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TGO Church Activities
The Great Outdoors Community Church
An Interdenominational Christian Church
Watch Bible Study and Services
Pastor David’s Bible Study is LIVESTREAMING on Thursday mornings at 10:00 am on the church website: tgochurch.org. In person bible study is 11:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. If you miss the livestream of any service, you can watch it from our website: tgochurch.org by clicking on the Resources tab at the top of the homepage, then click on Archived Videos to fi nd the service.
WORSHIP SERVICE 10:00 am Watch the LIVESTREAM on our Church Website: tgochurch.org Dr. David Price
Lead Pastor J.B. Kump
Minister, Small Groups, Visitation and Retreats Dan Zahn
Minister of Prayer & Visitation 321-383-0303
Send e-mail to: info@tgochurch.org Visit our website: www.tgochurch.org
Calling ALL Singles - Join us for fun events!
The SINGULARS of Great Outdoors Community Church are continuing their enjoyable schedule. Get on the email distribution list for all the events for this group: Send your email, with the subject line “Singulars Email” to: info@tgochurch.org or call the church offi ce at 321383-0303 to keep up on the latest news for the Singulars. For more information, please contact our coordinator Pastor J.B. Kump at: 321-543-1608 or email: jb.kump@gmail.com. Listen to Verse by Verse
With David Price on WPIO 89.3 FM every Monday - Friday at 4:40 pm and 9:13 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer Shawl Ministry meets on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month from November through April and meets in the Narthex.
Food & Clothing Donations
We will pick up food and clothing for the needy. Please call Marilyn Herbers 321-543-7208 or Mark Herbers 321-258-8406.

Great Outdoors Community Church has a ministry that provides services to TGO residents. The areas of support and their points-of-contact are as follows: Home Repairs Heidi Turner 321-514-3719 jihsturner@msn.com Lending Closet Janis Lundeberg 763-221-1605 janislundeberg@gmail.com Temporary Meals Linda Snyder 610-751-5919 ravenmst@hotmail.com County Services Bev Houghton 810-919-1629 bhoughto10@hotmail.com Respite Sitting Martha Dayson 321-268-1460 jimdayson@bellsouth.net Transportation Charlie Wood 847-609-1222 charliewood847@gmail.com
