Проект Великая борьба №22

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GREAT CONTROVERSY PROJECTборьба» NEWS Новости проекта «Великая Надежду в каждый дом

The Absolutely Electric Feeling

April 4, 2012

17 октября 2012

For those who were not there, you of the day, we all met in the center Западно-Центральный Adventists need to reemphasize is to cannotМы imagine the enthusiasm and of the city in a huge square used keep reaching out to our neighbors ценим инициАфриканский дивизион (WAD) the absolutely electric feeland loved ones. ативу руководства ing Генеральной of hundreds ofКонthouНаши члены церкви с удовольствием приференции, чтобыAdsands of Seventh-day Also какой during нимают участие в этом проекте, видя, не-this подарить вероятный отклик у людей он вызывает. ventists going каждому out in one trip, weК приvisited и с ут с т one в у юbook щ е м уand меру, в Сьерра-Леоне члены церкви решилиAdday пtoрdeliver the Brazil на годичном совеиспользовать эту книгу в качестве пособия по meeting again at the end of ventist University щании пакет с пятью изучению во время евангельскойAcademy программы.camВ the day. That book, which экземплярами книги результате этой программы приняло крещение Ellen G. White indicated pus in Sao Pau«Великая надежда», 400 человек и еще 300 готовятся ко крещению. was the one she wanted to lo. While there, чтобы распространять ее под руководВ Нигерии тренер футбольной команды получил экземпляр книги. see ством circulated more than they showed Духа Святого. Прочитав ее, он пришел к нам, взял еще 44 книги и раздал своим any other, is Группа The Great Conone most по координации работы игрокам и друзьям. Позже он вернулся, чтобы сказать намofо the своем troversy. touching videos проекта «Великая борьба» желании присоединиться к распространению этой книги. Мы уже I’veблагодарны seen in a раздали 7 миллионов книг, и это только начало. Мы Let me tell long time.выThis Богу за то, как Он может использовать каждого человека, чтобы Южно-Азиатский дивизион you, last precious lady’s полнить Его поручение. (SUD) Sabbath for big rallies. 15-year-oldГилберт Вари | Президент daughter found The Great (March The square Hope in their mailbox. The daughter На нашей терри(EUD) 24) your was filledЕвро-Африканский with was so excitedдивизион that she read it and тории официальb ro t h 60,000 Sev- gave to her mother and they became ными считаются 23 из церкви приобрела 50truths. экers and enth-day Одна Ad-женщина enamored with its beautiful языка. Мы начаземпляров книги в издательстве и положила sisters in ventists, all Then they found the local Adventist ли распространять в свою машину, чтобы отвезти домой. По пути Sao Paulo of whom had church through the book and realized домой она попала в большую пробку. Машины 400 000 экземпляexceeded been out dis- this was what they had been waiting практически не двигались с места, и поэтому она ров книги «Великая what even tributing Theпровести for all время their lives. решила за изучением Библии и надежда» на анtheir leaders had hoped. Across that Great Controversy that day. Everyone урока субботней школы. Внезапно кто-то постуглийском, а сейчас vast division of South America 25 was so excited and happy—Iчался tell you, The lady was emotional as she told в окно. Человек из so соседней машины заготовим перевод million copies were distributed, with that was a demonstration that these her story onчитает. the video her разcrying интересовался, что она Ониthat начали этой книги на оставшиеся 22 языка. Все over 4 million copies in Sao Paulo people knew Jesus.о прочитанном, и люди brought tears to theприсоединились eyes of everyone говаривать из других машин члены церкви вдохновлены этим проекк их беседе, обсуждая Библию, жизнь, свои When убеждения и сомнения. alone. And this was just a part of the watching. the video was over, том. Каждый человек – администратор, Во время женщину посетила мысль were раздать книги из to 70 million copies they hope to distrib- It was electric, and I разговора, hope that many these two ladies introduced пастор, учитель, студент, рядовой член своей машины этим suit людям. минутItвсе 50absolutely экземпляров ute over the next two years. other divisions will follow andЗа несколько us in person. was thrillцеркви – принимает участие в этом про«Великой надежды» были розданы. Если вы захотите, Дух Святой participate in this extraordinary op- ing. екте по распространению книги на нашей дорожную пробку, вы могли рассказатьGeneral люTed чтобы N.C. Wilson | President, I had the honor of participating in the portunityиспользует for peopleдаже to reach out to территории. дям о Божьей любви! distribution in Sao Paulo. At the end others. One thing we as Seventh-day Conference Джон Ратхинарадж | Президент

Бруно Вертальер | Президент


country by by phone. phone.She Shestarted startedtotoshare shareher herfaith faithwith withhim him country and he was interested in knowing more. She offered начала с ним своими убеждениями, ему за-toto Унион стран Большого Ближнего Востока and he делиться was interested in knowing more. Sheиoffered country by phone. She started to share her faith with him read to him him from the book sheto had with her. Sowith for an Greater Middle East (GMEU) We have to be how we we delivdeliv(GMEU) country by phone. She started share her faith him Greater Middle Union (GMEU) хотелось узнать обthe этом больше. Девушка предложила read to from book she had with her. So for an WeEast have toUnion be careful careful how and he was interested in knowing more. She offered hour and a half she read to him from The Great Hope. He er this book in our region. It would be andand he was interested in him knowing more. SheHope. offered почитать ему книгу телефону и в течение полутора чаhour a half she по read to from The Great Heto to er this book in our region. It would be read to him from the book she had with her. So be how deliv- was was sotoimpressed impressed with the message the book that he impossible acareful mass mailing— read him from the book she had with her. So forfor anan WeWe have toto bedo careful how wewe delivso with the message ofof the book that he impossible toto do a mass mailing— Вhave нашем регионе нужно быть сов она читала ему «Великую надежду». Он был так впеhour and a half she read to him from The Great Hope. er this book in our region. It would be asked her send him copy. On August 24 thisему year post offices would refuse towould deliver hour and atohalf she read toчто him from TheееGreat Hope. HeHe er this book in our region. It be asked her to send him aacopy. On August 24 ofofthis year post offices would refuse to deliver очень осторожным при распрострачатлен содержанием книги, попросил выслать was impressed with message the book that to a mailing— that student was baptized. it. Inimpossible most этой oftoour area itmass is можем also imwas soso impressed with thethe message of of the book that hehe dodo a Мы mass mailing— student was baptized. it.impossible imнении книги. не ор- that экземпляр. 24 августа этого года он принял крещение. asked her to send him a copy. On August 24 of this year post offices would refuse to deliver Guillermo E. Biaggi Biaggi President possible to hand door-to-door. asked her to send| |President him a copy.Билл On August of this year post offices would refuse to deliver E. possible it out door-to-door. Биаджи 24 | Президент ганизовать массовую рассылку по Guillermo that student was baptized. In most of area it is also We would beofarrested and books student was baptized. it. it. In most ourour area it the is also im-im- that We books почте – работники почты откажутся Guillermo E. Biaggi | President possible to hand it out door-to-door. Guillermo E. Biaggi | President seized if we possible toattempted hand it outit.door-to-door. seized Восточно-Центральный Африканский доставлять ее. Также на большей would arrested and books East-Central WeWe would bebe arrested and thethe books East-Central Africa Africa Division Division (ECD) (ECD) дивизион (ECD) части нашей территории невозможseized if we attempted it. seized it. What weif we canattempted do is share with What it with но распространять эту книгу по меEast-Central Africa Division East-Central Africa Division (ECD) Our division committed distributfriends if they ask for it. So we have to develop friendOur division committed toto(ECD) distributfriends if they ask for friendНаш дивизион решил распротоду «от дома в дом». Нас арестуют, What we can do is share it with What weThe can do isofshare it with ing 10 million million copies of of The The Great ships people Middle ing 10 copies Great ships and and talk talk with with people. the Middle странить 10 миллионов книг «Велиа книги конфискуют, если мы попытаемся сделать это. Our division committed to distributfriends if they ask for it. So we have to develop friendOur division committed to distributfriends if they ask for it. So we have to develop friendHope. Our members are the ones East and North Africa are hungering and thirsting to Hope. Our members are theпокуones East and North Africa to кая надежда». Члены церкви Все что мы можем делать – это давать ее нашим друing 10 million copies of The Great ships and talk with people. The people of the Middle ing 10 million copies of the Thebooks Great ships andabout talk with people. Theand people of the Middle reaching out and and buying the books know more end-time events Comreaching out buying know more about end-time the Second Comпают и распространяют книги. Hope. Ourmembers membersarearethetheones ones зьям, если они попросят этом. нам необходиEast and North Africaare are hungering and thirsting Hope. Our East and North Africa hungering thirsting to be distributed. to be distributed. ing of Jesus. Most people world believe ing of Jesus. Most people inоб our partПоэтому of theand believeto to Один членout церкви из Танзании reaching and buying the books know more about end-time events and the Second Comмо заводить новых друзей и общаться с людьми. Люди, reaching out and buying the books know more end-time events the Second Comthat Jesus is about in heaven heaven again; they that Jesus is in and that He’sand coming they оплатил 1 миллион книг. Другой be distributed. ing of Jesus. Most people in our part of the world believe to to be distributed. ing of Jesus. Most people in our part of the world believe проживающие на Ближнем Востоке и в северной Африке One member alone just don’t don’t know know anything anything about how. They are longing One member aloneininTanzania Tanzaniahas has just longing to to член церкви из Найроби купил полthat Jesus is heaven that He’s coming again; they that Jesus is in in heaven and that coming again; they paid know more about this Great Hope is aa жаждут узнать больше оand событиях последнего времени paid for for 11 million million books. books.InInNairobi, Nairobi, know more about this subject, soHe’s The is миллиона книг.alone Эти значительные One member alone in Tanzania has just know anything about how. They are longing One member in Tanzania has just know anything how. They are longing to to another member has half fantastic book toпришествии share another member haspurchased purchased half fantastic book to share withabout them, и don’t о don’t втором Иисуса. Многие люди в нашей вклады – наравне с бесчисленным paid for 1 million books. In Nairobi, know more about this subject, so The Great Hope is a for 1These millionremarkable books. In Nairobi, know more about so The Great Hope is a aapaid million. donamillion. These remarkable donaчасти света верят,this что subject, Иисус сейчас находится на небесах another member has purchased half fantastic book to share with them, множеством более мелких – приближают нас к поставanother member has purchased half fantastic book to share with them, We are are nowпридет, translating in ourо том, localкак lantions—and countless countlesssmaller smallerones—are ones—aremoving movingus usever ever We now translating The Great Hope lanи скоро они только не знают ничего это tions—and a million. These remarkable donaa million. леннойto СлаваPraise Богу! our God! guages and, by by God’s God’s grace, printing within closer toцели. our goal. goal. Praise God!These remarkable donaguages and, will startнадежда» within произойдет. Поэтому книгаwe «Великая именно closer tions—and countless smaller ones—are ever We are now translating The Great Hope in our local lanБлазиос Ругуриmoving |moving Президент tions—and countless smaller ones—are usus ever We are now translating The Great Hope in our local lanBlasious few days. Blasious Ruguri Ruguri| |President President aa few то,days. что им нужно. closer to our goal. Praise God! guages and, by God’s grace, we will start printing within closer to our goal. Praise God! guages and, by God’s grace, we will start printing within Homer Trecartin President Homer Trecartin || President Сейчас мы переводим «Великую надежду» на местные Blasious Ruguri | President a few days. Южно-Американский Blasious Ruguri | President a few days. Greater Greater Middle Middle East East Union Union (GMEU) (GMEU)

языки,Trecartin и с Божьей помощи начнем печатать книги через дивизион (SAD) Homer | President Homer Trecartin | President South Division (SAD) South American American Division (SAD) несколько дней. Euro-Asia Division Division (ESD) (ESD) Euro-Asia Гомер Трекартин | Президент South American Division (SAD) South American Division (SAD) напечатали 47 million миллионов We have printed 47 books WeМы have printed 47 million books Euro-Asia Division (ESD) Euro-Asia Division (ESD) книг на португальском испанском in Portuguese and ininи Spanish, and One six-year-old six-year-old boy was listening in Portuguese and Spanish, and One boy was listening Евро-Азиатский дивизион (ESD) Wehave have printed 47 million books We printed 47 million books more than 15 million copies were when his pastor announced that evязыках, а электронная версия книги more than 15 million copies were when his pastor announced that evPortuguese and in Spanish, and Onesix-year-old six-year-old boywas was listening in in Portuguese and in 15 Spanish, and One boy downloaded electronically. Of eryone had to be be involved in distribбыла загружена более миллиоdownloaded electronically. Of that that eryone had to involved in listening distribОдин шестилетний мальчик усmore than 15 million copies were when his pastor announced that evmore 15million million copieswere were when hisbook pastor announced that ev62 million, copies uting this book to those those we This нов раз.than Из 25 этих 62 миллионов, 25 62 million, 25 million copies were uting this to we love. love. This лышал, как пастор призывал людей downloaded electronically. Of that eryone had to be involved in distribdownloaded electronically. Of that eryone had to be involved in distribdistributed through small boy boy brought brought his distributedin inaasingle singleday day through small his savings savings to to the the миллионов экземпляров были рас- aa 62 million, 25 million copies were дарить эту книгу тем, кто им дорог. uting this book to those we love. This 62 million, 25ofofmillion copies were uting this to how thosemuch we love. This massive effort our members gopastor andbook asked aa book massive effort ourдень members gopastor and asked how much book пространены за один благодаdistributed in a single day through a small boy brought his savings to the Этот малыш принес свои сбережеdistributed in a single day through small boy brought his savings to the ing through neighborhoods, malls, cost. When he counted his money ingогромным through усилиям neighborhoods, malls,a cost. When he counted his money ря наших членов massive effort of our members gopastor and asked how much a book massiveand effort of our members gopastor and how much a book ния пастору спросил, сколько стоairports, streets. It’s not he found thatasked heи had had just enough to airports, and streets. It’s notuncomuncomhe found that he just enough to церкви, которые ходили по своим ing through neighborhoods, malls, cost. When he counted his money ing through neighborhoods, malls, cost. When he counted his money mon for oror buy ит one book, which bought to книга. Когда он he подсчитал mon in in our ourвregion region formagazines magazines buy one book, which he boughtсвои to соседям, распространяли книги магазинах, аэропортах airports, and streets. It’s uncomfound that had just enough airports, and streets. It’s notnot uncomhehe found that hehe had just enough to to newspapers to be distributed this way, but books are give to his school teacher because деньги, то выяснилось, что их хваnewspapers to be distributed this way, but books give to his school teacher because и на улицах. Для нашего региона подобный метод рас-are mon region magazines buy one book, which he bought to something mon in in ourour region forfor magazines or or buy one book, which hethe bought to special and people received them gladly; that was the person he loved. The next week pastor тит лишь на одну книгу, которую он something special andили people received them gladly; that was the person he loved. The next week the pastor пространения журналов газет идет довольно тяжело, newspapers to be distributed this way, but books give to his school teacher because newspapers to be distributed this way, but books areare give to the his rest school teacher because shared this this boy’s boy’s story story with of the congregation купил потому some some even even asking asking for for additional additionalcopies copiesfor forfamily familymemmemshared with theдля restсвоего of theучителя, congregation но книги friends. являются чем-то особенным для людей, и gladly; они something special and peoplereceived received them gladly; that was the person loved. The next week pastor bers something special and people them that was the person hehe loved. The next week thethe pastor and 20 more children brought their savings buy что этот человек был очень their ему дорог. На to следующей не- bers and and friends. and 20 more children brought savings to buy books books some even asking for additional copies for family memshared this boy’s story with the rest of the congregation удовольствием берут Некоторые дажеfor просят even asking for их. additional copies familyеще memthis boy’s story with the rest of the congregation сsome toshared distribute. деле пастор рассказал об этом случае всему собранию и to distribute. bers and friends. and more children brought their savings buy books God bers and friends. and 2020 more children brought their savings to to buy books один экземпляр для члена семьи илиto для друга. can use many different ways reach the people еще более 20 детей принесли свои сбережения, чтобы God can use many different ways to reach the people to distribute. distribute. использует множество путей, чтобы приобреHeГосподь wants for His kingdom. Atosecular university student in Kiev, Ukraine, happened He wants for His kingdom. A secular student in Kiev, Ukraine, happened купитьuniversity книги. God can use many different ways reach people God can use many different ways to to reach thethe people Erton Kohler | President to contact a young woman in the southern part of the тать людей Своего царства Erton Kohlerдля | President to contact a young woman in the southern part of the Студент светского университета в Киеве, Украина, соHe wants for His kingdom. A secular university student in Kiev, Ukraine, happened He wants for His kingdom. Эртон Кохлер | Президент A secular university student in Kiev, Ukraine, happened званивался с одной девушкой сthe южной части part страны. Она Erton Kohler | President contact young woman the southern part Kohler | President to to contact aa young woman in in southern of of thethe Erton

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Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) Trans-European Division (TED) Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) Trans-European Division (TED) Северный Азиатско-Тихоокеанский Транс-Европейский дивизион Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) Trans-European Division (TED) (TED) Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) Trans-European Division (TED) Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) Division Just a few days ago I had five taxi Trans-European We will be (TED) launching our distribuдивизион (NSD) Just a fewindays ago who I hadtold fiveme taxi Wetion willcampaign be launching our distribudrivers mydays office that in November, and Мы начнем нашу кампанию поdistribuрасJust a few ago I had five taxi We will be launching our Just a few days ago I had five taxi We will be launching our distribudrivers in my office who told me that tion campaign in November, and Just a few giving daysдней ago I Great had five taxito We will continue be launching ouralldistributhey are Theназад ittion will through ofОна 2013 Несколько коHope мне в drivers in office my office who me campaign in в November, and книги ноябре. drivers in my who told told me that tion campaign in November, and they are giving The Great Hope tothat itпространению will continue through all of that 2013 drivers in my office who told me that tion campaign in November, and ev eryone who rides in their taxis, and 2014. We are hoping our офис пришли пятеро таксистов и they giving The Great Hope it 2014. will continue through of 2013 будет продолжаться в течение двух they are are giving The Great Hope to to itand will continue through all ofall 2013 ev eryone who rides in their taxis, We are hoping that our they are adds givingчто The Hope to it lay will members, continue through all our of 2013 which up to Great more than taxis, 100 particularly young рассказали, книгу «Веev eryone who rides inthan their 2014. We are hoping that ev eryone whoup rides inдарят their taxis, and 2014. Weиparticularly are hoping thatyoung our our летand - в 2013 2014. Мы надеемся, which adds toони more 100 lay members, our evbooks eryone who rides in their taxis, and 2014. We are hoping that our in distributed each day. A group people, will step up and be active ликая надежда» своему which adds upeach toкаждому more than 100 lay members, particularly our young which adds up to more than 100 lay particularly ouractive young чтоmembers, члены церкви, в and частности молоbooks distributed day. A group people, will step up be in which up to ismore than 100 layvisiting members, particularly our young of 20adds taxi drivers doing this. This homes and bringing people books distributed each day. AThis group people, willактивно step up and bepeople active клиенту, что в each общей сложности соbooks distributed day. A group people, will step up and be active in in of 20 taxi drivers is doing this. visiting homes and bringing дежь, будут посещать люbooks distributed each day. A group people, will stepwe up have and be active infor isofjust one of many examples of how the materials prepared 20 taxi drivers is doing this. This visiting homes and bringing people ставляет около 100 книг в день. Групofis20 taxi drivers is doing this. This visiting homes andhave bringing people just one of many examples of how the materials we prepared for дей, чтобы поделиться материалами, ofour 20 taxi driversare is doing this.sharing This visiting homes and bringing people members excitedly them. is just one of many examples of how the materials we have prepared for isour just one examples of howпоthe materials we have prepared for па из of 20many таксистов занимается members are excitedly sharing them. которые мы дляwe нихhave приготовили. is this just book. one of many examples of how the materials prepared for our members excitedly sharing them. our members are are excitedly sharing them. распространением книги. И this book. Кроме мы prepared приготовили ourдобным members are excitedly sharing them. In addition to the book itself,книги, we have twoдва magthis book. this book. In addition to the book itself, we have prepared two magэто только один из многих примеров чтобы привлечь внимание техwho людей, кvisited. которым book. this book and contacted us журнала, People who havethis received azines to spark the interest of those are One In addition tothe theinterest book we have prepared two magInazines addition to the book itself,itself, we have prepared two magPeople who have received this book and contacted us to spark of those who are visited. One того, с какой радостью члены церкви принимают участие addition the book itself, have prepared two maghave been particularly interested in the Sabbath. They In is meanttoto particularly for anwe extremely secular, postmodмы пойдем. Один предназначен для абсолютно секулярPeople received and contacted azines spark the interest of those who arepostmodvisited. People whowho havehave received this this book and contacted us usazines to spark the interest those whosecular, are visited. OneOne have been interested inbook the Sabbath. They is meant particularly for anofisof extremely в проекте. People whoparticularly have received this book and contacted us azines to spark the interest those who are visited. One have asked for more information, so we send them the ern audience. The other more directly religious, laying ной аудитории, относящейся постмодерну. Другой подhave been particularly interested in the Sabbath. Theyisern isaudience. meant particularly for anк extremely secular, postmodhave been particularly interested inкнигу, the Sabbath. They meant particularly for an extremely secular, postmodhave asked for more information, so we send them the The other is more directly religious, laying Некоторые люди, получившие звонят нам и интеhave been particularly interested in the Sabbath. Theyto is meant particularly for anиз extremely secular,надежда», postmodfull version offorthe book. We have sent versions out inaudience. simple, easy-to-understand language the themes нимает духовные вопросы книги «Великая have asked more information, so wefull send ern The other is more directly religious, laying have asked for more information, sosent we send themthem thetotheern audience. The other is more directly religious, laying full version the book. We have in simple, easy-to-understand language the to themes ресуются вопросом оinformation, субботе. Они просят о versions дополнительhave askedof for more so wefull send them the out ern audience. The other is more directly religious, laying thousands of people, including many pastors of other of The Great Hope and encouraging readers get the излагая их простым и доступным языком, и побуждает full version of book. the book. full versions outsimple, in simple, easy-to-understand language the themes full version of the We We havehave sentsent full versions to toout in easy-to-understand language thetothemes thousands of people, including many pastors of other of The Great Hope and encouraging readers get the fulldenominations. version of the book. Weмы have sent full to out in simple, easy-to-understand language the themes complete version of the book to learn more. ной информации, поэтому высылаем имversions полную верчитателей получить полную версию чтобы узнать thousands of people, including many pastors of other of The Great Hope and encouraging readers to get the thousands of people, including many pastors of other ofcomplete The Great Hope and encouraging readers to get the denominations. version of the book to learnкниги, more. thousands of people, including many pastors of other of The Great Hope and encouraging readers to get the Bertil Wiklander | President сию книги. Мы разослали полную версию книги тысячам denominations. complete version of book the book to learn more. больше. denominations. complete version of the to learn more. Bertil Wiklander | President denominations. version of the book to learn more. | Президент This is just the beginning of thisдругих projectденоминаций. for us. We will complete людей, включая многих пасторов Бертил Викландер Bertil Wiklander | President Wiklander | President This is just the beginning of this through project for us.and We hopewill Bertil Bertil Wiklander | President definitely be distributing books 2015, Для нас это только начало проекта. Мы собираемся расThis is just the beginning of this project for us. We will This is just the beginning of this project for us. We will definitely bethe distributing books through 2015, andWe hopeThis iseven just beginning this project for us. will North American Division (NAD) (NAD) fully beyond. пространять книгиbooks до of 2015 года и2015, дальше. Северо-Американский дивизион definitely beэти distributing books through 2015, hope- North definitely bebeyond. distributing through and and hopeAmerican Division (NAD) fully even definitely 2015, and hopeJairyongbe Leedistributing | President books through Джерионг Ли | Президент North North American Division (NAD) fully American Division (NAD) fully eveneven beyond. Jairyong Lee | beyond. President North AmericanThe Division (NAD) fully even beyond. best story I can tell you comes Самая впечатляющая история, что Jairyong Lee | President Jairyong Lee | President The bestCalifornia. story I can tell you of comes Jairyong LeeЮжный | PresidentАзиатско-Тихоокеанский from A group young The best story I group can tellofyou comes я вам могу рассказать, в The best story I can tell произошла you comes from California. A young The best story can tell you comes Southern Asia-Pacific Division people were Icommitted to of door-toдивизион (SSD) (SSD) from California. A group young Калифорнии. Группа молодых людей from California. A group to of door-toyoung Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) people were committed from California. AOne group of young door ministry. young woman Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) people were committed to door-toSouthern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) people were committed to door-toрешили совершать служение из дома door ministry. One young woman Southern Asia-Pacific (SSD) people werebycommitted to door-toWeСейчас are Division now launching the second had gone a home earlier this sumмы печатаем второй тираж door ministry. young woman door ministry. young woman в дом. Девушка из One этой группы в наWeprinting are now launching the second had gone bygiven a One home earlier this sumdoor ministry. One young woman of The Great Hope. The first mer and them a copy of The We are now launching second had gone a home earlier this sumкниги «Великая надежда». В первый We are now launching the the second had gone by aby home earlier thisодного sumprinting of The Great Hope. The first mer and given them a copy of The чале лета подарила хозяевам We are now launching the second had goneHope. by a home earlier this sumprinting was of Great the full version; the Great When she came back printing of of The Hope. The first mer and given them a copy of The раз мы печатали версию, во printing ofwas The Great Hope. The first mer andэкземпляр given them a copy of back The printing the полную full version; the Great Hope. When she came дома книги наprinting of will The use Great Hope. The first mer and given them a«Великая copy of The second the adapted verlater with another piece of literature printing was ofмы theзапустили full version; the Great Hope. When she came back printing was ofuse the full version; the Great Hope. When sheнекоторое came back второй тираж адапsecond will the verlater with another piece of literature дежда». Когда вре-her printing wasmembers of the fulladapted version; the Great Hope. When she came back sion. Our are very enthuthe woman ofспустя the house invited second will use the adapted verlater with another piece of literature second willmembers useверсию. the are adapted verlater withпришла another piece of literature тированную Члены церкви sion. Our verySome enthuthe woman of husband the house invited herthe мяin.она с другой литературой second will use adapted verlater with another piecewalked of literature siastic about thisthe project. are Then the into sion. Our members are very enthuthe woman of the house invited her sion. Our members are very enthuthe woman of the house invited her siastic about this project. Some in. the husband walked into the с энтузиазмом воспринимают этот в room этот дом, пригласила ее внутрь. Ее муж sion. Our members very enthutheThen woman of пройти the house invited her buying the book inare quantities ofare 100 and хозяйка declared, “I want every book that woman ever siastic about this project. Some are in. Then the husband walked into siastic about this project. Someofпо are in.“IThen the husband walked into ever the the buying the book quantities 100 room andThis declared, every book that woman проект. Некоторые покупают 100 siastic about thisin project. Some are in.want Then the husband walked into the or 500. Shop owners keep them in wrote. has been a huge blessing to us.” That couple зашел в комнату и сказал: «Я возьму все книги, которые buying the book in quantities ofin100room room and declared, “I want every that woman buying theShop book in quantities ofВладель100 and declared, “I awant every bookbook that woman everever or 500. owners keep them wrote. This has been huge blessing to us.” That couple и 500 экземпляров книги. buying the book quantities of 100 and declared, want every book that woman ever their stores andin include a copy with room has started coming“I to написала эта женщина. Ее книга стала для настоящим or stores 500. owners them wrote. has achurch. huge blessing toнас us.” couple ortheir 500. ShopShop owners keep them in inwrote. ThisThis has beenbeen atohuge blessing to us.” ThatThat couple and include akeep copy with has started coming church. цы прилагают кthem каждой oreach 500.магазинов Shop owners keep in wrote. This has been a huge blessing to us.” That couple purchase. The education deблагословением». Эта супружеская пара стала посещать their stores include a copy withhas has started coming to church. their stores and and include a copy with started coming to church. each purchase. The education deпокупке экземпляр книги. Отдел дивизиона their stores andобразования include a copy has coming to church. partment of the division has been advertising thewith book Westarted are slowly awakening the power of our young people. церковь. each purchase. The education deeach purchase. The education department of the division been advertising the book WeWe arehave slowly awakeningyoung the power of our young people. eachhas purchase. The education deonline and has already given away 500 copies to indicommitted people in our our schools who сделал рекламу книги в интернете и уже разослал более Мы недооцениваем силу нашей молодежи. В наших partment of the division has been advertising the book We are slowly awakening the power of young people. partment of the division has been advertising the book We are slowly awakening the power of our young people. online and has already given away 500 copies to indiWe have committed young people in our schools who partment of the division been advertising the book We are slowly awakening thedistribute power of literature. our youngThe people. viduals requesting it. has are learning to go out and young 500 экземпляров книги желающим. В христианской online and already given copies toчасти indi-We We have committed young people inмолодые our schools учебных заведениях есть посвященные люди, online and has has already awayaway 500 500 copies to indihave committed people in our schools whowho viduals requesting it. given are learning to go outyoung and distribute literature. The young online and has already given away 500 copies to indiWe have committed young people in our schools who people who have already done this are very enthusiasФилиппин и окружающих странах день всех святых отме- are viduals requesting are learning go out distribute literature. The young которые учатся какand распространять литературу. Те, viduals requesting it. it. learning tohave gotoтому, out and distribute literature. The young people who already done this are very enthusiasviduals it. и является learning to gothat outfire andtodistribute literature. The young Inчается therequesting Christian areas of the Philippines and событием. surround- are tic, and Iwho want start across our very division. 1 и 2 ноября очень важным people have already done this are enthusiaspeople who have already done this areour very enthusiasктоand уже попробовал себя этомacross служении, полны энтузиIn ing the countries, Christian areas of the Philippines andonsurroundtic, Iwho want that fire to вstart division. people have already done this are very enthusiasAllмассовое Saints Day—celebrated November Мы планируем распространение книги «ВелиIn the Christian areas of the Philippines and surroundtic, and I want that fire to start across our division. Ining the Christian areas of the Philippines and surroundtic, and I want that fire to start across our division. азма, и я хочу, чтобы подобный огонь служения разгорелcountries, Saintsevent. on November In1the Christian areas ofDay—celebrated the We Philippines and surroundI want that we fire already to start across our division. and 2—is All a major are planning a mass dis- tic,Byand God’s grace distributed 5 million copies ing countries, Saints Day—celebrated on November кая 2—is надежда» 3All ноября, сразу же planning после праздника. ing countries, All Saints Day—celebrated on a November 1ing and a major event. We are mass disBy God’s grace we already distributed 5 million copies сяinпо всему дивизиону. countries, All Saints Day—celebrated on3,November tribution of The Great Hope for November to immediour territories. 1 and 2—is aGreat major event. We are planning mass By God’s grace weмы already distributed 5 million copies Альберто Гульфан |aimmediПрезидент 1tribution and 2—is aThe major event. We planning aмл. mass dis- dis-By God’s grace we already distributed 5 million copies of Hope forare November 3, our territories. СGod’s Божьей помощью уже распространили 5 миллио1 and 2—is a this major event. We are planning atomass dis- in ByDaniel grace already distributed 5 million copies Jackson |we President ately follow celebration. tribution of The Great Hope for November 3, to immediin our territories. tribution of The Great Hope for November 3, to immediin нов our книг territories. Jackson | President ately follow this на нашей территории. tribution The celebration. Great Hope for November 3, to immedi- Daniel in our territories. Alberto of Gulfan Jr. | President Daniel Jackson | President ately follow this celebration. Daniel Jackson | President ately follow this celebration. Alberto Gulfan Jr. | President Дэниел Джексон | Президент Daniel Jackson | President ately follow this celebration. Alberto Gulfan Jr. | President Alberto Gulfan Jr. | President Alberto Gulfan Jr. | President

3 3 3 3 3

Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID) South Pacific Division (SPD) Южный Африканско-Индоокеанский Южный Тихоокеанский дивизион (SPD) Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID) South Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID) South Pacific Division (SPD) Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID) SouthPacific PacificDivision Division(SPD) (SPD) дивизион (SID) Southern Africa-Indian Division (SID) South Pacific Division (SPD) In JuneOcean weOcean hadDivision our first mass We have been preparing a comSouthern Africa-Indian (SID) dis-South Pacific Division (SPD) In June we had our first mass disWe have been preparing comМы готовим всеобъемлющую InInJune we had our first mass disWe have been preparing comtribution. In no time the books were prehensive to aaahand June we had our first mass disWe have beenstrategy preparing com-out In June we had our first mass disВ июне прошла первая акция по We have been preparing a comtribution. In no time the books were prehensive strategy to hand out стратегию по распространению полtribution. InIn no the were prehensive strategy to out gone.we One woman who both adapted and full versions tribution. notime time thebooks booksreceived were prehensive strategy to hand hand out In June had our first mass disWe have the been preparing a hand comtribution. In no time the books were prehensive strategy to out gone. One woman who received both the adapted and full versions распространению книги. За считанной сокращенной версий книги gone. woman who both the adapted and full versions the One book was thethe wife ofreceived a pastor of ofи The Great Hope, as well as The gone. One woman who received both the adapted and full versions tribution. In no time books were prehensive strategy to hand out gone. One woman who received both the and full versions the was the wife of of of Great Hope, as well as The ные минуты разошлись все экземthe book was the wife ofofaa pastor ofof of«Великая The Great Hope, as well asas The надежда», аas также книг another denomination. She urged Desire of adapted Ages and Steps to Christ. thebook book was the wife apastor pastor ofThe The Great Hope, well The gone. One woman who received both the adapted and full versions the book was the wife of a pastor of of The Great Hope, as well asa The another denomination. She urged Desire of Ages and Steps to Christ. пляры. Одна женщина, получившая another denomination. She urged Desire of Ages and Steps to Christ. her husband to read the book and We are presently printing half mil«Желание веков» и «Путь ко Хриanother denomination. urged of Ages andas Steps to Christ. the book was the wife of aShe pastor of ofDesire The Great Hope, well asto The another denomination. She urged Desire of Ages and Steps Christ. her husband to read the book and We are presently printing half a milher husband toto read book and We are presently printing half aAs книгу, была женой пастора другой agreed. Both ofthe them were concopies of these books. soon herhe husband read the book and сту». Мы печатаем полмиллиона Welion are presently printing amilmilanother denomination. She urged Desire of Ages and Steps tohalf Christ. her husband to read the book and We are presently printing half a milhe agreed. Both of them were conlion copies of these books. As soon he agreed. Both of them were conlion copies of these books. As soon vinced of the truth of the message. as they’re ready, which we expect деноминации. Она убедила мужа he husband agreed. Both of them wereand conlion copies ofэтих these books. As soon экземпляров книг. Как her toBoth read the book We are presently halfтолько aAs milhe agreed. ofnearest them were conlion copies ofa printing these books. soon vinced of the truth of the message. as they’re ready, which we expect vinced of the truth of the message. as they’re ready, which we expect They found the Adventist to be within few days, they will be vinced of the truth of the message. прочитать книгу. Они приняли исas they’re ready, which we expect ониcopies будут готовы, надеемся, чтоsoon это he agreed. Both of them were conlion of these books. As vinced of the truth of the message. as they’re ready, which we expect They found the nearest Adventist to be within a few days, they will be They found the nearest Adventist to be within a few days, they will be church and began attending. shipped to our people throughout They found the nearest Adventist tothey’re be within fewwhich days,we they will be тину, нашли ближайшую адвентистvinced the truth of the message. as ready, expect произойдет вa ближайшие несколько Theyof found the nearest Adventist to be to within apeople few days, they will be church and began attending. shipped our throughout church and began attending. shipped to our people throughout the South Pacific. church and began attending. shipped to our people throughout скую церковь иnearest стали ееAdventist посещать. Theychurch found thebegan withinцеркви atofew days, theyнашему will be дней, мы Pacific. доставим to ихbe членам по people всему and attending. shipped our throughout the South Pacific. It happened that the вfirst Sabbath they attended was athe theSouth South Pacific. shipped church and began attending. to our people throughout Когда они пришли церковь в первый раз, в общиЮжному Тихоокеанскому дивизиону. the South Pacific. ItItIthappened that the first Sabbath they attended was a happened that the first Sabbath they attended was aa the South visitor’s day, and they were warmly welcomed. The church Our literature evangelists have been operating a pilot happened that the first Sabbath they attended was Pacific. неhappened был день гостей. всех тепло поприветствовали, и aOurНаши литературные евангелисты добились огромного Itgave that theИхfirst Sabbath they attended wasthe visitor’s day, and they were warmly welcomed. The church literature evangelists have been operating aaaand pilot visitor’s day, and they were warmly welcomed. The church Our literature evangelists have been operating pilot visitors an opportunity to share something with program of this distribution with great success, now day,that andthe theyfirst were warmly welcomed. Thewas church Our literature evangelists have been operating pilot It visitor’s happened Sabbath they attended a предложили желающим выйти вперед и поделиться с успеха во время выполнения пилотной версии програмvisitor’s day, and they were warmly welcomed. The church Our literature evangelists have been operating a pilot gave visitors an opportunity to share something with the program of this distribution with great success, and now gave visitors an opportunity something with the program ofofready this distribution with success, now rest of the congregation iftothey wished. The man took we are for the rest of great our members toand join the efgave visitors anthey opportunity toshare share something with thetheOur program this distribution with great success, and now visitor’s day, and were warmly The church literature evangelists have been operating aтому, pilot присутствующими своими мыслями. Муж воспользовалgave visitors anshare opportunity towelcomed. share something with thewe мыare по распространению книг, и with сейчас мы success, готовы к the program offor this distribution great and now rest of the congregation if they wished. The man took the ready the rest of our members to join efrest of the congregation if they wished. The man took the we are ready for the rest of our members to join the efopportunity to his testimony about how The Great fort. rest visitors of the congregation if they wished. The manwith tookthe the program we are of ready for the rest with of our members to join the efgave an opportunity to share something this distribution great success, and now ся возможностью рассказать о том, как книга «Великая rest of the congregation ifthe they wished. The man tookand thefort. we are ready for theцеркви rest ofприсоединились our members toк нашей join the efopportunity to share testimony about how Great чтобы остальные члены opportunity toto share his testimony about The Great fort. Hope him of truth about theThe Sabbath Barry Oliver | President opportunity sharehis his testimony about how The Great fort. rest of the convinced congregation ifhis they wished. Thehow man took the we are ready for the rest of our members to join the efopportunity to share testimony about how The Great надежда» открыла ему истину о субботе и важность ее fort. Hope convinced him of the truth about the Sabbath and Barry Oliver | President работе. Hope him ofofthe about the and Barry theconvinced necessity ofhim keeping the inSabbath order to be fullyfort. Hope convinced thetruth truthSabbath about the Sabbath and BarryOliver Oliver| President | President opportunity to share his testimony about how The Great Hope convinced him of the truth about the Sabbath and Barry Oliver | President the necessity of keeping the Sabbath in order to be fully соблюдения для того, чтобы повиноваться Богу во всем. Барри Оливер | Президент the necessity of keeping the Sabbath in order to be fully obedient to God. This couple has found such joy and the necessity of keeping the Sabbath in order to be fully Hope convinced him of the truth about theinSabbath and Barry Oliver | President the necessity of keeping the Sabbath order to be fully obedient to God. This couple has found such joy and Эта супружеская пара обрела радость иasuch надежду благоobedient totoGod. This couple has found joy and hope through The Great Hope. This is heaven-sent General Conference (GC) obedient God. This couple has found such joyfully andinithe necessity of keeping the Sabbath in found order to be obedient to God. This couple has such joy and hope through The Great Hope. This is a heaven-sent iniGeneral Conference (GC) даря книге «Великая надежда». Данный проект исходит Генеральная Конференция (GC) hope through The Great Hope. This is iniConference (GC) tiative, we are on fire forhas the Lord. hope through TheThis Great Hope. This isaaheaven-sent heaven-sent ini- General General Conference (GC) obedient toand God. couple found such joy and hope through The Great Hope. This is a heaven-sent iniGeneral Conference (GC) tiative, and we are on fire for the Lord. tiative, and are on for Lord. отthrough Бога, иwe мы горим желанием Ему служить. Paul Ratsara |are President The Great Hope Project has been tiative, andwe onfire fire forthe the Lord. hope The Great Hope. This is a heaven-sent iniGeneral Conference (GC) tiative, and we are on fire for the Lord. Paul Ratsara | President The Great Hope has been Пол Ратсара | Президент Paul | President The Great Hope Project has been such anВеликая adventure. Some have been Проект надежда похож PaulRatsara Ratsara | President The Great HopeProject Project has been tiative, and we are on fire for the Lord. Paul Ratsara | President The Great Hope Project has been such an adventure. Some have been such an adventure. Some have been directly and immediately benefitted на приключение. Некоторые блаsuch an adventure. Somehas have been Paul Ratsara | President The Great Project been such anHope adventure. Some have been directly and immediately benefitted Интер-Американский (IAD) directly and immediately benefitted Inter-American Division дивизион (IAD) by this distribution. We see the redirectly and immediately benefitted гословения от распространения suchdirectly an adventure. Some havebenefitted been and immediately Inter-American Division (IAD) by this distribution. We see the reInter-American Division (IAD) by this distribution. We see the results in visits to our churches, Bible Inter-American Division (IAD) by thisвидны distribution. WeМы see the reкниги сразу же. видим directly and immediately benefitted Inter-AmericanWe Division (IAD) by this distribution. We see the results in visits to our churches, Bible sults in visits to our churches, are working on distributing 3 to studies begun, increased viewing of Мы работаем над распростраsults in visits to our churches, Bible Inter-American Division (IAD) by distribution. We churches, see theBible reэтиthis результаты в посещаемости наsults in visits to our Bible We are working on distributing 3 to studies begun, increased viewing of We are working on distributing 3 to studies begun, increased viewing of 4 million copies of the full version of Hope Channel, and our other media Weнением are working on 4distributing to от 3 до миллионов3 экstudies begun, increased viewing sults inцерквей, visits to вour churches, Bibleof of ших проведении уроWe are working on distributing 3 to studies begun, increased viewing 44 4million copies of the full version of Hope Channel, and our other media million copies of the full version of Hope Channel, and our other media The Great Hope. Members are very offerings. There have also been million copies of the full version of Hope Channel, and our other media земпляров полной версии книги We 4are working on distributing 3 to of studies increased viewing ofindiковHope по begun, изучению Библии, увеличеmillion copies of the full version Channel, and our other media The Great Hope. Members are very offerings. There have also been indiThe Great Hope. Members are very offerings. There have also been indiexcited about this. I had one woman rect impacts among our own memGreat Hope. Members areцеркви very offerings. There have been indi«Великая надежда». 4 The million copies of the fullЧлены version ofvery Hope Channel, and ouralso other media нию числа просмотров программ The Great Hope. Members are offerings. There have also been indiexcited about this. I had one woman rect impacts among our own memexcited about this. I Ihad one woman rect impacts among our memask me, “What took you so long?” bers, such as innovative Bible study excited about this. had one woman rect impacts among ourown own memThe Great Hope. Members are very offerings. There have also been indiочень рады этой инициативе. Одна на «Hope Channel» и других меexcited about this. I had one woman rect impacts among our own memask me, “What took you so long?” bers, such as innovative Bible study ask “What took bers, such asas innovative study sessions and increased interest in our the Bible prophecies askme, me, “What took youso solong?” long?” bers, such innovative Bible study of excited about this. I you had one woman rect impacts among own memженщина спросила меня: «Почему ask me, “What took you so long?” диа-программ. Кроме того, влияние книги косвенно bers, such as innovative Bible study sessions and increased interest in the prophecies of interest ininthe ofof In one country local de-sessions Danieland and Revelation. sessions andincreased increased interest theprophecies prophecies ask me, “What took you so members long?” bers, such as innovative Bible study вы не начали этот проект раньше?» sessions and increased interest in the prophecies of In one country local members deDaniel and Revelation. распространяется и на самих членов церкви, которые InInone country local members deDaniel and Revelation. cided to distribute the book to memone country local members de- sessions Daniel and Revelation. and increased interest in the prophecies of В одной стране члены церкви реIn one country local members deDaniel and Revelation. cided to the book to по-новому подходят к to организации встреч по изучению cided to distribute the book totomemmembers ofdistribute their local national legislature, butDaniel It isand really exciting see what God cided todistribute themembers book memIn one country deRevelation. шили распространять эту книгу в cided to distribute the book to members of their national legislature, but It is really exciting to see what God больше Даниила bers of but exciting totosee God they underestimated thetointerest isreally doing with интересуются this project. Itпророчествами has bers oftheir theirnational national legislature, butthisItБиблии, Itisis really exciting seewhat what Godrecided to distribute the legislature, book members of their national legislature, but законодательных учреждениях, но они не подозревали, It is really exciting to see what God they underestimated the interest this is doing with this project. It has rethey underestimated the interest this doing with this project. It reОткровение. would generate.bers They went from office officebut giving minded the church ofwhat the power they underestimated theto interest this Itisиis doing with this Ithas has re- of of their national legislature, isкниги really exciting toproject. see they underestimated the interest this is doing withвидеть, this project. ItGod has rewould generate. They went from office to office giving minded the church of the power of какой интерес она может вызывать. Они шли от офиса would generate. They went from office to office giving minded the church of the power of away the books until they ran out and began to leave. But the Publishing Ministry and the Так радостно что Бог моwould generate. They went from officethe to interest office giving minded the this church of the power ofimthey underestimated this is doing with project. It has rewould generate. They went from office toleave. officeЧлены giving minded theMinistry church of thethe power of away until ran out began to But the Publishing and imк the офису, раздавая книги, пока те не закончились. away the books until they ran out and began to But the Publishing Ministry and the impeople who hadn’t received books didn’t want them of the written gospel. IОн would away thebooks books untilthey they ran outand and began toleave. leave. But tominded жет совершить через проект. thepact Publishing Ministry and the imwould generate. They went from office to office giving the church ofэтот the power of away the books until they ran out and began to leave. But the Publishing Ministry and the impeople who hadn’t received books didn’t want them to pact of the written gospel. I would церкви собирались уходить, но люди, неthem получивpeople hadn’t books didn’t want to pact ofofto the written gospel. Ithe leave; atуже least notreceived untilran they told them they would be comlike thank everyone who has been people who hadn’t received books didn’t want them to the pact the written gospel. would служит напоминанием церкви оIwould силе away thewho books until they out and began to leave. But Publishing Ministry and impeople who hadn’t received books didn’t want them to pact of the written gospel. I would leave; at least not until they told them they would be comlike to thank everyone who has been leave; atwho least not until they told them they be like toof everyone who been шие книгу, не хотели их отпускать, пока не услышали, чтоtopact ing back with more books. Most of thewould group decided for allowing God to use you leave; at least not until they told them they would becomcomlikeinvolved tothank thank everyone who been издательского служения и has влиянии people hadn’t received books didn’t want them the written gospel. Ihas would leave; at least not until they told them they would beto comlike to thank everyone who has been ing back with more books. Most of the group decided to involved for allowing God to use you ing back with more books. Most of the group decided to involved for allowing God to use you stay while a few of the members rushed back to get more in this really inspiring project. они обязательно вернутся и принесут еще книги. Большая ing back withnot more books. Most of the group decided involved foreveryone allowingwho God toпоблаuse you leave; atback least until they told them they would be com-to tolike to thank has написанного Евангелия. Я хочу ing with more books. Most of the group decided involved for allowing God tobeen use you stay while aaIn few of the members rushed back to get more in this really inspiring project. stay while few of the members rushed back to get more in this really inspiring project. books. so doing they reached the highest government Ted Wilson | President and Delbert stay while a few of the members rushed back to get more часть группы верующих решила остаться, пока нескольin this really inspiring project. ing back with more books. Most of the group decided tomoreinvolved for allowing God project. to Богу use you годарить всех, кто позволил исstay while a few of the members rushed back to get in this really inspiring books. In so doing they reached the highest government Ted Wilson | President and Delbert books. InInso they reached the highest government Ted Wilson | |President and officials indoing their country. We rushed believe thisимwill bear its fruitin Baker | Vice-President books. so doing they reached the highest Ted Wilson President and Delbert Delbert ко человек сбегали за книгами. Вот так удалось свиstay while aIn few of the members back togovernment get more this really inspiring project. пользовать себя в этом по-настоящему books. so doing they reached the highest government Ted Wilson | President and Delbert officials in their country. We believe this will bear its fruit Baker | Vice-President officials in their country. We believe this will bear its fruit Baker | Vice-President in due time . officials in their country. We believe this will bear its fruit Baker | Vice-President детельствовать высокопоставленным чиновникам своей вдохновляющем books. In soindoing they reached the highest government Wilson | President проекте.and Delbert officials country. We believe this will bear its fruitTed Baker | Vice-President in time .. . their inindue due time Israel Leito | верим, President due time officials in their country. We believe this will bear its fruit Baker | Vice-President страны. Мы что в свое время это принесет плод. Тед Вильсон | Президент in Leito due time . Israel | President Israel Israel Leito.| President | President in dueLeito time Израэль Лейто | Президент и Делберт Вейкер | Вице-президент Israel Leito | President Israel Leito | President

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