12 minute read
Rick Conover
Community Information & Notices
CSA Yard Debris Pick-Up Rules
The CSA crew picks up organic yard debris at least once per week. Tree trimmings should be cut down to a maximum of 4 feet long, weigh less than 50 pounds, and be stacked uniformly at the curb. Loose material such as pine needles, leaves and small twigs must be collected in untied plastic bags or open containers. The CSA will not pick up sod, dirt, tree stumps, construction material (e.g., concrete, wood, drywall, metal), chemicals (e.g., paint, oil), major appliances, or tires. DO NOT bring these items to the CSA Maintenance Yard yourself. They may be dropped off, without charge, at the Brevard County Mockingbird Mulching Facility (321-264-5009) on South Street (SR405). Go past the Lowe’s SR405 entrance then turn LEFT at the fi rst traffi c signal. Most other waste items such as carpet, porcelain plumbing fi xtures, etc. that are not mentioned above can be dropped off at the Brevard County Transfer Station (321-264-5048) that is also on South Street (SR405), but 0.5 mile past Lowe’s on the same side of the street.
Please do not allow pets to urinate on trash or debris.
The crew has to pick this up!
CSA Trash Pick Up Rules
The CSA crew picks up household trash 364 days of the year (off for Christmas). You’ll see them in a big truck pulling one or more green hoppers behind it. The guy crouching on the hopper grabs your trash bag as they pass by. To make the collection process effi cient, please follow these important rules: • Break down all boxes and put all packing material in a closed bag. • Close all trash bags with twist ties or the integrated drawstrings that some trash bags have. • Tie bags together if they are all light in weight. • Place trash within 1 foot of the road so that it’s within easy reach. • Dispose of your pet’s waste inside the closed trash bag. • Put trash out at the curb by 10:00 am - Pick-up time varies within the park. • Do not mix household trash with organic yard debris or construction materials. • Do not put trash out at night because by morning it will have been scattered by wild animals. • Also be aware that if you place your trash out on the street too early, the vultures think you have prepared them a sack lunch - and the result is not always pretty!
Clearing Vegetation on CSA Property
Our Declaration of Covenants states that “No CSA land may be cleared of any vegetation without prior written permission from the Board of Directors or its designee. Unauthorized clearing of CSA property will result in a hearing, with possible fi nes and ordered replanting.” This only makes sense, as you would not cut vegetation on someone else’s property without permission fi rst. In order to track this better, we will require anyone seeking permission to cut vegetation on CSA property to fi ll out an ARC permit. An approved permit must include the CSA manager’s signature, and a copy of the permit will be fi led in your ARC fi le for documentation purposes.
Service Animal Rules
According to Florida Statues under Social Welfare, Chapter 413, Section 08, Paragraph D - “Service Animal” means an animal that is trained to perform tasks for an individual with a disability. The tasks may include, but are not limited to, guiding a person who is visually impaired or blind, alerting a person who is deaf or hard of hearing, pulling a wheelchair, assisting with mobility or balance, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, retrieving objects, or performing other special tasks. A service animal is not a pet.
Only Service Animals are allowed in TGO buildings, no other animals are permitted. Please obey the signs.
Community Information & Notices
Guide to Living With Alligators in TGO

There are 38 Lakes in The Great Outdoors and all of them are home to alligators. Please keep these points in mind to be safe when alligators could be nearby: • It is illegal to feed, taunt or harass an alligator. • Do not swim or wade in any of our lakes. • Do not walk near the shorelines and do not walk your pets near shoreline. • Do not allow your pets to swim, exercise or drink in or near our lakes. • While alligators can be active at any time, they are active between dusk and dawn and move during the night to diff erent water sources. • Please give our alligators the respect and space they deserve. • For your safety, as well as the safety of your family and pets,
KEEP YOUR DISTANCE! If you have an issue with an alligator, please call Sandy Juba at 321543-0502 or Betty Salter at 321-223-8073. Both are experienced in dealing with TGO wildlife.

Thank you everyone for making this year’s ALS Fundraiser a success. We raised over $4,251. We had over 45 people (and 5 dogs) attend the March 12 event despite Mother Nature’s fury. The winner of the quilt donated by Jan Rogers was Linda Lasa.
2021-2022 TGO Resident Directory Distribution
The new phone books for owners at The Great Outdoors are ready to be picked up. Please check this distributer list for your address and contact the person listed. One copy is FREE. Additional copies are available at the Activities Offi ce for $5.00 each.

Employees of the Quarter
Karan joined our CSA team in September 2021 as a part-time Assistant Manager to Orhan Soysal in our Blue Heron restaurant. When Orhan departed in late October, she was asked to serve as temporary restaurant manager while we searched for someone to fi ll Orhan’s job. During this time, Karan really started to shine as a leader. She stepped up, showed her commitment to our restaurant, the staff , and our TGO residents. She proved that she knows how to serve good food, provide great service and keep a restaurant and bar running smoothly. She proved that we could stop searching for a manager as we already had the right person for the job. Her employees say that Karan’s best quality is that she works directly with the restaurant team, she’s on her feet, working hard to back up her team, all day, to keep food and service fl owing at the Blue Heron. This hard work has earned her the respect of the staff and our TGO owners and guests. Recently we had two chefs come and go, so there were many times when Karan put on an apron and went behind the line in the kitchen and cooked with the back of house team. She accepts that leading a restaurant that is open seven days a week requires many more than 40 hours and she has certainly put in the extra time. This past quarter, the Blue Heron has set all time records for sales and food costs. These records are no coincidence; Karan’s hard work and dedication made this happen. When not working, Karan enjoys visiting her family, especially her granddaughter in Tallahassee. Congratulations Karan, we wish to honor you as our Administrative Employee of the Quarter.

Maintenance Employee of the Quarter - Josh Faiga
Josh is our Maintenance Employee of the Quarter. Josh has worked for CSA for two years and three months. He started on the lawn crew, where he showed us hard work, a willingness to learn and an ability to work together with a team. He was selected to be one of our irrigation techs, and has gained a lot of confi dence and knowledge since joining the maintenance team. Josh has shown leadership qualities on his irrigation projects this busy season and he has worked hard with his partner, Jan, to complete many high-demand work orders. Josh has maintained an excellent work attendance record and is consistently on time to work, even 30-45 minutes early on a regular basis. He communicates well with the CSA offi ce, with Jordan, and especially with the homeowners, explaining how their irrigation system works. Josh was born in Rockledge, FL. His new pride and joy is his baby son, Cameron. Josh is an adventurer and likes fast cars and loud music (but he always drives 15 mph or less when here at TGO!) In his free time, Josh loves visiting the Springs, coaching his kids in baseball and all sports, and spending time with his girlfriend and kids. Congratulations, Josh Faiga!
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Classified Ads
Classifi ed Ads cost $6.00 per ad, per issue. Payment is by cash or check, payable to “CSA.” Classifi ed ads list tangible and real property owned or wanted by the TGO resident who places the ad. All ads must be brief, 25 words or less. Over 25 words are charged an additional 30¢ per word. Forms are available at the Plantation Manor CSA Offi ce, 145 Plantation Drive. The placement of new ads and the renewal of existing ads must be made, with payment, no later than 5:00 pm. on the Friday before the upcoming publication date. The (exp) date shown is the fi nal issue of publication for which an ad has been paid. Errors must be reported within one week after the initial publication. No refunds for early cancellation of ad. Wanted and Lost/Found ads are placed at no charge, if space is available, for up to two consecutive issues.
FOR SALE: Home at 234 Plantation. Beautiful 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath, offi ce, all furniture and appliances included. New central air and plumbing in 2021. Screened-in porch. RV port for Class C with hookups. Storage shed. Call Luanne at 305-942-3975 (exp 04-29-22) FOR SALE: RV Port at 615 Plantation Drive. RV port and executive suite. Newly remodeled unit with tile shower with frameless glass enclosure; new kitchen cabinets and appliances. New sewer, electric pedestal and metal roof. Currently completing construction. Act now to pick your paint and quartz countertop colors. Contact 561-231-0353. (exp 04-29-22) FOR RENT: RV Lot at 19 Sunset Drive. Lake view, April thru November. Daily, weekly, monthly. Contact Dale at 207-233-7191 or email to rent19sunset@gmail.com. (exp 05-27-22) FOR RENT: RV Lot at 50 Sunset Drive. May-Dec openings. Monthly rental preferred. Discount for consecutive months. Call/text Dave at 616-450-4509. Email: dverstra@comcast.net (exp 12-23-22)
WANT TO RENT: TGO Park Home or Resort Home. Couple looking to rent for 5 months. Nov. 15, 2022 to April 15, 2023. No pets, non-smokers. TGO references available. Will consider multi-year agreement. Call/Text Henry 506-874-0953 or Judy 506-874-8772 Email: corberrie@hotmail.com (exp 04-15-22) WANT TO RENT: TGO Park Home or Resort Home. Couple looking to rent for 3 months, Jan. 1 to Mar. 31, 2023. No pets, non-smokers. TGO references available. 5 year renters at TGO. Will consider multi-year agreement. Call Mike or Julie Zulik at 905-357-3601 (Hm) or 905-328-3124 (Cell). 0r email at jmzulik@cogeco.ca (exp 04-15-22) WANT TO RENT: TGO Park Home, Villa or Resort Home. For the 2023 winter season. Currently renting at TGO. Excellent references from TGO owners. Call or text Chris at 215-8583964 or email myluise@comcast.net (exp 04-15-22) WANT TO RENT: TGO Park Home, Resort Home. For January through March 2023. We have rented in TGO for several years, non-smokers, no pets. Several references. Please call Dick or Heather at 905-380-7141 or 905-682-6584 or email doverholt70@gmail.com (exp 04-15-22) NATURE CENTER T-SHIRTS Limited Supply! A variety of sizes and colors at $10 each. Contact Pat Dick at 321-848-2813

SUDOKU puzzles have one solution that can be reached logically without guessing. Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row, column, and 3x3 square must contain one of each digit. Here’s a “Medium” version. No solution is provided.

Appointment Hours
Monday through Friday • 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Appointment Hours Can Vary We have a Professional Stylist for All Your Needs

• Experienced and Professional Hair Design for Both Men and Women • Dimensional Hair Color • Foil Highlighting and Lowlighting • Corrective Color • Razor Cuts • Clipper Cuts • Precision Haircuts • Perms • Waxing - Facial Only • Spa Pedicures • Manicures

Jackie Jennifer Sowandy Trimmers Staff Schedule
We have a new Nail Technician named Deloris who will be working Mondays and Tuesdays. Monday 10-5 and Tuesday 9-5. She does pedicures, natural nail manicures, gel polish and structured gel. Call for an appointment. Jennifer Stevenson, Owner/Master Stylist Tuesday through Friday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Jackie Moore, Licensed Cosmetologist Monday through Friday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Sowandy, Hair & Nails Tuesday through Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm