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Around TGO
Happenings Around The Great Outdoors

What a country! Free beer for everyone. An unknown friend along with Darcy Geddis and Chalupa helped direct traffi c to the party. Another classic event by Pat Matroniano and the Fawn Trail gang. Marilynn Perry, Cathy Powell, Nancy Matroniano and Anthonette Elliott were enjoying Monday Margaritas. Shred Day was another huge success with TGO residents showing up in carts and cars. The crew that made it happen: L-R: Jeff Basanta, Denny Croteau, Steve Rich, Scott Gunnell, Mike Sowers, Craig Gottschang, Steve Conklin and Tony Del Monte.

Happenings Around The Great Outdoors

Once again, the CSA crew came to the rescue when a water main broke on Coach Club Drive. Repairs were done and water restored in just a few hours.

Ever wonder what the original TGO logo looked like? Here is a sample of the original design we found on a golf cart at a club tournament. Classic!

While the men were out golfi ng in the Spring Cup tournament, the ladies were enjoying the weather and a couple of beverages. L-R: Lynne Murkerson, Helen Murray, Karen Wright, Julie Zulik, Linda Taylor and Jen Isbill.
Pet Corner
Meet Karma, the sweetest 7-year-old yorkie poo you’ll ever meet. She loves to jump into the pool and chase her ball. She’s great with children and seniors. It’s obvious she is incredibly cute. Her human, Nancy Weitkamp, says she is her best friend. We’ve had numerous entries and placed all the names in a hat and drew out Karma this time. All other entries go back into the hat for future issues. Keep sending your pet’s photos to happenings@tgocsa.com.

Stay in touch with your friends at TGO this summer and send us some photos of your adventures. Include a brief discription of where you are and what you did and we’ll try to include it in The Happenings. Email them to: Happenings@tgocsa.com