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PREFACE ................................................................................................................ 1 Part I Composition .................................................................................................. 2 Part II General ........................................................................................................ 3 Part III Action (Comply with HKUST Students’ Union Constitution) 1. General Administration................................................................................ 4 2. Representation............................................................................................... 5 3. Internal Coordination ................................................................................... 8 4. External Affairs ............................................................................................. 9 5. Financial Matter.......................................................................................... 15 6. Public Relations ........................................................................................... 16 7. Welfare Affairs ............................................................................................ 17 8. Publication Activities .................................................................................. 20 9. Social Activities ........................................................................................... 21 10. Orientation Affairs.................................................................................... 23 11. University Affairs ...................................................................................... 25 12. Academic Affairs ....................................................................................... 27 13. Information Technology Affairs .............................................................. 29 Appendix – Public Notice ..................................................................................... 30

PREFACE This report covers the achievement of the 22nd Session Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students’ Union Executive Committee during the period of April 2014 to October 2014.

In the session, all the Executive Committee Members have been devoted to our jobs and have tried our best to fulfill our duties. Due to our proper internal administration, appropriate handling of external matters, continual provision in social and welfare activities and better presentation and participation in academic and university matters, the Students’ Union has been operating smoothly and efficiently.

The coming pages will provide a detailed presentation of the work accomplished by the Executive Committee Members during the period indicated above.

_____________________ LAW, Wai Lun President The Executive Committee, HKUSTSU, The 22nd Session, 2014-2015 Interim Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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Part I Composition In this session, there are altogether 11 Executive Committee Members. The full list of Executive Committee Members is shown as follows: Position







LAW, Wai Lun





LEE, Fu Wa





YIP, Wai Yeung Dennis





External Secretary

HUNG, Chung Fai





Financial Secretary

MAK, Tsz Chung





CHAN, Shu Lok





MA, Tsz Fung





LAU, Wai Yan





TANG, Kleon Fon Hei





LEE, Hui Pui





CHAN, Ming Yan





Acting Vice-President (Internal) Vice-President (External)

Current Affairs Secretary Information Technology Secretary Administrative Secretary University Affairs Officer Public Relations Officer Welfare Officer

P.S. Past Vice-President (Internal) CHEUNG Yung Yung (張榕榕) resigned on 28th April 2014. Hung Chung Fai was appointed to be External Secretary on 2nd May 2014. Lee Fu Wa was appointed to be Acting Vice-President (Internal) on 10th June 2014. Chan Shu Lok was appointed Current Affairs Secretary on 10th June 2014.

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Part II General nd

The 22 Session Executive Committee Meetings In first half of the 22nd Session, regular meetings are convened on scheduled basis. In total twelve regular meetings were held. The date, time and venue of the meetings are shown as follows: Meetings Date Commencing Time Venue st 1 General Meeting 14/4/2014 19:00 SU ExCo Meeting Room nd 2 General Meeting 4/5/2014 20:00 SU ExCo Meeting Room rd 3 General Meeting 13/5/2014 19:00 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 4 General Meeting 6/6/2014 16:00 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 5 General Meeting 16/6/2014 15:00 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 6 General Meeting 15/7/2014 14:00 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 7 General Meeting 13/5/2014 18:30 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 8 General Meeting 27/8/2014 18:30 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 9 General Meeting 3/9/2014 19:30 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 10 General Meeting 12/9/2014 21:00 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 11 General Meeting 16/9/2014 21:00 SU ExCo Meeting Room th 12 General Meeting 7/10/2014 21:00 SU ExCo Meeting Room

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Part III Action (Comply with HKUST Students’ Union Constitution) 1. General Administration 1.1. Administration of General Office During office hours, members are welcome to share their opinions with the Executive Committee by visiting the Union’s general office during Office Hours (10am-1pm, 2pm-6pm) or make prior arrangement for meeting. The Executive Committee jointly with SAO is responsible for managing the electronic door lock access right for the Council, the Editorial Board, the Executive Committee and the Students’ Union general office. The Executive Committee is also in charge of matters concerning vending machines at General Office such as handling complaints, refund and management. 1.2. Administration of Big Character Post Wall The Executive Committee is responsible for the management of the Big Character Poster Wall at LG1, to facilitate its proper use by students, staffs and organizations in the University as a channel for expression of ideas and opinions. 1.3. Administration of Union Notice Boards The Executive Committee is also responsible for management of the Union Notice Board. 1.4. Membership Affairs The Executive Committee is responsible for issuing the Students’ Union membership cards and handling all enquiries regarding membership. 1.5. Staff Affairs The Executive Committee is in charge of the arrangement of staff insurance, MPF and holidays. There are currently 3 full time staffs employed by the Union. One of them is in the SU Office, one in Co-Op Shop and one in Print Shop. There are two part-time staff employed by the Union in Co-Op Shop and Print Shop respectively.

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2. Representation 2.1. Representation in Council According to the Constitution, four Executive Committee members are compulsory to be the councilors of HKUSTSU Council. They are President LAW Wai Lun, Acting Vice-President (Internal) LEE Fu Wa, Vice-President (External) YIP Wai Yeung Dennis and Financial Secretary MAK Tsz Chung, who all attended 22nd Session Council meetings. Besides, four Executive Committee members are the members of the Standing Committees of the Council according to the Constitution. Representations are listed as follows: Executive Committee Member Standing Committee of Council President Constitution Committee, Election Committee, Council Administration Committee Financial Secretary Finance Committee Acting Vice-President (Internal) Election Committee, Council Administration Committee, Affiliated Societies Committee Vice-President (External) Election Committee, Council Administration Committee 2.2. Representation in HKUST Executive Committee Status Member President Ex-officio Member President Ex-officio Member Organizing President Committee President


President President

Member Member



President Member



Vice-President (External) nd


Committee under HKUST HKUST University Court HKUST University Senate My First Day @HKUST 2014 Ad Hoc Task Force on Student Assistance Hall Special Committee Committee on Undergraduate Core Education Selection Committee on Michael G. Gale Teaching Award 2014 Student Enrichment Activities Fund Selection Panel (2014-15 Fall) President's 1-HKUST Student Life Award Selection Panel (2014-15 Fall) Student Catering Committee

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Current Affairs Secretary University Affairs Officer University Affairs Officer

Member Member Member

University Affairs Officer


Public Relations Officer


Sustainability Unit Sustainability Unit Student Catering Committee Student Disciplinary Committee of Senate HKUST Information Day 2014

A meeting with President Tony CHAN, late HKUST Council chairman Dr. Marvin CHEUNG, and the Executive Committee was held in May 2014. Executive Committee attended the meeting and exchanged ideas and concerns over the university administration, student affairs and future development of HKUST.

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2.3. Public Notice Up to October 2011, this session of HKUSTSU has issued 17 public notices, 10 of them being declarations. (Appendix) 1. Resignation of an Executive Committee member (28/4/2014) 2. 作育英才之所豈容剝削之事



(1/5/2014) 3. Co-option of an Executive Committee member (2/5/2014) 4. 學聯悼六四天安門事件廿五周年抗爭宣言 〈毋忘八九民運 承傳學運精神〉

(4/6/2014) 5. 香港科技大學學生會就《「一國兩制」在香港特別行政區的實踐》之聲明

(10/6/2014) 6. Resignation and Co-option of Executive Committee members (10/6/2014) 7. 香港科技大學學生會就「六一三反東北集會」之聲明 (14/6/2014) 8. 香港科技大學學生會聲明- 譴責立法會財委會主席吳亮星漠視《議事規

則》 以卑劣手法強行表決新界東北發展撥款 (29/6/2014) 9. 香港科技大學學生會幹事會

七一宣言 (30/6/2014)

10. 香港科技大學學生會就「七月一日學聯留守遮打道」之聯署聲明 (3/7/2014) 11. Resignation of Editorial Board members (23/7/2014) 12. Resignation of an Editorial Board member (27/7/2014) 13. Resignation of an Editorial Board member (29/7/2014) 14. 香港科技大學學生會就人大常委會有關政改決議之聲明及罷課宣言

(10/09/2014) 15. 譴責警方暴力清場

無懼威嚇繼續抗爭 (29/9/2014)

16. Resignation of an Editorial Board member (4/10/2014) 17. 香港科技大學學生會就罷課橫額遭刑事毀壞事件之聲明 (5/10/2014) Interim Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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3. Internal Coordination 3.1. Inauguration attending This year, the Executive Committee has sent members to attend inaugurations of affiliated societies. This serves as the first step to communicate with affiliated societies. 3.2. Society Meeting Three Society Meetings were held. Society meeting acts as channels for the Executive Committee to communicate with the affiliated societies in many matters. The attendance rate and the responses of societies were good. In addition to the Society Meeting, small sessions of conversations were held, which aimed at learning the interest of societies and helping them to solve problems on administration. In the first, second and third Society Meeting, the Acting Vice-President (Internal) presided as the chairman, while Administrative Secretary, acting as the secretary of the meeting, was responsible for preparing materials and taking minutes for the meeting. Outstanding Duties 3.3. Review of OAC 2014 Recommendations will be made to the Orientation Affairs Committee of the next session so as to improve management. There were in total 5 meetings for OAC 2014. Ultimately, we have reached a compromise with all societies. During the Registration Day, all members of the Orientation Affairs Committee were on duties to monitor the affiliated societies and the outcome was satisfactory.

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4. External Affairs 4.1. Formation of External Affairs Committee The Committee deals with external matters. It is also responsible to hold various events on economic, political, social and other relevant topics. By doing so, as well as other activities, it is hoped that members' awareness to and participation in current affairs will be enhanced. Members Representation


Vice-President (External) External Secretary President Current Affairs Secretary Welfare Officer Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member

YIP, Wai Yeung Dennis HUNG, Chung Fai LAW, Wai Lun CHAN, Shu Lok CHAN, Ming Yan CHAN, Kin Ho CHAN, Chi Hin CHEUNG, Ching Yau HO, Sin Man Helen KWOK, Chin Ho LAM, Hin Hei LAO, Jeffrey TSE, Tsz Chung WONG, Tin Ho YU, Chun Wing

Position (Committee) Chairperson Secretary Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member

4.2. Hong Kong Federation of Student (HKFS) Hong Kong Federation of Student is formed by students’ union of eight local institutes. HKFS plays an important role in student and social movement, include organizing protests and assemblies. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students’ Union became the full member of the Hong Kong Federation of Student since 21 session, which was the eighth local institute that join HKFS. HKFS provides platform and resources for the Union to participate in social affairs and demonstrates the unity of university students. The official delegation was formed to represent the Union in HKFS. The delegates have the right to speak and vote on behalf of the Union on the representative council and annual general meeting of HKFS. Besides, the Vice President (External) and President are also the standing committee of HKFS. Both of them have attended the regular meeting and contributed to the daily decision making process HKFS. Interim Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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Representatives in HKFS Position in Delegation

Position in Union


Chief Delegate

Vice President (External)

YIP, Wai Yeung Dennis



LAW, Wai Lun


External Secretary

HUNG, Chung Fai


Current Affairs Secretary

CHAN, Shu Lok

Official Observer

Welfare Officer

CHAN, Ming Yan

4.3. Participation in social issues 4.3.1. June-Fourth Memorial Events The Executive Committee together with the external affairs committee have participated and organized a series of June-Fourth Memorial Events. 5th April

Ching Ming Festival Floral Tribute

4th May

25KM Marathon

7th May

June-Fourth Forum

8th May

Film Showing of Sunless Day

28th May – 4th June

Photo Exhibition at Atrium

1st June

June-Fourth Demonstration

1st – 4th June

HKFS Memorial Events

4th June

June-Fourth Candlelight Vigil

4th June

Protest to Liaison Office of China

Events including 25 KM marathon, 1st June Protest, the floral tribute and the Candlelight Vigil were organized by the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements in China. The Hong Kong Federation of Student had also held series of memorial events at Time Square Causeway Bay include open forum, band show and film show. Interim Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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Internally, the external affairs committee and the Executive Committee have organized a film show in May showing the movie “Sunless Day”, a local document about Hongkongers attitude toward the massacre. Also, we have held a June-Fourth forum inviting guests from New School of Democracy, RTHK and Hong Kong Blue Righteous Revolt to talk about the issues arise from June-Fourth memorial events in recent years. In the late of May, we have borrowed a set of historic photo from the Hong Kong Alliance in order to held the photo exhibition at the Hong Kong Jockey Atrium. We sincerely hope that students and the general public understood more about the truth of June-Fourth Incident after participated in those activities. 4.3.2. Anti-North East New Territories New Development Areas Plan The Hong Kong Government have proposed to develop the rural areas in the Northeastern New Territories such as Kwu Tung North and Fanling North. However numbers of societal groups including HKFS fear that it will destroy the natural environment of New Territories. The Government was also criticized to have interest transfer with the developers, worsening the land hegemony. The budget for the prophase development of the plan was put up for discussion in the Legislative Council’s Financial Committee on June 2014. The Executive Committee had joined the protest and assemblies outside the Legislative Council Complex during each meeting to against the development plan. However, Ng Leung-sing, the chairperson of the financial committee, had forced the bill to be passed with the aid of immoral act which violate the Rule of Procedure. The Executive Committee has publicised a statement to condemn Ng and the pro-Beijing camp.

4.3.3. Political Reform 2014 is the critical year for Hong Kong’s political development. Thus, political reform becomes the major issues for our external duties. 21st – 23rd March

Annual general meeting of HKFS and press conference on HKFS proposal

13th April

Meeting with university students on proposal

15th April

Introduction of Student Proposal by HKFS and Scholarism

2nd May

Celebrity Forum

6th May

Dday 3 of Occupy Central

22nd – 29th June

Occupy Central Referendum

17th May – 29th June

Promotion of Student Proposal and OC Referendum in

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society 23rd May

Meeting with university students on political reform

1st July

1st July Demonstration

1st – 2nd July

Sit-in protest at Charter Road

27th July

Meeting with university students about student strike

2nd August

Assembly outside headquarter of Hong Kong Police Force against police action on 2nd July

11th – 13th August

Promotion of external affairs and distribution of HKFS post during the registration day

31th August

Issue of framework document by Standing Committee of National People’s Congress of China Assembly of Occupy Central at Tamar Park

6th September

Meeting with student strike organising committee

7th September

Press conference on class boycott

1st – 19th September

Promotion of class boycott at HKUST

17th September

Film showing of The Attorney

20th September

Meeting with students about class boycott

22nd September

Kick-off of class boycott at CUHK

22nd September

Forum about the democracy movement in Hong Kong

23rd – 26th September

Class boycott assembly and civic lecture at Tamar Park and Tim Mei Avenue

26th September

Protest to Government House

27th September

Barged into Civic Square

27th September

Large scale occupation at Admiralty, Mongkok and Causeway Bay

28th September

Emergency meeting with students

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In the 57th Annual general meeting of HKFS, the federation has decided to draft a proposal on the election of Legislative Council and Chief Executive in 2016 and 2017. Later, HKFS cooperate with Scholarism and introduce the Students’ Proposal. The proposal becomes the three candidate proposal for the Occupy Central referendum in July. As a member of HKFS, the Executive Committee has contributed in promoting the proposal, as well as the idea of universal suffrage in community. The Executive Committee have also joined the 1st July protest and the sit-in protest at Charter Road on that night in order to demonstrate our determination in fighting for real democracy in Hong Kong. Eight UST students were being arrested in the sit-in protest. The Executive Committee, the Editorial Board and the University then form an ad-hoc committee to discuss supporting measure for UST member who being arrested in protest. In 31st August, the National People’s Congress’s Standing Committee of People’s Republic of China issued a framework document on Hong Kong’s political reform. However civil nomination and abolishment of functional constituency in Legislative Council were not included. Therefore, HKFS initiated class boycott on 22nd September. The Executive Committee had formed an organizing committee to organize the campaign. The class boycott began on 22nd September at Chinese University of Hong Kong. The venue then changes to Tamar Park on 23rd September. About two hundred protesters including some of the HKFS member have barged into Civic Square on 26th September. This lead to thousands of citizens assembly at Admiralty. On the next day, the police force has used pepper spray and tear gas to clear Harcourt Road. However, more people are stimulated by the action of police and start occupy Causeway Bay and Mongkok. The occupy movement are still occurring now. Internally, we have held several events to promote students awareness on political reform. Two forum on political reform and democratic movement were held on 2nd May and 22nd September. We have also set up counters during registration day, information day and early September to promote Student Proposal and class boycott to our student.

4.3.4. Other Issues The External Affairs Committee and the Executive Committee have focused on other social issues also. In April, we have held a Visual Impairment Children Photography Exhibition at Atrium together with Halo, a group of HKU student. Photographs taken by six visually impaired children were exhibited in order to raise students’ awareness on impaired person. We are also concern about labor rights. The committee and HKFS have participated in the 1st May to strive for better welfare for workers in universities campus. Besides, we Interim Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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also cooperate with Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Union to deal with the labor related issues in UST campus. 4.4. Attending Inauguration Ceremony The External Affairs Committee, together with other members of the Executive Committee, has represented the Union to attend inauguration ceremonies of counterparts of different institutions: 4 April 2014

The Hong Kong University Students’ Union

17 April 2014

Hong Kong Institute of Education Student’s Union

22 April 2014

Hong Kong Community College Students’ Union

23 April 2014

Open University of Hong Kong Students’ Union

25 April 2014

Students’ Union of Centennial College

4 September 2014 Hong Kong Baptist University Students’ Union

4.5. Student Financial Assistance Agency The Union has representatives in committee of Student Financial Assistance Agency (SFAA). The Vice-President (External) is the representatives of the Union in all committees including Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students Review Committee (RC) and Joint Committee on Student Finance (JCSF). Both committee are responsible for review and advising the operation of student finance scheme of the Government. The Vice-President (External) has also joined the Review Sub-committee and Customer Liaison Group of JCSF. The former was responsible for reviewing the appeal cases while the latter reviewed the service of SFAA. The term of service will be from 1 June 2014 to 31 May 2015. 4.6. Declarations Declarations dealing with different political, social and current issues were drafted and publicized. 4.7. Spokesperson of the Union The Vice President (External) has dealt with enquires of outside parties related to the Union.

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5. Finance For the financial matter, it is to monitor all the expenditures of the Students’ Union to be consistent with the approved amount in the Master Budget. 5.1. Union Budget The Master Budget for the Student Union expenses has been prepared. Most of the items have already been discussed and approved by the Council. The part in current fund of the Master Budget mainly consists of the following parts. They are: 1. Budget of Editorial Board, Council and Court. 2. Budget of the Executive Committee: The expenses could be basically broken down into: a) Administrative expenses for daily or monthly operation of the Executive Committee, including expenses in Print Shop, Co-op Shop and staff’s salaries. b) Administrative expenses and function expenses for the standing committees organizing different activities. c) Subsidy to SU Affiliated Associations & Societies. d) Acquisition of fixed assets for the Union, including computers and cameras. A financial report would be submitted to the Finance Committee after every function organized within one month. The report would review the budgeted amount of every item approved by the Council and the actual expense. 5.2. Administrative Work 1. To collect the Applications Form for Subsidy of Student Activity from the affiliated societies and verify the related financial reports for consideration and recommendation of the proper amount of subsidy. 2. To prepare cheques of payments for Union subsidy and sponsorship and keep the normal operation of Co-op Shop, Print Shop and Students’ Union General Office. 5.3. SAO subsidy A proposal of requesting the University to issue the Union a grant covering the salaries of the staff members currently employed by the Union and student activity expenses had been submitted. Documents had been prepared to ask Student Affairs Office for subsidy to the Union and a subsidy of $190,000 had been granted. 5.4. Funding Recommendations The Finance Committee had submitted a lot of funding applications for approval in the Council during the first half of the 22th Session. Meetings of the Committee were usually held prior to Council meetings and funding recommendations were submitted for consideration and discussion in Council meetings. Information about the expenses in the Master Budget and the activities in subsidy application forms would be collected in Interim Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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detail before each Finance Committee and Council meeting.

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6. Public Relations 6.1. Formation of Public Relations Committee The Public Relations Secretary worked on the formation of Public Relations Committee under the provision of the Constitution. After open and careful selection, the Public Relations Committee was formed. The Public Relations Committee aims at assisting the Public Relations Secretary on all matters concerning the Public Relations of the Union and to work on functions or projects, which can promote the HKUST Students’ Union as well as HKUST to the public. Members Representation


Public Relations Officer President Acting Vice-President (Internal) Vice-President (External) Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member

LEE, Hui Pui LAW, Wai Lun LEE, Fu Wa YIP, Wai Yeung Dennis HO, Hiu Lam LAI, Ka Yu Kylie MASTERS, Christopher Benedict SHARMA, Mahak SIN, Yin Ling THAKUR, Garima WEI, Rujia YAU, Tim Yi ZHOU, Angela

Position (Committee) Chairperson Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member

6.2. Inauguration Ceremony The inauguration ceremony of the 22nd session Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students’ Union was held on 28th April, 2014. A total of over 200 guests were invited, including Legislative Councilor Charles Mok and Chung Kwok Pun and the 21st session Executive Committee, faculty members, and representatives of the Alumni Association, Students’ Unions of other institutes and affiliated societies of HKUST Students’ Union. 6.3. HKUST Information Day 2014 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology information day 2014 was held on 27th September, 2014 (Saturday). The Student’s Union has organized campus tour and various students’ performance for guests including Magic Club, HKUSTSU, The University Choir, HKUSTSU, University Philharmonic Orchestra, HKUSTSU, Kendo Club, HKUSTSU, Dance Society, HKUSTSU, The Band Society, HKUSTSU Interim Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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7. Welfare Affairs 7.1. Formation of Welfare Committee The Welfare Officer worked on the formation of the Welfare Committee under the provision of the Constitution. The Welfare Committee aims at assisting the Welfare Officer on all matters concerning welfare of members of the Union. Members Representation


Welfare Officer President Information Technology Secretary Current Affairs Secretary Vice-President (External) Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member

CHAN, Ming Yan LAW, Wai Lun MA, Tsz Fung CHAN, Shu Lok YIP, Wai Yeung Dennis CHAN, Kin Ho KWOK, Chin Ho LIU, Hoi Yee MAK, Chi Cheung

Position (Committee) Chairperson Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member

7.2. General The main duties for the Executive Committee in the welfare aspects are maintaining the operation of the Co-op shop and the Print Shop, organizing Mega Sale and preparing welfare products. 7.3. Operation of Co-op shop Co-op Shop aims at providing UST students and staff a large variety of products at reasonable prices. SU members will be entitled to 10% discount with the SU membership card shown before the purchase. Concerning the needs of UST students, different new types of goods was imported, with snacks especially noted. All goods had been set at a reasonable price. Daily operations of the Co-op Shop also included monitoring the stock flow and supervising two staff working at the Co-op Shop. Welfare committee has reviewed on some categories of products selling in Co-op Shop, and it is suggested that more categories of products should be provided, at an even cheaper price, as to reduce the burden on students. Stock Taking of Co-op Shop To ensure the Co-op Shop is under normal operation, the interim stock taking was conducted from 16th June to 19th June 2014. Interim Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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7.4. Operation of Print Shop Print Shop provides UST students Photostat and bookbinding service at a reasonable price. It is convenient and cheaper than anywhere else in campus. There is also fax service. Daily operations of Print Shop also include supervising staff working at shop. 7.5. Mega Sale Mega Sale is the main source of revenue for HKUSTSU. There would be two Mega Sales, one of which was held from 16-18th September, 2014 and the second one is scheduled in March. There are sales of different products, ranging from snacks to foot-wear, at a discounted price for HKUST students. Normal operation of Mega Sale Academic Concourse was booked as the venue for Mega Sale. SAO and FMO were contacted for assigning chairs, tables and electricity supply to booths for Mega Sale. In order to offer products to students at a reasonable price, different companies and agents were contacted and cooperated with. Booths were assigned to affiliated societies and guidelines of Mega Sale were also provided. Various types of promotion like posters and Easy-rolls had been done to promote Mega Sale and Students’ Union. The first Mega Sale was held from 16th September 2014 to 18th November 2014 (Tuesday to Thursday). Three counters were reserved for affiliated societies. Respective delegates attended the information session for the application of Mega Sale and counters were determined by lucky draw. 7.6. Welfare Product Distribution Welfare products are free gifts to all HKUSTSU members. The first was distributed at Students’ Union counter at LG5 for about one week. So far the Executive Committee had distributed a HKUSTSU schedule book designed without charge by an outside organization, Gun, Please Design, as the first welfare product of this year. Simple design has been making the book more functional fitting needs of students. Member responses have been satisfactory. Yet, we have firstly collected data for opinion on the second welfare product from HKUSTSU members. The survey would be soon analyzed well and we would conduct the second survey to confirm which the second product would be. Item Schedule Book

Detail of distribution Date: 14-16/10/2014, 27-31/10/2014 Time: 10:30 am – 5:30pm Venue: Students’ Union Counter at LG5

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7.7. Sponsorship From July to October 2014, there were about 700 copies of Jessica Magazine sponsored by the publishing company every month. The copies were placed and distributed at Co-op Shop and sometimes at HKUSTSU counter. We are also contacting Wagazine for copies of magazines for university students. 7.8. Hong Kong Joint University Welfare Union (HKJUWU) HKJUWU, as a non-profit organization, is formed by members from Executive Committee of various Students’ Unions, including Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Lingnan University, The Open University of Hong Kong, Chu Hai College of Higher Education, and Hang Seng Management College. It aims at providing different kinds of special offer to the members, such as discounts from shops. Meanwhile, we would hope to distribute the welfare bag to members soon in 2014. Representatives in HKJUWU Name CHAN, Ming Yan

Position in HKUSTSU Welfare Officer

Position in HKJUWU Public Relations

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8. Publication Activities 8.1. Formation of Publication committee Publication Committee is led by Executive Committee. Its composition is as follows. After open recruitment and interview selection, the Publication Committee was formed. The Publication Committee aims at assisting the chairperson on all publication activities of the Union (excluding those reserved for Editorial Board). They are led by the Person-in-charge of the official publication X-Post. Representation


Information Technology Secretary Current Affairs Secretary Acting Vice-President (Internal) University Affairs Officers Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member

MA, Tsz Fung CHAN, Shu Lok LEE, Fu Wa TANG, Kleon Fon Hei CHAN, Shu Yu FU, Ka Ki LAM, Yin Ka NG, Ting Yan Ryan SEO, Soo Yeon YU, Tsz Wing

Position (Committee) Chairperson Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member

8.2. X-post In order to increase the familiarity and transparency of the Executive Committee and the Students’ Union, X-post is mainly focused on the work recently held and done by the Executive Committee. Important issues related to our students and universities will also be reported in X-post. 8.3. Orientation Book 2014 The Orientation Book 2014 was issued and distributed to local freshmen during the registration days in August and to non-local freshmen in late August. The Orientation Book focused on giving out general information of HKUST, including basic utilities, facilities and some useful tips in the campus. It also include the promotions of the Students’ Union and its affiliated societies

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9. Social Activities 9.1 Formation of Social Committee The Executive Committe worked on the formation of the Social Committee this year. After open recruitment and careful selection, the Social Committee was formed. The Social Committee aims at assisting the Executive Committee on all matters concerning the social activities of the Union and to work on functions or projects, which can promote social activities amongst students. Members Representation


Acting Vice-President (Internal) President Vice-President (External) Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member

LEE, Fu Wa LAW, Wai Lun YIP, Wai Yeung Dennis CHIU, Yat Ming HO, Sun Chi HU, Yunruo LAU, Chun Yin LEUNG, Lai Fong LI, Ka To ZANG, Jiayuan Billy

Position (Committee) Chairperson Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member

9.2 Orientation Camp The Orientation Camp 2014 of the Students' Union Executive Committee was held from 15th August, 2014 to 17th August 2014. This year, we have more than a hundred participants. During the camp, the Executive Committee shared with campers their valuable experiences of being the Union Executive Committee and brought along a close relation and a sense of belonging to the campers, helping them to explore themselves and enjoy a deeper insight into University life. 9. 3. My First Day@HKUST The Executive Committee worked together with the Univeristy to hold a series of events on 1st September, the first day of the academic year. This year, we held a band performance in the afternoon and a thousand people dinner to the first year students. In the dinner, different students and staff from different counteries had dinner and watched performances together, in which the 1-HKUST spirit was nurtured. 9.4 Recruitment of Standing Committee Standing Committee members are not only restricted to Orientation Camp participants but are also recruited openly. Applicants are screened though and interviewed carefully, and are assigned different responsibilities according to their abilities, experience, Interim Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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interests and performance. 9.5. Global Cultural Engagement Convention The Global Cultural Engagement Convention (GCEC) was held in June 2014. It was first jointly held by the Students’ Union, International Students Association (ISA) and the Mainland Undergraduate Students and Scholars Society UG Section (MSSSUG). The convention serve to strengthen relationships among diverse student groups and provide a platform for exchanging and brainstorming of ideas on cultural issues. 60 student leaders from different universities were invited to attend the conference. The conference last for six days, number of activities were being included such as talks, sharings, workshops, leadership training etc. Tour in Hong Kong in the form of city hunt was also arranged that brought the participants to various spots in Hong Kong. The main tasks in the conference was the group project. Participants were groups into sixteen teams and worked on four main themes related to cultural integration. The four themes are body languages, food, humor and gender role respectively. They had to conduct a proposal on the four themes in order to foster cultural integration in their institutes. After days of discussions and research, they had their proposals finished and present to all participants. The conference was successful and fruitful. Participants were inspired and willing to bring what they have learned to their countries. Bonding between local and non-local HKUST students were enhanced since they spent half a year in preparing for the conference. At last, the cooperation of the Union with ISA and MSSSUG have enhance the relationship between the three parties. Leading to an environment favouring increasing cooperation in the future.

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10. Orientation Affairs 10.1. Formation of the Orientation Affairs Committee The Acting Vice-President (Internal) worked on the formation of the Orientation Affairs Committee under the provision of the Constitution. After the open nomination from various fields of affiliated societies, the Orientation Affairs Committee was formed. The Orientation Affairs Committee takes charge and is responsible for coordination of all orientation affairs of the Union including matters and programmes concerning Registration Day, Orientation Days, Orientation Camps and Orientation Weeks. The composition of the Committee is as follows: Position Representation Name (Committee) Acting Vice-President (Internal) LEE, Fu Wa Chairperson Administrative Secretary LAU, Wai Yan Secretary ExCo LEE, Hui Pui Member EB WONG, Chun Chiu Member HOUSE LEE, On Yat Member HOUSE WU, Tsz Hin Adrian Member ICA CHAN, Sin Lok Member ICA YIU, Ka Wing Member IP TSANG, Wing Wah Member SA CHOI, Hei Chi Member SA LEUNG, Ho Yee Member SBM CHEUNG, Wing Yip Member SBM TSUI, Yat Long Member SENG TSOI, Chung Hin Member SENG WAT, Tat Yung Member SHSS CHAN, Chi Ting Member SSCI KWAN, Ka Ho Member SSCI KWOK, Wai Lam Member 10.2 Orientation Programmes Orientation Programmes were collectively referred to Orientation Days (JUPAS Registration Day, 11th August, 2014 to 13th August, 2014), Orientation Camp (15th August, 2014 to 25th August, 2014) and Orientation Week (2nd September, 2014 to 19th September, 2014). Orientation Affairs Committee 2014 (OAC 2014) was set up to handle all the matters on Orientation Programmes. It consists of representatives from various fields: Two representatives from House Associations, two representatives from Independent Clubs, two representatives from SBM Departmental and School Societies, two representatives from SENG Departmental and School Societies, two representatives from SSCI Interim Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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Departmental and School Societies, two representatives from Sports Clubs, one representative from the Editorial Board, one representative from the Executive Committee and one representative from SHSS Departmental and School Societies. Five meetings were held this year. In the first three OAC meeting, Acting Vice-President (Internal) presided as the chairman of meeting while Administrative Secretary, acting as the secretary of the meeting, was responsible for taking minutes, preparing agenda and other useful materials for the meetings.. In the fourth and fifth OAC meeting, Acting Vice-President (Internal) presided as the chairman of meeting while Financial Secretary, acting as the secretary of the meeting, was responsible for taking minutes, preparing agenda and other useful materials for the meetings.

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11. University Affairs 11.1 Formation of University Affairs Committee (UAC) The UAC was formed with the Executive Committee members. They are nominated by the Executive Committee. Members Representation


University Affairs Officer President Acting Vice-President (Internal) Vice-President (External) Welfare Officer Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member Full Member

TANG, Kleon Fon Hei LAW, Wai Lun

Position (Committee) Chairperson Member

LEE, Fu Wa


YIP, Wai Yeung Dennis CHAN, Ming Yan AGGARWAL, Ashish Kumar CHAN, Chun Hang FANG, Zheqi KWAN, Wing Chung LIDVINA, Vania Inka NAIR, Vinith SAMIN, Felicia

Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member

11.2. Nomination of Student Representatives One of the responsibilities of UAC is to nominate student representative for the committees related to University Affairs. Lists of Student Representatives Group Formed 1. 2. 3.

Hall Selection Committee Bookstore Selction Task Group Café Kiosk Selection Task Group

11.3. Hall Affairs To reflect concerns of new hall allocation composite score system from students to SHRLO and held questioning session for students. To enquire on opening rooftops for green activities in halls. To be a member in Hall Selection Committee and deal with hall appeals cases and special cases. 11.4. Catering Affairs To be a member in Café Kiosk Selection Task Group for new Coffee Kiosk in students Interim Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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common. To complain to CSO about hygiene matters regarding Gold Rice Bowl repeatedly. 11.5. IT related Affairs To report complaints regarding Wifi, Add-value machines, Express stations from students to ITSC. To request a version update on m.HKUST. 11.6. Bookstore To be a member in Bookstore Selection Task Group for Bookstore tender. 11.7. Green Affairs Express opinion on green activities to Sustainability Unit.

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12 Academic Affairs 12.1. Formation of Academic Affairs Committee The UAC was formed with the Executive Committee members. They are nominated by the Executive Committee. Members Representation University Affairs Officer President Acting Vice-President (Internal) Vice-President (External) Welfare Officer Full Member Full Member Full Member

Name Position (Committee) TANG, Kleon Fon Hei Chairperson LAW, Wai Lun Member LEE, Fu Wa Chairperson YIP, Wai Yeung Dennis Member CHAN, Ming Yan Member JAIN, Tushar Member KEDIA, Avishek Member BAKSHI, Pallav Member

The Academic Affairs Secretary worked on the formation of the Academic Affairs Committee under the provision of the Constitution. In order to fully function as a bridge between students and the University, we open the recruitment to all students and invite some student representatives to join. The Academic Affairs Committee aims at (i) To promote academic development of the University; (ii) To assist the Academic Affairs Secretary on all matters concerning academic affairs of the Union; (iii) To organize seminars, forums, talks or debates on academic affairs; (iv) To encourage and stimulate Union Members’ interests and participation in academic affairs; (v) To openly nominate students to University Senate Committees with approval of the Executive Committee; (vi) To conduct University Student Senators Election; (vii) To co-ordinate the efforts of student seats in University Student Committees; and (viii) To facilitate communication among student seats in University Senate Committees. 12.2. Nomination of Student Representatives of Student Disciplinary Committee On behalf of Academic Affairs Committee, we nominated two qualified undergraduate students and one qualified postgraduate student as Student Representatives of Student Disciplinary Committee 12.3. Nomination of Student Representatives of Student Affairs Committee Interim Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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On behalf of Academic Affairs Committee, we nominated three qualified undergraduate students and one qualified postgraduate student as Student Representatives of Student Affairs Committee 12.4. Nomination of Student Representatives of Teaching and Learning Quality Committee On behalf of Academic Affairs Committee, we nominated one qualified undergraduate students and one qualified postgraduate student as Student Representatives of Teaching and Learning Quality Committee 12.5. Nomination of Student Representative of Undergraduate Core Education Committee On behalf of Academic Affairs Committee, we nominated one qualified undergraduate student as the Student Representative of Undergraduate Core Education Committee 12.6. Nomination of Student Representative of Business and Management School Board Meeting On behalf of Academic Affairs Committee, we nominated one qualified undergraduate student as Student Representatives of Business and Management School Board Meeting. 12.7. Nomination of Student Representative of Engineering School Board/Committee On behalf of Academic Affairs Committee, we nominated one qualified undergraduate student as Student Representatives of Engineering School Board and Committee. 12.8. Nomination of Student Senator On behalf of Academic Affairs Committee, we nominated one qualified postgraduate student as the Student Senator. 12.9. Nomination of Presidents’ Outstanding Service Award On behalf of Academic Affairs Committee, we nominated one qualified undergraduate student as Student Representatives for this award. 12.10. Sports Award On behalf of Academic Affairs Committee, we nominated one qualified undergraduate student as Student Representatives for this award 12.11. Common Core Course Excellence Award On behalf of Academic Affairs Committee, we nominated one qualified undergraduate student as Student Representatives for this award. Interim Report of the 22nd Session HKUST Students’ Union Executive Committee

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13. Information Technology Affairs 13.1 HKUSTSU Notebook/Desktop Ownership Program 2014 The online ordering period of the HKUSTSU Notebook/Desktop Ownership Program 2014 was 11th August 2014 to 15th October 2014. The first roadshow started from 18th August 2014 to 23rd August 2014 and the second roadshow started from 10th September 2014 to 20th September 2014. The venue of the roadshow is the area outside LT-J. The preparation stage of the program has begun from May 2014. After several rounds of meetings and discussions with the selection panel members, we finally decided to work with Apple, Asus and Lenovo in the HKUSTSU Notebook/Desktop Ownership Program 2014. The three companies provide a series of cost-effective, functional and stylish computers in the program. The reaction was also very enthusiastic during the two exhibition periods. Many students, staff, and alumni also came to place orders during the roadshow. 13.2 HKUSTSU Membership Card Although the ARRO have update the version of the HKUST card this year, the Executive Committee still assist the freshman to make a new membership cards. Moreover, for the members who have applied the membership card before, we have printed a new expiry date on their old card.

13.3. Workshop This year the Executive Committee has organized Adobe Photoshop workshops and Mac workshop in July and September respectively. Most of the attendees have a positive comment so we are planning to organize more workshops in the coming period. 13.4. IT-related issue in campus The Executive Committee has report some IT-related issue in campus to ITSC in August 2014. Most of the issues have improved in the new academic year, including the re-arrangement of Barn B, print budget issue, iPRS system and m.HKUST APPS. We will keep follow the complaint and comments from students and report to the office.

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