huge toll on him. He had numerous rounds of chemotherapy while he waited on a bone marrow transplant, which finally came in September of last year. His surgery sparked a lot of support from the MUS community, namely the formulation of plans for his 5k by Grayson Lee, Ethan Pretsch, Henry Trammell, John Ross Swaim, and me. Additionally, the entire school prayed for Lin every Friday of this year hoping for a quick recovery. Unfortunately, the transplant failed, and Lin’s cancer relapsed this February. This meant that he required a second transplant. This was extremely difficult news for everyone; family, friends and classmates. This moment completely changed our school’s outlook on the gravity of his condition. We dedicated a classroom as a prayer room for him. We met every day during lunch to pray for him. We held moments of silence
32 / 4Memphis
for everyone to think about him. The 5k group finalized the plans for the Race to Remission to be held in his name. Everyone in the school was behind Lin and praying for him. I also established a CaringBridge page for his family to be able to communicate and also receive support, particularly when Lin’s weakened immune system often prevented direct visits. Now the family can report the news and people can respond immediately with words of encouragement. As the year ended, teachers from MUS allowed me to record video messages of them to send directly to Lin in hopes of raising his spirits and giving him more strength to continue the fight. Race day, May 16, 2015. My friends and I had drawn support for it not just from Lin’s family and the MUS community, but also in high schools all over Memphis. But the point of the race was twofold: we wanted to not only support Lin, but also fundraise for St. Jude in appreciation of all that the hospital has done for our classmate. We solicited numerous local companies in support of the event and received generous donations from Quest Holding International, Tri State Neurology, Allenberg Cotton Company, Campbell Clinic, Baskin Robbins, Clif Bar, and Mahaffey Tent and Party Rentals. In addition to these funds, we also raised money through wristband sales, t-shirt sales, and online donations, which culminated in a grand total of over $50,000 raised for St. Jude. Thanks to the efforts of our group and numerous students from Hutchison, St. Mary’s, St. George’s, and others, over 225 people showed up to the race to support Lin. It was a huge success. There is no question that St. Jude does fantastic work and deserves all of the support we can give. Nothing hammers this point home harder than seeing a friend and classmate undergoing a traumatic lifethreatening experience, and then simultaneously realizing he is in the best place in the world to take on and overcome this challenge.
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July2015 / 33
Architectural Auction Party Memphis Heritage Photography by Baxter Buck
Amy & Frank Haley
Amy & Aaron Chestnut
Chuck Ferrell & Patrick O’ Keefe
Mehdi & Bahar Abesi
Just like the treasures up for auction, the Memphis Heritage Architectural Auction is one unique party! This year’s auction was held in the historic Edge District at 320 Monroe Avenue, and lucky bidders took home artifacts and relics, large and small of Memphis’ storied places. The auction opportunity only comes around every two years, but there are plenty of other ways to support and preserve our city’s history - visit memphisheritage.org to get involved.
Pat & Jack Nolan with Charlie Lambert
34 / 4Memphis
Joy Padilla-Anderson, Josh Anderson & Melissa Pope
Deborah Smith, Barbie Clayton, Karen Skahan & Melanie Whitson
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2:17 PM
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July2015 / 35
Emily Edward & Joelle Pittman
Maggie & Sandy McCormick Dawn & Chuck Dalton, Amy & David Brumfield & Katelyn & Ryan Dalton
Germantown Charity Horse Show Photography by Mark O. Ramirez
The 67th Annual Germantown Charity Horse Show was held in early June at their beautiful grounds in Germantown. The 2015 Queen Elizabeth Stagich and a court of Princesses reigned over the week of competitions to benefit the Exchange Club Family Center. For more information about this tradition in the heart of Germantown, visit gchs.org.
Meade & Thomas Carlisle
Ashley & Ben Fant
Burny & Terri Lee Baxter, Ashley Shaw with Amanda & David Shaw
David & Jessica Epting
Isabella, Ricardo & Elizabeth Cervantes 36 / 4Memphis
Stephanie Anderson, MaKenzie White & Mahogany Porter
Holly Walters & Jeremy Duckworth
Marin, Micah & MacKenzie Wark, Alyssa & Aaron Ivy & Chris Wark
Lana Estes & Emily Duff
Mary Franklin Williams, Isabella Baldock & Haley Dutch
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2658 Breenwood Ln. Deborah Mays
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6503 Kirby Woods Dr. Denise Ware
$389,000 312-2943
5238 N. Lexington Park Cir. Meredith McDonald Paul McDonald
6139 Dovecote Ln. Betsy Kelly
$1,599,000 312-2969
129 S. Perkins Rd. Jenny Grehan Mark Duke
$565,000 312-2975 312-2972
364 S. Front St. Barbara Cowles
6654 Forest Grove Charlotte Lyles
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4807 Fleetview Ave. Worth Jones
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211 Alexander St. Betsy Kelly
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$380,000 312-2940 312-2957
$1,100,000 312-2979
$287,500 312-2969
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50 Grove Creek Pl. Denise Ware William Ware
$469,000 312-2943 435-9015
1967 Horseshoe Cir. Joel Hobson
$485,000 312-2929
441 N. River Oaks Cv. Jenny Grehan
585 S. Greer St. #501 Jenny Grehan
$225,000 312-2975
1585 N. Pisgah Rd. Meredith McDonald Paul McDonald
$840,000 312-2940 312-2957
7656 Fairway Forest Pl. Denise Ware William Ware
$305,000 312-2943 435-9015
655 Riverside Dr. #604B Meredith McDonald Paul McDonald
$129,000 312-2940 312-2957
6077 River Oaks Rd. Michelle Koeppen
$799,000 261-7001
57 N. Cherry Ln. Betsy Kelly
$599,000 312-2969
60 Stirling Cv. Mary Ruleman
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5885 Garden River Cv. Jeanene Lawhead
$1,350,000 312-2975
$1,900,000 435-9016
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Children’s Charities Check Presentation Carnival Memphis Photography by Mark O. Ramirez The “Party With A Purpose,” otherwise known as Carnival Memphis, presented a record $125,000 to the 2015 Children’s Charities at a recent reception at the Pink Palace. This year’s recipients were the Madonna Learning Center, Peer Power Foundation, and Red Zone Ministries. Congratulations to all - hip hip hooray!
Carnival Queen Lockie Dearman, Ed Galfsky, King John Bobango & President Rob Johnston present the Charities Check to the Charities: Madonna Learning Center, Peer Power Foundation & Red Zone
Mary Lauren & King John Bobango
Matt Brinner with Osiris Queen Peyton Halle
Missy Green, Marilyn Ray, Elizabeth Williamson & Christina Roberts
Carnival Princesses Katie Buckmaster, Shelton Wittenberg, Margo Gronauer, Natalie Proctor, Nancy McFadden, Sarah Williamson, Tempe Ray & Lyda Turley 40 / 4Memphis
t i m e l e s s
i n d i v i d u a l
s t y l e
Summer sale now in progress! Carol Peretz Trunk Show August 20-22 Sympli Trunk Show August 27-29
the shops of chickasaw oaks / 3092 poplar ave. 901.452.2323 / kittiekyle.com
F(L)ASH BACK Photographer: Lindsey Lissau // Styling, Creative Director: Stephanie Beliles Model: Aviana from Colors // Hair: Tiffany Wilson // Makeup: Tiffany Bishop Lighting Assistant: Cady Herring // Assistant 1: Katie Breyer Assistant 2: McKendree Walker // Junior Assistant: Sienna Lightman
Memphis’ historic Overton Square celebrated its 45th anniversary this summer, and we saw this as a great opportunity to feature the updated area as a backdrop to nostalgic fashion. Many have flashbacks to the famous TGI Friday’s, Bombay Bicycle Club, and Lafayette’s. Now, a new generation of fun-seekers look no further than their parents’ old stomping grounds in Overton Square, albeit with some new hangouts and a few face lifts. 70s-inspired looks are all over the racks as well as the glossies this summer, and “The Square” is the perfect setting for a fash(ion)back into an era of big hair, bell sleeves, jumpsuits and fun! 4Memphis would also like to thank Sunrise Buick, Chuck Hutton Toyota and Gossett Porsche for adding even more va-va-vroom to our looks.
Trousers, Blouse // Kittie Kyle Bag // Peridot Shoes // Sorelle Boutique
42 / 4Memphis
July2015 / 43
Top // Peridot Trousers // Heather Boutique & Spa Bag // Oak Hall Dealership // Chuck Hutton Toyota Car // Toyota Avalon
44 / 4Memphis
July2015 / 45
Dress // Oak Hall Shoes // Lavish Necklace // Lavish Dealership // Sunrise Buick Car // Buick Enclave
46 / 4Memphis
July2015 / 47
Jumpsuit // Kittie Kyle
48 / 4Memphis
Bracelet // Peridot
Bag // Lavish
Shoes // Sorelle Boutique
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July2015 / 49 6/5/2015 12:31:30 PM
Roundhouse Revival Photography by Mark O. Ramirez
The Mid-South Coliseum holds lots of memories, from first concerts to high school graduations to Monday night wrestling matches. On Saturday of the long Memorial Day weekend, fans, supporters, and curiosity seekers showed their support at the Roundhouse Revival. The highlight of the day was a match with Jerry “The King” Lawler and “Superstar” Bill Dundee taking on, and defeating, black-clad bad guys. The “previtalization” event was a day for imagining what more this storied place can have in Memphis history. For more information on these efforts, visit coliseumcoalition.org.
June West, Charlie Lambert & Mark Bieber
John Minervini & Bruce VanWyngarden
Stuart Thompson & Hanna McCarthy
Roller Girls- Chole Exeme & Naudia “Ice” Vanelli
Mike McCarthy & Chooch Pickard
Dan Westmorland & Becky Earnest
Elissa Todd & Roman Darker
Mike Seebeck & Chloe O’Hearn
Franklin, Liz & Victoria Adams
Memphis Cardiology and Vein Center was voted among the best heart and vein clinics by the Commercial Appeal
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6005 Park Ave., Suite 225-B • Memphis, TN 38119 901-767-6765 • memphisvein.com 50 / 4Memphis
Feast On the Farm
Katherine & Trey Knight
Photography by Mark O. Ramirez
Kim Wilkinson & Kim Williamson
Alicia & Chris Teeter
The Agricenter International is known for farm-fresh foods, and on June 5th they hosted a Feast on the Farm, A Farm to Table Tasting Event. The delicious soiree supported the Agricenter’s education programs to grow our next generation of farmers, engineers, and scientists. Learn about the research, farm, and more at agricenter.org.
Martha Hollis & James Cook
Terry Reeves, Denise Gore & Carter Beard
Bartlett Bee Whisperer David Glover
Meg & Harry Howarth with Claire Wilson
Michelle Stubbs & John Adams
Will Hickman & Erling Jensen
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July2015 / 51
Bryan Hayes A Veteran Singer-Songwriter by Sandi Butler Hughes | Photographs by Danny Day
Kelley Mickwee with Bryan Hayes
Real life can sometimes get in the way of creative pursuits, and that is certainly the case for singer-songwriter Bryan Hayes. Not only is he a musician with numerous successes, he is also a military veteran, and it was his service to the USA that sidelined his career for a couple of years. Deployment may have stalled his pursuits, but Bryan came back with a deeper perspective that he shares in his latest album Still Just a Man...10 Years Later. “There was a two-year window in 2009-10 when I was deployed to Iraq and I had to put the guitar in the closet. I was either at Fort Benning, Georgia training or in Iraq,” Bryan said. As you might imagine, the experience influenced his art. The subject matter in his writing now has more depth than before he was called to active duty. “I touch on God and politics a bit in this record.” Bryan admires the honesty in the songs of John Prine and Guy Clark, and he brought that same openness to his post-service writing and performances. “Sometimes that’s a tough row to hoe when you’re playing a lot of the smaller clubs like I do, but my songwriting heroes did the same thing. They were always open and honest, and I loved that about them,” he shares. With these new, more candid songs, Bryan’s faith is also on display. “I have always admired the fact that Billy Joe Shaver has the courage to sing about Christ in bars and clubs. I actually got to open for him in late 2014 and I thanked him for that.” When he’s not writing or touring, Bryan is a producer and engineer at Farmhouse Recording Studio in Moscow, TN. The studio offers a relaxed, rural destination experience for indie musicians creating a record. It’s far enough from the big
52 / 4Memphis
city to seem worlds away. A change of scenery and reasonable rates make Farmhouse an ideal choice for musicians. Plus, how many other recording studios can tout both top-notch equipment and an on-site fishing hole? If you want to experience Farmhouse, but don’t have a song to record, head up Highway 57 to Moscow for the next Live at Farmhouse Studio event on Sunday, September 13. It’s a blend of an old fashioned pot-luck and songwriter night at the Bluebird Cafe. The family-friendly afternoon is BYOB and BYOD (dish to share). With horseshoes and live music, well, it just can’t get any more Americana than that. As for Bryan, he has a busy schedule traveling coast-to-coast, playing his songs that reveal his heart and his passion for music. “As the military tour started winding down, I picked up the guitar again in Mosul, Iraq and started writing again and reconnecting with music and realized how much I love and missed songwriting.” First with a tour in Iraq and now a USA tour for his newest record, Bryan Hayes’ art certainly imitates life.
INSIGHTFUL TIPS FOR SENSIBLE AGING Join us at Town Village Audubon Park Friday, July 10th 9:00 – 10:00 am ENSURING A HEALTHY, HAPPY, & SAFE SUMMER FOR YOUR LOVED ONES Hear from Jennifer French, PT, MHA, Therapy Coordinator, & Brooke Ward, MOT, OTL, Ancillary Services Manager Friday, August 14th 9:00 – 10:00 am SENIOR LIVING OPTIONS: THE RIGHT CHOICES FOR YOU Independent Living? Assisted Living? Skilled Nursing Care? Join Michelle Welling, Marketing Director, at Town Village Audubon Park; Amy Leake, Director of Sales & Marketing, at Carriage Court; Mandi Burns, Director of Marketing & Admissions, at Christian Care Center of Memphis. ENJOY A LIGHT BREAKFAST WITH US! For more information or to RSVP, contact us at (901) 537-0002
950 Cherry Road • Memphis, TN 38117 www.TownVillageAudubonPark.com
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4 Memphis.Ad.4.17.15.indd 1
4/17/2015 10:10:06 AM
Presented by Kirby Wines and Liquors & Chef Chair Ryan Trimm of Sweet Grass Tower Center 5100 Poplar Avenue, 33rd Floor
Sunday • July 19, 2015 • 6:30 pm Tickets $100
Please join us for an evening of culinary and wine delights to benefit Special Olympics Greater Memphis. Guests will mingle between tasting tables prepared by Memphis' top chefs and enjoy fine wines selected to complement the cuisine.
Ben Smith – Tsunami Daniel Studdard – Tower Center/Wade & Company Erling Jensen – Erling Jensen Felicia Willett – Felicia Suzanne’s Frost Bake Shop Jeremy Martin – Tuscany Steak House Jody Moyt – Lafayette’s Johnathan Magallanes – Las Tortugas Deli Mexican Keith Bambrick – McEwen’s Lance Morton – Owen Brennan’s Ryan Trimm – Sweet Grass Tim Bednarski – Elwood's Shack Music by Ed Finney & Bob Buckley
For ticket information, call (901) 683-1271 or go to www.specialolympicsmem.org 54 / 4Memphis
Side Noteables Photography by Bill Carrier
Summertime means grilling time in Memphis, and we have you covered on some fresh twists on old standbys to accompany your favorite grilling dishes!
Hard Rock Café
Onion Ring Tower 2 yellow onions 1 c white flour 2 c Japanese panko bread crumbs
2 eggs 3 oz milk
Cut onions half inch in diameter then place in ice water bath for thirty minutes before breading. Set up a breading station by placing the flour, egg wash and bread crumbs into three separate containers right next to one another on a large work table. Remove onions from ice water. Shake off any excess water. Place into the flour and coat evenly. Shake off any excess flour. Place floured rings into egg wash and coat well. Remove from egg wash and let the excess egg wash drain off. Place into panko bread crumbs and coat evenly. Shake off excess. Place the breaded onion rings onto lined sheet trays in a single layer. Individually place onion rings into a 325° fryer for 2 ½ to 3 minutes or until golden brown in color. Remove from fryer and drain off excess grease. Serve with your favorite dipping sauce!
July 2015 / 55
Owen Brennan’s
Blackberry Barbeque Sauce
& Herb Grilled Vegetables
We prepared these accompaniments with a delicious pork chop Blackberry Barbeque Sauce: 1/4 c fresh blackberries 1/2 tsp Dijon mustard 1/2 c ketchup 1 Tbl red wine vinegar 2 Tbl brown sugar 2 Tbl blackberry preserves 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper 2 Tbl light corn syrup Combine in a saucepan all the ingredients except for the blackberries until sugar is dissolved and the mixture is smooth. Break up (do not mash) blackberries and stir them in. Remove from heat. Grilled Vegetables 1 red bell pepper 1 green bell pepper 1 zucchini 1 yellow squash Pinch fresh thyme, chopped
Pinch fresh oregano, chopped Pinch fresh parsley, chopped 2 Tbl extra virgin olive oil Salt and pepper to taste
Dice the peppers and the squash into bite size pieces (1”x1”) and place in a mixing bowl. Add herbs and toss until well blended. Grill on both sides for 3-4 minutes (until char marks appear). Add salt and pepper and enjoy.
Napa Café
New Potato and Vegetable Char 2 c new potatoes 3 fresh rosemary sprigs 2 freshly peeled garlic cloves 1 c each summer squash
1 c zucchini 1 c red onion 1 c red bell pepper
Drizzle potatoes with olive oil and toss in salt, pepper and garlic. Roast potatoes until tender with rosemary sprigs. Set aside. Cut squash, zucchini, bell pepper and onion into similar sized pieces. Grill until charred then flip and repeat. Finish vegetables with olive oil drizzle and artisan salt. Serve with chicken skewers or your favorite grilled dish and enjoy!
56 / 4Memphis
Erling Jensen’s
Oyster Mushroom Tempura & Lamb Stuffed Red Bell Peppers
For the Tempura Mushrooms 2 c oyster mushrooms 1 ½ c soda water 1 c all-purpose flour Salt and Ground White Pepper 1 Tbl tapioca starch to taste Soak oyster mushrooms in tempura batter until well-coated. Place in hot oil until golden brown. Set aside. For the Lamb Stuffed Peppers 4 red bell peppers 2 Tbl roasted garlic 1 lb ground lamb 2 Tbl shallots 1 c risotto, partially cooked Sauté ground lamb and partially cooked risotto. Add roasted garlic and Shallot. Allow the mixture to cool and place inside red bell pepper once the seeds have been removed. Place peppers on grill over medium-high heat and cover. Roast peppers until they begin to soften.
Itta Bena
Mint & Tomato Salad 1 cup cherry tomato, sliced ½ c red onion, chopped ½ c white wine vinegar 2 Tbl honey ½ Tbl cumin
½ Tbl fresh minced garlic 1 tsp oregano Salt and pepper to taste 3 sprigs fresh mint
Cut tomatoes and onion and put in a mixing bowl. In a separate bowl, whisk vinegar, honey and cumin. Toss in the tomato and vegetables, adding in the herbs. Add mint and then salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy!
July2015 / 57
Salud! Cooking School at Whole Foods
Watermelon, Strawberry, Basil & Feta Salad 1 personal seedless watermelon 1 lb strawberries, hulled and halved ¼ c fresh basil, chiffonade
4 oz feta cheese, crumbled Cracked black pepper, to taste Olive oil (optional)
Peel and cut the watermelon into large bite size pieces. In a large serving bowl combine watermelon, strawberries, basil, feta and cracked black pepper. Drizzle with olive oil, if desired.
Folk’s Folly
Homemade Potato Chips 2 Russet Potatoes Oil Kosher Salt Heat in large pan till it reaches 350 degrees. Using a knife or mandolin, slice potatoes to roughly the thickness of a dime. Place eight to ten slices into the hot oil and cook till golden brown and crisp, 3-4 minutes. Remove from oil and place on paper towels to drain excess oil off chips. When all chips are finished and dry, place into a mixing bowl. Salt to taste and toss the chips to evenly distribute. Or you can just stop by Humphrey’s Memphis and pick up a bag.
58 / 4Memphis
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Rose, Mary, Caroline Parker, Maribeth & Kevan Kirkpatrick & Eddie Parker
Dave, John & Colin Thompson
Sunset Symphony
Grand Finale Memphis in May International Festival Photography by Mark O. Ramirez
Eric & Kaitlyn Butze, Marty Huggins, Peggy & Michael Butze
Doug Wright, Grant Ray, Darin Sloan & Ryan Spickard Mikey, Christie & Maddy Miller Amelia, Mandy, Mason & Drew Patrick
Harper Ann, Holt, Jane Cannon, Sayward & Jonathan Fortner
60 / 4Memphis
Alanna & Bo Brooksbank
Shea Wingate & Alex Rider
McKenzie, Bennett, Skylar Rose & Mindy Lebowitz
Bob & Donna Buckner
Alan & Amber Hobson
Blair Dyer, Nikki Williams, Brooke Dyer & Zoe Bebout
Elisabeth, John, Lori & R.J. Cahoon
Tamara Parrish & Ashley Mahone
Carley Pass & Kim Marsh
Saprena Curry & Andrew Macomber
Dustin Zimmerman, Justin Cates, Baker Gross, Quitman Deloach & Tom Clifton
July2015 / 61
4MUSIC Tony “TC” Coleman
B.B. King Homegoing on Beale Street
John Nemeth, with Johnny Rhoades on guitar Matt Isbell, lead singer of Ghost Town Blues Band
Photography by James Wessels | @RockMemphisLive
Preston Shannon Keb’ Mo
The blues was bleeding the same blood as me.
–B. B. King
“Lucille” led the processional. (Now on display at the Blues Hall of Fame) B.B. King All Stars 62 / 4Memphis
Bobby Rush
July2015 / 63
AutoZone Liberty Bowl Announcement Event Photography by Mark O. Ramirez
The 57th AutoZone Liberty Bowl kicks off January 2, 2016, but the pre-game fun got started with an announcement party for the schedule of the week-long festivities. From a pep rally on Beale Street to the elegant President’s Gala, Memphians are ready to roll out the red carpet for football fans. Keep up with all the game excitement at libertybowl.org.
Kim Brukardt & Mary Knox
Stan Little & Meredith McDonald
Leigh Shockey & Beth Flanagan
John Barzizza & Patrick Demere
Lerico Mathis, Joe Doss & Michael Reynolds 64 / 4Memphis
Pat Caldwell & Janice Bomar
Melissa Todd & Meredith Taylor
Ron Wong & Pam Kimery
Steve Ehrhart, Hemmy Patel, Dave Woloshin & Harold Graeter
The Scout Guide Memphis Volume Two Launch Party Photography by Mark O. Ramirez The Scout Guide Memphis hosted a Launch Party in late May to celebrate the beautiful second volume. Editor Muffy Turley held the evening festivities at Propcellar, the vintage party rental spot on Summer Avenue, and it was the ideal setting for members and friends to toast TSG Two! The Scout Guide is a city guide that promotes local, independent businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit memphis.tennessee.thescoutguide. com for scouting the best of local Memphis.
Mary Helen McCoy, Don Scott & Michel Allen Skaggs
SUMMER SALE Bruce & Janie Hopkins
Michael & Muffy Turley
25-75% OFF!
Proctor Pitts, Ginger Gregory & Ce Ce Turley
6300 Poplar at Massey 761-4430 sorelleboutiquememphis.com Corey Bush with Chef Michael Daumais
Michael & James Turley July2015 / 65
Booksellers at Laurelwood Staff Picks Check out these great selections from our friends at The Booksellers at Laurelwood. All of these will be discounted at 10% off the list price or 20% off for Gives Back members.
A Head Full of Ghosts Paul Tremblay | $25.99 A chilling thriller that brilliantly blends domestic drama, psychological suspense, and a touch of modern horror, reminiscent of Mark Z. Danielewski’s House of Leaves, John Ajvide Lindqvist’s Let the Right One In, and Shirley Jackson’s The Haunting of Hill House.
Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics Richard H. Thaler | $27.95
By Jamie Kornegay Reviewed by Kevin Dean, Executive Director, Literacy Mid-South In my travels to visit family in the Mississippi Delta, I chanced upon Turnrow Books in downtown Greenwood a few years ago. Being a city boy, the bookstore was my haven in a small, sleepy country town that didn’t have much to offer me other than some beautiful sunsets and amazing potato salad. After becoming a fan of Turnrow, I was excited to see Jamie Kornegay, the owner, had published his first novel. Considering the quaint and quirky atmosphere that Greenwood has (like most Mississippi towns do), I already understood that the book would be as strange and compelling as the city where his bookstore resides. Soil, Kornegay’s debut novel, is as darkly Southern Gothic as it is humorous. With shades of Faulkner and McCarthy, Soil captures the disturbing and eccentric world underneath the placidity of rural Southern towns. When Jay Mize, an idealistic scientist from Memphis, moves his family to the country to build a sustainable farm, he is immediately plagued by failure. His crops die, his wife leaves him, and his apocalyptic visions give way to an onslaught of paranoia. His psychosis spirals deeper when he finds a decomposing body floating in a pond on his land, and he convinces himself that he must destroy evidence of the body or be framed for the person’s murder. The slow burn of the first few chapters gives way to quite the page turner as the character’s actions grow more and more desperate. Disposing of a body, Kornegay’s book reassures, isn’t so easy, especially with a vulturous cop, a nosey stoner neighbor, and a concerned estranged wife. The book builds to a climactic ending that helped me lose an entire night of housework because I couldn’t put the book down. Kornegay is able to capture a scene with a masterful hand. Each chapter is one haunting scene after the next, and you sympathize with the characters even when they are spiraling into madness and depravity. Evoking a page out of Macbeth, the main character breaks his own nose with a shovel to rid himself of the (possibly imagined) smell of rotting flesh after disposing of the body. In another scene, the lecherous local sheriff’s deputy works to con Mize’s wife into a romance. In another, a lonely wanderer watches a stranger murder his dog in the woods. These moments are captured so brilliantly and stylishly that they could easily transition from book to screen. Think Fargo in the sultry South, and you have a winner. Jamie Kornegay will appear at the Mid-South Book Festival on Saturday, September 12 at Playhouse on the Square. 66 / 4Memphis
Laced with antic stories of Thaler’s spirited battles with the bastions of traditional economic thinking, Misbehaving is a singular look into profound human foibles. When economics meets psychology, the implications for individuals, managers, and policy makers are both profound and entertaining.
The World’s Largest Man: A Memoir Harrison Scott Key | $26.99 The riotous, tender story of a bookish Mississippi boy and his flawed, Bunyanesque father, told with the comic verve of David Sedaris and the deft satire of Mark Twain or Roy Blount, Jr.
The Luckiest Girl Alive Jessica Knoll | $25.00 In a riveting debut novel that reads like Prep meets Gone Girl, a young woman is determined to create the perfect life--husband, home, and career--until a violent incident from her past threatens to unravel everything and expose her most shocking secret of all.
Second Life S. J. Watson | $26.99 From the New York Times bestselling author of Before I Go to Sleep, a sensational new psychological thriller about a woman with a secret identity that threatens to destroy her.
The Rocks Peter Nichols | $27.95 Centered around a popular seaside resort club and its community, The Rocks is a double love story that begins with a mystery, then moves backward in time, era by era, to unravel what really happened decades earlier.
Getting Married? Start married life right
Start here: MAKING MARRIAGE MAKE SENSE Making Marriage Make Sense has helped hundreds of seriously dating, engaged and newly married couples start married life right. MMMS is a radical new approach to pre-marriage counseling for Memphis. Don’t just plan a wedding, PREPARE for marriage. For details and registration for our Fall 2015 course go to MemphisMarriages.org
Celebrating Marriage Share your engagement & wedding photos in 4Memphis. Contact sandi@4memphis.com for submission guidelines.
Nichole Wheeler & Spencer Dunivan May 16, 2015 | Wedding Ceremony: First Baptist Church Wedding Reception: The Atrium in Overton Square Photographer: Shivley Photography | Florist: Barb Keith Caterer: Just Catering/Just for Lunch | Make-up: Tiffany Bishop
Camille Casey & Matthew Campbell September 12, 2015 | Ceremony: Independent Presbyterian Church Reception: The Columns | Wedding Planner: Mona Dunlap Photographer: Lindsey Lissau
Emily Capadalis & Tom Love Jan 31, 2015 | Wedding: Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church Reception: Chickasaw Country Club Photogrpahy & Video: Creation Studios - photo/video Florist: The Garden District
Kristin Jones & Jonathan Bramlett August 23, 2014 | Wedding & Reception Location: Davies Manor Plantation Photographer: Elizabeth Looney Photography
68 / 4Memphis
A picture is worth a thousand words But a test drive will leave you speechless.
I-55 @ Shelby Dr. | 4601 Hutton Way | 901-345-3200 | chuckhuttontoyota.com
The members of The Suburban Garden Club of Germantown recently celebrated their 85th Anniversary by reaching back to the club’s founding year of 1930. Chairmen Dannie Lorentz , Kay Kelsey, and Nancy Klepper - along with their Bearcat Committee - created the Suburban Speakeasy at the home of “Luscious Louise” Barousse and her husband Clark. The password “Daylily” gained entrance into the world of The Great Gatsby. Women dressed in feathers and dangling necklaces sipped giggle water along with the gentlemen guests who sported bow ties. Suburban’s historic time travel proved to be the bee’s knees.
Maida Pearson Smith & Maida Pearson Clifton
Louise Barousse & Jane Sorsby
Suburban Garden Club Celebrates 85th Anniversary with a 1930 Speakeasy
Plum Nobles & Lucy Wilkinson
MPACF Catch A Cop Memorial 6K The Memphis Police Association Charitable Foundation held the 2nd Annual Catch A Cop Memorial 6K race in mid-May in Overton Park. The race was held to honor the lives of fallen police officers. The mission of the MPACF is to aid, serve and deliver hope to our Memphis community. If you would like to learn more about the organization and how you can be a Friend of the MPACF, visit mpagivesback.org.
Kelly Bowen
Miller Melton
Sandy Sherman
Show of Support at Bella Vita Bella Vita hosted their fourth annual Show of Support benefitting Regional One Health this year, as the owner, Stephanie Singley, remembers just how beautiful, and fragile, life can be. The Show of Support began after Singley’s mom, Laurie, suffered life-threatening injuries in 2011 as the result of a freak accident. Now the annual fundraiser raises support for Regional One and Hospital Wing, which the family credits with saving Laurie’s life. This year’s event featured a drawings for original works of art from area artists donated for this special night. It was a wonderful event for celebrating life and the medical resources in Memphis.
Vicki Taylor & Kailynne Taylor
Eye Specialty Group Collierville Grand Opening For over 45 years, the Eye Specialty Group has provided the finest in vision care to patients in Memphis and the Mid-South. To better serve their clients, they recently opened a new office in Collierville. The beautiful, state-of-the-art facility is located at 1458 W. Poplar Avenue and will continue their tradition of medical excellence in this new office.
April McDowell, Laurie Losowith & Holly Linder
Stephanie Singley, Kathryn Sellenriek, Laura Smith, Jennifer Willits, & Jaci Simpson
Dr. Andrew Krauss, Dr. Subba Gollamudi, Jana Jones & Dr. Anne Rowland
Caroline O’ Hearn, Lyndsey Drotar, Amanda Densford & Cynthia Sharp
Heather & Anne Moffatt, Carolyn Huddleston, Kristy Robertson & Edye Mader
Vicki Denaburg with Chris & Sami Weymouth
Andrea Davis & Cecilia Schofield
Ken Hall, Dr. Anne Rowland & Olivia Buffington
70 / 4Memphis
The Collierville Chamber of Commerce recently held a ribbon cutting for the Skybox Grill & Bar. The Skybox is a unique gastropub with great food and a sports bar combined into one great location. It is located at 2140 W. Poplar Avenue, and the giant tv’s are always tuned to local sports from the Grizz to Redbirds.
The Skybox Grill & Bar Ribbon Cutting
Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce Events The Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce recently hosted a luncheon at Club Windward on Canada Road. The guest speaker for the event was Andy Wise, WMCTV5 investigative reporter who shared many “scoops” with luncheon attendees. The Chamber also held their annual Chamber Classic Golf Tournament at Stonebridge Golf Club. The weather cooperated as the golfers played for fun and cash prizes. For information on the Lakeland Chamber and upcoming events, visit mylakelandchamber.org.
Ron Sellers & Dr. Phil Hathcote
Hayden Houston, Lauren Houston & Gene Torrey
Pictured cutting the ribbon is John Cunningham (owner), Brennan Cunningham, Caitlin Cunningham, Jillian Cunningham, Joanie Cunningham and Patrick Peavy (owner). Also pictured are fellow staff members, Chamber Board Members and Ambassadors. Visit www.theskyboxgrilltn.com for more information.
A Day of Merrymaking The third annual Day of Merrymaking was held at the Greensward at Overton Park, and the free family festival was filled with music, a water slide, even hot air balloon floats above the park. And the best part of the festival? The attendance doubled from last year meaning more people came out to enjoy the heart of Midtown Memphis! Show your support for our beloved Overton Park by becoming a member or a volunteer - visit overtonpark.org.
Trip Slappey & Paul Partridge
Jason Harvill, Jane Garrett & Rockin’ Robin
Go Red For Women Luncheon American Heart Association
The 12th Annual Go Red For Women Luncheon was held in early June at The Great Hall in Germantown. It was a “hearty” afternoon with many women wearing their best red frocks to support the luncheon theme. Go Red For Women is the American Heart Association’s movement to raise awareness and advocate for more research so that women can live longer healthier lives, free from heart disease and stroke. For heart healthy information, news, recipes, or to share your story, visit GoRedForWomen.org.
Lucia Gilliland, Tina Sullivan & George Cates
Tiffany Ford, Melanie Pafford, Allison Hatfield & Lisa Olehamm
Holly Ford, Robert Burns & Anita Vaughn
Phyllis Fair, Tara Cage & Arika Payne
Zach & Meghann Kirk with Ann Terry
Courteny Ratts, Lil Dontae, Aman Campbell & Brandon Johnson
Patty Anderson, Sue Perrin, Micky Clippard, Michelle Connors & Carol Duffy
Dr. Purvisha Patel & Anne Muller
July2015 / 71
Mark Leseman & Jennifer Jordan
Paws for a Cause featured pet adoption by agencies including Real Good Dog Rescue, the Fayette County Animal Shelter, and more. The Shops of Saddle Creek hosted the fundraising and adoption event. It was fun for dog lovers and their furry friends with games and prizes. The pups also were treated to a pampering Celebrity Pet Wash for a donation!
Domino with Jackie Sparks
72 / 4Memphis
Victoria Knowles with Austin & J.D. Martin
Heather, Brooke, Robert, Missy & Laila Scoggins
Paragon Bank recently celebrated their dedicated team of employees with a week of special treats and activities. As a part of the Employee Appreciation Week, the group from all locations had the chance to visit and tour the National Civil Rights Museum. It was a great chance for everyone to visit with their co-workers and experience the museum.
Andy Taylor, Alex & Tracey Thesmar, Linda Honnoll
Brooke Hamilton & LeAnne McQuown
Paws for a Cause Pet Adoption
Paragon Bank Employee Appreciation Week
Niki Henry, Rhance Henry, Mary Jackson, Nicholas Henry
Pat Halloran, Ed Parramore, Fred Edmaiston & Steve Conley
Ken Dixon, Charlie Hill, Susan Hill & Phillip Gould
Barney with Chris Nash
The 14th Annual Ken Sossaman Memorial Golf Tournament was held on Friday, June 5th at Mirimichi Golf Course. The morning flights and the afternoon flights of golfers were remembering the legacy of the beloved Memphis advertising executive while enjoying the play at one of the best courses in the Southeast. Ken had served as a member of the Orpheum Theatre’s Board of Directors, and the proceeds from the tournament benefit the Orpheum’s Education and Community Programs.
Ken Sossaman Memorial Golf Tournament
Brittney Rowe & Schaefer Rowe & Marshall Talley
Ryne & Teresa Garner
Sprock ‘n Roll Grand Opening Memphis has a new Party Bike, Sprock ‘n Roll is riding the good times through Midtown. Owner Ashley Coleman hosted a Grand Opening on Friday, June 19th. Guests were treated to a free ride in exchange for a donation made to Le Bonheur Club, Inc., which supports Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. Rolling from Overton Square to Cooper-Young and back, the pedal parties stop at bars, restaurants, and shops, and riders are feted with exclusive specials during the tour. Cheers to 100% pedal-powered fun!
Sprouts Farmer’s Market Opening Celebration When the Sprouts Farmer’s Market opened their doors for business in Lakeland, the community responded with an overwhelming welcome! Community officials and thrilled shoppers strolled the aisles, sampled new products, and had a groceryfueled good time at the celebratory grand opening!
Gene Torrey, Jim Adkinson, Diego Romero, Wyatt Bunker, Ginny Dunn & Stephanie LaFaver
Ericka Barnes, Ben Rossiter, Anita Delashmit & Laurie Moss
Amy LaFaver & Caitlin Watts
Drink A Beer, Save A River Memphis is a river town and also known for some fine brew too. Combine these two and you have the opportunity to Drink A Beer, Save A River. The Wolf River Conservancy teamed up with Ghost River Brewing for a once-a-month effort to support the non-profit with a portion of beer sales to be donated. The next event will be Tuesday, July 14, at Local on the Square. For more information, visit wolfriver.org.
Michele Buring, Leslei Fargotstein, Lisa Levi & Susanne Feinstone
Kelsey Hamilton & Ezra Taylor`
Earle Farrell talks Memphis History with Bill Morris, Former Shelby County Sheriff and Mayor Rachel Hinson with Meredith & Andrew Olinger
Rusty Prudhon, Michael Barzizza & Glenda Hastings
4MEMPHISSHOW Mon-Fri 3-6 pm
Want to be a part of the 4Memphis Show? Contact us at cathy@4Memphis.com July2015 / 73
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