Hkfs rule

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Terms of Reference of Delegation to The Hong Kong Federation of Students Bill


Act to Establish new statutory rules to the Delegation to the Hong Kong Federation of Students for regulating the daily administration of the Delegation, function of Delegation, proceeding of Meetings, and the appointments of Members.

BE IT ENACTED by The Council, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students’ Union, as follows: 1) 1.1) 1.2) 1.3)

Terms of Reference The Terms of Reference shall be established by the Executive Committee in accordance with the text set out in the Annex to this Act. The Delegation shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. The Terms of Reference shall be enforced by the Council.

2) 2.1)

Commencement The Act shall come into force on the commencement of the twenty-third session of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union.

3) 3.1)

Short title This Act may be cited as Term of Reference of Delegation to The Hong Kong Federation of Students Act 2015.

Prepared by,

________________________ YIP Wai Yeung Dennis Vice-President (External) The Executive Committee, HKUSTSU, Session 2014-2015

(Annex) Terms of Reference of The Delegation of The Hong Kong Federation of Students of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union SECTION I GENERAL 1) AIMS 1.1) The Terms of Reference shall facilitate the smooth administration of the Committee and provide for connected issues; 1.2) All persons mentioned below shall abide by the Terms of Reference. 2) 2.1)

INTERPRETATION The interpretation of the Terms of Reference shall rest with the Executive and the Council.

SECTION II FUNCTIONS OF COMMITTEE The Delegation shall have the following functions: 1) REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNION 1.1) To represent the Union in the HKFS Council; 1.2) To represent the Union in the HKFS Annual General Meeting; 1.3) To represent the Union in the HKFS Standing Committee; 2) 2.1) 2.2)

MONITOR THE HONG KONG FEDERATION OF STUDENTS To monitor the operation of the Hong Kong Federation of Students. To monitor the finance of the Hong Kong Federation of Students.

3) 3.1)

GENERAL BUSINESS To manage business assigned to the Delegation by the HKFS Constitution.

SECTION III COMMITTEE MEETING 1) SESSION 1.1) There shall be Session of the Delegation once in every year commencing with the First Meeting held within the period after the adjournment of the Annual General Meeting and the commencement of the first HKFS council meeting; 1.2) The Session shall end with the moment preceding the adjournment of the Annual General Meeting or 1st April every-year, whichever is later, will be adopted. 2) 2.1) 2.2) 2.3)

MEETING TIME There shall be meeting of Delegation before each HKFS Council meeting. Written notice of every meeting shall be issued by the Chief Delegate and shall be sent to all members five days prior to the meeting; No less than 24 hours’ notice to all members of the Delegation is required for Emergency Delegation Meetings, such meetings shall be proposed by any member of the delegation.

SECTION III THE DELEGATION 1) COMPOSITION 1.1) The Delegation to Hong Kong Federation of Students shall consist of the following members: (i) Four Delegates: (a) Vice-President (External), who shall act as the Chief Delegate of the Delegation; (b) President; (c) Two or more Full Members of the Union. (ii) Two Official Observers: (a) Current Affairs Secretary; (b) One or more Full Members of the Union. 1.2) In the event of vacancy of the Vice-President (External), the President shall act as the Chief Delegate. In the event of vacancy of the Vice-President (External) and the President, the Chief Delegate shall be appointed by the Council. 1.3) In the event of vacancy of the Current Affairs Secretary, one of the External Secretaries shall act as the Official Observer. In the event of vacancy of the Current Affairs Secretary and the two External Secretaries, the vacancy shall be filled up by one Full Member of the Union. 2) 2.1)


2.3) 2.4) 2.5)


APPOINTMENT The External Affairs Committee shall process and make recommendations on the membership of the Delegation to the Executive Committee which shall make appointments in case of no objection received and accepted by the External Affairs Committee. The Chief Delegate shall present the Delegation Address to the Council in the beginning of every session. The Council shall make a memorandum on the appointment of members to the Delegation and the Delegation Address shall be endorsed by the Council. In the event no recommendation was made by External Affairs Committee, the Council shall made the appointment. In the event of vacancy of the Executive Committee, the Council shall be responsible for making the appointment of members to the Delegation. The Council shall appoint six full members, four be the delegates and two be the official observers to the Delegation before HKFS Annual General Meeting in order to fulfil the requirement of HKFS Constitution. The Article 2.5 shall shall be null, void and of no force and effect once the new session of Delegation is not required by the HKFS Constitution to attend the HKFS Annual General Meeting . 

3) 3.1)



4) 4.1)

4.2) 4.3)

RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Chief Delegate (a) He shall represent the Delegation in all matters regarding the Delegation; (b) He shall convene the Delegation Meetings and chair at the meetings; (c) He shall arrange the order of business and prepare the agenda for meetings; (d) He shall have rights to speak, raise motion, second and vote in both Delegation and HKFS meetings; (e) He shall be member of HKFS standing committee. (f) He shall submit half-year report to the Council. Delegates (a) He shall have rights to speak, raise motion, second and vote in both Delegation and HKFS meetings; (b) He shall have the right to request and second a emergency Delegation meeting. Official Observers (a) He shall have only rights to speak in both Delegation and HKFS meeting; (b) He shall have the right to request and second a emergency Delegation meeting. VACANTION OF OFFICES Any member of Delegation may at any time resign from his/her membership in the Delegation by giving written notice to the Executive Committee five days in advance. Upon the resignation becomes effective, the Executive Committee, which shall post the notice on the Official Notice Area as determined by the Council within two clear working days. Such notice shall be posted for not less than five consecutive clear days. Any member of Delegation may be removed from his/her membership in the Delegation by a resolution made by the Council. Any member of the Delegation who ceases to maintain his/her qualification for such membership shall immediately cease to be a member of the Delegation.

SECTION IV INTERPRETATION AND AMENDMENT 1) INTERPRETATION 1.1) In this Terms of Reference, unless where the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the following meanings: “Constitution” shall mean the Constitution of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union; “Council” shall mean the body of persons referred in Article 12 in the Constitution; “Councillor” shall mean the persons referred in the Article 12.3 in the Constitution “Executive Committee” shall mean the body of persons referred in Article 10 in the Constitution; “External Affairs Committee” shall mean the body of persons referred in Article 11.4 in the Constitution; “HKUSTSU /Students’ Union (SU) /Union” shall mean the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union; “Official Notice Area” shall mean the specific area within the campus of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology referred in Article 20.1 in the Constitution; “HKFS” shall mean the Hong Kong Federation of Students; “HKFS Council” shall mean the Council of the Hong Kong Federation of Students; “HKFS Constitution” shall mean the Constitution of the Hong Kong Federation of Students; “HKFS Standing Committee” shall mean the Standing Committee of the Hong Kong Federation of Students. 1.2)

In this Terms of Reference, unless where the context otherwise requires, the plural shall be deemed to include the singular and vice versa and the masculine gender shall be deemed to include the feminine and neuter genders.

2) 2.1)

AMENDMENT The Terms of Reference shall be amended or rescinded at any Council Meeting with two-thirds majority of all Councillors; A notice intimating the proposed amendment or rescission shall be sent five clear days before the meeting.



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