Milk (MK): the expected differences in a bull’s daughters’ calves at weaning weight due to their milking ability. Milk is looking at how well daughters milk and how that translates to the weaning weights of their calves. A higher MK EPD indicates a higher weaning weight due to the bull’s daughters’ milking ability.
HEALTH The Shadybrook herd is brucellosis free and is annually vaccinated for respiratory and reproductive diseases and treated with Ivomec.
Yearling Weight (YW): Like other weight traits, YW measure the differences in weight of animals at yearling and is also expressed in pounds. Higher YW EPDs indicate a higher expected yearling weight.
Friday, September 16 All Day Sale Cattle available for your inspection 6:00pm At the Farm, a mixed grill BBQ with all the Saturday, September 17 7:00am Breakfast available at Auberge West Brome 11:30am Roast Beef Lunch 1:00 pm “Decades Excellence”ofSale
British Maternal Index ($BMI): This multi-trait selection index attempts to measure a bull’s potential profitability when complimenting the British cow base (Angus, Red Angus, Hereford, etc.). Shorthorn females can likewise be gauged at adding value to British or British Composite bulls of other breeds. A balance of growth and carcass traits is desired with a strong maternal component aimed at optimum reproductive efficiency and cow longevity.
INSURANCE will be available for your purchases at the sale. Contact the clerk at the settlement desk. LIABILITY Each animal will be at the buyer’s risk as soon as sold but will be cared for by the seller for a reasonable amount of time. Neither the owner, employees, auctioneer, sale manager nor other afflicted personnel can be responsible for any accidents, but they will make every effort to provide for the safety and comfort of those attending.
MAILED BIDS If unable to attend the sale personally, your mailed or telephoned bids will be handled in a most confidential manner. Simply contact one of the Sale Representatives listed.
BREEDING GUARANTEE All cattle will sell under the Standard Breeding guarantee as endorsed by the American Shorthorn Association and the Canadian Shorthorn Association.
DELIVERY We will arrange to have cattle delivered to a central U.S. or Canadian point for an amount not to exceed $600 per lot. For U.S. buyer’s we will provide all necessary health requirements and documentation for export of live cattle, at no cost. International Transportation provided by H.S. Knill Co. Ltd. Paris, Ontario 877-442-3106.
GENETIC CONDITIONS All cattle selling will be TH, PHA & DS free unless otherwise specified. OTHER IMPORTANT SALE INFORMATION EMBRYO LOTS Embryos represented as sexed female embryos that result in pregnancies will be guaranteed to produce heifer calves and guaranteed exportable to the USA. On frozen embryo packages of 4 embryos, the buyer is guaranteed one pregnancy if put in by a certified embryo technician.
REGISTRATION AND TRANSFER All animals sell with completed pedigrees and will be transferred to the buyer. Be sure to provide accurate transfer information to the sale clerk at settlement. Both the ASA & CSA registration numbers are included in this catalog. For Canadian buyers, included in the footnote you will find the percentages for the CSA Appendix registry herd book. Any pending CSA registration numbers & percentages will be available sale day. United States buyers will receive an American Shorthorn Association registration paper.
TERMS OF THE SALE Settlement must be made with the clerk immediately following the sale with cash or check and before cattle are removed from the premises. BILLED ACCOUNTS All billed accounts are due within 10 days following the date of the sale.
PERFORMANCE DATA The Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) represented in this catalog are generated through the American Shorthorn Associations Digital Beef program and reflect the latest run. Definitions for the traits listed in this catalog are: Calving Ease Direct (CED): The most important EPD in sire selection for use on heifers. This value is expressed as a percent of unassisted births; the more positive a number is the more desirable.
Weaning Weight (WW) Weaning weight measures the differences in weight of calves at weaning and is also reported in pounds. A higher WW EPD indicates an expected higher weaning weight.
Birth Weight (BW): An indicator of birth weight and calving ease. Larger BW EPDs typically, but not always indicate more calving difficulty.
U.S. EMBRYO SHIPMENTS All health documents required for export will be provided at no cost. All shipping and import documentation costs are the responsibility of the buyer. FLUSH RIGHTS Shadybrook reserves the right to one successful flush of six or more embryos at our expense and buyer’s convenience on all females Announcementsselling. made sale day will take precedence over printed material in this Videoscatalogue.ofthesale cattle are available at www.youtube.com/ ShadybrookShorthorns
EXCHANGE RATE The US dollar is worth approximately 20% more that the Canadian dollar. Example: $10,000 purchase price in Canadian Dollars = approximately $8,000 U.S. The exact exchange rate will be announced/ fixed on sale day.

Interest. LOT
Picture Perfect 31K is possibly as impressive a female as we have ever produced at Shadybrook. She is the ideal female to carry on her family legacy. Her dam, Shadybrook Millie 23X (deceased), a Canadian National Champion Female, was the top donor here producing several outstanding progeny. Her sire, Times Square is proving to be one of the most consistent sires of quality, functional cattle calving ease the breed has not seen in some time. Picture Perfect 31K is so sound on the ground and mirrors her dam’s width & dimension from front to rear. We are excited to see how this female continues to develop as we believe she has a long future ahead of her. CSA 96.9% Selling One-Half 1 Dam of Lots 1, 2, 2A, 3 & 3A. MGD Lot 4, 6, 7 & 8 Millie 23X has been one of the more dominant herd at Shadybrook over the past few years. She was a Canadian National Champion Female as a yearling and has consistently produced top quality progeny different sires. These first 8 lots in the catalog a real testament of her capability tremendous influence our herd the breed. CSA 93.8%
Perfect Millie 23X SBF PERFECT MILLIE 23X ET *X4166026 X-[CAN]*18187 Calved Jan 18 2010 Polled Roan Female MAX 23X FAMILY

6 DECADES OF Excellence Shadybrook PRIMILLIE 36K ET *XAR4341374 X[CAN]AR30176 Calved Jan 25 2022 Polled Black Female MAX 36K DAMERON FIRST CLASS COLBURNSILVEIRASPRIMOSARAS DREAM 1339 SHADYBROOK MILENIUM Roan SBF PERFECT MILLIE 23X ET Roan SHADYBROOK PICTURE 201M ET Roan EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 8 2.5 59 86 20 113.72 LOT 3 ShadybrookBLUE MILLIE 38K ET *XAR4341375 X[CAN]AR30177 Calved Jan 27 2022 Polled Blue Roan Female MAX 38K DAMERON FIRST CLASS COLBURNSILVEIRASPRIMOSARAS DREAM 1339 SHADYBROOK MILENIUM Roan SBF PERFECT MILLIE 23X ET Roan SHADYBROOK PICTURE 201M ET Roan EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 8 2.5 59 86 20 113.72 LOT 3A LOT 3 This pair of full sib Shorthorn Plus heifers are going to compete in the show ring and go on to be outstanding brood matrons. Their donor dam is the Canadian National Champion, Shadybrook Millie 23X. They have hair, style and great personalities from the first day they came in the show barn. They were certainly favorites on picture day. AR50 / CSA 50% LOT 3A SBF PERFECT MILLIE 23X ET Dam of Lot 3 & 3A. MGD of Lot 4

8 DECADES OF Excellence Shadybrook PERFECTO 8K ET *X4341372 X-[CAN]*30161 Calved Jan 3 2022 Polled Roan Female MAX 8K DF WACO 6W Red HILL HAVEN FIRE STORM 28C Roan HILL HAVEN BREATHTAKER 35Y White HD SWAGGER 802 Roan SBF SHADYBROOK PERFECT 20C ET Roan SBF PERFECT MILLIE 23X ET Roan EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 6 4.3 49 74 26 109.36 Perfecto 8K is an exciting show prospect that gets better & better every day, she has the style & look that we are searching for when selecting show heifers. Hill Haven Firestorm has produced many champions in the past few years here in Canada, if you are looking for a heifer to get to the backdrop, this could be the one. CSA 94.6% LOT 6 SBF ShadybrookPERFECT 20C ET *X4224525 X-[CAN]*22455 Calved Jan 22 2015 Polled Roan Female MAX 20C WHRRT AUGUSTASUNRISE 2107 Roan HD SWAGGER 802 Roan HD REFLECTION 021 SHADYBROOK MILENIUM Roan SBF PERFECT MILLIE 23X ET Roan SHADYBROOK PICTURE 201M ET Roan EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 8 5.0 51 75 28 129.39 LOT 7A, B & C Perfect 20C FAMILY

is a mainstay of our E.T. program by producing exceptional progeny in volume. Her ET heifer
Donor of a direct line of females from the Matriarch HS Picture Perfect 549. CSA 94.4% SELLING one package of four sexed heifer, IVF embryos sired by
This prolific daughter of Perfect Millie 23X calf Her first natural daughter, Perfect Spice 2E
DECADES OF Excellence 9 SBF SHADYBROOK PERFECT 20C ET Dam of Lot 6. Donor dam of Lot 7A, B & C
is an important donor in our breeding program as well. CSA 93.8%
The massive body dimension, structural integrity maternal strength make Perfect Spice 2E a very impressive individual. Even more so has been her ability to her She is a generation CF
pass these traits along to
Payweight X AVAILABLE IN THE USA ONLY. DONOR DAM OF LOT 8ShadybrookPERFECT SPICE 2E ET *X4257431 X-[CAN]*24034 Calved Jan 1 2017 Polled Roan Female MAX 2E K-KIM ALLURE 124M ET Red FREE K-KIM HOT COMMODITY Red K-KIM MEG 270N ET Red HD SWAGGER 802 Roan SBF SHADYBROOK PERFECT 20C ET Roan SBF PERFECT MILLIE 23X ET Roan EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 9 3.0 44 67 26 130.40 LOT 8 SIRE OF LOT 7A SIRE OF LOT 7B SIRE OF LOT 7CSELLING one package of four sexed heifer, IVF embryos sired by CF Payweight X (Grand Champion bull, 2022 Cattlemen’s Congress Show). AVAILABLE IN THE USA ONLY. SELLING one package of four sexed heifer, IVF, exportable embryos sired by JSF Times Square 120G ET. Stored in Canada.SELLING one package of four non-sexed, IVF embryos sired by Free K Kim Hot Commodity. AVAILABLE IN THE USA ONLY. 7C7B7A
selling has the look and pedigree of a future donor.

10 DECADES OF Excellence Shadybrook PRIMONICA 50K ET *XAR4341376 X-[CAN]*AR30178 Calved Feb 12 2022 Polled Black Female MAX 50K DAMERON FIRST CLASS COLBURNSILVEIRASPRIMOSARAS DREAM 1339 SB PFC PROUD VENTURE WH RWM SBF VERONICA 92Y RWM SHADYBROOK VERONA 59 U ET RWM EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 6 4.4 61 94 18 102.22 Primonica 50K is stylish, sound and stout made. Her dam is the one and only Veronica 92Y who is the dam of many champions, herd sires & donor dams produced here at Shadybrook. AR50 / CSA 50% LOT 9 Dam of Lot 9, 9A & 9B Veronica 92Y is leaving a powerful influence through her daughters and granddaughters, some of which are now Donors as well, not to mention her son Shadybrook Hot Shot 88A who was a herdsire for several years. Her influence is far reaching with progeny and grand progeny showing successfully at major shows across Canada and the USA. CSA 96.9% Shadybrook VERONICA 92Y ET *X4183637 X-[CAN]*19332 Calved Apr 13 2011 Polled RWM Female MAX 92Y Join us on September 17Canada is open for business Download the ArriveCAN app for details

DECADES OF Excellence 11 Shadybrook TS VERONICA 102J ET X4335684 X-[CAN]*29026 Calved Apr 17 2021 Polled Red Female MAX 102J SASKVALLEY TRADITION 106T Red JSF TIMES SQUARE 120G ET Red KL GOLD ROSE Red SB PFC PROUD VENTURE WH RWM SBF VERONICA 92Y RWM SHADYBROOK VERONA 59 U ET RWM EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 8 2.4 45 68 30 119.56 LOT 9A ShadybrookVERITY 88E ET *X4265735 X-[CAN]*24014 Calved Apr 15 2017 Polled Red Female MAX 88E K-KIM ALLURE 124M ET Red FREE K-KIM HOT COMMODITY Red K-KIM MEG 270N ET Red SB PFC PROUD VENTURE WH RWM SBF VERONICA 92Y RWM SHADYBROOK VERONA 59 U ET RWM EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 8 3.9 45 69 23 120.52 LOT 9B LOT 9A Bred to JSF Foreplay 168J. Due after March 25, 2023. Veronica 102J ET is a deep sided, beautifully profiled female carrying fresh genetics of the tremendous Veronica 92Y donor dam. The Veronica 92Y x Times Square matings are really connecting well. Top 4% MK; Top 15% TM. CSA 98.5% LOT 9B Bred to Bell M Guinness 17G. Due March 28, 2023. Verity 88E is another excellent ‘Hot Commodity’ daughter out of our prolific donor dam, ‘Veronica 92Y’. She is wide based, big bodied, long spined, and solid featured. A full sister was sold in our 2021 sale as lot 1 for 25,000 to Merideth Land & Cattle of Missouri. Her 2021 daughter, Shadybrook Verity 84J is being retained. Top 10% YG; Top 15% CW; Top 5% REA. CSA 96.0%

12 DECADES OF Excellence ShadybrookVERA 19K ET *X4341373 X-[CAN]*30166 Calved Jan 12 2022 Polled Roan Female MAX 19K DF WACO 6W Red HILL HAVEN FIRE STORM 28C Roan HILL HAVEN BREATHTAKER 35Y White FREE K-KIM HOT COMMODITY Red SHADYBROOK VERONA 14E RWM SBF VERONICA 92Y RWM EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 5 3.3 49 75 24 106.62 LOT 10 Shadybrook PL MISS VERONA 94J X4328539 X-[CAN]*29678 Calved Apr 1 2021 Polled Red Female MAX 94J SASKVALLEY TRADITION 106T Red JSF TIMES SQUARE 120G ET Red KL GOLD ROSE Red FREE K-KIM HOT COMMODITY Roan SHADYBROOK HOT VERONA 56E ET Roan SBF VERONICA 92Y Roan EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 11 0.2 44 62 29 133.92 LOT 10A LOT 10 Vera 19K is a full sib to our young donor, Verona 7H who won her division at the 2021 Canadian Western Agribition. Vera 19K, has many of the same characteristics as her sister, stout made and wide topped. CSA 95.7% LOT 10A Bred to JSF Foreplay 168J. Due after March 25, 2023. Miss Verona 94J is a natural calf out of the lot 1 female from our 2021 Sale, Shadybrook Hot Verona 56E ET that sold for $25,000. to Merideth Land + Cattle of Missouri. Hot Verona 56E ET was also the 2018 Toronto Royal Grand Champion Female. Miss Verona 94J has the proven genetics from her dam and maternal granddam, both are donor dams and former Grand Champions. Top 10% MK; Top 10% $BMI. CSA Offered100%with Poplar Lane Farm Verona 14E is carrying on the maternal strength of her dam, Veronica 92Y. A two year old daughter is already a donor dam in our herd. Her lot 10 heifer calf selling has the look of a show prospect and future donor female as well. CSA 96% SHADYBROOK VERONA 14E Dam of Lot 10

DECADES OF Excellence 13 Shadybrook MAX ROSA 28K ET *X4341162 X-[CAN]*30174 Calved Jan 16 2022 Polled Red Female MAX28K SASKVALLEY TRADITION 106T Red JSF TIMES SQUARE 120G ET Red KL GOLD ROSE Red WHR SONNY 8114 Roan SULL TEETS MAX ROSA ET Roan HOMEDALE MAX ROSA Roan EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 9 0.7 42 63 27 111.38 Max Rosa 28K is a herd matron in the making. Her dam, Max Rosa 4974, has as ideal a profile of a modern Shorthorn female as there is, phenotypically flawless. We believe 28K will follow in her mothers footsteps and become that front pasture kind. CSA 96.9% LOT 11A SULL Teets MAX ROSA ET *4211474 X-[CAN]*21774 Calved Dec 7 2013 Polled Roan Female MAX 4974A CF TRUMP X Roan WHR SONNY 8114 Roan WR4 RODEO CUMBERLAND 3R52 Red GFS CREOLE 9590 ET Red HOMEDALE MAX ROSA Roan HOMEDALE TO THE MAX Roan EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 3 3.4 35 59 20 73.8 Bred to Bell M Guinness 17G. Due after March 27, 2023. An exclusive opportunity to acquire a proven exceptional Donor Female. Max Rosa 4974 is always admired for her flawless design and ideal phenotype. She has proven her ability to produce progeny of exceptional quality as you can see by her ET daughter Shadybrook Max Rosa 28K ET. In our 2021 sale a natural daughter; Shadybrook Max Rosa 28E sold for $10,000 to Cornerstone Farm and a yearling daughter; Shadybrook Prosa 47H ET, sold for $7,000 to Cates Farms. CSA 93.8% LOT 11

14 DECADES OF Excellence ShadybrookCRYSTAL 13K ET *X4341160 X-[CAN]*AR30162 Calved Jan 5 2022 Polled Roan Female MAX 13K SASKVALLEY TRADITION 106T Red JSF TIMES SQUARE 120G ET Red KL GOLD ROSE Red LITTLE CEDAR AVIATOR 503X Red SULL CRYSTAL’S LEAD ET Roan SHERWOOD LADY CRYSTAL ET White EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 8 1.1 48 74 27 116.98 LOT 12AShadybrookCRYSTAL’S TIME 21K ET *X4341161 X-[CAN]*AR30179 Calved Jan 12 2022 Polled Red Female MAX 21K SASKVALLEY TRADITION 106T Red JSF TIMES SQUARE 120G ET Red KL GOLD ROSE Red LITTLE CEDAR AVIATOR 503X Red SULL CRYSTAL’S LEAD ET Roan SHERWOOD LADY CRYSTAL ET White EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 8 1.1 48 74 27 116.98 LOT 12 LOT 12 The longer we analyse these flush mate sisters, the more we appreciate their softness, stoutness and sound structure. These two will be very competitive in any show ring and go on to make terrific donor females. The Crystal cow family is one of the hottest cow families in the breed. CSA 93.0% SELLING CHOICE LOT 12A CSA SULL93.0%CRYSTAL’S LEAD ET Dam of Lot 12 & 12A

DECADES OF Excellence 15 Shadybrook - PL SUMMERSTORM 25K ET *X4341789 X-[CAN]*30170 Calved Jan 13 2022 Polled Roan Female MAX 25K DF WACO 6W Red HILL HAVEN FIRE STORM 28C Roan HILL HAVEN BREATHTAKER 35Y White SHADYBROOK HOT SHOT 88A R & W SHADYBROOK JUANITA 97C Red SHADYBROOK JENNA 85A Red EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 5 3.5 43 66 24 95.25 LOT 13 LOT 13 This mating has worked exactly as planned; these two flush mate heifers have tremendous show appeal with a productive brood cow future. They are full sisters to our Junior Herd Sire, Shadybrook Fire Chief, who had plenty of fans when showed last fall. Their donor dam, Juanita 97C is a granddaughter of our most productive donor, Veronica 92Y. CSA 95.9% SELLING CHOICE Offered with Poplar Lane Farm LOT 13A CSA 95.9% Shadybrook - PLMIDNIGHT FIRE 11K ET *X4341788 X-[CAN]*30169 Calved Jan 4 2022 Polled Roan Female MAX 11K DF WACO 6W Red HILL HAVEN FIRE STORM 28C Roan HILL HAVEN BREATHTAKER 35Y White SHADYBROOK HOT SHOT 88A R & W SHADYBROOK JUANITA 97C Red SHADYBROOK JENNA 85A Red EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 5 3.5 43 66 24 95.25 LOT 13A SHADYBROOK PL FIRE CHIEF Full brother to Lot 13 & 13A

16 DECADES OF Excellence ShadybrookDREAM LADY 5H *X4313402 X-[CAN]*28353 Calved Jan 2 2020 Polled Red Female MAX 5H SHADYBROOK ROYAL MARC 32H RWM SHADYBROOK MILENIUM Roan SHADYBROOK LINDORA 9H Red CYT MAXIM 9202 ET Red CYT DREAM LADY MX 3131 ET RWM SS DREAM LADY 420 ET Red EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 3 5.1 56 84 21 107.99 LOT 14 ShadybrookSARAPERFECT59H *X4314314 X-[CAN]*AR28370 Calved Mar 7 2020 Polled Roan Female MAX 59H FREE K-KIM HOT COMMODITY Red SHADYBROOK TITAN 5F ET Roan CCR TINA’S GIRL 3514 ET Roan LITTLE CEDAR AVIATOR 503X Red SHADYBROOK SARA PERFECT 4C ET Red SULL SARA’S PERFECT 624 ET Red EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 4 4.3 41 64 18 92.35 LOT 15 LOT 14 Bred to Bell M Guinness 17G. Due March 23, 2023. Dream Lady 5H is from the top of our two-year-old females. She has raised a very good bull calf and should work very well bred to Bell M Guinness 17G. The Millennium 16K daughters have been among the best cows to walk our pastures over the years. Top 10% WW; Top 15% YW; Top 10% YG; Top 10% REA. CSA 94.3% LOT 15 Bred to Shadybrook - PL Fire Chief 18H. Due after March 1, 2023. Perfect Sara 59H will impress with her clean lines, extension up front combined with rib shape and stoutness of body. Her next calf by Shadybrook - PL Fire Chief 18H could be winning some banners. CSA 91.5%

DECADES OF Excellence 17 ShadybrookJANET 73G *X4299905 X-[CAN]*27199 Calved Apr 2 2019 Polled White Female MAX 73G CF TRADEMARK X Red CF V8 MARKSMAN X Roan SULL FOOL’S DELIGHT ET Red HC BLUEBOOK 22B HC JANET 67D SBF WHR JANET 65Z EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 5 3.1 48 75 23 101.86 LOT 17ShadybrookROUNDFOOLIN75G *X4299907 X-[CAN]*27201 Calved Apr 5 2019 Polled Red Female MAX 75G LEVELDALE RIGHTEOUS 084 ET Roan JSF SENSATION 82B Roan JSF MARVEL 6S Red BISS ELEMENT 79 370Z Roan DLF CANT BE FOOLED 6E19 Roan DLF CANT BE FOOLED 3S27 ET Roan EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 9 2.3 44 70 21 107.43 LOT 16 LOT 16 Bred to Bell M Guinness 17G. Due March 28, 2023. Foolin Round 75 G is an excellent young cow that is right for the times with regards to size and body make up. Her extended pedigree has several notable sires and dams that have had a leading impact on the breed which speaks to the predictability bred into 75G. CSA 95.4% LOT 17 Bred to Byland Flash 9U106. Due February 3, 2023. Janet 73G is impressive in her body mass, wide base, solid and sound structure. She will add pounds, performance and profitability through her progeny. CSA 94.6%

18 DECADES OF Excellence Hill Haven VICKI ANALISE 19G X4334284 X-[CAN]*26483 Calved Feb 1 2019 Polled Red Female DLA 19G WHRRT AUGUSTASUNRISE 2107 Roan HD SWAGGER 802 Roan HD REFLECTION 021 RWM SULL CYCLONE 8242 ET Red DLA HILL HAVEN VICKI DOMINO 29E RWM GLEN ISLAY VICKI 25Z Red EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 3 5.2 56 84 26 111.21 LOT 19Shadybrook DANCER 49G *X4299888 X-[CAN]*AR27711 Calved Mar 14 2019 Polled RWM Female MAX 49G JSF SENSATION 82B Roan SHADYBROOK -PL FIRELIGHT 9E Red SBF SHADYBROOK DELIGHT 8C ET Red HD BLOODSTONE 603 ET Roan SHADYBROOK FOOL’S DANCER 10D ET Roan HHF RF FOOL’S DANCER 03S ET Red EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 9 1 43 70 18 104.64 LOT 18 LOT 18 Bred to Byland Flash 9U106. Due February 16, 2023. Dancer 49G is a fault free female who has raised two very good calves in as many years of production. We are excited to see what she will do bred to Byland Flash 9U106. Her 2021 son is the new herdsire for Steve Malboeuf & Patricia Waterhouse of Quebec. CSA 89.1% LOT 19 Bred to Bell M Guinness 17G. Due March 20, 2023. Vicki Analise 19G is a clean fronted, big barrelled young cow backed by a proven pedigree. She will work with many sire types. Her excellent 2021 daughter, Shadybrook Vicki 11J sells as Lot 32. CSA 95.4%

DECADES OF Excellence 19 Shadybrook - PL CHARISMA 53F *X4271970 X-[CAN]*24878 Calved Mar 2 2018 Polled RWM Female MAX 53F LEVELDALE RIGHTEOUS 084 ET Roan JSF SENSATION 82B Roan JSF MARVEL 6S Red FREE K-KIM HOT COMMODITY Red SBF SHADYBROOK DELIGHT 8C ET Red SHADYBROOK DELJA 39R Red EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 16 -1.4 38 57 19 127.24 LOT 20 ShadybrookEVA 33 F *X4283847 X-[CAN]*AR24868 Calved Feb 8 2018 Polled Roan Female MAX 33F FREE K-KIM HOT COMMODITY Red CSF EVOLUTION HC Roan CF BOY CAROLINE 210 ET Roan SULL RIGHT DIRECTION ET R & W CSF DREAM GIRL ET Red RR DREAM GIRL 15TH Red EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 9 2.4 49 77 17 111.17 LOT 21 LOT 20 Bred to Millbrook Tribute FB 6023J. Due April 19, 2023. Charisma 53F displays ideal phenotype with a predictable genotype and is just beginning her prime production life. Her maternal grandam Shadybrook Delia 39R was a donor dam for Jordon Acres and Sullivan Farms. Top 4% CED; Top 10% BW; Top 5% CEM; Top 4% $CEZ; Top 15% $BMI. CSA 96.0% LOT 21 Bred to JSF Times Square 120G with sexed heifer semen. Due January 1, 2023. Eva 33F is a hard working, functional, moderate female with a proven pedigree. Her 2020 daughter, Shadybrook Eva 67H, by Byland Winchester, is owned by CJSA member Austin Krieger of Saskatchewan. CSA 91.9%

20 DECADES OF Excellence ShadybrookTINA 4F ET *X4271623 X-[CAN]*25076 Calved Jan 2 2018 Polled RWM Female MAX 4F K-KIM ALLURE 124M ET Red FREE K-KIM HOT COMMODITY Red K-KIM MEG 270N ET Red DF WACO 6W Red CCR TINA’S GIRL 3514 ET Roan SULL TINA’S GIRL 0658 ET White EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 8 2.6 42 62 20 115.57 LOT 22 ShadybrookDREAM LADY 82F *X4283795 X-[CAN]*26422 Calved Apr 1 2018 Polled Roan Female MAX 82F LEVELDALE RIGHTEOUS 084 ET Roan JSF SENSATION 82B Roan JSF MARVEL 6S Red CYT MAXIM 9202 ET Red CYT DREAM LADY MX 3131 ET RWM SS DREAM LADY 420 ET Red EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 12 -0.1 40 63 17 108.64 LOT 23 LOT 22 Bred to Byland Flash 9U106. Due February 10, 2023. Tina 4F’s dam, CCR Tina’s Girl 3514 ET, was the 2015 NAILE Reserve National Champion Female. A flush mate sister Shadybrook Tina’s Girl 9F ET, topped our 2018 sale and went onto a successful show career for Quinn Rasor of Texas. Tina 4F is a powerful, feminine and versatile female that can be mated according to your production goals. Her 2021 daughter by Byland Winchester, Shadybrook Tina 10J, is being retained. CSA 96.1% LOT 23 Bred to Byland Flash 9U106. Due January 9, 2023. Dream Lady 82F has extra extension of her front end and length of body with an excellent udder. Her dam has been a productive donor female. These JSF Sensation daughters are just darn good cows. Her 2020 daughter, Shadybrook Dream Lady 104H by BSG ProfitWise is owned by Schutz Cattle Co of Alberta. Top 15% CED; Top 15% BW; Top 10% YG; Top 15% $CEZ. CSA 94.3%

22 DECADES OF Excellence ShadybrookISOBEL 75E ET *X4258390 X-[CAN]*24289 Calved Apr 2 2017 Polled Roan Female MAX 75E FREE K-KIM HOT COMMODITY Red SHADYBROOK HOT SHOT 88A R & W SBF VERONICA 92Y RWM SBF MERCEDES 76Y ET Roan SBF ISOBEL 25A Roan CF ISOBEL 810 PS X ET Red EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 5 4.1 51 74 25 115.28 LOT 26 ShadybrookJANINE 76E ET *X4265728 X-[CAN]*24015 Calved Apr 2 2017 Polled Red Female MAX 76E FREE K-KIM HOT COMMODITY Red SHADYBROOK HOT SHOT 88A R & W SBF VERONICA 92Y RWM WHR SONNY 8114 Roan SUTHERLAND JANET 42W Roan SUTHERLAND JANET 624 White EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 6 3.7 40 66 26 95.28 LOT 27 LOT 26 Bred to Byland Flash 9U106. Due February 19, 2023. Isobel 75E is another excellent ‘Hot Shot 88A’ daughter with exceptional herd matron qualities. We are retaining her BSG Profit Wise heifer calf as a replacement. A flush mate, Shadybrook Isobel 78E was the 2019 NAILE Champion Cow-Calf pair, owned by Greenwood Farms of Michigan. CSA 96.3% LOT 27 Bred to Bell M Guinness 17G. Due mid March 2023. Janine 76E is a very good daughter of Sutherland Janet 42W that we owned with WHR Shorthorns. Progeny of Janet 42W have been working very successfully around North America and across the Atlantic Ocean, both in the pasture and showring. Top 15% REA. CSA 94.9%

DECADES OF Excellence 23 ShadybrookLADY AVIATOR 83E ET *X4265730 X-[CAN]*24019 Calved Apr 9 2017 Polled Roan Female MAX 83E WHR SONNY 8114 Roan LITTLE CEDAR AVIATOR 503X Red NPS ROSES RIDER 031 ET RWM DF PURE GOLD 3N Roan SHADYBROOK LADY 52T Roan SHADYBROOK MILADY 93M Red EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 1 5.7 54 90 24 95.01 LOT 29ShadybrookPERFECT GOLD 1E *X4257439 X-[CAN]*24219 Calved Jan 1 2017 Polled Roan Female MAX 1E SPRYS AUSSIE GOLD B086 R & W SPRYS ALL GOLD D052 Roan NEEARRA JUDITH 104 Roan FREE K-KIM HOT COMMODITY Red SHADYBROOK PERFECT 86B Red SHADYBROOK PERFECT 4R Red EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 8 3.9 58 86 30 142.22 LOT 28 LOT 28 Bred to Byland Flash 9U106. Due February 21, 2023. Perfect Gold 1E is a powerfully built, interestingly rare genetic package who is a direct daughter from a line of 5 Picture Perfect donor dams. A full sister is doing an excellent job for Horseshoe Creek Farm, Sask. Her 2020 daughter, Shadybrook Picturesque 102H is being Topretained.5%WW; Top 10% YW; Top 3% TM; Top 3% YG; Top 43% REA; Top 2% $BMI. CSA 97.2% LOT 29 Bred to Byland Flash 9U106. Due February 9, 2023. Lady Aviator 83E is a sound structured ,eye appealing female whose dam was a past Canadian National Champion as well as a successful donor dam who topped our 2012 Production Sale at $20,000. Her 2020 daughter, Shadybrook Lady 109H is being retained. Top 15% WW; Top 10% YW; Top 5% CW. CSA 93.8%

24 DECADES OF Excellence ShadybrookPERFECTPICTURE81D *X4248626 X-[CAN]*23432 Calved Mar 24 2016 Polled Red Female MAX 81D FREE K-KIM HOT COMMODITY Red SHADYBROOK HOT SHOT 88A R & W SBF VERONICA 92Y RWM DF PURE GOLD 3N Roan SBF PICTURE GOLD 20X ET Roan SHADYBROOK PICTURE 201M ET Roan EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 4 6.9 48 75 27 113.3 LOT 30 Shadybrook PERFECTION 111D *X4248800 X-[CAN]*28069 Calved Apr 26 2016 Polled Roan Female MAX 111D MARELLAN FERRARI Roan SHADYBROOK QANTAS 2B Roan ROYALLA LADY MARGIE J6196 Red CF SOLUTION X ET RWM SHADYBROOK PERFECTION 69B Red CF PICTURE PERFECT 423 ET Red EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI -1 5.9 56 89 23 83.03 LOT 31 LOT 30 Bred to Byland Flash 9U106. Due January 18, 2023. Picture Perfect 81D is a voluminous bodied, long hipped, impressive cow who is a maternal granddaughter of our very influential former donor Shadybrook Picture 201M. Top 15% YG; Top 10% CW; Top 10% REA. CSA 94.9% LOT 31 Bred to Byland Flash 9U106. Due February 4, 2023. Perfection 111 D is a long and deep bodied female who was recognized as a 2020 Performance Dam by the ASA. (Top 10% for WW & YW.) Her mating to Byland Flash 9U106 will no doubt excel in performance , profitability and style. Her 2019 daughter, Shadybrook Perfect Light 66G is being retained. Her 2020 daughter, Shadybrook Perfection 62H sold to Lacey Schreiber of New York in our 2020 sale. Her excellent 2021 daughter, Shadybrook Profection 48J sells as Lot 36. Top 10% WW; Top 10% YW; Top 15% TM CSA 94.5%

DECADES OF Excellence 25 ShadybrookVICKI 11J *X4341464 X-[CAN]*AR29657 Calved Jan 4 2021 Polled RWM Female MAX 11J STUDER’S TAYLOR MADE 7Y Red LEVELDALE BOARDWALK 530C Red LEVELDALE BLOSSOM 230Z Red HD SWAGGER 802 Roan DLA HILL HAVEN VICKI ANALISE 19G Red DLA HILL HAVEN VICKI DOMINO 29E EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 6 3.4 57 84 21 118.69 LOT 32 ShadybrookSPICE GIRL 20J ET *X4334129 X-[CAN]*29017 Calved Jan 10 2021 Polled Red Female MAX 20J WHR SONNY 8114 Roan DF WACO 6W Red DIAMOND HELENA DOTTIE 12H Roan FREE K-KIM HOT COMMODITY Red SHADYBROOK PERFECT SPICE 2E Roan SBF SHADYBROOK PERFECT 20 ET Roan EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 5 4.7 52 80 23 110.65 LOT 33 LOT 32 Bred to JSF Times Square 120G. Due February 24, 2023. Vicki 11J is a very complete eye appealing heifer who has the style and look of a future herd matron. Her dam, Hill Haven Vicki Analise 19G sells as Lot 19. Top 10% WW; Top 15% YW; Top 15% YG. CSA 92.4 LOT 33 Bred to JSF Times Square 120G. Due After April 1, 2023. Spice Girl 20J is a flush mate to Shadybrook Savory 42J ET that sold at $ 9,000 to Greenwood Farms of Michigan in our 2021 Decades of Excellence Sale. Spice Girl 20J is an excellent cow prospect, and backed by her dam and grandam, both powerful donors in our herd. CSA 94.1%

26 DECADES OF Excellence ShadybrookWINNING MILLIE 30J *X4335694 X-[CAN]*29043 Calved Jan 24 2021 Polled Red Female MAX 30J JSF MCCOY 39Z Roan BYLAND WINCHESTER 7M77 Roan BYLAND ELLEN 2ER93 Red LEVELDALE BOARDWALK 530C Red SHADYBROOK PERFECT MILLA 22G Red SBF PERFECT MILLIE 23X ET Roan EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 14 0.7 51 84 24 136.58 LOT 34 Shadybrook -WGCEILIDH 01J *X4333670 X-[CAN]*29655 Calved Feb 9 2021 Polled Red Female LEW 01J JSF MCCOY 39Z Roan BYLAND WINCHESTER 7M77 Roan BYLAND ELLEN 2ER93 Red LEVELDALE BOARDWALK 530C Red SHADYBROOK -WG CALLIE 01G RWM SHADYBROOK - W G CALISTA 02E Roan EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 14 0.6 50 81 22 139.15 LOT 35 LOT 34 Bred to JSF Times Square 120G. Due March 22, 2023. Millie 30J is an excellent Perfect Millie female sired by Byland Winchester who is siring the ideal type of females to be today’s kind of cow. 30J has extremely impressive EPD’s across the board and her adjusted weights from birth through yearling show a near ideal growth curve. Top 10% CED; Top 5% CEM; Top 1% YG; Top 1% REA; Top 10% $BMI. CSA 96.2% LOT 35 Bred to JSF Times Square 120G. Due January 27, 2023. Ceilidh 01J is backed by a consistently productive cow family. The Byland Winchester and Leveldale Boardwalk daughters are becoming the ideal type and kind of Shorthorn breeding females. If you enjoy looking at calving ease with performance, then you might like the data set of Ceilidh 01J. Top 10% CED; Top 3% CEM; Top 1% YG; TOP 1% REA; Top 15% $CEZ; Top 5% $BMI. CSA Offered96.2%byWright Genetics

DECADES OF Excellence 27 Shadybrook PROFECTION 48J X4333672 X-[CAN]*29665 Calved Feb 17 2021 Polled Red Female MAX 48J MURIDALE THERMAL ENERGY 15A Red BSG PROFITWISE 1767 Red SASKVALLEY MAGGIE 73R Roan SHADYBROOK QANTAS 2B Roan SHADYBROOK PERFECTION 111D Roan SHADYBROOK PERFECTION 69B Red EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 3 5.3 63 97 25 116.67 LOT 36 ShadybrookPERFECT WISE 29J *X4334132 X-[CAN]*29042 Calved Jan 22 2021 Polled Red Female MAX 29J MURIDALE THERMAL ENERGY 15A Red BSG PROFITWISE 1767 Red SASKVALLEY MAGGIE 73R Roan WAUKARU PATENT 8161 Red SHADYBROOK PERFECT 28F ET Red SHADYBROOK PERFECT 93B RWM EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 8 3.4 71 112 25 141.14 LOT 37 LOT 36 Bred to JSF Times Square 120G. Due February 14, 2023. This excellent BSG ProfitWise daughter is out of the 2020 ASA Performance Dam, Shadybrook Perfection 111D who sells as Lot 31. Perfection 48J is loaded with her own performance. Her calf by Times Square will have an impressive EPD profile. Top 3% WW; Top 4% YW; Top 5% TM; Top 20%; Top 20% CW & Top 25% REA. CSA 97.7% LOT 37 Bred to JSF Times Square 120G. Due March 3, 2023. This powerhouse female could be your next donor dam. She is stout made, wide based, long and feminine. Packed full of performance, productivity, profitability and fleshing ability. Top 1% for WW, YW, REA. Top 4% for TM, CW, $BMI & $F. CSA 98.6%

28 DECADES OF Excellence ShadybrookDEMI 50J *X4333673 X-[CAN]*29666 Calved Feb 19 2021 Polled Red Female MAX 50J JSF JSF WALL STREET 70E Roan BELL M GUINNESS 17G Red GMR GAR-LIND KATHRYN 10E Roan FREE K-KIM HOT COMMODITY Red CF CSF DEMI 8151 HC X ET Roan WHR LS DEMI 8931 ET White EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 14 -0.2 42 64 24 129.65 LOT 38 ShadybrookWILLA 62J *X4333677 X-[CAN]*29668 Calved Mar 2 2021 Polled RWM Female MAX 62J JSF JSF WALL STREET 70E Roan BELL M GUINNESS 17G Red GMR GAR-LIND KATHRYN 10E Roan DF WACO 6W Red SHADYBROOK PERFECT WILLA 12G ET Roan CF PICTURE PERFECT 423 ET Red EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 14 0.5 41 66 26 123.37 LOT 39 LOT 38 Bred to JSF Foreplay 168J. Due March 28, 2023. Demi 50J is more moderate sized, well balanced, and complete along with solid maternal traits. Her maternal granddam is WHR LS Demi 8931 ET. The popular donor female for Cornerstone Farms. Top 10% CED; Top 10% $CEZ; Top 15% $BMI. CSA 97.7% LOT 39 Bred to JSF Times Square 120G. Due after April 1, 2023. Willa 62J is an attractive, very complete female with strong maternal traits. Top 10% CED; Top 15% CEM; Top 10% CEZ. CSA 98.5%

30 DECADES OF Excellence Byland WINCHESTER 7M77 Calved Mar 26 2017 *X4252855 X-[CAN]*25219 CSA 96.9% Sire JSF MCCOY 39Z Roan Dam BYLAND ELLEN 2ER93 Red EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 17 -1 48 89 25 139.61 Sires great daughters. Impressive balanced EPD profile for birth, performance, carcass & $ indexes. Top 4% CED; Top 10% BW; Top 10% $YW; Top 1% for CEM, YG & REA. Top 10% for $CEZ; Top 5% $BMI Selling two packages of 5 Units Each 5 Units of Conventional, Exportable Semen. 5 Units of Conventional, Exportable Semen. REF 43A43BSIRE Reference Sires + SEMEN LOTS Leveldale BOARDWALK 530C Calved Feb 20 2015 *X4228433 X-[CAN]*AR25545 CSA 84.4% Sire STUDER’S TAYLOR MADE 7Y Red Dam LEVELDALE BLOSSOM 230Z Red EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 12 1.8 60 89 19 132.91 Great, productive daughters are his legacy. Top 10% for WW & REA. Top 15% for YW; Top 4% for YG; Top 25% for $BMI. Selling two packages of 5 units each of conventional semen available in Canada only. 5 Units of Conventional Semen, Canada Only. 5 Units of Conventional Semen, Canada Only. REF 44A44BSIRE Bell M GUINNESS 17G Calved Feb 10 2019 *X4323050 X-[CAN]*M482869 CSA 100% Sire JSF WALL STREET 70E Roan Dam GAR-LIND KATHRYN 10E Roan EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 21 -3.2 40 60 30 152.40 Guinness is an exciting young herd sire who combines calving ease with moderate growth, maternal strength and soundness. Top 1% for CED; Top 3% for BW; Top 10% for MK; Top 1% for CEM; Top 5% for ST; Top 1% for $CEZ: Top 2% for $BMI. Australian semen rights owned by Sprys Shorthorns Selling one package of 5 units of conventional, exportable semen. Selling one package of 5 units of sexed female, exportable semen. REF 45A45BSIRE BSG PROFITWISE 1767 Calved Nov 24 2018 *X4272032 X-[CAN]*M482994 CSA 100% Sire MURIDALE THERMAL ENERGY 15A Red Dam SASKVALLEY MAGGIE 73R Roan EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 8 3.8 68 102 30 150.74 ProfitWise has developed into a sire of exceptional length of frame & predictable performance. We are very pleased with his daughters as they enter production. Top 1% for TM. Top 2% for WW, ST, REA & $BMI. Top 3% for YW & $F. Top 10% for MK & CW. Selling two packages of 5 units each of conventional, available in Canada only. 5 Units of Conventional Semen, Canada Only. 5 Units of Conventional Semen, Canada Only. REF 46A46BSIRE

DECADES OF Excellence 31 JSFTIMES SQUARE 120G ET Calved Mar 16 2019 *X4297739 X-[CAN]*M483760 CSA 100% Sire SASKVALLEY TRADITION 106T Red Dam KL GOLD ROSE Red EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 18 -08 46 68 37 148.02 Top 10% for CED; Top 10% for BW; Top 1% for MK; Top 5% for TM; Top 1% ST; Top 15% for MB; Top 3% for $BMI. Times Square has proven himself to be a sire of quality & consistency. A calving ease sire whose progeny display tremendous uniformity of type and structure with excellent muscle pattern and style. REF SIRE BylandFLASH 9U106 Calved Apr 8 2019 *X4294954 Sire STUDER’S UNIVERSAL 10B Roan Dam BYLAND CINDY BEAUTY5M106 Red EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 9 3.5 70 116 26 140.43 Flash has grown into a significant sire in the breed today. He sired the $50,000, Eighteen Seventy Two in this spring’s Paint Valley/ Byland/Beckler Bull Sale. Many of the cows in this sale carry Flash’s valuable service. REF SIRE JSF FOREPLAY 168J Calved Mar 18 2021 X4324982 CSA 93.75% Sire BELL M FOREMAN 30A White Dam JSF PRINCESS 24D Red EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 10 1.5 64 106 27 124.53 Owned with Merideth Land & Cattle Purchased in the 2022 JSF ‘Durham Nation’ Bull Sale. A stout featured herd sire with exceptional soundness of skeleton, foot and movement. Top 3% WW; Top 2% YW; Top 3% for TM; Top 3% ST; Top 1% CW; Top 4% $F. REF SIRE Hill Haven FIRE STORM 28C Calved Feb 7 2015 *S4248466 X-[CAN]*21983 CSA 95.4% Sire DF WACO 6W Red Dam HILL HAVEN BREATHTAKER 35Y White EPDs CED BW WW YW MK $BMI 4 3.7 47 74 24 87.79 A sire of great show ring appeal & performance. REF SIRE Reference Sires