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Happenings Information and Guidelines
THE HAPPENINGS - Published Bi-Weekly
ADVERTISING SIZES Business Card Ad (Landscape) 3½” W x 2” H
Quarter Page Ad (Portrait) Half Page Ad (Landscape)
3½” W x 4½” H 7” W x 4½” H Full Page Ad (Portrait) 7” W x 9½” H ADVERTISING RATES TGO Resident Non-Resident Business Card Ad per issue $15 $25 Quarter Page Ad per issue $25 $55 Half Page Ad per issue $45 $75 Full Page Ad per issue $75 $125 NOTE: Two Consecutive Issues Minimum
PUBLICATION DATES June 10, 2022 June 24, 2022 July 8, 2022 July 22, 2022 Submission Deadline June 3, 2022 June 10, 2022 July 1, 2022 July 15, 2022
Advertising art must be received by 3:00 pm on the Friday before the following Friday’s publication date. Please indicate ad size and issues wanted for publication. Ad copy should be high-resolution and ready to print or we can compose an ad for you from your information. Send ad as an e-mail attachment in MS Word, PDF or JPEG format. Existing ads published the paid number of times must be renewed on/before the next submission deadline to be published in the next issue. PAYMENT DUE WHEN AD IS SUBMITTED CASH or CHECK - Make checks payable to “CSA” Submit ad copy with payment to: Plantation Manor Office 145 Plantation Drive, Titusville, FL 32780 Office Hours: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. Closed 12 noon to 1:00 pm 321-264-2393 • E-mail: happenings@tgocsa.com Website: www.tgocsa.org The Happenings Editors: Tim & Cindy Clark
The Great Outdoors Community Services Association (CSA) publishes The Happenings for the information and enjoyment of its members and their guests. The CSA assumes no liability for any information, omission or inadvertent error contained herein; or injury or damage resulting from the use of this information. The ideas, opinions, suggestions, classified ads, and commercial ads are to be used at the reader’s discretion. The CSA and group or individual contributors do not signify any approval, authentication, or endorsement by inclusion in this publication.
The Community Services Association established this set of guidelines for information that is published in our community newsletter, The Happenings. They state what type of information is appropriate, who may submit information, the amount of space that will be allocated in each biweekly issue and the difference between an event notice (printed at no charge) and a paid commercial advertisement. Please read these guidelines before submitting items for publication.
1. The following information is authorized for inclusion in The Happenings. a. All CSA or Board of Directors information. b. Condo or Homeowners Association announcements. i. These announcements may be up to 1/6 of a page in size. c. Recognized TGO Groups, Clubs or Organization announcements or information d. Commercial Advertising. i. Resident rates will apply to CSA Members who own property in The Great Outdoors (TGO), long-term renters who reside in TGO for 6 months or more per year, or on-site TGO businesses. ii. The CSA Member or long-term renter must own the business or work as an independent contractor in order to receive the resident rates. All others will pay the non-resident rates. iii. Payment may be made by cash or check payable to “CSA” and should be submitted with the ad to the Plantation Manor CSA Office. Rates are published in the column to the left. iv. All Commercial Ads placement to be determined by the Editors. v. Advertising is limited to no greater than four pages per commercial entity in each published issue. e. Resident-initiated Charitable Organization notices. i. A maximum of 2 pages per issue will be set aside for these types of event notices publicizing non-profit social, service, and charitable organization events that take place outside The Great Outdoors. ii. The event notices are to be no larger than 1/4 page, will be published at no charge, and must be initiated by a TGO resident who is affiliated with said organization. f. Activities Committee information. i. Up to 3 cumulative pages per issue will be available for notices about events and functions being offered by the Activities Committee. g. Nature Center information. i. Up to 2 cumulative pages per issue will be available for notices about events and functions being offered by the Nature Center. h. Great Outdoors Community Church information. i. Up to 2 cumulative pages per issue will be available for notices about events and functions being offered by the Great Outdoors Community Church. 2. The following information is NOT authorized for inclusion in The Happenings: a. Political Ads. i. No political ads of any type will be allowed. This includes candidates for any elections in The Great Outdoors. 3. General Information: a. Ad and Notice Placement - All ad placement will be determined by The Happenings Editor. b. Compensation Received - If compensation in any form is received by an individual or group placing a notice, it will be considered a commercial ad and standard advertising rates will apply. See Commercial Advertising in Section 1.d.