June 2013
My Family, ASARCO, and Death By Jaime E. Gรกndara Page 16
Judge Royal Furgeson speaks at Bar Banquet Page 17
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June 2013
By Clinton F. Cross Page 21
Governor Rick Perry signs the Chief Justice Jack Pope Act
By Randy Chapman opinion in Gideon v. Wainright; who as Chief Justice utilized the Court’s inherent authority under the Texas Constitution to order the creation of the Texas IOLTA program; and who, still working for equal justice under the law, turned 100 years old last month.
n May 28, 2013, Governor Rick Perry signed into law House Bill 1445 that expands the transfer of civil penalties collected by the Attorney General’s office for expenditure by the Supreme Court for grants by the Texas Access to Justice Foundation for civil Legal Aid programs. The bill honors Justice Pope who first became a judge in 1946, before the United States Supreme Court
Randy Chapman is Director of Texas Legal Services Center, located in Austin, Texas
Chief Justice Jack Pope at the signing of the Chief Justice Jack Pope Act
El Paso Bar Association endorses Access to Justice campaign
By Carlos Eduardo Cárdenas
his year the ATJ Commission is increasing its efforts in the endorsement and support of the Access to Justice Campaign on the State Bar of Texas Annual Dues Statement. The ATJ Foundation and Commission are committed to ensuring that all Texans have meaningful access to the civil justice system. As you know, every year Texas lawyers have the option to contribute $150 towards access to justice on their Bar dues statement. All contributions raised go to either the Texas Access to Justice Foundation or the Texas Bar Foundation to fund direct civil legal services to the poor.. Historically, only about 7% of licensed attorneys in Texas contribute to increase legal access to low income Texans through their dues statements. This year the ATJ Commission is not only seeking to increase the percentage of those attorneys participating in the Campaign, but also requesting contributions greater than the suggested $150. In that effort, the Commission has created
the Champion of Justice Society. Lawyers can show their strong support of access to justice by contributing at a higher level. Attorneys can become a member of the Champion of Justice Society, at the Sustaining ($1,000 for 5 years), Gold ($1,000+), Silver ($500 - $999), and Bronze ($250 $499) levels. Membership benefits include: • Invitation to the Champion of Justice Society reception as well as recognition at the State Bar of Texas annual meeting on Thursday, June 20th at 5 p.m. at the Dallas Anatole, •The Champion of Justice Society crest displayed next the attorney’s name on the State Bar website “Find a Lawyer” page, •Listing in the Texas Bar Journal and the Commission’s Update newsletter, website, and Facebook page. This year, more than ever, funding for legal services is critical. Federal funding for legal
services was cut 15% in 2012. Stagnant state funding, persistent shortfalls in IOLTA revenues, and a half a million dollar loss in revenues due to the sequester have legal services in Texas in a dire financial situation; forcing these organizations to lay off employees. For example, Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid which serves the legal needs of low-income and poor El Pasoans, announced recently that they are implementing a 22% workforce reduction, including the closing of their Del Rio office. On behalf of the 6 million Texans who qualify for Legal Aid and the 80% of those poor and lowincome Texans whose civil legal needs are not met, the Commission is hopeful that El Paso lawyers will participate in this effort and contribute to meaningful “justice for all”. CARLOS EDUARDO CÁRDENAS Is an El Paso attorney specializing in personal injury law. He is presently a member of the Texas Access to Justice Commission.
June 2013
El Paso County Legal Support Association nThe El Paso County Legal Support Association held its installation of officers for the 2013-14 term on May 8, 2013 with the Honorable M. Sue Kurita as installing marshal. New slate of officers are as follows: Monica Acuña - President Corina Mercier - President Elect Martha Sena - Vice President Jesse Molinar -Treasurer Carol Gutierrez -Director Patty Villalobos - Parliamentarian Liliana Flaco - Historian n The El Paso County Legal Support Association’s June Education meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 12, 2013 at noon at the El Paso Club, 201 E. Main, 18th Floor. Guest Speaker will be Bobbi Guerra who will speak on “The ABC’s of Family Law”