Annual report of 22nd exco

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The 22nd Session HKUSTSU Executive Committee Annual Report TABLE OF CONTENTS

Preface ..........................................................................................................................1 Part I Composition ......................................................................................................2 Part II General ............................................................................................................3 Part III Action (Comply with HKUST Students’ Union Constitution) 1. General Administration .................................................................................4 2. Representation ................................................................................................5 3. Internal Coordination ....................................................................................7 4. External Affairs ..............................................................................................9 5. Finance ..........................................................................................................17 6. Public Relations ............................................................................................18 7. Welfare Affairs .............................................................................................20 8. Publication Activities ...................................................................................24 9. Social Activities.............................................................................................25 10. Orientation Affairs .....................................................................................27 11. University Affairs .......................................................................................29 12. Academic Affairs ........................................................................................31 13. Information Technology Affairs................................................................33 Appendix – Public Notice .........................................................................................34

Preface This report covers the achievement of the 22nd Session Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students’ Union Executive Committee during the period of April 2014 to March 2015.

In the session, all the Executive Committee Members have been devoted to our jobs and have tried our best to fulfill our duties. Due to our proper internal administration, appropriate handling of external matters, continual provision in social and welfare activities and better presentation and participation in academic and university matters, the Students’ Union has been operating smoothly and efficiently.

The coming pages will provide a detailed presentation of the work accomplished by the Executive Committee Members during the period indicated above.

______________________ LEE, Fu Wa Acting Vice-President (Internal) The Executive Committee, HKUSTSU, The 22nd Session, 2014-2015

Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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Part I Composition In this session, there are altogether 10 Executive Committee Members. The full list of Executive Committee Members is shown as follows: Name





LEE, Fu Wa





YIP, Wai Yeung Dennis





External Secretary

HUNG, Chung Fai





Financial Secretary

MAK, Tsz Chung





CHAN, Shu Lok





MA, Tsz Fung





LAU, Wai Yan





TANG, Kleon Fon Hei





LEE, Hui Pui





CHAN, Ming Yan





Position Acting Vice-President (Internal) Vice-President (External)

Current Affairs Secretary Information Technology Secretary Administrative Secretary University Affairs Officer Public Relations Officer Welfare Officer

P.S. Past Vice-President (Internal) CHEUNG Yung Yung (張容榕) resigned on 28th April 2014. Hung Chung Fai (洪忠輝) was appointed to be External Secretary on 2nd May 2014. Lee Fu Wa (李富華) was appointed to be Acting Vice-President (Internal) on 10th June 2014. Chan Shu Lok (陳舒洛) was appointed to be Current Affairs Secretary on 10th June 2014. Past President LAW Wai Lun (羅緯綸) resigned on 2nd March 2015.

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Part II General The 22nd Session Executive Committee Meetings In first half of the 22nd Session, regular meetings are convened on scheduled basis. In total twenty-two regular meetings were held. The date, time and venue of the meetings are shown as follows: Meetings Date Commencing Time Venue st 1 meeting 14/4/2014 19:00 SU ExCo Meeting Room nd 2 meeting 4/5/2014 20:00 SU ExCo Meeting Room rd 3 meeting 13/5/2014 19:00 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 4 meeting 6/6/2014 16:00 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 5 meeting 16/6/2014 15:00 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 6 meeting 15/7/2014 14:00 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 7 meeting 13/8/2014 18:30 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 8 meeting 27/8/2014 18:30 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 9 meeting 3/9/2014 19:30 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 10 meeting 12/9/2014 21:00 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 11 meeting 16/9/2014 21:00 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 12 meeting 7/10/2014 21:00 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 13 meeting 28/10/2014 21:00 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 14 meeting 4/11/2014 21:00 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 15 meeting 11/11/2014 19:30 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 16 meeting 17/11/2014 22:00 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 17 meeting 25/11/2014 20:30 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 18 meeting 30/12/2014 20:30 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 19 meeting 14/1/2015 20:30 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 20 meeting 20/1/2015 20:30 SU ExCo Meeting Room st 21 meeting 10/2/2015 20:30 SU ExCo Meeting Room nd 22 meeting 23/2/2015 20:30 SU ExCo Meeting Room

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Part III Action (Comply with HKUST Students’ Union Constitution) 1. General Administration 1.1. Administration of General Office During office hours, members are welcome to share their opinions with the Executive Committee by visiting the Union’s general office during Office Hours (10am-1pm, 2pm-6pm) or make prior arrangement for meeting. The Executive Committee jointly with SAO is responsible for managing the electronic door lock access right for the Council, the Editorial Board, the Executive Committee and the Students’ Union general office. The Executive Committee is also in charge of matters concerning vending machines at General Office such as handling complaints, refund and management. 1.2. Administration of Big Character Post Wall The Executive Committee is responsible for the management of the Big Character Poster Wall at LG1, to facilitate its proper use by students, staffs and organizations in the University as a channel for expression of ideas and opinions. 1.3. Administration of Union Notice Boards The Executive Committee is also responsible for management of the Union Notice Board. 1.4. Membership Affairs The Executive Committee is responsible for issuing the Students’ Union membership cards and handling all enquiries regarding membership. 1.5. Staff Affairs The Executive Committee is in charge of the arrangement of staff insurance, MPF and holidays. There are currently 4 full time staffs employed by the Union. One of them is in the SU Office, two in Co-Op Shop and one in Print Shop. There is one part-time staff employed by the Union in Print Shop respectively.

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2. Representation 2.1. Representation in Council According to the Constitution, three Executive Committee members are compulsory to be the councilors of HKUSTSU Council. They are Acting Vice-President (Internal) LEE Fu Wa, Vice-President (External) YIP Wai Yeung Dennis and Financial Secretary MAK Tsz Chung, who all attended 22nd Session Council meetings. Besides, four Executive Committee members are the members of the Standing Committees of the Council according to the Constitution. Representations are listed as follows: Executive Committee Member Standing Committee of Council Financial Secretary Finance Committee Acting Vice-President (Internal) Election Committee, Council Administration Committee, Affiliated Societies Committee Vice-President (External) Election Committee, Council Administration Committee 2.2. Representation in HKUST Executive Committee Member Vice-President (External) Current Affairs Secretary University Affairs Officer University Affairs Officer


Committee under HKUST

Member Member Member Member

Student Catering Committee Sustainability Unit Sustainability Unit Student Catering Committee Student Disciplinary Committee of Senate HKUST Information Day 2014

University Affairs Officer


Public Relations Officer


A meeting with President Tony CHAN, late HKUST Council chairman Dr. Marvin CHEUNG, and the Executive Committee was held in May 2014. Executive Committee attended the meeting and exchanged ideas and concerns over the university administration, student affairs and future development of HKUST.

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2.3. Public Notice Up to October 2011, this session of HKUSTSU has issued 22 public notices, 13 of them being declarations. (Appendix) 1. Resignation of an Executive Committee member (28/4/2014) 2. 作育英才之所豈容剝削之事 香港專上學生聯會 五一勞動節宣言 (1/5/2014) 3. Co-option of an Executive Committee member (2/5/2014) 4. 學聯悼六四天安門事件廿五周年抗爭宣言 〈毋忘八九民運 承傳學運精神〉 (4/6/2014) 5. 香港科技大學學生會就《「一國兩制」在香港特別行政區的實踐》之聲明 (10/6/2014) 6. Resignation and Co-option of Executive Committee members (10/6/2014) 7. 香港科技大學學生會就「六一三反東北集會」之聲明 (14/6/2014) 8. 香港科技大學學生會聲明- 譴責立法會財委會主席吳亮星漠視《議事規 則》 以卑劣手法強行表決新界東北發展撥款 (29/6/2014) 9. 香港科技大學學生會幹事會 七一宣言 (30/6/2014) 10. 香港科技大學學生會就「七月一日學聯留守遮打道」之聯署聲明 (3/7/2014) 11. Resignation of Editorial Board members (23/7/2014) 12. Resignation of an Editorial Board member (27/7/2014) 13. Resignation of an Editorial Board member (29/7/2014) 14. 香港科技大學學生會就人大常委會有關政改決議之聲明及罷課宣言 (10/09/2014) 15. 譴責警方暴力清場 無懼威嚇繼續抗爭 (29/9/2014) 16. Resignation of an Editorial Board member (4/10/2014) 17. 香港科技大學學生會就罷課橫額遭刑事毀壞事件之聲明 (5/10/2014) 18. 致科大評議會主席林景昇學長公開信 (15/12/2015) 19. 香港科技大學學生會就工學院使用簡體字之聲明 (15/2/2015) 20. 七大學生會有關香港大學學生會通過「香港大學學生會應退出香港專上學 生聯會」全民投票之聲明 (18/2/2015) 21. Resignation of an Executive Committee member (2/3/2015) 22. Amendment of Notice “Resignation of Executive Committee Members” Dated 11 June 2014 (2/3/2015) 23. 香港科技大學學生會就政府委任廖長城為校董會主席之聲明 (6/3/2015)

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3. Internal Coordination 3.1. Inauguration attending This year, the Executive Committee has sent members to attend inaugurations of affiliated societies. This serves as the first step to communicate with affiliated societies. 3.2. Society Meeting Seven Society Meetings were held. Society meetings act as channels for the Executive Committee to communicate with the affiliated societies in many matters. The attendance rate and the responses of societies were good. In addition to the Society Meeting, small sessions of conversations were held, which aimed at learning the interest of societies and helping them to solve problems on administration. In the Society Meetings, the Acting Vice-President (Internal) presided as the chairman, while Administrative Secretary, acting as the secretary of the meeting, was responsible for preparing materials and taking minutes for the meeting.

3.3. Promotion Period (Election Period) Promotion Period, also known as Election Period, is one of the significant events for nominated cabinets of student societies to promote themselves and take over the job from the current executive committees after they have passed a constitutional election. A regulation made by the Students’ Union contains the opinions, which obtained from the societies with no violation of the original safety rules and regulations by the school authority. The regulation mainly covers chanting sessions, distributions of counters, booking of equipment and related rules and penalty, Executive Committee of the Students’ Union has to work out a Regulation starting from October 2013. Several meetings with the affiliated societies, Student Affairs Office, and Facilities Management Office were held and the final regulation was adopted by the Committee of Student Affairs in January 2014. The Promotion Period lasted from February 4 to 27, which included Polling Days for the societies. The nominated cabinets did promotion by making decorations, designing games, holding activities, organizing prize drawings and chanting. In order to maintain order during Promotion Period, authorized personnel and the Executive Committee of the Students’ Union, were responsible for issuing penalties to the societies which violated the Rules and Regulations of Student Election.

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3.3. Green Society Promotion Awards Green Society Promotion Awards were held in this year’s Promotion period, with an aim to establish green design habits and act environmentally-friendly during the promotion period. Different awards were provided as listed below: 1. First Prize - $1,000 cash prize - Up to $500 worth of refreshments for upcoming Society conference or meeting 2. Two Runners up Prizes - $500 cash prize - Up to $200 worth of refreshments for upcoming Society conference or meeting 3. Four Exceptional Participation Prizes - $250 prize for the Society who excelled at using recycled materials - $250 prize for most eco-friendly souvenirs - $250 prize for most creative eco-friendly promotion - $250 prize for popular choice (submitted green action photo as voted by Facebook “likes”) 4. For all participants - Certificate of participation

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4. External Affairs 4.1. Formation of External Affairs Committee The Committee deals with external matters. It is also responsible to hold various events on economic, political, social and other relevant topics. By doing so, as well as other activities, it is hoped that members’ awareness to and participation in current affairs will be enhanced. Members Representation


Vice-President (External) External Secretary Current Affairs Secretary Welfare Officer Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member

YIP, Wai Yeung Dennis HUNG, Chung Fai CHAN, Shu Lok CHAN, Ming Yan CHAN, Kin Ho CHAN, Chi Hin CHEUNG, Ching Yau HO, Sin Man Helen KWOK, Chin Ho LAM, Hin Hei LAO, Jeffrey LAW, Wai Lun TSE, Tsz Chung WONG, Tin Ho YU, Chun Wing

Position (Committee) Chairperson Secretary Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member

4.2. Hong Kong Federation of Student (HKFS) Hong Kong Federation of Student is formed by students’ union of eight local institutes. HKFS plays an important role in student and social movement, include organizing protests and assemblies. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students’ Union became the full member of the Hong Kong Federation of Student since 21 session, which was the eighth local institute that join HKFS. HKFS provides platform and resources for the Union to participate in social affairs and demonstrates the unity of university students. The official delegation was formed to represent the Union in HKFS. The delegates have the right to speak and vote on behalf of the Union on the representative council and annual general meeting of HKFS. Besides, the Vice-President (External) and President are also the standing committee of HKFS. Both of them have attended the regular meeting and contributed to the daily decision making process HKFS. Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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In the 57th Session of Hong Kong Federation of Students, there are total 3 general council meetings, 1 extraordinary council meeting, 3 general standing committee meetings and 31 extraordinary standing committee meetings. Members of the Delegation have attended most of the standing committee meetings and all council meetings. Representatives in HKFS Position in Delegation

Position in Union


Chief Delegate

Vice-President (External)

YIP, Wai Yeung Dennis


External Secretary

HUNG, Chung Fai


Current Affairs Secretary

CHAN, Shu Lok

Official Observer

Welfare Officer

CHAN, Ming Yan


Full Member

LAW, Wai Lun

4.3. Participation in social issues 4.3.1. June-Fourth Memorial Events The Executive Committee together with the external affairs committee have participated and organized a series of June-Fourth Memorial Events. 5th April

Ching Ming Festival Floral Tribute

4th May

25KM Marathon

7th May

June-Fourth Forum

8th May

Film Showing of Sunless Day

28th May – 4th June

Photo Exhibition at Atrium

1st June

June-Fourth Demonstration

1st – 4th June

HKFS Memorial Events

4th June

June-Fourth Candlelight Vigil

4th June

Protest to Liaison Office of China

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Events including 25 KM marathon, 1st June Protest, the floral tribute and the Candlelight Vigil were organized by the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements in China. The Hong Kong Federation of Student had also held series of memorial events at Time Square Causeway Bay include open forum, band show and film show. Internally, the external affairs committee and the Executive Committee have organized a film show in May showing the movie “Sunless Day”, a local document about Hongkongers attitude toward the massacre. Also, we have held a June-Fourth forum inviting guests from New School of Democracy, RTHK and Hong Kong Blue Righteous Revolt to talk about the issues arise from June-Fourth memorial events in recent years. In the late of May, we have borrowed a set of historic photo from the Hong Kong Alliance in order to held the photo exhibition at the Hong Kong Jockey Atrium. We sincerely hope that students and the general public understood more about the truth of June-Fourth Incident after participated in those activities. 4.3.2. Anti-North East New Territories New Development Areas Plan The Hong Kong Government have proposed to develop the rural areas in the Northeastern New Territories such as Kwu Tung North and Fanling North. However numbers of societal groups including HKFS fear that it will destroy the natural environment of New Territories. The Government was also criticized to have interest transfer with the developers, worsening the land hegemony. The budget for the prophase development of the plan was put up for discussion in the Legislative Council’s Financial Committee on June 2014. The Executive Committee had joined the protest and assemblies outside the Legislative Council Complex during each meeting to against the development plan. However, Ng Leung-sing, the chairperson of the financial committee, had forced the bill to be passed with the aid of immoral act which violate the Rule of Procedure. The Executive Committee has 11rganizing a statement to condemn Ng and the pro-Beijing camp.

4.3.3. Political Reform 2014 is the critical year for Hong Kong’s political development. Thus, political reform becomes the major issues for our external duties. 21st – 23rd March

Annual general meeting of HKFS and press conference on HKFS proposal

13th April

Meeting with university students on proposal

15th April

Introduction of Student Proposal by HKFS and Scholarism

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2nd May

Celebrity Forum

6th May

Dday 3 of Occupy Central

22nd – 29th June

Occupy Central Referendum

17th May – 29th June

Promotion of Student Proposal and OC Referendum in society

23rd May

Meeting with university students on political reform

1st July

1st July Demonstration

1st – 2nd July

Sit-in protest at Charter Road

27th July

Meeting with university students about student strike

2nd August

Assembly outside headquarter of Hong Kong Police Force against police action on 2nd July

11th – 13th August

Promotion of external affairs and distribution of HKFS post during the registration day

31th August

Issue of framework document by Standing Committee of National People’s Congress of China Assembly of Occupy Central at Tamar Park

6th September

Meeting with student strike 12rganizing committee

7th September

Press conference on class boycott

1st – 19th September

Promotion of class boycott at HKUST

17th September

Film showing of The Attorney

20th September

Meeting with students about class boycott

22nd September

Kick-off of class boycott at CUHK

22nd September

Forum about the democracy movement in Hong Kong

23rd – 26th September

Class boycott assembly and civic lecture at Tamar Park and Tim Mei Avenue

26th September

Protest to Government House

27th September

Barged into Civic Square

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27th September

Large scale occupation at Admiralty, Mongkok and Causeway Bay

28th September

Emergency meeting with students


Setting up of “UST Village”

12th November

Umbrella Movement Sharing Session

1st February, 2015

1st February Demonstration

In the 57th Annual general meeting of HKFS, the federation has decided to draft a proposal on the election of Legislative Council and Chief Executive in 2016 and 2017. Later, HKFS cooperate with Scholarism and introduce the Students’ Proposal. The proposal becomes the three candidate proposal for the Occupy Central referendum in July. As a member of HKFS, the Executive Committee has contributed in promoting the proposal, as well as the idea of universal suffrage in community. The Executive Committee have also joined the 1st July protest and the sit-in protest at Charter Road on that night in order to demonstrate our determination in fighting for real democracy in Hong Kong. Eight UST students were being arrested in the sit-in protest. The Executive Committee, the Editorial Board and the University then form an ad-hoc committee to discuss supporting measure for UST member whom being arrested in protest. The task force members work closely during the Umbrella Movement in order to provide sufficient assistance to UST members outside as the political situation change dramatically everyday. In 31st August, the National People’s Congress’s Standing Committee of People’s Republic of China issued a framework document on Hong Kong’s political reform. However civil nomination and abolishment of functional constituency in Legislative Council were not included. Therefore, HKFS initiated class boycott on 22nd September. The Executive Committee had formed an organizing committee to organize the campaign. The class boycott began on 22nd September at Chinese University of Hong Kong. The venue then changes to Tamar Park on 23rd September. About two hundred protesters including some of the HKFS member have barged into Civic Square on 26th September. This lead to thousands of citizens assembly at Admiralty. On the next day, the police force has used pepper spray and tear gas to clear Harcourt Road. However, more people are stimulated by the action of police and start occupying Causeway Bay and Mongkok. The President and Vice-President (External) have participated in meeting of HKFS frequently during the whole Umbrella Movement and take part in various decision-making regarding protests organized by HKFS. Our members of the Executive Committee have also taken part in providing assistance to students such as setting up temporary resources station at Admiralty. Besides, the class boycott organizing Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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committees together with the Executive Committee have set up tents at Tim Mei Avenue as “UST Village”, providing places for UST members to take rest at night and act as a gather point for UST members. Internally, we have held several events to promote students awareness on political reform. Two forum on political reform and democratic movement were held on 2nd May and 22nd September. We have also set up counters during registration day, information day and early September to promote Student Proposal and class boycott to our student. Umbrella Movement not only took place outside campus, but also inside campus. So the Executive Committee has organized a sharing session on Umbrella Movement. Ms. Yvonne Leung, President of the Hong Kong University Students’ Union; Mr. Chris Lau, UST students who actively participated in the movement were invited together with Dennis Yip, Vice-President (External), share their experience on participating in class boycott as well as Umbrella Movement. We hope to spread the message of the movement to fellow students. The Hong Kong Police Force clearance act in early December of 2014 ended the 79 days Umbrella Movement. However, our works on political reform are still going on. The Executive Committee have been working closing with the Hong Kong Federation of Students, various social groups and other counterparts to promote the message of civil nomination and values of democracy to general public. The Executive Committee has cooperated with the Hong Kong Women Workers’ Association to conduct the “Umbrella Movement in local communities” in Eastern Kowloon and Tseng Kwan O. Meetings with volunteers and preparation session for community campaign have been conducted in early January. The two organizations together with Progressust, HKUSTSU have set up promotion counters in Kowloon Bay once in January. The campaign is still going on and more actions will be conducted in various districts in the coming future.

4.3.4. Other Issues The External Affairs Committee and the Executive Committee have focused on other social issues also. In April, we have held a Visual Impairment Children Photography Exhibition at Atrium together with Halo, a group of HKU student. Photographs taken by six visually impaired children were exhibited in order to raise students’ awareness on impaired person. We are also concern about labor rights. The committee and HKFS have participated in the 1st May to strive for better welfare for workers in universities campus. Besides, we also cooperate with Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Union to deal with the labor related issues in UST campus. Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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We have joined the Pride Parade again this year to show our support to different sex groups, as we believe everyone in the world should enjoy equal rights and opportunities. The parade was held on 8th November, 2014. Theme colour for this year parade is orange and team marches from Victoria Park to Timar Park. There was an assembly at Timar Park after the march, which include various performances. During Fall of 2014, the construction site of MTR To Kwa Wan Station was discovered to have cultural heritage from Sung Dynasty. The society is more aware of the balance between urban development and cultural conservation. Public are also concern about the administration of MTR Corporation due to several project delays and safety issues. Thus, the Executive Committee, the Editorial Board and the Humanities and Social Science Students’ Union, HKUSTSU, jointly hold a current affairs forum on railway development (「新綫風雲」鐵路發展時事論壇). Hon. Albert CHAN Wai-yip, Dr. KWOK Ka-ki and Ir. LEE C.M. were invited to be the guest speakers of the forum. They share their opinion regarding railway development and planning in different views. Participants were satisfied with the content of the forum and they have learnt more about urban and transport development. 4.4. Attending Inauguration Ceremony The External Affairs Committee, together with other members of the Executive Committee, has represented the Union to attend inauguration ceremonies of counterparts of different institutions: 4th April 2014

The Hong Kong University Students’ Union

17th April 2014

Hong Kong Institute of Education Student’s Union

22nd April 2014

Hong Kong Community College Students’ Union

23rd April 2014

Open University of Hong Kong Students’ Union

25th April 2014

Students’ Union of Centennial College

4th September 2014 Hong Kong Baptist University Students’ Union 6th March 2015

Lingnan University Students’ Union

4.5. Student Financial Assistance Agency The Union has representatives in committee of Student Financial Assistance Agency (SFAA). The Vice-President (External) is the representatives of the Union in all committees including Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students Review Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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Committee (RC) and Joint Committee on Student Finance (JCSF). Both committee are responsible for review and advising the operation of student finance scheme of the Government. The Vice-President (External) has also joined the Review Sub-committee and Customer Liaison Group of JCSF. The former was responsible for reviewing the appeal cases while the latter reviewed the service of SFAA. The term of service will be from 1 June 2014 to 31 May 2015. 4.6. Declarations Declarations dealing with different political, social and current issues were drafted and publicized. 4.7. Spokesperson of the Union The Vice-President (External) has dealt with enquires of outside parties related to the Union.

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5. Finance For the Union’s finance all expenditures are overseen and reported by Financial Secretary, so as to ensure that the actual spending is consistent with the approved amount in the Master Budget. 5.1. Union Budget The Master Budget for the Students’ Union expenses has been prepared. Most of the items have already been discussed and approved by the Council. The part in current fund of the Master Budget mainly consists of the following parts. They are: 1. Budget of the Council, the Court and the Editorial Board 2. Budget of the Executive Committee: The expenses could be broken down into: a) Administrative expenses for daily or monthly operation of the Executive Committee, including expenses in Print Shop, Co-op Shop and staff’s salaries b) Administrative expenses and function expenses for the standing committees organizing different activities c) Subsidy to SU Affiliated Associations & Societies d) Acquisition of fixed assets for the Union, including computers and cameras A financial report would be submitted to the Finance Committee after every function organized within one month. The report would review the budgeted amount of every item approved by the Council and the actual expense. 5.2. Administrative Work 1. To collect the Applications Form for Subsidy of Student Activity from the affiliated societies and verify the related financial reports for consideration and recommendation of the proper amount of subsidy. 2. To prepare cheques of payments for Union subsidy and sponsorship and keep the normal operation of Co-op Shop, Print Shop and Students’ Union General Office. 5.3. SAO subsidy A proposal of requesting the University to issue the Union a grant covering the salaries of the staff members currently employed by the Union and student activity expenses had been submitted. Documents had been prepared to ask Student Affairs Office for subsidy to the Union and a subsidy of $190,000 had been granted. 5.4. Funding Recommendations The Finance Committee had submitted a lot of funding applications for approval to the Council during the 22nd Session. Meetings of the Committee were usually held prior to Council meetings where funding recommendations were submitted for consideration and discussion. Information of expenses in the Master Budget and activities in subsidy application would be well-prepared before Finance Committee and Council meeting. Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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6. Public Relations 6.1. Formation of Public Relations Committee The Public Relations Secretary worked on the formation of Public Relations Committee under the provision of the Constitution. After open and careful selection, the Public Relations Committee was formed. The Public Relations Committee aims at assisting the Public Relations Secretary on all matters concerning the Public Relations of the Union and to work on functions or projects, which can promote the HKUST Students’ Union as well as HKUST to the public. Members Representation


Public Relations Officer Acting Vice-President (Internal) Vice-President (External) Financial Secretary Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member

LEE, Hui Pui LEE, Fu Wa YIP, Wai Yeung Dennis Mak Chi Chung HO, Hiu Lam LAI, Ka Yu Kylie LAW, Wai Lun MASTERS, Christopher Benedict SHARMA, Mahak SIN, Yin Ling THAKUR, Garima WEI, Rujia YAU, Tim Yi ZHOU, Angela

Position (Committee) Chairperson Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member

6.2. Inauguration Ceremony The inauguration ceremony of the 22nd session Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students’ Union was held on 28th April, 2014. A total of over 200 guests were invited, including Legislative Councilor Charles Mok and Chung Kwok Pun and the 21st session Executive Committee, faculty members, and representatives of the Alumni Association, Students’ Unions of other institutes and affiliated societies of HKUST Students’ Union. 6.4. Welcome Day This event was the first large-scale activity to welcome freshmen by school. It was divided into two parts. The first part was a band show performance and tea party. The remaining part was the Welcome Dinner which was held successfully on 1st September, 2014 (Monday) at LG7 lawn area. In order to receive the opinion from student, school authorities invited Students’ Union to be Co-organizer of this event. There are totally Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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over 1000 participants joined. 6.3. HKUST Information Day 2014 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology information day 2014 was held on 27th September, 2014 (Saturday). The Student’s Union has organized campus tour and various students’ performance for guests including Magic Club, HKUSTSU, The University Choir, HKUSTSU, University Philharmonic Orchestra, HKUSTSU, Kendo Club, HKUSTSU, Dance Society, HKUSTSU, The Band Society, HKUSTSU. 6.4. The Annual Joint-University Christmas Ball The Annual Joint-University Christmas Ball was held successfully on 22nd December,2014 (Wednesday) at Eaton Hotel, Jordan. This year, we are honored to have Tung Wah College Students’ Union as Co-organizer in organizing this event. The theme for this event was “The Fairy Tale of Snow Globe”. There are total of over 100 participants joined and we have invited Prune Deer as performance guest. In conclusion, this year result is satisfying. 6.5. The Annual Dinner 2015 The Annual Dinner 2015 for the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students’ Union was held successfully on 5th March, 2015 (Thursday) at Chinese Restaurant in HKUST. A total of over 50 members and guests joined the event, including Mrs. Pandora Yuen, Mr. Mike Hudson, Prof. Chow King Lau, Prof. Siu Kam Wing, Ms. Grace Ling, Ms. Iris Liu, Dr. Samuel Kwan, Ms. Theresa Lo, Mr. Donny Siu, Ms. Theresa Leung, Miss Jerri Ng, Miss Louisa Chow, Prof. Yeung Lam Lung, Mr. Chui Yiu Man and the 21st session Executive Committee members.

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7. Welfare Affairs 7.1. Formation of Welfare Committee The Welfare Officer worked on the formation of the Welfare Committee under the provision of the Constitution. The Welfare Committee aims at assisting the Welfare Officer on all matters concerning welfare of members of the Union. Members Representation


Welfare Officer Vice-President (External) Financial Secretary Information Technology Secretary Current Affairs Secretary Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member

CHAN, Ming Yan YIP, Wai Yeung Dennis Mak Chi Chung MA, Tsz Fung CHAN, Shu Lok CHAN, Kin Ho KWOK, Chin Ho LAW, Wai Lun LIU, Hoi Yee MAK, Chi Cheung

Position (Committee) Chairperson Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member

7.2. General The main duties for the Executive Committee in the welfare aspects are maintaining the operation of the Co-op shop and the Print Shop, organizing Mega Sale and preparing welfare products. 7.3. Operation of Co-op Shop Co-op Shop aims at providing UST students and staff a large variety of products at reasonable prices. SU members will be entitled to 10% discount with the SU membership card shown before the purchase, for most of the products. Daily Operation of Co-op Shop Concerning the needs of UST students, different new types of goods was imported, with snacks especially noted. All goods had been set at a reasonable price, with review and monitoring from Welfare Committee. Daily operations of the Co-op Shop also included monitoring the stock flow and supervising two staff working at the Co-op Shop. Stock Taking of Co-op Shop To ensure the Co-op Shop is under normal operation, the interim stock taking was conducted from 16th June to 19th June 2014. 7.4. Operation of Print Shop Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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Print Shop provides UST students Photostat and bookbinding service at a reasonable price. It is convenient and cheaper than anywhere else in campus. There is also fax service. Daily operations of Print Shop also include supervising staff working at shop. 7.5. Mega Sale Mega Sale is the main source of revenue for HKUSTSU. There would be two Mega Sales, one of which was held from 16th to 18th September, 2014 and the second one is scheduled from 17th to 19th March 2015. There are sales of different products, ranging from snacks to foot-wear, at a discounted price for HKUST students. Normal operation of Mega Sale Academic Concourse was booked as the venue for Mega Sale. SAO and FMO were contacted for assigning chairs, tables and electricity supply to booths for Mega Sale. In order to offer products to students at a reasonable price, different companies and agents were contacted and cooperated with. Booths were assigned to affiliated societies and guidelines of Mega Sale were also provided. Various types of promotion like posters and Easy-rolls had been done to promote Mega Sale. The first Mega Sale was held from 16th to 18th September 2014 (Tuesday to Thursday). Twenty-one counters were set. Three counters were reserved for affiliated societies, determined by lucky draw. For the second Mega Sale, it would be held from 17th to 19th March, 2015 (Tuesday to Thursday). Eighteen counters are going to be set. Three counters were reserved for affiliated societies, determined by lucky draw. 7.6. Welfare Product Distribution Welfare products are free gifts to all HKUSTSU members. Item Schedule Book

Detail of distribution Date: 14-16/10/2014, 27-31/10/2014 Time: 10:30 am – 5:30pm Venue: Students’ Union Counter at LG5 Wireless Mouse Date: Late March The first was distributed at Students’ Union counter at LG5 for about one week, which was a schedule book designed without charge by an outside organization, Gun, Please Design. Simple design has been making the book more functional fitting needs of students. We have collected data for preference on the second welfare product from HKUSTSU members. From the result, wireless mouse is the most popular choice. We have ordered Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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wireless mouse as the second welfare product and we are going to distribute the product in late March. 7.7. Sponsorship We have opened an online album on an online social network platform, Facebook, to share the latest welfare information with our SU members. Magazines From July to October 2014, there were about 700 copies of Jessica Magazine sponsored by the publishing company every month. The copies were placed and distributed at Co-op Shop and sometimes at HKUSTSU counter.

Wagazines is now distributed sometimes in our campus as contacted through the Union. 7.8. Book Festival This festival would take place from 10th to 31st March, 2015. There would be written book sharing from students and staff invited to write. The concerned sharing would be posted on some boards at counter and online. The immediate atmosphere is hoped to build with the book sale, provided by the Commercial Press, which would be held from 10th to 12th March, at the Academic Concourse, HKUST. 7.9. Hong Kong Joint University Welfare Union (HKJUWU) HKJUWU, as a non-profit organization, is formed by members from Executive Committee of various Students’ Unions from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Lingnan University, The Open University of Hong Kong, Chu Hai College of Higher Education, and Hang Seng Management College. It aims at providing different kinds of special offer to the members, such as discounts from shops. Representatives in HKJUWU Name Position in HKUSTSU CHAN, Ming Yan Welfare Officer

Position in HKJUWU Public Relations Secretary

The Annual General Meeting of HKJUWU is going to be held in April. It should be noted the constitution of HKJUWU may be amended. The second reminder is that if there is no representative from HKUSTSU in HKJUWU in the coming session 2015-2016, HKUSTSU would be not be a member of HKJUWU in the session 2016-2017. If HKUSTSU would like be considered to join HKJUWU, the session 2017-2018, there should be one representative from HKUSTSU to attend for HKJUWU meetings in the whole session 2016-2017. Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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HKUSTSU has cooperated with HKJUWU to distribute 150 welfare packs to our SU members. The following lists the details: Details of distribution Date: 26th February, 2015 Time: 10:00a.m. – 10:30a.m. Venue: LG5 Free Zone

Promotion for the distribution has been done like posters are posted and leaflets are distributed at the Co-op Shop. The response was unexpectedly good that many have queued up before the starting time of distribution. However, as the sponsorship from HKJUWU was limited and was shared by seven institutions, the number of welfare packs is far from enough to satisfy SU members’ needs. There was also response that the welfare pack contains a large variety of products.

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8. Publication Activities 8.1. Formation of Publication committee Publication Committee is led by Executive Committee. Its composition is as follows. After open recruitment and interview selection, the Publication Committee was formed. The Publication Committee aims at assisting the chairperson on all publication activities of the Union (excluding those reserved for Editorial Board). They are led by the Person-in-charge of the official publication X-Post. Representation


Information Technology Secretary Current Affairs Secretary Acting Vice-President (Internal) University Affairs Officers Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member

MA, Tsz Fung CHAN, Shu Lok LEE, Fu Wa TANG, Kleon Fon Hei CHAN, Shu Yu FU, Ka Ki LAM, Yin Ka NG, Ting Yan Ryan SEO, Soo Yeon YU, Tsz Wing

Position (Committee) Chairperson Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member

8.2. X-post In order to increase the familiarity and transparency of the Executive Committee and the Students’ Union, X-post is mainly focused on the work recently held and done by the Executive Committee. Important issues related to our students and universities will also be reported in X-post. 8.3. Orientation Book 2014 The Orientation Book 2014 was issued and distributed to local freshmen during the registration days in August and to non-local freshmen in late August. The Orientation Book focused on giving out general information of HKUST, including basic utilities, facilities and some useful tips in the campus. It also include the promotions of the Students’ Union and its affiliated societies

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9. Social Activities 9.1 Formation of Social Committee The Executive Committe worked on the formation of the Social Committee this year. After open recruitment and careful selection, the Social Committee was formed. The Social Committee aims at assisting the Executive Committee on all matters concerning the social activities of the Union and to work on functions or projects, which can promote social activities amongst students. Members Representation


Acting Vice-President (Internal) Vice-President (External) Financial Secretary Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member

LEE, Fu Wa YIP, Wai Yeung Dennis Mak Chi Chung CHIU, Yat Ming HO, Sun Chi HU, Yunruo LAU, Chun Yin LAW, Wai Lun LEUNG, Lai Fong LI, Ka To ZANG, Jiayuan Billy

Position (Committee) Chairperson Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member

9.2 Orientation Camp The Orientation Camp 2014 of the Students' Union Executive Committee was held from 15th August, 2014 to 17th August 2014. This year, we have more than a hundred participants. During the camp, the Executive Committee shared with campers their valuable experiences of being the Union Executive Committee and brought along a close relation and a sense of belonging to the campers, helping them to explore themselves and enjoy a deeper insight into University life. Mobile App for Orientation Camp A mobile app named ‘Moment Box’ was used for the promotion of the Orientation Camp of each society by providing freshmen with information such as the location of counter. This app could provide a way for communication between freshmen and societies 9. 3. My First Day@HKUST The Executive Committee worked together with the Univeristy to hold a series of events on 1st September, the first day of the academic year. This year, we held a band performance in the afternoon and a thousand people dinner to the first year students. In Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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the dinner, different students and staff from different counteries had dinner and watched performances together, in which the 1-HKUST spirit was nurtured. 9.4 Recruitment of Standing Committee Standing Committee members are not only restricted to Orientation Camp participants but are also recruited openly. Applicants are screened though and interviewed carefully, and are assigned different responsibilities according to their abilities, experience, interests and performance. 9.5. Global Cultural Engagement Convention The Global Cultural Engagement Convention (GCEC) was held in June 2014. It was first jointly held by the Students’ Union, International Students Association (ISA) and the Mainland Undergraduate Students and Scholars Society UG Section (MSSSUG). The convention serve to strengthen relationships among diverse student groups and provide a platform for exchanging and brainstorming of ideas on cultural issues. 60 student leaders from different universities were invited to attend the conference. The conference last for six days, number of activities were being included such as talks, sharings, workshops, leadership training etc. Tour in Hong Kong in the form of city hunt was also arranged that brought the participants to various spots in Hong Kong. The main tasks in the conference was the group project. Participants were groups into sixteen teams and worked on four main themes related to cultural integration. The four themes are body languages, food, humor and gender role respectively. They had to conduct a proposal on the four themes in order to foster cultural integration in their institutes. After days of discussions and research, they had their proposals finished and present to all participants. The conference was successful and fruitful. Participants were inspired and willing to bring what they have learned to their countries. Bonding between local and non-local HKUST students were enhanced since they spent half a year in preparing for the conference. At last, the cooperation of the Union with ISA and MSSSUG have enhance the relationship between the three parties. Leading to an environment favouring increasing cooperation in the future. 9.6. 2015 Garena Campus League (Hong Kong and Macau) The 2015 Garena Campus League will be held in March and April, 2015. We are honored that HKESPORTS invited us to be the co-organizer of this event. The heats of the tournament will be held in the internet. The final will held on April and the place is to be announced. The winner of the tournament in Hong Kong will become the representative of Hong Kong and Macau to join the tournament in TaiWan to strike for HKD$100000.

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10. Orientation Affairs 10.1. Formation of the Orientation Affairs Committee The Acting Vice-President (Internal) worked on the formation of the Orientation Affairs Committee under the provision of the Constitution. After the open nomination from various fields of affiliated societies, the Orientation Affairs Committee was formed. The Orientation Affairs Committee takes charge and is responsible for coordination of all orientation affairs of the Union including matters and programmes concerning Registration Day, Orientation Days, Orientation Camps and Orientation Weeks. The composition of the Committee is as follows: Position Representation Name (Committee) Acting Vice-President (Internal) LEE, Fu Wa Chairperson Administrative Secretary LAU, Wai Yan Secretary ExCo LEE, Hui Pui Member EB WONG, Chun Chiu Member HOUSE LEE, On Yat Member HOUSE WU, Tsz Hin Adrian Member ICA CHAN, Sin Lok Member ICA YIU, Ka Wing Member IP TSANG, Wing Wah Member SA CHOI, Hei Chi Member SA LEUNG, Ho Yee Member SBM CHEUNG, Wing Yip Member SBM TSUI, Yat Long Member SENG TSOI, Chung Hin Member SENG WAT, Tat Yung Member SHSS CHAN, Chi Ting Member SSCI KWAN, Ka Ho Member SSCI KWOK, Wai Lam Member 10.2 Orientation Programmes Orientation Programmes were collectively referred to Orientation Days (JUPAS Registration Day, 11th August, 2014 to 13th August, 2014), Orientation Camp (15th August, 2014 to 25th August, 2014) and Orientation Week (2nd September, 2014 to 19th September, 2014). Orientation Affairs Committee 2014 (OAC 2014) was set up to handle all the matters on Orientation Programmes. It consists of representatives from various fields: Two representatives from House Associations, two representatives from Independent Clubs, two representatives from SBM Departmental and School Societies, two representatives from SENG Departmental and School Societies, two representatives from SSCI Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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Departmental and School Societies, two representatives from Sports Clubs, one representative from the Editorial Board, one representative from the Executive Committee and one representative from SHSS Departmental and School Societies. Five meetings were held this year. In the first three OAC meeting, Acting Vice-President (Internal) presided as the chairman of meeting while Administrative Secretary, acting as the secretary of the meeting, was responsible for taking minutes, preparing agenda and other useful materials for the meetings.. In the fourth and fifth OAC meeting, Acting Vice-President (Internal) presided as the chairman of meeting while Financial Secretary, acting as the secretary of the meeting, was responsible for taking minutes, preparing agenda and other useful materials for the meetings.

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11. University Affairs 11.1 Formation of University Affairs Committee (UAC) The UAC was formed with the Executive Committee members. They are nominated by the Executive Committee. Members Representation


University Affairs Officer Acting Vice-President (Internal) Vice-President (External) Financial Secretary Welfare Officer Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member

TANG, Kleon Fon Hei

Position (Committee) Chairperson

LEE, Fu Wa


YIP, Wai Yeung Dennis Mak Chi Chung CHAN, Ming Yan AGGARWAL, Ashish Kumar CHAN, Chun Hang FANG, Zheqi LAW, Wai Lun KWAN, Wing Chung LIDVINA, Vania Inka NAIR, Vinith SAMIN, Felicia

Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member

11.2. Nomination of Student Representatives One of the responsibilities of UAC is to nominate student representative for the committees related to University Affairs. Lists of Student Representatives Group Formed 1. Hall Selection Committee 2. Bookstore Selction Task Group 3. Café Kiosk Selection Task Group 11.3. Hall Affairs To reflect concerns of new hall allocation composite score system from students to SHRLO and held questioning session for students. To enquire on opening rooftops for green activities in halls. To be a member in Hall Selection Committee and deal with hall appeals cases and special cases. 11.4. Catering Affairs To be a member in Café Kiosk Selection Task Group for new Coffee Kiosk in students Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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common. To complain to CSO about hygiene matters regarding Gold Rice Bowl repeatedly. 11.5. IT related Affairs To report complaints regarding Wifi, Add-value machines, Express stations from students to ITSC. To request a version update on m.HKUST. 11.6. Bookstore To be a member in Bookstore Selection Task Group for Bookstore tender. 11.7. Green Affairs Express opinion on green activities to Sustainability Unit. 11.8. President Public Forum President Public Forum was held on 27/2 to let students directly communicate with the HUKST President and express opinion as well as exchange ideas. The Vice Presidents were also present. 11.9. Transportation Transportation was one of the major issues regarding university affairs since the establishment of the University. In September of 2014, we have drafted a proposal on enhancing the public transport services of HKUST. The proposal was sent to both Campus Services Office (CSO) and Transport Department. CSO agree to have enhancement regarding shuttle bus service on school days. New fleets are being used for the service since 2014 Fall which passengers can pay by Octopus when onboard. Additional departures are providing in both morning and evening services since 2015 Spring. We have also urged CSO to add a alighting point near south gate for passengers heading to Lee Shau Kee Campus. We have met representatives from Transportation Department in February of 2015. We have mentioned the problem students facing every school days. Transportation Department agree to monitor the situation more frequently and communicate with bus companies for service enhancement. As it is expected to have drastic increase in passengers heading to downtown on Lunar New Year’s Eve, we have communicate with Kowloon Motor Bus for special arrangement that day. KMB had deployed additional buses to south gate and operate special services of route 91 and route 91M, which have greatly reduce the waiting time of buses in the evening.

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12 Academic Affairs 12.1. Formation of Academic Affairs Committee The UAC was formed with the Executive Committee members. They are nominated by the Executive Committee. Members Representation University Affairs Officer Acting Vice-President (Internal) Vice-President (External) Financial Secretary Welfare Officer Full Member Full Member Full Member

Name Position (Committee) TANG, Kleon Fon Hei Chairperson LEE, Fu Wa Chairperson YIP, Wai Yeung Dennis Member Mak Chi Chung Member CHAN, Ming Yan Member BAKSHI, Pallav Member JAIN, Tushar Member LAW, Wai Lun Member

The Academic Affairs Secretary worked on the formation of the Academic Affairs Committee under the provision of the Constitution. In order to fully function as a bridge between students and the University, we open the recruitment to all students and invite some student representatives to join. The Academic Affairs Committee aims at (i) To promote academic development of the University; (ii) To assist the Academic Affairs Secretary on all matters concerning academic affairs of the Union; (iii) To organize seminars, forums, talks or debates on academic affairs; (iv) To encourage and stimulate Union Members’ interests and participation in academic affairs; (v) To openly nominate students to University Senate Committees with approval of the Executive Committee; (vi) To conduct University Student Senators Election; (vii) To co-ordinate the efforts of student seats in University Student Committees; and (viii) To facilitate communication among student seats in University Senate Committees. 12.2. Nomination of Student Representatives of Student Disciplinary Committee On behalf of Academic Affairs Committee, we nominated two qualified undergraduate students and one qualified postgraduate student as Student Representatives of Student Disciplinary Committee 12.3. Nomination of Student Representatives of Student Affairs Committee Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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On behalf of Academic Affairs Committee, we nominated three qualified undergraduate students and one qualified postgraduate student as Student Representatives of Student Affairs Committee 12.4. Nomination of Student Representatives of Teaching and Learning Quality Committee On behalf of Academic Affairs Committee, we nominated one qualified undergraduate students and one qualified postgraduate student as Student Representatives of Teaching and Learning Quality Committee 12.5. Nomination of Student Representative of Undergraduate Core Education Committee On behalf of Academic Affairs Committee, we nominated one qualified undergraduate student as the Student Representative of Undergraduate Core Education Committee 12.6. Nomination of Student Representative of Business and Management School Board Meeting On behalf of Academic Affairs Committee, we nominated one qualified undergraduate student as Student Representatives of Business and Management School Board Meeting. 12.7. Nomination of Student Representative of Engineering School Board/Committee On behalf of Academic Affairs Committee, we nominated one qualified undergraduate student as Student Representatives of Engineering School Board and Committee. 12.8. Nomination of Student Senator On behalf of Academic Affairs Committee, we nominated one qualified postgraduate student as the Student Senator. 12.9. Nomination of Presidents’ Outstanding Service Award On behalf of Academic Affairs Committee, we nominated one qualified undergraduate student as Student Representatives for this award. 12.10. Sports Award On behalf of Academic Affairs Committee, we nominated one qualified undergraduate student as Student Representatives for this award 12.11. Common Core Course Excellence Award On behalf of Academic Affairs Committee, we nominated one qualified undergraduate student as Student Representatives for this award.

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13. Information Technology Affairs 13.1 HKUSTSU Notebook/Desktop Ownership Program 2014 The online ordering period of the HKUSTSU Notebook/Desktop Ownership Program 2014 was 11th August 2014 to 15th October 2014. The first roadshow started from 18th August 2014 to 23rd August 2014 and the second roadshow started from 10th September 2014 to 20th September 2014. The venue of the roadshow is the area outside LT-J. The preparation stage of the program has begun from May 2014. After several rounds of meetings and discussions with the selection panel members, we finally decided to work with Apple, Asus and Lenovo in the HKUSTSU Notebook/Desktop Ownership Program 2014. The three companies provide a series of cost-effective, functional and stylish computers in the program. The reaction was also very enthusiastic during the two exhibition periods. Many students, staff, and alumni also came to place orders during the roadshow. 13.2 HKUSTSU Membership Card Although the ARRO has updated the version of the HKUST card this year, the Executive Committee still assisted the freshman to make SU membership cards. Moreover, for the members own a membership card, we have printed a new expiry date on their existing card.

13.3. Workshop This year the Executive Committee has organized 5 workshops and 1 seminar in total. Most of the attendees have a positive comment. 21 July 2014 Adobe Photoshop Workshop 26 September 2014 On-campus Mac Training@HKUST 20 November 2014 Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop Apps Workshop 22 and 29 January 2015 Graphic design: Image and text composition 5 February 2015 How to protect yourself in virtual world: Smart devices and internet security 4 March 2015 Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop Apps Workshop: Make your own movie 13.4. IT-related issue on campus The Executive Committee has report some IT-related issue in campus to ITSC in August 2014. Most of the issues have improved in the new academic year, including the re-arrangement of Barn B, print budget issue, iPRS system and m.HKUST APPS. We will keep follow the complaint and comments from students and report to the office. Besides, as we received several complaints regarding the campus networking issue, we conducted a survey in March to collect students’ comments about campus networking service, including WiFi network service and wired network service. We hope such opinions can help ITSC to provide a better network service to students in the future. Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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Appendix – Public Notice

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作育英才之所豈容剝削之事 香港專上學生聯會 五一勞動節宣言 大專院校剝削員工的新聞近年來不絕於耳,先有理工大學第八期校園工程在 2012 年造成死亡意外和嶺南大學的外判工人於 2013 年 6 月發起聯署要求改善薪 酬和待遇,後有科技大學學生會於本年 2 月公開讉責外判保安公司剝削及打壓工 友,以及有浸會大學學生在本月指責校方藉保安外判制逃避校園管理責任和勞工 權益的問題。我們在這些所謂做教育和做學問的大學學習,看到的卻是員工被當 成生產工具。每當想到自己每天使用著的校園是由他們的血汗建立和維持的,我 們這班大學生就不禁感到悲憤。 被剝削得最嚴重的,莫過於校園內的基層員工,包括保安、清潔工和維修技 術員。現時香港幾乎所有大專院校﹙中大除外﹚聘請的基層員工都是外判工,企 業模式管理所帶來的是更多的剝削。物業管理及保安職工總會早前進行調查,發 現本港八間院校的保安工資偏低,僅得三間院校的保安時薪達三十五元或以上。 除了薪金偏低外,吃飯時間過短、沒有提供冬季制服、加班工資不一、沒有固定 休息室等問題亦屢次出現。大部份院校不但沒有要求外判公司改善待遇,反而聲 稱無權管理外判員工,推卸責任。有院校更變本加厲,容許判上判,無視大專院 校應該肩負的社會責任。 其實,不只基層員工受到剝削。院校的行政人員和教員雖然是所謂的白領, 但也逃不過制度和工作的壓迫。去年十二月,理工大學的公關主管黎明輝先生在 自己工作的地方跳樓身亡,遺書上形容自己「只有工作,沒有生活」,並希望自 己的離去能「喚醒僱主重視員工的 work-life balance」。可見在院校工作的藍領或 白領都是被剝削的一群,有著共同的命運。 學生在完成大專教育後,絕大部份會進入勞動市場,被人僱用而成為被資本 家剝削的勞動者。因此,學生與朝夕相見的院校員工,命運也是連成一線的。他 朝君體也相同,關注院校的勞動者權益,其實是關注自己將來成為僱員時的權益。 況且,大專學府並不是牟利機構,有社會責任之餘更是一眾學生的榜樣。若 連大專學府也對勞工被受剝削之事充耳不聞、視而不見的話,那如何履行社會責 任呢,如何成為學生的楷模?難道大專教育想教會學生的,是如何好像該院校般, 為減低支出而外判責任、無情地剝削員工? 因此,我們在此嚴正要求香港各大專院校︰ 一、廢除基層員工的外判制度,直接聘用保安和清潔工,不要外判責任 二、改善基層員工的待遇,包括薪酬、工時、加班有補貼和工作環境等 三、正視員工的「工作生活平衡」,不要員工成為工作奴隸 此外,我們亦要求政府立法標準工時、最低工資一年一檢、保障零散工及立 法集體談判權。完善本港勞工制度,才能防止院校利用制度漏洞去無止境地剝削 工人。 Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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香港專上學生聯會 香港科技大學學生會幹事會

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學聯悼六四天安門事件廿五周年抗爭 〈毋忘八九民運承傳學運精神〉 一九八九年五月十二日,北京學生於《絕食書》宣告世界:「國家已經到了這樣 的時刻,物價飛漲、官倒橫流,官僚腐敗,在這民族存亡的生死關頭,同胞們, 一些有良心的同胞們︰我們不喊、誰喊?我們不幹,誰幹?」廿五年前,與我們 年齡相約的一群學生,毅然佔領北京人民大會堂外的廣場,靜坐、絕食、抗議, 對抗龐大的國家機器。莘莘學子冒失去自由及性命之險,堅毅對抗不義政權,宣 示對民主自由的追求。然而,真摯熱熾的靈魂,竟換來血腥撲殺。廿五年間,中 共的暴政磬竹難書,無情打壓、瘋狂拘捕、橫蠻踐踏更是無日無之。當年的抗爭 今天仍然在上演。但我們如今身在何方? 二十五年後的今天,香港政治一池死水。中共不斷打壓港人應有的普選權利,企 圖繼續把持香港政局,讓既得利益者及代理人千秋萬世。全球首屈一指的貧富懸 殊,正撕裂香港社會;梁振英無能管治,正加速我城崩壞。光天比化日下明報劉 進圖被血斬三刀,匪徒逃之夭夭。香港電視牌照被梁振英黑箱否決,粗暴扼殺本 港文化發展。為何新界東北囤地自肥的陳茂波、強推洗腦教育的吳克儉皆不用問 責下台,還有粗暴打壓示威遊行的曾偉雄、為虎作倀的林鄭月娥、袁國強、譚志 源呢?儘管出身英殖政務官體系,曾蔭權、許仕仁、湯顯明也一一捲入貪污舞弊。 官場貪腐、官商勾結、削民自肥,以致貧富懸殊日益擴大,此皆為專權政權崩塌 的先兆。今日的香港和昔日的中國何其相似,廿五年來我們豈非都在面對同樣的 命運,抗擊同一的敵人? 在北方,慘烈的悲劇仍未落幕。李旺陽被囚廿多年後「被自殺」,敦促中共遵守 憲法的劉曉波被判「煽動顛覆國家政權」。年逾 70 歲的女記者高喻報道中共公布 的文件,被控「泄露國家機密」、浦志強在家中舉行六四研討會,被以「尋釁滋 事」罪名逮捕。如今,中共維穩耗逾七千億,比國防開支還要高。政權懼怕人民 甚於外敵,豈非荒謬?在這個政權的統治下,香港更正被踐踏壓搾成另一大陸城 市,無處不見中共的爪牙和影子。一國兩制、港人自治,徒成一紙空文。 魯迅曾言:「不在沉默中爆發,就在沉默中滅亡。」面對昏亂黑暗的時局,我們 還可繼續默不作聲,甘作寒蟬?還是我們應當踏上當年未畢的路,承繼前人志氣? 八九民運的英靈當天用生命告訴我們,政府當屬於人民,而非屬當權者。民主更 非從天而降,而是需要一代又一代的人民不斷努力爭取得來。 廿五年前,佔領天安門開啟八九民運;廿五年後,港人倡議佔領中環,同樣希望 以公民抗命及佔領行動,推進民主改革,重奪經濟自主權。當年學生決志誓爭民 主自由之舉,正貫通吾輩爭取普選的信念。沒有公民抗命,豈有真正改變。當天 站起來的人,難道都比我們強大,不怕子彈?難道他們都沒有家人,無須顧慮將 來和家庭負擔?廿五年來,到底是敵人強大了,還是我們藉故逃避,犬儒渡世, 掩蓋站出來所須的鮮明理由-對抗不義,彰顯良知? 身為有良知的大學生,我們決意負起先烈使命,今天重燃學運之火。儘管我們只 有軟弱的血肉身軀,卻以意志靈魂堅定軀幹,向不義政權再發一封戰書。這封戰 Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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書,比當年的,更顯沉重,皆因貫注了廿五年來累積的義憤。當年,學運啟導民 運,終於各地響應。今天,學生依然秉承「爭民主、衛自由」的決心,願作社會 先驅。廿五年來,港人在夜空下高舉燭光、呼喊承諾,若真正承傳八九精神,渴 求改變,在地抗爭刻不容緩。的而且確,我們只是普通學生,也懼怕失去擁有的 一切。但面對今天的境況,我們不得不站出來,以免自己的未來、我們每一個人 的未來被抹殺於無形中。「冷血屠城烈士英魂不朽,誓殲豺狼民主星火不滅。」 民主之路,實在不容再退。我們今日立定決心,背水一戰,定必在民主路上你我 並肩奮鬥,取回屬於我們自己的未來。誓爭民主,重奪未來! 我們在此嚴正要求有關當局: 壹.履行《中華人民共和國憲法》的承諾,結束一黨專政,展開民主改革,落實 憲政法治 貳.立即釋放在囚民運及維權人士,停止打壓異己 叁.停止窒礙香港民主進程,令香港可落實參選權、被選權及提名權皆普及而平 等的雙普選

香港專上學生聯會 香港科技大學學生會幹事會

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香港科技大學學生會就《「一國兩制」在香港特別行政區的實踐》之聲明 中國國務院新聞辦公室今日突然發表一份名為《「一國兩制」在香港特別行政區 的實踐》(下稱白皮書)的文件,白皮書中除警惕要防範外國勢力破壞「一國兩 制」外,亦新增現有《基本法》條文以外對本港行政長官選舉的制肘,更甚的是 對「一國兩制」重新作定義。 該白皮書充斥危害香港「高度自治」之論述,有違中共當年對「一國兩制」的承 諾,香港科技大學學生會對此表示強烈譴責。 白皮書稱中國政府對香港有「全面管治權」,包括中國政府能在港直接行使權力, 而當初回歸時所承諾的「高度自治」權亦非固有,而是視乎「中央授權」,所謂 「高度自治」的限度亦要視乎中國政府授予多少權力。《基本法》第十三及十四 條規定,除外交及軍事外,本港其他事務均由特區政府自行決定。白皮書亦就行 政長官選舉設下《基本法》沒有訂明的新規定。《基本法》第四十五條及附件一 《香港特別行政區行政長官的產生辦法》中只提及「行政長官的產生辦法根據香 港特別行政區的實際情況和循序漸進的原則而規定,最終達至由一個有廣泛代表 性的提名委員會按民主程序提名後普選產生的目標」,白皮書卻新增對行政長官 參選人需為「愛國愛港」人士之要求,白皮書可謂對《基本法》作出修改。白皮 書中更指出「一國」與「兩制」並非對等,而是「一國」大於「兩制」,使「一 國兩制」正式名存實亡。中國政府於白皮書內指出要遏止破壞香港「一國兩制」 的行為,然而此白皮書之內容本身已是對「一國兩制」的「粗暴干預」,對於中 國政府賊喊捉賊的行為,本會深表憤慨。 特區政府作為港人代表,自主權移交以來一直未曾捍衛港人利益和權力,在白皮 書發表後更迎合中國政府的舉措,於社會內作宣傳,意圖令港人馴服於中共政權 之下,出賣港人,本會對特區政府表示徹底失望。政改運動正進行得如火如荼, 佔中公投亦舉行在即,中國政府在這時發表這份文件,旨在威嚇港人,降低公投 投票人數,使佔中運動失敗,令中國政府一直期望的假普選在香港得以實現。本 會更擔心中國政府借白皮書公開表明本港現時情況特別是佔中運動將損害中共管 治,藉此製造機會令《基本法》第二十三條得以成功立法,戕害港人珍視的自由 和人權。但本會深信,強權打壓非但不會削弱追求民主之心,更會令自由之火燒 得更熾熱。本會要求中國政府: 壹、立即撤回《「一國兩制」在香港特別行政區的實踐》文件 貳、立即落實普及而平等的真普選,當中必需包含公民提名 叁、尊重《基本法》中訂明的「一國兩制」、「港人治港」、「高度自治」原則 本會亦藉此呼籲各位同學踴躍參與 6 月 22 日舉行之佔中電子公投,透過你手上的 一票,向中共政權表達港人無懼強權、追求民主的決心,令民主自由的種子遍地 開花。 香港科技大學學生會幹事會

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香港科技大學學生會就「六一三反東北集會」之聲明 譴責財委會主席漠視程序公義 促政府立即撤回東北發展計劃 就着審議新界東北發展前期撥款的會議,已經進入第五次。在之前的會議中,雖 然有幾位的泛民議員於會議中拉布,期望阻止撥款獲得通過,但於昨天(六月十三 日)的立法會財務委員會中,主席吳亮星多次漠視程序公義,企圖「剪布」 ,為東北 計劃撥款開綠燈。 財委會主席吳亮星於會議之始,便只批准九百多項由議員所提出的議案中的四十 項議案作出討論。之後,更將每輪議員的發言時間由五分鐘,減至一分鐘。而對 於由多位議員所提出的 693 項臨時議案,於閉門會議中無理要求禁止議員再次提 出臨時議案,只裁決 27 項議案與議程有關。會議期間,其更多番使用立法會議事 規則第 45 條,企圖恐嚇議員。整個過程,完全反映出吳亮星對於程序公義的無視, 和企圖嘗試無理「剪布」的野心。本會對此,予以強烈譴責。 另一方面,對於議會內的不公,迫使了一群於立法會門外集會,反東北發展計劃 的市民,於晚上九時左右向立法會方向衝擊。於傳媒的鏡頭下,這批的示威者會 是一班的暴民,擾亂着社會的秩序和安寧。但事實上,他們卻是一群被這不公義 的社會所催使,以公民抗命形式走在前頭的人民。 他們,以行動說明了在現時的香港社會,沉默並不能換來生活的安寧,只會失去 原來所擁有的。若不站出來,明天被摧毀的,不單是家園,更會是一個公義的政 治制度,變成由財團所壟斷的社會。故此,本會嚴正要求政府立即撤回東北發展 計劃,守護村民家園,保衛香港的未來。 香港科技大學學生會幹事會

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香港科技大學學生會聲明- 譴責立法會財委會主席吳亮星漠視《議事規則》 以卑劣手法強行表決新界東北發展撥款 立法會財委會於星期五晚(六月二十七日)舉行了第七次審議新界東北發展前期 撥款申請的會議,而會議尾段,主席吳亮星宣佈禁止議員提問,讓官員總結發言, 令大部份在場泛民議員離席到台前抗議。此時,吳突然將議案付諸表決,令他們 未能及時投票表態,導致撥款議案只於兩票反對之情況下獲得通過。本會對於吳 亮星之卑劣舉措表示強烈譴責。 吳亮星主持會議時其漠視《議事規則》之舉,其非法表決議案之手段儼如趁火打 劫,絕非在任何民主文明政體下,一個議會會議主席應有之為。縱觀吳亮星於過 去多次會議中處理有關新界東北撥款的手法一直有違主席公平公正的原則。審議 有關撥款之初已多番使用不同的手段,以阻止議員繼續拉布,務求盡快令撥款得 以進入表決程序。其濫用主席的權力,禁止議員再就撥款議案提交新的臨時動議, 更將議員發言時間由三分鐘大大縮減至一分鐘,限制議員發言,漠視成文規條。 而於星期五晚會議上,曾多次無理企圖驅逐泛民議員離場,但幸得在場泛民議員 抗議阻止,才令吳收回有關決定。作為會議主席,理應按規則及既定程序主持會 議,令議員能就議案作充分討論才進行表決。然而來自功能界別且自動當選的吳 不但未有按照《議事規則》辦事,更肆意濫用主席的權力,阻止獲得市民民意授 權的代表於議會內發表意見,捍衛市民大眾權益,此舉實在可恥。 反觀過往不同委員會主席,以至立法會大會主席如黃宜弘(民建聯) 、劉慧卿(民 主黨)及曾鈺成(民建聯)等主持會議期間,均會按照《議事規則》辦事,亦能 保持公平公正等原則。他們亦會容許代表不同民意的議員發言及討論,令各方意 見得以在議事廳內共存,達至代議制度的目的。反觀吳亮星透過不同非制度手段 令議事廳內只出現單一聲音,更加強行將議案付諸表決。而吳同時於港鐵以及於 新界東北發展中涉及巨大利益的中國銀行(香港)等多間私營機構擔任董事職位, 但一直未有就其利益衡突作申報,不禁令人懷疑吳為免相關公司及個人利益受損, 而作出此等劣行。 本會同時亦在此譴責於議案中投贊成票的二十九位議員,特別為科大畢業生及本 會前會員李慧琼(民建聯,會計系,同時為科大校董)及陳恒鑌(民建聯,機械 工程系) 。該二十九人無視議事廳外三千多名對於新界東北發展計劃強烈反對的聲 音,與吳亮星狠狽為奸、為虎作倀,令撥款議案在一遍混亂之下獲得通過,絕非 稱職代議士之所為。而一直以來,李、陳兩人在不少具爭議性、影響民生的事情 上,均未有反映民意,甚至為了替政府保駕護航而與民為敵。其不但沒有資格擔 任議員,實有辱我校之校譽,乃科大之恥。 是次表決實為非法,故本會要求財委會必須將新界東北發展前期撥款議案重新審 議;同時,吳亮星於財委會之職務應予禠奪,以還香港一個公平公正的議會。是 次事件中功能組別的醜惡昭然若揭,故本會同時要求處理政改問題之同時透過立 Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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法同時將功能組別廢除,令立法會能真正代表人民,為人民發聲。 在此,本會現亦呼籲各位同學參與七月一日舉行的大遊行,用自己的腳步,表達 香港人對爭取普及而平等的真普選的訴求、要求一個屬於人民的議會的意願。 香港科技大學學生會幹事會

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香港科技大學學生會幹事會 七一宣言 七.一,非慶祝的日子,而是站出來的時機。二零一四年的七.一,更加需 要港人走上街頭,明確地用自己的腳步,自己的聲音向政府,表達對爭取民主而 平等的真普選,對抗現時這個不義的政權和議會的訴求。 自二零零三年的七.一大遊行,有五十多萬的香港人參與,反對基本法二十 三條立法並成功迫使政府擱置立法程序後,每年都會有數萬人以上參與遊行,藉 此提出各項的議題和訴求,喚起市民的關注,促使政府和社會正視。而今年,不 但是香港政制發展最關鍵的一年,法治制度受到衝擊,社會變得不公不義,明報 前總編輯劉進圖在街頭被血斬、傳媒人李慧玲被商業電台無理解僱、香港電視的 流動電視計劃因被指違法而受阻、中央公佈《「一國兩制」在香港特別行政區的實 踐》(以下簡稱﹔「白皮書」)、新界東北發展計劃前期撥款於財委會非法通過等, 種種的事件我們都看在眼內,挑起我們的憤怒,我們不能夠無視,更無法去原諒。 「白皮書」的公佈,顯示着中央對香港管治進一步收窄,其重新定義「一國 兩制」,削弱香港的「高度自治」,對於司法人員更明言須「維護國家主權、安全 及利益」。當我們仍喊着「港人自港」,希望憑自己雙手爭取自己城市的民主政制 的時候, 「五十年不變」已成謊話。到底這個由六百八十九票當票的特首所領導的 政府,和出爾反爾、專制獨裁的中共政權,仍值得我們相信嗎? 新界東北發計劃前期撥款於立法會財務委員會整整七次會議的審議過程,讓 我們見盡了議會內功能組別的醜惡。主席吳亮星在會議中多次限制議員發言,將 正常議員的發言時間 3 分鐘削減至 1 分鐘,禁止議員提出臨時議案,反映其漠視 程序公義和不公。到第七次的審議中,吳亮星在泛民主派議員離席向其抗議之時, 忽然將議案付諸表決,令撥款在只有兩票反對下通過。一個來自功能組別,在沒 有對手的情況下自動當選的立法會議員,竟能在議會中公然違反《議事規則》 ,打 壓不同意見在議會內發聲。這樣的一個議會,是否仍代表着人民,為着我們而發 聲嗎? 現在,正是香港危急存之際,香港人的香港必須我們的雙手去爭取。一個真 正平等而民主的普選,一個屬於人民、代表人民的議會,當這一切一切都逐漸失 去之時,就是抗爭之時。官逼民反,人民不能不反。當獨裁成為了事實,抗爭、 發聲,才是我們未來唯一的出路。 「希望在於人民,改變始於抗爭」 七月一日,不見不散。 香港科技大學學生會幹事會

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香港科技大學學生會就「七月一日學聯留守遮打道」之聯署聲明 管治失效港人自救 公民抗命無畏無懼 三十年,香港人爭取普選越三十年。在三十多年裏,香港人都有着同一個需求﹔ 全民普選特首,取消功能組別。終於,今年二零一四年,到了香港政制發展最關 鍵的一年。正當社會上對於二零一七年的普選特首討論得熱烘烘的時候,特區政 府以「不言而喻」來推搪港人對公民提名等一個真正民主而平等普選的想像,企 圖「一鎚定音」決定未來的政改方案,而中央政府更推出《「一國兩制」在香港特 別行政區的實踐》(下稱白皮書)削弱港人「高度自治」。這,正正是本會幹事、 其他院校學生會以及學聯決定舉行和參與於七月一日晚上的公民抗命之由。 在剛結束的和平佔中公投,近八十萬的市民投票表態,表示「公民提名,必不可 少」,惟政府都對外只稱會視這次的公投為一次大型的「民意調查」,但其後又稱 具公民提名的方案是一個違法的方案,並不可取。這完全反映出現在的特區政府 漠視民意,絕非如其宣傳片段中所說的「有商有量」 。加上,白皮書的發表及於六 月二十七日的立法會財務委員會審議新界東北發展計劃前撥款之時,主席吳亮星 違反議事規則,限制議員發言時間,甚至在大部分泛民主派議員離席向其抗議之 時,將議案愴悴付諸表決,令東北計劃的前期撥款在不公不義、不合法的情況下 獲得通過。民憤、民怨非一日所累積。面對近年特區政府表現每況愈下,議會已 不能再代表人民,中共不斷加強對香港的控制,香港人必須站出來。香港人救自 己的香港,香港人決定香港的未來。留守遮打道的這場抗命,便是我們這班學生、 市民向政府說,我們對爭取公民提名、爭取真普選的決心。因為我們相信: 「希望在於人民,改變始於抗爭」 公民抗命,將會是我們唯一的出路,爭取和決定香港的未來。 此外,在是次的留守行動中,本校有多名的同學被警方所拘捕,包括本會會長羅 緯綸、現任普選評議員暨前任學生會會長石毅俊。而學聯及其他院校學生會成員 亦有多名被捕。於警方清場的過程中,我們看到警方對示威者使用過分的暴力, 令示威者受到無謂的痛楚。本會對此表示強烈的不滿和譴責。加上,在公民抗命 之始,學聯一方已多番表明其「不反抗、不主動挑釁、不使用暴力」的原則,以 及把活動時限設定為七月二日早上八時正。而台下的每位參與者都有遵守該原則, 在遮打道的馬路上靜坐,並未有造成做成任何的衝突。但警方卻仍然決定對在場 約一千五百名示威者進行清場,拘捕 511 名的示威者,甚至連八旬老人也沒有放過。 面對警權對港人的集會自由一步步的打壓,應更多的市民站出來捍衛這個城市, 對抗現時這個不義政權。 公民抗命尚未完結,今天只是一個序幕。我們的目標是要政府正視民意,把公民 提名納入其第二輪政改諮詢之內,改組現有提名委員會的架構,達致一個真正的 普選。志未了,公民抗命將不會停止。 香港科技大學學生會幹事會

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Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

STUDENTS' UNION Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: 2335 1732 Fax: 2335 1728 E-mail: Homepage:

Resignation of Editorial Board members Dear members, From 23th July, 2014 onwards, three members of the Editorial Board, HKUSTSU, the 22nd Session, 2014-2015, will resign due to personal issues. The members are as follows: Editor-in-Chief Financial Controller Marketing Officer

CHAN Siu Kwong HO Ka Wing LEE Wing Yan

We, the Executive Committee, feel extremely sorry to notify our members of this piece of unfortunate news. We sincerely wish the resigned members the very best luck in their university lives and we promise that we would be determined to keep serving our members with our full effort and passion. Please kindly continue to support us.

Thank you for your attention.

Regards, The Executive Committee HKUSTSU, The 22nd Session, 2014-2015

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香港科技大學學生會就人大常委會有關政改決議之聲明及罷課宣言 三十年前,中英展開就香港回歸問題的談判,當時的中共領導人鄧小平以「一國 兩制、港人治港、高度自治、五十年不變」作出承諾,穩定港人對香港前途的不 安。但紫荊旗升起至今十七年,五十年僅過去四分一多的今天,政改發展等的種 種,都確切地說明,當天的承諾都只是子虛烏有、名傳實亡。 特區政府於七月所公佈的第一輪政改諮詢報告並未有如其所言般,「不設既定立 場」 、 「有商有量」 ,反映港人對一個民主、自由普選的訴求。報告對於在社會上獲 得熱烈討論、佔中公投中得到逾七十萬香港人認同的「公民提名」元素隻字不提, 漠視民間的聲音。而直至八月三十一日人大常委會公佈香港二零一七年政改的框 架決議文件,對此「落全閘」 。其不但為行政長官選舉設下了高門檻,明確地指出 行政長官候選人必須「愛港愛國」 ,更限制了提名委員會需按照現行選舉委員會組 成方法組成,即由四大界別中選出千二名提委,要求參選人須獲得過半提委支持 方可參選,候選人只能容許二至三名入閘;而二零一六年的立法會亦維持現時組 成方式。大專學界以至全港各界市民均表明堅持公民提名及廢除功能組別,卻一 一被全盤否定。本會對於特區及中國政府漠視港人訴求及國際標準,表示遺憾及 憤怒。 過去的一年,香港人所珍而重之的民主、自由、法治等的核心價值被不斷收窄、 衝擊。香港電視發牌申請被拒、 《明報》前總編輯劉進圖當街被斬至重傷、電台名 嘴李慧玲遭商台無理解僱、商界疑被禁止在《蘋果日報》登廣告,說明香港的新 聞自由已一步步地被蠶食;新界東北發展前期發展撥款被強行剪布通過,反映本 港立法機關的倒退。而更甚的是,中央所發佈的白皮書中重新演繹「一國兩制」 的定義、佔中公投的伺服器遭受來自中國黑客的猛烈攻擊,無不顯示中國政府正 毫不間斷地插手干預本港事務,高度自治、一國兩制、港人治港等一切都已成為 空談。在這每況愈下的日子,港人不甘化作默不作聲的羔羊。多年來各個團體舉 行各類型的遊行集會。至近期,由和平佔中所發起的六二二民間公投參與人數達 七十八萬,但卻只被視為調查而無視公投結果,甚至將之指為違法;今年七一遊 行參與人數破多年紀錄達五十一萬人,但政府公佈數字卻只有九萬多;七月二日 凌晨學聯發起留守遮打道行動,獲過千名市民響應,通宵留守和平集會,卻換來 警方暴力清場。我們的聲音,從不為政權所重視。 要令香港政府以至中共政權正視我們的訴求,拯有屬於自己的香港,我們必須將 行動升級。而我們一群大學生,亦絕不能袖手旁觀,容許我城如此敗壞下去。故 此,本會決定聯同其他院校學生會發動大專學界罷課,期望透過罷課這不合作運 動的形式,凝聚學界力量,喚醒沉默的一群,引起社會大眾對政改普選的關注, 共同抵抗這個不義政權。學習知識、專心學業確是學生的首要職責。但請各位科 大同學不要忘記,我們同時亦是香港的一份子,對抗不義之事,參與社會事務, 也是我們該盡的責任。正當眼見香港正處於水深火熱之時,你還能繼續將自己關 在圖書館內,安然地「摺拉」嗎?此外,亦懇請科大的一聚教授、講師們能給予 一班願意為香港未來而犧牲學業的同學,實質的支持和幫助,例如為同學安排補 Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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課、不處分因罷課而缺席的學生、為政改相關論壇擔任講者甚至作罷教聲援。讓 我們全體科大師生,一起面對香港目前的關鍵時刻。 本會於政改議題上,由始至終堅持二零一七年行政長官選舉必須包含公民提名, 立法會選舉取消功能組別、全面直選。面對如此混亂的局勢,我們定必堅守底線, 承擔時代所給予的責任,決不退讓。因為香港是我們的主場,我們不幹,誰幹? 我們要清楚地告訴當權者,若其決定一如以往地無視民意,往後所面對的將不單 單是罷課,更是一場席捲全港的公民抗命。 香港科技大學學生會幹事會 二零一四年九月十日

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students’ Union's Statement against NPCSC’s Resolution on Political Reform and Declaration of Student Strike Sino-British negotiations on Hong Kong’s reunification started 30 years ago, the Communist Party leader Deng Xiaoping made a commitment of “One country, two systems”, “HK people ruling HK”, “High degree of autonomy”, “Life unchanged for 50 years ”, to stabilize the disturbance. However, only has the Bauhinia flag been raised for 50 years, many current affairs like political reformation proved precisely that those promises are nothing but empty titles. However, the Report on the Public Consultation on the Methods for Selecting the Chief Executive that published by the Government in July, “no established standpoint” and “negotiation” seemed cannot be found in it. The report is definitely not reflecting the request of democracy and universal suffrage from Hong Kong people. A lively debate is triggered over the content since the Government adopted an ostrich policy to the civil nomination, which agreed by more than 7 hundred thousand citizens in Hong Kong that voted in the Popvote on OCLP. The opinion of Hong Kong people is completely sidestepped. Moreover, the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on the Selection of the Chief Executive of Hong Kong on 31st August had set a high threshold to the Chief Executive candidates which they must be a supporter of the central Government. Also, it limited that the nominating committee has to base on the 1,200-strong election committee that formed for the poll now which came from the four sectors. The Standing Committee of the NPC ruled that there are only two or three candidates who have won half of the nominating committee’s support in the poll. The Method for Forming the Legislative Council in 2016 will be the same as now. Civil nomination and abolition of functional constituencies that supported by the Hong Kong citizens and Tertiary Education Society were denied in the report. We feel sorry and angry about the Hong Kong and central Government disregard the request of Hong Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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Kong people and the international standard. In the past year, the core values that Hong Kongers cherish, democracy, freedom and rule of law, has been gradually eroded. Cases like Host Li Wei-ling sacked by commercial radio unreasonably, HKTV failed to obtain a free-to-air TV license, Ex-Ming Pao Editor Kevin Lau being stabbed, Business circles prohibited to place advertisement on Apple Daily, has shown Hong Kong’s freedom of press has been declining since. North New Territories New Development has been forced to agreement; this reflects the waning of legislation branch. Moreover, incidents like the publication of White Paper from the Central government re-defining the meaning of “one country-two system”, and Chinese hackers’ intrusion of Occupy Central Referendum clearly shows that the Chinese Communist regime has been influencing Hong Kong affairs. In these tough days, Hong Kongeses are not eager to be the silent group. Many forms of demonstration and strikes have been held throughout these years. However the referendum with 780 thousand participated is disregarded, the July 1st demonstration with 510 thousand participation is reported as 90 thousands, the peaceful occupying Charter Street convocation has ended with polices’ violent treatment. Our voice, has never been heard. To make the Hong Kong Government and Chinese Communist regime address our demands, to rescue our own Hong Kong, we must escalate our action. We, as a group of University students, will not, and cannot allow this corruption to deteriorate. Therefore, this committee, HKUSTSU will join forces with other institutions to initiate a University Student Strike. We hope that this kind of non-cooperation-movement can bring up cohesion of students, rouse the silent group, and finally raise the society’s attention to Universal suffrage political reform, resist this unjust regime hand in hand. Of course, learning and studying are students’ main duty; however please do not forget we are also a part of Hong Kong. It is our obligation to fight against unjust and to participate in social affairs. Can you really still sit tight in the library, and turn a blind eye to the Hong Kong in hot water? Besides, we would urge professors and instructors to give support and assistance to students who would sacrifice their academic results for Hong Kong’s future, such as supplementary lessons, not to penalize students for not attending lessons, or be a speaker in political reform-related forums. Let us, both teachers and students, face this critical moment of Hong Kong together. Faced with such a chaotic situation, we will certainly stick to the bottom line, given the era of responsibility, never give. Because Hong Kong is our home, we quit, who did it? We want to clearly tell the authorities, if it decided to ignore public opinion, as usual, will next face not just strike, it is a sweeping civic disobedience territory. The Executive Committee, HKUSTSU

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一週以來,以由學聯與各大專院校學生會所發起的罷課開始,逐漸演變成今天的 佔領行動。為的,是要爭取一個真正民主而平等的選舉;為的,只是要與政府正 面對話。可惜政府久久未有回應學生的訴求,於是學聯發起了重奪公民廣場和佔 領行動。惟換來的並不是特首梁振英的回應,而是一個個帶着防毒面具的警察, 手執長槍指嚇市民,施放催淚彈驅趕。 以九月二十六日重奪公民廣場為開首,學生和市民成功佔領政府總部外近兩天。 在電視機的鏡頭前看到的是,警方重重的鐵馬包圍前來聲援的示威,警方逼向市 民,用胡椒噴霧威嚇時,市民都只是高舉雙手表示自己並無衝擊的意圖,甚至只 是用傘作防禦工具遮擋胡椒噴霧。他們的表現,絕不是所謂「暴民」的所為。但 遺憾的是,在二十八日下午,警方終於向這班手無寸鐵的市民施放催淚彈,背着 大型胡椒噴霧,手拿長槍指嚇。如斯畫面,就尤如二十五年前於北京天安門發生 六四事件時的一幕。令人不安,更令人憤怒。在此,本會對警方暴力對待示威者, 予以強烈的譴責。 不論是罷課的發起,包圍禮賓府、重奪公民廣場,都一一歸究於政府漠視市民的 聲音。在整個政改過程中,政府以「有商有量,實現普選」為口號,稱會聆聽社 會各界的意見。但當諮詢報告出爐,政府並未有提及六二二佔中公投的結果,更 對公民提名的認受性隻字不提。利用「主流民意」等,誣造民意的表達。到過去 的一星期,我們於集會場地內放置空櫈多番要求與梁振英對話,都未有被理會。 若政府過去曾有好好回應社會的聲音,便不會導致今天的局面。 而現在,我們明確地向政府說,我們並不會屈服於政府的強權和警方的暴力之下。 越強大的打壓,只會引起越強大的抵抗。 「希望在於人民,改變始於抗爭」就是因 為我們相信,香港的命運是屬於香港人每一個,能夠憑自己的力量改變香港現時 的劣勢,所以才會以公民抗命的形式爭取真普選。今天,警方企圖以催淚彈來恐 嚇市民,要他們因害怕而不再走出來。但市民的行動告訴他們,恐嚇只是促使他 們更加決心抗爭的動力。因此,我們往後仍會繼續抗爭,無懼任何的威嚇。 我們從即日起無限期罷課,直至訴求得以回應: 一、要求政府開放公民廣場及添美道並給予群眾自由使用 二、要求梁振英及政改三人組下台 三、要人大撤回對香港二零一七年行政長官選舉辦法的決議 四、公民提名,必不可少 魯迅曰:「不在沉默中爆發,便在沉默中滅亡」。在香港現時這劣勢,沉默已不能 帶來和平和安寧。每一位香港人,都是香港命運的主宰。每一個人都要走出來發 聲,表達自己的意見,確確實實地告訴政府,對於爭取真普選的決心和意志。 香港科技大學學生會幹事會 Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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香港科技大學學生會就罷課橫額遭刑事毀壞事件之聲明 於二零一四年十月五日早上,有同學發現原本懸掛於香港賽馬會大堂的五幅有關 學界罷課行動的橫額被不明人士除下,當中有兩幅更有惡意破壞的痕跡。香港科 技大學學生會已就此事報警處理。學生會對一連串有關罷課的海報及橫額遭惡意 破壞極為憤怒,並對有關人士予以強烈譴責。學生會同時要求警方盡快就此事進 行調查,將涉案人士盡快緝拿歸案。 學生會連同科大罷委會於九月上旬準備多幅油上「罷課」、「香港我主場 人大不 代我」等標語的橫額,並懸掛於香港賽馬會大堂,以響應大專學界發起,於九月 二十二日開始的罷課行動。其後不同屬會亦陸續加入響應大專罷課,於各自管轄 設於校園各處的告示板上張貼多張印有象徵罷課的黃絲帶圖案的海報。但到昨日 (十月四日) ,有同學發現各告示板上的黃絲帶或罷課海報被人粗暴撕毀。而從海 報被撕毀的痕跡可見,有關行為絕非校方清潔工友的例行清潔工作所致。及至今 晨,有同學路過大堂時發現原本懸掛橫額的位置空空如也,有兩幅橫額墜落在大 堂地面,另外三幅則擱在二樓至四樓的露台上。經查證後發現各幅橫額上有齊整 切口位,而於各層露台上亦發現有橫額的碎片仍被索帶扣於欄杆上,實在令人懷 疑有不明人士以利器割斷索帶不果而乾脆割爛橫額。 正如科大校長陳繁昌教授所言,大學提供平台讓不同意見的人和平理性討論,自 由表達意見並互相尊重。學生會立場亦一樣,我們歡迎持不同意見的人士表達自 己意見,就不同議題和平理性進行討論交流,同時亦尊重不同的聲音,以達致和 而不同。但在任何情況下,暴力或毀壞物件均是不能容忍的行為,亦不應用作表 達意見的方法。故此,學生會再次就上述惡行予以強烈譴責,並要求警方將涉案 人士盡快緝拿歸案。 香港科技大學學生會幹事會

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致科大評議會主席林景昇學長公開信 林景昇學長臺鑒: 在剛過去的星期三,我們從一篇網上報道中得知林學長獲授命以警隊談判專 家的身份,前往金鐘佔領區現場,與佔領者交涉,了解佔領人士的需要,並呼籲 他們撤離金鐘佔領區。 我們香港科技大學學生會得以成立,全有賴創會會長林學長以及一班前輩當 年之努力,令本會得以屹立科大二十二載,為一眾科大同學發聲,保障同學利益。 林學長於畢業後加入香港警隊,官至資訊系統部總督察,亦榮獲二零零六年「香 港十大傑青」之殊榮。林學長投身社會亦不曾忘記母校,現擔任科技大學評議會 主席,繼續為大學發展出力。林學長的成就實在令我們十分自豪。 然而,整篇新聞最令我們關注的,不是有科大舊生參與在內,而是那個扣在 警務人員委任證件上的藍絲帶。我們明白不同人會持有不同的意見,但我們不解 為何藍絲帶會於一位正在當值的警務人員身上出現? 《警察通例》第六章三十四段中指出「警務人員應經常避免參與任何足以影 響其公正執行職務的活動或任何可能使市民誤會會影響其公正執行職務的活動」, 而就「政治活動」 , 《通例》中亦有作明確定義。 「政治活動」包括「(甲) 支持或參 與政治團體的政治活動; (乙) 非為執行職務而公開發表政治言論(包括向傳播媒 介發言) ; (丙) 派發政治刊物; (丁) 為任何候選人的政治觀點或競選政綱宣傳或 辯護; (戊) 為政治團體拉票或助選。」。另外,每名警務人員正式投身警隊服務 社會時,均需作誓以立志,誓詞內容包括「以不畏懼、不徇私、不對他人懷惡意、 不敵視他人及忠誠、努力的態度行使職權,執行職務」 。相信林學長對如此莊嚴的 誓詞,以及具約束力的《警察通例》,應該熟悉不過。 事實上,打從九月香港專上學生聯會(學聯)以及包括本會在內的各院校學 生會發動罷課開始,我們便以黃絲帶為記。鮮黃色的絲帶代表和平、希望及光明, 我們以此明志,表達我們爭取真普選之決心,而黃絲帶亦成為了這場「雨傘運動」 的標誌之一。而親政府人士其後選擇以藍絲帶,與黃絲帶分庭抗禮。在現今的政 治形勢下,藍絲帶代表的是支持政府的意見,支持警方執法,鎮壓雨傘運動。黃 藍絲帶雙方亦時有衝突,顏色絲帶的政治含意可謂十分明顯,絕非簡單的一條絲 帶而已。故且我們十分疑惑,身為總督察的林學長為何會犯下如此錯誤,於執行 職務期間,佩戴具有鮮明政治含意的藍絲帶其用意何在? 而藍絲帶背後的含意, 只會引起在場佔領人士反感,無助與他們交涉,但為何林學長仍堅持佩戴? 我們十分明白民主並不是單聲道,不是只允許其中一方表達意見而漠視另一 方。民主是容許不同聲音同時存在,而彼此互相尊重。即使我們與林學長立場不 同,但我們仍尊重你的選擇。我們不忿的,是林學長不分公私,於當值期間仍佩 戴具政治意味的物品於身上,破壞警隊「政治中立」的身份。我們希望林學長明 Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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白當日的做法實為不妥,不但使個人名譽受損,更使現已聲名狼藉的香港警隊, 完全喪失回復昔日光輝的希望。 我們認為林學長於是次事件中,確實犯下嚴重過失,對香港警隊以至香港科 技大學的聲譽造成影響。惟望林學長為此道歉,並於往後做事前三思,避免重蹈 覆轍,以不偏不倚的態度繼續為警隊服務。 敬頌 秋祺 香港科技大學學生會 謹啟

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香港科技大學學生會就工學院使用簡體字之聲明 香港科技大學一直以國際化自居,於招收本地學生以外,每年均招收一定數量海 外學生入讀科大,將多元文化引入科大。一如以往,科大於每年春季學期之初, 舉行臺灣及非高考大陸生資訊日,向臺灣以及非高考大陸學生介紹科大課程資訊 及校園生活,務求吸引大中華區學生報讀科大。 今年的臺灣及非高考大陸生資訊日於本月七日舉行,各學院於吳家瑋學術廊至賽 馬會創新科技中心一帶擺設展板,介紹學院以及學系,務求吸引海外學生選擇其 學院課程。大學專為大陸生及臺灣舉辦資訊日本無不妥,但令人費解的是,工學 院的展板內容、甚至裝飾品,均為英文並附上簡體中文譯本,而大學一直使用的 正體中文則不見踪影。 正如該資訊日的名字,活動的對象為大陸非高考學生以及臺灣學生。臺灣的官方 語言為正體中文,而非中國大陸沿用的簡體中文。同場其他學院學系的介紹,以 至大學為此活動而設的指示牌,均按本地以及大學日常慣例,採用正體中文並附 以英文翻譯,惟獨工學院採用簡體中文作為中文版本的文字。在大陸文化日漸普 及的今日,由坊間以至政府,均有以簡體取代正體中文的傾向。正體中文乃當今 現存最古老的文字之一,每一個字都代表漢字造字的意思、原因及背後的文化。 大學立於本港學術界之峰,以成為世界一流大學為目標,更應肩負起保護正體中 文及本土文化的責任。可惜,工學院卻為了招生,不惜捨繁取簡,以博取大陸生 的歡心。本會對工學院的做法感到憤怒而且無奈。 有數名同學於上星期聯署致函工學院,要求院方就事件作解釋及道歉,並承諾往 後活動都不會再使用簡體中文。惟院方僅以官腔回覆指已收到同學們的意見,但 信中並無就事件作任何解釋,更遑論就事件道歉並作出承諾。工學院如此無視同 學的意見,拒絕面對及承認己方之過失,本會對此深感失望。 本會要求工學院正視於臺灣及非高考大陸生資訊日使用簡體中文的問題,解釋當 中的原因及理由,同時公開向全體科大成員道歉並承諾永不再犯。 香港科技大學學生會幹事會

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七大學生會有關香港大學學生會通過 「香港大學學生會應退出香港專上學生聯會」全民投票之聲明 「香港大學學生會應退出香港專上學生聯會」全民投票議案,日前獲得通過,在 五十七年前有份創立香港專上學生聯會的香港大學學生會選擇退出,終止其於聯 會的責任和關係,我們縱使遺憾及無奈,也只能尊重當下港大同學於全民投票中 作出的此決定。對於港大學生會,我們心存感激,感謝一直以來他們在民主路上 並肩而行,無所畏懼,壯大學界聲勢。 然而對於眾多關於學聯騎劫院校學生會立場的批評,我們謹此鄭重聲明:學聯主 權從來在於由院校同學一人一票選出的成員院校學生會,學聯絕不是也從不是獨 立存在。港大、中大、理大、嶺南、樹仁、浸大、城大和科大學生聯合起來,才 是香港專上學生聯會。港大學生會與我們一樣,都是學聯此平台的重要戰友,缺 少任何一間成員院校學生會的參與,就沒有過往的學聯。這樣的混淆視聽之所以 盛行,在於作為院校學生會的我們,未有好好向同學解釋疑惑,同時在過往工作 之中與會眾溝通不足。學生就是我們的本位,對於未能結連學生,作為學聯院校 學生會成員的我們責無旁貸。 香港專上學生聯會的立場,從來都是由學生會共同決定。聯會重視院校平等,一 方有難,八方支援。聯會財政上由眾學生會共同管理,提供穩定合作基礎,章則 保障所有成員的參與權,免受政府或政權所影響。聯會組織的優點在於有恆常的 跨院校溝通平台,資訊互通,經驗交流及院校網絡承傳,省卻短暫議題結盟所需 的磨合。高等教育,院校民主化,社會公義以至政改的種種議題,需要一代又一 代的成員院校合作,透過穩定的組織經年深耕,思索潛藏的問題與機遇,在事態 變得困難時預先打好根基。這種長期而穩定的合作平台讓眾學生會平等分擔工作, 共同有權利和責任,當有共識時,則作出當代學生的共同立場,而非僅靠個別院 校獨自發聲。此一來以團結加大政治壓力,加強談判籌碼,二來公眾關注高,行 動能更易於宣傳,使更多同學明白和參與。 今天許多對學聯的諸種爭議,實在是以往所有學生會的共同責任,不容推卸,也 絕非全為制度問題,而是間有斷莊、怠慢所累。改革完善是學生組織應為之事, 要解決問題、對症下藥,我們必然會共同承擔,也會共同面對。 從五十年代走過來,差不多一甲子,歷屆的學生會前賢都在此平台鼎力而為,推 進香港更革。當中有成有敗,有錯落,有奮興。學生會決議,向來決定學聯是否 倡議保釣、反對暴動、聲援文革、要求民主自治、反共抗匪、要求修改基本法、 反對特區政府、倡議高等教育新方向、追求平等政治經濟制度,走過大大小小無 數社會運動。學聯的成成敗敗,都是由代代大學生共同親手縫紉的結果。 社會運動需要逐點逐滴的累積。如非學聯此一跨院校平台,我們實無法凝聚學界 師生力量,協調整個政改運動。若非如此,我們也難以辦大專學界商討日、推學 界公投 、在院校講解香港政制問題、立學界方案、組織同學到港九新界各區擺街 Annual Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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站宣傳公民提名權、參與六二二民間電子公投、發起七一留守遮打道、共舉大專 學界罷課,也不能為雨傘運動打下足夠的社會基礎。一場如雨傘運動的歷史性社 會抗爭,留下希望與實踐,也必包括種種不滿與情緒。對於今天各式對雨傘運動 中學聯決策的失望,我們需坦白承認不足之處,當中或有失當,但各院校學生會 已傾盡全力,在有限的人力與資源中周旋在各派之間,微調立場,修正路線,維 持佔領者陣營的基本團結。面對高牆,我們竭盡所能,縱未竟全果,但作為參與 決策的院校學生會成員,面對各種的批評,我們自當一一承擔。 就港大同學的共同決定,我們雖感失望但仍予以尊重,期望往後仍能跟港大同學 保持緊密聯繫,意見一致時攜手合作,繼續推動不同的議題,捍衛我城。來屆學 生會成員陸續上任,也即將組成新一屆的香港專上學生聯會。 「莫散了團體,莫失 了志氣」 ,無論前路如何崎嶇,征途如何漫長,高牆如何險峻,我們必然會繼續團 結一致,堅守院校一致、獨立自主的精神。我們定會團結跨過,堅守應當堅守的 價值,繼續在暴風雨中昂首走我路,守護我城,自主命運。 香港中文大學學生會 香港理工大學學生會學聯代表團 嶺南大學學生會 香港樹仁大學學生會 香港浸會大學學生會 香港城市大學學生會 香港科技大學學生會 二零一五年二月十八日

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Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

STUDENTS' UNION Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: 2335 1732 Fax: 2335 1728 E-mail: Homepage:

Resignation of an Executive Committee member Dear members,

From 2 March, 2015 onwards, LAW Wai Lun, the President of the Executive Committee, HKUSTSU, the 22nd Session, will resign due to personal issues.

We, the Executive Committee, feel extremely sorry to notify our members of this piece of unfortunately news. We sincerely wish the resigned member the very best in his university life and we promise that we would be determined to keep serving our members with our full effort and passion.

Please kindly continue to support us. Thank you for your attention.

Regards, The Executive Committee, HKUSTSU, The 22nd Session, 2014-2015

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Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

STUDENTS' UNION Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: 2335 1732 Fax: 2335 1728 E-mail: Homepage:

Amendment of Notice “Resignation of Executive Committee Members” Dated 11 June 2014 Dear members,

We would like to amend to the captioned notice as follows:

Mr. LEE Fu Wa has been appointed on 12th May, 2014, during the Third Council meeting as the Acting Vice-President (Internal) of the Executive Committee, HKUSTSU, with immediate effect.

His duty as the Internal Secretary of the Executive Committee, HKUSTSU, has been simultaneously discharged.

Thank you for your attention.

Regards, The Executive Committee, HKUSTSU, The 22nd Session, 2014-2015

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香港科技大學學生會就政府委任廖長城為校董會主席之聲明 香港科技大學校董會前任主席張建東博士於上年九月因病猝逝,實在令人惋惜, 其遺下之校董會主席職位一直懸空,由副主席唐裕年先生暫時署任之。香港政府 於今日(三月六日)下午突然發新聞稿,指行政長官委任行政會議成員廖長城擔 任校董會主席一職,為期三年,即日生效。 廖長城為資深大律師,曾擔任多項公職,現為香港特別行政區行政會議非官守成 員,同時為中國全國政協委員。廖於現任行政長官梁振英競選時,已擔任其法律 顧問,為梁助選。梁振英上任後,廖即被委任多項公職,包括香港法律改革委員 會檔案法小組委員會主席及經濟發展委員會委員等,令人質疑其梁營身份。廖長 城言行一直親北京及建制。上年雨傘運動期間,廖一直與政府「夫唱婦隨」 ,漠視 香港人要求有平等選舉參與權的要求,指二零一七年特首候選人必需由提委會提 名,否決民間要求的公民提名。對於警方濫權胡亂使用武力,廖竟稱此乃克制之 表現。廖於今年初亦曾指本港應就廿三條自行本地立法,否則將出現法律真空。 其無視自由、民主及法治價值之言行實在令人憤慨。此外,廖亦未如過往校董會 主席般曾於科大校董會服務,更未有任何教育界服務之經驗,委任如廖般行外人 擔任主席,實屬不智。本會對於廖獲委任為校董會主席之舉深表不滿及遺憾。 跟據《香港科技大學條例》 ,校董會乃校內最高之管治機構,包括校長和副校長之 任命以及榮譽學位人選的大學要事,皆由校董會決定。校董會主席身為大學最高 管治機構之首,其委任僅由「一男子」決定,過程中並無諮詢包括科大學生在內 的所有大學持份者之意見。而梁振英自雨傘運動爆發後,對本港各大專院校之干 預更為嚴重,先有《研究評審工作 2014》機密內容外洩,後有港大陳文敏教授之 副校長任命被否決。梁是次安排其親信進入科大之重要決策機關,其用意昭然若 揭。本會同時對此任命機制深表憤怒。 現時本港按照英殖時代的傳統,由行政長官擔任所有公立大學的校監一職,能委 任包括校董會主席在內,部份校方高層人員。從近期一系列院校自主受干擾事件 中可知道校監權力之大,能影響不少校政決策。然而,現時特首並非由普選產生, 沒有民意授權,換言作為大學持份者一員的學生,完全無權選擇校監人選,只能 任由梁振英之輩破壞大學發展。在外國,部份大學之校監並非再由地方首長自動 擔任,如牛津大學,其校監乃由大學學術及行政人員和全體畢業生選出,校監需 向大學持份者負責。 故此,本會謹此鄭重要求: 一、公開交代校董會主席委任準則以及委任廖長城之原因; 二、重新審視現時特首必然擔任校監制度及檢視校董會由特首委任的制度 香港科技大學學生會幹事會 二零一五年三月六日

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