How It Works - Firm Competition 2016

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“How It Works” Firm Competition Guide Table of Contents

Introduction and Overview ...............................................2 Firm Competition Sample Emails ......................................3 Justice for All Jeans Day ....................................................7 ”Jean-ius” and “Which Lawyer Are You” Quizzes ............10 Contact Information ........................................................12

TAJC – “How It Works” Firm Competition Guide

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Greetings! Thank you for taking the time to consider participating in the Texas Access to Justice Commission Firm Competition. What is the Firm Competition? It’s a two-week period in which firms raise awareness about access to justice and ask their attorneys to donate to the Justice for All Campaign. It’s a fun and energetic way for firms to compete against each other while raising money for a great cause. Firms are recognized based on the individual contributions of its lawyers. Firms that raise the highest total dollar amount or that have the highest percentage of attorneys contributing will be recognized at a reception in October. Last year, the competition raised more than $158,000 for access to justice. What’s involved? As the firm captain, we would like your help communicating with the firm’s attorneys over the two-week period and encouraging them to make a contribution to the Justice for All campaign. Our goal to make this as easy as possible for you. We’ve prepared everything you need to hold a successful campaign, including emails and graphics similar to the ones shown within this brochure. When is it?

April 11-22, 2016.

Can other staff participate? Yes! There’s an opportunity for all staff to support access to justice by participating in the statewide “Justice for All Jeans Day” on Friday, April 15, 2016. And, to add a little fun for everyone, we’ve created two interactive quizzes – the “Jean-ius” quiz and the “Which Lawyer Are You” quiz. Each quiz takes just a few minutes and can be shared on social media. We appreciate your support of the Texas Access to Justice Commission and your help in increasing access to justice for those who can’t afford a lawyer. We look forward to working with you!

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Firm Competition Sample Emails There will be 2 emails each week that can be directly forwarded on to firm attorneys during the competition (4 total). You will receive an overview email just before the competition begins, which will be followed by a forward-able email. Please feel free to personalize these emails, however, that’s certainly not necessary. Firm Competition Sample Email No. 1 (Week 1)

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Firm Competition Sample Email No. 2 (Week 1)

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Firm Competition Sample Email No. 3 (Week 2)

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Firm Competition Sample Email No. 4 (Week 2)

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Justice for All Jeans Day We will send you an informational email about the statewide Justice for All Jeans Day as well as an email that can be sent to all staff, not just attorneys. Everyone and anyone who wants to wear jeans can make a contribution to the Justice for All Campaign! We’ll also send some flyers that can be posted to encourage participation and Justice for All Jeans Day stickers that can be given out to anyone who participates. Justice for All Jeans Day will be held on Friday, April 15 but feel free to change the date if that day is not a fit for your firm. Jeans Day Sample Instructional Email to You

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Jeans Day Sample Email for Distribution

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Sample Justice for All Jeans Day Flier

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Interactive Quizzes The interactive quizzes are a fun way to engage everyone and peek interest, and both can be shared on social media. “Jean-ius” quiz will be sent the first week and the “Which Lawyer Are You” quiz the second week. Jean-ius Quiz

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“Which Lawyer Are You?” Quiz

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We intend to send a weekly communication with your firm’s total Justice for All contributions as an aid to you in gauging your firm’s success. We understand that it is difficult to secure contributions solely during a two-week period, so all contributions made on or before July 31, 2016 will be counted toward the Firm Competition. Awards will be presented at a reception in October 2016. Please let me know if you have any questions. I’m here to help! Contact Information: Catherine N. Galloway, Development and Communications Manager Email: Call: 512-427-1892 Stop by: 1414 Colorado, 4th Fl.

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