Wp oracs 2016 2017 ru en

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Dir./ Marketing Specialist Dir./ Marketing Specialist

- Analysis of the applied cultivation technologies in terms of Dir./ Marketing cost with respect to the financial capacity of the customers Specialist and export (acceptable to the customer)

Customer needs

Research work

Customer needs

Research work

Efficiency of the cultivation technologies

Dir./ Marketing Specialist

Research work

- Analysis of logistics, packaging

Dir./ Marketing Specialist

Research work

- Analysis of the settlement system

Dir./ Marketing Specialist

Research work

- Sales markets of agricultural products

Dir./ Marketing Specialist Dir./ Marketing Specialist

Development of recommendations for the traders and manufacturers to mutually-beneficial relations

Dir./ Marketing Specialist

Organizing meeting of producers and customers

Dir./ Marketing Specialist



Research work

- Analysis of the applied technologies and postharvest processing

- Analysis of the certification and standardization of agricultural products


Work Details

Research work Research work

Efficiency of cooling and storage technologies Efficiency of logistics Applied Settlement Systems Availability of certification Sales markets

Recommendatio Preparation of ns for recommendation Manufacturers s and Traders Discussion of Holding of mutuallymeetings beneficial relations



Person in charge




Type of activity Improvement of the production, post harvest 1110 1 processing and marketing development Analysis of trader-oriented changes in the market of 1.1. agricultural products: - Analysis of the needs, preferences and financial capacity of the customers (retail chains, traders, etc.)






Plan is provided in the frame of cooperation with UHBDP

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Work Plan of ORACS for year 2016 - 2017

Carrying out the educational events with respect to focus areas of the Project

Dir./ Marketing Specialist

Trader-oriented analysis of the agricultural market structure 1.5. and export merchants Revealing the opportunities for new products and identifying 1.7. new market for the traditional crops Development of the products promotion program for small 1.8. and medium producers

Dir./ Marketing Specialist Dir./ Marketing Specialist Dir./ Marketing Specialist



Organization of educational activities

Holding of trainings

Research work

Customer needs

Research work

Customer needs

Definition of sales channels

Promotion program

2 Improvement of practical training, student internship

Renovation of programs related to the practical training of students in conjunction with the universities

Dir./ Specialist for Cooperation with Universities

2.1. Dir./ Specialist for Cooperation with Universities 2.2. Dir./ Specialist for Arrangement of practical training in enterprises for students Cooperation with Universities 2.3. Updating the base of enterprises for organization of practical training and internship of students

Analysis of the agricultural producers needs by the areas: agronomy, post-harvest processing, marketing 2.4. Analysis of the technologies used by producers 2.5.

Report on the Identifying the differences and university's need development of in bases for a new intern practical training program Visiting enterprises

Database of enterprises

Visiting enterprises

Onsite visits of students

Selection of producers for Dir./ Specialist for analysis, Cooperation with development Universities/Marketing and Specialist implementation of research Dir./ Specialist for Cooperation with Universities/Marketing Specialist

Drawing up a business profile

Drawing up a business profile

Analysing the needs of the aggregators / consolidators for knowledge by the areas: agronomy, post-harvest processing, marketing, logistics


2.6. 3 Grant Program for students


Creating a short-term training program within the Grants program framework at the premises of ORACS, UHDBDP, and enterprises. Participation of students in the Project activities: Field Day, seminars, trainings. Selection of students for internship and grant programs

3.2. Implementation of programs for students 3.3. 1400

Choosing aggregators and Dir./ Specialist for traders for the Cooperation with Drawing up a analysis, Universities/Marketing development business profile Specialist and implementation of research

Dir./ Specialist for Cooperation with Universities


Report, program

Holding of a contest

Students list


Reports on implementation


Analysis of the Agro Industrial Development Plan

Joint implementation of the plan


Suggestions and Meeting with the recommendation administration s of the administration


Discussion of the communicative strategy

Information exchange plan

Publication of articles Meetings in raions

Articles in the media Distribution of information

Dir./ Specialist for Cooperation with Universities Dir./ Specialist for Cooperation with Universities

Coordination of Project operations with the oblast 4 administration activities Analysis of the Agro Industrial Development Planning of oblast administrations 4.1. Discussion of the Project Schedule with the oblast administration and active members of the society 4.2. Participation of a beneficiary representative in the meeting of the Project working group 4.3. 4.4. Informational promotion of the Project 4.4.1. 4.4.2.

Dir./ Assistant

- Work with the media

Dir./ Assistant

- Organization of meetings in raion administrations

Dir./ Assistant

- Organization of meetings with civil society organizations 4.4.3. 1110 5 Coordination with MASHAV Working-out of a Work plan with MASHAV through the coordinator

Holding of seminars by MASHAV experts

Organizing educational visits for farmers, traders, specialists

Organizing the work of consultants from MASHAV: producers, traders

Dir./ Assistant Dir./ Assistant/Specialist for Cooperation with Universities Dir./ Assistant/Specialist for Cooperation with Universities Dir./ Assistant/Specialist for Cooperation with Universities Dir./ Assistant/Specialist for Cooperation with Universities

Meetings in enterprises

Distribution of information

Work Plan for 2016-2017

6 Gender Work with the personnel for the observance of the principles of gender equality for the implementation of the Project


Monitoring the implementation of gender policy

Coordination of work with a gender specialist


Evaluation of understanding the gender principles by the staff


Insight of personnel into the gender policy within UBPRP


Participation in gender training for the corporate employee



Meetings with gender specialist of UBPRP


Discussion of understanding

Report on Gender Report on Gender Discussion of understanding

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