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Dog Show Winners
Activities – All Year and Seasonal
Wood Carving Club
Hobbyland Monday - 8:00 am - 12 noon, all year All skill levels welcome. Join us for whittling or relief, chip, and carving-in-the-round styles. Charlie Wing - 321-474-1952
Improve your health by joining the TGO Walking Club. Our club is a social community where we promote and encourage walking for health. Any amount is benefi cial and everyone is welcome! For more information go to www.TGOWalkingClub. com or email: Rich@TGOWalkingClub.com Pavilion Monday 9:45 - 11:00 am Hatha Yoga - Classic yoga for strength and fl exibility. Cindy Lauter - Instructor Plantation Manor Thursday 9:45 - 10:45 am Vinyasa Yoga - Bridget Griffi n - Instructor Bring a yoga mat and towel or kneeling pad for both classes.

Watercolor Classes
Hobbyland Tuesdays - 1:30 - 4:30 pm Try this class! All levels welcome. Back by popular demand. Our instructor for this seaWILL RETURN IN NOVEMBER son will be Diane Cannon. Cost $15. Masks required if you haven’t been vaccinated. Contact: Lynn Foster - 631-258-0044 Plantation Manor Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 9:00 am Fun fusion of body sculpting and dance movements to lively Latin rhythms that tone your body. Melanie Matz - 631-365-6640 Facebook - Zumba at TGO melaniematz@me.com
Free Public WiFi

Free public WiFi is now available at The Great Outdoors! Our WiFi has equipment in six CSA common area locations around the resort: Blue Heron Restaurant, Fitness Center, Hobbyland, Library, Pavilion, and the Plantation Manor. The “TGO Public WiFi” is accessed by accepting the listed terms and conditions of use, then you are directed to our TGO CSA website. At this point, your device will be connected to our WiFi.
King & Queen of the 1st Annual Dog Dress Up Contest

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