TGO employees celebrated how to spot fake email golf course update
October 4, 2024 Issue Eighteen

TGO employees celebrated how to spot fake email golf course update
October 4, 2024 Issue Eighteen
For the first time in a while, the two-week forecast is showing highs in the low 80s, and morning lows in the 60s here at TGO. I welcome the dry, cool breezes and shorter days of Fall. I’m happy that our CSA staff will soon feel some relief from the rain, heat and humidity. I am thankful that the tropics will soon begin to cool down and the threat of hurricanes will decrease. Finally, I always enjoy the annual arrival of our seasonal residents, returning to their Florida TGO homes. Their return brings a renewed energy into our community, with many social events, club gatherings, committee and Board meetings.
Hurricane Helene passed by Central Florida in the Gulf last week, and proved to be gentle on our east coast of Florida. This storm caused plenty of rain and wind gusts here at TGO, and we had lots of palm fronds to clean up, but no reports of damage to property. I’m sure you’ve seen the news of severe wind damage and flooding in other areas of Florida, and up into North Carolina and Tennessee. Some of these places experienced devastation and loss of life. We were spared, but certainly our thoughts and prayers are with these people who suffered great loss.
Our CSA employees enjoyed a quarterly breakfast together last Friday (p. 22). It was served by our CSA Board of Directors. This breakfast was a fun way to say “Thank You” for the hard work, talents, and energy it took our teams to operate TGO during the summer heat. We talked about the changing season, and how fall brings a sharp increase in activity throughout the community. We also talked about how as the grass goes dormant when the weather cools, allowing our CSA lawn crews the opportunity to slow down and focus on the detail work to impress our owners. Inside this issue of The Happenings, you’ll find some photos from our employee breakfast and you’ll see some of the awards and recognitions we offered our team on this special day.
Fall is also a time when we wrap up our summer improvement projects, and we begin discussing new CSA business and planning for the future. I spent the past two weeks working with the senior staff team to assemble a 1st draft 2025 budget. I will present this budget to the various committees and our Board of Directors this fall. Much of our project planning begins at the committee level. Running the business of the association requires participation and engagement from owners. Are you interested in getting more involved in your community? Your voice may help bring a different perspective to the table. Applications to join a committee are found here in the CSA office. You may also consider running for an elected position on the Board or the ARC Committee. There is information about the upcoming elections in this issue of The Happening (p.40).
Our golf course renovation is really beginning to take shape! Our Blue Heron Restaurant has been very slow during this summer season, especially because there are no hungry golfers to feed. Manager Steve Powers has moved on, so we are once again recruiting for a Blue Heron manager. Golf Pro Chuck Kandt has agreed to serve as interim restaurant manager while we search for a replacement. I’m happy to report that our Blue Heron staff are well trained, well equipped, and ready for volume to pick up. I’ve been getting reports of great food and service. I dine at Blue Heron at least once a week, and I find our food is always delicious. If it’s been awhile, please come in and try some new menu items, and show your support to our restaurant team.
Billy Specht
CSA Manager
The Happenings Team and Credits
Editor: Greg Wostrel
CSA Manager: Billy Specht
Essential: Margarete Shaw, Carmella Galley
Contributors: Ed Brown, Carmella Galley, Sammy Nasaman, Kris Lee-Scott, Margarete Shaw, Billy Specht
Cover Photo: TGO Entrance © Greg Wostrel 2024
Photos: Adobe Stock, Chuck Kandt, Greg Wostrel
The Happenings is ©2024 The Great Outdoors CSA
• Tow Set-Up
• Hitch Installation
• Braking Systems
• Shock/Sumos Installation
• Motorcycle Lift
• Awning Installation and Repair
• Air Conditioning/Furnace • Lithium/solar upgrades • Refrigerator Repair and Installation • Satellite Dishes and Electrical
• Full RV Collision Repair
Pride RV Service & Parts - 108C Plantation Drive, Titusville, FL 32780 Open Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Merchandise sale is ongoing
Check for availability
Available for owner / resident use. Tokens can
Discounted play opportunities are available at several area golf courses. Check in the golf shop for more info.
Clinic Information is posted on the information board at the Golf Shop.
Private Golf Lessons are Available by Appointment only.
The next opportunity for a live briefing with Chuck & Shane on the renovation progress will be Wednesday, October 9th at 1 p.m., location TBD.
Knock on wood. The new system has been operating with minimal issues. Programming tasks are still ongoing
Weather is still throwing monkey wrenches into the final shaping process, in preparation for grassing.
ALL GREENS have received sprigs and grow-in is moving along very nicely.
Weather is still the issue. At times sod farms cannot access their fields. When they can cut sod, we have been having issues getting to holes at TGO due to conditions. As I type, sod pallets are on site. Shane is working with the contractor to find accessible areas to lay the sod. We were able to apply
sod and or sprigs last week on holes 8,9,10,11,12,13 and 16.
Nothing new here. Re-shaping of bunkers on 2, 13 and 14, select areas of underbrush clearing and trimming of trees continue. Drainage at some cart path low areas has been installed. Drainage work on the left side of hole #17 is in the planning phase.
The shop will open again for business on Oct 5th. For those wishing to resume practicing at the TGO practice tee, tokens can be purchased at the CSA office. The practice greens and chipping area will remain closed for now. We also ask that you refrain from using the practice tee for chipping balls back and forth.
Again, as grassing continues around tee and green complexes irrigation heads will be popping up at regular intervals. They do not have eyes. If you are within range you will be doused.
The next opportunity for a live briefing with Chuck & Shane on the renovation progress will be on October 9th. It will be more of a question and answer session, scheduled from noon to 1 PM.
The next opportunity for a live briefing with Chuck & Shane on the renovation progress will be on October 9th. It will be more of a question and answer session, scheduled from noon to 1 p.m.
The site for this briefing will be selected and sent out as the date approaches.
This Page (top to bottom): #3 green - first aerification #3 tee area and restroom #4 green and #5 tees
Next Page: top - #5 fairway bottom: #5 tee areas
Plantation Manor • Wednesday, October 16, 2024 • 3 p.m.
The CSA Board of Directors are responsible for the entire operation of The Great Outdoors Community Services Association. The following list shows the current Board of Directors:
Chairman Cliff Creech 404-391-7271
District 0 Ron Wagner 607-542-6376
District 1 Doug Matz 516-903-3145
District 2 Dan Barnes 570-905-4906
District 3 Robert Fraser 407-491-2500
District 4 Lauren Clark 607-761-0092
District 5 Colleen Marigliano 845-656-8394
District 6 Matt Willey 518-321-1134
District 7 John Comeau 321-269-5525
District 8 Terry Manchik 901-603-6418
District 9 Drew Proulx 207-751-9268
Also part of the Board of Directors Organization are CSA Manager Billy Specht, Architectural Review Committee Chairman Leon LeBlanc and CSA Secretary Sharon Sanford. The CSA website at has individual biographies and contact information for each director.
Owners are encouraged to attend all the Board of Director meetings. Green speaker cards are available if an owner wishes to address the board for three minutes about any issue. An informational packet with the meeting agenda is given to each household that attends. Prior to the meeting, the agenda is posted on official bulletin boards. The board meeting is televised LIVE on channel 732.
CSA Board of Directors meetings are held on the third Wednesday from October through May. Planning meetings to set the agenda for the Board of Directors meetings are scheduled October to May on the second Wednesday of the month in the CSA Conference Room at 3:00 pm. They are open to attend for any TGO owner.
Patrol officers play an important roll in keeping TGO safe by enforcing traffic rules, and directing traffic during emergencies. If you would be interested in working for the CSA Patrol, go on-line to our website: then click on CSA Documents/Forms/Application for Committee Assignment.
There are ten CSA voting districts at The Great Outdoors. They are non-geographical, but are determined by the last digit in each property’s street address. The District Meetings are held monthly from October through May. Various districts join together to hold combined monthly meetings. There are two meetings per month with five districts in each one. Please note the upcoming meeting schedule if you want to attend your district meeting. In the PAVILION: Districts 0, 1, 4, 7, 9 - Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 3:00 pm
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next ARC Meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 16th, 2024 at 10 a.m. on the Manor Porch.
ARC Planning Meeting: The Architectural Review Committee meets for planning purposes on the Plantation Manor Porch at 10 a.m. on Monday, October 14th, 2024.
All changes to your property that are visible on the outside require advance approval from the Architectural Review Committee. Application forms and ARC Guidelines may be obtained from the Community Services Association office or printed from The Great Outdoors Community Services Association website at All completed ARC forms must be submitted to the CSA office by Noon on the Wednesday before the next Wednesday meeting. Results will be available to pick up after the ARC meeting or from the CSA Office.
Be sure ALL necessary paperwork is included with your ARC application. No approval will be given without having all the required data available at the ARC Meeting for review.
Premier Rv/Golf Resort Architectural Review Committee
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 2024 ARC Guidelines Review Meetings will be held on the following dates immediately following the ARC regularly scheduled 10 am meetings:
DATE: Monday, October 14, 2024 Wednesday, October 16, 2024 Monday, November 4, 2024 Wednesday, November 6, 2024
The above meetings will be held in the Manor Porch.
Sulfation, the accumulation of hard lead sulfate crystals, is the main reason for capacity and efficiency loss in lead-acid batteries. Sulfate crystals can develop rapidly, preventing your batteries from accepting a full charge.
Over time, sulfation crystals rob battery capacity. As a result, the battery needs more charge more often with a shorter runtime. As sulfation increases, so does your need to replace your batteries. Desulfate to reduce costs.
We Now Have the Capability to Reverse the Sulfation Process!
• Increase Your Battery Life-Span
• Return Lost Capacity to Your Used Batteries
• Keep Your Battery Pack(s) in Sulfate-Free Condition
• Save Money on Purchasing New Batteries
• We provide you a detailed health report for each battery Call today to schedule an appointment...
Schedule a time to bring your cart in. We will hook it up to our Desulfator Machine. We will need your cart for 48 hours.
Cost for a desulfination process including a complete diagnostic report - $250
ARC Committee
Leon LeBlanc
Landscaping and Beautification Committee
Lauren Clark
Elections Committee
Vicki Littlefield
Finance Committee
Matthew Willey
Firewise Committee
Butch Jones
Traffic Infractions Committee
Cindy Marini
Infrastructure & Natural Resources Committee
Drew Proulx
Planning & Building Committee
Doug Matz
Rules & Regulations Committee
Lauren Clark
Safety & Security Committee
John Comeau
Human Resources Committee
Lauren Clark
Presidents Council meetings will resume on October 15, 2024 in the CSA Pavilion and continue on the third Tuesday of each month through April at 10:00 am. Owners are invited to attend. Chuck Benoit is the Chairman of the Council and Ron Young is the Vice Chairperson.
Condo President Phone# Email
I Wayne Van Gorden 603-630-1029
II Randy Sanford 321-505-8353
III Ron Young 540-294-4044
IV Blaine Littlefield 207-798-2279
V Marc Lundeberg 321-423-1388
VI Penny Harlow 808-561-8559
VII Len Perkins 757-651-0582
VIII Ed Kamptner 321-264-0584
IX Tom Brobeck 724-601-0284
X Cindy Marini 440-829-8633
Condo President Phone# Email
XI Leonard Caton 321-567-3009
XII Matthew Willey 518-321-1134
FHOA Rob Park 803-665-2526
XIV Jan Gunnell 614-565-8574
XV David Spahn 207-468-6760
XVI Chuck Benoit 978-314-9945
XVII Pete Bronson 315-263-6469
XVIII Dave Legrow 954-701-5770
XIX Carl Rosner 516-241-1877
APHOA Cammy Miller 404-291-7195
ARC Office Hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Closed from Noon to 1:00 pm for lunch. Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Members - Contact Information
Chairman - Leon LeBlanc 423-791-3158
District 0 - Lisa Berkis 267-549-3674
District 1 - Harold Witschi 716-998-6393
District 2 - Scott Lancaster 505-269-4851
District 3 - James Alonzo 518-577-7666
District 4 - Pete Bronson 315-263-6469
District 5 - Chris Christian 931-628-3675
District 6 - Greg Mackey 219-322-5555
District 7 - Gail Smith 321-383-4570
District 8 - Bill Flatt 321-626-5594
District 9 - Lisa Babcock 903-372-8849
Rules & Regulations Committee Openings
There are openings for two members on this committee. To get more information, or to apply, any interested parties can pick up an application form at the CSA office.
The completed form may be returned to the CSA office.
Florida and TGO share the same vehicle and traffic laws as the rest of the US: Everyone must yield to emergency vehicles. If there’s no shoulder on the road, simply stop to allow an emergency vehicle to pass. We have all been driving long enough to know this. Please, when you see emergency vehicles coming in with lights flashing, pull over and let them pass! It could be your loved ones they are here for.
If you have questions about lawn spraying, getting sprinklers adjusted, or any other services provided by the Community Services Association, residents should contact the CSA Office by email at or call 321-268-9767 to mention your concerns.
THE FIRST NEWCOMER ORIENTATION MEETING for this season will be held in the Plantation Manor on Monday, November 18, 2024 from 11:30 am until 12:30 pm. Guest speakers from CSA, ARC, Courtesy Patrol, Nature, Golf, Activities and Firewise will share important information. Bring your questions. You might win a door prize!
Please call Nancy Wagner at 607542-6374 to reserve your spot so there will be enough seating and handouts for everyone.
Contractors employed for repairs, construction, renovation, or installation at residences that are in The Great Outdoors are not allowed to work on Sunday, except in an emergency or with the advance permission of the CSA.
From Monday through Saturday, contrac tors must leave TGO by 6:00 pm from October 1 to April 30 and by 7:00 pm from May 1 to September 30.
Call the CSA Office at 321-268-9767 during regular weekday office hours to request any exceptions to these contractor work restrictions.
Located in the CSA Conference Room next to Trimmer’s Salon. Available to tour:
Monday - Friday • 3:00 - 5:00 pm
Visit the CSA Office to borrow the key. The Historic Center can be shown on weekends and holidays. Call for an appointment: Lorraine Murphy at 321-431-4526
Get a FREE copy at the CSA Office.
OPEN Every Day: 8:00 am - Dusk
“Dusk” is different throughout the year. Please check the chart in the pool area. Please lower umbrellas after use so they’re not damaged by wind gusts.
OPEN: 7:00 am - 11:00 pm
Daily cleaning from 6:00 - 7:00 am
Wear, or have in your possession, a Pool Wristband. They are FREE and can be obtained from the CSA Office.
Residents use lime green bands. Visitors use bands that are red, white and blue. Your guests are welcome to keep their bands as a souvenir of their visit to TGO.
The payment must be received by 5:00 pm on October 21, 2024 or there will be a $25 late fee.
Before the pandemic, Parrish Healthcare ran a Laboratory Collection Site on Cheney Highway, providing the nearest location to TGO. This site closed during the pandemic. Now a Lab Collection Site has opened even closer to TGO! If you’ve been driving to Titus Landing or Port St. John for blood work then you’ll appreciate the shorter drive and time saved.
Open Monday through Friday, 7 AM to 3:30 PM, the site is located at the
Small (12 lbs or less) 11am-12 noon
Medium (35 lbs or less) 3 pm-4 pm
Large (35 lbs or more) 4 pm-5 pm
All other times are open play
Crossroads, inside Parrish Health and Wellness Center, 3065 Columbia Blvd, Ste. C104, Titusville. Walk-ins are welcome.
Please note: the collection site is located across from Marshall’s in Crossroad’s Plaza. It is NOT located in the Med Fast clinic.
At Parrish, we strive for Healing Experiences for Everyone…All the Time! If you have questions, please dial (321) 268-6111, ext. 8054.
The automated system offers two methods to provide access for a visitor. Call no more than 24 hours prior to your visitor’s arrival. Send an email to:, no more than 48 hours prior to your visitor’s arrival. The phone number and email address you use must already be registered with the CSA Office for the access request to be accepted. This system cannot confirm that your request was received or respond to any additional messages.
The CSA has a contract with Spectrum that includes Spectrum TV Select and Spectrum Internet services. If you are experiencing problems with their service or need to set up a new service, call the number above. Tell them your community at The Great Outdoors has a bulk agreement known as the Bronze Package.
TGO Community Channel 732
Our television channel of the Community Services Association will be active for broadcasting board meetings. Your TV must be equipped with a Spectrum TV cable box or digital adapter.
Please be advised that Spectrum is updating old equipment in The Great Outdoors. They will be calling residents whose equipment will need to be updated by the end of the year. If they do not get a response from the phone calls, they will be sending out postcards reminding you to call to set up a service call to replace the old equipment.
If you receive a call from Spectrum, it is not spam. Please respond at your earliest convenience. As people start returning to The Great Outdoors, the service waitlist will get long.
If your vehicle needs a barcode installed, call the CSA Office at 321-268-9767 to schedule a REQUIRED appointment. Barcodes are $10 - new or replacement. They install them everyday, but will not do “walk-in” applications. If you need a barcode installed on your Recreational Vehicle, they’ll install RV barcodes on Fridays ONLY, and they want to visit your home or RV site to hopefully complete that barcode installation without moving your RV.
Mon - Fri - 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 am
By Appointment Only - TGO Commercial AreaWest of the CSA Building.
The Community Services Association offers LP Gas for your convenience and currently at $4.00/ gallon, plus 7% sales tax! Cash, check, or credit cards accepted. Call the CSA Office at 321-268-9767 for an appointment or visit during office hours. Payment by cash, check or credit cards.
TruGreen regularly applies spray applications to our lawns and common areas that includes an herbicide for weed control, a liquid fertilizer, and an insecticide to kill chinch bugs, and other turf-damaging insects.
Upcoming application dates for 2024: November 12 & 13.
TruGreen is also offering “service-call” visits to TGO. If you are still having problems with lawn pests or weeds, call the CSA Office at 321-268-9767, and we will put your address on the TruGreen list.
Next Service Call Date is: October 24.
TruGreen advises all TGO residents to stay off treated areas of your lawn, and to keep your pets off treated areas, until the application has thoroughly dried.
The Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is a portable electronic device that diagnoses incorrect heart rhythm patterns that could potentially be life threatening. The device treats the condition with electrical shocks.
AED use requires minimal training because an electronic voice prompts the user through each step. If you are helping a person who collapsed and you’re unsure if a heart attack is the reason, don’t hesitate to use the AED. Every minute counts.
The device determines if the patient needs an electrical shock or not. Simply place the AED pads on the patient’s bare skin, one on the right upper chest and the other on their lower left side. No one else should be touching the patient because false readings could result. The AED will advise you, the device operator, what to do next.
TGO has eight AEDs located at CSA buildings.
1. Blue Heron - Outside Ramp 137 Plantation Drive
2. CSA Office - Outside 100-D Plantation Drive
3. Fitness Center 145 Plantation Drive
4. Hidden Lakes Clubhouse 461 Ambleside Drive
5. Library Kitchen 385 Plantation Drive
6. Oak Cove Pool Bathhouse 434 Oak Cove Road
7. Plantation Manor 145 Plantation Drive
8. Windsong Bathhouse 155 Windsong Way
Monday - Friday - 9:00 - 11:00 am
The Community Services Association offers gasoline at the CSA Maintenance Area for TGO residents’ Golf Carts. Fill-up time is Monday through Friday from 9:00 - 11:00 am. The gas price is based on the prevailing rate charged to the CSA. Payment is CASH ONLY.
The CSA crew picks up household trash 364 days of the year (off for Christmas). You’ll see them in a big truck pulling one or more green hoppers behind it. The guy crouching on the hopper grabs your trash bag as they pass by. To make the process efficient, please follow these rules:
• Trash must be placed in plastic bags that are tied closed. Lightweight bags should be tied together. Trash that is not in plastic bags may not be picked up.
• Break down all boxes and put all packing material in a closed bag.
• Place trash within one foot of the road so that it’s within easy reach.
• Dispose of your pet’s waste inside the closed trash bag.
• Put trash out at the curb by 10:00 am - Pick-up time varies within the park.
• Do not mix household trash with organic yard debris or construction materials.
• Do not put trash out at night because by morning it will have been scattered by wild animals.
Please do not allow pets to urinate on trash or debris.
The crew has to pick this up!
• Also be aware that if you place your trash out on the street too early, the vultures think you have prepared them a sack lunch!
The CSA crew picks up organic yard debris at least once per week. Tree trimmings should be cut down to a maximum of 4 feet long, weigh less than 50 pounds, and be stacked uniformly at the curb. Loose material such as pine needles, leaves and small twigs must be collected in untied plastic bags or open containers. The CSA will not pick up sod, dirt, tree stumps, construction material (e.g., concrete, wood, drywall, metal), chemicals (e.g., paint, oil), major appliances, or tires. DO NOT bring these items to the CSA Maintenance Yard yourself. They may be dropped off, without charge, at the Brevard County Mockingbird Mulching Facility (321-264-5009) on South Street (SR405). Go past the Lowes SR405 entrance then turn LEFT at the first traffic signal. Most other waste items such as carpet, porcelain plumbing fixtures, etc., that are not mentioned above can be dropped off at the Brevard County Transfer Station (321-264-5048) that is also on South Street (SR405), but 0.5 mile past Lowes on the same side of the street.
Our Declaration of Covenants states that “No CSA land may be cleared of any vegetation without prior written permission from the Board of Directors or its designee. Unauthorized clearing of CSA property will result in a hearing, with possible fines and ordered replanting.” This only makes sense, as you would not cut vegetation on someone else’s property without permission first. In order to track this better, we will require anyone seeking permission to cut vegetation on CSA property to fill out an ARC permit. An approved permit must include the CSA manager’s signature, and a copy of the permit will be filed in your ARC file for documentation purposes.
There are 32 lakes in The Great Outdoors and all of them are home to alligators. Please keep these points in mind to be safe when alligators could be nearby:
• It is illegal to feed, taunt or harass an alligator.
• Do not swim or wade in any of our lakes.
• Do not walk near the shorelines and do not walk your pets near the shoreline.
• Do not allow your pets to swim, exercise or drink in or near our lakes.
• While alligators can be active at any time, they are most active between dusk and dawn and move during the night to different water sources.
• Please give our alligators the respect and space they deserve.
NOTE: If you come across an aggressive alligator, please contact the CSA Office prior to SNAP and allow us to handle any situation.
Channel your inner reporter and get to know what’s happening around the Nature Center at TGO! The Nature Center needs someone to coordinate articles for The Happenings. This involves working with Editor Greg Wostrel, the Board of Directors, and various committee chairs about events, dates and locations. Information to be covered includes:
• List of upcoming events;
• Event reminders on TGO Facebook pages;
• Candid photos of activities;
• Occasional short interviews with attendees at various functions.
You can submit these items via word processing along with any related photos. So...if you or anyone you know is interested in this “high-paying” position (kidding, of course – we’re all volunteers), please contact any Board member as listed in The Happenings. Thank you for helping keep the Nature Center looking its best!!! THE NATURE CENTER WEBSITE and Facebook
The Nature Center website and Facebook page are each full of information and pics of our beautiful wildlife. Be sure to check them both out!
Website -
Facebook - Nature Center at TGO
The Nature Center dues are just $15 a year. A Lifetime Membership is also available for $500. That membership includes all relatives living in the same household.
Contact the Membership Chair, Sally Fisher, to renew or join Sally can be reached at
Membership Applications are also available in The Nature Center Library. All membership dues go to the upkeep of our Nature Center building.
Nature Center Board
As well as having an outstanding museum and library, there have been some new additions for your enjoyment.
One new addition is a Disney-themed, child-size table with two chairs in the Kids Korner. This set was donated to The Nature Center by one of our members. Along with the small table already there and a bench, kids can sit and read or do puzzles, while the adults can sit at the larger table and just enjoy being there or peruse our Library shelves.
The other fairly new addition is an aquarium, located in the Conference Center. This was also donated by a member. It’s fascinating to watch the fish!! There is a rock collection in the Conference Center, plus information on walking trails, and a nice diarama featuring ducks. sure to check out our new additions, and enjoy the “old” ones as well. The museum is extensive, with a great variety of creatures and historical information. The Library is available to anyone who wishes to check out a book or a DVD. Just be sure to sign the log sheet when checking out and returning them.
When you have guests - whether young or old - this is a great place to acquaint them with The Great Outdoors and The Nature Center. If you’d just like to sit and relax, the perfect place to do that is on our air-conditioned porch.
President Dolly Akers
Vice President Donna Pittman
Treasurer Loretta Annè
Secretary Pat Dick
Other Points Of Contact
Injured Animals - Please contact these specialists
Sandy Juba 321-543-0502
Betty Salter 321-223-8073
Nancy Payne-Clark 321-292-1434
Trail Maintenance Betty Salter: 321-223-8073/
NC Inspection Team Cinamon Nedvin: 631-219-9306/
Membership Sally Fisher:
Stories and Articles for The Happening:
400 Nature Center Trail, Titusville, FL 32780
Open 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 365 days a year
Facebook - Nature Center at TGO
To schedule the use of our meeting room on M/W/F mornings or T/Th afternoons, call the Manor - 321-264-2393
To schedule the meeting room at any other time OR our beautiful enclosed porch, call Loretta Annè - 321-385-9667 The Nature Center at The Great Outdoors is a
This quarter’s Employee Recognition Breakfast was a heartfelt celebration of our dedicated staff and the work they’ve done throughout the summer. As we move into fall, with the return of seasonal residents just around the corner, the breakfast provided a moment to reflect on the challenges overcome and the many projects completed despite the stormy weather and intense heat. The leadership team expressed immense pride in the hard work that went into maintaining and improving our community.
Special recognition was given to employees who went above and beyond, particularly in their response to the recent storm cleanup. With crews preparing for TruGreen’s upcoming treatment and getting the community ready for a good mow, the efforts of Brian Shlitz, Mark Grey, and the grounds team were acknowledged for keeping the grounds in great shape. Excitement also built around the upcoming reopening of the newly renovated golf course, which will soon be welcoming players back to a refreshed and enhanced experience.
In addition to looking ahead, the breakfast honored those who are moving on. Heath Meece, after more than seven years of service, is transitioning to a new role in security at Parrish Hospital. Eric Wells, a long-standing member of our team for 12 years, is leaving to be closer to his young son. Both employees were recognized for their hard work and positive contributions during their time with us.
Finally, the event celebrated tenured employees and newcomers alike. Brody Hahn was recognized for five years of service, while Alex Kaplan was named Employee of the Quarter for his outstanding contributions since joining in February. His leadership and dedication to his role in infrastructure have been a tremendous asset to the team.
The breakfast was a reminder of the commitment, teamwork, and community spirit that make TGO such a wonderful place to live and work. As fall settles in, we look forward to welcoming back our seasonal residents and enjoying the fruits of this summer’s labor.
Invitation to join us on Oct. 30, 2024 from 1pm-4pm to meet our Health care advertisers in person.
In this exclusive fair by The Happenings, you'll have the opportunity to:
Meet our advertisers in person
Get your vaccination shots
Connect personally with them to know what Health care and services they can provide you.
There will be a wide variety of health care providers there for you.
Place: TGO Pavillion October 30, 2024 1pm-4pm
Next up is our Health Fair on October 30th (see ad on previous page), featuring many of the professional services and companies that advertise in *The Happenings*, our community magazine. This is your chance to meet directly with local healthcare providers, ask questions, and learn more about the services available to you right here in our area. Whether you’re looking for a new healthcare provider, have questions about your wellness, or just want to see what’s new in health services, this fair is a great opportunity to connect.
For those looking to lace up their sneakers, our annual 5K Walk/Run returns on February 1st! This event is always a fun way to get moving with friends and neighbors. Whether you’re a seasoned walker or runner, or you’re looking for some motivation to start a fitness routine, there’s something for everyone.
If you’ve been thinking about sharpening up your fitness or finally tackling that “Couch to 5K” program, now’s the perfect time to get started! With a few months to train, you’ll be ready to join in on the fun and maybe even set a new personal best.
In addition to the 5K, we’ll also be hosting another Wellness Fair alongside the event. This will be a fantastic opportunity to explore new ways to keep fit, healthy, and active for years to come.
We want everyone in our community to stay healthy and vibrant, so you can enjoy the active, outdoor lifestyle that The Great Outdoors is known for. Whether it’s taking advantage of the vaccine clinic, getting to know health professionals at the fair, or preparing for our 5K Walk/Run, there are plenty of ways to make your health a priority. So, keep those calendars handy, stay proactive about your health, and join us for these upcoming events. Together, we can continue living our best, healthiest lives right here at The Great Outdoors!
October 26, 2024 Halloween
November 2, 2024 Trivia
November 7, 2024 Concert - The Olivia Show
November 9, 2024 Artisian Market
December 6, 2024 Golf Cart Parade
December 31, 2024 New Years Eve
January 9, 2025 Concert - Uptown/Motown
February 1, 2025 TGO 5K Walk/Run and Wellness Fair
February 6, 2025 Concert - Decades/Pierce Arrow
February 7, 2025 Trivia - #1
February 8, 2025 Trivia - #2
February 14th Valentines Day - Chairperson Needed
March 6, 2025 Concert - Comedy Night
March 15, 2025 St Patrick’s Day
March 20, 2025 Concert - Chicago Rewired
March 27, 2025 Variety Show Night #1
March 28, 2025 Variety Show Night #2
General Admission tickets can be purchased for $20 for each concert at TGO Tickets & Gift Shop in Hobbyland. TGO Tickets & Gift Shop at 321-269-8023
Low Mobility
at an Activities Concert
If you have a mobility impairment and need seating at one of our concerts, please call Bev Moquin at 508-317-0295 to arrange for that a few days before the concert. Bev must be contacted each time you need this service.
The TGO Tickets & Gift Shop in Hobbyland Will Reopen Monday, October 7, 2024
Our next meeting is October 15, 2024 at 1:00 pm in the Plantation Manor. Everyone is welcome. Our monthly meetings are the third Tuesday of every month from October until April.
Carmella Zielinski 321-289-0150
Pat Small 321-720-8979
Pat Foley 407-538-8035
Ruth Falusi 219-670-1111
7, 20245
Features Sabrina Plaisance-Sia with live vocals, powerful musicianship, chart topping hits, and an exciting singalong section, which all contribute to a magical, feel good show. It’s a modern throwback!
UPTOWN is a group of men from New York City who combine the smooth stylings of R & B with the fresh hits of today. The perfect mix of Bruno Mars caliber stage presence with the vocals of Stevie Wonder and Marvin Gaye!
Features the Pierce Arrow Trio. Take a one-of-a-kind usical and comedy journey through the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s. DECADES is nothing but fun from start to finish!
Phil Tag’s sarcastic and quick-witted humor consistently earns him rave reviews by audiences worldwide. Karen Rontowski has an upbeat, optimistic, clean sense of humor! Everything is coming up roses.
This premier “Chicago” tribute band comprises a unique blend of talented and seasoned musicians joining forces with the common goal of accurately replicating the timeless music of “CHICAGO.”
• Custom built in 2017
• Great golf course views
• Impact glass windows and doors
• 650 sf under air, includes living room, kitchen, bath and bonus room.
• Lot size approximately 98’ x 44’
• New 100 sqft screen in porch with panoramic views.
• RV port approximately 46’ long, 18’ wide, 14’ 6” clear height with port skirting for sun blockage of motorhome
• Vacant lot next door can never be built on. Giving way to beautiful breezes
• So many upgrades... porcelain tiled floor, Bermuda shutters, large tiled shower stall, plantation shutters, granite countertops throughout, stainless steel appliances, large stainless steel farm sink
• All appliances convey including Frigidaire front loading washer/dryer
• Two Mitsubishi split units heat and AC
• Tankless water heater
• Three storage sheds
• A short walk to the driving range, restaurant, pool, church, etc. A must see!
An Interdenominational Christian Church
Watch the LIVESTREAM on our Church Website:
Dr. David Price
Lead Pastor
J.B. Kump
Minister, Small Groups, Visitation and Retreats
Dan Zahn
Minister of Prayer & Visitation
Richard Harleman Director of Music
Nancy Reinish Director of Bells
Leanne Craig Office Administrator
Georgi Zeigler Administrative Assistant Send e-mail to: 321-383-0303
Pastor David’s Bible Study is LIVESTREAMING on Thursday mornings at 10:00 am on the church website: In-person bible study is 11:00 am in the Fellowship Hall
If you miss the livestream of any service, you can watch it from our website: by clicking on the Resources tab at the top of the homepage, then click on Archived Videos to find the service.
Year-round on Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm by Zoom. Contact Pastor Dan for the link at 321-446-7966.
Will resume on September 16 at 11:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone is welcome!
The SINGULARS of Great Outdoors Community Church are continuing their enjoyable schedule. Get on the email distribution list for all the events for this group. Send your email, with the subject line “Singulars Email” to: or call the church office at 321-383-0303 to keep up on the latest news for the Singulars. Please contact our coordinator Pastor J.B. Kump at: 321-543-1608 or email:
Interested in a Memory Walk Paver or Columbarium Niche? Inquire at The Great Outdoors Community Church - 321-383-0303. Monday 11:00 am - 1:00 pm, Tuesday - Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm.
With David Price on WPIO 89.3 FM every Monday - Friday at 4:40 pm and 9:13 pm
Prayer Shawl Ministry meets on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month from November through April and meets in the Narthex. Contact Rosalind Zahn for more information at 321-446-7968.
Great Outdoors Community Church has a ministry that provides services to TGO residents. The areas of support and their points-of-contact are as follows: Home Repairs Heidi Turner 321-514-3719
Lending Closet Roger Stairs 724-228-7758
Temporary Meals Heidi Turner 321-514-3719 County Services Bev Houghton 810-919-1629 Respite Sitting Martha Dayson 321-268-1460 Transportation Charlie Wood 847-609-1222
TRIBUTE QUARTET Sunday, November 3, 2024 10 am
CHRISTMAS CANTATA Wednesday, December 4, 2024 7 pm
Sunday, January 26, 2025 8:30 am 10 am
NIGHT OF MUSIC II Wednesday, February 12, 2025 7 pm
Date and time to be determined
Last week’s Flu and Vaccine Clinic, sponsored by JAD FAMILY PHARMACY, was a huge success, with many TGO residents taking advantage of the opportunity to get vaccinated. In addition to offering the seasonal flu shot, the clinic provided additional vaccinations, making it a convenient one-stop for those looking to stay up-to-date on their immunizations. Residents appreciated the ease of the process, with many bringing their vaccine consent forms and insurance information already prepared.
The event had a great turnout, with a steady stream of participants throughout the day. Those who attended were treated to thank-you bags and the chance to participate in raffles for
eager residents in line
was probably wishing he was at the concert still
health supplements and genetic wellness tests. Chiro Studio was also present, offering free Shockwave treatments to ease aches and pains, as well as giveaways for free office adjustments and treatments.
Special thanks go out to Jad Family Pharmacy for organizing the event and to Luis Gomez, APRN, from Stellar Performance Medical, who was available to answer questions about longevity and wellness. TGO residents expressed their gratitude for such a well-organized clinic and the valuable services provided, ensuring that everyone is better prepared for the upcoming season.
plenty of thank you bags for all that wasn’t bad at all!
There will be a second Health Fair later in October for those who are unable to attend this time.
- By Ed Brown
editor’s note: this is a reprint from 2022 but, in light of recent natural disasters and the approaching dry season, we felt the information remains timely and valuable
If you were aware of the TV news these past several months, then you know that many things have changed. One of those changes was the landscape: California, Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Wildfires have been ravaging those states for months. Three million acres in California were turned to gray ash. In parts of the other three states, two million acres became a burned out wasteland. In California 700 structures were destroyed, hundreds of vehicles were burned, residents of dozens of communities were burned, livestock and pets were destroyed, 37 firefighters were killed and the carnage continues. As long as the fuel (fire load) is great, humidity is low and the strong, hard, dry Santa Ana winds blow through the canyons, the fires will continue to feed. Most are not anywhere near “under control.”
The smoke in those states represents a hazmat situation drifting across the country and even as far away as Europe. Environmental destruction (floods and landslides) and health concerns resulting from prolonged smoke inhalation will last a lifetime! My, aren’t you glad you have a place of refuge here in TGO, south of those nasty, smoke-burdened continental winds and free of wildfires?... What? Well almost!
The Jet Stream usually doesn’t swing far enough south to pick up West Coast smoke but, as you know, we do have wildfires. Our wildfires are not as intense as those burning out West. We don’t have ridge lines, Santa Ana winds, or as much ground fuel and dry conditions as California wildfires. During dry winter months with strong seasonal winds it is possible for our river plains to get ignited and take off into the upland habitat (pines, hardwoods and homes)
Firewise Committee - Contact Information
Butch Jones Chairman 804-514-4458
Christopher Miller Co-Chairman 407-375-8310
Tim Graham 561-262-8833
Donald Payne 407-222-0583
Ed Brown
which is TGO. The damage might not be in the billions of dollars but what is the value, to you, of your Park Home, Motor Home or 5th Wheel? How can you protect your home? If you don’t know, read about “How To” in a future issue of The Happenings.
In the meantime, you can jump-start the home protection process if you remember these three words:
LEAN refers to the thickness of the vegetation outside your home. Thirty feet is the minimum distance from the outside walls to “the jungle.” The idea is to discourage fire from spreading to your living spaces.
CLEAN is a reminder to keep this same area clear of vegetative waste (fallen leaves, dead palm fronds, pine cones, pine needles; stuff that can be ignited by fire embers blowing in a fire-generated wind!) It includes your roof and gutters!
GREEN is the color of your lawn if it’s hydrated. If it is brown or tan, it will burn (right up to the house). Get the picture?
You may have a sprinkler problem or an insect problem. Either way, the CSA office can help you to hydrate your lawn.
Be Firewise, Be Safe!
Mike Lavery 585-315-5554
Ron Peoples 407-509-0486
Betty Salter 321-223-8073
Remember, you must have written permission to remove
Ed Olefirowicz 919-360-3174
Karri Olefirowicz 919-265-4315
Albert McGuire 810-338-5646
Nancy Clark 321-292-1434
POLAR BEAR CLUB Our Polar Bear Club for your Air Conditioning System gets you on the road to Peace of Mind with inspections performed according to the Manufacturer’s recommendations. For each inspection performed, one of our specially trained technicians provides a comprehensive report. When your next inspection is due, our computer will prompt us to call and schedule your next service. Call us today about our Polar Bear Club to keep your system running at peak efficiency while saving you money.
NEW COLMAN SERVICES Let us provide these important services in your home:
add Chicken-3.00 add Shrimp-5.00
served with ranch dip
tossed in Kaboom Sauce
Pretzel Bites
served with Nacho cheese
add chicken for 2.50 add pulled pork for 2.50 add chili for 2.00
& Pico
served with ranch or remoulade sauce
Chicken Wings (6) -10.99; (10)-15.99
Sauce Options: BBQ, Mild, Hot or Garlic Parmesan
Two 5 oz. Meatballs
drizzled with marinara
chicken breast cut and breaded with fries — SALADS & SOUPS —
burgers include fries)
Serving fresh, high-quality food with friendliness and pride, overlooking our award-winning golf course
Consumer Advisory: Consumption of undercooked meat, poultry, eggs or seafood may increase the risk of foodborne illnesses, especially if you have certain medical conditions.
Grilled Grouper 21.99
grilled or blackened served on top of cilantro rice with vegetable of the day
Apple Chutney Pork Chop 17.99
grilled with caramelized apple and onion sauce and served with mashed potatoes and vegetable of the day
Steak Fajitas 19.99
Chicken Fajitas 17.99
sizzling hot with grilled onions and peppers
12 oz. Ribeye
12 oz. Black Angus Ribeye served with mashed potatoes and broccoli
Mahi Tacos 19.99
three tacos, topped with Island slaw and Baja sauce
Chicken Alfredo 12.99
grilled chicken served over fettucine alfredo
Shrimp Scampi 24.99
shrimp with butter & garlic sauce served over pasta
Spaghetti & Meatball 14.99
large 5 oz. homemade meatball served over top of spaghetti with marinara sauce
Shredded Pulled Pork 14.99
roasted pulled pork served on top of Cilantro rice with a side of black beans
roll filled with lobster meat served with side salad
Value Breakfast 6.99
Single egg any style with hash browns and toast and choice of kielbasa, ham or bacon
Breakfast Wrap 9.99
flour tortilla with scrambled eggs, pepper, onions, tomato and cheese. Add bacon or ham -1.99 kielbasa-2.99
Pancakes 7.99
Two pancakes
Add blueberries, or strawberries-1.99
Add bacon, ham or kielbasa -2.99
Add scrambled egg-2.99
Steak n’ Egg 25.99
12 oz. black angus ribeye with your choice of scrambled or over easy eggs, with hash browns
The Scrambler 22.99
Scrambled eggs with ribeye steak tips, spinach, sautéed onions and diced tomatoes, with a side of hash browns
The Blue Heron 11.99
Two eggs any style, your choice of ham, bacon, or kielbasa, with hash browns, toast, and tomatoes or fruit
Biscuits ‘N’ Gravy 12.99 with a scrambled egg
Add bacon-1.99; kielbasa-2.99
Bagel Sandwich 7.99
ham, egg & cheese on your choice of plain or everything bagel
Toasted Bagel 3.99
an everything or plain bagel, add cream cheese-1.00
Create Your Own Omelet 9.99
Choose from: peppers, onions, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes and cheddar cheese
ADD: bacon, ham or kielbasa - 2.99
ADD: seasonal fruit- 3.99
Classic Eggs Benedict 11.99
poached egg on ham on english muffin topped with Hollandaise sauce
Latin Eggs Benedict 11.99
English muffin, ham, poached egg, topped with zesty shredded pulled pork
Bird’s Nest Benedict 10.99
a nest of hash browns and ham, with a poached egg and topped with Hollandaise sauce
Avocado Toast 4.99
avocado spread across your choice of toast.
Add an egg-2.00
Avocado Sandwich 6.99
fried egg, bacon, swiss cheese and avocado spread on choice of bread
Avocado Wrap 8.99
flour tortilla wrap with scrambled eggs, sliced avocado, onions, tomato & hash browns
Cheerios, Raisin Bran, Frosted Flakes Oatmeal (add fruit-1.50)
The Communit y Ser vices Association has the following positions open for election:
Board of Directors Districts 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
Architectural Review Committee Districts 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
Election day is Monday, Januar y 27, 2025 in the Plantation Manor - 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Photo ID is required to vote.
Members elected will ser ve a t wo -year term.
The Board of Directors are responsible for the entire operation of The Great Outdoors Communit y Ser vices Association.
The Architectural Review Committee maintains standards of appearance for TGO proper t y change that are visible outside.
This is YOUR community. Please contact a member of the Election Committee by November 28, 2024 5 p.m. if you would like to be a candidate!
The year 2025 is an Election Year for the Chairman position of both the Community Services Association Board of Directors and the Architectural Review Committee. For this reason, Election Notices will be mailed, or emailed, to all properties at The Great Outdoors.
Included with the Election Notice will be a request form for obtaining an Absentee Ballot for those who expect to need one.
• Custom -built 2 Bedroom/2 bath w/ great lake views
• Located in prestigious Hidden Lakes subdivision
• 1920 sq.ft living area + 2-car garage w/power lifts; 14’x48x13’ a/c’d RV garage
• New roof 2024; HVAC 2015; water heater 2024
• All windows hurricane rated or hurricane shutters
• Kitchen renovated 2022 w/quartz countertops & SS appliances
• Gas fireplace in living room
• 2nd bedroom includes built in murphy bed
• Both bathrooms remodeled with new tile in 2020
• Professionally landscaped w/landscape lighting
• Rear brick patio overlooks lake
• Approximately 24’x20’ enclosed a/c’d Sun Room
For the first decades of my life the arrival of October meant many things: cold weather, my birthday, too months before Summer vacation, gloves, cold wind, crisp days. As life went on it also meant my first date with my wife (and the second and third and...), the birth of our first child, running my first marathon, cross country, Fall crew. It seems to be a month of significance in my life. What October has always been is a month of change and transition. I don’t mean just weather, although that is definitely a factor, but a period of transformation for me. A period of going from one state to another. Because of all this October is a time of reflection. “Where am I in my life?” “What is ahead of me?” “What has just passed?” “How am I about to be challenged?”
That’s a good thing.
Taking a moment (or many) to consider what’s happening right now is powerful. It sounds contradictory but the process makes me more focused on the now. That happens, I think, because I’m reminded of impermanence. Of how quickly life is flowing so “pay attention” yet be ready for change and be ready to move with it.
Curiously, I see this happening at The Great Outdoors. So quiet in the Summer and early Fall but something is coming and everybody knows it. I can almost feel it. Since I am only a few months into managing The Happenings I haven’t experienced TGO when it’s hopping, but people keep reminding me that “something is coming” and it’s busy! Sounds exciting—let’s go!
Comments, ideas, suggestions, and submissions are always welcome. Please be in touch with me here: email: phone: 401-286-9228
Are you losing your hearing, or are your ears just plugged with earwax?
Miracle-Ear Hearing Center is looking for qualified people to test their latest product with speech isolation and background noise reduction for FREE!
Miracle-Ear® is looking for qualified people to test their latest product with speech isolation and background noise reduction for FREE! Here’s the catch: You must have difficulty hearing and understanding in background noise, and your hearing must fall in the range of the hearing aid. Those selected will evaluate Miracle-Ear’s latest advanced digital hearing solution. You will be able to walk out of our office with your hearing!
Here’s the catch: You must have difficulty hearing and understanding in background noise, hearing must fall in the range of the hearing aid. Those selected will evaluate Miracle-Ear’s advanced digital hearing solution. You will be able to walk out of our office with your hearing!
Candidates will be asked to evaluate our instruments RISK FREE†. At the end of the trial period, if you are satisfied with the improvement in your hearing and wish to keep the instruments, you may do so at tremendous savings.
You must schedule your appointment before October 20, 2023. Don’t wait!
For a limited time, we are offering a 100% FREE Trial*. Take our hearing aids home for free with no money down and no obligation. Call to schedule your FREE Hearing Evaluation.
Candidates will be asked to evaluate our instruments RISK FREE. At the end of the trial period, if you are satisfied with the improvement in your hearing and wish to keep the instruments, you may do so at tremendous savings.
The tide is turning and more and more people are recognizing the value of treating even mild hearing loss. Yet, people still wait an average of seven years to treat their hearing loss. Why get tested and treated if you’re still able to get by?
• Better hearing may protect you from dementia, raise your income, guard against depression and help you stay socially active.
• Hearing aids today are so advanced they make it possible for most people to hear in very crowded, noisy situations.
• Early intervention “trains” your ears when they are most able, setting you up for more effective treatment and better hearing.
For a limited time, we are offering a 100% FREE Trial*. Take our hearing aids home for FREE with no money down and no obligation. Call to schedule your FREE Hearing Evaluation.
Boca Raton – (561) 287-9770
22191 Powerline Rd, Ste 17B, Boca Raton, FL 33433
• The hearing checkup is free and painless.
Boynton Beach – (561) 332-1994
1020 Gateway Blvd, Ste 102, Boynton Beach, FL 33426
Coral Springs – (954) 656-6530
2242 N University Dr, Coral Springs, FL 33071
Delray Beach – (561) 330-5164
Fort Lauderdale – (954) 998-2479
5457 N Federal Hwy, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308
Hallandale – (954) 637-1752
800 E Hallandale Beach Blvd, #16, Hallandale Beach, FL 33009 Hablamos Español
Pembroke Pines – (954) 900-6888
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Certain cancer treatments can cause hearing loss. We are a proud sponsor of the Miracle-Ear Foundation Gift of Sound program. We make a donation for every purchase to help local children and adults hear better!
13800 South Jog Rd, Unit 105, Delray Beach, FL 33446
306 S Flamingo Road, Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 Hablamos Español
Plantation – (954) 953-6713
6963 W Broward Blvd, Plantation, FL 33317
Sponsored by HOA an d Condo Presiden ts Council
Our final four Speakers Events will begin again on October 12, 2024. Several of our previous speakers will return at residents’ requests. We have new speakers with topics very relevant to our community. Events are scheduled in the Pavilion on Saturdays from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. Our speakers will arrive at 10:30 am, and some may remain afterwards for further discussion.
OCT0BER 12, 2024
Mat t Agnini, Integrated Technology Consultant, Advancify (321) 607- 8093, Ext. 400
John Dunn, Commander, Disabled Americ an Veterans (321) 269- 0109
OCTOBER 26, 2024
Michelle Maginnis, Regions Bank, Branch Manager & Vice President (321) 225- 5420
Heather Markow, MSN, PMHNP heathermarkow @gmail.c om
NOVEMBER 16, 2024
Sandra Decar o, Retired Social Security Ad ministration 25 years exp erience
Jerry Hadlock, Medigap Insurance Pl ans Multi -St ate Agent (321) 720- 4526
NOVEMBER 23, 2024
Eveline Tenczar, BSA Launch Credit Union Fraud Manager (321) 455- 9400 * 1252 etenczar@launchc
Jayson Moore, Doct or of Pharmacy (321) 394- 8466
If a speaker cancels, we will attempt to provide another speaker in his/her place.
First Fridays!
October 4, 5 p.m., Rockledge Gardens 2153 US-1, Rockledge
Every first Friday of the month from June – October this summer from 5pm to 9PM you can enjoy an evening with dinner specials from Garden Party, sweet treats from Mad Utter, beer + wine (+ non-alcoholic drink options available), plant shopping, workshops, live music, yard games, and music trivia! The perfect summertime date night, family outing, or after-work hangout spot!
Space Coast Farmers Market at Pineapple Park
October 5, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Pineapple Park Melbourne
Welcome to the Space Coast Farmers Market @ Pineapple Park! Join us for a fun-filled day of fresh produce, local artisans, and delicious food. Explore a variety of vendors offering everything from fruits and veggies to handmade crafts and baked goods. Whether you’re looking to stock up on groceries or just enjoy a leisurely stroll, this market has something for everyone. Come out and support local businesses while enjoying the vibrant atmosphere of Pineapple Park.
October 5, 1 p.m. Sandpoint Park 101 N Washington Ave, Titusville
SBring your lawn chairs and enjoy a day of sun and suds at beautiful Sandpoint Park along the Indian River in Titusville on Saturday October 5, 2024, from 1 to 5 pm!
North Brevard Rotary Club is hosting its Third Annual Space Coast Brew Fest, where you can sample a large variety of beer styles from some amazing Craft Breweries and Homebrew Clubs!
Admission price gets you a commemorative tasting cup and unlimited beer samples from 1pm to 5 pm. A limited quantity of VIP tickets will be available for purchase until September 5, which will include early entry at noon! Food will be available for purchase from several food trucks, and there will be live music by NO EXIT to make the experience complete!
Vine & Olive Mini Market Ghoulish Gathering
October 12, 9:30 a.m., Vine & Olive, 3350 S Washington Ave, Titusville
Vine & Olive Mini-Market October! Come out and support 15+ of your local artisans including bakers, coffee connoisseurs, and candle makers or restock up on your locally sourced/homemade honey, jerky, sweet treats, jams, jewelry, gifts and so much more!
Come out and support your local artisans and enjoy a lovely brunch on the patio at this beautiful restaurant!
TGO Quilter’s Showcase At Hobbyland November 10, 1 to 3 p.m.
TGO Quilters have been busy at work preparing quilts for all the foster care children in Northern Brevard and would like to share their work with you before they are donated for the children to receive a holiday gifts. We have some very talented quilters who have created lovely quilts to be showcased. Please join us on Sunday afternoon for the Showcase of Quilts For more information, contact Debbi Walling at
• Family business established in 1985
• Cabinet designers each with 10+ years experience
• Free sink with purchase of kitchen counter-tops
• Free consultations and estimates
• All installers are background checked
• Hundreds of quartz selections
Aqua Strength/Cardio Mondays @10am
Aqua Barre Tuesdays @10am
Aqua Zumba Wednesdays @10am
Aqua Stretch Thursdays @10am
Aqua HIIT Fridays @10am
I’m originally from Colombia and moved to the USA in 2002. I’m a licensed physical Therapist in Colombia since 1998. I’m also a certified NASM Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, an AFAA Group Exercise Instructor, an AEA Aqua Fitness Instructor with many years of experience; I also hold a wide variety of licenses and certifications to teach different Fitness classes formats to spice up your training routine including: HITT, Spinning, Pilates, Zumba, Zumba Gold, Zumba Gold Toning, Aqua Zumba, Zumba Step, Zumba Toning, CIRCL Mobility, Strong Nation, TRX, Stretch, Aqua Aerobics, Zumba Kids, Zumba Kids Junior, Silver Sneakers, and Senior Strength.
I would love to be a part of your health and Fitness journey –join me in my classes here at TGO to reach your goals together!
Why don’t we say what we mean and mean what we say?
For instance, what we in America call “football” rarely uses the foot and what we call “soccer” doesn’t have anything to do with socking anything because they can’t use their hands. You know that guy Webster that wrote the dictionary? I’m convinced he was either a sadistic alcoholic or sniffed lines of stuff that looks like it fell off a powdered donut before he sat down to give us the gigantic book of household words.
You know. Stuff like naming the place we park a “driveway” while calling the place we drive a “parkway.” Really Mr. W?
We built an entire language that doesn’t make sense off of one book obviously written by someone with issues. For example how come fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing? Think about this next one. If you drive something by car it’s called a shipment but if it comes by ship it’s called cargo. Why? And why do we say your nose runs and your feet smell? Here’s something to lose sleep over. Athletes practice for years to
perfect their abilities right? So why does that surgeon about to slice you open call his business a practice?
For those of you in the real estate profession, why do you call those buildings apart-ments when they’re all stuck together. Another question I have for them is why do they call it a building if it’s already built? And for our friends from the Islands of the Pacific, why do they call the roads in Hawaii “Interstate Highways?” I have a question also for the ladies. Why do they call it a “pair” of panties but there’s only one bra? In the financial world why is that guy you give all your money to hoping he makes you richer called a “broker?” The funny thing is, our twisted language makes me smile and a smile is just a curve that makes everything straight. Hope I set you straight :)!
-Dr. Sammy
The responsibilities of the Recreation Department are quite varied.
You may already know we maintain and service the pools and hot tubs at Plantation Manor and Oak Cove Pool daily, including weekends and holidays. We check that the chemicals are balanced and the temperatures are just right! This is done by the Recreation Supervisor and two Recreation Technicians. Four members of our department are CPOs (Certified Pool Operators), so we always have a backup.
You may also know that our three Housekeepers stock and clean each bathhouse, laundry, Plantation Manor, Pro Shop restrooms, golf course restrooms, Fitness center, pavilion, Hobbyland, Mail Facility, and CSA offices, daily. This includes weekends and most holidays.
Our team also prints over 1500 copies of the Happenings every other week and distributes them to various areas around the community. As well as giving access digitally through the website and email.
We set up and break down numerous tables and chairs for every function in Plantation Manor daily, sometimes twice daily, for the many events and programs scheduled through our department. From concerts, weddings, socials, exercise classes, and internal and external bookings Plantation Manor is in constant use.
The scheduling for each of those events, programs, luncheons, weddings, socials, exercise classes, meetings, etc. is also done through the Recreation Department using the Community Calendar on our website for each of our facilities. Those facilities include the Manor, Hobbyland, the Pavilions, Jukebox Recreation room, Conference Room, Library, and Recreation Courts. Applications are requested, submitted, and approved by the Recreation Manager for specific types of events. You can always look at the calendar to find out what event is happening where and when!
Our team monitors each of the AEDs located throughout the community. Making sure they are up to date and in working order regularly. Team members are CPR/AED certified.
Pickleball, Tennis, Shuffleboard, Bocce Ball, and Corn Hole courts are also our responsibility. Whether it is blowing off debris or installing and removing windscreens.
We take pride in what we do for TGO and feel it is appreciated by the many owners and their guests who use the facilities.
AQUACIZE Plantation Manor Pool (pool is closed during class)
Monday - Friday - 10:00 am - Weather Permitting
Call the CSA Manor Office to ask about any cancellation due to bad weather. Aquacize, or water aerobics, is a fun and easy workout for all ages. It uses the resistance of water to increase cardiovascular endurance, flexibility and muscle tone. Diana Araujo-Fernandez For more information call: Plantation Manor - 321-264-2393
BINGO Plantation Manor - Tuesday - 6:00 pm, all year CARDS GO ON SALE at 4:45 pm. TGO Owners, Renters, and Guests Only. All present during play must be 18 years of age or older. Age verification via government ID may be required.
BOCCE The Bocce Court (next to Shuffleboard)
The Bocce ball set can be borrowed from the cabint outside the Fitness Center, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm. For weekend play, pick up the Bocce set on Friday.
BOWLING River Lanes (SR50) - Titusville
TGO bowling - 2024 Season - $1.00 per game with free shoes. Pay at desk before bowling. Bowling starts at 1:00 pm. League ends on March 20. Total of 11 weeks. Teams consist of 4 members per team. We take singles and will find you a team. League is a handicap system so everyone has a chance to win. To confirm your place or join, call: Ruby Logan - 321-749-8642
BRIDGE CLUB Plantation Manor Porch
Monday - 1:00 pm, Thursday - 1:00 pm
For intermediate and advanced level players. Bridge sign-up sheets are on clipboards on the Plantation Manor office door by the stage. Players must sign up by Friday noon to play Monday afternoon and must sign up by Tuesday noon to play Thursday afternoon. For more info call: John Comeau – 321-269-5525
BUNCO The Library
Sept 19, Oct 3, Oct 17, Nov 7, Nov 21, Dec 5,& Dec 19
Meet in the Library @ 6 p.m. Bring $4, $1 bunco $3 left, right, center. For more info call or text Cathy Costello: 321-376-2823
CHESS The Library
We invite chess players of all levels. Bring a chess set and clock if you can. For more information, join the TGO Chess Players Group on Facebook or contact Bill Severance at 207-317-1365 or
CIGAR CLUB Windsong Pavilion
2nd & 4th Tuesdays – 3:30 pm. Enjoy a cigar with fellow smokers, swap cigars, share cigar knowledge, join field trips. (Bring a beverage) Contact: Bob Hazlett – 937-545-7446;
The Clown Alley meets on the first and third Thursday of each month at 3:00 pm. For more information call: Pam Campbell Taylor 571-217-0444
All Year Long - First and third Tuesdays Noon to 3:00 pm and/or Wednesdays 4:00 to 7:00 pm. $10 - Colored pencil supplies provided. Start with a short coloring lesson, choose what you color, color at your own pace. Reservations REQUIRED by the Monday before class. or call Tracy Lewis - 425-478-6078
CORN HOLE The Shuffleboard Courts
Come join your friends and neighbors each Sunday afternoon for a few games of Corn Hole. Practice starts at 2:30. Games start at 3:00. For more information call: Randy Sanford - 321-505-8353
CROQUET CLUB In front of the Golf Driving Range
Sunday - 2:00 pm
No experience needed. Equipment provided. Bring your own chair and beverage. No formal attire. It’s a great way to get outside and have fun with friends and neighbors. Contact: John Comeau - 321-269-5525 or Frank Valenza - 321-567-4272
DIAMOND PAINTING The Library - Monday - 1:30 pm
Try this new craft hobby that’s a mix between Cross Stitch and Paint by Numbers. Tiny resin “diamonds” are applied to a color-coded canvas creating a vibrant mosaic painting.
Contact: Nancy Landry - 781-820-7276
EUCHRE The Library
Saturday - 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Euchre is OPEN NOW for all who love the game! The cost is $1. Contact: Theresa Crosby - 740-548-0140
Plantation Manor (M) or Pavilion (P)
Start every day of your week with exercise
Monday (M) - 8:00-9:00 am
Strength Training
Monday (P) - 9:00 - 9:30 am
Low Impact
Tuesday (M) - 8:00 - 9:00 am
PiYo Live
Tuesday (M) - 9:00 - 9:30 am
Back Stretch
Wednesday (M) - 8:00 - 9:00 am
Medicine Ball
Wednesday (P) - 9:00 - 9:30 am
Total Body Toning
Thursday (M) - 8:00 - 9:00 am
Low Impact
Thursday (M) - 9:00 - 9:30 am
Belly, Back, Buns
Friday (M) - 8:00 - 9:00 am
Strength Training
Friday (P) - 9:00 - 9:30 am
People's Choice
Wednesday - 9:30 am - 12:00 noon.
Bring your knitting, cross stitch, crocheting, and other needle creations. For information, call: Theresa Sansoucie - 603-4914515 or Mary Jane Smith - 810-853-8188
FMCA - Ambassadors Chapter Plantation Manor
4th Monday (October - April) - 4:30 pm
Seasonal meetings are monthly, in the Plantation Manor. Come to see your friends, share your latest RV adventures and get updates on our rally schedule and chapter activities. After our business meeting, we provide a light meal for our members and guests. Please bring your own beverage of choice. If you will be attending, you must send an email to Bob Nebel by the Monday before the meeting so we know how much food to purchase. Bob’s email:
For more information, call: Bob Nebel at 321-626-1290
Visit our website at
FTTA - Fun Time Travel Association Plantation Manor
3rd Monday (October - April) - 4:30 pm
Next meeting will be Monday, October 21.
The FTTA is a rally group open to all owners and renters in TGO. All types of RVs are welcome and are encouraged to enjoy the fun. Join our monthly meeting for information about rallies and socializing. We will serve food at this meeting. Those who plan to attend, send an e-mail to Monica Fierro by the Friday before the Monday meeting so we know how many chairs to set up and how much food to purchase. Email Monica Fierro: Put “FTTA” in the subject line. Or call: 321-604-0011
Sunday - 6:00 pm, Tuesday - 6:00 pm
This fun-loving group plays many types of games. More information, call: Jean Crichton: 321-383-9385 or Kathy Smith: 401-742-9766
Wednesday and Saturday - 11:30 am - 4:00 pm
Much more challenging and fun than original Hand and Foot, this is still similar to Canasta. Both days meet all year. For more information, call: Marie Zeigler - 518-805-8569
KARAOKE Plantation Manor
In the Manor starting at 6 p.m. Join the fun! Next dates: 10/17, 11/14, & 12/12. Don Wheeler - 407-401-3655
LINE DANCING Plantation Manor
Tuesdays - 10 am - 12 pm
Beginner class starts at 10:00 am. No dance experience - basic steps taught. Improver class starts at 11:00 am.
Michelle Neese - Instructor
Friday - 12:00 - 5:00 pm, all year
Join us in this fascinating hobby by bringing your embroidery machine. Bring your door key for the craft room.
Contact: Ann Ducote 321 408 4217 or Diana Spahn 207 432 2107
MAD HATTERS Plantation Manor
1st Tuesday (November - April) - 11:30 am
All TGO ladies are invited. Lunch is $18.00, bring the exact amount, advance reservations are required. For lunch reservations, contact Susan Bonneau, For any other information contact: Sharon Alonzo at or 518-542-4539
MAH JONGG The Library
Monday - 6:00 - 9:00 pm • Connie Heil - 321-383-8279
Tuesday -1:00 - 4:00 pm • Rosalind Zahn - 321-269-7957
NICKEL BINGO Plantation Manor
Friday October 4, at 6 pm / Friday October 18, at 6 pm . Bring snacks for your table/BYOB. Bring a roll of nickels to play and $1, per person, for donation to three charities.
(note: no longer accepting canned goods)
Bev Moquin - 508-317-0295 or Dot Raab - 407-968-4795
1st Wednesday of each month - 6:30 pm
Please consider joining the fun! The book selection and more good information can be found on FACEBOOK at TGO Page Turners. Wine is welcome!
PICKLEBALL Pickleball Courts
Six Pickleball Courts are available starting at 8:00 am every day.
• Lights for Night Play • Beginners Lessons
• Organized Tournaments • Clinics to Improve Member Skills
• Open Club Play 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Daily and Wednesday evening 6:00 - 8:00 pm • Private Games in the Afternoon
We strongly recommend calling Nancy Powers at 603-209-2544 from November to mid-April for lessons before coming out to play (lessons not offered during the summer). You can also borrow equipment from the Plantation Manor CSA Office Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. For more information:
We meet the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month.
If you enjoy taking pictures and would like to learn more, please visit with us. Whether you use your phone or a Mirrorless Camera, all are welcome. New faces are always a welcome addition to our meetings. Contact: David Spahn - 207-468-6760
QUILTERS Hobbyland
Thursday - 9:30 am- 5:00 pm, all year
Join in the creative enjoyment of this sewing art. Weekly meetings are held at 1:00 pm November through April. TGO Owners, please bring your door key for the craft room.
Call: Debbi Walling 925-708-3599
Experience the “high” of flying R/C aircraft. FREE training. The airfield is less than a mile from TGO. We fly all year and are usually at the airfield by about 8:00 am. Call: Bob Netherton - 321-269-3016
Tuesday (October - April) - 9:00 am
The TGO Traditional Rug Hooking Group invites all “Hookers and Lookers” to view our work. Call: Terri Strack - 603-540-5921
Members meeting - 2nd Tuesday (October-April) - 9:00 am
The club building is near the CSA maintenance yard and open to members 24/7/365. Members may pursue their wood and/or metalworking hobby. Loaner tools are available for any member. Membership is open to all TGO property owners. Laura Sievers 630-408-6461
SHUFFLEBOARD Shuffleboard Courts by The Manor
Thursday - Scheduled play October - April - 1:00 pm
Discs and Cues are on the Fitness Center front wall. Please return equipment when you are finished. For after dark, there is a light switch timer by the Tennis Court fence enclosure door that is nearest to the shuffleboard courts. For more information, call: Doug Jensen - 401-885-9731
SINGLES AT TGO The Café Wednesday 11:30 am
Join us for lunch every week. Men and women can spend an hour or two in fellowship together. Meet old friends and make new ones. Sammye Madden - 321-383-8530 or Cam Pelletier - 321264-0691
SMOKERS and BBQ’ers Windsong Pavilion
This group is for anyone who likes to smoke or BBQ anything. Bring your questions, expertise, knowledge, and samples to the Windsong Pavilion every first and third Wednesday at 4:00 pm. Call Rob Pribyl - 443-835-5811 for information
STAMPIN’ UP Card Making Class Hobbyland
2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 6:00 pm and Fridays at 9:30 am. Make 3 cards for $12. All supplies provided. Reservations REQUIRED. E-mail: by Monday before classes or call Carol Hall - 321-289-7380
Thursday - 9:30 am - 12 noon, all year
Come join in the fun of stitching your projects while you enjoy a cup of tea. Bring your key to the craft room. For more information, call: Teri Alexander - 321-961-1393 or Theresa Sansoucie 603-491-4515
TENNIS CLUB Tennis Courts
Tennis Club Members Match Play: Mon - Wed - Fri - 8:00 am to Noon
All Tennis Players - Round-Robin - All Skill Levels: Tue - Thu - Sat - 8:00 am to Noon. Open Play Tennis - Daily Noon - 8:00 pm. Join the TGO Tennis Club. Contact any Tennis Club Board Member on court. Or call Belle Maropis - 770-695-8266
Texas Hold-Em tournaments on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6:00 pm in the Jukebox Recreation Room.
For more info: Call Doyle Wilson at 502-751-4657
Texas Hold-Em tournaments on Thursdays at 6:00 pm in the Jukebox Recreation Room.
For more info: Call Andy Martenson at 321-246-0033
Sunday evenings in the game room from 6 to 9 pm.
HEY GALS! interested in playing Texas Hold ‘em? Here’s your opportunity to get in on a low-stakes limit game.
For more info contact Elaine Meier at 716-239-6325.
Fun, safe class learning newest trending dances from social media. 6:00 pm -7:00 pm SUN & THU
Join FB page: TGO Dance Group
UKULELE GROUP Nature Center Tuesday from 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Join us! All levels of players welcomed.
Lynn Fryer - 443 -286-1396 or Pam Campbell Taylor- 571-217-0444
WATERCOLOR CLASSES Hobbyland Tuesdays - 1:30 - 4:30 pm. All levels welcome. Contact: Angie Woznick 321-269-6609 or Sally MacNevin 508-944-0082
WOOD CARVING Hobbyland - Monday - 8:00 am - 12 noon
All skill levels welcome. Join us for whittling or relief, chip, and carving-in-the-round styles.
Contact: Charlie Wing - 321-474-1952
YOGA Pavilion - Monday at 9:45 am
Plantation Manor - Thursday 9:45
Vinyasa Yoga - Bridget Griffin - Instructor Bring a yoga mat and towel or kneeling pad for both classes.
SWEDISH WEAVERS Hobbyland Monday - 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Relax with this fun, needlecraft fabric decorating style. The simple technique can be mastered and enjoyed by all ages. Carmella Zielinski - 321-289-0150
TAI CHI Windsong Pavilion
Monday and Wednesday 9:00 to 10:00 am
For more info call or text Dan Tracy at 608-658-4465
ZUMBA Plantation Manor
Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 9:00 am Starting Oct 2! Fun fusion of body sculpting and dance movements to lively Latin rhythms that tone your body.
Instructor: Diana- Arujo-Fernandez
by Kris Lee-Scott
This Tip is a doozy! It doesn’t matter what device or platform you use for sending and receiving email, you can identify and protect you and your family from scammers who are trying to get cozy with your credit cards and personal information…
But first, HOW they get to you…
As in my last Tip, I pointed out that many people are lax in protecting their online information, thinking “I don’t have anything they want…” etc. (For more on this, go to my article on
BUT ON SEPT 24, 2024 this happened:
Massive data broker MC2 Data left more than 100 million records of Americans exposed online for anyone to copy, grab, forward, sell on the Dark Web — you name it. This comes only one month after the National Public Data breach of 2.9 billion records. (You might be asking yourself WHY these data broker companies and people-search sites are screwing up so bad…That’s their ONLY JOB!)
What’s the government doing about these leaks?
Not much, sorry to say. You’d think we’d have a system in place to at least fine the companies. Nope. Thanks to these companies’ shoddy cybersecurity practices, your personal info is floating around for anyone who wants it.
How the heck did that happen?
And it’s not even the hackers to blame… It was an inexcusable lack of security dubbed “human error.” MC2 Data left a whopping 2.2 terabytes of private information exposed — no password required to see it. The info included everything from names and contact info to criminal records, employment histories and family data.
Since this breach essentially impacts one out of every three Americans, it’s time to take action. Use these tips to keep your information and identity safe:
Be wary of urgent requests. Many scam emails look like they’re from a legitimate bank or company. Always expand the email address to verify it’s genuine.Freeze your credit. This will keep scammers from opening a credit card or loan in your name. Like setting up a fraud alert, you’ll need to contact each of the three credit bureaus. (Watch out for bogus emails from the credit bureaus, too.)
Be skeptical of unsolicited calls or emails referencing hacked info. For example, if your credit union was impacted by a breach, be extra careful with emails or calls claiming there’s an issue with your account.
Take proactive steps. Start with your financial life. Update your bank PIN and login credentials. Do the same with your credit cards. Set up banking alerts on your phone to stay on top of fraudulent activity.
(Above info adapted from Kim Komando newsletter: Subscribe here:
Go a step further
How to double-check these emails and how to do it without losing your patience (or your wallet):
Why it’s important:
Phishing Paradise: Scammers love sending fake renewal emails. If you click without thinking, you’ll likely hand them your personal details, passwords, or payment info.
Prevent Unwanted Charges: Some emails are sneaky tricks designed to get you to renew subscriptions you don’t need, or that you didn’t even know existed.
Security Breach: Clicking the wrong link could install malware or other nasties that turn your device into a hacker’s playground.
Steps to verify:
1. Check the sender’s email address: Legit companies have professional email domains (e.g., @apple. com). (Check that the company’s name after the @ sign is ex: @apple. com, it’s usually genuine. Any words or server names after the at sign (like is a fake!
If it’s from something weird like, run!
2. Look for bad grammar or weird formatting: Typos, strange sentence structures, or logos that look like they were drawn in MS Paint are red flags.
3. Don’t click links:
If the email asks you to “Click here to renew,” DON’T DO IT! Open a new tab and log in to the company’s website directly to check the status of your subscription.
4. Hover over links: Hover your mouse over any link to see the real URL. If it looks like it’s taking you to a sketchy website, don’t follow it.
5. Check your account manually: Instead of trusting the email, go to the company’s website or app and check your account for any subscription renewal requests or upcoming charges.
6. Call customer service:
If you’re unsure, find a real customer service number (not from the email, but from the company’s official site) and confirm with them.
7. Trust your gut:
If something feels off, it probably is. There’s no harm in taking a minute to think before clicking anything.
Do these things, and you’ll keep the scammers at bay while protecting your bank balance from unnecessary renewals. More examples on how to spot FAKE emails at
Got a question? Call me at 321-243-4324 See you next Issue! Kris
Please support these service providers & tell them you saw their ad in THE HAPPENINGS! If you are interested in advertising in the MarketPlace pages - email
Bill and Lynda Shaw are residents here in TGO and they have tirelessly invested their time to help the less fortunate. Both Bill and Lynda work closely with the TGO Church and are always on the lookout for donations of food and clothing to support their program of helping the needy. They have built a solid network of charitable organizations in Titusville, who make sure your donations are distributed to the people for whom they were intended.
“If it’s wearable, edible or usable... we’ll take it.”
lf you’ve been looking for a reason to clean out your closets or storage areas, now is a good time. With a simple phone call, Bill and Lynda will be at your door to pick up the donated goods. Please give
Your donation will definitely make someone’s day - and you’ll feel great about helping out.
SUDOKU puzzles have one solution that can be reached logically without guessing. Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row, column, and 3x3 square must contain one of each digit.
FOR RENT: 236 Plantation Dr. 2 Bedroom, bath and a half, washer and dryer, screened porch, car port, extra room on back. Contact Dick Fridley 269-207-6472 or (exp 10/04)
FOR SALE: 811 Plantation Drive - $530,000 Spacious open concept, closed-in side porch. 3 BR, 2 Bath, 2 closed-in garage under air, most furniture included. 2,700sf. Call 321-745-0064 (exp 11/29)
FOR SALE: New, never used 2022 River Vixen 13ft F8 Yamaha Engine. Masteryde TRL. Two 9PS Fish Finders - All Custom. Call 229-366-3050 for Info & Pics (exp 10/18)
Classified Ads are only for tangible and real Property that are For Sale, For Rent or Wanted within TGO. They are not for Services Provided or out of park items. Cost is $10 per ad for 25 words maximum. Payment can be made by credit card, cash or check, payable to “CSA” at time of placing your ad. You must fill out a Classified Ad Form that is available ONLY at the CSA Office, 100 D Plantation Drive. Classified ads are for TGO residents only. The placement of new ads and the renewal of existing ads must be made, with payment, no later than 5:00 pm on the Friday before the upcoming publication date. No refunds for early cancellation of ad. All ads are placed on a first-come basis. Space is limited.
Dogs tilt their heads when you speak to them to better pinpoint familiar words. This is done to listen more accurately to familiar words like sit, walk, stay. And helps them to better understand the tone of your voice. If a dog doesn’t tilt its head that often (as those with shorter muzzles might), it’s because it relies less on sound and more on sight.
Water is the only substance on earth that exists naturally in 3 forms: solid, liquid and gas.
Pine Trees can tell if it is about to rain. Next time you see a pine cone, if it’s closed, that’s because the air is humid and can indicate rain is due.
The average cloud weighs over 1 million pounds. So, now that we know the average cumulus cloud weighs 1.1 million pounds, how does this much weight stay in the air and not crash down on our heads? It is actually because the cloud weighs less than that of the clear, dry air surrounding it!
Some jellyfish are immortal. One type of jellyfish, the Turritopsis dohrnii, or so-called immortal jellyfish or the Benjamin Button jelly, has the ability to revert. It can settle on the seafloor, then go back to polyps (a phase when they are attached to coastal reefs) whenever there is impending harm or threat. After which, it eventually spawns into the same genetically identical jellyfish.
1. almost 6,000
2. the refinery
3. dogs 4. World War I 5. North Carolina 6. Coriander
Most of the major entertainment and large park-wide meetings at TGO are scheduled at the Plantation Manor. This facility is also used for exercise classes, dancing, and group games. On weekends it is only open for scheduled events. The Happenings and the TGOCSA.ORG website calendar list the various activities and their scheduled meeting times along with contacts to call if you are interested in participating or would like more information. Some use fees may be required.
The Pavilion is kept unlocked and ready for use at any time by all TGO owners IF no one else has formally reserved it. The room has folding tables and chairs, a refrigerator, a sink, and a microwave. A restroom is located at the rear of the room. Group activities that have reserved the Pavilion take precedence over unscheduled uses. However, if a special need arises the CSA reserves the right to reschedule an event if necessary. Set up, break down, and clean up are the responsibility of the users. Regular, weekly events need to be renewed on the calendar by the Recreation Staff. There is no event in perpetuity. Some fees may be required for commercial events.
Inside the Hobbyland Building
Carmella Zielinski • 321-289-0150
Sunday - Saturday: 11:00 am - 8:00 pm
Lunch and Dinner or Take-Out Food
THE CAFÉ at the Blue Heron Restaurant
Entrance Door just past Golf Shop Door
Convenient Breakfast and Lunch
Sunday - Saturday: 7:00 am - 2:00 pm
CSA OFFICE - 321-268-9767
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
100 D Plantation Drive
EAGLE’S PRIDE - 321-383-0288
RV Parts, Service and Supplies
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed Weekends • com
EAGLE’S PRIDE RV SALES - 321-383-4495
Consignment RV Sales Lot
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Closed Sunday •
GUARD GATE - 321-383-2004
Call to alert Courtesy Patrol about any TGO community problem. Call to request assistance from CSA On-Site Maintenance.
Club Car - EZ-GO - HDK - Yamaha Sales, Service and Rentals
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - noon • Closed Sunday
MAIL CENTER - 321-269-1666
Monday - Friday: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am - 12 noon
Plantation Manor Office
145 Plantation Drive, Titusville, FL 32780
MASSAGE THERAPY - 321-302-9885
Therese S. Brown, LMT
Monday - Friday • Call for Appointment
Open Every Day: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
400 Nature Center Trail
PROPANE SALES - 321-268-9767
M-F: 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, or 11:30
Call the CSA Office for Appointment Payment by Cash or Check Only
TGO GOLF SHOP - 321-269-5524
Tee Times, Apparel and Equipment
Sunday - Saturday: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
TGO REALTY, INC. - 321-269-5004
Welcome Center • Resort Sales and Rentals
Personal Storage Unit Rentals
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sunday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
TRIMMERS SALON - 321-383-9198
Hair & Spa Services - Men and Women Tuesday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed Saturday - Monday
VISITOR ACCESS - 321-383-8802
Call or send an e-mail to to arrange a Guest Pass for a visitor.
Open Monday - Friday • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm • 100D Plantation Drive
The Great Outdoors Community Services Association (CSA) publishes The Happenings for the information and enjoyment of its members and their guests. The CSA assumes no liability for any information, omission or inadvertent error contained herein; or injury or damage resulting from the use of this information. The ideas, opinions, suggestions, classified ads, and commercial ads are to be used at the reader’s discretion. The CSA and group or individual contributors do not signify any approval, authentication, or endorsement by inclusion in this publication.
For advertising rates or editorial information, contact The Happenings:
It’s expensive, it can be painful, and a few other misconceptions we wish to explore.
Myth 1: Insurance won’t cover it, or I won’t be able to afford the co-pay/deductible.
“Mammography is usually covered under most health plans, including Medicare, once a woman reaches an age determined by the insurer,” says Shannon Luker, RN, BSN, Parrish Healthcare Oncology Navigator.
If you have Medicare and are age 65 or older, Medicare pays for most of the cost of a screening mammogram every 12 months. Parrish Healthcare offers low cost options for non-insured women during the month of October.
Myth 2: The test is too painful.
Yes, the test can be a bit uncomfortable, but most women don’t consider it painful.
Compression helps hold the breast still, evens out the breast tissue and allows lower doses of X-ray to be used. If you feel pain, speak up. The technologist may be able to lower the compression and relieve some of the pressure on your breast. And remember that any discomfort is brief; the actual X-ray takes less than a minute.
During the month of October, Parrish Healthcare offers low-cost mammograms to women who are self-pay or non-insured.
I just don’t have time.
From start to finish, the three-dimensional (3D) mammogram offered at Parrish Healthcare takes 30 to 45 minutes.
State of the art technology, such as this, makes it easier for providers to diagnose certain types of breast abnormalities, especially in women with dense breasts. The result? Early detection and better outcomes reduce the number of deaths from breast cancer for women ages 40 to 69, especially those older than 50.
Myth 4: Breast cancer only affects older women.
Breast cancer can occur at any age. Additional factors that may raise your risk include obesity, heavy alcohol consumption and a sedentary lifestyle.
For questions, additional information or to schedule a mammogram, please call 321-268-6111 ext 6150