4Memphis | September 2015

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SpiceS It Up for

Love for

Alpha Omega Veteran Services




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Contents SEPTEMBER 2015



24 Rock ‘n Wild Picnic 26 Wine & Dine 28 Spirit of SRVS 40 Simply Delicious Catering Event 43 Science of Wine 48 LYFE Kitchen 50 Sportsball 53 Live at the Garden: ZZ Top 72 Blues on the Bluff 59 Memphis in May Annual Meeting 60 Art Day Funday 62 Art After Dark 63 Spotts Realty 64 Lansky’s on Beale 72 Blues on the Bluff

31 46 56

Memphis Love Challenge: Alpha Omega Just Add Ice Painting Up a Revival

Regulars 41

Fashion: Denim with Spice & Everything Nice 67 Recipes: A Touch of Spice 74 4Art 76 4Music 78 Book Review 80 Celebrating Marriage 83 More4Memphis

Letter From the Publisher Seek the Peace and Prosperity of the City in which I have placed you. Jeremiah 29:7 .‫ יִ ְהיֶ ה לָ כֶ ם ָשלֹום‬,‫לֹומּה‬ ָ ‫ כִ י ִב ְש‬:‫יְ הוָ ה‬-‫ ֶאל‬,‫ וְ ִה ְת ַפלְ לּו ַבעֲ ָדּה‬,‫ ֲא ֶשר ִהגְ לֵ ִיתי ֶא ְתכֶ ם ָש ָמה‬,‫שלֹום ָהעִ יר‬-‫ת‬ ְ ‫ז וְ ִד ְרׁשּו ֶא‬ ‫יִ ְר ְמיָ הּו‬

22 Each Day and the Country is Silent Nehemiah 5:4-5, 11-12 We have had to borrow money to pay the king’s taxes on our fields and vineyard. 5 Although we are of the same flesh and blood as our countrymen and though our sons are as good as theirs, yet we have to subject our sons and daughters to slavery... 11 Give back to them immediately their fields, vineyards, olive groves and houses, and also the usury you are charging them. 12 “We will give it back,” they said. “And we will not demand anything more from them.”

5, in which he had to change and govern Judah according to the laws of God and not the traditions and economic system of Persia.


‫ ּוכ ְרָ מֵינּו‬,‫ש ֹדתֵינּו‬ ְׂ ,‫מלְֶך‬ ֶּ ‫ה‬ ַ ‫מ ַדּת‬ ִ ְ‫ לָו ִינּו כֶסֶף ל‬,‫אמְרִ ים‬ ֹ ‫שר‬ ֶ ׁ‫א‬ ֲ ‫וְי ֵׁש‬ ‫ד‬. ‫שים אֶת‬ ִ ׁ‫ב‬ ְ ‫בּנ ֵינּו; וְהִנ ֵּה אֲנַחְנּו ֹכ‬ ָ ,‫ ּכ ִבְנ ֵיהֶם‬,‫שׂרֵ נּו‬ ָ ‫ב‬ ְּ ‫שׂר אַחֵינּו‬ ַ ‫ב‬ ְ ִ ‫ ּכ‬,‫תּה‬ ָ ַ ‫וְע‬ ‫ה‬‫בּׁשֹות וְאֵין לְאֵל יָדֵנּו‬ ָ ְ ‫בנֹתֵינּו נִכ‬ ְּ ‫מ‬ ִ ‫ וְי ֵׁש‬,‫בדִים‬ ָ ֲ ‫בנֹתֵינּו לַע‬ ְּ -‫בּנ ֵינּו וְאֶת‬ ָ , ‫אחֵרִ ים‬ ֲ ַ‫ ל‬,‫ש ֹדתֵינּו ּוכ ְרָ מֵינּו‬ ְׂ ‫ּו‬. ‫תּיהֶם‬ ֵ ‫ב‬ ָ ‫ש ֹדתֵיהֶם כַּרְ מֵיהֶם ז ֵיתֵיהֶם—ּו‬ ְׂ ,‫שיבּו נ ָא לָהֶם ּכ ְהַּיֹום‬ ִ ׁ‫ה‬ ָ ‫יא‬ ‫בהֶם‬ ָּ ‫שים‬ ִ ׁ ֹ‫תּם נ‬ ֶ ַ‫שר א‬ ֶ ׁ‫א‬ ֲ ,‫תּירֹוׁש וְהַיִּצְהָר‬ ִ ‫ה‬ ַ ‫דג ָן‬ ָּ ‫ה‬ ַ ְ ‫ה ּכ ֶסֶף ו‬ ַ ‫מאַת‬ ְ ‫ּו‬. ‫תּה אֹומֵר‬ ָ ַ‫שר א‬ ֶ ׁ‫א‬ ֲ ַ ‫ ּכ‬,‫שׂה‬ ֶ ֲ ‫כֵּן נַע‬--‫ב ֵקּׁש‬ ַ ְ ‫מהֶם ל ֹא נ‬ ֵ ‫ ּו‬,‫שיב‬ ִ ָ ׁ ‫ו ַ ֹיּאמְרּו נ‬ ‫;יב‬ ‫דבָר הַז ֶּה‬ ּ ָ ַ ‫ לַע ֲׂשֹות ּכ‬,‫בּיע ֵם‬ ִ ‫ש‬ ְ ׁ ַ‫ וָא‬,‫ה ֹּכהֲנ ִים‬ ַ -‫ אֶת‬,‫וָאֶקְרָ א‬.

The month’s Memphis Love Challenge is an organization that helps our country’s veterans overcome the tremendous consequences of their services. Alpha Omega Veteran Services assists military veterans with reintegrating them into society after achieving recovery and rehabilitation from debilitating mental and physical conditions. This war that the United States has fought these past 14 years has been like no other in our history. It has lasted at least three times longer than any other and has misled us on the price our servicemen are paying because of the relatively few battlefield deaths. Our country is largely unaware of the price being paid by our servicemen and servicewomen and their families.

Nehemiah was truly one of the great leaders of history not because of his tremendous accomplishments, but because of his ability to humble himself and change the direction of his leadership upon realizing the harm his policies had created. Nehemiah was a distinguished and trust official in the Persian government of Artaxerxes, King of Persia. Jerusalem had been under Babylonian and then Persian rule for more than 150 years, the city was in ruins, and the people were captives to the Empires Kings.

22 to 23 veterans commit suicide every day in this country. The parallels to poor of Judah and our country’s veterans should be obvious, but I won’t leave it to the obvious, I want to shout it out! The silence of our country and our failure to care for the needs of this country’s veterans will go down in history as one of the great black marks on the character of our Nation. I pray that like Nehemiah, our leaders will have a change of heart and provide the necessary funding to help our Veterans have the tools to help them rebuild their lives.

Nehemiah despite being a captive Jew became a valued and trusted member of the government and friend of the King, resulting in his appointment as the governor of the Province of Judah and its former capital Jerusalem. Nehemiah is sent to Judah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem thereby restoring the city to its historical role in the area. The re-building of the wall, as difficult a task that was, was easy compared to the tasking of rebuilding the city and recruiting the people to move back into the city. The people were poor; the taxes were high and they felt safer outside the city walls than within them.

Bill O’Reilly of Fox News and Gary Sinise, best known for his role as Lt. Dan in the hit movie Forrest Gump have spoken often and worked hard to raise money for Veterans who have lost their legs. Their efforts help to buy state of the art “All Terrain Wheelchairs” which gives our Veterans maximum mobility and return them, as much as possible, to a productive normal life. I am grateful for the efforts of Alpha Omega Veterans Services and men like Bill O’Reilly and Gary Sinise, but what is wrong with some in the business community or our Leadership in Washington, both Democrat and Republican? Our veterans should not have to wait in line for jobs or for private donations to raise the funds before they can return to work or be supplied with the necessary technology to partially restore what they have lost for us on the battlefield?

Nehemiah and his fellow Nobles were beneficiaries of the rebuilt city and were able to prosper further by lending money to the poor citizens of Judah. They were able to acquire land and slaves by taxing the owners of those lands in the name of the King. This was a normal practice in the Persian Kingdom where Nehemiah had been raised and educated to govern, as was the selling of children into slavery to pay debts. The practice was not allowed by the God of Israel and now that he had rebuilt the Holy City of Jerusalem, he was being convicted to follow the laws of God that had once ruled Jerusalem.



Nehemiah himself was loaning money at usurious rates to his fellow Jews so they could pay the taxes that he himself was imposing on them. God convicted him and his nobles after the outcry from the people recorded in Nehemiah Chapter

Love for

Alpha Omega

Please read Stephanie’s article on page 31 and learn more about this injustice and how we can help. 4Memphis is grateful to the thousands of Veteran MidSoutherners who have served this country and lost so much. We ask for prayer and financial support for the brave men and women and their families! Seek the Peace and Prosperity of Memphis. Jim Walker

About the Cover Him: Shirt: Oak Hall; Trousers; Oak Hall; Her: Sweater: Joseph; Camisole: Joseph; Trouser: Lavish. Photo by Lindsey Lissau

About the TOC Her: Trousers: Kittie Kyle; Bralette: Lori James; Scarf: Kittie Kyle; Shoes: Marmi; Him: Shirt: Oak Hall; Trousers: Oak Hall. Photo by Lindsey Lissau.

22 / 4Memphis

The official private air carrier of 4Memphis

September 2015 Volume V • Number 11 PUBLISHER Jim Walker jim@4memphis.com EDITOR Stephanie Beliles stephanie@4memphis.com MANAGING EDITOR Sandi Butler Hughes sandi@4memphis.com ART DIRECTOR Ben Williams ben@4memphis.com GRAPHIC DESIGN Courtney Searcy ADVERTISING Mark O. Ramirez mark@4memphis.com Cathy Farrell cathy@4memphis.com

We are your chest pain center when seconds count.

Becky Crucifixio becky@4memphis.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Baxter Buck Bill Carrier Lindsey Lissau Mark O. Ramirez James Wessels

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Want to be a part of the 4Memphis Show? Contact us at cathy@4memphis.com September 2015 / 23



Rock ‘n Wild Picnic

Memphis Farmers Market Photography by Baxter Buck While Saturday mornings are market days at the Central Station Pavilion, Saturday, July 25th, the Memphis Farmers Market hosted the Rock ‘n Wild Picnic in the evening. Outstanding local noshes and nibbles plus libations poured in a MFM 10th Anniversary commemorative glass made for tasty, fund-the-farm night. Shop the MFM through October, 7am-1pm, and for more information, visit memphisfarmersmarket.org. Sarah & David Levy with Brian Elms

Caraline Pugh, Amber Pugh & Chloey Pugh

Anna Mary Jordan & Jason Stone

Anne Hotze & Dodi Poole

Shawn & Michelle Sutherland

Allison & Christopher Cook

Katy Langston, Ashley Smith & Frank Langston

Frank & Laura Howell

Andy Mueller & Jake Ingalls

Tracy & Craig Kelly

24 / 4Memphis

Hannah Loewenberg & Tricia Dorian

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Wine & Dine Special Olympics Greater Memphis Photography by Mark O. Ramirez The 5th Annual Wine and Dine was an evening of culinary delights and wine pairings to benefit Special Olympics Greater Memphis. Guests sampled dishes from some of the finest chefs in town including Chef Ben Smith of Tsunami, Chef Daniel Studdard of the Tower Center and Wade & Company, and Chef Lance Morton of Owen Brennan’s, just to name a few. The extensive wine selection was presented by Kirby Wine and Liquors.

Joanna Brown, Lisa Taylor & Julie Miller

Ashley Hinton & Bryant Jackson

Chip & Noel Brown with Melissa Taylor

Dave & Toni Evans

Daniel & Cindy Murray

Scott Elliott with Jan & David Gould

Barbara Standing & Ken Hudson

Bret Rodriguez, Amanda Kirkman & Jim Bruce

More 4 Special Olympics Greater Memphis Special Olympics Greater Memphis provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities at no cost to the roughly 2,500 athletes or their families. To make a donation, visit specialolympicsmem.org.

Blake, Jaquila & Erling Jensen 26 / 4Memphis

Jim & Judy Baker

Damien & Lucrecia Dodson


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Mark Ramirez

Senior Account Executive

mobile: 901.857.0131 office: 901-217-4000 mark@4memphis.com 4memphis.com Call for Advertising Info September 2015 / 27



Spirit of SRVS Photography by Mark O. Ramirez

The 17th Annual Spirit of SRVS was an evening to celebrate people with disabilities supported by SRVS and to raise funds and awareness for their many programs. The premiere auction event was held at the Hilton Memphis, and featured wines from around the world and an array of delectable dishes from area eateries. SRVS is the largest provider of services for individuals with disabilities in West Tennessee, and the Spirit of SRVS is a valuable event that is continuing the programs for these special people in our community.

Cindy Hawthorne & Ann Newell

Susan & David Orabone

Donna & Keith Renard

Holli Ruhl, Lindsey McGehee, Clark Schifani & Abigail Rapp

Chuck & Barbara Strong

Joanie & Michael Lightman

Whitney & Philip Cruzen with Jane & Steve Leatherland

You can make a difference with your donation to SRVS

Russ & Cindy Mire 28 / 4Memphis

Connie Lampen & Laura Fischer

Courtney Steadman & Nate Swearingen

SRVS supports over 1,000 people like Dorothy, an 82-year-old widow who needs assistance caring for her adult daughter with cerebral palsy, and the Hamilton family with a 6-year-old named Sara who has spina bifida and uses a wheelchair. Or Don, a man who has intellectual and developmental disabilities and lives in a SRVS group home, and Sherita, a 56-year-old woman with Down syndrome who has learned new skills and has a job through SRVS employment services. There is a pressing need in the community to provide more options and opportunities for people with disabilities. To learn how you can help and to make a donation, visit srvs.org.


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S H O P T H E FA L L C O L L E C T I O N PHONE 901.761.3580



1 0 - 1 2

Alpha Omega Veterans Services

Matthew Miltun, 101st Airborne 1984-1993

By Stephanie Beliles | Photography by Lindsey Lisseau


ennesseans have watched in horror as several of our military were recently slaughtered: four marines in Chattanooga and a police officer who was an Afghanistan veteran in Memphis. The atrocity of these events has caused outrage among those who deeply appreciate those who serve our country. However, most are not aware of the huge injustice that our veterans face daily, and fellow Americans have that blood on their hands. Research done by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs reveals a startling statistic: the U.S. Armed Forces have lost approximately 5,273 lives on the battle field since 1999; while there have been 128,500 veterans that have committed suicide during this same period. That means a staggering 22 to 23 veterans are killing themselves daily. To paint a more vivid picture, that fact translates into 22 to 23 mostly men (92 percent) taking their own lives because of these most probable causes: PTSD, substance abuse, inability to integrate into civilian society, family readjustment issues, and inability to find work. To assume the government takes adequate measures in reintroducing its military’s men and women to civilian society is a mistake, and there is no denying the overwhelming evidence. In fact, veterans currently using the services at Alpha Omega shared their experiences to further bolster the saddening truth: we are ignoring the cry for help of the men and women that risk their lives for our freedom. Cordell Walker’s office at Alpha Omega Veteran Services is floor-to-ceiling paraphernalia and fanfare of the United States of America and its armed forces. His desk is neat, and it is obvious that he is hyper-organized. He gives a firm handshake and speaks clearly and with precision, like a Chief of Police or highly-decorated commander. It would be easy to assume he is retired military. However, Cordell has no military experience, aside from spending over three decades tending to the wide variety of overlooked needs for our local veterans. As a young man unable to enlist yet watching many of his friends go to war in Vietnam, Cordell witnessed the horror of men whom he knew so well return home as shadows of their former selves. He knew he wanted to make a difference in the lives of the veterans that were affected by the atrocities of war, so he majored in

behavioral psychology and was determined to assist men and women having a hard time post-service. Cordell graduated and found his home in 1988 at the office of the then oneyear-old Alpha Omega Veteran Services. He has been there ever since. Alpha Omega was started by Ola Mae Ransom, a mother who had two sons return from war with PTSD. The idea behind the organization is to give veterans a place to go after getting treatment at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Memphis. Founded in 1987, they were the first non-profit organization specializing in veteran services for homeless veterans in the nation. Since opening their doors, they have assisted over 8,000 local veterans with narcotic and alcohol abuse programming, housing, PTSD counseling, food and wellness, employment, and, most importantly, brotherhood. Located at 1183 Madison Avenue, Alpha Omega Veteran Services is situated closely to where many of the city’s underserved and homeless receive government benefits and non-profit assistance. The harsh reality is that most veterans that need aid from an organization like Alpha Omega because they are homeless. In 2011, a nationwide total of 195,827 homeless veterans slept on the street, in a shelter, or in transitional housing. That number accounts for over 11 percent of our country’s homeless population. Of that group, 45 percent suffer from mental illness, and half have substance abuse problems according to the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. Most substance abuse and mental illness are a result of PTSD, or Post-traumatic stress disorder: a mental health condition that’s triggered by a terrifying event, either experiencing it or witnessing it. The staff at Alpha Omega considers themselves blessed by every soul that seeks their help. The following four local veterans oblige to share their story on behalf of an organization that is making such a positive change in their lives. John Bridgeforth is a U.S. Army Veteran who served on base in Germany from 1980 to 1983. He suffers from PTSD and is a recovering alcoholic and drug abuser. He used drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism for 17 years. The VA hospital placed him at

September 2015 / 31

Matthew Miltun (U.S. Army), Timothy Herrington (U.S. Navy), John Bridgeforth (U.S. Army) & Jerome Williams (U.S. Air Force)

“The U.S. Armed Forces have lost approximately 5,273 lives on the battle field since 1999; while there have been 128,500 veterans that have committed suicide during this same period. That means a staggering 22 to 23 veterans are killing themselves daily.” Alpha Omega in 2005, and he has been clean ever since he started the program. Ten years later, John is now a case manager at Alpha Omega, a job that he finds very rewarding. “I’ve bought a house thanks to Alpha Omega. I owe them everything. And it’s a privilege to give other people that opportunity, too.” Veterans often are not aware that they are suffering from PTSD, and so they self-medicate; that manifests into a serious addiction. Timothy Herrington served in the U.S. Navy during the Gulf War from 1995 to 1999. He suffered from PTSD for many years before becoming aware of something wrong. He found himself homeless and turning to Alpha Omega. Timothy took advantage of the substance abuse meetings at Alpha Omega and appreciates the structure of the programs. “We are people that are used to a military-type structure. So it works.” While the men in this room all served separately, they agree that Hollywood and novels cannot convey the horrors that military men and women see and experience. Some witness mass killings. Some are asked to kill for the first time. Most are told how they will die and the probability of their death that day. However, there can be some comfort to those who expect to be a “career military” man: meaning years serving the military, going up the ranks, and getting a big payout when you are finished serving. Matthew Miltun served in the 101st Airborne Division from 1984 to 1993. After nine years and fast-tracking on the road to being extremely successful career military personnel, Matthew was shot in his shoulder and unceremoniously sent home. He had never planned for college or an alternative career, and the government, after a two week briefing, sent him home to figure it out on his own. Unable to adapt to abrupt civilian life and depression,

32 / 4Memphis

Matthew quickly turned to alcohol and was unable to successfully adjust to his civilian life. He lost his wife, his family, and his home. He has struggled with homelessness for nearly a decade. Unfortunately, his story is quite common. But now, Matthew has found hope. He has been at Alpha Omega for eight weeks as of printing. He can already tell a huge difference and feel a sense of optimism: something he has not experienced in some time. “Being able to walk in a stranger and but knowing we all have seen or experienced similar things is huge.” Sitting beside Matthew is Jerome Williams, who served in the Air Force during Vietnam from 1972 to 1975. He has since become a counselor at Alpha Omega, in addition to an extremely articulate cheerleader for the programming. “We all have different problems but share similar problems, and the programming at Alpha Omega provides the tools for us to easily make that transition.” All of these men (and most experts) agree: the government cannot effectively help our military men and women adjust to civilian life in a two week briefing with little-to-no briefing or follow up. Our service men and women understandably have witnessed unimaginable things. They act as a cog in a well-oiled military machine that has detailed and structured their every minute of every day. Adjusting to the freedoms of civilian life proves to be difficult and even breaking to men and women whom we view as the proud and the strong: in fact, it has been difficult over 128,500 times and counting. Please visit www.alphaomegaveterans.org and donate. It is time we give back to those who have so faithfully served our country. Hooah.

Him: Shirt // Lansky’s Trousers // Lansky’s Boots // Lansky’s

34 / 4Memphis

D E N I M with SPICE & EVERYTHING NI C E Fall fashion in Memphis (and everywhere else) is all about denim. You can dress it up or keep it casual, wear a sleek pair of skinnies, rock a distressed pair to party, or wear denim trousers with a punched-up spicy color or print. The best part about denim? Comfortability, of course! We have rounded up some of our favorite denim looks from Memphis’ top retailers that are perfect for your busy fall schedule. And if you do not believe these looks are functional, check out the dancers from ballet company Collage Dance Collective leaping for joy in some seriously chic looks at the gorgeous rehearsal space in the Halloran Centre for Performing Arts & Education in downtown Memphis.

Her: Shirt // Oak Hall Trousers // Lori James Boots // Lansky’s Vest // Lansky’s Necklaces, Earrings // Lansky’s

Photography // Lindsey Lissau Creative Direction/Styling // Stephanie Beliles Models // Kimberly and Joshua from Collage Dance Collective Hair // Tiffany Wilson Makeup // Tiffany Bishop Assistant // Maria Beliles Junior Models // students of Collage Dance Collective

September 2015 / 35

Shirt // Lori James Trousers // Oak Hall Shoes // Lori James

36 / 4Memphis

Shirt/Sweater // Oak Hall Trousers // Oak Hall Hat // Lansky’s Boots // Marmi

Shirt // Joseph

Trouser // Peridot

Shoes // Marmi September 2015 / 37

Fashion Him: Shirt // Oak Hall Trousers // Oak Hall Her: Shirt // Kittie Kyle Leggings // Lansky’s Necklace // Kittie Kyle Shoes // Joseph

38 / 4Memphis



WOLFCHASE GALLERIA JEWELRYMEMPHISTENNESSEE.COM *Free charm must be of equal or lesser value than $65. In Store Only. Valid at participating retailers. Void where prohibited. Not valid with prior purchase. While supplies last. See store for details. © 2015 Pandora Jewelry, LLC • All rights reserved • PANDORA.NET

September 2015 / 39




Simply Delicious Caterings Event Photography by Mark O. Ramirez

Simply Delicious Caterings hosted a scrumptious tasting event to celebrate their new partnership with REG as their exclusive caterer. It was one of the first events held at the brand new downtown venue, The Riverview, at 89 Front Street. The showcase of new menu items and the sunset over the river made for the perfect party.


Nakeisha Green, Sheila Bradley-Wright & Dana Porter

Molly Fitzpatrick, Tricia Woodman & Mary Molinski



M PPM 0 0 3 3 : : W 88 W O O H H M M,, SS P P 0 0 66::33



Karson Jones & Mallory Strawn

Michael Strickland, Betsy & Ryan McKay, Francesca Gattuso



40 / 4Memphis

Barry & Billie Pelts with Karla Hunter & Andy Shoup

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September 2015 / 41

DIVINE INSPIRATION Bold, unique and inspiring - Sue Layman Designs is all that and more. Local artist Sue Layman Lightman creates contemporary, one-of-a-kind pieces that are the perfect way to brighten up any home or office. Available in a variety of sizes and prices, there is something for everyone at Sue Layman Designs. Go online to view some of Sue's amazing paintings or call the gallery and set up a visit to see her latest creations. Conveniently located in the South Main Historic Arts District, you can find Sue Layman Designs on G.E. Patterson Avenue just east of South Main Street.

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Science of Wine Pink Palace Museum Photography by Mark O. Ramirez

Brandon & Preethi Saint

The adult education series at the Pink Palace Museum was all about the Science of Wine - and having a good time learning something new! “Students,” ages 21 and over of course, enjoyed the numerous fine wines and the science behind the vintages. Hors d’oeuvres from Erling Jensen’s, Restaurant Iris, Whole Foods, Nothing Bundt Cakes and more were the delicious complement to vino. The 43rd Annual Pink Palace Crafts Fair is coming up October 9-11; for more information, visit memphismuseums.org.

Octavia & Michael Ashby

Allen Moser, Tasha Sabino, Zoey Phelps & Kera Bergeron

Tim & Cathy Dalfiume

Erin Douglas & Michelle Brister

Patrick & Kontji Hendricks

Lisa & Todd Barber with Cari & George Baird

Laura Duncan & Michael Zepatos

Angie Smith & Ross Larson

Quin Pegues & Famous Taylo

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Lipotropic Injections, Medically Supervised Weight Loss Programs (Ideal Protein, HCG, Phentermine) September 2015 / 43

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Just Add Ice

Cool Sports Fun at the Mid-South Ice House by Sandi Butler Hughes Photography by Mark Ramirez

Do you want something else to boast about when listing all the great stuff to do in the Memphis area? We have the only public, year-round ice rink in a 250-mile radius! The Mid-South Ice House is a one-of-a-kind place for ice-oriented sports for kids and adults looking for fun, cool recreation. It’s not often said that the closure of an urban shopping mall has a negative impact on amatuer sports, but that was just what happened when the Mall of Memphis and The Ice Chalet closed in 2003. Local hockey players and figure skaters were forced to use the only other ice option available at the DeSoto Civic Center (now the Landers Center). The Riverkings, the minor league professional hockey team got first dibs which meant limited skate time for the amateurs, plus ice was at the Center only during the pro hockey season. The quote “necessity is the mother of invention” certainly applies to the founding of the Mid-South Ice House. Then parents of youth hockey players, and now Ice House owners Al Austin and Jack Rogers knew there was a need in the community, so they set about filling that need. They crafted a business plan, scouted out a central, easily accessible location, and four years ago this month, locals once again had access to ice anytime. Competitive hockey teams from all around the Mid-South are now taking advantage of the facility. Teams from Little Rock, AR, to the west and Jackson, MS, to the South and Dyersburg, TN, to the north are playing on the only NHL regulation size public, year-round arena. And it’s not just for kids. The Ice House hosts adult hockey leagues too. Ole Miss and University of Memphis both have recreational hockey teams, and it was their matchup in 2011 that was the inaugural event for the rink. College sports, even the rec teams, garner 46 / 4Memphis

fanatical support, and that first match brought out over 450 spectators! Even the Mississippi Riverkings utilize the rink during the off-season further emphasizing the importance of having access to an ice rink. If you have ever ice skated, you probably remember it, and now thanks to the Ice House, Mid-South kids and adults have that same opportunity. The day of my visit, with a brutal heat index, a group of kids from a summer daycare program were on the ice. Some were wobbly, some were already pros, and some were using a prop that is similar to a walker but made for gliding around the ice. Like bumpers in bowling, it made the experience fun without the trauma of defeat. For winter Olympic sports fans, curling may be familiar, and the Ice House also hosts leagues for that sport too. Curlers take to the ice in sneakers rather than skates and push a hefty, 44-pound stone to a target at the other end of the ice. If you are familiar tavern shuffleboard on a table with small, metal pucks, it is similar but more physical. And colder - the ice rink stays at about 52 degrees year-round. Because no skating is required, just teamwork, this a very popular outing for corporate groups. Curling, kind of like dodgeball, has caught on with the 20-to-30-somethings looking for something fun for exercise and camaraderie. As the Zamboni cranked up and smoothed the ice for the next session, young skaters laced up for Stick and Puck, an open-style practice session for hockey players. Without the Mid-South Ice House, this would not be possible on this hot summer afternoon. At least not without a very long drive. The Mid-South Ice House is located just off R-385 in Olive Branch. Visit midsouthicehouse.com for times, schedules, and to book your next event.



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September 2015 / 47



LYFE Kitchen Opening Celebration Photography by Mark O. Ramirez

The much-anticipated LYFE Kitchen opened their doors to an abundant and excited crowd in mid-August. “LYFE� stands for Love Your Food Everyday, and they believe great food can do amazing things such as make you feel better, support local farms, and promote sustainability. Plus taste really, really yummy!

Jessica, Charlotte & Chance Carlisle

Paul Volpe, Greg Wilson, Greg Gough & Mickey McKay

Karen, Miles & Elizabeth Carlisle

Jennifer Chandler & Melissa Peterson

Jay Strasberg, Kristin Budzak, Kevin Fienup, Ric Gordon & Karen Carlisle

Kristen Budzak & Chef Art Smith 48 / 4Memphis

Gus Oyler & Leah Weinman

Ron Olson, Amy Howell & Kristin Budzak

U of M Athletic Director Tom Bowen & Kevin Kane

Elizabeth, Chase & Miles Carlisle

Lou, Harriett & Jay Strasberg with Steph Hoppe

George Vincent & Kevin Fienup

Wasem Ali

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September 2015 / 49



Terry & Cathy Lynch with Penny & David Williams

Jessica Howe & Trey Dehart

Sarah & Cisco Sanchez

Brenda & Steve Basar with Claudia Cogswell


Big Brothers Big Sisters Photography by Mark O. Ramirez The 2015 Sportsball Black Tie Tennis Shoes Gala was a night of fun, games, and fundraising for Big Brother Big Sisters. Nike tennis shoes were the preferred footwear, and ideal for playing, dancing, and supporting futures for kids.

Matt Cooper & Brittney Block

Tracey & Phil Rogers

Sheila Jones, Tonya Johnson, Roger Brown & Sonja Lavendeo

50 / 4Memphis

Patrick & Kontji Hendricks

Carolyn & Ronald Kent with Brinetta Carlton

David Evans & Jarvis Greer

Phillip Northcross & Laura Hines

Jennifer & Christopher Jenkins

It’s not just a donation. It’s an investment in a child’s future. When you donate to Big Brothers Big Sisters, you directly support children in our community. No matter how little or big the amount, donating can start making a difference in the lives of young people. Visit msmentor.org to donate or volunteer and be a part of something big. Erika Ruch, Craig Flood & Michelle Songstad

Brittany & Garrett Gordon

Rachel Ellison & Shawn Fort

Jennifer & Christopher Jenkins

Dave Jones & Kenya Holmes

Julies Burch & Charlie Ryan

Melissa Jones & Nicole Fox

September 2015 / 51

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52 / 4Memphis



Live at the Garden

ZZ Top Photography by Mark O. Ramirez & James Wessels

Photo by James Wessels | @ Rock Memphis Live

Dallas Embry, Suzanne New, Mark Comes, Gay Prewitt & Meg Comes

Cory Prewitt & Meg Parker

Laura Rosas with Jim & Tina Moran

Marc Barcel贸 with Lisa & Lynn Shaw

Jeff & Kim Kitterman, Diane Jalfon, Daniel Weickenand with David & Bonnie Thornton

David Hollie & Jaci Erale

John & Wanda Barzizza, Donna Moffatt, Donna & Pat Hoffman

Bren Rheaume, Doris McLendon, Mandi & Michael Block September 2015 / 53

Outtakes // ZZTOP

Stephanie Simpson, Jeany Dionne & Stephanie Beliles

Jordan White with Carl, Kim & Zach Jarvis

Todd & Tiffany Tidswell

Candi & John Ivy

Sam Boyd & Bevin Hunter

Gina True, Kassie Johnson, Randy Almond & Ellen Skinner

Randy & Ami Austin with Valerie & Jeff Morris

Vicki Olson, Steve & Jeanie Conley & Ron Olson

Kristen Horton & Austin Merryman Teri Jackson & Rusty Robinson

54 / 4Memphis

Lindsey & Josh Hammond

Drew Hendron & Taylor Mitchell

Alice Higdon, Todd Stricklin & Laura O’Mell

Thanks to Campbell Clinic, it’s game on. After a back injury, I was in constant pain. I tried to tough it out with medications and heating pads. When I couldn’t play with my kids, I knew I had to do something. I figured the specialists who treat players for the Grizzlies, Redbirds, and Tigers would know what to do. So I went to Campbell Clinic Orthopaedics. With their care, I’m back to being an “All-Star” daddy. That’s why I trust the world’s best.


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PAINT MEMPHIS FESTIVAL by Sandi Butler Hughes Photography by Donnie Smith

For an artist, a blank canvas is a call to action, to create, and on one brutally hot day in mid-July, 75 painters heard the call, and answered by transforming a floodwall in a community painting festival, the likes of which have never before been organized in Memphis. Where some saw just a concrete barrier, Paint Memphis and the Greater Memphis Greenline saw a canvas of opportunity for public art along the proposed Chelsea Greenline. The gray floodwall parallels about a quarter mile on Chelsea Avenue in North Memphis, and the Greater Memphis Greenline (GMG) will be adjacent to the floodwall. “We coupled with the Greater Memphis Greenline because the greenlines often run along floodwalls. So that seemed to be a natural partnership,” explains Karen Golightly of Paint Memphis. Karen is one of the masterminds of the project, along with local painter Brandon Marshall and Wallace Joiner in Nashville. They conceived the idea to host a one day painting festival for graffiti artists and muralists, in advance of the Chelsea Greenline completion in 2017. Before the painting could begin, permission from both the Corps of Engineers and the City of Memphis had to obtained. Karen and Syd Lerner of the GMG worked diligently and patiently to be granted permission first from the Corps of Engineers, and then they moved on to the City of Memphis for their blessing. “The City had no idea what this was going to be like. They have

56 / 4Memphis

spent the last 50 years covering up graffiti, and this was a real paradigm shift for them to allow it to happen,” Karen says. Working with Paul Patterson of the City Public Works Division, permission was granted to paint the entire wall on only the south side. With permission granted, funding was the next big hurdle. Online ioby donations of $2,700 were raised, and several Memphis businesses supported the effort. Home Depot primed the wall, providing their volunteers, buff-colored paint, and generatorrun paint sprayers. The Art Center donated eight cans of spray paint to every painter. Montgomery Martin donated buckets of paint. Memphis Made supplied the beer, and Central BBQ provided food. After all, what is a festival in Memphis without beer and barbeque? First Baptist donated ice, and MLGW and CBU donated cases of water. Kids played frisbee. Music was playing. All the elements for a successful community festival were accomplished! The theme for the entire floodwall was “revival,” and inspired interpretations were painted as butterflies, Biblical icons, birds, Elvis, and King Tutankhamun. The revival is spreading beyond the wall with a renewed sense of pride from the neighbors. “That day, neighbors were helping to pass out sodas and water to the painters, and getting involved,” Karen said, “and now, it’s more like a park. It’s a great way to bring people together.”

The slogan for Paint Memphis is “Forming Community, One Wall at a Time.” “I hope this will change how Memphis as a whole looks at public art. That graffiti doesn’t have to mean blight. That public art and graffiti can work hand-in-hand, can enhance our city, and is not a symbol of negativity or a poor neighborhood that’s neglected but that it can actually be something beautiful,” reflects Karen on the ultimate goal of group. Will the north side of the Chelsea floodwall be painted? Yes! “When it’s cooler!,” Karen laughs. As for other Paint Memphis projects, she is thinking big. Really big, like a giant painted welcome mat for drivers crossing the River into Memphis from Arkansas. “My dream is to paint the Mississippi River side of the floodwall down by Bass Pro Shop. That’s my dream for the future, so when drivers come across the bridge you would see it. It would be another destination in Memphis to see, and then go to Bass Pro Shop and Beale Street. That’s my goal! We’ll see what the City says!” Like most works of art, it is best seen in person to be fully appreciated. The Chelsea Greenline floodwall is located at Chelsea Avenue and Evergreen Street. Wear your comfortable shoes and walk the length of the now-painted concrete canvas. It’s sure revive your spirit and community pride! For a complete list of artists, additional photographs, and more information, visit PaintMemphis.org.

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Memphis In May Annual Meeting Photography by Mark O. Ramirez

Joe Whitmer & Barry Yoakum

Jim Baker & Randy Blevine

Ann Capatino & Bud Cowgill

Brandon Oguin & Terry Trim

Anna & Andy Holt

Mike Glenn & Jacinda Norton

Board members, staff, and friends of Memphis In May gathered Memphis Botanic Garden on August 13th to recap the past festival and look forward to May, 2016. Memphis in May officials announced Canada will be the honored country for Memphis in May International Festival’s 40th annual edition in 2016. We are already counting down til May!

Doug Browne, Wei Chen & Jim Holt

Kevin Grothe, Kim Hockney, Earle Blankenship & Chris Roan

Doug Browne, Rebecca Fowler, Ray Pohlman & Beth Flanagan

September 2015 / 59



Sunday Funday Art Show High Cotton Tap Room

Malory & Michael Prater

Photography by Mark O. Ramri It was a Sunday Funday at the High Cotton Brewery on August 9th. Talented local artists exhibited their works including Billy Moore Folk Art, Bridgman Pottery, and David Butler Art. Plus, Michael Foster brought his mobile darkroom from Oxford, MS, and created wet plate collodion tintype portraits.

Bob Masone & Robyn Jones

Kenny, Daphne, Demi & Dana Harris

Stephanie Jones & Mary Claire White 60 / 4Memphis

Molly Glasser & Alex Roberson

Jarred & Elizabeth Heiles

Mark, Ella, Maedchen & Luks Sturgis

Kelly Pietkiewicz, Lauren Smiley & Meredith Maddox

Amy & Jan Michael Hartelust

Megan Doss & Mustafa Motiwala

Sam & Collin Buckner, Katie & Scott McLeod, John Collier

Cathy Sowell & Carole Massey

Caroline Gordon & Lanier Flanders




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5101 Sanderlin Ave • Memphis, TN 38117 901.683.0441 • www.napacafe.com September 2015 / 61

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Gold Luncheon



Art After Dark Dixon Gallery & Gardens Photography by Mark O. Ramirez The popular Art After Dark series at the Dixon Gallery & Gardens hosted a Tequila Tasting for their July event. The featured spirit was Casamigos Tequila, a smallbatch tequila distillery owned by Rande Gerber and George Clooney and provided by The Wine Market for the tasting. For information on Art After Dark, visit dixon. org.

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Tick ets: $50 / Ta bl e of 10: $50 0 You are invited to join

Zach Stark, Keara Nevels, Lindsey Rea, Jackie Stark & Will Garavelli

P h i l a n t h ropic Wom e n of M e m ph is for the inaugural St. Jude Gold Luncheon in honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

E m i ly C a l l a h a n

John Dawkins & Jessica Toliuszis

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Donna Mikeal & Barbara Whitney

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John Peter, Shanii Bear & Mark Moron 62 / 4Memphis



Joshua Spotts Summer Party

Customer Appreciation Event Photography by Mark O. Ramirez


Clients of Joshua Spotts with Crye-Leike, Realtors attended an annual Summer Party hosted by Josh and his wife Caley, held under the stars at the Levitt Shell. Music by the Mighty Soul Band and a delicious southern dinner catered by Felicia Suzanne’s Restaurant were enjoyed by all.

Dr. Joe & Jlynn Gleason

Stacey Reeves & Marty Austin

Josh & Dr. Caley Spotts with Toni & David Evans

Will & Victoria Duffy

Greg Gaston & Dory Seller

Pat Magruder, Josh Spotts, Antzee Magruder & Matt Montgomery September 2015 / 63



Lansky’s on Beale

Poster Unveiling Photography by Mark O. Ramirez To celebrate Elvis Week 2015, Lansky’s on Beale hosted an unveiling of the new poster, “Come On In” by Joe Petruccio. Lansky’s has long been known as “Clothier to the King,” and this poster commemorates that legacy with a vintage photo and story vignette. Elvis is still our undisputed King of Rock ‘n Roll, and Lansky’s is the undisputed clothier! Connie Arnell, Terri Counter, Artist Joe Petruccio, Kathy Schwomier, Donna Schneider

Jacqueline Masurel & Jocelyne Cusin

Julie Lansky & Georgine Vimdahl

Hal Lansky & Ron Barassi

Morgan Ray & Felicia Jackson

Katrin & Jurgen Leydel

Ricky Aron & Lesley Gosling

64 / 4Memphis

Derick & Angel Vandenberg

Drake Milligan

Hal & Julie Lansky, Artist Joe Petruccio & Geri Lansky

Sunday Brunch Layout


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P RIVATE D INING R OOMS A VAILABLE E XPRESS L UNCHES 1) Pasta Jambalya 2) Shrimp Creole 3) Voodoo Chicken Pasta...and more.



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Cleaning • Repair • Appraisal • Storage 66 / 4Memphis

Photography by Bill Carrier & Courtney Searcy Food Styling by Stephanie Beliles

Photo by Courtney Searcy

As it cools down in September, 4Memphis is heating things up with some delicious spicy sustenance. Whether it is an appetizer, entrĂŠe or dessert, our favorite local chefs show us how to add some hotness to our tables.

September 2015 / 67

Erling Jensen’s Cayenne Chocolate Ganache Macarons For the macarons: 65 g Egg whites, room temperature 23 g Sugar, granulated 76 g Almond flour 123 g Powder sugar Pre heat oven to 350 degrees. Sift almond flour and powder sugar together, and set aside. Whip egg whites until they form soft peaks. Slowly add in granulated sugar and whip until stiff peaks. Fold almond mixture in with whites. Place in a pipping bag and pipe quarter size rounds an inch apart. Place in the oven and turn the temperature to 200. Bake for 15 minutes turning the trays after 10 minutes. 68 / 4Memphis

For the cayenne chocolate ganache: 16 oz of 53% Chocolate 16 oz Heavy cream 2 Tbl Cayenne pepper In a sauce pan, place the cayenne pepper and heavy cream on high heat. Place chocolate in a mixing bowl. Once the cream comes to a boil, remove the heat and pour over chocolate. Let sit for 5 minutes and whisk until smooth. Allow the ganache to cool and thicken. Place in a pastry bag and fill macarons.

Salud! Cooking School at Whole Foods Market Bacon Sriracha Skillet Cornbread

Owen Brennan’s

6 slices Thick cut bacon, cut into thin strips (lardons) 2 c Stone ground cornmeal 1 tsp Baking soda 1 tsp Baking powder ½ tsp salt 2 c Buttermilk 2 Eggs 4 oz Bacon fat 3 Green onions sliced on the bias, green parts only ½ c Sharp cheddar cheese 1/3 c Sriracha sauce

For the Pasta: 1 lb Penne rigate pasta 3 Tbl spoons olive oil, divided 1 lb Large shrimp, peeled and deveined 2 Tbl plus 1 tsp Emeril’s Essence (recipe follows) ¾ lb Chicken breast, boneless and skinless, diced 1 inches ½ c Yellow onion, diced 1 Tbl Garlic, minced ½ c Chicken stock 1 (14.5 oz) Canned diced tomatoes 1 Tbl Thyme, freshly chopped

Preheat oven to 425F. In a 10-inch cast iron skillet, cook bacon pieces over medium heat until the bacon is crisped and the fat is rendered. Using a slotted spoon, remove the bacon from the pan and drain on paper towels. Carefully pour the hot bacon grease into a measuring cup, reserving 4 oz and pouring out the rest from the pan. If more grease is needed to acquire the 4 oz, supplement with melted butter. Add 2 Tbsp canola or other high heat oil to the skillet and carefully place in oven to warm up while you prepare the batter. Whisk all the dry ingredients in a large bowl. Whisk the eggs well with the buttermilk and add that to the dry mixture. Whisk this all together to combine then stir in the reserved bacon fat, cooked bacon, green onions and cheddar. Carefully remove the hot skillet from the oven and slowly pour into the skillet. You should hear a sizzle when the batter hits the pan – if not, return pan back to the oven to preheat. Once the batter is in the pan, spoon the sriracha sauce over the top and using a bamboo skewer or paring knife, lightly drag the sriracha through the batter creating a swirled effect. Bake for approximately 20-25 minutes or evenly golden brown. Serve warm.

Napa Café Tuna Tartar with Mango Salsa

Pasta Jambalya ½ c Heavy cream 2 Tbl Basil, freshly chopped ½ c Parmesan, grated For Emeril’s Essence: 2 ½ Tbl Paprika 2 Tbl Salt 2 Tbl Garlic powder 1 Tbl Black pepper 1 Tbl Onion powder 1 Tbl Cayenne pepper 1 Tbl Dried oregano 1 Tbl Dried thyme

Fill a large, 1 gallon stock pot with a pasta insert and fill ¾ with water. Bring to a boil over high heat and season with salt to taste. Place the pasta and the salted water and return to a boil, stirring occasionally. Cook the pasta until nearly al dente, 10 to 12 minutes. Drain and set aside, reserving 1 cup of the pasta cooking water. While the pasta cooks, set a 14 inch sauté pan over medium high heat and add 1 Tbl of the olive oil. Swirl the pan to evenly coat with oil. Season the shrimp with 2 tsp of the Essence and 1/8 tsp of salt. Place the shrimp in the pan and sear for 1 minute per side. Remove the shrimp from the pan and set aside. Add another Tbl of the olive oil to the sauté pan and season the chicken breast with 2 tsp of the Essence and 1/8 tsp of the salt. Place the chicken in the pan and sear for 3 minutes, turning to brown evenly. Remove chicken from the pan and set aside with the shrimp. Place remaining Tbl of olive oil in the sauté pan and add the sausage, onions and bell peppers. Sauté, stirring occasionally until the sausage is lightly caramelized and the onions are translucent, or about 3 minutes. Add the garlic to the pan and sauté for 30 seconds. Add the chicken stock to the pan and scrape with a spoon to remove any browned bits at the bottom, about 30 seconds. Add tomatoes, thyme, and remaining of the Essence and half a tsp of salt and cook for two minutes. Add the heavy cream to the pan and cook for an additional 2 minutes. Return the shrimp and chicken to the pan as well as the pasta in the reserved cup of pasta cooking water. Continue to cook the sauce and pasta, stirring occasionally, until the shrimp and chicken are cooked through, about 3 minutes. Remove from the heat and add basil and Parmesan. Toss to combine and serve hot.

For the salsa: 1 Mango, diced ¼ Red bell pepper, finely diced ¼ Jalapeño, finely diced 1 Tbs Siracha Place all ingredients in a bowl and toss together. For the tuna tartare: 5 oz Tuna, medium diced 1 Quail egg 1 tsp shallots, chopped 1 Cucumber, chilled and thinly sliced Dash of Siracha Salt and pepper to taste Place in chilled bowl and toss all ingredients. Serve over chilled cucumber, thinly sliced. For the Tortilla Chips: 4 Corn tortillas 4 oz Melted butter 1 Tbs Honey 1 tsp Cayenne 1 tsp Paprika 1 Lime juice Salt & pepper to taste Brush corn tortilla with all ingredients, and then pan-sear tortillas to adhere ingredients. Thinly slice and deep fry to golden crisp.

September 2015 / 69

Itta Bena Blackened Red Snapper with Bell Pepper Au Jus and Jalapeno Hollandaise For the fish:

For the jalapeno hollandaise:

8 oz Skin on snapper filet

1 Jalapeno, chopped (no seeds)

1 Tbl Olive oil

3 Egg yolks

1 Tbl Cajun seasoning

1 Whole egg Juice of 1 lime

Cover the bottom of a sauté pan with oil and set

½ tsp Cayenne

over medium high heat. Season snapper with

½ tsp Salt

cajun seasoning. Once pan is hot, lay snapper skin side down and cook 2 minutes. Transfer to a 375

In a food processor, chop jalapenos. Next, melt

degree oven for 4 to 6 minutes.

butter in a sauté pan. Add eggs, lime juice, cayenne, and salt to food processor. Turn food

For the bell pepper au jus:

processor on, and slowly add hot melted butter.

1 Red bell pepper, julienned 1 Green bell pepper, julienned

Tip: pair your fish with a side item that has a

1 Clove garlic, minced

high fat content, like buttery mashed potatoes or

1 c White wine

creamy risotto. The high fat content will help cut

1 c Chicken stock

the spice and balance the dish.

Salt and pepper to taste Sauté peppers and garlic until translucent. Deglaze with white wine and reduce by half. Add chicken stock and cayenne and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 15 minutes.

Lucchessi’s Ravioli and Pasta Co. Spicy Muffaletta Sandwich 2 Slices of Gambino’s muffaletta bread 2 oz Ham, sliced 2 oz Mortadella, sliced 2 oz Volpi salami 2 oz Boscoli Jalapeño Olive Salad spread 2 Slices of provolone cheese 2 Slices of fresh tomato 2 leafs Lettuce

Start with the bread and assemble the sandwich with each ingredient. Next, place the sandwich in a panini press for 20 seconds to melt the cheese. If you do not have a press, place the sandwich on a skillet and then press down on the top with another skillet. Cut down the middle and serve with Nikki’s Hot A** Chips for a real kick in the mouth!

LYFE Kitchen Spicy Vietnamese Lettuce Wraps 1 Tbl Sesame oil or canola oil 1 c Beef tips (or Gardein Beefless Tips), diced 1 c Wheat berries, cooked and cooled ¾ c scallions (reserve ¼ cup for garnish) ¼ c San J International Szechuan Sauce OR ¼ cup San J International Thai Peanut Sauce Romaine leaf or head lettuce, one full leaf per 2 tablespoons of mixture

70 / 4Memphis

Heat 1 tablespoon oil in skillet and brown tips. (If using cooked chicken or cooked beef tips-sauté in oil to brown and warm thoroughly). Add cooked wheat berries and sauté for 3-5 minutes. Add ½ cup of green onion and cook for 30 seconds. Last, add your choice of sauce and stir until heated through. For additional heat, increase sauce. Top with remaining green onion prior to service. Makes 6-8 Lettuce Wraps.

Hard Rock Café Thai Chili Beef Skewers For the Sauce: 3 Garlic cloves, peeled 2 Hot peppers (jalapeño, Thai, cayenne, etc.) ½ c Sugar ¾ c Water ¼ c Vinegar ½ tsp Salt 1 Tbl Cornstarch 2 Tbl Water

For the Beef Skewers: 8 oz Flat-iron, fajita-style beef Bamboo or metal skewers 1 bunch Parsley, freshly chopped

In a food processor, blend together garlic, red peppers, sugar, water, vinegar and salt into a puree; transfer to a sauce pan. Bring mixture to a boil and simmer until the mixture begins to thicken and garlic and peppers slightly soften, approximately 3 minutes. Combine cornstarch and water, whisking into the sugar and pepper mixture. Bring to a boil and cook for 1 minute. Cut the fajita beef into 1 ½ oz sections. Marinate the beef for about an hour in the Thai Chili sauce. Remove beef from the sauce and thread onto skewers. Arrange the beef on a grill and cook for about 4-6 minutes, or until desired temperature is reached. Garnish with parsley and drizzle with chili sauce. September 2015 / 71



Blues on the Bluff WEVL

Photography by Baxter Buck WEVL, consistently voted the Best FM Radio Station in Memphis, hosted their 27th Annual Blues on the Bluff on July 25th at the Ornamental Metal Museum. The fundraiser for the community, volunteer radio station featured blues music from Lightnin Malcolm, Garry Burnside Band, and Elmo and the Shades, plus the best sunset view in town. Tune in for the eclectic program mix at 89.9, listen online or become a member at wevl.org.

Marcia Scher, Lisa & Kenny Closson, David Scher

Randy Meeks & Marsha Baskin

Kendra Black & Naeelah Abdulwali

Devan Tackett & Tyler Fuehrer

Neal & Nicci Edwards

Jacob Mabray & Rosemary Dunn


Danny & Sara Zellers



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September 2015 / 73


‘Around the University of Memphis’ by David Lynch This piece was commissioned by the U of M Alumni Association to commemorate the investiture of the 12th President of the U of M, Dr. M. David Rudd.

74 / 4Memphis


Meet Mollie


Class of 2025 artist

American Girl lover


October 25 - Early Childhood and Lower School Prospective Parents (2 years old - 4th grade) November 15 - Middle and Upper School Prospective Parents (5th - 12th grade) www.stmarysschool.org | 901-537-1405 | All girls from age 2 through 12th grade. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

Voted Most Favorite Heart Clinic


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September 2015 / 75

4Music Photography by James Wessels | @ Rock Memphis Live

Beck | Mud Island

Robert Plant | Mud Island

Imagine Dragons | FedEx Forum

Sevyn Streeter | Landers Center

Skillet | WinterJam | FedExForum

John Mellencamp | Orpheum Theatre 76 / 4Memphis

Veridia | WinterJam | FedExForum

Chris Brown | Landers Center

Meet Jessica

Class of 2021 cat lover

beach seeker

cross-country runner


October 25 - Early Childhood and Lower School Prospective Parents (2 years old - 4th grade) November 15 - Middle and Upper School Prospective Parents (5th - 12th grade) www.stmarysschool.org | 901-537-1405 | All girls from age 2 through 12th grade. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

1044 Yates | Memphis | 901.763. 3700

ejensen.com September 2015 / 77


Memphis Type History Caitlin Horton & Rebecca Phillips

Reviewed by Kevin Dean, Executive Director, Literacy Mid-South

Did you know Isaac Hays’ girlfriend, Elvis’ aunt, and Al Green’s mother frequented Atkins Beauty and Barber Shop, once located where the Beauty Shop Restaurant now sits? Who would have guessed that the Universal Life Insurance building, that gorgeous but derelict building on Danny Thomas Blvd., once housed an employee cafeteria and a 350-seat theater? How many people know that one of the first Piggly Wiggly’s was located in the building now housing Joe’s Liquor? I didn’t, but I’m glad I know now. Memphis Type History, written by Caitlin Horton with artwork by Rebecca Phillips, isn’t just about signage, which is what one might expect by the book’s gorgeous cover art. The book is also about Memphis’ unknown history, ranging from shootouts at hotels to the stresses of disco roller skating on “good clean family fun” in the 1970’s. When I received a copy of Memphis Type History, I expected a coffee table book, one with lots of pictures and tiny captions. I was surprised to find that the signage was secondary to the stories behind some of the most well-known buildings in Memphis. The type is denser than expected, and the pictures are secondary to the lush portrait that these stories paint about our city’s backstory. The book even shows us the underbelly of Memphis, ranging from strip clubs to seedy theaters. Of course, the Sputnik sign is front and center. “One of the most recognizable signs in this book, the Sputnik at Joe’s Liquors, represents the creative vision of a quiet inventor, hardly known to the world, who gifted us with spectacular road signs across the country,” Horton writes in her introduction. “The Sputnik also represents how a community will rally around something it loves to restore it to a former glory. While interesting, the engineering specs of the Sputnik do not tell anything about the sign’s true importance because a sign is a reflection of something more important than itself.” These signs represent our musical history, civil rights, and a generation that remembers the world as a different place. Don’t be misled when I told you that Memphis Type History wasn’t the coffee table book that I thought it would be. In fact, it’s better. A copy now sits on my own coffee table, a pictorial history book of the town I love filled with stories I’ll share with visitors for years to come. Caitlin Horton and Rebecca Phillips will join author Miriam DeCosta-Willis at the Mid-South Book Festival on Saturday, September 12th at Circuit Playhouse for a panel discussion about Memphis landmarks. The event is free and open to the public. More information is available at www.midsouthbookfest.org. 78 / 4Memphis

Meet Alexis

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People person

Class of 2018 Carolina girl

Future clinical psychologist


October 25 - Early Childhood and Lower School Prospective Parents (2 years old - 4th grade) November 15 - Middle and Upper School Prospective Parents (5th - 12th grade) www.stmarysschool.org | 901-537-1405 | All girls from age 2 through 12th grade. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll


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September 2015 / 79 8/21/15 12:23 PM

Celebrating Marriage Share your engagement & wedding photos in 4Memphis. Contact sandi@4memphis.com for submission guidelines.

Taylor Lynn Birmingham & Brent Grems May 8, 2015 | Charlestown, SC | Photographer: Dana Cubbage

Lauren McInnis & Bo Neilan July 11, 2015 | Lichterman Nature Center Photographer: Madison Yen Goodwin | Florist: Melissa Bryant Catering: Central BBQ

Stevi Galiata & Bryan Lange May 9, 2015 | Wedding: Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Reception: Memphis Botanic Garden | Photographer: Kevin Barre Florist: Ashlye McCormick | Caterer: CFY Catering Wedding coordinator: Ashlye McCormick

Jennifer Hicks & Gaven Fechter October 11, 2015 | Destin, FL, Miramar Beach Photographer: Heather Strickland

80 / 4Memphis

A picture is worth a thousand words But a test drive will leave you speechless.

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Diamond Bangle Bracelets by Jade Trau in yellow, rose or white 18 karat gold. $2,200.

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82 / 4Memphis

Audio Video Artistry recently hosted the Blues Bash, a client event at their Design Studio, located at 7750 Trinity Road, in Cordova. Guests enjoyed music by the famed blues band, Ghost Town and legendary foods from the Rendezvous. In addition to a great party, clients experienced cutting edge demonstrations of audio and video equipment by nationally renowned experts. Immersion in Audio Video Artistry’s unique Design Studio’s environment of high-performance audio, video, lighting, and automation equipment is like taking a test-drive in a Ferrari!

Eric Taylor, Brad Parsley Chris Rogers, Luke Owen Mark Morris

Pat Bradley, Jim Kershaw & Scott Varner



Audio Video Artistry Blues Bash

Chip & Darlene Williamson

Memphis Jazz and Wine Event The 4th Annual Memphis Jazz and Wine Event was held in early August to benefit Open Arms Care. Saxophonist Mark Baker and the vocals of Ruby Wilson were the highlight of this jazzy party at CBU in the De La Salle Hall Theater. Open Arms Care (OAC) is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit agency and is certified as an Intermediate Care Facility for persons with Intellectual Disabilities.

Jerry Mottley & Sandra Webber

Teresa King & Sheila Maynard

Orpheum Theatre Backstage Bash Have you wanted to peek behind the curtain at the Orpheum? Lucky guests who joined the party at the Backstage Bash had the chance on Friday evening, August 7th. Stepping through the iconic Stage Door on Beale Street was just the start. Great food from Central BBQ and Hard Rock, a specialty cocktail from Buster’s Liquors & Wines, and dancing to The Super 5 band were all part of the magic of being backstage!

Doreen Harris, Rhiannon Maier & Kim Hill

Katie Hrach with Elaina & Eunice Chen

Lauren Watson, Jessica Mueller, Bob Olson & Carol Williams



Pat & Robert Jones with Gail & Charles Lowe

Michael Ingalsbe & Larrie Rodrigues

Vicki Cox & Angelika Taylor

Mary Baker & Monica Lilly

West Cancer Center 2nd Annual Ride to Fight On The 2nd annual Ride to Fight On will start and end near the FedExForum at Robert Church Park in Downtown Memphis on October 3rd. The Ride to Fight On is a premier cycling event benefiting the West Cancer Center, a nonprofit partnership focused on cancer research between Methodist Healthcare, The West Clinic and The University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Cyclists, volunteers, and supporters may register to participate in the Ride to Fight On as well as become a fundraiser for the Ride to Fight On through the web site www.ridetofighton.com.

Dr. Kurt Tauer, Dr. Lee Schwartzberg, Dr. Brad Somer, Dr. Todd Tillmans from West Cancer Center model the 2015 Memphis Music Jersey by Memphis artist and Cancer Survivor Michael P. Maness.

Dr. Todd Tillmanns, Dr. Brad Somer, and Dr. Lee Schwartzberg model the official Elvis Presley Enterprises licensed Elvis Ride to Fight On Jersey. September 2015 / 83

The 17th Annual Boys & Girls Clubs Tennis Invitational kicked off with the Wimbledon White Bracket Bash party on Friday, August 14th at Lexus of Memphis. The Grand Slam tennis theme brought out the huge crowd dressed in their Wimbledon Whites to enjoy traditions such as strawberries and cream and Pimm’s Cups before taking to the courts on Saturday morning. This is the largest amateur tennis tournament in the Mid-South to benefit the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Memphis.

Brent & Stephanie Siler with Sandra & Jim Horn



Wimbledon White Bracket Bash

Madonna Learning Center Open House Madonna Learning Center completed construction on their new $7 million dollar facility, and students, teachers, families, and supporters were treated to a special open house tour on August 11th. During construction, classes were held at Hope Presbyterian, and students were brought on buses from Hope to the MLC campus for the celebration. They were surprised with a “move that bus” style reveal as they saw their incredible school for the first time. It is a beginning of a new school year and a new era for the Madonna Learning Center. Visit madonna-learning.org to learn more about MLC.

James & Linda Gattas with Lisa Thompson R.E. & Clare Linkous

Carol & Wayne Scoggins with Angela Finerson

Lety Branum & Pam Davis

Memphis International Rockabilly Festival The inaugural Memphis International Rockabilly Festival was perfectly timed with Elvis Week and the cool weather that was a gift in mid-August. The festival was held in The Edge District, anchored by High Cotton Taproom and Sun Studios. Renowned artists played on the three stages, a celebrity sock hop, and a classic car show were just a bit the rockin’-around-the-clock festivities! Get your poodle skirts ready for next year and don’t miss the next Memphis International Rockabilly Festival!

Lane & Cheryl Dean

Mike Abbott & Rhea Wolfe

Brandon Cunning

Jamie, Jeri & Butch Harmon



Blair Gilbert, Clare & R.E. Linkous & Jo Gilbert

84 / 4Memphis

John Sampietro, John Bobango & John Hasse

Evelyn & Jack Harmeier

Ray Rico Freelance Ribbon Cutting The Ray Rico Freelance group held a Ribbon Cutting Party to celebrate the reopening of their office in the Cooper-Young neighborhood. They doubled their space and have all-new decor. Clients and friends enjoyed the refreshments and tours of the offices. Visit rayricofreelance.com to view their portfolio and more.

Zac Roach, Daphne Butler, Ray Rico, Amanda Bolton, Ben Bauermeister & Joan Allison

Larrie Rodrigues & Stephanie Norwood

Lorraine Ferguson, Don Johnson & Teresa Bach

Ray Rico, Ellen Prewitt, Amanda Bolton & Tom Prewitt


Doris McLendon’s Fine Jewelry Trunk Show Doris McLendon’s Fine Jewelry had a William Henry Trunk Show on Wednesday, August 5th. This extraordinary collection includes pocket knives, jewelry, money clips, cuff links, and many other accessories. Doris McLendon’s Fine Jewelry is located at 9387 Poplar Ave beside The Fresh Market in Germantown.

the Barbara & Dr. George Bouldien

NIGHT LIFE for METHODIST HOSPICE An unplugged evening with


Jordon Massie, Morgan Kimberlin, Michelle McMinn, Doris McLendon & Cindy Willet

Food Truck Party The 2015 Food Truck Garden Party series at the Memphis Botanic Garden is a great way to get your picnic rolling! With local eats from some of Memphis’ favorite food trucks and live music by Joshua Cosby and Jeremy Stanfill, this is dining al fresco at its finest. The next Garden Party is coming up Tuesday, September 8th, 5-8pm.

Weezie & Parr Worley, Graham Reid & Hudson Griffin

Kim & Greer Griffin with Rebecca Reid

Drew Herndon & Taylor Mitchell

Jeremy Stanfill & Joshua Cosby

UR ! O Y R A E W & BOOTS JEANS To purchase tickets online, visit: www.MethodistHealth.org/NightLife For more information, contact: Emily Dunahoo at 901.516.0836 or Emily.Dunahoo@mlh.org

September 2015 / 85







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