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Written by: Wesley

Protists The book all about protists

Written by: Wesley Photos from internet Publishing Co. ISSUU Shanghai, China

Table of Contents •Introduction












•About The Author




Intro !

Protists are everywhere if you live near wet places. They are one of the six

kingdoms. The other 5 are animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, and archaea.

They don’t really effect us that much when we are in the city but it still might be there.If you live in the country-side, where it’s wet, you may see it every day. The thing is that you don’t find them if you don’t live near swampy or wet surroundings. All protists have a nucleus in their cells which means that they are eaasdfasdfasdfasdfukaryotic. If you want to know more about protist than continue reading.

Fungus-Like Protist ! Fungus-like protists split into three different types. Slime mold lives on the dead animal and plants. Water mold and downy mildew also survive by eating the dead animals or plants, but some lives on live animals or plants, then start killing it. Fungus-like Protist

Slime Mold

Water Mold

Downy Mildew

Water Mold on Goldfish

Downy Mildew on Plant

Slime Mold on Tree Bark p.2

Plant-Like Protist ! Plant-like protists are known as algae. Most people think that algae is a plant but it is actually a protist. Algae can make their own food like plants. That is because they both have a pigment called chlorophyll which absorbs light and turn it into what they consider as food. Some algae has many cells which mean that it can easily be seen by humans. Phytoplankton are tiny algae that has much less cells. They’re normally at the bottom of the food chain. Moving away from that, algae helps us a lot, it will be harder to live without them. It is split into 6 categories: green algae, red algae, brown algae, euglenoids, diatoms, and dinoflagellates. ! Red, brown, and green algae includes species with many cells or species with one cell. Green algae is the most common type. When I think of algae, I always think of green algae, but actually, there are many more kinds of algae. If you didn’t know, it even produce half of our oxygen. Red algae has a red pigment, which allows it to absorb light from deep under the ocean which actually is where most of them live. Red algae has a substance called carrageen that makes food like pudding and even toothpaste smooth. Brown algae also lives in the ocean and it also covers different species of seaweed and even kelp. You may had been eating red or brown algae in your previous meal. ! On the other hand the other three groups are all single-celled. Euglenoids uses the flagella to move and the have specific spots that can sense light. Diatoms’ cell walls or also known as gold-brown algae has a lot of the main element in glass which is silica. Last but not least, Dinoflagellates, is a flagellate ( as you can tell by it’s name ) but it’s flagella works differently. It let’s the body move in a spiral movement or in other words making it spin around in circles. Red tide is created by dinoflagellates when the dinoflagellates cover the surface and changes the color. ! Algal blooms can kill plants by giving them no light and sometimes even animals (if the algae release poison.) Wait, did I mention cyanobacteria? Well the reason I want to talk about this is because it releases poison. Cyanobacteria is the most interesting algae to me, it only has one cell and at one point it was even called the blue-green algae. Maybe it is not even an algae since it doesn’t it is prokaryotic and doesn’t have any things inside it’s cell at all! The only reason scientist thinks that it’s an algae is that as I said before, they create algal blooms (like the one on the title page).

Plant-like Protist

Green Algae

Red Algae

Brown Algae






Animal-Like Protist Animal-like protists are called protozoans. They have a specific spot for digesting food and getting rid of the water they don’t need. They are split into four dierent types based on how they move and they are all single-celled. One type is called ameboids. They use pseudopods to move and to eat. Most live inside exoskeleton that is made of calcium carbonate to protect their soft bodies. After they die, they will leave these skeletons behind as if they are shells. Another type is flagellates. Which means they use flagella to move. Since the flagella will only help them move in a very liquid environment, most flagellates live in the water and some flagellates even use their flagella to bring food closer. The next type is ciliates. They use cilia to move. Just like flagella, cilia also works best in the water, but some ciliates live in animals and help them digest the food. Ciliates are the most complicated among all the protozoans. These ciliates have two nuclei, the macronucleus and also the micronucleus. The macronucleus is the one that controls the functions from day to day, while the micronucleus controls the reproduction of the cilia. The last type is sporozoa. They are parasites, meaning they have to live inside animals living or dead. All parasites hurt the animal they live in. Malaria is a kind of sporozoa. it had killed many people cause it travels through mosquito bites. Animal-like protist






Conclusion Now you know more about protist. You know when you’re eating protist, you know when your touching it, and you also know when your looking at protist. As I said before, protist are everywhere. They are very important to us, we need them even though some are bad to us and other living things. I think protist are really cool don’t you? I hope you are interested in protists.

Another algal bloom

The End p.6

Glossary Algal Blooms - Algal blooms is when a lot of algae covers the surface of the water. Cilia - Cilia is tiny hairs that move. Flagella - Flagella is a long tail or also called a thin structure that looks like a whip and it is very flexible. Flagellate - Flagellate is a living thing that has a flagella. Pseudopod - Pseudopod is known as ‘false foot’. It is something slugs and some algae use to move. It works by changing their shape.

Once again, an algal bloom.


Bibliography "ABPI - Resources for Schools." Protozoa. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. "Algae." BrainPOP. N.p., n. "Authors." Factsheet. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. "Protists." BrainPOP. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. "Protozoa." BrainPOP. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. "Encyclopædia Britannica ImageQuest." Encyclopædia Britannica ImageQuest. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. "Encyclopædia Britannica ImageQuest." Encyclopædia Britannica ImageQuest. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. "Resource Details - Six Kingdoms." LearnBIG. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. "Slime Molds, Revealed." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 17 Jan. 2014. "Harmful Algal Blooms: Simple Plants With Toxic Implications." NOAA's National Ocean Service: Harmful Algal Blooms. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2014. "Understanding Harmful Algal Bloom Phenomena and Mitigating Risk | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization." Understanding Harmful Algal Bloom Phenomena and Mitigating Risk | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. "Microscopy-UK Micscape Microscopy and Microscopes Magazine. " Microscopy-UK Micscape Microscopy and Microscopes Magazine. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2014. "New Chinese Survey Reveals Extensive Coastal Pollution." SciTech Daily. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2014.


Here are the actual website link Information

Pictures MYXO04_slideshow.jpg subjectId=0&collectionId=0&keyword=water +mold&localizeMetaData=false subjectId=0&collectionId=0&keyword=algae&localizeMetaData =false infectiousdiseases_pathogens/en-images/1.7-amoeba--protoza-diagram.png images/Cucurbits_-_Downy_Mildew/Figure1.JPG

About The Author ! Hi! My name is Wesley. I’m from Singapore and I have two brothers. One is older than me, the other is younger than me. When I grow up I want to be a soccer player. I wrote this book I was ten. I got this idea from Brain Pop clip called ‘Six Kingdoms’. I didn’t choose animal or plants because those are the most common. I didn’t choose fungi because I already did that topic last year. I didn’t choose archaea because I can’t find enough information about it. I didn’t choose bacteria because I know more about bacteria than protist. So the last one was protist. I researched about it and then came up with this book. I took about a month to finish writing it. I finished publishing it on January 28th, 2014. The colors I chose on the front cover is based on the color of water. Since most protist is found under water, I chose the colors aqua and black since the shallow water is aqua and the deep ocean is dark/ black and the font I use is Helvetica since it is easy to read but doesn’t take up much space. As you can tell, my favorite thing about protist is algal blooms. I find it very cool how it can change the color of the water. I really hope that you enjoy reading it.

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