Bigfoot Made By Max

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Bigfoot True or False?

Written By: Max

Table Of Contents

Introduction..........................................................................1 Species................................................................................2 Attack of the Bigfoot.............................................................3 Seized..................................................................................4 About the Author..................................................................5 Glossary...............................................................................6 Cited Sources......................................................................7

Introduction This is a remote forest area

The Bigfoot, (aka the Sasquatch) is a large human like creature that is covered in fur. Typically there would be reports of ‘Ape-like humans’ around remote forest areas. Scientists say that they are hard to find because they are found in the pacific northwest of North and South America. Most of the sightings have been found in Oregon and Washington. Bigfoot’s home covers 125,000 square miles of plain forest.

Species Different species of Bigfoot have been found in different parts of the world, like Asia, and North and South America. Others also believe that Bigfoot is the same species as Yowie, The Orange Pendak, Yeren, Yeti, Maricoxi, And the Wildman, they are all similar to Bigfoot because they are all myths. There are three types of Sasquatches, one is the Neanderthaler, which is the caveman type thats found in tropical parts of Asia. They look similar but they are all different in a way. And last, the Meh-Teh which is the size of an average human, with fangs the size of a finger, running around the Himalaya mountains.

Bigfoot sure has a large ‘family’

Attack of the Bigfoot One time, a group of gold prospectors in Mount. St. Helens said that they saw a Sasquatch drinking water and watching them behind a tree, it was around 6.5 ft. tall. Later a group of sasquatches came and started to pound the walls of the gold miner’s cabin with large rocks. The next morning the creatures had disappeared.

This map shows all the Bigfoot sightings in the United States of America


Another story is that a man got seized in the mountains of British Columbia for several days by four hairy humans he was trapped for days before he escaped. Soon another story hit the head lines where a man also got carried away by 20 sasquatches on Vancouver island, British Columbia during the night. The man said that when he woke up, he saw piles of gnawed bones all around the cave. Scientists want more evidence before they spend money and time searching for Bigfoot. All they want is to see Bigfoot for real, they don’t care if it is dead or alive. Droppings have been found but scientists say that they are not from big foot, it could be that the creature who really dropped it ate something and left other parts on the ground. Lots of people swear that they were telling the truth when said they saw Bigfoot, but the question is, what did they really see?

Pile of bones


Cabin: a small shelter or house, made of wood and situated in a wild or remote area. Creature: an animal or person. Fangs: a large, sharp tooth. Gnawed: bite at or nibble something persistently. Himalaya mountains: a mountain range extending about 1500 miles (2400 km) along the border between India and Tibet. Highest peak, Mt. Everest, 29,028 feet (8848 meters). Myths: a traditional story, esp. one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events. Prospectors: The process of searching for valuable deposits or minerals or fuels. Sasquatch: another term for Bigfoot. Scientists: a person who is studying or has expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences. Trapped: a device or enclosure designed to catch and retain animals, typically by allowing entry but not exit or by catching hold of a part of the body.



Hawkins, John. Bigfoot and Other Monsters. New York: PowerKids, 2012. Print. Gaffron, Norma. Bigfoot: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, 1989. Print. Pictures: Pratt, Harvey. "About Bigfoot Lunch Club." Bigfoot News. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. "Geologic-Neotectonic-Geomorphic Mapping Along the Santa Barbara-Ojai Coastal Strip." BIGFOOT: BIG-storm FOOTprint on California and Future Hazards. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. "Exploding Unicorn." Exploding Unicorn. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. Bigfoot%2Bmap.jpg

About The Author Max is a fifth grade student in SAS, he was born and raised in Shanghai, China. He came to SAS in grade two after he left his old school, YCIS. His favorite color is midnight blue. His favorite mythological creature is the Griffon, half eagle, half lion. Max enjoys playing Minecraft and watching youtube videos such as NigaHiga and The Dominic Show.

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